diff --git a/kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp b/kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp index aa797f062..b5a96866e 100644 --- a/kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp @@ -1,7962 +1,7968 @@ /*************************************************************************** kmymoney.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000 by Michael Edwardes (C) 2007 by Thomas Baumgart ****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include "kmymoney.h" // for _getpid #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 //krazy:exclude=cpp #include #else #if HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Std C++ / STL Includes #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include // only for performance tests #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_KDEPIMLIBS #include #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "kmymoneyglobalsettings.h" #include "kmymoneyadaptor.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsgeneral.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsregister.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsgpg.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingscolors.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsfonts.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsschedules.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsonlinequotes.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingshome.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsforecast.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsplugins.h" #include "dialogs/settings/ksettingsreports.h" #include "dialogs/kbackupdlg.h" #include "dialogs/kexportdlg.h" #include "dialogs/kimportdlg.h" #include "dialogs/mymoneyqifprofileeditor.h" #include "dialogs/kenterscheduledlg.h" #include "dialogs/kconfirmmanualenterdlg.h" #include "dialogs/kmymoneypricedlg.h" #include "dialogs/kcurrencyeditdlg.h" #include "dialogs/kequitypriceupdatedlg.h" #include "dialogs/kmymoneyfileinfodlg.h" #include "dialogs/kfindtransactiondlg.h" #include "dialogs/knewbankdlg.h" #include "wizards/newinvestmentwizard/knewinvestmentwizard.h" #include "dialogs/knewaccountdlg.h" #include "dialogs/knewfiledlg.h" #include "dialogs/kselectdatabasedlg.h" #include "dialogs/kcurrencycalculator.h" #include "dialogs/keditscheduledlg.h" #include "wizards/newloanwizard/knewloanwizard.h" #include "wizards/newloanwizard/keditloanwizard.h" #include "dialogs/kpayeereassigndlg.h" #include "dialogs/ktagreassigndlg.h" #include "dialogs/kcategoryreassigndlg.h" #include "dialogs/kmergetransactionsdlg.h" #include "wizards/endingbalancedlg/kendingbalancedlg.h" #include "dialogs/kbalancechartdlg.h" #include "dialogs/kgeneratesqldlg.h" #include "dialogs/kloadtemplatedlg.h" #include "dialogs/kgpgkeyselectiondlg.h" #include "dialogs/ktemplateexportdlg.h" #include "dialogs/transactionmatcher.h" #include "wizards/newuserwizard/knewuserwizard.h" #include "wizards/newaccountwizard/knewaccountwizard.h" #include "dialogs/kbalancewarning.h" #include "widgets/onlinejobmessagesview.h" #include "widgets/kmymoneymvccombo.h" #include "widgets/kmymoneycompletion.h" #include "views/kmymoneyview.h" #include "views/konlinejoboutbox.h" #include "models/onlinejobmessagesmodel.h" #include "mymoney/mymoneyutils.h" #include "mymoney/mymoneystatement.h" #include "mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragedump.h" #include "mymoney/mymoneyforecast.h" #include "mymoney/onlinejob.h" #include "mymoney/onlinetransfer.h" #include "mymoney/onlinejobadministration.h" #include "converter/mymoneyqifwriter.h" #include "converter/mymoneyqifreader.h" #include "converter/mymoneystatementreader.h" #include "converter/mymoneytemplate.h" #include "plugins/interfaces/kmmviewinterface.h" #include "plugins/interfaces/kmmstatementinterface.h" #include "plugins/interfaces/kmmimportinterface.h" #include "plugins/pluginloader.h" #include "plugins/onlinepluginextended.h" #include #include #include "konlinetransferform.h" #include #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #define RECOVER_KEY_ID "59B0F826D2B08440" // define the default period to warn about an expiring recoverkey to 30 days // but allows to override this setting during build time #ifndef RECOVER_KEY_EXPIRATION_WARNING #define RECOVER_KEY_EXPIRATION_WARNING 30 #endif #define ID_STATUS_MSG 1 enum backupStateE { BACKUP_IDLE = 0, BACKUP_MOUNTING, BACKUP_COPYING, BACKUP_UNMOUNTING }; class KMyMoneyApp::Private { public: Private(KMyMoneyApp *app) : q(app), m_ft(0), m_moveToAccountSelector(0), m_statementXMLindex(0), m_balanceWarning(0), m_collectingStatements(false), m_pluginLoader(0), m_backupResult(0), m_backupMount(0), m_ignoreBackupExitCode(false), m_myMoneyView(0), m_progressBar(0), m_qifReader(0), m_smtReader(0), m_searchDlg(0), m_autoSaveTimer(0), m_progressTimer(0), m_inAutoSaving(false), m_transactionEditor(0), m_endingBalanceDlg(0), m_saveEncrypted(0), m_additionalKeyLabel(0), m_additionalKeyButton(0), m_recentFiles(0), #ifdef HAVE_KDEPIMLIBS m_holidayRegion(0), #endif m_applicationIsReady(true), m_printer(0) { // since the days of the week are from 1 to 7, // and a day of the week is used to index this bit array, // resize the array to 8 elements (element 0 is left unused) m_processingDays.resize(8); } ~Private() { delete m_printer; } void closeFile(); void unlinkStatementXML(); void moveInvestmentTransaction(const QString& fromId, const QString& toId, const MyMoneyTransaction& t); QList > automaticReconciliation(const MyMoneyAccount &account, const QList > &transactions, const MyMoneyMoney &amount); /** * The public interface. */ KMyMoneyApp * const q; MyMoneyFileTransaction* m_ft; kMyMoneyAccountSelector* m_moveToAccountSelector; int m_statementXMLindex; KBalanceWarning* m_balanceWarning; bool m_collectingStatements; QStringList m_statementResults; KMyMoneyPlugin::PluginLoader* m_pluginLoader; QString m_lastPayeeEnteredId; /** the configuration object of the application */ KSharedConfigPtr m_config; QMap m_importerPlugins; QMap m_onlinePlugins; /** * The following variable represents the state while crafting a backup. * It can have the following values * * - IDLE: the default value if not performing a backup * - MOUNTING: when a mount command has been issued * - COPYING: when a copy command has been issued * - UNMOUNTING: when an unmount command has been issued */ backupStateE m_backupState; /** * This variable keeps the result of the backup operation. */ int m_backupResult; /** * This variable is set, when the user selected to mount/unmount * the backup volume. */ bool m_backupMount; /** * This variable keeps the name of the backup file. */ QString m_backupFile; /** * Flag for internal run control */ bool m_ignoreBackupExitCode; KProcess m_proc; /// A pointer to the view holding the tabs. KMyMoneyView *m_myMoneyView; /// The URL of the file currently being edited when open. KUrl m_fileName; bool m_startDialog; QString m_mountpoint; QProgressBar* m_progressBar; QTime m_lastUpdate; MyMoneyQifReader* m_qifReader; MyMoneyStatementReader* m_smtReader; // allows multiple imports to be launched trough web connect and to be executed sequentially QQueue m_importUrlsQueue; KFindTransactionDlg* m_searchDlg; QObject* m_pluginInterface; MyMoneyAccount m_selectedAccount; MyMoneyAccount m_reconciliationAccount; MyMoneyAccount m_selectedInvestment; MyMoneyInstitution m_selectedInstitution; MyMoneySchedule m_selectedSchedule; MyMoneySecurity m_selectedCurrency; MyMoneyPrice m_selectedPrice; QList m_selectedPayees; QList m_selectedTags; QList m_selectedBudgets; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions m_selectedTransactions; // This is Auto Saving related bool m_autoSaveEnabled; QTimer* m_autoSaveTimer; QTimer* m_progressTimer; int m_autoSavePeriod; bool m_inAutoSaving; // pointer to the current transaction editor TransactionEditor* m_transactionEditor; // Reconciliation dialog KEndingBalanceDlg* m_endingBalanceDlg; // Pointer to the combo box used for key selection during // File/Save as KComboBox* m_saveEncrypted; // id's that need to be remembered QString m_accountGoto, m_payeeGoto; QStringList m_additionalGpgKeys; QLabel* m_additionalKeyLabel; KPushButton* m_additionalKeyButton; KRecentFilesAction* m_recentFiles; #ifdef HAVE_KDEPIMLIBS // used by the calendar interface for schedules KHolidays::HolidayRegion* m_holidayRegion; #endif QBitArray m_processingDays; QMap m_holidayMap; QStringList m_consistencyCheckResult; bool m_applicationIsReady; QPrinter* m_printer; // methods void consistencyCheck(bool alwaysDisplayResults); void setCustomColors(); void copyConsistencyCheckResults(); void saveConsistencyCheckResults(); QPrinter* printer(); }; KMyMoneyApp::KMyMoneyApp(QWidget* parent) : KXmlGuiWindow(parent), d(new Private(this)) { new KmymoneyAdaptor(this); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/KMymoney", this); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->registerService( "org.kde.kmymoney", QDBusConnectionInterface::DontQueueService); // Register the main engine types used as meta-objects qRegisterMetaType("MyMoneyMoney"); qRegisterMetaType("MyMoneySecurity"); // preset the pointer because we need it during the course of this constructor kmymoney = this; d->m_config = KGlobal::config(); d->setCustomColors(); MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setFiscalYearStart(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::firstFiscalMonth(), KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::firstFiscalDay()); updateCaption(true); QFrame* frame = new QFrame(this); frame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); // values for margin (11) and spacing(6) taken from KDialog implementation QBoxLayout* layout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom, frame); layout->setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); layout->setSpacing(6); initStatusBar(); initActions(); initDynamicMenus(); d->m_myMoneyView = new KMyMoneyView(frame); layout->addWidget(d->m_myMoneyView, 10); connect(d->m_myMoneyView, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView()), this, SLOT(slotResetSelections())); connect(d->m_myMoneyView, SIGNAL(currentPageChanged(KPageWidgetItem*,KPageWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateActions())); connectActionsAndViews(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // call inits to invoke all other construction parts readOptions(); // now initialize the plugin structure createInterfaces(); loadPlugins(); setCentralWidget(frame); connect(&d->m_proc, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(slotBackupHandleEvents())); // force to show the home page if the file is closed connect(action("view_show_transaction_detail"), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), d->m_myMoneyView, SLOT(slotShowTransactionDetail(bool))); d->m_backupState = BACKUP_IDLE; int weekStart = KGlobal::locale()->workingWeekStartDay(); int weekEnd = KGlobal::locale()->workingWeekEndDay(); bool startFirst = (weekStart < weekEnd); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (startFirst) d->m_processingDays.setBit(i, (i >= weekStart && i <= weekEnd)); else d->m_processingDays.setBit(i, (i >= weekStart || i <= weekEnd)); } d->m_autoSaveTimer = new QTimer(this); d->m_progressTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(d->m_autoSaveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotAutoSave())); connect(d->m_progressTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotStatusProgressDone())); // make sure, we get a note when the engine changes state connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(slotDataChanged())); // make sure we have a balance warning object d->m_balanceWarning = new KBalanceWarning(this); // setup the initial configuration slotUpdateConfiguration(); // kickstart date change timer slotDateChanged(); connect(this, SIGNAL(fileLoaded(KUrl)), onlineJobAdministration::instance(), SLOT(updateOnlineTaskProperties())); } KMyMoneyApp::~KMyMoneyApp() { delete d->m_searchDlg; delete d->m_qifReader; delete d->m_transactionEditor; delete d->m_endingBalanceDlg; delete d->m_moveToAccountSelector; #ifdef HAVE_KDEPIMLIBS delete d->m_holidayRegion; #endif delete d; } const KUrl KMyMoneyApp::lastOpenedURL() { KUrl url = d->m_startDialog ? KUrl() : d->m_fileName; if (!url.isValid()) { url = readLastUsedFile(); } ready(); return url; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotObjectDestroyed(QObject* o) { if (o == d->m_moveToAccountSelector) { d->m_moveToAccountSelector = 0; } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInstallConsistencyCheckContextMenu() { // this code relies on the implementation of KMessageBox::informationList to add a context menu to that list, // please adjust it if it's necessary or rewrite the way the consistency check results are displayed if (QWidget* dialog = QApplication::activeModalWidget()) { if (QListWidget* widget = dialog->findChild()) { // give the user a hint that the data can be saved widget->setToolTip(i18n("This is the consistency check log, use the context menu to copy or save it.")); widget->setWhatsThis(widget->toolTip()); widget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(widget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), SLOT(slotShowContextMenuForConsistencyCheck(QPoint))); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowContextMenuForConsistencyCheck(const QPoint &pos) { // allow the user to save the consistency check results if (QWidget* widget = qobject_cast< QWidget* >(sender())) { QMenu contextMenu(widget); QAction* copy = new QAction(i18n("Copy to clipboard"), widget); QAction* save = new QAction(i18n("Save to file"), widget); contextMenu.addAction(copy); contextMenu.addAction(save); QAction *result = contextMenu.exec(widget->mapToGlobal(pos)); if (result == copy) { // copy the consistency check results to the clipboard d->copyConsistencyCheckResults(); } else if (result == save) { // save the consistency check results to a file d->saveConsistencyCheckResults(); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::createTransactionMoveMenu() { if (!d->m_moveToAccountSelector) { QWidget* w = factory()->container("transaction_move_menu", this); KMenu *menu = dynamic_cast(w); if (menu) { QWidgetAction *accountSelectorAction = new QWidgetAction(menu); d->m_moveToAccountSelector = new kMyMoneyAccountSelector(menu, 0, false); d->m_moveToAccountSelector->setObjectName("transaction_move_menu_selector"); accountSelectorAction->setDefaultWidget(d->m_moveToAccountSelector); menu->addAction(accountSelectorAction); connect(d->m_moveToAccountSelector, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotObjectDestroyed(QObject*))); connect(d->m_moveToAccountSelector, SIGNAL(itemSelected(QString)), this, SLOT(slotMoveToAccount(QString))); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::initDynamicMenus() { connect(this, SIGNAL(accountSelected(MyMoneyAccount)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateMoveToAccountMenu())); connect(this, SIGNAL(transactionsSelected(KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateMoveToAccountMenu())); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateMoveToAccountMenu())); } void KMyMoneyApp::initActions() { // ************* // The File menu // ************* actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::New, this, SLOT(slotFileNew())); actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Open, this, SLOT(slotFileOpen())); d->m_recentFiles = KStandardAction::openRecent(this, SLOT(slotFileOpenRecent(KUrl)), actionCollection()); actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Save, this, SLOT(slotFileSave())); actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::SaveAs, this, SLOT(slotFileSaveAs())); actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Close, this, SLOT(slotFileClose())); actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Quit, this, SLOT(slotFileQuit())); actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Print, this, SLOT(slotPrintView())); + actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::PrintPreview, this, SLOT(slotPrintPreviewView())); KAction *open_database = actionCollection()->addAction("open_database"); open_database->setText(i18n("Open database...")); connect(open_database, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotOpenDatabase())); KAction *saveas_database = actionCollection()->addAction("saveas_database"); saveas_database->setText(i18n("Save as database...")); saveas_database->setIcon(KIcon("svn-update")); connect(saveas_database, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSaveAsDatabase())); KAction *file_backup = actionCollection()->addAction("file_backup"); file_backup->setText(i18n("Backup...")); file_backup->setIcon(KIcon("utilities-file-archiver")); connect(file_backup, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotBackupFile())); KAction *file_import_qif = actionCollection()->addAction("file_import_qif"); file_import_qif->setText(i18n("QIF...")); connect(file_import_qif, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotQifImport())); KAction *file_import_gnc = actionCollection()->addAction("file_import_gnc"); file_import_gnc->setText(i18n("GnuCash...")); connect(file_import_gnc, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotGncImport())); KAction *file_import_statement = actionCollection()->addAction("file_import_statement"); file_import_statement->setText(i18n("Statement file...")); connect(file_import_statement, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotStatementImport())); KAction *file_import_template = actionCollection()->addAction("file_import_template"); file_import_template->setText(i18n("Account Template...")); connect(file_import_template, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotLoadAccountTemplates())); KAction *file_export_template = actionCollection()->addAction("file_export_template"); file_export_template->setText(i18n("Account Template...")); connect(file_export_template, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSaveAccountTemplates())); KAction *file_export_qif = actionCollection()->addAction("file_export_qif"); file_export_qif->setText(i18n("QIF...")); connect(file_export_qif, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotQifExport())); KAction *view_personal_data = actionCollection()->addAction("view_personal_data"); view_personal_data->setText(i18n("Personal Data...")); view_personal_data->setIcon(KIcon("user-properties")); connect(view_personal_data, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileViewPersonal())); #ifdef KMM_DEBUG KAction *file_dump = actionCollection()->addAction("file_dump"); file_dump->setText(i18n("Dump Memory")); connect(file_dump, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileFileInfo())); #endif KAction *view_file_info = actionCollection()->addAction("view_file_info"); view_file_info->setText(i18n("File-Information...")); view_file_info->setIcon(KIcon("document-properties")); connect(view_file_info, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileInfoDialog())); // ************* // The Edit menu // ************* KAction *edit_find_transaction = actionCollection()->addAction("edit_find_transaction"); edit_find_transaction->setText(i18n("Find transaction...")); edit_find_transaction->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-transfer", "edit-find")); edit_find_transaction->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+F")); connect(edit_find_transaction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFindTransaction())); // ************* // The View menu // ************* KToggleAction *view_show_transaction_detail = actionCollection()->add("view_show_transaction_detail"); view_show_transaction_detail->setIcon(KIcon("zoom-in")); view_show_transaction_detail->setText(i18n("Show Transaction Detail")); view_show_transaction_detail->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+T")); KToggleAction *view_hide_reconciled_transactions = actionCollection()->add("view_hide_reconciled_transactions"); view_hide_reconciled_transactions->setText(i18n("Hide reconciled transactions")); view_hide_reconciled_transactions->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("merge", "view-close")); view_hide_reconciled_transactions->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+R")); connect(view_hide_reconciled_transactions, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotHideReconciledTransactions())); KToggleAction *view_hide_unused_categories = actionCollection()->add("view_hide_unused_categories"); view_hide_unused_categories->setText(i18n("Hide unused categories")); view_hide_unused_categories->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-categories", "view-close")); view_hide_unused_categories->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+U")); connect(view_hide_unused_categories, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotHideUnusedCategories())); KToggleAction *view_show_all_accounts = actionCollection()->add("view_show_all_accounts"); view_show_all_accounts->setText(i18n("Show all accounts")); view_show_all_accounts->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+A")); connect(view_show_all_accounts, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotShowAllAccounts())); // ********************* // The institutions menu // ********************* KAction *institution_new = actionCollection()->addAction("institution_new"); institution_new->setText(i18n("New institution...")); institution_new->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank", "list-add", Qt::TopRightCorner)); connect(institution_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInstitutionNew())); KAction *institution_edit = actionCollection()->addAction("institution_edit"); institution_edit->setText(i18n("Edit institution...")); institution_edit->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank", "document-edit")); connect(institution_edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInstitutionEdit())); KAction *institution_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("institution_delete"); institution_delete->setText(i18n("Delete institution...")); institution_delete->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank", "edit-delete")); connect(institution_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInstitutionDelete())); // ***************** // The accounts menu // ***************** KAction *account_new = actionCollection()->addAction("account_new"); account_new->setText(i18n("New account...")); account_new->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "list-add", Qt::TopRightCorner)); connect(account_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountNew())); // note : action "category_new" is included in this menu but defined below KAction *account_open = actionCollection()->addAction("account_open"); account_open->setText(i18n("Open ledger")); account_open->setIcon(KIcon("view-financial-list")); connect(account_open, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountOpen())); KAction *account_reconcile = actionCollection()->addAction("account_reconcile"); account_reconcile->setText(i18n("Reconcile...")); account_reconcile->setIcon(KIcon("merge")); account_reconcile->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+R")); connect(account_reconcile, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountReconcileStart())); KAction *account_reconcile_finish = actionCollection()->addAction("account_reconcile_finish"); account_reconcile_finish->setText(i18nc("Finish reconciliation", "Finish")); account_reconcile_finish->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("merge", "dialog-ok")); connect(account_reconcile_finish, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountReconcileFinish())); KAction *account_reconcile_postpone = actionCollection()->addAction("account_reconcile_postpone"); account_reconcile_postpone->setText(i18n("Postpone reconciliation")); account_reconcile_postpone->setIcon(KIcon("media-playback-pause")); connect(account_reconcile_postpone, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountReconcilePostpone())); KAction *account_edit = actionCollection()->addAction("account_edit"); account_edit->setText(i18n("Edit account...")); account_edit->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "document-edit")); connect(account_edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountEdit())); KAction *account_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("account_delete"); account_delete->setText(i18n("Delete account...")); account_delete->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "edit-delete")); connect(account_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountDelete())); KAction *account_close = actionCollection()->addAction("account_close"); account_close->setText(i18n("Close account")); account_close->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "dialog-close")); connect(account_close, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountClose())); KAction *account_reopen = actionCollection()->addAction("account_reopen"); account_reopen->setText(i18n("Reopen account")); account_reopen->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "dialog-ok")); connect(account_reopen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountReopen())); KAction *account_transaction_report = actionCollection()->addAction("account_transaction_report"); account_transaction_report->setText(i18n("Transaction report")); account_transaction_report->setIcon(KIcon("view-financial-list")); connect(account_transaction_report, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountTransactionReport())); KAction *account_chart = actionCollection()->addAction("account_chart"); account_chart->setText(i18n("Show balance chart...")); account_chart->setIcon(KIcon("office-chart-line")); connect(account_chart, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountChart())); KAction *account_online_map = actionCollection()->addAction("account_online_map"); account_online_map->setText(i18n("Map to online account...")); account_online_map->setIcon(KIcon("news-subscribe")); connect(account_online_map, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountMapOnline())); KAction *account_online_unmap = actionCollection()->addAction("account_online_unmap"); account_online_unmap->setText(i18n("Unmap account...")); account_online_unmap->setIcon(KIcon("news-unsubscribe")); connect(account_online_unmap, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountUnmapOnline())); KActionMenu* menu = new KActionMenu(KIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "download")), i18nc("Update online accounts menu", "Update"), this); actionCollection()->addAction("account_online_update_menu", menu); // activating the menu button is the same as selecting the current account connect(menu, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountUpdateOnline())); KAction *account_online_update = actionCollection()->addAction("account_online_update"); account_online_update->setText(i18n("Update account...")); account_online_update->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "download")); connect(account_online_update, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountUpdateOnline())); menu->addAction(account_online_update); KAction *account_online_update_all = actionCollection()->addAction("account_online_update_all"); account_online_update_all->setText(i18n("Update all accounts...")); account_online_update_all->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "download")); connect(account_online_update_all, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountUpdateOnlineAll())); menu->addAction(account_online_update_all); KAction *account_online_transfer = actionCollection()->addAction("account_online_new_credit_transfer"); account_online_transfer->setText(i18n("New credit transfer")); account_online_transfer->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-bank-account", "mail-message-new")); connect(account_online_transfer, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotNewOnlineTransfer())); connect(onlineJobAdministration::instance(), SIGNAL(canSendCreditTransferChanged(bool)), account_online_transfer, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); // ******************* // The categories menu // ******************* KAction *category_new = actionCollection()->addAction("category_new"); category_new->setText(i18n("New category...")); category_new->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-categories", "list-add", Qt::TopRightCorner)); connect(category_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCategoryNew())); KAction *category_edit = actionCollection()->addAction("category_edit"); category_edit->setText(i18n("Edit category...")); category_edit->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-categories", "document-edit")); connect(category_edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountEdit())); KAction *category_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("category_delete"); category_delete->setText(i18n("Delete category...")); category_delete->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-categories", "edit-delete")); connect(category_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAccountDelete())); // ************** // The tools menu // ************** KAction *tools_qif_editor = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_qif_editor"); tools_qif_editor->setText(i18n("QIF Profile Editor...")); tools_qif_editor->setIcon(KIcon("document-properties")); connect(tools_qif_editor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotQifProfileEditor())); KAction *tools_currency_editor = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_currency_editor"); tools_currency_editor->setText(i18n("Currencies...")); tools_currency_editor->setIcon(KIcon("view-currency-list")); connect(tools_currency_editor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCurrencyDialog())); KAction *tools_price_editor = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_price_editor"); tools_price_editor->setText(i18n("Prices...")); connect(tools_price_editor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotPriceDialog())); KAction *tools_update_prices = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_update_prices"); tools_update_prices->setText(i18n("Update Stock and Currency Prices...")); tools_update_prices->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-investment", "download")); connect(tools_update_prices, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotEquityPriceUpdate())); KAction *tools_consistency_check = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_consistency_check"); tools_consistency_check->setText(i18n("Consistency Check")); connect(tools_consistency_check, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileConsistencyCheck())); KAction *tools_performancetest = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_performancetest"); tools_performancetest->setText(i18n("Performance-Test")); tools_performancetest->setIcon(KIcon("fork")); connect(tools_performancetest, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotPerformanceTest())); KAction *tools_generate_sql = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_generate_sql"); tools_generate_sql->setText(i18n("Generate Database SQL")); connect(tools_generate_sql, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotGenerateSql())); KAction *tools_kcalc = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_kcalc"); tools_kcalc->setText(i18n("Calculator...")); tools_kcalc->setIcon(KIcon("accessories-calculator")); connect(tools_kcalc, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotToolsStartKCalc())); // ***************** // The settings menu // ***************** actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Preferences, this, SLOT(slotSettings())); KAction *settings_enable_messages = actionCollection()->addAction("settings_enable_messages"); settings_enable_messages->setText(i18n("Enable all messages")); connect(settings_enable_messages, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotEnableMessages())); KAction *settings_language = actionCollection()->addAction("settings_language"); settings_language->setText(i18n("KDE language settings...")); connect(settings_language, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotKDELanguageSettings())); // ************* // The help menu // ************* KAction *help_show_tip = actionCollection()->addAction("help_show_tip"); help_show_tip->setText(i18n("&Show tip of the day")); help_show_tip->setIcon(KIcon("ktip")); connect(help_show_tip, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotShowTipOfTheDay())); // *************************** // Actions w/o main menu entry // *************************** KAction *transaction_new = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_new"); transaction_new->setText(i18nc("New transaction button", "New")); transaction_new->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-transfer", "list-add", Qt::TopRightCorner)); transaction_new->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Insert)); connect(transaction_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionsNew())); // we use Return as the same shortcut for Edit and Enter. Therefore, we don't allow // to change them (The standard KDE dialog complains anyway if you want to assign // the same shortcut to two actions) KAction *transaction_edit = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_edit"); transaction_edit->setText(i18nc("Edit transaction button", "Edit")); transaction_edit->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-transfer", "document-edit")); transaction_edit->setShortcutConfigurable(false); connect(transaction_edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionsEdit())); KAction *transaction_enter = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_enter"); transaction_enter->setText(i18nc("Enter transaction", "Enter")); transaction_enter->setIcon(KIcon("dialog-ok")); transaction_enter->setShortcutConfigurable(false); connect(transaction_enter, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionsEnter())); KAction *transaction_editsplits = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_editsplits"); transaction_editsplits->setText(i18nc("Edit split button", "Edit splits")); transaction_editsplits->setIcon(KIcon("split")); connect(transaction_editsplits, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionsEditSplits())); KAction *transaction_cancel = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_cancel"); transaction_cancel->setText(i18nc("Cancel transaction edit", "Cancel")); transaction_cancel->setIcon(KIcon("dialog-cancel")); connect(transaction_cancel, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionsCancel())); KAction *transaction_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_delete"); transaction_delete->setText(i18nc("Delete transaction", "Delete")); transaction_delete->setIcon(KIcon("edit-delete")); connect(transaction_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionsDelete())); KAction *transaction_duplicate = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_duplicate"); transaction_duplicate->setText(i18nc("Duplicate transaction", "Duplicate")); transaction_duplicate->setIcon(KIcon("edit-copy")); connect(transaction_duplicate, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionDuplicate())); KAction *transaction_match = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_match"); transaction_match->setText(i18nc("Button text for match transaction", "Match")); transaction_match->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-transfer", "document-import")); connect(transaction_match, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionMatch())); KAction *transaction_accept = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_accept"); transaction_accept->setText(i18nc("Accept 'imported' and 'matched' transaction", "Accept")); transaction_accept->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-financial-transfer", "dialog-ok-apply")); connect(transaction_accept, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionsAccept())); KAction *transaction_mark_toggle = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_mark_toggle"); transaction_mark_toggle->setText(i18nc("Toggle reconciliation flag", "Toggle")); transaction_mark_toggle->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+Space")); connect(transaction_mark_toggle, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotToggleReconciliationFlag())); KAction *transaction_mark_cleared = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_mark_cleared"); transaction_mark_cleared->setText(i18nc("Mark transaction cleared", "Cleared")); transaction_mark_cleared->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+Alt+Space")); connect(transaction_mark_cleared, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotMarkTransactionCleared())); KAction *transaction_mark_reconciled = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_mark_reconciled"); transaction_mark_reconciled->setText(i18nc("Mark transaction reconciled", "Reconciled")); transaction_mark_reconciled->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+Space")); connect(transaction_mark_reconciled, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotMarkTransactionReconciled())); KAction *transaction_mark_notreconciled = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_mark_notreconciled"); transaction_mark_notreconciled->setText(i18nc("Mark transaction not reconciled", "Not reconciled")); connect(transaction_mark_notreconciled, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotMarkTransactionNotReconciled())); KAction *transaction_select_all = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_select_all"); transaction_select_all->setText(i18nc("Select all transactions", "Select all")); transaction_select_all->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+A")); connect(transaction_select_all, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(selectAllTransactions())); KAction *transaction_goto_account = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_goto_account"); transaction_goto_account->setText(i18n("Go to account")); transaction_goto_account->setIcon(KIcon("go-jump")); connect(transaction_goto_account, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionGotoAccount())); KAction *transaction_goto_payee = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_goto_payee"); transaction_goto_payee->setText(i18n("Go to payee")); transaction_goto_payee->setIcon(KIcon("go-jump")); connect(transaction_goto_payee, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionGotoPayee())); KAction *transaction_create_schedule = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_create_schedule"); transaction_create_schedule->setText(i18n("Create scheduled transaction...")); transaction_create_schedule->setIcon(KIcon("appointment-new")); connect(transaction_create_schedule, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionCreateSchedule())); KAction *transaction_assign_next_check_number = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_assign_next_check_number"); transaction_assign_next_check_number->setText(i18n("Assign next check number")); transaction_assign_next_check_number->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+N")); connect(transaction_assign_next_check_number, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionAssignNextCheckNumber())); KAction *transaction_assign_statement_number = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_assign_statement_number"); transaction_assign_statement_number->setText(i18n("Assign last used statement number")); connect(transaction_assign_statement_number, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionAssignStatementNumber())); KAction *transaction_assign_next_statement_number = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_assign_next_statement_number"); transaction_assign_next_statement_number->setText(i18n("Assign next statement number")); connect(transaction_assign_next_statement_number, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionAssignNextStatementNumber())); KAction *transaction_assign_next_statement_page_number = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_assign_next_statement_page_number"); transaction_assign_next_statement_page_number->setText(i18n("Assign next statement page number")); connect(transaction_assign_next_statement_page_number, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionAssignNextStatementPageNumber())); KAction *transaction_combine = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_combine"); transaction_combine->setText(i18nc("Combine transactions", "Combine")); connect(transaction_combine, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionCombine())); KAction *transaction_copy_splits = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_copy_splits"); transaction_copy_splits->setText(i18n("Copy splits")); connect(transaction_copy_splits, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTransactionCopySplits())); //Investment KAction *investment_new = actionCollection()->addAction("investment_new"); investment_new->setText(i18n("New investment...")); investment_new->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-investment", "list-add", Qt::TopRightCorner)); connect(investment_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInvestmentNew())); KAction *investment_edit = actionCollection()->addAction("investment_edit"); investment_edit->setText(i18n("Edit investment...")); investment_edit->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-investment", "document-edit")); connect(investment_edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInvestmentEdit())); KAction *investment_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("investment_delete"); investment_delete->setText(i18n("Delete investment...")); investment_delete->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-investment", "edit-delete")); connect(investment_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotInvestmentDelete())); KAction *investment_online_price_update = actionCollection()->addAction("investment_online_price_update"); investment_online_price_update->setText(i18n("Online price update...")); investment_online_price_update->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-investment", "download")); connect(investment_online_price_update, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotOnlinePriceUpdate())); KAction *investment_manual_price_update = actionCollection()->addAction("investment_manual_price_update"); investment_manual_price_update->setText(i18n("Manual price update...")); connect(investment_manual_price_update, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotManualPriceUpdate())); //Schedule KAction *schedule_new = actionCollection()->addAction("schedule_new"); schedule_new->setText(i18n("New scheduled transaction")); schedule_new->setIcon(KIcon("appointment-new")); connect(schedule_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotScheduleNew())); KAction *schedule_edit = actionCollection()->addAction("schedule_edit"); schedule_edit->setText(i18n("Edit scheduled transaction")); schedule_edit->setIcon(KIcon("document-edit")); connect(schedule_edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotScheduleEdit())); KAction *schedule_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("schedule_delete"); schedule_delete->setText(i18n("Delete scheduled transaction")); schedule_delete->setIcon(KIcon("edit-delete")); connect(schedule_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotScheduleDelete())); KAction *schedule_duplicate = actionCollection()->addAction("schedule_duplicate"); schedule_duplicate->setText(i18n("Duplicate scheduled transaction")); schedule_duplicate->setIcon(KIcon("edit-copy")); connect(schedule_duplicate, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotScheduleDuplicate())); KAction *schedule_enter = actionCollection()->addAction("schedule_enter"); schedule_enter->setText(i18n("Enter next transaction...")); schedule_enter->setIcon(KIcon(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::enterScheduleIcon())); connect(schedule_enter, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotScheduleEnter())); KAction *schedule_skip = actionCollection()->addAction("schedule_skip"); schedule_skip->setText(i18n("Skip next transaction...")); schedule_skip->setIcon(KIcon("media-seek-forward")); connect(schedule_skip, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotScheduleSkip())); //Payees KAction *payee_new = actionCollection()->addAction("payee_new"); payee_new->setText(i18n("New payee")); payee_new->setIcon(KIcon("list-add-user")); connect(payee_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotPayeeNew())); KAction *payee_rename = actionCollection()->addAction("payee_rename"); payee_rename->setText(i18n("Rename payee")); payee_rename->setIcon(KIcon("user-properties")); connect(payee_rename, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(payeeRename())); KAction *payee_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("payee_delete"); payee_delete->setText(i18n("Delete payee")); payee_delete->setIcon(KIcon("list-remove-user")); connect(payee_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotPayeeDelete())); KAction *payee_merge = actionCollection()->addAction("payee_merge"); payee_merge->setText(i18n("Merge payees")); payee_merge->setIcon(KIcon("merge")); connect(payee_merge, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotPayeeMerge())); //Tags KAction *tag_new = actionCollection()->addAction("tag_new"); tag_new->setText(i18n("New tag")); tag_new->setIcon(KIcon("list-add-tag")); connect(tag_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTagNew())); KAction *tag_rename = actionCollection()->addAction("tag_rename"); tag_rename->setText(i18n("Rename tag")); tag_rename->setIcon(KIcon("tag-rename")); connect(tag_rename, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(tagRename())); KAction *tag_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("tag_delete"); tag_delete->setText(i18n("Delete tag")); tag_delete->setIcon(KIcon("list-remove-tag")); connect(tag_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotTagDelete())); //Budget KAction *budget_new = actionCollection()->addAction("budget_new"); budget_new->setText(i18n("New budget")); budget_new->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-time-schedule-calculus", "list-add", Qt::TopRightCorner)); connect(budget_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotBudgetNew())); KAction *budget_rename = actionCollection()->addAction("budget_rename"); budget_rename->setText(i18n("Rename budget")); budget_rename->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-time-schedule-calculus", "document-edit")); connect(budget_rename, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(budgetRename())); KAction *budget_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("budget_delete"); budget_delete->setText(i18n("Delete budget")); budget_delete->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-time-schedule-calculus", "edit-delete")); connect(budget_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotBudgetDelete())); KAction *budget_copy = actionCollection()->addAction("budget_copy"); budget_copy->setText(i18n("Copy budget")); budget_copy->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-time-schedule-calculus", "edit-copy")); connect(budget_copy, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotBudgetCopy())); KAction *budget_change_year = actionCollection()->addAction("budget_change_year"); budget_change_year->setText(i18n("Change budget year")); budget_change_year->setIcon(KIcon("view-calendar")); connect(budget_change_year, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotBudgetChangeYear())); KAction *budget_forecast = actionCollection()->addAction("budget_forecast"); budget_forecast->setText(i18n("Budget based on forecast")); budget_forecast->setIcon(KIcon("view-financial-forecast")); connect(budget_forecast, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotBudgetForecast())); // Currency actions KAction *currency_new = actionCollection()->addAction("currency_new"); currency_new->setText(i18n("New currency")); currency_new->setIcon(KIcon("document-new")); connect(currency_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCurrencyNew())); KAction *currency_rename = actionCollection()->addAction("currency_rename"); currency_rename->setText(i18n("Rename currency")); currency_rename->setIcon(KIcon("edit-rename")); connect(currency_rename, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(currencyRename())); KAction *currency_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("currency_delete"); currency_delete->setText(i18n("Delete currency")); currency_delete->setIcon(KIcon("edit-delete")); connect(currency_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCurrencyDelete())); KAction *currency_setbase = actionCollection()->addAction("currency_setbase"); currency_setbase->setText(i18n("Select as base currency")); currency_setbase->setIcon(KIcon("kmymoney")); connect(currency_setbase, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCurrencySetBase())); //price actions KAction *price_new = actionCollection()->addAction("price_new"); price_new->setText(i18n("New price...")); price_new->setIcon(KIcon("document-new")); connect(price_new, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(priceNew())); KAction *price_edit = actionCollection()->addAction("price_edit"); price_edit->setText(i18n("Edit price...")); price_edit->setIcon(KIcon("document-edit")); connect(price_edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(priceEdit())); KAction *price_update = actionCollection()->addAction("price_update"); price_update->setText(i18n("Online Price Update...")); price_update->setIcon(KMyMoneyUtils::overlayIcon("view-currency-list", "download")); connect(price_update, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(priceOnlineUpdate())); KAction *price_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("price_delete"); price_delete->setText(i18n("Delete price...")); price_delete->setIcon(KIcon("edit-delete")); connect(price_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(priceDelete())); //debug actions #ifdef KMM_DEBUG KAction *new_user_wizard = actionCollection()->addAction("new_user_wizard"); new_user_wizard->setText(i18n("Test new feature")); new_user_wizard->setShortcut(KShortcut("Ctrl+G")); connect(new_user_wizard, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotNewFeature())); KToggleAction *debug_traces = actionCollection()->add("debug_traces"); debug_traces->setText(i18n("Debug Traces")); connect(debug_traces, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotToggleTraces())); #endif KToggleAction *debug_timers = actionCollection()->add("debug_timers"); debug_timers->setText(i18n("Debug Timers")); connect(debug_timers, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotToggleTimers())); // onlineJob actions KAction* onlineJob_delete = actionCollection()->addAction("onlinejob_delete"); onlineJob_delete->setText(i18n("Remove credit transfer")); onlineJob_delete->setIcon(KIcon::fromTheme("edit-delete")); KAction* onlineJob_edit = actionCollection()->addAction("onlinejob_edit"); onlineJob_edit->setText(i18n("Edit credit transfer")); onlineJob_edit->setIcon(KIcon::fromTheme("document-edit")); KAction* onlineJob_log = actionCollection()->addAction("onlinejob_log"); onlineJob_log->setText(i18n("Show log")); connect(onlineJob_log, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotOnlineJobLog())); // ************************ // Currently unused actions // ************************ #if 0 new KToolBarPopupAction(i18n("View back"), "go-previous", 0, this, SLOT(slotShowPreviousView()), actionCollection(), "go_back"); new KToolBarPopupAction(i18n("View forward"), "go-next", 0, this, SLOT(slotShowNextView()), actionCollection(), "go_forward"); action("go_back")->setEnabled(false); action("go_forward")->setEnabled(false); #endif // Setup transaction detail switch toggleAction("view_show_transaction_detail")->setChecked(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showRegisterDetailed()); toggleAction("view_hide_reconciled_transactions")->setChecked(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideReconciledTransactions()); toggleAction("view_hide_unused_categories")->setChecked(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideUnusedCategory()); toggleAction("view_show_all_accounts")->setChecked(false); // use the absolute path to your kmymoneyui.rc file for testing purpose in createGUI(); setupGUI(); } void KMyMoneyApp::connectActionsAndViews() { KOnlineJobOutbox *const outbox = d->m_myMoneyView->getOnlineJobOutbox(); Q_CHECK_PTR(outbox); QAction *const onlineJob_delete = actionCollection()->action("onlinejob_delete"); Q_CHECK_PTR(onlineJob_delete); connect(onlineJob_delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), outbox, SLOT(slotRemoveJob())); QAction *const onlineJob_edit = actionCollection()->action("onlinejob_edit"); Q_CHECK_PTR(onlineJob_edit); connect(onlineJob_edit, SIGNAL(triggered()), outbox, SLOT(slotEditJob())); } void KMyMoneyApp::dumpActions() const { const QList list = actionCollection()->actions(); QList::const_iterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { std::cout << qPrintable((*it)->objectName()) << ": " << qPrintable((*it)->text()) << std::endl; } } KToggleAction* KMyMoneyApp::toggleAction(const QString& actionName) const { static KToggleAction dummyAction(QString("Dummy"), 0); KToggleAction* p = dynamic_cast(actionCollection()->action(QString(actionName.toLatin1()))); if (!p) { qWarning("ToggleAction with name '%s' not found!", qPrintable(actionName)); p = &dummyAction; } return p; } /** * return printer instance * @return printer instance */ QPrinter *KMyMoneyApp::printer() { return d->printer(); } void KMyMoneyApp::initStatusBar() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STATUSBAR statusBar()->insertItem("", ID_STATUS_MSG); ready(); // Initialization of progress bar taken from KDevelop ;-) d->m_progressBar = new QProgressBar(statusBar()); statusBar()->addWidget(d->m_progressBar); d->m_progressBar->setFixedHeight(d->m_progressBar->sizeHint().height() - 8); // hide the progress bar for now slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); } void KMyMoneyApp::saveOptions() { KConfigGroup grp = d->m_config->group("General Options"); grp.writeEntry("Geometry", size()); grp.writeEntry("Show Statusbar", toggleAction("options_show_statusbar")->isChecked()); KConfigGroup toolbarGrp = d->m_config->group("mainToolBar"); toolBar("mainToolBar")->saveSettings(toolbarGrp); d->m_recentFiles->saveEntries(d->m_config->group("Recent Files")); } void KMyMoneyApp::readOptions() { KConfigGroup grp = d->m_config->group("General Options"); toggleAction("view_hide_reconciled_transactions")->setChecked(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideReconciledTransactions()); toggleAction("view_hide_unused_categories")->setChecked(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideUnusedCategory()); d->m_recentFiles->loadEntries(d->m_config->group("Recent Files")); // Startdialog is written in the settings dialog d->m_startDialog = grp.readEntry("StartDialog", true); } void KMyMoneyApp::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev) { KMainWindow::resizeEvent(ev); updateCaption(true); } int KMyMoneyApp::askSaveOnClose() { int ans; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::autoSaveOnClose()) { ans = KMessageBox::Yes; } else { ans = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("The file has been changed, save it?")); } return ans; } bool KMyMoneyApp::queryClose() { if (!isReady()) return false; if (d->m_myMoneyView->dirty()) { int ans = askSaveOnClose(); if (ans == KMessageBox::Cancel) return false; else if (ans == KMessageBox::Yes) { bool saved = slotFileSave(); saveOptions(); return saved; } } if (d->m_myMoneyView->isDatabase()) slotFileClose(); // close off the database saveOptions(); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SLOT IMPLEMENTATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileInfoDialog() { QPointer dlg = new KMyMoneyFileInfoDlg(0); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotPerformanceTest() { // dump performance report to stderr int measurement[2]; QTime timer; MyMoneyAccount acc; qDebug("--- Starting performance tests ---"); // AccountList MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); measurement[0] = measurement[1] = 0; timer.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { QList list; MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(list); measurement[i != 0] = timer.elapsed(); } std::cerr << "accountList()" << std::endl; std::cerr << "First time: " << measurement[0] << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Total time: " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Average : " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) / 1000 << " msec" << std::endl; // Balance of asset account(s) MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); measurement[0] = measurement[1] = 0; acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->asset(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { timer.start(); MyMoneyMoney result = MyMoneyFile::instance()->balance(acc.id()); measurement[i != 0] += timer.elapsed(); } std::cerr << "balance(Asset)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "First time: " << measurement[0] << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Average : " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) / 1000 << " msec" << std::endl; // total balance of asset account MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); measurement[0] = measurement[1] = 0; acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->asset(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { timer.start(); MyMoneyMoney result = MyMoneyFile::instance()->totalBalance(acc.id()); measurement[i != 0] += timer.elapsed(); } std::cerr << "totalBalance(Asset)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "First time: " << measurement[0] << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Average : " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) / 1000 << " msec" << std::endl; // Balance of expense account(s) MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); measurement[0] = measurement[1] = 0; acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { timer.start(); MyMoneyMoney result = MyMoneyFile::instance()->balance(acc.id()); measurement[i != 0] += timer.elapsed(); } std::cerr << "balance(Expense)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "First time: " << measurement[0] << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Average : " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) / 1000 << " msec" << std::endl; // total balance of expense account MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); measurement[0] = measurement[1] = 0; acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense(); timer.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { MyMoneyMoney result = MyMoneyFile::instance()->totalBalance(acc.id()); measurement[i != 0] = timer.elapsed(); } std::cerr << "totalBalance(Expense)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "First time: " << measurement[0] << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Total time: " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Average : " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) / 1000 << " msec" << std::endl; // transaction list MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); measurement[0] = measurement[1] = 0; if (MyMoneyFile::instance()->asset().accountCount()) { MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter(MyMoneyFile::instance()->asset().accountList()[0]); filter.setDateFilter(QDate(), QDate::currentDate()); QList list; timer.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { list = MyMoneyFile::instance()->transactionList(filter); measurement[i != 0] = timer.elapsed(); } std::cerr << "transactionList()" << std::endl; std::cerr << "First time: " << measurement[0] << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Total time: " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Average : " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) / 100 << " msec" << std::endl; } // transaction list MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); measurement[0] = measurement[1] = 0; if (MyMoneyFile::instance()->asset().accountCount()) { MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter(MyMoneyFile::instance()->asset().accountList()[0]); filter.setDateFilter(QDate(), QDate::currentDate()); QList list; timer.start(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->transactionList(list, filter); measurement[i != 0] = timer.elapsed(); } std::cerr << "transactionList(list)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "First time: " << measurement[0] << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Total time: " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) << " msec" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Average : " << (measurement[0] + measurement[1]) / 100 << " msec" << std::endl; } MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileNew() { KMSTATUS(i18n("Creating new document...")); slotFileClose(); if (!d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen()) { // next line required until we move all file handling out of KMyMoneyView d->m_myMoneyView->newFile(); d->m_fileName = KUrl(); updateCaption(); // before we create the wizard, we need to preload the currencies MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; d->m_myMoneyView->loadDefaultCurrencies(); d->m_myMoneyView->loadAncientCurrencies(); ft.commit(); NewUserWizard::Wizard *wizard = new NewUserWizard::Wizard(); if (wizard->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); ft.restart(); try { // store the user info file->setUser(wizard->user()); // setup base currency file->setBaseCurrency(wizard->baseCurrency()); // create a possible institution MyMoneyInstitution inst = wizard->institution(); if (inst.name().length()) { file->addInstitution(inst); } // import the account templates QList templates = wizard->templates(); QList::iterator it_t; for (it_t = templates.begin(); it_t != templates.end(); ++it_t) { (*it_t).importTemplate(&progressCallback); } // create a possible checking account MyMoneyAccount acc = wizard->account(); if (acc.name().length()) { acc.setInstitutionId(inst.id()); MyMoneyAccount asset = file->asset(); file->addAccount(acc, asset); // create possible opening balance transaction if (!wizard->openingBalance().isZero()) { file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(acc, wizard->openingBalance()); } } d->m_fileName = KUrl(wizard->url()); ft.commit(); KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::setFirstTimeRun(false); // FIXME This is a bit clumsy. We re-read the freshly // created file to be able to run through all the // fixup logic and then save it to keep the modified // flag off. slotFileSave(); d->m_myMoneyView->readFile(d->m_fileName); slotFileSave(); // now keep the filename in the recent files used list //KRecentFilesAction *p = dynamic_cast(action(KStandardAction::name(KStandardAction::OpenRecent))); //if(p) d->m_recentFiles->addUrl(d->m_fileName); writeLastUsedFile(d->m_fileName.url()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { // next line required until we move all file handling out of KMyMoneyView d->m_myMoneyView->closeFile(); } if (wizard->startSettingsAfterFinished()) slotSettings(); } else { // next line required until we move all file handling out of KMyMoneyView d->m_myMoneyView->closeFile(); } delete wizard; updateCaption(); emit fileLoaded(d->m_fileName); } } KUrl KMyMoneyApp::selectFile(const QString& /*title*/, const QString& _path, const QString& mask, KFile::Mode mode, QWidget* widget) { KUrl url; QString path(_path); // if the path is not specified open the file dialog in the last used directory // 'kmymoney' is the keyword that identifies the last used directory in KFileDialog if (path.isEmpty()) path = "kfiledialog:///kmymoney-import"; QPointer dialog = new KFileDialog(KUrl(path), mask, this, widget); dialog->setMode(mode); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { url = dialog->selectedUrl(); } // in case we have an additional widget, we remove it from the // dialog, so that the caller can still access it. Therefore, it is // the callers responsibility to delete the object if (widget) widget->setParent(0); delete dialog; return url; } // General open void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileOpen() { KMSTATUS(i18n("Open a file.")); QPointer dialog = new KFileDialog(KUrl("kfiledialog:///kmymoney-open"), i18n("*.kmy *.xml|KMyMoney files\n*|All files"), this); dialog->setMode(KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { slotFileOpenRecent(dialog->selectedUrl()); } delete dialog; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotOpenDatabase() { KMSTATUS(i18n("Open a file.")); QPointer dialog = new KSelectDatabaseDlg(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (!dialog->checkDrivers()) { delete dialog; return; } if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { slotFileOpenRecent(dialog->selectedURL()); } delete dialog; } bool KMyMoneyApp::isImportableFile(const KUrl& url) { bool result = false; // Iterate through the plugins and see if there's a loaded plugin who can handle it QMap::const_iterator it_plugin = d->m_importerPlugins.constBegin(); while (it_plugin != d->m_importerPlugins.constEnd()) { if ((*it_plugin)->isMyFormat(url.path())) { result = true; break; } ++it_plugin; } // If we did not find a match, try importing it as a KMM statement file, // which is really just for testing. the statement file is not exposed // to users. if (it_plugin == d->m_importerPlugins.constEnd()) if (MyMoneyStatement::isStatementFile(url.path())) result = true; // Place code here to test for QIF and other locally-supported formats // (i.e. not a plugin). If you add them here, be sure to add it to // the webConnect function. return result; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileOpenRecent(const KUrl& url) { KMSTATUS(i18n("Loading file...")); KUrl lastFile = d->m_fileName; // check if there are other instances which might have this file open QList list = instanceList(); QList::ConstIterator it; bool duplicate = false; for (it = list.constBegin(); duplicate == false && it != list.constEnd(); ++it) { QDBusInterface remoteApp(*it, "/KMymoney", "org.kde.kmymoney"); QDBusReply reply = remoteApp.call("filename"); if (!reply.isValid()) { qDebug("D-Bus error while calling app->filename()"); } else { if (reply.value() == url.url()) { duplicate = true; } } } if (!duplicate) { KUrl newurl = url; if ((newurl.protocol() == "sql")) { if (newurl.queryItem("driver") == "QMYSQL3") { // fix any old urls newurl.removeQueryItem("driver"); newurl.addQueryItem("driver", "QMYSQL"); } if (newurl.queryItem("driver") == "QSQLITE3") { newurl.removeQueryItem("driver"); newurl.addQueryItem("driver", "QSQLITE"); } // check if a password is needed. it may be if the URL came from the last/recent file list QPointer dialog = new KSelectDatabaseDlg(QIODevice::ReadWrite, newurl); if (!dialog->checkDrivers()) { delete dialog; return; } // if we need to supply a password, then show the dialog // otherwise it isn't needed if ((newurl.queryItem("secure") == "yes") && newurl.pass().isEmpty()) { if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) newurl = dialog->selectedURL(); else { delete dialog; return; } } delete dialog; } if ((newurl.protocol() == "sql") || (newurl.isValid() && KIO::NetAccess::exists(newurl, KIO::NetAccess::SourceSide, this))) { slotFileClose(); if (!d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen()) { try { if (d->m_myMoneyView->readFile(newurl)) { if ((d->m_myMoneyView->isNativeFile())) { d->m_fileName = newurl; updateCaption(); d->m_recentFiles->addUrl(newurl.pathOrUrl()); writeLastUsedFile(newurl.pathOrUrl()); } else { d->m_fileName = KUrl(); // imported files have no filename } // Check the schedules slotCheckSchedules(); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot open file as requested. Error was: %1", e.what())); } updateCaption(); emit fileLoaded(d->m_fileName); } else { /*fileOpen failed - should we do something or maybe fileOpen puts out the message... - it does for database*/ } } else { // newurl invalid slotFileClose(); KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("

