diff --git a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp index 642145a54..336666499 100644 --- a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp @@ -1,800 +1,800 @@ /*************************************************************************** mymoneyreport.cpp ------------------- begin : Sun July 4 2004 copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones email : acejones@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "mymoneyreport.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneyfile.h" const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kRowTypeText = QString("none,assetliability,expenseincome,category,topcategory,account,tag,payee,month,week,topaccount,topaccount-account,equitytype,accounttype,institution,budget,budgetactual,schedule,accountinfo,accountloaninfo,accountreconcile,cashflow").split(','); const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kColumnTypeText = QString("none,months,bimonths,quarters,4,5,6,weeks,8,9,10,11,years").split(','); // if you add names here, don't forget to update the bitmap for EQueryColumns // and shift the bit for eQCend one position to the left -const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kQueryColumnsText = QString("none,number,payee,category,tag,memo,account,reconcileflag,action,shares,price,performance,loan,balance").split(','); +const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kQueryColumnsText = QString("none,number,payee,category,tag,memo,account,reconcileflag,action,shares,price,performance,loan,balance,capitalgain").split(','); const MyMoneyReport::EReportType MyMoneyReport::kTypeArray[] = { eNoReport, ePivotTable, ePivotTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, ePivotTable, ePivotTable, eInfoTable, eInfoTable, eInfoTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eNoReport }; const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kDetailLevelText = QString("none,all,top,group,total,invalid").split(','); const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kChartTypeText = QString("none,line,bar,pie,ring,stackedbar,invalid").split(','); // This should live in mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.h const QStringList kTypeText = QString("all,payments,deposits,transfers,none").split(','); const QStringList kStateText = QString("all,notreconciled,cleared,reconciled,frozen,none").split(','); const QStringList kDateLockText = QString("alldates,untiltoday,currentmonth,currentyear,monthtodate,yeartodate,yeartomonth,lastmonth,lastyear,last7days,last30days,last3months,last6months,last12months,next7days,next30days,next3months,next6months,next12months,userdefined,last3tonext3months,last11Months,currentQuarter,lastQuarter,nextQuarter,currentFiscalYear,lastFiscalYear,today,next18months").split(','); const QStringList kAccountTypeText = QString("unknown,checkings,savings,cash,creditcard,loan,certificatedep,investment,moneymarket,asset,liability,currency,income,expense,assetloan,stock,equity,invalid").split(','); MyMoneyReport::MyMoneyReport() : m_name("Unconfigured Pivot Table Report"), m_detailLevel(eDetailNone), m_convertCurrency(true), m_favorite(false), m_tax(false), m_investments(false), m_loans(false), m_reportType(kTypeArray[eExpenseIncome]), m_rowType(eExpenseIncome), m_columnType(eMonths), m_columnsAreDays(false), m_queryColumns(eQCnone), m_dateLock(userDefined), m_accountGroupFilter(false), m_chartType(eChartLine), m_chartDataLabels(true), m_chartGridLines(true), m_chartByDefault(false), m_includeSchedules(false), m_includeTransfers(false), m_includeBudgetActuals(false), m_includeUnusedAccounts(false), m_showRowTotals(false), m_includeForecast(false), m_includeMovingAverage(false), m_movingAverageDays(0), m_includePrice(false), m_includeAveragePrice(false), m_mixedTime(false), m_currentDateColumn(0), m_skipZero(false) { m_chartLineWidth = m_lineWidth; } MyMoneyReport::MyMoneyReport(const QString& id, const MyMoneyReport& right) : MyMoneyObject(id), m_movingAverageDays(0), m_currentDateColumn(0) { *this = right; setId(id); } MyMoneyReport::MyMoneyReport(ERowType _rt, unsigned _ct, dateOptionE _dl, EDetailLevel _ss, const QString& _name, const QString& _comment) : m_name(_name), m_comment(_comment), m_detailLevel(_ss), m_convertCurrency(true), m_favorite(false), m_tax(false), m_investments(false), m_loans(false), m_reportType(kTypeArray[_rt]), m_rowType(_rt), m_columnsAreDays(false), m_queryColumns(eQCnone), m_dateLock(_dl), m_accountGroupFilter(false), m_chartType(eChartLine), m_chartDataLabels(true), m_chartGridLines(true), m_chartByDefault(false), m_includeSchedules(false), m_includeTransfers(false), m_includeBudgetActuals(false), m_includeUnusedAccounts(false), m_showRowTotals(false), m_includeForecast(false), m_includeMovingAverage(false), m_movingAverageDays(0), m_includePrice(false), m_includeAveragePrice(false), m_mixedTime(false), m_currentDateColumn(0), m_skipZero(false) { //set initial values m_chartLineWidth = m_lineWidth; //set report type if (m_reportType == ePivotTable) m_columnType = static_cast(_ct); if (m_reportType == eQueryTable) m_queryColumns = static_cast(_ct); setDateFilter(_dl); //throw exception if the type is inconsistent if ((_rt > static_cast(sizeof(kTypeArray) / sizeof(kTypeArray[0]))) || (m_reportType == eNoReport)) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Invalid report type"); //add the corresponding account groups if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); m_showRowTotals = true; } if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); m_showRowTotals = true; } //FIXME take this out once we have sorted out all issues regarding budget of assets and liabilities -- asoliverez@gmail.com if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eBudget || _rt == MyMoneyReport::eBudgetActual) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); } if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eAccountInfo) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); } //cash flow reports show splits for all account groups if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eCashFlow) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); } } MyMoneyReport::MyMoneyReport(const QDomElement& node) : MyMoneyObject(node), m_currentDateColumn(0) { // properly initialize the object before reading it *this = MyMoneyReport(); if (!read(node)) clearId(); } void MyMoneyReport::clear() { m_accountGroupFilter = false; m_accountGroups.clear(); MyMoneyTransactionFilter::clear(); } void MyMoneyReport::validDateRange(QDate& _db, QDate& _de) { _db = fromDate(); _de = toDate(); // if either begin or end date are invalid we have one of the following // possible date filters: // // a) begin date not set - first transaction until given end date // b) end date not set - from given date until last transaction // c) both not set - first transaction until last transaction // // If there is no transaction in the engine at all, we use the current // year as the filter criteria. if (!_db.isValid() || !_de.isValid()) { QList list = MyMoneyFile::instance()->transactionList(*this); QDate tmpBegin, tmpEnd; if (!list.isEmpty()) { qSort(list); // try to use the post dates tmpBegin = list.front().postDate(); tmpEnd = list.back().postDate(); // if the post dates are not valid try the entry dates if (!tmpBegin.isValid()) tmpBegin = list.front().entryDate(); if (!tmpEnd.isValid()) tmpEnd = list.back().entryDate(); } // make sure that we leave this function with valid dates no mather what if (!tmpBegin.isValid() || !tmpEnd.isValid() || tmpBegin > tmpEnd) { tmpBegin = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), 1, 1); // the first date in the file tmpEnd = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), 12, 31); // the last date in the file } if (!_db.isValid()) _db = tmpBegin; if (!_de.isValid()) _de = tmpEnd; } if (_db > _de) _db = _de; } void MyMoneyReport::setRowType(ERowType _rt) { m_rowType = _rt; m_reportType = kTypeArray[_rt]; m_accountGroupFilter = false; m_accountGroups.clear(); if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); } if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); } } bool MyMoneyReport::accountGroups(QList& list) const { bool result = m_accountGroupFilter; if (result) { QList::const_iterator it_group = m_accountGroups.begin(); while (it_group != m_accountGroups.end()) { list += (*it_group); ++it_group; } } return result; } void MyMoneyReport::addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type) { if (!m_accountGroups.isEmpty() && type != MyMoneyAccount::UnknownAccountType) { if (m_accountGroups.contains(type)) return; } m_accountGroupFilter = true; if (type != MyMoneyAccount::UnknownAccountType) m_accountGroups.push_back(type); } bool MyMoneyReport::includesAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type) const { bool result = (! m_accountGroupFilter) || (isIncludingTransfers() && m_rowType == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) || m_accountGroups.contains(type); return result; } bool MyMoneyReport::includes(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const { bool result = false; if (includesAccountGroup(acc.accountGroup())) { switch (acc.accountGroup()) { case MyMoneyAccount::Income: case MyMoneyAccount::Expense: if (isTax()) result = (acc.value("Tax") == "Yes") && includesCategory(acc.id()); else result = includesCategory(acc.id()); break; case MyMoneyAccount::Asset: case MyMoneyAccount::Liability: if (isLoansOnly()) result = acc.isLoan() && includesAccount(acc.id()); else if (isInvestmentsOnly()) result = acc.isInvest() && includesAccount(acc.id()); else if (isIncludingTransfers() && m_rowType == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) // If transfers are included, ONLY include this account if it is NOT // included in the report itself!! result = ! includesAccount(acc.id()); else result = includesAccount(acc.id()); break; default: result = includesAccount(acc.id()); } } return result; } void MyMoneyReport::write(QDomElement& e, QDomDocument *doc, bool anonymous) const { // No matter what changes, be sure to have a 'type' attribute. Only change // the major type if it becomes impossible to maintain compatibility with // older versions of the program as new features are added to the reports. // Feel free to change the minor type every time a change is made here. writeBaseXML(*doc, e); if (anonymous) { e.setAttribute("name", m_id); e.setAttribute("comment", QString(m_comment).fill('x')); } else { e.setAttribute("name", m_name); e.setAttribute("comment", m_comment); } e.setAttribute("group", m_group); e.setAttribute("convertcurrency", m_convertCurrency); e.setAttribute("favorite", m_favorite); e.setAttribute("tax", m_tax); e.setAttribute("investments", m_investments); e.setAttribute("loans", m_loans); e.setAttribute("rowtype", kRowTypeText[m_rowType]); e.setAttribute("datelock", kDateLockText[m_dateLock]); e.setAttribute("includeschedules", m_includeSchedules); e.setAttribute("columnsaredays", m_columnsAreDays); e.setAttribute("includestransfers", m_includeTransfers); if (!m_budgetId.isEmpty()) e.setAttribute("budget", m_budgetId); e.setAttribute("includesactuals", m_includeBudgetActuals); e.setAttribute("includeunused", m_includeUnusedAccounts); e.setAttribute("includesforecast", m_includeForecast); e.setAttribute("includesprice", m_includePrice); e.setAttribute("includesaverageprice", m_includeAveragePrice); e.setAttribute("mixedtime", m_mixedTime); e.setAttribute("includesmovingaverage", m_includeMovingAverage); if (m_includeMovingAverage) e.setAttribute("movingaveragedays", m_movingAverageDays); if (m_chartType < 0 || m_chartType >= kChartTypeText.size()) { qDebug("m_chartType out of bounds with %d on report of type %d. Default to none.", m_chartType, m_reportType); e.setAttribute("charttype", kChartTypeText[0]); } else { e.setAttribute("charttype", kChartTypeText[m_chartType]); } e.setAttribute("chartdatalabels", m_chartDataLabels); e.setAttribute("chartgridlines", m_chartGridLines); e.setAttribute("chartbydefault", m_chartByDefault); e.setAttribute("chartlinewidth", m_chartLineWidth); e.setAttribute("skipZero", m_skipZero); if (m_reportType == ePivotTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "pivottable 1.15"); e.setAttribute("detail", kDetailLevelText[m_detailLevel]); e.setAttribute("columntype", kColumnTypeText[m_columnType]); e.setAttribute("showrowtotals", m_showRowTotals); } else if (m_reportType == eQueryTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "querytable 1.14"); QStringList columns; unsigned qc = m_queryColumns; unsigned it_qc = eQCbegin; unsigned index = 1; while (it_qc != eQCend) { if (qc & it_qc) columns += kQueryColumnsText[index]; it_qc *= 2; index++; } e.setAttribute("querycolumns", columns.join(",")); } else if (m_reportType == eInfoTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "infotable 1.0"); e.setAttribute("detail", kDetailLevelText[m_detailLevel]); e.setAttribute("showrowtotals", m_showRowTotals); } // // Text Filter // QRegExp textfilter; if (textFilter(textfilter)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("TEXT"); f.setAttribute("pattern", textfilter.pattern()); f.setAttribute("casesensitive", (textfilter.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseSensitive) ? 1 : 0); f.setAttribute("regex", (textfilter.patternSyntax() == QRegExp::Wildcard) ? 1 : 0); f.setAttribute("inverttext", m_invertText); e.appendChild(f); } // // Type & State Filters // QList typelist; if (types(typelist) && ! typelist.empty()) { // iterate over payees, and add each one QList::const_iterator it_type = typelist.constBegin(); while (it_type != typelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TYPE"); p.setAttribute("type", kTypeText[*it_type]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_type; } } QList statelist; if (states(statelist) && ! statelist.empty()) { // iterate over payees, and add each one QList::const_iterator it_state = statelist.constBegin(); while (it_state != statelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("STATE"); p.setAttribute("state", kStateText[*it_state]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_state; } } // // Number Filter // QString nrFrom, nrTo; if (numberFilter(nrFrom, nrTo)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("NUMBER"); f.setAttribute("from", nrFrom); f.setAttribute("to", nrTo); e.appendChild(f); } // // Amount Filter // MyMoneyMoney from, to; if (amountFilter(from, to)) { // bool getAmountFilter(MyMoneyMoney&,MyMoneyMoney&); QDomElement f = doc->createElement("AMOUNT"); f.setAttribute("from", from.toString()); f.setAttribute("to", to.toString()); e.appendChild(f); } // // Payees Filter // QStringList payeelist; if (payees(payeelist)) { if (payeelist.empty()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("PAYEE"); e.appendChild(p); } else { // iterate over payees, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_payee = payeelist.constBegin(); while (it_payee != payeelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("PAYEE"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_payee); e.appendChild(p); ++it_payee; } } } // // Tags Filter // QStringList taglist; if (tags(taglist)) { if (taglist.empty()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TAG"); e.appendChild(p); } else { // iterate over tags, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_tag = taglist.constBegin(); while (it_tag != taglist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TAG"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_tag); e.appendChild(p); ++it_tag; } } } // // Account Groups Filter // QList accountgrouplist; if (accountGroups(accountgrouplist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QList::const_iterator it_group = accountgrouplist.constBegin(); while (it_group != accountgrouplist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("ACCOUNTGROUP"); p.setAttribute("group", kAccountTypeText[*it_group]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_group; } } // // Accounts Filter // QStringList accountlist; if (accounts(accountlist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_account = accountlist.constBegin(); while (it_account != accountlist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("ACCOUNT"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_account); e.appendChild(p); ++it_account; } } // // Categories Filter // accountlist.clear(); if (categories(accountlist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_account = accountlist.constBegin(); while (it_account != accountlist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("CATEGORY"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_account); e.appendChild(p); ++it_account; } } // // Date Filter // if (m_dateLock == userDefined) { QDate dateFrom, dateTo; if (dateFilter(dateFrom, dateTo)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("DATES"); if (dateFrom.isValid()) f.setAttribute("from", dateFrom.toString(Qt::ISODate)); if (dateTo.isValid()) f.setAttribute("to", dateTo.toString(Qt::ISODate)); e.appendChild(f); } } } bool MyMoneyReport::read(const QDomElement& e) { // The goal of this reading method is 100% backward AND 100% forward // compatibility. Any report ever created with any version of KMyMoney // should be able to be loaded by this method (as long as it's one of the // report types supported in this version, of course) bool result = false; if ( "REPORT" == e.tagName() && ( (e.attribute("type").indexOf("pivottable 1.") == 0) || (e.attribute("type").indexOf("querytable 1.") == 0) || (e.attribute("type").indexOf("infotable 1.") == 0) ) ) { result = true; clear(); int i; m_name = e.attribute("name"); m_comment = e.attribute("comment", "Extremely old report"); //set report type if (!e.attribute("type").indexOf("pivottable")) { m_reportType = MyMoneyReport::ePivotTable; } else if (!e.attribute("type").indexOf("querytable")) { m_reportType = MyMoneyReport::eQueryTable; } else if (!e.attribute("type").indexOf("infotable")) { m_reportType = MyMoneyReport::eInfoTable; } else { m_reportType = MyMoneyReport::eNoReport; } // Removed the line that screened out loading reports that are called // "Default Report". It's possible for the user to change the comment // to this, and we'd hate for it to break as a result. m_group = e.attribute("group"); m_id = e.attribute("id"); //check for reports with older settings which didn't have the detail attribute if (e.hasAttribute("detail")) { i = kDetailLevelText.indexOf(e.attribute("detail", "all")); if (i != -1) m_detailLevel = static_cast(i); } else if (e.attribute("showsubaccounts", "0").toUInt()) { //set to show all accounts m_detailLevel = eDetailAll; } else { //set to show the top level account instead m_detailLevel = eDetailTop; } m_convertCurrency = e.attribute("convertcurrency", "1").toUInt(); m_favorite = e.attribute("favorite", "0").toUInt(); m_tax = e.attribute("tax", "0").toUInt(); m_investments = e.attribute("investments", "0").toUInt(); m_loans = e.attribute("loans", "0").toUInt(); m_includeSchedules = e.attribute("includeschedules", "0").toUInt(); m_columnsAreDays = e.attribute("columnsaredays", "0").toUInt(); m_includeTransfers = e.attribute("includestransfers", "0").toUInt(); if (e.hasAttribute("budget")) m_budgetId = e.attribute("budget"); m_includeBudgetActuals = e.attribute("includesactuals", "0").toUInt(); m_includeUnusedAccounts = e.attribute("includeunused", "0").toUInt(); m_includeForecast = e.attribute("includesforecast", "0").toUInt(); m_includePrice = e.attribute("includesprice", "0").toUInt(); m_includeAveragePrice = e.attribute("includesaverageprice", "0").toUInt(); m_mixedTime = e.attribute("mixedtime", "0").toUInt(); m_includeMovingAverage = e.attribute("includesmovingaverage", "0").toUInt(); m_skipZero = e.attribute("skipZero", "0").toUInt(); if (m_includeMovingAverage) m_movingAverageDays = e.attribute("movingaveragedays", "1").toUInt(); //only load chart data if it is a pivot table m_chartType = static_cast(0); if (m_reportType == ePivotTable) { i = kChartTypeText.indexOf(e.attribute("charttype")); if (i >= 0) m_chartType = static_cast(i); // if it is invalid, set to first type if (m_chartType >= eChartEnd) m_chartType = eChartLine; m_chartDataLabels = e.attribute("chartdatalabels", "1").toUInt(); m_chartGridLines = e.attribute("chartgridlines", "1").toUInt(); m_chartByDefault = e.attribute("chartbydefault", "0").toUInt(); m_chartLineWidth = e.attribute("chartlinewidth", QString(m_lineWidth)).toUInt(); } else { m_chartDataLabels = true; m_chartGridLines = true; m_chartByDefault = false; m_chartLineWidth = 1; } QString datelockstr = e.attribute("datelock", "userdefined"); // Handle the pivot 1.2/query 1.1 case where the values were saved as // numbers bool ok = false; i = datelockstr.toUInt(&ok); if (!ok) { i = kDateLockText.indexOf(datelockstr); if (i == -1) i = userDefined; } setDateFilter(static_cast(i)); i = kRowTypeText.indexOf(e.attribute("rowtype", "expenseincome")); if (i != -1) { setRowType(static_cast(i)); // recent versions of KMyMoney always showed a total column for // income/expense reports. We turn it on for backward compatibility // here. If the total column is turned off, the flag will be reset // in the next step if (i == eExpenseIncome) m_showRowTotals = true; } if (e.hasAttribute("showrowtotals")) m_showRowTotals = e.attribute("showrowtotals").toUInt(); i = kColumnTypeText.indexOf(e.attribute("columntype", "months")); if (i != -1) setColumnType(static_cast(i)); unsigned qc = 0; QStringList columns = e.attribute("querycolumns", "none").split(','); QStringList::const_iterator it_column = columns.constBegin(); while (it_column != columns.constEnd()) { i = kQueryColumnsText.indexOf(*it_column); if (i > 0) qc |= (1 << (i - 1)); ++it_column; } setQueryColumns(static_cast(qc)); QDomNode child = e.firstChild(); while (!child.isNull() && child.isElement()) { QDomElement c = child.toElement(); if ("TEXT" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("pattern")) { setTextFilter(QRegExp(c.attribute("pattern"), c.attribute("casesensitive", "1").toUInt() ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive, c.attribute("regex", "1").toUInt() ? QRegExp::Wildcard : QRegExp::RegExp), c.attribute("inverttext", "0").toUInt()); } if ("TYPE" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("type")) { i = kTypeText.indexOf(c.attribute("type")); if (i != -1) addType(i); } if ("STATE" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("state")) { i = kStateText.indexOf(c.attribute("state")); if (i != -1) addState(i); } if ("NUMBER" == c.tagName()) { setNumberFilter(c.attribute("from"), c.attribute("to")); } if ("AMOUNT" == c.tagName()) { setAmountFilter(MyMoneyMoney(c.attribute("from", "0/100")), MyMoneyMoney(c.attribute("to", "0/100"))); } if ("DATES" == c.tagName()) { QDate from, to; if (c.hasAttribute("from")) from = QDate::fromString(c.attribute("from"), Qt::ISODate); if (c.hasAttribute("to")) to = QDate::fromString(c.attribute("to"), Qt::ISODate); MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setDateFilter(from, to); } if ("PAYEE" == c.tagName()) { addPayee(c.attribute("id")); } if ("TAG" == c.tagName()) { addTag(c.attribute("id")); } if ("CATEGORY" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("id")) { addCategory(c.attribute("id")); } if ("ACCOUNT" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("id")) { addAccount(c.attribute("id")); } if ("ACCOUNTGROUP" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("group")) { i = kAccountTypeText.indexOf(c.attribute("group")); if (i != -1) addAccountGroup(static_cast(i)); } child = child.nextSibling(); } } return result; } void MyMoneyReport::writeXML(QDomDocument& document, QDomElement& parent) const { QDomElement el = document.createElement("REPORT"); write(el, &document, false); parent.appendChild(el); } bool MyMoneyReport::hasReferenceTo(const QString& id) const { QStringList list; // collect all ids accounts(list); categories(list); payees(list); tags(list); return (list.contains(id) > 0); } int MyMoneyReport::m_lineWidth = 2; void MyMoneyReport::setLineWidth(int width) { m_lineWidth = width; } diff --git a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.h b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.h index 7397a0fcb..1596aa32a 100644 --- a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.h +++ b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.h @@ -1,697 +1,697 @@ /*************************************************************************** mymoneyreport.h ------------------- begin : Sun July 4 2004 copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones email : acejones@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef MYMONEYREPORT_H #define MYMONEYREPORT_H // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include class QDomElement; class QDomDocument; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include #include #include #include /** * This class defines a report within the MyMoneyEngine. The report class * contains all the configuration parameters needed to run a report, plus * XML serialization. * * A report is a transactionfilter, so any report can specify which * transactions it's interested down to the most minute level of detail. * It extends the transactionfilter by providing identification (name, * comments, group type, etc) as well as layout information (what kind * of layout should be used, how the rows & columns should be presented, * currency converted, etc.) * * As noted above, this class only provides a report DEFINITION. The * generation and presentation of the report itself are left to higher * level classes. * * @author Ace Jones */ class KMM_MYMONEY_EXPORT MyMoneyReport: public MyMoneyObject, public MyMoneyTransactionFilter { public: // When adding a new row type, be sure to add a corresponding entry in kTypeArray enum ERowType { eNoRows = 0, eAssetLiability, eExpenseIncome, eCategory, eTopCategory, eAccount, eTag, ePayee, eMonth, eWeek, eTopAccount, eAccountByTopAccount, eEquityType, eAccountType, eInstitution, eBudget, eBudgetActual, eSchedule, eAccountInfo, eAccountLoanInfo, eAccountReconcile, eCashFlow}; enum EReportType { eNoReport = 0, ePivotTable, eQueryTable, eInfoTable }; enum EColumnType { eNoColumns = 0, eDays = 1, eMonths = 1, eBiMonths = 2, eQuarters = 3, eWeeks = 7, eYears = 12 }; // if you add bits to this bitmask, start with the value currently assigned to eQCend and update its value afterwards // also don't forget to add column names to kQueryColumnsText in mymoneyreport.cpp - enum EQueryColumns { eQCnone = 0x0, eQCbegin = 0x1, eQCnumber = 0x1, eQCpayee = 0x2, eQCcategory = 0x4, eQCtag = 0x8, eQCmemo = 0x10, eQCaccount = 0x20, eQCreconciled = 0x40, eQCaction = 0x80, eQCshares = 0x100, eQCprice = 0x200, eQCperformance = 0x400, eQCloan = 0x800, eQCbalance = 0x1000, eQCend = 0x2000 }; + enum EQueryColumns { eQCnone = 0x0, eQCbegin = 0x1, eQCnumber = 0x1, eQCpayee = 0x2, eQCcategory = 0x4, eQCtag = 0x8, eQCmemo = 0x10, eQCaccount = 0x20, eQCreconciled = 0x40, eQCaction = 0x80, eQCshares = 0x100, eQCprice = 0x200, eQCperformance = 0x400, eQCloan = 0x800, eQCbalance = 0x1000, eQCcapitalgain = 0x2000, eQCend = 0x4000 }; enum EDetailLevel { eDetailNone = 0, eDetailAll, eDetailTop, eDetailGroup, eDetailTotal, eDetailEnd }; enum EChartType { eChartNone = 0, eChartLine, eChartBar, eChartPie, eChartRing, eChartStackedBar, eChartEnd }; static const QStringList kRowTypeText; static const QStringList kColumnTypeText; static const QStringList kQueryColumnsText; static const QStringList kDetailLevelText; static const QStringList kChartTypeText; static const EReportType kTypeArray[]; public: MyMoneyReport(); MyMoneyReport(ERowType _rt, unsigned _ct, dateOptionE _dl, EDetailLevel _ss, const QString& _name, const QString& _comment); MyMoneyReport(const QString& id, const MyMoneyReport& right); /** * This constructor creates an object based on the data found in the * QDomElement referenced by @p node. If problems arise, the @p id of * the object is cleared (see MyMoneyObject::clearId()). */ MyMoneyReport(const QDomElement& node); // Simple get operations const QString& name() const { return m_name; } bool isShowingRowTotals() const { return (m_showRowTotals); } EReportType reportType() const { return m_reportType; } ERowType rowType() const { return m_rowType; } EColumnType columnType() const { return m_columnType; } bool isRunningSum() const { return (m_rowType == eAssetLiability); } bool isConvertCurrency() const { return m_convertCurrency; } unsigned columnPitch() const { return static_cast(m_columnType); } bool isShowingColumnTotals() const { return m_convertCurrency; } const QString& comment() const { return m_comment; } EQueryColumns queryColumns() const { return m_queryColumns; } const QString& group() const { return m_group; } bool isFavorite() const { return m_favorite; } bool isTax() const { return m_tax; } bool isInvestmentsOnly() const { return m_investments; } bool isLoansOnly() const { return m_loans; } EDetailLevel detailLevel() const { return m_detailLevel; } EChartType chartType() const { return m_chartType; } bool isChartDataLabels() const { return m_chartDataLabels; } bool isChartGridLines() const { return m_chartGridLines; } bool isChartByDefault() const { return m_chartByDefault; } uint chartLineWidth() const { return m_chartLineWidth; } bool isIncludingSchedules() const { return m_includeSchedules; } bool isColumnsAreDays() const { return m_columnsAreDays; } bool isIncludingTransfers() const { return m_includeTransfers; } bool isIncludingUnusedAccounts() const { return m_includeUnusedAccounts; } bool hasBudget() const { return !m_budgetId.isEmpty(); } const QString& budget() const { return m_budgetId; } bool isIncludingBudgetActuals() const { return m_includeBudgetActuals; } bool isIncludingForecast() const { return m_includeForecast; } bool isIncludingMovingAverage() const { return m_includeMovingAverage; } int movingAverageDays() const { return m_movingAverageDays; } bool isIncludingPrice() const { return m_includePrice; } bool isIncludingAveragePrice() const { return m_includeAveragePrice; } bool isUserDefined() const { return m_dateLock == userDefined; } bool isMixedTime() const { return m_mixedTime; } int currentDateColumn() const { return m_currentDateColumn; } /** * @see #m_skipZero */ bool isSkippingZero() const { return m_skipZero; } // Simple set operations void setName(const QString& _s) { m_name = _s; } void setConvertCurrency(bool _f) { m_convertCurrency = _f; } void setRowType(ERowType _rt); void setColumnType(EColumnType _ct) { m_columnType = _ct; } void setComment(const QString& _comment) { m_comment = _comment; } void setGroup(const QString& _group) { m_group = _group; } void setFavorite(bool _f) { m_favorite = _f; } void setQueryColumns(EQueryColumns _qc) { m_queryColumns = _qc; } void setTax(bool _f) { m_tax = _f; } void setInvestmentsOnly(bool _f) { m_investments = _f; if (_f) m_loans = false; } void setLoansOnly(bool _f) { m_loans = _f; if (_f) m_investments = false; } void setDetailLevel(EDetailLevel _detail) { m_detailLevel = _detail; } void setChartType(EChartType _type) { m_chartType = _type; } void setChartDataLabels(bool _f) { m_chartDataLabels = _f; } void setChartGridLines(bool _f) { m_chartGridLines = _f; } void setChartByDefault(bool _f) { m_chartByDefault = _f; } void setChartLineWidth(uint _f) { m_chartLineWidth = _f; } void setIncludingSchedules(bool _f) { m_includeSchedules = _f; } void setColumnsAreDays(bool _f) { m_columnsAreDays = _f; } void setIncludingTransfers(bool _f) { m_includeTransfers = _f; } void setIncludingUnusedAccounts(bool _f) { m_includeUnusedAccounts = _f; } void setShowingRowTotals(bool _f) { m_showRowTotals = _f; } void setIncludingBudgetActuals(bool _f) { m_includeBudgetActuals = _f; } void setIncludingForecast(bool _f) { m_includeForecast = _f; } void setIncludingMovingAverage(bool _f) { m_includeMovingAverage = _f; } void setMovingAverageDays(int _days) { m_movingAverageDays = _days; } void setIncludingPrice(bool _f) { m_includePrice = _f; } void setIncludingAveragePrice(bool _f) { m_includeAveragePrice = _f; } void setMixedTime(bool _f) { m_mixedTime = _f; } void setCurrentDateColumn(int _f) { m_currentDateColumn = _f; } /** * @see #m_skipZero */ void setSkipZero(int _f) { m_skipZero = _f; } /** * Sets the budget used for this report * * @param _budget The ID of the budget to use, or an empty string * to indicate a budget is NOT included * @param _fa Whether to display actual data alongside the budget. * Setting to false means the report displays ONLY the budget itself. * @warning For now, the budget ID is ignored. The budget id is * simply checked for any non-empty string, and if so, hasBudget() * will return true. */ void setBudget(const QString& _budget, bool _fa = true) { m_budgetId = _budget; m_includeBudgetActuals = _fa; } /** * This method allows you to clear the underlying transaction filter */ void clear(); /** * This method allows you to set the underlying transaction filter * * @param _filter The filter which should replace the existing transaction * filter. */ void assignFilter(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter& _filter) { MyMoneyTransactionFilter::operator=(_filter); } /** * Set the underlying date filter and LOCK that filter to the specified * range. For example, if @p _u is "CurrentMonth", this report should always * be updated to the current month no matter when the report is run. * * This updating is not entirely automatic, you should update it yourself by * calling updateDateFilter. * * @param _u The date range constant (MyMoneyTransactionFilter::dateRangeE) * which this report should be locked to. */ void setDateFilter(dateOptionE _u) { m_dateLock = _u; if (_u != userDefined) MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setDateFilter(_u); } /** * Set the underlying date filter using the start and end dates provided. * Note that this does not LOCK to any range like setDateFilter(unsigned) * above. It is just a reimplementation of the MyMoneyTransactionFilter * version. * * @param _db The inclusive begin date of the date range * @param _de The inclusive end date of the date range */ void setDateFilter(const QDate& _db, const QDate& _de) { MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setDateFilter(_db, _de); } /** * Set the underlying date filter using the 'date lock' property. * * Always call this function before executing the report to be sure that * the date filters properly match the plain-language 'date lock'. * * For example, if the report is date-locked to "Current Month", and the * last time you loaded or ran the report was in August, but it's now * September, this function will update the date range to be September, * as is proper. */ void updateDateFilter() { if (m_dateLock != userDefined) MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setDateFilter(m_dateLock); } /** * Retrieves a VALID beginning & ending date for this report. * * The underlying date filter can return en empty QDate() for either the * begin or end date or both. This is typically unacceptable for reports, * which need the REAL begin and end date. * * This function gets the underlying date filter range, and if either is * an empty QDate(), it determines the missing date from looking at all * the transactions which match the underlying filter, and returning the * date of the first or last transaction (as appropriate). * * @param _db The inclusive begin date of the date range * @param _de The inclusive end date of the date range */ void validDateRange(QDate& _db, QDate& _de); /** * This method turns on the account group filter and adds the * @p type to the list of allowed groups. * * Note that account group filtering is handled differently * than all the filters of the underlying class. This filter * is meant to be applied to individual splits of matched * transactions AFTER the underlying filter is used to find * the matching transactions. * * @param type the account group to add to the allowed groups list */ void addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type); /** * This method returns whether an account group filter has been set, * and if so, it returns all the account groups set in the filter. * * @param list list to append account groups into * @return return true if an account group filter has been set */ bool accountGroups(QList& list) const; /** * This method returns whether the specified account group * is allowed by the account groups filter. * * @param type group to append account groups into * @return return true if an account group filter has been set */ bool includesAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type) const; /** * This method is used to test whether a specific account * passes the accountGroup test and either the Account or * Category test, depending on which sort of Account it is. * * The m_tax and m_investments properties are also considered. * * @param acc the account in question * @return true if account is in filter set, false otherwise */ bool includes(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const; /** * This method writes this report to the DOM element @p e, * within the DOM document @p doc. * * @param e The element which should be populated with info from this report * @param doc The document which we can use to create new sub-elements * if needed * @param anonymous Whether the sensitive parts of the report should be * masked */ void write(QDomElement& e, QDomDocument *doc, bool anonymous = false) const; /** * This method reads a report from the DOM element @p e, and * populates this report with the results. * * @param e The element from which the report should be read * * @return bool True if a report was successfully loaded from the * element @p e. If false is returned, the contents of this report * object are undefined. */ bool read(const QDomElement& e); /** * This method creates a QDomElement for the @p document * under the parent node @p parent. (This version overwrites the * MMObject base class.) * * @param document reference to QDomDocument * @param parent reference to QDomElement parent node */ virtual void writeXML(QDomDocument& document, QDomElement& parent) const; /** * This method checks if a reference to the given object exists. It returns, * a @p true if the object is referencing the one requested by the * parameter @p id. If it does not, this method returns @p false. * * @param id id of the object to be checked for references * @retval true This object references object with id @p id. * @retval false This object does not reference the object with id @p id. */ virtual bool hasReferenceTo(const QString& id) const; /** * This method allows to modify the default lineWidth for graphs. * The default is 2. */ static void setLineWidth(int width); private: /** * The user-assigned name of the report */ QString m_name; /** * The user-assigned comment for the report, in case they want to make * additional notes for themselves about the report. */ QString m_comment; /** * Where to group this report amongst the others in the UI view. This * should be assigned by the UI system. */ QString m_group; /** * How much detail to show in the accounts */ enum EDetailLevel m_detailLevel; /** * Whether to convert all currencies to the base currency of the file (true). * If this is false, it's up to the report generator to decide how to handle * the currency. */ bool m_convertCurrency; /** * Whether this is one of the users' favorite reports */ bool m_favorite; /** * Whether this report should only include categories marked as "Tax"="Yes" */ bool m_tax; /** * Whether this report should only include investment accounts */ bool m_investments; /** * Whether this report should only include loan accounts * Applies only to querytable reports. Mutually exclusive with * m_investments. */ bool m_loans; /** * What sort of algorithm should be used to run the report */ enum EReportType m_reportType; /** * What sort of values should show up on the ROWS of this report */ enum ERowType m_rowType; /** * What sort of values should show up on the COLUMNS of this report, * in the case of a 'PivotTable' report. Really this is used more as a * QUANTITY of months or days. Whether it's months or days is determined * by m_columnsAreDays. */ enum EColumnType m_columnType; /** * Whether the base unit of columns of this report is days. Only applies to * 'PivotTable' reports. If false, then columns are months or multiples thereof. */ bool m_columnsAreDays; /** * What sort of values should show up on the COLUMNS of this report, * in the case of a 'QueryTable' report */ enum EQueryColumns m_queryColumns; /** * The plain-language description of what the date range should be locked * to. 'userDefined' means NO locking, in any other case, the report * will be adjusted to match the date lock. So if the date lock is * 'currentMonth', the start and end dates of the underlying filter will * be updated to whatever the current month is. This updating happens * automatically when the report is loaded, and should also be done * manually by calling updateDateFilter() before generating the report */ dateOptionE m_dateLock; /** * Which account groups should be included in the report. This filter * is applied to the individual splits AFTER a transaction has been * matched using the underlying filter. */ QList m_accountGroups; /** * Whether an account group filter has been set (see m_accountGroups) */ bool m_accountGroupFilter; /** * What format should be used to draw this report as a chart */ enum EChartType m_chartType; /** * Whether the value of individual data points should be drawn on the chart */ bool m_chartDataLabels; /** * Whether grid lines should be drawn on the chart */ bool m_chartGridLines; /** * Whether this report should be shown as a chart by default (otherwise it * should be shown as a textual report) */ bool m_chartByDefault; /** * Width of the chart lines */ uint m_chartLineWidth; /** * Whether to include scheduled transactions */ bool m_includeSchedules; /** * Whether to include transfers. Only applies to Income/Expense reports */ bool m_includeTransfers; /** * The id of the budget associated with this report. */ QString m_budgetId; /** * Whether this report should print the actual data to go along with * the budget. This is only valid if the report has a budget. */ bool m_includeBudgetActuals; /** * Whether this report should include all accounts and not only * accounts with transactions. */ bool m_includeUnusedAccounts; /** * Whether this report should include columns for row totals */ bool m_showRowTotals; /** * Whether this report should include forecast balance */ bool m_includeForecast; /** * Whether this report should include moving average */ bool m_includeMovingAverage; /** * The amount of days that spans each moving average */ int m_movingAverageDays; /** * Whether this report should include prices */ bool m_includePrice; /** * Whether this report should include moving average prices */ bool m_includeAveragePrice; /** * Make the actual and forecast lines display as one */ bool m_mixedTime; /** * This stores the column for the current date * This value is calculated dinamically and thus it is not saved in the file */ int m_currentDateColumn; /** * This member keeps the current setting for line graphs lineWidth. * @sa setLineWidth() */ static int m_lineWidth; /** * This option is for investments reports only which * show prices instead of balances as all other reports do. *

