diff --git a/src/attica/atticaprovider.cpp b/src/attica/atticaprovider.cpp index 6b803abb..8df050a9 100644 --- a/src/attica/atticaprovider.cpp +++ b/src/attica/atticaprovider.cpp @@ -1,616 +1,616 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Frederik Gladhorn This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "atticaprovider_p.h" #include "commentsmodel.h" #include "question.h" #include "tagsfilterchecker.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Attica; namespace KNSCore { AtticaProvider::AtticaProvider(const QStringList &categories, const QString& additionalAgentInformation) : mEntryJob(nullptr) , mInitialized(false) { // init categories map with invalid categories for (const QString &category : categories) { mCategoryMap.insert(category, Attica::Category()); } connect(&m_providerManager, &ProviderManager::providerAdded, this, [=](const Attica::Provider &provider){ providerLoaded(provider); m_provider.setAdditionalAgentInformation(additionalAgentInformation); }); connect(&m_providerManager, SIGNAL(authenticationCredentialsMissing(Provider)), SLOT(authenticationCredentialsMissing(Provider))); connect(this, &Provider::loadComments, this, &AtticaProvider::loadComments); connect(this, &Provider::loadPerson, this, &AtticaProvider::loadPerson); } AtticaProvider::AtticaProvider(const Attica::Provider &provider, const QStringList &categories, const QString& additionalAgentInformation) : mEntryJob(nullptr) , mInitialized(false) { // init categories map with invalid categories for (const QString &category : categories) { mCategoryMap.insert(category, Attica::Category()); } providerLoaded(provider); m_provider.setAdditionalAgentInformation(additionalAgentInformation); } QString AtticaProvider::id() const { return m_providerId; } void AtticaProvider::authenticationCredentialsMissing(const KNSCore::Provider &) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Authentication missing!"; // FIXME Show autentication dialog } bool AtticaProvider::setProviderXML(const QDomElement &xmldata) { if (xmldata.tagName() != QLatin1String("provider")) { return false; } // FIXME this is quite ugly, repackaging the xml into a string QDomDocument doc(QStringLiteral("temp")); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "setting provider xml" << doc.toString(); doc.appendChild(xmldata.cloneNode(true)); m_providerManager.addProviderFromXml(doc.toString()); if (!m_providerManager.providers().isEmpty()) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "base url of attica provider:" << m_providerManager.providers().constLast().baseUrl().toString(); } else { qCCritical(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Could not load provider."; return false; } return true; } void AtticaProvider::setCachedEntries(const KNSCore::EntryInternal::List &cachedEntries) { mCachedEntries = cachedEntries; } void AtticaProvider::providerLoaded(const Attica::Provider &provider) { mName = provider.name(); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Added provider: " << provider.name(); m_provider = provider; m_provider.setAdditionalAgentInformation(mName); m_providerId = provider.baseUrl().toString(); Attica::ListJob *job = m_provider.requestCategories(); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::listOfCategoriesLoaded); job->start(); } void AtticaProvider::listOfCategoriesLoaded(Attica::BaseJob *listJob) { if (!jobSuccess(listJob)) { return; } qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "loading categories: " << mCategoryMap.keys(); Attica::ListJob *job = static_cast*>(listJob); const Category::List categoryList = job->itemList(); QList categoryMetadataList; for (const Category &category : categoryList) { if (mCategoryMap.contains(category.name())) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Adding category: " << category.name() << category.displayName(); //If there is only the placeholder category, replace it if (mCategoryMap.contains(category.name()) && !mCategoryMap.value(category.name()).isValid()) { - mCategoryMap.insert(category.name(), category); + mCategoryMap.replace(category.name(), category); } else { - mCategoryMap.insertMulti(category.name(), category); + mCategoryMap.insert(category.name(), category); } CategoryMetadata categoryMetadata; categoryMetadata.id = category.id(); categoryMetadata.name = category.name(); categoryMetadata.displayName = category.displayName(); categoryMetadataList << categoryMetadata; } } std::sort(categoryMetadataList.begin(), categoryMetadataList.end(), [](const AtticaProvider::CategoryMetadata &i, const AtticaProvider::CategoryMetadata &j) -> bool { const QString a(i.displayName.isEmpty() ? i.name : i.displayName); const QString b(j.displayName.isEmpty() ? j.name : j.displayName); return (QCollator().compare(a, b) < 0); }); bool correct = false; for(auto it = mCategoryMap.cbegin(), itEnd = mCategoryMap.cend(); it!