diff --git a/src/core/engine.cpp b/src/core/engine.cpp index b7d286a2..80e10a04 100644 --- a/src/core/engine.cpp +++ b/src/core/engine.cpp @@ -1,815 +1,832 @@ /* knewstuff3/engine.cpp Copyright (c) 2007 Josef Spillner Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Frederik Gladhorn Copyright (c) 2009 Jeremy Whiting Copyright (c) 2010 Matthias Fuchs This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "engine.h" #include "../entry.h" #include "commentsmodel.h" #include "installation.h" #include "xmlloader.h" #include "imageloader_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) #include #include #endif // libattica #include #include // own #include "../attica/atticaprovider_p.h" #include "cache.h" #include "../staticxml/staticxmlprovider_p.h" using namespace KNSCore; typedef QHash EngineProviderLoaderHash; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QThreadStorage, s_engineProviderLoaders) class EnginePrivate { public: QList categoriesMetadata; Attica::ProviderManager *m_atticaProviderManager = nullptr; QStringList tagFilter; QStringList downloadTagFilter; bool configLocationFallback = true; QString name; QMap commentsModels; }; Engine::Engine(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_installation(new Installation) , m_cache() , m_searchTimer(new QTimer) , d(new EnginePrivate) , m_currentPage(-1) , m_pageSize(20) , m_numDataJobs(0) , m_numPictureJobs(0) , m_numInstallJobs(0) , m_initialized(false) { m_searchTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_searchTimer->setInterval(1000); connect(m_searchTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Engine::slotSearchTimerExpired); connect(m_installation, &Installation::signalInstallationFinished, this, &Engine::slotInstallationFinished); connect(m_installation, &Installation::signalInstallationFailed, this, &Engine::slotInstallationFailed); // Pass along old error signal through new signal for locations which have not been updated yet connect(this, &Engine::signalError, this, [this](const QString& message){ emit signalErrorCode(ErrorCode::UnknownError, message, QVariant()); }); } Engine::~Engine() { if (m_cache) { m_cache->writeRegistry(); } delete d->m_atticaProviderManager; delete m_searchTimer; delete m_installation; delete d; } bool Engine::init(const QString &configfile) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Initializing KNSCore::Engine from '" << configfile << "'"; emit signalBusy(i18n("Initializing")); QScopedPointer conf; /// TODO KF6: This is fallback logic for an old location for the knsrc files. This should be considered deprecated in KF5, /// and it would make a lot of sense to disable it entirely for KF6 bool isRelativeConfig = QFileInfo(configfile).isRelative(); QString actualConfig; if (isRelativeConfig) { // Don't do the expensive search unless the config is relative actualConfig = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QString::fromLatin1("knsrcfiles/%1").arg(configfile)); } QString configFileName{configfile}; if (isRelativeConfig && d->configLocationFallback && actualConfig.isEmpty()) { conf.reset(new KConfig(configfile)); qCWarning(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Using a deprecated location for the knsrc file" << configfile << " - please contact the author of the software which provides this file to get it updated to use the new location"; } else if (isRelativeConfig) { configFileName = QFileInfo(QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QString::fromLatin1("knsrcfiles/%1").arg(configfile))).baseName(); conf.reset(new KConfig(QString::fromLatin1("knsrcfiles/%1").arg(configfile), KConfig::FullConfig, QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation)); } else { configFileName = QFileInfo(configfile).baseName(); conf.reset(new KConfig(configfile)); } if (conf->accessMode() == KConfig::NoAccess) { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::ConfigFileError, i18n("Configuration file exists, but cannot be opened: \"%1\"", configfile), configfile); qCCritical(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "The knsrc file '" << configfile << "' was found but could not be opened."; return false; } KConfigGroup group; if (conf->hasGroup("KNewStuff3")) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Loading KNewStuff3 config: " << configfile; group = conf->group("KNewStuff3"); } else if (conf->hasGroup("KNewStuff2")) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Loading KNewStuff2 config: " << configfile; group = conf->group("KNewStuff2"); } else { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::ConfigFileError, i18n("Configuration file is invalid: \"%1\"", configfile), configfile); qCCritical(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << configfile << " doesn't contain a KNewStuff3 section."; return false; } d->name = group.readEntry("Name", QString()); m_categories = group.readEntry("Categories", QStringList()); m_adoptionCommand = group.readEntry("AdoptionCommand", QString()); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Categories: " << m_categories; m_providerFileUrl = group.readEntry("ProvidersUrl", QString()); d->tagFilter = group.readEntry("TagFilter", QStringList()); if (d->tagFilter.isEmpty()) { d->tagFilter.append(QStringLiteral("ghns_excluded!=1")); } d->downloadTagFilter = group.readEntry("DownloadTagFilter", QStringList()); // let installation read install specific config if (!m_installation->readConfig(group)) { return false; } connect(m_installation, &Installation::signalEntryChanged, this, &Engine::slotEntryChanged); m_cache = Cache::getCache(configFileName); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Cache is" << m_cache << "for" << configFileName; connect(this, &Engine::signalEntryChanged, m_cache.data(), &Cache::registerChangedEntry); m_cache->readRegistry(); m_initialized = true; // load the providers loadProviders(); return true; } QString KNSCore::Engine::name() const { return d->name; } QStringList Engine::categories() const { return m_categories; } QStringList Engine::categoriesFilter() const { return m_currentRequest.categories; } QList Engine::categoriesMetadata() { return d->categoriesMetadata; } void Engine::loadProviders() { if (m_providerFileUrl.isEmpty()) { // it would be nicer to move the attica stuff into its own class qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Using OCS default providers"; delete d->m_atticaProviderManager; d->m_atticaProviderManager = new Attica::ProviderManager; connect(d->m_atticaProviderManager, &Attica::ProviderManager::providerAdded, this, &Engine::atticaProviderLoaded); connect(d->m_atticaProviderManager, &Attica::ProviderManager::failedToLoad, this, &Engine::slotProvidersFailed); d->m_atticaProviderManager->loadDefaultProviders(); } else { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "loading providers from " << m_providerFileUrl; emit signalBusy(i18n("Loading provider information")); XmlLoader *loader = s_engineProviderLoaders()->localData().value(m_providerFileUrl); if (!loader) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "No xml loader for this url yet, so create one and temporarily store that" << m_providerFileUrl; loader = new XmlLoader(this); s_engineProviderLoaders()->localData().insert(m_providerFileUrl, loader); connect(loader, &XmlLoader::signalLoaded, this, [this](){ s_engineProviderLoaders()->localData().remove(m_providerFileUrl); }); connect(loader, &XmlLoader::signalFailed, this, [this](){ s_engineProviderLoaders()->localData().remove(m_providerFileUrl); }); loader->load(QUrl(m_providerFileUrl)); } connect(loader, &XmlLoader::signalLoaded, this, &Engine::slotProviderFileLoaded); connect(loader, &XmlLoader::signalFailed, this, &Engine::slotProvidersFailed); } } void Engine::slotProviderFileLoaded(const QDomDocument &doc) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "slotProvidersLoaded"; bool isAtticaProviderFile = false; // get each provider element, and create a provider object from it QDomElement providers = doc.documentElement(); if (providers.tagName() == QLatin1String("providers")) { isAtticaProviderFile = true; } else if (providers.tagName() != QLatin1String("ghnsproviders") && providers.tagName() != QLatin1String("knewstuffproviders")) { qWarning() << "No document in providers.xml."; emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::ProviderError, i18n("Could not load get hot new stuff providers from file: %1", m_providerFileUrl), m_providerFileUrl); return; } QDomElement n = providers.firstChildElement(QStringLiteral("provider")); while (!n.isNull()) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Provider attributes: " << n.attribute(QStringLiteral("type")); QSharedPointer provider; if (isAtticaProviderFile || n.attribute(QStringLiteral("type")).toLower() == QLatin1String("rest")) { provider.reset(new AtticaProvider(m_categories, d->name)); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::categoriesMetadataLoded, this, [this](const QList &categories){ d->categoriesMetadata = categories; emit signalCategoriesMetadataLoded(categories); }); } else { provider.reset(new StaticXmlProvider); } if (provider->setProviderXML(n)) { addProvider(provider); } else { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::ProviderError, i18n("Error initializing provider."), m_providerFileUrl); } n = n.nextSiblingElement(); } emit signalBusy(i18n("Loading data")); } void Engine::atticaProviderLoaded(const Attica::Provider &atticaProvider) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "atticaProviderLoaded called"; if (!atticaProvider.hasContentService()) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Found provider: " << atticaProvider.baseUrl() << " but it does not support content"; return; } QSharedPointer provider = QSharedPointer (new AtticaProvider(atticaProvider, m_categories, d->name)); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::categoriesMetadataLoded, this, [this](const QList &categories){ d->categoriesMetadata = categories; emit signalCategoriesMetadataLoded(categories); }); addProvider(provider); } void Engine::addProvider(QSharedPointer provider) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Engine addProvider called with provider with id " << provider->id(); m_providers.insert(provider->id(), provider); provider->setTagFilter(d->tagFilter); provider->setDownloadTagFilter(d->downloadTagFilter); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::providerInitialized, this, &Engine::providerInitialized); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::loadingFinished, this, &Engine::slotEntriesLoaded); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::entryDetailsLoaded, this, &Engine::slotEntryDetailsLoaded); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::payloadLinkLoaded, this, &Engine::downloadLinkLoaded); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::signalError, this, &Engine::signalError); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::signalErrorCode, this, &Engine::signalErrorCode); connect(provider.data(), &Provider::signalInformation, this, &Engine::signalIdle); } void Engine::providerJobStarted(KJob *job) { emit jobStarted(job, i18n("Loading data from provider")); } void Engine::slotProvidersFailed() { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::ProviderError, i18n("Loading of providers from file: %1 failed", m_providerFileUrl), m_providerFileUrl); } void Engine::providerInitialized(Provider *p) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "providerInitialized" << p->name(); p->setCachedEntries(m_cache->registryForProvider(p->id())); updateStatus(); for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { if (!p->isInitialized()) { return; } } emit signalProvidersLoaded(); } void Engine::slotEntriesLoaded(const KNSCore::Provider::SearchRequest &request, KNSCore::EntryInternal::List entries) { m_currentPage = qMax(request.page, m_currentPage); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "loaded page " << request.page << "current page" << m_currentPage << "count:" << entries.count(); if (request.filter == Provider::Updates) { emit signalUpdateableEntriesLoaded(entries); } else { m_cache->insertRequest(request, entries); emit signalEntriesLoaded(entries); } --m_numDataJobs; updateStatus(); } void Engine::reloadEntries() { emit signalResetView(); m_currentPage = -1; m_currentRequest.pageSize = m_pageSize; m_currentRequest.page = 0; m_numDataJobs = 0; for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { if (p->isInitialized()) { if (m_currentRequest.filter == Provider::Installed) { // when asking for installed entries, never use the cache p->loadEntries(m_currentRequest); } else { // take entries from cache until there are no more EntryInternal::List cache; EntryInternal::List lastCache = m_cache->requestFromCache(m_currentRequest); while (!lastCache.