diff --git a/src/backend/spreadsheet/SpreadsheetModel.cpp b/src/backend/spreadsheet/SpreadsheetModel.cpp index b14f30ed4..dc285a837 100644 --- a/src/backend/spreadsheet/SpreadsheetModel.cpp +++ b/src/backend/spreadsheet/SpreadsheetModel.cpp @@ -1,501 +1,497 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : SpreadsheetModel.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : Model for the access to a Spreadsheet -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2007 Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2009 Knut Franke (knut.franke@gmx.de) Copyright : (C) 2013-2017 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "backend/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.h" #include "backend/spreadsheet/SpreadsheetModel.h" #include "backend/core/datatypes/Double2StringFilter.h" #include #include #include #include /*! \class SpreadsheetModel \brief Model for the access to a Spreadsheet This is a model in the sense of Qt4 model/view framework which is used to access a Spreadsheet object from any of Qt4s view classes, typically a QTableView. Its main purposes are translating Spreadsheet signals into QAbstractItemModel signals and translating calls to the QAbstractItemModel read/write API into calls in the public API of Spreadsheet. In many cases a pointer to the addressed column is obtained by calling Spreadsheet::column() and the manipulation is done using the public API of column. \ingroup backend */ SpreadsheetModel::SpreadsheetModel(Spreadsheet* spreadsheet) : QAbstractItemModel(nullptr), m_spreadsheet(spreadsheet), m_rowCount(spreadsheet->rowCount()), m_columnCount(spreadsheet->columnCount()) { updateVerticalHeader(); updateHorizontalHeader(); connect(m_spreadsheet, &Spreadsheet::aspectAdded, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleAspectAdded); connect(m_spreadsheet, &Spreadsheet::aspectAboutToBeRemoved, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleAspectAboutToBeRemoved); connect(m_spreadsheet, &Spreadsheet::aspectRemoved, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleAspectRemoved); connect(m_spreadsheet, &Spreadsheet::aspectDescriptionChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleDescriptionChange); for (int i = 0; i < spreadsheet->columnCount(); ++i) { beginInsertColumns(QModelIndex(), i, i); handleAspectAdded(spreadsheet->column(i)); } m_spreadsheet->setModel(this); } void SpreadsheetModel::suppressSignals(bool value) { m_suppressSignals = value; //update the headers after all the data was added to the model //and we start listening to signals again if (!m_suppressSignals) { m_rowCount = m_spreadsheet->rowCount(); m_columnCount = m_spreadsheet->columnCount(); m_spreadsheet->emitColumnCountChanged(); updateVerticalHeader(); updateHorizontalHeader(); beginResetModel(); endResetModel(); } } Qt::ItemFlags SpreadsheetModel::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const { if (index.isValid()) return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable; else return Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } QVariant SpreadsheetModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { if ( !index.isValid() ) return QVariant(); const int row = index.row(); const int col = index.column(); const Column* col_ptr = m_spreadsheet->column(col); if (!col_ptr) return QVariant(); switch (role) { case Qt::ToolTipRole: if (col_ptr->isValid(row)) { if (col_ptr->isMasked(row)) return QVariant(i18n("%1, masked (ignored in all operations)", col_ptr->asStringColumn()->textAt(row))); else return QVariant(col_ptr->asStringColumn()->textAt(row)); } else { if (col_ptr->isMasked(row)) return QVariant(i18n("invalid cell, masked (ignored in all operations)")); else return QVariant(i18n("invalid cell (ignored in all operations)")); } case Qt::EditRole: if (col_ptr->isValid(row)) return QVariant(col_ptr->asStringColumn()->textAt(row)); //m_formula_mode is not used at the moment //if (m_formula_mode) // return QVariant(col_ptr->formula(row)); break; case Qt::DisplayRole: if (!col_ptr->isValid(row)) return QVariant("-"); //m_formula_mode is not used at the moment //if (m_formula_mode) // return QVariant(col_ptr->formula(row)); return QVariant(col_ptr->asStringColumn()->textAt(row)); case Qt::ForegroundRole: if (!col_ptr->isValid(index.row())) return QVariant(QBrush(Qt::red)); break; case MaskingRole: return QVariant(col_ptr->isMasked(row)); case FormulaRole: return QVariant(col_ptr->formula(row)); // case Qt::DecorationRole: // if (m_formula_mode) // return QIcon(QPixmap(":/equals.png")); //TODO } return QVariant(); } QVariant SpreadsheetModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if ( (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && section > m_columnCount-1) || (orientation == Qt::Vertical && section > m_rowCount-1) ) return QVariant(); switch (orientation) { case Qt::Horizontal: switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::ToolTipRole: case