diff --git a/src/kbookmarkmenu.cpp b/src/kbookmarkmenu.cpp index 78371b9..34720ba 100644 --- a/src/kbookmarkmenu.cpp +++ b/src/kbookmarkmenu.cpp @@ -1,492 +1,502 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel Teske This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kbookmarkmenu.h" #include "kbookmarkmenu_p.h" #include "kbookmarkaction.h" #include "kbookmarkactionmenu.h" #include "kbookmarkcontextmenu.h" #include "kbookmarks_debug.h" #include "kbookmarkdialog.h" #include "kbookmarkowner.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ class KBookmarkMenuPrivate { public: KBookmarkMenuPrivate() : newBookmarkFolderAction(nullptr), addBookmarkAction(nullptr), bookmarksToFolderAction(nullptr), editBookmarksAction(nullptr), numberOfOpenTabs(2) { } QAction *newBookmarkFolderAction; QAction *addBookmarkAction; QAction *bookmarksToFolderAction; QAction *editBookmarksAction; int numberOfOpenTabs; }; #if KBOOKMARKS_BUILD_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 69) KBookmarkMenu::KBookmarkMenu(KBookmarkManager *mgr, KBookmarkOwner *_owner, QMenu *_parentMenu, KActionCollection *actionCollection) : KBookmarkMenu(mgr, _owner, _parentMenu) { m_actionCollection = actionCollection; } #endif KBookmarkMenu::KBookmarkMenu(KBookmarkManager* manager, KBookmarkOwner* _owner, QMenu* _parentMenu) : QObject(), m_actionCollection(nullptr), d(new KBookmarkMenuPrivate()), m_bIsRoot(true), m_pManager(manager), m_pOwner(_owner), m_parentMenu(_parentMenu), m_parentAddress(QString()) //TODO KBookmarkAdress::root { // TODO KDE5 find a QMenu equvalnet for this one //m_parentMenu->setKeyboardShortcutsEnabled( true ); // qCDebug(KBOOKMARKS_LOG) << "KBookmarkMenu::KBookmarkMenu " << this << " address : " << m_parentAddress; connect(m_parentMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &KBookmarkMenu::slotAboutToShow); if (KBookmarkSettings::self()->m_contextmenu) { m_parentMenu->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(m_parentMenu, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &KBookmarkMenu::slotCustomContextMenu); } connect(m_pManager, &KBookmarkManager::changed, this, &KBookmarkMenu::slotBookmarksChanged); m_bDirty = true; addActions(); } void KBookmarkMenu::addActions() { if (m_bIsRoot) { addAddBookmark(); addAddBookmarksList(); addNewFolder(); addEditBookmarks(); } else { if (!m_parentMenu->actions().isEmpty()) { m_parentMenu->addSeparator(); } addOpenInTabs(); addAddBookmark(); addAddBookmarksList(); addNewFolder(); } } KBookmarkMenu::KBookmarkMenu(KBookmarkManager *mgr, KBookmarkOwner *_owner, QMenu *_parentMenu, const QString &parentAddress) : QObject(), m_actionCollection(nullptr), d(new KBookmarkMenuPrivate()), m_bIsRoot(false), m_pManager(mgr), m_pOwner(_owner), m_parentMenu(_parentMenu), m_parentAddress(parentAddress) { connect(_parentMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &KBookmarkMenu::slotAboutToShow); if (KBookmarkSettings::self()->m_contextmenu) { m_parentMenu->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(m_parentMenu, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &KBookmarkMenu::slotCustomContextMenu); } m_bDirty = true; } KBookmarkMenu::~KBookmarkMenu() { qDeleteAll(m_lstSubMenus); qDeleteAll(m_actions); delete d; } void KBookmarkMenu::ensureUpToDate() { slotAboutToShow(); } void KBookmarkMenu::setNumberOfOpenTabs(int numberOfOpenTabs) { if (numberOfOpenTabs == d->numberOfOpenTabs) { return; } m_bDirty = (d->numberOfOpenTabs < 2) != (numberOfOpenTabs < 2); d->numberOfOpenTabs = numberOfOpenTabs; } int KBookmarkMenu::numberOfOpenTabs() const { return d->numberOfOpenTabs; } void