diff --git a/src/kitemviews/kstandarditemlistwidget.cpp b/src/kitemviews/kstandarditemlistwidget.cpp index d0a8fca20..12bd9d04f 100644 --- a/src/kitemviews/kstandarditemlistwidget.cpp +++ b/src/kitemviews/kstandarditemlistwidget.cpp @@ -1,1527 +1,1527 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2012 by Peter Penz * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "kstandarditemlistwidget.h" #include "kfileitemlistview.h" #include "kfileitemmodel.h" #include "private/kfileitemclipboard.h" #include "private/kitemlistroleeditor.h" #include "private/kpixmapmodifier.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #define KSTANDARDITEMLISTWIDGET_DEBUG KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::KStandardItemListWidgetInformant() : KItemListWidgetInformant() { } KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::~KStandardItemListWidgetInformant() { } void KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::calculateItemSizeHints(QVector& logicalHeightHints, qreal& logicalWidthHint, const KItemListView* view) const { switch (static_cast(view)->itemLayout()) { case KStandardItemListView::IconsLayout: calculateIconsLayoutItemSizeHints(logicalHeightHints, logicalWidthHint, view); break; case KStandardItemListView::CompactLayout: calculateCompactLayoutItemSizeHints(logicalHeightHints, logicalWidthHint, view); break; case KStandardItemListView::DetailsLayout: calculateDetailsLayoutItemSizeHints(logicalHeightHints, logicalWidthHint, view); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } qreal KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::preferredRoleColumnWidth(const QByteArray& role, int index, const KItemListView* view) const { const QHash values = view->model()->data(index); const KItemListStyleOption& option = view->styleOption(); const QString text = roleText(role, values); qreal width = KStandardItemListWidget::columnPadding(option); const QFontMetrics& normalFontMetrics = option.fontMetrics; const QFontMetrics linkFontMetrics(customizedFontForLinks(option.font)); if (role == "rating") { width += KStandardItemListWidget::preferredRatingSize(option).width(); } else { // If current item is a link, we use the customized link font metrics instead of the normal font metrics. const QFontMetrics& fontMetrics = itemIsLink(index, view) ? linkFontMetrics : normalFontMetrics; width += fontMetrics.width(text); if (role == "text") { if (view->supportsItemExpanding()) { // Increase the width by the expansion-toggle and the current expansion level const int expandedParentsCount = values.value("expandedParentsCount", 0).toInt(); const qreal height = option.padding * 2 + qMax(option.iconSize, fontMetrics.height()); width += (expandedParentsCount + 1) * height; } // Increase the width by the required space for the icon width += option.padding * 2 + option.iconSize; } } return width; } QString KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::itemText(int index, const KItemListView* view) const { return view->model()->data(index).value("text").toString(); } bool KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::itemIsLink(int index, const KItemListView* view) const { Q_UNUSED(index); Q_UNUSED(view); return false; } QString KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::roleText(const QByteArray& role, const QHash& values) const { if (role == "rating") { // Always use an empty text, as the rating is shown by the image m_rating. return QString(); } return values.value(role).toString(); } QFont KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::customizedFontForLinks(const QFont& baseFont) const { return baseFont; } void KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::calculateIconsLayoutItemSizeHints(QVector& logicalHeightHints, qreal& logicalWidthHint, const KItemListView* view) const { const KItemListStyleOption& option = view->styleOption(); const QFont& normalFont = option.font; const int additionalRolesCount = qMax(view->visibleRoles().count() - 1, 0); const qreal itemWidth = view->itemSize().width(); const qreal maxWidth = itemWidth - 2 * option.padding; const qreal additionalRolesSpacing = additionalRolesCount * option.fontMetrics.lineSpacing(); const qreal spacingAndIconHeight = option.iconSize + option.padding * 3; const QFont linkFont = customizedFontForLinks(normalFont); QTextOption textOption(Qt::AlignHCenter); textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); for (int index = 0; index < logicalHeightHints.count(); ++index) { if (logicalHeightHints.at(index) > 0.0) { continue; } // If the current item is a link, we use the customized link font instead of the normal font. const QFont& font = itemIsLink(index, view) ? linkFont : normalFont; const QString& text = KStringHandler::preProcessWrap(itemText(index, view)); // Calculate the number of lines required for wrapping the name qreal textHeight = 0; QTextLayout layout(text, font); layout.setTextOption(textOption); layout.beginLayout(); QTextLine line; int lineCount = 0; while ((line = layout.createLine()).isValid()) { line.setLineWidth(maxWidth); line.naturalTextWidth(); textHeight += line.height(); ++lineCount; if (lineCount == option.maxTextLines) { break; } } layout.endLayout(); // Add one line for each additional information textHeight += additionalRolesSpacing; logicalHeightHints[index] = textHeight + spacingAndIconHeight; } logicalWidthHint = itemWidth; } void KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::calculateCompactLayoutItemSizeHints(QVector& logicalHeightHints, qreal& logicalWidthHint, const KItemListView* view) const { const KItemListStyleOption& option = view->styleOption(); const QFontMetrics& normalFontMetrics = option.fontMetrics; const int additionalRolesCount = qMax(view->visibleRoles().count() - 1, 0); const QList& visibleRoles = view->visibleRoles(); const bool showOnlyTextRole = (visibleRoles.count() == 1) && (visibleRoles.first() == "text"); const