diff --git a/src/backend/core/AspectTreeModel.cpp b/src/backend/core/AspectTreeModel.cpp index e727ccefa..a2b235de7 100644 --- a/src/backend/core/AspectTreeModel.cpp +++ b/src/backend/core/AspectTreeModel.cpp @@ -1,499 +1,501 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : AspectTreeModel.h Project : LabPlot Description : Represents a tree of AbstractAspect objects as a Qt item model. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2007-2009 by Knut Franke (knut.franke@gmx.de) Copyright : (C) 2007-2009 by Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2011-2016 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "backend/core/AbstractAspect.h" #include "backend/core/column/Column.h" #include "backend/worksheet/WorksheetElement.h" #include "backend/core/AspectTreeModel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * \class AspectTreeModel * \brief Represents a tree of AbstractAspect objects as a Qt item model. * * This class is an adapter between an AbstractAspect hierarchy and Qt's view classes. * * It represents children of an Aspect as rows in the model, with the fixed columns * Name (AbstractAspect::name()), Type (the class name), Created (AbstractAspect::creationTime()) * and Comment (AbstractAspect::comment()). Name is decorated using AbstractAspect::icon(). * The tooltip for all columns is generated from AbstractAspect::caption(). * * Name and Comment are editable. * * For views which support this (currently ProjectExplorer), the menu created by * AbstractAspect::createContextMenu() is made available via the custom role ContextMenuRole. */ /** * \enum AspectTreeModel::CustomDataRole * \brief Custom data roles used in addition to Qt::ItemDataRole */ /** * \var AspectTreeModel::ContextMenuRole * \brief pointer to a new context menu for an Aspect */ /** * \fn QModelIndex AspectTreeModel::modelIndexOfAspect(const AbstractAspect *aspect, int column=0) const * \brief Convenience wrapper around QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(). */ AspectTreeModel::AspectTreeModel(AbstractAspect* root, QObject* parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), m_root(root), m_readOnly(false), m_folderSelectable(true), m_numericColumnsOnly(false), m_nonEmptyNumericColumnsOnly(false), m_showPlotDesignation(false), m_filterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive), m_matchCompleteWord(false) { connect(m_root, &AbstractAspect::aspectDescriptionChanged, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectDescriptionChanged); connect(m_root, &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeAdded, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectAboutToBeAdded); connect(m_root, &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectAboutToBeRemoved); connect(m_root, &AbstractAspect::aspectAdded, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectAdded); connect(m_root, &AbstractAspect::aspectRemoved, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectRemoved); connect(m_root, &AbstractAspect::aspectHiddenAboutToChange, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectHiddenAboutToChange); connect(m_root, &AbstractAspect::aspectHiddenChanged, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectHiddenChanged); } /*! \c list contains the class names of the aspects, that can be selected in the corresponding model view. */ void AspectTreeModel::setSelectableAspects(QList list) { m_selectableAspects=list; } void AspectTreeModel::setReadOnly(bool readOnly) { m_readOnly = readOnly; } void AspectTreeModel::enableNumericColumnsOnly(bool value) { m_numericColumnsOnly = value; } void AspectTreeModel::enableNonEmptyNumericColumnsOnly(bool value) { m_nonEmptyNumericColumnsOnly = value; } void AspectTreeModel::enableShowPlotDesignation(bool value) { m_showPlotDesignation = value; } QModelIndex AspectTreeModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!hasIndex(row, column, parent)) return QModelIndex(); if(!parent.isValid()) { if(row != 0) return QModelIndex(); return createIndex(row, column, m_root); } AbstractAspect *parent_aspect = static_cast(parent.internalPointer()); AbstractAspect *child_aspect = parent_aspect->child(row); if (!child_aspect) return QModelIndex(); return createIndex(row, column, child_aspect); } QModelIndex AspectTreeModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); AbstractAspect *parent_aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer())->parentAspect(); if (!parent_aspect) return QModelIndex(); return modelIndexOfAspect(parent_aspect); } int AspectTreeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) return 1; AbstractAspect *parent_aspect = static_cast(parent.internalPointer()); return parent_aspect->childCount(); } int AspectTreeModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return 4; } QVariant AspectTreeModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if(orientation != Qt::Horizontal) return QVariant(); switch(role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch(section) { case 0: return i18n("Name"); case 1: return i18n("Type"); case 2: return i18n("Created"); case 3: return i18n("Comment"); default: return QVariant(); } default: return QVariant(); } } QVariant AspectTreeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); AbstractAspect* aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); switch(role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: switch(index.column()) { case 0: { const Column* column = dynamic_cast(aspect); if (column) { QString name = aspect->name(); - if (m_numericColumnsOnly && !(column->columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Numeric || column->columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Integer)) - name = i18n("%1 (non-numeric data)", name); + const AbstractColumn::ColumnMode mode = column->columnMode(); + if (m_numericColumnsOnly && !(mode == AbstractColumn::Numeric || mode == AbstractColumn::Integer || mode == AbstractColumn::DateTime)) + name = i18n("%1 (non-plottable data)", name); else if (m_nonEmptyNumericColumnsOnly && !column->hasValues()) name = i18n("%1 (no values)", name); if (m_showPlotDesignation) { QString designation; switch(column->plotDesignation()) { case AbstractColumn::NoDesignation: break; case AbstractColumn::X: designation = QLatin1String(" [X]"); break; case AbstractColumn::Y: designation = QLatin1String(" [Y]"); break; case AbstractColumn::Z: designation = QLatin1String(" [Z]"); break; case AbstractColumn::XError: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("X-error") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::XErrorPlus: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("X-error +") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::XErrorMinus: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("X-error -") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::YError: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("Y-error") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::YErrorPlus: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("Y-error +") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::YErrorMinus: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("Y-error -") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; } name += QLatin1Char('\t') + designation; } return name; } else return aspect->name(); } case 1: if (aspect->metaObject()->className() != QLatin1String("CantorWorksheet")) return aspect->metaObject()->className(); else return QLatin1String("CAS Worksheet"); case 2: return aspect->creationTime().toString(); case 3: return aspect->comment().replace('\n', ' ').simplified(); default: return QVariant(); } case Qt::ToolTipRole: if (aspect->comment().isEmpty()) return QLatin1String("") + aspect->name() + QLatin1String(""); else return QLatin1String("") + aspect->name() + QLatin1String("

") + aspect->comment().replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QLatin1String("
")); case Qt::DecorationRole: return index.column() == 0 ? aspect->icon() : QIcon(); case Qt::ForegroundRole: { const WorksheetElement* we = qobject_cast(aspect); if (we) { if (!we->isVisible()) return QVariant( QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Disabled,QPalette::Text ) ); } return QVariant( QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active,QPalette::Text ) ); } default: return QVariant(); } } Qt::ItemFlags AspectTreeModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return 0; Qt::ItemFlags result; AbstractAspect *aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (!m_selectableAspects.isEmpty()) { foreach(const char * classString, m_selectableAspects) { if (aspect->inherits(classString)) { result = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; if( index!=this->index(0,0,QModelIndex()) && !m_filterString.isEmpty() ) { if (this->containsFilterString(aspect)) result = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; else result &= ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } break; } else result &= ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } } else { //default case: the list for the selectable aspects is empty and all aspects are selectable. // Apply filter, if available. Indices, that don't match the filter are not selectable. //Don't apply any filter to the very first index in the model - this top index corresponds to the project item. if ( index!=this->index(0,0,QModelIndex()) && !m_filterString.isEmpty() ) { if (this->containsFilterString(aspect)) result = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; else result = Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } else result = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } //the columns "name" and "description" are editable if (!m_readOnly) { if (index.column() == 0 || index.column() == 3) result |= Qt::ItemIsEditable; } const Column* column = dynamic_cast(aspect); if (column) { //allow to drag and drop columns for the faster creation of curves in the plots. //TODO: allow drag&drop later for other objects too, once we implement copy and paste in the project explorer result = result |Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; - if (m_numericColumnsOnly && !(column->columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Numeric || column->columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Integer)) + const AbstractColumn::ColumnMode mode = column->columnMode(); + if (m_numericColumnsOnly && !(mode == AbstractColumn::Numeric || mode == AbstractColumn::Integer || mode == AbstractColumn::DateTime)) result &= ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled; if (m_nonEmptyNumericColumnsOnly && !column->hasValues()) result &= ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } return result; } void AspectTreeModel::aspectDescriptionChanged(const AbstractAspect *aspect) { emit dataChanged(modelIndexOfAspect(aspect), modelIndexOfAspect(aspect, 3)); } void AspectTreeModel::aspectAboutToBeAdded(const AbstractAspect *parent, const AbstractAspect *before, const AbstractAspect *child) { Q_UNUSED(child); int index = parent->indexOfChild(before); if (index == -1) index = parent->childCount(); beginInsertRows(modelIndexOfAspect(parent), index, index); } void AspectTreeModel::aspectAdded(const AbstractAspect *aspect) { endInsertRows(); AbstractAspect * parent = aspect->parentAspect(); emit dataChanged(modelIndexOfAspect(parent), modelIndexOfAspect(parent, 3)); connect(aspect, &AbstractAspect::renameRequested, this, &AspectTreeModel::renameRequestedSlot); connect(aspect, &AbstractAspect::childAspectSelectedInView, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectSelectedInView); connect(aspect, &AbstractAspect::childAspectDeselectedInView, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectDeselectedInView); //add signal-slot connects for all children, too for (const auto* child : aspect->children(AbstractAspect::Recursive)) { connect(child, &AbstractAspect::renameRequested, this, &AspectTreeModel::renameRequestedSlot); connect(child, &AbstractAspect::childAspectSelectedInView, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectSelectedInView); connect(child, &AbstractAspect::childAspectDeselectedInView, this, &AspectTreeModel::aspectDeselectedInView); } } void AspectTreeModel::aspectAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect *aspect) { AbstractAspect * parent = aspect->parentAspect(); int index = parent->indexOfChild(aspect); beginRemoveRows(modelIndexOfAspect(parent), index, index); } void AspectTreeModel::aspectRemoved() { endRemoveRows(); } void AspectTreeModel::aspectHiddenAboutToChange(const AbstractAspect * aspect) { for (AbstractAspect * i = aspect->parentAspect(); i; i = i->parentAspect()) if (i->hidden()) return; if (aspect->hidden()) aspectAboutToBeAdded(aspect->parentAspect(), aspect, aspect); else aspectAboutToBeRemoved(aspect); } void AspectTreeModel::aspectHiddenChanged(const AbstractAspect *aspect) { for (AbstractAspect * i = aspect->parentAspect(); i; i = i->parentAspect()) if (i->hidden()) return; if (aspect->hidden()) aspectRemoved(); else aspectAdded(aspect); } bool AspectTreeModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { if (!index.isValid() || role != Qt::EditRole) return false; AbstractAspect *aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); switch (index.column()) { case 0: aspect->setName(value.toString()); break; case 3: aspect->setComment(value.toString()); break; default: return false; } emit dataChanged(index, index); return true; } QModelIndex AspectTreeModel::modelIndexOfAspect(const AbstractAspect* aspect, int column) const { AbstractAspect* parent = aspect->parentAspect(); return createIndex(parent ? parent->indexOfChild(aspect) : 0, column, const_cast(aspect)); } /*! returns the model index of an aspect defined via its path. */ QModelIndex AspectTreeModel::modelIndexOfAspect(const QString& path, int column) const { //determine the aspect out of aspect path AbstractAspect* aspect = nullptr; auto children = m_root->children("AbstractAspect", AbstractAspect::Recursive); for (auto* child: children) { if (child->path() == path) { aspect = child; break; } } //return the model index of the aspect if (aspect) return modelIndexOfAspect(aspect, column); else return QModelIndex(); } void AspectTreeModel::setFilterString(const QString & s) { m_filterString=s; QModelIndex topLeft = this->index(0,0, QModelIndex()); QModelIndex bottomRight = this->index(this->rowCount()-1,3, QModelIndex()); emit dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight); } void AspectTreeModel::setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) { m_filterCaseSensitivity = cs; } void AspectTreeModel::setFilterMatchCompleteWord(bool b) { m_matchCompleteWord = b; } bool AspectTreeModel::containsFilterString(const AbstractAspect* aspect) const { if (m_matchCompleteWord) { if (aspect->name().compare(m_filterString, m_filterCaseSensitivity) == 0) return true; } else { if (aspect->name().contains(m_filterString, m_filterCaseSensitivity)) return true; } //check for the occurrence of the filter string in the names of the parents if ( aspect->parentAspect() ) return this->containsFilterString(aspect->parentAspect()); else return false; //TODO make this optional // //check for the occurrence of the filter string in the names of the children // foreach(const AbstractAspect * child, aspect->children()){ // if ( this->containsFilterString(child) ) // return true; // } } //############################################################################## //################################# SLOTS #################################### //############################################################################## void AspectTreeModel::renameRequestedSlot() { AbstractAspect* aspect = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if (aspect) emit renameRequested(modelIndexOfAspect(aspect)); } void AspectTreeModel::aspectSelectedInView(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { if (aspect->hidden()) { //a hidden aspect was selected in the view (e.g. plot title in WorksheetView) //select the parent aspect first, if available AbstractAspect* parent = aspect->parentAspect(); if (parent) emit indexSelected(modelIndexOfAspect(parent)); //emit also this signal, so the GUI can handle this selection. emit hiddenAspectSelected(aspect); } else emit indexSelected(modelIndexOfAspect(aspect)); //deselect the root item when one of the children was selected in the view //in order to avoid multiple selection with the project item (if selected) in the project explorer emit indexDeselected(modelIndexOfAspect(m_root)); } void AspectTreeModel::aspectDeselectedInView(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { if (aspect->hidden()) { AbstractAspect* parent = aspect->parentAspect(); if (parent) emit indexDeselected(modelIndexOfAspect(parent)); } else emit indexDeselected(modelIndexOfAspect(aspect)); } diff --git a/src/backend/core/column/Column.cpp b/src/backend/core/column/Column.cpp index a3bea4e6a..bfdb7c8c8 100644 --- a/src/backend/core/column/Column.cpp +++ b/src/backend/core/column/Column.cpp @@ -1,1214 +1,1234 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : Column.