diff --git a/kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp b/kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp index 32a80b818..c21e9bd0c 100644 --- a/kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp @@ -1,1504 +1,1504 @@ /*************************************************************************** mymoneystatementreader.cpp ------------------- begin : Mon Aug 30 2004 copyright : (C) 2000-2004 by Michael Edwardes email : mte@users.sourceforge.net Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio Ace Jones ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "mymoneystatementreader.h" #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Headers #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kaccountselectdlg.h" #include "transactionmatcher.h" #include "kenterscheduledlg.h" #include "kmymoney.h" #include "kmymoneyaccountcombo.h" #include "models.h" #include "existingtransactionmatchfinder.h" #include "scheduledtransactionmatchfinder.h" bool matchNotEmpty(const QString &l, const QString &r) { return !l.isEmpty() && QString::compare(l, r, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; } class MyMoneyStatementReader::Private { public: Private() : transactionsCount(0), transactionsAdded(0), transactionsMatched(0), transactionsDuplicate(0), scannedCategories(false) {} const QString& feeId(const MyMoneyAccount& invAcc); const QString& interestId(const MyMoneyAccount& invAcc); QString interestId(const QString& name); QString expenseId(const QString& name); QString feeId(const QString& name); void assignUniqueBankID(MyMoneySplit& s, const MyMoneyStatement::Transaction& t_in); void setupPrice(MyMoneySplit &s, const MyMoneyAccount &splitAccount, const MyMoneyAccount &transactionAccount, const QDate &postDate); MyMoneyAccount lastAccount; QList transactions; QList payees; int transactionsCount; int transactionsAdded; int transactionsMatched; int transactionsDuplicate; QMap uniqIds; QMap securitiesBySymbol; QMap securitiesByName; bool m_skipCategoryMatching; private: void scanCategories(QString& id, const MyMoneyAccount& invAcc, const MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount, const QString& defaultName); /** * This method tries to figure out the category to be used for fees and interest * from previous transactions in the given @a investmentAccount and returns the * ids of those categories in @a feesId and @a interestId. The last used category * will be returned. */ void previouslyUsedCategories(const QString& investmentAccount, QString& feesId, QString& interestId); QString nameToId(const QString&name, MyMoneyAccount& parent); private: QString m_feeId; QString m_interestId; bool scannedCategories; }; const QString& MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::feeId(const MyMoneyAccount& invAcc) { scanCategories(m_feeId, invAcc, MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense(), i18n("_Fees")); return m_feeId; } const QString& MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::interestId(const MyMoneyAccount& invAcc) { scanCategories(m_interestId, invAcc, MyMoneyFile::instance()->income(), i18n("_Dividend")); return m_interestId; } QString MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::nameToId(const QString& name, MyMoneyAccount& parent) { // Adapted from KMyMoneyApp::createAccount(MyMoneyAccount& newAccount, MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount, MyMoneyAccount& brokerageAccount, MyMoneyMoney openingBal) // Needed to find/create category:sub-categories MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QString id = file->categoryToAccount(name, MyMoneyAccount::UnknownAccountType); // if it does not exist, we have to create it if (id.isEmpty()) { MyMoneyAccount newAccount; MyMoneyAccount parentAccount = parent; newAccount.setName(name) ; int pos; // check for ':' in the name and use it as separator for a hierarchy while ((pos = newAccount.name().indexOf(MyMoneyFile::AccountSeperator)) != -1) { QString part = newAccount.name().left(pos); QString remainder = newAccount.name().mid(pos + 1); const MyMoneyAccount& existingAccount = file->subAccountByName(parentAccount, part); if (existingAccount.id().isEmpty()) { newAccount.setName(part); newAccount.setAccountType(parentAccount.accountType()); file->addAccount(newAccount, parentAccount); parentAccount = newAccount; } else { parentAccount = existingAccount; } newAccount.setParentAccountId(QString()); // make sure, there's no parent newAccount.clearId(); // and no id set for adding newAccount.removeAccountIds(); // and no sub-account ids newAccount.setName(remainder); }//end while newAccount.setAccountType(parentAccount.accountType()); // make sure we have a currency. If none is assigned, we assume base currency if (newAccount.currencyId().isEmpty()) newAccount.setCurrencyId(file->baseCurrency().id()); file->addAccount(newAccount, parentAccount); id = newAccount.id(); } return id; } QString MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::expenseId(const QString& name) { MyMoneyAccount parent = MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense(); return nameToId(name, parent); } QString MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::interestId(const QString& name) { MyMoneyAccount parent = MyMoneyFile::instance()->income(); return nameToId(name, parent); } QString MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::feeId(const QString& name) { MyMoneyAccount parent = MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense(); return nameToId(name, parent); } void MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::previouslyUsedCategories(const QString& investmentAccount, QString& feesId, QString& interestId) { feesId.clear(); interestId.clear(); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); try { MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(investmentAccount); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter(investmentAccount); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); // since we assume an investment account here, we need to collect the stock accounts as well filter.addAccount(acc.accountList()); QList< QPair > list; file->transactionList(list, filter); QList< QPair >::const_iterator it_t; for (it_t = list.constBegin(); it_t != list.constEnd(); ++it_t) { const MyMoneyTransaction& t = (*it_t).first; const MyMoneySplit&s = (*it_t).second; MyMoneySplit assetAccountSplit; QList feeSplits; QList interestSplits; MyMoneySecurity security; MyMoneySecurity currency; MyMoneySplit::investTransactionTypeE transactionType; InvestTransactionEditor::dissectTransaction(t, s, assetAccountSplit, feeSplits, interestSplits, security, currency, transactionType); if (feeSplits.count() == 1) { feesId = feeSplits.first().accountId(); } if (interestSplits.count() == 1) { interestId = interestSplits.first().accountId(); } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } void MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::scanCategories(QString& id, const MyMoneyAccount& invAcc, const MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount, const QString& defaultName) { if (!scannedCategories) { previouslyUsedCategories(invAcc.id(), m_feeId, m_interestId); scannedCategories = true; } if (id.isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyAccount acc = file->accountByName(defaultName); // if it does not exist, we have to create it if (acc.