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "From cache"; cache << lastCache; m_currentPage = m_currentRequest.page; ++m_currentRequest.page; lastCache = m_cache->requestFromCache(m_currentRequest); } // Since the cache has no more pages, reset the request's page if (m_currentPage >= 0) { m_currentRequest.page = m_currentPage; } if (!cache.isEmpty()) { emit signalEntriesLoaded(cache); } else { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "From provider"; p->loadEntries(m_currentRequest); ++m_numDataJobs; updateStatus(); } } } } } void Engine::setCategoriesFilter(const QStringList &categories) { m_currentRequest.categories = categories; reloadEntries(); } void Engine::setSortMode(Provider::SortMode mode) { if (m_currentRequest.sortMode != mode) { m_currentRequest.page = -1; } m_currentRequest.sortMode = mode; reloadEntries(); } Provider::SortMode KNSCore::Engine::sortMode() const { return m_currentRequest.sortMode; } void KNSCore::Engine::setFilter(Provider::Filter filter) { if (m_currentRequest.filter != filter) { m_currentRequest.page = -1; } m_currentRequest.filter = filter; reloadEntries(); } Provider::Filter KNSCore::Engine::filter() const { return m_currentRequest.filter; } void KNSCore::Engine::fetchEntryById(const QString &id) { m_searchTimer->stop(); m_currentRequest = KNSCore::Provider::SearchRequest(KNSCore::Provider::Newest, KNSCore::Provider::ExactEntryId, id); m_currentRequest.pageSize = m_pageSize; EntryInternal::List cache = m_cache->requestFromCache(m_currentRequest); if (!cache.isEmpty()) { reloadEntries(); } else { m_searchTimer->start(); } } void Engine::setSearchTerm(const QString &searchString) { m_searchTimer->stop(); m_currentRequest.searchTerm = searchString; EntryInternal::List cache = m_cache->requestFromCache(m_currentRequest); if (!cache.isEmpty()) { reloadEntries(); } else { m_searchTimer->start(); } } QString KNSCore::Engine::searchTerm() const { return m_currentRequest.searchTerm; } void Engine::setTagFilter(const QStringList &filter) { d->tagFilter = filter; for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { p->setTagFilter(d->tagFilter); } } QStringList Engine::tagFilter() const { return d->tagFilter; } void KNSCore::Engine::addTagFilter(const QString &filter) { d->tagFilter << filter; for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { p->setTagFilter(d->tagFilter); } } void Engine::setDownloadTagFilter(const QStringList &filter) { d->downloadTagFilter = filter; for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { p->setDownloadTagFilter(d->downloadTagFilter); } } QStringList Engine::downloadTagFilter() const { return d->downloadTagFilter; } void Engine::addDownloadTagFilter(const QString &filter) { d->downloadTagFilter << filter; for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { p->setDownloadTagFilter(d->downloadTagFilter); } } void Engine::slotSearchTimerExpired() { reloadEntries(); } void Engine::requestMoreData() { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Get more data! current page: " << m_currentPage << " requested: " << m_currentRequest.page; if (m_currentPage < m_currentRequest.page) { return; } m_currentRequest.page++; doRequest(); } void Engine::requestData(int page, int pageSize) { m_currentRequest.page = page; m_currentRequest.pageSize = pageSize; doRequest(); } void Engine::doRequest() { for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { if (p->isInitialized()) { p->loadEntries(m_currentRequest); ++m_numDataJobs; updateStatus(); } } } void Engine::install(KNSCore::EntryInternal entry, int linkId) { if (entry.status() == KNS3::Entry::Updateable) { entry.setStatus(KNS3::Entry::Updating); } else { entry.setStatus(KNS3::Entry::Installing); } emit signalEntryChanged(entry); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Install " << entry.name() << " from: " << entry.providerId(); QSharedPointer p = m_providers.value(entry.providerId()); if (p) { p->loadPayloadLink(entry, linkId); ++m_numInstallJobs; updateStatus(); } } void Engine::slotInstallationFinished() { --m_numInstallJobs; updateStatus(); } void Engine::slotInstallationFailed(const QString &message) { --m_numInstallJobs; emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::InstallationError, message, QVariant()); } void Engine::slotEntryDetailsLoaded(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry) { emit signalEntryDetailsLoaded(entry); } void