* Select this option to include prices for the given period (week, month, * quarter, ...) only. *


* If this option is off the last existing price is shown for a period, if * it is on, in a table the value is '0' shown and in a chart a linear * interpolation for the missing values will be performed. *
Example: *
There are prices for January and March, but there is no price for * February. *

  • OFF: shows the price for February as the last price of * January *
  • ON: in a table the value is '0', in a chart a linear * interpolation for the February-price will be performed * (so it makes a kind of average-value using the January- and the * March-price in the chart) *

*/ bool m_skipZero; }; /** * Make it possible to hold @ref MyMoneyReport objects inside @ref QVariant objects. */ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(MyMoneyReport) #endif // MYMONEYREPORT_H diff --git a/kmymoney/reports/listtable.cpp b/kmymoney/reports/listtable.cpp index 5f8952878..8b8038243 100644 --- a/kmymoney/reports/listtable.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/reports/listtable.cpp @@ -1,718 +1,719 @@ /*************************************************************************** listtable.cpp ------------------- begin : Sat 28 jun 2008 copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones 2008 by Alvaro Soliverez ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "listtable.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // This is just needed for i18n(). Once I figure out how to handle i18n // without using this macro directly, I'll be freed of KDE dependency. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneyreport.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #include "kmymoneyglobalsettings.h" #include "reportdebug.h" namespace reports { QStringList ListTable::TableRow::m_sortCriteria; // **************************************************************************** // // Group Iterator // // **************************************************************************** class GroupIterator { public: GroupIterator(const QString& _group, const QString& _subtotal, unsigned _depth) : m_depth(_depth), m_groupField(_group), m_subtotalField(_subtotal) {} GroupIterator() : m_depth(0) {} void update(const ListTable::TableRow& _row) { m_previousGroup = m_currentGroup; m_currentGroup = _row[m_groupField]; if (isSubtotal()) { m_previousSubtotal = m_currentSubtotal; m_currentSubtotal = MyMoneyMoney(); } m_currentSubtotal += MyMoneyMoney(_row[m_subtotalField]); } bool isNewHeader() const { return (m_currentGroup != m_previousGroup); } bool isSubtotal() const { return (m_currentGroup != m_previousGroup) && (!m_previousGroup.isEmpty()); } const MyMoneyMoney& subtotal() const { return m_previousSubtotal; } const MyMoneyMoney& currenttotal() const { return m_currentSubtotal; } unsigned depth() const { return m_depth; } const QString& name() const { return m_currentGroup; } const QString& oldName() const { return m_previousGroup; } const QString& groupField() const { return m_groupField; } const QString& subtotalField() const { return m_subtotalField; } // ***DV*** HACK make the currentGroup test different but look the same void force() { m_currentGroup += ' '; } private: MyMoneyMoney m_currentSubtotal; MyMoneyMoney m_previousSubtotal; unsigned m_depth; QString m_currentGroup; QString m_previousGroup; QString m_groupField; QString m_subtotalField; }; // **************************************************************************** // // ListTable implementation // // **************************************************************************** bool ListTable::TableRow::operator< (const TableRow& _compare) const { bool result = false; QStringList::const_iterator it_criterion = m_sortCriteria.constBegin(); while (it_criterion != m_sortCriteria.constEnd()) { if (this->operator[](*it_criterion) < _compare[ *it_criterion ]) { result = true; break; } else if (this->operator[](*it_criterion) > _compare[ *it_criterion ]) break; ++it_criterion; } return result; } // needed for KDE < 3.2 implementation of qHeapSort bool ListTable::TableRow::operator<= (const TableRow& _compare) const { return (!(_compare < *this)); } bool ListTable::TableRow::operator== (const TableRow& _compare) const { return (!(*this < _compare) && !(_compare < *this)); } bool ListTable::TableRow::operator> (const TableRow& _compare) const { return (_compare < *this); } /** * TODO * * - Collapse 2- & 3- groups when they are identical * - Way more test cases (especially splits & transfers) * - Option to collapse splits * - Option to exclude transfers * */ ListTable::ListTable(const MyMoneyReport& _report): ReportTable(), m_config(_report) { } void ListTable::render(QString& result, QString& csv) const { MyMoneyMoney grandtotal; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); result = ""; csv = ""; result += QString("


\n").arg(m_config.name()); csv += "\"Report: " + m_config.name() + "\"\n"; //actual dates of the report result += QString("
"); if (!m_config.fromDate().isNull()) { result += i18nc("Report date range", "%1 through %2", QLocale().toString(m_config.fromDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat), QLocale().toString(m_config.toDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat)); result += QString("
\n"); result += QString("
\n"); csv += i18nc("Report date range", "%1 through %2", QLocale().toString(m_config.fromDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat), QLocale().toString(m_config.toDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat)); csv += QString("\n"); } result += QString("
"); if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { result += i18n("All currencies converted to %1" , file->baseCurrency().name()); csv += i18n("All currencies converted to %1\n" , file->baseCurrency().name()); } else { result += i18n("All values shown in %1 unless otherwise noted" , file->baseCurrency().name()); csv += i18n("All values shown in %1 unless otherwise noted\n" , file->baseCurrency().name()); } result += QString("
\n"); result += QString("
\n"); // retrieve the configuration parameters from the report definition. // the things that we care about for query reports are: // how to group the rows, what columns to display, and what field // to subtotal on QStringList groups = m_group.split(','); QStringList columns = m_columns.split(','); columns += m_subtotal; QStringList postcolumns = m_postcolumns.split(','); columns += postcolumns; // // Table header // QMap i18nHeaders; i18nHeaders["postdate"] = i18n("Date"); i18nHeaders["value"] = i18n("Amount"); i18nHeaders["number"] = i18n("Num"); i18nHeaders["payee"] = i18n("Payee"); i18nHeaders["tag"] = i18n("Tags"); i18nHeaders["category"] = i18n("Category"); i18nHeaders["account"] = i18n("Account"); i18nHeaders["memo"] = i18n("Memo"); i18nHeaders["topcategory"] = i18n("Top Category"); i18nHeaders["categorytype"] = i18n("Category Type"); i18nHeaders["month"] = i18n("Month"); i18nHeaders["week"] = i18n("Week"); i18nHeaders["reconcileflag"] = i18n("Reconciled"); i18nHeaders["action"] = i18n("Action"); i18nHeaders["shares"] = i18n("Shares"); i18nHeaders["price"] = i18n("Price"); i18nHeaders["latestprice"] = i18n("Price"); i18nHeaders["netinvvalue"] = i18n("Net Value"); i18nHeaders["buys"] = i18n("Buys"); i18nHeaders["sells"] = i18n("Sells"); i18nHeaders["reinvestincome"] = i18n("Dividends Reinvested"); i18nHeaders["cashincome"] = i18n("Dividends Paid Out"); i18nHeaders["startingbal"] = i18n("Starting Balance"); i18nHeaders["endingbal"] = i18n("Ending Balance"); i18nHeaders["return"] = i18n("Annualized Return"); i18nHeaders["returninvestment"] = i18n("Return On Investment"); i18nHeaders["fees"] = i18n("Fees"); i18nHeaders["interest"] = i18n("Interest"); i18nHeaders["payment"] = i18n("Payment"); i18nHeaders["balance"] = i18n("Balance"); i18nHeaders["type"] = i18n("Type"); i18nHeaders["name"] = i18nc("Account name", "Name"); i18nHeaders["nextduedate"] = i18n("Next Due Date"); i18nHeaders["occurence"] = i18n("Occurrence"); // krazy:exclude=spelling i18nHeaders["paymenttype"] = i18n("Payment Method"); i18nHeaders["institution"] = i18n("Institution"); i18nHeaders["description"] = i18n("Description"); i18nHeaders["openingdate"] = i18n("Opening Date"); i18nHeaders["currencyname"] = i18n("Currency"); i18nHeaders["balancewarning"] = i18n("Balance Early Warning"); i18nHeaders["maxbalancelimit"] = i18n("Balance Max Limit"); i18nHeaders["creditwarning"] = i18n("Credit Early Warning"); i18nHeaders["maxcreditlimit"] = i18n("Credit Max Limit"); i18nHeaders["tax"] = i18n("Tax"); i18nHeaders["favorite"] = i18n("Preferred"); i18nHeaders["loanamount"] = i18n("Loan Amount"); i18nHeaders["interestrate"] = i18n("Interest Rate"); i18nHeaders["nextinterestchange"] = i18n("Next Interest Change"); i18nHeaders["periodicpayment"] = i18n("Periodic Payment"); i18nHeaders["finalpayment"] = i18n("Final Payment"); i18nHeaders["currentbalance"] = i18n("Current Balance"); + i18nHeaders["capitalgain"] = i18n("Capital Gain"); // the list of columns which represent money, so we can display them correctly - QStringList moneyColumns = QString("value,shares,price,latestprice,netinvvalue,buys,sells,cashincome,reinvestincome,startingbal,fees,interest,payment,balance,balancewarning,maxbalancelimit,creditwarning,maxcreditlimit,loanamount,periodicpayment,finalpayment,currentbalance,startingbal,endingbal").split(','); + QStringList moneyColumns = QString("value,shares,price,latestprice,netinvvalue,buys,sells,cashincome,reinvestincome,startingbal,fees,interest,payment,balance,balancewarning,maxbalancelimit,creditwarning,maxcreditlimit,loanamount,periodicpayment,finalpayment,currentbalance,startingbal,endingbal,capitalgain").split(','); // the list of columns which represent shares, which is like money except the // transaction currency will not be displayed QStringList sharesColumns = QString("shares").split(','); // the list of columns which represent a percentage, so we can display them correctly QStringList percentColumns = QString("return,returninvestment,interestrate").split(','); // the list of columns which represent dates, so we can display them correctly QStringList dateColumns = QString("postdate,entrydate,nextduedate,openingdate,nextinterestchange").split(','); result += "\n"; QStringList::const_iterator it_column = columns.constBegin(); while (it_column != columns.constEnd()) { QString i18nName = i18nHeaders[*it_column]; if (i18nName.isEmpty()) i18nName = *it_column; result += ""; csv += i18nName + ','; ++it_column; } result += "\n"; csv = csv.left(csv.length() - 1); csv += '\n'; // // Set up group iterators // // There is one active iterator for each level of grouping. // As we step through the rows // we update the group iterators each time based on the row data. If // the group iterator changes and it had a previous value, we print a // subtotal. Whether or not it had a previous value, we print a group // header. The group iterator keeps track of a subtotal also. int depth = 1; QList groupIteratorList; QStringList::const_iterator it_grouplevel = groups.constBegin(); while (it_grouplevel != groups.constEnd()) { groupIteratorList += GroupIterator((*it_grouplevel), m_subtotal, depth++); ++it_grouplevel; } // // Rows // bool row_odd = true; // ***DV*** MyMoneyMoney startingBalance; for (QList::const_iterator it_row = m_rows.begin(); it_row != m_rows.end(); ++it_row) { // the standard fraction is the fraction of an non-cash account in the base currency // this could be overridden using the "fraction" element of a row for each row. // Currently (2008-02-21) this override is not used at all (ipwizard) int fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); if ((*it_row).find("fraction") != (*it_row).end()) fraction = (*it_row)["fraction"].toInt(); // // Process Groups // // ***DV*** HACK to force a subtotal and header, since this render doesn't // always detect a group change for different accounts with the same name // (as occurs with the same stock purchased from different investment accts) if (it_row != m_rows.begin()) if (((* it_row)["rank"] == "-2") && ((* it_row)["id"] == "A")) (groupIteratorList.last()).force(); // There's a subtle bug here. If an earlier group gets a new group, // then we need to force all the downstream groups to get one too. // Update the group iterators with the current row value QList::iterator it_group = groupIteratorList.begin(); while (it_group != groupIteratorList.end()) { (*it_group).update(*it_row); ++it_group; } // Do subtotals backwards if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { it_group = groupIteratorList.end(); if (it_group != groupIteratorList.begin()) --it_group; while (it_group != groupIteratorList.end()) { if ((*it_group).isSubtotal()) { if ((*it_group).depth() == 1) grandtotal += (*it_group).subtotal(); grandtotal = grandtotal.convert(fraction); QString subtotal_html = (*it_group).subtotal().formatMoney(fraction); QString subtotal_csv = (*it_group).subtotal().formatMoney(fraction, false); // ***DV*** HACK fix the side-effiect from .force() method above QString oldName = QString((*it_group).oldName()).trimmed(); result += "" "" "\n"; csv += "\"" + i18nc("Total balance", "Total") + " " + oldName + "\",\"" + subtotal_csv + "\"\n"; } // going beyond begin() is not caught by the iterator if (it_group == groupIteratorList.begin()) break; --it_group; } } // And headers forwards it_group = groupIteratorList.begin(); while (it_group != groupIteratorList.end()) { if ((*it_group).isNewHeader()) { row_odd = true; result += "" "\n"; csv += "\"" + (*it_group).name() + "\"\n"; } ++it_group; } // // Columns // // skip the opening and closing balance row, // if the balance column is not shown if ((columns.contains("balance") == 0) && ((*it_row)["rank"] == "-2")) continue; bool need_label = true; QString tlink; // link information to account and transaction // ***DV*** if ((* it_row)["rank"] == "0") { row_odd = ! row_odd; tlink = QString("id=%1&tid=%2") .arg((* it_row)["accountid"], (* it_row)["id"]); } if ((* it_row)["rank"] == "-2") result += QString("").arg((* it_row)["id"]); else if ((* it_row)["rank"] == "1") result += QString("").arg(row_odd ? "item1" : "item0"); else result += QString("").arg(row_odd ? "row-odd " : "row-even"); QStringList::const_iterator it_column = columns.constBegin(); while (it_column != columns.constEnd()) { QString data = (*it_row)[*it_column]; // ***DV*** if ((* it_row)["rank"] == "1") { if (* it_column == "value") data = (* it_row)["split"]; else if (*it_column == "postdate" || *it_column == "number" || *it_column == "payee" || *it_column == "tag" || *it_column == "action" || *it_column == "shares" || *it_column == "price" || *it_column == "nextduedate" || *it_column == "balance" || *it_column == "account" || *it_column == "name") data = ""; } // ***DV*** if ((* it_row)["rank"] == "-2") { if (*it_column == "balance") { data = (* it_row)["balance"]; if ((* it_row)["id"] == "A") // opening balance? startingBalance = MyMoneyMoney(data); } if (need_label) { if ((*it_column == "payee") || (*it_column == "category") || (*it_column == "memo")) { if (!(*it_row)["shares"].isEmpty()) { data = ((* it_row)["id"] == "A") ? i18n("Initial Market Value") : i18n("Ending Market Value"); } else { data = ((* it_row)["id"] == "A") ? i18n("Opening Balance") : i18n("Closing Balance"); } need_label = false; } } } // The 'balance' column is calculated at render-time // but not printed on split lines else if (*it_column == "balance" && (* it_row)["rank"] == "0") { // Take the balance off the deepest group iterator data = (groupIteratorList.back().currenttotal() + startingBalance).toString(); } // Figure out how to render the value in this column, depending on // what its properties are. // // TODO: This and the i18n headings are handled // as a set of parallel vectors. Would be much better to make a single // vector of a properties class. QString tlinkBegin, tlinkEnd; if (!tlink.isEmpty()) { tlinkBegin = QString("").arg(tlink); tlinkEnd = QLatin1String(""); } if (sharesColumns.contains(*it_column)) { if (data.isEmpty()) { result += QString(""); csv += "\"\","; } else { result += QString("").arg(MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney("", 3), tlinkBegin, tlinkEnd); csv += "\"" + MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney("", 3, false) + "\","; } } else if (moneyColumns.contains(*it_column)) { if (data.isEmpty()) { result += QString("") .arg((*it_column == "value") ? " class=\"value\"" : ""); csv += "\"\","; } else if (MyMoneyMoney(data) == MyMoneyMoney::autoCalc) { result += QString("%3%2%4") .arg((*it_column == "value") ? " class=\"value\"" : "") .arg(i18n("Calculated"), tlinkBegin, tlinkEnd); csv += "\"" + i18n("Calculated") + "\","; } else if (*it_column == "price") { result += QString("") .arg(MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())), tlinkBegin, tlinkEnd); csv += "\"" + (*it_row)["currency"] + " " + MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()), false) + "\","; } else { result += QString("%4%2 %3%5") .arg((*it_column == "value") ? " class=\"value\"" : "") .arg((*it_row)["currency"]) .arg(MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney(fraction)) .arg(tlinkBegin, tlinkEnd); csv += "\"" + (*it_row)["currency"] + " " + MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney(fraction, false) + "\","; } } else if (percentColumns.contains(*it_column)) { data = (MyMoneyMoney(data) * MyMoneyMoney(100, 1)).formatMoney(fraction); result += QString("").arg(data, tlinkBegin, tlinkEnd); csv += data + "%,"; } else if (dateColumns.contains(*it_column)) { // do this before we possibly change data csv += "\"" + data + "\","; // if we have a locale() then use its date formatter if (!data.isEmpty()) { QDate qd = QDate::fromString(data, Qt::ISODate); data = QLocale().toString(qd, QLocale::ShortFormat); } result += QString("").arg(data, tlinkBegin, tlinkEnd); } else { result += QString("").arg(data, tlinkBegin, tlinkEnd); csv += "\"" + data + "\","; } ++it_column; tlink.clear(); } result += "\n"; csv = csv.left(csv.length() - 1); // remove final comma csv += '\n'; } // // Final group totals // // Do subtotals backwards if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { int fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); QList::iterator it_group = groupIteratorList.end(); if (it_group != groupIteratorList.begin()) --it_group; while (it_group != groupIteratorList.end()) { (*it_group).update(TableRow()); if ((*it_group).depth() == 1) { grandtotal += (*it_group).subtotal(); grandtotal = grandtotal.convert(fraction); } QString subtotal_html = (*it_group).subtotal().formatMoney(fraction); QString subtotal_csv = (*it_group).subtotal().formatMoney(fraction, false); result += "" "" "\n"; csv += "\"" + i18nc("Total balance", "Total") + " " + (*it_group).oldName() + "\",\"" + subtotal_csv + "\"\n"; // going beyond begin() is not caught by the iterator if (it_group == groupIteratorList.begin()) break; --it_group; } // // Grand total // QString grandtotal_html = grandtotal.formatMoney(fraction); QString grandtotal_csv = grandtotal.formatMoney(fraction, false); //If we order by Tags don't show the Grand total as we can have multiple tags per transaction if (m_config.rowType() != MyMoneyReport::eTag) { result += "" "" "\n"; csv += "\"" + i18n("Grand Total") + "\",\"" + grandtotal_csv + "\"\n"; } } result += "
