diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index d862d639d..b16efbc0a 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,430 +1,432 @@ project(labplot2) # minimum 3.2.0 for FindGSL.cmake cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.2.0 FATAL_ERROR) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 99) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) set(QT_MINIMUM_VERSION 5.6.0) set(KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.16.0") find_package(ECM 1.3.0 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR}) # build type: "release", "debug", "debugfull" string (TOLOWER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) -find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} NO_MODULE COMPONENTS +find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} NO_MODULE REQUIRED COMPONENTS Concurrent Gui PrintSupport Sql Svg Widgets Test - SerialPort -OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS - Mqtt + SerialPort ) find_package(KF5 ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Archive Completion Config ConfigWidgets CoreAddons Crash DocTools I18n IconThemes TextWidgets WidgetsAddons XmlGui OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS NewStuff Service Parts SyntaxHighlighting ) IF (Qt5SerialPort_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found Qt5 SerialPort") ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Qt5 SerialPort not found") ENDIF () IF (KF5NewStuff_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found KF5 new stuff") add_definitions (-DHAVE_KF5_NEW_STUFF) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "KF5 new stuff not found") ENDIF () IF (KF5SyntaxHighlighting_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found KF5 syntax highlighting") add_definitions (-DHAVE_KF5_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTING) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "KF5 syntax highlighting not found") ENDIF () find_package(BISON REQUIRED) include(FeatureSummary) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECompilerSettings) include(KDECMakeSettings) ### compiler flags ###################################### set (GENERIC_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wunreachable-code -Wunused -Wdeprecated-declarations -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fstack-protector") set (GENERIC_GNU_FLAGS "-O2 -Wcast-align -Wswitch-enum -fvisibility=default") set (GENERIC_C_FLAGS "${GENERIC_FLAGS} -fno-exceptions") # liborigin needs exceptions set (GENERIC_CXX_FLAGS "${GENERIC_FLAGS} -fexceptions") if ("${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "GNU") message(STATUS "GNU C compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${GENERIC_C_FLAGS} ${GENERIC_GNU_FLAGS}") elseif ("${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang") message(STATUS "Clang C compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE ${GENERIC_C_FLAGS} ${GENERIC_GNU_FLAGS}") elseif ("${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Intel") message(STATUS "Intel C compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE -O3 ${GENERIC_C_FLAGS}") elseif ("${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "PGI") message(STATUS "PGI C compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE -O3 -D__GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL=1 -Minform=inform -Mbounds -Mchkstk") # " x" postfix to work around a bug in CMake that causes "MSVC" to translate to something completely different elseif (("${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID} x" MATCHES "MSVC") OR MSVC) message(STATUS "MSVC C compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -O2 -W3") set(MSVC_FOUND TRUE) else () message(STATUS "UNKNOWN C compiler, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${GENERIC_C_FLAGS}") endif() if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "GNU") message(STATUS "GNU C++ compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${GENERIC_CXX_FLAGS} ${GENERIC_GNU_FLAGS}") elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang") message(STATUS "Clang C++ compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE ${GENERIC_CXX_FLAGS} ${GENERIC_GNU_FLAGS}") elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Intel") message(STATUS "Intel C++ compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE -std=c++11 ${GENERIC_CXX_FLAGS}") #-std=c++0x comes with cmake's general flags, deprecated in icc, remove it string(REPLACE "-std=c++0x" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}) elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "PGI") message(STATUS "PGI C++ compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE -O3 -std=c++11 -D__GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL=1 -Minform=inform -Mbounds -Mchkstk") # " x" postfix to work around a bug in CMake that causes "MSVC" to translate to something completely different elseif (("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} x" MATCHES "MSVC") OR MSVC) message(STATUS "MSVC C++ compiler detected, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -O2 -W3 -DPSAPI_VERSION=1") set(MSVC_FOUND TRUE) else () message(STATUS "UNKNOWN C++ compiler, adding compile flags") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${GENERIC_CXX_FLAGS}") endif () ##########################################################ESC[m add_definitions (${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${QT_QTDBUS_DEFINITIONS}) include_directories (${QDBUS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) add_definitions (-DLVERSION=\"2.6.0\") # add_definitions (-DLDEBUG='1') set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS true) #cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD) IF (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL "3.3" OR CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "3.3") cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 NEW) ENDIF() if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "3.5") set(ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY OFF CACHE BOOL "Add clang-tidy automatically to builds") if (ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY) find_program (CLANG_TIDY_EXE NAMES "clang-tidy" PATHS /usr/bin) if (CLANG_TIDY_EXE) message(STATUS "Clang-tidy supported, found and enabled: ${CLANG_TIDY_EXE}") set(CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS "-*,modernize-*") # -extra-arg=--std=c++11 set(CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY "${CLANG_TIDY_EXE};-checks=${CLANG_TIDY_CHECKS};-header-filter='${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/*'" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) else() message(AUTHOR_WARNING "clang-tidy not found!") set(CMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY "" CACHE STRING "" FORCE) # delete it endif() else() message(STATUS "Clang-tidy supported but disabled") endif() endif() ### Options ###################################### option(ENABLE_CANTOR "Build with Cantor support" ON) option(ENABLE_FFTW "Build with FFTW support" ON) option(ENABLE_HDF5 "Build with HDF5 support" ON) option(ENABLE_NETCDF "Build with NetCDF support" ON) option(ENABLE_FITS "Build with FITS support" ON) option(ENABLE_LIBCERF "Build with libcerf support" ON) option(ENABLE_LIBORIGIN "Build with liborigin support" ON) option(ENABLE_ROOT "Build with ROOT (CERN) support" ON) option(ENABLE_TESTS "Build with tests" ON) option(ENABLE_MQTT "Build with MQTT support" ON) ### OS macros #################################### IF (WIN32) add_definitions (-DHAVE_WINDOWS) find_library (PSAPI Psapi) message (STATUS "PSAPI: ${PSAPI}") ENDIF () ### GSL (required) ############################### FIND_PACKAGE(GSL REQUIRED) ### liborigin (included) ############################### IF (ENABLE_LIBORIGIN) add_definitions (-DHAVE_LIBORIGIN) IF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "debug" OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "debugfull") MESSAGE (STATUS "Origin project import (through internal liborigin) enabled (parser logging enabled)") SET (ENABLE_ORIGIN_PARSER_LOG TRUE) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Origin project import (through internal liborigin) enabled (parser logging disabled)") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Origin project import disabled") ENDIF () ### Cantorlibs (optional) ############################### IF (ENABLE_CANTOR) FIND_LIBRARY (CANTOR_LIBS cantorlibs) FIND_PATH (CANTOR_INCLUDE_DIR cantor/worksheetaccess.h /usr/include /usr/local/include ) IF (CANTOR_LIBS AND CANTOR_INCLUDE_DIR AND KF5Service_FOUND AND KF5Parts_FOUND) SET (CANTOR_LIBS_FOUND TRUE) ELSE () SET (CANTOR_LIBS_FOUND FALSE) SET (CANTOR_LIBS "") ENDIF() IF (CANTOR_LIBS_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found Cantor Library: ${CANTOR_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CANTOR_LIBS}") add_definitions (-DHAVE_CANTOR_LIBS) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Cantor Library not found.") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Cantor Library DISABLED.") ENDIF () ### FFTW (optional) ##################################### IF (ENABLE_FFTW) FIND_LIBRARY (FFTW_LIBRARIES fftw3 PATHS /usr/lib /usr/local/lib ) FIND_PATH (FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR fftw3.h /usr/include /usr/local/include ) IF (FFTW_LIBRARIES AND FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR) SET (FFTW_FOUND TRUE) ELSE () SET (FFTW_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF () IF (FFTW_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found FFTW 3 Library: ${FFTW_INCLUDE_DIR} ${FFTW_LIBRARIES}") add_definitions (-DHAVE_FFTW3) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "FFTW 3 Library not found.") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "FFTW 3 Library DISABLED.") ENDIF () ### HDF5 (optional) ############################## IF (ENABLE_HDF5) FIND_PACKAGE(HDF5 COMPONENTS C) IF (HDF5_FOUND) add_definitions (-DHAVE_HDF5) IF (HDF5_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "1.9") add_definitions (-DHAVE_AT_LEAST_HDF5_1_10_0) ENDIF () IF (HDF5_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "") add_definitions (-DHAVE_AT_LEAST_HDF5_1_10_1) ENDIF () include_directories (${HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS}) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) Library not found.") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) Library DISABLED.") ENDIF () ### NETCDF (optional) ############################# IF (ENABLE_NETCDF) FIND_LIBRARY (NETCDF_LIBRARY netcdf PATHS /usr/lib /usr/local/lib ) FIND_PATH (NETCDF_INCLUDE_DIR netcdf.h /usr/include /usr/local/include ) IF (NETCDF_LIBRARY AND NETCDF_INCLUDE_DIR) SET (NETCDF_FOUND TRUE) ELSE () SET (NETCDF_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF () IF (NETCDF_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found Network Common Data Format (NetCDF) Library: ${NETCDF_INCLUDE_DIR} ${NETCDF_LIBRARY}") add_definitions (-DHAVE_NETCDF) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Network Common Data Format (NetCDF) Library not found.") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Network Common Data Format (NetCDF) Library DISABLED.") ENDIF () ### MQTT (optional) ############################### IF (ENABLE_MQTT) +find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} NO_MODULE COMPONENTS +OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS + Mqtt +) IF (Qt5Mqtt_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found MQTT") add_definitions (-DHAVE_MQTT) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "MQTT Library not found.") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "MQTT Library DISABLED.") ENDIF () ### FITS (optional) ############################### IF (ENABLE_FITS) FIND_LIBRARY (CFITSIO_LIBRARY cfitsio PATHS /usr/lib /usr/local/lib $ENV{CFITSIO} ) FIND_PATH (CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR fitsio.h /usr/include /usr/include/cfitsio /usr/local/include $ENV{CFITSIO} ) IF (CFITSIO_LIBRARY AND CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR) SET (CFITSIO_FOUND TRUE) ELSE () SET (CFITSIO_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF () IF (CFITSIO_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found Flexible Image Transport System Data Format (FITS) Library: ${CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CFITSIO_LIBRARY}") add_definitions (-DHAVE_FITS) include_directories (${CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIR}) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Flexible Image Transport System Data Format (FITS) Library not found.") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Flexible Image Transport System Data Format (FITS) Library DISABLED.") ENDIF () ### LIBCERF (optional) ############################# IF (ENABLE_LIBCERF) FIND_LIBRARY (LIBCERF_LIBRARY cerf PATHS /usr/lib /usr/local/lib ) FIND_PATH (LIBCERF_INCLUDE_DIR cerf.h /usr/include /usr/local/include ) IF (LIBCERF_LIBRARY AND LIBCERF_INCLUDE_DIR) SET (LIBCERF_FOUND TRUE) ELSE () SET (LIBCERF_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF () IF (LIBCERF_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "Found libcerf Library: ${LIBCERF_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LIBCERF_LIBRARY}") add_definitions (-DHAVE_LIBCERF) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "libcerf library not found.") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "libcerf library DISABLED.") ENDIF () IF (ENABLE_ROOT) FIND_PACKAGE(ZLIB) FIND_LIBRARY(LZ4_LIBRARY lz4 PATHS /usr/lib /usr/local/lib ) FIND_PATH (LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR lz4.h /usr/include /usr/local/include ) IF (LZ4_LIBRARY AND LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR) IF (EXISTS "${LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR}/lz4.h") file(STRINGS "${LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR}/lz4.h" LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR REGEX "^#define LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR.*") file(STRINGS "${LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR}/lz4.h" LZ4_VERSION_MINOR REGEX "^#define LZ4_VERSION_MINOR.*") file(STRINGS "${LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR}/lz4.h" LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE REGEX "^#define LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE.*") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*[ ].*([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR "${LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*[ ].*([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" LZ4_VERSION_MINOR "${LZ4_VERSION_MINOR}") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*[ ].*([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE "${LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE}") MESSAGE (STATUS "Found LZ4 library: ${LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LZ4_LIBRARY} (found version \"${LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LZ4_VERSION_MINOR}.${LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE}\")") ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "Found LZ4 library: ${LZ4_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LZ4_LIBRARY} (version unknown)") ENDIF () SET (LZ4_FOUND TRUE) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "LZ4 library not found.") SET (LZ4_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF () IF (ZLIB_FOUND AND LZ4_FOUND) MESSAGE (STATUS "ZIP libraries ZLIB and LZ4 (needed for ROOT importer) found.") add_definitions (-DHAVE_ZIP) ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "ZIP libraries ZLIB and LZ4 (needed for ROOT importer) not found.") ENDIF () ELSE () MESSAGE (STATUS "ROOT (CERN) importer DISABLED.") ENDIF () ################################################# include(CheckFunctionExists) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(random HAVE_RANDOM_FUNCTION) ################################################# FIND_PATH (XLOCALE_INCLUDE_DIR xlocale.h /usr/include /usr/local/include ) IF (XLOCALE_INCLUDE_DIR) add_definitions (-DHAVE_XLOCALE) include_directories (${XLOCALE_INCLUDE_DIR}) ENDIF() add_subdirectory(data) add_subdirectory(icons) add_subdirectory(src) IF (ENABLE_LIBORIGIN) add_subdirectory(liborigin) ENDIF () if (ENABLE_TESTS) enable_testing(true) add_subdirectory(tests) endif() install(FILES org.kde.labplot2.appdata.xml DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_METAINFODIR}) feature_summary(WHAT ALL) diff --git a/src/kdefrontend/datasources/ImportFileWidget.cpp b/src/kdefrontend/datasources/ImportFileWidget.cpp index 2ec781e52..710b44570 100644 --- a/src/kdefrontend/datasources/ImportFileWidget.cpp +++ b/src/kdefrontend/datasources/ImportFileWidget.cpp @@ -1,2983 +1,2985 @@ /*************************************************************************** File : ImportFileWidget.cpp Project : LabPlot Description : import file data widget -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright : (C) 2009-2018 Stefan Gerlach (stefan.gerlach@uni.kn) Copyright : (C) 2009-2018 Alexander Semke (alexander.semke@web.de) Copyright : (C) 2017-2018 Fabian Kristof (fkristofszabolcs@gmail.com) Copyright : (C) 2018 Kovacs Ferencz (kferike98@gmail.com) ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ImportFileWidget.h" #include "FileInfoDialog.h" #include "backend/datasources/filters/filters.h" #include "backend/datasources/filters/QJsonModel.h" #include "AsciiOptionsWidget.h" #include "BinaryOptionsWidget.h" #include "HDF5OptionsWidget.h" #include "ImageOptionsWidget.h" #include "NetCDFOptionsWidget.h" #include "FITSOptionsWidget.h" #include "JsonOptionsWidget.h" #include "ROOTOptionsWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_MQTT #include "kdefrontend/widgets/MQTTWillSettingsWidget.h" #include "MQTTConnectionManagerDialog.h" #include "MQTTConnectionManagerWidget.h" #include "backend/core/Project.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif /*! \class ImportFileWidget \brief Widget for importing data from a file. \ingroup kdefrontend */ ImportFileWidget::ImportFileWidget(QWidget* parent, bool liveDataSource, const QString& fileName) : QWidget(parent), m_fileName(fileName), m_fileEmpty(false), m_liveDataSource(liveDataSource), m_suppressRefresh(false) #ifdef HAVE_MQTT , m_client(nullptr), m_searching(false), m_searchTimer(new QTimer(this)), m_connectTimeoutTimer(new QTimer(this)), m_mqttReadyForPreview (false), m_initialisingMQTT(false), m_connectionTimedOut(false) #endif { ui.setupUi(this); auto* completer = new QCompleter(this); completer->setModel(new QDirModel); ui.leFileName->setCompleter(completer); //add supported file types if (!liveDataSource) { ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("ASCII data"), AbstractFileFilter::Ascii); ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Binary data"), AbstractFileFilter::Binary); ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Image"), AbstractFileFilter::Image); #ifdef HAVE_HDF5 ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5)"), AbstractFileFilter::HDF5); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETCDF ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Network Common Data Format (NetCDF)"), AbstractFileFilter::NETCDF); #endif #ifdef HAVE_FITS ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Flexible Image Transport System Data Format (FITS)"), AbstractFileFilter::FITS); #endif ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("JSON data"), AbstractFileFilter::JSON); #ifdef HAVE_ZIP ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("ROOT (CERN) Histograms"), AbstractFileFilter::ROOT); #endif ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Ngspice RAW ASCII"), AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawAscii); ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Ngspice RAW Binary"), AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawBinary); //hide widgets relevant for live data reading only ui.lSourceType->hide(); ui.cbSourceType->hide(); ui.gbUpdateOptions->hide(); } else { ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("ASCII data"), AbstractFileFilter::Ascii); ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Binary data"), AbstractFileFilter::Binary); ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Ngspice RAW ASCII"), AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawAscii); ui.cbFileType->addItem(i18n("Ngspice RAW Binary"), AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawBinary); ui.lePort->setValidator( new QIntValidator(ui.lePort) ); ui.cbBaudRate->addItems(LiveDataSource::supportedBaudRates()); ui.cbSerialPort->addItems(LiveDataSource::availablePorts()); ui.tabWidget->removeTab(2); #ifdef HAVE_MQTT m_searchTimer->setInterval(10000); m_connectTimeoutTimer->setInterval(6000); #endif } QStringList filterItems {i18n("Automatic"), i18n("Custom")}; ui.cbFilter->addItems(filterItems); //hide options that will be activated on demand ui.gbOptions->hide(); ui.gbUpdateOptions->hide(); setMQTTVisible(false); ui.cbReadingType->addItem(i18n("Whole file"), LiveDataSource::WholeFile); ui.bOpen->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("document-open")) ); ui.bFileInfo->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("help-about")) ); ui.bManageFilters->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("configure")) ); ui.bSaveFilter->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("document-save")) ); ui.bRefreshPreview->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("view-refresh")) ); ui.tvJson->header()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); ui.tvJson->setAlternatingRowColors(true); showJsonModel(false); // the table widget for preview m_twPreview = new QTableWidget(ui.tePreview); m_twPreview->verticalHeader()->hide(); m_twPreview->setEditTriggers(QTableWidget::NoEditTriggers); auto* layout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(m_twPreview); ui.tePreview->setLayout(layout); m_twPreview->hide(); #ifdef HAVE_MQTT ui.cbSourceType->addItem(QLatin1String("MQTT")); m_configPath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation).constFirst() + QLatin1String("MQTT_connections"); m_willSettings.MQTTUseWill = false; m_willSettings.willRetain = false; m_willSettings.willQoS = 0; m_willSettings.willMessageType = MQTTClient::WillMessageType::OwnMessage; m_willSettings.willUpdateType = MQTTClient::WillUpdateType::TimePeriod; m_willSettings.willTimeInterval = 10000; m_willSettings.willStatistics.fill(false, 15); ui.bSubscribe->setIcon(ui.bSubscribe->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_ArrowRight)); ui.bSubscribe->setToolTip(i18n("Subscribe selected topics")); ui.bUnsubscribe->setIcon(ui.bUnsubscribe->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_ArrowLeft)); ui.bUnsubscribe->setToolTip(i18n("Unsubscribe selected topics")); ui.bManageConnections->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QLatin1String("network-server"))); ui.bManageConnections->setToolTip(i18n("Manage MQTT connections")); ui.bWillMessage->setEnabled(false); ui.bWillMessage->setToolTip(i18n("Manage MQTT connection's will settings")); ui.bWillMessage->setIcon(ui.bWillMessage->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_FileDialogDetailedView)); #endif //TODO: implement save/load of user-defined settings later and activate these buttons again ui.bSaveFilter->hide(); ui.bManageFilters->hide(); } void ImportFileWidget::loadSettings() { m_suppressRefresh = true; //load last used settings QString confName; if (m_liveDataSource) confName = QLatin1String("LiveDataImport"); else confName = QLatin1String("FileImport"); KConfigGroup conf(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), confName); //read the source type first since settings in fileNameChanged() depend on this ui.cbSourceType->setCurrentIndex(conf.readEntry("SourceType").toInt()); //general settings AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType = static_cast(conf.readEntry("Type", 0)); for (int i = 0; i < ui.cbFileType->count(); ++i) { AbstractFileFilter::FileType itemFileType = static_cast(ui.cbFileType->itemData(i).toInt()); if (itemFileType == fileType) { ui.cbFileType->setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } ui.cbFilter->setCurrentIndex(conf.readEntry("Filter", 0)); filterChanged(ui.cbFilter->currentIndex()); // needed if filter is not changed if (m_fileName.isEmpty()) ui.leFileName->setText(conf.readEntry("LastImportedFile", "")); else ui.leFileName->setText(m_fileName); //live data related settings ui.cbBaudRate->setCurrentIndex(conf.readEntry("BaudRate").toInt()); ui.cbReadingType->setCurrentIndex(conf.readEntry("ReadingType").toInt()); ui.cbSerialPort->setCurrentIndex(conf.readEntry("SerialPort").toInt()); ui.cbUpdateType->setCurrentIndex(conf.readEntry("UpdateType").toInt()); ui.leHost->setText(conf.readEntry("Host","")); ui.sbKeepNValues->setValue(conf.readEntry("KeepNValues").toInt()); ui.lePort->setText(conf.readEntry("Port","")); ui.sbSampleSize->setValue(conf.readEntry("SampleSize").toInt()); ui.sbUpdateInterval->setValue(conf.readEntry("UpdateInterval").toInt()); #ifdef HAVE_MQTT //MQTT related settings //read available connections m_initialisingMQTT = true; readMQTTConnections(); ui.cbConnection->setCurrentIndex(ui.cbConnection->findText(conf.readEntry("Connection", ""))); m_willSettings.willRetain = conf.readEntry("mqttWillRetain").toInt(); m_willSettings.willUpdateType = static_cast(conf.readEntry("mqttWillUpdateType").toInt()); m_willSettings.willQoS = conf.readEntry("mqttWillQoS").toInt(); m_willSettings.willOwnMessage = conf.readEntry("mqttWillOwnMessage",""); m_willSettings.willTimeInterval = conf.readEntry("mqttWillUpdateInterval","").toInt(); QString willStatistics = conf.readEntry("mqttWillStatistics",""); QStringList statisticsList = willStatistics.split('|', QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts); for (auto value : statisticsList) { m_willSettings.willStatistics[value.toInt()] = true; } m_willSettings.willMessageType = static_cast(conf.readEntry("mqttWillMessageType").toInt()); m_willSettings.MQTTUseWill = conf.readEntry("mqttWillUse").toInt(); m_initialisingMQTT = false; #endif //initialize the slots after all settings were set in order to avoid unneeded refreshes initSlots(); //update the status of the widgets sourceTypeChanged(currentSourceType()); fileTypeChanged(fileType); readingTypeChanged(ui.cbReadingType->currentIndex()); //all set now, refresh the preview m_suppressRefresh = false; QTimer::singleShot(100, this, [=] () { refreshPreview(); }); } ImportFileWidget::~ImportFileWidget() { // save current settings QString confName; if (m_liveDataSource) confName = QLatin1String("LiveDataImport"); else confName = QLatin1String("FileImport"); KConfigGroup conf(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), confName); // general settings conf.writeEntry("Type", (int)currentFileType()); conf.writeEntry("Filter", ui.cbFilter->currentIndex()); conf.writeEntry("LastImportedFile", ui.leFileName->text()); //live data related settings conf.writeEntry("SourceType", (int)currentSourceType()); conf.writeEntry("UpdateType", ui.cbUpdateType->currentIndex()); conf.writeEntry("ReadingType", ui.cbReadingType->currentIndex()); conf.writeEntry("SampleSize", ui.sbSampleSize->value()); conf.writeEntry("KeepNValues", ui.sbKeepNValues->value()); conf.writeEntry("BaudRate", ui.cbBaudRate->currentIndex()); conf.writeEntry("SerialPort", ui.cbSerialPort->currentIndex()); conf.writeEntry("Host", ui.leHost->text()); conf.writeEntry("Port", ui.lePort->text()); conf.writeEntry("UpdateInterval", ui.sbUpdateInterval->value()); #ifdef HAVE_MQTT //MQTT related settings conf.writeEntry("Connection", ui.cbConnection->currentText()); conf.writeEntry("mqttWillMessageType", static_cast(m_willSettings.willMessageType)); conf.writeEntry("mqttWillUpdateType", static_cast(m_willSettings.willUpdateType)); conf.writeEntry("mqttWillQoS", QString::number(m_willSettings.willQoS)); conf.writeEntry("mqttWillOwnMessage", m_willSettings.willOwnMessage); conf.writeEntry("mqttWillUpdateInterval", QString::number(m_willSettings.willTimeInterval)); QString willStatistics; for (int i = 0; i < m_willSettings.willStatistics.size(); ++i) { if (m_willSettings.willStatistics[i]) willStatistics += QString::number(i)+ QLatin1Char('|'); } conf.writeEntry("mqttWillStatistics", willStatistics); conf.writeEntry("mqttWillRetain", static_cast(m_willSettings.willRetain)); conf.writeEntry("mqttWillUse", static_cast(m_willSettings.MQTTUseWill)); #endif // data type specific settings if (m_asciiOptionsWidget) m_asciiOptionsWidget->saveSettings(); if (m_binaryOptionsWidget) m_binaryOptionsWidget->saveSettings(); if (m_imageOptionsWidget) m_imageOptionsWidget->saveSettings(); if (m_jsonOptionsWidget) m_jsonOptionsWidget->saveSettings(); } void ImportFileWidget::initSlots() { //SLOTs for the general part of the data source configuration connect( ui.cbSourceType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(sourceTypeChanged(int))); connect( ui.leFileName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(fileNameChanged(QString)) ); connect(ui.leHost, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(hostChanged())); connect(ui.lePort, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(portChanged())); connect( ui.tvJson, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(refreshPreview())); connect( ui.bOpen, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT (selectFile()) ); connect( ui.bFileInfo, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT (fileInfoDialog()) ); connect( ui.bSaveFilter, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT (saveFilter()) ); connect( ui.bManageFilters, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT (manageFilters()) ); connect( ui.cbFileType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(fileTypeChanged(int)) ); connect( ui.cbUpdateType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateTypeChanged(int))); connect( ui.cbReadingType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(readingTypeChanged(int))); connect( ui.cbFilter, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(filterChanged(int)) ); connect( ui.bRefreshPreview, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(refreshPreview()) ); #ifdef HAVE_MQTT connect(ui.cbConnection, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttConnectionChanged); connect(ui.bSubscribe, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttSubscribe); connect(ui.bUnsubscribe, &QPushButton::clicked, this,&ImportFileWidget::mqttUnsubscribe); connect(this, &ImportFileWidget::newTopic, this, &ImportFileWidget::setTopicCompleter); connect(m_searchTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ImportFileWidget::topicTimeout); connect(m_connectTimeoutTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttConnectTimeout); connect(ui.cbFileType, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [this]() {emit checkFileType();}); connect(ui.leTopics, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ImportFileWidget::scrollToTopicTreeItem); connect(ui.leSubscriptions, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &ImportFileWidget::scrollToSubsriptionTreeItem); connect(ui.bManageConnections, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ImportFileWidget::showMQTTConnectionManager); connect(ui.bWillMessage, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &ImportFileWidget::showWillSettings); connect(ui.twTopics, &QTreeWidget::itemDoubleClicked, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttAvailableTopicDoubleClicked); connect(ui.twSubscriptions, &QTreeWidget::itemDoubleClicked, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttSubscribedTopicDoubleClicked); connect(ui.chkEnableWillSettings, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &ImportFileWidget::enableWillSettings); #endif } void ImportFileWidget::showAsciiHeaderOptions(bool b) { if (m_asciiOptionsWidget) m_asciiOptionsWidget->showAsciiHeaderOptions(b); } void ImportFileWidget::showJsonModel(bool b) { ui.tvJson->setVisible(b); ui.lField->setVisible(b); } void ImportFileWidget::showOptions(bool b) { ui.gbOptions->setVisible(b); if (m_liveDataSource) ui.gbUpdateOptions->setVisible(b); resize(layout()->minimumSize()); } QString ImportFileWidget::fileName() const { return ui.leFileName->text(); } QString ImportFileWidget::selectedObject() const { const QString& path = ui.leFileName->text(); //determine the file name only QString name = path.right(path.length() - path.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()) - 1); //strip away the extension if available if (name.indexOf('.') != -1) name = name.left(name.lastIndexOf('.')); //for multi-dimensional formats like HDF, netCDF and FITS add the currently selected object const auto format = currentFileType(); if (format == AbstractFileFilter::HDF5) { const QStringList& hdf5Names = m_hdf5OptionsWidget->selectedHDF5Names(); if (hdf5Names.size()) name += hdf5Names.first(); //the names of the selected HDF5 objects already have '/' } else if (format == AbstractFileFilter::NETCDF) { const QStringList& names = m_netcdfOptionsWidget->selectedNetCDFNames(); if (names.size()) name += QLatin1Char('/') + names.first(); } else if (format == AbstractFileFilter::FITS) { const QString& extensionName = m_fitsOptionsWidget->currentExtensionName(); if (!extensionName.isEmpty()) name += QLatin1Char('/') + extensionName; } else if (format == AbstractFileFilter::ROOT) { const QStringList& names = m_rootOptionsWidget->selectedROOTNames(); if (names.size()) name += QLatin1Char('/') + names.first(); } return name; } /*! * returns \c true if the number of lines to be imported from the currently selected file is zero ("file is empty"), * returns \c false otherwise. */ bool ImportFileWidget::isFileEmpty() const { return m_fileEmpty; } QString ImportFileWidget::host() const { return ui.leHost->text(); } QString ImportFileWidget::port() const { return ui.lePort->text(); } QString ImportFileWidget::serialPort() const { return ui.cbSerialPort->currentText(); } int ImportFileWidget::baudRate() const { return ui.cbBaudRate->currentText().toInt(); } /*! saves the settings to the data source \c source. */ void ImportFileWidget::saveSettings(LiveDataSource* source) const { AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType = currentFileType(); auto updateType = static_cast(ui.cbUpdateType->currentIndex()); LiveDataSource::SourceType sourceType = currentSourceType(); auto readingType = static_cast(ui.cbReadingType->currentIndex()); source->setComment( ui.leFileName->text() ); source->setFileType(fileType); currentFileFilter(); source->setFilter(m_currentFilter.release()); // pass ownership of the filter to the LiveDataSource source->setSourceType(sourceType); source->setReadingType(readingType); if (updateType == LiveDataSource::UpdateType::TimeInterval) source->setUpdateInterval(ui.sbUpdateInterval->value()); else source->setFileWatched(true); source->setKeepNValues(ui.sbKeepNValues->value()); source->setUpdateType(updateType); if (readingType != LiveDataSource::ReadingType::TillEnd) source->setSampleSize(ui.sbSampleSize->value()); switch (sourceType) { case LiveDataSource::SourceType::FileOrPipe: source->setFileName(ui.leFileName->text()); source->setFileLinked(ui.chbLinkFile->isChecked()); break; case LiveDataSource::SourceType::LocalSocket: source->setFileName(ui.leFileName->text()); source->setLocalSocketName(ui.leFileName->text()); break; case LiveDataSource::SourceType::NetworkTcpSocket: case LiveDataSource::SourceType::NetworkUdpSocket: source->setHost(ui.leHost->text()); source->setPort((quint16)ui.lePort->text().toInt()); break; case LiveDataSource::SourceType::SerialPort: source->setBaudRate(ui.cbBaudRate->currentText().toInt()); source->setSerialPort(ui.cbSerialPort->currentText()); break; case LiveDataSource::SourceType::MQTT: break; default: break; } } #ifdef HAVE_MQTT /*! saves the settings to the MQTTClient \c client. */ void ImportFileWidget::saveMQTTSettings(MQTTClient* client) const { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::saveMQTTSettings"); MQTTClient::UpdateType updateType = static_cast(ui.cbUpdateType->currentIndex()); MQTTClient::ReadingType readingType = static_cast(ui.cbReadingType->currentIndex()); client->setComment(ui.leFileName->text()); currentFileFilter(); client->setFilter(static_cast(m_currentFilter.release())); // pass ownership of the filter to MQTTClient client->setReadingType(readingType); if (updateType == MQTTClient::UpdateType::TimeInterval) client->setUpdateInterval(ui.sbUpdateInterval->value()); client->setKeepNValues(ui.sbKeepNValues->value()); client->setUpdateType(updateType); if (readingType != MQTTClient::ReadingType::TillEnd) client->setSampleSize(ui.sbSampleSize->value()); client->setMQTTClientHostPort(m_client->hostname(), m_client->port()); KConfig config(m_configPath, KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup group = config.group(ui.cbConnection->currentText()); bool useID = group.readEntry("UseID").toUInt(); bool useAuthentication = group.readEntry("UseAuthentication").toUInt(); client->setMQTTUseAuthentication(useAuthentication); if (useAuthentication) client->setMQTTClientAuthentication(m_client->username(), m_client->password()); client->setMQTTUseID(useID); if (useID) client->setMQTTClientId(m_client->clientId()); for (int i = 0; i < m_mqttSubscriptions.count(); ++i) { client->addInitialMQTTSubscriptions(m_mqttSubscriptions[i]->topic(), m_mqttSubscriptions[i]->qos()); } - bool retain = group.readEntry("Retain").toUInt(); + const bool retain = group.readEntry("Retain").toUInt(); client->setMQTTRetain(retain); client->setWillSettings(m_willSettings); } #endif /*! returns the currently used file type. */ AbstractFileFilter::FileType ImportFileWidget::currentFileType() const { return static_cast( ui.cbFileType->itemData(ui.cbFileType->currentIndex()).toInt() ); } LiveDataSource::SourceType ImportFileWidget::currentSourceType() const { return static_cast(ui.cbSourceType->currentIndex()); } /*! returns the currently used filter. */ AbstractFileFilter* ImportFileWidget::currentFileFilter() const { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::currentFileFilter()"); AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType = currentFileType(); if (m_currentFilter && m_currentFilter->type() != fileType) m_currentFilter.reset(); switch (fileType) { case AbstractFileFilter::Ascii: { DEBUG(" ASCII"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new AsciiFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); if (ui.cbFilter->currentIndex() == 0) //"automatic" filter->setAutoModeEnabled(true); else if (ui.cbFilter->currentIndex() == 1) { //"custom" filter->setAutoModeEnabled(false); if (m_asciiOptionsWidget) m_asciiOptionsWidget->applyFilterSettings(filter); } else filter->loadFilterSettings( ui.cbFilter->currentText() ); //save the data portion to import filter->setStartRow( ui.sbStartRow->value()); filter->setEndRow( ui.sbEndRow->value() ); filter->setStartColumn( ui.sbStartColumn->value()); filter->setEndColumn( ui.sbEndColumn->value()); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::Binary: { DEBUG(" Binary"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new BinaryFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); if ( ui.cbFilter->currentIndex() == 0 ) //"automatic" filter->setAutoModeEnabled(true); else if (ui.cbFilter->currentIndex() == 1) { //"custom" filter->setAutoModeEnabled(false); if (m_binaryOptionsWidget) m_binaryOptionsWidget->applyFilterSettings(filter); } else { //TODO: load filter settings // filter->setFilterName( ui.cbFilter->currentText() ); } filter->setStartRow(ui.sbStartRow->value()); filter->setEndRow(ui.sbEndRow->value()); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::Image: { DEBUG(" Image"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new ImageFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); filter->setImportFormat(m_imageOptionsWidget->currentFormat()); filter->setStartRow( ui.sbStartRow->value() ); filter->setEndRow( ui.sbEndRow->value() ); filter->setStartColumn( ui.sbStartColumn->value() ); filter->setEndColumn( ui.sbEndColumn->value() ); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::HDF5: { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::currentFileFilter(): HDF5"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new HDF5Filter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); QStringList names = selectedHDF5Names(); QDEBUG("ImportFileWidget::currentFileFilter(): selected HDF5 names =" << names); if (!names.isEmpty()) filter->setCurrentDataSetName(names[0]); filter->setStartRow( ui.sbStartRow->value() ); filter->setEndRow( ui.sbEndRow->value() ); filter->setStartColumn( ui.sbStartColumn->value() ); filter->setEndColumn( ui.sbEndColumn->value() ); DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::currentFileFilter(): OK"); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::NETCDF: { DEBUG(" NETCDF"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new NetCDFFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); if (!selectedNetCDFNames().isEmpty()) filter->setCurrentVarName(selectedNetCDFNames()[0]); filter->setStartRow( ui.sbStartRow->value() ); filter->setEndRow( ui.sbEndRow->value() ); filter->setStartColumn( ui.sbStartColumn->value() ); filter->setEndColumn( ui.sbEndColumn->value() ); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::FITS: { DEBUG(" FITS"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new FITSFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); filter->setStartRow( ui.sbStartRow->value()); filter->setEndRow( ui.sbEndRow->value() ); filter->setStartColumn( ui.sbStartColumn->value()); filter->setEndColumn( ui.sbEndColumn->value()); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::JSON: { DEBUG(" JSON"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new JsonFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); m_jsonOptionsWidget->applyFilterSettings(filter, ui.tvJson->currentIndex()); filter->setStartRow( ui.sbStartRow->value() ); filter->setEndRow( ui.sbEndRow->value() ); filter->setStartColumn( ui.sbStartColumn->value()); filter->setEndColumn( ui.sbEndColumn->value()); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::ROOT: { DEBUG(" ROOT"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new ROOTFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); QStringList names = selectedROOTNames(); if (!names.isEmpty()) filter->setCurrentHistogram(names.first()); filter->setStartBin( m_rootOptionsWidget->startBin() ); filter->setEndBin( m_rootOptionsWidget->endBin() ); filter->setColumns( m_rootOptionsWidget->columns() ); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawAscii: { DEBUG(" NgspiceRawAscii"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new NgspiceRawAsciiFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); filter->setStartRow( ui.sbStartRow->value() ); filter->setEndRow( ui.sbEndRow->value() ); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawBinary: { DEBUG(" NgspiceRawBinary"); if (!m_currentFilter) m_currentFilter.reset(new NgspiceRawBinaryFilter); auto filter = static_cast(m_currentFilter.get()); filter->setStartRow( ui.sbStartRow->value() ); filter->setEndRow( ui.sbEndRow->value() ); break; } } return m_currentFilter.get(); } /*! opens a file dialog and lets the user select the file data source. */ void ImportFileWidget::selectFile() { KConfigGroup conf(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "ImportFileWidget"); QString dir = conf.readEntry("LastDir", ""); QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, i18n("Select the File Data Source"), dir); if (path.isEmpty()) //cancel was clicked in the file-dialog return; int pos = path.