=itEnd; ++it) { if (!it.value().isValid()) { qCWarning(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Could not find category" << it.key(); } else { correct = true; } } if (correct) { mInitialized = true; emit providerInitialized(this); emit categoriesMetadataLoded(categoryMetadataList); } else { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::ConfigFileError, i18n("All categories are missing"), QVariant()); } } bool AtticaProvider::isInitialized() const { return mInitialized; } void AtticaProvider::loadEntries(const KNSCore::Provider::SearchRequest &request) { if (mEntryJob) { mEntryJob->abort(); mEntryJob = nullptr; } mCurrentRequest = request; switch (request.filter) { case None: break; case ExactEntryId: { ItemJob *job = m_provider.requestContent(request.searchTerm); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::detailsLoaded); job->start(); return; } case Installed: if (request.page == 0) { emit loadingFinished(request, installedEntries()); } else { emit loadingFinished(request, EntryInternal::List()); } return; case Updates: checkForUpdates(); return; } Attica::Provider::SortMode sorting = atticaSortMode(request.sortMode); Attica::Category::List categoriesToSearch; if (request.categories.isEmpty()) { // search in all categories categoriesToSearch = mCategoryMap.values(); } else { categoriesToSearch.reserve(request.categories.size()); for (const QString &categoryName : qAsConst(request.categories)) { categoriesToSearch.append(mCategoryMap.values(categoryName)); } } ListJob *job = m_provider.searchContents(categoriesToSearch, request.searchTerm, sorting, request.page, request.pageSize); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::categoryContentsLoaded); mEntryJob = job; job->start(); } void AtticaProvider::checkForUpdates() { for (const EntryInternal &e : qAsConst(mCachedEntries)) { ItemJob *job = m_provider.requestContent(e.uniqueId()); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::detailsLoaded); m_updateJobs.insert(job); job->start(); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Checking for update: " << e.name(); } } void AtticaProvider::loadEntryDetails(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry) { ItemJob *job = m_provider.requestContent(entry.uniqueId()); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::detailsLoaded); job->start(); } void AtticaProvider::detailsLoaded(BaseJob *job) { if (jobSuccess(job)) { ItemJob *contentJob = static_cast*>(job); Content content = contentJob->result(); EntryInternal entry = entryFromAtticaContent(content); emit entryDetailsLoaded(entry); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "check update finished: " << entry.name(); } if (m_updateJobs.remove(job) && m_updateJobs.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "check update finished."; QList updatable; for (const EntryInternal &entry : qAsConst(mCachedEntries)) { if (entry.status() == KNS3::Entry::Updateable) { updatable.append(entry); } } emit loadingFinished(mCurrentRequest, updatable); } } void AtticaProvider::categoryContentsLoaded(BaseJob *job) { if (!jobSuccess(job)) { return; } ListJob *listJob = static_cast*>(job); Content::List contents = listJob->itemList(); EntryInternal::List entries; TagsFilterChecker checker(tagFilter()); TagsFilterChecker downloadschecker(downloadTagFilter()); for (const Content &content : contents) { if (!content.isValid()) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Filtered out an invalid entry. This suggests something is not right on the originating server. Please contact the administrators of" << name() << "and inform them there is an issue with content in the category or categories" << mCurrentRequest.categories; continue; } if (checker.filterAccepts(content.tags())) { bool filterAcceptsDownloads = true; if (content.downloads() > 0) { filterAcceptsDownloads = false; for (const Attica::DownloadDescription &dli : content.downloadUrlDescriptions()) { if (downloadschecker.filterAccepts(dli.tags())) { filterAcceptsDownloads = true; break; } } } if (filterAcceptsDownloads) { mCachedContent.insert(content.id(), content); entries.append(entryFromAtticaContent(content)); } else { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Filter has excluded" << content.name() << "on download filter" << downloadTagFilter(); } } else { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Filter has excluded" << content.name() << "on entry filter" << tagFilter(); } } qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "loaded: " << mCurrentRequest.hashForRequest() << " count: " << entries.size(); emit loadingFinished(mCurrentRequest, entries); mEntryJob = nullptr; } Attica::Provider::SortMode AtticaProvider::atticaSortMode(const SortMode &sortMode) { switch(sortMode) { case Newest: return Attica::Provider::Newest; case Alphabetical: return Attica::Provider::Alphabetical; case Downloads: return Attica::Provider::Downloads; default: return