KBookmarkMenu::slotAboutToShow() { // Did the bookmarks change since the last time we showed them ? if (m_bDirty) { m_bDirty = false; clear(); refill(); m_parentMenu->adjustSize(); } } void KBookmarkMenu::slotCustomContextMenu(const QPoint &pos) { QAction *action = m_parentMenu->actionAt(pos); QMenu *menu = contextMenu(action); if (!menu) { return; } menu->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); menu->popup(m_parentMenu->mapToGlobal(pos)); } QMenu *KBookmarkMenu::contextMenu(QAction *action) { KBookmarkActionInterface *act = dynamic_cast(action); if (!act) { return nullptr; } return new KBookmarkContextMenu(act->bookmark(), m_pManager, m_pOwner); } bool KBookmarkMenu::isRoot() const { return m_bIsRoot; } bool KBookmarkMenu::isDirty() const { return m_bDirty; } QString KBookmarkMenu::parentAddress() const { return m_parentAddress; } KBookmarkManager *KBookmarkMenu::manager() const { return m_pManager; } KBookmarkOwner *KBookmarkMenu::owner() const { return m_pOwner; } QMenu *KBookmarkMenu::parentMenu() const { return m_parentMenu; } /********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/ void KBookmarkMenu::slotBookmarksChanged(const QString &groupAddress) { qCDebug(KBOOKMARKS_LOG) << "KBookmarkMenu::slotBookmarksChanged groupAddress: " << groupAddress; if (groupAddress == m_parentAddress) { //qCDebug(KBOOKMARKS_LOG) << "KBookmarkMenu::slotBookmarksChanged -> setting m_bDirty on " << groupAddress; m_bDirty = true; } else { // Iterate recursively into child menus for (QList::iterator it = m_lstSubMenus.begin(), end = m_lstSubMenus.end(); it != end; ++it) { (*it)->slotBookmarksChanged(groupAddress); } } } void KBookmarkMenu::clear() { qDeleteAll(m_lstSubMenus); m_lstSubMenus.clear(); for (QList::iterator it = m_actions.begin(), end = m_actions.end(); it != end; ++it) { m_parentMenu->removeAction(*it); delete *it; } m_parentMenu->clear(); m_actions.clear(); } void KBookmarkMenu::refill() { //qCDebug(KBOOKMARKS_LOG) << "KBookmarkMenu::refill()"; if (m_bIsRoot) { addActions(); } fillBookmarks(); if (!m_bIsRoot) { addActions(); } } void KBookmarkMenu::addOpenInTabs() { if (!m_pOwner || !m_pOwner->supportsTabs() || !KAuthorized::authorizeAction(QStringLiteral("bookmarks"))) { return; } QString title = tr("Open Folder in Tabs"); QAction *paOpenFolderInTabs = new QAction(title, this); paOpenFolderInTabs->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tab-new"))); paOpenFolderInTabs->setToolTip(tr("Open all bookmarks in this folder as a new tab.")); paOpenFolderInTabs->setStatusTip(paOpenFolderInTabs->toolTip()); connect(paOpenFolderInTabs, &QAction::triggered, this, &KBookmarkMenu::slotOpenFolderInTabs); m_parentMenu->addAction(paOpenFolderInTabs); m_actions.append(paOpenFolderInTabs); } void KBookmarkMenu::addAddBookmarksList() { if (!m_pOwner || !m_pOwner->enableOption(KBookmarkOwner::ShowAddBookmark) || !m_pOwner->supportsTabs() || (d->numberOfOpenTabs < 2) || !KAuthorized::authorizeAction(QStringLiteral("bookmarks"))) { return; } if (!d->bookmarksToFolderAction) { QString title = tr("Bookmark Tabs as Folder..."); d->bookmarksToFolderAction = new QAction(title, this); if (m_bIsRoot) { d->bookmarksToFolderAction->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("add_bookmarks_list")); } d->bookmarksToFolderAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("bookmark-new-list"))); d->bookmarksToFolderAction->setToolTip(tr("Add a folder of bookmarks for all open tabs.")); d->bookmarksToFolderAction->setStatusTip(d->bookmarksToFolderAction->toolTip()); connect(d->bookmarksToFolderAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &KBookmarkMenu::slotAddBookmarksList); if (m_actionCollection) { m_actionCollection->addAction(d->bookmarksToFolderAction->objectName(), d->bookmarksToFolderAction); } } m_parentMenu->addAction(d->bookmarksToFolderAction); } void KBookmarkMenu::addAddBookmark() { if (!m_pOwner || !m_pOwner->enableOption(KBookmarkOwner::ShowAddBookmark) || !KAuthorized::authorizeAction(QStringLiteral("bookmarks"))) { return; } if (!d->addBookmarkAction) { d->addBookmarkAction = KStandardAction::addBookmark(this, SLOT(slotAddBookmark()), this); if (m_bIsRoot) { d->addBookmarkAction->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("add_bookmark")); } if (m_actionCollection) { m_actionCollection->addAction(d->addBookmarkAction->objectName(), d->addBookmarkAction); } if (!m_bIsRoot) { d->addBookmarkAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence()); } } m_parentMenu->addAction(d->addBookmarkAction); } void KBookmarkMenu::addEditBookmarks() { if ((m_pOwner && !m_pOwner->enableOption(KBookmarkOwner::ShowEditBookmark)) || QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral(KEDITBOOKMARKS_BINARY)).isEmpty() || !KAuthorized::authorizeAction(QStringLiteral("bookmarks"))) { return; } d->editBookmarksAction = KStandardAction::editBookmarks(m_pManager, SLOT(slotEditBookmarks()), this); d->editBookmarksAction->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("edit_bookmarks")); m_parentMenu->addAction(d->editBookmarksAction); d->editBookmarksAction->setToolTip(tr("Edit your bookmark collection in a separate window")); d->editBookmarksAction->setStatusTip(d->editBookmarksAction->toolTip()); if (m_actionCollection) { m_actionCollection->addAction(d->editBookmarksAction->objectName(), d->editBookmarksAction); } } void KBookmarkMenu::addNewFolder() { if (!m_pOwner || !m_pOwner->enableOption(KBookmarkOwner::ShowAddBookmark) || !KAuthorized::authorizeAction(QStringLiteral("bookmarks"))) { return; } if (!d->newBookmarkFolderAction) { d->newBookmarkFolderAction = new QAction(tr("New Bookmark Folder..."), this); d->newBookmarkFolderAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("folder-new"))); d->newBookmarkFolderAction->setToolTip(tr("Create a new bookmark folder in this menu")); d->newBookmarkFolderAction->setStatusTip(d->newBookmarkFolderAction->toolTip()); + + if (m_bIsRoot) { + d->newBookmarkFolderAction->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("new_bookmark_folder")); + } + connect(d->newBookmarkFolderAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &KBookmarkMenu::slotNewFolder); } m_parentMenu->addAction(d->newBookmarkFolderAction); } void KBookmarkMenu::fillBookmarks() { KBookmarkGroup parentBookmark = m_pManager->findByAddress(m_parentAddress).toGroup(); Q_ASSERT(!parentBookmark.isNull()); if (m_bIsRoot && !parentBookmark.first().isNull()) { // at least one bookmark m_parentMenu->addSeparator(); } for (KBookmark bm = parentBookmark.first(); !bm.isNull(); bm = parentBookmark.next(bm)) { m_parentMenu->addAction(actionForBookmark(bm)); } } QAction *KBookmarkMenu::actionForBookmark(const KBookmark &bm) { if (bm.isGroup()) { //qCDebug(KBOOKMARKS_LOG) << "Creating bookmark submenu named " << bm.text(); KActionMenu *actionMenu = new KBookmarkActionMenu(bm, this); m_actions.append(actionMenu); KBookmarkMenu *subMenu = new KBookmarkMenu(m_pManager, m_pOwner, actionMenu->menu(), bm.address()); m_lstSubMenus.append(subMenu); return actionMenu; } else if (bm.isSeparator()) { QAction *sa = new QAction(this); sa->setSeparator(true); m_actions.append(sa); return sa; } else { //qCDebug(KBOOKMARKS_LOG) << "Creating bookmark menu item for " << bm.text(); QAction *action = new KBookmarkAction(bm, m_pOwner, this); m_actions.append(action); return action; } } void KBookmarkMenu::slotAddBookmarksList() { if (!m_pOwner || !m_pOwner->supportsTabs()) { return; } KBookmarkGroup parentBookmark = m_pManager->findByAddress(m_parentAddress).toGroup(); KBookmarkDialog *dlg = m_pOwner->bookmarkDialog(m_pManager, QApplication::activeWindow()); dlg->addBookmarks(m_pOwner->currentBookmarkList(), QLatin1String(""), parentBookmark); delete dlg; } void KBookmarkMenu::slotAddBookmark() { if (!m_pOwner) { return; } if (m_pOwner->currentTitle().isEmpty() && m_pOwner->currentUrl().isEmpty()) { return; } KBookmarkGroup parentBookmark = m_pManager->findByAddress(m_parentAddress).toGroup(); if (KBookmarkSettings::self()->m_advancedaddbookmark) { KBookmarkDialog *dlg = m_pOwner->bookmarkDialog(m_pManager, QApplication::activeWindow()); dlg->addBookmark(m_pOwner->currentTitle(), m_pOwner->currentUrl(), m_pOwner->currentIcon(), parentBookmark); delete dlg; } else { parentBookmark.addBookmark(m_pOwner->currentTitle(), m_pOwner->currentUrl(), m_pOwner->currentIcon()); m_pManager->emitChanged(parentBookmark); } } void KBookmarkMenu::slotOpenFolderInTabs() { m_pOwner->openFolderinTabs(m_pManager->findByAddress(m_parentAddress).toGroup()); } void KBookmarkMenu::slotNewFolder() { if (!m_pOwner) { return; // this view doesn't handle bookmarks... } KBookmarkGroup parentBookmark = m_pManager->findByAddress(m_parentAddress).toGroup(); Q_ASSERT(!parentBookmark.isNull()); KBookmarkDialog *dlg = m_pOwner->bookmarkDialog(m_pManager, QApplication::activeWindow()); dlg->createNewFolder(QLatin1String(""), parentBookmark); delete dlg; } QAction * KBookmarkMenu::addBookmarkAction() const { return d->addBookmarkAction; } QAction * KBookmarkMenu::bookmarkTabsAsFolderAction() const { return d->bookmarksToFolderAction; } +QAction *KBookmarkMenu::newBookmarkFolderAction() const +{ + return d->newBookmarkFolderAction; +} + QAction * KBookmarkMenu::editBookmarksAction() const { return d->editBookmarksAction; } diff --git a/src/kbookmarkmenu.h b/src/kbookmarkmenu.h index ab10795..a64bb0e 100644 --- a/src/kbookmarkmenu.h +++ b/src/kbookmarkmenu.h @@ -1,251 +1,278 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel Teske This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __kbookmarkmenu_h__ #define __kbookmarkmenu_h__ #include #include class QAction; class QMenu; class KBookmark; class KActionCollection; class KBookmarkManager; class KBookmarkOwner; class KBookmarkMenu; class KBookmarkActionInterface; class KBookmarkMenuPrivate; // Not implemented /** * This class provides a bookmark menu. It is typically used in * cooperation with KActionMenu but doesn't have to be. * * If you use this class by itself, then it will use KDE defaults for * everything -- the bookmark path, bookmark editor, bookmark launcher.. * everything. These defaults reside in the classes * KBookmarkOwner (editing bookmarks) and KBookmarkManager * (almost everything else). If you wish to change the defaults in * any way, you must reimplement either this class or KBookmarkOwner. * * Using this class is very simple: * * 1) Create a popup menu (either KActionMenu or QMenu will do) * 2) Instantiate a new KBookmarkMenu object using the above popup * menu as a parameter * 3) Insert your (now full) popup menu wherever you wish * * The functionality of this class can be disabled with the "action/bookmarks" * Kiosk action (see the KAuthorized namespace). */ class KBOOKMARKS_EXPORT KBookmarkMenu : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: #if KBOOKMARKS_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 