Engine::downloadLinkLoaded(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry) { m_installation->install(entry); } void Engine::uninstall(KNSCore::EntryInternal entry) { const KNSCore::EntryInternal::List list = m_cache->registryForProvider(entry.providerId()); //we have to use the cached entry here, not the entry from the provider //since that does not contain the list of installed files KNSCore::EntryInternal actualEntryForUninstall; for (const KNSCore::EntryInternal &eInt : list) { if (eInt.uniqueId() == entry.uniqueId()) { actualEntryForUninstall = eInt; break; } } if (!actualEntryForUninstall.isValid()) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "could not find a cached entry with following id:" << entry.uniqueId() << " -> using the non-cached version"; return; } entry.setStatus(KNS3::Entry::Installing); actualEntryForUninstall.setStatus(KNS3::Entry::Installing); emit signalEntryChanged(entry); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "about to uninstall entry " << entry.uniqueId(); // FIXME: change the status? m_installation->uninstall(actualEntryForUninstall); entry.setStatus(KNS3::Entry::Deleted); //status for actual entry gets set in m_installation->uninstall() emit signalEntryChanged(entry); } void Engine::loadDetails(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry) { QSharedPointer p = m_providers.value(entry.providerId()); p->loadEntryDetails(entry); } void Engine::loadPreview(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry, EntryInternal::PreviewType type) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "START preview: " << entry.name() << type; ImageLoader *l = new ImageLoader(entry, type, this); connect(l, &ImageLoader::signalPreviewLoaded, this, &Engine::slotPreviewLoaded); connect(l, &ImageLoader::signalError, this, [this](const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry, EntryInternal::PreviewType type, const QString &errorText) { emit signalErrorCode(KNSCore::ImageError, errorText, QVariantList() << entry.name() << type); qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "ERROR preview: " << errorText << entry.name() << type; --m_numPictureJobs; updateStatus(); }); l->start(); ++m_numPictureJobs; updateStatus(); } void Engine::slotPreviewLoaded(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry, EntryInternal::PreviewType type) { qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "FINISH preview: " << entry.name() << type; emit signalEntryPreviewLoaded(entry, type); --m_numPictureJobs; updateStatus(); } void Engine::contactAuthor(const EntryInternal &entry) { if (!entry.author().email().isEmpty()) { // invoke mail with the address of the author QUrl mailUrl; mailUrl.setScheme(QStringLiteral("mailto")); mailUrl.setPath(entry.author().email()); QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("subject"), i18n("Re: %1", entry.name())); mailUrl.setQuery(query); QDesktopServices::openUrl(mailUrl); } else if (!entry.author().homepage().isEmpty()) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(entry.author().homepage())); } } void Engine::slotEntryChanged(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry) { emit signalEntryChanged(entry); } bool Engine::userCanVote(const EntryInternal &entry) { QSharedPointer p = m_providers.value(entry.providerId()); return p->userCanVote(); } void Engine::vote(const EntryInternal &entry, uint rating) { QSharedPointer p = m_providers.value(entry.providerId()); p->vote(entry, rating); } bool Engine::userCanBecomeFan(const EntryInternal &entry) { QSharedPointer p = m_providers.value(entry.providerId()); return p->userCanBecomeFan(); } void Engine::becomeFan(const EntryInternal &entry) { QSharedPointer p = m_providers.value(entry.providerId()); p->becomeFan(entry); } void Engine::updateStatus() { if (m_numDataJobs > 0) { emit signalBusy(i18n("Loading data")); } else if (m_numPictureJobs > 0) { emit signalBusy(i18np("Loading one preview", "Loading %1 previews", m_numPictureJobs)); } else if (m_numInstallJobs > 0) { emit signalBusy(i18n("Installing")); } else { emit signalIdle(QString()); } } void Engine::checkForUpdates() { for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { Provider::SearchRequest request(KNSCore::Provider::Newest, KNSCore::Provider::Updates); p->loadEntries(request); } } void KNSCore::Engine::checkForInstalled() { for (const QSharedPointer &p : qAsConst(m_providers)) { Provider::SearchRequest request(KNSCore::Provider::Newest, KNSCore::Provider::Installed); request.page = 0; request.pageSize = m_pageSize; p->loadEntries(request); } } /** * we look for the directory where all the resources got installed. * assuming it was extracted into a directory */ -static QDir sharedDir(QStringList dirs, const QString &rootPath) +static QDir sharedDir(QStringList dirs, QString rootPath) { + // Ensure that rootPath definitely is a clean path with a slash at the end + rootPath = QDir::cleanPath(rootPath) + QStringLiteral("/"); + qCInfo(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << Q_FUNC_INFO << dirs << rootPath; while(!dirs.isEmpty()) { - const QString currentPath = QDir::cleanPath(dirs.takeLast()); - if (!currentPath.startsWith(rootPath)) + QString thisDir(dirs.takeLast()); + if (thisDir.endsWith(QStringLiteral("*"))) { + qCInfo(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Directory entry" << thisDir << "ends in a *, indicating this was installed from an archive - see Installation::archiveEntries"; + thisDir.chop(1); + } + + const QString currentPath = QDir::cleanPath(thisDir); + qCInfo(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Current path is" << currentPath; + if (!currentPath.startsWith(rootPath)) { + qCInfo(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Current path" << currentPath << "does not start with" << rootPath << "and should be ignored"; continue; + } const QFileInfo current(currentPath); - if (!current.isDir()) + qCInfo(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Current file info is" << current; + if (!current.isDir()) { + qCInfo(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Current path" << currentPath << "is not a directory, and should be ignored"; continue; + } - const QDir dir = current.dir(); + const QDir dir(currentPath); if (dir.path()==(rootPath+dir.dirName())) { + qCDebug(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Found directory" << dir; return dir; } } + qCWarning(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "Failed to locate any shared installed directory in" << dirs << "and this is almost certainly very bad."; return {}; } QString Engine::adoptionCommand(const KNSCore::EntryInternal& entry) const { auto adoption = m_adoptionCommand; if(adoption.isEmpty()) return {}; const QLatin1String dirReplace("%d"); if (adoption.contains(dirReplace)) { QString installPath = sharedDir(entry.installedFiles(), m_installation->targetInstallationPath()).path(); adoption.replace(dirReplace, installPath); } const QLatin1String fileReplace("%f"); if (adoption.contains(fileReplace)) { if (entry.installedFiles().isEmpty()) { qCWarning(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "no installed files to adopt"; } else if (entry.installedFiles().count() != 1) { qCWarning(KNEWSTUFFCORE) << "can only adopt one file, will be using the first" << entry.installedFiles().at(0); } adoption.replace(fileReplace, entry.installedFiles().at(0)); } return adoption; } bool KNSCore::Engine::hasAdoptionCommand() const { return !m_adoptionCommand.isEmpty(); } void KNSCore::Engine::setPageSize(int pageSize) { m_pageSize = pageSize; } QStringList KNSCore::Engine::configSearchLocations(bool includeFallbackLocations) { QStringList ret; if(includeFallbackLocations) { ret += QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); } QStringList paths = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation); for( const QString& path : paths) { ret << QString::fromLocal8Bit("%1/knsrcfiles").arg(path); } return ret; } void KNSCore::Engine::setConfigLocationFallback(bool enableFallback) { d->configLocationFallback = enableFallback; } QSharedPointer KNSCore::Engine::provider(const QString &providerId) const { return m_providers.value(providerId); } QSharedPointer KNSCore::Engine::defaultProvider() const { if (m_providers.count() > 0) return m_providers.constBegin().value(); return nullptr; } KNSCore::CommentsModel *KNSCore::Engine::commentsForEntry(const KNSCore::EntryInternal &entry) { CommentsModel *model = d->commentsModels[entry]; if (!model) { model = new CommentsModel(this); model->setEntry(entry); connect(model, &QObject::destroyed, this, [=](){ d->commentsModels.remove(entry); }); d->commentsModels[entry] = model; } return model; }