" + i18nName + "
" + i18nc("Total balance", "Total") + ' ' + oldName + "" + subtotal_html + "
" + (*it_group).name() + "
" + i18nc("Total balance", "Total") + ' ' + (*it_group).oldName() + "" + subtotal_html + "
" + i18n("Grand Total") + "" + grandtotal_html + "
\n"; } QString ListTable::renderBody() const { QString html, csv; render(html, csv); return html; } QString ListTable::renderCSV() const { QString html, csv; render(html, csv); return csv; } void ListTable::dump(const QString& file, const QString& context) const { QFile g(file); g.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); if (! context.isEmpty()) QTextStream(&g) << context.arg(renderBody()); else QTextStream(&g) << renderBody(); g.close(); } void ListTable::includeInvestmentSubAccounts() { // if we're not in expert mode, we need to make sure // that all stock accounts for the selected investment // account are also selected. // In case we get called for a non investment only report we quit if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode() || !m_config.isInvestmentsOnly()) { return; } // get all investment subAccountsList but do not include those with zero balance // or those which had no transactions during the timeframe of the report QStringList accountIdList; QStringList subAccountsList; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // get the report account filter if (!m_config.accounts(accountIdList) && m_config.isInvestmentsOnly()) { // this will only execute if this is an investment-only report QList accountList; file->accountList(accountList); QList::const_iterator it_ma; for (it_ma = accountList.constBegin(); it_ma != accountList.constEnd(); ++it_ma) { if ((*it_ma).accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { accountIdList.append((*it_ma).id()); } } } QStringList::const_iterator it_a; for (it_a = accountIdList.constBegin(); it_a != accountIdList.constEnd(); ++it_a) { MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(*it_a); if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { QStringList::const_iterator it_b; for (it_b = acc.accountList().constBegin(); it_b != acc.accountList().constEnd(); ++it_b) { if (!accountIdList.contains(*it_b)) { subAccountsList.append(*it_b); } } } } if (m_config.isInvestmentsOnly() && !m_config.isIncludingUnusedAccounts()) { // if the balance is not zero at the end, include the subaccount QStringList::iterator it_balance; for (it_balance = subAccountsList.begin(); it_balance != subAccountsList.end();) { if (!file->balance((*it_balance), m_config.toDate()).isZero()) { m_config.addAccount((*it_balance)); it_balance = subAccountsList.erase((it_balance)); } else { ++it_balance; } } // if there are transactions for that subaccount, include them MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setDateFilter(m_config.fromDate(), m_config.toDate()); filter.addAccount(subAccountsList); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QList transactions = file->transactionList(filter); QList::const_iterator it_t = transactions.constBegin(); //Check each split for a matching account for (; it_t != transactions.constEnd(); ++it_t) { const QList& splits = (*it_t).splits(); QList::const_iterator it_s = splits.begin(); for (; it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) { const QString& accountId = (*it_s).accountId(); if (!(*it_s).shares().isZero() && subAccountsList.contains(accountId)) { subAccountsList.removeOne(accountId); m_config.addAccount(accountId); } } } } else { // if not an investment-only report or explicitly including unused accounts // add all investment subaccounts m_config.addAccount(subAccountsList); } } } diff --git a/kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp b/kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp index b02351e2e..fbb1c76d8 100644 --- a/kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp @@ -1,1516 +1,1628 @@ /*************************************************************************** querytable.cpp ------------------- begin : Fri Jul 23 2004 copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones (C) 2007 Sascha Pfau ***************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** Contains code from the func_xirr and related methods of financial.cpp - KOffice 1.6 by Sascha Pfau. Sascha agreed to relicense those methods under GPLv2 or later. *****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "querytable.h" #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneytransaction.h" #include "mymoneyreport.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #include "reportaccount.h" #include "reportdebug.h" #include "kmymoneyglobalsettings.h" namespace reports { // **************************************************************************** // // CashFlowListItem implementation // // Cash flow analysis tools for investment reports // // **************************************************************************** QDate CashFlowListItem::m_sToday = QDate::currentDate(); MyMoneyMoney CashFlowListItem::NPV(double _rate) const { double T = static_cast(m_sToday.daysTo(m_date)) / 365.0; MyMoneyMoney result(m_value.toDouble() / pow(1 + _rate, T), 100); //qDebug() << "CashFlowListItem::NPV( " << _rate << " ) == " << result; return result; } // **************************************************************************** // // CashFlowList implementation // // Cash flow analysis tools for investment reports // // **************************************************************************** CashFlowListItem CashFlowList::mostRecent() const { CashFlowList dupe(*this); qSort(dupe); //qDebug() << " CashFlowList::mostRecent() == " << dupe.back().date().toString(Qt::ISODate); return dupe.back(); } MyMoneyMoney CashFlowList::NPV(double _rate) const { MyMoneyMoney result; const_iterator it_cash = begin(); while (it_cash != end()) { result += (*it_cash).NPV(_rate); ++it_cash; } //qDebug() << "CashFlowList::NPV( " << _rate << " ) == " << result << "------------------------" << endl; return result; } double CashFlowList::calculateXIRR() const { double resultRate = 0.00001; double resultZero = 0.00000; //if ( args.count() > 2 ) // resultRate = calc->conv()->asFloat ( args[2] ).asFloat(); // check pairs and count >= 2 and guess > -1.0 //if ( args[0].count() != args[1].count() || args[1].count() < 2 || resultRate <= -1.0 ) // return Value::errorVALUE(); // define max epsilon static const double maxEpsilon = 1e-5; // max number of iterations static const int maxIter = 50; // Newton's method - try to find a res, with a accuracy of maxEpsilon double rateEpsilon, newRate, resultValue; int i = 0; bool contLoop; do { resultValue = xirrResult(resultRate); double resultDerive = xirrResultDerive(resultRate); //check what happens if xirrResultDerive is zero //Don't know if it is correct to dismiss the result if (resultDerive != 0) { newRate = resultRate - resultValue / resultDerive; } else { newRate = resultRate - resultValue; } rateEpsilon = fabs(newRate - resultRate); resultRate = newRate; contLoop = (rateEpsilon > maxEpsilon) && (fabs(resultValue) > maxEpsilon); } while (contLoop && (++i < maxIter)); if (contLoop) return resultZero; return resultRate; } double CashFlowList::xirrResult(double& rate) const { QDate date; double r = rate + 1.0; double res = 0.00000;//back().value().toDouble(); QList::const_iterator list_it = begin(); while (list_it != end()) { double e_i = ((* list_it).today().daysTo((* list_it).date())) / 365.0; MyMoneyMoney val = (* list_it).value(); if (e_i < 0) { res += val.toDouble() * pow(r, -e_i); } else { res += val.toDouble() / pow(r, e_i); } ++list_it; } return res; } double CashFlowList::xirrResultDerive(double& rate) const { QDate date; double r = rate + 1.0; double res = 0.00000; QList::const_iterator list_it = begin(); while (list_it != end()) { double e_i = ((* list_it).today().daysTo((* list_it).date())) / 365.0; MyMoneyMoney val = (* list_it).value(); res -= e_i * val.toDouble() / pow(r, e_i + 1.0); ++list_it; } return res; } double CashFlowList::IRR() const { double result = 0.0; // set 'today', which is the most recent of all dates in the list CashFlowListItem::setToday(mostRecent().date()); result = calculateXIRR(); return result; } MyMoneyMoney CashFlowList::total() const { MyMoneyMoney result; const_iterator it_cash = begin(); while (it_cash != end()) { result += (*it_cash).value(); ++it_cash; } return result; } void CashFlowList::dumpDebug() const { const_iterator it_item = begin(); while (it_item != end()) { qDebug() << (*it_item).date().toString(Qt::ISODate) << " " << (*it_item).value().toString(); ++it_item; } } // **************************************************************************** // // QueryTable implementation // // **************************************************************************** /** * TODO * * - Collapse 2- & 3- groups when they are identical * - Way more test cases (especially splits & transfers) * - Option to collapse splits * - Option to exclude transfers * */ QueryTable::QueryTable(const MyMoneyReport& _report): ListTable(_report) { // separated into its own method to allow debugging (setting breakpoints // directly in ctors somehow does not work for me (ipwizard)) // TODO: remove the init() method and move the code back to the ctor init(); } void QueryTable::init() { switch (m_config.rowType()) { case MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount: case MyMoneyReport::eEquityType: case MyMoneyReport::eAccountType: case MyMoneyReport::eInstitution: constructAccountTable(); m_columns = "account"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eAccount: constructTransactionTable(); m_columns = "accountid,postdate"; break; case MyMoneyReport::ePayee: case MyMoneyReport::eTag: case MyMoneyReport::eMonth: case MyMoneyReport::eWeek: constructTransactionTable(); m_columns = "postdate,account"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eCashFlow: constructSplitsTable(); m_columns = "postdate"; break; default: constructTransactionTable(); m_columns = "postdate"; } // Sort the data to match the report definition m_subtotal = "value"; switch (m_config.rowType()) { case MyMoneyReport::eCashFlow: m_group = "categorytype,topcategory,category"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eCategory: m_group = "categorytype,topcategory,category"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eTopCategory: m_group = "categorytype,topcategory"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eTopAccount: m_group = "topaccount,account"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eAccount: m_group = "account"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eAccountReconcile: m_group = "account,reconcileflag"; break; case MyMoneyReport::ePayee: m_group = "payee"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eTag: m_group = "tag"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eMonth: m_group = "month"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eWeek: m_group = "week"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount: m_group = "topaccount"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eEquityType: m_group = "equitytype"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eAccountType: m_group = "type"; break; case MyMoneyReport::eInstitution: m_group = "institution,topaccount"; break; default: throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("QueryTable::QueryTable(): unhandled row type"); } QString sort = m_group + ',' + m_columns + ",id,rank"; switch (m_config.rowType()) { case MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount: case MyMoneyReport::eEquityType: case MyMoneyReport::eAccountType: case MyMoneyReport::eInstitution: m_columns = "account"; break; default: m_columns = "postdate"; } unsigned qc = m_config.queryColumns(); if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber) m_columns += ",number"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee) m_columns += ",payee"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCtag) m_columns += ",tag"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory) m_columns += ",category"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCaccount) m_columns += ",account"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCreconciled) m_columns += ",reconcileflag"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCmemo) m_columns += ",memo"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCaction) m_columns += ",action"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCshares) m_columns += ",shares"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCprice) m_columns += ",price"; if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCperformance) { m_columns += ",startingbal,buys,sells,reinvestincome,cashincome,return,returninvestment"; m_subtotal = "endingbal"; } + if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCcapitalgain) { + m_columns += ",buys,sells"; + m_subtotal = "capitalgain"; + } if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCloan) { m_columns += ",payment,interest,fees"; m_postcolumns = "balance"; } if (qc & MyMoneyReport::eQCbalance) m_postcolumns = "balance"; TableRow::setSortCriteria(sort); qSort(m_rows); } void QueryTable::constructTransactionTable() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); //make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts includeInvestmentSubAccounts(); MyMoneyReport report(m_config); report.setReportAllSplits(false); report.setConsiderCategory(true); bool use_transfers; bool use_summary; bool hide_details; bool tag_special_case = false; switch (m_config.rowType()) { case MyMoneyReport::eCategory: case MyMoneyReport::eTopCategory: use_summary = false; use_transfers = false; hide_details = false; break; case MyMoneyReport::ePayee: use_summary = false; use_transfers = false; hide_details = (m_config.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailNone); break; case MyMoneyReport::eTag: use_summary = false; use_transfers = false; hide_details = (m_config.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailNone); tag_special_case = true; break; default: use_summary = true; use_transfers = true; hide_details = (m_config.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailNone); break; } // support for opening and closing balances QMap accts; //get all transactions for this report QList transactions = file->transactionList(report); for (QList::const_iterator it_transaction = transactions.constBegin(); it_transaction != transactions.constEnd(); ++it_transaction) { TableRow qA, qS; QDate pd; QList tagIdListCache; qA["id"] = qS["id"] = (* it_transaction).id(); qA["entrydate"] = qS["entrydate"] = (* it_transaction).entryDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); qA["postdate"] = qS["postdate"] = (* it_transaction).postDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); qA["commodity"] = qS["commodity"] = (* it_transaction).commodity(); pd = (* it_transaction).postDate(); qA["month"] = qS["month"] = i18n("Month of %1", QDate(pd.year(), pd.month(), 1).toString(Qt::ISODate)); qA["week"] = qS["week"] = i18n("Week of %1", pd.addDays(1 - pd.dayOfWeek()).toString(Qt::ISODate)); qA["currency"] = qS["currency"] = ""; if ((* it_transaction).commodity() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { if (!report.isConvertCurrency()) { qA["currency"] = qS["currency"] = (*it_transaction).commodity(); } } // to handle splits, we decide on which account to base the split // (a reference point or point of view so to speak). here we take the // first account that is a stock account or loan account (or the first account // that is not an income or expense account if there is no stock or loan account) // to be the account (qA) that will have the sub-item "split" entries. we add // one transaction entry (qS) for each subsequent entry in the split. const QList& splits = (*it_transaction).splits(); QList::const_iterator myBegin, it_split; for (it_split = splits.begin(), myBegin = splits.end(); it_split != splits.end(); ++it_split) { ReportAccount splitAcc = (* it_split).accountId(); // always put split with a "stock" account if it exists if (splitAcc.isInvest()) break; // prefer to put splits with a "loan" account if it exists if (splitAcc.isLoan()) myBegin = it_split; if ((myBegin == splits.end()) && ! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { myBegin = it_split; } } // select our "reference" split if (it_split == splits.end()) { it_split = myBegin; } else { myBegin = it_split; } // skip this transaction if we didn't find a valid base account - see the above description // for the base account's description - if we don't find it avoid a crash by skipping the transaction if (myBegin == splits.end()) continue; // if the split is still unknown, use the first one. I have seen this // happen with a transaction that has only a single split referencing an income or expense // account and has an amount and value of 0. Such a transaction will fall through // the above logic and leave 'it_split' pointing to splits.end() which causes the remainder // of this to end in an infinite loop. if (it_split == splits.end()) { it_split = splits.begin(); } // for "loan" reports, the loan transaction gets special treatment. // the splits of a loan transaction are placed on one line in the // reference (loan) account (qA). however, we process the matching // split entries (qS) normally. bool loan_special_case = false; if (m_config.queryColumns() & MyMoneyReport::eQCloan) { ReportAccount splitAcc = (*it_split).accountId(); loan_special_case = splitAcc.isLoan(); } bool include_me = true; bool transaction_text = false; //indicates whether a text should be considered as a match for the transaction or for a split only QString a_fullname = ""; QString a_memo = ""; int pass = 1; QString myBeginCurrency = (file->account((*myBegin).accountId())).currencyId(); //currency of the main split do { MyMoneyMoney xr; ReportAccount splitAcc = (* it_split).accountId(); //get fraction for account int fraction = splitAcc.currency().smallestAccountFraction(); //use base currency fraction if not initialized if (fraction == -1) fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); QString institution = splitAcc.institutionId(); QString payee = (*it_split).payeeId(); const QList tagIdList = (*it_split).tagIdList(); //convert to base currency if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { xr = (splitAcc.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()) * splitAcc.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate())).reduce(); } else { xr = (splitAcc.