diff --git a/src/backend/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.cpp b/src/backend/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.cpp index 25069cfbd..0cf37144d 100644 --- a/src/backend/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.cpp +++ b/src/backend/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.cpp @@ -1,943 +1,945 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : Spreadsheet.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : Aspect providing a spreadsheet table with column logic -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2006-2008 Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2006-2009 Knut Franke (knut.franke@gmx.de) Copyright : (C) 2012-2017 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) Copyright : (C) 2017 Stefan Gerlach (stefan.gerlach@uni.kn) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "Spreadsheet.h" #include "backend/core/AspectPrivate.h" #include "backend/core/AbstractAspect.h" #include "backend/core/column/ColumnStringIO.h" #include "backend/core/datatypes/DateTime2StringFilter.h" #include "commonfrontend/spreadsheet/SpreadsheetView.h" #include #include #include #include +#include + /*! \class Spreadsheet \brief Aspect providing a spreadsheet table with column logic. Spreadsheet is a container object for columns with no data of its own. By definition, it's columns are all of its children inheriting from class Column. Thus, the basic API is already defined by AbstractAspect (managing the list of columns, notification of column insertion/removal) and Column (changing and monitoring state of the actual data). Spreadsheet stores a pointer to its primary view of class SpreadsheetView. SpreadsheetView calls the Spreadsheet API but Spreadsheet only notifies SpreadsheetView by signals without calling its API directly. This ensures a maximum independence of UI and backend. SpreadsheetView can be easily replaced by a different class. User interaction is completely handled in SpreadsheetView and translated into Spreadsheet API calls (e.g., when a user edits a cell this will be handled by the delegate of SpreadsheetView and Spreadsheet will not know whether a script or a user changed the data.). All actions, menus etc. for the user interaction are handled SpreadsheetView, e.g., via a context menu. Selections are also handled by SpreadsheetView. The view itself is created by the first call to view(); \ingroup backend */ Spreadsheet::Spreadsheet(AbstractScriptingEngine* engine, const QString& name, bool loading) : AbstractDataSource(engine, name), m_view(nullptr) { if (!loading) init(); } /*! initializes the spreadsheet with the default number of columns and rows */ void Spreadsheet::init() { KConfigGroup group = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group(QLatin1String("Spreadsheet")); const int columns = group.readEntry(QLatin1String("ColumnCount"), 2); const int rows = group.readEntry(QLatin1String("RowCount"), 100); for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { Column* new_col = new Column(QString::number(i+1), AbstractColumn::Numeric); new_col->setPlotDesignation(i == 0 ? AbstractColumn::X : AbstractColumn::Y); addChild(new_col); } setRowCount(rows); } /*! Constructs a primary view on me. This method may be called multiple times during the life time of an Aspect, or it might not get called at all. Aspects must not depend on the existence of a view for their operation. */ QWidget* Spreadsheet::view() const { if (!m_partView) { m_view = new SpreadsheetView(const_cast(this)); m_partView = m_view; } return m_partView; } bool Spreadsheet::exportView() const { return m_view->exportView(); } bool Spreadsheet::printView() { return m_view->printView(); } bool Spreadsheet::printPreview() const { return m_view->printPreview(); } /*! Returns the maximum number of rows in the spreadsheet. */ int Spreadsheet::rowCount() const { int col_rows, result = 0; for (auto* col: children()) if ((col_rows = col->rowCount()) > result) result = col_rows; return result; } void Spreadsheet::removeRows(int first, int count) { if( count < 1 || first < 0 || first+count > rowCount()) return; WAIT_CURSOR; beginMacro( i18np("%1: remove 1 row", "%1: remove %2 rows", name(), count) ); for (auto* col: children(IncludeHidden)) col->removeRows(first, count); endMacro(); RESET_CURSOR; } void Spreadsheet::insertRows(int before, int count) { if( count < 1 || before < 0 || before > rowCount()) return; WAIT_CURSOR; beginMacro( i18np("%1: insert 1 row", "%1: insert %2 rows", name(), count) ); for (auto* col: