diff --git a/autotests/kpackagetoolappstreamtest.cmake b/autotests/kpackagetoolappstreamtest.cmake index de17d25..83eed0c 100644 --- a/autotests/kpackagetoolappstreamtest.cmake +++ b/autotests/kpackagetoolappstreamtest.cmake @@ -1,50 +1,50 @@ get_filename_component(generated_name ${generated} NAME) if(NOT ${generated_name} STREQUAL "testpackage.appdata.xml") message(STATUS "cd ${input} ; ${kpackagetool} --appstream-metainfo . --appstream-metainfo-output ${generated}") execute_process(COMMAND ${kpackagetool} --appstream-metainfo . --appstream-metainfo-output "${generated}" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${input} - ERROR_VARIABLE error) + ERROR_VARIABLE std_error_output) else() message(STATUS "cd ${input} ; ${kpackagetool} --appstream-metainfo .") # Make sure that without output argument we get the output on STDOUT. # This only runs on the testpackage test. execute_process(COMMAND ${kpackagetool} --appstream-metainfo . WORKING_DIRECTORY ${input} OUTPUT_FILE "${generated}" - ERROR_VARIABLE error) + ERROR_VARIABLE std_error_output) endif() -if (error) - message(FATAL_ERROR "couldn't generate metadata: ${error}") +if (std_error_output) + message(STATUS "${std_error_output}") endif() # We'll want no generated output file at all on NoDisplay. For other tests we'll want to compare # the expected with the generated output. if(${generated_name} STREQUAL "testpackage-nodisplay.appdata.xml") if(EXISTS "${generated}") message(FATAL_ERROR "expected file ${output} does not exist, but one was generated at ${generated}") endif() else() execute_process(COMMAND cmake -E compare_files ${output} ${generated} ERROR_VARIABLE error_compare) if (error_compare) message(FATAL_ERROR "error on compare: ${error_compare}") endif() endif() # Make sure the standard test passes appstream validation. if(${generated_name} STREQUAL "testpackage.appdata.xml") find_program(APPSTREAMCLI appstreamcli) if(APPSTREAMCLI) execute_process(COMMAND ${APPSTREAMCLI} validate ${generated} ERROR_VARIABLE appstream_stderr OUTPUT_VARIABLE appstream_stdout RESULT_VARIABLE result ) if(NOT result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "appstream data seems to be imperfect: ${appstream_stderr} ${appstream_stdout}") endif() else() message(WARNING "skipping appstream validation as no appstreamcli binary was found") endif() endif()