Qt::EditRole: return m_horizontal_header_data.at(section); case Qt::DecorationRole: return m_spreadsheet->child(section)->icon(); case SpreadsheetModel::CommentRole: return m_spreadsheet->child(section)->comment(); } break; case Qt::Vertical: switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::ToolTipRole: return m_vertical_header_data.at(section); } } return QVariant(); } int SpreadsheetModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return m_rowCount; } int SpreadsheetModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return m_columnCount; } bool SpreadsheetModel::setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role) { if (!index.isValid()) return false; int row = index.row(); Column* column = m_spreadsheet->column(index.column()); //don't do anything if no new value was provided if (column->columnMode() == AbstractColumn::Numeric) { bool ok; QLocale locale; double new_value = locale.toDouble(value.toString(), &ok); if (ok) { if (column->valueAt(row) == new_value ) return false; } else { //an empty (non-numeric value) was provided if (std::isnan(column->valueAt(row))) return false; } } else { if (column->asStringColumn()->textAt(row) == value.toString()) return false; } switch (role) { case Qt::EditRole: { // remark: the validity of the cell is determined by the input filter if (m_formula_mode) column->setFormula(row, value.toString()); else column->asStringColumn()->setTextAt(row, value.toString()); return true; } case MaskingRole: { m_spreadsheet->column(index.column())->setMasked(row, value.toBool()); return true; } case FormulaRole: { m_spreadsheet->column(index.column())->setFormula(row, value.toString()); return true; } } return false; } QModelIndex SpreadsheetModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return createIndex(row, column); } QModelIndex SpreadsheetModel::parent(const QModelIndex& child) const { Q_UNUSED(child) return QModelIndex{}; } bool SpreadsheetModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex& parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return false; } void SpreadsheetModel::handleAspectAdded(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { const Column* col = dynamic_cast(aspect); - - if (!col || aspect->parentAspect() != static_cast(m_spreadsheet)) + if (!col || aspect->parentAspect() != m_spreadsheet) return; connect(col, &Column::plotDesignationChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handlePlotDesignationChange); connect(col, &Column::modeChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleDataChange); connect(col, &Column::dataChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleDataChange); connect(col, &Column::formatChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleDataChange); connect(col, &Column::modeChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleModeChange); connect(col, &Column::rowsInserted, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleRowsInserted); connect(col, &Column::rowsRemoved, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleRowsRemoved); connect(col, &Column::maskingChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleDataChange); connect(col->outputFilter(), &AbstractSimpleFilter::digitsChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleDigitsChange); if (!m_suppressSignals) { beginResetModel(); updateVerticalHeader(); updateHorizontalHeader(); endResetModel(); m_columnCount = m_spreadsheet->columnCount(); m_spreadsheet->emitColumnCountChanged(); emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, 0, m_columnCount-1); } } void SpreadsheetModel::handleAspectAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { if (m_suppressSignals) return; const Column* col = dynamic_cast(aspect); - - if (!col || aspect->parentAspect() != static_cast(m_spreadsheet)) + if (!col || aspect->parentAspect() != m_spreadsheet) return; beginResetModel(); disconnect(col, nullptr, this, nullptr); } void SpreadsheetModel::handleAspectRemoved(const AbstractAspect* parent, const AbstractAspect* before, const AbstractAspect* child) { Q_UNUSED(before) const Column* col = dynamic_cast(child); - - if (!col || parent != static_cast(m_spreadsheet)) + if (!col || parent != m_spreadsheet) return; updateVerticalHeader(); updateHorizontalHeader(); endResetModel(); m_columnCount = m_spreadsheet->columnCount(); m_spreadsheet->emitColumnCountChanged(); } void SpreadsheetModel::handleDescriptionChange(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { if (m_suppressSignals) return; const Column* col = dynamic_cast(aspect); - - if (!col || aspect->parentAspect() != static_cast(m_spreadsheet)) + if (!col || aspect->parentAspect() != m_spreadsheet) return; updateHorizontalHeader(); int index = m_spreadsheet->indexOfChild(col); emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, index, index); } void SpreadsheetModel::handleModeChange(const AbstractColumn* col) { if (m_suppressSignals) return; updateHorizontalHeader(); int