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyAccount parent = parentAccount; acc.setName(defaultName); acc.setAccountType(parent.accountType()); acc.setCurrencyId(parent.currencyId()); file->addAccount(acc, parent); } id = acc.id(); } } void MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::assignUniqueBankID(MyMoneySplit& s, const MyMoneyStatement::Transaction& t_in) { if (! t_in.m_strBankID.isEmpty()) { // make sure that id's are unique from this point on by appending a -# // postfix if needed QString base(t_in.m_strBankID); QString hash(base); int idx = 1; for (;;) { QMap::const_iterator it; it = uniqIds.constFind(hash); if (it == uniqIds.constEnd()) { uniqIds[hash] = true; break; } hash = QString("%1-%2").arg(base).arg(idx); ++idx; } s.setBankID(hash); } } void MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::setupPrice(MyMoneySplit &s, const MyMoneyAccount &splitAccount, const MyMoneyAccount &transactionAccount, const QDate &postDate) { if (transactionAccount.currencyId() != splitAccount.currencyId()) { // a currency converstion is needed assume that split has already a proper value MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneySecurity toCurrency = file->security(splitAccount.currencyId()); MyMoneySecurity fromCurrency = file->security(transactionAccount.currencyId()); // get the price for the transaction's date const MyMoneyPrice &price = file->price(fromCurrency.id(), toCurrency.id(), postDate); // if the price is valid calculate the shares if (price.isValid()) { const int fract = splitAccount.fraction(toCurrency); const MyMoneyMoney &shares = s.value() * price.rate(toCurrency.id()); s.setShares(shares.convert(fract)); qDebug("Setting second split shares to %s", qPrintable(s.shares().formatMoney(toCurrency.id(), 2))); } else { qDebug("No price entry was found to convert from '%s' to '%s' on '%s'", qPrintable(fromCurrency.tradingSymbol()), qPrintable(toCurrency.tradingSymbol()), qPrintable(postDate.toString(Qt::ISODate))); } } } MyMoneyStatementReader::MyMoneyStatementReader() : d(new Private), m_userAbort(false), m_autoCreatePayee(false), m_ft(0), m_progressCallback(0) { m_askPayeeCategory = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::askForPayeeCategory(); } MyMoneyStatementReader::~MyMoneyStatementReader() { delete d; } bool MyMoneyStatementReader::anyTransactionAdded() const { return (d->transactionsAdded != 0) ? true : false; } void MyMoneyStatementReader::setAutoCreatePayee(bool create) { m_autoCreatePayee = create; } void MyMoneyStatementReader::setAskPayeeCategory(bool ask) { m_askPayeeCategory = ask; } bool MyMoneyStatementReader::import(const MyMoneyStatement& s, QStringList& messages) { // // For testing, save the statement to an XML file // (uncomment this line) // //MyMoneyStatement::writeXMLFile(s, "Imported.Xml"); // // Select the account // m_account = MyMoneyAccount(); m_brokerageAccount = MyMoneyAccount(); m_ft = new MyMoneyFileTransaction(); d->m_skipCategoryMatching = s.m_skipCategoryMatching; // if the statement source left some information about // the account, we use it to get the current data of it if (!s.m_accountId.isEmpty()) { try { m_account = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(s.m_accountId); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug("Received reference '%s' to unknown account in statement", qPrintable(s.m_accountId)); } } if (m_account.id().isEmpty()) { m_account.setName(s.m_strAccountName); m_account.setNumber(s.m_strAccountNumber); switch (s.m_eType) { case MyMoneyStatement::etCheckings: m_account.setAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Checkings); break; case MyMoneyStatement::etSavings: m_account.setAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Savings); break; case MyMoneyStatement::etInvestment: //testing support for investment statements! //m_userAbort = true; //KMessageBox::error(kmymoney, i18n("This is an investment statement. These are not supported currently."), i18n("Critical Error")); m_account.setAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Investment); break; case MyMoneyStatement::etCreditCard: m_account.setAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard); break; default: m_account.setAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::UnknownAccountType); break; } // we ask the user only if we have some transactions to process if (!m_userAbort && s.m_listTransactions.count() > 0) m_userAbort = ! selectOrCreateAccount(Select, m_account); } // see if we need to update some values stored with the account if (m_account.value("lastStatementBalance") != s.m_closingBalance.toString() || m_account.value("lastImportedTransactionDate") != s.m_dateEnd.toString(Qt::ISODate)) { if (s.m_closingBalance != MyMoneyMoney::autoCalc) { m_account.setValue("lastStatementBalance", s.m_closingBalance.toString()); if (s.m_dateEnd.isValid()) { m_account.setValue("lastImportedTransactionDate", s.m_dateEnd.toString(Qt::ISODate)); } } try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(m_account); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug("Updating account in MyMoneyStatementReader::startImport failed"); } } if (!m_account.name().isEmpty()) messages += i18n("Importing statement for account %1", m_account.name()); else if (s.m_listTransactions.count() == 0) messages += i18n("Importing statement without transactions"); qDebug("Importing statement for '%s'", qPrintable(m_account.name())); // // Process the securities // signalProgress(0, s.m_listSecurities.count(), "Importing Statement ..."); int progress = 0; QList::const_iterator it_s = s.m_listSecurities.begin(); while (it_s != s.m_listSecurities.end()) { processSecurityEntry(*it_s); signalProgress(++progress, 0); ++it_s; } signalProgress(-1, -1); // // Process the transactions // if (!m_userAbort) { try { qDebug("Processing transactions (%s)", qPrintable(m_account.name())); signalProgress(0, s.m_listTransactions.count(), "Importing Statement ..."); int progress = 0; QList::const_iterator it_t = s.m_listTransactions.begin(); while (it_t != s.m_listTransactions.end() && !m_userAbort) { processTransactionEntry(*it_t); signalProgress(++progress, 0); ++it_t; } qDebug("Processing transactions done (%s)", qPrintable(m_account.name())); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { if (e.what() == "USERABORT") m_userAbort = true; else qDebug("Caught exception from processTransactionEntry() not caused by USERABORT: %s", qPrintable(e.what())); } signalProgress(-1, -1); } // // process price entries // if (!m_userAbort) { try { signalProgress(0, s.m_listPrices.count(), "Importing Statement ..."); QList slist = MyMoneyFile::instance()->securityList(); QList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = slist.constBegin(); it_s != slist.constEnd(); ++it_s) { d->securitiesBySymbol[(*it_s).tradingSymbol()] = *it_s; d->securitiesByName[(*it_s).name()] = *it_s; } int progress = 0; QList::const_iterator it_p = s.m_listPrices.begin(); while (it_p != s.m_listPrices.end()) { processPriceEntry(*it_p); signalProgress(++progress, 0); ++it_p; } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { if (e.what() == "USERABORT") m_userAbort = true; else qDebug("Caught exception from processPriceEntry() not caused by USERABORT: %s", qPrintable(e.what())); } signalProgress(-1, -1); } bool rc = false; // delete all payees created in vain int payeeCount = d->payees.count(); QList::const_iterator it_p; for (it_p = d->payees.constBegin(); it_p != d->payees.constEnd(); ++it_p) { try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->removePayee(*it_p); --payeeCount; } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { // if we can't delete it, it must be in use which is ok for us } } if (s.m_closingBalance.isAutoCalc()) { messages += i18n(" Statement balance is not contained in statement."); } else { messages += i18n(" Statement balance on %1 is reported to be %2", s.m_dateEnd.toString(Qt::ISODate), s.m_closingBalance.formatMoney("", 2)); } messages += i18n(" Transactions"); messages += i18np(" %1 processed", " %1 processed", d->transactionsCount); messages += i18ncp("x transactions have been added", " %1 added", " %1 added", d->transactionsAdded); messages += i18np(" %1 matched", " %1 matched", d->transactionsMatched); messages += i18np(" %1 duplicate", " %1 duplicates", d->transactionsDuplicate); messages += i18n(" Payees"); messages += i18ncp("x transactions have been created", " %1 created", " %1 created", payeeCount); messages += QString(); // remove the Don't ask again entries KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(); KConfigGroup grp = config->group(QString::fromLatin1("Notification Messages")); QStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it = m_dontAskAgain.constBegin(); it != m_dontAskAgain.constEnd(); ++it) { grp.deleteEntry(*it); } config->sync(); m_dontAskAgain.clear(); rc = !m_userAbort; // finish the transaction if (rc) m_ft->commit(); delete m_ft; m_ft = 0; qDebug("Importing statement for '%s' done", qPrintable(m_account.name())); return rc; } void MyMoneyStatementReader::processPriceEntry(const MyMoneyStatement::Price& p_in) { if (d->securitiesBySymbol.contains(p_in.m_strSecurity)) { MyMoneyPrice price(d->securitiesBySymbol[p_in.m_strSecurity].id(), MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id(), p_in.m_date, p_in.m_amount, "QIF"); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addPrice(price); } else if (d->securitiesByName.contains(p_in.m_strSecurity)) { MyMoneyPrice price(d->securitiesByName[p_in.m_strSecurity].id(), MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id(), p_in.m_date, p_in.m_amount, "QIF"); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addPrice(price); } } void MyMoneyStatementReader::processSecurityEntry(const MyMoneyStatement::Security& sec_in) { // For a security entry, we will just make sure the security exists in the // file. It will not get added to the investment account until it's called // for in a transaction. MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // check if we already have the security // In a statement, we do not know what type of security this is, so we will // not use type as a matching factor. MyMoneySecurity security; QList list = file->securityList(); QList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); while (it != list.constEnd() && security.id().isEmpty()) { if (matchNotEmpty(sec_in.m_strSymbol, (*it).tradingSymbol()) || matchNotEmpty(sec_in.m_strName, (*it).name())) { security = *it; } ++it; } // if the security was not found, we have to create it while not forgetting // to setup the type if (security.id().isEmpty()) { security.setName(sec_in.m_strName); security.setTradingSymbol(sec_in.m_strSymbol); security.setSmallestAccountFraction(1000); security.setTradingCurrency(file->baseCurrency().id()); security.setValue("kmm-security-id", sec_in.m_strId); security.setValue("kmm-online-source", "Yahoo"); security.setSecurityType(MyMoneySecurity::SECURITY_STOCK); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->addSecurity(security); ft.commit(); qDebug() << "Created " << security.name() << " with id " << security.id(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Error creating security record: %1", e.what()), i18n("Error")); } } else { qDebug() << "Found " << security.name() << " with id " << security.id(); } } void MyMoneyStatementReader::processTransactionEntry(const MyMoneyStatement::Transaction& statementTransactionUnderImport) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyTransaction transactionUnderImport; QString dbgMsg; dbgMsg = QString("Process on: '%1', id: '%3', amount: '%2', fees: '%4'") .arg(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted.toString(Qt::ISODate)) .arg(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount.formatMoney("", 2)) .arg(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strBankID) .arg(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees.formatMoney("", 2)); qDebug("%s", qPrintable(dbgMsg)); // mark it imported for the view transactionUnderImport.setImported(); // TODO (Ace) We can get the commodity from the statement!! // Although then we would need UI to verify transactionUnderImport.setCommodity(m_account.currencyId()); transactionUnderImport.setPostDate(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted); transactionUnderImport.setMemo(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strMemo); MyMoneySplit s1; s1.setMemo(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strMemo); s1.setValue(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount + statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees); s1.setShares(s1.value()); s1.setNumber(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strNumber); // set these values if a transfer split is needed at the very end. MyMoneyMoney transfervalue; // If the user has chosen to import into an investment account, determine the correct account to use MyMoneyAccount thisaccount = m_account; QString brokerageactid; if (thisaccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { // determine the brokerage account brokerageactid = m_account.value("kmm-brokerage-account").toUtf8(); if (brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { brokerageactid = file->accountByName(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strBrokerageAccount).id(); } if (brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { brokerageactid = file->nameToAccount(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strBrokerageAccount); } if (brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { brokerageactid = file->nameToAccount(thisaccount.brokerageName()); } if (brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { brokerageactid = SelectBrokerageAccount(); } // find the security transacted, UNLESS this transaction didn't // involve any security. if ((statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaNone) // eaInterest transactions MAY have a security. // && (t_in.