diff --git a/src/backend/core/Project.cpp b/src/backend/core/Project.cpp index b677f74b3..b8ef16fc1 100644 --- a/src/backend/core/Project.cpp +++ b/src/backend/core/Project.cpp @@ -1,461 +1,463 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : Project.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : Represents a LabPlot project. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2011-2014 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) Copyright : (C) 2007-2008 Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2007 Knut Franke (knut.franke@gmx.de) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "backend/core/Project.h" #include "backend/lib/XmlStreamReader.h" #include "backend/datasources/LiveDataSource.h" #include "backend/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.h" #include "backend/worksheet/Worksheet.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/CartesianPlot.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYEquationCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYDataReductionCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYDifferentiationCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYIntegrationCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYInterpolationCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYSmoothCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYFitCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYFourierFilterCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYFourierTransformCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/Axis.h" #include "backend/datapicker/DatapickerCurve.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * \class Project * \brief Represents a project. * \ingroup core * Project represents the root node of all objects created during the runtime of the program. * Manages also the undo stack. */ /** * \enum Project::MdiWindowVisibility * \brief MDI subwindow visibility setting */ /** * \var Project::folderOnly * \brief only show MDI windows corresponding to Parts in the current folder */ /** * \var Project::foldAndSubfolders * \brief show MDI windows corresponding to Parts in the current folder and its subfolders */ /** * \var Project::allMdiWindows * \brief show MDI windows for all Parts in the project simultaneously */ class Project::Private { public: Private() : mdiWindowVisibility(Project::folderOnly), scriptingEngine(0), version(LVERSION), author(QString(qgetenv("USER"))), modificationTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), changed(false), loading(false) { } QUndoStack undo_stack; MdiWindowVisibility mdiWindowVisibility; AbstractScriptingEngine* scriptingEngine; QString fileName; QString version; QString author; QDateTime modificationTime; bool changed; bool loading; }; Project::Project() : Folder(i18n("Project")), d(new Private()) { //load default values for name, comment and author from config KConfig config; KConfigGroup group = config.group("Project"); d->author = group.readEntry("Author", QString()); //we don't have direct access to the members name and comment //->temporaly disable the undo stack and call the setters setUndoAware(false); d->loading = true; setName(group.readEntry("Name", i18n("Project"))); setComment(group.readEntry("Comment", QString())); setUndoAware(true); d->loading = false; d->changed = false; // TODO: intelligent engine choosing // Q_ASSERT(ScriptingEngineManager::instance()->engineNames().size() > 0); // QString engine_name = ScriptingEngineManager::instance()->engineNames()[0]; // d->scriptingEngine = ScriptingEngineManager::instance()->engine(engine_name); connect(this, &Project::aspectDescriptionChanged,this, &Project::descriptionChanged); } Project::~Project() { //if the project is being closed and the live data sources still continue reading the data, //the dependend objects (columns, etc.), which are already deleted maybe here, are still being notified about the changes. //->stop reading the live data sources prior to deleting all objects. for (auto* lds : children()) lds->pauseReading(); //if the project is being closed, in Worksheet the scene items are being removed and the selection in the view can change. //don't react on these changes since this can lead crashes (worksheet object is already in the destructor). //->notify all worksheets about the project being closed. for (auto* w : children()) w->setIsClosing(); d->undo_stack.clear(); delete d; } QUndoStack* Project::undoStack() const { return &d->undo_stack; } QMenu* Project::createContextMenu() { QMenu* menu = new QMenu(); // no remove action from AbstractAspect in the project context menu emit requestProjectContextMenu(menu); return menu; } QMenu* Project::createFolderContextMenu(const Folder* folder) { QMenu* menu = const_cast(folder)->AbstractAspect::createContextMenu(); emit requestFolderContextMenu(folder, menu); return menu; } void Project::setMdiWindowVisibility(MdiWindowVisibility visibility) { d->mdiWindowVisibility = visibility; emit mdiWindowVisibilityChanged(); } Project::MdiWindowVisibility Project::mdiWindowVisibility() const { return d->mdiWindowVisibility; } AbstractScriptingEngine* Project::scriptingEngine() const { return d->scriptingEngine; } CLASS_D_ACCESSOR_IMPL(Project, QString, fileName, FileName, fileName) BASIC_D_ACCESSOR_IMPL(Project, QString, version, Version, version) CLASS_D_ACCESSOR_IMPL(Project, QString, author, Author, author) CLASS_D_ACCESSOR_IMPL(Project, QDateTime, modificationTime, ModificationTime, modificationTime) void Project::setChanged(const bool value) { if (d->loading) return; if (value) emit changed(); d->changed = value; } bool Project ::hasChanged() const { return d->changed ; } void Project::descriptionChanged(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { if (d->loading) return; if (this!=aspect) return; d->changed = true; emit changed(); } void Project::navigateTo(const QString& path) { requestNavigateTo(path); } bool Project::isLoading() const { return d->loading; } bool Project::isLabPlotProject(const QString& fileName) { return fileName.endsWith(".lml", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || fileName.endsWith(".lml.gz", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || fileName.endsWith(".lml.bz2", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || fileName.endsWith(".lml.xz", Qt::CaseInsensitive); } QString Project::supportedExtensions() { static const QString extensions = "*.lml *.lml.gz *.lml.bz2 *.lml.xz *.LML *.LML.GZ *.LML.BZ2 *.LML.XZ"; return extensions; } //############################################################################## //################## Serialization/Deserialization ########################### //############################################################################## /** * \brief Save as XML */ void Project::save(QXmlStreamWriter* writer) const { //set the version and the modification time to the current values d->version = LVERSION; d->modificationTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); writer->setAutoFormatting(true); writer->writeStartDocument(); writer->writeDTD(""); writer->writeStartElement("project"); writer->writeAttribute("version", version()); writer->writeAttribute("fileName", fileName()); writer->writeAttribute("modificationTime", modificationTime().toString("yyyy-dd-MM hh:mm:ss:zzz")); writer->writeAttribute("author", author()); writeBasicAttributes(writer); writeCommentElement(writer); //save all children for (auto* child : children(IncludeHidden)) { writer->writeStartElement("child_aspect"); child->save(writer); writer->writeEndElement(); } //save the state of the views (visible, maximized/minimized/geometry) //and the state of the project explorer (expanded items, currently selected item) emit requestSaveState(writer); writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeEndDocument(); } bool Project::load(const QString& filename, bool preview) { QIODevice *file; // first try gzip compression, because projects can be gzipped and end with .lml if (filename.endsWith(QLatin1String(".lml"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) file = new KCompressionDevice(filename,KFilterDev::compressionTypeForMimeType("application/x-gzip")); else // opens filename using file ending file = new KFilterDev(filename); if (file == 0) file = new QFile(filename); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Sorry. Could not open file for reading.")); return false; } char c; const bool rc = file->getChar(&c); if (!rc) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("The project file is empty."), i18n("Error opening project")); file->close(); delete file; return false; } file->seek(0); //parse XML XmlStreamReader reader(file); if (this->load(&reader, preview) == false) { RESET_CURSOR; QString msg_text = reader.errorString(); KMessageBox::error(0, msg_text, i18n("Error when opening the project")); return false; } if (reader.hasWarnings()) { QString msg = i18n("The following problems occurred when loading the project file:\n"); const QStringList& warnings = reader.warningStrings(); for (const auto& str : warnings) msg += str + '\n'; qWarning() << msg; //TODO: show warnings in a kind of "log window" but not in message box // KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Project loading partly failed")); } file->close(); delete file; return true; } /** * \brief Load from XML */ bool Project::load(XmlStreamReader* reader, bool preview) { d->loading = true; while (!(reader->isStartDocument() || reader->atEnd())) reader->readNext(); if(!(reader->atEnd())) { if (!reader->skipToNextTag()) return false; if (reader->name() == "project") { QString version = reader->attributes().value("version").toString(); if(version.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(i18n("Attribute 'version' is missing.")); else d->version = version; if (!readBasicAttributes(reader)) return false; if (!readProjectAttributes(reader)) return false; while (!reader->atEnd()) { reader->readNext(); if (reader->isEndElement()) break; if (reader->isStartElement()) { if (reader->name() == "comment") { if (!readCommentElement(reader)) return false; } else if(reader->name() == "child_aspect") { if (!readChildAspectElement(reader, preview)) return false; } else if(reader->name() == "state") { //load the state of the views (visible, maximized/minimized/geometry) //and the state of the project explorer (expanded items, currently selected item) emit requestLoadState(reader); } else { reader->raiseWarning(i18n("unknown element '%1'", reader->name().toString())); if (!reader->skipToEndElement()) return false; } } } //wait until all columns are decoded from base64-encoded data QThreadPool::globalInstance()->waitForDone(); //everything is read now. //restore the pointer to the data sets (columns) in xy-curves etc. QVector curves = children(AbstractAspect::Recursive); QVector axes = children(AbstractAspect::Recursive); QVector dataPickerCurves = children(AbstractAspect::Recursive); if (!curves.isEmpty() || !axes.isEmpty()) { QVector columns = children(AbstractAspect::Recursive); //XY-curves for (auto* curve : curves) { if (!curve) continue; curve->suppressRetransform(true); XYEquationCurve* equationCurve = dynamic_cast(curve); XYAnalysisCurve* analysisCurve = dynamic_cast(curve); if (equationCurve) { //curves defined by a mathematical equations recalculate their own columns on load again. if (!preview) equationCurve->recalculate(); } else if (analysisCurve) { RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(analysisCurve, xDataColumn, XDataColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(analysisCurve, yDataColumn, YDataColumn); XYFitCurve* fitCurve = dynamic_cast(curve); if (fitCurve) { RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(fitCurve, xErrorColumn, XErrorColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(fitCurve, yErrorColumn, YErrorColumn); } } else { RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(curve, xColumn, XColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(curve, yColumn, YColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(curve, valuesColumn, ValuesColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(curve, xErrorPlusColumn, XErrorPlusColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(curve, xErrorMinusColumn, XErrorMinusColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(curve, yErrorPlusColumn, YErrorPlusColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(curve, yErrorMinusColumn, YErrorMinusColumn); } if (dynamic_cast(curve)) RESTORE_POINTER(dynamic_cast(curve), dataSourceCurve, DataSourceCurve, XYCurve, curves); curve->suppressRetransform(false); } //Axes for (auto* axis : axes) { if (!axis) continue; RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(axis, majorTicksColumn, MajorTicksColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(axis, minorTicksColumn, MinorTicksColumn); } for (auto* dataPickerCurve : dataPickerCurves) { if (!dataPickerCurve) continue; RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(dataPickerCurve, posXColumn, PosXColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(dataPickerCurve, posYColumn, PosYColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(dataPickerCurve, plusDeltaXColumn, PlusDeltaXColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(dataPickerCurve, minusDeltaXColumn, MinusDeltaXColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(dataPickerCurve, plusDeltaYColumn, PlusDeltaYColumn); RESTORE_COLUMN_POINTER(dataPickerCurve, minusDeltaYColumn, MinusDeltaYColumn); } } } else // no project element reader->raiseError(i18n("no project element found")); } else // no start document reader->raiseError(i18n("no valid XML document found")); if (!preview) { - for (auto* plot : children(AbstractAspect::Recursive)) + for (auto* plot : children(AbstractAspect::Recursive)) { + plot->setIsLoading(false); plot->retransform(); + } } d->loading = false; emit loaded(); return !reader->hasError(); } bool Project::readProjectAttributes(XmlStreamReader* reader) { QXmlStreamAttributes attribs = reader->attributes(); QString str = attribs.value(reader->namespaceUri().toString(), "fileName").