69) /** * Fills a bookmark menu * (one instance of KBookmarkMenu is created for the toplevel menu, * but also one per submenu). * * @param mgr The bookmark manager to use (i.e. for reading and writing) * @param owner implementation of the KBookmarkOwner callback interface. * Note: If you pass a null KBookmarkOwner to the constructor, the * openBookmark signal is not emitted, instead QDesktopServices::openUrl is used to open the bookmark. * @param parentMenu menu to be filled * @param collec parent collection for the KActions. * * @todo KDE 5: give ownership of the bookmarkmenu to another qobject, e.g. parentMenu. * Currently this is a QObject without a parent, use setParent to benefit from automatic deletion. * * @deprecated since 5.69. Use overload without KActionCollection and add actions manually to your actioncollection if desired. * @code * KBookmarkMenu *menu = new KBookmarkMenu(manager, owner, parentMenu); * * QAction *addAction = menu->addBookmarkAction(); * actionCollection()->addAction(addAction->objectName(), addAction); * * QAction *bookmarkTabsAction = menu->bookmarkTabsAsFolderAction(); * actionCollection()->addAction(bookmarkTabsAction->objectName(), bookmarkTabsAction); * * QAction *editAction = menu->editBookmarksAction(); * actionCollection()->addAction(editAction->objectName(), editAction); * @endcode + * + * Alternatively you can get a list of the actions from @p parentMenu, and add them to your + * actionCollection: + * @code + * KBookmarkMenu *menu = new KBookmarkMenu(manager, owner, parentMenu); + * actionCollection()->addActions(parentMenu->actions()); + * @endcode + * + * Note that adding the actions to your KActionCollection will make them show up in the shortcuts editor + * dialog. + * */ KBOOKMARKS_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 69, "Use overload without KActionCollection and add actions manually to your actionCollection if desired") KBookmarkMenu(KBookmarkManager *mgr, KBookmarkOwner *owner, QMenu *parentMenu, KActionCollection *collec); #endif /** * Fills a bookmark menu * (one instance of KBookmarkMenu is created for the toplevel menu, * but also one per submenu). * * @param manager the bookmark manager to use (i.e. for reading and writing) * @param owner implementation of the KBookmarkOwner callback interface. * @note If you pass a null KBookmarkOwner to the constructor, the * openBookmark signal is not emitted, instead QDesktopServices::openUrl is used to open the bookmark. * @param parentMenu menu to be filled * @since 5.69 */ KBookmarkMenu(KBookmarkManager *manager, KBookmarkOwner *owner, QMenu *parentMenu); /** * Creates a bookmark submenu * * @todo KF6: give ownership of the bookmarkmenu to another qobject, e.g. parentMenu. * Currently this is a QObject without a parent, use setParent to benefit from automatic deletion. */ KBookmarkMenu(KBookmarkManager *mgr, KBookmarkOwner *owner, QMenu *parentMenu, const QString &parentAddress); ~KBookmarkMenu(); /** * Call ensureUpToDate() if you need KBookmarkMenu to adjust to its * final size before it is executed. **/ void ensureUpToDate(); /** * @brief Sets the number of currently open tabs * @param numberOfOpenTabs The number of currently open tabs * @see numberOfOpenTabs() * @since 5.58 */ void setNumberOfOpenTabs(int numberOfOpenTabs); /** * This function returns how many (if any) tabs the application has open. * This is used to determine if the Add a folder for all open * tabs should be added to the menu, so if the application has more than * one tab open, then the menu will be added. * Default returns @c 2. * @since 5.58 */ int