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaInterest) && (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaFees)) { // the correct account is the stock account which matches two criteria: // (1) it is a sub-account of the selected investment account, and // (2a) the symbol of the underlying security matches the security of the // transaction, or // (2b) the name of the security matches the name of the security of the transaction. // search through each subordinate account bool found = false; QStringList accounts = thisaccount.accountList(); QStringList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); QString currencyid; while (!found && it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { currencyid = file->account(*it_account).currencyId(); MyMoneySecurity security = file->security(currencyid); if (matchNotEmpty(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSymbol, security.tradingSymbol()) || matchNotEmpty(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSecurity, security.name())) { thisaccount = file->account(*it_account); found = true; } ++it_account; } // If there was no stock account under the m_acccount investment account, // add one using the security. if (!found) { // The security should always be available, because the statement file // should separately list all the securities referred to in the file, // and when we found a security, we added it to the file. if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSecurity.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(0, i18n("This imported statement contains investment transactions with no security. These transactions will be ignored."), i18n("Security not found"), QString("BlankSecurity")); return; } else { MyMoneySecurity security; QList list = MyMoneyFile::instance()->securityList(); QList::ConstIterator it = list.constBegin(); while (it != list.constEnd() && security.id().isEmpty()) { if (matchNotEmpty(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSymbol, (*it).tradingSymbol()) || matchNotEmpty(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSecurity, (*it).name())) { security = *it; } ++it; } if (!security.id().isEmpty()) { thisaccount = MyMoneyAccount(); thisaccount.setName(security.name()); thisaccount.setAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Stock); thisaccount.setCurrencyId(security.id()); currencyid = thisaccount.currencyId(); file->addAccount(thisaccount, m_account); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << ": created account " << thisaccount.id() << " for security " << statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSecurity << " under account " << m_account.id(); } // this security does not exist in the file. else { // This should be rare. A statement should have a security entry for any // of the securities referred to in the transactions. The only way to get // here is if that's NOT the case. int ret = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0, i18n("
This investment account does not contain the \"%1\" security.
" "
Transactions involving this security will be ignored.
", statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strSecurity), i18n("Security not found"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel()); if (ret == KMessageBox::Cancel) { m_userAbort = true; } return; } } } // Don't update price if there is no price information contained in the transaction if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaCashDividend && statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaShrsin && statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaShrsout) { // update the price, while we're here. in the future, this should be // an option QString basecurrencyid = file->baseCurrency().id(); const MyMoneyPrice &price = file->price(currencyid, basecurrencyid, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted, true); if (!price.isValid() && ((!statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount.isZero() && !statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares.isZero()) || !statementTransactionUnderImport.m_price.isZero())) { MyMoneyPrice newprice; if (!statementTransactionUnderImport.m_price.isZero()) { newprice = MyMoneyPrice(currencyid, basecurrencyid, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_price.abs(), i18n("Statement Importer")); } else { newprice = MyMoneyPrice(currencyid, basecurrencyid, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted, (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount / statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares).abs(), i18n("Statement Importer")); } file->addPrice(newprice); } } } s1.setAccountId(thisaccount.id()); d->assignUniqueBankID(s1, statementTransactionUnderImport); if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaReinvestDividend) { s1.setAction(MyMoneySplit::ActionReinvestDividend); s1.setShares(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares); if (!statementTransactionUnderImport.m_price.isZero()) { s1.setPrice(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_price); } else { if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares.isZero()) { KMessageBox::information(0, i18n("This imported statement contains investment transactions with no share amount. These transactions will be ignored."), i18n("No share amount provided"), QString("BlankAmount")); return; } MyMoneyMoney total = -statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount - statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees; s1.setPrice((total / statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares).convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()))); } MyMoneySplit s2; s2.setMemo(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strMemo); if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory.isEmpty()) s2.setAccountId(d->interestId(thisaccount)); else s2.setAccountId(d->interestId(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory)); s2.setShares(-statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount - statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees); s2.setValue(s2.shares()); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s2); } else if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaCashDividend) { // Cash dividends require setting 2 splits to get all of the information // in. Split #1 will be the income split, and we'll set it to the first // income account. This is a hack, but it's needed in order to get the // amount into the transaction. if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory.isEmpty()) s1.setAccountId(d->interestId(thisaccount)); else {// Ensure category sub-accounts are dealt with properly s1.setAccountId(d->interestId(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory)); } s1.setShares(-statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount - statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees); s1.setValue(-statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount - statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees); // Split 2 will be the zero-amount investment split that serves to // mark this transaction as a cash dividend and note which stock account // it belongs to. MyMoneySplit s2; s2.setMemo(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strMemo); s2.setAction(MyMoneySplit::ActionDividend); s2.setAccountId(thisaccount.id()); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s2); /* at