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) { reader->raiseError(i18n("Project file name missing.")); return false; } d->fileName = str; str = attribs.value(reader->namespaceUri().toString(), "modificationTime").toString(); QDateTime modificationTime = QDateTime::fromString(str, "yyyy-dd-MM hh:mm:ss:zzz"); if(str.isEmpty() || !modificationTime.isValid()) { reader->raiseWarning(i18n("Invalid project modification time. Using current time.")); d->modificationTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } else d->modificationTime = modificationTime; str = attribs.value(reader->namespaceUri().toString(), "author").toString(); d->author = str; return true; } diff --git a/src/backend/datasources/projects/OriginProjectParser.cpp b/src/backend/datasources/projects/OriginProjectParser.cpp index fee8e57b8..fbe6ec2e4 100644 --- a/src/backend/datasources/projects/OriginProjectParser.cpp +++ b/src/backend/datasources/projects/OriginProjectParser.cpp @@ -1,1724 +1,1733 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : OriginProjectParser.h Project : LabPlot Description : parser for Origin projects -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2017-2018 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) Copyright : (C) 2017-2018 Stefan Gerlach (stefan.gerlach@uni.kn) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "backend/datasources/projects/OriginProjectParser.h" #include "backend/core/column/Column.h" #include "backend/core/datatypes/Double2StringFilter.h" #include "backend/core/datatypes/DateTime2StringFilter.h" #include "backend/core/Project.h" #include "backend/core/Workbook.h" #include "backend/matrix/Matrix.h" #include "backend/note/Note.h" #include "backend/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.h" #include "backend/worksheet/Worksheet.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/Axis.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/CartesianPlot.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/CartesianPlotLegend.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/XYEquationCurve.h" #include "backend/worksheet/TextLabel.h" #include #include #include #include #include /*! \class OriginProjectParser \brief parser for Origin projects. \ingroup datasources */ OriginProjectParser::OriginProjectParser() : ProjectParser(), m_originFile(nullptr), m_importUnusedObjects(false) { m_topLevelClasses << "Folder" << "Workbook" << "Spreadsheet" << "Matrix" << "Worksheet" << "Note"; } bool OriginProjectParser::isOriginProject(const QString& fileName) { //TODO add opju later when liborigin supports it return fileName.endsWith(".opj", Qt::CaseInsensitive); } void OriginProjectParser::setImportUnusedObjects(bool importUnusedObjects) { m_importUnusedObjects = importUnusedObjects; } bool OriginProjectParser::hasUnusedObjects() { if (m_originFile) delete m_originFile; m_originFile = new OriginFile((const char*)m_projectFileName.toLocal8Bit()); if (!m_originFile->parse()) return false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->spreadCount(); i++) { const Origin::SpreadSheet& spread = m_originFile->spread(i); if (spread.objectID < 0) return true; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->excelCount(); i++) { const Origin::Excel& excel = m_originFile->excel(i); if (excel.objectID < 0) return true; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->matrixCount(); i++) { const Origin::Matrix& originMatrix = m_originFile->matrix(i); if (originMatrix.objectID < 0) return true; } return false; } QString OriginProjectParser::supportedExtensions() { //TODO add opju later when liborigin supports it static const QString extensions = "*.opj *.OPJ"; return extensions; } unsigned int OriginProjectParser::findSpreadByName(QString name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->spreadCount(); i++) { const Origin::SpreadSheet& spread = m_originFile->spread(i); if (spread.name == name.toStdString()) { m_spreadNameList << name; return i; } } return 0; } unsigned int OriginProjectParser::findMatrixByName(QString name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->matrixCount(); i++) { const Origin::Matrix& originMatrix = m_originFile->matrix(i); if (originMatrix.name == name.toStdString()) { m_matrixNameList << name; return i; } } return 0; } unsigned int OriginProjectParser::findExcelByName(QString name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->excelCount(); i++) { const Origin::Excel& excel = m_originFile->excel(i); if (excel.name == name.toStdString()) { m_excelNameList << name; return i; } } return 0; } unsigned int OriginProjectParser::findGraphByName(QString name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->graphCount(); i++) { const Origin::Graph& graph = m_originFile->graph(i); if (graph.name == name.toStdString()) { m_graphNameList << name; return i; } } return 0; } unsigned int OriginProjectParser::findNoteByName(QString name) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->noteCount(); i++) { const Origin::Note& originNote = m_originFile->note(i); if (originNote.name == name.toStdString()) { m_noteNameList << name; return i; } } return 0; } //############################################################################## //############## Deserialization from Origin's project tree #################### //############################################################################## bool OriginProjectParser::load(Project* project, bool preview) { DEBUG("OriginProjectParser::load()"); //read and parse the m_originFile-file if (m_originFile) delete m_originFile; m_originFile = new OriginFile((const char*)m_projectFileName.toLocal8Bit()); if (!m_originFile->parse()) return false; //Origin project tree and the iterator pointing to the root node const tree* projectTree = m_originFile->project(); tree::iterator projectIt = projectTree->begin(projectTree->begin()); m_spreadNameList.clear(); m_excelNameList.clear(); m_matrixNameList.clear(); m_graphNameList.clear(); m_noteNameList.clear(); //convert the project tree from liborigin's representation to LabPlot's project object if (projectIt.node) { // only opj files from version >= 6.0 do have project tree QString name(QString::fromLatin1(projectIt->name.c_str())); project->setName(name); project->setCreationTime(creationTime(projectIt)); loadFolder(project, projectIt, preview); } else { // for lower versions put all windows on rootfolder int pos = m_projectFileName.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()) + 1; project->setName((const char*)m_projectFileName.mid(pos).toLocal8Bit()); } // imports all loose windows (like prior version 6 which has no project tree) handleLooseWindows(project, preview); //TODO: restore column pointers: //1. extend the pathes to contain the parent structures first //2. restore the pointers from the pathes const QVector columns = project->children(AbstractAspect::Recursive); const QVector spreadsheets = project->children(AbstractAspect::Recursive); for (auto* curve : project->children(AbstractAspect::Recursive)) { //x-column QString spreadsheetName = curve->xColumnPath().left(curve->xColumnPath().indexOf(QLatin1Char('/'))); for (const auto* spreadsheet : spreadsheets) { if (spreadsheet->name() == spreadsheetName) { const QString& newPath = spreadsheet->parentAspect()->path() + "/" + curve->xColumnPath(); curve->setXColumnPath(newPath); for (auto* column : columns) { if (!column) continue; if (column->path() == newPath) { curve->setXColumn(column); break; } } break; } } //x-column spreadsheetName = curve->yColumnPath().left(curve->yColumnPath().indexOf(QLatin1Char('/'))); for (const auto* spreadsheet : spreadsheets) { if (spreadsheet->name() == spreadsheetName) { const QString& newPath = spreadsheet->parentAspect()->path() + "/" + curve->yColumnPath(); curve->setYColumnPath(newPath); for (auto* column : columns) { if (!column) continue; if (column->path() == newPath) { curve->setYColumn(column); break; } } break; } } } + if (!preview) { + for (auto* plot : project->children(AbstractAspect::Recursive)) { + plot->setIsLoading(false); + plot->retransform(); + } + } + + return true; } bool OriginProjectParser::loadFolder(Folder* folder, const tree::iterator& baseIt, bool preview) { DEBUG("OriginProjectParser::loadFolder()\n--------------------------------"); const tree* projectTree = m_originFile->project(); //load folder's children: logic for reading the selected objects only is similar to Folder::readChildAspectElement for (tree::sibling_iterator it = projectTree->begin(baseIt); it != projectTree->end(baseIt); ++it) { QString name(QString::fromLatin1(it->name.c_str())); //name of the current child DEBUG(" * folder item name = " << name.toStdString()); //check whether we need to skip the loading of the current child if (!folder->pathesToLoad().isEmpty()) { //child's path is not available yet (child not added yet) -> construct the path manually const QString childPath = folder->path() + '/' + name; //skip the current child aspect it is not in the list of aspects to be loaded if (folder->pathesToLoad().indexOf(childPath) == -1) continue; } //load top-level children AbstractAspect* aspect = nullptr; switch (it->type) { case Origin::ProjectNode::Folder: { DEBUG(" top level folder"); Folder* f = new Folder(name); if (!folder->pathesToLoad().isEmpty()) { //a child folder to be read -> provide the list of aspects to be loaded to the child folder, too. //since the child folder and all its children are not added yet (path() returns empty string), //we need to remove the path of the current child folder from the full pathes provided in pathesToLoad. //E.g. we want to import the path "Project/Folder/Spreadsheet" in the following project // Project // \Spreadsheet // \Folder // \Spreadsheet // //Here, we remove the part "Project/Folder/" and proceed for this child folder with "Spreadsheet" only. //With this the logic above where it is determined whether to import the child aspect or not works out. //manually construct the path of the child folder to be read const QString& curFolderPath = folder->path() + '/' + name; //remove the path of the current child folder QStringList pathesToLoadNew; for (auto path : folder->pathesToLoad()) { if (path.startsWith(curFolderPath)) pathesToLoadNew << path.right(path.length() - curFolderPath.length()); } f->setPathesToLoad(pathesToLoadNew); } loadFolder(f, it, preview); aspect = f; break; } case Origin::ProjectNode::SpreadSheet: { DEBUG(" top level spreadsheet"); Spreadsheet* spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(0, name); loadSpreadsheet(spreadsheet, preview, name); aspect = spreadsheet; break; } case Origin::ProjectNode::Graph: { DEBUG(" top level graph"); Worksheet* worksheet = new Worksheet(0, name); loadWorksheet(worksheet, preview); aspect = worksheet; break; } case Origin::ProjectNode::Matrix: { DEBUG(" top level matrix"); const Origin::Matrix& originMatrix = m_originFile->matrix(findMatrixByName(name)); DEBUG(" matrix name = " << originMatrix.name); DEBUG(" number of sheets = " << originMatrix.sheets.size()); if (originMatrix.sheets.size() == 1) { // single sheet -> load into a matrix Matrix* matrix = new Matrix(0, name); loadMatrix(matrix, preview); aspect = matrix; } else { // multiple sheets -> load into a workbook Workbook* workbook = new Workbook(0, name); loadMatrixWorkbook(workbook, preview); aspect = workbook; } break; } case Origin::ProjectNode::Excel: { DEBUG(" top level excel"); Workbook* workbook = new Workbook(0, name); loadWorkbook(workbook, preview); aspect = workbook; break; } case Origin::ProjectNode::Note: { DEBUG("top level note"); Note* note = new Note(name); loadNote(note, preview); aspect = note; break; } case Origin::ProjectNode::Graph3D: default: //TODO: add UnsupportedAspect break; } if (aspect) { folder->addChildFast(aspect); aspect->setCreationTime(creationTime(it)); } } // ResultsLog QString resultsLog = QString::fromLatin1(m_originFile->resultsLogString().c_str()); if (resultsLog.length() > 0) { DEBUG("Results log:\t\tyes"); Note* note = new Note("ResultsLog"); if (preview) folder->addChildFast(note); else { //only import the log if it is in the list of aspects to be loaded const QString childPath = folder->path() + '/' + note->name(); if (folder->pathesToLoad().indexOf(childPath) != -1) { note->setText(resultsLog); folder->addChildFast(note); } } } else DEBUG("Results log:\t\tno"); return folder; } void OriginProjectParser::handleLooseWindows(Folder* folder, bool preview) { DEBUG("OriginProjectParser::handleLooseWindows()"); QDEBUG("pathes to load:" << folder->pathesToLoad()); m_spreadNameList.removeDuplicates(); m_excelNameList.removeDuplicates(); m_matrixNameList.removeDuplicates(); m_graphNameList.removeDuplicates(); m_noteNameList.removeDuplicates(); QDEBUG(" spreads =" << m_spreadNameList); QDEBUG(" excels =" << m_excelNameList); QDEBUG(" matrices =" << m_matrixNameList); QDEBUG(" graphs =" << m_graphNameList); QDEBUG(" notes =" << m_noteNameList); DEBUG("Number of spreads loaded:\t" << m_spreadNameList.size() << ", in file: " << m_originFile->spreadCount()); DEBUG("Number of excels loaded:\t" << m_excelNameList.size() << ", in file: " << m_originFile->excelCount()); DEBUG("Number of matrices loaded:\t" << m_matrixNameList.size() << ", in file: " << m_originFile->matrixCount()); DEBUG("Number of graphs loaded:\t" << m_graphNameList.size() << ", in file: " << m_originFile->graphCount()); DEBUG("Number of notes loaded:\t\t" << m_noteNameList.size() << ", in file: " << m_originFile->noteCount()); // loop over all spreads to find loose ones for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->spreadCount(); i++) { AbstractAspect* aspect = nullptr; const Origin::SpreadSheet& spread = m_originFile->spread(i); QString name = QString::fromStdString(spread.name); DEBUG(" spread.objectId = " << spread.objectID); // skip unused spreads if selected if (spread.objectID < 0 && !m_importUnusedObjects) { DEBUG(" Dropping unused loose spread: " << name.toStdString()); continue; } const QString childPath = folder->path() + '/' + name; // we could also use spread.loose if (!m_spreadNameList.contains(name) && (preview || (!preview && folder->pathesToLoad().indexOf(childPath) != -1))) { DEBUG(" Adding loose spread: " << name.toStdString()); Spreadsheet* spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(0, name); loadSpreadsheet(spreadsheet, preview, name); aspect = spreadsheet; } if (aspect) { folder->addChildFast(aspect); DEBUG(" creation time as reported by liborigin: " << spread.creationDate); aspect->setCreationTime(QDateTime::fromTime_t(spread.creationDate)); } } // loop over all excels to find loose ones for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->excelCount(); i++) { AbstractAspect* aspect = nullptr; const Origin::Excel& excel = m_originFile->excel(i); QString name = QString::fromStdString(excel.name); DEBUG(" excel.objectId = " << excel.objectID); // skip unused data sets if selected if (excel.objectID < 0 && !m_importUnusedObjects) { DEBUG(" Dropping unused loose excel: " << name.toStdString()); continue; } const QString childPath = folder->path() + '/' + name; // we could also use excel.loose if (!m_excelNameList.contains(name) && (preview || (!preview && folder->pathesToLoad().indexOf(childPath) != -1))) { DEBUG(" Adding loose excel: " << name.toStdString()); DEBUG(" containing number of sheets = " << excel.sheets.size()); Workbook* workbook = new Workbook(0, name); loadWorkbook(workbook, preview); aspect = workbook; } if (aspect) { folder->addChildFast(aspect); DEBUG(" creation time as reported by liborigin: " << excel.creationDate); aspect->setCreationTime(QDateTime::fromTime_t(excel.creationDate)); } } // loop over all matrices to find loose ones for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->matrixCount(); i++) { AbstractAspect* aspect = nullptr; const Origin::Matrix& originMatrix = m_originFile->matrix(i); QString name = QString::fromStdString(originMatrix.name); DEBUG(" originMatrix.objectId = " << originMatrix.objectID); // skip unused data sets if selected if (originMatrix.objectID < 0 && !m_importUnusedObjects) { DEBUG(" Dropping unused loose matrix: " << name.toStdString()); continue; } const QString childPath = folder->path() + '/' + name; if (!m_matrixNameList.contains(name) && (preview || (!preview && folder->pathesToLoad().indexOf(childPath) != -1))) { DEBUG(" Adding loose matrix: " << name.toStdString()); DEBUG(" containing number of sheets = " << originMatrix.sheets.size()); if (originMatrix.sheets.size() == 1) { // single sheet -> load into a matrix Matrix* matrix = new Matrix(0, name); loadMatrix(matrix, preview); aspect = matrix; } else { // multiple sheets -> load into a workbook Workbook* workbook = new Workbook(0, name); loadMatrixWorkbook(workbook, preview); aspect = workbook; } } if (aspect) { folder->addChildFast(aspect); aspect->setCreationTime(QDateTime::fromTime_t(originMatrix.creationDate)); } } // handle loose graphs (is this even possible?) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->graphCount(); i++) { AbstractAspect* aspect = nullptr; const Origin::Graph& graph = m_originFile->graph(i); QString name = QString::fromStdString(graph.name); DEBUG(" graph.objectId = " << graph.objectID); // skip unused graph if selected if (graph.objectID < 0 && !m_importUnusedObjects) { DEBUG(" Dropping unused loose graph: " << name.toStdString()); continue; } const QString childPath = folder->path() + '/' + name; if (!m_graphNameList.contains(name) && (preview || (!preview && folder->pathesToLoad().indexOf(childPath) != -1))) { DEBUG(" Adding loose graph: " << name.toStdString()); Worksheet* worksheet = new Worksheet(0, name); loadWorksheet(worksheet, preview); aspect = worksheet; } if (aspect) { folder->addChildFast(aspect); aspect->setCreationTime(QDateTime::fromTime_t(graph.creationDate)); } } // handle loose notes (is this even possible?) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_originFile->noteCount(); i++) { AbstractAspect* aspect = nullptr; const Origin::Note& originNote = m_originFile->note(i); QString name = QString::fromStdString(originNote.name); DEBUG(" originNote.objectId = " << originNote.objectID); // skip unused notes if selected if (originNote.objectID < 0 && !m_importUnusedObjects) { DEBUG(" Dropping unused loose note: " << name.toStdString()); continue; } const QString childPath = folder->path() + '/' + name; if (!m_noteNameList.contains(name) && (preview || (!preview && folder->pathesToLoad().indexOf(childPath) != -1))) { DEBUG(" Adding loose note: " << name.toStdString()); Note* note = new Note(name); loadNote(note, preview); aspect = note; } if (aspect) { folder->addChildFast(aspect); QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromTime_t(originNote.creationDate); aspect->setCreationTime(QDateTime::fromTime_t(originNote.creationDate)); } } } bool OriginProjectParser::loadWorkbook(Workbook* workbook, bool preview) { DEBUG("loadWorkbook()"); //load workbook sheets const Origin::Excel& excel = m_originFile->excel(findExcelByName(workbook->name())); DEBUG(" excel name = " << excel.name); DEBUG(" number of sheets = " << excel.sheets.size()); for (unsigned int s = 0; s < excel.sheets.size(); ++s) { Spreadsheet* spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(0, QString::fromLatin1(excel.sheets[s].name.c_str())); loadSpreadsheet(spreadsheet, preview, workbook->name(), s); workbook->addChildFast(spreadsheet); } return true; } // load spreadsheet from spread (sheetIndex == -1) or from excel (only sheet sheetIndex) bool OriginProjectParser::loadSpreadsheet(Spreadsheet* spreadsheet, bool preview, const QString& name, int sheetIndex) { DEBUG("loadSpreadsheet() sheetIndex = " << sheetIndex); //load spreadsheet data Origin::SpreadSheet spread; Origin::Excel excel; if (sheetIndex == -1) // spread spread = m_originFile->spread(findSpreadByName(name)); else { excel = m_originFile->excel(findExcelByName(name)); spread = excel.sheets[sheetIndex]; } const size_t cols = spread.columns.size(); int rows = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < cols; ++j) rows = std::max((int)spread.columns[j].data.size(), rows); // alternative: int rows = excel.maxRows; DEBUG("loadSpreadsheet() cols/maxRows = " << cols << "/" << rows); if (rows < 0 || (int)cols < 0) return false; //TODO QLocale locale = mw->locale(); spreadsheet->setRowCount(rows); spreadsheet->setColumnCount((int)cols); if (sheetIndex == -1) spreadsheet->setComment(QString::fromLatin1(spread.label.c_str())); else spreadsheet->setComment(QString::fromLatin1(excel.label.c_str())); //in Origin column width is measured in characters, we need to convert to pixels //TODO: determine the font used in Origin in order to get the same column width as in Origin QFont font; QFontMetrics fm(font); const int scaling_factor = fm.maxWidth(); for (size_t j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { Origin::SpreadColumn column = spread.columns[j]; Column* col = spreadsheet->column((int)j); QString name(column.name.c_str()); col->setName(name.replace(QRegExp(".*_"),"")); if (preview) continue; //TODO: we don't support any formulas for cells yet. // if (column.command.size() > 0) // col->setFormula(Interval(0, rows), QString(column.command.c_str())); col->setComment(QString::fromLatin1(column.comment.c_str())); col->setWidth((int)column.width * scaling_factor); //plot designation switch (column.type) { case Origin::SpreadColumn::X: col->setPlotDesignation(AbstractColumn::X); break; case Origin::SpreadColumn::Y: col->setPlotDesignation(AbstractColumn::Y); break; case Origin::SpreadColumn::Z: col->setPlotDesignation(AbstractColumn::Z); break; case Origin::SpreadColumn::XErr: col->setPlotDesignation(AbstractColumn::XError); break; case Origin::SpreadColumn::YErr: col->setPlotDesignation(AbstractColumn::YError); break; case Origin::SpreadColumn::Label: case Origin::SpreadColumn::NONE: default: col->setPlotDesignation(AbstractColumn::NoDesignation); } QString format; switch(column.valueType) { case Origin::Numeric: { for (unsigned int i = column.beginRow; i < column.endRow; ++i) { const double value = column.data.at(i).as_double(); if (value != _ONAN) col->setValueAt(i, value); } loadColumnNumericFormat(column, col); break; } case Origin::TextNumeric: { //A TextNumeric column can contain numeric and string values, there is no equivalent column mode in LabPlot. // -> Set the column mode as 'Numeric' or 'Text' depending on the type of first non-empty element in column. for (unsigned int i = column.beginRow; i < column.endRow; ++i) { const Origin::variant value(column.data.at(i)); if (value.type() == Origin::Variant::V_DOUBLE) { if (value.as_double() != _ONAN) break; } else { if (value.as_string() != NULL) { col->setColumnMode(AbstractColumn::Text); break; } } } if (col->columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Numeric) { for (unsigned int i = column.beginRow; i < column.endRow; ++i) { const double value = column.data.at(i).as_double(); if (column.data.at(i).type() == Origin::Variant::V_DOUBLE && value != _ONAN) col->setValueAt(i, value); } loadColumnNumericFormat(column, col); } else { for (unsigned int i = column.beginRow; i < column.endRow; ++i) { const Origin::variant value(column.data.at(i)); if (value.type() == Origin::Variant::V_STRING) { if (value.as_string() != NULL) col->setTextAt(i, value.as_string()); } else { if (value.as_double() != _ONAN) col->setTextAt(i, QString::number(value.as_double())); } } } break; } case Origin::Text: col->setColumnMode(AbstractColumn::Text); for (int i = 0; i < min((int)column.data.size(), rows); ++i) col->setTextAt(i, column.data[i].as_string()); break; case Origin::Time: { switch (column.valueTypeSpecification + 128) { case Origin::TIME_HH_MM: format="hh:mm"; break; case Origin::TIME_HH: format="hh"; break; case Origin::TIME_HH_MM_SS: format="hh:mm:ss"; break; case Origin::TIME_HH_MM_SS_ZZ: format="hh:mm:ss.zzz"; break; case Origin::TIME_HH_AP: format="hh ap"; break; case Origin::TIME_HH_MM_AP: format="hh:mm ap"; break; case Origin::TIME_MM_SS: format="mm:ss"; break; case Origin::TIME_MM_SS_ZZ: format="mm:ss.zzz"; break; case Origin::TIME_HHMM: format="hhmm"; break; case Origin::TIME_HHMMSS: format="hhmmss"; break; case Origin::TIME_HH_MM_SS_ZZZ: format="hh:mm:ss.zzz"; break; } for (int i = 0; i < min((int)column.data.size(), rows); ++i) col->setValueAt(i, column.data[i].as_double()); col->setColumnMode(AbstractColumn::DateTime); DateTime2StringFilter *filter = static_cast(col->outputFilter()); filter->setFormat(format); break; } case Origin::Date: { switch (column.valueTypeSpecification) { case Origin::DATE_DD_MM_YYYY: format="dd/MM/yyyy"; break; case Origin::DATE_DD_MM_YYYY_HH_MM: format="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"; break; case Origin::DATE_DD_MM_YYYY_HH_MM_SS: format="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"; break; case Origin::DATE_DDMMYYYY: case Origin::DATE_DDMMYYYY_HH_MM: case Origin::DATE_DDMMYYYY_HH_MM_SS: format="dd.MM.yyyy"; break; case Origin::DATE_MMM_D: format="MMM d"; break; case Origin::DATE_M_D: format="M/d"; break; case Origin::DATE_D: format="d"; break; case Origin::DATE_DDD: case Origin::DATE_DAY_LETTER: format="ddd"; break; case Origin::DATE_YYYY: format="yyyy"; break; case Origin::DATE_YY: format="yy"; break; case Origin::DATE_YYMMDD: case Origin::DATE_YYMMDD_HH_MM: case Origin::DATE_YYMMDD_HH_MM_SS: case Origin::DATE_YYMMDD_HHMM: case Origin::DATE_YYMMDD_HHMMSS: format="yyMMdd"; break; case Origin::DATE_MMM: case Origin::DATE_MONTH_LETTER: format="MMM"; break; case Origin::DATE_M_D_YYYY: format="M-d-yyyy"; break; default: format="dd.MM.yyyy"; } for (int i = 0; i < min((int)column.data.size(), rows); ++i) col->setValueAt(i, column.data[i].as_double()); col->setColumnMode(AbstractColumn::DateTime); DateTime2StringFilter *filter = static_cast(col->outputFilter()); filter->setFormat(format); break; } case Origin::Month: { switch (column.valueTypeSpecification) { case Origin::MONTH_MMM: format = "MMM"; break; case Origin::MONTH_MMMM: format = "MMMM"; break; case Origin::MONTH_LETTER: format = "M"; break; } for (int i = 0; i < min((int)column.data.size(), rows); ++i) col->setValueAt(i, column.data[i].as_double()); col->setColumnMode(AbstractColumn::Month); DateTime2StringFilter *filter = static_cast(col->outputFilter()); filter->setFormat(format); break; } case Origin::Day: { switch (column.valueTypeSpecification) { case Origin::DAY_DDD: format = "ddd"; break; case Origin::DAY_DDDD: format = "dddd"; break; case Origin::DAY_LETTER: format = "d"; break; } for (int i = 0; i < min((int)column.data.size(), rows); ++i) col->setValueAt(i, column.data[i].as_double()); col->setColumnMode(AbstractColumn::Day); DateTime2StringFilter *filter = static_cast(col->outputFilter()); filter->setFormat(format); break; } case Origin::ColumnHeading: case Origin::TickIndexedDataset: case Origin::Categorical: break; } } //TODO: "hidden" not supporrted yet // if (spread.hidden || spread.loose) // mw->hideWindow(spreadsheet); return true; } void OriginProjectParser::loadColumnNumericFormat(const Origin::SpreadColumn& originColumn, Column* column) const { if (originColumn.numericDisplayType != 0) { int fi = 0; switch (originColumn.valueTypeSpecification) { case Origin::Decimal: fi = 1; break; case Origin::Scientific: fi = 2; break; case Origin::Engineering: case Origin::DecimalWithMarks: break; } Double2StringFilter* filter = static_cast(column->outputFilter()); filter->setNumericFormat(fi); filter->setNumDigits(originColumn.decimalPlaces); } } bool OriginProjectParser::loadMatrixWorkbook(Workbook* workbook, bool preview) { DEBUG("loadMatrixWorkbook()"); //load matrix workbook sheets const Origin::Matrix& originMatrix = m_originFile->matrix(findMatrixByName(workbook->name())); for (size_t s = 0; s < originMatrix.sheets.size(); ++s) { Matrix* matrix = new Matrix(0, QString::fromLatin1(originMatrix.sheets[s].name.c_str())); loadMatrix(matrix, preview, s, workbook->name()); workbook->addChildFast(matrix); } return true; } bool OriginProjectParser::loadMatrix(Matrix* matrix, bool preview, size_t sheetIndex, const QString& mwbName) { DEBUG("loadMatrix()"); //import matrix data const Origin::Matrix& originMatrix = m_originFile->matrix(findMatrixByName(mwbName)); if (preview) return true; //in Origin column width is measured in characters, we need to convert to pixels //TODO: determine the font used in Origin in order to get the same column width as in Origin QFont font; QFontMetrics fm(font); const int scaling_factor = fm.maxWidth(); const Origin::MatrixSheet& layer = originMatrix.sheets[sheetIndex]; const int colCount = layer.columnCount; const int rowCount = layer.rowCount; matrix->setRowCount(rowCount); matrix->setColumnCount(colCount); matrix->setFormula(layer.command.c_str()); //TODO: how to handle different widths for different columns? for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) matrix->setColumnWidth(j, layer.width * scaling_factor); //TODO: check colum major vs. row major to improve the performance here for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) matrix->setCell(i, j, layer.data[j + i*colCount]); } char format = 'g'; //TODO: prec not support by Matrix //int prec = 6; switch (layer.valueTypeSpecification) { case 0: //Decimal 1000 format='f'; // prec = layer.decimalPlaces; break; case 1: //Scientific format='e'; // prec = layer.decimalPlaces; break; case 2: //Engineering case 3: //Decimal 1,000 format='g'; // prec = layer.significantDigits; break; } matrix->setNumericFormat(format); return true; } bool OriginProjectParser::loadWorksheet(Worksheet* worksheet, bool preview) { DEBUG("OriginProjectParser::loadWorksheet()"); //load worksheet data const Origin::Graph& graph = m_originFile->graph(findGraphByName(worksheet->name())); DEBUG(" graph name = " << graph.name); worksheet->setComment(graph.label.c_str()); //TODO: width, height, view mode (print view, page view, window view, draft view) // worksheet background color const Origin::ColorGradientDirection bckgColorGradient = graph.windowBackgroundColorGradient; const Origin::Color bckgBaseColor = graph.windowBackgroundColorBase; const Origin::Color bckgEndColor = graph.windowBackgroundColorEnd; worksheet->setBackgroundColorStyle(backgroundColorStyle(bckgColorGradient)); switch (bckgColorGradient) { case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::NoGradient: case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::TopLeft: case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Left: case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::BottomLeft: case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Top: worksheet->setBackgroundFirstColor(color(bckgEndColor)); worksheet->setBackgroundSecondColor(color(bckgBaseColor)); break; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Center: break; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Bottom: case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::TopRight: case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Right: case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::BottomRight: worksheet->setBackgroundFirstColor(color(bckgBaseColor)); worksheet->setBackgroundSecondColor(color(bckgEndColor)); } //TODO: do we need changes on the worksheet layout? //add plots int index = 1; for (const auto& layer: graph.layers) { if (!layer.is3D()) { CartesianPlot* plot = new CartesianPlot(i18n("Plot") + QString::number(index)); + plot->setIsLoading(true); //TODO: width, height //background color const Origin::Color& regColor = layer.backgroundColor; if (regColor.type == Origin::Color::None) plot->plotArea()->setBackgroundOpacity(0); else plot->plotArea()->setBackgroundFirstColor(color(regColor)); //border if (layer.borderType == Origin::BorderType::None) plot->plotArea()->setBorderPen(QPen(Qt::NoPen)); else plot->plotArea()->setBorderPen(QPen(Qt::SolidLine)); //ranges/scales const Origin::GraphAxis& originXAxis = layer.xAxis; const Origin::GraphAxis& originYAxis = layer.yAxis; plot->setXMin(originXAxis.min); plot->setXMax(originXAxis.max); plot->setYMin(originYAxis.min); plot->setYMax(originYAxis.max); //axes //x bottom if (layer.curves.size()){ Origin::GraphCurve originCurve = layer.curves[0]; if (!originXAxis.formatAxis[0].hidden) { Axis* axis = new Axis("x", plot, Axis::AxisHorizontal); axis->setSuppressRetransform(true); axis->setPosition(Axis::AxisBottom); plot->addChild(axis); loadAxis(originXAxis, axis, 0, QString::fromLatin1(originCurve.xColumnName.c_str())); axis->setSuppressRetransform(false); } //x top if (!originXAxis.formatAxis[1].hidden) { Axis* axis = new Axis("x top", plot, Axis::AxisHorizontal); axis->setPosition(Axis::AxisTop); axis->setSuppressRetransform(true); plot->addChild(axis); loadAxis(originXAxis, axis, 1, QString::fromLatin1(originCurve.xColumnName.c_str())); axis->setSuppressRetransform(false); } //y left if (!originYAxis.formatAxis[0].hidden) { Axis* axis = new Axis("y", plot, Axis::AxisVertical); axis->setSuppressRetransform(true); axis->setPosition(Axis::AxisLeft); plot->addChild(axis); loadAxis(originYAxis, axis, 0, QString::fromLatin1(originCurve.yColumnName.c_str())); axis->setSuppressRetransform(false); } //y right if (!originYAxis.formatAxis[1].hidden) { Axis* axis = new Axis("y right", plot, Axis::AxisVertical); axis->setSuppressRetransform(true); axis->setPosition(Axis::AxisRight); plot->addChild(axis); loadAxis(originYAxis, axis, 1, QString::fromLatin1(originCurve.yColumnName.c_str())); axis->setSuppressRetransform(false); } } else { //TODO: ? } //range breaks //TODO //add legend if available const Origin::TextBox& originLegend = layer.legend; QString legendText = parseOriginText(QString::fromLatin1(originLegend.text.c_str())); DEBUG(" parsed legend text = " << legendText.toStdString()); if (!originLegend.text.empty()) { //CartesianPlotLegend* legend = new CartesianPlotLegend(plot, i18n("legend")); QString legendTitle = legendText.left(legendText.indexOf("\\c{1}") - 1); legendTitle = legendTitle.trimmed(); DEBUG(" title = " << legendTitle.toStdString()); CartesianPlotLegend* legend = new CartesianPlotLegend(plot, legendTitle); const Origin::Color& originColor = originLegend.color; if (originColor.type == Origin::Color::None) legend->setBackgroundOpacity(0); else legend->setBackgroundFirstColor(color(originColor)); //TODO: position, rotation, etc. plot->addChild(legend); } //add texts // TODO: not supported yet... /* for (const auto &s: layer.texts) { DEBUG("EXTRA TEXT =" << s.text.c_str()); // plot->newLegend(parseOriginText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(s.text.c_str()))); } */ //curves int curveIndex = 1; for (const auto& originCurve: layer.curves) { QString data(originCurve.dataName.c_str()); switch(data[0].toAscii()) { case 'T': case 'E': { if (originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::Line || originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::Scatter || originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::LineSymbol || originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::ErrorBar || originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::XErrorBar) { // parse and use legend text // find substring between %c{curveIndex} and %c{curveIndex+1} int pos1 = legendText.indexOf(QString("\\c{%1}").arg(curveIndex)) + 5; int pos2 = legendText.indexOf(QString("\\c{%1}").arg(curveIndex+1)); QString curveText = legendText.mid(pos1, pos2 - pos1); // replace %(1), %(2), etc. with curve name curveText.replace(QString("%(%1)").arg(curveIndex), QString::fromLatin1(originCurve.yColumnName.c_str())); curveText = curveText.trimmed(); DEBUG(" curve " << curveIndex << " text = " << curveText.toStdString()); //XYCurve* xyCurve = new XYCurve(i18n("Curve") + QString::number(curveIndex)); //TODO: curve (legend) does not support HTML text yet. //XYCurve* xyCurve = new XYCurve(curveText); XYCurve* curve = new XYCurve(QString::fromLatin1(originCurve.yColumnName.c_str())); const QString& tableName = data.right(data.length() - 2); curve->setXColumnPath(tableName + "/" + originCurve.xColumnName.c_str()); curve->setYColumnPath(tableName + "/" + originCurve.yColumnName.c_str()); curve->suppressRetransform(true); if (!preview) loadCurve(originCurve, curve); plot->addChild(curve); curve->suppressRetransform(false); } else if (originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::Column) { //vertical bars } else if (originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::Bar) { //horizontal bars } else if (originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::Histogram) { } } break; case 'F': { Origin::Function function; const vector::size_type funcIndex = m_originFile->functionIndex(data.right(data.length()-2).toStdString().c_str()); function = m_originFile->function(funcIndex); XYEquationCurve* xyEqCurve = new XYEquationCurve(function.name.c_str()); XYEquationCurve::EquationData eqData; eqData.count = function.totalPoints; eqData.expression1 = QString(function.formula.c_str()); if(function.type == Origin::Function::Polar) { eqData.type = XYEquationCurve::Polar; //replace 'x' by 'phi' eqData.expression1 = eqData.expression1.replace('x', "phi"); //convert from degrees to radians eqData.min = QString::number(function.begin/180) + QLatin1String("*pi"); eqData.max = QString::number(function.end/180) + QLatin1String("*pi"); } else { eqData.expression1 = QString(function.formula.c_str()); eqData.min = QString::number(function.begin); eqData.max = QString::number(function.end); } xyEqCurve->suppressRetransform(true); xyEqCurve->setEquationData(eqData); if (!preview) loadCurve(originCurve, xyEqCurve); plot->addChild(xyEqCurve); xyEqCurve->suppressRetransform(false); } } ++curveIndex; } - worksheet->addChild(plot); + worksheet->addChildFast(plot); } else { //no support for 3D plots yet //TODO: add an "UnsupportedAspect" here } ++index; } return true; } /* * sets the axis properties (format and ticks) as defined in \c originAxis in \c axis, * \c index being 0 or 1 for "top" and "bottom" or "left" and "right" for horizontal or vertical axes, respectively. */ void OriginProjectParser::loadAxis(const Origin::GraphAxis& originAxis, Axis* axis, int index, const QString& axisTitle) const { //ranges axis->setStart(originAxis.min); axis->setEnd(originAxis.max); //process Origin::GraphAxisFormat const Origin::GraphAxisFormat& axisFormat = originAxis.formatAxis[index]; QPen pen; Origin::Color color; color.type = Origin::Color::ColorType::Regular; color.regular = axisFormat.color; pen.setColor(OriginProjectParser::color(color)); pen.setWidthF(Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(axisFormat.thickness, Worksheet::Point)); axis->setLinePen(pen); axis->setMajorTicksLength( Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(axisFormat.majorTickLength, Worksheet::Point) ); axis->setMajorTicksDirection( (Axis::TicksFlags) axisFormat.majorTicksType); axis->setMajorTicksPen(pen); axis->setMinorTicksLength( axis->majorTicksLength()/2); // minorTicksLength is half of majorTicksLength axis->setMinorTicksDirection( (Axis::TicksFlags) axisFormat.minorTicksType); axis->setMinorTicksPen(pen); // int axisPosition; // possible values: // 0: Axis is at default position // 1: Axis is at (axisPositionValue)% from standard position // 2: Axis is at (axisPositionValue) position of ortogonal axis // double axisPositionValue; QString titleText = parseOriginText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(axisFormat.label.text.c_str())); DEBUG(" axis title text = " << titleText.toStdString()); //TODO: parseOriginText() returns html formatted string. What is axisFormat.color used for? //TODO: use axisFormat.fontSize to override the global font size for the hmtl string? DEBUG(" curve name = " << axisTitle.toStdString()); titleText.replace("%(?X)", axisTitle); titleText.replace("%(?Y)", axisTitle); DEBUG(" axis title = " << titleText.toStdString()); axis->title()->setText(titleText); axis->title()->setRotationAngle(axisFormat.label.rotation); axis->setLabelsPrefix(axisFormat.prefix.c_str()); axis->setLabelsSuffix(axisFormat.suffix.c_str()); //TODO: handle string factor member in GraphAxisFormat //process Origin::GraphAxisTick const Origin::GraphAxisTick& tickAxis = originAxis.tickAxis[index]; if (tickAxis.showMajorLabels) { color.type = Origin::Color::ColorType::Regular; color.regular = tickAxis.color; axis->setLabelsColor(OriginProjectParser::color(color)); //TODO: how to set labels position (top vs. bottom)? } else { axis->setLabelsPosition(Axis::LabelsPosition::NoLabels); } //TODO: handle ValueType valueType member in GraphAxisTick //TODO: handle int valueTypeSpecification in GraphAxisTick axis->setLabelsPrecision(tickAxis.decimalPlaces); QFont font; //TODO: font family? font.setPixelSize( Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(tickAxis.fontSize, Worksheet::Point) ); font.setBold(tickAxis.fontBold); axis->setLabelsFont(font); //TODO: handle string dataName member in GraphAxisTick //TODO: handle string columnName member in GraphAxisTick axis->setLabelsRotationAngle(tickAxis.rotation); } void OriginProjectParser::loadCurve(const Origin::GraphCurve& originCurve, XYCurve* curve) const { //line properties QPen pen = curve->linePen(); Qt::PenStyle penStyle(Qt::NoPen); if (originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::Line || originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::LineSymbol) { switch(originCurve.lineConnect) { case Origin::GraphCurve::NoLine: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::NoLine); break; case Origin::GraphCurve::Straight: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::Line); break; case Origin::GraphCurve::TwoPointSegment: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::Segments2); break; case Origin::GraphCurve::ThreePointSegment: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::Segments3); break; case Origin::GraphCurve::BSpline: case Origin::GraphCurve::Bezier: case Origin::GraphCurve::Spline: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::SplineCubicNatural); break; case Origin::GraphCurve::StepHorizontal: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::StartHorizontal); break; case Origin::GraphCurve::StepVertical: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::StartVertical); break; case Origin::GraphCurve::StepHCenter: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::MidpointHorizontal); break; case Origin::GraphCurve::StepVCenter: curve->setLineType(XYCurve::MidpointVertical); break; } switch (originCurve.lineStyle) { case Origin::GraphCurve::Solid: penStyle = Qt::SolidLine; break; case Origin::GraphCurve::Dash: case Origin::GraphCurve::ShortDash: penStyle = Qt::DashLine; break; case Origin::GraphCurve::Dot: case Origin::GraphCurve::ShortDot: penStyle = Qt::DotLine; break; case Origin::GraphCurve::DashDot: case Origin::GraphCurve::ShortDashDot: penStyle = Qt::DashDotLine; break; case Origin::GraphCurve::DashDotDot: penStyle = Qt::DashDotDotLine; break; } pen.setStyle(penStyle); pen.setWidthF( Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(originCurve.lineWidth, Worksheet::Point) ); pen.setColor(color(originCurve.lineColor)); - curve->setLineOpacity(originCurve.lineTransparency/255.); + curve->setLineOpacity(originCurve.lineTransparency/255); //TODO: handle unsigned char boxWidth of Origin::GraphCurve } pen.setStyle(penStyle); curve->setLinePen(pen); //symbol properties if (originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::Scatter || originCurve.type == Origin::GraphCurve::LineSymbol) { //try to map the different symbols, mapping is not exact curve->setSymbolsRotationAngle(0); switch(originCurve.symbolType) { case 0: //NoSymbol curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::NoSymbols); break; case 1: //Rect curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Square); break; case 2: //Ellipse case 20://Sphere curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Circle); break; case 3: //UTriangle curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::EquilateralTriangle); break; case 4: //DTriangle curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::EquilateralTriangle); break; case 5: //Diamond curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Diamond); break; case 6: //Cross + curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Cross); break; case 