qreal maxWidth = option.maxTextWidth; const qreal paddingAndIconWidth = option.padding * 4 + option.iconSize; const qreal height = option.padding * 2 + qMax(option.iconSize, (1 + additionalRolesCount) * normalFontMetrics.lineSpacing()); const QFontMetrics linkFontMetrics(customizedFontForLinks(option.font)); for (int index = 0; index < logicalHeightHints.count(); ++index) { if (logicalHeightHints.at(index) > 0.0) { continue; } // If the current item is a link, we use the customized link font metrics instead of the normal font metrics. const QFontMetrics& fontMetrics = itemIsLink(index, view) ? linkFontMetrics : normalFontMetrics; // For each row exactly one role is shown. Calculate the maximum required width that is necessary // to show all roles without horizontal clipping. qreal maximumRequiredWidth = 0.0; if (showOnlyTextRole) { maximumRequiredWidth = fontMetrics.width(itemText(index, view)); } else { const QHash& values = view->model()->data(index); foreach (const QByteArray& role, visibleRoles) { const QString& text = roleText(role, values); const qreal requiredWidth = fontMetrics.width(text); maximumRequiredWidth = qMax(maximumRequiredWidth, requiredWidth); } } qreal width = paddingAndIconWidth + maximumRequiredWidth; if (maxWidth > 0 && width > maxWidth) { width = maxWidth; } logicalHeightHints[index] = width; } logicalWidthHint = height; } void KStandardItemListWidgetInformant::calculateDetailsLayoutItemSizeHints(QVector& logicalHeightHints, qreal& logicalWidthHint, const KItemListView* view) const { const KItemListStyleOption& option = view->styleOption(); const qreal height = option.padding * 2 + qMax(option.iconSize, option.fontMetrics.height()); logicalHeightHints.fill(height); logicalWidthHint = -1.0; } KStandardItemListWidget::KStandardItemListWidget(KItemListWidgetInformant* informant, QGraphicsItem* parent) : KItemListWidget(informant, parent), m_isCut(false), m_isHidden(false), m_customizedFont(), m_customizedFontMetrics(m_customizedFont), m_isExpandable(false), m_supportsItemExpanding(false), m_dirtyLayout(true), m_dirtyContent(true), m_dirtyContentRoles(), m_layout(IconsLayout), m_pixmapPos(), m_pixmap(), m_scaledPixmapSize(), m_iconRect(), m_hoverPixmap(), m_textInfo(), m_textRect(), m_sortedVisibleRoles(), m_expansionArea(), m_customTextColor(), m_additionalInfoTextColor(), m_overlay(), m_rating(), m_roleEditor(nullptr), m_oldRoleEditor(nullptr) { } KStandardItemListWidget::~KStandardItemListWidget() { qDeleteAll(m_textInfo); m_textInfo.clear(); if (m_roleEditor) { m_roleEditor->deleteLater(); } if (m_oldRoleEditor) { m_oldRoleEditor->deleteLater(); } } void KStandardItemListWidget::setLayout(Layout layout) { if (m_layout != layout) { m_layout = layout; m_dirtyLayout = true; updateAdditionalInfoTextColor(); update(); } } KStandardItemListWidget::Layout KStandardItemListWidget::layout() const { return m_layout; } void KStandardItemListWidget::setSupportsItemExpanding(bool supportsItemExpanding) { if (m_supportsItemExpanding != supportsItemExpanding) { m_supportsItemExpanding = supportsItemExpanding; m_dirtyLayout = true; update(); } } bool KStandardItemListWidget::supportsItemExpanding() const { return m_supportsItemExpanding; } void KStandardItemListWidget::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) { const_cast(this)->triggerCacheRefreshing(); KItemListWidget::paint(painter, option, widget); if (!m_expansionArea.isEmpty()) { drawSiblingsInformation(painter); } const KItemListStyleOption& itemListStyleOption = styleOption(); if (isHovered()) { if (hoverOpacity() < 1.0) { /* * Linear interpolation between m_pixmap and m_hoverPixmap. * * Note that this cannot be achieved by painting m_hoverPixmap over * m_pixmap, even if the opacities are adjusted. For details see * https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/109614/ */ // Paint pixmap1 so that pixmap1 = m_pixmap * (1.0 - hoverOpacity()) QPixmap pixmap1(m_pixmap.size()); pixmap1.setDevicePixelRatio(m_pixmap.devicePixelRatio()); pixmap1.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter p(&pixmap1); p.setOpacity(1.0 - hoverOpacity()); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_pixmap); } // Paint pixmap2 so that pixmap2 = m_hoverPixmap * hoverOpacity() QPixmap pixmap2(pixmap1.size()); pixmap2.setDevicePixelRatio(pixmap1.devicePixelRatio()); pixmap2.fill(Qt::transparent); { QPainter p(&pixmap2); p.setOpacity(hoverOpacity()); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_hoverPixmap); } // Paint pixmap2 on pixmap1 using CompositionMode_Plus // Now pixmap1 = pixmap2 + m_pixmap * (1.0 - hoverOpacity()) // = m_hoverPixmap * hoverOpacity() + m_pixmap * (1.0 - hoverOpacity()) { QPainter p(&pixmap1); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Plus); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap2); } // Finally paint pixmap1 on the widget drawPixmap(painter, pixmap1); } else { drawPixmap(painter, m_hoverPixmap); } } else { drawPixmap(painter, m_pixmap); } painter->setFont(m_customizedFont); painter->setPen(textColor()); const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value("text"); if (!textInfo) { // It seems that we can end up here even if m_textInfo does not contain // the key "text", see bug 306167. According to triggerCacheRefreshing(), // this can only happen if the index is negative. This can happen when // the item is about to be removed, see KItemListView::slotItemsRemoved(). // TODO: try to reproduce the crash and find a better fix. return; } painter->drawStaticText(textInfo->pos, textInfo->staticText); bool clipAdditionalInfoBounds = false; if (m_supportsItemExpanding) { // Prevent a possible overlapping of the additional-information texts // with the icon. This can happen if the user has minimized the width // of the name-column to a very small value. const qreal minX = m_pixmapPos.x() + m_pixmap.width() + 4 * itemListStyleOption.padding; if (textInfo->pos.x() + columnWidth("text") > minX) { clipAdditionalInfoBounds = true; painter->save(); painter->setClipRect(minX, 0, size().width() - minX, size().height(), Qt::IntersectClip); } } painter->setPen(m_additionalInfoTextColor); painter->setFont(m_customizedFont); for (int i = 1; i < m_sortedVisibleRoles.count(); ++i) { const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value(m_sortedVisibleRoles[i]); painter->drawStaticText(textInfo->pos, textInfo->staticText); } if (!m_rating.isNull()) { const TextInfo* ratingTextInfo = m_textInfo.value("rating"); QPointF pos = ratingTextInfo->pos; const Qt::Alignment align = ratingTextInfo->staticText.textOption().alignment(); if (align & Qt::AlignHCenter) { pos.rx() += (size().width() - m_rating.width()) / 2 - 2; } painter->drawPixmap(pos, m_rating); } if (clipAdditionalInfoBounds) { painter->restore(); } #ifdef KSTANDARDITEMLISTWIDGET_DEBUG painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->setPen(Qt::green); painter->drawRect(m_iconRect); painter->setPen(Qt::blue); painter->drawRect(m_textRect); painter->setPen(Qt::red); painter->drawText(QPointF(0, m_customizedFontMetrics.height()), QString::number(index())); painter->drawRect(rect()); #endif } QRectF KStandardItemListWidget::iconRect() const { const_cast(this)->triggerCacheRefreshing(); return m_iconRect; } QRectF KStandardItemListWidget::textRect() const { const_cast(this)->triggerCacheRefreshing(); return m_textRect; } QRectF KStandardItemListWidget::textFocusRect() const { // In the compact- and details-layout a larger textRect() is returned to be aligned // with the iconRect(). This is useful to have a larger selection/hover-area // when having a quite large icon size but only one line of text. Still the // focus rectangle should be shown as narrow as possible around the text. const_cast(this)->triggerCacheRefreshing(); switch (m_layout) { case CompactLayout: { QRectF rect = m_textRect; const TextInfo* topText = m_textInfo.value(m_sortedVisibleRoles.first()); const TextInfo* bottomText = m_textInfo.value(m_sortedVisibleRoles.last()); rect.setTop(topText->pos.y()); rect.setBottom(bottomText->pos.y() + bottomText->staticText.size().height()); return rect; } case DetailsLayout: { QRectF rect = m_textRect; const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value(m_sortedVisibleRoles.first()); rect.setTop(textInfo->pos.y()); rect.setBottom(textInfo->pos.y() + textInfo->staticText.size().height()); const KItemListStyleOption& option = styleOption(); if (option.extendedSelectionRegion) { const QString text = textInfo->staticText.text(); rect.setWidth(m_customizedFontMetrics.width(text) + 2 * option.padding); } return rect; } default: break; } return m_textRect; } QRectF KStandardItemListWidget::selectionRect() const { const_cast(this)->triggerCacheRefreshing(); switch (m_layout) { case IconsLayout: return m_textRect; case CompactLayout: case DetailsLayout: { const int padding = styleOption().padding; QRectF adjustedIconRect = iconRect().adjusted(-padding, -padding, padding, padding); return adjustedIconRect | m_textRect; } default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } return m_textRect; } QRectF KStandardItemListWidget::expansionToggleRect() const { const_cast(this)->triggerCacheRefreshing(); return m_isExpandable ? m_expansionArea : QRectF(); } QRectF KStandardItemListWidget::selectionToggleRect() const { const_cast(this)->triggerCacheRefreshing(); const int iconHeight = styleOption().iconSize; int toggleSize = KIconLoader::SizeSmall; if (iconHeight >= KIconLoader::SizeEnormous) { toggleSize = KIconLoader::SizeMedium; } else if (iconHeight >= KIconLoader::SizeLarge) { toggleSize = KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium; } QPointF pos = iconRect().topLeft(); // If the selection toggle has a very small distance to the // widget borders, the size of the selection toggle will get // increased to prevent an accidental clicking of the item // when trying to hit the toggle. const int widgetHeight = size().height(); const int widgetWidth = size().width(); const int minMargin = 2; if (toggleSize + minMargin * 2 >= widgetHeight) { pos.rx() -= (widgetHeight - toggleSize) / 2; toggleSize = widgetHeight; pos.setY(0); } if (toggleSize + minMargin * 2 >= widgetWidth) { pos.ry() -= (widgetWidth - toggleSize) / 2; toggleSize = widgetWidth; pos.setX(0); } return QRectF(pos, QSizeF(toggleSize, toggleSize)); } QPixmap KStandardItemListWidget::createDragPixmap(const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) { QPixmap pixmap = KItemListWidget::createDragPixmap(option, widget); if (m_layout != DetailsLayout) { return pixmap; } // Only return the content of the text-column as pixmap const int leftClip = m_pixmapPos.x(); const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value("text"); const int rightClip = textInfo->pos.x() + textInfo->staticText.size().width() + 2 * styleOption().padding; QPixmap clippedPixmap(rightClip - leftClip + 1, pixmap.height()); clippedPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&clippedPixmap); painter.drawPixmap(-leftClip, 0, pixmap); return clippedPixmap; } KItemListWidgetInformant* KStandardItemListWidget::createInformant() { return new KStandardItemListWidgetInformant(); } void KStandardItemListWidget::invalidateCache() { m_dirtyLayout = true; m_dirtyContent = true; } void KStandardItemListWidget::refreshCache() { } bool KStandardItemListWidget::isRoleRightAligned(const QByteArray& role) const { Q_UNUSED(role); return false; } bool KStandardItemListWidget::isHidden() const { return false; } QFont KStandardItemListWidget::customizedFont(const QFont& baseFont) const { return baseFont; } QPalette::ColorRole KStandardItemListWidget::normalTextColorRole() const { return QPalette::Text; } void KStandardItemListWidget::setTextColor(const QColor& color) { if (color != m_customTextColor) { m_customTextColor = color; updateAdditionalInfoTextColor(); update(); } } QColor