this point any fees have been taken into account already * so don't deduct them again. * BUG 322381 */ transfervalue = statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount; } else if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaInterest) { if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory.isEmpty()) s1.setAccountId(d->interestId(thisaccount)); else {// Ensure category sub-accounts are dealt with properly if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount.isPositive()) s1.setAccountId(d->interestId(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory)); else s1.setAccountId(d->expenseId(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory)); } s1.setShares(-statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount - statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees); s1.setValue(-statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount - statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees); /// *********** Add split as per Div ********** // Split 2 will be the zero-amount investment split that serves to // mark this transaction as a cash dividend and note which stock account // it belongs to. MyMoneySplit s2; s2.setMemo(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strMemo); s2.setAction(MyMoneySplit::ActionInterestIncome); s2.setAccountId(thisaccount.id()); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s2); transfervalue = statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount; } else if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaFees) { if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory.isEmpty()) s1.setAccountId(d->feeId(thisaccount)); else// Ensure category sub-accounts are dealt with properly s1.setAccountId(d->feeId(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strInterestCategory)); s1.setShares(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount); s1.setValue(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount); transfervalue = statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount; } else if ((statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaBuy) || (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaSell)) { s1.setAction(MyMoneySplit::ActionBuyShares); if (!statementTransactionUnderImport.m_price.isZero()) { s1.setPrice(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_price.abs()); } else if (!statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares.isZero()) { MyMoneyMoney total = statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount + statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees.abs(); s1.setPrice((total / statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares).abs().convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()))); } if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaBuy) s1.setShares(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares.abs()); else s1.setShares(-statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares.abs()); s1.setValue(-(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount + statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees.abs())); transfervalue = statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount; } else if ((statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaShrsin) || (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaShrsout)) { s1.setValue(MyMoneyMoney()); s1.setShares(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_shares); s1.setAction(MyMoneySplit::ActionAddShares); } else if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction == MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaNone) { // User is attempting to import a non-investment transaction into this // investment account. This is not supportable the way KMyMoney is // written. However, if a user has an associated brokerage account, // we can stuff the transaction there. QString brokerageactid = m_account.value("kmm-brokerage-account").toUtf8(); if (brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { brokerageactid = file->accountByName(m_account.brokerageName()).id(); } if (! brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { s1.setAccountId(brokerageactid); d->assignUniqueBankID(s1, statementTransactionUnderImport); // Needed to satisfy the bankid check below. thisaccount = file->account(brokerageactid); } else { // Warning!! Your transaction is being thrown away. } } if (!statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees.isZero()) { MyMoneySplit s; s.setMemo(i18n("(Fees) %1", statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strMemo)); s.setValue(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees); s.setShares(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_fees); s.setAccountId(d->feeId(thisaccount)); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s); } } else { // For non-investment accounts, just use the selected account // Note that it is perfectly reasonable to import an investment statement into a non-investment account // if you really want. The investment-specific information, such as number of shares and action will // be discarded in that case. s1.setAccountId(m_account.id()); d->assignUniqueBankID(s1, statementTransactionUnderImport); } QString payeename = statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strPayee; if (!payeename.isEmpty()) { - qDebug("Start matching payee"); + qDebug() << QLatin1String("Start matching payee") << payeename; QString payeeid; try { QList pList = file->payeeList(); QList::const_iterator it_p; QMap matchMap; for (it_p = pList.constBegin(); it_p != pList.constEnd(); ++it_p) { bool ignoreCase; QStringList keys; QStringList::const_iterator it_s; switch ((*it_p).matchData(ignoreCase, keys)) { case MyMoneyPayee::matchDisabled: break; case MyMoneyPayee::matchName: keys << QString("%1").arg(QRegExp::escape((*it_p).name())); // tricky fall through here case MyMoneyPayee::matchKey: for (it_s = keys.constBegin(); it_s != keys.constEnd(); ++it_s) { QRegExp exp(*it_s, ignoreCase ? Qt::CaseInsensitive : Qt::CaseSensitive); - if (exp.indexIn(payeename)) { + if (exp.indexIn(payeename) != -1) { qDebug("Found match with '%s' on '%s'", qPrintable(payeename), qPrintable((*it_p).name())); matchMap[exp.matchedLength()] = (*it_p).id(); } } break; } } // at this point we can have several scenarios: // a) multiple matches // b) a single match // c) no match at all // // for c) we just do nothing, for b) we take the one we found // in case of a) we take the one with the largest matchedLength() // which happens to be the last one in the map if (matchMap.count() > 1) { qDebug("Multiple matches"); QMap::const_iterator it_m = matchMap.constEnd(); --it_m; payeeid = *it_m; } else if (matchMap.count() == 1) { qDebug("Single matches"); payeeid = *(matchMap.constBegin()); } // if we did not find a matching payee, we throw an exception and try to create it if (payeeid.isEmpty()) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("payee not matched"); s1.setPayeeId(payeeid); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { MyMoneyPayee payee; int rc = KMessageBox::Yes; if (m_autoCreatePayee == false) { // Ask the user if that is what he intended to do? QString msg = i18n("Do you want to add \"%1\" as payee/receiver?