index = m_spreadsheet->indexOfChild(col); emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, index, index); handleDataChange(col); //output filter was changed after the mode change, update the signal-slot connection disconnect(nullptr, SIGNAL(digitsChanged()), this, SLOT(handledigitsChange())); connect(dynamic_cast(col)->outputFilter(), &AbstractSimpleFilter::digitsChanged, this, &SpreadsheetModel::handleDigitsChange); } void SpreadsheetModel::handleDigitsChange() { if (m_suppressSignals) return; const auto* filter = dynamic_cast(QObject::sender()); if (!filter) return; const AbstractColumn* col = filter->output(0); handleDataChange(col); } void SpreadsheetModel::handlePlotDesignationChange(const AbstractColumn* col) { if (m_suppressSignals) return; updateHorizontalHeader(); int index = m_spreadsheet->indexOfChild(col); emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, index, m_columnCount-1); } void SpreadsheetModel::handleDataChange(const AbstractColumn* col) { if (m_suppressSignals) return; int i = m_spreadsheet->indexOfChild(col); emit dataChanged(index(0, i), index(m_rowCount-1, i)); } void SpreadsheetModel::handleRowsInserted(const AbstractColumn* col, int before, int count) { if (m_suppressSignals) return; Q_UNUSED(before) Q_UNUSED(count) updateVerticalHeader(); int i = m_spreadsheet->indexOfChild(col); m_rowCount = col->rowCount(); emit dataChanged(index(0, i), index(m_rowCount-1, i)); m_spreadsheet->emitRowCountChanged(); } void SpreadsheetModel::handleRowsRemoved(const AbstractColumn* col, int first, int count) { if (m_suppressSignals) return; Q_UNUSED(first) Q_UNUSED(count) updateVerticalHeader(); int i = m_spreadsheet->indexOfChild(col); m_rowCount = col->rowCount(); emit dataChanged(index(0, i), index(m_rowCount-1, i)); m_spreadsheet->emitRowCountChanged(); } void SpreadsheetModel::updateVerticalHeader() { int old_rows = m_vertical_header_data.size(); int new_rows = m_rowCount; if (new_rows > old_rows) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), old_rows, new_rows-1); for (int i = old_rows+1; i <= new_rows; i++) m_vertical_header_data << i; endInsertRows(); } else if (new_rows < old_rows) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), new_rows, old_rows-1); while (m_vertical_header_data.size() > new_rows) m_vertical_header_data.removeLast(); endRemoveRows(); } } void SpreadsheetModel::updateHorizontalHeader() { int column_count = m_spreadsheet->childCount(); while (m_horizontal_header_data.size() < column_count) m_horizontal_header_data << QString(); while (m_horizontal_header_data.size() > column_count) m_horizontal_header_data.removeLast(); for (int i = 0; i < column_count; i++) { Column* col = m_spreadsheet->child(i); QString type; switch (col->columnMode()) { case AbstractColumn::Numeric: type = QLatin1String(" {") + i18n("Numeric") + QLatin1Char('}'); break; case AbstractColumn::Integer: type = QLatin1String(" {") + i18n("Integer") + QLatin1Char('}'); break; case AbstractColumn::Text: type = QLatin1String(" {") + i18n("Text") + QLatin1Char('}'); break; case AbstractColumn::Month: type = QLatin1String(" {") + i18n("Month Names") + QLatin1Char('}'); break; case AbstractColumn::Day: type = QLatin1String(" {") + i18n("Day Names") + QLatin1Char('}'); break; case AbstractColumn::DateTime: type = QLatin1String(" {") + i18n("Date and Time") + QLatin1Char('}'); break; } QString designation; switch (col->plotDesignation()) { case AbstractColumn::NoDesignation: break; case AbstractColumn::X: designation = QLatin1String(" [X]"); break; case AbstractColumn::Y: designation = QLatin1String(" [Y]"); break; case AbstractColumn::Z: designation = QLatin1String(" [Z]"); break; case AbstractColumn::XError: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("X-error") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::XErrorPlus: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("X-error +") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::XErrorMinus: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("X-error -") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::YError: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("Y-error") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::YErrorPlus: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("Y-error +") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; case AbstractColumn::YErrorMinus: designation = QLatin1String(" [") + i18n("Y-error -") + QLatin1Char(']'); break; } m_horizontal_header_data.replace(i, col->name() + type + designation); } } Column* SpreadsheetModel::column(int index) { return m_spreadsheet->column(index); } void SpreadsheetModel::activateFormulaMode(bool on) { if (m_formula_mode == on) return; m_formula_mode = on; if (m_rowCount > 0 && m_columnCount > 0) emit dataChanged(index(0,0), index(m_rowCount - 1, m_columnCount - 1)); } bool SpreadsheetModel::formulaModeActive() const { return m_formula_mode; }