diff --git a/src/commonfrontend/ProjectExplorer.cpp b/src/commonfrontend/ProjectExplorer.cpp index 69dc1be1c..74414a93a 100644 --- a/src/commonfrontend/ProjectExplorer.cpp +++ b/src/commonfrontend/ProjectExplorer.cpp @@ -1,903 +1,901 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : ProjectExplorer.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : A tree view for displaying and editing an AspectTreeModel. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2007-2008 by Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2010-2018 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ProjectExplorer.h" #include "backend/core/AspectTreeModel.h" #include "backend/core/AbstractPart.h" #include "backend/core/Project.h" #include "backend/lib/XmlStreamReader.h" #include "backend/worksheet/plots/cartesian/CartesianPlot.h" #include "commonfrontend/core/PartMdiView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include /*! \class ProjectExplorer \brief A tree view for displaying and editing an AspectTreeModel. In addition to the functionality of QTreeView, ProjectExplorer allows the usage of the context menus provided by AspectTreeModel and propagates the item selection in the view to the model. Furthermore, features for searching and filtering in the model are provided. \ingroup commonfrontend */ ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorer(QWidget* parent) : m_treeView(new QTreeView(parent)), m_frameFilter(new QFrame(this)) { auto* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); auto* layoutFilter = new QHBoxLayout(m_frameFilter); layoutFilter->setSpacing(0); layoutFilter->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); - QLabel* lFilter = new QLabel(i18n("Search/Filter:")); - layoutFilter->addWidget(lFilter); - m_leFilter = new QLineEdit(m_frameFilter); m_leFilter->setClearButtonEnabled(true); - m_leFilter->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Search/Filter text")); + m_leFilter->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Search/Filter")); layoutFilter->addWidget(m_leFilter); - bFilterOptions = new QPushButton(m_frameFilter); + bFilterOptions = new QToolButton(m_frameFilter); bFilterOptions->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("configure")); bFilterOptions->setCheckable(true); layoutFilter->addWidget(bFilterOptions); layout->addWidget(m_frameFilter); m_treeView->setAnimated(true); m_treeView->setAlternatingRowColors(true); m_treeView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); m_treeView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); m_treeView->setUniformRowHeights(true); m_treeView->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); m_treeView->header()->setStretchLastSection(true); m_treeView->header()->installEventFilter(this); m_treeView->setDragEnabled(true); m_treeView->setAcceptDrops(true); m_treeView->setDropIndicatorShown(true); m_treeView->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::InternalMove); layout->addWidget(m_treeView); this->createActions(); connect(m_leFilter, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ProjectExplorer::filterTextChanged); connect(bFilterOptions, &QPushButton::toggled, this, &ProjectExplorer::toggleFilterOptionsMenu); } void ProjectExplorer::createActions() { caseSensitiveAction = new QAction(i18n("Case Sensitive"), this); caseSensitiveAction->setCheckable(true); caseSensitiveAction->setChecked(false); connect(caseSensitiveAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ProjectExplorer::toggleFilterCaseSensitivity); matchCompleteWordAction = new QAction(i18n("Match Complete Word"), this); matchCompleteWordAction->setCheckable(true); matchCompleteWordAction->setChecked(false); connect(matchCompleteWordAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ProjectExplorer::toggleFilterMatchCompleteWord); expandTreeAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("expand-all")), i18n("Expand All"), this); connect(expandTreeAction, &QAction::triggered, m_treeView, &QTreeView::expandAll); expandSelectedTreeAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("expand-all")), i18n("Expand Selected"), this); connect(expandSelectedTreeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ProjectExplorer::expandSelected); collapseTreeAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("collapse-all")), i18n("Collapse All"), this); connect(collapseTreeAction, &QAction::triggered, m_treeView, &QTreeView::collapseAll); collapseSelectedTreeAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("collapse-all")), i18n("Collapse Selected"), this); connect(collapseSelectedTreeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ProjectExplorer::collapseSelected); deleteSelectedTreeAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-delete"), i18n("Delete