diff --git a/kdecoration/breezedecoration.cpp b/kdecoration/breezedecoration.cpp index 44e17dbe..c0638ec7 100644 --- a/kdecoration/breezedecoration.cpp +++ b/kdecoration/breezedecoration.cpp @@ -1,731 +1,743 @@ /* * Copyright 2014 Martin Gräßlin * Copyright 2014 Hugo Pereira Da Costa * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "breezedecoration.h" #include "breeze.h" #include "breezesettingsprovider.h" #include "config-breeze.h" #include "config/breezeconfigwidget.h" #include "breezebutton.h" #include "breezesizegrip.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #if BREEZE_HAVE_X11 #include #endif #include K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON( BreezeDecoFactory, "breeze.json", registerPlugin(); registerPlugin(QStringLiteral("button")); registerPlugin(QStringLiteral("kcmodule")); ) namespace Breeze { using KDecoration2::ColorRole; using KDecoration2::ColorGroup; //________________________________________________________________ static int g_sDecoCount = 0; static int g_shadowSize = 0; static int g_shadowStrength = 0; static QColor g_shadowColor = Qt::black; static QSharedPointer g_sShadow; //________________________________________________________________ Decoration::Decoration(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KDecoration2::Decoration(parent, args) , m_animation( new QPropertyAnimation( this ) ) { g_sDecoCount++; } //________________________________________________________________ Decoration::~Decoration() { g_sDecoCount--; if (g_sDecoCount == 0) { // last deco destroyed, clean up shadow g_sShadow.clear(); } deleteSizeGrip(); } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::setOpacity( qreal value ) { if( m_opacity == value ) return; m_opacity = value; update(); if( m_sizeGrip ) m_sizeGrip->update(); } //________________________________________________________________ QColor Decoration::titleBarColor() const { auto c = client().data(); if( hideTitleBar() ) return c->color( ColorGroup::Inactive, ColorRole::TitleBar ); else if( m_animation->state() == QPropertyAnimation::Running ) { return KColorUtils::mix( c->color( ColorGroup::Inactive, ColorRole::TitleBar ), c->color( ColorGroup::Active, ColorRole::TitleBar ), m_opacity ); } else return c->color( c->isActive() ? ColorGroup::Active : ColorGroup::Inactive, ColorRole::TitleBar ); } //________________________________________________________________ QColor Decoration::outlineColor() const { auto c( client().data() ); if( !m_useSeparator ) return QColor(); if( m_animation->state() == QPropertyAnimation::Running ) { QColor color( c->palette().color( QPalette::Highlight ) ); color.setAlpha( color.alpha()*m_opacity ); return color; } else if( c->isActive() ) return c->palette().color( QPalette::Highlight ); else return QColor(); } //________________________________________________________________ QColor Decoration::fontColor() const { auto c = client().data(); if( m_animation->state() == QPropertyAnimation::Running ) { return KColorUtils::mix( c->color( ColorGroup::Inactive, ColorRole::Foreground ), c->color( ColorGroup::Active, ColorRole::Foreground ), m_opacity ); } else return c->color( c->isActive() ? ColorGroup::Active : ColorGroup::Inactive, ColorRole::Foreground ); } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::init() { auto c = client().data(); m_useSeparator = (c->palette().color( QPalette::Window ) != c->color( ColorGroup::Active, ColorRole::TitleBar ) ); // active state change animation m_animation->setStartValue( 0 ); m_animation->setEndValue( 1.0 ); m_animation->setTargetObject( this ); m_animation->setPropertyName( "opacity" ); m_animation->setEasingCurve( QEasingCurve::InOutQuad ); reconfigure(); updateTitleBar(); auto s = settings(); connect(s.data(), &KDecoration2::DecorationSettings::borderSizeChanged, this, &Decoration::recalculateBorders); // a change in font might cause the borders to change connect(s.data(), &KDecoration2::DecorationSettings::fontChanged, this, &Decoration::recalculateBorders); connect(s.data(), &KDecoration2::DecorationSettings::spacingChanged, this, &Decoration::recalculateBorders); + // buttons + connect(s.data(), &KDecoration2::DecorationSettings::spacingChanged, this, &Decoration::updateButtonsGeometryDelayed); + connect(s.data(), &KDecoration2::DecorationSettings::decorationButtonsLeftChanged, this, &Decoration::updateButtonsGeometryDelayed); + connect(s.data(), &KDecoration2::DecorationSettings::decorationButtonsRightChanged, this, &Decoration::updateButtonsGeometryDelayed); + // full reconfiguration