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : Aspect that manages a column -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2007-2009 Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2013-2017 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) Copyright : (C) 2017 Stefan Gerlach (stefan.gerlach@uni.kn) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "backend/core/column/Column.h" #include "backend/core/column/ColumnPrivate.h" #include "backend/core/column/ColumnStringIO.h" #include "backend/core/column/columncommands.h" #include "backend/core/Project.h" #include "backend/lib/XmlStreamReader.h" #include "backend/core/datatypes/String2DateTimeFilter.h" #include "backend/core/datatypes/DateTime2StringFilter.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYAnalysisCurve.h" extern "C" { #include } #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * \class Column * \brief Aspect that manages a column * * This class represents a column, i.e., (mathematically) a 1D vector of * values with a header. It provides a public reading and (undo aware) writing * interface as defined in AbstractColumn. A column * can have one of currently three data types: double, QString, or * QDateTime. The string representation of the values can differ depending * on the mode of the column. * * Column inherits from AbstractAspect and is intended to be a child * of the corresponding Spreadsheet in the aspect hierarchy. Columns don't * have a view as they are intended to be displayed inside a spreadsheet. */ Column::Column(const QString& name, AbstractColumn::ColumnMode mode) : AbstractColumn(name), d(new ColumnPrivate(this, mode)) { init(); } /** * \brief Common part of ctors */ void Column::init() { m_string_io = new ColumnStringIO(this); d->inputFilter()->input(0, m_string_io); d->outputFilter()->input(0, this); d->inputFilter()->setHidden(true); d->outputFilter()->setHidden(true); addChild(d->inputFilter()); addChild(d->outputFilter()); m_suppressDataChangedSignal = false; m_usedInActionGroup = new QActionGroup(this); connect(m_usedInActionGroup, &QActionGroup::triggered, this, &Column::navigateTo); } Column::~Column() { delete m_string_io; delete d; } QMenu* Column::createContextMenu() { QMenu* menu = AbstractAspect::createContextMenu(); QAction* firstAction = menu->actions().at(1); //add actions available in SpreadsheetView emit requestProjectContextMenu(menu); //"Used in" menu containing all curves where the column is used QMenu* usedInMenu = new QMenu(i18n("Used in")); usedInMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("go-next-view")); //remove previously added actions for (auto* action: m_usedInActionGroup->actions()) m_usedInActionGroup->removeAction(action); //add curves where the column is currently in use QVector curves = project()->children(AbstractAspect::Recursive); for (const auto* curve: curves) { bool used = false; const XYAnalysisCurve* analysisCurve = dynamic_cast(curve); if (analysisCurve) { if (analysisCurve->dataSourceType() == XYAnalysisCurve::DataSourceSpreadsheet && (analysisCurve->xDataColumn() == this || analysisCurve->yDataColumn() == this) ) used = true; } else { if (curve->xColumn() == this || curve->yColumn() == this) used = true; } if (used) { QAction* action = new QAction(curve->icon(), curve->name(), m_usedInActionGroup); action->setData(curve->path()); usedInMenu->addAction(action); } } menu->insertSeparator(firstAction); menu->insertMenu(firstAction, usedInMenu); menu->insertSeparator(firstAction); return menu; } void Column::navigateTo(QAction* action) { project()->navigateTo(action->data().toString()); } /*! * */ void Column::setSuppressDataChangedSignal(bool b) { m_suppressDataChangedSignal = b; } /** * \brief Set the column mode * * This sets the column mode and, if * necessary, converts it to another datatype. */ void Column::setColumnMode(AbstractColumn::ColumnMode mode) { if (mode == columnMode()) return; DEBUG("Column::setColumnMode()"); beginMacro(i18n("%1: change column type", name())); auto* old_input_filter = d->inputFilter(); auto* old_output_filter = d->outputFilter(); exec(new ColumnSetModeCmd(d, mode)); if (d->inputFilter() != old_input_filter) { removeChild(old_input_filter); addChild(d->inputFilter()); d->inputFilter()->input(0, m_string_io); } if (d->outputFilter() != old_output_filter) { removeChild(old_output_filter); addChild(d->outputFilter()); d->outputFilter()->input(0, this); } endMacro(); DEBUG("Column::setColumnMode() DONE"); } void Column::setColumnModeFast(AbstractColumn::ColumnMode mode) { if (mode == columnMode()) return; auto* old_input_filter = d->inputFilter(); auto* old_output_filter = d->outputFilter(); exec(new ColumnSetModeCmd(d, mode)); if (d->inputFilter() != old_input_filter) { removeChild(old_input_filter); addChildFast(d->inputFilter()); d->inputFilter()->input(0, m_string_io); } if (d->outputFilter() != old_output_filter) { removeChild(old_output_filter); addChildFast(d->outputFilter()); d->outputFilter()->input(0, this); } } /** * \brief Copy another column of the same type * * This function will return false if the data type * of 'other' is not the same as the type of 'this'. * Use a filter to convert a column to another type. */ bool Column::copy(const AbstractColumn* other) { Q_CHECK_PTR(other); if (other->columnMode() != columnMode()) return false; exec(new ColumnFullCopyCmd(d, other)); return true; } /** * \brief Copies a part of another column of the same type * * This function will return false if the data type * of 'other' is not the same as the type of 'this'. * \param other pointer to the column to copy * \param src_start first row to copy in the column to copy * \param dest_start first row to copy in * \param num_rows the number of rows to copy */ bool Column::copy(const AbstractColumn* source, int source_start, int dest_start, int num_rows) { Q_CHECK_PTR(source); if (source->columnMode() != columnMode()) return false; exec(new ColumnPartialCopyCmd(d, source, source_start, dest_start, num_rows)); return true; } /** * \brief Insert some empty (or initialized with zero) rows */ void Column::handleRowInsertion(int before, int count) { AbstractColumn::handleRowInsertion(before, count); exec(new ColumnInsertRowsCmd(d, before, count)); if (!m_suppressDataChangedSignal) emit dataChanged(this); d->statisticsAvailable = false;; d->hasValuesAvailable = false; } /** * \brief Remove 'count' rows starting from row 'first' */ void Column::handleRowRemoval(int first, int count) { AbstractColumn::handleRowRemoval(first, count); exec(new ColumnRemoveRowsCmd(d, first, count)); if (!m_suppressDataChangedSignal) emit dataChanged(this); d->statisticsAvailable = false;; d->hasValuesAvailable = false; } /** * \brief Set the column plot designation */ void Column::setPlotDesignation(AbstractColumn::PlotDesignation pd) { if (pd != plotDesignation()) exec(new ColumnSetPlotDesignationCmd(d, pd)); } /** * \brief Get width */ int Column::width() const { return d->width(); } /** * \brief Set width */ void Column::setWidth(int value) { d->setWidth(value); } /** * \brief Clear the whole column */ void Column::clear() { exec(new ColumnClearCmd(d)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name Formula related functions //@{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \brief Returns the formula used to generate column values */ QString Column:: formula() const { return d->formula(); } const QStringList& Column::formulaVariableNames() const { return d->formulaVariableNames(); } const QStringList& Column::formulaVariableColumnPathes() const { return d->formulaVariableColumnPathes(); } /** * \brief Sets the formula used to generate column values */ void Column::setFormula(const QString& formula, const QStringList& variableNames, const QStringList& columnPathes) { exec(new ColumnSetGlobalFormulaCmd(d, formula, variableNames, columnPathes)); } /** * \brief Set a formula string for an interval of rows */ void Column::setFormula(const Interval& i, const QString& formula) { exec(new ColumnSetFormulaCmd(d, i, formula)); } /** * \brief Overloaded function for convenience */ void Column::setFormula(int row, const QString& formula) { setFormula(Interval(row, row), formula); } /** * \brief Clear all formulas */ void Column::clearFormulas() { exec(new ColumnClearFormulasCmd(d)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name type specific functions //@{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \brief Set the content of row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is Text */ void Column::setTextAt(int row, const QString& new_value) { DEBUG("Column::setTextAt()"); d->statisticsAvailable = false;; exec(new ColumnSetTextCmd(d, row, new_value)); } /** * \brief Replace a range of values * * Use this only when columnMode() is Text */ void Column::replaceTexts(int first, const QVector& new_values) { DEBUG("Column::replaceTexts()"); if (!new_values.isEmpty()) { //TODO: do we really need this check? d->statisticsAvailable = false;; exec(new ColumnReplaceTextsCmd(d, first, new_values)); } } /** * \brief Set the content of row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is DateTime, Month or Day */ void Column::setDateAt(int row, QDate new_value) { d->statisticsAvailable = false;; setDateTimeAt(row, QDateTime(new_value, timeAt(row))); } /** * \brief Set the content of row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is DateTime, Month or Day */ void Column::setTimeAt(int row, QTime new_value) { d->statisticsAvailable = false;; setDateTimeAt(row, QDateTime(dateAt(row), new_value)); } /** * \brief Set the content of row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is DateTime, Month or Day */ void Column::setDateTimeAt(int row, const QDateTime& new_value) { d->statisticsAvailable = false;; exec(new ColumnSetDateTimeCmd(d, row, new_value)); } /** * \brief Replace a range of values * * Use this only when columnMode() is DateTime, Month or Day */ void Column::replaceDateTimes(int first, const QVector& new_values) { if (!new_values.isEmpty()) { d->statisticsAvailable = false;; exec(new ColumnReplaceDateTimesCmd(d, first, new_values)); } } /** * \brief Set the content of row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is Numeric */ void Column::setValueAt(int row, const double new_value) { // DEBUG("Column::setValueAt()"); d->statisticsAvailable = false;; d->hasValuesAvailable = false; exec(new ColumnSetValueCmd(d, row, new_value)); } /** * \brief Replace a range of values * * Use this only when columnMode() is Numeric */ void Column::replaceValues(int first, const QVector& new_values) { DEBUG("Column::replaceValues()"); if (!new_values.isEmpty()) { d->statisticsAvailable = false;; d->hasValuesAvailable = false; exec(new ColumnReplaceValuesCmd(d, first, new_values)); } } /** * \brief Set the content of row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is Integer */ void Column::setIntegerAt(int row, const int new_value) { DEBUG("Column::setIntegerAt()"); d->statisticsAvailable = false;; d->hasValuesAvailable = false; exec(new ColumnSetIntegerCmd(d, row, new_value)); } /** * \brief Replace a range of values * * Use this only when columnMode() is Integer */ void Column::replaceInteger(int first, const QVector& new_values) { DEBUG("Column::replaceInteger()"); if (!new_values.isEmpty()) { d->statisticsAvailable = false;; d->hasValuesAvailable = false; exec(new ColumnReplaceIntegersCmd(d, first, new_values)); } } const Column::ColumnStatistics& Column::statistics() { if (!d->statisticsAvailable) calculateStatistics(); return d->statistics; } void Column::calculateStatistics() { d->statistics = ColumnStatistics(); ColumnStatistics& statistics = d->statistics; // TODO: support other data types? QVector* rowValues = reinterpret_cast*>(data()); size_t notNanCount = 0; double val; double columnSum = 0.0; double columnProduct = 1.0; double columnSumNeg = 0.0; double columnSumSquare = 0.0; statistics.minimum = INFINITY; statistics.maximum = -INFINITY; QMap frequencyOfValues; QVector rowData; rowData.reserve(rowValues->size()); for (int row = 0; row < rowValues->size(); ++row) { val = rowValues->value(row); if (std::isnan(val) || isMasked(row)) continue; if (val < statistics.minimum) statistics.minimum = val; if (val > statistics.maximum) statistics.maximum = val; columnSum+= val; columnSumNeg += (1.0 / val); columnSumSquare += pow(val, 2.0); columnProduct *= val; if (frequencyOfValues.contains(val)) frequencyOfValues.operator [](val)++; else frequencyOfValues.insert(val, 1); ++notNanCount; rowData.push_back(val); } if (notNanCount == 0) { d->statisticsAvailable = true; return; } if (rowData.size() < rowValues->size()) rowData.squeeze(); statistics.arithmeticMean = columnSum / notNanCount; statistics.geometricMean = pow(columnProduct, 1.0 / notNanCount); statistics.harmonicMean = notNanCount / columnSumNeg; statistics.contraharmonicMean = columnSumSquare / columnSum; double columnSumVariance = 0; double columnSumMeanDeviation = 0.0; double columnSumMedianDeviation = 0.0; double sumForCentralMoment_r3 = 0.0; double sumForCentralMoment_r4 = 0.0; gsl_sort(rowData.data(), 1, notNanCount); statistics.median = (notNanCount%2) ? rowData.at((int)((notNanCount-1)/2)) : (rowData.at((int)((notNanCount-1)/2)) + rowData.at((int)(notNanCount/2)))/2.0; QVector absoluteMedianList; absoluteMedianList.reserve((int)notNanCount); absoluteMedianList.resize((int)notNanCount); int idx = 0; for(int row = 0; row < rowValues->size(); ++row) { val = rowValues->value(row); if (std::isnan(val) || isMasked(row) ) continue; columnSumVariance += pow(val - statistics.arithmeticMean, 2.0); sumForCentralMoment_r3 += pow(val - statistics.arithmeticMean, 3.0); sumForCentralMoment_r4 += pow(val - statistics.arithmeticMean, 4.0); columnSumMeanDeviation += fabs( val - statistics.arithmeticMean ); absoluteMedianList[idx] = fabs(val - statistics.median); columnSumMedianDeviation += absoluteMedianList[idx]; idx++; } statistics.meanDeviationAroundMedian = columnSumMedianDeviation / notNanCount; statistics.medianDeviation = (notNanCount%2) ? absoluteMedianList.at((int)((notNanCount-1)/2)) : (absoluteMedianList.at((int)((notNanCount-1)/2)) + absoluteMedianList.at((int)(notNanCount/2)))/2.0; const double centralMoment_r3 = sumForCentralMoment_r3 / notNanCount; const double centralMoment_r4 = sumForCentralMoment_r4 / notNanCount; statistics.variance = columnSumVariance / notNanCount; statistics.standardDeviation = sqrt(statistics.variance); statistics.skewness = centralMoment_r3 / pow(statistics.standardDeviation, 3.0); statistics.kurtosis = (centralMoment_r4 / pow(statistics.standardDeviation, 4.0)) - 3.0; statistics.meanDeviation = columnSumMeanDeviation / notNanCount; double entropy = 0.0; for (const auto& v: frequencyOfValues) { const double frequencyNorm = static_cast(v) / notNanCount; entropy += (frequencyNorm * log2(frequencyNorm)); } statistics.entropy = -entropy; d->statisticsAvailable = true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void* Column::data() const { return d->data(); } /*! * return \c true if the column has numeric values, \false otherwise. */ bool Column::hasValues() const { if (columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Numeric) { if (d->hasValuesAvailable) { return d->hasValues; } else { bool foundValues = false; for (int row = 0; row < rowCount(); ++row) { if (!std::isnan(valueAt(row))) { foundValues = true; break; } } d->hasValues = foundValues; d->hasValuesAvailable = true; return d->hasValues; } } else if (columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Integer) return true; //integer column has always valid values else return false; //non-numerical column } //TODO: support all data types /** * \brief Return the content of row 'row'. * * Use this only when columnMode() is Text */ QString Column::textAt(int row) const { return d->textAt(row); } /** * \brief Return the date part of row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is DateTime, Month or Day */ QDate Column::dateAt(int row) const { return d->dateAt(row); } /** * \brief Return the time part of row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is DateTime, Month or Day */ QTime Column::timeAt(int row) const { return d->timeAt(row); } /** * \brief Return the