7: //Cross x curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Cross); break; case 8: //Snow curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Star4); break; case 9: //Horizontal - curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Line); curve->setSymbolsRotationAngle(90); break; case 10: //Vertical | curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Line); break; case 15: //LTriangle curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::EquilateralTriangle); break; case 16: //RTriangle curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::EquilateralTriangle); break; case 17: //Hexagon case 19: //Pentagon curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Square); break; case 18: //Star curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::Star5); break; default: curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::NoSymbols); } //Color symbolColor; //Color symbolFillColor; //TODO: doesn't work QBrush brush = curve->symbolsBrush(); brush.setColor(color(originCurve.symbolColor)); curve->setSymbolsBrush(brush); curve->setSymbolsSize(Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(originCurve.symbolSize, Worksheet::Point)); QPen pen = curve->symbolsPen(); pen.setWidthF(Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(originCurve.symbolThickness, Worksheet::Point)); //handle unsigned char pointOffset member //handle bool connectSymbols member } else { curve->setSymbolsStyle(Symbol::NoSymbols); } //filling properties if(originCurve.fillArea) { //TODO: handle unsigned char fillAreaType; //with 'fillAreaType'=0x10 the area between the curve and the x-axis is filled //with 'fillAreaType'=0x14 the area included inside the curve is filled. First and last curve points are joined by a line to close the otherwise open area. //with 'fillAreaType'=0x12 the area excluded outside the curve is filled. The inverse of fillAreaType=0x14 is filled. //At the moment we only support the first type, so set it to XYCurve::FillingBelow curve->setFillingPosition(XYCurve::FillingBelow); if (originCurve.fillAreaPattern == 0) { curve->setFillingType(PlotArea::Color); } else { curve->setFillingType(PlotArea::Pattern); //map different patterns in originCurve.fillAreaPattern (has the values of Origin::FillPattern) to Qt::BrushStyle; switch(originCurve.fillAreaPattern) { case 0: curve->setFillingBrushStyle(Qt::NoBrush); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: curve->setFillingBrushStyle(Qt::BDiagPattern); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: curve->setFillingBrushStyle(Qt::FDiagPattern); break; case 7: case 8: case 9: curve->setFillingBrushStyle(Qt::DiagCrossPattern); break; case 10: case 11: case 12: curve->setFillingBrushStyle(Qt::HorPattern); break; case 13: case 14: case 15: curve->setFillingBrushStyle(Qt::VerPattern); break; case 16: case 17: case 18: curve->setFillingBrushStyle(Qt::CrossPattern); break; } } curve->setFillingFirstColor(color(originCurve.fillAreaColor)); curve->setFillingOpacity(originCurve.fillAreaTransparency/255); //Color fillAreaPatternColor - color for the pattern lines, not supported //double fillAreaPatternWidth - width of the pattern lines, not supported //bool fillAreaWithLineTransparency - transparency of the pattern lines indepetendent of the area transparency, not supported //TODO: //unsigned char fillAreaPatternBorderStyle; //Color fillAreaPatternBorderColor; //double fillAreaPatternBorderWidth; //The Border properties are used only in "Column/Bar" (histogram) plots. Those properties are: //fillAreaPatternBorderStyle for the line style (use enum Origin::LineStyle here) //fillAreaPatternBorderColor for the line color //fillAreaPatternBorderWidth for the line width } else curve->setFillingPosition(XYCurve::NoFilling); } bool OriginProjectParser::loadNote(Note* note, bool preview) { DEBUG("OriginProjectParser::loadNote()"); //load note data const Origin::Note& originNote = m_originFile->note(findNoteByName(note->name())); if (preview) return true; note->setComment(originNote.label.c_str()); note->setNote(QString::fromLatin1(originNote.text.c_str())); return true; } //############################################################################## //########################### Helper functions ################################ //############################################################################## QDateTime OriginProjectParser::creationTime(const tree::iterator& it) const { //this logic seems to be correct only for the first node (project node). For other nodes the current time is returned. char time_str[21]; strftime(time_str, sizeof(time_str), "%F %T", gmtime(&(*it).creationDate)); return QDateTime::fromString(QString(time_str), Qt::ISODate); } QString OriginProjectParser::parseOriginText(const QString &str) const { DEBUG("parseOriginText()"); QStringList lines = str.split("\n"); QString text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) text.append("\n"); text.append(parseOriginTags(lines[i])); } return text; } QColor OriginProjectParser::color(const Origin::Color& color) const { switch (color.type) { case Origin::Color::ColorType::Regular: switch (color.regular) { case Origin::Color::Black: return QColor(Qt::black); case Origin::Color::Red: return QColor(Qt::red); case Origin::Color::Green: return QColor(Qt::green); case Origin::Color::Blue: return QColor(Qt::blue); case Origin::Color::Cyan: return QColor(Qt::cyan); case Origin::Color::Magenta: return QColor(Qt::magenta); case Origin::Color::Yellow: return QColor(Qt::yellow); case Origin::Color::DarkYellow: return QColor(Qt::darkYellow); case Origin::Color::Navy: return QColor(0, 0, 128); case Origin::Color::Purple: return QColor(128, 0, 128); case Origin::Color::Wine: return QColor(128, 0, 0); case Origin::Color::Olive: return QColor(0, 128, 0); case Origin::Color::DarkCyan: return QColor(Qt::darkCyan); case Origin::Color::Royal: return QColor(0, 0, 160); case Origin::Color::Orange: return QColor(255, 128, 0); case Origin::Color::Violet: return QColor(128, 0, 255); case Origin::Color::Pink: return QColor(255, 0, 128); case Origin::Color::White: return QColor(Qt::white); case Origin::Color::LightGray: return QColor(Qt::lightGray); case Origin::Color::Gray: return QColor(Qt::gray); case Origin::Color::LTYellow: return QColor(255, 0, 128); case Origin::Color::LTCyan: return QColor(128, 255, 255); case Origin::Color::LTMagenta: return QColor(255, 128, 255); case Origin::Color::DarkGray: return QColor(Qt::darkGray); } break; case Origin::Color::ColorType::Custom: return QColor(color.custom[0], color.custom[1], color.custom[2]); case Origin::Color::ColorType::None: case Origin::Color::ColorType::Automatic: case Origin::Color::ColorType::Increment: case Origin::Color::ColorType::Indexing: case Origin::Color::ColorType::RGB: case Origin::Color::ColorType::Mapping: break; } return QColor(Qt::white); } PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle OriginProjectParser::backgroundColorStyle(const Origin::ColorGradientDirection& colorGradient) const { switch (colorGradient) { case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::NoGradient: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::SingleColor; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::TopLeft: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::TopLeftDiagonalLinearGradient; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Left: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::HorizontalLinearGradient; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::BottomLeft: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::BottomLeftDiagonalLinearGradient; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Top: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::VerticalLinearGradient; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Center: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::RadialGradient; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Bottom: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::VerticalLinearGradient; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::TopRight: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::BottomLeftDiagonalLinearGradient; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::Right: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::HorizontalLinearGradient; case Origin::ColorGradientDirection::BottomRight: return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::TopLeftDiagonalLinearGradient; } return PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle::SingleColor; } QString strreverse(const QString &str) { //QString reversing QByteArray ba = str.toLocal8Bit(); std::reverse(ba.begin(), ba.end()); return QString(ba); } // taken from SciDAVis QString OriginProjectParser::parseOriginTags(const QString &str) const { DEBUG("parseOriginTags()"); DEBUG(" string: " << str.toStdString()); QString line = str; //replace \l(...) and %(...) tags QRegExp rxline("\\\\\\s*l\\s*\\(\\s*\\d+\\s*\\)"); QRegExp rxcol("\\%\\(\\d+\\)"); int pos = rxline.indexIn(line); while (pos > -1) { QString value = rxline.cap(0); int len = value.length(); value.replace(QRegExp(" "),""); value = "\\c{" + value.mid(3, value.length()-4) + "}"; line.replace(pos, len, value); pos = rxline.indexIn(line); } //Lookbehind conditions are not supported - so need to reverse string QRegExp rx("\\)[^\\)\\(]*\\((?!\\s*[buig\\+\\-]\\s*\\\\)"); QRegExp rxfont("\\)[^\\)\\(]*\\((?![^\\:]*\\:f\\s*\\\\)"); QString linerev = strreverse(line); QString lBracket = strreverse("&lbracket;"); QString rBracket = strreverse("&rbracket;"); QString ltagBracket = strreverse("<agbracket;"); QString rtagBracket = strreverse("&rtagbracket;"); int pos1 = rx.indexIn(linerev); int pos2 = rxfont.indexIn(linerev); while (pos1 > -1 || pos2 > -1) { if (pos1 == pos2) { QString value = rx.cap(0); int len = value.length(); value = rBracket + value.mid(1, len-2) + lBracket; linerev.replace(pos1, len, value); } else if ((pos1 > pos2 && pos2 != -1) || pos1 == -1) { QString value = rxfont.cap(0); int len = value.length(); value = rtagBracket + value.mid(1, len-2) + ltagBracket; linerev.replace(pos2, len, value); } else if ((pos2 > pos1 && pos1 != -1) || pos2 == -1) { QString value = rx.cap(0); int len = value.length(); value = rtagBracket + value.mid(1, len-2) + ltagBracket; linerev.replace(pos1, len, value); } pos1 = rx.indexIn(linerev); pos2 = rxfont.indexIn(linerev); } linerev.replace(ltagBracket, "("); linerev.replace(rtagBracket, ")"); line = strreverse(linerev); //replace \b(...), \i(...), \u(...), \g(...), \+(...), \-(...), \f:font(...) tags const QString rxstr[] = { "\\\\\\s*b\\s*\\(", "\\\\\\s*i\\s*\\(", "\\\\\\s*u\\s*\\(", "\\\\\\s*g\\s*\\(", "\\\\\\s*\\+\\s*\\(", "\\\\\\s*\\-\\s*\\(", "\\\\\\s*f\\:[^\\(]*\\("}; int postag[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; QString ltag[] = {"","","","","","",""}; QString rtag[] = {"","","","","","",""}; QRegExp rxtags[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) rxtags[i].setPattern(rxstr[i]+"[^\\(\\)]*\\)"); bool flag = true; while (flag) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { postag[i] = rxtags[i].indexIn(line); while (postag[i] > -1) { QString value = rxtags[i].cap(0); int len = value.length(); pos2 = value.indexOf("("); if (i < 6) value = ltag[i] + value.mid(pos2+1, len-pos2-2) + rtag[i]; else { int posfont = value.indexOf("f:"); value = ltag[i].arg(value.mid(posfont+2, pos2-posfont-2)) + value.mid(pos2+1, len-pos2-2) + rtag[i]; } line.replace(postag[i], len, value); postag[i] = rxtags[i].indexIn(line); } } flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (rxtags[i].indexIn(line) > -1) { flag = true; break; } } } //replace unclosed tags for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) line.replace(QRegExp(rxstr[i]), ltag[i]); rxfont.setPattern(rxstr[6]); pos = rxfont.indexIn(line); while (pos > -1) { QString value = rxfont.cap(0); int len = value.length(); int posfont = value.indexOf("f:"); value = ltag[6].arg(value.mid(posfont+2, len-posfont-3)); line.replace(pos, len, value); pos = rxfont.indexIn(line); } line.replace("&lbracket;", "("); line.replace("&rbracket;", ")"); DEBUG(" result: " << line.toStdString()); return line; } diff --git a/src/backend/worksheet/Worksheet.cpp b/src/backend/worksheet/Worksheet.cpp index d7e358c5b..5efc47562 100644 --- a/src/backend/worksheet/Worksheet.cpp +++ b/src/backend/worksheet/Worksheet.cpp @@ -1,1051 +1,1049 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : Worksheet.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : Worksheet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2009 Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2011-2016 by Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "Worksheet.h" #include "WorksheetPrivate.h" #include "WorksheetElement.h" #include "commonfrontend/worksheet/WorksheetView.