\n\n", payeename); msg += i18n("Selecting \"Yes\" will create the payee, \"No\" will skip " "creation of a payee record and remove the payee information " "from this transaction. Selecting \"Cancel\" aborts the import " "operation.\n\nIf you select \"No\" here and mark the \"Do not ask " "again\" checkbox, the payee information for all following transactions " "referencing \"%1\" will be removed.", payeename); QString askKey = QString("Statement-Import-Payee-") + payeename; if (!m_dontAskAgain.contains(askKey)) { m_dontAskAgain += askKey; } rc = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(0, msg, i18n("New payee/receiver"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), askKey); } if (rc == KMessageBox::Yes) { // for now, we just add the payee to the pool and turn // on simple name matching, so that future transactions // with the same name don't get here again. // // In the future, we could open a dialog and ask for // all the other attributes of the payee, but since this // is called in the context of an automatic procedure it // might distract the user. payee.setName(payeename); payee.setMatchData(MyMoneyPayee::matchKey, true, QStringList() << QString("^%1$").arg(QRegExp::escape(payeename))); if (m_askPayeeCategory) { // We use a QPointer because the dialog may get deleted // during exec() if the parent of the dialog gets deleted. // In that case the guarded ptr will reset to 0. QPointer dialog = new QDialog(0); dialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("Default Category for Payee")); dialog->setModal(true); QWidget *mainWidget = new QWidget; QVBoxLayout *topcontents = new QVBoxLayout(mainWidget); //add in caption? and account combo here QLabel *label1 = new QLabel(i18n("Please select a default category for payee '%1'", payeename)); topcontents->addWidget(label1); AccountNamesFilterProxyModel *filterProxyModel = new AccountNamesFilterProxyModel(this); filterProxyModel->addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); filterProxyModel->addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); filterProxyModel->addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); filterProxyModel->addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); filterProxyModel->setSourceModel(Models::instance()->accountsModel()); filterProxyModel->sort(0); QPointer accountCombo = new KMyMoneyAccountCombo(filterProxyModel, dialog); topcontents->addWidget(accountCombo); mainWidget->setLayout(topcontents); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::No|QDialogButtonBox::Yes); dialog->setLayout(mainLayout); mainLayout->addWidget(mainWidget); dialog->connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), dialog, SLOT(accept())); dialog->connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), dialog, SLOT(reject())); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); KGuiItem::assign(buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Yes), KGuiItem(i18n("Save Category"))); KGuiItem::assign(buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::No), KGuiItem(i18n("No Category"))); KGuiItem::assign(buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel), KGuiItem(i18n("Abort"))); int result = dialog->exec(); QString accountId; if (accountCombo && !accountCombo->getSelected().isEmpty()) { accountId = accountCombo->getSelected(); } delete dialog; //if they hit yes instead of no, then grab setting of account combo if (result == QDialog::Accepted) { payee.setDefaultAccountId(accountId); } else if (result != QDialog::Rejected) { //add cancel button? and throw exception like below throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("USERABORT"); } } try { file->addPayee(payee); qDebug("Payee '%s' created", qPrintable(payee.name())); d->payees << payee; payeeid = payee.id(); s1.setPayeeId(payeeid); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(0, i18n("Unable to add payee/receiver"), i18n("%1 thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } else if (rc == KMessageBox::No) { s1.setPayeeId(QString()); } else { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("USERABORT"); } } if (thisaccount.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::Stock) { // // Fill in other side of the transaction (category/etc) based on payee // // Note, this logic is lifted from KLedgerView::slotPayeeChanged(), // however this case is more complicated, because we have an amount and // a memo. We just don't have the other side of the transaction. // // We'll search for the most recent transaction in this account with // this payee. If this reference transaction is a simple 2-split // transaction, it's simple. If it's a complex split, and the amounts // are different, we have a problem. Somehow we have to balance the // transaction. For now, we'll leave it unbalanced, and let the user // handle it. // const MyMoneyPayee& payeeObj = MyMoneyFile::instance()->payee(payeeid); if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_listSplits.isEmpty() && payeeObj.defaultAccountEnabled()) { MyMoneyAccount splitAccount = file->account(payeeObj.defaultAccountId()); MyMoneySplit s; s.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::Cleared); s.clearId(); s.setBankID(QString()); s.setShares(-s1.shares()); s.setValue(-s1.value()); s.setAccountId(payeeObj.defaultAccountId()); d->setupPrice(s, splitAccount, m_account, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s); file->addVATSplit(transactionUnderImport, m_account, splitAccount, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_amount); } else if (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_listSplits.isEmpty() && !d->m_skipCategoryMatching) { MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter(thisaccount.id()); filter.addPayee(payeeid); QList list = file->transactionList(filter); if (!list.empty()) { // Default to using the most recent transaction as the reference MyMoneyTransaction t_old = list.last(); // if there is more than one matching transaction, try to be a little // smart about which one we take. for now, we'll see if there's one // with the same VALUE as our imported transaction, and if so take that one. if (list.count() > 1) { QList::ConstIterator it_trans = list.constEnd(); if (it_trans != list.constBegin()) --it_trans; while (it_trans != list.constBegin()) { MyMoneySplit s = (*it_trans).splitByAccount(thisaccount.id()); if (s.value() == s1.value()) { // keep searching if this transaction references a closed account if (!MyMoneyFile::instance()->referencesClosedAccount(*it_trans)) { t_old = *it_trans; break; } } --it_trans; } // check constBegin, just in case if (it_trans == list.constBegin()) { MyMoneySplit s = (*it_trans).splitByAccount(thisaccount.id()); if (s.value() == s1.value()) { t_old = *it_trans; } } } // Only copy the splits if the transaction found does not reference a closed account if (!MyMoneyFile::instance()->referencesClosedAccount(t_old)) { QList::ConstIterator it_split; for (it_split = t_old.splits().constBegin(); it_split != t_old.splits().constEnd(); ++it_split) { // We don't need the split that covers this account, // we just need the other ones. if ((*it_split).accountId() != thisaccount.id()) { MyMoneySplit s(*it_split); s.