QDateTime in row 'row' * * Use this only when columnMode() is DateTime, Month or Day */ QDateTime Column::dateTimeAt(int row) const { return d->dateTimeAt(row); } /** * \brief Return the double value in row 'row' */ double Column::valueAt(int row) const { return d->valueAt(row); } /** * \brief Return the int value in row 'row' */ int Column::integerAt(int row) const { return d->integerAt(row); } /* * call this function if the data of the column was changed directly via the data()-pointer * and not via the setValueAt() in order to emit the dataChanged-signal. * This is used e.g. in \c XYFitCurvePrivate::recalculate() */ void Column::setChanged() { if (!m_suppressDataChangedSignal) emit dataChanged(this); d->statisticsAvailable = false;; d->hasValuesAvailable = false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \brief Return an icon to be used for decorating the views and spreadsheet column headers */ QIcon Column::icon() const { return iconForMode(columnMode()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name serialize/deserialize //@{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \brief Save the column as XML */ void Column::save(QXmlStreamWriter* writer) const { writer->writeStartElement("column"); writeBasicAttributes(writer); writer->writeAttribute("designation", QString::number(plotDesignation())); writer->writeAttribute("mode", QString::number(columnMode())); writer->writeAttribute("width", QString::number(width())); //save the formula used to generate column values, if available if (!formula().isEmpty() ) { writer->writeStartElement("formula"); writer->writeTextElement("text", formula()); writer->writeStartElement("variableNames"); for (const auto& name: formulaVariableNames()) writer->writeTextElement("name", name); writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeStartElement("columnPathes"); for (const auto& path: formulaVariableColumnPathes()) writer->writeTextElement("path", path); writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeEndElement(); } writeCommentElement(writer); writer->writeStartElement("input_filter"); d->inputFilter()->save(writer); writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeStartElement("output_filter"); d->outputFilter()->save(writer); writer->writeEndElement(); XmlWriteMask(writer); //TODO: formula in cells is not implemented yet // QVector< Interval > formulas = formulaIntervals(); // foreach(const Interval& interval, formulas) { // writer->writeStartElement("formula"); // writer->writeAttribute("start_row", QString::number(interval.start())); // writer->writeAttribute("end_row", QString::number(interval.end())); // writer->writeCharacters(formula(interval.start())); // writer->writeEndElement(); // } int i; switch(columnMode()) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: { const char* data = reinterpret_cast(static_cast< QVector* >(d->data())->constData()); size_t size = d->rowCount() * sizeof(double); writer->writeCharacters(QByteArray::fromRawData(data, (int)size).toBase64()); break; } case AbstractColumn::Integer: { const char* data = reinterpret_cast(static_cast< QVector* >(d->data())->constData()); size_t size = d->rowCount() * sizeof(int); writer->writeCharacters(QByteArray::fromRawData(data, (int)size).toBase64()); break; } case AbstractColumn::Text: for (i = 0; i < rowCount(); ++i) { writer->writeStartElement("row"); writer->writeAttribute("index", QString::number(i)); writer->writeCharacters(textAt(i)); writer->writeEndElement(); } break; case AbstractColumn::DateTime: case AbstractColumn::Month: case AbstractColumn::Day: for (i = 0; i < rowCount(); ++i) { writer->writeStartElement("row"); writer->writeAttribute("index", QString::number(i)); writer->writeCharacters(dateTimeAt(i).toString("yyyy-dd-MM hh:mm:ss:zzz")); writer->writeEndElement(); } break; } writer->writeEndElement(); // "column" } //TODO: extra header class DecodeColumnTask : public QRunnable { public: DecodeColumnTask(ColumnPrivate* priv, const QString& content) { m_private = priv; m_content = content; }; void run() override { QByteArray bytes = QByteArray::fromBase64(m_content.toLatin1()); if (m_private->columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Numeric) { QVector* data = new QVector(bytes.size()/(int)sizeof(double)); memcpy(data->data(), bytes.data(), bytes.size()); m_private->replaceData(data); } else { QVector* data = new QVector(bytes.size()/(int)sizeof(int)); memcpy(data->data(), bytes.data(), bytes.size()); m_private->replaceData(data); } } private: ColumnPrivate* m_private; QString m_content; }; /** * \brief Load the column from XML */ bool Column::load(XmlStreamReader* reader, bool preview) { if (!readBasicAttributes(reader)) return false; KLocalizedString attributeWarning = ki18n("Attribute '%1' missing or empty, default value is used"); QXmlStreamAttributes attribs = reader->attributes(); QString str = attribs.value("designation").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("designation").toString()); else d->setPlotDesignation( AbstractColumn::PlotDesignation(str.toInt()) ); str = attribs.value("mode").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("mode").toString()); else setColumnModeFast( AbstractColumn::ColumnMode(str.toInt()) ); str = attribs.value("width").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("width").toString()); else d->setWidth(str.toInt()); // read child elements while (!reader->atEnd()) { reader->readNext(); if (reader->isEndElement()) break; if (reader->isStartElement()) { bool ret_val = true; if (reader->name() == "comment") ret_val = readCommentElement(reader); else if (reader->name() == "input_filter") ret_val = XmlReadInputFilter(reader); else if (reader->name() == "output_filter") ret_val = XmlReadOutputFilter(reader); else if (reader->name() == "mask") ret_val = XmlReadMask(reader); else if (reader->name() == "formula") ret_val = XmlReadFormula(reader); else if (reader->name() == "row") ret_val = XmlReadRow(reader); else { // unknown element reader->raiseWarning(i18n("unknown element '%1'", reader->name().toString())); if (!reader->skipToEndElement()) return false; } if (!ret_val) return false; } if (!preview) { QString content = reader->text().toString().trimmed(); if (!content.isEmpty() && ( columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Numeric || columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Integer)) { DecodeColumnTask* task = new DecodeColumnTask(d, content); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start(task); } } } return !reader->error(); } /** * \brief Read XML input filter element */ bool Column::XmlReadInputFilter(XmlStreamReader* reader) { Q_ASSERT(reader->isStartElement() == true && reader->name() == "input_filter"); if (!reader->skipToNextTag()) return false; if (!d->inputFilter()->load(reader, false)) return false; if (!reader->skipToNextTag()) return false; Q_ASSERT(reader->isEndElement() == true && reader->name() == "input_filter"); return true; } /** * \brief Read XML output filter element */ bool Column::XmlReadOutputFilter(XmlStreamReader* reader) { Q_ASSERT(reader->isStartElement() == true && reader->name() == "output_filter"); if (!reader->skipToNextTag()) return false; if (!d->outputFilter()->load(reader, false)) return false; if (!reader->skipToNextTag()) return false; Q_ASSERT(reader->isEndElement() == true && reader->name() == "output_filter"); return true; } /** * \brief Read XML formula element */ bool Column::XmlReadFormula(XmlStreamReader* reader) { QString formula; QStringList variableNames; QStringList columnPathes; while (reader->readNext()) { if (reader->isEndElement()) break; if (reader->name() == "text") formula = reader->readElementText(); else if (reader->name() == "variableNames") { while (reader->readNext()) { if (reader->name() == "variableNames" && reader->isEndElement()) break; if (reader->isStartElement()) variableNames << reader->readElementText(); } } else if (reader->name() == "columnPathes") { while (reader->readNext()) { if (reader->name() == "columnPathes" && reader->isEndElement()) break; if (reader->isStartElement()) columnPathes << reader->readElementText(); } } } setFormula(formula, variableNames, columnPathes); return true; } //TODO: read cell formula, not implemented yet // bool Column::XmlReadFormula(XmlStreamReader* reader) // { // Q_ASSERT(reader->isStartElement() && reader->name() == "formula"); // // bool ok1, ok2; // int start, end; // start = reader->readAttributeInt("start_row", &ok1); // end = reader->readAttributeInt("end_row", &ok2); // if(!ok1 || !ok2) // { // reader->raiseError(i18n("invalid or missing start or end row")); // return false; // } // setFormula(Interval(start,end), reader->readElementText()); // // return true; // } /** * \brief Read XML row element */ bool Column::XmlReadRow(XmlStreamReader* reader) { Q_ASSERT(reader->isStartElement() == true && reader->name() == "row"); // QXmlStreamAttributes attribs = reader->attributes(); bool ok; int index = reader->readAttributeInt("index", &ok); if (!ok) { reader->raiseError(i18n("invalid or missing row index")); return false; } QString str = reader->readElementText(); switch (columnMode()) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: { double value = str.toDouble(&ok); if(!ok) { reader->raiseError(i18n("invalid row value")); return false; } setValueAt(index, value); break; } case AbstractColumn::Integer: { int value = str.toInt(&ok); if(!ok) { reader->raiseError(i18n("invalid row value")); return false; } setIntegerAt(index, value); break; } case AbstractColumn::Text: setTextAt(index, str); break; case AbstractColumn::DateTime: case AbstractColumn::Month: case AbstractColumn::Day: QDateTime date_time = QDateTime::fromString(str,"yyyy-dd-MM hh:mm:ss:zzz"); setDateTimeAt(index, date_time); break; } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //@} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \brief Return whether the object is read-only */ bool Column::isReadOnly() const { return false; } /** * \brief Return the column mode * * This function is mostly used by spreadsheets but can also be used * by plots. The column mode specifies how to interpret * the values in the column additional to the data type. */ AbstractColumn::ColumnMode Column::columnMode() const { return d->columnMode(); } /** * \brief Return the data vector size * * This returns the number of rows that actually contain data. * Rows beyond this can be masked etc. but should be ignored by filters, * plots etc. */ int Column::rowCount() const { return d->rowCount(); } /** * \brief Return the column plot designation */ AbstractColumn::PlotDesignation Column::plotDesignation() const { return d->plotDesignation(); } AbstractSimpleFilter* Column::outputFilter() const { return d->outputFilter(); } /** * \brief Return a wrapper column object used for String I/O. */ ColumnStringIO* Column::asStringColumn() const { return m_string_io; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \name IntervalAttribute related functions //@{ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * \brief Return the formula associated with row 'row' */ QString Column::formula(int row) const { return d->formula(row); } /** * \brief Return the intervals that have associated formulas * * This can be used to make a list of formulas with their intervals. * Here is some example code: * * \code * QStringList list; * QVector< Interval > intervals = my_column.formulaIntervals(); * foreach(Interval interval, intervals) * list << QString(interval.toString() + ": " + my_column.formula(interval.start())); * \endcode */ QVector< Interval > Column::formulaIntervals() const { return d->formulaIntervals(); } void Column::handleFormatChange() { DEBUG("Column::handleFormatChange() mode = " << ENUM_TO_STRING(AbstractColumn, ColumnMode, columnMode())); if (columnMode() == AbstractColumn::DateTime) { auto* input_filter = static_cast(d->inputFilter()); auto* output_filter = static_cast(d->outputFilter()); DEBUG("change format " << input_filter->format().toStdString() << " to " << output_filter->format().toStdString()); input_filter->setFormat(output_filter->format()); } emit aspectDescriptionChanged(this); // the icon for the type changed if (!m_suppressDataChangedSignal) emit dataChanged(this); // all cells must be repainted d->statisticsAvailable = false;; d->hasValuesAvailable = false; DEBUG("Column::handleFormatChange() DONE"); } /*! * calculates the minimal value in the column. * for \c count = 0, the minimum of all elements is returned. * for \c count > 0, the minimum of the first \count elements is returned. * for \c count < 0, the minimum of the last \count elements is returned. */ double Column::minimum(int count) const { double min = INFINITY; if (count == 0 && d->statisticsAvailable) min = const_cast(this)->statistics().minimum; else { ColumnMode mode = columnMode(); int start, end; if (count == 0) { start = 0; end = rowCount(); } else if (count > 0) { start = 0; end = qMin(rowCount(), count); } else { start = qMax(rowCount() + count, 0); end = rowCount(); } switch (mode) { case Numeric: { QVector* vec = static_cast*>(data()); for (int row = start; row < end; ++row) { const double val = vec->at(row); if (std::isnan(val)) continue; if (val < min) min = val; } break; } case Integer: { QVector* vec = static_cast*>(data()); for (int row = start; row < end; ++row) { const int val = vec->at(row); if (val < min) min = val; } break; } case Text: - case DateTime: + break; + case DateTime: { + QVector* vec = static_cast*>(data()); + for (int row = start; row < end; ++row) { + const qint64 val = vec->at(row).toSecsSinceEpoch(); + + if (val < min) + min = val; + } + break; + } case Day: case Month: default: break; } } return min; } /*! * calculates the maximal value in the column. * for \c count = 0, the maximum of all elements is returned. * for \c count > 0, the maximum of the first \count elements is returned. * for \c count < 0, the maximum of the last \count elements is returned. */ double Column::maximum(int count) const { double max = -INFINITY; if (count == 0 && d->statisticsAvailable) max = const_cast(this)->statistics().maximum; else { ColumnMode mode = columnMode(); int start, end; if (count == 0) { start = 0; end = rowCount(); } else if (count > 0) { start = 0; end = qMin(rowCount(), count); } else { start = qMax(rowCount() + count, 0); end = rowCount(); } switch (mode) { case Numeric: { QVector* vec = static_cast*>(data()); for (int row = start; row < end; ++row) { const double val = vec->at(row); if (std::isnan(val)) continue; if (val > max) max = val; } break; } case Integer: { QVector* vec = static_cast*>(data()); for (int row = start; row < end; ++row) { const int val = vec->at(row); if (val > max) max = val; } break; } case Text: - case DateTime: + break; + case DateTime: { + QVector* vec = static_cast*>(data()); + for (int row = start; row < end; ++row) { + const qint64 val = vec->at(row).toSecsSinceEpoch(); + + if (val > max) + max = val; + } + break; + } case Day: case Month: default: break; } } return max; } diff --git a/src/backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYCurve.cpp b/src/backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYCurve.cpp index 71b63c639..b4458715e 100644 --- a/src/backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYCurve.cpp +++ b/src/backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYCurve.cpp @@ -1,2463 +1,2469 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : XYCurve.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : A xy-curve -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2010-2015 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) Copyright : (C) 2013 Stefan Gerlach (stefan.gerlach@uni.kn) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*! \class XYCurve \brief A 2D-curve, provides an interface for editing many properties of the curve. \ingroup worksheet */ #include "XYCurve.h" #include "XYCurvePrivate.h" #include "backend/core/column/Column.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/CartesianCoordinateSystem.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/CartesianPlot.h" #include "backend/lib/commandtemplates.h" #include "backend/core/Project.h" #include "backend/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.h" #include "backend/worksheet/Worksheet.h" #include "backend/lib/XmlStreamReader.h" #include "backend/lib/macros.h" #include "backend/lib/trace.h" #include "backend/gsl/errors.h" #include "tools/ImageTools.