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate())).reduce(); } if (splitAcc.isInvest()) { // use the institution of the parent for stock accounts institution = splitAcc.parent().institutionId(); MyMoneyMoney shares = (*it_split).shares(); qA["action"] = (*it_split).action(); qA["shares"] = shares.isZero() ? "" : (*it_split).shares().toString(); qA["price"] = shares.isZero() ? "" : xr.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString(); if (((*it_split).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares) && (*it_split).shares().isNegative()) qA["action"] = "Sell"; qA["investaccount"] = splitAcc.parent().name(); } if (it_split == myBegin) { include_me = m_config.includes(splitAcc); a_fullname = splitAcc.fullName(); a_memo = (*it_split).memo(); transaction_text = m_config.match(&(*it_split)); qA["price"] = xr.toString(); qA["account"] = splitAcc.name(); qA["accountid"] = splitAcc.id(); qA["topaccount"] = splitAcc.topParentName(); qA["institution"] = institution.isEmpty() ? i18n("No Institution") : file->institution(institution).name(); qA["payee"] = payee.isEmpty() ? i18n("[Empty Payee]") : file->payee(payee).name().simplified(); if (tag_special_case) { tagIdListCache = tagIdList; } else { QString delimiter = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tagIdList.size(); i++) { qA["tag"] += delimiter + file->tag(tagIdList[i]).name().simplified(); delimiter = ", "; } } qA["reconciledate"] = (*it_split).reconcileDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); qA["reconcileflag"] = KMyMoneyUtils::reconcileStateToString((*it_split).reconcileFlag(), true); qA["number"] = (*it_split).number(); qA["memo"] = a_memo; qA["value"] = (((*it_split).shares()) * xr).convert(fraction).toString(); qS["reconciledate"] = qA["reconciledate"]; qS["reconcileflag"] = qA["reconcileflag"]; qS["number"] = qA["number"]; qS["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName(); qS["categorytype"] = i18n("Transfer"); // only include the configured accounts if (include_me) { if (loan_special_case) { // put the principal amount in the "value" column and convert to lowest fraction qA["value"] = ((-(*it_split).shares()) * xr).convert(fraction).toString(); qA["rank"] = '0'; qA["split"] = ""; } else { if ((splits.count() > 2) && use_summary) { // add the "summarized" split transaction // this is the sub-total of the split detail // convert to lowest fraction qA["value"] = ((*it_split).shares() * xr).convert(fraction).toString(); qA["rank"] = '0'; qA["category"] = i18n("[Split Transaction]"); qA["topcategory"] = i18nc("Split transaction", "Split"); qA["categorytype"] = i18nc("Split transaction", "Split"); m_rows += qA; } } // track accts that will need opening and closing balances //FIXME in some cases it will show the opening and closing //balances but no transactions if the splits are all filtered out -- asoliverez accts.insert(splitAcc.id(), splitAcc); } } else { if (include_me) { if (loan_special_case) { MyMoneyMoney value = ((-(* it_split).shares()) * xr).convert(fraction); if ((*it_split).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionAmortization) { // put the payment in the "payment" column and convert to lowest fraction qA["payment"] = value.toString(); } else if ((*it_split).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionInterest) { // put the interest in the "interest" column and convert to lowest fraction qA["interest"] = value.toString(); } else if (splits.count() > 2) { // [dv: This comment carried from the original code. I am // not exactly clear on what it means or why we do this.] // Put the initial pay-in nowhere (that is, ignore it). This // is dangerous, though. The only way I can tell the initial // pay-in apart from fees is if there are only 2 splits in // the transaction. I wish there was a better way. } else { // accumulate everything else in the "fees" column MyMoneyMoney n0 = MyMoneyMoney(qA["fees"]); qA["fees"] = (n0 + value).toString(); } // we don't add qA here for a loan transaction. we'll add one // qA afer all of the split components have been processed. // (see below) } //--- special case to hide split transaction details else if (hide_details && (splits.count() > 2)) { // essentially, don't add any qA entries } //--- default case includes all transaction details else { //this is when the splits are going to be shown as children of the main split if ((splits.count() > 2) && use_summary) { qA["value"] = ""; //convert to lowest fraction qA["split"] = ((-(*it_split).shares()) * xr).convert(fraction).toString(); qA["rank"] = '1'; } else { //this applies when the transaction has only 2 splits, or each split is going to be //shown separately, eg. transactions by category qA["split"] = ""; // multiply by currency and convert to lowest fraction // but only for income and expense // transfers are dealt with somewhere else below if (splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { // if the currency of the split is different from the currency of the main split, then convert to the currency of the main split MyMoneyMoney ieXr(xr); if (!m_config.isConvertCurrency() && splitAcc.currency().id() != myBeginCurrency) { ieXr = (xr * splitAcc.foreignCurrencyPrice(myBeginCurrency, (*it_transaction).postDate())).reduce(); } qA["value"] = ((-(*it_split).shares()) * ieXr).convert(fraction).toString(); } qA["rank"] = '0'; } qA ["memo"] = (*it_split).memo(); // if different from base currency and not converting // show the currency of the split if (splitAcc.currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { if (!report.isConvertCurrency()) { qS["currency"] = splitAcc.currencyId(); } } else { qS["currency"] = ""; } if (! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { qA["category"] = ((*it_split).shares().isNegative()) ? i18n("Transfer from %1", splitAcc.fullName()) : i18n("Transfer to %1", splitAcc.fullName()); qA["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName(); qA["categorytype"] = i18n("Transfer"); } else { qA ["category"] = splitAcc.fullName(); qA ["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName(); qA ["categorytype"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(splitAcc.accountGroup()); } if (use_transfers || (splitAcc.isIncomeExpense() && m_config.includes(splitAcc))) { //if it matches the text of the main split of the transaction or //it matches this particular split, include it //otherwise, skip it //if the filter is "does not contain" exclude the split if it does not match //even it matches the whole split if ((m_config.isInvertingText() && m_config.match(&(*it_split))) || (!m_config.isInvertingText() && (transaction_text || m_config.match(&(*it_split))))) { if (tag_special_case) { if (!tagIdListCache.size()) qA["tag"] = i18n("[No Tag]"); else for (int i = 0; i < tagIdListCache.size(); i++) { qA["tag"] = file->tag(tagIdListCache[i]).name().simplified(); m_rows += qA; } } else { m_rows += qA; } } } } } if (m_config.includes(splitAcc) && use_transfers) { if (! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { //multiply by currency and convert to lowest fraction qS["value"] = ((*it_split).shares() * xr).convert(fraction).toString(); qS["rank"] = '0'; qS["account"] = splitAcc.name(); qS["accountid"] = splitAcc.id(); qS["topaccount"] = splitAcc.topParentName(); qS["category"] = ((*it_split).shares().isNegative()) ? i18n("Transfer to %1", a_fullname) : i18n("Transfer from %1", a_fullname); qS["institution"] = institution.isEmpty() ? i18n("No Institution") : file->institution(institution).name(); qS["memo"] = (*it_split).memo().isEmpty() ? a_memo : (*it_split).memo(); //FIXME-ALEX When is used this? I can't find in which condition we arrive here... maybe this code is useless? QString delimiter = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tagIdList.size(); i++) { qA["tag"] += delimiter + file->tag(tagIdList[i]).name().simplified(); delimiter = '+'; } qS["payee"] = payee.isEmpty() ? qA["payee"] : file->payee(payee).name().simplified(); //check the specific split against the filter for text and amount //TODO this should be done at the engine, but I have no clear idea how -- asoliverez //if the filter is "does not contain" exclude the split if it does not match //even it matches the whole split if ((m_config.isInvertingText() && m_config.match(&(*it_split))) || (!m_config.isInvertingText() && (transaction_text || m_config.match(&(*it_split))))) { m_rows += qS; // track accts that will need opening and closing balances accts.insert(splitAcc.id(), splitAcc); } } } } ++it_split; // look for wrap-around if (it_split == splits.end()) it_split = splits.begin(); // but terminate if this transaction has only a single split if (splits.count() < 2) break; //check if there have been more passes than there are splits //this is to prevent infinite loops in cases of data inconsistency -- asoliverez ++pass; if (pass > splits.count()) break; } while (it_split != myBegin); if (loan_special_case) { m_rows += qA; } } // now run through our accts list and add opening and closing balances switch (m_config.rowType()) { case MyMoneyReport::eAccount: case MyMoneyReport::eTopAccount: break; // case MyMoneyReport::eCategory: // case MyMoneyReport::eTopCategory: // case MyMoneyReport::ePayee: // case MyMoneyReport::eMonth: // case MyMoneyReport::eWeek: default: return; } QDate startDate, endDate; report.validDateRange(startDate, endDate); QString strStartDate = startDate.toString(Qt::ISODate); QString strEndDate = endDate.toString(Qt::ISODate); startDate = startDate.addDays(-1); QMap::const_iterator it_account, accts_end; for (it_account = accts.constBegin(); it_account != accts.constEnd(); ++it_account) { TableRow qA; ReportAccount account = (* it_account); //get fraction for account int fraction = account.currency().smallestAccountFraction(); //use base currency fraction if not initialized if (fraction == -1) fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); QString institution = account.institutionId(); // use the institution of the parent for stock accounts if (account.isInvest()) institution = account.parent().institutionId(); MyMoneyMoney startBalance, endBalance, startPrice, endPrice; MyMoneyMoney startShares, endShares; //get price and convert currency if necessary if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { startPrice = (account.deepCurrencyPrice(startDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startDate)).reduce(); endPrice = (account.deepCurrencyPrice(endDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(endDate)).reduce(); } else { startPrice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startDate).reduce(); endPrice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(endDate).reduce(); } startShares = file->balance(account.id(), startDate); endShares = file->balance(account.id(), endDate); //get starting and ending balances startBalance = startShares * startPrice; endBalance = endShares * endPrice; //starting balance // don't show currency if we're converting or if it's not foreign qA["currency"] = (m_config.isConvertCurrency() || ! account.isForeignCurrency()) ? "" : account.currency().id(); qA["accountid"] = account.id(); qA["account"] = account.name(); qA["topaccount"] = account.topParentName(); qA["institution"] = institution.isEmpty() ? i18n("No Institution") : file->institution(institution).name(); qA["rank"] = "-2"; qA["price"] = startPrice.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString(); if (account.isInvest()) { qA["shares"] = startShares.toString(); } qA["postdate"] = strStartDate; qA["balance"] = startBalance.convert(fraction).toString(); qA["value"].clear(); qA["id"] = 'A'; m_rows += qA; //ending balance qA["price"] = endPrice.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString(); if (account.isInvest()) { qA["shares"] = endShares.toString(); } qA["postdate"] = strEndDate; qA["balance"] = endBalance.toString(); qA["id"] = 'Z'; m_rows += qA; } } void QueryTable::constructPerformanceRow(const ReportAccount& account, TableRow& result) const { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneySecurity security; //get fraction depending on type of account int fraction = account.currency().smallestAccountFraction(); // // Calculate performance // // The following columns are created: // Account, Value on , Buys, Sells, Income, Value on , Return% MyMoneyReport report = m_config; QDate startingDate; QDate endingDate; MyMoneyMoney price; report.validDateRange(startingDate, endingDate); startingDate = startingDate.addDays(-1); //calculate starting balance if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startingDate); } else { price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate); } //work around if there is no price for the starting balance if (!(file->balance(account.id(), startingDate)).isZero() && account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate) == MyMoneyMoney::ONE) { MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; //get the transactions for the time before the report filter.setDateFilter(QDate(), startingDate); filter.addAccount(account.id()); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QList startTransactions = file->transactionList(filter); if (startTransactions.size() > 0) { //get the last transaction MyMoneyTransaction startTrans = startTransactions.back(); MyMoneySplit s = startTrans.splitByAccount(account.id()); //get the price from the split of that account price = s.price(); if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) price = price * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startingDate); } } if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startingDate); } else { price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startingDate); } MyMoneyMoney startingBal = file->balance(account.id(), startingDate) * price; //convert to lowest fraction startingBal = startingBal.convert(fraction); //calculate ending balance if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(endingDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(endingDate); } else { price = account.deepCurrencyPrice(endingDate); } MyMoneyMoney endingBal = file->balance((account).id(), endingDate) * price; //convert to lowest fraction endingBal = endingBal.convert(fraction); CashFlowList buys; CashFlowList sells; CashFlowList reinvestincome; CashFlowList cashincome; report.setReportAllSplits(false); report.setConsiderCategory(true); report.clearAccountFilter(); report.addAccount(account.id()); QList transactions = file->transactionList(report); QList::const_iterator it_transaction = transactions.constBegin(); while (it_transaction != transactions.constEnd()) { // s is the split for the stock account MyMoneySplit s = (*it_transaction).splitByAccount(account.id()); MyMoneySplit assetAccountSplit; QList feeSplits; QList interestSplits; MyMoneySecurity currency; MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE transactionType; KMyMoneyUtils::dissectTransaction((*it_transaction), s, assetAccountSplit, feeSplits, interestSplits, security, currency, transactionType); //get price for the day of the transaction if we have to calculate base currency //we are using the value of the split which is in deep currency if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { price = account.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()); //we only need base currency because the value is in deep currency } else { price = MyMoneyMoney::ONE; } MyMoneyMoney value = assetAccountSplit.value() * price; if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::BuyShares) buys += CashFlowListItem((*it_transaction).postDate(), value); else if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::SellShares) sells += CashFlowListItem((*it_transaction).postDate(), value); else if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::ReinvestDividend) reinvestincome += CashFlowListItem((*it_transaction).postDate(), value); else if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::Dividend || transactionType == MyMoneySplit::Yield) cashincome += CashFlowListItem((*it_transaction).postDate(), value); ++it_transaction; } // Note that reinvested dividends are not included , because these do not // represent a cash flow event. CashFlowList all; all += buys; all += sells; all += cashincome; all += CashFlowListItem(startingDate, -startingBal); all += CashFlowListItem(endingDate, endingBal); MyMoneyMoney returnInvestment; MyMoneyMoney buysTotal = buys.total(); MyMoneyMoney sellsTotal = sells.total(); MyMoneyMoney cashincomeTotal = cashincome.total(); if (!buysTotal.isZero()) { returnInvestment = (sellsTotal + buysTotal + cashincomeTotal + endingBal - startingBal) / (startingBal - buysTotal); returnInvestment = returnInvestment.convert(10000); } else returnInvestment = MyMoneyMoney(); // if no investment then no return on investment try { double irr = all.IRR(); #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC MyMoneyMoney annualReturn = MyMoneyMoney(_isnan(irr) ? 0 : irr, 10000); #else MyMoneyMoney annualReturn = MyMoneyMoney(std::isnan(irr) ? 0 : irr, 10000); #endif result["return"] = annualReturn.toString(); result["returninvestment"] = returnInvestment.toString(); } catch (QString e) { qDebug() << e; } result["equitytype"] = KMyMoneyUtils::securityTypeToString(security.securityType()); result["buys"] = buys.total().toString(); result["sells"] = sells.total().toString(); result["cashincome"] = cashincome.total().toString(); result["reinvestincome"] = reinvestincome.total().toString(); result["startingbal"] = startingBal.toString(); result["endingbal"] = endingBal.toString(); } +void QueryTable::constructCapitalGainRow(const ReportAccount& account, TableRow& result) const +{ + MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); + MyMoneySecurity security; + MyMoneyMoney price; + MyMoneyMoney sellValue; + MyMoneyMoney buyValue; + MyMoneyMoney sellShares; + MyMoneyMoney buyShares; + + // + // Calculate capital gain + // + + // The following columns are created: + // Account, Buys, Sells, Capital Gain + + MyMoneyReport report = m_config; + QDate startingDate; + QDate endingDate; + QDate newStartingDate; + QDate newEndingDate; + report.validDateRange(startingDate, endingDate); + newStartingDate = startingDate; + newEndingDate = endingDate; + MyMoneyMoney endingShares = file->balance(account.id(), endingDate); // get how many shares there are over zero value + + bool reportedDateRange = true; // flag marking sell transactions between startingDate and endingDate + report.setReportAllSplits(false); + report.setConsiderCategory(true); + report.clearAccountFilter(); + report.addAccount(account.id()); + + do { + QList transactions = file->transactionList(report); + for (QList::const_reverse_iterator it_t = transactions.crbegin(); it_t != transactions.crend(); ++it_t) { + MyMoneySplit shareSplit = (*it_t).splitByAccount(account.id()); + MyMoneySplit assetAccountSplit; + QList feeSplits; + QList interestSplits; + MyMoneySecurity currency; + MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE transactionType; + KMyMoneyUtils::dissectTransaction((*it_t), shareSplit, assetAccountSplit, feeSplits, interestSplits, security, currency, transactionType); + //get price for the day of the transaction if we have to calculate base currency + //we are using the value of the split which is in deep currency + if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) + price = account.