%1 is either an invalid filename or the file does not exist. You can open another file or create a new one.

", url.pathOrUrl()), i18n("File not found")); } } else { // isDuplicate KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("

File %1 is already opened in another instance of KMyMoney

", url.pathOrUrl()), i18n("Duplicate open")); } } bool KMyMoneyApp::slotFileSave() { // if there's nothing changed, there's no need to save anything if (!d->m_myMoneyView->dirty()) return true; bool rc = false; KMSTATUS(i18n("Saving file...")); if (d->m_fileName.isEmpty()) return slotFileSaveAs(); d->consistencyCheck(false); /*if (myMoneyView->isDatabase()) { rc = myMoneyView->saveDatabase(m_fileName); // the 'save' function is no longer relevant for a database*/ setEnabled(false); rc = d->m_myMoneyView->saveFile(d->m_fileName, MyMoneyFile::instance()->value("kmm-encryption-key")); setEnabled(true); d->m_autoSaveTimer->stop(); updateCaption(); return rc; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileSaveAsFilterChanged(const QString& filter) { if (!d->m_saveEncrypted) return; if (filter != "*.kmy") { d->m_saveEncrypted->setCurrentItem(0); d->m_saveEncrypted->setEnabled(false); } else { d->m_saveEncrypted->setEnabled(true); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotManageGpgKeys() { QPointer dlg = new KGpgKeySelectionDlg(this); dlg->setKeys(d->m_additionalGpgKeys); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { d->m_additionalGpgKeys = dlg->keys(); d->m_additionalKeyLabel->setText(i18n("Additional encryption keys to be used: %1", d->m_additionalGpgKeys.count())); } delete dlg; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotKeySelected(int idx) { int cnt = 0; if (idx != 0) { cnt = d->m_additionalGpgKeys.count(); } d->m_additionalKeyLabel->setEnabled(idx != 0); d->m_additionalKeyButton->setEnabled(idx != 0); d->m_additionalKeyLabel->setText(i18n("Additional encryption keys to be used: %1", cnt)); } bool KMyMoneyApp::slotFileSaveAs() { bool rc = false; // in event of it being a database, ensure that all data is read into storage for saveas if (d->m_myMoneyView->isDatabase()) dynamic_cast(MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage())->fillStorage(); KMSTATUS(i18n("Saving file with a new filename...")); QString prevDir = ""; // don't prompt file name if not a native file if (d->m_myMoneyView->isNativeFile()) prevDir = readLastUsedDir(); // fill the additional key list with the default d->m_additionalGpgKeys = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::gpgRecipientList(); KVBox* vbox = new KVBox(); if (KGPGFile::GPGAvailable()) { KHBox* keyBox = new KHBox(vbox); new QLabel(i18n("Encryption key to be used"), keyBox); d->m_saveEncrypted = new KComboBox(keyBox); KHBox* labelBox = new KHBox(vbox); d->m_additionalKeyLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Additional encryption keys to be used: %1", d->m_additionalGpgKeys.count()), labelBox); d->m_additionalKeyButton = new KPushButton(i18n("Manage additional keys"), labelBox); connect(d->m_additionalKeyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotManageGpgKeys())); connect(d->m_saveEncrypted, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotKeySelected(int))); // fill the secret key list and combo box QStringList keyList; KGPGFile::secretKeyList(keyList); d->m_saveEncrypted->addItem(i18n("No encryption")); for (QStringList::iterator it = keyList.begin(); it != keyList.end(); ++it) { QStringList fields = (*it).split(':', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (fields[0] != RECOVER_KEY_ID) { // replace parenthesis in name field with brackets QString name = fields[1]; name.replace('(', "["); name.replace(')', "]"); name = QString("%1 (0x%2)").arg(name).arg(fields[0]); d->m_saveEncrypted->addItem(name); if (name.contains(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::gpgRecipient())) { d->m_saveEncrypted->setCurrentItem(name); } } } } // the following code is copied from KFileDialog::getSaveFileName, // adjust to our local needs (filetypes etc.) and // enhanced to show the d->m_saveEncrypted combo box bool specialDir = !prevDir.isEmpty() && prevDir.at(0) == QLatin1Char(':'); QPointer dlg = new KFileDialog(specialDir ? prevDir : QString(), QString("%1|%2\n").arg("*.kmy").arg(i18nc("KMyMoney (Filefilter)", "KMyMoney files")) + QString("%1|%2\n").arg("*.xml").arg(i18nc("XML (Filefilter)", "XML files")) + QString("%1|%2\n").arg("*.anon.xml").arg(i18nc("Anonymous (Filefilter)", "Anonymous files")) + QString("%1|%2\n").arg("*").arg(i18nc("All files (Filefilter)", "All files")), this, vbox); dlg->setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Saving); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(filterChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotFileSaveAsFilterChanged(QString))); if (!specialDir) dlg->setSelection(prevDir); // may also be a filename dlg->setCaption(i18n("Save As")); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { d->consistencyCheck(false); KUrl newURL = dlg->selectedUrl(); // deleting the dialog will delete the combobox pointed to by d->m_saveEncrypted so get the key name here QString selectedKeyName; if (d->m_saveEncrypted && d->m_saveEncrypted->currentIndex() != 0) selectedKeyName = d->m_saveEncrypted->currentText(); d->m_saveEncrypted = 0; delete dlg; if (!newURL.isEmpty()) { QString newName = newURL.pathOrUrl(); // end of copy // find last . delimiter int nLoc = newName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (nLoc != -1) { QString strExt, strTemp; strTemp = newName.left(nLoc + 1); strExt = newName.right(newName.length() - (nLoc + 1)); if ((strExt.indexOf("kmy", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == -1) && (strExt.indexOf("xml", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == -1)) { strTemp.append("kmy"); //append to make complete file name newName = strTemp; } } else { newName.append(".kmy"); } if (okToWriteFile(newName)) { //KRecentFilesAction *p = dynamic_cast(action("file_open_recent")); //if(p) d->m_recentFiles->addUrl(newName); setEnabled(false); // If this is the anonymous file export, just save it, don't actually take the // name, or remember it! Don't even try to encrypt it if (newName.right(9).toLower() == ".anon.xml") { rc = d->m_myMoneyView->saveFile(newName); } else { d->m_fileName = newName; QString encryptionKeys; QRegExp keyExp(".* \\((.*)\\)"); if (keyExp.indexIn(selectedKeyName) != -1) { encryptionKeys = keyExp.cap(1); } if (!d->m_additionalGpgKeys.isEmpty()) { if (!encryptionKeys.isEmpty()) encryptionKeys += ','; encryptionKeys += d->m_additionalGpgKeys.join(","); } rc = d->m_myMoneyView->saveFile(newName, encryptionKeys); //write the directory used for this file as the default one for next time. writeLastUsedDir(newName); writeLastUsedFile(newName); } d->m_autoSaveTimer->stop(); setEnabled(true); } } } else { delete dlg; } updateCaption(); return rc; } bool KMyMoneyApp::slotSaveAsDatabase() { bool rc = false; KUrl oldUrl; // in event of it being a database, ensure that all data is read into storage for saveas if (d->m_myMoneyView->isDatabase()) { dynamic_cast(MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage())->fillStorage(); oldUrl = d->m_fileName.isEmpty() ? lastOpenedURL() : d->m_fileName; } KMSTATUS(i18n("Saving file to database...")); QPointer dialog = new KSelectDatabaseDlg(QIODevice::WriteOnly); KUrl url = oldUrl; if (!dialog->checkDrivers()) { delete dialog; return (false); } while (oldUrl == url && dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { url = dialog->selectedURL(); // If the protocol is SQL for the old and new, and the hostname and database names match // Let the user know that the current database cannot be saved on top of itself. if (url.protocol() == "sql" && oldUrl.protocol() == "sql" && oldUrl.host() == url.host() && oldUrl.queryItem("driver") == url.queryItem("driver") && oldUrl.path().right(oldUrl.path().length() - 1) == url.path().right(url.path().length() - 1)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot save to current database.")); } else { try { rc = d->m_myMoneyView->saveAsDatabase(url); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot save to current database: %1", e.what())); } } } delete dialog; if (rc) { //KRecentFilesAction *p = dynamic_cast(action("file_open_recent")); //if(p) d->m_recentFiles->addUrl(url.pathOrUrl()); writeLastUsedFile(url.pathOrUrl()); } d->m_autoSaveTimer->stop(); updateCaption(); return rc; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileCloseWindow() { KMSTATUS(i18n("Closing window...")); if (d->m_myMoneyView->dirty()) { int answer = askSaveOnClose(); if (answer == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; else if (answer == KMessageBox::Yes) slotFileSave(); } close(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileClose() { bool okToSelect = true; // check if transaction editor is open and ask user what he wants to do slotTransactionsCancelOrEnter(okToSelect); if (!okToSelect) return; // no update status here, as we might delete the status too early. if (d->m_myMoneyView->dirty()) { int answer = askSaveOnClose(); if (answer == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; else if (answer == KMessageBox::Yes) slotFileSave(); } d->closeFile(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileQuit() { // don't modify the status message here as this will prevent quit from working!! // See the beginning of queryClose() and isReady() why. Thomas Baumgart 2005-10-17 KMainWindow* w = 0; QList memberList = KMainWindow::memberList(); if (!memberList.isEmpty()) { QList::const_iterator w_it = memberList.constBegin(); for (; w_it != memberList.constEnd(); ++w_it) { // only close the window if the closeEvent is accepted. If the user presses Cancel on the saveModified() dialog, // the window and the application stay open. if (!(*w_it)->close()) { w = (*w_it); break; } } // We will only quit if all windows were processed and not cancelled if (w == 0) kapp->quit(); } else kapp->quit(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotHideReconciledTransactions() { KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::setHideReconciledTransactions(toggleAction("view_hide_reconciled_transactions")->isChecked()); d->m_myMoneyView->slotRefreshViews(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotHideUnusedCategories() { KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::setHideUnusedCategory(toggleAction("view_hide_unused_categories")->isChecked()); d->m_myMoneyView->slotRefreshViews(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowAllAccounts() { d->m_myMoneyView->slotRefreshViews(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotToggleTraces() { MyMoneyTracer::onOff(toggleAction("debug_traces")->isChecked() ? 1 : 0); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotToggleTimers() { extern bool timersOn; // main.cpp timersOn = toggleAction("debug_timers")->isChecked(); } const QString KMyMoneyApp::slotStatusMsg(const QString &text) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // change status message permanently QString previousMessage = statusBar()->itemText(ID_STATUS_MSG); d->m_applicationIsReady = false; QString currentMessage = text; if (currentMessage.isEmpty() || currentMessage == i18nc("Application is ready to use", "Ready.")) { d->m_applicationIsReady = true; currentMessage = i18nc("Application is ready to use", "Ready."); } statusBar()->clearMessage(); statusBar()->changeItem(currentMessage, ID_STATUS_MSG); return previousMessage; } void KMyMoneyApp::ready() { slotStatusMsg(QString()); } bool KMyMoneyApp::isReady() { return d->m_applicationIsReady; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotStatusProgressBar(int current, int total) { if (total == -1 && current == -1) { // reset if (d->m_progressTimer) { d->m_progressTimer->start(500); // remove from screen in 500 msec d->m_progressBar->setValue(d->m_progressBar->maximum()); } } else if (total != 0) { // init d->m_progressTimer->stop(); d->m_progressBar->setMaximum(total); d->m_progressBar->setValue(0); d->m_progressBar->show(); } else { // update QTime currentTime = QTime::currentTime(); // only process painting if last update is at least 250 ms ago if (abs(d->m_lastUpdate.msecsTo(currentTime)) > 250) { d->m_progressBar->setValue(current); d->m_lastUpdate = currentTime; } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotStatusProgressDone() { d->m_progressTimer->stop(); d->m_progressBar->reset(); d->m_progressBar->hide(); d->m_progressBar->setValue(0); } void KMyMoneyApp::progressCallback(int current, int total, const QString& msg) { if (!msg.isEmpty()) kmymoney->slotStatusMsg(msg); kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(current, total); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileViewPersonal() { if (!d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen()) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("No KMyMoneyFile open")); return; } KMSTATUS(i18n("Viewing personal data...")); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyPayee user = file->user(); QPointer newFileDlg = new KNewFileDlg(user.name(), user.address(), user.city(), user.state(), user.postcode(), user.telephone(), user.email(), this, i18n("Edit Personal Data")); if (newFileDlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && newFileDlg != 0) { user.setName(newFileDlg->userNameText); user.setAddress(newFileDlg->userStreetText); user.setCity(newFileDlg->userTownText); user.setState(newFileDlg->userCountyText); user.setPostcode(newFileDlg->userPostcodeText); user.setTelephone(newFileDlg->userTelephoneText); user.setEmail(newFileDlg->userEmailText); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->setUser(user); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to store user information: %1", e.what())); } } delete newFileDlg; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileFileInfo() { if (!d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen()) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("No KMyMoneyFile open")); return; } QFile g("kmymoney.dump"); g.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QDataStream st(&g); MyMoneyStorageDump dumper; dumper.writeStream(st, dynamic_cast(MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage())); g.close(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotLoadAccountTemplates() { KMSTATUS(i18n("Importing account templates.")); int rc; QPointer dlg = new KLoadTemplateDlg(); if ((rc = dlg->exec()) == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // import the account templates QList templates = dlg->templates(); QList::iterator it_t; for (it_t = templates.begin(); it_t != templates.end(); ++it_t) { (*it_t).importTemplate(&progressCallback); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to import template(s): %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } delete dlg; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSaveAccountTemplates() { KMSTATUS(i18n("Exporting account templates.")); QString locale = KGlobal::locale()->language() + "_" + KGlobal::locale()->country().toUpper(); QString savePath = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("appdata", "templates/" + locale, true); QString newName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(savePath, i18n("*.kmt|KMyMoney template files\n" "*|All files"), this, i18n("Save as...")); // // If there is no file extension, then append a .kmt at the end of the file name. // If there is a file extension, make sure it is .kmt, delete any others. // if (!newName.isEmpty()) { // find last . delimiter int nLoc = newName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (nLoc != -1) { QString strExt, strTemp; strTemp = newName.left(nLoc + 1); strExt = newName.right(newName.length() - (nLoc + 1)); if ((strExt.indexOf("kmt", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == -1)) { strTemp.append("kmt"); //append to make complete file name newName = strTemp; } } else { newName.append(".kmt"); } if (okToWriteFile(newName)) { QPointer dlg = new KTemplateExportDlg(this); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg) { MyMoneyTemplate templ; templ.setTitle(dlg->title()); templ.setShortDescription(dlg->shortDescription()); templ.setLongDescription(dlg->longDescription()); templ.exportTemplate(&progressCallback); templ.saveTemplate(newName); } delete dlg; } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotQifImport() { if (d->m_qifReader == 0) { // FIXME: the menu entry for qif import should be disabled here QPointer dlg = new KImportDlg(0); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { KMSTATUS(i18n("Importing file...")); d->m_qifReader = new MyMoneyQifReader; // remove all kmm-statement-#.txt files d->unlinkStatementXML(); connect(d->m_qifReader, SIGNAL(importFinished()), this, SLOT(slotQifImportFinished())); d->m_qifReader->setURL(dlg->filename()); d->m_qifReader->setProfile(dlg->profile()); d->m_qifReader->setCategoryMapping(dlg->m_typeComboBox->currentIndex() == 0); d->m_qifReader->setProgressCallback(&progressCallback); // disable all standard widgets during the import setEnabled(false); d->m_ft = new MyMoneyFileTransaction(); d->m_collectingStatements = true; d->m_statementResults.clear(); if (!d->m_qifReader->startImport()) { // if the import failed to start make sure that slotQifImportFinished is called otherwise the application will be left disabled QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotQifImportFinished())); } } delete dlg; slotUpdateActions(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotQifImportFinished() { if (d->m_qifReader != 0) { d->m_qifReader->finishImport(); d->m_ft->commit(); d->m_collectingStatements = false; KMessageBox::informationList(this, i18n("The statements have been processed with the following results:"), d->m_statementResults, i18n("Statement stats")); #if 0 // fixme: re-enable the QIF import menu options if (d->m_qifReader->finishImport()) { if (verifyImportedData(d->m_qifReader->account())) { // keep the new data set, destroy the backup copy delete d->m_engineBackup; d->m_engineBackup = 0; } } if (d->m_engineBackup != 0) { // user cancelled, destroy the updated set and keep the backup copy IMyMoneyStorage* data = file->storage(); if (data != 0) { file->detachStorage(data); delete data; } file->attachStorage(d->m_engineBackup); d->m_engineBackup = 0; } #endif // update the views as they might still contain invalid data // from the import session. The same applies for the window caption d->m_myMoneyView->slotRefreshViews(); updateCaption(); delete d->m_qifReader; d->m_qifReader = 0; } delete d->m_ft; d->m_ft = 0; slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); ready(); // re-enable all standard widgets setEnabled(true); slotUpdateActions(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotGncImport() { if (d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen()) { switch (KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(nullptr, i18n("You cannot import GnuCash data into an existing file. Do you wish to save this file?"), PACKAGE)) { case KMessageBox::Yes: slotFileSave(); break; case KMessageBox::No: d->closeFile(); break; default: return; } } KMSTATUS(i18n("Importing a GnuCash file.")); QPointer dialog = new KFileDialog(KUrl("kfiledialog:///kmymoney-import"), i18n("*|GnuCash files\n*|All files"), this); dialog->setMode(KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { // call the importer if (d->m_myMoneyView->readFile(dialog->selectedUrl())) { // imported files don't have a name d->m_fileName = KUrl(); updateCaption(); emit fileLoaded(d->m_fileName); } } delete dialog; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountChart() { if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) { QPointer dlg = new KBalanceChartDlg(d->m_selectedAccount, this); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; } } // // KMyMoneyApp::slotStatementImport() is for testing only. The MyMoneyStatement // is not intended to be exposed to users in XML form. // void KMyMoneyApp::slotStatementImport() { bool result = false; KMSTATUS(i18n("Importing an XML Statement.")); QPointer dialog = new KFileDialog(KUrl("kfiledialog:///kmymoney-import"), i18n("*.xml|XML files\n*|All files"), this); dialog->setMode(KFile::Files | KFile::ExistingOnly); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { KUrl::List files = dialog->selectedUrls(); d->m_collectingStatements = (files.count() > 1); foreach (const KUrl& url, files) { qDebug("Processing '%s'", qPrintable(url.path())); result |= slotStatementImport(url.path()); } /* QFile f( dialog->selectedURL().path() ); f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); QString error = "Unable to parse file"; QDomDocument* doc = new QDomDocument; if(doc->setContent(&f, FALSE)) { if ( doc->doctype().name() == "KMYMONEY-STATEMENT" ) { QDomElement rootElement = doc->documentElement(); if(!rootElement.isNull()) { QDomNode child = rootElement.firstChild(); if(!child.isNull() && child.isElement()) { MyMoneyStatement s; if ( s.read(child.toElement()) ) result = slotStatementImport(s); else error = "File does not contain any statements"; } } } else error = "File is not a KMyMoney Statement"; } delete doc; if ( !result ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, i18n("Critical Error"), i18n("Unable to read file %1: %2").arg( dialog->selectedURL().path()).arg(error), QMessageBox::Ok, 0 ); }*/ } delete dialog; if (!result) { // re-enable all standard widgets setEnabled(true); } } bool KMyMoneyApp::slotStatementImport(const QString& url) { bool result = false; MyMoneyStatement s; if (MyMoneyStatement::readXMLFile(s, url)) result = slotStatementImport(s); else KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error importing %1: This file is not a valid KMM statement file.", url), i18n("Invalid Statement")); return result; } bool KMyMoneyApp::slotStatementImport(const MyMoneyStatement& s) { bool result = false; // keep a copy of the statement if (KMyMoneySettings::logImportedStatements()) { QString logFile = QString("%1/kmm-statement-%2.txt").arg(KMyMoneySettings::logPath()).arg(d->m_statementXMLindex++); MyMoneyStatement::writeXMLFile(s, logFile); } // we use an object on the heap here, so that we can check the presence // of it during slotUpdateActions() by looking at the pointer. d->m_smtReader = new MyMoneyStatementReader; d->m_smtReader->setAutoCreatePayee(true); d->m_smtReader->setProgressCallback(&progressCallback); // disable all standard widgets during the import setEnabled(false); QStringList messages; result = d->m_smtReader->import(s, messages); bool transactionAdded = d->m_smtReader->anyTransactionAdded(); // get rid of the statement reader and tell everyone else // about the destruction by setting the pointer to zero delete d->m_smtReader; d->m_smtReader = 0; slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); ready(); // re-enable all standard widgets setEnabled(true); if (!d->m_collectingStatements) KMessageBox::informationList(this, i18n("The statement has been processed with the following results:"), messages, i18n("Statement stats")); else if (transactionAdded) d->m_statementResults += messages; slotUpdateActions();// Re-enable menu items after import via plugin. return result; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotQifExport() { KMSTATUS(i18n("Exporting file...")); QPointer dlg = new KExportDlg(0); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { if (okToWriteFile(dlg->filename())) { MyMoneyQifWriter writer; connect(&writer, SIGNAL(signalProgress(int,int)), this, SLOT(slotStatusProgressBar(int,int))); writer.write(dlg->filename(), dlg->profile(), dlg->accountId(), dlg->accountSelected(), dlg->categorySelected(), dlg->startDate(), dlg->endDate()); } } delete dlg; } bool KMyMoneyApp::okToWriteFile(const KUrl& url) { // check if the file exists and warn the user bool reallySaveFile = true; if (KIO::NetAccess::exists(url, KIO::NetAccess::SourceSide, this)) { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, QString("") + i18n("The file %1 already exists. Do you really want to overwrite it?", url.pathOrUrl()) + QString(""), i18n("File already exists")) != KMessageBox::Yes) reallySaveFile = false; } return reallySaveFile; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSettings() { // if we already have an instance of the settings dialog, then use it if (KConfigDialog::showDialog("KMyMoney-Settings")) return; // otherwise, we have to create it KConfigDialog* dlg = new KConfigDialog(this, "KMyMoney-Settings", KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::self()); // create the pages ... KSettingsGeneral* generalPage = new KSettingsGeneral(); KSettingsRegister* registerPage = new KSettingsRegister(); KSettingsHome* homePage = new KSettingsHome(); KSettingsSchedules* schedulesPage = new KSettingsSchedules(); KSettingsGpg* encryptionPage = new KSettingsGpg(); KSettingsColors* colorsPage = new KSettingsColors(); KSettingsFonts* fontsPage = new KSettingsFonts(); KSettingsOnlineQuotes* onlineQuotesPage = new KSettingsOnlineQuotes(); KSettingsForecast* forecastPage = new KSettingsForecast(); KSettingsPlugins* pluginsPage = new KSettingsPlugins(); KSettingsReports* reportsPage = new KSettingsReports(); dlg->addPage(generalPage, i18nc("General settings", "General"), "system-run"); dlg->addPage(homePage, i18n("Home"), "go-home"); dlg->addPage(registerPage, i18nc("Ledger view settings", "Ledger"), "view-financial-list"); dlg->addPage(schedulesPage, i18n("Scheduled transactions"), "view-pim-calendar"); dlg->addPage(onlineQuotesPage, i18n("Online Quotes"), "preferences-system-network"); dlg->addPage(reportsPage, i18nc("Report settings", "Reports"), "office-chart-bar"); dlg->addPage(forecastPage, i18nc("Forecast settings", "Forecast"), "view-financial-forecast"); dlg->addPage(encryptionPage, i18n("Encryption"), "kgpg"); dlg->addPage(colorsPage, i18n("Colors"), "preferences-desktop-color"); dlg->addPage(fontsPage, i18n("Fonts"), "preferences-desktop-font"); dlg->addPage(pluginsPage, i18n("Plugins"), "network-disconnect"); dlg->setHelp("details.settings", "kmymoney"); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(settingsChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateConfiguration())); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), schedulesPage, SLOT(slotResetRegion())); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(okClicked()), pluginsPage, SLOT(slotSavePlugins())); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(defaultClicked()), pluginsPage, SLOT(slotDefaultsPlugins())); dlg->show(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotUpdateConfiguration() { MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setFiscalYearStart(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::firstFiscalMonth(), KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::firstFiscalDay()); d->m_myMoneyView->updateViewType(); // update the sql storage module settings MyMoneyStorageSql::setPrecision(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()); MyMoneyStorageSql::setStartDate(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::startDate().date()); // update the report module settings MyMoneyReport::setLineWidth(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::lineWidth()); // update the holiday region configuration setHolidayRegion(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::holidayRegion()); d->m_myMoneyView->slotRefreshViews(); // re-read autosave configuration d->m_autoSaveEnabled = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::autoSaveFile(); d->m_autoSavePeriod = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::autoSavePeriod(); // stop timer if turned off but running if (d->m_autoSaveTimer->isActive() && !d->m_autoSaveEnabled) { d->m_autoSaveTimer->stop(); } // start timer if turned on and needed but not running if (!d->m_autoSaveTimer->isActive() && d->m_autoSaveEnabled && d->m_myMoneyView->dirty()) { d->m_autoSaveTimer->setSingleShot(true); d->m_autoSaveTimer->start(d->m_autoSavePeriod * 60 * 1000); } d->setCustomColors(); // check if the recovery key is still valid or expires soon if (KMyMoneySettings::writeDataEncrypted() && KMyMoneySettings::encryptRecover()) { if (KGPGFile::GPGAvailable()) { KGPGFile file; QDateTime expirationDate = file.keyExpires(QLatin1String(RECOVER_KEY_ID)); if (expirationDate.isValid() && QDateTime::currentDateTime().daysTo(expirationDate) <= RECOVER_KEY_EXPIRATION_WARNING) { bool skipMessage = false; //get global config object for our app. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); KConfigGroup grp; QDate lastWarned; if (kconfig) { grp = d->m_config->group("General Options"); lastWarned = grp.readEntry("LastRecoverKeyExpirationWarning", QDate()); if (QDate::currentDate() == lastWarned) { skipMessage = true; } } if (!skipMessage) { if (kconfig) { grp.writeEntry("LastRecoverKeyExpirationWarning", QDate::currentDate()); } KMessageBox::information(this, i18np("You have configured KMyMoney to use GPG to protect your data and to encrypt your data also with the KMyMoney recover key. This key is about to expire in %1 day. Please update the key from a keyserver using your GPG frontend (e.g. KGPG).", "You have configured KMyMoney to use GPG to protect your data and to encrypt your data also with the KMyMoney recover key. This key is about to expire in %1 days. Please update the key from a keyserver using your GPG frontend (e.g. KGPG).", QDateTime::currentDateTime().daysTo(expirationDate)), i18n("Recover key expires soon")); } } } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBackupFile() { // Save the file first so isLocalFile() works if (d->m_myMoneyView && d->m_myMoneyView->dirty()) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("The file must be saved first " "before it can be backed up. Do you want to continue?")) == KMessageBox::No) { return; } slotFileSave(); } if (d->m_fileName.isEmpty()) return; if (!d->m_fileName.isLocalFile()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("The current implementation of the backup functionality only supports local files as source files. Your current source file is '%1'.", d->m_fileName.url()), i18n("Local files only")); return; } QPointer backupDlg = new KBackupDlg(this); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN backupDlg->mountCheckBox->setEnabled(false); #endif int returncode = backupDlg->exec(); if (returncode == QDialog::Accepted && backupDlg != 0) { d->m_backupMount = backupDlg->mountCheckBox->isChecked(); d->m_proc.clearProgram(); d->m_backupState = BACKUP_MOUNTING; d->m_mountpoint = backupDlg->txtMountPoint->text(); if (d->m_backupMount) { slotBackupMount(); } else { progressCallback(0, 300, ""); d->m_ignoreBackupExitCode = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotBackupHandleEvents())); } } delete backupDlg; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBackupMount() { progressCallback(0, 300, i18n("Mounting %1", d->m_mountpoint)); d->m_proc.setProgram("mount"); d->m_proc << d->m_mountpoint; d->m_proc.start(); } bool KMyMoneyApp::slotBackupWriteFile() { QFileInfo fi(d->m_fileName.fileName()); QString today = QDate::currentDate().toString("-yyyy-MM-dd.") + fi.suffix(); d->m_backupFile = d->m_mountpoint + '/' + d->m_fileName.fileName(); KMyMoneyUtils::appendCorrectFileExt(d->m_backupFile, today); // check if file already exists and ask what to do QFile f(d->m_backupFile); if (f.exists()) { int answer = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Backup file for today exists on that device. Replace?"), i18n("Backup"), KGuiItem(i18n("&Replace"))); if (answer == KMessageBox::Cancel) { return false; } } progressCallback(50, 0, i18n("Writing %1", d->m_backupFile)); d->m_backupState = BACKUP_COPYING; d->m_backupResult = !KIO::NetAccess::upload(d->m_fileName.toLocalFile(), d->m_backupFile, this); slotBackupHandleEvents(); return !d->m_backupResult; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBackupUnmount() { progressCallback(250, 0, i18n("Unmounting %1", d->m_mountpoint)); d->m_proc.clearProgram(); d->m_proc.setProgram("umount"); d->m_proc << d->m_mountpoint; d->m_backupState = BACKUP_UNMOUNTING; d->m_proc.start(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBackupFinish() { d->m_backupState = BACKUP_IDLE; progressCallback(-1, -1, QString()); ready(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBackupHandleEvents() { switch (d->m_backupState) { case BACKUP_MOUNTING: if (d->m_ignoreBackupExitCode || (d->m_proc.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit && d->m_proc.exitCode() == 0)) { d->m_ignoreBackupExitCode = false; d->m_backupResult = 0; if (!slotBackupWriteFile()) { d->m_backupResult = 1; if (d->m_backupMount) slotBackupUnmount(); else slotBackupFinish(); } } else { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Error mounting device"), i18n("Backup")); d->m_backupResult = 1; if (d->m_backupMount) slotBackupUnmount(); else slotBackupFinish(); } break; case BACKUP_COPYING: if (!d->m_backupResult) { qDebug() << "copy to" << d->m_fileName << "okay"; if (d->m_backupMount) { slotBackupUnmount(); } else { progressCallback(300, 0, i18nc("Backup done", "Done")); KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("File successfully backed up") + QString(" - %1").arg(d->m_backupFile), i18n("Backup")); slotBackupFinish(); } } else { QString errorString = KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString(); qDebug() << "copy failed with" << errorString; KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Error copying file to device") + QString(" - %1").arg(errorString), i18n("Backup")); if (d->m_backupMount) slotBackupUnmount(); else slotBackupFinish(); } break; case BACKUP_UNMOUNTING: if (d->m_proc.exitStatus() == QProcess::NormalExit && d->m_proc.exitCode() == 0) { progressCallback(300, 0, i18nc("Backup done", "Done")); if (d->m_backupResult == 0) KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("File successfully backed up"), i18n("Backup")); } else { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Error unmounting device"), i18n("Backup")); } slotBackupFinish(); break; default: qWarning("Unknown state for backup operation %d!", d->m_backupState); progressCallback(-1, -1, QString()); ready(); break; } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowTipOfTheDay() { KTipDialog::showTip(d->m_myMoneyView, "", true); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowPreviousView() { } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowNextView() { } void KMyMoneyApp::slotGenerateSql() { QPointer editor = new KGenerateSqlDlg(this); editor->setObjectName("Generate Database SQL"); editor->exec(); delete editor; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotQifProfileEditor() { QPointer editor = new MyMoneyQifProfileEditor(true, this); editor->setObjectName("QIF Profile Editor"); editor->exec(); delete editor; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotToolsStartKCalc() { QString cmd = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::externalCalculator(); // if none is present, we fall back to the default if (cmd.isEmpty()) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) cmd = QLatin1String("calc"); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) cmd = QLatin1String("open -a Calculator"); #else cmd = QLatin1String("kcalc"); #endif } KRun::runCommand(cmd, this); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFindTransaction() { if (d->m_searchDlg == 0) { d->m_searchDlg = new KFindTransactionDlg(); connect(d->m_searchDlg, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(slotCloseSearchDialog())); connect(d->m_searchDlg, SIGNAL(transactionSelected(QString,QString)), d->m_myMoneyView, SLOT(slotLedgerSelected(QString,QString))); } d->m_searchDlg->show(); d->m_searchDlg->raise(); d->m_searchDlg->activateWindow(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCloseSearchDialog() { if (d->m_searchDlg) d->m_searchDlg->deleteLater(); d->m_searchDlg = 0; } void KMyMoneyApp::createInstitution(MyMoneyInstitution& institution) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->addInstitution(institution); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Cannot add institution: %1", e.what())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInstitutionNew() { MyMoneyInstitution institution; slotInstitutionNew(institution); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInstitutionNew(MyMoneyInstitution& institution) { institution.clearId(); QPointer dlg = new KNewBankDlg(institution); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { institution = dlg->institution(); createInstitution(institution); } delete dlg; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInstitutionEdit(const MyMoneyObject& obj) { if (typeid(obj) != typeid(MyMoneyInstitution)) return; // make sure the selected object has an id if (d->m_selectedInstitution.id().isEmpty()) return; try { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); //grab a pointer to the view, regardless of it being a account or institution view. MyMoneyInstitution institution = file->institution(d->m_selectedInstitution.id()); // bankSuccess is not checked anymore because d->m_file->institution will throw anyway QPointer dlg = new KNewBankDlg(institution); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->modifyInstitution(dlg->institution()); ft.commit(); slotSelectInstitution(file->institution(dlg->institution().id())); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to store institution: %1", e.what())); } } delete dlg; } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { if (!obj.id().isEmpty()) KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to edit institution: %1", e.what())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInstitutionDelete() { MyMoneyFile *file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); try { MyMoneyInstitution institution = file->institution(d->m_selectedInstitution.id()); if ((KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("