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); s.clearId(); s.setBankID(QString()); s.removeMatch(); if (t_old.splits().count() == 2) { s.setShares(-s1.shares()); s.setValue(-s1.value()); s.setMemo(s1.memo()); } MyMoneyAccount splitAccount = file->account(s.accountId()); qDebug("Adding second split to %s(%s)", qPrintable(splitAccount.name()), qPrintable(s.accountId())); d->setupPrice(s, splitAccount, m_account, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s); } } } } } } } s1.setReconcileFlag(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_reconcile); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s1); // Add the 'account' split if it's needed if (! transfervalue.isZero()) { // in case the transaction has a reference to the brokerage account, we use it // but if brokerageactid has already been set, keep that. if (!statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strBrokerageAccount.isEmpty() && brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { brokerageactid = file->nameToAccount(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strBrokerageAccount); } if (brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { brokerageactid = file->accountByName(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strBrokerageAccount).id(); } // There is no BrokerageAccount so have to nowhere to put this split. if (!brokerageactid.isEmpty()) { MyMoneySplit s; s.setMemo(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strMemo); s.setValue(transfervalue); s.setShares(transfervalue); s.setAccountId(brokerageactid); s.setReconcileFlag(statementTransactionUnderImport.m_reconcile); MyMoneyAccount splitAccount = file->account(s.accountId()); d->setupPrice(s, splitAccount, m_account, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s); } } if ((statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaReinvestDividend) && (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaCashDividend) && (statementTransactionUnderImport.m_eAction != MyMoneyStatement::Transaction::eaInterest) ) { //****************************************** // process splits //****************************************** QList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = statementTransactionUnderImport.m_listSplits.begin(); it_s != statementTransactionUnderImport.m_listSplits.end(); ++it_s) { MyMoneySplit s2; s2.setAccountId((*it_s).m_accountId); MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(s2.accountId()); s2.setPayeeId(s1.payeeId()); s2.setMemo((*it_s).m_strMemo); s2.setShares((*it_s).m_amount); s2.setValue((*it_s).m_amount); s2.setReconcileFlag((*it_s).m_reconcile); d->setupPrice(s2, acc, m_account, statementTransactionUnderImport.m_datePosted); transactionUnderImport.addSplit(s2); } } // Add the transaction try { // check for matches already stored in the engine TransactionMatchFinder::MatchResult result; TransactionMatcher matcher(thisaccount); d->transactionsCount++; ExistingTransactionMatchFinder existingTrMatchFinder(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::matchInterval()); result = existingTrMatchFinder.findMatch(transactionUnderImport, s1); if (result != TransactionMatchFinder::MatchNotFound) { MyMoneySplit matchedSplit = existingTrMatchFinder.getMatchedSplit(); MyMoneyTransaction matchedTransaction = existingTrMatchFinder.getMatchedTransaction(); handleMatchingOfExistingTransaction(matcher, matchedTransaction, matchedSplit, transactionUnderImport, s1, result); return; } addTransaction(transactionUnderImport); ScheduledTransactionMatchFinder scheduledTrMatchFinder(thisaccount, KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::matchInterval()); result = scheduledTrMatchFinder.findMatch(transactionUnderImport, s1); if (result != TransactionMatchFinder::MatchNotFound) { MyMoneySplit matchedSplit = scheduledTrMatchFinder.getMatchedSplit(); MyMoneySchedule matchedSchedule = scheduledTrMatchFinder.getMatchedSchedule(); handleMatchingOfScheduledTransaction(matcher, matchedSchedule, matchedSplit, transactionUnderImport, s1); return; } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { QString message(i18n("Problem adding or matching imported transaction with id '%1': %2", statementTransactionUnderImport.m_strBankID, e.what())); qDebug("%s", qPrintable(message)); int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0, message); if (result == KMessageBox::Cancel) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("USERABORT"); } } QString MyMoneyStatementReader::SelectBrokerageAccount() { if (m_brokerageAccount.id().isEmpty()) { m_brokerageAccount.setAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Checkings); if (!m_userAbort) m_userAbort = ! selectOrCreateAccount(Select, m_brokerageAccount); } return m_brokerageAccount.id(); } bool MyMoneyStatementReader::selectOrCreateAccount(const SelectCreateMode /*mode*/, MyMoneyAccount& account) { bool result = false; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QString accountId; // Try to find an existing account in the engine which matches this one. // There are two ways to be a "matching account". The account number can // match the statement account OR the "StatementKey" property can match. // Either way, we'll update the "StatementKey" property for next time. QString accountNumber = account.number(); if (! accountNumber.isEmpty()) { // Get a list of all accounts QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); // Iterate through them QList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); while (it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { if ( ((*it_account).value("StatementKey") == accountNumber) || ((*it_account).number() == accountNumber) ) { MyMoneyAccount newAccount((*it_account).id(), account); account = newAccount; accountId = (*it_account).id(); break; } ++it_account; } } QString msg = i18n("You have downloaded a statement for the following account:

"); msg += i18n(" - Account Name: %1", account.name()) + "
"; msg += i18n(" - Account Type: %1", KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(account.accountType())) + "
"; msg += i18n(" - Account Number: %1", account.number()) + "
"; msg += "