Selected"), this); connect(deleteSelectedTreeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ProjectExplorer::deleteSelected); toggleFilterAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("view-filter")), i18n("Hide Search/Filter Options"), this); connect(toggleFilterAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ProjectExplorer::toggleFilterWidgets); showAllColumnsAction = new QAction(i18n("Show All"),this); showAllColumnsAction->setCheckable(true); showAllColumnsAction->setChecked(true); showAllColumnsAction->setEnabled(false); connect(showAllColumnsAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &ProjectExplorer::showAllColumns); } /*! shows the context menu in the tree. In addition to the context menu of the currently selected aspect, treeview specific options are added. */ void ProjectExplorer::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { if (!m_treeView->model()) return; const QModelIndex& index = m_treeView->indexAt(m_treeView->viewport()->mapFrom(this, event->pos())); if (!index.isValid()) m_treeView->clearSelection(); const QModelIndexList& items = m_treeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); QMenu* menu = nullptr; if (items.size()/4 == 1) { auto* aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); menu = aspect->createContextMenu(); } else { menu = new QMenu(); QMenu* projectMenu = m_project->createContextMenu(); projectMenu->setTitle(m_project->name()); menu->addMenu(projectMenu); menu->addSeparator(); if (items.size()/4 > 1) { menu->addAction(expandSelectedTreeAction); menu->addAction(collapseSelectedTreeAction); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(deleteSelectedTreeAction); menu->addSeparator(); } else { menu->addAction(expandTreeAction); menu->addAction(collapseTreeAction); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(toggleFilterAction); //Menu for showing/hiding the columns in the tree view QMenu* columnsMenu = menu->addMenu(i18n("Show/Hide columns")); columnsMenu->addAction(showAllColumnsAction); columnsMenu->addSeparator(); for (auto* action : list_showColumnActions) columnsMenu->addAction(action); //TODO //Menu for showing/hiding the top-level aspects (Worksheet, Spreadhsheet, etc) in the tree view // QMenu* objectsMenu = menu->addMenu(i18n("Show/Hide objects")); } } if (menu) menu->exec(event->globalPos()); delete menu; } void ProjectExplorer::setCurrentAspect(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { const AspectTreeModel* tree_model = qobject_cast(m_treeView->model()); if (tree_model) m_treeView->setCurrentIndex(tree_model->modelIndexOfAspect(aspect)); } /*! Sets the \c model for the tree view to present. */ void ProjectExplorer::setModel(AspectTreeModel* treeModel) { m_treeView->setModel(treeModel); connect(treeModel, &AspectTreeModel::renameRequested, m_treeView, static_cast(&QAbstractItemView::edit)); connect(treeModel, &AspectTreeModel::indexSelected, this, &ProjectExplorer::selectIndex); connect(treeModel, &AspectTreeModel::indexDeselected, this, &ProjectExplorer::deselectIndex); connect(treeModel, &AspectTreeModel::hiddenAspectSelected, this, &ProjectExplorer::hiddenAspectSelected); connect(m_treeView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, &ProjectExplorer::currentChanged); connect(m_treeView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, this, &ProjectExplorer::selectionChanged); //create action for showing/hiding the columns in the tree. //this is done here since the number of columns is not available in createActions() yet. if (list_showColumnActions.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_treeView->model()->columnCount(); i++) { QAction* showColumnAction = new QAction(treeModel->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal).toString(), this); showColumnAction->setCheckable(true); showColumnAction->setChecked(true); list_showColumnActions.append(showColumnAction); connect(showColumnAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [=] { ProjectExplorer::toggleColumn(i); }); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < list_showColumnActions.size(); ++i) { if (!list_showColumnActions.at(i)->isChecked()) m_treeView->hideColumn(i); } } } void ProjectExplorer::setProject(Project* project) { connect(project, &Project::aspectAdded, this, &ProjectExplorer::aspectAdded); connect(project, &Project::requestSaveState, this, &ProjectExplorer::save); connect(project, &Project::requestLoadState, this, &ProjectExplorer::load); connect(project, &Project::requestNavigateTo, this, &ProjectExplorer::navigateTo); connect(project, &Project::loaded, this, &ProjectExplorer::projectLoaded); m_project = project; //for newly created projects, resize the header to fit the size of the header section names. //for projects loaded from a file, this function will be called laterto fit the sizes //of the content once the project is loaded resizeHeader(); } QModelIndex ProjectExplorer::currentIndex() const { return m_treeView->currentIndex(); } /*! handles the contextmenu-event of the horizontal header in the tree view. Provides a menu for selective showing and hiding of columns. */ bool ProjectExplorer::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { if (obj == m_treeView->header() && event->type() == QEvent::ContextMenu) { //Menu for showing/hiding the columns in the tree view QMenu* columnsMenu = new QMenu(m_treeView->header()); columnsMenu->addSection(i18n("Columns")); columnsMenu->addAction(showAllColumnsAction); columnsMenu->addSeparator(); for (auto* action : list_showColumnActions) columnsMenu->addAction(action); auto* e = static_cast(event); columnsMenu->exec(e->globalPos()); delete columnsMenu; return true; } else if (obj == m_treeView->viewport()) { auto* e = static_cast(event); if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { QModelIndex index = m_treeView->indexAt(e->pos()); if (!index.isValid()) return false; auto* aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (aspect->isDraggable()) { m_dragStartPos = e->globalPos(); m_dragStarted = false; } } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) { if ( !m_dragStarted && m_treeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().size() > 0 && (e->globalPos() - m_dragStartPos).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { m_dragStarted = true; auto* drag = new QDrag(this); auto* mimeData = new QMimeData; //determine the selected objects and serialize the pointers to QMimeData QVector vec; QModelIndexList items = m_treeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); //there are four model indices in each row -> divide by 4 to obtain the number of selected rows (=aspects) for (int i = 0; i < items.size()/4; ++i) { const QModelIndex& index = items.at(i*4); auto* aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); vec << (quintptr)aspect; } QByteArray data; QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream << vec; mimeData->setData("labplot-dnd", data); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); drag->exec(); } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::DragEnter) { //ignore events not related to internal drags of columns etc., e.g. dropping of external files onto LabPlot auto* dragEnterEvent = static_cast(event); const QMimeData* mimeData = dragEnterEvent->mimeData(); if (!mimeData) { event->ignore(); return false; } if (mimeData->formats().at(0) != QLatin1String("labplot-dnd")) { event->ignore(); return false; } event->setAccepted(true); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::DragMove) { auto* dragMoveEvent = static_cast(event); const QMimeData* mimeData = dragMoveEvent->mimeData(); //determine the first aspect being dragged QByteArray data = mimeData->data(QLatin1String("labplot-dnd")); QVector vec; QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::ReadOnly); stream >> vec; AbstractAspect* sourceAspect{nullptr}; if (!vec.isEmpty()) sourceAspect = reinterpret_cast(vec.at(0)); if (!sourceAspect) return false; //determine the aspect under the cursor QModelIndex index = m_treeView->indexAt(dragMoveEvent->pos()); if (!index.isValid()) return false; //accept only the events when the aspect being dragged is dropable onto the aspect under the cursor //and the aspect under the cursor is not already the parent of the dragged aspect auto* destinationAspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); bool accept = sourceAspect->dropableOn().indexOf(destinationAspect->type()) != -1 && sourceAspect->parentAspect() != destinationAspect; event->setAccepted(accept); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Drop) { auto* dropEvent = static_cast(event); QModelIndex index = m_treeView->indexAt(dropEvent->pos()); if (!index.isValid()) return false; auto* aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); aspect->processDropEvent(dropEvent); } } return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } //############################################################################## //################################# SLOTS #################################### //############################################################################## /*! * called after the project was loaded. * resize the header of the view to adjust to the content * and re-select the currently selected