Do you really want to delete the institution %1?

", institution.name()))) == KMessageBox::No) return; MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->removeInstitution(institution); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to delete institution: %1", e.what())); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to delete institution: %1", e.what())); } } const MyMoneyAccount& KMyMoneyApp::findAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyAccount& parent) const { static MyMoneyAccount nullAccount; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList parents; try { // search by id if (!acc.id().isEmpty()) { return file->account(acc.id()); } // collect the parents. in case parent does not have an id, we scan the all top-level accounts if (parent.id().isEmpty()) { parents << file->asset(); parents << file->liability(); parents << file->income(); parents << file->expense(); parents << file->equity(); } else { parents << parent; } QList::const_iterator it_p; for (it_p = parents.constBegin(); it_p != parents.constEnd(); ++it_p) { MyMoneyAccount parentAccount = *it_p; // search by name (allow hierarchy) int pos; // check for ':' in the name and use it as separator for a hierarchy QString name = acc.name(); bool notFound = false; while ((pos = name.indexOf(MyMoneyFile::AccountSeparator)) != -1) { QString part = name.left(pos); QString remainder = name.mid(pos + 1); const MyMoneyAccount& existingAccount = file->subAccountByName(parentAccount, part); // if account has not been found, continue with next top level parent if (existingAccount.id().isEmpty()) { notFound = true; break; } parentAccount = existingAccount; name = remainder; } if (notFound) continue; const MyMoneyAccount& existingAccount = file->subAccountByName(parentAccount, name); if (!existingAccount.id().isEmpty()) { if (acc.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::UnknownAccountType) { if (acc.accountType() != existingAccount.accountType()) continue; } return existingAccount; } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("Unable to find account: %1", e.what())); } return nullAccount; } void KMyMoneyApp::createAccount(MyMoneyAccount& newAccount, MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount, MyMoneyAccount& brokerageAccount, MyMoneyMoney openingBal) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // make sure we have a currency. If none is assigned, we assume base currency if (newAccount.currencyId().isEmpty()) newAccount.setCurrencyId(file->baseCurrency().id()); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { int pos; // check for ':' in the name and use it as separator for a hierarchy while ((pos = newAccount.name().indexOf(MyMoneyFile::AccountSeparator)) != -1) { QString part = newAccount.name().left(pos); QString remainder = newAccount.name().mid(pos + 1); const MyMoneyAccount& existingAccount = file->subAccountByName(parentAccount, part); if (existingAccount.id().isEmpty()) { newAccount.setName(part); file->addAccount(newAccount, parentAccount); parentAccount = newAccount; } else { parentAccount = existingAccount; } newAccount.setParentAccountId(QString()); // make sure, there's no parent newAccount.clearId(); // and no id set for adding newAccount.removeAccountIds(); // and no sub-account ids newAccount.setName(remainder); } const MyMoneySecurity& sec = file->security(newAccount.currencyId()); // Check the opening balance if (openingBal.isPositive() && newAccount.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Liability) { QString message = i18n("This account is a liability and if the " "opening balance represents money owed, then it should be negative. " "Negate the amount?\n\n" "Please click Yes to change the opening balance to %1,\n" "Please click No to leave the amount as %2,\n" "Please click Cancel to abort the account creation." , MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(-openingBal, newAccount, sec) , MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(openingBal, newAccount, sec)); int ans = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(this, message); if (ans == KMessageBox::Yes) { openingBal = -openingBal; } else if (ans == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; } file->addAccount(newAccount, parentAccount); // in case of a loan account, we add the initial payment if ((newAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Loan || newAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan) && !newAccount.value("kmm-loan-payment-acc").isEmpty() && !newAccount.value("kmm-loan-payment-date").isEmpty()) { MyMoneyAccountLoan acc(newAccount); MyMoneyTransaction t; MyMoneySplit a, b; a.setAccountId(acc.id()); b.setAccountId(acc.value("kmm-loan-payment-acc").toLatin1()); a.setValue(acc.loanAmount()); if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Loan) a.setValue(-a.value()); a.setShares(a.value()); b.setValue(-a.value()); b.setShares(b.value()); a.setMemo(i18n("Loan payout")); b.setMemo(i18n("Loan payout")); t.setPostDate(QDate::fromString(acc.value("kmm-loan-payment-date"), Qt::ISODate)); newAccount.deletePair("kmm-loan-payment-acc"); newAccount.deletePair("kmm-loan-payment-date"); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(newAccount); t.addSplit(a); t.addSplit(b); file->addTransaction(t); file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(newAccount, openingBal); // in case of an investment account we check if we should create // a brokerage account } else if (newAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment && !brokerageAccount.name().isEmpty()) { file->addAccount(brokerageAccount, parentAccount); // set a link from the investment account to the brokerage account file->modifyAccount(newAccount); file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(brokerageAccount, openingBal); } else file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(newAccount, openingBal); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to add account: %1", e.what())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCategoryNew(const QString& name, QString& id) { MyMoneyAccount account; account.setName(name); slotCategoryNew(account, MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense()); id = account.id(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCategoryNew(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, QString("%1").arg(i18n("

The category %1 currently does not exist. Do you want to create it?

The parent account will default to %2 but can be changed in the following dialog.

", account.name(), parent.name())), i18n("Create category"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), "CreateNewCategories") == KMessageBox::Yes) { createCategory(account, parent); } else { // we should not keep the 'no' setting because that can confuse people like // I have seen in some usability tests. So we just delete it right away. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); if (kconfig) { kconfig->group(QLatin1String("Notification Messages")).deleteEntry(QLatin1String("CreateNewCategories")); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCategoryNew() { MyMoneyAccount parent; MyMoneyAccount account; // Preselect the parent account by looking at the current selected account/category if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty() && d->m_selectedAccount.isIncomeExpense()) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); try { parent = file->account(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } createCategory(account, parent); } void KMyMoneyApp::createCategory(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent) { if (!parent.id().isEmpty()) { try { // make sure parent account exists MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(parent.id()); account.setParentAccountId(parent.id()); account.setAccountType(parent.accountType()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } QPointer dialog = new KNewAccountDlg(account, false, true, 0, i18n("Create a new Category")); dialog->setOpeningBalanceShown(false); dialog->setOpeningDateShown(false); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { MyMoneyAccount parentAccount, brokerageAccount; account = dialog->account(); parentAccount = dialog->parentAccount(); createAccount(account, parentAccount, brokerageAccount, MyMoneyMoney()); } delete dialog; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountNew() { MyMoneyAccount acc; acc.setInstitutionId(d->m_selectedInstitution.id()); acc.setOpeningDate(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::firstFiscalDate()); slotAccountNew(acc); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountNew(MyMoneyAccount& account) { NewAccountWizard::Wizard* wizard = new NewAccountWizard::Wizard(); connect(wizard, SIGNAL(createInstitution(MyMoneyInstitution&)), this, SLOT(slotInstitutionNew(MyMoneyInstitution&))); connect(wizard, SIGNAL(createAccount(MyMoneyAccount&)), this, SLOT(slotAccountNew(MyMoneyAccount&))); connect(wizard, SIGNAL(createPayee(QString,QString&)), this, SLOT(slotPayeeNew(QString,QString&))); connect(wizard, SIGNAL(createCategory(MyMoneyAccount&,MyMoneyAccount)), this, SLOT(slotCategoryNew(MyMoneyAccount&,MyMoneyAccount))); wizard->setAccount(account); if (wizard->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { MyMoneyAccount acc = wizard->account(); if (!(acc == MyMoneyAccount())) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); try { // create the account MyMoneyAccount parent = wizard->parentAccount(); file->addAccount(acc, parent); // tell the wizard about the account id which it // needs to create a possible schedule and transactions wizard->setAccount(acc); // store a possible conversion rate for the currency if (acc.currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { file->addPrice(wizard->conversionRate()); } // create the opening balance transaction if any file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(acc, wizard->openingBalance()); // create the payout transaction for loans if any MyMoneyTransaction payoutTransaction = wizard->payoutTransaction(); if (payoutTransaction.splits().count() > 0) { file->addTransaction(payoutTransaction); } // create a brokerage account if selected MyMoneyAccount brokerageAccount = wizard->brokerageAccount(); if (!(brokerageAccount == MyMoneyAccount())) { file->addAccount(brokerageAccount, parent); } // create a possible schedule MyMoneySchedule sch = wizard->schedule(); if (!(sch == MyMoneySchedule())) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addSchedule(sch); if (acc.isLoan()) { MyMoneyAccountLoan accLoan = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(acc.id()); accLoan.setSchedule(sch.id()); acc = accLoan; MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(acc); } } ft.commit(); account = acc; } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Unable to create account: %1", e.what())); } } } delete wizard; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInvestmentNew(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent) { QString dontShowAgain = "CreateNewInvestments"; if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, QString("") + i18n("The security %1 currently does not exist as sub-account of %2. " "Do you want to create it?", account.name(), parent.name()) + QString(""), i18n("Create security"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), dontShowAgain) == KMessageBox::Yes) { KNewInvestmentWizard dlg; dlg.setName(account.name()); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { dlg.createObjects(parent.id()); account = dlg.account(); } } else { // in case the user said no but turned on the don't show again selection, we will enable // the message no matter what. Otherwise, the user is not able to use this feature // in the future anymore. KMessageBox::enableMessage(dontShowAgain); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInvestmentNew() { KNewInvestmentWizard dlg; if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { dlg.createObjects(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInvestmentEdit() { KNewInvestmentWizard dlg(d->m_selectedInvestment); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { dlg.createObjects(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotInvestmentDelete() { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("

Do you really want to delete the investment %1?

", d->m_selectedInvestment.name()), i18n("Delete investment"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), "DeleteInvestment") == KMessageBox::Yes) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->removeAccount(d->m_selectedInvestment); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to delete investment: %1", e.what())); } } else { // we should not keep the 'no' setting because that can confuse people like // I have seen in some usability tests. So we just delete it right away. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); if (kconfig) { kconfig->group(QLatin1String("Notification Messages")).deleteEntry(QLatin1String("DeleteInvestment")); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotOnlinePriceUpdate() { if (!d->m_selectedInvestment.id().isEmpty()) { QPointer dlg = new KEquityPriceUpdateDlg(0, d->m_selectedInvestment.currencyId()); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { dlg->storePrices(); } delete dlg; } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotManualPriceUpdate() { if (!d->m_selectedInvestment.id().isEmpty()) { try { MyMoneySecurity security = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(d->m_selectedInvestment.currencyId()); MyMoneySecurity currency = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(security.tradingCurrency()); const MyMoneyPrice &price = MyMoneyFile::instance()->price(security.id(), currency.id()); signed64 fract = MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()); QPointer calc = new KCurrencyCalculator(security, currency, MyMoneyMoney::ONE, price.rate(currency.id()), price.date(), fract); calc->setupPriceEditor(); // The dialog takes care of adding the price if necessary calc->exec(); delete calc; } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("Error in price update: %s", qPrintable(e.what())); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::createSchedule(MyMoneySchedule newSchedule, MyMoneyAccount& newAccount) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // Add the schedule only if one exists // // Remember to modify the first split to reference the newly created account if (!newSchedule.name().isEmpty()) { try { // We assume at least 2 splits in the transaction MyMoneyTransaction t = newSchedule.transaction(); if (t.splitCount() < 2) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Transaction for schedule has less than 2 splits!"); } MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->addSchedule(newSchedule); // in case of a loan account, we keep a reference to this // schedule in the account if (newAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Loan || newAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan) { newAccount.setValue("schedule", newSchedule.id()); file->modifyAccount(newAccount); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to add scheduled transaction: %1", e.what())); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to add scheduled transaction: %1", e.what())); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountDelete() { if (d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) return; // need an account ID MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // can't delete standard accounts or account which still have transactions assigned if (file->isStandardAccount(d->m_selectedAccount.id())) return; // check if the account is referenced by a transaction or schedule MyMoneyFileBitArray skip(IMyMoneyStorage::MaxRefCheckBits); skip.fill(false); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckAccount); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckInstitution); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckPayee); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckTag); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckSecurity); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckCurrency); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckPrice); bool hasReference = file->isReferenced(d->m_selectedAccount, skip); // make sure we only allow transactions in a 'category' (income/expense account) switch (d->m_selectedAccount.accountType()) { case MyMoneyAccount::Income: case MyMoneyAccount::Expense: break; default: // if the account is still referenced if (hasReference) { return; } break; } // if we get here and still have transactions referencing the account, we // need to check with the user to possibly re-assign them to a different account bool needAskUser = true; bool exit = false; MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; if (hasReference) { // show transaction reassignment dialog needAskUser = false; KCategoryReassignDlg* dlg = new KCategoryReassignDlg(this); QString categoryId = dlg->show(d->m_selectedAccount); delete dlg; // and kill the dialog if (categoryId.isEmpty()) return; // the user aborted the dialog, so let's abort as well MyMoneyAccount newCategory = file->account(categoryId); try { { KMSTATUS(i18n("Adjusting transactions...")); /* d->m_selectedAccount.id() is the old id, categoryId the new one Now search all transactions and schedules that reference d->m_selectedAccount.id() and replace that with categoryId. */ // get the list of all transactions that reference the old account MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QList tlist; QList::iterator it_t; file->transactionList(tlist, filter); slotStatusProgressBar(0, tlist.count()); int cnt = 0; for (it_t = tlist.begin(); it_t != tlist.end(); ++it_t) { slotStatusProgressBar(++cnt, 0); MyMoneyTransaction t = (*it_t); if (t.replaceId(categoryId, d->m_selectedAccount.id())) file->modifyTransaction(t); } slotStatusProgressBar(tlist.count(), 0); } // now fix all schedules { KMSTATUS(i18n("Adjusting scheduled transactions...")); QList slist = file->scheduleList(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); QList::iterator it_s; int cnt = 0; slotStatusProgressBar(0, slist.count()); for (it_s = slist.begin(); it_s != slist.end(); ++it_s) { slotStatusProgressBar(++cnt, 0); MyMoneySchedule sch = (*it_s); if (sch.replaceId(categoryId, d->m_selectedAccount.id())) { file->modifySchedule(sch); } } slotStatusProgressBar(slist.count(), 0); } // now fix all budgets { KMSTATUS(i18n("Adjusting budgets...")); QList blist = file->budgetList(); QList::const_iterator it_b; for (it_b = blist.constBegin(); it_b != blist.constEnd(); ++it_b) { if ((*it_b).hasReferenceTo(d->m_selectedAccount.id())) { MyMoneyBudget b = (*it_b); MyMoneyBudget::AccountGroup fromBudget = b.account(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); MyMoneyBudget::AccountGroup toBudget = b.account(categoryId); toBudget += fromBudget; b.setAccount(toBudget, categoryId); b.removeReference(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); file->modifyBudget(b); } } slotStatusProgressBar(blist.count(), 0); } } catch (MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Unable to exchange category %1 with category %2. Reason: %3", d->m_selectedAccount.name(), newCategory.name(), e.what())); exit = true; } slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); } if (exit) return; // retain the account name for a possible later usage in the error message box // since the account removal notifies the views the selected account can be changed // so we make sure by doing this that we display the correct name in the error message QString selectedAccountName = d->m_selectedAccount.name(); // at this point, we must not have a reference to the account // to be deleted anymore switch (d->m_selectedAccount.accountGroup()) { // special handling for categories to allow deleting of empty subcategories case MyMoneyAccount::Income: case MyMoneyAccount::Expense: { // open a compound statement here to be able to declare variables // which would otherwise not work within a case label. // case A - only a single, unused category without subcats selected if (d->m_selectedAccount.accountList().isEmpty()) { if (!needAskUser || (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, QString("") + i18n("Do you really want to delete category %1?", selectedAccountName) + QString("")) == KMessageBox::Yes)) { try { file->removeAccount(d->m_selectedAccount); d->m_selectedAccount.clearId(); slotUpdateActions(); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, QString("") + i18n("Unable to delete category %1. Cause: %2", selectedAccountName, e.what()) + QString("")); } } return; } // case B - we have some subcategories, maybe the user does not want to // delete them all, but just the category itself? MyMoneyAccount parentAccount = file->account(d->m_selectedAccount.parentAccountId()); QStringList accountsToReparent; int result = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(this, QString("") + i18n("Do you want to delete category %1 with all its sub-categories or only " "the category itself? If you only delete the category itself, all its sub-categories " "will be made sub-categories of %2.", selectedAccountName, parentAccount.name()) + QString(""), QString(), KGuiItem(i18n("Delete all")), KGuiItem(i18n("Just the category"))); if (result == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; // cancel pressed? ok, no delete then... // "No" means "Just the category" and that means we need to reparent all subaccounts bool need_confirmation = false; // case C - User only wants to delete the category itself if (result == KMessageBox::No) accountsToReparent = d->m_selectedAccount.accountList(); else { // case D - User wants to delete all subcategories, now check all subcats of // d->m_selectedAccount and remember all that cannot be deleted and // must be "reparented" for (QStringList::const_iterator it = d->m_selectedAccount.accountList().begin(); it != d->m_selectedAccount.accountList().end(); ++it) { // reparent account if a transaction is assigned if (file->transactionCount(*it) != 0) accountsToReparent.push_back(*it); else if (!file->account(*it).accountList().isEmpty()) { // or if we have at least one sub-account that is used for transactions if (!file->hasOnlyUnusedAccounts(file->account(*it).accountList())) { accountsToReparent.push_back(*it); //kDebug() << "subaccount not empty"; } } } if (!accountsToReparent.isEmpty()) need_confirmation = true; } if (!accountsToReparent.isEmpty() && need_confirmation) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("

Some sub-categories of category %1 cannot " "be deleted, because they are still used. They will be made sub-categories of %2. Proceed?

", selectedAccountName, parentAccount.name())) != KMessageBox::Yes) { return; // user gets wet feet... } } // all good, now first reparent selected sub-categories try { MyMoneyAccount parent = file->account(d->m_selectedAccount.parentAccountId()); for (QStringList::const_iterator it = accountsToReparent.constBegin(); it != accountsToReparent.constEnd(); ++it) { MyMoneyAccount child = file->account(*it); file->reparentAccount(child, parent); } // reload the account because the sub-account list might have changed d->m_selectedAccount = file->account(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); // now recursively delete remaining sub-categories file->removeAccountList(d->m_selectedAccount.accountList()); // don't forget to update d->m_selectedAccount, because we still have a copy of // the old account list, which is no longer valid d->m_selectedAccount = file->account(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, QString("") + i18n("Unable to delete a sub-category of category %1. Reason: %2", selectedAccountName, e.what()) + QString("")); return; } } break; // the category/account is deleted after the switch default: if (!d->m_selectedAccount.accountList().isEmpty()) return; // can't delete accounts which still have subaccounts if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("

Do you really want to " "delete account %1?

", selectedAccountName)) != KMessageBox::Yes) { return; // ok, you don't want to? why did you click then, hmm? } } // switch; try { file->removeAccount(d->m_selectedAccount); d->m_selectedAccount.clearId(); slotUpdateActions(); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Unable to delete account '%1'. Cause: %2", selectedAccountName, e.what())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountEdit() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) { if (!file->isStandardAccount(d->m_selectedAccount.id())) { if (d->m_selectedAccount.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::Loan && d->m_selectedAccount.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan) { QString caption; bool category = false; switch (d->m_selectedAccount.accountGroup()) { default: caption = i18n("Edit account '%1'", d->m_selectedAccount.name()); break; case MyMoneyAccount::Expense: case MyMoneyAccount::Income: caption = i18n("Edit category '%1'", d->m_selectedAccount.name()); category = true; break; } // set a status message so that the application can't be closed until the editing is done slotStatusMsg(caption); QString tid = file->openingBalanceTransaction(d->m_selectedAccount); MyMoneyTransaction t; MyMoneySplit s0, s1; QPointer dlg = new KNewAccountDlg(d->m_selectedAccount, true, category, 0, caption); if (category) { dlg->setOpeningBalanceShown(false); dlg->setOpeningDateShown(false); tid.clear(); } else { if (!tid.isEmpty()) { try { t = file->transaction(tid); s0 = t.splitByAccount(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); s1 = t.splitByAccount(d->m_selectedAccount.id(), false); dlg->setOpeningBalance(s0.shares()); if (d->m_selectedAccount.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Liability) { dlg->setOpeningBalance(-s0.shares()); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { kDebug(2) << "Error retrieving opening balance transaction " << tid << ": " << e.what() << "\n"; tid.clear(); } } } // check for online modules QMap::const_iterator it_plugin = d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd(); const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& kvp = d->m_selectedAccount.onlineBankingSettings(); if (!kvp["provider"].isEmpty()) { // if we have an online provider for this account, we need to check // that we have the corresponding plugin. If that exists, we ask it // to provide an additional tab for the account editor. it_plugin = d->m_onlinePlugins.constFind(kvp["provider"]); if (it_plugin != d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd()) { QString name; QWidget *w = (*it_plugin)->accountConfigTab(d->m_selectedAccount, name); dlg->addTab(w, name); } } if (dlg != 0 && dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { try { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyAccount account = dlg->account(); MyMoneyAccount parent = dlg->parentAccount(); if (it_plugin != d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd()) { account.setOnlineBankingSettings((*it_plugin)->onlineBankingSettings(account.onlineBankingSettings())); } MyMoneyMoney bal = dlg->openingBalance(); if (d->m_selectedAccount.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Liability) { bal = -bal; } // we need to modify first, as reparent would override all other changes file->modifyAccount(account); if (account.parentAccountId() != parent.id()) { file->reparentAccount(account, parent); } if (!tid.isEmpty() && dlg->openingBalance().isZero()) { file->removeTransaction(t); } else if (!tid.isEmpty() && !dlg->openingBalance().isZero()) { s0.setShares(bal); s0.setValue(bal); t.modifySplit(s0); s1.setShares(-bal); s1.setValue(-bal); t.modifySplit(s1); t.setPostDate(account.openingDate()); file->modifyTransaction(t); } else if (tid.isEmpty() && !dlg->openingBalance().isZero()) { file->createOpeningBalanceTransaction(d->m_selectedAccount, bal); } ft.commit(); // reload the account object as it might have changed in the meantime slotSelectAccount(file->account(account.id())); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Unable to modify account '%1'. Cause: %2", d->m_selectedAccount.name(), e.what())); } } delete dlg; ready(); } else { QPointer wizard = new KEditLoanWizard(d->m_selectedAccount); connect(wizard, SIGNAL(newCategory(MyMoneyAccount&)), this, SLOT(slotCategoryNew(MyMoneyAccount&))); connect(wizard, SIGNAL(createPayee(QString,QString&)), this, SLOT(slotPayeeNew(QString,QString&))); if (wizard->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && wizard != 0) { MyMoneySchedule sch; try { MyMoneySchedule sch = file->schedule(d->m_selectedAccount.value("schedule").toLatin1()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug() << "schedule" << d->m_selectedAccount.value("schedule").toLatin1() << "not found"; } if (!(d->m_selectedAccount == wizard->account()) || !(sch == wizard->schedule())) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->modifyAccount(wizard->account()); if (!sch.id().isEmpty()) { sch = wizard->schedule(); } try { file->schedule(sch.id()); file->modifySchedule(sch); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { try { if(sch.transaction().splitCount() >= 2) { file->addSchedule(sch); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("Cannot add schedule: '%s'", qPrintable(e.what())); } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("Unable to modify account %s: '%s'", qPrintable(d->m_selectedAccount.name()), qPrintable(e.what())); } } } delete wizard; } } } } QList > KMyMoneyApp::Private::automaticReconciliation(const MyMoneyAccount &account, const QList > &transactions, const MyMoneyMoney &amount) { static const int NR_OF_STEPS_LIMIT = 300000; static const int PROGRESSBAR_STEPS = 1000; QList > result = transactions; KMSTATUS(i18n("Running automatic reconciliation")); int progressBarIndex = 0; kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(progressBarIndex, NR_OF_STEPS_LIMIT / PROGRESSBAR_STEPS); // optimize the most common case - all transactions should be cleared QListIterator > itTransactionSplitResult(result); MyMoneyMoney transactionsBalance; while (itTransactionSplitResult.hasNext()) { const QPair &transactionSplit = itTransactionSplitResult.next(); transactionsBalance += transactionSplit.second.shares(); } if (amount == transactionsBalance) { result = transactions; return result; } kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(progressBarIndex++, 0); // only one transaction is uncleared itTransactionSplitResult.toFront(); int index = 0; while (itTransactionSplitResult.hasNext()) { const QPair &transactionSplit = itTransactionSplitResult.next(); if (transactionsBalance - transactionSplit.second.shares() == amount) { result.removeAt(index); return result; } index++; } kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(progressBarIndex++, 0); // more than one transaction is uncleared - apply the algorithm result.clear(); const MyMoneySecurity &security = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(account.currencyId()); double precision = 0.1 / account.fraction(security); QList sumList; sumList << MyMoneyMoney(); QMap > > sumToComponentsMap; // compute the possible matches QListIterator > itTransactionSplit(transactions); while (itTransactionSplit.hasNext()) { const QPair &transactionSplit = itTransactionSplit.next(); QListIterator itSum(sumList); QList tempList; while (itSum.hasNext()) { const MyMoneyMoney &sum = itSum.next(); QList > splitIds; splitIds << qMakePair(transactionSplit.first.id(), transactionSplit.second.id()); if (sumToComponentsMap.contains(sum)) { if (sumToComponentsMap.value(sum).contains(qMakePair(transactionSplit.first.id(), transactionSplit.second.id()))) { continue; } splitIds.append(sumToComponentsMap.value(sum)); } tempList << transactionSplit.second.shares() + sum; sumToComponentsMap[transactionSplit.second.shares() + sum] = splitIds; int size = sumToComponentsMap.size(); if (size % PROGRESSBAR_STEPS == 0) { kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(progressBarIndex++, 0); } if (size > NR_OF_STEPS_LIMIT) { return result; // it's taking too much resources abort the algorithm } } QList unionList; unionList.append(tempList); unionList.append(sumList); qSort(unionList); sumList.clear(); MyMoneyMoney smallestSumFromUnion = unionList.first(); sumList.append(smallestSumFromUnion); QListIterator itUnion(unionList); while (itUnion.hasNext()) { MyMoneyMoney sumFromUnion = itUnion.next(); if (smallestSumFromUnion < MyMoneyMoney(1 - precision / transactions.size())*sumFromUnion) { smallestSumFromUnion = sumFromUnion; sumList.append(sumFromUnion); } } } kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(NR_OF_STEPS_LIMIT / PROGRESSBAR_STEPS, 0); if (sumToComponentsMap.contains(amount)) { QListIterator > itTransactionSplit(transactions); while (itTransactionSplit.hasNext()) { const QPair &transactionSplit = itTransactionSplit.next(); const QList > &splitIds = sumToComponentsMap.value(amount); if (splitIds.contains(qMakePair(transactionSplit.first.id(), transactionSplit.second.id()))) { result.append(transactionSplit); } } } #ifdef KMM_DEBUG qDebug("For the amount %s a number of %d possible sums where computed from the set of %d transactions: ", qPrintable(MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(amount, security)), sumToComponentsMap.size(), transactions.size()); #endif kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); return result; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountReconcileStart() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyAccount account; // we cannot reconcile standard accounts if (!file->isStandardAccount(d->m_selectedAccount.id())) { // check if we can reconcile this account // it make's sense for asset and liability accounts try { // check if we have overdue schedules for this account QList schedules = file->scheduleList(d->m_selectedAccount.id(), MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::STYPE_ANY, QDate(), QDate(), true); if (schedules.count() > 0) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("KMyMoney has detected some overdue scheduled transactions for this account. Do you want to enter those scheduled transactions now?"), i18n("Scheduled transactions found")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { QMap skipMap; bool processedOne; KMyMoneyUtils::EnterScheduleResultCodeE rc = KMyMoneyUtils::Enter; do { processedOne = false; QList::const_iterator it_sch; for (it_sch = schedules.constBegin(); (rc != KMyMoneyUtils::Cancel) && (it_sch != schedules.constEnd()); ++it_sch) { MyMoneySchedule sch(*(it_sch)); // and enter it if it is not on the skip list if (skipMap.find((*it_sch).id()) == skipMap.end()) { rc = enterSchedule(sch, false, true); if (rc == KMyMoneyUtils::Ignore) { skipMap[(*it_sch).id()] = true; } } } // reload list (maybe this schedule needs to be added again) schedules = file->scheduleList(d->m_selectedAccount.id(), MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::STYPE_ANY, QDate(), QDate(), true); } while (processedOne); } } account = file->account(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); // get rid of previous run. delete d->m_endingBalanceDlg; d->m_endingBalanceDlg = new KEndingBalanceDlg(account, this); if (account.isAssetLiability()) { connect(d->m_endingBalanceDlg, SIGNAL(createPayee(QString,QString&)), this, SLOT(slotPayeeNew(QString,QString&))); connect(d->m_endingBalanceDlg, SIGNAL(createCategory(MyMoneyAccount&,MyMoneyAccount)), this, SLOT(slotCategoryNew(MyMoneyAccount&,MyMoneyAccount))); if (d->m_endingBalanceDlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::autoReconciliation()) { MyMoneyMoney startBalance = d->m_endingBalanceDlg->previousBalance(); MyMoneyMoney endBalance = d->m_endingBalanceDlg->endingBalance(); QDate endDate = d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate(); QList > transactionList; MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter(account.id()); filter.addState(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::cleared); filter.addState(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::notReconciled); filter.setDateFilter(QDate(), endDate); filter.setConsiderCategory(false); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); file->transactionList(transactionList, filter); QList > result = d->automaticReconciliation(account, transactionList, endBalance - startBalance); if (!result.empty()) { QString message = i18n("KMyMoney has detected transactions matching your reconciliation data.\nWould you like KMyMoney to clear these transactions for you?"); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, message, i18n("Automatic reconciliation"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), "AcceptAutomaticReconciliation") == KMessageBox::Yes) { // mark the transactions cleared KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions oldSelection = d->m_selectedTransactions; d->m_selectedTransactions.clear(); QListIterator > itTransactionSplitResult(result); while (itTransactionSplitResult.hasNext()) { const QPair &transactionSplit = itTransactionSplitResult.next(); d->m_selectedTransactions.append(KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransaction(transactionSplit.first, transactionSplit.second)); } // mark all transactions in d->m_selectedTransactions as 'Cleared' markTransaction(MyMoneySplit::Cleared); d->m_selectedTransactions = oldSelection; } } } if (d->m_myMoneyView->startReconciliation(account, d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate(), d->m_endingBalanceDlg->endingBalance())) { // check if the user requests us to create interest // or charge transactions. MyMoneyTransaction ti = d->m_endingBalanceDlg->interestTransaction(); MyMoneyTransaction tc = d->m_endingBalanceDlg->chargeTransaction(); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { if (ti != MyMoneyTransaction()) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addTransaction(ti); } if (tc != MyMoneyTransaction()) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addTransaction(tc); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qWarning("interest transaction not stored: '%s'", qPrintable(e.what())); } // reload the account object as it might have changed in the meantime d->m_reconciliationAccount = file->account(account.id()); slotUpdateActions(); } } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountReconcileFinish() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); if (!d->m_reconciliationAccount.id().isEmpty()) { // retrieve list of all transactions that are not reconciled or cleared QList > transactionList; MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter(d->m_reconciliationAccount.id()); filter.addState(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::cleared); filter.addState(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::notReconciled); filter.setDateFilter(QDate(), d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate()); filter.setConsiderCategory(false); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); file->transactionList(transactionList, filter); MyMoneyMoney balance = MyMoneyFile::instance()->balance(d->m_reconciliationAccount.id(), d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate()); MyMoneyMoney actBalance, clearedBalance; actBalance = clearedBalance = balance; // walk the list of transactions to figure out the balance(s) QList >::const_iterator it; for (it = transactionList.constBegin(); it != transactionList.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).second.reconcileFlag() == MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled) { clearedBalance -= (*it).second.shares(); } } if (d->m_endingBalanceDlg->endingBalance() != clearedBalance) { QString message = i18n("You are about to finish the reconciliation of this account with a difference between your bank statement and the transactions marked as cleared.\n" "Are you sure you want to finish the reconciliation?"); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, message, i18n("Confirm end of reconciliation"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no()) == KMessageBox::No) return; } MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; // refresh object d->m_reconciliationAccount = file->account(d->m_reconciliationAccount.id()); // Turn off reconciliation mode d->m_myMoneyView->finishReconciliation(d->m_reconciliationAccount); // only update the last statement balance here, if we haven't a newer one due // to download of online statements. if (d->m_reconciliationAccount.value("lastImportedTransactionDate").isEmpty() || QDate::fromString(d->m_reconciliationAccount.value("lastImportedTransactionDate"), Qt::ISODate) < d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate()) { d->m_reconciliationAccount.setValue("lastStatementBalance", d->m_endingBalanceDlg->endingBalance().toString()); // in case we override the last statement balance here, we have to make sure // that we don't show the online balance anymore, as it might be different d->m_reconciliationAccount.deletePair("lastImportedTransactionDate"); } d->m_reconciliationAccount.setLastReconciliationDate(d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate()); // keep a record of this reconciliation d->m_reconciliationAccount.addReconciliation(d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate(), d->m_endingBalanceDlg->endingBalance()); d->m_reconciliationAccount.deletePair("lastReconciledBalance"); d->m_reconciliationAccount.deletePair("statementBalance"); d->m_reconciliationAccount.deletePair("statementDate"); try { // update the account data file->modifyAccount(d->m_reconciliationAccount); /* // collect the list of cleared splits for this account filter.clear(); filter.addAccount(d->m_reconciliationAccount.id()); filter.addState(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::cleared); filter.setConsiderCategory(false); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); file->transactionList(transactionList, filter); */ // walk the list of transactions/splits and mark the cleared ones as reconciled QList >::iterator it; for (it = transactionList.begin(); it != transactionList.end(); ++it) { MyMoneySplit sp = (*it).second; // skip the ones that are not marked cleared if (sp.reconcileFlag() != MyMoneySplit::Cleared) continue; // always retrieve a fresh copy of the transaction because we // might have changed it already with another split MyMoneyTransaction t = file->transaction((*it).first.id()); sp.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::Reconciled); sp.setReconcileDate(d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate()); t.modifySplit(sp); // update the engine ... file->modifyTransaction(t); // ... and the list (*it) = qMakePair(t, sp); } ft.commit(); // reload account data from engine as the data might have changed in the meantime d->m_reconciliationAccount = file->account(d->m_reconciliationAccount.id()); emit accountReconciled(d->m_reconciliationAccount, d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate(), d->m_endingBalanceDlg->previousBalance(), d->m_endingBalanceDlg->endingBalance(), transactionList); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug("Unexpected exception when setting cleared to reconcile"); } } // Turn off reconciliation mode d->m_reconciliationAccount = MyMoneyAccount(); slotUpdateActions(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountReconcilePostpone() { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); if (!d->m_reconciliationAccount.id().isEmpty()) { // refresh object d->m_reconciliationAccount = file->account(d->m_reconciliationAccount.id()); // Turn off reconciliation mode d->m_myMoneyView->finishReconciliation(d->m_reconciliationAccount); d->m_reconciliationAccount.setValue("lastReconciledBalance", d->m_endingBalanceDlg->previousBalance().toString()); d->m_reconciliationAccount.setValue("statementBalance", d->m_endingBalanceDlg->endingBalance().toString()); d->m_reconciliationAccount.setValue("statementDate", d->m_endingBalanceDlg->statementDate().toString(Qt::ISODate)); try { file->modifyAccount(d->m_reconciliationAccount); ft.commit(); d->m_reconciliationAccount = MyMoneyAccount(); slotUpdateActions(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug("Unexpected exception when setting last reconcile info into account"); ft.rollback(); d->m_reconciliationAccount = file->account(d->m_reconciliationAccount.id()); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountOpen(const MyMoneyObject& obj) { if (typeid(obj) != typeid(MyMoneyAccount)) return; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QString id = d->m_selectedAccount.id(); // if the caller passed a non-empty object, we need to select that if (!obj.id().isEmpty()) { id = obj.id(); } // we cannot reconcile standard accounts if (!file->isStandardAccount(id)) { // check if we can open this account // currently it make's sense for asset and liability accounts try { MyMoneyAccount account = file->account(id); d->m_myMoneyView->slotLedgerSelected(account.id()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } } void KMyMoneyApp::enableCloseAccountAction(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) { switch (canCloseAccount(acc)) { case KMyMoneyUtils::AccountCanClose: { action("account_close")->setEnabled(true); break; } case KMyMoneyUtils::AccountBalanceNonZero: { action("account_close")->setEnabled(false); action("account_close")->setToolTip(i18n("The balance of the account must be zero before the account can be closed")); break; } case KMyMoneyUtils::AccountChildrenOpen: { action("account_close")->setEnabled(false); action("account_close")->setToolTip(i18n("All subaccounts must be closed before the account can be closed")); break; } case KMyMoneyUtils::AccountScheduleReference: { action("account_close")->setEnabled(false); action("account_close")->setToolTip(i18n("This account is still included in an active schedule")); break; } } } KMyMoneyUtils::CanCloseAccountCodeE KMyMoneyApp::canCloseAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const { // balance must be zero if (!acc.balance().isZero()) return KMyMoneyUtils::AccountBalanceNonZero; // all children must be already closed QStringList::const_iterator it_a; for (it_a = acc.accountList().constBegin(); it_a != acc.accountList().constEnd(); ++it_a) { MyMoneyAccount a = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(*it_a); if (!a.isClosed()) { return KMyMoneyUtils::AccountChildrenOpen; } } // there must be no unfinished schedule referencing the account QList list = MyMoneyFile::instance()->scheduleList(); QList::const_iterator it_l; for (it_l = list.constBegin(); it_l != list.constEnd(); ++it_l) { if ((*it_l).isFinished()) continue; if ((*it_l).hasReferenceTo(acc.id())) return KMyMoneyUtils::AccountScheduleReference; } return KMyMoneyUtils::AccountCanClose; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountClose() { MyMoneyAccount a; if (!d->m_selectedInvestment.id().isEmpty()) a = d->m_selectedInvestment; else if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) a = d->m_selectedAccount; if (a.id().isEmpty()) return; // need an account ID MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { a.setClosed(true); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(a); ft.commit(); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideClosedAccounts()) { KMessageBox::information(this, QString("") + i18n("You have closed this account. It remains in the system because you have transactions which still refer to it, but it is not shown in the views. You can make it visible again by going to the View menu and selecting Show all accounts or by deselecting the Do not show closed accounts setting.") + QString(""), i18n("Information"), "CloseAccountInfo"); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountReopen() { MyMoneyAccount a; if (!d->m_selectedInvestment.id().isEmpty()) a = d->m_selectedInvestment; else if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) a = d->m_selectedAccount; if (a.id().isEmpty()) return; // need an account ID MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { while (a.isClosed()) { a.setClosed(false); file->modifyAccount(a); a = file->account(a.parentAccountId()); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotReparentAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& _src, const MyMoneyInstitution& _dst) { MyMoneyAccount src(_src); src.setInstitutionId(_dst.id()); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(src); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("