KStandardItemListWidget::textColor() const { if (!isSelected()) { if (m_isHidden) { return m_additionalInfoTextColor; } else if (m_customTextColor.isValid()) { return m_customTextColor; } } const QPalette::ColorGroup group = isActiveWindow() ? QPalette::Active : QPalette::Inactive; const QPalette::ColorRole role = isSelected() ? QPalette::HighlightedText : normalTextColorRole(); return styleOption().palette.color(group, role); } void KStandardItemListWidget::setOverlay(const QPixmap& overlay) { m_overlay = overlay; m_dirtyContent = true; update(); } QPixmap KStandardItemListWidget::overlay() const { return m_overlay; } QString KStandardItemListWidget::roleText(const QByteArray& role, const QHash& values) const { return static_cast(informant())->roleText(role, values); } void KStandardItemListWidget::dataChanged(const QHash& current, const QSet& roles) { Q_UNUSED(current); m_dirtyContent = true; QSet dirtyRoles; if (roles.isEmpty()) { dirtyRoles = visibleRoles().toSet(); } else { dirtyRoles = roles; } // The URL might have changed (i.e., if the sort order of the items has // been changed). Therefore, the "is cut" state must be updated. KFileItemClipboard* clipboard = KFileItemClipboard::instance(); const QUrl itemUrl = data().value("url").toUrl(); m_isCut = clipboard->isCut(itemUrl); // The icon-state might depend from other roles and hence is // marked as dirty whenever a role has been changed dirtyRoles.insert("iconPixmap"); dirtyRoles.insert("iconName"); QSetIterator it(dirtyRoles); while (it.hasNext()) { const QByteArray& role = it.next(); m_dirtyContentRoles.insert(role); } } void KStandardItemListWidget::visibleRolesChanged(const QList& current, const QList& previous) { Q_UNUSED(previous); m_sortedVisibleRoles = current; m_dirtyLayout = true; } void KStandardItemListWidget::columnWidthChanged(const QByteArray& role, qreal current, qreal previous) { Q_UNUSED(role); Q_UNUSED(current); Q_UNUSED(previous); m_dirtyLayout = true; } void KStandardItemListWidget::styleOptionChanged(const KItemListStyleOption& current, const KItemListStyleOption& previous) { Q_UNUSED(current); Q_UNUSED(previous); updateAdditionalInfoTextColor(); m_dirtyLayout = true; } void KStandardItemListWidget::hoveredChanged(bool hovered) { Q_UNUSED(hovered); m_dirtyLayout = true; } void KStandardItemListWidget::selectedChanged(bool selected) { Q_UNUSED(selected); updateAdditionalInfoTextColor(); m_dirtyContent = true; } void KStandardItemListWidget::siblingsInformationChanged(const QBitArray& current, const QBitArray& previous) { Q_UNUSED(current); Q_UNUSED(previous); m_dirtyLayout = true; } int KStandardItemListWidget::selectionLength(const QString& text) const { return text.length(); } void KStandardItemListWidget::editedRoleChanged(const QByteArray& current, const QByteArray& previous) { Q_UNUSED(previous); QGraphicsView* parent = scene()->views()[0]; if (current.isEmpty() || !parent || current != "text") { if (m_roleEditor) { emit roleEditingCanceled(index(), current, data().value(current)); disconnect(m_roleEditor, &KItemListRoleEditor::roleEditingCanceled, this, &KStandardItemListWidget::slotRoleEditingCanceled); disconnect(m_roleEditor, &KItemListRoleEditor::roleEditingFinished, this, &KStandardItemListWidget::slotRoleEditingFinished); if (m_oldRoleEditor) { m_oldRoleEditor->deleteLater(); } m_oldRoleEditor = m_roleEditor; m_roleEditor->hide(); m_roleEditor = nullptr; } return; } Q_ASSERT(!m_roleEditor); const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value("text"); m_roleEditor = new KItemListRoleEditor(parent); m_roleEditor->setRole(current); m_roleEditor->setFont(styleOption().font); const QString text = data().value(current).toString(); m_roleEditor->setPlainText(text); QTextOption textOption = textInfo->staticText.textOption(); m_roleEditor->document()->setDefaultTextOption(textOption); const int textSelectionLength = selectionLength(text); if (textSelectionLength > 0) { QTextCursor cursor = m_roleEditor->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfBlock); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, textSelectionLength); m_roleEditor->setTextCursor(cursor); } connect(m_roleEditor, &KItemListRoleEditor::roleEditingCanceled, this, &KStandardItemListWidget::slotRoleEditingCanceled); connect(m_roleEditor, &KItemListRoleEditor::roleEditingFinished, this, &KStandardItemListWidget::slotRoleEditingFinished); // Adjust the geometry of the editor QRectF rect = roleEditingRect(current); const int frameWidth = m_roleEditor->frameWidth(); rect.adjust(-frameWidth, -frameWidth, frameWidth, frameWidth); rect.translate(pos()); if (rect.right() > parent->width()) { rect.setWidth(parent->width() - rect.left()); } m_roleEditor->setGeometry(rect.toRect()); m_roleEditor->show(); m_roleEditor->setFocus(); } void KStandardItemListWidget::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent* event) { if (m_roleEditor) { setEditedRole(QByteArray()); Q_ASSERT(!m_roleEditor); } KItemListWidget::resizeEvent(event); m_dirtyLayout = true; } void KStandardItemListWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { KItemListWidget::showEvent(event); // Listen to changes of the clipboard to mark the item as cut/uncut KFileItemClipboard* clipboard = KFileItemClipboard::instance(); const QUrl itemUrl = data().value("url").toUrl(); m_isCut = clipboard->isCut(itemUrl); connect(clipboard, &KFileItemClipboard::cutItemsChanged, this, &KStandardItemListWidget::slotCutItemsChanged); } void KStandardItemListWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) { disconnect(KFileItemClipboard::instance(), &KFileItemClipboard::cutItemsChanged, this, &KStandardItemListWidget::slotCutItemsChanged); KItemListWidget::hideEvent(event); } bool KStandardItemListWidget::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::WindowDeactivate || event->type() == QEvent::WindowActivate || event->type() == QEvent::PaletteChange) { m_dirtyContent = true; } return KItemListWidget::event(event); } void KStandardItemListWidget::finishRoleEditing() { if (!editedRole().isEmpty() && m_roleEditor) { slotRoleEditingFinished(editedRole(), KIO::encodeFileName(m_roleEditor->toPlainText())); } } void KStandardItemListWidget::slotCutItemsChanged() { const QUrl itemUrl = data().value("url").toUrl(); const bool isCut = KFileItemClipboard::instance()->isCut(itemUrl); if (m_isCut != isCut) { m_isCut = isCut; m_pixmap = QPixmap(); m_dirtyContent = true; update(); } } void KStandardItemListWidget::slotRoleEditingCanceled(const QByteArray& role, const QVariant& value) { closeRoleEditor(); emit roleEditingCanceled(index(), role, value); setEditedRole(QByteArray()); } void KStandardItemListWidget::slotRoleEditingFinished(const QByteArray& role, const QVariant& value) { closeRoleEditor(); emit roleEditingFinished(index(), role, value); setEditedRole(QByteArray()); } void KStandardItemListWidget::triggerCacheRefreshing() { if ((!m_dirtyContent && !m_dirtyLayout) || index() < 0) { return; } refreshCache(); const QHash values = data(); m_isExpandable = m_supportsItemExpanding && values["isExpandable"].toBool(); m_isHidden = isHidden(); m_customizedFont = customizedFont(styleOption().font); m_customizedFontMetrics = QFontMetrics(m_customizedFont); updateExpansionArea(); updateTextsCache(); updatePixmapCache(); m_dirtyLayout = false; m_dirtyContent = false; m_dirtyContentRoles.clear(); } void KStandardItemListWidget::updateExpansionArea() { if (m_supportsItemExpanding) { const QHash values = data(); const int expandedParentsCount = values.value("expandedParentsCount", 0).toInt(); if (expandedParentsCount >= 0) { const KItemListStyleOption& option = styleOption(); const qreal widgetHeight = size().height(); const qreal inc = (widgetHeight - option.iconSize) / 2; const qreal x = expandedParentsCount * widgetHeight + inc; const qreal y = inc; m_expansionArea = QRectF(x, y, option.iconSize, option.iconSize); return; } } m_expansionArea = QRectF(); } void KStandardItemListWidget::updatePixmapCache() { // Precondition: Requires already updated m_textPos values to calculate // the remaining height when the alignment is vertical. const QSizeF widgetSize = size(); const bool iconOnTop = (m_layout == IconsLayout); const KItemListStyleOption& option = styleOption(); const qreal padding = option.padding; const int maxIconWidth = iconOnTop ? widgetSize.width() - 2 * padding : option.iconSize; const int maxIconHeight = option.iconSize; const QHash values = data(); bool updatePixmap = (m_pixmap.width() != maxIconWidth || m_pixmap.height() != maxIconHeight); if (!updatePixmap && m_dirtyContent) { updatePixmap = m_dirtyContentRoles.isEmpty() || m_dirtyContentRoles.contains("iconPixmap") || m_dirtyContentRoles.contains("iconName") || m_dirtyContentRoles.contains("iconOverlays"); } if (updatePixmap) { m_pixmap = values["iconPixmap"].value(); if (m_pixmap.isNull()) { // Use the icon that fits to the MIME-type QString iconName = values["iconName"].toString(); if (iconName.isEmpty()) { // The icon-name has not been not resolved by KFileItemModelRolesUpdater, // use a generic icon as fallback iconName = QStringLiteral("unknown"); } const QStringList overlays = values["iconOverlays"].toStringList(); m_pixmap = pixmapForIcon(iconName, overlays, maxIconHeight, QIcon::Normal); } else if (m_pixmap.width() / m_pixmap.devicePixelRatio() != maxIconWidth || m_pixmap.height() / m_pixmap.devicePixelRatio() != maxIconHeight) { // A custom pixmap has been applied. Assure that the pixmap // is scaled to the maximum available size. KPixmapModifier::scale(m_pixmap, QSize(maxIconWidth, maxIconHeight) * qApp->devicePixelRatio()); } if (m_isCut) { KIconEffect* effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect(); m_pixmap = effect->apply(m_pixmap, KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::DisabledState); } if (m_isHidden) { KIconEffect::semiTransparent(m_pixmap); } if (m_layout == IconsLayout && isSelected()) { const QColor color = palette().brush(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Highlight).color(); QImage image = m_pixmap.toImage(); KIconEffect::colorize(image, color, 0.8f); m_pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image); } } if (!m_overlay.isNull()) { QPainter painter(&m_pixmap); painter.drawPixmap(0, (m_pixmap.height() - m_overlay.height()) / m_pixmap.devicePixelRatio(), m_overlay); } int scaledIconSize = 0; if (iconOnTop) { const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value("text"); scaledIconSize = static_cast(textInfo->pos.y() - 2 * padding); } else { const int textRowsCount = (m_layout == CompactLayout) ? visibleRoles().count() : 1; const qreal requiredTextHeight = textRowsCount * m_customizedFontMetrics.height(); scaledIconSize = (requiredTextHeight < maxIconHeight) ? widgetSize.height() - 2 * padding : maxIconHeight; } const int maxScaledIconWidth = iconOnTop ? widgetSize.width() - 2 * padding : scaledIconSize; const int maxScaledIconHeight = scaledIconSize; m_scaledPixmapSize = m_pixmap.size(); m_scaledPixmapSize.scale(maxScaledIconWidth * qApp->devicePixelRatio(), maxScaledIconHeight * qApp->devicePixelRatio(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); m_scaledPixmapSize = m_scaledPixmapSize / qApp->devicePixelRatio(); if (iconOnTop) { // Center horizontally and align on bottom within the icon-area m_pixmapPos.setX((widgetSize.width() - m_scaledPixmapSize.width()) / 2.0); m_pixmapPos.setY(padding + scaledIconSize - m_scaledPixmapSize.height()); } else { // Center horizontally and vertically within the icon-area const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value("text"); m_pixmapPos.setX(textInfo->pos.x() - 2.0 * padding - (scaledIconSize + m_scaledPixmapSize.width()) / 2.0); // Derive icon's vertical center from the center of the text frame, including // any necessary adjustment if the font's midline is