connect(s.data(), &KDecoration2::DecorationSettings::reconfigured, this, &Decoration::reconfigure); connect(s.data(), &KDecoration2::DecorationSettings::reconfigured, SettingsProvider::self(), &SettingsProvider::reconfigure, Qt::UniqueConnection ); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::adjacentScreenEdgesChanged, this, &Decoration::recalculateBorders); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::maximizedHorizontallyChanged, this, &Decoration::recalculateBorders); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::maximizedVerticallyChanged, this, &Decoration::recalculateBorders); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::captionChanged, this, [this]() { // update the caption area update(titleBar()); } ); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::activeChanged, this, &Decoration::updateAnimationState); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::paletteChanged, this, [this]() { auto c = client().data(); m_useSeparator = (c->palette().color( QPalette::Window ) != c->color( ColorGroup::Active, ColorRole::TitleBar ) ); update(); } ); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::widthChanged, this, &Decoration::updateTitleBar); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::maximizedChanged, this, &Decoration::updateTitleBar); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::maximizedChanged, this, &Decoration::setOpaque); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::widthChanged, this, &Decoration::updateButtonsGeometry); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::maximizedChanged, this, &Decoration::updateButtonsGeometry); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::shadedChanged, this, &Decoration::recalculateBorders); connect(c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::shadedChanged, this, &Decoration::updateButtonsGeometry); createButtons(); createShadow(); } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::updateTitleBar() { auto s = settings(); auto c = client().data(); const bool maximized = isMaximized(); const int width = maximized ? c->width() : c->width() - 2*s->largeSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_SideMargin; const int height = maximized ? borderTop() : borderTop() - s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_TopMargin; const int x = maximized ? 0 : s->largeSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_SideMargin; const int y = maximized ? 0 : s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_TopMargin; setTitleBar(QRect(x, y, width, height)); } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::updateAnimationState() { if( m_internalSettings->animationsEnabled() ) { auto c = client().data(); m_animation->setDirection( c->isActive() ? QPropertyAnimation::Forward : QPropertyAnimation::Backward ); if( m_animation->state() != QPropertyAnimation::Running ) m_animation->start(); } else { update(); } } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::updateSizeGripVisibility() { auto c = client().data(); if( m_sizeGrip ) { m_sizeGrip->setVisible( c->isResizeable() && !isMaximized() && !c->isShaded() ); } } //________________________________________________________________ int Decoration::borderSize(bool bottom) const { const int baseSize = settings()->smallSpacing(); if( m_internalSettings && (m_internalSettings->mask() & BorderSize ) ) { switch (m_internalSettings->borderSize()) { case InternalSettings::BorderNone: return 0; case InternalSettings::BorderNoSides: return bottom ? qMax(4, baseSize) : 0; default: case InternalSettings::BorderTiny: return bottom ? qMax(4, baseSize) : baseSize; case InternalSettings::BorderNormal: return baseSize*2; case InternalSettings::BorderLarge: return baseSize*3; case InternalSettings::BorderVeryLarge: return baseSize*4; case InternalSettings::BorderHuge: return baseSize*5; case InternalSettings::BorderVeryHuge: return baseSize*6; case InternalSettings::BorderOversized: return baseSize*10; } } else { switch (settings()->borderSize()) { case KDecoration2::BorderSize::None: return 0; case KDecoration2::BorderSize::NoSides: return bottom ? qMax(4, baseSize) : 0; default: case KDecoration2::BorderSize::Tiny: return bottom ? qMax(4, baseSize) : baseSize; case KDecoration2::BorderSize::Normal: return baseSize*2; case KDecoration2::BorderSize::Large: return baseSize*3; case KDecoration2::BorderSize::VeryLarge: return baseSize*4; case KDecoration2::BorderSize::Huge: return baseSize*5; case KDecoration2::BorderSize::VeryHuge: return baseSize*6; case KDecoration2::BorderSize::Oversized: return baseSize*10; } } } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::reconfigure() { m_internalSettings = SettingsProvider::self()->internalSettings( this ); // animation m_animation->setDuration( m_internalSettings->animationsDuration() ); // borders recalculateBorders(); // shadow createShadow(); // size grip if( hasNoBorders() && m_internalSettings->drawSizeGrip() ) createSizeGrip(); else deleteSizeGrip(); } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::recalculateBorders() { auto s = settings(); const auto c = client().data(); const Qt::Edges edges = c->adjacentScreenEdges(); // left, right and bottom borders auto testFlag = [&]( Qt::Edge edge ) { return edges.testFlag(edge) && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); }; const int left = isMaximizedHorizontally() || testFlag(Qt::LeftEdge) ? 