%1 cannot be moved to institution %2. Reason: %3

", src.name(), _dst.name(), e.what())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotReparentAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& _src, const MyMoneyAccount& _dst) { MyMoneyAccount src(_src); MyMoneyAccount dst(_dst); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->reparentAccount(src, dst); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("

%1 cannot be moved to %2. Reason: %3

", src.name(), dst.name(), e.what())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountTransactionReport() { // Generate a transaction report that contains transactions for only the // currently selected account. if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyReport report( MyMoneyReport::Row::Account, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("%1 YTD Account Transactions", d->m_selectedAccount.name()), i18n("Generated Report") ); report.setGroup(i18n("Transactions")); report.addAccount(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); d->m_myMoneyView->slotShowReport(report); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotScheduleNew() { slotScheduleNew(MyMoneyTransaction()); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotScheduleNew(const MyMoneyTransaction& _t, MyMoneySchedule::occurrenceE occurrence) { MyMoneySchedule schedule; schedule.setOccurrence(occurrence); // if the schedule is based on an existing transaction, // we take the post date and project it to the next // schedule in a month. if (_t != MyMoneyTransaction()) { MyMoneyTransaction t(_t); schedule.setTransaction(t); if (occurrence != MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ONCE) schedule.setNextDueDate(schedule.nextPayment(t.postDate())); } QPointer dlg = new KEditScheduleDlg(schedule, this); TransactionEditor* transactionEditor = dlg->startEdit(); if (transactionEditor) { KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(dlg, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { schedule = dlg->schedule(); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addSchedule(schedule); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Unable to add scheduled transaction: %1", e.what()), i18n("Add scheduled transaction")); } } } delete transactionEditor; delete dlg; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotScheduleEdit() { if (!d->m_selectedSchedule.id().isEmpty()) { try { MyMoneySchedule schedule = MyMoneyFile::instance()->schedule(d->m_selectedSchedule.id()); KEditScheduleDlg* sched_dlg = 0; KEditLoanWizard* loan_wiz = 0; switch (schedule.type()) { case MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_BILL: case MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_DEPOSIT: case MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_TRANSFER: sched_dlg = new KEditScheduleDlg(schedule, this); d->m_transactionEditor = sched_dlg->startEdit(); if (d->m_transactionEditor) { KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(sched_dlg, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); if (sched_dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneySchedule sched = sched_dlg->schedule(); // Check whether the new Schedule Date // is at or before the lastPaymentDate // If it is, ask the user whether to clear the // lastPaymentDate const QDate& next = sched.nextDueDate(); const QDate& last = sched.lastPayment(); if (next.isValid() && last.isValid() && next <= last) { // Entered a date effectively no later // than previous payment. Date would be // updated automatically so we probably // want to clear it. Let's ask the user. if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, QString("") + i18n("You have entered a scheduled transaction date of %1. Because the scheduled transaction was last paid on %2, KMyMoney will automatically adjust the scheduled transaction date to the next date unless the last payment date is reset. Do you want to reset the last payment date?", KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(next, KLocale::ShortDate), KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(last, KLocale::ShortDate)) + QString(""), i18n("Reset Last Payment Date"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no()) == KMessageBox::Yes) { sched.setLastPayment(QDate()); } } MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifySchedule(sched); // delete the editor before we emit the dataChanged() signal from the // engine. Calling this twice in a row does not hurt. deleteTransactionEditor(); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to modify scheduled transaction '%1'", d->m_selectedSchedule.name()), e.what()); } } deleteTransactionEditor(); } delete sched_dlg; break; case MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_LOANPAYMENT: loan_wiz = new KEditLoanWizard(schedule.account(2)); connect(loan_wiz, SIGNAL(newCategory(MyMoneyAccount&)), this, SLOT(slotCategoryNew(MyMoneyAccount&))); connect(loan_wiz, SIGNAL(createPayee(QString,QString&)), this, SLOT(slotPayeeNew(QString,QString&))); if (loan_wiz->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifySchedule(loan_wiz->schedule()); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(loan_wiz->account()); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to modify scheduled transaction '%1'", d->m_selectedSchedule.name()), e.what()); } } delete loan_wiz; break; case MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_ANY: break; } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to modify scheduled transaction '%1'", d->m_selectedSchedule.name()), e.what()); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotScheduleDelete() { if (!d->m_selectedSchedule.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneySchedule sched = MyMoneyFile::instance()->schedule(d->m_selectedSchedule.id()); QString msg = i18n("

Are you sure you want to delete the scheduled transaction %1?

", d->m_selectedSchedule.name()); if (sched.type() == MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_LOANPAYMENT) { msg += QString(" "); msg += i18n("In case of loan payments it is currently not possible to recreate the scheduled transaction."); } if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, msg) == KMessageBox::No) return; MyMoneyFile::instance()->removeSchedule(sched); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to remove scheduled transaction '%1'", d->m_selectedSchedule.name()), e.what()); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotScheduleDuplicate() { // since we may jump here via code, we have to make sure to react only // if the action is enabled if (kmymoney->action("schedule_duplicate")->isEnabled()) { MyMoneySchedule sch = d->m_selectedSchedule; sch.clearId(); sch.setLastPayment(QDate()); sch.setName(i18nc("Copy of scheduled transaction name", "Copy of %1", sch.name())); // make sure that we set a valid next due date if the original next due date is invalid if (!sch.nextDueDate().isValid()) sch.setNextDueDate(QDate::currentDate()); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addSchedule(sch); ft.commit(); // select the new schedule in the view if (!d->m_selectedSchedule.id().isEmpty()) d->m_myMoneyView->slotScheduleSelected(sch.id()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Unable to duplicate scheduled transaction: '%1'", d->m_selectedSchedule.name()), e.what()); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotScheduleSkip() { if (!d->m_selectedSchedule.id().isEmpty()) { try { MyMoneySchedule schedule = MyMoneyFile::instance()->schedule(d->m_selectedSchedule.id()); skipSchedule(schedule); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unknown scheduled transaction '%1'", d->m_selectedSchedule.name()), e.what()); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::skipSchedule(MyMoneySchedule& schedule) { if (!schedule.id().isEmpty()) { try { schedule = MyMoneyFile::instance()->schedule(schedule.id()); if (!schedule.isFinished()) { if (schedule.occurrence() != MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ONCE) { QDate next = schedule.nextDueDate(); if (!schedule.isFinished() && (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, QString("") + i18n("Do you really want to skip the %1 transaction scheduled for %2?", schedule.name(), KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(next, KLocale::ShortDate)) + QString(""))) == KMessageBox::Yes) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; schedule.setLastPayment(next); schedule.setNextDueDate(schedule.nextPayment(next)); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifySchedule(schedule); ft.commit(); } } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, QString("") + i18n("Unable to skip scheduled transaction %1.", schedule.name()) + QString(""), e.what()); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotScheduleEnter() { if (!d->m_selectedSchedule.id().isEmpty()) { try { MyMoneySchedule schedule = MyMoneyFile::instance()->schedule(d->m_selectedSchedule.id()); enterSchedule(schedule); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unknown scheduled transaction '%1'", d->m_selectedSchedule.name()), e.what()); } } } KMyMoneyUtils::EnterScheduleResultCodeE KMyMoneyApp::enterSchedule(MyMoneySchedule& schedule, bool autoEnter, bool extendedKeys) { KMyMoneyUtils::EnterScheduleResultCodeE rc = KMyMoneyUtils::Cancel; if (!schedule.id().isEmpty()) { try { schedule = MyMoneyFile::instance()->schedule(schedule.id()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to enter scheduled transaction '%1'", schedule.name()), e.what()); return rc; } QPointer dlg = new KEnterScheduleDlg(this, schedule); try { QDate origDueDate = schedule.nextDueDate(); dlg->showExtendedKeys(extendedKeys); d->m_transactionEditor = dlg->startEdit(); if (d->m_transactionEditor) { KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(dlg, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); MyMoneyTransaction torig, taccepted; d->m_transactionEditor->createTransaction(torig, dlg->transaction(), schedule.transaction().splits().isEmpty() ? MyMoneySplit() : schedule.transaction().splits().front(), true); // force actions to be available no matter what (will be updated according to the state during // slotTransactionsEnter or slotTransactionsCancel) kmymoney->action("transaction_cancel")->setEnabled(true); kmymoney->action("transaction_enter")->setEnabled(true); KConfirmManualEnterDlg::Action action = KConfirmManualEnterDlg::ModifyOnce; if (!autoEnter || !schedule.isFixed()) { for (; dlg != 0;) { rc = KMyMoneyUtils::Cancel; if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) { rc = dlg->resultCode(); if (rc == KMyMoneyUtils::Enter) { d->m_transactionEditor->createTransaction(taccepted, torig, torig.splits().isEmpty() ? MyMoneySplit() : torig.splits().front(), true); // make sure to suppress comparison of some data: postDate torig.setPostDate(taccepted.postDate()); if (torig != taccepted) { QPointer cdlg = new KConfirmManualEnterDlg(schedule, this); cdlg->loadTransactions(torig, taccepted); if (cdlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { action = cdlg->action(); delete cdlg; break; } delete cdlg; // the user has chosen 'cancel' during confirmation, // we go back to the editor continue; } } else if (rc == KMyMoneyUtils::Skip) { slotTransactionsCancel(); skipSchedule(schedule); } else { slotTransactionsCancel(); } } else { if (autoEnter) { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("Are you sure you wish to stop this scheduled transaction from being entered into the register?\n\nKMyMoney will prompt you again next time it starts unless you manually enter it later.")) == KMessageBox::No) { // the user has chosen 'No' for the above question, // we go back to the editor continue; } } slotTransactionsCancel(); } break; } } // if we still have the editor around here, the user did not cancel if ((d->m_transactionEditor != 0) && (dlg != 0)) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyTransaction t; // add the new transaction switch (action) { case KConfirmManualEnterDlg::UseOriginal: // setup widgets with original transaction data d->m_transactionEditor->setTransaction(dlg->transaction(), dlg->transaction().splits().isEmpty() ? MyMoneySplit() : dlg->transaction().splits().front()); // and create a transaction based on that data taccepted = MyMoneyTransaction(); d->m_transactionEditor->createTransaction(taccepted, dlg->transaction(), dlg->transaction().splits().isEmpty() ? MyMoneySplit() : dlg->transaction().splits().front(), true); break; case KConfirmManualEnterDlg::ModifyAlways: torig = taccepted; torig.setPostDate(origDueDate); schedule.setTransaction(torig); break; case KConfirmManualEnterDlg::ModifyOnce: break; } QString newId; connect(d->m_transactionEditor, SIGNAL(balanceWarning(QWidget*,MyMoneyAccount,QString)), d->m_balanceWarning, SLOT(slotShowMessage(QWidget*,MyMoneyAccount,QString))); if (d->m_transactionEditor->enterTransactions(newId, false)) { if (!newId.isEmpty()) { MyMoneyTransaction t = MyMoneyFile::instance()->transaction(newId); schedule.setLastPayment(t.postDate()); } // in case the next due date is invalid, the schedule is finished // we mark it as such by setting the next due date to one day past the end QDate nextDueDate = schedule.nextPayment(origDueDate); if (!nextDueDate.isValid()) { schedule.setNextDueDate(schedule.endDate().addDays(1)); } else { schedule.setNextDueDate(nextDueDate); } MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifySchedule(schedule); rc = KMyMoneyUtils::Enter; // delete the editor before we emit the dataChanged() signal from the // engine. Calling this twice in a row does not hurt. deleteTransactionEditor(); ft.commit(); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to enter scheduled transaction '%1'", schedule.name()), e.what()); } deleteTransactionEditor(); } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to enter scheduled transaction '%1'", schedule.name()), e.what()); } delete dlg; } return rc; } bool KMyMoneyApp::slotPayeeNew(const QString& newnameBase, QString& id) { bool doit = true; if (newnameBase != i18n("New Payee")) { // Ask the user if that is what he intended to do? QString msg = QString("") + i18n("Do you want to add %1 as payer/receiver?", newnameBase) + QString(""); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, msg, i18n("New payee/receiver"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), "NewPayee") == KMessageBox::No) { doit = false; // we should not keep the 'no' setting because that can confuse people like // I have seen in some usability tests. So we just delete it right away. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); if (kconfig) { kconfig->group(QLatin1String("Notification Messages")).deleteEntry(QLatin1String("NewPayee")); } } } if (doit) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { QString newname(newnameBase); // adjust name until a unique name has been created int count = 0; for (;;) { try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->payeeByName(newname); newname = QString("%1 [%2]").arg(newnameBase).arg(++count); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { break; } } MyMoneyPayee p; p.setName(newname); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addPayee(p); id = p.id(); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to add payee"), i18n("%1 thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); doit = false; } } return doit; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotPayeeNew() { QString id; slotPayeeNew(i18n("New Payee"), id); // the callbacks should have made sure, that the payees view has been // updated already. So we search for the id in the list of items // and select it. emit payeeCreated(id); } bool KMyMoneyApp::payeeInList(const QList& list, const QString& id) const { bool rc = false; QList::const_iterator it_p = list.begin(); while (it_p != list.end()) { if ((*it_p).id() == id) { rc = true; break; } ++it_p; } return rc; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotPayeeDelete() { if (d->m_selectedPayees.isEmpty()) return; // shouldn't happen // get confirmation from user QString prompt; if (d->m_selectedPayees.size() == 1) prompt = i18n("

Do you really want to remove the payee %1?

", d->m_selectedPayees.front().name()); else prompt = i18n("Do you really want to remove all selected payees?"); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, prompt, i18n("Remove Payee")) == KMessageBox::No) return; payeeReassign(KPayeeReassignDlg::TypeDelete); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotPayeeMerge() { if (d->m_selectedPayees.size() < 1) return; // shouldn't happen if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("

Do you really want to merge the selected payees?"), i18n("Merge Payees")) == KMessageBox::No) return; if (payeeReassign(KPayeeReassignDlg::TypeMerge)) // clean selection since we just deleted the selected payees slotSelectPayees(QList()); } bool KMyMoneyApp::payeeReassign(int type) { if (!(type >= 0 && type < KPayeeReassignDlg::TypeCount)) return false; MyMoneyFile * file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // create a transaction filter that contains all payees selected for removal MyMoneyTransactionFilter f = MyMoneyTransactionFilter(); for (QList::const_iterator it = d->m_selectedPayees.constBegin(); it != d->m_selectedPayees.constEnd(); ++it) { f.addPayee((*it).id()); } // request a list of all transactions that still use the payees in question QList translist = file->transactionList(f); // kDebug() << "[KPayeesView::slotDeletePayee] " << translist.count() << " transaction still assigned to payees"; // now get a list of all schedules that make use of one of the payees QList all_schedules = file->scheduleList(); QList used_schedules; for (QList::ConstIterator it = all_schedules.constBegin(); it != all_schedules.constEnd(); ++it) { // loop over all splits in the transaction of the schedule for (QList::ConstIterator s_it = (*it).transaction().splits().constBegin(); s_it != (*it).transaction().splits().constEnd(); ++s_it) { // is the payee in the split to be deleted? if (payeeInList(d->m_selectedPayees, (*s_it).payeeId())) { used_schedules.push_back(*it); // remember this schedule break; } } } // kDebug() << "[KPayeesView::slotDeletePayee] " << used_schedules.count() << " schedules use one of the selected payees"; // and a list of all loan accounts that references one of the payees QList allAccounts; QList usedAccounts; file->accountList(allAccounts); foreach (const MyMoneyAccount &account, allAccounts) { if (account.isLoan()) { MyMoneyAccountLoan loanAccount(account); foreach (const MyMoneyPayee &payee, d->m_selectedPayees) { if (loanAccount.hasReferenceTo(payee.id())) { usedAccounts.append(account); } } } } MyMoneyPayee newPayee; bool addToMatchList = false; // if at least one payee is still referenced, we need to reassign its transactions first if (!translist.isEmpty() || !used_schedules.isEmpty() || !usedAccounts.isEmpty()) { // first create list with all non-selected payees QList remainingPayees; if (type == KPayeeReassignDlg::TypeMerge) { remainingPayees = d->m_selectedPayees; } else { remainingPayees = file->payeeList(); QList::iterator it_p; for (it_p = remainingPayees.begin(); it_p != remainingPayees.end();) { if (d->m_selectedPayees.contains(*it_p)) { it_p = remainingPayees.erase(it_p); } else { ++it_p; } } } // show error message if no payees remain if (remainingPayees.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("At least one transaction/scheduled transaction or loan account is still referenced by a payee. " "Currently you have all payees selected. However, at least one payee must remain so " "that the transaction/scheduled transaction or loan account can be reassigned.")); return false; } // show transaction reassignment dialog KPayeeReassignDlg * dlg = new KPayeeReassignDlg(static_cast(type), this); KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(dlg, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); QString payee_id = dlg->show(remainingPayees); addToMatchList = dlg->addToMatchList(); delete dlg; // and kill the dialog if (payee_id.isEmpty()) return false; // the user aborted the dialog, so let's abort as well // try to get selected payee. If not possible and we are merging payees, // then we create a new one try { newPayee = file->payee(payee_id); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { if (type == KPayeeReassignDlg::TypeMerge) { // it's ok to use payee_id for both arguments since the first is const, // so it's garantee not to change its content if (!slotPayeeNew(payee_id, payee_id)) return false; // the user aborted the dialog, so let's abort as well newPayee = file->payee(payee_id); } else { return false; } } // TODO : check if we have a report that explicitively uses one of our payees // and issue an appropriate warning try { QList::iterator s_it; // now loop over all transactions and reassign payee for (QList::iterator it = translist.begin(); it != translist.end(); ++it) { // create a copy of the splits list in the transaction QList splits = (*it).splits(); // loop over all splits for (s_it = splits.begin(); s_it != splits.end(); ++s_it) { // if the split is assigned to one of the selected payees, we need to modify it if (payeeInList(d->m_selectedPayees, (*s_it).payeeId())) { (*s_it).setPayeeId(payee_id); // first modify payee in current split // then modify the split in our local copy of the transaction list (*it).modifySplit(*s_it); // this does not modify the list object 'splits'! } } // for - Splits file->modifyTransaction(*it); // modify the transaction in the MyMoney object } // for - Transactions // now loop over all schedules and reassign payees for (QList::iterator it = used_schedules.begin(); it != used_schedules.end(); ++it) { // create copy of transaction in current schedule MyMoneyTransaction trans = (*it).transaction(); // create copy of lists of splits QList splits = trans.splits(); for (s_it = splits.begin(); s_it != splits.end(); ++s_it) { if (payeeInList(d->m_selectedPayees, (*s_it).payeeId())) { (*s_it).setPayeeId(payee_id); trans.modifySplit(*s_it); // does not modify the list object 'splits'! } } // for - Splits // store transaction in current schedule (*it).setTransaction(trans); file->modifySchedule(*it); // modify the schedule in the MyMoney engine } // for - Schedules // reassign the payees in the loans that reference the deleted payees foreach (const MyMoneyAccount &account, usedAccounts) { MyMoneyAccountLoan loanAccount(account); loanAccount.setPayee(payee_id); file->modifyAccount(loanAccount); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Unable to reassign payee of transaction/split"), i18n("%1 thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } else { // if !translist.isEmpty() if (type == KPayeeReassignDlg::TypeMerge) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Nothing to merge."), i18n("Merge Payees")); return false; } } bool ignorecase; QStringList payeeNames; MyMoneyPayee::payeeMatchType matchType = newPayee.matchData(ignorecase, payeeNames); QStringList deletedPayeeNames; // now loop over all selected payees and remove them for (QList::iterator it = d->m_selectedPayees.begin(); it != d->m_selectedPayees.end(); ++it) { if (newPayee.id() != (*it).id()) { if (addToMatchList) { deletedPayeeNames << (*it).name(); } file->removePayee(*it); } } // if we initially have no matching turned on, we just ignore the case (default) if (matchType == MyMoneyPayee::matchDisabled) ignorecase = true; // update the destination payee if this was requested by the user if (addToMatchList && deletedPayeeNames.count() > 0) { // add new names to the list // TODO: it would be cool to somehow shrink the list to make better use // of regular expressions at this point. For now, we leave this task // to the user himeself. QStringList::const_iterator it_n; for (it_n = deletedPayeeNames.constBegin(); it_n != deletedPayeeNames.constEnd(); ++it_n) { if (matchType == MyMoneyPayee::matchKey) { // make sure we really need it and it is not caught by an existing regexp QStringList::const_iterator it_k; for (it_k = payeeNames.constBegin(); it_k != payeeNames.constEnd(); ++it_k) { QRegExp exp(*it_k, ignorecase ? Qt::CaseInsensitive : Qt::CaseSensitive); if (exp.indexIn(*it_n) != -1) break; } if (it_k == payeeNames.constEnd()) payeeNames << QRegExp::escape(*it_n); } else if (payeeNames.contains(*it_n) == 0) payeeNames << QRegExp::escape(*it_n); } // and update the payee in the engine context // make sure to turn on matching for this payee in the right mode newPayee.setMatchData(MyMoneyPayee::matchKey, ignorecase, payeeNames); file->modifyPayee(newPayee); } ft.commit(); // If we just deleted the payees, they sure don't exist anymore slotSelectPayees(QList()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Unable to remove payee(s)"), i18n("%1 thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } return true; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTagNew(const QString& newnameBase, QString& id) { bool doit = true; if (newnameBase != i18n("New Tag")) { // Ask the user if that is what he intended to do? QString msg = QString("") + i18n("Do you want to add %1 as tag?", newnameBase) + QString(""); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, msg, i18n("New tag"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), "NewTag") == KMessageBox::No) { doit = false; // we should not keep the 'no' setting because that can confuse people like // I have seen in some usability tests. So we just delete it right away. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); if (kconfig) { kconfig->group(QLatin1String("Notification Messages")).deleteEntry(QLatin1String("NewTag")); } } } if (doit) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { QString newname(newnameBase); // adjust name until a unique name has been created int count = 0; for (;;) { try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->tagByName(newname); newname = QString("%1 [%2]").arg(newnameBase).arg(++count); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { break; } } MyMoneyTag ta; ta.setName(newname); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addTag(ta); id = ta.id(); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to add tag"), i18n("%1 thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTagNew() { QString id; slotTagNew(i18n("New Tag"), id); // the callbacks should have made sure, that the tags view has been // updated already. So we search for the id in the list of items // and select it. emit tagCreated(id); } bool KMyMoneyApp::tagInList(const QList& list, const QString& id) const { bool rc = false; QList::const_iterator it_p = list.begin(); while (it_p != list.end()) { if ((*it_p).id() == id) { rc = true; break; } ++it_p; } return rc; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTagDelete() { if (d->m_selectedTags.isEmpty()) return; // shouldn't happen MyMoneyFile * file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // first create list with all non-selected tags QList remainingTags = file->tagList(); QList::iterator it_ta; for (it_ta = remainingTags.begin(); it_ta != remainingTags.end();) { if (d->m_selectedTags.contains(*it_ta)) { it_ta = remainingTags.erase(it_ta); } else { ++it_ta; } } // get confirmation from user QString prompt; if (d->m_selectedTags.size() == 1) prompt = i18n("

Do you really want to remove the tag %1?

", d->m_selectedTags.front().name()); else prompt = i18n("Do you really want to remove all selected tags?"); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, prompt, i18n("Remove Tag")) == KMessageBox::No) return; MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // create a transaction filter that contains all tags selected for removal MyMoneyTransactionFilter f = MyMoneyTransactionFilter(); for (QList::const_iterator it = d->m_selectedTags.constBegin(); it != d->m_selectedTags.constEnd(); ++it) { f.addTag((*it).id()); } // request a list of all transactions that still use the tags in question QList translist = file->transactionList(f); // kDebug() << "[KTagsView::slotDeleteTag] " << translist.count() << " transaction still assigned to tags"; // now get a list of all schedules that make use of one of the tags QList all_schedules = file->scheduleList(); QList used_schedules; for (QList::ConstIterator it = all_schedules.constBegin(); it != all_schedules.constEnd(); ++it) { // loop over all splits in the transaction of the schedule for (QList::ConstIterator s_it = (*it).transaction().splits().constBegin(); s_it != (*it).transaction().splits().constEnd(); ++s_it) { for (int i = 0; i < (*s_it).tagIdList().size(); i++) { // is the tag in the split to be deleted? if (tagInList(d->m_selectedTags, (*s_it).tagIdList()[i])) { used_schedules.push_back(*it); // remember this schedule break; } } } } // kDebug() << "[KTagsView::slotDeleteTag] " << used_schedules.count() << " schedules use one of the selected tags"; MyMoneyTag newTag; // if at least one tag is still referenced, we need to reassign its transactions first if (!translist.isEmpty() || !used_schedules.isEmpty()) { // show error message if no tags remain //FIXME-ALEX Tags are optional so we can delete all of them and simply delete every tagId from every transaction if (remainingTags.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("At least one transaction/scheduled transaction is still referenced by a tag. " "Currently you have all tags selected. However, at least one tag must remain so " "that the transaction/scheduled transaction can be reassigned.")); return; } // show transaction reassignment dialog KTagReassignDlg * dlg = new KTagReassignDlg(this); KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(dlg, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); QString tag_id = dlg->show(remainingTags); delete dlg; // and kill the dialog if (tag_id.isEmpty()) //FIXME-ALEX Let the user choose to not reassign a to-be deleted tag to another one. return; // the user aborted the dialog, so let's abort as well newTag = file->tag(tag_id); // TODO : check if we have a report that explicitively uses one of our tags // and issue an appropriate warning try { QList::iterator s_it; // now loop over all transactions and reassign tag for (QList::iterator it = translist.begin(); it != translist.end(); ++it) { // create a copy of the splits list in the transaction QList splits = (*it).splits(); // loop over all splits for (s_it = splits.begin(); s_it != splits.end(); ++s_it) { QList tagIdList = (*s_it).tagIdList(); for (int i = 0; i < tagIdList.size(); i++) { // if the split is assigned to one of the selected tags, we need to modify it if (tagInList(d->m_selectedTags, tagIdList[i])) { tagIdList.removeAt(i); if (tagIdList.indexOf(tag_id) == -1) tagIdList.append(tag_id); i = -1; // restart from the first element } } (*s_it).setTagIdList(tagIdList); // first modify tag list in current split // then modify the split in our local copy of the transaction list (*it).modifySplit(*s_it); // this does not modify the list object 'splits'! } // for - Splits file->modifyTransaction(*it); // modify the transaction in the MyMoney object } // for - Transactions // now loop over all schedules and reassign tags for (QList::iterator it = used_schedules.begin(); it != used_schedules.end(); ++it) { // create copy of transaction in current schedule MyMoneyTransaction trans = (*it).transaction(); // create copy of lists of splits QList splits = trans.splits(); for (s_it = splits.begin(); s_it != splits.end(); ++s_it) { QList tagIdList = (*s_it).tagIdList(); for (int i = 0; i < tagIdList.size(); i++) { if (tagInList(d->m_selectedTags, tagIdList[i])) { tagIdList.removeAt(i); if (tagIdList.indexOf(tag_id) == -1) tagIdList.append(tag_id); i = -1; // restart from the first element } } (*s_it).setTagIdList(tagIdList); trans.modifySplit(*s_it); // does not modify the list object 'splits'! } // for - Splits // store transaction in current schedule (*it).setTransaction(trans); file->modifySchedule(*it); // modify the schedule in the MyMoney engine } // for - Schedules } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Unable to reassign tag of transaction/split"), i18n("%1 thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } // if !translist.isEmpty() // now loop over all selected tags and remove them for (QList::iterator it = d->m_selectedTags.begin(); it != d->m_selectedTags.end(); ++it) { file->removeTag(*it); } ft.commit(); // If we just deleted the tags, they sure don't exist anymore slotSelectTags(QList()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Unable to remove tag(s)"), i18n("%1 thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCurrencyNew() { QString sid = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("New currency"), i18n("Enter ISO 4217 code for the new currency"), QString(), 0, 0, 0, 0, ">AAA"); if (!sid.isEmpty()) { QString id(sid); MyMoneySecurity currency(id, i18n("New currency")); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addCurrency(currency); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot create new currency. %1", e.what()), i18n("New currency")); } emit currencyCreated(id); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCurrencyUpdate(const QString ¤cyId, const QString& currencyName, const QString& currencyTradingSymbol) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); try { if (currencyName != d->m_selectedCurrency.name() || currencyTradingSymbol != d->m_selectedCurrency.tradingSymbol()) { MyMoneySecurity currency = file->currency(currencyId); currency.setName(currencyName); currency.setTradingSymbol(currencyTradingSymbol); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->modifyCurrency(currency); d->m_selectedCurrency = currency; ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot update currency. %1", e.what()), i18n("Update currency")); } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot update currency. %1", e.what()), i18n("Update currency")); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCurrencyDelete() { if (!d->m_selectedCurrency.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->removeCurrency(d->m_selectedCurrency); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot delete currency %1. %2", d->m_selectedCurrency.name(), e.what()), i18n("Delete currency")); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCurrencySetBase() { if (!d->m_selectedCurrency.id().isEmpty()) { if (d->m_selectedCurrency.id() != MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id()) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->setBaseCurrency(d->m_selectedCurrency); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot set %1 as base currency: %2", d->m_selectedCurrency.name(), e.what()), i18n("Set base currency")); } } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBudgetNew() { QDate date = QDate::currentDate(); date.setYMD(date.year(), 1, 1); QString newname = i18n("Budget %1", date.year()); MyMoneyBudget budget; // make sure we have a unique name try { int i = 1; // Exception thrown when the name is not found while (1) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->budgetByName(newname); newname = i18n("Budget %1 (%2)", date.year(), i++); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { // all ok, the name is unique } MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { budget.setName(newname); budget.setBudgetStart(date); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addBudget(budget); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to add budget: %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBudgetDelete() { if (d->m_selectedBudgets.isEmpty()) return; // shouldn't happen MyMoneyFile * file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // get confirmation from user QString prompt; if (d->m_selectedBudgets.size() == 1) prompt = i18n("

Do you really want to remove the budget %1?