object to show * its final properties in the dock widget after in Project::load() all * pointers were restored, relative paths replaced by absolute, etc. */ void ProjectExplorer::projectLoaded() { resizeHeader(); selectionChanged(m_treeView->selectionModel()->selection(), QItemSelection()); } /*! expand the aspect \c aspect (the tree index corresponding to it) in the tree view and makes it visible and selected. Called when a new aspect is added to the project. */ void ProjectExplorer::aspectAdded(const AbstractAspect* aspect) { if (m_project->isLoading() ||m_project->aspectAddedSignalSuppressed()) return; //don't do anything if hidden aspects were added if (aspect->hidden()) return; //don't do anything for newly added data spreadsheets of data picker curves if (aspect->inherits(AspectType::Spreadsheet) && aspect->parentAspect()->inherits(AspectType::DatapickerCurve)) return; const AspectTreeModel* tree_model = qobject_cast(m_treeView->model()); const QModelIndex& index = tree_model->modelIndexOfAspect(aspect); //expand and make the aspect visible m_treeView->setExpanded(index, true); // newly added columns are only expanded but not selected, return here if (aspect->inherits(AspectType::Column)) { m_treeView->setExpanded(tree_model->modelIndexOfAspect(aspect->parentAspect()), true); return; } m_treeView->scrollTo(index); m_treeView->setCurrentIndex(index); m_treeView->header()->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); m_treeView->header()->resizeSection(0, m_treeView->header()->sectionSize(0)*1.2); } void ProjectExplorer::navigateTo(const QString& path) { const AspectTreeModel* tree_model = qobject_cast(m_treeView->model()); if (tree_model) m_treeView->setCurrentIndex(tree_model->modelIndexOfAspect(path)); } void ProjectExplorer::currentChanged(const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous) { if (m_project->isLoading()) return; Q_UNUSED(previous); emit currentAspectChanged(static_cast(current.internalPointer())); } void ProjectExplorer::toggleColumn(int index) { //determine the total number of checked column actions int checked = 0; for (const auto* action : list_showColumnActions) { if (action->isChecked()) checked++; } if (list_showColumnActions.at(index)->isChecked()) { m_treeView->showColumn(index); m_treeView->header()->resizeSection(0,0 ); m_treeView->header()->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); for (auto* action : list_showColumnActions) action->setEnabled(true); //deactivate the "show all column"-action, if all actions are checked if ( checked == list_showColumnActions.size() ) { showAllColumnsAction->setEnabled(false); showAllColumnsAction->setChecked(true); } } else { m_treeView->hideColumn(index); showAllColumnsAction->setEnabled(true); showAllColumnsAction->setChecked(false); //if there is only one checked column-action, deactivated it. //It should't be possible to hide all columns if ( checked == 1 ) { int i = 0; while ( !list_showColumnActions.at(i)->isChecked() ) i++; list_showColumnActions.at(i)->setEnabled(false); } } } void ProjectExplorer::showAllColumns() { for (int i = 0; i < m_treeView->model()->columnCount(); i++) { m_treeView->showColumn(i); m_treeView->header()->resizeSection(0,0 ); m_treeView->header()->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); } showAllColumnsAction->setEnabled(false); for (auto* action : list_showColumnActions) { action->setEnabled(true); action->setChecked(true); } } /*! shows/hides the frame with the search/filter widgets */ void ProjectExplorer::toggleFilterWidgets() { if (m_frameFilter->isVisible()) { m_frameFilter->hide(); toggleFilterAction->setText(i18n("Show Search/Filter Options")); } else { m_frameFilter->show(); toggleFilterAction->setText(i18n("Hide Search/Filter Options")); } } /*! toggles the menu for the filter/search options */ void ProjectExplorer::toggleFilterOptionsMenu(bool checked) { if (checked) { QMenu menu; menu.addAction(caseSensitiveAction); menu.addAction(matchCompleteWordAction); connect(&menu, &QMenu::aboutToHide, bFilterOptions, &QPushButton::toggle); menu.exec(bFilterOptions->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,bFilterOptions->height()))); } } void ProjectExplorer::resizeHeader() { m_treeView->header()->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); m_treeView->header()->resizeSection(0, m_treeView->header()->sectionSize(0)*1.2); //make the column "Name" somewhat bigger } /*! called when the filter/search text was changend. */ void ProjectExplorer::filterTextChanged(const QString& text) { QModelIndex root = m_treeView->model()->index(0,0); filter(root, text); } bool ProjectExplorer::filter(const QModelIndex& index, const