Attica::Provider::Rating; } } void AtticaProvider::loadPayloadLink(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry, int linkId) { Attica::Content content = mCachedContent.value(entry.uniqueId()); const DownloadDescription desc = content.downloadUrlDescription(linkId); if (desc.hasPrice()) { // Ask for balance, then show information... ItemJob *job = m_provider.requestAccountBalance(); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::accountBalanceLoaded); mDownloadLinkJobs[job] = qMakePair(entry, linkId); job->start(); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "get account balance"; } else { ItemJob *job = m_provider.downloadLink(entry.uniqueId(), QString::number(linkId)); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::downloadItemLoaded); mDownloadLinkJobs[job] = qMakePair(entry, linkId); job->start(); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << " link for " << entry.uniqueId(); } } void AtticaProvider::loadComments(const EntryInternal &entry, int commentsPerPage, int page) { ListJob *job = m_provider.requestComments(Attica::Comment::ContentComment, entry.uniqueId(), QLatin1String("0"), page, commentsPerPage); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::loadedComments); job->start(); } /// TODO KF6 QList is discouraged, and we'll probably want to switch this (and the rest of the KNS library) to QVector instead QList> getCommentsList(const Attica::Comment::List &comments, std::shared_ptr parent) { QList> knsComments; for (const Attica::Comment &comment : comments) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Appending comment with id" << comment.id() << ", which has" << comment.childCount() << "children"; auto knsComment = std::make_shared(); knsComment->id = comment.id(); knsComment->subject = comment.subject(); knsComment->text = comment.text(); knsComment->childCount = comment.childCount(); knsComment->username = comment.user(); knsComment->date = comment.date(); knsComment->score = comment.score(); knsComment->parent = parent; knsComments << knsComment; if (comment.childCount() > 0) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Getting more comments, as this one has children, and we currently have this number of comments:" << knsComments.count(); knsComments << getCommentsList(comment.children(), knsComment); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "After getting the children, we now have the following number of comments:" << knsComments.count(); } } return knsComments; } void AtticaProvider::loadedComments(Attica::BaseJob *baseJob) { if (!jobSuccess(baseJob)) { return; } ListJob *job = static_cast*>(baseJob); Attica::Comment::List comments = job->itemList(); QList> receivedComments = getCommentsList(comments, nullptr); emit commentsLoaded(receivedComments); } void AtticaProvider::loadPerson(const QString &username) { if (m_provider.hasPersonService()) { ItemJob *job = m_provider.requestPerson(username); job->setProperty("username", username); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::loadedPerson); job->start(); } } void AtticaProvider::loadedPerson(Attica::BaseJob *baseJob) { if (!jobSuccess(baseJob)) { return; } ItemJob *job = static_cast*>(baseJob); Attica::Person person = job->result(); auto author = std::make_shared(); author->setId(job->property("username").toString()); // This is a touch hack-like, but it ensures we actually have the data in case it is not returned by the server author->setName(QString::fromLatin1("%1 %2").arg(person.firstName()).arg(person.lastName()).trimmed()); author->setHomepage(person.homepage()); author->setProfilepage(person.extendedAttribute(QStringLiteral("profilepage"))); author->setAvatarUrl(person.avatarUrl()); author->setDescription(person.extendedAttribute(QStringLiteral("description"))); emit personLoaded(author); } void AtticaProvider::accountBalanceLoaded(Attica::BaseJob *baseJob) { if (!jobSuccess(baseJob)) { return; } ItemJob *job = static_cast*>(baseJob); AccountBalance item = job->result(); QPair pair = mDownloadLinkJobs.take(job); EntryInternal entry(pair.first); Content content = mCachedContent.value(entry.uniqueId()); if (content.downloadUrlDescription(pair.second).priceAmount() < item.balance()) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Your balance is greater than the price." << content.downloadUrlDescription(pair.second).priceAmount() << " balance: " << item.balance(); Question question; question.setQuestion(i18nc("the price of a download item, parameter 1 is the currency, 2 is the price", "This item costs %1 %2.