", d->m_selectedBudgets.front().name()); else prompt = i18n("Do you really want to remove all selected budgets?"); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, prompt, i18n("Remove Budget")) == KMessageBox::No) return; MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // now loop over all selected budgets and remove them for (QList::iterator it = d->m_selectedBudgets.begin(); it != d->m_selectedBudgets.end(); ++it) { file->removeBudget(*it); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to remove budget: %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBudgetCopy() { if (d->m_selectedBudgets.size() == 1) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyBudget budget = d->m_selectedBudgets.first(); budget.clearId(); budget.setName(i18n("Copy of %1", budget.name())); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addBudget(budget); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to add budget: %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBudgetChangeYear() { if (d->m_selectedBudgets.size() == 1) { QStringList years; int current = 0; bool haveCurrent = false; MyMoneyBudget budget = *(d->m_selectedBudgets.begin()); for (int i = (QDate::currentDate().year() - 3); i < (QDate::currentDate().year() + 5); ++i) { years << QString("%1").arg(i); if (i == budget.budgetStart().year()) { haveCurrent = true; } if (!haveCurrent) ++current; } if (!haveCurrent) current = 0; bool ok = false; QString yearString = KInputDialog::getItem(i18n("Select year"), i18n("Budget year"), years, current, false, &ok, this); if (ok) { int year = yearString.toInt(0, 0); QDate newYear = QDate(year, 1, 1); if (newYear != budget.budgetStart()) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { budget.setBudgetStart(newYear); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyBudget(budget); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to modify budget: %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotBudgetForecast() { if (d->m_selectedBudgets.size() == 1) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyBudget budget = d->m_selectedBudgets.first(); bool calcBudget = budget.getaccounts().count() == 0; if (!calcBudget) { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("The current budget already contains data. Continuing will replace all current values of this budget."), i18nc("Warning message box", "Warning")) == KMessageBox::Continue) calcBudget = true; } if (calcBudget) { QDate historyStart; QDate historyEnd; QDate budgetStart; QDate budgetEnd; budgetStart = budget.budgetStart(); budgetEnd = budgetStart.addYears(1).addDays(-1); historyStart = budgetStart.addYears(-1); historyEnd = budgetEnd.addYears(-1); MyMoneyForecast forecast = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::forecast(); forecast.createBudget(budget, historyStart, historyEnd, budgetStart, budgetEnd, true); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyBudget(budget); ft.commit(); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to modify budget: %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotKDELanguageSettings() { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Please be aware that changes made in the following dialog affect all KDE applications not only KMyMoney."), i18nc("Warning message box", "Warning"), "LanguageSettingsWarning"); QStringList args; args << "language"; QString error; int pid; KToolInvocation::kdeinitExec("kcmshell4", args, &error, &pid); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotNewFeature() { } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsDelete() { // since we may jump here via code, we have to make sure to react only // if the action is enabled if (!kmymoney->action("transaction_delete")->isEnabled()) return; if (d->m_selectedTransactions.isEmpty()) return; if (d->m_selectedTransactions.warnLevel() == 1) { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("At least one split of the selected transactions has been reconciled. " "Do you wish to delete the transactions anyway?"), i18n("Transaction already reconciled")) == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; } QString msg = i18np("Do you really want to delete the selected transaction?", "Do you really want to delete all %1 selected transactions?", d->m_selectedTransactions.count()); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, msg, i18n("Delete transaction")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { KMSTATUS(i18n("Deleting transactions")); doDeleteTransactions(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionDuplicate() { // since we may jump here via code, we have to make sure to react only // if the action is enabled if (kmymoney->action("transaction_duplicate")->isEnabled()) { KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions list = d->m_selectedTransactions; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::iterator it_t; int i = 0; int cnt = d->m_selectedTransactions.count(); KMSTATUS(i18n("Duplicating transactions")); slotStatusProgressBar(0, cnt); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyTransaction lt; try { for (it_t = list.begin(); it_t != list.end(); ++it_t) { MyMoneyTransaction t = (*it_t).transaction(); QList::iterator it_s; // wipe out any reconciliation information for (it_s = t.splits().begin(); it_s != t.splits().end(); ++it_s) { (*it_s).setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); (*it_s).setReconcileDate(QDate()); (*it_s).setBankID(QString()); } // clear invalid data t.setEntryDate(QDate()); t.clearId(); // and set the post date to today t.setPostDate(QDate::currentDate()); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addTransaction(t); lt = t; slotStatusProgressBar(i++, 0); } ft.commit(); // select the new transaction in the ledger if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) d->m_myMoneyView->slotLedgerSelected(d->m_selectedAccount.id(), lt.id()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to duplicate transaction(s): %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } // switch off the progress bar slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); } } void KMyMoneyApp::doDeleteTransactions() { KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions list = d->m_selectedTransactions; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::iterator it_t; int cnt = list.count(); int i = 0; slotStatusProgressBar(0, cnt); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); try { it_t = list.begin(); while (it_t != list.end()) { // only remove those transactions that do not reference a closed account if (!file->referencesClosedAccount((*it_t).transaction())) { file->removeTransaction((*it_t).transaction()); // remove all those references in the list of selected transactions // that refer to the same transaction we just removed so that we // will not be caught by an exception later on (see bko #285310) KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::iterator it_td = it_t; ++it_td; while (it_td != list.end()) { if ((*it_t).transaction().id() == (*it_td).transaction().id()) { it_td = list.erase(it_td); i++; // bump count of deleted transactions } else { ++it_td; } } } // need to ensure "nextCheckNumber" is still correct MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_t).split().accountId()); // the "lastNumberUsed" might have been the txn number deleted // so adjust it QString deletedNum = (*it_t).split().number(); // decrement deletedNum and set new "lastNumberUsed" QString num = KMyMoneyUtils::getAdjacentNumber(deletedNum, -1); acc.setValue("lastNumberUsed", num); file->modifyAccount(acc); list.erase(it_t); it_t = list.begin(); slotStatusProgressBar(i++, 0); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to delete transaction(s): %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsNew() { // since we jump here via code, we have to make sure to react only // if the action is enabled if (kmymoney->action("transaction_new")->isEnabled()) { if (d->m_myMoneyView->createNewTransaction()) { d->m_transactionEditor = d->m_myMoneyView->startEdit(d->m_selectedTransactions); if (d->m_transactionEditor) { KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(d->m_myMoneyView, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); KMyMoneyPayeeCombo* payeeEdit = dynamic_cast(d->m_transactionEditor->haveWidget("payee")); if (payeeEdit && !d->m_lastPayeeEnteredId.isEmpty()) { // in case we entered a new transaction before and used a payee, // we reuse it here. Save the text to the edit widget, select it // so that hitting any character will start entering another payee. payeeEdit->setSelectedItem(d->m_lastPayeeEnteredId); payeeEdit->lineEdit()->selectAll(); } if (d->m_transactionEditor) { connect(d->m_transactionEditor, SIGNAL(statusProgress(int,int)), this, SLOT(slotStatusProgressBar(int,int))); connect(d->m_transactionEditor, SIGNAL(statusMsg(QString)), this, SLOT(slotStatusMsg(QString))); connect(d->m_transactionEditor, SIGNAL(scheduleTransaction(MyMoneyTransaction,MyMoneySchedule::occurrenceE)), this, SLOT(slotScheduleNew(MyMoneyTransaction,MyMoneySchedule::occurrenceE))); } slotUpdateActions(); } } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsEdit() { // qDebug("KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsEdit()"); // since we jump here via code, we have to make sure to react only // if the action is enabled if (kmymoney->action("transaction_edit")->isEnabled()) { // as soon as we edit a transaction, we don't remember the last payee entered d->m_lastPayeeEnteredId.clear(); d->m_transactionEditor = d->m_myMoneyView->startEdit(d->m_selectedTransactions); KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(d->m_myMoneyView, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); slotUpdateActions(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::deleteTransactionEditor() { // make sure, we don't use the transaction editor pointer // anymore from now on TransactionEditor* p = d->m_transactionEditor; d->m_transactionEditor = 0; delete p; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsEditSplits() { // since we jump here via code, we have to make sure to react only // if the action is enabled if (kmymoney->action("transaction_editsplits")->isEnabled()) { // as soon as we edit a transaction, we don't remember the last payee entered d->m_lastPayeeEnteredId.clear(); d->m_transactionEditor = d->m_myMoneyView->startEdit(d->m_selectedTransactions); slotUpdateActions(); if (d->m_transactionEditor) { KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(d->m_myMoneyView, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); if (d->m_transactionEditor->slotEditSplits() == QDialog::Accepted) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { QString id; connect(d->m_transactionEditor, SIGNAL(balanceWarning(QWidget*,MyMoneyAccount,QString)), d->m_balanceWarning, SLOT(slotShowMessage(QWidget*,MyMoneyAccount,QString))); d->m_transactionEditor->enterTransactions(id); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to modify transaction: %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } } deleteTransactionEditor(); slotUpdateActions(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsCancel() { // since we jump here via code, we have to make sure to react only // if the action is enabled if (kmymoney->action("transaction_cancel")->isEnabled()) { // make sure, we block the enter function action("transaction_enter")->setEnabled(false); // qDebug("KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsCancel"); deleteTransactionEditor(); slotUpdateActions(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsEnter() { // since we jump here via code, we have to make sure to react only // if the action is enabled if (kmymoney->action("transaction_enter")->isEnabled()) { // disable the action while we process it to make sure it's processed only once since // d->m_transactionEditor->enterTransactions(newId) will run QCoreApplication::processEvents // we could end up here twice which will cause a crash slotUpdateActions() will enable the action again kmymoney->action("transaction_enter")->setEnabled(false); if (d->m_transactionEditor) { QString accountId = d->m_selectedAccount.id(); QString newId; connect(d->m_transactionEditor, SIGNAL(balanceWarning(QWidget*,MyMoneyAccount,QString)), d->m_balanceWarning, SLOT(slotShowMessage(QWidget*,MyMoneyAccount,QString))); if (d->m_transactionEditor->enterTransactions(newId)) { KMyMoneyPayeeCombo* payeeEdit = dynamic_cast(d->m_transactionEditor->haveWidget("payee")); if (payeeEdit && !newId.isEmpty()) { d->m_lastPayeeEnteredId = payeeEdit->selectedItem(); } deleteTransactionEditor(); } if (!newId.isEmpty()) { d->m_myMoneyView->slotLedgerSelected(accountId, newId); } } slotUpdateActions(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsCancelOrEnter(bool& okToSelect) { static bool oneTime = false; if (!oneTime) { oneTime = true; QString dontShowAgain = "CancelOrEditTransaction"; // qDebug("KMyMoneyApp::slotCancelOrEndEdit"); if (d->m_transactionEditor) { if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::focusChangeIsEnter() && kmymoney->action("transaction_enter")->isEnabled()) { slotTransactionsEnter(); if (d->m_transactionEditor) { // if at this stage the editor is still there that means that entering the transaction was cancelled // for example by pressing cancel on the exchange rate editor so we must stay in edit mode okToSelect = false; } } else { // okToSelect is preset to true if a cancel of the dialog is useful and false if it is not int rc; KGuiItem noGuiItem = KStandardGuiItem::save(); KGuiItem yesGuiItem = KStandardGuiItem::discard(); KGuiItem cancelGuiItem = KStandardGuiItem::cont(); // if the transaction can't be entered make sure that it can't be entered by pressing no either if (!kmymoney->action("transaction_enter")->isEnabled()) { noGuiItem.setEnabled(false); noGuiItem.setToolTip(kmymoney->action("transaction_enter")->toolTip()); } if (okToSelect == true) { rc = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(nullptr, i18n("

Please select what you want to do: discard the changes, save the changes or continue to edit the transaction.

You can also set an option to save the transaction automatically when e.g. selecting another transaction.

"), i18n("End transaction edit"), yesGuiItem, noGuiItem, cancelGuiItem, dontShowAgain); } else { rc = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(nullptr, i18n("

Please select what you want to do: discard the changes, save the changes or continue to edit the transaction.

You can also set an option to save the transaction automatically when e.g. selecting another transaction.