0 : borderSize(); const int right = isMaximizedHorizontally() || testFlag(Qt::RightEdge) ? 0 : borderSize(); const int bottom = isMaximizedVertically() || c->isShaded() || testFlag(Qt::BottomEdge) ? 0 : borderSize(true); int top = 0; if( hideTitleBar() ) top = bottom; else { QFontMetrics fm(s->font()); top += qMax(fm.boundingRect(c->caption()).height(), buttonHeight() ); // padding below // extra pixel is used for the active window outline const int baseSize = settings()->smallSpacing(); top += baseSize*Metrics::TitleBar_BottomMargin + 1; // padding above top += baseSize*TitleBar_TopMargin; } setBorders(QMargins(left, top, right, bottom)); // extended sizes const int extSize = s->largeSpacing(); int extSides = 0; int extBottom = 0; if( hasNoBorders() ) { extSides = extSize; extBottom = extSize; } else if( hasNoSideBorders() ) { extSides = extSize; } setResizeOnlyBorders(QMargins(extSides, 0, extSides, extBottom)); } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::createButtons() { m_leftButtons = new KDecoration2::DecorationButtonGroup(KDecoration2::DecorationButtonGroup::Position::Left, this, &Button::create); m_rightButtons = new KDecoration2::DecorationButtonGroup(KDecoration2::DecorationButtonGroup::Position::Right, this, &Button::create); updateButtonsGeometry(); } + //________________________________________________________________ + void Decoration::updateButtonsGeometryDelayed() + { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, &Decoration::updateButtonsGeometry ); } + //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::updateButtonsGeometry() { auto s = settings(); // adjust button position const int bHeight = captionHeight() + (isMaximized() ? s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_TopMargin:0); const int bWidth = buttonHeight(); const int verticalOffset = (isMaximized() ? s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_TopMargin:0) + (captionHeight()-buttonHeight())/2; foreach( const QPointer& button, m_leftButtons->buttons() + m_rightButtons->buttons() ) { button.data()->setGeometry( QRectF( QPoint( 0, 0 ), QSizeF( bWidth, bHeight ) ) ); static_cast( button.data() )->setOffset( QPointF( 0, verticalOffset ) ); static_cast( button.data() )->setIconSize( QSize( bWidth, bWidth ) ); } // left buttons if( !m_leftButtons->buttons().isEmpty() ) { // spacing m_leftButtons->setSpacing(s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_ButtonSpacing); // padding const int vPadding = isMaximized() ? 0 : s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_TopMargin; const int hPadding = s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_SideMargin; if( isMaximizedHorizontally() ) { // add offsets on the side buttons, to preserve padding, but satisfy Fitts law auto button = static_cast( m_leftButtons->buttons().front().data() ); button->setGeometry( QRectF( QPoint( 0, 0 ), QSizeF( bWidth + hPadding, bHeight ) ) ); button->setFlag( Button::FlagFirstInList ); button->setHorizontalOffset( hPadding ); m_leftButtons->setPos(QPointF(0, vPadding)); } else m_leftButtons->setPos(QPointF(hPadding + borderLeft(), vPadding)); } // right buttons if( !m_rightButtons->buttons().isEmpty() ) { // spacing m_rightButtons->setSpacing(s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_ButtonSpacing); // padding const int vPadding = isMaximized() ? 