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/CartesianPlot.h" #include "backend/worksheet/TextLabel.h" #include "backend/lib/commandtemplates.h" #include "backend/lib/XmlStreamReader.h" #include "kdefrontend/worksheet/ExportWorksheetDialog.h" #include "kdefrontend/ThemeHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * \class Worksheet * \brief Top-level container for worksheet elements like plot, labels, etc. * * The worksheet is, besides the data containers \c Spreadsheet and \c Matrix, another central part of the application * and provides an area for showing and grouping together different kinds of worksheet objects - plots, labels &etc; * * * \ingroup worksheet */ Worksheet::Worksheet(AbstractScriptingEngine* engine, const QString& name, bool loading) : AbstractPart(name), scripted(engine), d(new WorksheetPrivate(this)), m_view(nullptr) { connect(this, &Worksheet::aspectAdded, this, &Worksheet::handleAspectAdded); connect(this, &Worksheet::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &Worksheet::handleAspectAboutToBeRemoved); connect(this, &Worksheet::aspectRemoved, this, &Worksheet::handleAspectRemoved); if (!loading) init(); } Worksheet::~Worksheet() { delete d; } void Worksheet::init() { KConfig config; KConfigGroup group = config.group( "Worksheet" ); //size d->scaleContent = group.readEntry("ScaleContent", false); d->useViewSize = group.readEntry("UseViewSize", false); d->pageRect.setX(0); d->pageRect.setY(0); d->pageRect.setWidth(group.readEntry("Width", 1500)); d->pageRect.setHeight(group.readEntry("Height",1500)); d->m_scene->setSceneRect(d->pageRect); //background d->backgroundType = (PlotArea::BackgroundType) group.readEntry("BackgroundType", (int) PlotArea::Color); d->backgroundColorStyle = (PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle) group.readEntry("BackgroundColorStyle", (int) PlotArea::SingleColor); d->backgroundImageStyle = (PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle) group.readEntry("BackgroundImageStyle", (int) PlotArea::Scaled); d->backgroundBrushStyle = (Qt::BrushStyle) group.readEntry("BackgroundBrushStyle", (int) Qt::SolidPattern); d->backgroundFileName = group.readEntry("BackgroundFileName", QString()); d->backgroundFirstColor = group.readEntry("BackgroundFirstColor", QColor(Qt::white)); d->backgroundSecondColor = group.readEntry("BackgroundSecondColor", QColor(Qt::black)); d->backgroundOpacity = group.readEntry("BackgroundOpacity", 1.0); //layout d->layout = (Worksheet::Layout) group.readEntry("Layout", (int) Worksheet::VerticalLayout); d->layoutTopMargin = group.readEntry("LayoutTopMargin", convertToSceneUnits(1, Centimeter)); d->layoutBottomMargin = group.readEntry("LayoutBottomMargin", convertToSceneUnits(1, Centimeter)); d->layoutLeftMargin = group.readEntry("LayoutLeftMargin", convertToSceneUnits(1, Centimeter)); d->layoutRightMargin = group.readEntry("LayoutRightMargin", convertToSceneUnits(1, Centimeter)); d->layoutVerticalSpacing = group.readEntry("LayoutVerticalSpacing", convertToSceneUnits(1, Centimeter)); d->layoutHorizontalSpacing = group.readEntry("LayoutHorizontalSpacing", convertToSceneUnits(1, Centimeter)); d->layoutRowCount = group.readEntry("LayoutRowCount", 2); d->layoutColumnCount = group.readEntry("LayoutColumnCount", 2); //default theme KConfigGroup settings = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group(QLatin1String("Settings_Worksheet")); d->theme = settings.readEntry(QLatin1String("Theme"), ""); if (!d->theme.isEmpty()) loadTheme(d->theme); } /*! converts from \c unit to the scene units. At the moment, 1 scene unit corresponds to 1/10 mm. */ float Worksheet::convertToSceneUnits(const float value, const Worksheet::Unit unit) { switch (unit) { case Worksheet::Millimeter: return value*10.0; case Worksheet::Centimeter: return value*100.0; case Worksheet::Inch: return value*25.4*10.; case Worksheet::Point: return value*25.4/72.*10.; } return 0; } /*! converts from the scene units to \c unit . At the moment, 1 scene unit corresponds to 1/10 mm. */ float Worksheet::convertFromSceneUnits(const float value, const Worksheet::Unit unit) { switch (unit) { case Worksheet::Millimeter: return value/10.0; case Worksheet::Centimeter: return value/100.0; case Worksheet::Inch: return value/25.4/10.; case Worksheet::Point: return value/25.4/10.*72.; } return 0; } QIcon Worksheet::icon() const { return QIcon::fromTheme("labplot-worksheet"); } /** * Return a new context menu. The caller takes ownership of the menu. */ QMenu* Worksheet::createContextMenu() { QMenu* menu = AbstractPart::createContextMenu(); Q_ASSERT(menu); emit requestProjectContextMenu(menu); return menu; } //! Construct a primary view on me. /** * This method may be called multiple times during the life time of an Aspect, or it might not get * called at all. Aspects must not depend on the existence of a view for their operation. */ QWidget* Worksheet::view() const { if (!m_partView) { m_view = new WorksheetView(const_cast(this)); m_partView = m_view; connect(m_view, &WorksheetView::statusInfo, this, &Worksheet::statusInfo); } return m_partView; } /*! * returns the list of all parent aspects (folders and sub-folders) * together with all the data containers required to plot the data in the worksheet */ QVector Worksheet::dependsOn() const { //add all parent aspects (folders and sub-folders) QVector aspects = AbstractAspect::dependsOn(); //traverse all plots and add all data containers they depend on for (const auto* plot : children()) aspects << plot->dependsOn(); return aspects; } bool Worksheet::exportView() const { ExportWorksheetDialog* dlg = new ExportWorksheetDialog(m_view); dlg->setFileName(name()); bool ret; if ( (ret = (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)) ) { QString path = dlg->path(); const WorksheetView::ExportFormat format = dlg->exportFormat(); const WorksheetView::ExportArea area = dlg->exportArea(); const bool background = dlg->exportBackground(); const int resolution = dlg->exportResolution(); WAIT_CURSOR; m_view->exportToFile(path, format, area, background, resolution); RESET_CURSOR; } delete dlg; return ret; } bool Worksheet::printView() { QPrinter printer; QPrintDialog* dlg = new QPrintDialog(&printer, m_view); dlg->setWindowTitle(i18n("Print Worksheet")); bool ret; if ( (ret = (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)) ) m_view->print(&printer); delete dlg; return ret; } bool Worksheet::printPreview() const { QPrintPreviewDialog* dlg = new QPrintPreviewDialog(m_view); connect(dlg, &QPrintPreviewDialog::paintRequested, m_view, &WorksheetView::print); return dlg->exec(); } void Worksheet::handleAspectAdded(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { const WorksheetElement* addedElement = qobject_cast(aspect); if (!addedElement) return; if (aspect->parentAspect() != this) return; //add the GraphicsItem of the added child to the scene QGraphicsItem* item = addedElement->graphicsItem(); d->m_scene->addItem(item); qreal zVal = 0; for (auto* child : children(IncludeHidden)) child->graphicsItem()->setZValue(zVal++); //if a theme was selected in the worksheet, apply this theme for newly added children if (!d->theme.isEmpty() && !isLoading()) { KConfig config(ThemeHandler::themeFilePath(d->theme), KConfig::SimpleConfig); const_cast(addedElement)->loadThemeConfig(config); } //recalculated the layout if (!isLoading()) { if (d->layout != Worksheet::NoLayout) d->updateLayout(false); } } void Worksheet::handleAspectAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { const WorksheetElement* removedElement = qobject_cast(aspect); if (removedElement) { QGraphicsItem* item = removedElement->graphicsItem(); Q_ASSERT(item != NULL); d->m_scene->removeItem(item); } } void Worksheet::handleAspectRemoved(const AbstractAspect* parent, const AbstractAspect* before, const AbstractAspect* child) { Q_UNUSED(parent); Q_UNUSED(before); Q_UNUSED(child); if (d->layout != Worksheet::NoLayout) d->updateLayout(false); } QGraphicsScene* Worksheet::scene() const { return d->m_scene; } QRectF Worksheet::pageRect() const { return d->m_scene->sceneRect(); } /*! this slot is called when a worksheet element is selected in the project explorer. emits \c itemSelected() which forwards this event to the \c WorksheetView in order to select the corresponding \c QGraphicsItem. */ void Worksheet::childSelected(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { WorksheetElement* element=qobject_cast(const_cast(aspect)); if (element) emit itemSelected(element->graphicsItem()); } /*! this slot is called when a worksheet element is deselected in the project explorer. emits \c itemDeselected() which forwards this event to \c WorksheetView in order to deselect the corresponding \c QGraphicsItem. */ void Worksheet::childDeselected(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { WorksheetElement* element=qobject_cast(const_cast(aspect)); if (element) emit itemDeselected(element->graphicsItem()); } /*! * Emits the signal to select or to deselect the aspect corresponding to \c QGraphicsItem \c item in the project explorer, * if \c selected=true or \c selected=false, respectively. * The signal is handled in \c AspectTreeModel and forwarded to the tree view in \c ProjectExplorer. * This function is called in \c WorksheetView upon selection changes. */ void Worksheet::setItemSelectedInView(const QGraphicsItem* item, const bool b) { //determine the corresponding aspect const AbstractAspect* aspect = 0; for (const auto* child : children(IncludeHidden) ) { aspect = this->aspectFromGraphicsItem(child, item); if (aspect) break; } if (!aspect) return; //forward selection/deselection to AbstractTreeModel if (b) emit childAspectSelectedInView(aspect); else emit childAspectDeselectedInView(aspect); } /*! * helper function: checks whether \c aspect or one of its children has the \c GraphicsItem \c item * Returns a pointer to \c WorksheetElement having this item. */ WorksheetElement* Worksheet::aspectFromGraphicsItem(const WorksheetElement* aspect, const QGraphicsItem* item) const { if ( aspect->graphicsItem() == item ) return const_cast(aspect); else { for (const auto* child : aspect->children(AbstractAspect::IncludeHidden) ) { WorksheetElement* a = this->aspectFromGraphicsItem(child, item); if (a) return a; } return 0; } } /*! Selects or deselects the worksheet in the project explorer. This function is called in \c WorksheetView. The worksheet gets deselected if there are selected items in the view, and selected if there are no selected items in the view. */ void Worksheet::setSelectedInView(const bool b) { if (b) emit childAspectSelectedInView(this); else emit childAspectDeselectedInView(this); } void Worksheet::deleteAspectFromGraphicsItem(const QGraphicsItem* item) { Q_ASSERT(item); //determine the corresponding aspect AbstractAspect* aspect = 0; for (const auto* child : children(IncludeHidden) ) { aspect = this->aspectFromGraphicsItem(child, item); if (aspect) break; } if (!aspect) return; if (aspect->parentAspect()) aspect->parentAspect()->removeChild(aspect); else this->removeChild(aspect); } void Worksheet::setIsClosing() { if (m_view != nullptr) m_view->setIsClosing(); } void Worksheet::update() { emit requestUpdate(); } void Worksheet::setSuppressLayoutUpdate(bool value) { d->suppressLayoutUpdate = value; } void Worksheet::updateLayout() { d->updateLayout(); } /* =============================== getter methods for general options ==================================== */ BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, bool, scaleContent, scaleContent) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, bool, useViewSize, useViewSize) /* =============================== getter methods for background options ================================= */ BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, PlotArea::BackgroundType, backgroundType, backgroundType) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle, backgroundColorStyle, backgroundColorStyle) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle, backgroundImageStyle, backgroundImageStyle) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, Qt::BrushStyle, backgroundBrushStyle, backgroundBrushStyle) CLASS_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, QColor, backgroundFirstColor, backgroundFirstColor) CLASS_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, QColor, backgroundSecondColor, backgroundSecondColor) CLASS_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, QString, backgroundFileName, backgroundFileName) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, float, backgroundOpacity, backgroundOpacity) /* =============================== getter methods for layout options ====================================== */ BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, Worksheet::Layout, layout, layout) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, float, layoutTopMargin, layoutTopMargin) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, float, layoutBottomMargin, layoutBottomMargin) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, float, layoutLeftMargin, layoutLeftMargin) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, float, layoutRightMargin, layoutRightMargin) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, float, layoutHorizontalSpacing, layoutHorizontalSpacing) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, float, layoutVerticalSpacing, layoutVerticalSpacing) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, int, layoutRowCount, layoutRowCount) BASIC_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, int, layoutColumnCount, layoutColumnCount) CLASS_D_READER_IMPL(Worksheet, QString, theme, theme) /* ============================ setter methods and undo commands for general options ===================== */ void Worksheet::setUseViewSize(bool useViewSize) { if (useViewSize != d->useViewSize) { d->useViewSize = useViewSize; emit useViewSizeRequested(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_S(Worksheet, SetScaleContent, bool, scaleContent) void Worksheet::setScaleContent(bool scaleContent) { if (scaleContent != d->scaleContent) exec(new WorksheetSetScaleContentCmd(d, scaleContent, i18n("%1: change \"rescale the content\" property"))); } /* ============================ setter methods and undo commands for background options ================= */ STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetBackgroundType, PlotArea::BackgroundType, backgroundType, update) void Worksheet::setBackgroundType(PlotArea::BackgroundType type) { if (type != d->backgroundType) exec(new WorksheetSetBackgroundTypeCmd(d, type, i18n("%1: background type changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetBackgroundColorStyle, PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle, backgroundColorStyle, update) void Worksheet::setBackgroundColorStyle(PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle style) { if (style != d->backgroundColorStyle) exec(new WorksheetSetBackgroundColorStyleCmd(d, style, i18n("%1: background color style changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetBackgroundImageStyle, PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle, backgroundImageStyle, update) void Worksheet::setBackgroundImageStyle(PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle style) { if (style != d->backgroundImageStyle) exec(new WorksheetSetBackgroundImageStyleCmd(d, style, i18n("%1: background image style changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetBackgroundBrushStyle, Qt::BrushStyle, backgroundBrushStyle, update) void Worksheet::setBackgroundBrushStyle(Qt::BrushStyle style) { if (style != d->backgroundBrushStyle) exec(new WorksheetSetBackgroundBrushStyleCmd(d, style, i18n("%1: background brush style changed"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetBackgroundFirstColor, QColor, backgroundFirstColor, update) void Worksheet::setBackgroundFirstColor(const QColor &color) { if (color!= d->backgroundFirstColor) exec(new WorksheetSetBackgroundFirstColorCmd(d, color, i18n("%1: set background first color"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetBackgroundSecondColor, QColor, backgroundSecondColor, update) void Worksheet::setBackgroundSecondColor(const QColor &color) { if (color!