"; QString header; if (!account.name().isEmpty()) { if (!accountId.isEmpty()) msg += i18n("Do you want to import transactions to this account?"); else msg += i18n("KMyMoney cannot determine which of your accounts to use. You can " "create a new account by pressing the Create button " "or select another one manually from the selection box below."); } else { msg += i18n("No account information has been found in the selected statement file. " "Please select an account using the selection box in the dialog or " "create a new account by pressing the Create button."); } KMyMoneyUtils::categoryTypeE type; if (account.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Checkings) { type = static_cast(KMyMoneyUtils::checking); } else if (account.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Savings) { type = static_cast(KMyMoneyUtils::savings); } else if (account.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { type = static_cast(KMyMoneyUtils::investment); } else if (account.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard) { type = static_cast(KMyMoneyUtils::creditCard); } else { type = static_cast(KMyMoneyUtils::asset | KMyMoneyUtils::liability); } QPointer accountSelect = new KAccountSelectDlg(type, "StatementImport", kmymoney); accountSelect->setHeader(i18n("Import transactions")); accountSelect->setDescription(msg); accountSelect->setAccount(account, accountId); accountSelect->setMode(false); accountSelect->showAbortButton(true); accountSelect->m_qifEntry->hide(); QString accname; bool done = false; while (!done) { if (accountSelect->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && !accountSelect->selectedAccount().isEmpty()) { result = true; done = true; accountId = accountSelect->selectedAccount(); account = file->account(accountId); if (! accountNumber.isEmpty() && account.value("StatementKey") != accountNumber) { account.setValue("StatementKey", accountNumber); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(account); ft.commit(); accname = account.name(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug("Updating account in MyMoneyStatementReader::selectOrCreateAccount failed"); } } } else { if (accountSelect->aborted()) //throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("USERABORT"); done = true; else KMessageBox::error(0, QLatin1String("") + i18n("You must select an account, create a new one, or press the Abort button.") + QLatin1String("")); } } delete accountSelect; return result; } void MyMoneyStatementReader::setProgressCallback(void(*callback)(int, int, const QString&)) { m_progressCallback = callback; } void MyMoneyStatementReader::signalProgress(int current, int total, const QString& msg) { if (m_progressCallback != 0) (*m_progressCallback)(current, total, msg); } void MyMoneyStatementReader::handleMatchingOfExistingTransaction(TransactionMatcher & matcher, MyMoneyTransaction matchedTransaction, MyMoneySplit matchedSplit, MyMoneyTransaction & importedTransaction, const MyMoneySplit & importedSplit, const TransactionMatchFinder::MatchResult & matchResult) { switch (matchResult) { case TransactionMatchFinder::MatchNotFound: break; case TransactionMatchFinder::MatchDuplicate: d->transactionsDuplicate++; qDebug("Detected transaction duplicate"); break; case TransactionMatchFinder::MatchImprecise: case TransactionMatchFinder::MatchPrecise: addTransaction(importedTransaction); qDebug("Detected as match to transaction '%s'", qPrintable(matchedTransaction.id())); matcher.match(matchedTransaction, matchedSplit, importedTransaction, importedSplit, true); d->transactionsMatched++; break; } } void MyMoneyStatementReader::handleMatchingOfScheduledTransaction(TransactionMatcher & matcher, MyMoneySchedule matchedSchedule, MyMoneySplit matchedSplit, const MyMoneyTransaction & importedTransaction, const MyMoneySplit & importedSplit) { QPointer editor; if (askUserToEnterScheduleForMatching(matchedSchedule, importedSplit, importedTransaction)) { KEnterScheduleDlg dlg(0, matchedSchedule); editor = dlg.startEdit(); if (editor) { MyMoneyTransaction torig; try { // in case the amounts of the scheduled transaction and the // imported transaction differ, we need to update the amount // using the transaction editor. if (matchedSplit.shares() != importedSplit.shares() && !matchedSchedule.isFixed()) { // for now this only works with regular transactions and not // for investment transactions. As of this, we don't have // scheduled investment transactions anyway. StdTransactionEditor* se = dynamic_cast(editor.data()); if (se) { // the following call will update the amount field in the // editor and also adjust a possible VAT assignment. Make // sure to use only the absolute value of the amount, because // the editor keeps the sign in a different position (deposit, // withdrawal tab) kMyMoneyEdit* amount = dynamic_cast(se->haveWidget("amount")); if (amount) { amount->setValue(importedSplit.shares().abs()); se->slotUpdateAmount(importedSplit.shares().abs().toString()); // we also need to update the matchedSplit variable to // have the modified share/value. matchedSplit.setShares(importedSplit.shares()); matchedSplit.setValue(importedSplit.value()); } } } editor->createTransaction(torig, dlg.transaction(), dlg.transaction().splits().isEmpty() ? MyMoneySplit() : dlg.transaction().splits().front(), true); QString newId; if (editor->enterTransactions(newId, false, true)) { if (!newId.isEmpty()) { torig = MyMoneyFile::instance()->transaction(newId); matchedSchedule.setLastPayment(torig.postDate()); } matchedSchedule.setNextDueDate(matchedSchedule.nextPayment(matchedSchedule.nextDueDate())); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifySchedule(matchedSchedule); } // now match the two transactions matcher.match(torig, matchedSplit, importedTransaction, importedSplit); d->transactionsMatched++; } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { // make sure we get rid of the editor before // the KEnterScheduleDlg is destroyed delete editor; throw e; // rethrow } } // delete the editor delete editor; } } void MyMoneyStatementReader::addTransaction(MyMoneyTransaction& transaction) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); file->addTransaction(transaction); d->transactionsAdded++; } bool MyMoneyStatementReader::askUserToEnterScheduleForMatching(const MyMoneySchedule& matchedSchedule, const MyMoneySplit& importedSplit, const MyMoneyTransaction & importedTransaction) const { QString scheduleName = matchedSchedule.name(); int currencyDenom = m_account.fraction(MyMoneyFile::instance()->currency(m_account.currencyId())); QString splitValue = importedSplit.value().formatMoney(currencyDenom); QString payeeName = MyMoneyFile::instance()->payee(importedSplit.payeeId()).name(); QString questionMsg = i18n("KMyMoney has found a scheduled transaction which matches an imported transaction.
" "Schedule name: %1
" "Transaction: %2 %3
" "Do you want KMyMoney to enter this schedule now so that the transaction can be matched?", scheduleName, splitValue, payeeName); // check that dates are within user's setting const int gap = abs(matchedSchedule.transaction().postDate().toJulianDay() - importedTransaction.postDate().toJulianDay()); if (gap > KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::matchInterval()) questionMsg = i18np("KMyMoney has found a scheduled transaction which matches an imported transaction.
" "Schedule name: %2
" "Transaction: %3 %4
" "The transaction dates are one day apart.
" "Do you want KMyMoney to enter this schedule now so that the transaction can be matched?", "KMyMoney has found a scheduled transaction which matches an imported transaction.
" "Schedule name: %2
" "Transaction: %3 %4
" "The transaction dates are %1 days apart.
" "Do you want KMyMoney to enter this schedule now so that the transaction can be matched?", gap ,scheduleName, splitValue, payeeName); const int userAnswer = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, QLatin1String("") + questionMsg + QLatin1String(""), i18n("Schedule found")); return (userAnswer == KMessageBox::Yes); }