0 : s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_TopMargin; const int hPadding = s->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_SideMargin; if( isMaximizedHorizontally() ) { auto button = static_cast( m_rightButtons->buttons().back().data() ); button->setGeometry( QRectF( QPoint( 0, 0 ), QSizeF( bWidth + hPadding, bHeight ) ) ); button->setFlag( Button::FlagLastInList ); m_rightButtons->setPos(QPointF(size().width() - m_rightButtons->geometry().width(), vPadding)); } else m_rightButtons->setPos(QPointF(size().width() - m_rightButtons->geometry().width() - hPadding - borderRight(), vPadding)); } + update(); + } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::paint(QPainter *painter, const QRect &repaintRegion) { // TODO: optimize based on repaintRegion auto c = client().data(); auto s = settings(); // paint background if( !c->isShaded() ) { painter->fillRect(rect(), Qt::transparent); painter->save(); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter->setBrush( c->color( c->isActive() ? ColorGroup::Active : ColorGroup::Inactive, ColorRole::Frame ) ); // clip away the top part if( !hideTitleBar() ) painter->setClipRect(0, borderTop(), size().width(), size().height() - borderTop(), Qt::IntersectClip); if( s->isAlphaChannelSupported() ) painter->drawRoundedRect(rect(), Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius, Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius); else painter->drawRect( rect() ); painter->restore(); } if( !hideTitleBar() ) paintTitleBar(painter, repaintRegion); if( hasBorders() && !s->isAlphaChannelSupported() ) { painter->save(); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); painter->setPen( c->isActive() ? c->color( ColorGroup::Active, ColorRole::TitleBar ): c->color( ColorGroup::Inactive, ColorRole::Foreground ) ); painter->drawRect( rect().adjusted( 0, 0, -1, -1 ) ); painter->restore(); } } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::paintTitleBar(QPainter *painter, const QRect &repaintRegion) { const auto c = client().data(); const QRect titleRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(size().width(), borderTop())); painter->save(); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); // render a linear gradient on title area if( c->isActive() && m_internalSettings->drawBackgroundGradient() ) { const QColor titleBarColor( this->titleBarColor() ); QLinearGradient gradient( 0, 0, 0, titleRect.height() ); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, titleBarColor.lighter( 120 ) ); gradient.setColorAt(0.8, titleBarColor); painter->setBrush(gradient); } else { painter->setBrush( titleBarColor() ); } auto s = settings(); if( isMaximized() || !s->isAlphaChannelSupported() ) { painter->drawRect(titleRect); } else if( c->isShaded() ) { painter->drawRoundedRect(titleRect, Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius, Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius); } else { // we make the rect a little bit larger to be able to clip away the rounded corners on bottom painter->setClipRect(titleRect, Qt::IntersectClip); painter->drawRoundedRect(titleRect.adjusted(0, 0, 0, Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius), Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius, Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius); } const QColor outlineColor( this->outlineColor() ); if( !c->isShaded() && outlineColor.isValid() ) { // outline painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, false ); painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); painter->setPen( outlineColor ); painter->drawLine( titleRect.bottomLeft(), titleRect.bottomRight() ); } painter->restore(); // draw caption painter->setFont(s->font()); painter->setPen( fontColor() ); const auto cR = captionRect(); const QString caption = painter->fontMetrics().elidedText(c->caption(), Qt::ElideMiddle, cR.first.width()); painter->drawText(cR.first, cR.second | Qt::TextSingleLine, caption); // draw all buttons m_leftButtons->paint(painter, repaintRegion); m_rightButtons->paint(painter, repaintRegion); } //________________________________________________________________ int Decoration::buttonHeight() const { const int baseSize = settings()->gridUnit(); switch( m_internalSettings->buttonSize() ) { case InternalSettings::ButtonTiny: return baseSize; case InternalSettings::ButtonSmall: return baseSize*1.5; default: case InternalSettings::ButtonDefault: return baseSize*2; case InternalSettings::ButtonLarge: return baseSize*2.5; case InternalSettings::ButtonVeryLarge: return baseSize*3.5; } } //________________________________________________________________ int Decoration::captionHeight() const { return hideTitleBar() ? borderTop() : borderTop() - settings()->smallSpacing()*(Metrics::TitleBar_BottomMargin + Metrics::TitleBar_TopMargin ) - 1; } //________________________________________________________________ QPair Decoration::captionRect() const { if( hideTitleBar() ) return qMakePair( QRect(), Qt::AlignCenter ); else { auto c = client().data(); const int leftOffset = m_leftButtons->buttons().isEmpty() ? Metrics::TitleBar_SideMargin*settings()->smallSpacing(): m_leftButtons->geometry().x() + m_leftButtons->geometry().width() + Metrics::TitleBar_SideMargin*settings()->smallSpacing(); const