numberOfOpenTabs() const; /** - * Returns the action for adding a bookmark. If you are using KXmlGui add it to your action collection. + * Returns the action for adding a bookmark. If you are using KXmlGui, you can add it to your + * action collection. * @code * KBookmarkMenu *menu = new KBookmarkMenu(manager, owner, parentMenu); * QAction *addAction = menu->addBookmarkAction(); * actionCollection()->addAction(addAction->objectName(), addAction); * @endcode * @return the action for adding a bookmark. * @since 5.69 */ QAction *addBookmarkAction() const; /** - * Returns the action for adding all current tabs as bookmarks. If you are using KXmlGui add it to your action collection. + * Returns the action for adding all current tabs as bookmarks. If you are using KXmlGui, you can + * add it to your action collection. * @code * KBookmarkMenu *menu = new KBookmarkMenu(manager, owner, parentMenu); * QAction *bookmarkTabsAction = menu->bookmarkTabsAsFolderAction(); * actionCollection()->addAction(bookmarkTabsAction->objectName(), bookmarkTabsAction); * @endcode * @return the action for adding all current tabs as bookmarks. * @since 5.69 */ QAction *bookmarkTabsAsFolderAction() const; /** - * Returns the action for editing bookmarks. If you are using KXmlGui add it to your action collection. + * Returns the action for adding a new bookmarks folder. If you are using KXmlGui, you can add it + * to your action collection. + * @code + * KBookmarkMenu *menu = new KBookmarkMenu(manager, owner, parentMenu); + * QAction *newBookmarkFolderAction = menu->bookmarkTabsAsFolderAction(); + * actionCollection()->addAction(newBookmarkFolderAction->objectName(), newBookmarkFolderAction); + * @endcode + * @return the action for adding a new bookmarks folder + * @since 5.70 + */ + QAction *newBookmarkFolderAction() const; + + /** + * Returns the action for editing bookmarks. If you are using KXmlGui, you can add it to your + * action collection. * @code * KBookmarkMenu *menu = new KBookmarkMenu(manager, owner, parentMenu); * QAction *editAction = menu->editBookmarksAction(); * actionCollection()->addAction(editAction->objectName(), editAction); * @endcode * @return the action for editing bookmarks. * @since 5.69 */ QAction *editBookmarksAction() const; public Q_SLOTS: // public for KonqBookmarkBar void slotBookmarksChanged(const QString &); protected Q_SLOTS: void slotAboutToShow(); void slotAddBookmarksList(); void slotAddBookmark(); void slotNewFolder(); void slotOpenFolderInTabs(); protected: virtual void clear(); virtual void refill(); virtual QAction *actionForBookmark(const KBookmark &bm); virtual QMenu *contextMenu(QAction *action); void addActions(); void fillBookmarks(); void addAddBookmark(); void addAddBookmarksList(); void addEditBookmarks(); void addNewFolder(); void addOpenInTabs(); bool isRoot() const; bool isDirty() const; /** * Parent bookmark for this menu. */ QString parentAddress() const; KBookmarkManager *manager() const; KBookmarkOwner *owner() const; /** * The menu in which we insert our actions * Supplied in the constructor. */ QMenu *parentMenu() const; /** * List of our sub menus */ QList m_lstSubMenus; // This is used to "export" our actions into an actionlist // we got in the constructor. So that the program can show our // actions in their shortcut dialog KActionCollection *m_actionCollection; /** * List of our actions. */ QList m_actions; private Q_SLOTS: void slotCustomContextMenu(const QPoint &); private: KBookmarkMenuPrivate *d; bool m_bIsRoot; bool m_bDirty; KBookmarkManager *m_pManager; KBookmarkOwner *m_pOwner; QMenu *m_parentMenu; QString m_parentAddress; }; #endif