"), i18n("End transaction edit"), yesGuiItem, noGuiItem, dontShowAgain); } switch (rc) { case KMessageBox::Yes: slotTransactionsCancel(); break; case KMessageBox::No: slotTransactionsEnter(); // make sure that we'll see this message the next time no matter // if the user has chosen the 'Don't show again' checkbox KMessageBox::enableMessage(dontShowAgain); if (d->m_transactionEditor) { // if at this stage the editor is still there that means that entering the transaction was cancelled // for example by pressing cancel on the exchange rate editor so we must stay in edit mode okToSelect = false; } break; case KMessageBox::Cancel: // make sure that we'll see this message the next time no matter // if the user has chosen the 'Don't show again' checkbox KMessageBox::enableMessage(dontShowAgain); okToSelect = false; break; } } } oneTime = false; } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotToggleReconciliationFlag() { markTransaction(MyMoneySplit::Unknown); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotMarkTransactionCleared() { markTransaction(MyMoneySplit::Cleared); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotMarkTransactionReconciled() { markTransaction(MyMoneySplit::Reconciled); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotMarkTransactionNotReconciled() { markTransaction(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); } void KMyMoneyApp::markTransaction(MyMoneySplit::reconcileFlagE flag) { KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions list = d->m_selectedTransactions; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it_t; int cnt = list.count(); int i = 0; slotStatusProgressBar(0, cnt); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { for (it_t = list.constBegin(); it_t != list.constEnd(); ++it_t) { // turn on signals before we modify the last entry in the list cnt--; MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(cnt != 0); // get a fresh copy MyMoneyTransaction t = MyMoneyFile::instance()->transaction((*it_t).transaction().id()); MyMoneySplit sp = t.splitById((*it_t).split().id()); if (sp.reconcileFlag() != flag) { if (flag == MyMoneySplit::Unknown) { if (d->m_reconciliationAccount.id().isEmpty()) { // in normal mode we cycle through all states switch (sp.reconcileFlag()) { case MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled: sp.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::Cleared); break; case MyMoneySplit::Cleared: sp.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::Reconciled); break; case MyMoneySplit::Reconciled: sp.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); break; default: break; } } else { // in reconciliation mode we skip the reconciled state switch (sp.reconcileFlag()) { case MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled: sp.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::Cleared); break; case MyMoneySplit::Cleared: sp.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); break; default: break; } } } else { sp.setReconcileFlag(flag); } t.modifySplit(sp); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyTransaction(t); } slotStatusProgressBar(i++, 0); } slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to modify transaction: %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionsAccept() { KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions list = d->m_selectedTransactions; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it_t; int cnt = list.count(); int i = 0; slotStatusProgressBar(0, cnt); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { for (it_t = list.constBegin(); it_t != list.constEnd(); ++it_t) { // reload transaction in case it got changed during the course of this loop MyMoneyTransaction t = MyMoneyFile::instance()->transaction((*it_t).transaction().id()); if (t.isImported()) { t.setImported(false); if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) { QList list = t.splits(); QList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = list.constBegin(); it_s != list.constEnd(); ++it_s) { if ((*it_s).accountId() == d->m_selectedAccount.id()) { if ((*it_s).reconcileFlag() == MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled) { MyMoneySplit s = (*it_s); s.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::Cleared); t.modifySplit(s); } } } } MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyTransaction(t); } if ((*it_t).split().isMatched()) { // reload split in case it got changed during the course of this loop MyMoneySplit s = t.splitById((*it_t).split().id()); TransactionMatcher matcher(d->m_selectedAccount); matcher.accept(t, s); } slotStatusProgressBar(i++, 0); } slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Error"), i18n("Unable to accept transaction: %1, thrown in %2:%3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionGotoAccount() { if (!d->m_accountGoto.isEmpty()) { try { QString transactionId; if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() == 1) { transactionId = d->m_selectedTransactions[0].transaction().id(); } // make sure to pass a copy, as d->myMoneyView->slotLedgerSelected() overrides // d->m_accountGoto while calling slotUpdateActions() QString accountId = d->m_accountGoto; d->m_myMoneyView->slotLedgerSelected(accountId, transactionId); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionGotoPayee() { if (!d->m_payeeGoto.isEmpty()) { try { QString transactionId; if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() == 1) { transactionId = d->m_selectedTransactions[0].transaction().id(); } // make sure to pass copies, as d->myMoneyView->slotPayeeSelected() overrides // d->m_payeeGoto and d->m_selectedAccount while calling slotUpdateActions() QString payeeId = d->m_payeeGoto; QString accountId = d->m_selectedAccount.id(); d->m_myMoneyView->slotPayeeSelected(payeeId, accountId, transactionId); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionCreateSchedule() { if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() == 1) { // make sure to have the current selected split as first split in the schedule MyMoneyTransaction t = d->m_selectedTransactions[0].transaction(); MyMoneySplit s = d->m_selectedTransactions[0].split(); QString splitId = s.id(); s.clearId(); s.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); s.setReconcileDate(QDate()); t.removeSplits(); t.addSplit(s); const QList& splits = d->m_selectedTransactions[0].transaction().splits(); QList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = splits.begin(); it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) { if ((*it_s).id() != splitId) { MyMoneySplit s0 = (*it_s); s0.clearId(); s0.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); s0.setReconcileDate(QDate()); t.addSplit(s0); } } slotScheduleNew(t); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionAssignCheckNumber() { if (d->m_transactionEditor->account().accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Checkings // checkings account && KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::autoIncCheckNumber() // and auto inc number turned on? && d->m_transactionEditor->m_paymentMethod == MyMoneySchedule::STYPE_WRITECHEQUE) {// only for STYPE_WRITECHEQUE schedule transaction slotTransactionAssignNextCheckNumber(); } else { slotTransactionAssignStatementNumber(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionAssignNextCheckNumber() { if (d->m_transactionEditor) d->m_transactionEditor->assignNextCheckNumber(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionAssignStatementNumber() { if (d->m_transactionEditor) d->m_transactionEditor->assignStatementNumber(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionAssignNextStatementNumber() { if (d->m_transactionEditor) d->m_transactionEditor->assignNextStatementNumber(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionAssignNextStatementPageNumber() { if (d->m_transactionEditor) d->m_transactionEditor->assignNextStatementPageNumber(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionCombine() { qDebug("slotTransactionCombine() not implemented yet"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionCopySplits() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() >= 2) { int singleSplitTransactions = 0; int multipleSplitTransactions = 0; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransaction selectedSourceTransaction; foreach (const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransaction& st, d->m_selectedTransactions) { switch (st.transaction().splitCount()) { case 0: break; case 1: singleSplitTransactions++; break; default: selectedSourceTransaction = st; multipleSplitTransactions++; break; } } if (singleSplitTransactions > 0 && multipleSplitTransactions == 1) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { const MyMoneyTransaction& sourceTransaction = selectedSourceTransaction.transaction(); const MyMoneySplit& sourceSplit = selectedSourceTransaction.split(); foreach (const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransaction& st, d->m_selectedTransactions) { MyMoneyTransaction t = st.transaction(); // don't process the source transaction if (sourceTransaction.id() == t.id()) { continue; } const MyMoneySplit& baseSplit = st.split(); if (t.splitCount() == 1) { foreach (const MyMoneySplit& split, sourceTransaction.splits()) { // Don't copy the source split, as we already have that // as part of the destination transaction if (split.id() == sourceSplit.id()) { continue; } MyMoneySplit sp(split); // clear the ID and reconciliation state sp.clearId(); sp.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); sp.setReconcileDate(QDate()); // in case it is a simple transaction consisting of two splits, // we can adjust the share and value part of the second split we // just created. We need to keep a possible price in mind in case // of different currencies if (sourceTransaction.splitCount() == 2) { sp.setValue(-baseSplit.value()); sp.setShares(-(baseSplit.shares() * baseSplit.price())); } t.addSplit(sp); } file->modifyTransaction(t); } } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug() << "transactionCopySplits() failed"; } } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotMoveToAccount(const QString& id) { // close the menu, if it is still open QWidget* w = factory()->container("transaction_context_menu", this); if (w && w->isVisible()) { w->close(); } if (!d->m_selectedTransactions.isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it_t; for (it_t = d->m_selectedTransactions.constBegin(); it_t != d->m_selectedTransactions.constEnd(); ++it_t) { if (d->m_selectedAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { d->moveInvestmentTransaction(d->m_selectedAccount.id(), id, (*it_t).transaction()); } else { QList::const_iterator it_s; bool changed = false; MyMoneyTransaction t = (*it_t).transaction(); for (it_s = (*it_t).transaction().splits().constBegin(); it_s != (*it_t).transaction().splits().constEnd(); ++it_s) { if ((*it_s).accountId() == d->m_selectedAccount.id()) { MyMoneySplit s = (*it_s); s.setAccountId(id); t.modifySplit(s); changed = true; } } if (changed) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyTransaction(t); } } } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } } // move a stock transaction from one investment account to another void KMyMoneyApp::Private::moveInvestmentTransaction(const QString& /*fromId*/, const QString& toId, const MyMoneyTransaction& tx) { MyMoneyAccount toInvAcc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(toId); MyMoneyTransaction t(tx); // first determine which stock we are dealing with. // fortunately, investment transactions have only one stock involved QString stockAccountId; QString stockSecurityId; MyMoneySplit s; for (QList::const_iterator it_s = t.splits().constBegin(); it_s != t.splits().constEnd(); ++it_s) { stockAccountId = (*it_s).accountId(); stockSecurityId = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(stockAccountId).currencyId(); if (!MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(stockSecurityId).isCurrency()) { s = *it_s; break; } } // Now check the target investment account to see if it // contains a stock with this id QString newStockAccountId; QStringList accountList = toInvAcc.accountList(); for (QStringList::const_iterator it_a = accountList.constBegin(); it_a != accountList.constEnd(); ++it_a) { if (MyMoneyFile::instance()->account((*it_a)).currencyId() == stockSecurityId) { newStockAccountId = (*it_a); break; } } // if it doesn't exist, we need to add it as a copy of the old one // no 'copyAccount()' function?? if (newStockAccountId.isEmpty()) { MyMoneyAccount stockAccount = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(stockAccountId); MyMoneyAccount newStock; newStock.setName(stockAccount.name()); newStock.setNumber(stockAccount.number()); newStock.setDescription(stockAccount.description()); newStock.setInstitutionId(stockAccount.institutionId()); newStock.setOpeningDate(stockAccount.openingDate()); newStock.setAccountType(stockAccount.accountType()); newStock.setCurrencyId(stockAccount.currencyId()); newStock.setClosed(stockAccount.isClosed()); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addAccount(newStock, toInvAcc); newStockAccountId = newStock.id(); } // now update the split and the transaction s.setAccountId(newStockAccountId); t.modifySplit(s); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyTransaction(t); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotUpdateMoveToAccountMenu() { createTransactionMoveMenu(); // in case we were not able to create the selector, we // better get out of here. Anything else would cause // a crash later on (accountSet.load) if (!d->m_moveToAccountSelector) return; if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) { AccountSet accountSet; if (d->m_selectedAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Investment); } else if (d->m_selectedAccount.isAssetLiability()) { accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Checkings); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Savings); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Cash); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::CertificateDep); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::MoneyMarket); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Currency); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Loan); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); } else if (d->m_selectedAccount.isIncomeExpense()) { accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Income); accountSet.addAccountType(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); } accountSet.load(d->m_moveToAccountSelector); // remove those accounts that we currently reference KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it_t; for (it_t = d->m_selectedTransactions.constBegin(); it_t != d->m_selectedTransactions.constEnd(); ++it_t) { QList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = (*it_t).transaction().splits().constBegin(); it_s != (*it_t).transaction().splits().constEnd(); ++it_s) { d->m_moveToAccountSelector->removeItem((*it_s).accountId()); } } // remove those accounts from the list that are denominated // in a different currency QStringList list = d->m_moveToAccountSelector->accountList(); QList::const_iterator it_a; for (it_a = list.constBegin(); it_a != list.constEnd(); ++it_a) { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(*it_a); if (acc.currencyId() != d->m_selectedAccount.currencyId()) d->m_moveToAccountSelector->removeItem((*it_a)); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotTransactionMatch() { // if the menu action is retrieved it can contain an '&' character for the accelerator causing the comparison to fail if not removed QString transactionActionText = action("transaction_match")->text(); transactionActionText.remove('&'); if (transactionActionText == i18nc("Button text for match transaction", "Match")) transactionMatch(); else transactionUnmatch(); } void KMyMoneyApp::transactionUnmatch() { KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it; MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { for (it = d->m_selectedTransactions.constBegin(); it != d->m_selectedTransactions.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).split().isMatched()) { TransactionMatcher matcher(d->m_selectedAccount); matcher.unmatch((*it).transaction(), (*it).split()); } } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Unable to unmatch the selected transactions"), e.what()); } } void KMyMoneyApp::transactionMatch() { if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() != 2) return; MyMoneyTransaction startMatchTransaction; MyMoneyTransaction endMatchTransaction; MyMoneySplit startSplit; MyMoneySplit endSplit; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions toBeDeleted; for (it = d->m_selectedTransactions.constBegin(); it != d->m_selectedTransactions.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).transaction().isImported()) { if (endMatchTransaction.id().isEmpty()) { endMatchTransaction = (*it).transaction(); endSplit = (*it).split(); toBeDeleted << *it; } else { //This is a second imported transaction, we still want to merge startMatchTransaction = (*it).transaction(); startSplit = (*it).split(); } } else if (!(*it).split().isMatched()) { if (startMatchTransaction.id().isEmpty()) { startMatchTransaction = (*it).transaction(); startSplit = (*it).split(); } else { endMatchTransaction = (*it).transaction(); endSplit = (*it).split(); toBeDeleted << *it; } } } #if 0 KMergeTransactionsDlg dlg(d->m_selectedAccount); dlg.addTransaction(startMatchTransaction); dlg.addTransaction(endMatchTransaction); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) #endif { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { if (startMatchTransaction.id().isEmpty()) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("No manually entered transaction selected for matching")); if (endMatchTransaction.id().isEmpty()) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("No imported transaction selected for matching")); TransactionMatcher matcher(d->m_selectedAccount); matcher.match(startMatchTransaction, startSplit, endMatchTransaction, endSplit, true); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Unable to match the selected transactions"), e.what()); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::showContextMenu(const QString& containerName) { QWidget* w = factory()->container(containerName, this); KMenu *menu = dynamic_cast(w); if (menu) menu->exec(QCursor::pos()); else qDebug("menu '%s' not found: w = %p, menu = %p", qPrintable(containerName), w, menu); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowTransactionContextMenu() { if (d->m_selectedTransactions.isEmpty() && d->m_selectedSchedule != MyMoneySchedule()) { showContextMenu("schedule_context_menu"); } else { showContextMenu("transaction_context_menu"); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowInvestmentContextMenu() { showContextMenu("investment_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowScheduleContextMenu() { showContextMenu("schedule_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowAccountContextMenu(const MyMoneyObject& obj) { // qDebug("KMyMoneyApp::slotShowAccountContextMenu"); if (typeid(obj) != typeid(MyMoneyAccount)) return; const MyMoneyAccount& acc = dynamic_cast(obj); // if the selected account is actually a stock account, we // call the right slot instead if (acc.isInvest()) { showContextMenu("investment_context_menu"); } else if (acc.isIncomeExpense()) { showContextMenu("category_context_menu"); } else { showContextMenu("account_context_menu"); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowInstitutionContextMenu(const MyMoneyObject& obj) { if (typeid(obj) != typeid(MyMoneyInstitution)) return; showContextMenu("institution_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowPayeeContextMenu() { showContextMenu("payee_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowTagContextMenu() { showContextMenu("tag_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowBudgetContextMenu() { showContextMenu("budget_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowCurrencyContextMenu() { showContextMenu("currency_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowPriceContextMenu() { showContextMenu("price_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotShowOnlineJobContextMenu() { showContextMenu("onlinejob_context_menu"); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotPrintView() { d->m_myMoneyView->slotPrintView(); } +void KMyMoneyApp::slotPrintPreviewView() +{ + d->m_myMoneyView->slotPrintPreviewView(); +} + void KMyMoneyApp::updateCaption(bool skipActions) { QString caption; caption = d->m_fileName.fileName(); if (caption.isEmpty() && d->m_myMoneyView && d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen()) caption = i18n("Untitled"); // MyMoneyFile::instance()->dirty() throws an exception, if // there's no storage object available. In this case, we // assume that the storage object is not changed. Actually, // this can only happen if we are newly created early on. bool modified; try { modified = MyMoneyFile::instance()->dirty(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { modified = false; skipActions = true; } #ifdef KMM_DEBUG caption += QString(" (%1 x %2)").arg(width()).arg(height()); #endif setCaption(caption, modified); if (!skipActions) { d->m_myMoneyView->enableViewsIfFileOpen(); slotUpdateActions(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotUpdateActions() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); bool fileOpen = d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen(); bool modified = file->dirty(); QWidget* w; action("open_database")->setEnabled(true); action("saveas_database")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("file_save")->setEnabled(modified && !d->m_myMoneyView->isDatabase()); action("file_save_as")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("file_close")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("view_personal_data")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("file_backup")->setEnabled(fileOpen && !d->m_myMoneyView->isDatabase()); action("file_print")->setEnabled(fileOpen && d->m_myMoneyView->canPrint()); #ifdef KMM_DEBUG action("view_file_info")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("file_dump")->setEnabled(fileOpen); #endif action("edit_find_transaction")->setEnabled(fileOpen); bool importRunning = (d->m_qifReader != 0) || (d->m_smtReader != 0); action("file_export_qif")->setEnabled(fileOpen && !importRunning); action("file_import_qif")->setEnabled(fileOpen && !importRunning); action("file_import_gnc")->setEnabled(!importRunning); action("file_import_template")->setEnabled(fileOpen && !importRunning); action("file_export_template")->setEnabled(fileOpen && !importRunning); action("tools_currency_editor")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("tools_price_editor")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("tools_update_prices")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("tools_consistency_check")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("account_new")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("account_reconcile")->setEnabled(false); action("account_reconcile_finish")->setEnabled(false); action("account_reconcile_postpone")->setEnabled(false); action("account_edit")->setEnabled(false); action("account_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("account_open")->setEnabled(false); action("account_close")->setEnabled(false); action("account_reopen")->setEnabled(false); action("account_transaction_report")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_map")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_update")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_update_all")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_unmap")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_new_credit_transfer")->setEnabled(onlineJobAdministration::instance()->canSendCreditTransfer()); action("account_chart")->setEnabled(false); action("category_new")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("category_edit")->setEnabled(false); action("category_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("institution_new")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("institution_edit")->setEnabled(false); action("institution_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("investment_new")->setEnabled(false); action("investment_edit")->setEnabled(false); action("investment_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("investment_online_price_update")->setEnabled(false); action("investment_manual_price_update")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_edit")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_enter")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_skip")->setEnabled(false); action("payee_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("payee_rename")->setEnabled(false); action("payee_merge")->setEnabled(false); action("tag_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("tag_rename")->setEnabled(false); action("budget_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("budget_rename")->setEnabled(false); action("budget_change_year")->setEnabled(false); action("budget_new")->setEnabled(true); action("budget_copy")->setEnabled(false); action("budget_forecast")->setEnabled(false); QString tooltip = i18n("Create a new transaction"); action("transaction_new")->setEnabled(fileOpen && d->m_myMoneyView->canCreateTransactions(KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions(), tooltip)); action("transaction_new")->setToolTip(tooltip); action("transaction_edit")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_editsplits")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_enter")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_cancel")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_match")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_match")->setText(i18nc("Button text for match transaction", "Match")); action("transaction_accept")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_duplicate")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_mark_toggle")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_mark_cleared")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_mark_reconciled")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_mark_notreconciled")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_goto_account")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_goto_payee")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_assign_next_check_number")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_assign_statement_number")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_assign_next_statement_number")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_assign_next_statement_page_number")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_create_schedule")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_combine")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_select_all")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_copy_splits")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_new")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("schedule_edit")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_duplicate")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_enter")->setEnabled(false); action("schedule_skip")->setEnabled(false); action("currency_new")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("currency_rename")->setEnabled(false); action("currency_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("currency_setbase")->setEnabled(false); action("price_new")->setEnabled(fileOpen); action("price_edit")->setEnabled(false); action("price_delete")->setEnabled(false); action("price_update")->setEnabled(false); w = factory()->container("transaction_move_menu", this); if (w) w->setEnabled(false); w = factory()->container("transaction_mark_menu", this); if (w) w->setEnabled(false); w = factory()->container("transaction_context_mark_menu", this); if (w) w->setEnabled(false); // FIXME for now it's always on, but we should only allow it, if we // can select at least a single transaction action("transaction_select_all")->setEnabled(true); if (!d->m_selectedTransactions.isEmpty()) { // enable 'delete transaction' only if at least one of the // selected transactions does not reference a closed account bool enable = false; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it_t; for (it_t = d->m_selectedTransactions.constBegin(); (enable == false) && (it_t != d->m_selectedTransactions.constEnd()); ++it_t) { enable = !(*it_t).transaction().id().isEmpty() && !file->referencesClosedAccount((*it_t).transaction()); } action("transaction_delete")->setEnabled(enable); if (!d->m_transactionEditor) { tooltip = i18n("Duplicate the current selected transactions"); action("transaction_duplicate")->setEnabled(d->m_myMoneyView->canDuplicateTransactions(d->m_selectedTransactions, tooltip) && !d->m_selectedTransactions[0].transaction().id().isEmpty()); action("transaction_duplicate")->setToolTip(tooltip); if (d->m_myMoneyView->canEditTransactions(d->m_selectedTransactions, tooltip)) { action("transaction_edit")->setEnabled(true); // editing splits is allowed only if we have one transaction selected if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() == 1) { action("transaction_editsplits")->setEnabled(true); } if (d->m_selectedAccount.isAssetLiability() && d->m_selectedAccount.accountType() != MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { action("transaction_create_schedule")->setEnabled(d->m_selectedTransactions.count() == 1); } } action("transaction_edit")->setToolTip(tooltip); if (!d->m_selectedAccount.isClosed()) { w = factory()->container("transaction_move_menu", this); if (w) w->setEnabled(true); } w = factory()->container("transaction_mark_menu", this); if (w) w->setEnabled(true); w = factory()->container("transaction_context_mark_menu", this); if (w) w->setEnabled(true); // Allow marking the transaction if at least one is selected action("transaction_mark_cleared")->setEnabled(true); action("transaction_mark_reconciled")->setEnabled(true); action("transaction_mark_notreconciled")->setEnabled(true); action("transaction_mark_toggle")->setEnabled(true); if (!d->m_accountGoto.isEmpty()) action("transaction_goto_account")->setEnabled(true); if (!d->m_payeeGoto.isEmpty()) action("transaction_goto_payee")->setEnabled(true); // Matching is enabled as soon as one regular and one imported transaction is selected int matchedCount = 0; int importedCount = 0; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it; for (it = d->m_selectedTransactions.constBegin(); it != d->m_selectedTransactions.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).transaction().isImported()) ++importedCount; if ((*it).split().isMatched()) ++matchedCount; } if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() == 2 /* && action("transaction_edit")->isEnabled() */) { action("transaction_match")->setEnabled(true); } if (importedCount != 0 || matchedCount != 0) action("transaction_accept")->setEnabled(true); if (matchedCount != 0) { action("transaction_match")->setEnabled(true); action("transaction_match")->setText(i18nc("Button text for unmatch transaction", "Unmatch")); action("transaction_match")->setIcon(QIcon("process-stop")); } if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() > 1) { action("transaction_combine")->setEnabled(true); } if (d->m_selectedTransactions.count() >= 2) { int singleSplitTransactions = 0; int multipleSplitTransactions = 0; foreach (const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransaction& st, d->m_selectedTransactions) { switch (st.transaction().splitCount()) { case 0: break; case 1: singleSplitTransactions++; break; default: multipleSplitTransactions++; break; } } if (singleSplitTransactions > 0 && multipleSplitTransactions == 1) { action("transaction_copy_splits")->setEnabled(true); } } } else { action("transaction_assign_next_check_number")->setEnabled(d->m_transactionEditor->canAssignNumber()); action("transaction_assign_statement_number")->setEnabled(d->m_transactionEditor->canAssignNumber()); action("transaction_assign_next_statement_number")->setEnabled(d->m_transactionEditor->canAssignNumber()); action("transaction_assign_next_statement_page_number")->setEnabled(d->m_transactionEditor->canAssignNumber()); action("transaction_new")->setEnabled(false); action("transaction_delete")->setEnabled(false); QString reason; action("transaction_enter")->setEnabled(d->m_transactionEditor->isComplete(reason)); //FIXME: Port to KDE4 // the next line somehow worked in KDE3 but does not have // any influence under KDE4 /// Works for me when 'reason' is set. Allan action("transaction_enter")->setToolTip(reason); action("transaction_cancel")->setEnabled(true); } } QList accList; file->accountList(accList); QList::const_iterator it_a; QMap::const_iterator it_p = d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd(); for (it_a = accList.constBegin(); (it_p == d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd()) && (it_a != accList.constEnd()); ++it_a) { if (!(*it_a).onlineBankingSettings().value("provider").isEmpty()) { // check if provider is available it_p = d->m_onlinePlugins.constFind((*it_a).onlineBankingSettings().value("provider")); if (it_p != d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd()) { QStringList protocols; (*it_p)->protocols(protocols); if (protocols.count() > 0) { action("account_online_update_all")->setEnabled(true); action("account_online_update_menu")->setEnabled(true); } } } } MyMoneyFileBitArray skip(IMyMoneyStorage::MaxRefCheckBits); if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) { if (!file->isStandardAccount(d->m_selectedAccount.id())) { switch (d->m_selectedAccount.accountGroup()) { case MyMoneyAccount::Asset: case MyMoneyAccount::Liability: case MyMoneyAccount::Equity: action("account_transaction_report")->setEnabled(true); action("account_edit")->setEnabled(true); action("account_delete")->setEnabled(!file->isReferenced(d->m_selectedAccount)); action("account_open")->setEnabled(true); if (d->m_selectedAccount.accountGroup() != MyMoneyAccount::Equity) { if (d->m_reconciliationAccount.id().isEmpty()) { action("account_reconcile")->setEnabled(true); action("account_reconcile")->setToolTip(i18n("Reconcile")); } else { QString tip; tip = i18n("Reconcile - disabled because you are currently reconciling %1", d->m_reconciliationAccount.name()); action("account_reconcile")->setToolTip(tip); if (!d->m_transactionEditor) { action("account_reconcile_finish")->setEnabled(d->m_selectedAccount.id() == d->m_reconciliationAccount.id()); action("account_reconcile_postpone")->setEnabled(d->m_selectedAccount.id() == d->m_reconciliationAccount.id()); } } } if (d->m_selectedAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) action("investment_new")->setEnabled(true); if (d->m_selectedAccount.isClosed()) action("account_reopen")->setEnabled(true); else enableCloseAccountAction(d->m_selectedAccount); if (!d->m_selectedAccount.onlineBankingSettings().value("provider").isEmpty()) { action("account_online_unmap")->setEnabled(true); // check if provider is available QMap::const_iterator it_p; it_p = d->m_onlinePlugins.constFind(d->m_selectedAccount.onlineBankingSettings().value("provider")); if (it_p != d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd()) { QStringList protocols; (*it_p)->protocols(protocols); if (protocols.count() > 0) { action("account_online_update")->setEnabled(true); action("account_online_update_menu")->setEnabled(true); } } } else { action("account_online_map")->setEnabled(d->m_onlinePlugins.count() > 0); } action("account_chart")->setEnabled(true); break; case MyMoneyAccount::Income : case MyMoneyAccount::Expense : action("category_edit")->setEnabled(true); // enable delete action, if category/account itself is not referenced // by any object except accounts, because we want to allow // deleting of sub-categories. Also, we allow transactions, schedules and budgets // to be present because we can re-assign them during the delete process skip.fill(false); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckTransaction); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckAccount); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckSchedule); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckBudget); action("category_delete")->setEnabled(!file->isReferenced(d->m_selectedAccount, skip)); action("account_open")->setEnabled(true); break; default: break; } } } if (!d->m_selectedInstitution.id().isEmpty()) { action("institution_edit")->setEnabled(true); action("institution_delete")->setEnabled(!file->isReferenced(d->m_selectedInstitution)); } if (!d->m_selectedInvestment.id().isEmpty()) { action("investment_edit")->setEnabled(true); action("investment_delete")->setEnabled(!file->isReferenced(d->m_selectedInvestment)); action("investment_manual_price_update")->setEnabled(true); try { MyMoneySecurity security = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(d->m_selectedInvestment.currencyId()); if (!security.value("kmm-online-source").isEmpty()) action("investment_online_price_update")->setEnabled(true); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("Error retrieving security for investment %s: %s", qPrintable(d->m_selectedInvestment.name()), qPrintable(e.what())); } if (d->m_selectedInvestment.isClosed()) action("account_reopen")->setEnabled(true); else enableCloseAccountAction(d->m_selectedInvestment); } bool isSchedule = !d->m_selectedSchedule.id().isEmpty(); action("transaction_edit")->setVisible(!isSchedule); action("transaction_editsplits")->setVisible(!isSchedule); action("transaction_enter")->setVisible(!isSchedule); action("transaction_cancel")->setVisible(!isSchedule); action("transaction_delete")->setVisible(!isSchedule); action("transaction_match")->setVisible(!isSchedule); action("transaction_accept")->setVisible(!isSchedule); action("schedule_new")->setVisible(isSchedule); action("schedule_edit")->setVisible(isSchedule); action("schedule_delete")->setVisible(isSchedule); action("schedule_duplicate")->setVisible(isSchedule); action("schedule_enter")->setVisible(isSchedule); action("schedule_skip")->setVisible(isSchedule); if (isSchedule) { action("schedule_edit")->setEnabled(true); action("schedule_duplicate")->setEnabled(true); action("schedule_delete")->setEnabled(!file->isReferenced(d->m_selectedSchedule)); if (!d->m_selectedSchedule.isFinished()) { action("schedule_enter")->setEnabled(true); // a schedule with a single occurrence cannot be skipped if (d->m_selectedSchedule.occurrence() != MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ONCE) { action("schedule_skip")->setEnabled(true); } } } if (d->m_selectedPayees.count() >= 1) { action("payee_rename")->setEnabled(d->m_selectedPayees.count() == 1); action("payee_merge")->setEnabled(d->m_selectedPayees.count() > 1); action("payee_delete")->setEnabled(true); } if (d->m_selectedTags.count() >= 1) { action("tag_rename")->setEnabled(d->m_selectedTags.count() == 1); action("tag_delete")->setEnabled(true); } if (d->m_selectedBudgets.count() >= 1) { action("budget_delete")->setEnabled(true); if (d->m_selectedBudgets.count() == 1) { action("budget_change_year")->setEnabled(true); action("budget_copy")->setEnabled(true); action("budget_rename")->setEnabled(true); action("budget_forecast")->setEnabled(true); } } if (!d->m_selectedCurrency.id().isEmpty()) { action("currency_rename")->setEnabled(true); // no need to check each transaction. accounts are enough in this case skip.fill(false); skip.setBit(IMyMoneyStorage::RefCheckTransaction); action("currency_delete")->setEnabled(!file->isReferenced(d->m_selectedCurrency, skip)); if (d->m_selectedCurrency.id() != file->baseCurrency().id()) action("currency_setbase")->setEnabled(true); } if (!d->m_selectedPrice.from().isEmpty() && d->m_selectedPrice.source() != "KMyMoney") { action("price_edit")->setEnabled(true); action("price_delete")->setEnabled(true); //enable online update if it is a currency MyMoneySecurity security = MyMoneyFile::instance()->security(d->m_selectedPrice.from()); action("price_update")->setEnabled(security.isCurrency()); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotResetSelections() { slotSelectAccount(); slotSelectInstitution(); slotSelectInvestment(); slotSelectSchedule(); slotSelectCurrency(); slotSelectPrice(); slotSelectPayees(QList()); slotSelectTags(QList()); slotSelectBudget(QList()); slotSelectTransactions(KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions()); slotUpdateActions(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& currency) { d->m_selectedCurrency = currency; slotUpdateActions(); emit currencySelected(d->m_selectedCurrency); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectPrice(const MyMoneyPrice& price) { d->m_selectedPrice = price; slotUpdateActions(); emit priceSelected(d->m_selectedPrice); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectBudget(const QList& list) { d->m_selectedBudgets = list; slotUpdateActions(); emit budgetSelected(d->m_selectedBudgets); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectPayees(const QList& list) { d->m_selectedPayees = list; slotUpdateActions(); emit payeesSelected(d->m_selectedPayees); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectTags(const QList& list) { d->m_selectedTags = list; slotUpdateActions(); emit tagsSelected(d->m_selectedTags); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list) { // list can either contain a list of transactions or a single selected scheduled transaction // in the latter case, the transaction id is actually the one of the schedule. In order // to differentiate between the two, we just ask for the schedule. If we don't find one - because // we passed the id of a real transaction - then we know that fact. We use the schedule here, // because the list of schedules is kept in a cache by MyMoneyFile. This way, we save some trips // to the backend which we would have to do if we check for the transaction. d->m_selectedTransactions.clear(); d->m_selectedSchedule = MyMoneySchedule(); d->m_accountGoto.clear(); d->m_payeeGoto.clear(); if (!list.isEmpty() && !list.first().isScheduled()) { d->m_selectedTransactions = list; if (list.count() == 1) { const MyMoneySplit& sp = d->m_selectedTransactions[0].split(); if (!sp.payeeId().isEmpty()) { try { MyMoneyPayee payee = MyMoneyFile::instance()->payee(sp.payeeId()); if (!payee.name().isEmpty()) { d->m_payeeGoto = payee.id(); QString name = payee.name(); name.replace(QRegExp("&(?!&)"), "&&"); action("transaction_goto_payee")->setText(i18n("Go to '%1'", name)); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } try { QList::const_iterator it_s; const MyMoneyTransaction& t = d->m_selectedTransactions[0].transaction(); // search the first non-income/non-expense accunt and use it for the 'goto account' const MyMoneySplit& sp = d->m_selectedTransactions[0].split(); for (it_s = t.splits().begin(); it_s != t.splits().end(); ++it_s) { if ((*it_s).id() != sp.id()) { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account((*it_s).accountId()); if (!acc.isIncomeExpense()) { // for stock accounts we show the portfolio account if (acc.isInvest()) { acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(acc.parentAccountId()); } d->m_accountGoto = acc.id(); QString name = acc.name(); name.replace(QRegExp("&(?!&)"), "&&"); action("transaction_goto_account")->setText(i18n("Go to '%1'", name)); break; } } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } slotUpdateActions(); emit transactionsSelected(d->m_selectedTransactions); } else if (!list.isEmpty()) { slotSelectSchedule(MyMoneyFile::instance()->schedule(list.first().scheduleId())); } else { slotUpdateActions(); } // make sure, we show some neutral menu entry if we don't have an object if (d->m_payeeGoto.isEmpty()) action("transaction_goto_payee")->setText(i18n("Go to payee")); if (d->m_accountGoto.isEmpty()) action("transaction_goto_account")->setText(i18n("Go to account")); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectInstitution(const MyMoneyObject& institution) { if (typeid(institution) != typeid(MyMoneyInstitution)) return; d->m_selectedInstitution = dynamic_cast(institution); // qDebug("slotSelectInstitution('%s')", d->m_selectedInstitution.name().data()); slotUpdateActions(); emit institutionSelected(d->m_selectedInstitution); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectAccount(const MyMoneyObject& obj) { if (typeid(obj) != typeid(MyMoneyAccount)) return; d->m_selectedAccount = MyMoneyAccount(); const MyMoneyAccount& acc = dynamic_cast(obj); if (!acc.isInvest()) d->m_selectedAccount = acc; // qDebug("slotSelectAccount('%s')", d->m_selectedAccount.name().data()); slotUpdateActions(); emit accountSelected(d->m_selectedAccount); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectInvestment(const MyMoneyObject& obj) { if (typeid(obj) != typeid(MyMoneyAccount)) return; // qDebug("slotSelectInvestment('%s')", account.name().data()); d->m_selectedInvestment = MyMoneyAccount(); const MyMoneyAccount& acc = dynamic_cast(obj); if (acc.isInvest()) d->m_selectedInvestment = acc; slotUpdateActions(); emit investmentSelected(d->m_selectedInvestment); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotSelectSchedule(const MyMoneySchedule& schedule) { // qDebug("slotSelectSchedule('%s')", schedule.name().data()); d->m_selectedSchedule = schedule; slotUpdateActions(); emit scheduleSelected(d->m_selectedSchedule); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotDataChanged() { // As this method is called every time the MyMoneyFile instance // notifies a modification, it's the perfect place to start the timer if needed if (d->m_autoSaveEnabled && !d->m_autoSaveTimer->isActive()) { d->m_autoSaveTimer->setSingleShot(true); d->m_autoSaveTimer->start(d->m_autoSavePeriod * 60 * 1000); //miliseconds } updateCaption(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCurrencyDialog() { QPointer dlg = new KCurrencyEditDlg(this); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneySecurity)), this, SLOT(slotSelectCurrency(MyMoneySecurity))); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneySecurity)), this, SLOT(slotShowCurrencyContextMenu())); connect(this, SIGNAL(currencyRename()), dlg, SLOT(slotStartRename())); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(updateCurrency(QString,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotCurrencyUpdate(QString,QString,QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(currencyCreated(QString)), dlg, SLOT(slotSelectCurrency(QString))); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(selectBaseCurrency(MyMoneySecurity)), this, SLOT(slotCurrencySetBase())); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(deleteCurrency(MyMoneySecurity)), this, SLOT(slotCurrencyDelete())); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(newCurrency()), this, SLOT(slotCurrencyNew())); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; slotSelectCurrency(MyMoneySecurity()); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotPriceDialog() { QPointer dlg = new KMyMoneyPriceDlg(this); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneyPrice)), this, SLOT(slotSelectPrice(MyMoneyPrice))); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneyPrice)), this, SLOT(slotShowPriceContextMenu())); connect(this, SIGNAL(priceNew()), dlg, SLOT(slotNewPrice())); connect(this, SIGNAL(priceEdit()), dlg, SLOT(slotEditPrice())); connect(this, SIGNAL(priceDelete()), dlg, SLOT(slotDeletePrice())); connect(this, SIGNAL(priceOnlineUpdate()), dlg, SLOT(slotOnlinePriceUpdate())); dlg->exec(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotFileConsistencyCheck() { d->consistencyCheck(true); updateCaption(); } void KMyMoneyApp::Private::consistencyCheck(bool alwaysDisplayResult) { KMSTATUS(i18n("Running consistency check...")); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { m_consistencyCheckResult = MyMoneyFile::instance()->consistencyCheck(); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { m_consistencyCheckResult.append(i18n("Consistency check failed: %1", e.what())); // always display the result if the check failed alwaysDisplayResult = true; } // in case the consistency check was OK, we get a single line as result // in all errneous cases, we get more than one line and force the // display of them. if (alwaysDisplayResult || m_consistencyCheckResult.size() > 1) { QString msg = i18n("The consistency check has found no issues in your data. Details are presented below."); if (m_consistencyCheckResult.size() > 1) msg = i18n("The consistency check has found some issues in your data. Details are presented below. Those issues that could not be corrected automatically need to be solved by the user."); // install a context menu for the list after the dialog is displayed QTimer::singleShot(500, q, SLOT(slotInstallConsistencyCheckContextMenu())); KMessageBox::informationList(nullptr, msg, m_consistencyCheckResult, i18n("Consistency check result")); } // this data is no longer needed m_consistencyCheckResult.clear(); } void KMyMoneyApp::Private::copyConsistencyCheckResults() { QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(m_consistencyCheckResult.join(QLatin1String("\n"))); } void KMyMoneyApp::Private::saveConsistencyCheckResults() { QPointer dialog = new KFileDialog(KUrl("kfiledialog:///kmymoney-consistency-check"), QString(), q); dialog->setMode(KFile::File); dialog->setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Saving); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { QFile file(dialog->selectedUrl().toLocalFile()); if (file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Append | QFile::Text)) { QTextStream out(&file); out << m_consistencyCheckResult.join(QLatin1String("\n")); file.close(); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::Private::setCustomColors() { // setup the kmymoney custom colors if needed if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::useSystemColors()) { qApp->setStyleSheet(QString()); } else { qApp->setStyleSheet("QTreeView, QTableView#register, QTableView#m_register, QTableView#splittable, QListView { background-color: " + KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::listBGColor().name() + ';' + "alternate-background-color: " + KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::listColor().name() + ';' + "background-clip: content;}"); } } QPrinter *KMyMoneyApp::Private::printer() { if (!m_printer) m_printer = new QPrinter; return m_printer; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotCheckSchedules() { if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::checkSchedule() == true) { KMSTATUS(i18n("Checking for overdue scheduled transactions...")); MyMoneyFile *file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QDate checkDate = QDate::currentDate().addDays(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::checkSchedulePreview()); QList scheduleList = file->scheduleList(); QList::Iterator it; KMyMoneyUtils::EnterScheduleResultCodeE rc = KMyMoneyUtils::Enter; for (it = scheduleList.begin(); (it != scheduleList.end()) && (rc != KMyMoneyUtils::Cancel); ++it) { // Get the copy in the file because it might be modified by commitTransaction MyMoneySchedule schedule = file->schedule((*it).id()); if (schedule.autoEnter()) { try { while (!schedule.isFinished() && (schedule.adjustedNextDueDate() <= checkDate) && rc != KMyMoneyUtils::Ignore && rc != KMyMoneyUtils::Cancel) { rc = enterSchedule(schedule, true, true); schedule = file->schedule((*it).id()); // get a copy of the modified schedule } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } if (rc == KMyMoneyUtils::Ignore) { // if the current schedule was ignored then we must make sure that the user can still enter the next scheduled transaction rc = KMyMoneyUtils::Enter; } } updateCaption(); } } void KMyMoneyApp::writeLastUsedDir(const QString& directory) { //get global config object for our app. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); if (kconfig) { KConfigGroup grp = kconfig->group("General Options"); //write path entry, no error handling since its void. grp.writeEntry("LastUsedDirectory", directory); } } void KMyMoneyApp::writeLastUsedFile(const QString& fileName) { //get global config object for our app. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); if (kconfig) { KConfigGroup grp = d->m_config->group("General Options"); // write path entry, no error handling since its void. // use a standard string, as fileName could contain a protocol // e.g. file:/home/thb/.... grp.writeEntry("LastUsedFile", fileName); } } QString KMyMoneyApp::readLastUsedDir() const { QString str; //get global config object for our app. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); if (kconfig) { KConfigGroup grp = d->m_config->group("General Options"); //read path entry. Second parameter is the default if the setting is not found, which will be the default document path. str = grp.readEntry("LastUsedDirectory", KGlobalSettings::documentPath()); // if the path stored is empty, we use the default nevertheless if (str.isEmpty()) str = KGlobalSettings::documentPath(); } return str; } QString KMyMoneyApp::readLastUsedFile() const { QString str; // get global config object for our app. KSharedConfigPtr kconfig = KGlobal::config(); if (kconfig) { KConfigGroup grp = d->m_config->group("General Options"); // read filename entry. str = grp.readEntry("LastUsedFile", ""); } return str; } const QString KMyMoneyApp::filename() const { return d->m_fileName.url(); } const QList KMyMoneyApp::instanceList() const { QList list; QDBusReply reply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->registeredServiceNames(); if (reply.isValid()) { QStringList apps = reply.value(); QStringList::ConstIterator it; // build a list of service names of all running kmymoney applications without this one for (it = apps.constBegin(); it != apps.constEnd(); ++it) { // please shange this method of creating a list of 'all the other kmymoney instances that are running on the system' // since assuming that D-Bus creates service names with org.kde.kmymoney-PID is an observation I don't think that it's documented somwhere if ((*it).indexOf("org.kde.kmymoney-") == 0) { #ifdef _MSC_VER uint thisProcPid = _getpid(); #else uint thisProcPid = getpid(); #endif if ((*it).indexOf(QString("org.kde.kmymoney-%1").arg(thisProcPid)) != 0) list += (*it); } } } else { qDebug("D-Bus returned the following error while obtaining instances: %s", qPrintable(reply.error().message())); } return list; } void KMyMoneyApp::slotEquityPriceUpdate() { QPointer dlg = new KEquityPriceUpdateDlg(this); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != 0) dlg->storePrices(); delete dlg; } void KMyMoneyApp::webConnect(const QString& sourceUrl, const QByteArray& asn_id) { // // Web connect attempts to go through the known importers and see if the file // can be importing using that method. If so, it will import it using that // plugin // d->m_importUrlsQueue.enqueue(sourceUrl); // only start processing if this is the only import so far if (d->m_importUrlsQueue.count() == 1) { while (!d->m_importUrlsQueue.isEmpty()) { // get the value of the next item from the queue // but leave it on the queue for now QString url = d->m_importUrlsQueue.head(); // Bring this window to the forefront. This method was suggested by // Lubos Lunak of the KDE core development team. KStartupInfo::setNewStartupId(this, asn_id); // Make sure we have an open file if (! d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen() && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(kmymoney, i18n("You must first select a KMyMoney file before you can import a statement.")) == KMessageBox::Continue) kmymoney->slotFileOpen(); // only continue if the user really did open a file. if (d->m_myMoneyView->fileOpen()) { KMSTATUS(i18n("Importing a statement via Web Connect")); // remove the statement files d->unlinkStatementXML(); QMap::const_iterator it_plugin = d->m_importerPlugins.constBegin(); while (it_plugin != d->m_importerPlugins.constEnd()) { if ((*it_plugin)->isMyFormat(url)) { QList statements; if (!