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_t).postDate()); //we only need base currency because the value is in deep currency + else + price = MyMoneyMoney::ONE; + + MyMoneyMoney value = assetAccountSplit.value() * price; + MyMoneyMoney shares = shareSplit.shares(); + + if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::BuyShares) { + if (endingShares.isZero()) { // add sold shares + if (buyShares + shares > sellShares.abs()) { // add partially sold shares + buyValue += (((sellShares.abs() - buyShares)) / shares) * value; + buyShares = sellShares.abs(); + } else { // add wholly sold shares + buyValue += value; + buyShares += shares; + } + } else if (endingShares >= shares) { // substract not-sold shares + endingShares -= shares; + } else { // substract partially not-sold shares + buyValue += ((shares - endingShares) / shares) * value; + buyShares += (shares - endingShares); + endingShares = MyMoneyMoney(0); + } + } else if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::SellShares && reportedDateRange) { + sellValue += value; + sellShares += shares; + } else if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::SplitShares) { // shares variable is denominator of split ratio here + sellShares /= shares; + buyShares /= shares; + } else if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::AddShares) { // added shares, when sold give 100% capital gain + if (endingShares.isZero()) { // add added shares + if (buyShares + shares > sellShares.abs()) { // add partially added shares + buyShares = sellShares.abs(); + } else { // add wholly added shares + buyShares += shares; + } + } else if (endingShares >= shares) { // substract not-added shares + endingShares -= shares; + } else { // substract partially not-added shares + buyShares += (shares - endingShares); + endingShares = MyMoneyMoney(0); + } + } else if (transactionType == MyMoneySplit::RemoveShares && reportedDateRange) { // removed shares give no value in return so no capital gain on them + sellShares += shares; + } + } + reportedDateRange = false; + newEndingDate = newStartingDate; + newStartingDate = newStartingDate.addYears(-1); + report.setDateFilter(newStartingDate, newEndingDate); // search for matching buy transactions year earlier + } while (!sellShares.isZero() && account.openingDate() <= newEndingDate && sellShares.abs() > buyShares.abs()); + + result["equitytype"] = KMyMoneyUtils::securityTypeToString(security.securityType()); + result["buys"] = buyValue.toString(); + result["sells"] = sellValue.toString(); + result["capitalgain"] = (buyValue + sellValue).toString(); + + report.setDateFilter(startingDate, endingDate); // reset data filter for next security +} + void QueryTable::constructAccountTable() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); //make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts includeInvestmentSubAccounts(); QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); QList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); while (it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { ReportAccount account = *it_account; //get fraction for account int fraction = account.currency().smallestAccountFraction(); //use base currency fraction if not initialized if (fraction == -1) fraction = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); // Note, "Investment" accounts are never included in account rows because // they don't contain anything by themselves. In reports, they are only // useful as a "topaccount" aggregator of stock accounts if (account.isAssetLiability() && m_config.includes(account) && account.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { TableRow qaccountrow; // help for sort and render functions qaccountrow["rank"] = '0'; // // Handle currency conversion // MyMoneyMoney displayprice(1, 1); if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { // display currency is base currency, so set the price if (account.isForeignCurrency()) displayprice = account.baseCurrencyPrice(m_config.toDate()).reduce(); } else { // display currency is the account's deep currency. display this fact in the report qaccountrow["currency"] = account.currency().id(); } qaccountrow["account"] = account.name(); qaccountrow["accountid"] = account.id(); qaccountrow["topaccount"] = account.topParentName(); MyMoneyMoney shares = file->balance(account.id(), m_config.toDate()); qaccountrow["shares"] = shares.toString(); MyMoneyMoney netprice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(m_config.toDate()).reduce() * displayprice; qaccountrow["price"] = (netprice.reduce()).convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString(); qaccountrow["value"] = (netprice.reduce() * shares.reduce()).convert(fraction).toString(); QString iid = (*it_account).institutionId(); // If an account does not have an institution, get it from the top-parent. if (iid.isEmpty() && ! account.isTopLevel()) { ReportAccount topaccount = account.topParent(); iid = topaccount.institutionId(); } if (iid.isEmpty()) qaccountrow["institution"] = i18nc("No institution", "None"); else qaccountrow["institution"] = file->institution(iid).name(); qaccountrow["type"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString((*it_account).accountType()); if (m_config.queryColumns() == MyMoneyReport::eQCperformance) { constructPerformanceRow(account, qaccountrow); + } else if (m_config.queryColumns() == MyMoneyReport::eQCcapitalgain) { + constructCapitalGainRow(account, qaccountrow); } else qaccountrow["equitytype"].clear(); // don't add the account if it is closed. In fact, the business logic // should prevent that an account can be closed with a balance not equal // to zero, but we never know. if (!(shares.isZero() && account.isClosed())) m_rows += qaccountrow; } ++it_account; } } void QueryTable::constructSplitsTable() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); //make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts includeInvestmentSubAccounts(); MyMoneyReport report(m_config); report.setReportAllSplits(false); report.setConsiderCategory(true); // support for opening and closing balances QMap accts; //get all transactions for this report QList transactions = file->transactionList(report); for (QList::const_iterator it_transaction = transactions.constBegin(); it_transaction != transactions.constEnd(); ++it_transaction) { TableRow qA, qS; QDate pd; qA["id"] = qS["id"] = (* it_transaction).id(); qA["entrydate"] = qS["entrydate"] = (* it_transaction).entryDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); qA["postdate"] = qS["postdate"] = (* it_transaction).postDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); qA["commodity"] = qS["commodity"] = (* it_transaction).commodity(); pd = (* it_transaction).postDate(); qA["month"] = qS["month"] = i18n("Month of %1", QDate(pd.year(), pd.month(), 1).toString(Qt::ISODate)); qA["week"] = qS["week"] = i18n("Week of %1", pd.addDays(1 - pd.dayOfWeek()).toString(Qt::ISODate)); qA["currency"] = qS["currency"] = ""; if ((* it_transaction).commodity() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { if (!report.isConvertCurrency()) { qA["currency"] = qS["currency"] = (*it_transaction).commodity(); } } // to handle splits, we decide on which account to base the split // (a reference point or point of view so to speak). here we take the // first account that is a stock account or loan account (or the first account // that is not an income or expense account if there is no stock or loan account) // to be the account (qA) that will have the sub-item "split" entries. we add // one transaction entry (qS) for each subsequent entry in the split. const QList& splits = (*it_transaction).splits(); QList::const_iterator myBegin, it_split; //S_end = splits.end(); for (it_split = splits.begin(), myBegin = splits.end(); it_split != splits.end(); ++it_split) { ReportAccount splitAcc = (* it_split).accountId(); // always put split with a "stock" account if it exists if (splitAcc.isInvest()) break; // prefer to put splits with a "loan" account if it exists if (splitAcc.isLoan()) myBegin = it_split; if ((myBegin == splits.end()) && ! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { myBegin = it_split; } } // select our "reference" split if (it_split == splits.end()) { it_split = myBegin; } else { myBegin = it_split; } // if the split is still unknown, use the first one. I have seen this // happen with a transaction that has only a single split referencing an income or expense // account and has an amount and value of 0. Such a transaction will fall through // the above logic and leave 'it_split' pointing to splits.end() which causes the remainder // of this to end in an infinite loop. if (it_split == splits.end()) { it_split = splits.begin(); } // for "loan" reports, the loan transaction gets special treatment. // the splits of a loan transaction are placed on one line in the // reference (loan) account (qA). however, we process the matching // split entries (qS) normally. bool loan_special_case = false; if (m_config.queryColumns() & MyMoneyReport::eQCloan) { ReportAccount splitAcc = (*it_split).accountId(); loan_special_case = splitAcc.isLoan(); } // There is a slight chance that at this point myBegin is still pointing to splits.end() if the // transaction only has income and expense splits (which should not happen). In that case, point // it to the first split if (myBegin == splits.end()) { myBegin = splits.begin(); } //the account of the beginning splits ReportAccount myBeginAcc = (*myBegin).accountId(); bool include_me = true; QString a_fullname = ""; QString a_memo = ""; int pass = 1; do { MyMoneyMoney xr; ReportAccount splitAcc = (* it_split).accountId(); //get fraction for account int fraction = splitAcc.currency().smallestAccountFraction(); //use base currency fraction if not initialized if (fraction == -1) fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); QString institution = splitAcc.institutionId(); QString payee = (*it_split).payeeId(); const QList tagIdList = (*it_split).tagIdList(); if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { xr = (splitAcc.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()) * splitAcc.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate())).reduce(); } else { xr = splitAcc.deepCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()).reduce(); } // reverse the sign of incomes and expenses to keep consistency in the way it is displayed in other reports if (splitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { xr = -xr; } if (splitAcc.isInvest()) { // use the institution of the parent for stock accounts institution = splitAcc.parent().institutionId(); MyMoneyMoney shares = (*it_split).shares(); qA["action"] = (*it_split).action(); qA["shares"] = shares.isZero() ? "" : (*it_split).shares().toString(); qA["price"] = shares.isZero() ? "" : xr.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString(); if (((*it_split).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares) && (*it_split).shares().isNegative()) qA["action"] = "Sell"; qA["investaccount"] = splitAcc.parent().name(); } include_me = m_config.includes(splitAcc); a_fullname = splitAcc.fullName(); a_memo = (*it_split).memo(); qA["price"] = xr.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString(); qA["account"] = splitAcc.name(); qA["accountid"] = splitAcc.id(); qA["topaccount"] = splitAcc.topParentName(); qA["institution"] = institution.isEmpty() ? i18n("No Institution") : file->institution(institution).name(); //FIXME-ALEX Is this useless? Isn't constructSplitsTable called only for cashflow type report? QString delimiter = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tagIdList.size(); i++) { qA["tag"] += delimiter + file->tag(tagIdList[i]).name().simplified(); delimiter = ','; } qA["payee"] = payee.isEmpty() ? i18n("[Empty Payee]") : file->payee(payee).name().simplified(); qA["reconciledate"] = (*it_split).reconcileDate().toString(Qt::ISODate); qA["reconcileflag"] = KMyMoneyUtils::reconcileStateToString((*it_split).reconcileFlag(), true); qA["number"] = (*it_split).number(); qA["memo"] = a_memo; qS["reconciledate"] = qA["reconciledate"]; qS["reconcileflag"] = qA["reconcileflag"]; qS["number"] = qA["number"]; qS["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName(); // only include the configured accounts if (include_me) { // add the "summarized" split transaction // this is the sub-total of the split detail // convert to lowest fraction qA["value"] = ((*it_split).shares() * xr).convert(fraction).toString(); qA["rank"] = '0'; //fill in account information if (! splitAcc.isIncomeExpense() && it_split != myBegin) { qA["account"] = ((*it_split).shares().isNegative()) ? i18n("Transfer to %1", myBeginAcc.fullName()) : i18n("Transfer from %1", myBeginAcc.fullName()); } else if (it_split == myBegin) { //handle the main split if ((splits.count() > 2)) { //if it is the main split and has multiple splits, note that qA["account"] = i18n("[Split Transaction]"); } else { //fill the account name of the second split QList::const_iterator tempSplit = splits.begin(); //there are supposed to be only 2 splits if we ever get here if (tempSplit == myBegin && splits.count() > 1) ++tempSplit; //show the name of the category, or "transfer to/from" if it as an account ReportAccount tempSplitAcc = (*tempSplit).accountId(); if (! tempSplitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { qA["account"] = ((*it_split).shares().isNegative()) ? i18n("Transfer to %1", tempSplitAcc.fullName()) : i18n("Transfer from %1", tempSplitAcc.fullName()); } else { qA["account"] = tempSplitAcc.fullName(); } } } else { //in any other case, fill in the account name of the main split qA["account"] = myBeginAcc.fullName(); } //category data is always the one of the split qA ["category"] = splitAcc.fullName(); qA ["topcategory"] = splitAcc.topParentName(); qA ["categorytype"] = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(splitAcc.accountGroup()); m_rows += qA; // track accts that will need opening and closing balances accts.insert(splitAcc.id(), splitAcc); } ++it_split; // look for wrap-around if (it_split == splits.end()) it_split = splits.begin(); //check if there have been more passes than there are splits //this is to prevent infinite loops in cases of data inconsistency -- asoliverez ++pass; if (pass > splits.count()) break; } while (it_split != myBegin); if (loan_special_case) { m_rows += qA; } } // now run through our accts list and add opening and closing balances switch (m_config.rowType()) { case MyMoneyReport::eAccount: case MyMoneyReport::eTopAccount: break; // case MyMoneyReport::eCategory: // case MyMoneyReport::eTopCategory: // case MyMoneyReport::ePayee: // case MyMoneyReport::eMonth: // case MyMoneyReport::eWeek: default: return; } QDate startDate, endDate; report.validDateRange(startDate, endDate); QString strStartDate = startDate.toString(Qt::ISODate); QString strEndDate = endDate.toString(Qt::ISODate); startDate = startDate.addDays(-1); QMap::const_iterator it_account, accts_end; for (it_account = accts.constBegin(); it_account != accts.constEnd(); ++it_account) { TableRow qA; ReportAccount account = (* it_account); //get fraction for account int fraction = account.currency().smallestAccountFraction(); //use base currency fraction if not initialized if (fraction == -1) fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); QString institution = account.institutionId(); // use the institution of the parent for stock accounts if (account.isInvest()) institution = account.parent().institutionId(); MyMoneyMoney startBalance, endBalance, startPrice, endPrice; MyMoneyMoney startShares, endShares; //get price and convert currency if necessary if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { startPrice = (account.deepCurrencyPrice(startDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(startDate)).reduce(); endPrice = (account.deepCurrencyPrice(endDate) * account.baseCurrencyPrice(endDate)).reduce(); } else { startPrice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(startDate).reduce(); endPrice = account.deepCurrencyPrice(endDate).reduce(); } startShares = file->balance(account.id(), startDate); endShares = file->balance(account.id(), endDate); //get starting and ending balances startBalance = startShares * startPrice; endBalance = endShares * endPrice; //starting balance // don't show currency if we're converting or if it's not foreign qA["currency"] = (m_config.isConvertCurrency() || ! account.isForeignCurrency()) ? "" : account.currency().id(); qA["accountid"] = account.id(); qA["account"] = account.name(); qA["topaccount"] = account.topParentName(); qA["institution"] = institution.isEmpty() ? i18n("No Institution") : file->institution(institution).name(); qA["rank"] = "-2"; qA["price"] = startPrice.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString(); if (account.isInvest()) { qA["shares"] = startShares.toString(); } qA["postdate"] = strStartDate; qA["balance"] = startBalance.convert(fraction).toString(); qA["value"].clear(); qA["id"] = 'A'; m_rows += qA; //ending balance qA["price"] = endPrice.convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())).toString(); if (account.isInvest()) { qA["shares"] = endShares.toString(); } qA["postdate"] = strEndDate; qA["balance"] = endBalance.toString(); qA["id"] = 'Z'; m_rows += qA; } } } diff --git a/kmymoney/reports/querytable.h b/kmymoney/reports/querytable.h index 7e2bfa1bd..6dacfb18d 100644 --- a/kmymoney/reports/querytable.h +++ b/kmymoney/reports/querytable.h @@ -1,157 +1,158 @@ /*************************************************************************** querytable.h ------------------- begin : Fri Jul 23 2004 copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones (C) 2007 Sascha Pfau ***************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** Contains code from the func_xirr and related methods of financial.cpp - KOffice 1.6 by Sascha Pfau. Sascha agreed to relicense those methods under GPLv2 or later. *****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef QUERYTABLE_H #define QUERYTABLE_H // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneyreport.h" #include "listtable.h" namespace reports { class ReportAccount; /** * Calculates a query of information about the transaction database. * * This is a middle-layer class, between the UI and the engine. The * MyMoneyReport class holds only the CONFIGURATION parameters. This * class actually does the work of retrieving the data from the engine * and formatting it for the user. * * @author Ace Jones * * @short **/ class QueryTable : public ListTable { public: QueryTable(const MyMoneyReport&); void init(); protected: void constructAccountTable(); void constructTransactionTable(); + void constructCapitalGainRow(const ReportAccount& account, TableRow& result) const; void constructPerformanceRow(const ReportAccount& account, TableRow& result) const; void constructSplitsTable(); }; // // Cash Flow analysis tools for investment reports // class CashFlowListItem { public: CashFlowListItem() {} CashFlowListItem(const QDate& _date, const MyMoneyMoney& _value): m_date(_date), m_value(_value) {} bool operator<(const CashFlowListItem& _second) const { return m_date < _second.m_date; } bool operator<=(const CashFlowListItem& _second) const { return m_date <= _second.m_date; } bool operator>(const CashFlowListItem& _second) const { return m_date > _second.m_date; } const QDate& date() const { return m_date; } const MyMoneyMoney& value() const { return m_value; } MyMoneyMoney NPV(double _rate) const; static void setToday(const QDate& _today) { m_sToday = _today; } const QDate& today() const { return m_sToday; } private: QDate m_date; MyMoneyMoney m_value; static QDate m_sToday; }; class CashFlowList: public QList { public: CashFlowList() {} MyMoneyMoney NPV(double rate) const; double IRR() const; MyMoneyMoney total() const; void dumpDebug() const; /** * Function: XIRR * * Compute the internal rate of return for a non-periodic series of cash flows. * * XIRR ( Values; Dates; [ Guess = 0.1 ] ) **/ double calculateXIRR() const; protected: CashFlowListItem mostRecent() const; private: /** * helper: xirrResult * * args[0] = values * args[1] = dates **/ double xirrResult(double& rate) const; /** * * helper: xirrResultDerive * * args[0] = values * args[1] = dates **/ double xirrResultDerive(double& rate) const; }; } #endif // QUERYREPORT_H diff --git a/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp b/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp index b7cdc013e..8d054550c 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp @@ -1,1676 +1,1697 @@ /*************************************************************************** kreportsview.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sat Mar 27 2004 copyright : (C) 2000-2004 by Michael Edwardes email : mte@users.sourceforge.net Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio Ace Jones ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "kreportsview.