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()); if (pos != -1) { QString newDir = path.left(pos); if (newDir != dir) conf.writeEntry("LastDir", newDir); } //process all events after the FileDialog was closed to repaint the widget //before we start calculating the preview QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 0); ui.leFileName->setText(path); //TODO: decide whether the selection of several files should be possible // QStringList filelist = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this,i18n("Select one or more files to open")); // if (! filelist.isEmpty() ) // ui.leFileName->setText(filelist.join(";")); } /*! hides the MQTT related items of the widget */ void ImportFileWidget::setMQTTVisible(bool visible) { ui.lConnections->setVisible(visible); ui.cbConnection->setVisible(visible); ui.bManageConnections->setVisible(visible); ui.cbQos->setVisible(visible); ui.lQos->setVisible(visible); //topics if (ui.cbConnection->currentIndex() != -1 && visible) { ui.lTopics->setVisible(true); ui.gbManageSubscriptions->setVisible(true); } else { ui.lTopics->setVisible(false); ui.gbManageSubscriptions->setVisible(false); } //will message + ui.chkEnableWillSettings->setVisible(visible); + ui.lEnableWillSettings->setVisible(visible); ui.lWillMessage->setVisible(visible); ui.bWillMessage->setVisible(visible); } #ifdef HAVE_MQTT /*! * returns \c true if there is a valid connection to an MQTT broker and the user has subscribed to at least 1 topic, * returns \c false otherwise. */ bool ImportFileWidget::isMqttValid() { if (m_client) { bool connected = (m_client->state() == QMqttClient::ClientState::Connected); bool subscribed = (ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount() > 0); bool fileTypeOk = false; if (this->currentFileType() == AbstractFileFilter::FileType::Ascii) fileTypeOk = true; return connected && subscribed && fileTypeOk; } return false; } /*! *\brief Checks if a topic contains another one * * \param superior the name of a topic * \param inferior the name of a topic * \return true if superior is equal to or contains(if superior contains wildcards) inferior, * false otherwise */ bool ImportFileWidget::checkTopicContains(const QString& superior, const QString& inferior) { if (superior == inferior) return true; if (!superior.contains('/')) return false; const QStringList& superiorList = superior.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); const QStringList& inferiorList = inferior.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); //a longer topic can't contain a shorter one if (superiorList.size() > inferiorList.size()) return false; bool ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < superiorList.size(); ++i) { if (superiorList.at(i) != inferiorList.at(i)) { if ((superiorList.at(i) != '+') && !(superiorList.at(i) == "#" && i == superiorList.size() - 1)) { //if the two topics differ, and the superior's current level isn't + or #(which can be only in the last position) //then superior can't contain inferior ok = false; break; } else if (i == superiorList.size() - 1 && (superiorList.at(i) == '+' && inferiorList.at(i) == "#") ) { //if the two topics differ at the last level //and the superior's current level is + while the inferior's is #(which can be only in the last position) //then superior can't contain inferior ok = false; break; } } } return ok; } /*! *\brief Returns the '+' wildcard containing topic name, which includes the given topic names * * \param first the name of a topic * \param second the name of a topic * \return The name of the common topic, if it exists, otherwise "" */ QString ImportFileWidget::checkCommonLevel(const QString& first, const QString& second) { const QStringList& firstList = first.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (firstList.isEmpty()) return QString(); const QStringList& secondtList = second.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QString commonTopic = ""; //the two topics have to be the same size and can't be identic if (firstList.size() == secondtList.size() && (first != second)) { //the index where they differ int differIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < firstList.size(); ++i) { if (firstList.at(i) != secondtList.at(i)) { differIndex = i; break; } } //they can differ at only one level bool differ = false; if (differIndex > 0) { for (int j = differIndex + 1; j < firstList.size(); ++j) { if (firstList.at(j) != secondtList.at(j)) { differ = true; break; } } } else differ = true; if (!differ) { for (int i = 0; i < firstList.size(); ++i) { if (i != differIndex) { commonTopic.append(firstList.at(i)); } else { //we put '+' wildcard at the level where they differ commonTopic.append('+'); } if (i != firstList.size() - 1) commonTopic.append('/'); } } } qDebug() << "Common topic for " << first << " and " << second << " is: " << commonTopic; return commonTopic; } /*! *\brief Returns the index of level where the two topic names differ, if there is a common topic for them * * \param first the name of a topic * \param second the name of a topic * \return The index of the unequal level, if there is a common topic, otherwise -1 */ int ImportFileWidget::commonLevelIndex(const QString& first, const QString& second) { QStringList firstList = first.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList secondtList = second.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QString commonTopic = ""; int differIndex = -1; if (!firstList.isEmpty()) { //the two topics have to be the same size and can't be identic if (firstList.size() == secondtList.size() && (first != second)) { //the index where they differ for (int i = 0; i < firstList.size(); ++i) { if (firstList.at(i) != secondtList.at(i)) { differIndex = i; break; } } //they can differ at only one level bool differ = false; if (differIndex > 0) { for (int j = differIndex + 1; j < firstList.size(); ++j) { if (firstList.at(j) != secondtList.at(j)) { differ = true; break; } } } else differ = true; if (!differ) { for (int i = 0; i < firstList.size(); ++i) { if (i != differIndex) commonTopic.append(firstList.at(i)); else commonTopic.append('+'); if (i != firstList.size() - 1) commonTopic.append('/'); } } } } //if there is a common topic we return the differIndex if (!commonTopic.isEmpty()) return differIndex; else return -1; } /*! *\brief Unsubscribes from the given topic, and removes any data connected to it * * \param topicName the name of a topic we want to unsubscribe from */ void ImportFileWidget::unsubscribeFromTopic(const QString& topicName) { if (topicName.isEmpty()) return; QMqttTopicFilter filter{topicName}; m_client->unsubscribe(filter); for (int i = 0; i< m_mqttSubscriptions.count(); ++i) if (m_mqttSubscriptions[i]->topic().filter() == topicName) { m_mqttSubscriptions.remove(i); break; } m_mqttReadyForPreview = false; QMapIterator i(m_messageArrived); while(i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (checkTopicContains(topicName, i.key().name())) m_messageArrived.remove(i.key()); } QMapIterator j(m_lastMessage); while(j.hasNext()) { j.next(); if (checkTopicContains(topicName, j.key().name())) m_lastMessage.remove(j.key()); } for (int row = 0; row < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); row++) { if (ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(row)->text(0) == topicName) { ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(row)->takeChildren(); ui.twSubscriptions->takeTopLevelItem(row); } } for (int i = 0; i < m_subscribedTopicNames.size(); ++i) { if (checkTopicContains(topicName, m_subscribedTopicNames[i])) { m_subscribedTopicNames.remove(i); i--; } } if (m_willSettings.willTopic == topicName) { QVector children; if (ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount() > 0) { findSubscriptionLeafChildren(children, ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(0)); m_willSettings.willTopic = children[0]->text(0); } else m_willSettings.willTopic = ""; } //signals that there was a change among the subscribed topics emit subscriptionsChanged(); refreshPreview(); } /*! *\brief Adds to a # wildcard containing topic, every topic present in twTopics that the former topic contains * * \param topic pointer to the TreeWidgetItem which was selected before subscribing * \param subscription pointer to the TreeWidgetItem which represents the new subscirption, * we add all of the children to this item */ void ImportFileWidget::addSubscriptionChildren(QTreeWidgetItem * topic, QTreeWidgetItem * subscription) { //if the topic doesn't have any children we don't do anything if (topic->childCount() <= 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < topic->childCount(); ++i) { QTreeWidgetItem* temp = topic->child(i); QString name; //if it has children, then we add it as a # wildcrad containing topic if (topic->child(i)->childCount() > 0) { name.append(temp->text(0) + "/#"); while(temp->parent() != nullptr) { temp = temp->parent(); name.prepend(temp->text(0) + '/'); } } //if not then we simply add the topic itself else { name.append(temp->text(0)); while(temp->parent() != nullptr) { temp = temp->parent(); name.prepend(temp->text(0) + '/'); } } QStringList nameList; nameList.append(name); QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(nameList); subscription->addChild(childItem); //we use the function recursively on the given item addSubscriptionChildren(topic->child(i), childItem); } } /*! *\brief Fills the children vector, with the root item's (twSubscriptions) leaf children (meaning no wildcard containing topics) * * \param children vector of TreeWidgetItem pointers * \param root pointer to a TreeWidgetItem of twSubscriptions */ void ImportFileWidget::findSubscriptionLeafChildren(QVector& children, QTreeWidgetItem* root) { if (root->childCount() == 0) children.push_back(root); else for (int i = 0; i < root->childCount(); ++i) findSubscriptionLeafChildren(children, root->child(i)); } /*! *\brief Returns the amount of topics that the '+' wildcard will replace in the level position * * \param levelIdx the level currently being investigated * \param level the level where the new + wildcard will be placed * \param commonList the topic name split into levels * \param currentItem pointer to a TreeWidgetItem which represents the parent of the level * represented by levelIdx * \return returns the childCount, or -1 if some topics already represented by + wildcard have different * amount of children */ int ImportFileWidget::checkCommonChildCount(int levelIdx, int level, QStringList& commonList, QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem) { //we recursively check the number of children, until we get to level-1 if (levelIdx < level - 1) { if (commonList[levelIdx] != '+') { for (int j = 0; j < currentItem->childCount(); ++j) { if (currentItem->child(j)->text(0) == commonList[levelIdx]) { //if the level isn't represented by + wildcard we simply return the amount of children of the corresponding item, recursively return checkCommonChildCount(levelIdx + 1, level, commonList, currentItem->child(j)); } } } else { int childCount = -1; bool ok = true; //otherwise we check if every + wildcard represented topic has the same number of children, recursively for (int j = 0; j < currentItem->childCount(); ++j) { int temp = checkCommonChildCount(levelIdx + 1, level, commonList, currentItem->child(j)); if ((j > 0) && (temp != childCount)) { ok = false; break; } childCount = temp; } //if yes we return this number, otherwise -1 if (ok) return childCount; else return -1; } } else if (levelIdx == level - 1) { if (commonList[levelIdx] != '+') { for (int j = 0; j < currentItem->childCount(); ++j) { if (currentItem->child(j)->text(0) == commonList[levelIdx]) { //if the level isn't represented by + wildcard we simply return the amount of children of the corresponding item return currentItem->child(j)->childCount(); } } } else { int childCount = -1; bool ok = true; //otherwise we check if every + wildcard represented topic has the same number of children for (int j = 0; j < currentItem->childCount(); ++j) { if ((j > 0) && (currentItem->child(j)->childCount() != childCount)) { ok = false; break; } childCount = currentItem->child(j)->childCount(); } //if yes we return this number, otherwise -1 if (ok) return childCount; else return -1; } } else if (level == 1 && levelIdx == 1) return currentItem->childCount(); return -1; } /*! *\brief We search in twSubscriptions for topics that can be represented using + wildcards, then merge them. * We do this until there are no topics to merge */ void ImportFileWidget::manageCommonLevelSubscriptions() { bool foundEqual = false; do{ foundEqual = false; QMap> equalTopicsMap; QVector equalTopics; //compare the subscriptions present in the TreeWidget for (int i = 0; i < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount() - 1; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++j) { QString commonTopic = checkCommonLevel(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0), ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(j)->text(0)); //if there is a common topic for the 2 compared topics, we add them to the map (using the common topic as key) if (!commonTopic.isEmpty()) { if (!equalTopicsMap[commonTopic].contains(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0))) { equalTopicsMap[commonTopic].push_back(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)); } if (!equalTopicsMap[commonTopic].contains(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(j)->text(0))) { equalTopicsMap[commonTopic].push_back(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(j)->text(0)); } } } } if (!equalTopicsMap.isEmpty()) { qDebug()<<"Manage common topics"; QVector commonTopics; QMapIterator> topics(equalTopicsMap); //check for every map entry, if the