= d->backgroundSecondColor) exec(new WorksheetSetBackgroundSecondColorCmd(d, color, i18n("%1: set background second color"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetBackgroundFileName, QString, backgroundFileName, update) void Worksheet::setBackgroundFileName(const QString& fileName) { if (fileName!= d->backgroundFileName) exec(new WorksheetSetBackgroundFileNameCmd(d, fileName, i18n("%1: set background image"))); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetBackgroundOpacity, float, backgroundOpacity, update) void Worksheet::setBackgroundOpacity(float opacity) { if (opacity != d->backgroundOpacity) exec(new WorksheetSetBackgroundOpacityCmd(d, opacity, i18n("%1: set opacity"))); } /* ============================ setter methods and undo commands for layout options ================= */ STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayout, Worksheet::Layout, layout, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayout(Worksheet::Layout layout) { if (layout != d->layout) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutCmd(d, layout, i18n("%1: set layout"))); endMacro(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_M_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayoutTopMargin, float, layoutTopMargin, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayoutTopMargin(float margin) { if (margin != d->layoutTopMargin) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout top margin", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutTopMarginCmd(d, margin, i18n("%1: set layout top margin"))); endMacro(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_M_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayoutBottomMargin, float, layoutBottomMargin, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayoutBottomMargin(float margin) { if (margin != d->layoutBottomMargin) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout bottom margin", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutBottomMarginCmd(d, margin, i18n("%1: set layout bottom margin"))); endMacro(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_M_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayoutLeftMargin, float, layoutLeftMargin, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayoutLeftMargin(float margin) { if (margin != d->layoutLeftMargin) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout left margin", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutLeftMarginCmd(d, margin, i18n("%1: set layout left margin"))); endMacro(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_M_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayoutRightMargin, float, layoutRightMargin, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayoutRightMargin(float margin) { if (margin != d->layoutRightMargin) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout right margin", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutRightMarginCmd(d, margin, i18n("%1: set layout right margin"))); endMacro(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_M_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayoutVerticalSpacing, float, layoutVerticalSpacing, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayoutVerticalSpacing(float spacing) { if (spacing != d->layoutVerticalSpacing) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout vertical spacing", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutVerticalSpacingCmd(d, spacing, i18n("%1: set layout vertical spacing"))); endMacro(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_M_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayoutHorizontalSpacing, float, layoutHorizontalSpacing, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayoutHorizontalSpacing(float spacing) { if (spacing != d->layoutHorizontalSpacing) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout horizontal spacing", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutHorizontalSpacingCmd(d, spacing, i18n("%1: set layout horizontal spacing"))); endMacro(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_M_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayoutRowCount, int, layoutRowCount, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayoutRowCount(int count) { if (count != d->layoutRowCount) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout row count", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutRowCountCmd(d, count, i18n("%1: set layout row count"))); endMacro(); } } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_M_F_S(Worksheet, SetLayoutColumnCount, int, layoutColumnCount, updateLayout) void Worksheet::setLayoutColumnCount(int count) { if (count != d->layoutColumnCount) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set layout column count", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetLayoutColumnCountCmd(d, count, i18n("%1: set layout column count"))); endMacro(); } } class WorksheetSetPageRectCmd : public StandardMacroSetterCmd { public: WorksheetSetPageRectCmd(Worksheet::Private* target, QRectF newValue, const QString& description) : StandardMacroSetterCmd(target, &Worksheet::Private::pageRect, newValue, description) {} void finalize() override { m_target->updatePageRect(); m_target->q->pageRectChanged(m_target->*m_field); } void finalizeUndo() override { m_target->m_scene->setSceneRect(m_target->*m_field); m_target->q->pageRectChanged(m_target->*m_field); } }; void Worksheet::setPageRect(const QRectF& rect) { //don't allow any rectangulars of width/height equal to zero if (qFuzzyCompare(rect.width(), 0.) || qFuzzyCompare(rect.height(), 0.)) { pageRectChanged(d->pageRect); return; } if (rect != d->pageRect) { if (!d->useViewSize) { beginMacro(i18n("%1: set page size", name())); exec(new WorksheetSetPageRectCmd(d, rect, i18n("%1: set page size"))); endMacro(); } else { d->pageRect = rect; d->updatePageRect(); pageRectChanged(d->pageRect); } } } void Worksheet::setPrinting(bool on) const { QVector childElements = children(AbstractAspect::Recursive | AbstractAspect::IncludeHidden); for (auto* child : childElements) child->setPrinting(on); } STD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL_S(Worksheet, SetTheme, QString, theme) void Worksheet::setTheme(const QString& theme) { if (theme != d->theme) { if (!theme.isEmpty()) { beginMacro( i18n("%1: load theme %2", name(), theme) ); exec(new WorksheetSetThemeCmd(d, theme, i18n("%1: set theme"))); loadTheme(theme); endMacro(); } else { exec(new WorksheetSetThemeCmd(d, theme, i18n("%1: disable theming"))); } } } //############################################################################## //###################### Private implementation ############################### //############################################################################## WorksheetPrivate::WorksheetPrivate(Worksheet* owner):q(owner), m_scene(new QGraphicsScene()), scaleContent(false), suppressLayoutUpdate(false) { } QString WorksheetPrivate::name() const { return q->name(); } void WorksheetPrivate::updatePageRect() { QRectF oldRect = m_scene->sceneRect(); m_scene->setSceneRect(pageRect); if (layout != Worksheet::NoLayout) updateLayout(); else { if (scaleContent) { qreal horizontalRatio = pageRect.width() / oldRect.width(); qreal verticalRatio = pageRect.height() / oldRect.height(); QVector childElements = q->children(AbstractAspect::IncludeHidden); if (useViewSize) { //don't make the change of the geometry undoable/redoable if the view size is used. for (auto* elem : childElements) { elem->setUndoAware(false); elem->handleResize(horizontalRatio, verticalRatio, true); elem->setUndoAware(true); } } else { for (auto* child : childElements) child->handleResize(horizontalRatio, verticalRatio, true); } } } } void WorksheetPrivate::update() { q->update(); } WorksheetPrivate::~WorksheetPrivate() { delete m_scene; } void WorksheetPrivate::updateLayout(bool undoable) { if (suppressLayoutUpdate) return; QVector list = q->children(); if (layout==Worksheet::NoLayout) { for(auto* elem : list) elem->graphicsItem()->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, true); return; } float x=layoutLeftMargin; float y=layoutTopMargin; float w, h; int count=list.count(); if (layout == Worksheet::VerticalLayout) { w= m_scene->sceneRect().width() - layoutLeftMargin - layoutRightMargin; h=(m_scene->sceneRect().height()-layoutTopMargin-layoutBottomMargin- (count-1)*layoutVerticalSpacing)/count; for (auto* elem : list) { setContainerRect(elem, x, y, h, w, undoable); y+=h + layoutVerticalSpacing; } } else if (layout == Worksheet::HorizontalLayout) { w=(m_scene->sceneRect().width()-layoutLeftMargin-layoutRightMargin- (count-1)*layoutHorizontalSpacing)/count; h= m_scene->sceneRect().height() - layoutTopMargin-layoutBottomMargin; for (auto* elem : list) { setContainerRect(elem, x, y, h, w, undoable); x+=w + layoutHorizontalSpacing; } } else { //GridLayout //add new rows, if not sufficient if (count>layoutRowCount*layoutColumnCount) { layoutRowCount = floor( (float)count/layoutColumnCount + 0.5); emit q->layoutRowCountChanged(layoutRowCount); } w=(m_scene->sceneRect().width()-layoutLeftMargin-layoutRightMargin- (layoutColumnCount-1)*layoutHorizontalSpacing)/layoutColumnCount; h=(m_scene->sceneRect().height()-layoutTopMargin-layoutBottomMargin- (layoutRowCount-1)*layoutVerticalSpacing)/layoutRowCount; int columnIndex=0; //counts the columns in a row for (auto* elem : list) { setContainerRect(elem, x, y, h, w, undoable); x+=w + layoutHorizontalSpacing; columnIndex++; if (columnIndex==layoutColumnCount) { columnIndex=0; x=layoutLeftMargin; y+=h + layoutVerticalSpacing; } } } } void WorksheetPrivate::setContainerRect(WorksheetElementContainer* elem, float x, float y, float h, float w, bool undoable) { if (useViewSize) { //when using the view size, no need to put rect changes onto the undo-stack elem->setUndoAware(false); elem->setRect(QRectF(x,y,w,h)); elem->setUndoAware(true); } else { //don't put rect changed onto the undo-stack if undoable-flag is set to true, //e.g. when new child is added or removed (the layout and the childrend rects will be updated anyway) if (!undoable) { elem->setUndoAware(false); elem->setRect(QRectF(x,y,w,h)); elem->setUndoAware(true); } else elem->setRect(QRectF(x,y,w,h)); } elem->graphicsItem()->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable, false); } //############################################################################## //################## Serialization/Deserialization ########################### //############################################################################## //! Save as XML void Worksheet::save(QXmlStreamWriter* writer) const { writer->writeStartElement( "worksheet" ); writeBasicAttributes(writer); writeCommentElement(writer); //applied theme if (!d->theme.isEmpty()){ writer->writeStartElement( "theme" ); writer->writeAttribute("name", d->theme); writer->writeEndElement(); } //geometry writer->writeStartElement( "geometry" ); QRectF rect = d->m_scene->sceneRect(); writer->writeAttribute( "x", QString::number(rect.x()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "y", QString::number(rect.y()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "width", QString::number(rect.width()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "height", QString::number(rect.height()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "useViewSize", QString::number(d->useViewSize) ); writer->writeEndElement(); //layout writer->writeStartElement( "layout" ); writer->writeAttribute( "layout", QString::number(d->layout) ); writer->writeAttribute( "topMargin", QString::number(d->layoutTopMargin) ); writer->writeAttribute( "bottomMargin", QString::number(d->layoutBottomMargin) ); writer->writeAttribute( "leftMargin", QString::number(d->layoutLeftMargin) ); writer->writeAttribute( "rightMargin", QString::number(d->layoutRightMargin) ); writer->writeAttribute( "verticalSpacing", QString::number(d->layoutVerticalSpacing) ); writer->writeAttribute( "horizontalSpacing", QString::number(d->layoutHorizontalSpacing) ); writer->writeAttribute( "columnCount", QString::number(d->layoutColumnCount) ); writer->writeAttribute( "rowCount", QString::number(d->layoutRowCount) ); writer->writeEndElement(); //background properties writer->writeStartElement( "background" ); writer->writeAttribute( "type", QString::number(d->backgroundType) ); writer->writeAttribute( "colorStyle", QString::number(d->backgroundColorStyle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "imageStyle", QString::number(d->backgroundImageStyle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "brushStyle", QString::number(d->backgroundBrushStyle) ); writer->writeAttribute( "firstColor_r", QString::number(d->backgroundFirstColor.red()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "firstColor_g", QString::number(d->backgroundFirstColor.green()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "firstColor_b", QString::number(d->backgroundFirstColor.blue()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "secondColor_r", QString::number(d->backgroundSecondColor.red()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "secondColor_g", QString::number(d->backgroundSecondColor.green()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "secondColor_b", QString::number(d->backgroundSecondColor.blue()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "fileName", d->backgroundFileName ); writer->writeAttribute( "opacity", QString::number(d->backgroundOpacity) ); writer->writeEndElement(); //serialize all children for (auto* child : children(IncludeHidden)) child->save(writer); writer->writeEndElement(); // close "worksheet" section } //! Load from XML bool Worksheet::load(XmlStreamReader* reader, bool preview) { if(!reader->isStartElement() || reader->name() != "worksheet") { reader->raiseError(i18n("no worksheet element found")); return false; } if (!readBasicAttributes(reader)) return false; //clear the theme that was potentially set in init() in order to correctly load here the worksheets without any theme used d->theme = ""; QString attributeWarning = i18n("Attribute '%1' missing or empty, default value is used"); QXmlStreamAttributes attribs; QString str; QRectF rect; while (!reader->atEnd()) { reader->readNext(); if (reader->isEndElement() && reader->name() == "worksheet") break; if (!reader->isStartElement()) continue; if (reader->name() == "comment") { if (!readCommentElement(reader)) return false; } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "theme") { attribs = reader->attributes(); d->theme = attribs.value("name").toString(); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "geometry") { attribs = reader->attributes(); str = attribs.value("x").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("'x'")); else rect.setX(str.toDouble()); str = attribs.value("y").