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include #include #include #include "querytable.h" #include "objectinfotable.h" #include "kreportconfigurationfilterdlg.h" using namespace reports; #define VIEW_LEDGER "ledger" #define VIEW_SCHEDULE "schedule" #define VIEW_WELCOME "welcome" #define VIEW_HOME "home" #define VIEW_REPORTS "reports" /** * KReportsView::KReportTab Implementation */ KReportsView::KReportTab::KReportTab(QTabWidget* parent, const MyMoneyReport& report): QWidget(parent), m_part(new KHTMLPart(this)), m_chartView(new KReportChartView(this)), m_control(new kMyMoneyReportControl(this)), m_layout(new QVBoxLayout(this)), m_report(report), m_deleteMe(false), m_chartEnabled(false), m_showingChart(false), m_needReload(true), m_table(0) { m_layout->setSpacing(6); m_part->setFontScaleFactor(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::fontSizePercentage()); //set button icons m_control->buttonChart->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("office-chart-line")); m_control->buttonClose->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-close")); m_control->buttonConfigure->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("configure")); m_control->buttonCopy->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-copy")); m_control->buttonDelete->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-delete")); m_control->buttonExport->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-export")); m_control->buttonNew->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-new")); m_chartView->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); m_chartView->hide(); m_layout->addWidget(m_control); m_layout->addWidget(m_part->view()); m_layout->addWidget(m_chartView); parent->addTab(this, QIcon::fromTheme("application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"), report.name()); parent->setTabEnabled(parent->indexOf(this), true); // get users character set encoding m_encoding = QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->name(); } KReportsView::KReportTab::~KReportTab() { delete m_table; //This is to prevent a crash on exit with KDE 4.3.2 delete m_part; } void KReportsView::KReportTab::print() { if (m_part && m_part->view()) m_part->view()->print(); } void KReportsView::KReportTab::copyToClipboard() { QMimeData* pMimeData = new QMimeData(); pMimeData->setHtml(m_table->renderHTML(qobject_cast(this), m_encoding, m_report.name(), true)); QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(pMimeData); } void KReportsView::KReportTab::saveAs(const QString& filename, bool includeCSS) { QFile file(filename); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { if (QFileInfo(filename).suffix().toLower() == "csv") { QTextStream(&file) << m_table->renderCSV(); } else { QString table = m_table->renderHTML(qobject_cast(this), m_encoding, m_report.name(), includeCSS); QTextStream stream(&file); stream << table; } file.close(); } } void KReportsView::KReportTab::loadTab() { m_needReload = true; if (isVisible()) { m_needReload = false; updateReport(); } } void KReportsView::KReportTab::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { if (m_needReload) { m_needReload = false; updateReport(); } QWidget::showEvent(event); } void KReportsView::KReportTab::updateReport() { // reload the report from the engine. It might have // been changed by the user try { // Don't try to reload default reports from the engine if (!m_report.id().isEmpty()) m_report = MyMoneyFile::instance()->report(m_report.id()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } delete m_table; m_table = 0; if (m_report.reportType() == MyMoneyReport::ePivotTable) { m_table = new PivotTable(m_report); m_chartEnabled = true; } else if (m_report.reportType() == MyMoneyReport::eQueryTable) { m_table = new QueryTable(m_report); m_chartEnabled = false; } else if (m_report.reportType() == MyMoneyReport::eInfoTable) { m_table = new ObjectInfoTable(m_report); m_chartEnabled = false; } m_part->begin(); m_part->write(m_table->renderHTML(qobject_cast(this), m_encoding, m_report.name())); m_part->end(); m_table->drawChart(*m_chartView); m_control->buttonChart->setEnabled(m_chartEnabled); if (m_report.isChartByDefault() && !m_showingChart) toggleChart(); } void KReportsView::KReportTab::toggleChart() { // for now it will just SHOW the chart. In the future it actually has to toggle it. if (m_showingChart) { m_part->view()->show(); m_chartView->hide(); m_control->buttonChart->setText(i18n("Chart")); m_control->buttonChart->setToolTip(i18n("Show the chart version of this report")); m_control->buttonChart->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("office-chart-line")); } else { m_part->view()->hide(); m_chartView->show(); m_control->buttonChart->setText(i18n("Report")); m_control->buttonChart->setToolTip(i18n("Show the report version of this chart")); m_control->buttonChart->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("view-financial-list")); } m_showingChart = ! m_showingChart; } /** * KReportsView Implementation */ KReportsView::KReportsView(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KMyMoneyViewBase(parent, name, i18n("Reports")), m_needReload(false), m_reportListView(0) { // build reports toc setColumnsAlreadyAdjusted(false); m_reportTabWidget = new QTabWidget(this); addWidget(m_reportTabWidget); m_reportTabWidget->setTabsClosable(true); m_listTab = new QWidget(m_reportTabWidget); m_listTabLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_listTab); m_listTabLayout->setSpacing(6); m_tocTreeWidget = new QTreeWidget(m_listTab); // report-group items have only 1 column (name of group), // report items have 2 columns (report name and comment) m_tocTreeWidget->setColumnCount(2); // headers QStringList headers; headers << i18n("Reports") << i18n("Comment"); m_tocTreeWidget->setHeaderLabels(headers); m_tocTreeWidget->setAlternatingRowColors(true); m_tocTreeWidget->setSortingEnabled(true); m_tocTreeWidget->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); // for report group items: // doubleclick toggles the expand-state, // so avoid any further action in case of doubleclick // (see slotItemDoubleClicked) m_tocTreeWidget->setExpandsOnDoubleClick(false); m_tocTreeWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); m_tocTreeWidget->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); m_listTabLayout->addWidget(m_tocTreeWidget); m_reportTabWidget->addTab(m_listTab, i18n("Reports")); connect(m_reportTabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(slotClose(int))); connect(m_tocTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(slotItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int))); connect(m_tocTreeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(slotListContextMenu(QPoint))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(slotLoadView())); } void KReportsView::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { emit aboutToShow(); if (m_needReload) { loadView(); m_needReload = false; } KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) emit reportSelected(tab->report()); else emit reportSelected(MyMoneyReport()); // don't forget base class implementation KMyMoneyViewBase::showEvent(event); } void KReportsView::slotLoadView() { m_needReload = true; if (isVisible()) { loadView(); m_needReload = false; } } void KReportsView::loadView() { // remember the id of the current selected item QTreeWidgetItem* item = m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem(); QString selectedItem = (item) ? item->text(0) : QString(); // save expand states of all top-level items QMap expandStates; for (int i = 0; i < m_tocTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = m_tocTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i); if (item) { QString itemLabel = item->text(0); if (item->isExpanded()) { expandStates.insert(itemLabel, true); } else { expandStates.insert(itemLabel, false); } } } // find the item visible on top QTreeWidgetItem* visibleTopItem = m_tocTreeWidget->itemAt(0, 0); // text of column 0 identifies the item visible on top QString visibleTopItemText; bool visibleTopItemFound = true; if (visibleTopItem == NULL) { visibleTopItemFound = false; } else { // this assumes, that all item-texts in column 0 are unique, // no matter, whether the item is a report- or a group-item visibleTopItemText = visibleTopItem->text(0); } // turn off updates to avoid flickering during reload //m_reportListView->setUpdatesEnabled(false); // // Rebuild the list page // m_tocTreeWidget->clear(); // Default Reports QList defaultreports; defaultReports(defaultreports); QList::const_iterator it_group = defaultreports.constBegin(); // the item to be set as current item QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem = 0L; // group number, this will be used as sort key for reportgroup items // we have: // 1st some default groups // 2nd a chart group // 3rd maybe a favorite group // 4th maybe an orphan group (for old reports) int defaultGroupNo = 1; int chartGroupNo = defaultreports.size() + 1; // group for diagrams QString groupName = I18N_NOOP("Charts"); TocItemGroup* chartTocItemGroup = new TocItemGroup(m_tocTreeWidget, chartGroupNo, i18n(groupName.toLatin1().data())); m_allTocItemGroups.insert(groupName, chartTocItemGroup); while (it_group != defaultreports.constEnd()) { QString groupName = (*it_group).name(); TocItemGroup* defaultTocItemGroup = new TocItemGroup(m_tocTreeWidget, defaultGroupNo++, i18n(groupName.toLatin1().data())); m_allTocItemGroups.insert(groupName, defaultTocItemGroup); if (groupName == selectedItem) { currentItem = defaultTocItemGroup; } QList::const_iterator it_report = (*it_group).begin(); while (it_report != (*it_group).end()) { MyMoneyReport report = *it_report; report.setGroup(groupName); TocItemReport* reportTocItemReport = new TocItemReport(defaultTocItemGroup, report); if (report.name() == selectedItem) { currentItem = reportTocItemReport; } // ALSO place it into the Charts list if it's displayed as a chart by default if (report.isChartByDefault()) { new TocItemReport(chartTocItemGroup, report); } ++it_report; } ++it_group; } // group for custom (favorite) reports int favoriteGroupNo = chartGroupNo + 1; groupName = I18N_NOOP("Favorite Reports"); TocItemGroup* favoriteTocItemGroup = new TocItemGroup(m_tocTreeWidget, favoriteGroupNo, i18n(groupName.toLatin1().data())); m_allTocItemGroups.insert(groupName, favoriteTocItemGroup); TocItemGroup* orphanTocItemGroup = 0; QList customreports = MyMoneyFile::instance()->reportList(); QList::const_iterator it_report = customreports.constBegin(); while (it_report != customreports.constEnd()) { MyMoneyReport report = *it_report; QString groupName = (*it_report).group(); // If this report is in a known group, place it there // KReportGroupListItem* groupnode = groupitems[(*it_report).group()]; TocItemGroup* groupNode = m_allTocItemGroups[groupName]; if (groupNode) { new TocItemReport(groupNode, report); } else { // otherwise, place it in the orphanage if (!orphanTocItemGroup) { // group for orphaned reports int orphanGroupNo = favoriteGroupNo + 1; QString groupName = I18N_NOOP("Old Customized Reports"); orphanTocItemGroup = new TocItemGroup(m_tocTreeWidget, orphanGroupNo, i18n(groupName.toLatin1().data())); m_allTocItemGroups.insert(groupName, orphanTocItemGroup); } new TocItemReport(orphanTocItemGroup, report); } // ALSO place it into the Favorites list if it's a favorite if ((*it_report).isFavorite()) { new TocItemReport(favoriteTocItemGroup, report); } // ALSO place it into the Charts list if it's displayed as a chart by default if ((*it_report).isChartByDefault()) { new TocItemReport(chartTocItemGroup, report); } ++it_report; } // // Go through the tabs to set their update flag or delete them if needed // int index = 1; while (index < m_reportTabWidget->count()) { // TODO: Find some way of detecting the file is closed and kill these tabs!! KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); if (tab->isReadyToDelete() /* || ! reports.count() */) { delete tab; --index; } else { tab->loadTab(); } ++index; } if (visibleTopItemFound) { // try to find the visibleTopItem that we had at the start of this method // intentionally not using 'Qt::MatchCaseSensitive' here // to avoid 'item not found' if someone corrected a typo only QList visibleTopItemList = m_tocTreeWidget->findItems(visibleTopItemText, Qt::MatchFixedString | Qt::MatchRecursive); if (visibleTopItemList.isEmpty()) { // the item could not be found, it was deleted or renamed visibleTopItemFound = false; } else { visibleTopItem = visibleTopItemList.at(0); if (visibleTopItem == NULL) { visibleTopItemFound = false; } } } // adjust column widths, // but only the first time when the view is loaded, // maybe the user sets other column widths later, // so don't disturb him if (columnsAlreadyAdjusted()) { // restore expand states of all top-level items restoreTocExpandState(expandStates); // restore current item m_tocTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(currentItem); // try to scroll to the item visible on top // when this method started if (visibleTopItemFound) { m_tocTreeWidget->scrollToItem(visibleTopItem); } else { m_tocTreeWidget->scrollToTop(); } return; } // avoid flickering m_tocTreeWidget->setUpdatesEnabled(false); // expand all top-level items m_tocTreeWidget->expandAll(); // resize columns m_tocTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(0); m_tocTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(1); // restore expand states of all top-level items restoreTocExpandState(expandStates); // restore current item m_tocTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(currentItem); // try to scroll to the item visible on top // when this method started if (visibleTopItemFound) { m_tocTreeWidget->scrollToItem(visibleTopItem); } else { m_tocTreeWidget->scrollToTop(); } setColumnsAlreadyAdjusted(true); m_tocTreeWidget->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } void KReportsView::slotOpenUrl(const QUrl &url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments&, const KParts::BrowserArguments&) { QString view = url.fileName(); QString command = QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue("command"); QString id = QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue("id"); QString tid = QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue("tid"); if (view == VIEW_REPORTS) { if (command.isEmpty()) { // slotRefreshView(); } else if (command == "print") slotPrintView(); else if (command == "copy") slotCopyView(); else if (command == "save") slotSaveView(); else if (command == "configure") slotConfigure(); else if (command == "duplicate") slotDuplicate(); else if (command == "close") slotCloseCurrent(); else if (command == "delete") slotDelete(); else qWarning() << i18n("Unknown command '%1' in KReportsView::slotOpenUrl()", qPrintable(command)); } else if (view == VIEW_LEDGER) { emit ledgerSelected(id, tid); } else { qWarning() << i18n("Unknown view '%1' in KReportsView::slotOpenUrl()", qPrintable(view)); } } void KReportsView::slotPrintView() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) tab->print(); } void KReportsView::slotCopyView() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) tab->copyToClipboard(); } void KReportsView::slotSaveView() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) { QString filterList = i18nc("CSV (Filefilter)", "CSV files") + " (*.csv)" + ";;" + i18nc("HTML (Filefilter)", "HTML files") + " (*.html)"; QUrl newURL = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(this, i18n("Export as"), QUrl::fromLocalFile(KRecentDirs::dir(":kmymoney-export")), filterList, &m_selectedExportFilter); if (!newURL.isEmpty()) { KRecentDirs::add(":kmymoney-export", newURL.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename | QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path()); QString newName = newURL.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile); if (newName.indexOf('.') == -1) newName.append(".html"); try { tab->saveAs(newName, true); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Failed to save: %1", e.what())); } } } } void KReportsView::slotConfigure() { QString cm = "KReportsView::slotConfigure"; KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (!tab) { // nothing to do return; } MyMoneyReport report = tab->report(); if (report.comment() == i18n("Default Report") || report.comment() == i18n("Generated Report")) { report.setComment(i18n("Custom Report")); report.setName(i18n("%1 (Customized)", report.name())); } QPointer dlg = new KReportConfigurationFilterDlg(report); if (dlg->exec()) { MyMoneyReport newreport = dlg->getConfig(); // If this report has an ID, then MODIFY it, otherwise ADD it MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { if (! newreport.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyReport(newreport); ft.commit(); tab->modifyReport(newreport); m_reportTabWidget->setTabText(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(tab), newreport.name()); m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(tab)) ; } else { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addReport(newreport); ft.commit(); QString reportGroupName = newreport.group(); // find report group TocItemGroup* tocItemGroup = m_allTocItemGroups[reportGroupName]; if (!tocItemGroup) { QString error = i18n("Could not find reportgroup \"%1\" for report \"%2\".\nPlease report this error to the developer's list: kmymoney-devel@kde.org", reportGroupName, newreport.name()); // write to messagehandler qWarning() << cm << error; // also inform user KMessageBox::error(m_reportTabWidget, error, i18n("Critical Error")); // cleanup delete dlg; return; } // do not add TocItemReport to TocItemGroup here, // this is done in loadView addReportTab(newreport); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Failed to configure report: %1", e.what())); } } delete dlg; } void KReportsView::slotDuplicate() { QString cm = "KReportsView::slotDuplicate"; KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (!tab) { // nothing to do return; } MyMoneyReport dupe = tab->report(); dupe.setName(i18n("Copy of %1", dupe.name())); if (dupe.comment() == i18n("Default Report")) dupe.setComment(i18n("Custom Report")); dupe.clearId(); QPointer dlg = new KReportConfigurationFilterDlg(dupe); if (dlg->exec()) { MyMoneyReport newReport = dlg->getConfig(); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addReport(newReport); ft.commit(); QString reportGroupName = newReport.group(); // find report group TocItemGroup* tocItemGroup = m_allTocItemGroups[reportGroupName]; if (!tocItemGroup) { QString error = i18n("Could not find reportgroup \"%1\" for report \"%2\".