found topics can be merged or not while(topics.hasNext()) { topics.next(); int level = commonLevelIndex(topics.value().last(), topics.value().first()); QStringList commonList = topics.value().first().split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem = nullptr; //search the corresponding item to the common topics first level(root) for (int i = 0; i < ui.twTopics->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { if (ui.twTopics->topLevelItem(i)->text(0) == commonList.first()) { currentItem = ui.twTopics->topLevelItem(i); break; } } //calculate the number of topics the new + wildcard could replace int childCount = checkCommonChildCount(1, level, commonList, currentItem); if (childCount > 0) { //if the number of topics found and the calculated number of topics is equal, the topics can be merged if (topics.value().size() == childCount) { qDebug() << "Found common topic to manage: " << topics.key(); foundEqual = true; commonTopics.push_back(topics.key()); } } } if (foundEqual) { //if there are more common topics, the topics of which can be merged, we choose the one which has the lowest level new '+' wildcard int lowestLevel = INT_MAX; int topicIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < commonTopics.size(); ++i) { int level = commonLevelIndex(equalTopicsMap[commonTopics[i]].first(), commonTopics[i]); if (level < lowestLevel) { topicIdx = i; lowestLevel = level; } } qDebug() << "Manage: " << commonTopics[topicIdx]; equalTopics.append(equalTopicsMap[commonTopics[topicIdx]]); //Add the common topic ("merging") QString commonTopic; commonTopic = checkCommonLevel(equalTopics.first(), equalTopics.last()); QStringList nameList; nameList.append(commonTopic); QTreeWidgetItem* newTopic = new QTreeWidgetItem(nameList); ui.twSubscriptions->addTopLevelItem(newTopic); QMqttTopicFilter filter {commonTopic}; QMqttSubscription *temp_subscription = m_client->subscribe(filter, static_cast (ui.cbQos->currentText().toUInt()) ); if (temp_subscription) { m_mqttSubscriptions.push_back(temp_subscription); connect(temp_subscription, &QMqttSubscription::messageReceived, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttSubscriptionMessageReceived); emit subscriptionsChanged(); } //remove the "merged" topics for (int i = 0; i < equalTopics.size(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++j) { if (ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(j)->text(0) == equalTopics[i]) { newTopic->addChild(ui.twSubscriptions->takeTopLevelItem(j)); unsubscribeFromTopic(equalTopics[i]); break; } } } //remove any subscription that the new subscription contains for (int i = 0; i < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { if (checkTopicContains(commonTopic, ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)) && commonTopic != ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0) ) { unsubscribeFromTopic(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)); i--; } } } } } while(foundEqual); } /*! *\brief Fills twSubscriptions with the subscriptions made by the client */ void ImportFileWidget::updateSubscriptionTree() { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::updateSubscriptionTree()"); ui.twSubscriptions->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_mqttSubscriptions.size(); ++i) { QStringList name; name.append(m_mqttSubscriptions[i]->topic().filter()); bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++j) { if (ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(j)->text(0) == m_mqttSubscriptions[i]->topic().filter()) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //Add the subscription to the tree widget QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(name); ui.twSubscriptions->addTopLevelItem(newItem); name.clear(); name = m_mqttSubscriptions[i]->topic().filter().split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); //find the corresponding "root" item in twTopics QTreeWidgetItem* topic = nullptr; for (int j = 0; j < ui.twTopics->topLevelItemCount(); ++j) { if (ui.twTopics->topLevelItem(j)->text(0) == name[0]) { topic = ui.twTopics->topLevelItem(j); break; } } //restore the children of the subscription if (topic != nullptr && topic->childCount() > 0) { restoreSubscriptionChildren(topic, newItem, name, 1); } } } m_searching = false; } /*! *\brief Restores the children of a top level item in twSubscriptions if it contains wildcards * * \param topic pointer to a top level item in twTopics which represents the root of the subscription topic * \param subscription pointer to a top level item in twSubscriptions, this is the item whose children will be restored * \param list QStringList containing the levels of the subscription topic * \param level the level's number which is being investigated */ void ImportFileWidget::restoreSubscriptionChildren(QTreeWidgetItem * topic, QTreeWidgetItem * subscription, const QStringList& list, int level) { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::restoreSubscriptionChildren"); if (list[level] != '+' && list[level] != "#" && level < list.size() - 1) { for (int i = 0; i < topic->childCount(); ++i) { //if the current level isn't + or # wildcard we recursively continue with the next level if (topic->child(i)->text(0) == list[level]) { restoreSubscriptionChildren(topic->child(i), subscription, list, level + 1); break; } } } else if (list[level] == '+') { for (int i = 0; i < topic->childCount(); ++i) { //determine the name of the topic, contained by the subscription QString name; name.append(topic->child(i)->text(0)); for (int j = level + 1; j < list.size(); ++j) { name.append('/' + list[j]); } QTreeWidgetItem* temp = topic->child(i); while(temp->parent() != nullptr) { temp = temp->parent(); name.prepend(temp->text(0) + '/'); } //Add the topic as child of the subscription QStringList nameList; nameList.append(name); QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(nameList); subscription->addChild(newItem); //Continue adding children recursively to the new item restoreSubscriptionChildren(topic->child(i), newItem, list, level + 1); } } else if (list[level] == "#") { //add the children of the # wildcard containing subscription addSubscriptionChildren(topic, subscription); } } /*! *\brief Updates the completer for leSubscriptions */ void ImportFileWidget::updateSubscriptionCompleter() { QStringList subscriptionList; for (int i = 0; i < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) subscriptionList.append(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)); if (!subscriptionList.isEmpty()) { m_subscriptionCompleter = new QCompleter(subscriptionList, this); m_subscriptionCompleter->setCompletionMode(QCompleter::PopupCompletion); m_subscriptionCompleter->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitive); ui.leSubscriptions->setCompleter(m_subscriptionCompleter); } else ui.leSubscriptions->setCompleter(nullptr); } #endif /************** SLOTS **************************************************************/ QString absolutePath(const QString& fileName) { #ifndef HAVE_WINDOWS // make absolute path // FIXME if (!fileName.isEmpty() && fileName.at(0) != QDir::separator()) return QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + fileName; #endif return fileName; } /*! called on file name changes. Determines the file format (ASCII, binary etc.), if the file exists, and activates the corresponding options. */ void ImportFileWidget::fileNameChanged(const QString& name) { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::fileNameChanged()"); const QString fileName = absolutePath(name); bool fileExists = QFile::exists(fileName); if (fileExists) ui.leFileName->setStyleSheet(""); else ui.leFileName->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background:red;}"); ui.gbOptions->setEnabled(fileExists); ui.bManageFilters->setEnabled(fileExists); ui.cbFilter->setEnabled(fileExists); ui.cbFileType->setEnabled(fileExists); ui.bFileInfo->setEnabled(fileExists); ui.gbUpdateOptions->setEnabled(fileExists); if (!fileExists) { //file doesn't exist -> delete the content preview that is still potentially //available from the previously selected file ui.tePreview->clear(); m_twPreview->clear(); //TODO: // m_hdf5OptionsWidget->clear(); // m_netcdfOptionsWidget->clear(); // m_fitsOptionsWidget->clear(); // m_jsonOptionsWidget->clearModel(); // m_rootOptionsWidget->clear(); emit fileNameChanged(); return; } if (currentSourceType() == LiveDataSource::FileOrPipe) { const AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType = AbstractFileFilter::fileType(fileName); for (int i = 0; i < ui.cbFileType->count(); ++i) { AbstractFileFilter::FileType itemFileType = static_cast(ui.cbFileType->itemData(i).toInt()); if (itemFileType == fileType) { ui.cbFileType->setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } // update content widgets when file name changes updateContent(fileName, fileType); } refreshPreview(); emit fileNameChanged(); } /*! saves the current filter settings */ void ImportFileWidget::saveFilter() { bool ok; QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Save Filter Settings as"), i18n("Filter name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, i18n("new filter"), &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { //TODO //AsciiFilter::saveFilter() } } /*! opens a dialog for managing all available predefined filters. */ void ImportFileWidget::manageFilters() { //TODO } /*! Depending on the selected file type, activates the corresponding options in the data portion tab and populates the combobox with the available pre-defined fllter settings for the selected type. */ void ImportFileWidget::fileTypeChanged(int index) { Q_UNUSED(index); AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType = currentFileType();//(AbstractFileFilter::FileType)ui.cbFileType->itemData(index).toInt(); DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::fileTypeChanged " << ENUM_TO_STRING(AbstractFileFilter, FileType, fileType)); initOptionsWidget(fileType); //default ui.lFilter->show(); ui.cbFilter->show(); //different file types show different number of tabs in ui.tabWidget. //when switching from the previous file type we re-set the tab widget to its original state //and remove/add the required tabs further below for (int i = 0; icount(); ++i) ui.tabWidget->count(); ui.tabWidget->addTab(ui.tabDataFormat, i18n("Data format")); ui.tabWidget->addTab(ui.tabDataPreview, i18n("Preview")); ui.tabWidget->addTab(ui.tabDataPortion, i18n("Data portion to read")); ui.lPreviewLines->show(); ui.sbPreviewLines->show(); ui.lStartColumn->show(); ui.sbStartColumn->show(); ui.lEndColumn->show(); ui.sbEndColumn->show(); showJsonModel(false); switch (fileType) { case AbstractFileFilter::Ascii: break; case AbstractFileFilter::Binary: ui.lStartColumn->hide(); ui.sbStartColumn->hide(); ui.lEndColumn->hide(); ui.sbEndColumn->hide(); break; case AbstractFileFilter::ROOT: ui.tabWidget->removeTab(1); // falls through case AbstractFileFilter::HDF5: case AbstractFileFilter::NETCDF: case AbstractFileFilter::FITS: ui.lFilter->hide(); ui.cbFilter->hide(); // hide global preview tab. we have our own ui.tabWidget->setTabText(0, i18n("Data format && preview")); ui.tabWidget->removeTab(1); ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); break; case AbstractFileFilter::Image: ui.lFilter->hide(); ui.cbFilter->hide(); ui.lPreviewLines->hide(); ui.sbPreviewLines->hide(); break; case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawAscii: case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawBinary: ui.lFilter->hide(); ui.cbFilter->hide(); ui.lStartColumn->hide(); ui.sbStartColumn->hide(); ui.lEndColumn->hide(); ui.sbEndColumn->hide(); ui.tabWidget->removeTab(0); ui.tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); break; case AbstractFileFilter::JSON: ui.lFilter->hide(); ui.cbFilter->hide(); showJsonModel(true); break; default: DEBUG("unknown file type"); } int lastUsedFilterIndex = ui.cbFilter->currentIndex(); ui.cbFilter->clear(); ui.cbFilter->addItem( i18n("Automatic") ); ui.cbFilter->addItem( i18n("Custom") ); //TODO: populate the combobox with the available pre-defined filter settings for the selected type ui.cbFilter->setCurrentIndex(lastUsedFilterIndex); filterChanged(lastUsedFilterIndex); if (currentSourceType() == LiveDataSource::FileOrPipe) { const QString fileName = absolutePath(ui.leFileName->text()); if (QFile::exists(fileName)) updateContent(fileName, static_cast(fileType)); } //for file types other than ASCII and binary we support re-reading the whole file only //select "read whole file" and deactivate the combobox if (m_liveDataSource && (fileType != AbstractFileFilter::Ascii && fileType != AbstractFileFilter::Binary)) { ui.cbReadingType->setCurrentIndex(3); ui.cbReadingType->setEnabled(false); } else ui.cbReadingType->setEnabled(true); refreshPreview(); } // file type specific option widgets void ImportFileWidget::initOptionsWidget(AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType) { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::initOptionsWidget for " << ENUM_TO_STRING(AbstractFileFilter, FileType, fileType)); switch(fileType) { case AbstractFileFilter::Ascii: if (!m_asciiOptionsWidget) { QWidget* asciiw = new QWidget(); m_asciiOptionsWidget = std::unique_ptr(new AsciiOptionsWidget(asciiw)); m_asciiOptionsWidget->loadSettings(); ui.swOptions->addWidget(asciiw); } ui.swOptions->setCurrentWidget(m_asciiOptionsWidget->parentWidget()); break; case AbstractFileFilter::Binary: if (!m_binaryOptionsWidget) { QWidget* binaryw = new QWidget(); m_binaryOptionsWidget = std::unique_ptr(new BinaryOptionsWidget(binaryw)); ui.swOptions->addWidget(binaryw); m_binaryOptionsWidget->loadSettings(); } ui.swOptions->setCurrentWidget(m_binaryOptionsWidget->parentWidget()); break; case AbstractFileFilter::Image: if (!m_imageOptionsWidget) { QWidget* imagew = new QWidget(); m_imageOptionsWidget = std::unique_ptr(new ImageOptionsWidget(imagew)); ui.swOptions->addWidget(imagew); m_imageOptionsWidget->loadSettings(); } ui.swOptions->setCurrentWidget(m_imageOptionsWidget->parentWidget()); break; case AbstractFileFilter::HDF5: if (!m_hdf5OptionsWidget) { QWidget* hdf5w = new QWidget(); m_hdf5OptionsWidget = std::unique_ptr(new HDF5OptionsWidget(hdf5w, this)); ui.swOptions->addWidget(hdf5w); } else m_hdf5OptionsWidget->clear(); ui.swOptions->setCurrentWidget(m_hdf5OptionsWidget->parentWidget()); break; case AbstractFileFilter::NETCDF: if (!m_netcdfOptionsWidget) { QWidget* netcdfw = new QWidget(); m_netcdfOptionsWidget = std::unique_ptr(new NetCDFOptionsWidget(netcdfw, this)); ui.swOptions->insertWidget(AbstractFileFilter::NETCDF, netcdfw); } else m_netcdfOptionsWidget->clear(); ui.swOptions->setCurrentWidget(m_netcdfOptionsWidget->parentWidget()); break; case AbstractFileFilter::FITS: if (!m_fitsOptionsWidget) { QWidget* fitsw = new QWidget(); m_fitsOptionsWidget = std::unique_ptr(new FITSOptionsWidget(fitsw, this)); ui.swOptions->addWidget(fitsw); } ui.swOptions->setCurrentWidget(m_fitsOptionsWidget->parentWidget()); break; case AbstractFileFilter::JSON: if (!m_jsonOptionsWidget) { QWidget* jsonw = new QWidget(); m_jsonOptionsWidget = std::unique_ptr(new JsonOptionsWidget(jsonw, this)); ui.tvJson->setModel(m_jsonOptionsWidget->model()); ui.swOptions->addWidget(jsonw); m_jsonOptionsWidget->loadSettings(); } ui.swOptions->setCurrentWidget(m_jsonOptionsWidget->parentWidget()); break; case AbstractFileFilter::ROOT: if (!m_rootOptionsWidget) { QWidget* rootw = new QWidget(); m_rootOptionsWidget = std::unique_ptr(new ROOTOptionsWidget(rootw, this)); ui.swOptions->addWidget(rootw); } else m_rootOptionsWidget->clear(); ui.swOptions->setCurrentWidget(m_rootOptionsWidget->parentWidget()); break; case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawAscii: case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawBinary: break; } } const QStringList ImportFileWidget::selectedHDF5Names() const { return m_hdf5OptionsWidget->selectedHDF5Names(); } const QStringList ImportFileWidget::selectedNetCDFNames() const { return m_netcdfOptionsWidget->selectedNetCDFNames(); } const QStringList ImportFileWidget::selectedFITSExtensions() const { return m_fitsOptionsWidget->selectedFITSExtensions(); } const QStringList ImportFileWidget::selectedROOTNames() const { return m_rootOptionsWidget->selectedROOTNames(); } /*! shows the dialog with the information about the file(s) to be imported. */ void ImportFileWidget::fileInfoDialog() { QStringList files = ui.leFileName->text().split(';'); auto* dlg = new FileInfoDialog(this); dlg->setFiles(files); dlg->exec(); } /*! enables the options if the filter "custom" was chosen. Disables the options otherwise. */ void ImportFileWidget::filterChanged(int index) { // ignore filter for these formats AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType = currentFileType(); if (fileType != AbstractFileFilter::Ascii && fileType != AbstractFileFilter::Binary) { ui.swOptions->setEnabled(true); return; } if (index == 0) { // "automatic" ui.swOptions->setEnabled(false); ui.bSaveFilter->setEnabled(false); } else if (index == 1) { //custom ui.swOptions->setEnabled(true); ui.bSaveFilter->setEnabled(true); } else { // predefined filter settings were selected. //load and show them in the GUI. //TODO } } void ImportFileWidget::refreshPreview() { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::refreshPreview()"); if (m_suppressRefresh) return; WAIT_CURSOR; QString fileName = absolutePath(ui.leFileName->text()); AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType = currentFileType(); LiveDataSource::SourceType sourceType = currentSourceType(); int lines = ui.sbPreviewLines->value(); if (sourceType == LiveDataSource::SourceType::FileOrPipe) DEBUG("refreshPreview(): file name = " << fileName.toStdString()); // generic table widget if (fileType == AbstractFileFilter::Ascii || fileType == AbstractFileFilter::Binary || fileType == AbstractFileFilter::JSON || fileType == AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawAscii || fileType == AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawBinary) m_twPreview->show(); else m_twPreview->hide(); bool ok = true; QTableWidget* tmpTableWidget = m_twPreview; QVector importedStrings; QStringList vectorNameList; QVector columnModes; DEBUG("Data File Type: " << ENUM_TO_STRING(AbstractFileFilter, FileType, fileType)); switch (fileType) { case AbstractFileFilter::Ascii: { ui.tePreview->clear(); auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); DEBUG("Data Source Type: " << ENUM_TO_STRING(LiveDataSource, SourceType, sourceType)); switch (sourceType) { case LiveDataSource::SourceType::FileOrPipe: { importedStrings = filter->preview(fileName, lines); break; } case LiveDataSource::SourceType::LocalSocket: { QLocalSocket lsocket{this}; DEBUG("Local socket: CONNECT PREVIEW"); lsocket.connectToServer(fileName, QLocalSocket::ReadOnly); if (lsocket.waitForConnected()) { DEBUG("connected to local socket " << fileName.toStdString()); if (lsocket.waitForReadyRead()) importedStrings = filter->preview(lsocket); DEBUG("Local socket: DISCONNECT PREVIEW"); lsocket.disconnectFromServer(); // read-only socket is disconnected immediately (no waitForDisconnected()) } else { DEBUG("failed connect to local socket " << fileName.toStdString() << " - " << lsocket.errorString().toStdString()); } break; } case LiveDataSource::SourceType::NetworkTcpSocket: { QTcpSocket tcpSocket{this}; tcpSocket.connectToHost(host(), port().toInt(), QTcpSocket::ReadOnly); if (tcpSocket.waitForConnected()) { DEBUG("connected to TCP socket"); if ( tcpSocket.waitForReadyRead() ) importedStrings = filter->preview(tcpSocket); tcpSocket.disconnectFromHost(); } else { DEBUG("failed to connect to TCP socket " << " - " << tcpSocket.errorString().toStdString()); } break; } case LiveDataSource::SourceType::NetworkUdpSocket: { QUdpSocket udpSocket{this}; DEBUG("UDP Socket: CONNECT PREVIEW, state = " << udpSocket.state()); udpSocket.bind(QHostAddress(host()), port().toInt()); udpSocket.connectToHost(host(), 0, QUdpSocket::ReadOnly); if (udpSocket.waitForConnected()) { DEBUG(" connected to UDP socket " << host().toStdString() << ':' << port().toInt()); if (!udpSocket.waitForReadyRead(2000) ) DEBUG(" ERROR: not ready for read after 2 sec"); if (udpSocket.hasPendingDatagrams()) { DEBUG(" has pending data"); } else { DEBUG(" has no pending data"); } importedStrings = filter->preview(udpSocket); DEBUG("UDP Socket: DISCONNECT PREVIEW, state = " << udpSocket.state()); udpSocket.disconnectFromHost(); } else { DEBUG("failed to connect to UDP socket " << " - " << udpSocket.errorString().toStdString()); } break; } case LiveDataSource::SourceType::SerialPort: { QSerialPort sPort{this}; DEBUG(" Port: " << serialPort().toStdString() << ", Settings: " << baudRate() << ',' << sPort.dataBits() << ',' << sPort.parity() << ',' << sPort.stopBits()); sPort.setPortName(serialPort()); sPort.setBaudRate(baudRate()); if (sPort.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { if (sPort.waitForReadyRead(2000)) importedStrings = filter->preview(sPort); else DEBUG(" ERROR: not ready for read after 2 sec"); sPort.close(); } else { DEBUG(" ERROR: failed to open serial port. error: " << sPort.error()); } break; } case LiveDataSource::SourceType::MQTT: { #ifdef HAVE_MQTT qDebug()<<"Start MQTT preview, is it ready:"<vectorNames().clear(); QMapIterator i(m_lastMessage); while(i.hasNext()) { i.next(); filter->MQTTPreview(importedStrings, QString(i.value().payload().data()), i.key().name() ); if (importedStrings.isEmpty()) break; } QMapIterator j(m_messageArrived); while(j.hasNext()) { j.next(); m_messageArrived[j.key()] = false; } m_mqttReadyForPreview = false; } #endif break; } } vectorNameList = filter->vectorNames(); columnModes = filter->columnModes(); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::Binary: { ui.tePreview->clear(); auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); importedStrings = filter->preview(fileName, lines); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::Image: { ui.tePreview->clear(); QImage image(fileName); QTextCursor cursor = ui.tePreview->textCursor(); cursor.insertImage(image); RESET_CURSOR; return; } case AbstractFileFilter::HDF5: { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::refreshPreview: HDF5"); auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); lines = m_hdf5OptionsWidget->lines(); importedStrings = filter->readCurrentDataSet(fileName, nullptr, ok, AbstractFileFilter::Replace, lines); tmpTableWidget = m_hdf5OptionsWidget->previewWidget(); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::NETCDF: { auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); lines = m_netcdfOptionsWidget->lines(); importedStrings = filter->readCurrentVar(fileName, nullptr, AbstractFileFilter::Replace, lines); tmpTableWidget = m_netcdfOptionsWidget->previewWidget(); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::FITS: { auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); lines = m_fitsOptionsWidget->lines(); QString extensionName = m_fitsOptionsWidget->extensionName(&ok); if (!extensionName.isEmpty()) { DEBUG(" extension name = " << extensionName.toStdString()); fileName = extensionName; } DEBUG(" file name = " << fileName.toStdString()); bool readFitsTableToMatrix; importedStrings = filter->readChdu(fileName, &readFitsTableToMatrix, lines); emit checkedFitsTableToMatrix(readFitsTableToMatrix); tmpTableWidget = m_fitsOptionsWidget->previewWidget(); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::JSON: { ui.tePreview->clear(); m_jsonOptionsWidget->loadDocument(fileName); auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); m_jsonOptionsWidget->applyFilterSettings(filter, ui.tvJson->currentIndex()); importedStrings = filter->preview(fileName); vectorNameList = filter->vectorNames(); columnModes = filter->columnModes(); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::ROOT: { auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); lines = m_rootOptionsWidget->lines(); m_rootOptionsWidget->setNBins(filter->binsInCurrentHistogram(fileName)); importedStrings = filter->previewCurrentHistogram( fileName, m_rootOptionsWidget->startBin(), qMin(m_rootOptionsWidget->startBin() + m_rootOptionsWidget->lines() - 1, m_rootOptionsWidget->endBin()) ); tmpTableWidget = m_rootOptionsWidget->previewWidget(); // the last vector element contains the column names vectorNameList = importedStrings.last(); importedStrings.removeLast(); columnModes = QVector(vectorNameList.size(), AbstractColumn::Numeric); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawAscii: { ui.tePreview->clear(); auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); importedStrings = filter->preview(fileName, lines); vectorNameList = filter->vectorNames(); columnModes = filter->columnModes(); break; } case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawBinary: { ui.tePreview->clear(); auto filter = static_cast(currentFileFilter()); importedStrings = filter->preview(fileName, lines); vectorNameList = filter->vectorNames(); columnModes = filter->columnModes(); break; } } // fill the table widget tmpTableWidget->setRowCount(0); tmpTableWidget->setColumnCount(0); if ( !importedStrings.isEmpty() ) { //QDEBUG("importedStrings =" << importedStrings); if (!ok) { // show imported strings as error message tmpTableWidget->setRowCount(1); tmpTableWidget->setColumnCount(1); auto* item = new QTableWidgetItem(); item->setText(importedStrings[0][0]); tmpTableWidget->setItem(0, 0, item); } else { //TODO: maxrows not used const int rows = qMax(importedStrings.size(), 1); const int maxColumns = 300; tmpTableWidget->setRowCount(rows); for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { // QDEBUG("imported string " << importedStrings[i]); int cols = importedStrings[i].size() > maxColumns ? maxColumns : importedStrings[i].size(); // new if (cols > tmpTableWidget->columnCount()) tmpTableWidget->setColumnCount(cols); for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { auto* item = new QTableWidgetItem(importedStrings[i][j]); tmpTableWidget->setItem(i, j, item); } } // set header if columnMode available for (int i = 0; i < qMin(tmpTableWidget->columnCount(), columnModes.size()); ++i) { QString columnName = QString::number(i+1); if (i < vectorNameList.size()) columnName = vectorNameList[i]; auto* item = new QTableWidgetItem(columnName + QLatin1String(" {") + ENUM_TO_STRING(AbstractColumn, ColumnMode, columnModes[i]) + QLatin1String("}")); item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); item->setIcon(AbstractColumn::iconForMode(columnModes[i])); tmpTableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderItem(i, item); } } tmpTableWidget->horizontalHeader()->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); m_fileEmpty = false; } else { m_fileEmpty = true; } emit previewRefreshed(); RESET_CURSOR; } void ImportFileWidget::updateContent(const QString& fileName, AbstractFileFilter::FileType fileType) { DEBUG("ImportFileWidget::updateContent()"); initOptionsWidget(fileType); if (auto filter = currentFileFilter()) { switch (fileType) { case AbstractFileFilter::HDF5: m_hdf5OptionsWidget->updateContent(static_cast(filter), fileName); break; case AbstractFileFilter::NETCDF: m_netcdfOptionsWidget->updateContent(static_cast(filter), fileName); break; case AbstractFileFilter::FITS: #ifdef HAVE_FITS m_fitsOptionsWidget->updateContent(static_cast(filter), fileName); #endif break; case AbstractFileFilter::ROOT: m_rootOptionsWidget->updateContent(static_cast(filter), fileName); break; case AbstractFileFilter::Ascii: case AbstractFileFilter::Binary: case AbstractFileFilter::Image: case AbstractFileFilter::JSON: case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawAscii: case AbstractFileFilter::NgspiceRawBinary: break; } } } void ImportFileWidget::updateTypeChanged(int idx) { const auto UpdateType = static_cast(idx); switch (UpdateType) { case LiveDataSource::UpdateType::TimeInterval: ui.lUpdateInterval->show(); ui.sbUpdateInterval->show(); break; case LiveDataSource::UpdateType::NewData: ui.lUpdateInterval->hide(); ui.sbUpdateInterval->hide(); } } void ImportFileWidget::readingTypeChanged(int idx) { const auto readingType = static_cast(idx); const LiveDataSource::SourceType sourceType = currentSourceType(); if (sourceType == LiveDataSource::SourceType::NetworkTcpSocket || sourceType == LiveDataSource::SourceType::LocalSocket || sourceType == LiveDataSource::SourceType::SerialPort || readingType == LiveDataSource::ReadingType::TillEnd || readingType == LiveDataSource::ReadingType::WholeFile) { ui.lSampleSize->hide(); ui.sbSampleSize->hide(); } else { ui.lSampleSize->show(); ui.sbSampleSize->show(); } if (readingType == LiveDataSource::ReadingType::WholeFile) { ui.lKeepLastValues->hide(); ui.sbKeepNValues->hide(); } else { ui.lKeepLastValues->show(); ui.sbKeepNValues->show(); } } void