QString& text) { Qt::CaseSensitivity sensitivity = caseSensitiveAction->isChecked() ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive; bool matchCompleteWord = matchCompleteWordAction->isChecked(); bool childVisible = false; const int rows = index.model()->rowCount(index); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { QModelIndex child = index.model()->index(i, 0, index); auto* aspect = static_cast(child.internalPointer()); bool visible; if (text.isEmpty()) visible = true; else if (matchCompleteWord) visible = aspect->name().startsWith(text, sensitivity); else visible = aspect->name().contains(text, sensitivity); if (visible) { //current item is visible -> make all its children visible without applying the filter for (int j = 0; j < child.model()->rowCount(child); ++j) { m_treeView->setRowHidden(j, child, false); if (text.isEmpty()) filter(child, text); } childVisible = true; } else { //check children items. if one of the children is visible, make the parent (current) item visible too. visible = filter(child, text); if (visible) childVisible = true; } m_treeView->setRowHidden(i, index, !visible); } return childVisible; } void ProjectExplorer::toggleFilterCaseSensitivity() { filterTextChanged(m_leFilter->text()); } void ProjectExplorer::toggleFilterMatchCompleteWord() { filterTextChanged(m_leFilter->text()); } void ProjectExplorer::selectIndex(const QModelIndex& index) { if (m_project->isLoading()) return; if ( !m_treeView->selectionModel()->isSelected(index) ) { m_treeView->selectionModel()->select(index, QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); m_treeView->setExpanded(index, true); m_treeView->scrollTo(index); } } void ProjectExplorer::deselectIndex(const QModelIndex & index) { if (m_project->isLoading()) return; if ( m_treeView->selectionModel()->isSelected(index) ) m_treeView->selectionModel()->select(index, QItemSelectionModel::Deselect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); } void ProjectExplorer::selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected) { QModelIndex index; QModelIndexList items; AbstractAspect* aspect = nullptr; //there are four model indices in each row //-> divide by 4 to obtain the number of selected rows (=aspects) items = selected.indexes(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size()/4; ++i) { index = items.at(i*4); aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); aspect->setSelected(true); } items = deselected.indexes(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size()/4; ++i) { index = items.at(i*4); aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); aspect->setSelected(false); } items = m_treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); QList selectedAspects; for (const QModelIndex& index : items) { aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); selectedAspects<selectionModel()->selectedRows(); QList selectedAspects; for (const QModelIndex& index : items) { selectedAspects << static_cast(index.internalPointer()); } emit selectedAspectsChanged(selectedAspects); } void ProjectExplorer::expandSelected() { const QModelIndexList items = m_treeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); for (const auto& index : items) m_treeView->setExpanded(index, true); } void ProjectExplorer::collapseSelected() { const QModelIndexList items = m_treeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); for (const auto& index : items) m_treeView->setExpanded(index, false); } void ProjectExplorer::deleteSelected() { const QModelIndexList items = m_treeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (!items.size()) return; int rc = KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18np("Do you really want to delete the selected object?", "Do you really want to delete the selected %1 objects?", items.size()/4), i18np("Delete selected object", "Delete selected objects", items.size()/4)); if (rc == KMessageBox::No) return; m_project->beginMacro(i18np("Project Explorer: delete %1 selected object", "Project Explorer: delete %1 selected objects", items.size()/4)); for (int i = 0; i < items.size()/4; ++i) { const QModelIndex& index = items.at(i*4); auto* aspect = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); aspect->remove(); } m_project->endMacro(); } //############################################################################## //################## Serialization/Deserialization ########################### //############################################################################## struct ViewState { Qt::WindowStates state; QRect geometry; }; /** * \brief Save the current state of the tree view * (expanded items and the currently selected item) as XML */ void