offset from the frame center const qreal midlineShift = m_customizedFontMetrics.height() / 2.0 - m_customizedFontMetrics.descent() - m_customizedFontMetrics.capHeight() / 2.0; m_pixmapPos.setY(m_textRect.center().y() + midlineShift - m_scaledPixmapSize.height() / 2.0); } m_iconRect = QRectF(m_pixmapPos, QSizeF(m_scaledPixmapSize)); // Prepare the pixmap that is used when the item gets hovered if (isHovered()) { m_hoverPixmap = m_pixmap; KIconEffect* effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect(); // In the KIconLoader terminology, active = hover. if (effect->hasEffect(KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState)) { m_hoverPixmap = effect->apply(m_pixmap, KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState); } else { m_hoverPixmap = m_pixmap; } } else if (hoverOpacity() <= 0.0) { // No hover animation is ongoing. Clear m_hoverPixmap to save memory. m_hoverPixmap = QPixmap(); } } void KStandardItemListWidget::updateTextsCache() { QTextOption textOption; switch (m_layout) { case IconsLayout: textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); textOption.setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); break; case CompactLayout: case DetailsLayout: textOption.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } qDeleteAll(m_textInfo); m_textInfo.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_sortedVisibleRoles.count(); ++i) { TextInfo* textInfo = new TextInfo(); textInfo->staticText.setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); textInfo->staticText.setPerformanceHint(QStaticText::AggressiveCaching); textInfo->staticText.setTextOption(textOption); m_textInfo.insert(m_sortedVisibleRoles[i], textInfo); } switch (m_layout) { case IconsLayout: updateIconsLayoutTextCache(); break; case CompactLayout: updateCompactLayoutTextCache(); break; case DetailsLayout: updateDetailsLayoutTextCache(); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } const TextInfo* ratingTextInfo = m_textInfo.value("rating"); if (ratingTextInfo) { // The text of the rating-role has been set to empty to get // replaced by a rating-image showing the rating as stars. const KItemListStyleOption& option = styleOption(); QSizeF ratingSize = preferredRatingSize(option); const qreal availableWidth = (m_layout == DetailsLayout) ? columnWidth("rating") - columnPadding(option) : size().width(); if (ratingSize.width() > availableWidth) { ratingSize.rwidth() = availableWidth; } const qreal dpr = qApp->devicePixelRatio(); m_rating = QPixmap(ratingSize.toSize() * dpr); m_rating.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr); m_rating.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&m_rating); const QRect rect(QPoint(0, 0), ratingSize.toSize()); const int rating = data().value("rating").toInt(); KRatingPainter::paintRating(&painter, rect, Qt::AlignJustify | Qt::AlignVCenter, rating); } else if (!m_rating.isNull()) { m_rating = QPixmap(); } } void KStandardItemListWidget::updateIconsLayoutTextCache() { // +------+ // | Icon | // +------+ // // Name role that // might get wrapped above // several lines. // Additional role 1 // Additional role 2 const QHash values = data(); const KItemListStyleOption& option = styleOption(); const qreal padding = option.padding; const qreal maxWidth = size().width() - 2 * padding; const qreal widgetHeight = size().height(); const qreal lineSpacing = m_customizedFontMetrics.lineSpacing(); // Initialize properties for the "text" role. It will be used as anchor // for initializing the position of the other roles. TextInfo* nameTextInfo = m_textInfo.value("text"); const QString nameText = KStringHandler::preProcessWrap(values["text"].toString()); nameTextInfo->staticText.setText(nameText); // Calculate the number of lines required for the name and the required width qreal nameWidth = 0; qreal nameHeight = 0; QTextLine line; QTextLayout layout(nameTextInfo->staticText.text(), m_customizedFont); layout.setTextOption(nameTextInfo->staticText.textOption()); layout.beginLayout(); int nameLineIndex = 0; while ((line = layout.createLine()).isValid()) { line.setLineWidth(maxWidth); nameWidth = qMax(nameWidth, line.naturalTextWidth()); nameHeight += line.height(); ++nameLineIndex; if (nameLineIndex == option.maxTextLines) { // The maximum number of textlines has been reached. If this is // the case provide an elided text if necessary. const int textLength = line.textStart() + line.textLength(); if (textLength < nameText.length()) { // Elide the last line of the text qreal elidingWidth = maxWidth; qreal lastLineWidth; do { QString lastTextLine = nameText.mid(line.textStart()); lastTextLine = m_customizedFontMetrics.elidedText(lastTextLine, Qt::ElideRight, elidingWidth); const QString elidedText = nameText.left(line.textStart()) + lastTextLine; nameTextInfo->staticText.setText(elidedText); lastLineWidth = m_customizedFontMetrics.boundingRect(lastTextLine).width(); // We do the text eliding in a loop with decreasing width (1 px / iteration) // to avoid problems related to different width calculation code paths // within Qt. (see bug 337104) elidingWidth -= 1.0; } while (lastLineWidth > maxWidth); nameWidth = qMax(nameWidth, lastLineWidth); } break; } } layout.endLayout(); // Use one line for each additional information const int additionalRolesCount = qMax(visibleRoles().count() - 1, 0); nameTextInfo->staticText.setTextWidth(maxWidth); nameTextInfo->pos = QPointF(padding, widgetHeight - nameHeight - additionalRolesCount * lineSpacing - padding); m_textRect = QRectF(padding + (maxWidth - nameWidth) / 2, nameTextInfo->pos.y(), nameWidth, nameHeight); // Calculate the position for each additional information qreal y = nameTextInfo->pos.y() + nameHeight; foreach (const QByteArray& role, m_sortedVisibleRoles) { if (role == "text") { continue; } const QString text = roleText(role, values); TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value(role); textInfo->staticText.setText(text); qreal