(*it_plugin)->import(url)) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Unable to import %1 using %2 plugin. The plugin returned the following error: %3", url, (*it_plugin)->formatName(), (*it_plugin)->lastError()), i18n("Importing error")); } break; } ++it_plugin; } // If we did not find a match, try importing it as a KMM statement file, // which is really just for testing. the statement file is not exposed // to users. if (it_plugin == d->m_importerPlugins.constEnd()) if (MyMoneyStatement::isStatementFile(url)) slotStatementImport(url); } // remove the current processed item from the queue d->m_importUrlsQueue.dequeue(); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotEnableMessages() { KMessageBox::enableAllMessages(); KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("All messages have been enabled."), i18n("All messages")); } void KMyMoneyApp::createInterfaces() { // Sets up the plugin interface, and load the plugins d->m_pluginInterface = new QObject(this); new KMyMoneyPlugin::KMMViewInterface(this, d->m_myMoneyView, d->m_pluginInterface); new KMyMoneyPlugin::KMMStatementInterface(this, d->m_pluginInterface); new KMyMoneyPlugin::KMMImportInterface(this, d->m_pluginInterface); // setup the calendar interface for schedules MyMoneySchedule::setProcessingCalendar(this); } void KMyMoneyApp::loadPlugins() { d->m_pluginLoader = new KMyMoneyPlugin::PluginLoader(this); connect(d->m_pluginLoader, SIGNAL(plug(KPluginInfo*)), this, SLOT(slotPluginPlug(KPluginInfo*))); connect(d->m_pluginLoader, SIGNAL(unplug(KPluginInfo*)), this, SLOT(slotPluginUnplug(KPluginInfo*))); d->m_pluginLoader->loadPlugins(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotPluginPlug(KPluginInfo* info) { KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin* plugin = d->m_pluginLoader->getPluginFromInfo(info); // check for online plugin KMyMoneyPlugin::OnlinePlugin* op = dynamic_cast(plugin); // check for extended online plugin KMyMoneyPlugin::OnlinePluginExtended* ope = dynamic_cast(plugin); // check for importer plugin KMyMoneyPlugin::ImporterPlugin* ip = dynamic_cast(plugin); // plug the plugin guiFactory()->addClient(plugin); if (op) d->m_onlinePlugins[plugin->objectName()] = op; if (ope) onlineJobAdministration::instance()->addPlugin(plugin->objectName(), ope); if (ip) d->m_importerPlugins[plugin->objectName()] = ip; slotUpdateActions(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotPluginUnplug(KPluginInfo* info) { KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin* plugin = d->m_pluginLoader->getPluginFromInfo(info); // check for online plugin KMyMoneyPlugin::OnlinePlugin* op = dynamic_cast(plugin); // check for importer plugin KMyMoneyPlugin::ImporterPlugin* ip = dynamic_cast(plugin); // unplug the plugin guiFactory()->removeClient(plugin); if (op) d->m_onlinePlugins.remove(plugin->objectName()); if (ip) d->m_importerPlugins.remove(plugin->objectName()); slotUpdateActions(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAutoSave() { if (!d->m_inAutoSaving) { // store the focus widget so we can restore it after save QPointer focusWidget = qApp->focusWidget(); d->m_inAutoSaving = true; KMSTATUS(i18n("Auto saving...")); //calls slotFileSave if needed, and restart the timer //it the file is not saved, reinitializes the countdown. if (d->m_myMoneyView->dirty() && d->m_autoSaveEnabled) { if (!slotFileSave() && d->m_autoSavePeriod > 0) { d->m_autoSaveTimer->setSingleShot(true); d->m_autoSaveTimer->start(d->m_autoSavePeriod * 60 * 1000); } } d->m_inAutoSaving = false; if (focusWidget && focusWidget != qApp->focusWidget()) { // we have a valid focus widget so restore it focusWidget->setFocus(); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotDateChanged() { QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QDateTime nextDay(QDate(dt.date().addDays(1)), QTime(0, 0, 0)); // +1 is to make sure that we're already in the next day when the // signal is sent (this way we also avoid setting the timer to 0) QTimer::singleShot((dt.secsTo(nextDay) + 1)*1000, this, SLOT(slotDateChanged())); d->m_myMoneyView->slotRefreshViews(); } const MyMoneyAccount& KMyMoneyApp::account(const QString& key, const QString& value) const { QList list; QList::const_iterator it_a; MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(list); QString accId; for (it_a = list.constBegin(); it_a != list.constEnd(); ++it_a) { // search in the account's kvp container const QString& accountKvpValue = (*it_a).value(key); // search in the account's online settings kvp container const QString& onlineSettingsKvpValue = (*it_a).onlineBankingSettings().value(key); if (accountKvpValue.contains(value) || onlineSettingsKvpValue.contains(value)) { if(accId.isEmpty()) { accId = (*it_a).id(); } } if (accountKvpValue == value || onlineSettingsKvpValue == value) { accId = (*it_a).id(); break; } } // return the account found or an empty element return MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(accId); } void KMyMoneyApp::setAccountOnlineParameters(const MyMoneyAccount& _acc, const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& kvps) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(_acc.id()); acc.setOnlineBankingSettings(kvps); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(acc); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, i18n("Unable to setup online parameters for account '%1'", _acc.name()), e.what()); } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountUnmapOnline() { // no account selected if (d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) return; // not a mapped account if (d->m_selectedAccount.onlineBankingSettings().value("provider").isEmpty()) return; if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, QString("%1").arg(i18n("Do you really want to remove the mapping of account %1 to an online account? Depending on the details of the online banking method used, this action cannot be reverted.", d->m_selectedAccount.name())), i18n("Remove mapping to online account")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { d->m_selectedAccount.setOnlineBankingSettings(MyMoneyKeyValueContainer()); // delete the kvp that is used in MyMoneyStatementReader too // we should really get rid of it, but since I don't know what it // is good for, I'll keep it around. (ipwizard) d->m_selectedAccount.deletePair("StatementKey"); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(d->m_selectedAccount); ft.commit(); // The mapping could disable the online task system onlineJobAdministration::instance()->updateOnlineTaskProperties(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Unable to unmap account from online account: %1", e.what())); } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountMapOnline() { // no account selected if (d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) return; // already an account mapped if (!d->m_selectedAccount.onlineBankingSettings().value("provider").isEmpty()) return; // check if user tries to map a brokerageAccount if (d->m_selectedAccount.name().contains(i18n(" (Brokerage)"))) { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("You try to map a brokerage account to an online account. This is usually not advisable. In general, the investment account should be mapped to the online account. Please cancel if you intended to map the investment account, continue otherwise"), i18n("Mapping brokerage account")) == KMessageBox::Cancel) { return; } } // if we have more than one provider let the user select the current provider QString provider; QMap::const_iterator it_p; switch (d->m_onlinePlugins.count()) { case 0: break; case 1: provider = d->m_onlinePlugins.begin().key(); break; default: { QMenu popup(this); popup.setTitle(i18n("Select online banking plugin")); // Populate the pick list with all the provider for (it_p = d->m_onlinePlugins.constBegin(); it_p != d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd(); ++it_p) { popup.addAction(it_p.key())->setData(it_p.key()); } QAction *item = popup.actions()[0]; if (item) { popup.setActiveAction(item); } // cancelled if ((item = popup.exec(QCursor::pos(), item)) == 0) { return; } provider = item->data().toString(); } break; } if (provider.isEmpty()) return; // find the provider it_p = d->m_onlinePlugins.constFind(provider); if (it_p != d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd()) { // plugin found, call it MyMoneyKeyValueContainer settings; if ((*it_p)->mapAccount(d->m_selectedAccount, settings)) { settings["provider"] = provider; MyMoneyAccount acc(d->m_selectedAccount); acc.setOnlineBankingSettings(settings); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(acc); ft.commit(); // The mapping could enable the online task system onlineJobAdministration::instance()->updateOnlineTaskProperties(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Unable to map account to online account: %1", e.what())); } } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountUpdateOnlineAll() { QList accList; MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(accList); QList::iterator it_a; QMap::const_iterator it_p; d->m_statementResults.clear(); d->m_collectingStatements = true; // remove all those from the list, that don't have a 'provider' or the // provider is not currently present for (it_a = accList.begin(); it_a != accList.end();) { if ((*it_a).onlineBankingSettings().value("provider").isEmpty() || d->m_onlinePlugins.find((*it_a).onlineBankingSettings().value("provider")) == d->m_onlinePlugins.end()) { it_a = accList.erase(it_a); } else ++it_a; } action("account_online_update")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_update_menu")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_update_all")->setEnabled(false); // now work on the remaining list of accounts int cnt = accList.count() - 1; for (it_a = accList.begin(); it_a != accList.end(); ++it_a) { it_p = d->m_onlinePlugins.constFind((*it_a).onlineBankingSettings().value("provider")); (*it_p)->updateAccount(*it_a, cnt != 0); --cnt; } d->m_collectingStatements = false; if (!d->m_statementResults.isEmpty()) KMessageBox::informationList(this, i18n("The statements have been processed with the following results:"), d->m_statementResults, i18n("Statement stats")); // re-enable the disabled actions slotUpdateActions(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotAccountUpdateOnline() { // no account selected if (d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) return; // no online account mapped if (d->m_selectedAccount.onlineBankingSettings().value("provider").isEmpty()) return; action("account_online_update")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_update_menu")->setEnabled(false); action("account_online_update_all")->setEnabled(false); // find the provider QMap::const_iterator it_p; it_p = d->m_onlinePlugins.constFind(d->m_selectedAccount.onlineBankingSettings().value("provider")); if (it_p != d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd()) { // plugin found, call it d->m_collectingStatements = true; d->m_statementResults.clear(); (*it_p)->updateAccount(d->m_selectedAccount); d->m_collectingStatements = false; if (!d->m_statementResults.isEmpty()) KMessageBox::informationList(this, i18n("The statements have been processed with the following results:"), d->m_statementResults, i18n("Statement stats")); } // re-enable the disabled actions slotUpdateActions(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotNewOnlineTransfer() { kOnlineTransferForm *transferForm = new kOnlineTransferForm(this); if (!d->m_selectedAccount.id().isEmpty()) { transferForm->setCurrentAccount(d->m_selectedAccount.id()); } connect(transferForm, SIGNAL(rejected()), transferForm, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(transferForm, SIGNAL(acceptedForSave(onlineJob)), this, SLOT(slotOnlineJobSave(onlineJob))); connect(transferForm, SIGNAL(acceptedForSend(onlineJob)), this, SLOT(slotOnlineJobSend(onlineJob))); connect(transferForm, SIGNAL(accepted()), transferForm, SLOT(deleteLater())); transferForm->show(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotEditOnlineJob(const QString jobId) { try { const onlineJob constJob = MyMoneyFile::instance()->getOnlineJob(jobId); slotEditOnlineJob(constJob); } catch (MyMoneyException&) { // Prevent a crash in very rare cases } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotEditOnlineJob(onlineJob job) { try { slotEditOnlineJob(onlineJobTyped(job)); } catch (MyMoneyException&) { } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotEditOnlineJob(const onlineJobTyped job) { kOnlineTransferForm *transferForm = new kOnlineTransferForm(this); transferForm->setOnlineJob(job); connect(transferForm, SIGNAL(rejected()), transferForm, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(transferForm, SIGNAL(acceptedForSave(onlineJob)), this, SLOT(slotOnlineJobSave(onlineJob))); connect(transferForm, SIGNAL(acceptedForSend(onlineJob)), this, SLOT(slotOnlineJobSend(onlineJob))); connect(transferForm, SIGNAL(accepted()), transferForm, SLOT(deleteLater())); transferForm->show(); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotOnlineJobSave(onlineJob job) { MyMoneyFileTransaction fileTransaction; if (job.id() == MyMoneyObject::emptyId()) MyMoneyFile::instance()->addOnlineJob(job); else MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyOnlineJob(job); fileTransaction.commit(); } /** @todo when onlineJob queue is used, continue here */ void KMyMoneyApp::slotOnlineJobSend(onlineJob job) { MyMoneyFileTransaction fileTransaction; if (job.id() == MyMoneyObject::emptyId()) MyMoneyFile::instance()->addOnlineJob(job); else MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyOnlineJob(job); fileTransaction.commit(); QList jobList; jobList.append(job); slotOnlineJobSend(jobList); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotOnlineJobSend(QList jobs) { MyMoneyFile *const kmmFile = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QMultiMap jobsByPlugin; // Sort jobs by online plugin & lock them foreach (onlineJob job, jobs) { Q_ASSERT(job.id() != MyMoneyObject::emptyId()); // find the provider const MyMoneyAccount originAcc = job.responsibleMyMoneyAccount(); job.setLock(); job.addJobMessage(onlineJobMessage(onlineJobMessage::debug, "KMyMoneyApp::slotOnlineJobSend", "Added to queue for plugin '" + originAcc.onlineBankingSettings().value("provider") + '\'')); MyMoneyFileTransaction fileTransaction; kmmFile->modifyOnlineJob(job); fileTransaction.commit(); jobsByPlugin.insert(originAcc.onlineBankingSettings().value("provider"), job); } // Send onlineJobs to plugins QList usedPlugins = jobsByPlugin.keys(); std::sort(usedPlugins.begin(), usedPlugins.end()); const QList::iterator newEnd = std::unique(usedPlugins.begin(), usedPlugins.end()); usedPlugins.erase(newEnd, usedPlugins.end()); foreach (const QString& pluginKey, usedPlugins) { QMap::const_iterator it_p = d->m_onlinePlugins.constFind(pluginKey); if (it_p != d->m_onlinePlugins.constEnd()) { // plugin found, call it KMyMoneyPlugin::OnlinePluginExtended *pluginExt = dynamic_cast< KMyMoneyPlugin::OnlinePluginExtended* >(*it_p); if (pluginExt == 0) { qWarning("Job given for plugin which is not an extended plugin"); continue; } //! @fixme remove debug message qDebug() << "Sending " << jobsByPlugin.count(pluginKey) << " job(s) to online plugin " << pluginKey; QList jobsToExecute = jobsByPlugin.values(pluginKey); QList executedJobs = jobsToExecute; pluginExt->sendOnlineJob(executedJobs); // Save possible changes of the online job and remove lock MyMoneyFileTransaction fileTransaction; foreach (onlineJob job, executedJobs) { fileTransaction.restart(); job.setLock(false); kmmFile->modifyOnlineJob(job); fileTransaction.commit(); } if (Q_UNLIKELY(executedJobs.size() != jobsToExecute.size())) { // OnlinePlugin did not return all jobs qWarning() << "Error saving send online tasks. After restart you should see at minimum all successfully executed jobs marked send. Imperfect plugin: " << pluginExt->objectName(); } } else { qWarning() << "Error, got onlineJob for an account without online plugin."; /** @FIXME can this actually happen? */ } } } void KMyMoneyApp::slotOnlineJobLog() { QStringList jobIds = d->m_myMoneyView->getOnlineJobOutbox()->selectedOnlineJobs(); slotOnlineJobLog(jobIds); } void KMyMoneyApp::slotOnlineJobLog(const QStringList& onlineJobIds) { onlineJobMessagesView *const dialog = new onlineJobMessagesView(); onlineJobMessagesModel *const model = new onlineJobMessagesModel(dialog); model->setOnlineJob(MyMoneyFile::instance()->getOnlineJob(onlineJobIds.first())); dialog->setModel(model); dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); dialog->show(); // Note: Objects are not deleted here, Qt's parent-child system has to do that. } void KMyMoneyApp::setHolidayRegion(const QString& holidayRegion) { #ifdef HAVE_KDEPIMLIBS //since the cost of updating the cache is now not negligible //check whether the region has been modified if (!d->m_holidayRegion || d->m_holidayRegion->regionCode() != holidayRegion) { // Delete the previous holidayRegion before creating a new one. delete d->m_holidayRegion; // Create a new holidayRegion. d->m_holidayRegion = new KHolidays::HolidayRegion(holidayRegion); //clear and update the holiday cache preloadHolidays(); } #else Q_UNUSED(holidayRegion); #endif } bool KMyMoneyApp::isProcessingDate(const QDate& date) const { #ifdef HAVE_KDEPIMLIBS if (!d->m_processingDays.testBit(date.dayOfWeek())) return false; if (!d->m_holidayRegion || !d->m_holidayRegion->isValid()) return true; //check first whether it's already in cache if (d->m_holidayMap.contains(date)) { return d->m_holidayMap.value(date, true); } else { bool processingDay = !d->m_holidayRegion->isHoliday(date); d->m_holidayMap.insert(date, processingDay); return processingDay; } #else Q_UNUSED(date); return true; #endif } void KMyMoneyApp::preloadHolidays() { #ifdef HAVE_KDEPIMLIBS //clear the cache before loading d->m_holidayMap.clear(); //only do this if it is a valid region if (d->m_holidayRegion && d->m_holidayRegion->isValid()) { //load holidays for the forecast days plus 1 cycle, to be on the safe side int forecastDays = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::forecastDays() + KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::forecastAccountCycle(); QDate endDate = QDate::currentDate().addDays(forecastDays); //look for holidays for the next 2 years as a minimum. That should give a good margin for the cache if (endDate < QDate::currentDate().addYears(2)) endDate = QDate::currentDate().addYears(2); KHolidays::Holiday::List holidayList = d->m_holidayRegion->holidays(QDate::currentDate(), endDate); KHolidays::Holiday::List::const_iterator holiday_it; for (holiday_it = holidayList.constBegin(); holiday_it != holidayList.constEnd(); ++holiday_it) { d->m_holidayMap.insert((*holiday_it).date(), false); } for (QDate date = QDate::currentDate(); date <= endDate; date = date.addDays(1)) { //if it is not a processing day, set it to false if (!d->m_processingDays.testBit(date.dayOfWeek())) { d->m_holidayMap.insert(date, false); } else if (!d->m_holidayMap.contains(date)) { //if it is not a holiday nor a weekend, it is a processing day d->m_holidayMap.insert(date, true); } } } #endif } KMStatus::KMStatus(const QString &text) { m_prevText = kmymoney->slotStatusMsg(text); } KMStatus::~KMStatus() { kmymoney->slotStatusMsg(m_prevText); } void KMyMoneyApp::Private::unlinkStatementXML() { QDir d(KMyMoneySettings::logPath(), "kmm-statement*"); for (uint i = 0; i < d.count(); ++i) { qDebug("Remove %s", qPrintable(d[i])); d.remove(KMyMoneySettings::logPath() + QString("/%1").arg(d[i])); } m_statementXMLindex = 0; } void KMyMoneyApp::Private::closeFile() { q->slotSelectAccount(); q->slotSelectInstitution(); q->slotSelectInvestment(); q->slotSelectSchedule(); q->slotSelectCurrency(); q->slotSelectBudget(QList()); q->slotSelectPayees(QList()); q->slotSelectTags(QList()); q->slotSelectTransactions(KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions()); m_reconciliationAccount = MyMoneyAccount(); m_myMoneyView->finishReconciliation(m_reconciliationAccount); m_myMoneyView->closeFile(); m_fileName = KUrl(); q->updateCaption(); // just create a new balance warning object delete m_balanceWarning; m_balanceWarning = new KBalanceWarning(q); emit q->fileLoaded(m_fileName); } diff --git a/kmymoney/kmymoney.h b/kmymoney/kmymoney.h index 76a84d602..acad5b91b 100644 --- a/kmymoney/kmymoney.h +++ b/kmymoney/kmymoney.h @@ -1,1406 +1,1411 @@ /*************************************************************************** kmymoney.h ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000-2001 by Michael Edwardes ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KMYMONEY_H #define KMYMONEY_H // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include #include #include "mymoneyschedule.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mymoney/onlinejob.h" #include "mymoney/onlinejobtyped.h" #include "onlinetasks/interfaces/tasks/credittransfer.h" class QResizeEvent; class QPrinter; class QTreeWidgetItem; class KPluginInfo; /*! \mainpage KMyMoney Main Page for API documentation. * * \section intro Introduction * * This is the API documentation for KMyMoney. It should be used as a reference * for KMyMoney developers and users who wish to see how KMyMoney works. This * documentation will be kept up-to-date as development progresses and should be * read for new features that have been developed in KMyMoney. */ /** * The base class for KMyMoney application windows. It sets up the main * window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar * and statusbar. * * @see KMyMoneyView * * @author Michael Edwardes 2000-2001 * @author Thomas Baumgart 2006-2008 * * @short Main application class. */ class KMyMoneyApp : public KXmlGuiWindow, public IMyMoneyProcessingCalendar { Q_OBJECT private slots: /** * Keep track of objects that are destroyed by external events */ void slotObjectDestroyed(QObject* o); /** * Add a context menu to the list used by KMessageBox::informationList to display the consistency check results. */ void slotInstallConsistencyCheckContextMenu(); /** * Handle the context menu of the list used by KMessageBox::informationList to display the consistency check results. */ void slotShowContextMenuForConsistencyCheck(const QPoint &); protected slots: void slotFileSaveAsFilterChanged(const QString& filter); /** * This slot is intended to be used as part of auto saving. This is used when the * QTimer emits the timeout signal and simply checks that the file is dirty (has * received modifications to its contents), and call the appropriate method to * save the file. Furthermore, re-starts the timer (possibly not needed). * @author mvillarino 2005 * @see KMyMoneyApp::slotDataChanged() */ void slotAutoSave(); /** * This slot re-enables all message for which the "Don't show again" * option had been selected. */ void slotEnableMessages(); /** * Called when the user asks for file information. */ void slotFileFileInfo(); /** * Called to run performance test. */ void slotPerformanceTest(); /** * Called to generate the sql to create kmymoney database tables etc. */ void slotGenerateSql(); /** * Debugging only: turn on/off traces */ void slotToggleTraces(); /** * Debugging only: turn on/off timers */ void slotToggleTimers(); /** * Called when the user asks for the personal information. */ void slotFileViewPersonal(); /** * Called when the user wishes to import tab delimeted transactions * into the current account. An account must be open for this to * work. Calls KMyMoneyView::slotAccountImportAscii. * * @see MyMoneyAccount */ void slotQifImport(); /** * Called when a QIF import is finished. */ void slotQifImportFinished(); /** * Opens a file selector dialog for the user to choose an existing OFX * file from the file system to be imported. This slot is expected to * be called from the UI. */ void slotGncImport(); /** * Open a dialog with a chart of the balance for the currently selected * account (m_selectedAccount). Return once the dialog is closed. Don't do * anything if no account is selected or charts are not available. */ void slotAccountChart(); /** * Opens a file selector dialog for the user to choose an existing KMM * statement file from the file system to be imported. This is for testing * only. KMM statement files are not designed to be exposed to the user. */ void slotStatementImport(); void slotLoadAccountTemplates(); void slotSaveAccountTemplates(); /** * Called when the user wishes to export some transaction to a * QIF formatted file. An account must be open for this to work. * Uses MyMoneyQifWriter() for the actual output. */ void slotQifExport(); /** * Open up the application wide settings dialog. * * @see KSettingsDlg */ void slotSettings(); /** * Called when the user wishes to backup the current file */ void slotBackupFile(); /** * Perform mount operation before making a backup of the current file */ void slotBackupMount(); /** * Perform the backup write operation */ bool slotBackupWriteFile(); /** * Perform unmount operation after making a backup of the current file */ void slotBackupUnmount(); /** * Finish backup of the current file */ void slotBackupFinish(); /** * Handle events on making a backup of the current file */ void slotBackupHandleEvents(); void slotShowTipOfTheDay(); void slotQifProfileEditor(); void slotShowPreviousView(); void slotShowNextView(); /** * Brings up a dialog to let the user search for specific transaction(s). It then * opens a results window to display those transactions. */ void slotFindTransaction(); /** * Destroys a possibly open the search dialog */ void slotCloseSearchDialog(); /** * Preloads the input dialog with the data of the current * selected institution and brings up the input dialog * and saves the information entered. */ void slotInstitutionEdit(const MyMoneyObject& obj = MyMoneyInstitution()); /** * Deletes the current selected institution. */ void slotInstitutionDelete(); /** * Brings up the new category editor and saves the information. * The dialog will be preset with the name. The parent defaults to * MyMoneyFile::expense() * * @param name Name of the account to be created. Could include a full hierarchy * @param id reference to storage which will receive the id after successful creation * * @note Typically, this slot can be connected to the * StdTransactionEditor::createCategory(const QString&, QString&) or * KMyMoneyCombo::createItem(const QString&, QString&) signal. */ void slotCategoryNew(const QString& name, QString& id); /** * Calls the print logic for the current view */ void slotPrintView(); + /** + * Calls the print preview logic for the current view + */ + void slotPrintPreviewView(); + /** * Create a new investment */ void slotInvestmentNew(); /** * Create a new investment in a given @p parent investment account */ void slotInvestmentNew(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent); /** * This slot opens the investment editor to edit the currently * selected investment if possible */ void slotInvestmentEdit(); /** * Deletes the current selected investment. */ void slotInvestmentDelete(); /** * Performs online update for currently selected investment */ void slotOnlinePriceUpdate(); /** * Performs manual update for currently selected investment */ void slotManualPriceUpdate(); /** * Call this slot, if any configuration parameter has changed */ void slotUpdateConfiguration(); /** */ bool slotPayeeNew(const QString& newnameBase, QString& id); void slotPayeeNew(); /** */ void slotPayeeDelete(); /** * Slot that merges two or more selected payess into a new payee */ void slotPayeeMerge(); /** */ void slotTagNew(const QString& newnameBase, QString& id); void slotTagNew(); /** */ void slotTagDelete(); /** */ void slotBudgetNew(); /** */ void slotBudgetDelete(); /** */ void slotBudgetCopy(); /** */ void slotBudgetChangeYear(); /** */ void slotBudgetForecast(); /** */ void slotCurrencyNew(); /** */ void slotCurrencyUpdate(const QString ¤cyId, const QString& currencyName, const QString& currencyTradingSymbol); /** */ void slotCurrencyDelete(); /** */ void slotCurrencySetBase(); /** * This slot is used to start new features during the development cycle */ void slotNewFeature(); /** */ void slotTransactionsNew(); /** */ void slotTransactionsEdit(); /** */ void slotTransactionsEditSplits(); /** */ void slotTransactionsDelete(); /** */ void slotTransactionsEnter(); /** */ void slotTransactionsCancel(); /** */ void slotTransactionsCancelOrEnter(bool& okToSelect); /** */ void slotTransactionDuplicate(); /** */ void slotToggleReconciliationFlag(); /** */ void slotMarkTransactionCleared(); /** */ void slotMarkTransactionReconciled(); /** */ void slotMarkTransactionNotReconciled(); /** */ void slotTransactionGotoAccount(); /** */ void slotTransactionGotoPayee(); /** */ void slotTransactionCreateSchedule(); /** */ void slotTransactionAssignCheckNumber(); /** */ void slotTransactionAssignNextCheckNumber(); /** */ void slotTransactionAssignStatementNumber(); /** */ void slotTransactionAssignNextStatementNumber(); /** */ void slotTransactionAssignNextStatementPageNumber(); /** */ void slotTransactionCombine(); /** * This method takes the selected splits and checks that only one transaction (src) * has more than one split and all others have only a single one. It then copies the * splits of the @b src transaction to all others. */ void slotTransactionCopySplits(); /** * Accept the selected transactions that are marked as 'imported' and remove the flag */ void slotTransactionsAccept(); /** * This slot triggers an update of all views and restarts * a single shot timer to call itself again at beginning of * the next day. */ void slotDateChanged(); /** * This slot will be called when the engine data changed * and the application object needs to update its state. */ void slotDataChanged(); void slotMoveToAccount(const QString& id); void slotUpdateMoveToAccountMenu(); /** * This slot collects information for a new scheduled transaction * based on transaction @a t and @a occurrence and saves it in the engine. */ void slotScheduleNew(const MyMoneyTransaction& t, MyMoneySchedule::occurrenceE occurrence = MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_MONTHLY); /** */ void slotScheduleDuplicate(); void slotKDELanguageSettings(); void slotAccountMapOnline(); void slotAccountUnmapOnline(); void slotAccountUpdateOnline(); void slotAccountUpdateOnlineAll(); /** * @brief Start dialog for an online banking transfer */ void slotNewOnlineTransfer(); /** * @brief Start dialog to edit onlineJob if possible * @param onlineJob id to edit */ void slotEditOnlineJob(const QString); /** * @brief Start dialog to edit onlineJob if possible */ void slotEditOnlineJob(const onlineJob); /** * @brief Start dialog to edit onlineJob if possible */ void slotEditOnlineJob(const onlineJobTyped); /** * @brief Saves an online banking job */ void slotOnlineJobSave(onlineJob job); /** * @brief Queue an online banking job */ void slotOnlineJobSend(onlineJob job); /** * @brief Send a list of onlineJobs */ void slotOnlineJobSend(QList jobs); /** * @brief Show the log currently selected online job */ void slotOnlineJobLog(); void slotOnlineJobLog(const QStringList& onlineJobIds); void slotManageGpgKeys(); void slotKeySelected(int idx); void slotStatusProgressDone(); public: /** * This method checks if there is at least one asset or liability account * in the current storage object. If not, it starts the new account wizard. */ void createInitialAccount(); /** * This method returns the last URL used or an empty URL * depending on the option setting if the last file should * be opened during startup or the open file dialog should * be displayed. * * @return URL of last opened file or empty if the program * should start with the open file dialog */ const KUrl lastOpenedURL(); /** * construtor of KMyMoneyApp, calls all init functions to create the application. */ explicit KMyMoneyApp(QWidget* parent = 0); /** * Destructor */ ~KMyMoneyApp(); static void progressCallback(int current, int total, const QString&); void writeLastUsedDir(const QString& directory); QString readLastUsedDir() const; void writeLastUsedFile(const QString& fileName); QString readLastUsedFile() const; /** * Returns whether there is an importer available that can handle this file */ bool isImportableFile(const KUrl& url); /** * This method is used to update the caption of the application window. * It sets the caption to "filename [modified] - KMyMoney". * * @param skipActions if true, the actions will not be updated. This * is usually onyl required by some early calls when * these widgets are not yet created (the default is false). */ void updateCaption(bool skipActions = false); /** * This method returns a list of all 'other' dcop registered kmymoney processes. * It's a subset of the return of DCOPclient()->registeredApplications(). * * @retval QStringList of process ids */ const QList instanceList() const; /** * Dump a list of the names of all defined KActions to stdout. */ void dumpActions() const; /** * Popup the context menu with the respective @p containerName. * Valid container names are defined in kmymoneyui.rc */ void showContextMenu(const QString& containerName); /** * This method opens the category editor with the data found in @a account. The * parent account is preset to @a parent but can be modified. If the user * acknowledges, the category is created. */ void createCategory(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent); /** * This method returns the account for a given @a key - @a value pair. * If the account is not found in the list of accounts, MyMoneyAccount() * is returned. The @a key - @a value pair can be in the account's kvp * container or the account's online settings kvp container. */ const MyMoneyAccount& account(const QString& key, const QString& value) const; /** * This method set the online parameters stored in @a kvps with the * account referenced by @a acc. */ void setAccountOnlineParameters(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& kvps); KUrl selectFile(const QString& title, const QString& path, const QString& mask, KFile::Mode mode, QWidget *widget); /** * This methods returns the account from the list of accounts identified by * an account id or account name including an account hierachy. * * The parent account specifies from which account the search should be started. * In case the parent account does not have an id, the method scans all top-level accounts. * * If the account is not found in the list of accounts, MyMoneyAccount() is returned. * * @param acc account to find * @param parent parent account to search from * @retval found MyMoneyAccount account instance * @retval MyMoneyAccount() if not found */ const MyMoneyAccount& findAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyAccount& parent) const; void createAccount(MyMoneyAccount& newAccount, MyMoneyAccount& parentAccount, MyMoneyAccount& brokerageAccount, MyMoneyMoney openingBal); const QString filename() const; void webConnect(const QString& sourceUrl, const QByteArray& asn_id); /** * Checks if the file with the @a url already exists. If so, * the user is asked if he/she wants to override the file. * If the user's answer is negative, @p false will be returned. * @p true will be returned in all other cases. */ bool okToWriteFile(const KUrl& url); protected: /** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry and the recent file list to the configuration * file */ void saveOptions(); /** * Creates the interfaces necessary for the plugins to work. Therefore, * this method must be called prior to loadPlugins(). */ void createInterfaces(); /** * load all available plugins. Make sure you have called createInterfaces() * before you call this one. */ void loadPlugins(); /** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list */ void readOptions(); /** initializes the KActions of the application */ void initActions(); /** initializes the dynamic menus (account selectors) */ void initDynamicMenus(); /** sets up the statusbar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel. */ void initStatusBar(); /** * @brief Establish connections between actions and views * * Must be called after creation of actions and views. */ void connectActionsAndViews(); /** queryClose is called by KMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the * default implementation (only returns true), this calls saveModified() on the document object to ask if the document shall * be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected. * The settings are saved using saveOptions() if we are about to close. * @see KMainWindow#queryClose * @see QWidget#closeEvent */ virtual bool queryClose(); void slotCheckSchedules(); virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*); void createSchedule(MyMoneySchedule newSchedule, MyMoneyAccount& newAccount); /** * This method checks, if an account can be closed or not. An account * can be closed if: * * - the balance is zero and * - all children are already closed and * - there is no unfinished schedule referencing the account * * @param acc reference to MyMoneyAccount object in question * @retval true account can be closed * @retval false account cannot be closed */ KMyMoneyUtils::CanCloseAccountCodeE canCloseAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const; /** * This method checks if an account can be closed and enables/disables * the close account action * If disabled, it sets a tooltip explaning why it cannot be closed * @brief enableCloseAccountAction * @param acc reference to MyMoneyAccount object in question */ void enableCloseAccountAction(const MyMoneyAccount& acc); /** * Check if a list contains a payee with a given id * * @param list const reference to value list * @param id const reference to id * * @retval true object has been found * @retval false object is not in list */ bool payeeInList(const QList& list, const QString& id) const; /** * Check if a list contains a tag with a given id * * @param list const reference to value list * @param id const reference to id * * @retval true object has been found * @retval false object is not in list */ bool tagInList(const QList& list, const QString& id) const; /** * Mark the selected transactions as provided by @a flag. If * flag is @a MyMoneySplit::Unknown, the future state depends * on the current stat of the split's flag accoring to the * following table: * * - NotReconciled --> Cleared * - Cleared --> Reconciled * - Reconciled --> NotReconciled */ void markTransaction(MyMoneySplit::reconcileFlagE flag); /** * This method allows to skip the next scheduled transaction of * the given schedule @a s. * */ void skipSchedule(MyMoneySchedule& s); /** * This method allows to enter the next scheduled transaction of * the given schedule @a s. In case @a extendedKeys is @a true, * the given schedule can also be skipped or ignored. * If @a autoEnter is @a true and the schedule does not contain * an estimated value, the schedule is entered as is without further * interaction with the user. In all other cases, the user will * be presented a dialog and allowed to adjust the values for this * instance of the schedule. * * The transaction will be created and entered into the ledger * and the schedule updated. */ KMyMoneyUtils::EnterScheduleResultCodeE enterSchedule(MyMoneySchedule& s, bool autoEnter = false, bool extendedKeys = false); /** * Creates a new institution entry in the MyMoneyFile engine * * @param institution MyMoneyInstitution object containing the data of * the institution to be created. */ void createInstitution(MyMoneyInstitution& institution); /** * This method unmatches the currently selected transactions */ void transactionUnmatch(); /** * This method matches the currently selected transactions */ void transactionMatch(); /** * This method preloads the holidays for the duration of the default forecast period */ void preloadHolidays(); public slots: void slotFileInfoDialog(); /** */ void slotFileNew(); /** open a file and load it into the document*/ void slotFileOpen(); /** opens a file from the recent files menu */ void slotFileOpenRecent(const KUrl& url); /** open a SQL database */ void slotOpenDatabase(); /** * saves the current document. If it has no name yet, the user * will be queried for it. * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ bool slotFileSave(); /** * ask the user for the filename and save the current document * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ bool slotFileSaveAs(); /** * ask the user to select a database and save the current document * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ bool slotSaveAsDatabase(); /** asks for saving if the file is modified, then closes the actual file and window */ void slotFileCloseWindow(); /** asks for saving if the file is modified, then closes the actual file */ void slotFileClose(); /** * closes all open windows by calling close() on each memberList item * until the list is empty, then quits the application. * If queryClose() returns false because the user canceled the * saveModified() dialog, the closing breaks. */ void slotFileQuit(); void slotFileConsistencyCheck(); /** * fires up the price table editor */ void slotPriceDialog(); /** * fires up the currency table editor */ void slotCurrencyDialog(); /** * Toggles the hide reconciled transactions setting */ void slotHideReconciledTransactions(); /** * Toggles the hide unused categories setting */ void slotHideUnusedCategories(); /** * Toggles the show all accounts setting */ void slotShowAllAccounts(); /** * changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, * used to indicate current actions. Returns the previous value for * 'stacked' usage. * * @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar */ const QString slotStatusMsg(const QString &text); /** * This method changes the progress bar in the status line according * to the parameters @p current and @p total. The following special * cases exist: * * - current = -1 and total = -1 will reset the progress bar * - current = ?? and total != 0 will setup the 100% mark to @p total * - current = xx and total == 0 will set the percentage * * @param current the current value with respect to the initialised * 100% mark * @param total the total value (100%) */ void slotStatusProgressBar(int current, int total = 0); /** * Called to update stock and currency prices from the user menu */ void slotEquityPriceUpdate(); /** * Imports a KMM statement into the engine, triggering the appropriate * UI to handle account matching, payee creation, and someday * payee and transaction matching. */ bool slotStatementImport(const MyMoneyStatement& s); /** * Essentially similar to the above slot, except this will load the file * from disk first, given the URL. */ bool slotStatementImport(const QString& url); /** * This slot starts the reconciliation of the currently selected account */ void slotAccountReconcileStart(); /** * This slot finishes a previously started reconciliation */ void slotAccountReconcileFinish(); /** * This slot postpones a previously started reconciliations */ void slotAccountReconcilePostpone(); /** * This slot deletes the currently selected account if possible */ void slotAccountDelete(); /** * This slot opens the account editor to edit the currently * selected account if possible */ void slotAccountEdit(); /** * This slot opens the selected account in the ledger view */ void slotAccountOpen(const MyMoneyObject& = MyMoneyAccount()); /** * This slot closes the currently selected account if possible */ void slotAccountClose(); /** * This slot re-openes the currently selected account if possible */ void slotAccountReopen(); /** * This slot reparents account @p src to be a child of account @p dest * * @param src account to be reparented * @param dest new parent */ void slotReparentAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& src, const MyMoneyAccount& dest); /** * This slot reparents account @p src to be a held at institution @p dest * * @param src account to be reparented * @param dest new parent institution */ void slotReparentAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& src, const MyMoneyInstitution& dest); /** * This slot creates a transaction report for the selected account * and opens it in the reports view. */ void slotAccountTransactionReport(); /** * This slot opens the account options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowAccountContextMenu(const MyMoneyObject&); /** * This slot opens the schedule options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowScheduleContextMenu(); /** * This slot opens the institution options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowInstitutionContextMenu(const MyMoneyObject&); /** * This slot opens the investment options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowInvestmentContextMenu(); /** * This slot opens the payee options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowPayeeContextMenu(); /** * This slot opens the tag options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowTagContextMenu(); /** * This slot opens the budget options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowBudgetContextMenu(); /** * This slot opens the transaction options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowTransactionContextMenu(); /** * This slot opens the currency options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowCurrencyContextMenu(); /** * This slot opens the price options menu at the current cursor * position. */ void slotShowPriceContextMenu(); /** * Open onlineJob options menu at current cursor position. */ void slotShowOnlineJobContextMenu(); /** * This slot collects information for a new scheduled transaction * and saves it in the engine. @sa slotScheduleNew(const MyMoneyTransaction&) */ void slotScheduleNew(); /** * This slot allows to edit information the currently selected schedule */ void slotScheduleEdit(); /** * This slot allows to delete the currently selected schedule */ void slotScheduleDelete(); /** * This slot allows to enter the next scheduled transaction of * the currently selected schedule */ void slotScheduleEnter(); /** * This slot allows to skip the next scheduled transaction of * the currently selected schedule */ void slotScheduleSkip(); /** * This slot fires up the KCalc application */ void slotToolsStartKCalc(); void slotResetSelections(); void slotSelectAccount(const MyMoneyObject& account = MyMoneyAccount()); void slotSelectInstitution(const MyMoneyObject& institution = MyMoneyInstitution()); void slotSelectInvestment(const MyMoneyObject& account = MyMoneyAccount()); void slotSelectSchedule(const MyMoneySchedule& schedule = MyMoneySchedule()); void slotSelectPayees(const QList& list); void slotSelectTags(const QList& list); void slotSelectBudget(const QList& list); void slotSelectTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list); void slotSelectCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& currency = MyMoneySecurity()); void slotSelectPrice(const MyMoneyPrice& price = MyMoneyPrice()); void slotTransactionMatch(); /** * Brings up the new account wizard and saves the information. */ void slotAccountNew(); void slotAccountNew(MyMoneyAccount&); /** * Brings up the new category editor and saves the information. */ void slotCategoryNew(); /** * Brings up the new category editor and saves the information. * The dialog will be preset with the name and parent account. * * @param account reference of category to be created. The @p name member * should be filled by the caller. The object will be filled * with additional information during the creation process * esp. the @p id member. * @param parent reference to parent account (defaults to none) */ void slotCategoryNew(MyMoneyAccount& account, const MyMoneyAccount& parent = MyMoneyAccount()); /** * This method updates all KAction items to the current state. */ void slotUpdateActions(); /** * Brings up the input dialog and saves the information. */ void slotInstitutionNew(); /** * Brings up the input dialog and saves the information. If * the institution has been created, the @a id member is filled, * otherwise it is empty. * * @param institution reference to data to be used to create the * institution. id member will be updated. */ void slotInstitutionNew(MyMoneyInstitution& institution); /** * Called whenever a plugin is plugged in */ void slotPluginPlug(KPluginInfo*); /** * Called whenever a plugin is unplugged */ void slotPluginUnplug(KPluginInfo*); private: /** * Create the transaction move menu and setup necessary connections. */ void createTransactionMoveMenu(); /** * This method sets the holidayRegion for use by the processing calendar. */ void setHolidayRegion(const QString& holidayRegion); /** * Load the status bar with the 'ready' message. This is hold in a single * place, so that is consistent with isReady(). */ void ready(); /** * Check if the status bar contains the 'ready' message. The return * value is used e.g. to detect if a quit operation is allowed or not. * * @retval true application is idle * @retval false application is active working on a longer operation */ bool isReady(); /** * Delete a possibly existing transaction editor but make sure to remove * any reference to it so that we avoid using a half-dead object */ void deleteTransactionEditor(); /** * delete all selected transactions w/o further questions */ void doDeleteTransactions(); /** * Re-implemented from IMyMoneyProcessingCalendar */ bool isProcessingDate(const QDate& date) const; /** * Depending on the setting of AutoSaveOnQuit, this method * asks the user to save the file or not. * * @returns see return values of KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel() */ int askSaveOnClose(); /** * Implement common task when deleting or merging payees */ bool payeeReassign(int type); signals: /** * This signal is emitted when a new file is loaded. In the case file * is closed, this signal is also emitted with an empty url. */ void fileLoaded(const KUrl& url); /** * This signal is emitted when a payee/list of payees has been selected by * the GUI. If no payee is selected or the selection is removed, * @p payees is identical to an empty QList. This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void payeesSelected(const QList& payees); /** * This signal is emitted when a tag/list of tags has been selected by * the GUI. If no tag is selected or the selection is removed, * @p tags is identical to an empty QList. This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void tagsSelected(const QList& tags); /** * This signal is emitted when a transaction/list of transactions has been selected by * the GUI. If no transaction is selected or the selection is removed, * @p transactions is identical to an empty QList. This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void transactionsSelected(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& transactions); /** * This signal is sent out, when the user presses Ctrl+A or activates * the Select all transactions action. */ void selectAllTransactions(); /** * This signal is emitted when a list of budgets has been selected by * the GUI. If no budget is selected or the selection is removed, * @a budget is identical to an empty QList. This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void budgetSelected(const QList& budget); void budgetRename(); /** * This signal is emitted when a new account has been selected by * the GUI. If no account is selected or the selection is removed, * @a account is identical to MyMoneyAccount(). This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void accountSelected(const MyMoneyAccount& account); void investmentSelected(const MyMoneyAccount& account); /** * This signal is emitted when a new institution has been selected by * the GUI. If no institution is selected or the selection is removed, * @a institution is identical to MyMoneyInstitution(). This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void institutionSelected(const MyMoneyInstitution& institution); /** * This signal is emitted when a new schedule has been selected by * the GUI. If no schedule is selected or the selection is removed, * @a schedule is identical to MyMoneySchedule(). This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void scheduleSelected(const MyMoneySchedule& schedule); /** * This signal is emitted when a new currency has been selected by * the GUI. If no currency is selected or the selection is removed, * @a currency is identical to MyMoneySecurity(). This signal is used * by plugins to get information about changes. */ void currencySelected(const MyMoneySecurity& currency); /** * This signal is emitted when a new price has been selected by * the GUI. If no price is selected or the selection is removed, * @a price is identical to MyMoneyPrice(). */ void priceSelected(const MyMoneyPrice& price); void payeeRename(); void payeeCreated(const QString& id); void tagRename(); void tagCreated(const QString& id); void currencyRename(); void currencyCreated(const QString& id); void priceEdit(); void priceNew(); void priceDelete(); void priceOnlineUpdate(); void startMatchTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& t); void cancelMatchTransaction(); /** * This signal is emitted when an account has been successfully reconciled * and all transactions are updated in the engine. It can be used by plugins * to create reconciliation reports. * * @param account the account data * @param date the reconciliation date as provided through the dialog * @param startingBalance the starting balance as provided through the dialog * @param endingBalance the ending balance as provided through the dialog * @param transactionList reference to QList of QPair containing all * transaction/split pairs processed by the reconciliation. */ void accountReconciled(const MyMoneyAccount& account, const QDate& date, const MyMoneyMoney& startingBalance, const MyMoneyMoney& endingBalance, const QList >& transactionList); public: /** * This method is implemented for convenience. It returns a dynamic_cast-ed * pointer to an action found in actionCollection(). * If the action with the name @p actionName is not found or the object * is not of type KToggleAction, a pointer to a static non-configured * KToggleAction object is returned and a warning is printed to stderr. */ KToggleAction* toggleAction(const QString& actionName) const; QPrinter *printer(); private: /// \internal d-pointer class. class Private; /* * Actually, one should write "Private * const d" but that confuses the KIDL * compiler in this context. It complains about the const keyword. So we leave * it out here */ /// \internal d-pointer instance. Private* d; }; extern KMyMoneyApp *kmymoney; class KMStatus { public: KMStatus(const QString &text); ~KMStatus(); private: QString m_prevText; }; #define KMSTATUS(msg) KMStatus _thisStatus(msg) #endif // KMYMONEY_H diff --git a/kmymoney/views/khomeview.cpp b/kmymoney/views/khomeview.cpp index 399150c3f..aa61d8c64 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/khomeview.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/views/khomeview.cpp @@ -1,2025 +1,2031 @@ /*************************************************************************** khomeview.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Tue Jan 22 2002 copyright : (C) 2000-2002 by Michael Edwardes Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "khomeview.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #include "kwelcomepage.h" #include "kmymoneyglobalsettings.h" #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneyforecast.h" #include "kmymoney.h" #include "kreportchartview.h" #include "pivottable.h" #include "pivotgrid.h" #include "reportaccount.h" #define VIEW_LEDGER "ledger" #define VIEW_SCHEDULE "schedule" #define VIEW_WELCOME "welcome" #define VIEW_HOME "home" #define VIEW_REPORTS "reports" bool accountNameLess(const MyMoneyAccount &acc1, const MyMoneyAccount &acc2) { return acc1.name().localeAwareCompare(acc2.name()) < 0; } using namespace reports; class KHomeView::Private { public: Private() : m_showAllSchedules(false), m_needReload(false), m_netWorthGraphLastValidSize(400, 300) { } /** * daily balances of an account */ typedef QMap dailyBalances; KHTMLPart* m_part; QString m_html; bool m_showAllSchedules; bool m_needReload; MyMoneyForecast m_forecast; MyMoneyMoney m_total; /** * Hold the last valid size of the net worth graph * for the times when the needed size can't be computed. */ QSize m_netWorthGraphLastValidSize; /** * daily forecast balance of accounts */ QMap m_accountList; }; /** * @brief Converts a QPixmap to an data URI scheme * * According to RFC 2397 * * @param pixmap Source to convert * @return full data URI */ QString QPixmapToDataUri(const QPixmap& pixmap) { QImage image(pixmap.toImage()); QByteArray byteArray; QBuffer buffer(&byteArray); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); image.save(&buffer, "PNG"); // writes the image in PNG format inside the buffer return QLatin1String("data:image/png;base64,") + QString(byteArray.toBase64()); } KHomeView::KHomeView(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KMyMoneyViewBase(parent, name, i18n("Home")), d(new Private) { d->m_part = new KHTMLPart(this); addWidget(d->m_part->view()); d->m_part->begin(); d->m_part->write(KWelcomePage::welcomePage()); d->m_part->end(); // we are going to handle the zoom view signal to change the font scale connect(d->m_part->view(), SIGNAL(zoomView(int)), this, SLOT(slotZoomView(int))); disconnect(d->m_part->view(), SIGNAL(zoomView(int)), d->m_part, SLOT(slotZoomView(int))); connect(d->m_part->browserExtension(), SIGNAL(openUrlRequest(KUrl,KParts::OpenUrlArguments,KParts::BrowserArguments)), this, SLOT(slotOpenUrl(KUrl,KParts::OpenUrlArguments,KParts::BrowserArguments))); } KHomeView::~KHomeView() { // if user wants to remember the font size, store it here if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::rememberFontSize()) { KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::setFontSizePercentage(d->m_part->fontScaleFactor()); KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::self()->writeConfig(); } //This is to prevent a crash on exit with KDE 4.3.2 delete d->m_part; delete d; } void KHomeView::slotLoadView() { d->m_needReload = true; if (isVisible()) { loadView(); d->m_needReload = false; } } void KHomeView::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { emit aboutToShow(); if (d->m_needReload) { loadView(); d->m_needReload = false; } QWidget::showEvent(event); } void KHomeView::slotPrintView() { if (d->m_part && d->m_part->view()) d->m_part->view()->print(); } +void KHomeView::slotPrintPreviewView() +{ + if (d->m_part && d->m_part->view()) + d->m_part->view()->print(); +} + void KHomeView::slotZoomView(int delta) { const int fontScaleStepping = 10; if (delta > 0) d->m_part->setFontScaleFactor(d->m_part->fontScaleFactor() + fontScaleStepping); else d->m_part->setFontScaleFactor(d->m_part->fontScaleFactor() - fontScaleStepping); } void KHomeView::loadView() { d->m_part->setFontScaleFactor(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::fontSizePercentage()); QList list; MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(list); if (list.count() == 0) { d->m_part->begin(); d->m_part->write(KWelcomePage::welcomePage()); d->m_part->end(); } else { //clear the forecast flag so it will be reloaded d->m_forecast.setForecastDone(false); const QString filename = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("appdata", "html/kmymoney.css"); QString header = QString("\n\n").arg(filename); header += KMyMoneyUtils::variableCSS(); header += "\n"; QString footer = "\n"; d->m_html.clear(); d->m_html += header; d->m_html += QString("