children(IncludeHidden)) col->insertRows(before, count); endMacro(); RESET_CURSOR; } void Spreadsheet::appendRows(int count) { insertRows(rowCount(), count); } void Spreadsheet::appendRow() { insertRows(rowCount(), 1); } void Spreadsheet::appendColumns(int count) { insertColumns(columnCount(), count); } void Spreadsheet::appendColumn() { insertColumns(columnCount(), 1); } void Spreadsheet::prependColumns(int count) { insertColumns(0, count); } /*! Sets the number of rows of the spreadsheet to \c new_size */ void Spreadsheet::setRowCount(int new_size) { int current_size = rowCount(); if (new_size > current_size) insertRows(current_size, new_size-current_size); if (new_size < current_size && new_size >= 0) removeRows(new_size, current_size-new_size); } /*! Returns the column with the number \c index. Shallow wrapper around \sa AbstractAspect::child() - see there for caveat. */ Column* Spreadsheet::column(int index) const { return child(index); } /*! Returns the column with the name \c name. */ Column* Spreadsheet::column(const QString &name) const { return child(name); } /*! Returns the total number of columns in the spreadsheet. */ int Spreadsheet::columnCount() const { return childCount(); } /*! Returns the number of columns matching the given designation. */ int Spreadsheet::columnCount(AbstractColumn::PlotDesignation pd) const { int count = 0; for (auto* col: children()) if (col->plotDesignation() == pd) count++; return count; } void Spreadsheet::removeColumns(int first, int count) { if( count < 1 || first < 0 || first+count > columnCount()) return; WAIT_CURSOR; beginMacro( i18np("%1: remove 1 column", "%1: remove %2 columns", name(), count) ); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) child(first)->remove(); endMacro(); RESET_CURSOR; } void Spreadsheet::insertColumns(int before, int count) { WAIT_CURSOR; beginMacro( i18np("%1: insert 1 column", "%1: insert %2 columns", name(), count) ); Column * before_col = column(before); int rows = rowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Column * new_col = new Column(QString::number(i+1), AbstractColumn::Numeric); new_col->setPlotDesignation(AbstractColumn::Y); new_col->insertRows(0, rows); insertChildBefore(new_col, before_col); } endMacro(); RESET_CURSOR; } /*! Sets the number of columns to \c new_size */ void Spreadsheet::setColumnCount(int new_size) { int old_size = columnCount(); if ( old_size == new_size || new_size < 0 ) return; if (new_size < old_size) removeColumns(new_size, old_size-new_size); else insertColumns(old_size, new_size-old_size); } /*! Clears the whole spreadsheet. */ void Spreadsheet::clear() { WAIT_CURSOR; beginMacro(i18n("%1: clear", name())); for (auto* col: children()) col->clear(); endMacro(); RESET_CURSOR; } /*! Clears all mask in the spreadsheet. */ void Spreadsheet::clearMasks() { WAIT_CURSOR; beginMacro(i18n("%1: clear all masks", name())); for (auto* col: children()) col->clearMasks(); endMacro(); RESET_CURSOR; } /*! Returns a new context menu. The caller takes ownership of the menu. */ QMenu* Spreadsheet::createContextMenu() { QMenu* menu = AbstractPart::createContextMenu(); Q_ASSERT(menu); emit requestProjectContextMenu(menu); return menu; } void Spreadsheet::moveColumn(int from, int to) { Column* col = child(from); beginMacro(i18n("%1: move column %2 from position %3 to %4.", name(), col->name(), from+1, to+1)); col->remove(); insertChildBefore(col, child(to)); endMacro(); } void Spreadsheet::copy(Spreadsheet* other) { WAIT_CURSOR; beginMacro(i18n("%1: copy %2", name(), other->name())); for (auto* col: children()) col->remove(); for (auto* src_col: other->children()) { Column * new_col = new Column(src_col->name(), src_col->columnMode()); new_col->copy(src_col); new_col->setPlotDesignation(src_col->plotDesignation()); QVector< Interval > masks = src_col->maskedIntervals(); for (const auto& iv: masks) new_col->setMasked(iv); QVector< Interval > formulas = src_col->formulaIntervals(); for (const auto& iv: formulas) new_col->setFormula(iv, src_col->formula(iv.start())); new_col->setWidth(src_col->width()); addChild(new_col); } setComment(other->comment()); endMacro(); RESET_CURSOR; } // FIXME: replace index-based API with Column*-based one /*! Determines the corresponding X column. */ int Spreadsheet::colX(int col) { for(int i = col-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (column(i)->plotDesignation() == AbstractColumn::X) return i; } int cols = columnCount(); for(int i = col+1; i < cols; i++) { if (column(i)->plotDesignation() == AbstractColumn::X) return i; } return -1; } /*! Determines the corresponding Y column. */ int Spreadsheet::colY(int