ImportFileWidget::sourceTypeChanged(int idx) { const auto sourceType = static_cast(idx); // enable/disable "on new data"-option const auto* model = qobject_cast(ui.cbUpdateType->model()); QStandardItem* item = model->item(LiveDataSource::UpdateType::NewData); switch (sourceType) { case LiveDataSource::SourceType::FileOrPipe: ui.lFileName->show(); ui.leFileName->show(); ui.bFileInfo->show(); ui.bOpen->show(); ui.chbLinkFile->show(); //option for sample size are available for "continuously fixed" and "from end" reading options if (ui.cbReadingType->currentIndex() < 2) { ui.lSampleSize->show(); ui.sbSampleSize->show(); } else { ui.lSampleSize->hide(); ui.sbSampleSize->hide(); } ui.cbBaudRate->hide(); ui.lBaudRate->hide(); ui.lHost->hide(); ui.leHost->hide(); ui.lPort->hide(); ui.lePort->hide(); ui.cbSerialPort->hide(); ui.lSerialPort->hide(); item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); fileNameChanged(ui.leFileName->text()); ui.cbFileType->show(); ui.lFileType->show(); setMQTTVisible(false); break; case LiveDataSource::SourceType::NetworkTcpSocket: case LiveDataSource::SourceType::NetworkUdpSocket: ui.lHost->show(); ui.leHost->show(); ui.lePort->show(); ui.lPort->show(); if (sourceType == LiveDataSource::SourceType::NetworkTcpSocket) { ui.lSampleSize->hide(); ui.sbSampleSize->hide(); } else { ui.lSampleSize->show(); ui.sbSampleSize->show(); } ui.lBaudRate->hide(); ui.cbBaudRate->hide(); ui.lSerialPort->hide(); ui.cbSerialPort->hide(); ui.lFileName->hide(); ui.leFileName->hide(); ui.bFileInfo->hide(); ui.bOpen->hide(); ui.chbLinkFile->hide(); item->setFlags(item->flags() & ~(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled)); ui.gbOptions->setEnabled(true); ui.bManageFilters->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFilter->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFileType->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFileType->show(); ui.lFileType->show(); setMQTTVisible(false); break; case LiveDataSource::SourceType::LocalSocket: ui.lFileName->show(); ui.leFileName->show(); ui.bOpen->show(); ui.lSampleSize->hide(); ui.sbSampleSize->hide(); ui.bFileInfo->hide(); ui.cbBaudRate->hide(); ui.lBaudRate->hide(); ui.lHost->hide(); ui.leHost->hide(); ui.lPort->hide(); ui.lePort->hide(); ui.cbSerialPort->hide(); ui.lSerialPort->hide(); ui.chbLinkFile->hide(); item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); ui.gbOptions->setEnabled(true); ui.bManageFilters->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFilter->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFileType->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFileType->show(); ui.lFileType->show(); setMQTTVisible(false); break; case LiveDataSource::SourceType::SerialPort: ui.lBaudRate->show(); ui.cbBaudRate->show(); ui.lSerialPort->show(); ui.cbSerialPort->show(); ui.lSampleSize->show(); ui.sbSampleSize->show(); ui.lHost->hide(); ui.leHost->hide(); ui.lePort->hide(); ui.lPort->hide(); ui.lFileName->hide(); ui.leFileName->hide(); ui.bFileInfo->hide(); ui.bOpen->hide(); ui.chbLinkFile->hide(); item->setFlags(item->flags() & ~(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled)); ui.cbFileType->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFileType->show(); ui.gbOptions->setEnabled(true); ui.bManageFilters->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFilter->setEnabled(true); ui.lFileType->show(); setMQTTVisible(false); break; case LiveDataSource::SourceType::MQTT: #ifdef HAVE_MQTT item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); //for MQTT we read ascii data only, hide the file type options int idx = ui.cbFileType->findText("ASCII data"); ui.cbFileType->setCurrentIndex(idx); ui.cbFileType->hide(); ui.lFileType->hide(); ui.lBaudRate->hide(); ui.cbBaudRate->hide(); ui.lSerialPort->hide(); ui.cbSerialPort->hide(); ui.lHost->hide(); ui.leHost->hide(); ui.lPort->hide(); ui.lePort->hide(); ui.lFileName->hide(); ui.leFileName->hide(); ui.bFileInfo->hide(); ui.bOpen->hide(); ui.chbLinkFile->hide(); setMQTTVisible(true); ui.cbFileType->setEnabled(true); ui.gbOptions->setEnabled(true); ui.bManageFilters->setEnabled(true); ui.cbFilter->setEnabled(true); //in case there are already connections defined, show the available topics for the currently selected connection mqttConnectionChanged(); #endif break; } //deactivate/activate options that are specific to file of pipe sources only auto* typeModel = qobject_cast(ui.cbFileType->model()); if (sourceType != LiveDataSource::FileOrPipe) { //deactivate file types other than ascii and binary for (int i = 2; i < ui.cbFileType->count(); ++i) typeModel->item(i)->setFlags(item->flags() & ~(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled)); //"whole file" read option is available for file or pipe only, disable it typeModel = qobject_cast(ui.cbReadingType->model()); QStandardItem* item = typeModel->item(LiveDataSource::ReadingType::WholeFile); item->setFlags(item->flags() & ~(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled)); //"update options" groupbox can be deactivated for "file and pipe" if the file is invalid. //Activate the groupbox when switching from "file and pipe" to a different source type. ui.gbUpdateOptions->setEnabled(true); } else { for (int i = 2; i < ui.cbFileType->count(); ++i) typeModel->item(i)->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); //enable "whole file" item for file or pipe typeModel = qobject_cast(ui.cbReadingType->model()); QStandardItem* item = typeModel->item(LiveDataSource::ReadingType::WholeFile); item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); } emit sourceTypeChanged(); refreshPreview(); } #ifdef HAVE_MQTT /*! *\brief called when a different MQTT connection is selected in the connection ComboBox. * connects to the MQTT broker according to the connection settings. */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttConnectionChanged() { if (m_initialisingMQTT) return; if (m_client == nullptr || m_client->state() == QMqttClient::ClientState::Disconnected) { if (ui.cbConnection->currentIndex() == -1) return; WAIT_CURSOR; delete m_client; m_client = new QMqttClient; connect(m_client, &QMqttClient::connected, this, &ImportFileWidget::onMqttConnect); connect(m_client, &QMqttClient::disconnected, this, &ImportFileWidget::onMqttDisconnect); connect(m_client, &QMqttClient::messageReceived, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttMessageReceived); connect(m_client, &QMqttClient::errorChanged, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttErrorChanged); ui.cbConnection->setEnabled(false); ui.bManageConnections->setEnabled(false); //determine the current connection's settings KConfig config(m_configPath, KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup group = config.group(ui.cbConnection->currentText()); m_client->setHostname(group.readEntry("Host")); m_client->setPort(group.readEntry("Port").toUInt()); const bool useID = group.readEntry("UseID").toUInt(); if (useID) m_client->setClientId(group.readEntry("ClientID")); else m_client->setClientId(""); const bool useAuthentication = group.readEntry("UseAuthentication").toUInt(); if (useAuthentication) { m_client->setUsername(group.readEntry("UserName")); m_client->setPassword(group.readEntry("Password")); } else { m_client->setUsername(""); m_client->setPassword(""); } qDebug()<< "Use ID" << useID << " " << m_client->clientId(); qDebug()<< "Use authentication" << useAuthentication << " " << m_client->username() << " " << m_client->password(); qDebug()<< m_client->hostname() << " " << m_client->port(); qDebug()<< "Trying to connect"; m_connectTimeoutTimer->start(); m_client->connectToHost(); } else if (m_client->state() == QMqttClient::ClientState::Connected) { WAIT_CURSOR; ui.cbConnection->setEnabled(false); ui.bManageConnections->setEnabled(false); qDebug()<<"Disconnecting from MQTT broker" ; m_client->disconnectFromHost(); } } /*! *\brief called when the client connects to the broker successfully, it subscribes to every topic (# wildcard) * in order to later list every available topic */ void ImportFileWidget::onMqttConnect() { if (m_client->error() == QMqttClient::NoError) { m_connectTimeoutTimer->stop(); ui.gbManageSubscriptions->setVisible(true); //subscribing to every topic (# wildcard) in order to later list every available topic QMqttTopicFilter globalFilter{"#"}; m_mainSubscription = m_client->subscribe(globalFilter, 1); if (!m_mainSubscription) QMessageBox::critical(this, i18n("Couldn't subscribe"), i18n("Couldn't subscribe. Something went wrong")); } ui.cbConnection->setEnabled(true); ui.bManageConnections->setEnabled(true); emit subscriptionsChanged(); RESET_CURSOR; } /*! *\brief called when the client disconnects from the broker successfully * removes every information about the former connection */ void ImportFileWidget::onMqttDisconnect() { m_lastMessage.clear(); m_messageArrived.clear(); m_mqttSubscriptions.clear(); m_topicList.clear(); ui.twSubscriptions->clear(); ui.twTopics->clear(); m_searchTimer->stop(); m_connectTimeoutTimer->stop(); ui.gbManageSubscriptions->setVisible(false); ui.cbSourceType->setEnabled(true); ui.cbConnection->setEnabled(true); ui.bManageConnections->setEnabled(true); m_mqttReadyForPreview = false; m_searching = false; m_topicCompleter = new QCompleter; m_subscriptionCompleter = new QCompleter; emit subscriptionsChanged(); RESET_CURSOR; if (!m_initialisingMQTT) { if (!m_connectionTimedOut) QTimer::singleShot(300, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttConnectionChanged); else m_connectionTimedOut = false; } } /*! *\brief When a leaf topic is double clicked in the topics tree widget we subscribe on that */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttAvailableTopicDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int column) { Q_UNUSED(column) // Only for leaf topics if (item->childCount() == 0) { mqttSubscribe(); } } /*! *\brief When a leaf subscription is double clicked in the topics tree widget we unsubscribe */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttSubscribedTopicDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int column) { Q_UNUSED(column) // Only for leaf subscriptions if (item->childCount() == 0) { mqttUnsubscribe(); } } /*! *\brief called when the subscribe button is pressed * subscribes to the topic represented by the current item of twTopics */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttSubscribe() { QTreeWidgetItem* item = ui.twTopics->currentItem(); if (!item) { QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Warning"), i18n("You didn't select any item from the Tree Widget")); return; } //determine the topic name that the current item represents QTreeWidgetItem* tempItem = item; QString name = item->text(0); if (item->childCount() != 0) name.append("/#"); while(tempItem->parent()) { tempItem = tempItem->parent(); name.prepend(tempItem->text(0) + '/'); } //check if the subscription already exists const QList& topLevelList = ui.twSubscriptions->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly); if (topLevelList.isEmpty() || topLevelList.first()->parent() != nullptr) { qDebug() << "Subscribe to: " << name; bool foundSuperior = false; for (int i = 0; i < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { //if the new subscirptions contains an already existing one, we remove the inferior one if (checkTopicContains(name, ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)) && name != ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)) { unsubscribeFromTopic(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)); --i; continue; } //if there is a subscription containing the new one we set foundSuperior true if (checkTopicContains(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0), name) && name != ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)) { foundSuperior = true; qDebug()<<"Can't continue subscribe. Found superior for " << name <<" : "<< ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0); break; } } //if there wasn't a superior subscription we can subscribe to the new topic if (!foundSuperior) { QStringList toplevelName; toplevelName.push_back(name); QTreeWidgetItem* newTopLevelItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(toplevelName); ui.twSubscriptions->addTopLevelItem(newTopLevelItem); const QMqttTopicFilter filter {name}; QMqttSubscription *tempSubscription = m_client->subscribe(filter, static_cast(ui.cbQos->currentText().toUInt()) ); if (tempSubscription) { m_mqttSubscriptions.push_back(tempSubscription); connect(tempSubscription, &QMqttSubscription::messageReceived, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttSubscriptionMessageReceived); emit subscriptionsChanged(); } if (name.endsWith('#')) { //adding every topic that the subscription contains to twSubscriptions addSubscriptionChildren(item, newTopLevelItem); //if an already existing subscription contains a topic that the new subscription also contains //we decompose the already existing subscription //by unsubscribing from its topics, that are present in the new subscription as well const QStringList nameList = name.split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); const QString& root = nameList.first(); QVector children; for (int i = 0; i < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { if (ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0).startsWith(root) && name != ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0)) { children.clear(); //get the "leaf" children of the inspected subscription findSubscriptionLeafChildren(children, ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)); for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); ++j) { if (checkTopicContains(name, children[j]->text(0))) { //if the new subscription contains a topic, we unsubscribe from it ui.twSubscriptions->setCurrentItem(children[j]); mqttUnsubscribe(); --i; } } } } } manageCommonLevelSubscriptions(); updateSubscriptionCompleter(); if (!ui.bWillMessage->isEnabled()) ui.bWillMessage->setEnabled(true); } else QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Warning"), i18n("You already subscribed to a topic containing this one")); } else QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Warning"), i18n("You already subscribed to this topic")); } /*! *\brief called when the unsubscribe button is pressed * unsubscribes from the topic represented by the current item of twSubscription */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttUnsubscribe() { QTreeWidgetItem* unsubscribeItem = ui.twSubscriptions->currentItem(); if (!unsubscribeItem) { QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Warning"), i18n("You didn't select any item from the Tree Widget")); return; } qDebug() << "Unsubscribe from: " << unsubscribeItem->text(0); //if it is a top level item, meaning a topic that we really subscribed to(not one that belongs to a subscription) //we can simply unsubscribe from it if (unsubscribeItem->parent() == nullptr) unsubscribeFromTopic(unsubscribeItem->text(0)); //otherwise we remove the selected item, but subscribe to every other topic, that was contained by //the selected item's parent subscription(top level item of twSubscriptions) else { while(unsubscribeItem->parent() != nullptr) { for (int i = 0; i < unsubscribeItem->parent()->childCount(); ++i) { if (unsubscribeItem->text(0) != unsubscribeItem->parent()->child(i)->text(0)) { const QMqttTopicFilter filter {unsubscribeItem->parent()->child(i)->text(0)}; QMqttSubscription *tempSubscription = m_client->subscribe(filter, static_cast(ui.cbQos->currentText().toUInt()) ); ui.twSubscriptions->addTopLevelItem(unsubscribeItem->parent()->takeChild(i)); if (tempSubscription) { m_mqttSubscriptions.push_back(tempSubscription); connect(tempSubscription, &QMqttSubscription::messageReceived, this, &ImportFileWidget::mqttSubscriptionMessageReceived); emit subscriptionsChanged(); } --i; } } unsubscribeItem = unsubscribeItem->parent(); } unsubscribeFromTopic(unsubscribeItem->text(0)); //check if any common topics were subscribed, if possible merge them manageCommonLevelSubscriptions(); } updateSubscriptionCompleter(); if (ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount() <= 0) ui.bWillMessage->setEnabled(false); } /*! *\brief called when the client receives a message * if the message arrived from a new topic, the topic is put in twTopics */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttMessageReceived(const QByteArray& message, const QMqttTopicName& topic) { Q_UNUSED(message); if (m_addedTopics.contains(topic.name())) return; m_addedTopics.push_back(topic.name()); QStringList name; QString rootName; const QChar sep = '/'; if (topic.name().contains(sep)) { const QStringList& list = topic.name().split(sep, QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!list.isEmpty()) { rootName = list.at(0); name.append(list.at(0)); int topItemIdx = -1; //check whether the first level of the topic can be found in twTopics for (int i = 0; i < ui.twTopics->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { if (ui.twTopics->topLevelItem(i)->text(0) == list.at(0)) { topItemIdx = i; break; } } QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem = nullptr; //if not we simply add every level of the topic to the tree if (topItemIdx < 0) { currentItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(name); ui.twTopics->addTopLevelItem(currentItem); for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); ++i) { name.clear(); name.append(list.at(i)); currentItem->addChild(new QTreeWidgetItem(name)); currentItem = currentItem->child(0); } } //otherwise we search for the first level that isn't part of the tree, //then add every level of the topic to the tree from that certain level else { currentItem = ui.twTopics->topLevelItem(topItemIdx); int listIdx = 1; for (; listIdx < list.size(); ++listIdx) { QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = nullptr; bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < currentItem->childCount(); ++j) { childItem = currentItem->child(j); if (childItem->text(0) == list.at(listIdx)) { found = true; currentItem = childItem; break; } } if (!found) { //this is the level that isn't present in the tree break; } } //add every level to the tree starting with the first level that isn't part of the tree for (; listIdx < list.size(); ++listIdx) { name.clear(); name.append(list.at(listIdx)); currentItem->addChild(new QTreeWidgetItem(name)); currentItem = currentItem->child(currentItem->childCount() - 1); } } } } else { rootName = topic.name(); name.append(topic.name()); ui.twTopics->addTopLevelItem(new QTreeWidgetItem(name)); } //if a subscribed topic contains the new topic, we have to update twSubscriptions for (int i = 0; i < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { const QStringList subscriptionName = ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0).split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!subscriptionName.isEmpty()) { if (rootName == subscriptionName.first()) { updateSubscriptionTree(); break; } } } //signals that a newTopic was added, in order to fill the completer of leTopics emit newTopic(rootName); } /*! *\brief called when a new topic is added to the tree(twTopics) * appends the topic's root to the topicList if it isn't in the list already * then sets the completer for leTopics */ void ImportFileWidget::setTopicCompleter(const QString& topic) { if (!m_topicList.contains(topic)) { m_topicList.append(topic); if (!m_searching) { m_topicCompleter = new QCompleter(m_topicList, this); m_topicCompleter->setCompletionMode(QCompleter::PopupCompletion); m_topicCompleter->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitive); ui.leTopics->setCompleter(m_topicCompleter); } } } /*! *\brief called when 10 seconds passed since the last time the user searched for a certain root in twTopics * enables updating the completer for le */ void ImportFileWidget::topicTimeout() { m_searching = false; m_searchTimer->stop(); } /*! *\brief called when the client receives a message from a subscribed topic (that isn't the "#" wildcard) */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttSubscriptionMessageReceived(const QMqttMessage &msg) { qDebug()<<"message received from: "< i(m_messageArrived); while(i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (i.value() == false ) { check = false; break; } } //if there is a message from every subscribed topic, we refresh the preview if (check) { m_mqttReadyForPreview = true; refreshPreview(); } } /*! *\brief called when use will message is changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::useWillMessage(int state) { if (state == Qt::Checked) m_willSettings.MQTTUseWill = true; else if (state == Qt::Unchecked) m_willSettings.MQTTUseWill = false; } /*! *\brief called when the selected will message type is changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::willMessageTypeChanged(int type) { m_willSettings.willMessageType = static_cast(type); } /*! *\brief called when the selected will message' type's retain flag is changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::willRetainChanged(bool retain) { m_willSettings.willRetain = retain; } /*! *\brief called when the selected will update interval is changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::willTimeIntervalChanged(int interval) { m_willSettings.willTimeInterval = interval; } /*! *\brief called when the selected will own message is changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::willOwnMessageChanged(const QString& msg) { m_willSettings.willOwnMessage = msg; } /*! *\brief called when the selected will topic is changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::willTopicChanged(const QString& topic) { m_willSettings.willTopic = topic; } /*! *\brief called when the selected will statistics are changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::willStatisticsChanged(int index) { if (index >= 0) m_willSettings.willStatistics[index] = !m_willSettings.willStatistics[index]; } /*! *\brief called when the selected will message's QoS is changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::willQoSChanged(int qos) { m_willSettings.willQoS = qos; } /*! *\brief called when the selected will update type is changed in the settings widget * Updates the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::willUpdateTypeChanged(int updateType) { qDebug() << "update type changed: " <(updateType); } /*! *\brief called when the clientError of the MQTT client changes * * \param clientError the current error of the client */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttErrorChanged(QMqttClient::ClientError clientError) { switch (clientError) { case QMqttClient::BadUsernameOrPassword: QMessageBox::critical(this, i18n("Couldn't connect"), i18n("Wrong username or password")); break; case QMqttClient::IdRejected: QMessageBox::critical(this, i18n("Couldn't connect"), i18n("The client ID wasn't accepted")); break; case QMqttClient::ServerUnavailable: QMessageBox::critical(this, i18n("Server unavailable"), i18n("The broker couldn't be reached.")); break; case QMqttClient::NotAuthorized: QMessageBox::critical(this, i18n("Not authorized"), i18n("The client is not authorized to connect.")); break; case QMqttClient::UnknownError: QMessageBox::critical(this, i18n("Unknown MQTT error"), i18n("An unknown error occurred.")); break; case QMqttClient::NoError: case QMqttClient::InvalidProtocolVersion: case QMqttClient::TransportInvalid: case QMqttClient::ProtocolViolation: break; default: break; } } /*! *\brief called when leTopics' text is changed * if the rootName can be found in twTopics, then we scroll it to the top of the tree widget * * \param rootName the current text of leTopics */ void ImportFileWidget::scrollToTopicTreeItem(const QString& rootName) { m_searching = true; m_searchTimer->start(); int topItemIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ui.twTopics->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) if (ui.twTopics->topLevelItem(i)->text(0) == rootName) { topItemIdx = i; break; } if (topItemIdx >= 0) ui.twTopics->scrollToItem(ui.twTopics->topLevelItem(topItemIdx), QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint::PositionAtTop); } /*! *\brief called when leSubscriptions' text is changed * if the rootName can be found in twSubscriptions, then we scroll it to the top of the tree widget * * \param rootName the current text of leSubscriptions */ void ImportFileWidget::scrollToSubsriptionTreeItem(const QString& rootName) { m_searching = true; m_searchTimer->start(); int topItemIdx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) if (ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)->text(0) == rootName) { topItemIdx = i; break; } if (topItemIdx >= 0) ui.twSubscriptions->scrollToItem(ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(topItemIdx), QAbstractItemView::ScrollHint::PositionAtTop); } /*! *\brief called when m_connectTimeoutTimer ticks, * meaning that the client couldn't connect to the broker in 5 seconds * disconnects the client, stops the timer, and warns the user */ void ImportFileWidget::mqttConnectTimeout() { m_connectionTimedOut = true; m_client->disconnectFromHost(); m_connectTimeoutTimer->stop(); QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Warning"), i18n("Connecting to the given broker timed out! Try changing the settings")); RESET_CURSOR; } /*! Shows the MQTT connection manager where the connections are created and edited. The selected connection is selected in the connection combo box in this widget. */ void ImportFileWidget::showMQTTConnectionManager() { bool previousConnectionChanged = false; MQTTConnectionManagerDialog* dlg = new MQTTConnectionManagerDialog(this, ui.cbConnection->currentText(), previousConnectionChanged); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { //re-read the available connections to be in sync with the changes in MQTTConnectionManager m_initialisingMQTT = true; const QString& prevConn = ui.cbConnection->currentText(); ui.cbConnection->clear(); readMQTTConnections(); m_initialisingMQTT = false; //select the connection the user has selected in MQTTConnectionManager const QString& conn = dlg->connection(); int index = ui.cbConnection->findText(conn); if (conn != prevConn) {//Current connection isn't the previous one if (ui.cbConnection->currentIndex() != index) ui.cbConnection->setCurrentIndex(index); else mqttConnectionChanged(); } else if (dlg->initialConnectionChanged()) {//Current connection is the same with previous one but it changed if (ui.cbConnection->currentIndex() == index) mqttConnectionChanged(); else ui.cbConnection->setCurrentIndex(index); } else { //Previous connection wasn't changed m_initialisingMQTT = true; ui.cbConnection->setCurrentIndex(index); m_initialisingMQTT = false; } } delete dlg; } /*! loads all available saved MQTT nconnections */ void ImportFileWidget::readMQTTConnections() { qDebug()<< "ImportFileWidget: reading available MQTT connections"; KConfig config(m_configPath, KConfig::SimpleConfig); for (const auto& name : config.groupList()) ui.cbConnection->addItem(name); } /*! * \brief Shows the mqtt will settings widget, which allows the user to modify the will settings */ void ImportFileWidget::showWillSettings() { QMenu menu; QVector children; for (int i = 0; i < ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) findSubscriptionLeafChildren(children, ui.twSubscriptions->topLevelItem(i)); QVector topics; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) topics.append(children[i]->text(0)); MQTTWillSettingsWidget willSettingsWidget(&menu, m_willSettings, topics); connect(&willSettingsWidget, &MQTTWillSettingsWidget::applyClicked, [this, &menu, &willSettingsWidget]() { this->useWillMessage(willSettingsWidget.will().MQTTUseWill); this->willMessageTypeChanged(willSettingsWidget.will().willMessageType); this->updateTypeChanged(willSettingsWidget.will().willUpdateType); this->willRetainChanged(willSettingsWidget.will().willRetain); this->willTimeIntervalChanged(willSettingsWidget.will().willTimeInterval); this->willOwnMessageChanged(willSettingsWidget.will().willOwnMessage); this->willTopicChanged(willSettingsWidget.will().willTopic); this->willStatisticsChanged(willSettingsWidget.statisticsType()); menu.close(); }); QWidgetAction* widgetAction = new QWidgetAction(this); widgetAction->setDefaultWidget(&willSettingsWidget); menu.addAction(widgetAction); const QPoint pos(ui.bWillMessage->sizeHint().width(),ui.bWillMessage->sizeHint().height()); menu.exec(ui.bWillMessage->mapToGlobal(pos)); } void ImportFileWidget::enableWillSettings(int state) { if (state == Qt::Checked) { useWillMessage(state); ui.lWillMessage->show(); ui.bWillMessage->show(); } else if (state == Qt::Unchecked) { useWillMessage(state); ui.lWillMessage->hide(); ui.bWillMessage->hide(); } } #endif