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include } XYCurve::XYCurve(const QString &name) : WorksheetElement(name), d_ptr(new XYCurvePrivate(this)), m_menusInitialized(false) { init(); } XYCurve::XYCurve(const QString& name, XYCurvePrivate* dd) : WorksheetElement(name), d_ptr(dd), m_menusInitialized(false) { init(); } XYCurve::~XYCurve() { //no need to delete the d-pointer here - it inherits from QGraphicsItem //and is deleted during the cleanup in QGraphicsScene } void XYCurve::finalizeAdd() { Q_D(XYCurve); d->plot = dynamic_cast(parentAspect()); Q_ASSERT(d->plot); d->cSystem = dynamic_cast(d->plot->coordinateSystem()); } void XYCurve::init() { Q_D(XYCurve); KConfig config; KConfigGroup group = config.group("XYCurve"); d->xColumn = nullptr; d->yColumn = nullptr; d->lineType = (XYCurve::LineType) group.readEntry("LineType", (int)XYCurve::Line); d->lineSkipGaps = group.readEntry("SkipLineGaps", false); d->lineInterpolationPointsCount = group.readEntry("LineInterpolationPointsCount", 1); d->linePen.setStyle( (Qt::PenStyle) group.readEntry("LineStyle", (int)Qt::SolidLine) ); d->linePen.setColor( group.readEntry("LineColor", QColor(Qt::black)) ); d->linePen.setWidthF( group.readEntry("LineWidth", Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(1.0, Worksheet::Point)) ); d->lineOpacity = group.readEntry("LineOpacity", 1.0); d->dropLineType = (XYCurve::DropLineType) group.readEntry("DropLineType", (int)XYCurve::NoLine); d->dropLinePen.setStyle( (Qt::PenStyle) group.readEntry("DropLineStyle", (int)Qt::SolidLine) ); d->dropLinePen.setColor( group.readEntry("DropLineColor", QColor(Qt::black))); d->dropLinePen.setWidthF( group.readEntry("DropLineWidth", Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(1.0, Worksheet::Point)) ); d->dropLineOpacity = group.readEntry("DropLineOpacity", 1.0); d->symbolsStyle = (Symbol::Style)group.readEntry("SymbolStyle", (int)Symbol::NoSymbols); d->symbolsSize = group.readEntry("SymbolSize", Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(5, Worksheet::Point)); d->symbolsRotationAngle = group.readEntry("SymbolRotation", 0.0); d->symbolsOpacity = group.readEntry("SymbolOpacity", 1.0); d->symbolsBrush.setStyle( (Qt::BrushStyle)group.readEntry("SymbolFillingStyle", (int)Qt::SolidPattern) ); d->symbolsBrush.setColor( group.readEntry("SymbolFillingColor", QColor(Qt::black)) ); d->symbolsPen.setStyle( (Qt::PenStyle)group.readEntry("SymbolBorderStyle", (int)Qt::SolidLine) ); d->symbolsPen.setColor( group.readEntry("SymbolBorderColor", QColor(Qt::black)) ); d->symbolsPen.setWidthF( group.readEntry("SymbolBorderWidth", Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(0.0, Worksheet::Point)) ); d->valuesType = (XYCurve::ValuesType) group.readEntry("ValuesType", (int)XYCurve::NoValues); d->valuesColumn = nullptr; d->valuesPosition = (XYCurve::ValuesPosition) group.readEntry("ValuesPosition", (int)XYCurve::ValuesAbove); d->valuesDistance = group.readEntry("ValuesDistance", Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(5, Worksheet::Point)); d->valuesRotationAngle = group.readEntry("ValuesRotation", 0.0); d->valuesOpacity = group.readEntry("ValuesOpacity", 1.0); d->valuesPrefix = group.readEntry("ValuesPrefix", ""); d->valuesSuffix = group.readEntry("ValuesSuffix", ""); d->valuesFont = group.readEntry("ValuesFont", QFont()); d->valuesFont.setPixelSize( Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits( 8, Worksheet::Point ) ); d->valuesColor = group.readEntry("ValuesColor", QColor(Qt::black)); d->fillingPosition = (XYCurve::FillingPosition) group.readEntry("FillingPosition", (int)XYCurve::NoFilling); d->fillingType = (PlotArea::BackgroundType) group.readEntry("FillingType", (int)PlotArea::Color); d->fillingColorStyle = (PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle) group.readEntry("FillingColorStyle", (int) PlotArea::SingleColor); d->fillingImageStyle = (PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle) group.readEntry("FillingImageStyle", (int) PlotArea::Scaled); d->fillingBrushStyle = (Qt::BrushStyle) group.readEntry("FillingBrushStyle", (int) Qt::SolidPattern); d->fillingFileName = group.readEntry("FillingFileName", QString()); d->fillingFirstColor = group.readEntry("FillingFirstColor", QColor(Qt::white)); d->fillingSecondColor = group.readEntry("FillingSecondColor", QColor(Qt::black)); d->fillingOpacity = group.readEntry("FillingOpacity", 1.0); d->xErrorType = (XYCurve::ErrorType) group.readEntry("XErrorType", (int)XYCurve::NoError); d->xErrorPlusColumn = nullptr; d->xErrorMinusColumn = nullptr; d->yErrorType = (XYCurve::ErrorType) group.readEntry("YErrorType", (int)XYCurve::NoError); d->yErrorPlusColumn = nullptr; d->yErrorMinusColumn = nullptr; d->errorBarsType = (XYCurve::ErrorBarsType) group.readEntry("ErrorBarsType", (int)XYCurve::ErrorBarsSimple); d->errorBarsCapSize = group.readEntry( "ErrorBarsCapSize", Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(10, Worksheet::Point) ); d->errorBarsPen.setStyle( (Qt::PenStyle)group.readEntry("ErrorBarsStyle", (int)Qt::SolidLine) ); d->errorBarsPen.setColor( group.readEntry("ErrorBarsColor", QColor(Qt::black)) ); d->errorBarsPen.setWidthF( group.readEntry("ErrorBarsWidth", Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(1.0, Worksheet::Point)) ); d->errorBarsOpacity = group.readEntry("ErrorBarsOpacity", 1.0); } void XYCurve::initActions() { visibilityAction = new QAction(i18n("Visible"), this); visibilityAction->setCheckable(true); connect(visibilityAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(visibilityChanged())); navigateToAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme("go-next-view"), "", this); connect(navigateToAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(navigateTo())); m_menusInitialized = true; } QMenu* XYCurve::createContextMenu() { if (!m_menusInitialized) initActions(); QMenu *menu = WorksheetElement::createContextMenu(); QAction* firstAction = menu->actions().at(1); //skip the first action because of the "title-action" visibilityAction->setChecked(isVisible()); menu->insertAction(firstAction, visibilityAction); //"data analysis" menu CartesianPlot* plot = dynamic_cast(parentAspect()); menu->insertMenu(visibilityAction, plot->analysisMenu()); menu->insertSeparator(visibilityAction); //"Navigate to spreadsheet"-action, show only if x- or y-columns have data from a spreadsheet AbstractAspect* parentSpreadsheet = 0; if (xColumn() && dynamic_cast(xColumn()->parentAspect()) ) parentSpreadsheet = xColumn()->parentAspect(); else if (yColumn() && dynamic_cast(yColumn()->parentAspect()) ) parentSpreadsheet = yColumn()->parentAspect(); if (parentSpreadsheet) { navigateToAction->setText(i18n("Navigate to \"%1\"", parentSpreadsheet->name())); navigateToAction->setData(parentSpreadsheet->path()); menu->insertAction(visibilityAction, navigateToAction); menu->insertSeparator(visibilityAction); } //if the context menu is called on an item that is not selected yet, select it if (!graphicsItem()->isSelected()) graphicsItem()->setSelected(true); return menu; } /*! Returns an icon to be used in the project explorer. */ QIcon XYCurve::icon() const { return QIcon::fromTheme("labplot-xy-curve"); } QGraphicsItem* XYCurve::graphicsItem() const { return d_ptr; } STD_SWAP_METHOD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL(XYCurve, SetVisible, bool, swapVisible) void XYCurve::setVisible(bool on) { Q_D(XYCurve); exec(new XYCurveSetVisibleCmd(d, on, on ? ki18n("%1: set visible") : ki18n("%1: set invisible"))); } bool XYCurve::isVisible() const { Q_D(const XYCurve); return d->isVisible(); } void XYCurve::setPrinting(bool on) { Q_D(XYCurve); d->setPrinting(on); } //############################################################################## //########################## getter methods ################################## //############################################################################## //data source BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, const AbstractColumn*, xColumn, xColumn) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, const AbstractColumn*, yColumn, yColumn) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QString, xColumnPath, xColumnPath) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QString, yColumnPath, yColumnPath) //line BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, XYCurve::LineType, lineType, lineType) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, bool, lineSkipGaps, lineSkipGaps) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, int, lineInterpolationPointsCount, lineInterpolationPointsCount) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QPen, linePen, linePen) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, lineOpacity, lineOpacity) //droplines BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, XYCurve::DropLineType, dropLineType, dropLineType) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QPen, dropLinePen, dropLinePen) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, dropLineOpacity, dropLineOpacity) //symbols BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, Symbol::Style, symbolsStyle, symbolsStyle) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, symbolsOpacity, symbolsOpacity) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, symbolsRotationAngle, symbolsRotationAngle) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, symbolsSize, symbolsSize) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QBrush, symbolsBrush, symbolsBrush) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QPen, symbolsPen, symbolsPen) //values BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, XYCurve::ValuesType, valuesType, valuesType) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, const AbstractColumn *, valuesColumn, valuesColumn) const QString& XYCurve::valuesColumnPath() const { return d_ptr->valuesColumnPath; } BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, XYCurve::ValuesPosition, valuesPosition, valuesPosition) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, valuesDistance, valuesDistance) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, valuesRotationAngle, valuesRotationAngle) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, valuesOpacity, valuesOpacity) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QString, valuesPrefix, valuesPrefix) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QString, valuesSuffix, valuesSuffix) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QColor, valuesColor, valuesColor) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QFont, valuesFont, valuesFont) //filling BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, XYCurve::FillingPosition, fillingPosition, fillingPosition) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, PlotArea::BackgroundType, fillingType, fillingType) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle, fillingColorStyle, fillingColorStyle) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle, fillingImageStyle, fillingImageStyle) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, Qt::BrushStyle, fillingBrushStyle, fillingBrushStyle) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QColor, fillingFirstColor, fillingFirstColor) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QColor, fillingSecondColor, fillingSecondColor) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QString, fillingFileName, fillingFileName) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, fillingOpacity, fillingOpacity) //error bars BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, XYCurve::ErrorType, xErrorType, xErrorType) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, const AbstractColumn*, xErrorPlusColumn, xErrorPlusColumn) const QString& XYCurve::xErrorPlusColumnPath() const { return d_ptr->xErrorPlusColumnPath; } BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, const AbstractColumn*, xErrorMinusColumn, xErrorMinusColumn) const QString& XYCurve::xErrorMinusColumnPath() const { return d_ptr->xErrorMinusColumnPath; } BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, XYCurve::ErrorType, yErrorType, yErrorType) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, const AbstractColumn*, yErrorPlusColumn, yErrorPlusColumn) const QString& XYCurve::yErrorPlusColumnPath() const { return d_ptr->yErrorPlusColumnPath; } BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, const AbstractColumn*, yErrorMinusColumn, yErrorMinusColumn) const QString& XYCurve::yErrorMinusColumnPath() const { return d_ptr->yErrorMinusColumnPath; } BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, XYCurve::ErrorBarsType, errorBarsType, errorBarsType) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, errorBarsCapSize, errorBarsCapSize) CLASS_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, QPen, errorBarsPen, errorBarsPen) BASIC_SHARED_D_READER_IMPL(XYCurve, qreal, errorBarsOpacity, errorBarsOpacity) /*! * return \c true if the data in the source columns (x, y) used in the analysis curves, \c false otherwise */ bool XYCurve::isSourceDataChangedSinceLastRecalc() const { Q_D(const XYCurve); return d->sourceDataChangedSinceLastRecalc; } //############################################################################## //################# setter methods and undo commands ########################## //############################################################################## STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetXColumn, const AbstractColumn*, xColumn, retransform) void XYCurve::setXColumn(const AbstractColumn* column) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (column != d->xColumn) { exec(new XYCurveSetXColumnCmd(d, column, ki18n("%1: x-data source changed"))); //emit xDataChanged() in order to notify the plot about the changes emit xDataChanged(); if (column) { connect(column, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const AbstractColumn*)), this, SIGNAL(xDataChanged())); //update the curve itself on changes connect(column, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const AbstractColumn*)), this, SLOT(retransform())); connect(column->parentAspect(), &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &XYCurve::xColumnAboutToBeRemoved); //TODO: add disconnect in the undo-function } } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetYColumn, const AbstractColumn*, yColumn, retransform) void XYCurve::setYColumn(const AbstractColumn* column) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (column != d->yColumn) { exec(new XYCurveSetYColumnCmd(d, column, ki18n("%1: y-data source changed"))); //emit yDataChanged() in order to notify the plot about the changes emit yDataChanged(); if (column) { connect(column, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const AbstractColumn*)), this, SIGNAL(yDataChanged())); //update the curve itself on changes connect(column, &AbstractColumn::dataChanged, this, [=](){ retransform(); }); connect(column->parentAspect(), &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &XYCurve::yColumnAboutToBeRemoved); //TODO: add disconnect in the undo-function } } } void XYCurve::setXColumnPath(const QString& path) { Q_D(XYCurve); d->xColumnPath = path; } void XYCurve::setYColumnPath(const QString& path) { Q_D(XYCurve); d->yColumnPath = path; } //Line STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetLineType, XYCurve::LineType, lineType, updateLines) void XYCurve::setLineType(LineType type) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (type != d->lineType) exec(new XYCurveSetLineTypeCmd(d, type, ki18n("%1: line type changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetLineSkipGaps, bool, lineSkipGaps, updateLines) void XYCurve::setLineSkipGaps(bool skip) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (skip != d->lineSkipGaps) exec(new XYCurveSetLineSkipGapsCmd(d, skip, ki18n("%1: set skip line gaps"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetLineInterpolationPointsCount, int, lineInterpolationPointsCount, updateLines) void XYCurve::setLineInterpolationPointsCount(int count) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (count != d->lineInterpolationPointsCount) exec(new XYCurveSetLineInterpolationPointsCountCmd(d, count, ki18n("%1: set the number of interpolation points"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetLinePen, QPen, linePen, recalcShapeAndBoundingRect) void XYCurve::setLinePen(const QPen &pen) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (pen != d->linePen) exec(new XYCurveSetLinePenCmd(d, pen, ki18n("%1: set line style"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetLineOpacity, qreal, lineOpacity, updatePixmap); void XYCurve::setLineOpacity(qreal opacity) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (opacity != d->lineOpacity) exec(new XYCurveSetLineOpacityCmd(d, opacity, ki18n("%1: set line opacity"))); } //Drop lines STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetDropLineType, XYCurve::DropLineType, dropLineType, updateDropLines) void XYCurve::setDropLineType(DropLineType type) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (type != d->dropLineType) exec(new XYCurveSetDropLineTypeCmd(d, type, ki18n("%1: drop line type changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetDropLinePen, QPen, dropLinePen, recalcShapeAndBoundingRect) void XYCurve::setDropLinePen(const QPen &pen) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (pen != d->dropLinePen) exec(new XYCurveSetDropLinePenCmd(d, pen, ki18n("%1: set drop line style"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetDropLineOpacity, qreal, dropLineOpacity, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setDropLineOpacity(qreal opacity) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (opacity != d->dropLineOpacity) exec(new XYCurveSetDropLineOpacityCmd(d, opacity, ki18n("%1: set drop line opacity"))); } // Symbols-Tab STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetSymbolsStyle, Symbol::Style, symbolsStyle, updateSymbols) void XYCurve::setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Style style) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (style != d->symbolsStyle) exec(new XYCurveSetSymbolsStyleCmd(d, style, ki18n("%1: set symbol style"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetSymbolsSize, qreal, symbolsSize, updateSymbols) void XYCurve::setSymbolsSize(qreal size) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (!qFuzzyCompare(1 + size, 1 + d->symbolsSize)) exec(new XYCurveSetSymbolsSizeCmd(d, size, ki18n("%1: set symbol size"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetSymbolsRotationAngle, qreal, symbolsRotationAngle, updateSymbols) void XYCurve::setSymbolsRotationAngle(qreal angle) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (!qFuzzyCompare(1 + angle, 1 + d->symbolsRotationAngle)) exec(new XYCurveSetSymbolsRotationAngleCmd(d, angle, ki18n("%1: rotate symbols"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetSymbolsBrush, QBrush, symbolsBrush, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setSymbolsBrush(const QBrush &brush) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (brush != d->symbolsBrush) exec(new XYCurveSetSymbolsBrushCmd(d, brush, ki18n("%1: set symbol filling"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetSymbolsPen, QPen, symbolsPen, updateSymbols) void XYCurve::setSymbolsPen(const QPen &pen) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (pen != d->symbolsPen) exec(new XYCurveSetSymbolsPenCmd(d, pen, ki18n("%1: set symbol outline style"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetSymbolsOpacity, qreal, symbolsOpacity, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setSymbolsOpacity(qreal opacity) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (opacity != d->symbolsOpacity) exec(new XYCurveSetSymbolsOpacityCmd(d, opacity, ki18n("%1: set symbols opacity"))); } //Values-Tab STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesType, XYCurve::ValuesType, valuesType, updateValues) void XYCurve::setValuesType(XYCurve::ValuesType type) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (type != d->valuesType) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesTypeCmd(d, type, ki18n("%1: set values type"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesColumn, const AbstractColumn*, valuesColumn, updateValues) void XYCurve::setValuesColumn(const AbstractColumn* column) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (column != d->valuesColumn) { exec(new XYCurveSetValuesColumnCmd(d, column, ki18n("%1: set values column"))); if (column) { connect(column, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const AbstractColumn*)), this, SLOT(updateValues())); connect(column->parentAspect(), &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &XYCurve::aspectAboutToBeRemoved); } } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesPosition, XYCurve::ValuesPosition, valuesPosition, updateValues) void XYCurve::setValuesPosition(ValuesPosition position) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (position != d->valuesPosition) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesPositionCmd(d, position, ki18n("%1: set values position"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesDistance, qreal, valuesDistance, updateValues) void XYCurve::setValuesDistance(qreal distance) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (distance != d->valuesDistance) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesDistanceCmd(d, distance, ki18n("%1: set values distance"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesRotationAngle, qreal, valuesRotationAngle, updateValues) void XYCurve::setValuesRotationAngle(qreal angle) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (!qFuzzyCompare(1 + angle, 1 + d->valuesRotationAngle)) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesRotationAngleCmd(d, angle, ki18n("%1: rotate values"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesOpacity, qreal, valuesOpacity, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setValuesOpacity(qreal opacity) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (opacity != d->valuesOpacity) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesOpacityCmd(d, opacity, ki18n("%1: set values opacity"))); } //TODO: Format, Precision STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesPrefix, QString, valuesPrefix, updateValues) void XYCurve::setValuesPrefix(const QString& prefix) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (prefix != d->valuesPrefix) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesPrefixCmd(d, prefix, ki18n("%1: set values prefix"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesSuffix, QString, valuesSuffix, updateValues) void XYCurve::setValuesSuffix(const QString& suffix) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (suffix != d->valuesSuffix) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesSuffixCmd(d, suffix, ki18n("%1: set values suffix"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesFont, QFont, valuesFont, updateValues) void XYCurve::setValuesFont(const QFont& font) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (font != d->valuesFont) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesFontCmd(d, font, ki18n("%1: set values font"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetValuesColor, QColor, valuesColor, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setValuesColor(const QColor& color) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (color != d->valuesColor) exec(new XYCurveSetValuesColorCmd(d, color, ki18n("%1: set values color"))); } //Filling STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingPosition, XYCurve::FillingPosition, fillingPosition, updateFilling) void XYCurve::setFillingPosition(FillingPosition position) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (position != d->fillingPosition) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingPositionCmd(d, position, ki18n("%1: filling position changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingType, PlotArea::BackgroundType, fillingType, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setFillingType(PlotArea::BackgroundType type) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (type != d->fillingType) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingTypeCmd(d, type, ki18n("%1: filling type changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingColorStyle, PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle, fillingColorStyle, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setFillingColorStyle(PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle style) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (style != d->fillingColorStyle) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingColorStyleCmd(d, style, ki18n("%1: filling color style changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingImageStyle, PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle, fillingImageStyle, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setFillingImageStyle(PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle style) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (style != d->fillingImageStyle) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingImageStyleCmd(d, style, ki18n("%1: filling image style changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingBrushStyle, Qt::BrushStyle, fillingBrushStyle, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setFillingBrushStyle(Qt::BrushStyle style) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (style != d->fillingBrushStyle) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingBrushStyleCmd(d, style, ki18n("%1: filling brush style changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingFirstColor, QColor, fillingFirstColor, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setFillingFirstColor(const QColor& color) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (color != d->fillingFirstColor) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingFirstColorCmd(d, color, ki18n("%1: set filling first color"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingSecondColor, QColor, fillingSecondColor, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setFillingSecondColor(const QColor& color) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (color != d->fillingSecondColor) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingSecondColorCmd(d, color, ki18n("%1: set filling second color"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingFileName, QString, fillingFileName, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setFillingFileName(const QString& fileName) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (fileName != d->fillingFileName) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingFileNameCmd(d, fileName, ki18n("%1: set filling image"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetFillingOpacity, qreal, fillingOpacity, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setFillingOpacity(qreal opacity) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (opacity != d->fillingOpacity) exec(new XYCurveSetFillingOpacityCmd(d, opacity, ki18n("%1: set filling opacity"))); } //Error bars STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetXErrorType, XYCurve::ErrorType, xErrorType, updateErrorBars) void XYCurve::setXErrorType(ErrorType type) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (type != d->xErrorType) exec(new XYCurveSetXErrorTypeCmd(d, type, ki18n("%1: x-error type changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetXErrorPlusColumn, const AbstractColumn*, xErrorPlusColumn, updateErrorBars) void XYCurve::setXErrorPlusColumn(const AbstractColumn* column) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (column != d->xErrorPlusColumn) { exec(new XYCurveSetXErrorPlusColumnCmd(d, column, ki18n("%1: set x-error column"))); if (column) { connect(column, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const AbstractColumn*)), this, SLOT(updateErrorBars())); connect(column->parentAspect(), &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &XYCurve::xErrorPlusColumnAboutToBeRemoved); } } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetXErrorMinusColumn, const AbstractColumn*, xErrorMinusColumn, updateErrorBars) void XYCurve::setXErrorMinusColumn(const AbstractColumn* column) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (column != d->xErrorMinusColumn) { exec(new XYCurveSetXErrorMinusColumnCmd(d, column, ki18n("%1: set x-error column"))); if (column) { connect(column, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const AbstractColumn*)), this, SLOT(updateErrorBars())); connect(column->parentAspect(), &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &XYCurve::xErrorMinusColumnAboutToBeRemoved); } } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetYErrorType, XYCurve::ErrorType, yErrorType, updateErrorBars) void XYCurve::setYErrorType(ErrorType type) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (type != d->yErrorType) exec(new XYCurveSetYErrorTypeCmd(d, type, ki18n("%1: y-error type changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetYErrorPlusColumn, const AbstractColumn*, yErrorPlusColumn, updateErrorBars) void XYCurve::setYErrorPlusColumn(const AbstractColumn* column) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (column != d->yErrorPlusColumn) { exec(new XYCurveSetYErrorPlusColumnCmd(d, column, ki18n("%1: set y-error column"))); if (column) { connect(column, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const AbstractColumn*)), this, SLOT(updateErrorBars())); connect(column->parentAspect(), &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &XYCurve::yErrorPlusColumnAboutToBeRemoved); } } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetYErrorMinusColumn, const AbstractColumn*, yErrorMinusColumn, updateErrorBars) void XYCurve::setYErrorMinusColumn(const AbstractColumn* column) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (column != d->yErrorMinusColumn) { exec(new XYCurveSetYErrorMinusColumnCmd(d, column, ki18n("%1: set y-error column"))); if (column) { connect(column, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const AbstractColumn*)), this, SLOT(updateErrorBars())); connect(column->parentAspect(), &AbstractAspect::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &XYCurve::yErrorMinusColumnAboutToBeRemoved); } } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetErrorBarsCapSize, qreal, errorBarsCapSize, updateErrorBars) void XYCurve::setErrorBarsCapSize(qreal size) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (size != d->errorBarsCapSize) exec(new XYCurveSetErrorBarsCapSizeCmd(d, size, ki18n("%1: set error bar cap size"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetErrorBarsType, XYCurve::ErrorBarsType, errorBarsType, updateErrorBars) void XYCurve::setErrorBarsType(ErrorBarsType type) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (type != d->errorBarsType) exec(new XYCurveSetErrorBarsTypeCmd(d, type, ki18n("%1: error bar type changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetErrorBarsPen, QPen, errorBarsPen, recalcShapeAndBoundingRect) void XYCurve::setErrorBarsPen(const QPen& pen) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (pen != d->errorBarsPen) exec(new XYCurveSetErrorBarsPenCmd(d, pen, ki18n("%1: set error bar style"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(XYCurve, SetErrorBarsOpacity, qreal, errorBarsOpacity, updatePixmap) void XYCurve::setErrorBarsOpacity(qreal opacity) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (opacity != d->errorBarsOpacity) exec(new XYCurveSetErrorBarsOpacityCmd(d, opacity, ki18n("%1: set error bar opacity"))); } void XYCurve::suppressRetransform(bool b) { Q_D(XYCurve); d->suppressRetransform(b); } //############################################################################## //################################# SLOTS #################################### //############################################################################## void XYCurve::retransform() { Q_D(XYCurve); d->retransform(); } void XYCurve::updateValues() { Q_D(XYCurve); d->updateValues(); } void XYCurve::updateErrorBars() { Q_D(XYCurve); d->updateErrorBars(); } //TODO void XYCurve::handleResize(double horizontalRatio, double verticalRatio, bool pageResize) { Q_UNUSED(pageResize); Q_D(const XYCurve); setSymbolsSize(d->symbolsSize * horizontalRatio); QPen pen = d->symbolsPen; pen.setWidthF(pen.widthF() * (horizontalRatio + verticalRatio) / 2.0); setSymbolsPen(pen); pen = d->linePen; pen.setWidthF(pen.widthF() * (horizontalRatio + verticalRatio) / 2.0); setLinePen(pen); //setValuesDistance(d->distance*); QFont font=d->valuesFont; font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF()*horizontalRatio); setValuesFont(font); } void XYCurve::xColumnAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (aspect == d->xColumn) { d->xColumn = 0; d->retransform(); } } void XYCurve::yColumnAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (aspect == d->yColumn) { d->yColumn = 0; d->retransform(); } } void XYCurve::valuesColumnAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (aspect == d->valuesColumn) { d->valuesColumn = 0; d->updateValues(); } } void XYCurve::xErrorPlusColumnAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (aspect == d->xErrorPlusColumn) { d->xErrorPlusColumn = 0; d->updateErrorBars(); } } void XYCurve::xErrorMinusColumnAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (aspect == d->xErrorMinusColumn) { d->xErrorMinusColumn = 0; d->updateErrorBars(); } } void XYCurve::yErrorPlusColumnAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (aspect == d->yErrorPlusColumn) { d->yErrorPlusColumn = 0; d->updateErrorBars(); } } void XYCurve::yErrorMinusColumnAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (aspect == d->yErrorMinusColumn) { d->yErrorMinusColumn = 0; d->updateErrorBars(); } } //############################################################################## //###### SLOTs for changes triggered via QActions in the context menu ######## //############################################################################## void XYCurve::visibilityChanged() { Q_D(const XYCurve); this->setVisible(!d->isVisible()); } void XYCurve::navigateTo() { project()->navigateTo(navigateToAction->data().toString()); } //############################################################################## //######################### Private implementation ############################# //############################################################################## XYCurvePrivate::XYCurvePrivate(XYCurve *owner) : sourceDataChangedSinceLastRecalc(false), q(owner), plot(nullptr), cSystem(nullptr), m_hoverEffectImageIsDirty(false), m_selectionEffectImageIsDirty(false), m_hovered(false), m_suppressRecalc(false), m_suppressRetransform(false), m_printing(false) { setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true); setAcceptHoverEvents(true); } QString XYCurvePrivate::name() const { return q->name(); } QRectF XYCurvePrivate::boundingRect() const { return boundingRectangle; } /*! Returns the shape of the XYCurve as a QPainterPath in local coordinates */ QPainterPath XYCurvePrivate::shape() const { return curveShape; } void XYCurvePrivate::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent* event) { q->createContextMenu()->exec(event->screenPos()); } bool XYCurvePrivate::swapVisible(bool on) { bool oldValue = isVisible(); setVisible(on); emit q->visibilityChanged(on); return oldValue; } /*! recalculates the position of the points to be drawn. Called when the data was changed. Triggers the update of lines, drop lines, symbols etc. */ void XYCurvePrivate::retransform() { DEBUG("\nXYCurvePrivate::retransform() name = " << name().toStdString() << ", m_suppressRetransform = " << m_suppressRetransform); DEBUG(" plot = " << plot); if (m_suppressRetransform || !plot) return; #ifdef PERFTRACE_CURVES PERFTRACE(name().toLatin1() + ", XYCurvePrivate::retransform()"); #endif symbolPointsLogical.clear(); symbolPointsScene.clear(); connectedPointsLogical.clear(); if ( (NULL == xColumn) || (NULL == yColumn) ) { DEBUG(" xColumn or yColumn == NULL"); linePath = QPainterPath(); dropLinePath = QPainterPath(); symbolsPath = QPainterPath(); valuesPath = QPainterPath(); errorBarsPath = QPainterPath(); recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); return; } if (!plot->isPanningActive()) { WAIT_CURSOR; QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 0); } QPointF tempPoint; AbstractColumn::ColumnMode xColMode = xColumn->columnMode(); AbstractColumn::ColumnMode yColMode = yColumn->columnMode(); //take over only valid and non masked points. for (int row = 0; row < xColumn->rowCount(); row++) { if ( xColumn->isValid(row) && yColumn->isValid(row) && (!xColumn->isMasked(row)) && (!yColumn->isMasked(row)) ) { switch (xColMode) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: case AbstractColumn::Integer: tempPoint.setX(xColumn->valueAt(row)); break; - case AbstractColumn::Text: //TODO + case AbstractColumn::Text: + break; case AbstractColumn::DateTime: + tempPoint.setX(xColumn->dateTimeAt(row).toSecsSinceEpoch()); + break; case AbstractColumn::Month: case AbstractColumn::Day: break; } switch (yColMode) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: case AbstractColumn::Integer: tempPoint.setY(yColumn->valueAt(row)); break; - case AbstractColumn::Text: //TODO + case AbstractColumn::Text: + break; case AbstractColumn::DateTime: + tempPoint.setX(yColumn->dateTimeAt(row).toSecsSinceEpoch()); + break; case AbstractColumn::Month: case AbstractColumn::Day: break; } symbolPointsLogical.append(tempPoint); connectedPointsLogical.push_back(true); } else { if (!connectedPointsLogical.empty()) connectedPointsLogical[connectedPointsLogical.size()-1] = false; } } //calculate the scene coordinates visiblePoints = std::vector(symbolPointsLogical.count(), false); { #ifdef PERFTRACE_CURVES PERFTRACE(name().toLatin1() + ", XYCurvePrivate::retransform(), map logical points to scene coordinates"); #endif cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(symbolPointsLogical, symbolPointsScene, visiblePoints); } m_suppressRecalc = true; updateLines(); updateDropLines(); updateSymbols(); updateValues(); m_suppressRecalc = false; updateErrorBars(); RESET_CURSOR; } /*! recalculates the painter path for the lines connecting the data points. Called each time when the type of this connection is changed. */ void XYCurvePrivate::updateLines() { #ifdef PERFTRACE_CURVES PERFTRACE(name().toLatin1() + ", XYCurvePrivate::updateLines()"); #endif linePath = QPainterPath(); lines.clear(); if (lineType == XYCurve::NoLine) { DEBUG(" nothing to do, since line type is XYCurve::NoLine"); updateFilling(); recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); return; } unsigned int count = (unsigned int)symbolPointsLogical.count(); if (count <= 1) { DEBUG(" nothing to do, since no data points available"); recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); return; } //calculate the lines connecting the data points { #ifdef PERFTRACE_CURVES PERFTRACE(name().toLatin1() + ", XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), calculate the lines connecting the data points"); #endif QPointF tempPoint1, tempPoint2; QPointF curPoint, nextPoint; switch (lineType) { case XYCurve::NoLine: break; case XYCurve::Line: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { if (!lineSkipGaps && !connectedPointsLogical[i]) continue; lines.append(QLineF(symbolPointsLogical.at(i), symbolPointsLogical.at(i+1))); } break; case XYCurve::StartHorizontal: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { if (!lineSkipGaps && !connectedPointsLogical[i]) continue; curPoint = symbolPointsLogical.at(i); nextPoint = symbolPointsLogical.at(i+1); tempPoint1 = QPointF(nextPoint.x(), curPoint.y()); lines.append(QLineF(curPoint, tempPoint1)); lines.append(QLineF(tempPoint1, nextPoint)); } break; case XYCurve::StartVertical: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { if (!lineSkipGaps && !connectedPointsLogical[i]) continue; curPoint = symbolPointsLogical.at(i); nextPoint = symbolPointsLogical.at(i+1); tempPoint1 = QPointF(curPoint.x(), nextPoint.y()); lines.append(QLineF(curPoint, tempPoint1)); lines.append(QLineF(tempPoint1,nextPoint)); } break; case XYCurve::MidpointHorizontal: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { if (!lineSkipGaps && !connectedPointsLogical[i]) continue; curPoint = symbolPointsLogical.at(i); nextPoint = symbolPointsLogical.at(i+1); tempPoint1 = QPointF(curPoint.x() + (nextPoint.x()-curPoint.x())/2, curPoint.y()); tempPoint2 = QPointF(curPoint.x() + (nextPoint.x()-curPoint.x())/2, nextPoint.y()); lines.append(QLineF(curPoint, tempPoint1)); lines.append(QLineF(tempPoint1, tempPoint2)); lines.append(QLineF(tempPoint2, nextPoint)); } break; case XYCurve::MidpointVertical: for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { if (!lineSkipGaps && !connectedPointsLogical[i]) continue; curPoint = symbolPointsLogical.at(i); nextPoint = symbolPointsLogical.at(i+1); tempPoint1 = QPointF(curPoint.x(), curPoint.y() + (nextPoint.y()-curPoint.y())/2); tempPoint2 = QPointF(nextPoint.x(), curPoint.y() + (nextPoint.y()-curPoint.y())/2); lines.append(QLineF(curPoint, tempPoint1)); lines.append(QLineF(tempPoint1, tempPoint2)); lines.append(QLineF(tempPoint2, nextPoint)); } break; case XYCurve::Segments2: { int skip=0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { if (skip != 1) { if (!lineSkipGaps && !connectedPointsLogical[i]) { skip = 0; continue; } lines.append(QLineF(symbolPointsLogical.at(i), symbolPointsLogical.at(i+1))); skip++; } else skip = 0; } break; } case XYCurve::Segments3: { int skip = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { if (skip != 2) { if (!lineSkipGaps && !connectedPointsLogical[i]) { skip = 0; continue; } lines.append(QLineF(symbolPointsLogical.at(i), symbolPointsLogical.at(i+1))); skip++; } else skip = 0; } break; } case XYCurve::SplineCubicNatural: case XYCurve::SplineCubicPeriodic: case XYCurve::SplineAkimaNatural: case XYCurve::SplineAkimaPeriodic: { gsl_interp_accel *acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); gsl_spline *spline = 0; double* x = new double[count]; double* y = new double[count]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { x[i] = symbolPointsLogical.at(i).x(); y[i] = symbolPointsLogical.at(i).y(); } gsl_set_error_handler_off(); if (lineType == XYCurve::SplineCubicNatural) spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, count); else if (lineType == XYCurve::SplineCubicPeriodic) spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline_periodic, count); else if (lineType == XYCurve::SplineAkimaNatural) spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_akima, count); else if (lineType == XYCurve::SplineAkimaPeriodic) spline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_akima_periodic, count); if (!spline) { QString msg; if ( (lineType == XYCurve::SplineAkimaNatural || lineType == XYCurve::SplineAkimaPeriodic) && count < 5) msg = i18n("Error: Akima spline interpolation requires a minimum of 5 points."); else msg = i18n("Error: Could not initialize the spline function."); emit q->info(msg); recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); delete[] x; delete[] y; gsl_interp_accel_free (acc); return; } int status = gsl_spline_init (spline, x, y, count); if (status) { //TODO: check in gsl/interp.c when GSL_EINVAL is thrown QString gslError; if (status == GSL_EINVAL) gslError = i18n("x values must be monotonically increasing."); else gslError = gslErrorToString(status); emit q->info( i18n("Error: %1", gslError) ); recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); delete[] x; delete[] y; gsl_spline_free (spline); gsl_interp_accel_free (acc); return; } //create interpolating points std::vector xinterp, yinterp; double step; double xi, yi, x1, x2; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { x1 = x[i]; x2 = x[i+1]; step=fabs(x2 - x1)/(lineInterpolationPointsCount + 1); for (xi = x1; xi < x2; xi += step) { yi = gsl_spline_eval(spline, xi, acc); xinterp.push_back(xi); yinterp.push_back(yi); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xinterp.size() - 1; i++) lines.append(QLineF(xinterp[i], yinterp[i], xinterp[i+1], yinterp[i+1])); lines.append(QLineF(xinterp[xinterp.size()-1], yinterp[yinterp.size()-1], x[count-1], y[count-1])); delete[] x; delete[] y; gsl_spline_free (spline); gsl_interp_accel_free (acc); break; } } } //map the lines to scene coordinates { #ifdef PERFTRACE_CURVES PERFTRACE(name().toLatin1() + ", XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), map lines to scene coordinates"); #endif lines = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(lines); } { #ifdef PERFTRACE_CURVES PERFTRACE(name().toLatin1() + ", XYCurvePrivate::updateLines(), calculate new line path"); #endif //new line path for (const auto& line : lines) { linePath.moveTo(line.p1()); linePath.lineTo(line.p2()); } } updateFilling(); recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } /*! recalculates the painter path for the drop lines. Called each time when the type of the drop lines is changed. */ void XYCurvePrivate::updateDropLines() { dropLinePath = QPainterPath(); if (dropLineType == XYCurve::NoDropLine) { recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); return; } //calculate drop lines QVector lines; float xMin = 0; float yMin = 0; xMin = plot->xMin(); yMin = plot->yMin(); switch (dropLineType) { case XYCurve::NoDropLine: break; case XYCurve::DropLineX: for(int i=0; i(yColumn)->minimum())) ); } break; case XYCurve::DropLineXMaxBaseline: for(int i=0; i(yColumn)->maximum())) ); } break; } //map the drop lines to scene coordinates lines = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(lines); //new painter path for the drop lines for (const auto& line : lines) { dropLinePath.moveTo(line.p1()); dropLinePath.lineTo(line.p2()); } recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } void XYCurvePrivate::updateSymbols() { symbolsPath = QPainterPath(); if (symbolsStyle != Symbol::NoSymbols) { QPainterPath path = Symbol::pathFromStyle(symbolsStyle); QTransform trafo; trafo.scale(symbolsSize, symbolsSize); path = trafo.map(path); trafo.reset(); if (symbolsRotationAngle != 0) { trafo.rotate(symbolsRotationAngle); path = trafo.map(path); } for (const auto& point : symbolPointsScene) { trafo.reset(); trafo.translate(point.x(), point.y()); symbolsPath.addPath(trafo.map(path)); } } recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } /*! recreates the value strings to be shown and recalculates their draw position. */ void XYCurvePrivate::updateValues() { DEBUG("XYCurvePrivate::updateValues()"); valuesPath = QPainterPath(); valuesPoints.clear(); valuesStrings.clear(); if (valuesType == XYCurve::NoValues) { recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); return; } //determine the value string for all points that are currently visible in the plot switch (valuesType) { case XYCurve::NoValues: case XYCurve::ValuesX: { for(int i=0; ivaluesColumn->rowCount()) endRow = valuesColumn->rowCount(); else endRow = symbolPointsLogical.size(); AbstractColumn::ColumnMode xColMode = valuesColumn->columnMode(); for (int i = 0; i < endRow; ++i) { if (!visiblePoints[i]) continue; if ( !valuesColumn->isValid(i) || valuesColumn->isMasked(i) ) continue; switch (xColMode) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: case AbstractColumn::Integer: valuesStrings << valuesPrefix + QString::number(valuesColumn->valueAt(i)) + valuesSuffix; break; case AbstractColumn::Text: valuesStrings << valuesPrefix + valuesColumn->textAt(i) + valuesSuffix; case AbstractColumn::DateTime: case AbstractColumn::Month: case AbstractColumn::Day: //TODO break; } } } } //Calculate the coordinates where to paint the value strings. //The coordinates depend on the actual size of the string. QPointF tempPoint; QFontMetrics fm(valuesFont); qreal w; qreal h=fm.ascent(); for (int i=0; i1000) { recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); return; } QVector fillLines; //if there're no interpolation lines available (XYCurve::NoLine selected), create line-interpolation, //use already available lines otherwise. if (!lines.isEmpty()) fillLines = lines; else { for (int i=0; imapLogicalToScene(fillLines); //no lines available (no points), nothing to do if (fillLines.isEmpty()) return; } //create polygon(s): //1. Depending on the current zoom-level, only a subset of the curve may be visible in the plot //and more of the filling area should be shown than the area defined by the start and end points of the currently visible points. //We check first whether the curve crosses the boundaries of the plot and determine new start and end points and put them to the boundaries. //2. Furthermore, depending on the current filling type we determine the end point (x- or y-coordinate) where all polygons are closed at the end. QPolygonF pol; QPointF start = fillLines.at(0).p1(); //starting point of the current polygon, initialize with the first visible point QPointF end = fillLines.at(fillLines.size()-1).p2(); //starting point of the current polygon, initialize with the last visible point const QPointF& first = symbolPointsLogical.at(0); //first point of the curve, may not be visible currently const QPointF& last = symbolPointsLogical.at(symbolPointsLogical.size()-1);//first point of the curve, may not be visible currently QPointF edge; float xEnd=0, yEnd=0; if (fillingPosition == XYCurve::FillingAbove) { edge = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMin())); //start point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(start.y(), edge.y())) { if (first.x() < plot->xMin()) start = edge; else if (first.x() > plot->xMax()) start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMin())); else start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(first.x(), plot->yMin())); } //end point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(end.y(), edge.y())) { if (last.x() < plot->xMin()) end = edge; else if (last.x() > plot->xMax()) end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMin())); else