\nDo you want to buy it?", item.currency(), content.downloadUrlDescription(pair.second).priceAmount() )); if(question.ask() == Question::YesResponse) { ItemJob *job = m_provider.downloadLink(entry.uniqueId(), QString::number(pair.second)); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::downloadItemLoaded); mDownloadLinkJobs[job] = qMakePair(entry, pair.second); job->start(); } else { return; } } else { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "You don't have enough money on your account!" << content.downloadUrlDescription(0).priceAmount() << " balance: " << item.balance(); emit signalInformation(i18n("Your account balance is too low:\nYour balance: %1\nPrice: %2", item.balance(), content.downloadUrlDescription(0).priceAmount())); } } void AtticaProvider::downloadItemLoaded(BaseJob *baseJob) { if (!jobSuccess(baseJob)) { return; } ItemJob *job = static_cast*>(baseJob); DownloadItem item = job->result(); EntryInternal entry = mDownloadLinkJobs.take(job).first; entry.setPayload(QString(item.url().toString())); emit payloadLinkLoaded(entry); } EntryInternal::List AtticaProvider::installedEntries() const { EntryInternal::List entries; for (const EntryInternal &entry : qAsConst(mCachedEntries)) { if (entry.status() == KNS3::Entry::Installed || entry.status() == KNS3::Entry::Updateable) { entries.append(entry); } } return entries; } void AtticaProvider::vote(const EntryInternal &entry, uint rating) { PostJob *job = m_provider.voteForContent(entry.uniqueId(), rating); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::votingFinished); job->start(); } void AtticaProvider::votingFinished(Attica::BaseJob *job) { if (!jobSuccess(job)) { return; } emit signalInformation(i18nc("voting for an item (good/bad)", "Your vote was recorded.")); } void AtticaProvider::becomeFan(const EntryInternal &entry) { PostJob *job = m_provider.becomeFan(entry.uniqueId()); connect(job, &BaseJob::finished, this, &AtticaProvider::becomeFanFinished); job->start(); } void AtticaProvider::becomeFanFinished(Attica::BaseJob *job) { if (!jobSuccess(job)) { return; } emit signalInformation(i18n("You are now a fan.")); } bool AtticaProvider::jobSuccess(Attica::BaseJob *job) const { if (job->metadata().error() == Attica::Metadata::NoError) { return true; } qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "job error: " << job->metadata().error() << " status code: " << job->metadata().statusCode() << job->metadata().message(); if (job->metadata().error() == Attica::Metadata::NetworkError) { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::NetworkError, i18n("Network error %1: %2", job->metadata().statusCode(), job->metadata().statusString()), job->metadata().statusCode()); } if (job->metadata().error() == Attica::Metadata::OcsError) { if (job->metadata().statusCode() == 200) { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::OcsError, i18n("Too many requests to server. Please try again in a few minutes."), job->metadata().statusCode()); } else if (job->metadata().statusCode() == 405) { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::OcsError, i18n("The Open Collaboration Services instance %1 does not support the attempted function.", name()), job->metadata().statusCode()); } else { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::OcsError, i18n("Unknown Open Collaboration Service API error. (%1)", job->metadata().statusCode()), job->metadata().statusCode()); } } return false; } EntryInternal AtticaProvider::entryFromAtticaContent(const Attica::Content &content) { EntryInternal entry; entry.setProviderId(id()); entry.setUniqueId(content.id()); entry.setStatus(KNS3::Entry::Downloadable); entry.setVersion(content.version()); entry.setReleaseDate(content.updated().date()); entry.setCategory(content.attribute(QStringLiteral("typeid"))); int index = mCachedEntries.indexOf(entry); if (index >= 0) { EntryInternal &cacheEntry = mCachedEntries[index]; // check if updateable if (((cacheEntry.status() == KNS3::Entry::Installed) || (cacheEntry.status() == KNS3::Entry::Updateable)) && ((cacheEntry.version() != entry.version()) || (cacheEntry.releaseDate() != entry.releaseDate()))) { cacheEntry.setStatus(KNS3::Entry::Updateable); cacheEntry.setUpdateVersion(entry.version()); cacheEntry.setUpdateReleaseDate(entry.releaseDate()); } entry = cacheEntry; } else { mCachedEntries.append(entry); } entry.setName(content.name()); entry.setHomepage(content.detailpage()); entry.setRating(content.rating()); entry.setNumberOfComments(content.numberOfComments()); entry.setDownloadCount(content.downloads()); entry.setNumberFans(content.attribute(QStringLiteral("fans")).toInt()); entry.setDonationLink(content.attribute(QStringLiteral("donationpage"))); entry.setKnowledgebaseLink(content.attribute(QStringLiteral("knowledgebasepage"))); entry.setNumberKnowledgebaseEntries(content.attribute(QStringLiteral("knowledgebaseentries")).toInt()); entry.setHomepage(content.detailpage()); entry.setPreviewUrl(content.smallPreviewPicture(QStringLiteral("1")), EntryInternal::PreviewSmall1); entry.setPreviewUrl(content.smallPreviewPicture(QStringLiteral("2")), EntryInternal::PreviewSmall2); entry.setPreviewUrl(content.smallPreviewPicture(QStringLiteral("3")), EntryInternal::PreviewSmall3); entry.setPreviewUrl(content.previewPicture(QStringLiteral("1")), EntryInternal::PreviewBig1); entry.setPreviewUrl(content.previewPicture(QStringLiteral("2")), EntryInternal::PreviewBig2); entry.setPreviewUrl(content.previewPicture(QStringLiteral("3")), EntryInternal::PreviewBig3); entry.setLicense(content.license()); Author