requiredWidth = 0; QTextLayout layout(text, m_customizedFont); QTextOption textOption; textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); layout.setTextOption(textOption); layout.beginLayout(); QTextLine textLine = layout.createLine(); if (textLine.isValid()) { textLine.setLineWidth(maxWidth); requiredWidth = textLine.naturalTextWidth(); if (requiredWidth > maxWidth) { const QString elidedText = m_customizedFontMetrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, maxWidth); textInfo->staticText.setText(elidedText); requiredWidth = m_customizedFontMetrics.width(elidedText); } else if (role == "rating") { // Use the width of the rating pixmap, because the rating text is empty. requiredWidth = m_rating.width(); } } layout.endLayout(); textInfo->pos = QPointF(padding, y); textInfo->staticText.setTextWidth(maxWidth); const QRectF textRect(padding + (maxWidth - requiredWidth) / 2, y, requiredWidth, lineSpacing); m_textRect |= textRect; y += lineSpacing; } // Add a padding to the text rectangle m_textRect.adjust(-padding, -padding, padding, padding); } void KStandardItemListWidget::updateCompactLayoutTextCache() { // +------+ Name role // | Icon | Additional role 1 // +------+ Additional role 2 const QHash values = data(); const KItemListStyleOption& option = styleOption(); const qreal widgetHeight = size().height(); const qreal lineSpacing = m_customizedFontMetrics.lineSpacing(); const qreal textLinesHeight = qMax(visibleRoles().count(), 1) * lineSpacing; const int scaledIconSize = (textLinesHeight < option.iconSize) ? widgetHeight - 2 * option.padding : option.iconSize; qreal maximumRequiredTextWidth = 0; const qreal x = option.padding * 3 + scaledIconSize; qreal y = qRound((widgetHeight - textLinesHeight) / 2); const qreal maxWidth = size().width() - x - option.padding; foreach (const QByteArray& role, m_sortedVisibleRoles) { const QString text = roleText(role, values); TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value(role); textInfo->staticText.setText(text); qreal requiredWidth = m_customizedFontMetrics.width(text); if (requiredWidth > maxWidth) { requiredWidth = maxWidth; const QString elidedText = m_customizedFontMetrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, maxWidth); textInfo->staticText.setText(elidedText); } textInfo->pos = QPointF(x, y); textInfo->staticText.setTextWidth(maxWidth); maximumRequiredTextWidth = qMax(maximumRequiredTextWidth, requiredWidth); y += lineSpacing; } m_textRect = QRectF(x - 2 * option.padding, 0, maximumRequiredTextWidth + 3 * option.padding, widgetHeight); } void KStandardItemListWidget::updateDetailsLayoutTextCache() { // Precondition: Requires already updated m_expansionArea // to determine the left position. // +------+ // | Icon | Name role Additional role 1 Additional role 2 // +------+ m_textRect = QRectF(); const KItemListStyleOption& option = styleOption(); const QHash values = data(); const qreal widgetHeight = size().height(); const int scaledIconSize = widgetHeight - 2 * option.padding; const int fontHeight = m_customizedFontMetrics.height(); const qreal columnWidthInc = columnPadding(option); qreal firstColumnInc = scaledIconSize; if (m_supportsItemExpanding) { firstColumnInc += (m_expansionArea.left() + m_expansionArea.right() + widgetHeight) / 2; } else { firstColumnInc += option.padding; } qreal x = firstColumnInc; const qreal y = qMax(qreal(option.padding), (widgetHeight - fontHeight) / 2); foreach (const QByteArray& role, m_sortedVisibleRoles) { QString text = roleText(role, values); // Elide the text in case it does not fit into the available column-width qreal requiredWidth = m_customizedFontMetrics.width(text); const qreal roleWidth = columnWidth(role); qreal availableTextWidth = roleWidth - columnWidthInc; const bool isTextRole = (role == "text"); if (isTextRole) { availableTextWidth -= firstColumnInc; } if (requiredWidth > availableTextWidth) { text = m_customizedFontMetrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, availableTextWidth); requiredWidth = m_customizedFontMetrics.width(text); } TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value(role); textInfo->staticText.setText(text); textInfo->pos = QPointF(x + columnWidthInc / 2, y); x += roleWidth; if (isTextRole) { const qreal textWidth = option.extendedSelectionRegion ? size().width() - textInfo->pos.x() : requiredWidth + 2 * option.padding; m_textRect = QRectF(textInfo->pos.x() - 2 * option.padding, 0, textWidth + option.padding, size().height()); // The column after the name should always be aligned on the same x-position independent // from the expansion-level shown in the name column x -= firstColumnInc; } else if (isRoleRightAligned(role)) { textInfo->pos.rx() += roleWidth - requiredWidth - columnWidthInc; } } } void KStandardItemListWidget::updateAdditionalInfoTextColor() { QColor c1; if (m_customTextColor.isValid()) { c1 = m_customTextColor; } else if (isSelected() && m_layout != DetailsLayout) { c1 = styleOption().palette.highlightedText().color(); } else { c1 = styleOption().palette.text().color(); } // For the color of the additional info the inactive text color // is not used as this might lead to unreadable text for some color schemes. Instead // the text color c1 is slightly mixed with the background color. const QColor c2 = styleOption().palette.base().color(); const int p1 = 70; const int p2 = 100 - p1; m_additionalInfoTextColor = QColor((c1.red() * p1 + c2.red() * p2) / 100, (c1.green() * p1 + c2.green() * p2) / 100, (c1.blue() * p1 + c2.blue() * p2) / 100); } void KStandardItemListWidget::drawPixmap(QPainter* painter, const QPixmap& pixmap) { if (m_scaledPixmapSize != pixmap.size() / pixmap.devicePixelRatio()) { QPixmap scaledPixmap = pixmap; KPixmapModifier::scale(scaledPixmap, m_scaledPixmapSize * qApp->devicePixelRatio()); scaledPixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(qApp->devicePixelRatio()); painter->drawPixmap(m_pixmapPos, scaledPixmap); #ifdef KSTANDARDITEMLISTWIDGET_DEBUG painter->setPen(Qt::blue); painter->drawRect(QRectF(m_pixmapPos, QSizeF(m_scaledPixmapSize))); #endif } else { painter->drawPixmap(m_pixmapPos, pixmap); } } void KStandardItemListWidget::drawSiblingsInformation(QPainter* painter) { const int siblingSize = size().height(); const int x = (m_expansionArea.left() + m_expansionArea.right() - siblingSize) / 2; QRect siblingRect(x, 0, siblingSize, siblingSize); QStyleOption option; option.palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, option.palette.color(normalTextColorRole())); bool isItemSibling = true; const QBitArray siblings = siblingsInformation(); for (int i = siblings.