end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(last.x(), plot->yMin())); } //coordinate at which to close all polygons yEnd = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMax())).y(); } else if (fillingPosition == XYCurve::FillingBelow) { edge = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMax())); //start point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(start.y(), edge.y())) { if (first.x() < plot->xMin()) start = edge; else if (first.x() > plot->xMax()) start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMax())); else start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(first.x(), plot->yMax())); } //end point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(end.y(), edge.y())) { if (last.x() < plot->xMin()) end = edge; else if (last.x() > plot->xMax()) end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMax())); else end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(last.x(), plot->yMax())); } //coordinate at which to close all polygons yEnd = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMin())).y(); } else if (fillingPosition == XYCurve::FillingZeroBaseline) { edge = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMax())); //start point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(start.y(), edge.y())) { if (plot->yMax() > 0) { if (first.x() < plot->xMin()) start = edge; else if (first.x() > plot->xMax()) start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMax())); else start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(first.x(), plot->yMax())); } else { if (first.x() < plot->xMin()) start = edge; else if (first.x() > plot->xMax()) start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMin())); else start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(first.x(), plot->yMin())); } } //end point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(end.y(), edge.y())) { if (plot->yMax() > 0) { if (last.x() < plot->xMin()) end = edge; else if (last.x() > plot->xMax()) end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMax())); else end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(last.x(), plot->yMax())); } else { if (last.x() < plot->xMin()) end = edge; else if (last.x() > plot->xMax()) end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMin())); else end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(last.x(), plot->yMin())); } } yEnd = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMin()>0 ? plot->yMin() : 0)).y(); } else if (fillingPosition == XYCurve::FillingLeft) { edge = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMin())); //start point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(start.x(), edge.x())) { if (first.y() < plot->yMin()) start = edge; else if (first.y() > plot->yMax()) start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMax())); else start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), first.y())); } //end point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(end.x(), edge.x())) { if (last.y() < plot->yMin()) end = edge; else if (last.y() > plot->yMax()) end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMax())); else end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), last.y())); } //coordinate at which to close all polygons xEnd = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMin())).x(); } else { //FillingRight edge = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMin())); //start point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(start.x(), edge.x())) { if (first.y() < plot->yMin()) start = edge; else if (first.y() > plot->yMax()) start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMax())); else start = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), first.y())); } //end point if (AbstractCoordinateSystem::essentiallyEqual(end.x(), edge.x())) { if (last.y() < plot->yMin()) end = edge; else if (last.y() > plot->yMax()) end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), plot->yMax())); else end = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMin(), last.y())); } //coordinate at which to close all polygons xEnd = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(QPointF(plot->xMax(), plot->yMin())).x(); } if (start != fillLines.at(0).p1()) pol << start; QPointF p1, p2; for (int i=0; icheck whether we have a break in between. const bool gap = false; //TODO if (!gap) { //-> we have no break in the curve -> connect the points by a horizontal/vertical line pol << fillLines.at(i-1).p2() << p1; } else { //-> we have a break in the curve -> close the polygon add it to the polygon list and start a new polygon if (fillingPosition==XYCurve::FillingAbove || fillingPosition==XYCurve::FillingBelow || fillingPosition==XYCurve::FillingZeroBaseline) { pol << QPointF(fillLines.at(i-1).p2().x(), yEnd); pol << QPointF(start.x(), yEnd); } else { pol << QPointF(xEnd, fillLines.at(i-1).p2().y()); pol << QPointF(xEnd, start.y()); } fillPolygons << pol; pol.clear(); start = p1; } } pol << p1 << p2; } if (p2!=end) pol << end; //close the last polygon if (fillingPosition==XYCurve::FillingAbove || fillingPosition==XYCurve::FillingBelow || fillingPosition==XYCurve::FillingZeroBaseline) { pol << QPointF(end.x(), yEnd); pol << QPointF(start.x(), yEnd); } else { pol << QPointF(xEnd, end.y()); pol << QPointF(xEnd, start.y()); } fillPolygons << pol; recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } void XYCurvePrivate::updateErrorBars() { errorBarsPath = QPainterPath(); if (xErrorType==XYCurve::NoError && yErrorType==XYCurve::NoError) { recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); return; } QVector lines; float errorPlus, errorMinus; //the cap size for the errorbars is given in scene units. //determine first the (half of the) cap size in logical units: // * take the first visible point in logical units // * convert it to scene units // * add to this point an offset corresponding to the cap size in scene units // * convert this point back to logical units // * subtract from this point the original coordinates (without the new offset) // to determine the cap size in logical units. float capSizeX = 0; float capSizeY = 0; if (errorBarsType != XYCurve::ErrorBarsSimple && !symbolPointsLogical.isEmpty()) { //determine the index of the first visible point size_t i = 0; while (i no error bars to draw //cap size for x-error bars QPointF pointScene = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(symbolPointsLogical.at((int)i)); pointScene.setY(pointScene.y()-errorBarsCapSize); QPointF pointLogical = cSystem->mapSceneToLogical(pointScene); capSizeX = (pointLogical.y() - symbolPointsLogical.at((int)i).y())/2; //cap size for y-error bars pointScene = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(symbolPointsLogical.at((int)i)); pointScene.setX(pointScene.x()+errorBarsCapSize); pointLogical = cSystem->mapSceneToLogical(pointScene); capSizeY = (pointLogical.x() - symbolPointsLogical.at((int)i).x())/2; } for (int i=0; i < symbolPointsLogical.size(); ++i) { if (!visiblePoints[i]) continue; const QPointF& point = symbolPointsLogical.at(i); //error bars for x if (xErrorType != XYCurve::NoError) { //determine the values for the errors if (xErrorPlusColumn && xErrorPlusColumn->isValid(i) && !xErrorPlusColumn->isMasked(i)) errorPlus = xErrorPlusColumn->valueAt(i); else errorPlus = 0; if (xErrorType==XYCurve::SymmetricError) errorMinus = errorPlus; else { if (xErrorMinusColumn && xErrorMinusColumn->isValid(i) && !xErrorMinusColumn->isMasked(i)) errorMinus = xErrorMinusColumn->valueAt(i); else errorMinus = 0; } //draw the error bars switch (errorBarsType) { case XYCurve::ErrorBarsSimple: lines.append(QLineF(QPointF(point.x()-errorMinus, point.y()), QPointF(point.x()+errorPlus, point.y()))); break; case XYCurve::ErrorBarsWithEnds: lines.append(QLineF(QPointF(point.x()-errorMinus, point.y()), QPointF(point.x()+errorPlus, point.y()))); if (errorMinus!=0) { lines.append(QLineF(QPointF(point.x()-errorMinus, point.y()-capSizeX), QPointF(point.x()-errorMinus, point.y()+capSizeX))); } if (errorPlus!=0) { lines.append(QLineF(QPointF(point.x()+errorPlus, point.y()-capSizeX), QPointF(point.x()+errorPlus, point.y()+capSizeX))); } break; } } //error bars for y if (yErrorType != XYCurve::NoError) { //determine the values for the errors if (yErrorPlusColumn && yErrorPlusColumn->isValid(i) && !yErrorPlusColumn->isMasked(i)) errorPlus = yErrorPlusColumn->valueAt(i); else errorPlus = 0; if (yErrorType == XYCurve::SymmetricError) errorMinus = errorPlus; else { if (yErrorMinusColumn && yErrorMinusColumn->isValid(i) && !yErrorMinusColumn->isMasked(i) ) errorMinus = yErrorMinusColumn->valueAt(i); else errorMinus = 0; } //draw the error bars switch (errorBarsType) { case XYCurve::ErrorBarsSimple: lines.append(QLineF(QPointF(point.x(), point.y()-errorMinus), QPointF(point.x(), point.y()+errorPlus))); break; case XYCurve::ErrorBarsWithEnds: lines.append(QLineF(QPointF(point.x(), point.y()-errorMinus), QPointF(point.x(), point.y()+errorPlus))); if (errorMinus != 0) lines.append(QLineF(QPointF(point.x()-capSizeY, point.y()-errorMinus), QPointF(point.x()+capSizeY, point.y()-errorMinus))); if (errorPlus != 0) lines.append(QLineF(QPointF(point.x()-capSizeY, point.y()+errorPlus), QPointF(point.x()+capSizeY, point.y()+errorPlus))); break; } } } //map the error bars to scene coordinates lines = cSystem->mapLogicalToScene(lines); //new painter path for the drop lines for (const auto& line : lines) { errorBarsPath.moveTo(line.p1()); errorBarsPath.lineTo(line.p2()); } recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } /*! recalculates the outer bounds and the shape of the curve. */ void XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect() { DEBUG("XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect() m_suppressRecalc = " << m_suppressRecalc); if (m_suppressRecalc) return; #ifdef PERFTRACE_CURVES PERFTRACE(name().toLatin1() + ", XYCurvePrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect()"); #endif prepareGeometryChange(); curveShape = QPainterPath(); if (lineType != XYCurve::NoLine) curveShape.addPath(WorksheetElement::shapeFromPath(linePath, linePen)); if (dropLineType != XYCurve::NoDropLine) curveShape.addPath(WorksheetElement::shapeFromPath(dropLinePath, dropLinePen)); if (symbolsStyle != Symbol::NoSymbols) curveShape.addPath(symbolsPath); if (valuesType != XYCurve::NoValues) curveShape.addPath(valuesPath); if (xErrorType != XYCurve::NoError || yErrorType != XYCurve::NoError) curveShape.addPath(WorksheetElement::shapeFromPath(errorBarsPath, errorBarsPen)); boundingRectangle = curveShape.boundingRect(); for (const auto& pol : fillPolygons) boundingRectangle = boundingRectangle.united(pol.boundingRect()); //TODO: when the selection is painted, line intersections are visible. //simplified() removes those artifacts but is horrible slow for curves with large number of points. //search for an alternative. //curveShape = curveShape.simplified(); DEBUG(" Calling updatePixmap()"); updatePixmap(); } void XYCurvePrivate::draw(QPainter* painter) { #ifdef PERFTRACE_CURVES PERFTRACE(name().toLatin1() + ", XYCurvePrivate::draw()"); #endif //draw filling if (fillingPosition != XYCurve::NoFilling) { painter->setOpacity(fillingOpacity); painter->setPen(Qt::SolidLine); drawFilling(painter); } //draw lines if (lineType != XYCurve::NoLine) { painter->setOpacity(lineOpacity); painter->setPen(linePen); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->drawPath(linePath); } //draw drop lines if (dropLineType != XYCurve::NoDropLine) { painter->setOpacity(dropLineOpacity); painter->setPen(dropLinePen); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->drawPath(dropLinePath); } //draw error bars if ( (xErrorType != XYCurve::NoError) || (yErrorType != XYCurve::NoError) ) { painter->setOpacity(errorBarsOpacity); painter->setPen(errorBarsPen); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->drawPath(errorBarsPath); } //draw symbols if (symbolsStyle != Symbol::NoSymbols) { painter->setOpacity(symbolsOpacity); painter->setPen(symbolsPen); painter->setBrush(symbolsBrush); drawSymbols(painter); } //draw values if (valuesType != XYCurve::NoValues) { painter->setOpacity(valuesOpacity); //don't use any painter pen, since this will force QPainter to render the text outline which is expensive painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter->setBrush(valuesColor); drawValues(painter); } } void XYCurvePrivate::updatePixmap() { DEBUG("XYCurvePrivate::updatePixmap() m_suppressRecalc = " << m_suppressRecalc); if (m_suppressRecalc) return; WAIT_CURSOR; m_hoverEffectImageIsDirty = true; m_selectionEffectImageIsDirty = true; if (boundingRectangle.width() == 0 || boundingRectangle.height() == 0) { DEBUG(" boundingRectangle.width() or boundingRectangle.height() == 0"); m_pixmap = QPixmap(); RESET_CURSOR; return; } QPixmap pixmap(ceil(boundingRectangle.width()), ceil(boundingRectangle.height())); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&pixmap); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.translate(-boundingRectangle.topLeft()); draw(&painter); painter.end(); m_pixmap = pixmap; update(); RESET_CURSOR; } /*! Reimplementation of QGraphicsItem::paint(). This function does the actual painting of the curve. \sa QGraphicsItem::paint(). */ void XYCurvePrivate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); if (!isVisible()) return; painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true); if ( KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("Settings_Worksheet").readEntry("DoubleBuffering", true) ) painter->drawPixmap(boundingRectangle.topLeft(), m_pixmap); //draw the cached pixmap (fast) else draw(painter); //draw directly again (slow) if (m_hovered && !isSelected() && !m_printing) { if (m_hoverEffectImageIsDirty) { QPixmap pix = m_pixmap; pix.fill(QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Shadow)); pix.setAlphaChannel(m_pixmap.alphaChannel()); m_hoverEffectImage = ImageTools::blurred(pix.toImage(), m_pixmap.rect(), 5); m_hoverEffectImageIsDirty = false; } painter->drawImage(boundingRectangle.topLeft(), m_hoverEffectImage, m_pixmap.rect()); return; } if (isSelected() && !m_printing) { if (m_selectionEffectImageIsDirty) { QPixmap pix = m_pixmap; pix.fill(QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Highlight)); pix.setAlphaChannel(m_pixmap.alphaChannel()); m_selectionEffectImage = ImageTools::blurred(pix.toImage(), m_pixmap.rect(), 5); m_selectionEffectImageIsDirty = false; } painter->drawImage(boundingRectangle.topLeft(), m_selectionEffectImage, m_pixmap.rect()); return; } } /*! Drawing of symbolsPath is very slow, so we draw every symbol in the loop which is much faster (factor 10) */ void XYCurvePrivate::drawSymbols(QPainter* painter) { QPainterPath path = Symbol::pathFromStyle(symbolsStyle); QTransform trafo; trafo.scale(symbolsSize, symbolsSize); path = trafo.map(path); trafo.reset(); if (symbolsRotationAngle != 0) { trafo.rotate(-symbolsRotationAngle); path = trafo.map(path); } for (const auto& point : symbolPointsScene) { trafo.reset(); trafo.translate(point.x(), point.y()); painter->drawPath(trafo.map(path)); } } void XYCurvePrivate::drawValues(QPainter* painter) { QTransform trafo; QPainterPath path; for (int i=0; idrawPath(trafo.map(path)); } } void XYCurvePrivate::drawFilling(QPainter* painter) { for (const auto& pol : fillPolygons) { QRectF rect = pol.boundingRect(); if (fillingType == PlotArea::Color) { switch (fillingColorStyle) { case PlotArea::SingleColor: { painter->setBrush(QBrush(fillingFirstColor)); break; } case PlotArea::HorizontalLinearGradient: { QLinearGradient linearGrad(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, fillingFirstColor); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, fillingSecondColor); painter->setBrush(QBrush(linearGrad)); break; } case PlotArea::VerticalLinearGradient: { QLinearGradient linearGrad(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft()); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, fillingFirstColor); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, fillingSecondColor); painter->setBrush(QBrush(linearGrad)); break; } case PlotArea::TopLeftDiagonalLinearGradient: { QLinearGradient linearGrad(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomRight()); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, fillingFirstColor); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, fillingSecondColor); painter->setBrush(QBrush(linearGrad)); break; } case PlotArea::BottomLeftDiagonalLinearGradient: { QLinearGradient linearGrad(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.topRight()); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, fillingFirstColor); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, fillingSecondColor); painter->setBrush(QBrush(linearGrad)); break; } case