col) { int cols = columnCount(); if (column(col)->plotDesignation() == AbstractColumn::XError || column(col)->plotDesignation() == AbstractColumn::YError) { // look to the left first for(int i=col-1; i>=0; i--) { if (column(i)->plotDesignation() == AbstractColumn::Y) return i; } for(int i=col+1; iplotDesignation() == AbstractColumn::Y) return i; } } else { // look to the right first for(int i=col+1; iplotDesignation() == AbstractColumn::Y) return i; } for(int i=col-1; i>=0; i--) { if (column(i)->plotDesignation() == AbstractColumn::Y) return i; } } return -1; } /*! Sorts the given list of column. If 'leading' is a null pointer, each column is sorted separately. */ void Spreadsheet::sortColumns(Column* leading, QVector cols, bool ascending) { if(cols.isEmpty()) return; // the normal QPair comparison does not work properly with descending sorting // thefore we use our own compare functions class CompareFunctions { public: static bool doubleLess(const QPair& a, const QPair& b) { return a.first < b.first; } static bool doubleGreater(const QPair& a, const QPair& b) { return a.first > b.first; } static bool integerLess(const QPair& a, const QPair& b) { return a.first < b.first; } static bool integerGreater(const QPair& a, const QPair& b) { return a.first > b.first; } static bool QStringLess(const QPair& a, const QPair& b) { return a < b; } static bool QStringGreater(const QPair& a, const QPair& b) { return a > b; } static bool QDateTimeLess(const QPair& a, const QPair& b) { return a < b; } static bool QDateTimeGreater(const QPair& a, const QPair& b) { return a > b; } }; WAIT_CURSOR; beginMacro(i18n("%1: sort columns", name())); if(leading == 0) { // sort separately for (auto* col: cols) { switch (col->columnMode()) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: { int rows = col->rowCount(); QVector< QPair > map; for(int j=0; j(col->valueAt(j), j)); if(ascending) - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleLess); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleLess); else - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleGreater); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleGreater); QVectorIterator< QPair > it(map); Column *temp_col = new Column("temp", col->columnMode()); int k=0; // put the values in the right order into temp_col while(it.hasNext()) { temp_col->copy(col, it.peekNext().second, k, 1); temp_col->setMasked(col->isMasked(it.next().second)); k++; } // copy the sorted column col->copy(temp_col, 0, 0, rows); delete temp_col; break; } case AbstractColumn::Integer: { int rows = col->rowCount(); QVector< QPair > map; for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) map.append(QPair(col->valueAt(j), j)); if (ascending) - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleLess); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleLess); else - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleGreater); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleGreater); QVectorIterator> it(map); Column* temp_col = new Column("temp", col->columnMode()); int k = 0; // put the values in the right order into temp_col while(it.hasNext()) { temp_col->copy(col, it.peekNext().second, k, 1); temp_col->setMasked(col->isMasked(it.next().second)); k++; } // copy the sorted column col->copy(temp_col, 0, 0, rows); delete temp_col; break; } case AbstractColumn::Text: { int rows = col->rowCount(); QVector> map; for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) map.append(QPair(col->textAt(j), j)); if (ascending) - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QStringLess); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QStringLess); else - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QStringGreater); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QStringGreater); QVectorIterator< QPair > it(map); Column* temp_col = new Column("temp", col->columnMode()); int k = 0; // put the values in the right order into temp_col while(it.hasNext()) { temp_col->copy(col, it.peekNext().second, k, 1); temp_col->setMasked(col->isMasked(it.next().second)); k++; } // copy the sorted column col->copy(temp_col, 0, 0, rows); delete temp_col; break; } case AbstractColumn::DateTime: case AbstractColumn::Month: case AbstractColumn::Day: { int rows = col->rowCount(); QVector< QPair > map; for(int j=0; j(col->dateTimeAt(j), j)); if(ascending) - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QDateTimeLess); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QDateTimeLess); else - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QDateTimeGreater); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QDateTimeGreater); QVectorIterator< QPair > it(map); Column *temp_col = new Column("temp", col->columnMode()); int k=0; // put the values in the right order into temp_col while(it.hasNext()) { temp_col->copy(col, it.peekNext().second, k, 1); temp_col->setMasked(col->isMasked(it.next().second)); k++; } // copy the sorted column col->copy(temp_col, 0, 0, rows); delete temp_col; break; } } } } else { // sort with leading column switch (leading->columnMode()) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: { QVector> map; int rows = leading->rowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) map.append(QPair(leading->valueAt(i), i)); if (ascending) - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleLess); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleLess); else - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleGreater); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::doubleGreater); QVectorIterator> it(map); for (auto* col: cols) { Column *temp_col = new Column("temp", col->columnMode()); it.toFront(); int j = 0; // put the values in the right order into temp_col while(it.hasNext()) { temp_col->copy(col, it.peekNext().second, j, 1); temp_col->setMasked(col->isMasked(it.next().second)); j++; } // copy the sorted column col->copy(temp_col, 0, 0, rows); delete temp_col; } break; } case AbstractColumn::Integer: { QVector> map; int rows = leading->rowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) map.append(QPair(leading->valueAt(i), i)); if (ascending) - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::integerLess); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::integerLess); else - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::integerGreater); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::integerGreater); QVectorIterator> it(map); for (auto* col: cols) { Column *temp_col = new Column("temp", col->columnMode()); it.toFront(); int j = 0; // put the values in the right order into temp_col while(it.hasNext()) { temp_col->copy(col, it.peekNext().second, j, 1); temp_col->setMasked(col->isMasked(it.next().second)); j++; } // copy the sorted column col->copy(temp_col, 0, 0, rows); delete temp_col; } break; } case AbstractColumn::Text: { QVector> map; int rows = leading->rowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) map.append(QPair(leading->textAt(i), i)); if(ascending) - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QStringLess); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QStringLess); else - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QStringGreater); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QStringGreater); QVectorIterator> it(map); for (auto* col: cols) { Column *temp_col = new Column("temp", col->columnMode()); it.toFront(); int j = 0; // put the values in the right order into temp_col while(it.hasNext()) { temp_col->copy(col, it.peekNext().second, j, 1); temp_col->setMasked(col->isMasked(it.next().second)); j++; } // copy the sorted column col->copy(temp_col, 0, 0, rows); delete temp_col; } break; } case AbstractColumn::DateTime: case AbstractColumn::Month: case AbstractColumn::Day: { QVector> map; int rows = leading->rowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) map.append(QPair(leading->dateTimeAt(i), i)); if (ascending) - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QDateTimeLess); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QDateTimeLess); else - qStableSort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QDateTimeGreater); + std::stable_sort(map.begin(), map.end(), CompareFunctions::QDateTimeGreater); QVectorIterator> it(map); for (auto* col: cols) { Column *temp_col = new Column("temp", col->columnMode()); it.toFront(); int j=0; // put the values in the right order into temp_col while(it.hasNext()) { temp_col->copy(col, it.peekNext().second, j, 1); temp_col->setMasked(col->isMasked(it.next().second)); j++; } // copy the sorted column col->copy(temp_col, 0, 0, rows); delete temp_col; } break; } } } endMacro(); RESET_CURSOR; } // end of sortColumns() /*! Returns an icon to be used for decorating my views. */ QIcon Spreadsheet::icon() const { return QIcon::fromTheme("labplot-spreadsheet"); } /*! Returns the text displayed in the given cell. */ QString Spreadsheet::text(int row, int col) const { Column* c = column(col); if(!c) return QString(); return c->asStringColumn()->textAt(row); } /*! * This slot is, indirectly, called when a child of \c Spreadsheet (i.e. column) was selected in \c ProjectExplorer. * Emits the signal \c columnSelected