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("'y'")); else rect.setY(str.toDouble()); str = attribs.value("width").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("'width'")); else rect.setWidth(str.toDouble()); str = attribs.value("height").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("'height'")); else rect.setHeight(str.toDouble()); str = attribs.value("useViewSize").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("'useViewSize'")); else d->useViewSize = str.toInt(); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "layout") { attribs = reader->attributes(); str = attribs.value("layout").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("layout")); else d->layout = Worksheet::Layout(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("topMargin").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("topMargin")); else d->layoutTopMargin = str.toDouble(); str = attribs.value("bottomMargin").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("bottomMargin")); else d->layoutBottomMargin = str.toDouble(); str = attribs.value("leftMargin").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("leftMargin")); else d->layoutLeftMargin = str.toDouble(); str = attribs.value("rightMargin").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("rightMargin")); else d->layoutRightMargin = str.toDouble(); str = attribs.value("verticalSpacing").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("verticalSpacing")); else d->layoutVerticalSpacing = str.toDouble(); str = attribs.value("horizontalSpacing").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("horizontalSpacing")); else d->layoutHorizontalSpacing = str.toDouble(); str = attribs.value("columnCount").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("columnCount")); else d->layoutColumnCount = str.toInt(); str = attribs.value("rowCount").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("rowCount")); else d->layoutRowCount = str.toInt(); } else if (!preview && reader->name() == "background") { attribs = reader->attributes(); str = attribs.value("type").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("type")); else d->backgroundType = PlotArea::BackgroundType(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("colorStyle").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("colorStyle")); else d->backgroundColorStyle = PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("imageStyle").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("imageStyle")); else d->backgroundImageStyle = PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("brushStyle").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("brushStyle")); else d->backgroundBrushStyle = Qt::BrushStyle(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("firstColor_r").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("firstColor_r")); else d->backgroundFirstColor.setRed(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("firstColor_g").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("firstColor_g")); else d->backgroundFirstColor.setGreen(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("firstColor_b").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("firstColor_b")); else d->backgroundFirstColor.setBlue(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("secondColor_r").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("secondColor_r")); else d->backgroundSecondColor.setRed(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("secondColor_g").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("secondColor_g")); else d->backgroundSecondColor.setGreen(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("secondColor_b").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("secondColor_b")); else d->backgroundSecondColor.setBlue(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("fileName").toString(); d->backgroundFileName = str; str = attribs.value("opacity").toString(); if(str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.arg("opacity")); else d->backgroundOpacity = str.toDouble(); } else if(reader->name() == "cartesianPlot") { CartesianPlot* plot = new CartesianPlot(""); plot->setIsLoading(true); if (!plot->load(reader, preview)) { delete plot; return false; - } else { + } else addChildFast(plot); - plot->setIsLoading(false); - } } else if(reader->name() == "textLabel") { TextLabel* label = new TextLabel(""); if (!label->load(reader, preview)) { delete label; return false; } else addChildFast(label); } else { // unknown element reader->raiseWarning(i18n("unknown element '%1'", reader->name().toString())); if (!reader->skipToEndElement()) return false; } } if (!preview) { d->m_scene->setSceneRect(rect); d->updateLayout(); } return true; } //############################################################################## //######################### Theme management ################################## //############################################################################## void Worksheet::loadTheme(const QString& theme) { KConfig config(ThemeHandler::themeFilePath(theme), KConfig::SimpleConfig); //apply the same background color for Worksheet as for the CartesianPlot const KConfigGroup group = config.group("CartesianPlot"); this->setBackgroundBrushStyle((Qt::BrushStyle)group.readEntry("BackgroundBrushStyle",(int) this->backgroundBrushStyle())); this->setBackgroundColorStyle((PlotArea::BackgroundColorStyle)(group.readEntry("BackgroundColorStyle",(int) this->backgroundColorStyle()))); this->setBackgroundFirstColor(group.readEntry("BackgroundFirstColor",(QColor) this->backgroundFirstColor())); this->setBackgroundImageStyle((PlotArea::BackgroundImageStyle)group.readEntry("BackgroundImageStyle",(int) this->backgroundImageStyle())); this->setBackgroundOpacity(group.readEntry("BackgroundOpacity", this->backgroundOpacity())); this->setBackgroundSecondColor(group.readEntry("BackgroundSecondColor",(QColor) this->backgroundSecondColor())); this->setBackgroundType((PlotArea::BackgroundType)(group.readEntry("BackgroundType",(int) this->backgroundType()))); //load the theme for all the children const QVector& childElements = children(AbstractAspect::IncludeHidden); for (auto* child : childElements) child->loadThemeConfig(config); } diff --git a/src/backend/worksheet/WorksheetElementContainer.cpp b/src/backend/worksheet/WorksheetElementContainer.cpp index ecb3738f1..c823203f0 100644 --- a/src/backend/worksheet/WorksheetElementContainer.cpp +++ b/src/backend/worksheet/WorksheetElementContainer.cpp @@ -1,275 +1,278 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : WorksheetElementContainer.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : Worksheet element container - parent of multiple elements -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2009 Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2012-2015 by Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "backend/worksheet/WorksheetElementContainer.h" #include "backend/worksheet/WorksheetElementContainerPrivate.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/Axis.h" #include "backend/lib/commandtemplates.h" #include "backend/lib/macros.h" #include "backend/lib/trace.h" #include #include #include #include #include /** * \class WorksheetElementContainer * \brief Worksheet element container - parent of multiple elements * \ingroup worksheet * This class provides the functionality for a containers of multiple * worksheet elements. Such a container can be a plot or group of elements. */ WorksheetElementContainer::WorksheetElementContainer(const QString& name) : WorksheetElement(name), d_ptr(new WorksheetElementContainerPrivate(this)) { connect(this, &WorksheetElementContainer::aspectAdded, this, &WorksheetElementContainer::handleAspectAdded); } WorksheetElementContainer::WorksheetElementContainer(const QString& name, WorksheetElementContainerPrivate* dd) : WorksheetElement(name), d_ptr(dd) { connect(this, &WorksheetElementContainer::aspectAdded, this, &WorksheetElementContainer::handleAspectAdded); } WorksheetElementContainer::~WorksheetElementContainer() { //no need to delete the d-pointer here - it inherits from QGraphicsItem //and is deleted during the cleanup in QGraphicsScene } QGraphicsItem* WorksheetElementContainer::graphicsItem() const { return const_cast(static_cast(d_ptr)); } QRectF WorksheetElementContainer::rect() const { Q_D(const WorksheetElementContainer); return d->rect; } STD_SWAP_METHOD_SETTER_CMD_IMPL(WorksheetElementContainer, SetVisible, bool, swapVisible) void WorksheetElementContainer::setVisible(bool on) { Q_D(WorksheetElementContainer); //take care of proper ordering on the undo-stack, //when making the container and all its children visible/invisible. //if visible is set true, change the visibility of the container first if (on) { beginMacro( i18n("%1: set visible", name()) ); exec( new WorksheetElementContainerSetVisibleCmd(d, on, i18n("%1: set visible")) ); } else { beginMacro( i18n("%1: set invisible", name()) ); } //change the visibility of all children QVector childList = children(AbstractAspect::IncludeHidden | AbstractAspect::Compress); for (auto* elem : childList) elem->setVisible(on); //if visible is set false, change the visibility of the container last if (!on) exec(new WorksheetElementContainerSetVisibleCmd(d, false, i18n("%1: set invisible"))); endMacro(); } bool WorksheetElementContainer::isVisible() const { Q_D(const WorksheetElementContainer); return d->isVisible(); } bool WorksheetElementContainer::isFullyVisible() const { QVector childList = children(AbstractAspect::IncludeHidden | AbstractAspect::Compress); for (const auto* elem : childList) { if (!elem->isVisible()) return false; } return true; } void WorksheetElementContainer::setPrinting(bool on) { Q_D(WorksheetElementContainer); d->m_printing = on; } void WorksheetElementContainer::retransform() { + if (isLoading()) + return; + PERFTRACE("WorksheetElementContainer::retransform()"); Q_D(WorksheetElementContainer); QVector childList = children(AbstractAspect::IncludeHidden | AbstractAspect::Compress); for (auto* child : childList) child->retransform(); d->recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } void WorksheetElementContainer::handleResize(double horizontalRatio, double verticalRatio, bool pageResize) { DEBUG("WorksheetElementContainer::handleResize()"); Q_D(const WorksheetElementContainer); if (pageResize) { QRectF rect(d->rect); rect.setWidth(d->rect.width()*horizontalRatio); rect.setHeight(d->rect.height()*verticalRatio); setRect(rect); } else { //TODO // for (auto* elem : children(IncludeHidden)) // elem->handleResize(horizontalRatio, verticalRatio); // retransform(); } } void WorksheetElementContainer::handleAspectAdded(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { Q_D(WorksheetElementContainer); const WorksheetElement* element = qobject_cast(aspect); if (element && (aspect->parentAspect() == this)) { connect(element, &WorksheetElement::hovered, this, &WorksheetElementContainer::childHovered); connect(element, &WorksheetElement::unhovered, this, &WorksheetElementContainer::childUnhovered); element->graphicsItem()->setParentItem(d); qreal zVal = 0; for (auto* child : children(IncludeHidden)) child->setZValue(zVal++); } if (!isLoading()) d->recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } void WorksheetElementContainer::childHovered() { Q_D(WorksheetElementContainer); if (!d->isSelected()) { if (d->m_hovered) d->m_hovered = false; d->update(); } } void WorksheetElementContainer::childUnhovered() { Q_D(WorksheetElementContainer); if (!d->isSelected()) { d->m_hovered = true; d->update(); } } void WorksheetElementContainer::prepareGeometryChange() { Q_D(WorksheetElementContainer); d->prepareGeometryChangeRequested(); } //################################################################ //################### Private implementation ########################## //################################################################ WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::WorksheetElementContainerPrivate(WorksheetElementContainer *owner) : q(owner), m_hovered(false), m_printing(false) { setAcceptHoverEvents(true); } QString WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::name() const { return q->name(); } void WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent* event) { scene()->clearSelection(); setSelected(true); QMenu* menu = q->createContextMenu(); menu->exec(event->screenPos()); } void WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*) { if (!isSelected()) { m_hovered = true; update(); } } void WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent*) { if (m_hovered) { m_hovered = false; update(); } } bool WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::swapVisible(bool on){ bool oldValue = isVisible(); setVisible(on); emit q->visibleChanged(on); return oldValue; } void WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::prepareGeometryChangeRequested() { prepareGeometryChange(); recalcShapeAndBoundingRect(); } void WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::recalcShapeAndBoundingRect() { boundingRectangle = QRectF(); containerShape = QPainterPath(); QVector childList = q->children(AbstractAspect::IncludeHidden | AbstractAspect::Compress); foreach (const WorksheetElement* elem, childList) boundingRectangle |= elem->graphicsItem()->mapRectToParent(elem->graphicsItem()->boundingRect()); float penWidth = 2.; boundingRectangle = QRectF(-boundingRectangle.width()/2 - penWidth / 2, -boundingRectangle.height()/2 - penWidth / 2, boundingRectangle.width() + penWidth, boundingRectangle.height() + penWidth); QPainterPath path; path.addRect(boundingRectangle); //make the shape somewhat thicker then the hoveredPen to make the selection/hovering box more visible containerShape.addPath(WorksheetElement::shapeFromPath(path, QPen(QBrush(), penWidth))); } // Inherited from QGraphicsItem QRectF WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::boundingRect() const { return boundingRectangle; } // Inherited from QGraphicsItem void WorksheetElementContainerPrivate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget) { Q_UNUSED(option) Q_UNUSED(widget) if (!isVisible()) return; if (m_hovered && !isSelected() && !m_printing){ painter->setPen(QPen(QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Shadow), 2, Qt::SolidLine)); painter->drawPath(containerShape); } if (isSelected() && !m_printing){ painter->setPen(QPen(QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Highlight), 2, Qt::SolidLine)); painter->drawPath(containerShape); } }