int rightOffset = m_rightButtons->buttons().isEmpty() ? Metrics::TitleBar_SideMargin*settings()->smallSpacing() : size().width() - m_rightButtons->geometry().x() + Metrics::TitleBar_SideMargin*settings()->smallSpacing(); const int yOffset = settings()->smallSpacing()*Metrics::TitleBar_TopMargin; const QRect maxRect( leftOffset, yOffset, size().width() - leftOffset - rightOffset, captionHeight() ); switch( m_internalSettings->titleAlignment() ) { case InternalSettings::AlignLeft: return qMakePair( maxRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft ); case InternalSettings::AlignRight: return qMakePair( maxRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight ); case InternalSettings::AlignCenter: return qMakePair( maxRect, Qt::AlignCenter ); default: case InternalSettings::AlignCenterFullWidth: { // full caption rect const QRect fullRect = QRect( 0, yOffset, size().width(), captionHeight() ); QRect boundingRect( settings()->fontMetrics().boundingRect( c->caption()).toRect() ); // text bounding rect boundingRect.setTop( yOffset ); boundingRect.setHeight( captionHeight() ); boundingRect.moveLeft( ( size().width() - boundingRect.width() )/2 ); if( boundingRect.left() < leftOffset ) return qMakePair( maxRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignLeft ); else if( boundingRect.right() > size().width() - rightOffset ) return qMakePair( maxRect, Qt::AlignVCenter|Qt::AlignRight ); else return qMakePair(fullRect, Qt::AlignCenter); } } } } //________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::createShadow() { // assign global shadow if exists and parameters match if( !g_sShadow || g_shadowSize != m_internalSettings->shadowSize() || g_shadowStrength != m_internalSettings->shadowStrength() || g_shadowColor != m_internalSettings->shadowColor() ) { // assign parameters g_shadowSize = m_internalSettings->shadowSize(); g_shadowStrength = m_internalSettings->shadowStrength(); g_shadowColor = m_internalSettings->shadowColor(); const int shadowOffset = qMax( 6*g_shadowSize/16, Metrics::Shadow_Overlap*2 ); // create image QImage image(2*g_shadowSize, 2*g_shadowSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image.fill(Qt::transparent); // create gradient // gaussian delta function auto alpha = [](qreal x) { return std::exp( -x*x/0.15 ); }; // color calculation delta function auto gradientStopColor = [](QColor color, int alpha) { color.setAlpha(alpha); return color; }; QRadialGradient radialGradient( g_shadowSize, g_shadowSize, g_shadowSize ); for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { const qreal x( qreal( i )/9 ); radialGradient.setColorAt(x, gradientStopColor( g_shadowColor, alpha(x)*g_shadowStrength ) ); } radialGradient.setColorAt(1, gradientStopColor( g_shadowColor, 0 ) ); // fill QPainter painter(&image); painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true ); painter.fillRect( image.rect(), radialGradient); // contrast pixel QRectF innerRect = QRectF( g_shadowSize - shadowOffset - Metrics::Shadow_Overlap, g_shadowSize - shadowOffset - Metrics::Shadow_Overlap, shadowOffset + 2*Metrics::Shadow_Overlap, shadowOffset + 2*Metrics::Shadow_Overlap ); painter.setPen( gradientStopColor( g_shadowColor, g_shadowStrength*0.5 ) ); painter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); painter.drawRoundedRect( innerRect, -0.5 + Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius, -0.5 + Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius ); // mask out inner rect painter.setPen( Qt::NoPen ); painter.setBrush( Qt::black ); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationOut ); painter.drawRoundedRect( innerRect, 0.5 + Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius, 0.5 + Metrics::Frame_FrameRadius ); painter.end(); g_sShadow = QSharedPointer::create(); g_sShadow->setPadding( QMargins( g_shadowSize - shadowOffset - Metrics::Shadow_Overlap, g_shadowSize - shadowOffset - Metrics::Shadow_Overlap, g_shadowSize - Metrics::Shadow_Overlap, g_shadowSize - Metrics::Shadow_Overlap ) ); g_sShadow->setInnerShadowRect(QRect( g_shadowSize, g_shadowSize, 1, 1) ); // assign image g_sShadow->setShadow(image); } setShadow(g_sShadow); } //_________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::createSizeGrip( void ) { // do nothing if size grip already exist if( m_sizeGrip ) return; #if BREEZE_HAVE_X11 if( !QX11Info::isPlatformX11() ) return; // access client auto c = client().data(); if( !c ) return; if( c->windowId() != 0 ) { m_sizeGrip = new SizeGrip( this ); connect( c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::maximizedChanged, this, &Decoration::updateSizeGripVisibility ); connect( c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::shadedChanged, this, &Decoration::updateSizeGripVisibility ); connect( c, &KDecoration2::DecoratedClient::resizeableChanged, this, &Decoration::updateSizeGripVisibility ); } #endif } //_________________________________________________________________ void Decoration::deleteSizeGrip( void ) { if( m_sizeGrip ) { m_sizeGrip->deleteLater(); m_sizeGrip = nullptr; } } } // namespace #include "breezedecoration.moc" diff --git a/kdecoration/breezedecoration.h b/kdecoration/breezedecoration.h index 09881da3..5668621f 100644 --- a/kdecoration/breezedecoration.h +++ b/kdecoration/breezedecoration.h @@ -1,176 +1,177 @@ #ifndef BREEZE_DECORATION_H #define BREEZE_DECORATION_H /* * Copyright 2014 Martin Gräßlin * Copyright 2014 Hugo Pereira Da Costa * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "breeze.h" #include "breezesettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KDecoration2 { class DecorationButton; class DecorationButtonGroup; } namespace Breeze { class SizeGrip; class Decoration : public KDecoration2::Decoration { Q_OBJECT //* declare active state opacity Q_PROPERTY( qreal opacity READ opacity WRITE setOpacity ) public: //* constructor explicit Decoration(QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList()); //* destructor virtual ~Decoration(); //* paint void paint(QPainter *painter, const QRect &repaintRegion) override; //* internal settings InternalSettingsPtr internalSettings() const { return m_internalSettings; } //* caption height int captionHeight() const; //* button height int buttonHeight() const; //*@name active state change animation //@{ void setOpacity( qreal ); qreal opacity( void ) const { return m_opacity; } //@} //*@name colors //@{ QColor titleBarColor( void ) const; QColor outlineColor( void ) const; QColor fontColor( void ) const; //@} //*@name maximization modes //@{ inline bool isMaximized( void ) const; inline bool isMaximizedHorizontally( void ) const; inline bool isMaximizedVertically( void ) const; inline bool hideTitleBar( void ) const; //@} public Q_SLOTS: void init() override; private Q_SLOTS: void reconfigure(); void recalculateBorders(); void updateButtonsGeometry(); + void updateButtonsGeometryDelayed(); void updateTitleBar(); void updateAnimationState(); void updateSizeGripVisibility(); private: //* return the rect in which caption will be drawn QPair captionRect( void ) const; void createButtons(); void paintTitleBar(QPainter *painter, const QRect &repaintRegion); void createShadow(); //*@name border size //@{ int borderSize(bool bottom = false) const; inline bool hasBorders( void ) const; inline bool hasNoBorders( void ) const; inline bool hasNoSideBorders( void ) const; //@} //*@name size grip //@{ void createSizeGrip( void ); void deleteSizeGrip( void ); SizeGrip* sizeGrip( void ) const { return m_sizeGrip; } //@} InternalSettingsPtr m_internalSettings; bool m_useSeparator = true; QList m_buttons; KDecoration2::DecorationButtonGroup *m_leftButtons = nullptr; KDecoration2::DecorationButtonGroup *m_rightButtons = nullptr; //* size grip widget SizeGrip *m_sizeGrip = nullptr; //* active state change animation QPropertyAnimation *m_animation; //* active state change opacity qreal m_opacity = 0; }; bool Decoration::hasBorders( void ) const { if( m_internalSettings && m_internalSettings->mask() & BorderSize ) return m_internalSettings->borderSize() > InternalSettings::BorderNoSides; else return settings()->borderSize() > KDecoration2::BorderSize::NoSides; } bool Decoration::hasNoBorders( void ) const { if( m_internalSettings && m_internalSettings->mask() & BorderSize ) return m_internalSettings->borderSize() == InternalSettings::BorderNone; else return settings()->borderSize() == KDecoration2::BorderSize::None; } bool Decoration::hasNoSideBorders( void ) const { if( m_internalSettings && m_internalSettings->mask() & BorderSize ) return m_internalSettings->borderSize() == InternalSettings::BorderNoSides; else return settings()->borderSize() == KDecoration2::BorderSize::NoSides; } bool Decoration::isMaximized( void ) const { return client().data()->isMaximized() && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::isMaximizedHorizontally( void ) const { return client().data()->isMaximizedHorizontally() && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::isMaximizedVertically( void ) const { return client().data()->isMaximizedVertically() && !m_internalSettings->drawBorderOnMaximizedWindows(); } bool Decoration::hideTitleBar( void ) const { return m_internalSettings->hideTitleBar() && !client().data()->isShaded(); } } #endif