that is handled in \c SpreadsheetView. */ void Spreadsheet::childSelected(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { const Column* column = qobject_cast(aspect); if (column) { int index = indexOfChild(column); emit columnSelected(index); } } /*! * This slot is, indirectly, called when a child of \c Spreadsheet (i.e. column) was deselected in \c ProjectExplorer. * Emits the signal \c columnDeselected that is handled in \c SpreadsheetView. */ void Spreadsheet::childDeselected(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { const Column* column = qobject_cast(aspect); if (column) { int index = indexOfChild(column); emit columnDeselected(index); } } /*! * Emits the signal to select or to deselect the column number \c index in the project explorer, * if \c selected=true or \c selected=false, respectively. * The signal is handled in \c AspectTreeModel and forwarded to the tree view in \c ProjectExplorer. * This function is called in \c SpreadsheetView upon selection changes. */ void Spreadsheet::setColumnSelectedInView(int index, bool selected) { if (selected) { emit childAspectSelectedInView(child(index)); //deselect the spreadsheet in the project explorer, if a child (column) was selected. //prevents unwanted multiple selection with spreadsheet (if it was selected before). emit childAspectDeselectedInView(this); } else emit childAspectDeselectedInView(child(index)); } //############################################################################## //################## Serialization/Deserialization ########################### //############################################################################## /*! Saves as XML. */ void Spreadsheet::save(QXmlStreamWriter* writer) const { writer->writeStartElement("spreadsheet"); writeBasicAttributes(writer); writeCommentElement(writer); //columns for (auto* col: children(IncludeHidden)) col->save(writer); writer->writeEndElement(); // "spreadsheet" } /*! Loads from XML. */ bool Spreadsheet::load(XmlStreamReader* reader, bool preview) { if(reader->isStartElement() && reader->name() == "spreadsheet") { if (!readBasicAttributes(reader)) return false; // read child elements while (!reader->atEnd()) { reader->readNext(); if (reader->isEndElement()) break; if (reader->isStartElement()) { if (reader->name() == "comment") { if (!readCommentElement(reader)) return false; } else if(reader->name() == "column") { Column* column = new Column(""); if (!column->load(reader, preview)) { delete column; setColumnCount(0); return false; } addChildFast(column); } else { // unknown element reader->raiseWarning(i18n("unknown element '%1'", reader->name().toString())); if (!reader->skipToEndElement()) return false; } } } } else // no spreadsheet element reader->raiseError(i18n("no spreadsheet element found")); return !reader->hasError(); } //############################################################################## //######################## Data Import ####################################### //############################################################################## int Spreadsheet::prepareImport(QVector& dataContainer, AbstractFileFilter::ImportMode importMode, int actualRows, int actualCols, QStringList colNameList, QVector columnMode) { DEBUG("Spreadsheet::prepareImport()"); DEBUG(" create() rows = " << actualRows << " cols = " << actualCols); int columnOffset = 0; setUndoAware(false); //make the available columns undo unaware before we resize and rename them below, //the same will be done for new columns in this->resize(). for (int i = 0; i < childCount(); i++) child(i)->setUndoAware(false); columnOffset = this->resize(importMode, colNameList, actualCols); // resize the spreadsheet if (importMode == AbstractFileFilter::Replace) { clear(); setRowCount(actualRows); } else { if (rowCount() < actualRows) setRowCount(actualRows); } if (columnMode.size() < actualCols) { qWarning("columnMode[] size is too small! Giving up."); return -1; } dataContainer.resize(actualCols); for (int n = 0; n < actualCols; n++) { // data() returns a void* which is a pointer to any data type (see ColumnPrivate.cpp) Column* column = this->child(columnOffset+n); DEBUG(" column " << n << " columnMode = " << columnMode[n]); column->setColumnMode(columnMode[n]); //in the most cases the first imported column is meant to be used as x-data. //Other columns provide mostly y-data or errors. //TODO: this has to be configurable for the user in the import widget, //it should be possible to specify x-error plot designation, etc. AbstractColumn::PlotDesignation desig = (n == 0) ? AbstractColumn::X : AbstractColumn::Y; column->setPlotDesignation(desig); switch (columnMode[n]) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: { QVector* vector = static_cast*>(column->data()); vector->reserve(actualRows); vector->resize(actualRows); dataContainer[n] = static_cast(vector); break; } case AbstractColumn::Integer: { QVector* vector = static_cast*>(column->data()); vector->reserve(actualRows); vector->resize(actualRows); dataContainer[n] = static_cast(vector); break; } case AbstractColumn::Text: { QVector* vector = static_cast*>(column->data()); vector->reserve(actualRows); vector->resize(actualRows); dataContainer[n] = static_cast(vector); break; } case AbstractColumn::Month: case AbstractColumn::Day: case AbstractColumn::DateTime: { QVector* vector = static_cast* >(column->data()); vector->reserve(actualRows); vector->resize(actualRows); dataContainer[n] = static_cast(vector); break; } } } // QDEBUG("dataPointers =" << dataPointers); DEBUG("Spreadsheet::prepareImport() DONE"); return columnOffset; } /*! resize data source to cols columns returns column offset depending on import mode */ int Spreadsheet::resize(AbstractFileFilter::ImportMode mode, QStringList colNameList, int cols) { // name additional columns for (int k = colNameList.size(); k < cols; k++ ) colNameList.append( "Column " + QString::number(k+1) ); int columnOffset = 0; //indexes the "start column" in the spreadsheet. Starting from this column the data will be imported. Column* newColumn = 0; if (mode == AbstractFileFilter::Append) { columnOffset = childCount(); for (int n = 0; n < cols; n++ ) { newColumn = new Column(colNameList.at(n), AbstractColumn::Numeric); newColumn->setUndoAware(false); addChildFast(newColumn); } } else if (mode == AbstractFileFilter::Prepend) { Column* firstColumn = child(0); for (int n = 0; n < cols; n++ ) { newColumn = new Column(colNameList.at(n), AbstractColumn::Numeric); newColumn->setUndoAware(false); insertChildBeforeFast(newColumn, firstColumn); } } else if (mode == AbstractFileFilter::Replace) { //replace completely the previous content of the data source with the content to be imported. int columns = childCount(); if (columns > cols) { //there're more columns in the data source then required -> remove the superfluous columns for (int i = 0; i < columns-cols; i++) removeChild(child(0)); } else { //create additional columns if needed for (int i = columns; i < cols; i++) { newColumn = new Column(colNameList.at(i), AbstractColumn::Numeric); newColumn->setUndoAware(false); addChildFast(newColumn); } } //rename the columns that are already available and supress the dataChanged signal for them for (int i = 0; i < childCount(); i++) { if (mode == AbstractFileFilter::Replace) child(i)->setSuppressDataChangedSignal(true); child(i)->setName(colNameList.at(i)); } } return columnOffset; } void Spreadsheet::finalizeImport(int columnOffset, int startColumn, int endColumn, const QString& dateTimeFormat, AbstractFileFilter::ImportMode importMode) { DEBUG("Spreadsheet::finalizeImport()"); // set the comments for each of the columns if datasource is a spreadsheet const int rows = rowCount(); for (int n = startColumn; n <= endColumn; n++) { Column* column = this->column(columnOffset + n - startColumn); //DEBUG(" column " << n << " of type " << column->columnMode()); QString comment; switch (column->columnMode()) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: comment = i18np("numerical data, %1 element", "numerical data, %1 elements", rows); break; case AbstractColumn::Integer: comment = i18np("integer data, %1 element", "integer data, %1 elements", rows); break; case AbstractColumn::Text: comment = i18np("text data, %1 element", "text data, %1 elements", rows); break; case AbstractColumn::Month: comment = i18np("month data, %1 element", "month data, %1 elements", rows); break; case AbstractColumn::Day: comment = i18np("day data, %1 element", "day data, %1 elements", rows); break; case AbstractColumn::DateTime: comment = i18np("date and time data, %1 element", "date and time data, %1 elements", rows); // set same datetime format in column DateTime2StringFilter* filter = static_cast(column->outputFilter()); filter->setFormat(dateTimeFormat); } column->setComment(comment); if (importMode == AbstractFileFilter::Replace) { column->setSuppressDataChangedSignal(false); column->setChanged(); } } //make the spreadsheet and all its children undo aware again setUndoAware(true); for (int i = 0; i < childCount(); i++) child(i)->setUndoAware(true); if (m_partView != nullptr) m_view->resizeHeader(); DEBUG("Spreadsheet::finalizeImport() DONE"); }