\nPlease report this error to the developer's list: kmymoney-devel@kde.org", reportGroupName, newReport.name()); // write to messagehandler qWarning() << cm << error; // also inform user KMessageBox::error(m_reportTabWidget, error, i18n("Critical Error")); // cleanup delete dlg; return; } // do not add TocItemReport to TocItemGroup here, // this is done in loadView addReportTab(newReport); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { QString error = i18n("Cannot add report, reason: \"%1\"", e.what()); // write to messagehandler qWarning() << cm << error; // also inform user KMessageBox::error(m_reportTabWidget, error, i18n("Critical Error")); } } delete dlg; } void KReportsView::slotDelete() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (!tab) { // nothing to do return; } MyMoneyReport report = tab->report(); if (! report.id().isEmpty()) { if (KMessageBox::Continue == deleteReportDialog(report.name())) { // close the tab and then remove the report so that it is not // generated again during the following loadView() call slotClose(m_reportTabWidget->currentIndex()); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyFile::instance()->removeReport(report); ft.commit(); } } else { KMessageBox::information(this, QString("") + i18n("%1 is a default report, so it cannot be deleted.", report.name()) + QString(""), i18n("Delete Report?")); } } int KReportsView::deleteReportDialog(const QString &reportName) { return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, QString("") + i18n("Are you sure you want to delete report %1? There is no way to recover it.", reportName) + QString(""), i18n("Delete Report?")); } void KReportsView::slotOpenReport(const QString& id) { if (id.isEmpty()) { // nothing to do return; } KReportTab* page = 0; // Find the tab which contains the report int index = 1; while (index < m_reportTabWidget->count()) { KReportTab* current = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); if (current->report().id() == id) { page = current; break; } ++index; } // Show the tab, or create a new one, as needed if (page) m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(page)); else addReportTab(MyMoneyFile::instance()->report(id)); } void KReportsView::slotOpenReport(const MyMoneyReport& report) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << report.name(); KReportTab* page = 0; // Find the tab which contains the report indicated by this list item int index = 1; while (index < m_reportTabWidget->count()) { KReportTab* current = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); if (current->report().name() == report.name()) { page = current; break; } ++index; } // Show the tab, or create a new one, as needed if (page) m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(page)); else addReportTab(report); } void KReportsView::slotItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int) { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(item); if (!tocItem->isReport()) { // toggle the expanded-state for reportgroup-items item->setExpanded(item->isExpanded() ? false : true); // nothing else to do for reportgroup-items return; } TocItemReport* reportTocItem = dynamic_cast(tocItem); MyMoneyReport& report = reportTocItem->getReport(); KReportTab* page = 0; // Find the tab which contains the report indicated by this list item int index = 1; while (index < m_reportTabWidget->count()) { KReportTab* current = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); // If this report has an ID, we'll use the ID to match if (! report.id().isEmpty()) { if (current->report().id() == report.id()) { page = current; break; } } // Otherwise, use the name to match. THIS ASSUMES that no 2 default reports // have the same name...but that would be pretty a boneheaded thing to do. else { if (current->report().name() == report.name()) { page = current; break; } } ++index; } // Show the tab, or create a new one, as needed if (page) m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(page)); else addReportTab(report); } void KReportsView::slotToggleChart() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) tab->toggleChart(); } void KReportsView::slotCloseCurrent() { slotClose(m_reportTabWidget->currentIndex()); } void KReportsView::slotClose(int index) { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); if (tab) { m_reportTabWidget->removeTab(index); tab->setReadyToDelete(true); } } void KReportsView::slotCloseAll() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(1)); while (tab) { m_reportTabWidget->removeTab(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(tab)); tab->setReadyToDelete(true); tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(1)); } } void KReportsView::addReportTab(const MyMoneyReport& report) { KReportTab* tab = new KReportTab(m_reportTabWidget, report); connect(tab->control()->buttonChart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotToggleChart())); connect(tab->control()->buttonConfigure, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotConfigure())); connect(tab->control()->buttonNew, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDuplicate())); connect(tab->control()->buttonCopy, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCopyView())); connect(tab->control()->buttonExport, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSaveView())); connect(tab->control()->buttonDelete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDelete())); connect(tab->control()->buttonClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCloseCurrent())); connect(tab->browserExtenstion(), SIGNAL(openUrlRequest(const QUrl &, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &, const KParts::BrowserArguments &)), this, SLOT(slotOpenUrl(QUrl,KParts::OpenUrlArguments,KParts::BrowserArguments))); // if this is a default report, then you can't delete it! if (report.id().isEmpty()) tab->control()->buttonDelete->setEnabled(false); m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(tab)); } void KReportsView::slotListContextMenu(const QPoint & p) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_tocTreeWidget->itemAt(p); if (!item) { return; } TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(item); if (!tocItem->isReport()) { // currently there is no context menu for reportgroup items return; } QMenu* contextmenu = new QMenu(this); contextmenu->addAction(i18nc("To open a new report", "&Open"), this, SLOT(slotOpenFromList())); contextmenu->addAction(i18nc("Configure a report", "&Configure"), this, SLOT(slotConfigureFromList())); contextmenu->addAction(i18n("&New report"), this, SLOT(slotNewFromList())); // Only add this option if it's a custom report. Default reports cannot be deleted TocItemReport* reportTocItem = dynamic_cast(tocItem); MyMoneyReport& report = reportTocItem->getReport(); if (! report.id().isEmpty()) { contextmenu->addAction(i18n("&Delete"), this, SLOT(slotDeleteFromList())); } contextmenu->popup(m_tocTreeWidget->mapToGlobal(p)); } void KReportsView::slotOpenFromList() { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem()); if (tocItem) slotItemDoubleClicked(tocItem, 0); } void KReportsView::slotConfigureFromList() { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem()); if (tocItem) { slotItemDoubleClicked(tocItem, 0); slotConfigure(); } } void KReportsView::slotNewFromList() { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem()); if (tocItem) { slotItemDoubleClicked(tocItem, 0); slotDuplicate(); } } void KReportsView::slotDeleteFromList() { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem()); if (tocItem) { TocItemReport* reportTocItem = dynamic_cast(tocItem); MyMoneyReport& report = reportTocItem->getReport(); // If this report does not have an ID, it's a default report and cannot be deleted if (! report.id().isEmpty() && KMessageBox::Continue == deleteReportDialog(report.name())) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyFile::instance()->removeReport(report); ft.commit(); } } } void KReportsView::defaultReports(QList& groups) { { ReportGroup list("Income and Expenses", i18n("Income and Expenses")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentMonth, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Income and Expenses This Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Income and Expenses This Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::eYears, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Income and Expenses By Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Income and Expenses Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); list.back().setChartDataLabels(false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailGroup, i18n("Income and Expenses Pie Chart"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartPie); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(false); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Net Worth", i18n("Net Worth")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Net Worth By Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::today, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Net Worth Today"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eYears, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Net Worth By Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next7Days, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("7-day Cash Flow Forecast"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setIncludingSchedules(true); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTotal, i18n("Net Worth Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eInstitution, MyMoneyReport::eQCnone, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Account Balances by Institution"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAccountType, MyMoneyReport::eQCnone, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Account Balances by Type"), i18n("Default Report") )); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Transactions", i18n("Transactions")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAccount, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee | MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory | MyMoneyReport::eQCtag | MyMoneyReport::eQCbalance, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Transactions by Account"), i18n("Default Report") )); //list.back().setConvertCurrency(false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eCategory, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee | MyMoneyReport::eQCaccount | MyMoneyReport::eQCtag, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Transactions by Category"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::ePayee, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory | MyMoneyReport::eQCtag, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Transactions by Payee"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eTag, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Transactions by Tag"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eMonth, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee | MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory | MyMoneyReport::eQCtag, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Transactions by Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eWeek, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee | MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory | MyMoneyReport::eQCtag, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Transactions by Week"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAccount, MyMoneyReport::eQCloan, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Loan Transactions"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setLoansOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAccountReconcile, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee | MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory | MyMoneyReport::eQCbalance, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last3Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Transactions by Reconciliation Status"), i18n("Default Report") )); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("CashFlow", i18n("Cash Flow")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eCashFlow, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee | MyMoneyReport::eQCaccount, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Cash Flow Transactions This Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Investments", i18n("Investments")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eTopAccount, MyMoneyReport::eQCaction | MyMoneyReport::eQCshares | MyMoneyReport::eQCprice, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Transactions"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount, MyMoneyReport::eQCshares | MyMoneyReport::eQCprice, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Holdings by Account"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eEquityType, MyMoneyReport::eQCshares | MyMoneyReport::eQCprice, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Holdings by Type"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount, MyMoneyReport::eQCperformance, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Performance by Account"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eEquityType, MyMoneyReport::eQCperformance, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Performance by Type"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); + + list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( + MyMoneyReport::eAccountByTopAccount, + MyMoneyReport::eQCcapitalgain, + MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, + MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, + i18n("Investment Capital Gains by Account"), + i18n("Default Report") + )); + list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); + + list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( + MyMoneyReport::eEquityType, + MyMoneyReport::eQCcapitalgain, + MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, + MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, + i18n("Investment Capital Gains by Type"), + i18n("Default Report") + )); + list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); + list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::today, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Holdings Pie"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartPie); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Worth Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Price Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.back().setIncludingBudgetActuals(false); list.back().setIncludingPrice(true); list.back().setConvertCurrency(true); list.back().setChartDataLabels(false); list.back().setSkipZero(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Moving Average Price Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.back().setIncludingBudgetActuals(false); list.back().setIncludingAveragePrice(true); list.back().setMovingAverageDays(10); list.back().setConvertCurrency(true); list.back().setChartDataLabels(false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last30Days, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Moving Average"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.back().setIncludingBudgetActuals(false); list.back().setIncludingMovingAverage(true); list.back().setMovingAverageDays(10); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last30Days, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Investment Moving Average vs Actual"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.back().setIncludingBudgetActuals(true); list.back().setIncludingMovingAverage(true); list.back().setMovingAverageDays(10); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Taxes", i18n("Taxes")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eCategory, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee | MyMoneyReport::eQCaccount, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Tax Transactions by Category"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setTax(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::ePayee, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory | MyMoneyReport::eQCaccount, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Tax Transactions by Payee"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setTax(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eCategory, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCpayee | MyMoneyReport::eQCaccount, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::lastFiscalYear, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Tax Transactions by Category Last Fiscal Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setTax(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::ePayee, MyMoneyReport::eQCnumber | MyMoneyReport::eQCcategory | MyMoneyReport::eQCaccount, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::lastFiscalYear, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Tax Transactions by Payee Last Fiscal Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setTax(true); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Budgeting", i18n("Budgeting")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eBudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Budgeted vs. Actual This Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(true); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eBudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToMonth, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Budgeted vs. Actual This Year (YTM)"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(true); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); // in case we're in January, we show the last year if (QDate::currentDate().month() == 1) { list.back().setDateFilter(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::lastYear); } list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eBudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentMonth, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Monthly Budgeted vs. Actual"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eBudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentYear, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Yearly Budgeted vs. Actual"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eBudget, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentMonth, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Monthly Budget"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setBudget("Any", false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eBudget, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentYear, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Yearly Budget"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setBudget("Any", false); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eBudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentYear, MyMoneyReport::eDetailGroup, i18n("Yearly Budgeted vs Actual Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Forecast", i18n("Forecast")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next12Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Forecast By Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setIncludingForecast(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::nextQuarter, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Forecast Next Quarter"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setIncludingForecast(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentYear, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop, i18n("Income and Expenses Forecast This Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setIncludingForecast(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next3Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailTotal, i18n("Net Worth Forecast Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setIncludingForecast(true); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::eChartLine); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Information", i18n("General Information")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eSchedule, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next12Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Schedule Information"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setDetailLevel(MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eSchedule, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next12Months, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Schedule Summary Information"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setDetailLevel(MyMoneyReport::eDetailTop); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAccountInfo, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::today, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Account Information"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setConvertCurrency(false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::eAccountLoanInfo, MyMoneyReport::eMonths, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::today, MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll, i18n("Loan Information"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setConvertCurrency(false); groups.push_back(list); } } bool KReportsView::columnsAlreadyAdjusted() { return m_columnsAlreadyAdjusted; } void KReportsView::setColumnsAlreadyAdjusted(bool adjusted) { m_columnsAlreadyAdjusted = adjusted; } void KReportsView::restoreTocExpandState(QMap& expandStates) { for (int i = 0; i < m_tocTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = m_tocTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i); if (item) { QString itemLabel = item->text(0); if (expandStates.contains(itemLabel)) { item->setExpanded(expandStates[itemLabel]); } else { item->setExpanded(false); } } } } // Make sure, that these definitions are only used within this file // this does not seem to be necessary, but when building RPMs the // build option 'final' is used and all CPP files are concatenated. // So it could well be, that in another CPP file these definitions // are also used. #undef VIEW_LEDGER #undef VIEW_SCHEDULE #undef VIEW_WELCOME #undef VIEW_HOME #undef VIEW_REPORTS