ProjectExplorer::save(QXmlStreamWriter* writer) const { auto* model = qobject_cast(m_treeView->model()); QList selected; QList expanded; QList withView; QVector viewStates; int currentRow = -1; //row corresponding to the current index in the tree view, -1 for the root element (=project) QModelIndexList selectedRows = m_treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); //check whether the project node itself is expanded if (m_treeView->isExpanded(m_treeView->model()->index(0,0))) expanded.push_back(-1); int row = 0; for (const auto* aspect : m_project->children(AspectType::AbstractAspect, AbstractAspect::Recursive)) { const QModelIndex& index = model->modelIndexOfAspect(aspect); const auto* part = dynamic_cast(aspect); if (part && part->hasMdiSubWindow()) { withView.push_back(row); ViewState s = {part->view()->windowState(), part->view()->geometry()}; viewStates.push_back(s); } if (model->rowCount(index)>0 && m_treeView->isExpanded(index)) expanded.push_back(row); if (selectedRows.indexOf(index) != -1) selected.push_back(row); if (index == m_treeView->currentIndex()) currentRow = row; row++; } writer->writeStartElement("state"); writer->writeStartElement("expanded"); for (const auto e : expanded) writer->writeTextElement("row", QString::number(e)); writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeStartElement("selected"); for (const auto s : selected) writer->writeTextElement("row", QString::number(s)); writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeStartElement("view"); for (int i = 0; i < withView.size(); ++i) { writer->writeStartElement("row"); const ViewState& s = viewStates.at(i); writer->writeAttribute( "state", QString::number(s.state) ); writer->writeAttribute( "x", QString::number(s.geometry.x()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "y", QString::number(s.geometry.y()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "width", QString::number(s.geometry.width()) ); writer->writeAttribute( "height", QString::number(s.geometry.height()) ); writer->writeCharacters(QString::number(withView.at(i))); writer->writeEndElement(); } writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeStartElement("current"); writer->writeTextElement("row", QString::number(currentRow)); writer->writeEndElement(); writer->writeEndElement(); } /** * \brief Load from XML */ bool ProjectExplorer::load(XmlStreamReader* reader) { const AspectTreeModel* model = qobject_cast(m_treeView->model()); const auto aspects = m_project->children(AspectType::AbstractAspect, AbstractAspect::Recursive); bool expandedItem = false; bool selectedItem = false; bool viewItem = false; (void)viewItem; // because of a strange g++-warning about unused viewItem bool currentItem = false; QModelIndex currentIndex; QString str; int row; QVector selected; QList expanded; QXmlStreamAttributes attribs; KLocalizedString attributeWarning = ki18n("Attribute '%1' missing or empty, default value is used"); while (!reader->atEnd()) { reader->readNext(); if (reader->isEndElement() && reader->name() == "state") break; if (!reader->isStartElement()) continue; if (reader->name() == "expanded") { expandedItem = true; selectedItem = false; viewItem = false; currentItem = false; } else if (reader->name() == "selected") { expandedItem = false; selectedItem = true; viewItem = false; currentItem = false; } else if (reader->name() == "view") { expandedItem = false; selectedItem = false; viewItem = true; currentItem = false; } else if (reader->name() == "current") { expandedItem = false; selectedItem = false; viewItem = false; currentItem = true; } else if (reader->name() == "row") { //we need to read the attributes first and before readElementText() otherwise they are empty attribs = reader->attributes(); row = reader->readElementText().toInt(); QModelIndex index; if (row == -1) index = model->modelIndexOfAspect(m_project); //-1 corresponds to the project-item (s.a. ProjectExplorer::save()) else if (row >= aspects.size() || row < 0 /* checking for <0 to protect against wrong values in the XML */) continue; else index = model->modelIndexOfAspect(aspects.at(row)); if (expandedItem) expanded.push_back(index); else if (selectedItem) selected.push_back(index); else if (currentItem) currentIndex = index; else if (viewItem) { auto* part = dynamic_cast(aspects.at(row)); if (!part) continue; //TODO: add error/warning message here? emit currentAspectChanged(part); str = attribs.value("state").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("state").toString()); else { part->view()->setWindowState(Qt::WindowStates(str.toInt())); part->mdiSubWindow()->setWindowState(Qt::WindowStates(str.toInt())); } if (str != "0") continue; //no geometry settings required for maximized/minimized windows QRect geometry; str = attribs.value("x").