author; author.setId(content.author()); author.setName(content.author()); author.setHomepage(content.attribute(QStringLiteral("profilepage"))); entry.setAuthor(author); entry.setSource(EntryInternal::Online); entry.setSummary(content.description()); entry.setShortSummary(content.summary()); entry.setChangelog(content.changelog()); entry.setTags(content.tags()); entry.clearDownloadLinkInformation(); const QList descs = content.downloadUrlDescriptions(); for (const Attica::DownloadDescription &desc : descs) { EntryInternal::DownloadLinkInformation info; info.name = desc.name(); info.priceAmount = desc.priceAmount(); info.distributionType = desc.distributionType(); info.descriptionLink = desc.link(); info.id = desc.id(); info.size = desc.size(); info.isDownloadtypeLink = desc.type() == Attica::DownloadDescription::LinkDownload; info.tags = desc.tags(); entry.appendDownloadLinkInformation(info); } return entry; } } // namespace diff --git a/src/attica/atticaprovider_p.h b/src/attica/atticaprovider_p.h index c4421d95..ff6c2ba9 100644 --- a/src/attica/atticaprovider_p.h +++ b/src/attica/atticaprovider_p.h @@ -1,141 +1,141 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Frederik Gladhorn This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #ifndef KNEWSTUFF3_ATTICAPROVIDER_P_H #define KNEWSTUFF3_ATTICAPROVIDER_P_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "provider.h" namespace Attica { class BaseJob; } namespace KNSCore { /** * @short KNewStuff Attica Provider class. * * This class provides accessors for the provider object. * It should not be used directly by the application. * This class is the base class and will be instantiated for * websites that implement the Open Collaboration Services. * * @author Frederik Gladhorn * * @internal */ class AtticaProvider: public Provider { Q_OBJECT public: explicit AtticaProvider(const QStringList &categories, const QString& additionalAgentInformation); AtticaProvider(const Attica::Provider &provider, const QStringList &categories, const QString& additionalAgentInformation); QString id() const override; /** * set the provider data xml, to initialize the provider */ bool setProviderXML(const QDomElement &xmldata) override; bool isInitialized() const override; void setCachedEntries(const KNSCore::EntryInternal::List &cachedEntries) override; void loadEntries(const KNSCore::Provider::SearchRequest &request) override; void loadEntryDetails(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry) override; void loadPayloadLink(const EntryInternal &entry, int linkId) override; /** * The slot which causes loading of comments for the Attica provider * @see Provider::loadComments(const EntryInternal &entry, int commentsPerPage, int page) */ Q_SLOT void loadComments(const EntryInternal &entry, int commentsPerPage, int page); /** * The slot which causes loading of a person's details * @see Provider::loadPerson(const QString &username) */ Q_SLOT void loadPerson(const QString &username); bool userCanVote() override { return true; } void vote(const EntryInternal &entry, uint rating) override; bool userCanBecomeFan() override { return true; } void becomeFan(const EntryInternal &entry) override; private Q_SLOTS: void providerLoaded(const Attica::Provider &provider); void listOfCategoriesLoaded(Attica::BaseJob *); void categoryContentsLoaded(Attica::BaseJob *job); void downloadItemLoaded(Attica::BaseJob *job); void accountBalanceLoaded(Attica::BaseJob *job); void authenticationCredentialsMissing(const Provider &); void votingFinished(Attica::BaseJob *); void becomeFanFinished(Attica::BaseJob *job); void detailsLoaded(Attica::BaseJob *job); void loadedComments(Attica::BaseJob *job); void loadedPerson(Attica::BaseJob *job); private: void checkForUpdates(); EntryInternal::List installedEntries() const; bool jobSuccess(Attica::BaseJob *job) const; Attica::Provider::SortMode atticaSortMode(const SortMode &sortMode); EntryInternal entryFromAtticaContent(const Attica::Content &); // the attica categories we are interested in (e.g. Wallpaper, Application, Vocabulary File...) - QHash mCategoryMap; + QMultiHash mCategoryMap; Attica::ProviderManager m_providerManager; Attica::Provider m_provider; KNSCore::EntryInternal::List mCachedEntries; QHash mCachedContent; // Associate job and entry, this is needed when fetching // download links or the account balance in order to continue // when the result is there. QHash > mDownloadLinkJobs; // keep track of the current request QPointer mEntryJob; Provider::SearchRequest mCurrentRequest; QSet m_updateJobs; bool mInitialized; QString m_providerId; Q_DISABLE_COPY(AtticaProvider) }; } #endif