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { option.rect = siblingRect; option.state = siblings.at(i) ? QStyle::State_Sibling : QStyle::State_None; if (isItemSibling) { option.state |= QStyle::State_Item; if (m_isExpandable) { option.state |= QStyle::State_Children; } if (data().value("isExpanded").toBool()) { option.state |= QStyle::State_Open; } isItemSibling = false; } style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorBranch, &option, painter); siblingRect.translate(-siblingRect.width(), 0); } } QRectF KStandardItemListWidget::roleEditingRect(const QByteArray& role) const { const TextInfo* textInfo = m_textInfo.value(role); if (!textInfo) { return QRectF(); } QRectF rect(textInfo->pos, textInfo->staticText.size()); if (m_layout == DetailsLayout) { rect.setWidth(columnWidth(role) - rect.x()); } return rect; } void KStandardItemListWidget::closeRoleEditor() { disconnect(m_roleEditor, &KItemListRoleEditor::roleEditingCanceled, this, &KStandardItemListWidget::slotRoleEditingCanceled); disconnect(m_roleEditor, &KItemListRoleEditor::roleEditingFinished, this, &KStandardItemListWidget::slotRoleEditingFinished); if (m_roleEditor->hasFocus()) { // If the editing was not ended by a FocusOut event, we have // to transfer the keyboard focus back to the KItemListContainer. scene()->views()[0]->parentWidget()->setFocus(); } if (m_oldRoleEditor) { m_oldRoleEditor->deleteLater(); } m_oldRoleEditor = m_roleEditor; m_roleEditor->hide(); m_roleEditor = nullptr; } QPixmap KStandardItemListWidget::pixmapForIcon(const QString& name, const QStringList& overlays, int size, QIcon::Mode mode) { static const QIcon fallbackIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("unknown")); + + int requestedSize = size; + if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeSmall) { + requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeSmall; + } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium) { + requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium; + } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeMedium) { + requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeMedium; + } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeLarge) { + requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeLarge; + } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeHuge) { + requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeHuge; + } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeEnormous) { + requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeEnormous; + } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeEnormous * 2) { + requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeEnormous * 2; + } size *= qApp->devicePixelRatio(); + requestedSize *= qApp->devicePixelRatio(); + const QString key = "KStandardItemListWidget:" % name % ":" % overlays.join(QStringLiteral(":")) % ":" % QString::number(size) % ":" % QString::number(mode); QPixmap pixmap; if (!QPixmapCache::find(key, pixmap)) { const QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme(name, fallbackIcon); - int requestedSize; - if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeSmall) { - requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeSmall; - } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium) { - requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium; - } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeMedium) { - requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeMedium; - } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeLarge) { - requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeLarge; - } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeHuge) { - requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeHuge; - } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeEnormous) { - requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeEnormous; - } else if (size <= KIconLoader::SizeEnormous * 2) { - requestedSize = KIconLoader::SizeEnormous * 2; - } else { - requestedSize = size; - } - pixmap = icon.pixmap(requestedSize / qApp->devicePixelRatio(), requestedSize / qApp->devicePixelRatio(), mode); if (requestedSize != size) { KPixmapModifier::scale(pixmap, QSize(size, size)); } // Strangely KFileItem::overlays() returns empty string-values, so // we need to check first whether an overlay must be drawn at all. // It is more efficient to do it here, as KIconLoader::drawOverlays() // assumes that an overlay will be drawn and has some additional // setup time. foreach (const QString& overlay, overlays) { if (!overlay.isEmpty()) { // There is at least one overlay, draw all overlays above m_pixmap // and cancel the check KIconLoader::global()->drawOverlays(overlays, pixmap, KIconLoader::Desktop); break; } } QPixmapCache::insert(key, pixmap); } pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(qApp->devicePixelRatio()); return pixmap; } QSizeF KStandardItemListWidget::preferredRatingSize(const KItemListStyleOption& option) { const qreal height = option.fontMetrics.ascent(); return QSizeF(height * 5, height); } qreal KStandardItemListWidget::columnPadding(const KItemListStyleOption& option) { return option.padding * 6; }