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("x").toString()); else geometry.setX(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("y").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("y").toString()); else geometry.setY(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("width").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("width").toString()); else geometry.setWidth(str.toInt()); str = attribs.value("height").toString(); if (str.isEmpty()) reader->raiseWarning(attributeWarning.subs("height").toString()); else geometry.setHeight(str.toInt()); part->mdiSubWindow()->setGeometry(geometry); } } } for (const auto& index : expanded) { m_treeView->setExpanded(index, true); collapseParents(index, expanded);//collapse all parent indices if they are not expanded } for (const auto& index : selected) m_treeView->selectionModel()->select(index, QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); m_treeView->setCurrentIndex(currentIndex); m_treeView->scrollTo(currentIndex); //when setting the current index above it gets expanded, collapse all parent indices if they are were not expanded when saved collapseParents(currentIndex, expanded); return true; } void ProjectExplorer::collapseParents(const QModelIndex& index, const QList& expanded) { //root index doesn't have any parents - this case is not caught by the second if-statement below if (index.column() == 0 && index.row() == 0) return; const QModelIndex parent = index.parent(); if (parent == QModelIndex()) return; if (expanded.indexOf(parent) == -1) m_treeView->collapse(parent); } diff --git a/src/commonfrontend/ProjectExplorer.h b/src/commonfrontend/ProjectExplorer.h index 12d99e6be..802c8875e 100644 --- a/src/commonfrontend/ProjectExplorer.h +++ b/src/commonfrontend/ProjectExplorer.h @@ -1,120 +1,119 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : ProjectExplorer.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : A tree view for displaying and editing an AspectTreeModel. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2007-2008 by Tilman Benkert (thzs@gmx.net) Copyright : (C) 2011-2016 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef PROJECT_EXPLORER_H #define PROJECT_EXPLORER_H #include class AbstractAspect; class AspectTreeModel; class Project; class XmlStreamReader; class QFrame; class QLabel; class QLineEdit; class QModelIndex; -class QPushButton; +class QToolButton; class QSignalMapper; class QTreeView; class QXmlStreamWriter; class QItemSelection; class QMenu; class ProjectExplorer : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ProjectExplorer(QWidget* parent = nullptr); void setCurrentAspect(const AbstractAspect*); void setModel(AspectTreeModel*); void setProject(Project*); QModelIndex currentIndex() const; void updateSelectedAspects(); private: void createActions(); void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*) override; bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*) override; void collapseParents(const QModelIndex&, const QList& expanded); bool filter(const QModelIndex&, const QString&); int m_columnToHide{0}; QTreeView* m_treeView; Project* m_project{nullptr}; QPoint m_dragStartPos; bool m_dragStarted{false}; QAction* caseSensitiveAction; QAction* matchCompleteWordAction; QAction* expandTreeAction; QAction* expandSelectedTreeAction; QAction* collapseTreeAction; QAction* collapseSelectedTreeAction; QAction* deleteSelectedTreeAction; QAction* toggleFilterAction; QAction* showAllColumnsAction; QList list_showColumnActions; QSignalMapper* showColumnsSignalMapper; QFrame* m_frameFilter; QLineEdit* m_leFilter; - QPushButton* bClearFilter; - QPushButton* bFilterOptions; + QToolButton* bFilterOptions; private slots: void projectLoaded(); void aspectAdded(const AbstractAspect*); void toggleColumn(int); void showAllColumns(); void filterTextChanged(const QString&); void toggleFilterCaseSensitivity(); void toggleFilterMatchCompleteWord(); void toggleFilterWidgets(); void toggleFilterOptionsMenu(bool); void resizeHeader(); void expandSelected(); void collapseSelected(); void deleteSelected(); void navigateTo(const QString& path); void currentChanged(const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous); void selectIndex(const QModelIndex&); void deselectIndex(const QModelIndex&); void selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&); void save(QXmlStreamWriter*) const; bool load(XmlStreamReader*); signals: void currentAspectChanged(AbstractAspect*); void selectedAspectsChanged(QList&); void hiddenAspectSelected(const AbstractAspect*); }; #endif // ifndef PROJECT_EXPLORER_H