PlotArea::RadialGradient: { QRadialGradient radialGrad(rect.center(), rect.width()/2); radialGrad.setColorAt(0, fillingFirstColor); radialGrad.setColorAt(1, fillingSecondColor); painter->setBrush(QBrush(radialGrad)); break; } } } else if (fillingType == PlotArea::Image) { if ( !fillingFileName.trimmed().isEmpty() ) { QPixmap pix(fillingFileName); switch (fillingImageStyle) { case PlotArea::ScaledCropped: pix = pix.scaled(rect.size().toSize(), Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation); painter->setBrush(QBrush(pix)); painter->setBrushOrigin(pix.size().width()/2, pix.size().height()/2); break; case PlotArea::Scaled: pix = pix.scaled(rect.size().toSize(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); painter->setBrush(QBrush(pix)); painter->setBrushOrigin(pix.size().width()/2, pix.size().height()/2); break; case PlotArea::ScaledAspectRatio: pix = pix.scaled(rect.size().toSize(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); painter->setBrush(QBrush(pix)); painter->setBrushOrigin(pix.size().width()/2, pix.size().height()/2); break; case PlotArea::Centered: { QPixmap backpix(rect.size().toSize()); backpix.fill(); QPainter p(&backpix); p.drawPixmap(QPointF(0, 0), pix); p.end(); painter->setBrush(QBrush(backpix)); painter->setBrushOrigin(-pix.size().width()/2, -pix.size().height()/2); break; } case PlotArea::Tiled: painter->setBrush(QBrush(pix)); break; case PlotArea::CenterTiled: painter->setBrush(QBrush(pix)); painter->setBrushOrigin(pix.size().width()/2, pix.size().height()/2); } } } else if (fillingType == PlotArea::Pattern) painter->setBrush(QBrush(fillingFirstColor, fillingBrushStyle)); painter->drawPolygon(pol); } } void XYCurvePrivate::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*) { const CartesianPlot* plot = dynamic_cast(q->parentAspect()); if (plot->mouseMode() == CartesianPlot::SelectionMode && !isSelected()) { m_hovered = true; emit q->hovered(); update(); } } void XYCurvePrivate::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*) { const CartesianPlot* plot = dynamic_cast(q->parentAspect()); if (plot->mouseMode() == CartesianPlot::SelectionMode && m_hovered) { m_hovered = false; emit q->unhovered(); update(); } } void XYCurvePrivate::setPrinting(bool on) { m_printing = on; } void XYCurvePrivate::suppressRetransform(bool on) { m_suppressRetransform = on; m_suppressRecalc = on; } //############################################################################## //################## Serialization/Deserialization ########################### //############################################################################## //! Save as XML void XYCurve::save(QXmlStreamWriter* writer) const { Q_D(const XYCurve); writer->writeStartElement( "xyCurve" ); writeBasicAttributes( writer ); writeCommentElement( writer ); //general writer->writeStartElement( "general" ); WRITE_COLUMN(d->xColumn, xColumn); WRITE_COLUMN(d->yColumn, yColumn); writer->writeAttribute( "visible", QString::number(d->isVisible()) ); writer->writeEndElement(); //Line writer->writeStartElement( "lines" ); writer->writeAttribute( "type", QString::number(d->lineType) ); writer->writeAttribute( "skipGaps", QString::number(d->lineSkipGaps) ); writer->writeAttribute( "interpolationPointsCount", QString::number(d->lineInterpolationPointsCount) ); WRITE_QPEN(d->linePen); writer->writeAttribute( "opacity", QString::number(d->lineOpacity) ); writer->writeEndElement(); //Drop lines writer->writeStartElement( "dropLines" ); writer->writeAttribute( "type", QString::number(d->dropLineType) ); WRITE_QPEN(d->dropLinePen); writer->writeAttribute( "opacity", QString::number(d->dropLineOpacity) ); writer->writeEndElement(); //Symbols writer->writeStartElement( "symbols" ); writer->writeAttribute( "symbolsStyle", QString::number(d->symbolsStyle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "opacity", QString::number(d->symbolsOpacity) ); writer->writeAttribute( "rotation", QString::number(d->symbolsRotationAngle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "size", QString::number(d->symbolsSize) ); WRITE_QBRUSH(d->symbolsBrush); WRITE_QPEN(d->symbolsPen); writer->writeEndElement(); //Values writer->writeStartElement( "values" ); writer->writeAttribute( "type", QString::number(d->valuesType) ); WRITE_COLUMN(d->valuesColumn, valuesColumn); writer->writeAttribute( "position", QString::number(d->valuesPosition) ); writer->writeAttribute( "distance", QString::number(d->valuesDistance) ); writer->writeAttribute( "rotation", QString::number(d->valuesRotationAngle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "opacity", QString::number(d->valuesOpacity) ); //TODO values format and precision writer->writeAttribute( "prefix", d->valuesPrefix ); writer->writeAttribute( "suffix", d->valuesSuffix ); WRITE_QCOLOR(d->valuesColor); WRITE_QFONT(d->valuesFont); writer->writeEndElement(); //Filling writer->writeStartElement( "filling" ); writer->writeAttribute( "position", QString::number(d->fillingPosition) ); writer->writeAttribute( "type", QString::number(d->fillingType) ); writer->writeAttribute( "colorStyle", QString::number(d->fillingColorStyle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "imageStyle", QString::number(d->fillingImageStyle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "brushStyle", QString::number(d->fillingBrushStyle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "firstColor_r", QString::number(d->fillingFirstColor.red()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "firstColor_g", QString::number(d->fillingFirstColor.green()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "firstColor_b", QString::number(d->fillingFirstColor.blue()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "secondColor_r", QString::number(d->fillingSecondColor.red()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "secondColor_g", QString::number(d->fillingSecondColor.green()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "secondColor_b", QString::number(d->fillingSecondColor.blue()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "fileName", d->fillingFileName ); writer->writeAttribute( "opacity", QString::number(d->fillingOpacity) ); writer->writeEndElement(); //Error bars writer->writeStartElement( "errorBars" ); writer->writeAttribute( "xErrorType", QString::number(d->xErrorType) ); WRITE_COLUMN(d->xErrorPlusColumn, xErrorPlusColumn); WRITE_COLUMN(d->xErrorMinusColumn, xErrorMinusColumn); writer->writeAttribute( "yErrorType", QString::number(d->yErrorType) ); WRITE_COLUMN(d->yErrorPlusColumn, yErrorPlusColumn); WRITE_COLUMN(d->yErrorMinusColumn, yErrorMinusColumn); writer->writeAttribute( "type", QString::number(d->errorBarsType) ); writer->writeAttribute( "capSize", QString::number(d->errorBarsCapSize) ); WRITE_QPEN(d->errorBarsPen); writer->writeAttribute( "opacity", QString::number(d->errorBarsOpacity) ); writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeEndElement(); //close "xyCurve" section } //! Load from XML bool XYCurve::load(XmlStreamReader* reader, bool preview) { Q_D(XYCurve); if (!readBasicAttributes(reader)) return false; KLocalizedString attributeWarning = ki18n("Attribute '%1' missing or empty, default value is used"); QXmlStreamAttributes attribs; QString str; while (!reader->atEnd()) { reader->readNext(); if (reader->isEndElement() && reader->name() == "xyCurve") break; if (!reader->isStartElement()) continue; if (reader->name() == "comment") { if (!readCommentElement(reader)) return false; } else if (reader->name() == "general") { attribs = reader->attributes(); READ_COLUMN(xColumn); READ_COLUMN(yColumn); str = attribs.value("visible").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("visible").toString()); else d->setVisible(str.toInt()); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "lines") { attribs = reader->attributes(); READ_INT_VALUE("type", lineType, XYCurve::LineType); READ_INT_VALUE("skipGaps", lineSkipGaps, int); READ_INT_VALUE("interpolationPointsCount", lineInterpolationPointsCount, int); READ_QPEN(d->linePen); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("opacity", lineOpacity); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "dropLines") { attribs = reader->attributes(); READ_INT_VALUE("type", dropLineType, XYCurve::DropLineType); READ_QPEN(d->dropLinePen); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("opacity", dropLineOpacity); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "symbols") { attribs = reader->attributes(); READ_INT_VALUE("symbolsStyle", symbolsStyle, Symbol::Style); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("opacity", symbolsOpacity); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("rotation", symbolsRotationAngle); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("size", symbolsSize); READ_QBRUSH(d->symbolsBrush); READ_QPEN(d->symbolsPen); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "values") { attribs = reader->attributes(); READ_INT_VALUE("type", valuesType, XYCurve::ValuesType); READ_COLUMN(valuesColumn); READ_INT_VALUE("position", valuesPosition, XYCurve::ValuesPosition); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("distance", valuesDistance); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("rotation", valuesRotationAngle); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("opacity", valuesOpacity); //don't produce any warning if no prefix or suffix is set (empty string is allowd here in xml) d->valuesPrefix = attribs.value("prefix").toString(); d->valuesSuffix = attribs.value("suffix").toString(); READ_QCOLOR(d->valuesColor); READ_QFONT(d->valuesFont); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "filling") { attribs = reader->attributes(); READ_INT_VALUE("position", fillingPosition, XYCurve::FillingPosition); READ_INT_VALUE("type", fillingType, PlotArea::BackgroundType); READ_INT_VALUE("colorStyle", fillingColorStyle, PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle); READ_INT_VALUE("imageStyle", fillingImageStyle, PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle ); READ_INT_VALUE("brushStyle", fillingBrushStyle, Qt::BrushStyle); str = attribs.value("firstColor_r").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("firstColor_r").toString()); else d->fillingFirstColor.setRed(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("firstColor_g").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("firstColor_g").toString()); else d->fillingFirstColor.setGreen(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("firstColor_b").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("firstColor_b").toString()); else d->fillingFirstColor.setBlue(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("secondColor_r").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("secondColor_r").toString()); else d->fillingSecondColor.setRed(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("secondColor_g").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("secondColor_g").toString()); else d->fillingSecondColor.setGreen(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("secondColor_b").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("secondColor_b").toString()); else d->fillingSecondColor.setBlue(str.toInt()); READ_STRING_VALUE("fileName", fillingFileName); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("opacity", fillingOpacity); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "errorBars") { attribs = reader->attributes(); READ_INT_VALUE("xErrorType", xErrorType, XYCurve::ErrorType); READ_COLUMN(xErrorPlusColumn); READ_COLUMN(xErrorMinusColumn); READ_INT_VALUE("yErrorType", yErrorType, XYCurve::ErrorType); READ_COLUMN(yErrorPlusColumn); READ_COLUMN(yErrorMinusColumn); READ_INT_VALUE("type", errorBarsType, XYCurve::ErrorBarsType); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("capSize", errorBarsCapSize); READ_QPEN(d->errorBarsPen); READ_DOUBLE_VALUE("opacity", errorBarsOpacity); } } return true; } //############################################################################## //######################### Theme management ################################## //############################################################################## void XYCurve::loadThemeConfig(const KConfig& config) { KConfigGroup group = config.group("XYCurve"); int index = parentAspect()->indexOfChild(this); const CartesianPlot* plot = dynamic_cast(parentAspect()); QColor themeColor; if (indexthemeColorPalette().size()) themeColor = plot->themeColorPalette().at(index); else { if (plot->themeColorPalette().size()) themeColor = plot->themeColorPalette().last(); } QPen p; Q_D(XYCurve); d->m_suppressRecalc = true; //Line p.setStyle((Qt::PenStyle)group.readEntry("LineStyle", (int)this->linePen().style())); p.setWidthF(group.readEntry("LineWidth", this->linePen().widthF())); p.setColor(themeColor); this->setLinePen(p); this->setLineOpacity(group.readEntry("LineOpacity", this->lineOpacity())); //Drop line p.setStyle((Qt::PenStyle)group.readEntry("DropLineStyle",(int) this->dropLinePen().style())); p.setWidthF(group.readEntry("DropLineWidth", this->dropLinePen().widthF())); p.setColor(themeColor); this->setDropLinePen(p); this->setDropLineOpacity(group.readEntry("DropLineOpacity", this->dropLineOpacity())); //Symbol this->setSymbolsOpacity(group.readEntry("SymbolOpacity", this->symbolsOpacity())); QBrush brush = symbolsBrush(); brush.setColor(themeColor); this->setSymbolsBrush(brush); p = symbolsPen(); p.setColor(themeColor); this->setSymbolsPen(p); //Values this->setValuesOpacity(group.readEntry("ValuesOpacity", this->valuesOpacity())); this->setValuesColor(group.readEntry("ValuesColor", this->valuesColor())); //Filling this->setFillingBrushStyle((Qt::BrushStyle)group.readEntry("FillingBrushStyle",(int) this->fillingBrushStyle())); this->setFillingColorStyle((PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle)group.readEntry("FillingColorStyle",(int) this->fillingColorStyle())); this->setFillingOpacity(group.readEntry("FillingOpacity", this->fillingOpacity())); this->setFillingPosition((XYCurve::FillingPosition)group.readEntry("FillingPosition",(int) this->fillingPosition())); this->setFillingSecondColor(group.readEntry("FillingSecondColor",(QColor) this->fillingSecondColor())); this->setFillingFirstColor(themeColor); this->setFillingType((PlotArea::BackgroundType)group.readEntry("FillingType",(int) this->fillingType())); //Error Bars p.setStyle((Qt::PenStyle)group.readEntry("ErrorBarsStyle",(int) this->errorBarsPen().style())); p.setWidthF(group.readEntry("ErrorBarsWidth", this->errorBarsPen().widthF())); p.setColor(themeColor); this->setErrorBarsPen(p); this->setErrorBarsOpacity(group.readEntry("ErrorBarsOpacity",this->errorBarsOpacity())); d->m_suppressRecalc = false; d->recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } void XYCurve::saveThemeConfig(const KConfig& config) { KConfigGroup group = config.group("XYCurve"); //Drop line group.writeEntry("DropLineColor",(QColor) this->dropLinePen().color()); group.writeEntry("DropLineStyle",(int) this->dropLinePen().style()); group.writeEntry("DropLineWidth", this->dropLinePen().widthF()); group.writeEntry("DropLineOpacity",this->dropLineOpacity()); //Error Bars group.writeEntry("ErrorBarsCapSize",this->errorBarsCapSize()); group.writeEntry("ErrorBarsOpacity",this->errorBarsOpacity()); group.writeEntry("ErrorBarsColor",(QColor) this->errorBarsPen().color()); group.writeEntry("ErrorBarsStyle",(int) this->errorBarsPen().style()); group.writeEntry("ErrorBarsWidth", this->errorBarsPen().widthF()); //Filling group.writeEntry("FillingBrushStyle",(int) this->fillingBrushStyle()); group.writeEntry("FillingColorStyle",(int) this->fillingColorStyle()); group.writeEntry("FillingOpacity", this->fillingOpacity()); group.writeEntry("FillingPosition",(int) this->fillingPosition()); group.writeEntry("FillingSecondColor",(QColor) this->fillingSecondColor()); group.writeEntry("FillingType",(int) this->fillingType()); //Line group.writeEntry("LineOpacity", this->lineOpacity()); group.writeEntry("LineStyle",(int) this->linePen().style()); group.writeEntry("LineWidth", this->linePen().widthF()); //Symbol group.writeEntry("SymbolOpacity", this->symbolsOpacity()); //Values group.writeEntry("ValuesOpacity", this->valuesOpacity()); group.writeEntry("ValuesColor", (QColor) this->valuesColor()); group.writeEntry("ValuesFont", this->valuesFont()); int index = parentAspect()->indexOfChild(this); if(index<5) { KConfigGroup themeGroup = config.group("Theme"); for(int i = index; i<5; i++) { QString s = "ThemePaletteColor" + QString::number(i+1); themeGroup.writeEntry(s,(QColor) this->linePen().color()); } } }