").arg(i18n("Your Financial Summary")); QStringList settings = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::itemList(); QStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it = settings.constBegin(); it != settings.constEnd(); ++it) { int option = (*it).toInt(); if (option > 0) { switch (option) { case 1: // payments showPayments(); break; case 2: // preferred accounts showAccounts(Preferred, i18n("Preferred Accounts")); break; case 3: // payment accounts // Check if preferred accounts are shown separately if (settings.contains("2")) { showAccounts(static_cast(Payment | Preferred), i18n("Payment Accounts")); } else { showAccounts(Payment, i18n("Payment Accounts")); } break; case 4: // favorite reports showFavoriteReports(); break; case 5: // forecast showForecast(); break; case 6: // net worth graph over all accounts showNetWorthGraph(); break; case 8: // assets and liabilities showAssetsLiabilities(); break; case 9: // budget showBudget(); break; case 10: // cash flow summary showCashFlowSummary(); break; } d->m_html += "
\n"; } } d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += link(VIEW_WELCOME, QString()) + i18n("Show KMyMoney welcome page") + linkend(); d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += footer; d->m_part->begin(); d->m_part->write(d->m_html); d->m_part->end(); } } void KHomeView::showNetWorthGraph() { d->m_html += QString("
\n").arg(i18n("Net Worth Forecast")); MyMoneyReport reportCfg = MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::userDefined, // overridden by the setDateFilter() call below MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Total, i18n("Net Worth Forecast"), i18n("Generated Report")); reportCfg.setChartByDefault(true); reportCfg.setChartGridLines(false); reportCfg.setChartDataLabels(false); reportCfg.setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); reportCfg.setIncludingSchedules(false); reportCfg.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); reportCfg.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); reportCfg.setColumnsAreDays(true); reportCfg.setConvertCurrency(true); reportCfg.setIncludingForecast(true); reportCfg.setDateFilter(QDate::currentDate(), QDate::currentDate().addDays(+ 90)); reports::PivotTable table(reportCfg); reports::KReportChartView* chartWidget = new reports::KReportChartView(0); table.drawChart(*chartWidget); // Adjust the size QSize netWorthGraphSize = KHomeView::size(); netWorthGraphSize -= QSize(80, 30); // consider the computed size valid only if it's smaller on both axes that the applications size if (netWorthGraphSize.width() < kmymoney->width() || netWorthGraphSize.height() < kmymoney->height()) { d->m_netWorthGraphLastValidSize = netWorthGraphSize; } chartWidget->resize(d->m_netWorthGraphLastValidSize); //save the chart to an image QString chart = QPixmapToDataUri(QPixmap::grabWidget(chartWidget->coordinatePlane()->parent())); d->m_html += QString(""); d->m_html += QString(""); d->m_html += QString("").arg(chart); d->m_html += QString(""); d->m_html += QString("
"); //delete the widget since we no longer need it delete chartWidget; } void KHomeView::showPayments() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList overdues; QList schedule; int i = 0; //if forecast has not been executed yet, do it. if (!d->m_forecast.isForecastDone()) doForecast(); schedule = file->scheduleList("", MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::STYPE_ANY, QDate::currentDate(), QDate::currentDate().addMonths(1)); overdues = file->scheduleList("", MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::STYPE_ANY, QDate(), QDate(), true); if (schedule.empty() && overdues.empty()) return; // HACK // Remove the finished schedules QList::Iterator d_it; //regular schedules d_it = schedule.begin(); while (d_it != schedule.end()) { if ((*d_it).isFinished()) { d_it = schedule.erase(d_it); continue; } ++d_it; } //overdue schedules d_it = overdues.begin(); while (d_it != overdues.end()) { if ((*d_it).isFinished()) { d_it = overdues.erase(d_it); continue; } ++d_it; } d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += QString("
\n").arg(i18n("Payments")); if (!overdues.isEmpty()) { d->m_html += "
\n"; qSort(overdues); QList::Iterator it; QList::Iterator it_f; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += QString("\n").arg(showColoredAmount(i18n("Overdue payments"), true)); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; for (it = overdues.begin(); it != overdues.end(); ++it) { // determine number of overdue payments int cnt = (*it).transactionsRemainingUntil(QDate::currentDate().addDays(-1)); d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); showPaymentEntry(*it, cnt); d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Date"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Schedule"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Account"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Amount"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Balance after"); d->m_html += "
"; } if (!schedule.isEmpty()) { qSort(schedule); // Extract todays payments if any QList todays; QList::Iterator t_it; for (t_it = schedule.begin(); t_it != schedule.end();) { if ((*t_it).adjustedNextDueDate() == QDate::currentDate()) { todays.append(*t_it); (*t_it).setNextDueDate((*t_it).nextPayment(QDate::currentDate())); // if adjustedNextDueDate is still currentDate then remove it from // scheduled payments if ((*t_it).adjustedNextDueDate() == QDate::currentDate()) { t_it = schedule.erase(t_it); continue; } } ++t_it; } if (todays.count() > 0) { d->m_html += "
\n"; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += QString("\n").arg(i18n("Today's due payments")); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; for (t_it = todays.begin(); t_it != todays.end(); ++t_it) { d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); showPaymentEntry(*t_it); d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Date"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Schedule"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Account"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Amount"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Balance after"); d->m_html += "
"; } if (!schedule.isEmpty()) { d->m_html += "
\n"; QList::Iterator it; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += QString("\n").arg(i18n("Future payments")); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; // show all or the first 6 entries int cnt; cnt = (d->m_showAllSchedules) ? -1 : 6; bool needMoreLess = d->m_showAllSchedules; QDate lastDate = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(1); qSort(schedule); do { it = schedule.begin(); if (it == schedule.end()) break; // if the next due date is invalid (schedule is finished) // we remove it from the list QDate nextDate = (*it).nextDueDate(); if (!nextDate.isValid()) { schedule.erase(it); continue; } if (nextDate > lastDate) break; if (cnt == 0) { needMoreLess = true; break; } // in case we've shown the current recurrence as overdue, // we don't show it here again, but keep the schedule // as it might show up later in the list again if (!(*it).isOverdue()) { if (cnt > 0) --cnt; d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); showPaymentEntry(*it); d->m_html += ""; // for single occurrence we have reported everything so we // better get out of here. if ((*it).occurrence() == MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ONCE) { schedule.erase(it); continue; } } // if nextPayment returns an invalid date, setNextDueDate will // just skip it, resulting in a loop // we check the resulting date and erase the schedule if invalid if (!((*it).nextPayment((*it).nextDueDate())).isValid()) { schedule.erase(it); continue; } (*it).setNextDueDate((*it).nextPayment((*it).nextDueDate())); qSort(schedule); } while (1); if (needMoreLess) { d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Date"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Schedule"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Account"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Amount"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Balance after"); d->m_html += "
"; if (d->m_showAllSchedules) { d->m_html += link(VIEW_SCHEDULE, QString("?mode=%1").arg("reduced")) + i18nc("Less...", "Show fewer schedules on the list") + linkend(); } else { d->m_html += link(VIEW_SCHEDULE, QString("?mode=%1").arg("full")) + i18nc("More...", "Show more schedules on the list") + linkend(); } d->m_html += "
"; } } d->m_html += "
"; } void KHomeView::showPaymentEntry(const MyMoneySchedule& sched, int cnt) { QString tmp; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); try { MyMoneyAccount acc = sched.account(); if (!acc.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyTransaction t = sched.transaction(); // only show the entry, if it is still active if (!sched.isFinished()) { MyMoneySplit sp = t.splitByAccount(acc.id(), true); QString pathEnter = QPixmapToDataUri(KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::enterScheduleIcon(), KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall)); QString pathSkip = QPixmapToDataUri(KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(QString("media-seek-forward"), KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall)); //show payment date tmp = QString("") + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(sched.adjustedNextDueDate(), KLocale::ShortDate) + ""; if (!pathEnter.isEmpty()) tmp += link(VIEW_SCHEDULE, QString("?id=%1&mode=enter").arg(sched.id()), i18n("Enter schedule")) + QString("").arg(pathEnter) + linkend(); if (!pathSkip.isEmpty()) tmp += " " + link(VIEW_SCHEDULE, QString("?id=%1&mode=skip").arg(sched.id()), i18n("Skip schedule")) + QString("").arg(pathSkip) + linkend(); tmp += QString(" "); tmp += link(VIEW_SCHEDULE, QString("?id=%1&mode=edit").arg(sched.id()), i18n("Edit schedule")) + sched.name() + linkend(); //show quantity of payments overdue if any if (cnt > 1) tmp += i18np(" (%1 payment)", " (%1 payments)", cnt); //show account of the main split tmp += ""; tmp += QString(file->account(acc.id()).name()); //show amount of the schedule tmp += ""; const MyMoneySecurity& currency = MyMoneyFile::instance()->currency(acc.currencyId()); MyMoneyMoney payment = MyMoneyMoney(sp.value(t.commodity(), acc.currencyId()) * cnt); QString amount = MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(payment, acc, currency); amount.replace(QChar(' '), " "); tmp += showColoredAmount(amount, payment.isNegative()); tmp += ""; //show balance after payments tmp += ""; QDate paymentDate = QDate(sched.adjustedNextDueDate()); MyMoneyMoney balanceAfter = forecastPaymentBalance(acc, payment, paymentDate); QString balance = MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(balanceAfter, acc, currency); balance.replace(QChar(' '), " "); tmp += showColoredAmount(balance, balanceAfter.isNegative()); tmp += ""; // qDebug("paymentEntry = '%s'", tmp.toLatin1()); d->m_html += tmp; } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("Unable to display schedule entry: %s", qPrintable(e.what())); } } void KHomeView::showAccounts(KHomeView::paymentTypeE type, const QString& header) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); int prec = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); QList accounts; bool showClosedAccounts = kmymoney->toggleAction("view_show_all_accounts")->isChecked(); // get list of all accounts file->accountList(accounts); for (QList::Iterator it = accounts.begin(); it != accounts.end();) { bool removeAccount = false; if (!(*it).isClosed() || showClosedAccounts) { switch ((*it).accountType()) { case MyMoneyAccount::Expense: case MyMoneyAccount::Income: // never show a category account // Note: This might be different in a future version when // the homepage also shows category based information removeAccount = true; break; // Asset and Liability accounts are only shown if they // have the preferred flag set case MyMoneyAccount::Asset: case MyMoneyAccount::Liability: case MyMoneyAccount::Investment: // if preferred accounts are requested, then keep in list if ((*it).value("PreferredAccount") != "Yes" || (type & Preferred) == 0) { removeAccount = true; } break; // Check payment accounts. If payment and preferred is selected, // then always show them. If only payment is selected, then // show only if preferred flag is not set. case MyMoneyAccount::Checkings: case MyMoneyAccount::Savings: case MyMoneyAccount::Cash: case MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard: switch (type & (Payment | Preferred)) { case Payment: if ((*it).value("PreferredAccount") == "Yes") removeAccount = true; break; case Preferred: if ((*it).value("PreferredAccount") != "Yes") removeAccount = true; break; case Payment | Preferred: break; default: removeAccount = true; break; } break; // filter all accounts that are not used on homepage views default: removeAccount = true; break; } } else if ((*it).isClosed() || (*it).isInvest()) { // don't show if closed or a stock account removeAccount = true; } if (removeAccount) it = accounts.erase(it); else ++it; } if (!accounts.isEmpty()) { // sort the accounts by name qStableSort(accounts.begin(), accounts.end(), accountNameLess); QString tmp; int i = 0; tmp = "
" + header + "
\n"; d->m_html += tmp; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showBalanceStatusOfOnlineAccounts()) { QString pathStatusHeader; KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(QString("download"), KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), &pathStatusHeader); d->m_html += QString("").arg(pathStatusHeader); } d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfUnmarkedTransactions()) d->m_html += QString(""); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfClearedTransactions()) d->m_html += QString(""); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) d->m_html += QString(""); d->m_html += ""; //only show limit info if user chose to do so if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showLimitInfo()) { d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += ""; d->m_total = 0; QList::const_iterator it_m; for (it_m = accounts.constBegin(); it_m != accounts.constEnd(); ++it_m) { d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); showAccountEntry(*it_m); d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); QString amount = d->m_total.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showBalanceStatusOfOnlineAccounts()) d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += QString("").arg(i18n("Total")); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfUnmarkedTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfClearedTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amount, d->m_total.isNegative())); d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Account"); d->m_html += "!MC!R"; d->m_html += i18n("Current Balance"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("To Minimum Balance / Maximum Credit"); d->m_html += "
"; } } void KHomeView::showAccountEntry(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneySecurity currency = file->currency(acc.currencyId()); MyMoneyMoney value; bool showLimit = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showLimitInfo(); if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { //investment accounts show the balances of all its subaccounts value = investmentBalance(acc); //investment accounts have no minimum balance showAccountEntry(acc, value, MyMoneyMoney(), showLimit); } else { //get balance for normal accounts value = file->balance(acc.id(), QDate::currentDate()); if (acc.currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { ReportAccount repAcc = ReportAccount(acc.id()); MyMoneyMoney curPrice = repAcc.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()); MyMoneyMoney baseValue = value * curPrice; baseValue = baseValue.convert(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); d->m_total += baseValue; } else { d->m_total += value; } //if credit card or checkings account, show maximum credit if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard || acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Checkings) { QString maximumCredit = acc.value("maxCreditAbsolute"); if (maximumCredit.isEmpty()) { maximumCredit = acc.value("minBalanceAbsolute"); } MyMoneyMoney maxCredit = MyMoneyMoney(maximumCredit); showAccountEntry(acc, value, value - maxCredit, showLimit); } else { //otherwise use minimum balance QString minimumBalance = acc.value("minBalanceAbsolute"); MyMoneyMoney minBalance = MyMoneyMoney(minimumBalance); showAccountEntry(acc, value, value - minBalance, showLimit); } } } void KHomeView::showAccountEntry(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyMoney& value, const MyMoneyMoney& valueToMinBal, const bool showMinBal) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QString tmp; MyMoneySecurity currency = file->currency(acc.currencyId()); QString amount; QString amountToMinBal; //format amounts amount = MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(value, acc, currency); amount.replace(QChar(' '), " "); if (showMinBal) { amountToMinBal = MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(valueToMinBal, acc, currency); amountToMinBal.replace(QChar(' '), " "); } QString cellStatus, cellCounts, pathOK, pathTODO, pathNotOK; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showBalanceStatusOfOnlineAccounts()) { //show account's online-status KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(QString("dialog-ok-apply"), KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), &pathOK); KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(QString("mail-receive"), KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), &pathTODO); KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(QString("dialog-cancel"), KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), &pathNotOK); if (acc.value("lastImportedTransactionDate").isEmpty() || acc.value("lastStatementBalance").isEmpty()) cellStatus = '-'; else if (file->hasMatchingOnlineBalance(acc)) { if (file->hasNewerTransaction(acc.id(), QDate::fromString(acc.value("lastImportedTransactionDate"), Qt::ISODate))) cellStatus = QString("").arg(pathTODO); else cellStatus = QString("").arg(pathOK); } else cellStatus = QString("").arg(pathNotOK); tmp = QString("%1").arg(cellStatus); } tmp += QString("") + link(VIEW_LEDGER, QString("?id=%1").arg(acc.id())) + acc.name() + linkend() + ""; int countNotMarked = 0, countCleared = 0, countNotReconciled = 0; QString countStr; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfUnmarkedTransactions() || KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) countNotMarked = file->countTransactionsWithSpecificReconciliationState(acc.id(), MyMoneyTransactionFilter::notReconciled); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfClearedTransactions() || KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) countCleared = file->countTransactionsWithSpecificReconciliationState(acc.id(), MyMoneyTransactionFilter::cleared); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) countNotReconciled = countNotMarked + countCleared; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfUnmarkedTransactions()) { if (countNotMarked) countStr = QString("%1").arg(countNotMarked); else countStr = '-'; tmp += QString("%1").arg(countStr); } if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfClearedTransactions()) { if (countCleared) countStr = QString("%1").arg(countCleared); else countStr = '-'; tmp += QString("%1").arg(countStr); } if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) { if (countNotReconciled) countStr = QString("%1").arg(countNotReconciled); else countStr = '-'; tmp += QString("%1").arg(countStr); } //show account balance tmp += QString("%1").arg(showColoredAmount(amount, value.isNegative())); //show minimum balance column if requested if (showMinBal) { //if it is an investment, show minimum balance empty if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { tmp += QString(" "); } else { //show minimum balance entry tmp += QString("%1").arg(showColoredAmount(amountToMinBal, valueToMinBal.isNegative())); } } // qDebug("accountEntry = '%s'", tmp.toLatin1()); d->m_html += tmp; } MyMoneyMoney KHomeView::investmentBalance(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyMoney value; value = file->balance(acc.id(), QDate::currentDate()); QList::const_iterator it_a; for (it_a = acc.accountList().begin(); it_a != acc.accountList().end(); ++it_a) { MyMoneyAccount stock = file->account(*it_a); if (!stock.isClosed()) { try { MyMoneyMoney val; MyMoneyMoney balance = file->balance(stock.id(), QDate::currentDate()); MyMoneySecurity security = file->security(stock.currencyId()); const MyMoneyPrice &price = file->price(stock.currencyId(), security.tradingCurrency()); val = (balance * price.rate(security.tradingCurrency())).convert(MyMoneyMoney::precToDenom(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision())); // adjust value of security to the currency of the account MyMoneySecurity accountCurrency = file->currency(acc.currencyId()); val = val * file->price(security.tradingCurrency(), accountCurrency.id()).rate(accountCurrency.id()); val = val.convert(acc.fraction()); value += val; } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qWarning("%s", qPrintable(QString("cannot convert stock balance of %1 to base currency: %2").arg(stock.name(), e.what()))); } } } return value; } void KHomeView::showFavoriteReports() { QList reports = MyMoneyFile::instance()->reportList(); if (!reports.isEmpty()) { bool firstTime = 1; int row = 0; QList::const_iterator it_report = reports.constBegin(); while (it_report != reports.constEnd()) { if ((*it_report).isFavorite()) { if (firstTime) { d->m_html += QString("
\n").arg(i18n("Favorite Reports")); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; firstTime = false; } d->m_html += QString("") .arg(row++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd") .arg(link(VIEW_REPORTS, QString("?id=%1").arg((*it_report).id()))) .arg((*it_report).name()) .arg(linkend()) .arg((*it_report).comment()); } ++it_report; } if (!firstTime) d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Report"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Comment"); d->m_html += "
"; } } void KHomeView::showForecast() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList accList; //if forecast has not been executed yet, do it. if (!d->m_forecast.isForecastDone()) doForecast(); accList = d->m_forecast.accountList(); if (accList.count() > 0) { // sort the accounts by name qStableSort(accList.begin(), accList.end(), accountNameLess); int i = 0; int colspan = 1; //get begin day int beginDay = QDate::currentDate().daysTo(d->m_forecast.beginForecastDate()); //if begin day is today skip to next cycle if (beginDay == 0) beginDay = d->m_forecast.accountsCycle(); // Now output header d->m_html += QString("
\n").arg(i18n("%1 Day Forecast", d->m_forecast.forecastDays())); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; int colWidth = 55 / (d->m_forecast.forecastDays() / d->m_forecast.accountsCycle()); for (i = 0; (i*d->m_forecast.accountsCycle() + beginDay) <= d->m_forecast.forecastDays(); ++i) { d->m_html += QString(""; colspan++; } d->m_html += ""; // Now output entries i = 0; QList::ConstIterator it_account; for (it_account = accList.constBegin(); it_account != accList.constEnd(); ++it_account) { //MyMoneyAccount acc = (*it_n); d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); d->m_html += QString(""; int dropZero = -1; //account dropped below zero int dropMinimum = -1; //account dropped below minimum balance QString minimumBalance = (*it_account).value("minimumBalance"); MyMoneyMoney minBalance = MyMoneyMoney(minimumBalance); MyMoneySecurity currency; MyMoneyMoney forecastBalance; //change account to deep currency if account is an investment if ((*it_account).isInvest()) { MyMoneySecurity underSecurity = file->security((*it_account).currencyId()); currency = file->security(underSecurity.tradingCurrency()); } else { currency = file->security((*it_account).currencyId()); } for (int f = beginDay; f <= d->m_forecast.forecastDays(); f += d->m_forecast.accountsCycle()) { forecastBalance = d->m_forecast.forecastBalance(*it_account, QDate::currentDate().addDays(f)); QString amount; amount = MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(forecastBalance, *it_account, currency); amount.replace(QChar(' '), " "); d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amount, forecastBalance.isNegative())); } d->m_html += ""; //Check if the account is going to be below zero or below the minimal balance in the forecast period //Check if the account is going to be below minimal balance dropMinimum = d->m_forecast.daysToMinimumBalance(*it_account); //Check if the account is going to be below zero in the future dropZero = d->m_forecast.daysToZeroBalance(*it_account); // spit out possible warnings QString msg; // if a minimum balance has been specified, an appropriate warning will // only be shown, if the drop below 0 is on a different day or not present if (dropMinimum != -1 && !minBalance.isZero() && (dropMinimum < dropZero || dropZero == -1)) { switch (dropMinimum) { case -1: break; case 0: msg = i18n("The balance of %1 is below the minimum balance %2 today.", (*it_account).name(), MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(minBalance, *it_account, currency)); msg = showColoredAmount(msg, true); break; default: msg = i18np("The balance of %2 will drop below the minimum balance %3 in %1 day.", "The balance of %2 will drop below the minimum balance %3 in %1 days.", dropMinimum - 1, (*it_account).name(), MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(minBalance, *it_account, currency)); msg = showColoredAmount(msg, true); break; } if (!msg.isEmpty()) { d->m_html += QString("").arg(msg).arg(colspan); } } // a drop below zero is always shown msg.clear(); switch (dropZero) { case -1: break; case 0: if ((*it_account).accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Asset) { msg = i18n("The balance of %1 is below %2 today.", (*it_account).name(), MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(MyMoneyMoney(), *it_account, currency)); msg = showColoredAmount(msg, true); break; } if ((*it_account).accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Liability) { msg = i18n("The balance of %1 is above %2 today.", (*it_account).name(), MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(MyMoneyMoney(), *it_account, currency)); break; } break; default: if ((*it_account).accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Asset) { msg = i18np("The balance of %2 will drop below %3 in %1 day.", "The balance of %2 will drop below %3 in %1 days.", dropZero, (*it_account).name(), MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(MyMoneyMoney(), *it_account, currency)); msg = showColoredAmount(msg, true); break; } if ((*it_account).accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Liability) { msg = i18np("The balance of %2 will raise above %3 in %1 day.", "The balance of %2 will raise above %3 in %1 days.", dropZero, (*it_account).name(), MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney(MyMoneyMoney(), *it_account, currency)); break; } } if (!msg.isEmpty()) { d->m_html += QString("").arg(msg).arg(colspan); } } d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Account"); d->m_html += "").arg(colWidth); d->m_html += i18ncp("Forecast days", "%1 day", "%1 days", i * d->m_forecast.accountsCycle() + beginDay); d->m_html += "
") + link(VIEW_LEDGER, QString("?id=%1").arg((*it_account).id())) + (*it_account).name() + linkend() + "").arg(colWidth); d->m_html += QString("%1
"; } } const QString KHomeView::link(const QString& view, const QString& query, const QString& _title) const { QString titlePart; QString title(_title); if (!title.isEmpty()) titlePart = QString(" title=\"%1\"").arg(title.replace(QChar(' '), " ")); return QString("").arg(view, query, titlePart); } const QString KHomeView::linkend() const { return ""; } void KHomeView::slotOpenUrl(const KUrl &url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments&, const KParts::BrowserArguments&) { QString protocol = url.protocol(); QString view = url.fileName(); QString id = url.queryItem("id"); QString mode = url.queryItem("mode"); if (protocol == "http") { KToolInvocation::invokeBrowser(url.prettyUrl()); } else if (protocol == "mailto") { KToolInvocation::invokeMailer(url); } else { KXmlGuiWindow* mw = KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(); Q_CHECK_PTR(mw); if (view == VIEW_LEDGER) { emit ledgerSelected(id, QString()); } else if (view == VIEW_SCHEDULE) { if (mode == "enter") { emit scheduleSelected(id); QTimer::singleShot(0, mw->actionCollection()->action("schedule_enter"), SLOT(trigger())); } else if (mode == "edit") { emit scheduleSelected(id); QTimer::singleShot(0, mw->actionCollection()->action("schedule_edit"), SLOT(trigger())); } else if (mode == "skip") { emit scheduleSelected(id); QTimer::singleShot(0, mw->actionCollection()->action("schedule_skip"), SLOT(trigger())); } else if (mode == "full") { d->m_showAllSchedules = true; loadView(); } else if (mode == "reduced") { d->m_showAllSchedules = false; loadView(); } } else if (view == VIEW_REPORTS) { emit reportSelected(id); } else if (view == VIEW_WELCOME) { if (mode == "whatsnew") { d->m_part->begin(); d->m_part->write(KWelcomePage::whatsNewPage()); d->m_part->end(); } else { d->m_part->begin(); d->m_part->write(KWelcomePage::welcomePage()); d->m_part->end(); } } else if (view == "action") { QTimer::singleShot(0, mw->actionCollection()->action(id), SLOT(trigger())); } else if (view == VIEW_HOME) { QList list; MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(list); if (list.count() == 0) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Before KMyMoney can give you detailed information about your financial status, you need to create at least one account. Until then, KMyMoney shows the welcome page instead.")); } loadView(); } else { qDebug("Unknown view '%s' in KHomeView::slotOpenURL()", qPrintable(view)); } } } void KHomeView::showAssetsLiabilities() { QList accounts; QList::ConstIterator it; QList assets; QList liabilities; MyMoneyMoney netAssets; MyMoneyMoney netLiabilities; QString fontStart, fontEnd; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); int prec = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); int i = 0; // get list of all accounts file->accountList(accounts); for (it = accounts.constBegin(); it != accounts.constEnd();) { if (!(*it).isClosed()) { switch ((*it).accountType()) { // group all assets into one list but make sure that investment accounts always show up case MyMoneyAccount::Investment: assets << *it; break; case MyMoneyAccount::Checkings: case MyMoneyAccount::Savings: case MyMoneyAccount::Cash: case MyMoneyAccount::Asset: case MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan: // list account if it's the last in the hierarchy or has transactions in it if ((*it).accountList().isEmpty() || (file->transactionCount((*it).id()) > 0)) { assets << *it; } break; // group the liabilities into the other case MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard: case MyMoneyAccount::Liability: case MyMoneyAccount::Loan: // list account if it's the last in the hierarchy or has transactions in it if ((*it).accountList().isEmpty() || (file->transactionCount((*it).id()) > 0)) { liabilities << *it; } break; default: break; } } ++it; } //only do it if we have assets or liabilities account if (assets.count() > 0 || liabilities.count() > 0) { // sort the accounts by name qStableSort(assets.begin(), assets.end(), accountNameLess); qStableSort(liabilities.begin(), liabilities.end(), accountNameLess); QString statusHeader; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showBalanceStatusOfOnlineAccounts()) { QString pathStatusHeader; KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(QString("online-banking"), KIconLoader::Small, KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), &pathStatusHeader); statusHeader = QString("").arg(pathStatusHeader); } //print header d->m_html += "
" + i18n("Assets and Liabilities Summary") + "
\n"; d->m_html += ""; //column titles d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showBalanceStatusOfOnlineAccounts()) { d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfUnmarkedTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfClearedTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; //intermediate row to separate both columns d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showBalanceStatusOfOnlineAccounts()) { d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfUnmarkedTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfClearedTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; QString placeHolder_Status, placeHolder_Counts; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showBalanceStatusOfOnlineAccounts()) placeHolder_Status = ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfUnmarkedTransactions()) placeHolder_Counts = ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfClearedTransactions()) placeHolder_Counts += ""; if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showCountOfNotReconciledTransactions()) placeHolder_Counts += ""; //get asset and liability accounts QList::const_iterator asset_it = assets.constBegin(); QList::const_iterator liabilities_it = liabilities.constBegin(); for (; asset_it != assets.constEnd() || liabilities_it != liabilities.constEnd();) { d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); //write an asset account if we still have any if (asset_it != assets.constEnd()) { MyMoneyMoney value; //investment accounts consolidate the balance of its subaccounts if ((*asset_it).accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { value = investmentBalance(*asset_it); } else { value = MyMoneyFile::instance()->balance((*asset_it).id(), QDate::currentDate()); } //calculate balance for foreign currency accounts if ((*asset_it).currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { ReportAccount repAcc = ReportAccount((*asset_it).id()); MyMoneyMoney curPrice = repAcc.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()); MyMoneyMoney baseValue = value * curPrice; baseValue = baseValue.convert(10000); netAssets += baseValue; } else { netAssets += value; } //show the account without minimum balance showAccountEntry(*asset_it, value, MyMoneyMoney(), false); ++asset_it; } else { //write a white space if we don't d->m_html += QString("%1%2").arg(placeHolder_Status).arg(placeHolder_Counts); } //leave the intermediate column empty d->m_html += ""; //write a liability account if (liabilities_it != liabilities.constEnd()) { MyMoneyMoney value; value = MyMoneyFile::instance()->balance((*liabilities_it).id(), QDate::currentDate()); //calculate balance if foreign currency if ((*liabilities_it).currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { ReportAccount repAcc = ReportAccount((*liabilities_it).id()); MyMoneyMoney curPrice = repAcc.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()); MyMoneyMoney baseValue = value * curPrice; baseValue = baseValue.convert(10000); netLiabilities += baseValue; } else { netLiabilities += value; } //show the account without minimum balance showAccountEntry(*liabilities_it, value, MyMoneyMoney(), false); ++liabilities_it; } else { //leave the space empty if we run out of liabilities d->m_html += QString("%1%2").arg(placeHolder_Status).arg(placeHolder_Counts); } d->m_html += ""; } //calculate net worth MyMoneyMoney netWorth = netAssets + netLiabilities; //format assets, liabilities and net worth QString amountAssets = netAssets.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountLiabilities = netLiabilities.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountNetWorth = netWorth.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); amountAssets.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountLiabilities.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountNetWorth.replace(QChar(' '), " "); d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); //print total for assets d->m_html += QString("%1%3").arg(placeHolder_Status).arg(i18n("Total Assets")).arg(placeHolder_Counts).arg(showColoredAmount(amountAssets, netAssets.isNegative())); //leave the intermediate column empty d->m_html += ""; //print total liabilities d->m_html += QString("%1%3").arg(placeHolder_Status).arg(i18n("Total Liabilities")).arg(placeHolder_Counts).arg(showColoredAmount(amountLiabilities, netLiabilities.isNegative())); d->m_html += ""; //print net worth d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); d->m_html += QString("%1%2").arg(placeHolder_Status).arg(placeHolder_Counts); d->m_html += QString("%1%3").arg(placeHolder_Status).arg(i18n("Net Worth")).arg(placeHolder_Counts).arg(showColoredAmount(amountNetWorth, netWorth.isNegative())); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += statusHeader; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Asset Accounts"); d->m_html += "!MC!R"; d->m_html += i18n("Current Balance"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += statusHeader; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Liability Accounts"); d->m_html += "!MC!R"; d->m_html += i18n("Current Balance"); d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += "
"; } } void KHomeView::showBudget() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); if (file->countBudgets()) { int prec = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); bool isOverrun = false; int i = 0; //config report just like "Monthly Budgeted vs Actual MyMoneyReport reportCfg = MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::BudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentMonth, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Monthly Budgeted vs. Actual"), i18n("Generated Report")); reportCfg.setBudget("Any", true); reports::PivotTable table(reportCfg); PivotGrid grid = table.grid(); //div header d->m_html += "
" + i18n("Budget") + "
\n"; //display budget summary d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += QString(""); MyMoneyMoney totalBudgetValue = grid.m_total[eBudget].m_total; MyMoneyMoney totalActualValue = grid.m_total[eActual].m_total; MyMoneyMoney totalBudgetDiffValue = grid.m_total[eBudgetDiff].m_total; QString totalBudgetAmount = totalBudgetValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString totalActualAmount = totalActualValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString totalBudgetDiffAmount = totalBudgetDiffValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(totalBudgetAmount, totalBudgetValue.isNegative())); d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(totalActualAmount, totalActualValue.isNegative())); d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(totalBudgetDiffAmount, totalBudgetDiffValue.isNegative())); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Current Month Summary"); d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Budgeted"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Actual"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Difference"); d->m_html += "
"; //budget overrun d->m_html += "
\n"; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != grid.end()) { i = 0; PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { //column number is 1 because the report includes only current month if (it_row.value()[eBudgetDiff][1].isNegative()) { //get report account to get the name later ReportAccount rowname = it_row.key(); //write the outergroup if it is the first row of outergroup being shown if (i == 0) { d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += QString("").arg(KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(rowname.accountType())); d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); //get values from grid MyMoneyMoney actualValue = it_row.value()[eActual][1]; MyMoneyMoney budgetValue = it_row.value()[eBudget][1]; MyMoneyMoney budgetDiffValue = it_row.value()[eBudgetDiff][1]; //format amounts QString actualAmount = actualValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString budgetAmount = budgetValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString budgetDiffAmount = budgetDiffValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); //account name d->m_html += QString(""; //show amounts d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(budgetAmount, budgetValue.isNegative())); d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(actualAmount, actualValue.isNegative())); d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(budgetDiffAmount, budgetDiffValue.isNegative())); d->m_html += ""; //set the flag that there are overruns isOverrun = true; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } //if no negative differences are found, then inform that if (!isOverrun) { d->m_html += QString("").arg(i++ & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd"); d->m_html += QString("").arg(i18n("No Budget Categories have been overrun")); d->m_html += ""; } d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Budget Overruns"); d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Account"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Budgeted"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Actual"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Difference"); d->m_html += "
") + link(VIEW_LEDGER, QString("?id=%1").arg(rowname.id())) + rowname.name() + linkend() + "%1%1%1
"; } } QString KHomeView::showColoredAmount(const QString& amount, bool isNegative) { if (isNegative) { //if negative, get the settings for negative numbers return QString("%2").arg(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::listNegativeValueColor().name(), amount); } //if positive, return the same string return amount; } void KHomeView::doForecast() { //clear m_accountList because forecast is about to changed d->m_accountList.clear(); //reinitialize the object d->m_forecast = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::forecast(); //If forecastDays lower than accountsCycle, adjust to the first cycle if (d->m_forecast.accountsCycle() > d->m_forecast.forecastDays()) d->m_forecast.setForecastDays(d->m_forecast.accountsCycle()); //Get all accounts of the right type to calculate forecast d->m_forecast.doForecast(); } MyMoneyMoney KHomeView::forecastPaymentBalance(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyMoney& payment, QDate& paymentDate) { //if paymentDate before or equal to currentDate set it to current date plus 1 //so we get to accumulate forecast balance correctly if (paymentDate <= QDate::currentDate()) paymentDate = QDate::currentDate().addDays(1); //check if the account is already there if (d->m_accountList.find(acc.id()) == d->m_accountList.end() || d->m_accountList[acc.id()].find(paymentDate) == d->m_accountList[acc.id()].end()) { if (paymentDate == QDate::currentDate()) { d->m_accountList[acc.id()][paymentDate] = d->m_forecast.forecastBalance(acc, paymentDate); } else { d->m_accountList[acc.id()][paymentDate] = d->m_forecast.forecastBalance(acc, paymentDate.addDays(-1)); } } d->m_accountList[acc.id()][paymentDate] = d->m_accountList[acc.id()][paymentDate] + payment; return d->m_accountList[acc.id()][paymentDate]; } void KHomeView::showCashFlowSummary() { MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; MyMoneyMoney incomeValue; MyMoneyMoney expenseValue; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); int prec = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); //set start and end of month dates QDate startOfMonth = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), QDate::currentDate().month(), 1); QDate endOfMonth = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), QDate::currentDate().month(), QDate::currentDate().daysInMonth()); //Add total income and expenses for this month //get transactions for current month filter.setDateFilter(startOfMonth, endOfMonth); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QList transactions = file->transactionList(filter); //if no transaction then skip and print total in zero if (transactions.size() > 0) { QList::const_iterator it_transaction; //get all transactions for this month for (it_transaction = transactions.constBegin(); it_transaction != transactions.constEnd(); ++it_transaction) { //get the splits for each transaction const QList& splits = (*it_transaction).splits(); QList::const_iterator it_split; for (it_split = splits.begin(); it_split != splits.end(); ++it_split) { if (!(*it_split).shares().isZero()) { ReportAccount repSplitAcc = ReportAccount((*it_split).accountId()); //only add if it is an income or expense if (repSplitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { MyMoneyMoney value; //convert to base currency if necessary if (repSplitAcc.currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { MyMoneyMoney curPrice = repSplitAcc.baseCurrencyPrice((*it_transaction).postDate()); value = ((*it_split).shares() * MyMoneyMoney::MINUS_ONE) * curPrice; value = value.convert(10000); } else { value = ((*it_split).shares() * MyMoneyMoney::MINUS_ONE); } //store depending on account type if (repSplitAcc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Income) { incomeValue += value; } else { expenseValue += value; } } } } } } //format income and expenses QString amountIncome = incomeValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountExpense = expenseValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); amountIncome.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountExpense.replace(QChar(' '), " "); //calculate schedules //Add all schedules for this month MyMoneyMoney scheduledIncome; MyMoneyMoney scheduledExpense; MyMoneyMoney scheduledLiquidTransfer; MyMoneyMoney scheduledOtherTransfer; //get overdues and schedules until the end of this month QList schedule = file->scheduleList("", MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ANY, MyMoneySchedule::STYPE_ANY, QDate(), endOfMonth); //Remove the finished schedules QList::Iterator finished_it; for (finished_it = schedule.begin(); finished_it != schedule.end();) { if ((*finished_it).isFinished()) { finished_it = schedule.erase(finished_it); continue; } ++finished_it; } //add income and expenses QList::Iterator sched_it; for (sched_it = schedule.begin(); sched_it != schedule.end();) { QDate nextDate = (*sched_it).nextDueDate(); int cnt = 0; while (nextDate.isValid() && nextDate <= endOfMonth) { ++cnt; nextDate = (*sched_it).nextPayment(nextDate); // for single occurrence nextDate will not change, so we // better get out of here. if ((*sched_it).occurrence() == MyMoneySchedule::OCCUR_ONCE) break; } MyMoneyAccount acc = (*sched_it).account(); if (!acc.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyTransaction transaction = (*sched_it).transaction(); // only show the entry, if it is still active MyMoneySplit sp = transaction.splitByAccount(acc.id(), true); // take care of the autoCalc stuff if ((*sched_it).type() == MyMoneySchedule::TYPE_LOANPAYMENT) { QDate nextDate = (*sched_it).nextPayment((*sched_it).lastPayment()); //make sure we have all 'starting balances' so that the autocalc works QList::const_iterator it_s; QMap balanceMap; for (it_s = transaction.splits().constBegin(); it_s != transaction.splits().constEnd(); ++it_s) { MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId()); // collect all overdues on the first day QDate schedDate = nextDate; if (QDate::currentDate() >= nextDate) schedDate = QDate::currentDate().addDays(1); balanceMap[acc.id()] += file->balance(acc.id(), QDate::currentDate()); } KMyMoneyUtils::calculateAutoLoan(*sched_it, transaction, balanceMap); } //go through the splits and assign to liquid or other transfers const QList splits = transaction.splits(); QList::const_iterator split_it; for (split_it = splits.constBegin(); split_it != splits.constEnd(); ++split_it) { if ((*split_it).accountId() != acc.id()) { ReportAccount repSplitAcc = ReportAccount((*split_it).accountId()); //get the shares and multiply by the quantity of occurrences in the period MyMoneyMoney value = (*split_it).shares() * cnt; //convert to foreign currency if needed if (repSplitAcc.currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { MyMoneyMoney curPrice = repSplitAcc.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()); value = value * curPrice; value = value.convert(10000); } if ((repSplitAcc.isLiquidLiability() || repSplitAcc.isLiquidAsset()) && acc.accountGroup() != repSplitAcc.accountGroup()) { scheduledLiquidTransfer += value; } else if (repSplitAcc.isAssetLiability() && !repSplitAcc.isLiquidLiability() && !repSplitAcc.isLiquidAsset()) { scheduledOtherTransfer += value; } else if (repSplitAcc.isIncomeExpense()) { //income and expenses are stored as negative values if (repSplitAcc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Income) scheduledIncome -= value; if (repSplitAcc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Expense) scheduledExpense -= value; } } } } ++sched_it; } //format the currency strings QString amountScheduledIncome = scheduledIncome.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountScheduledExpense = scheduledExpense.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountScheduledLiquidTransfer = scheduledLiquidTransfer.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountScheduledOtherTransfer = scheduledOtherTransfer.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); amountScheduledIncome.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountScheduledExpense.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountScheduledLiquidTransfer.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountScheduledOtherTransfer.replace(QChar(' '), " "); //get liquid assets and liabilities QList accounts; QList::const_iterator account_it; MyMoneyMoney liquidAssets; MyMoneyMoney liquidLiabilities; // get list of all accounts file->accountList(accounts); for (account_it = accounts.constBegin(); account_it != accounts.constEnd();) { if (!(*account_it).isClosed()) { switch ((*account_it).accountType()) { //group all assets into one list case MyMoneyAccount::Checkings: case MyMoneyAccount::Savings: case MyMoneyAccount::Cash: { MyMoneyMoney value = MyMoneyFile::instance()->balance((*account_it).id(), QDate::currentDate()); //calculate balance for foreign currency accounts if ((*account_it).currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { ReportAccount repAcc = ReportAccount((*account_it).id()); MyMoneyMoney curPrice = repAcc.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()); MyMoneyMoney baseValue = value * curPrice; liquidAssets += baseValue; liquidAssets = liquidAssets.convert(10000); } else { liquidAssets += value; } break; } //group the liabilities into the other case MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard: { MyMoneyMoney value; value = MyMoneyFile::instance()->balance((*account_it).id(), QDate::currentDate()); //calculate balance if foreign currency if ((*account_it).currencyId() != file->baseCurrency().id()) { ReportAccount repAcc = ReportAccount((*account_it).id()); MyMoneyMoney curPrice = repAcc.baseCurrencyPrice(QDate::currentDate()); MyMoneyMoney baseValue = value * curPrice; liquidLiabilities += baseValue; liquidLiabilities = liquidLiabilities.convert(10000); } else { liquidLiabilities += value; } break; } default: break; } } ++account_it; } //calculate net worth MyMoneyMoney liquidWorth = liquidAssets + liquidLiabilities; //format assets, liabilities and net worth QString amountLiquidAssets = liquidAssets.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountLiquidLiabilities = liquidLiabilities.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountLiquidWorth = liquidWorth.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); amountLiquidAssets.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountLiquidLiabilities.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountLiquidWorth.replace(QChar(' '), " "); //show the summary d->m_html += "
" + i18n("Cash Flow Summary") + "
\n"; //print header d->m_html += ""; //income and expense title d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; //column titles d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; //add row with banding d->m_html += QString(""); //print current income d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountIncome, incomeValue.isNegative())); //print the scheduled income d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountScheduledIncome, scheduledIncome.isNegative())); //print current expenses d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountExpense, expenseValue.isNegative())); //print the scheduled expenses d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountScheduledExpense, scheduledExpense.isNegative())); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Income and Expenses of Current Month"); d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Income"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Scheduled Income"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Expenses"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Scheduled Expenses"); d->m_html += "
"; //print header of assets and liabilities d->m_html += "
\n"; d->m_html += ""; //assets and liabilities title d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; //column titles d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; //add row with banding d->m_html += QString(""); //print current liquid assets d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountLiquidAssets, liquidAssets.isNegative())); //print the scheduled transfers d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountScheduledLiquidTransfer, scheduledLiquidTransfer.isNegative())); //print current liabilities d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountLiquidLiabilities, liquidLiabilities.isNegative())); //print the scheduled transfers d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountScheduledOtherTransfer, scheduledOtherTransfer.isNegative())); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Liquid Assets and Liabilities"); d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Liquid Assets"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Transfers to Liquid Liabilities"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Liquid Liabilities"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Other Transfers"); d->m_html += "
"; //final conclusion MyMoneyMoney profitValue = incomeValue + expenseValue + scheduledIncome + scheduledExpense; MyMoneyMoney expectedAsset = liquidAssets + scheduledIncome + scheduledExpense + scheduledLiquidTransfer + scheduledOtherTransfer; MyMoneyMoney expectedLiabilities = liquidLiabilities + scheduledLiquidTransfer; QString amountExpectedAsset = expectedAsset.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountExpectedLiabilities = expectedLiabilities.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); QString amountProfit = profitValue.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().tradingSymbol(), prec); amountProfit.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountExpectedAsset.replace(QChar(' '), " "); amountExpectedLiabilities.replace(QChar(' '), " "); //print header of cash flow status d->m_html += "
\n"; d->m_html += ""; //income and expense title d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; //column titles d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += ""; //add row with banding d->m_html += QString(""); d->m_html += ""; //print expected assets d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountExpectedAsset, expectedAsset.isNegative())); //print expected liabilities d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountExpectedLiabilities, expectedLiabilities.isNegative())); //print expected profit d->m_html += QString("").arg(showColoredAmount(amountProfit, profitValue.isNegative())); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += i18n("Cash Flow Status"); d->m_html += "
 "; d->m_html += i18n("Expected Liquid Assets"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Expected Liquid Liabilities"); d->m_html += ""; d->m_html += i18n("Expected Profit/Loss"); d->m_html += "
"; d->m_html += "
"; } // Make sure, that these definitions are only used within this file // this does not seem to be necessary, but when building RPMs the // build option 'final' is used and all CPP files are concatenated. // So it could well be, that in another CPP file these definitions // are also used. #undef VIEW_LEDGER #undef VIEW_SCHEDULE #undef VIEW_WELCOME #undef VIEW_HOME #undef VIEW_REPORTS diff --git a/kmymoney/views/khomeview.h b/kmymoney/views/khomeview.h index 6bde5edf3..d374b6ac3 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/khomeview.h +++ b/kmymoney/views/khomeview.h @@ -1,141 +1,146 @@ /*************************************************************************** khomeview.h - description ------------------- begin : Tue Jan 22 2002 copyright : (C) 2000-2002 by Michael Edwardes Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KHOMEVIEW_H #define KHOMEVIEW_H // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneyschedule.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include "kmymoneyview.h" /** * Displays a 'home page' for the user. Similar to concepts used in * quicken and m$-money. * * @author Michael Edwardes * * @short A view containing the home page for kmymoney. **/ class KHomeView : public KMyMoneyViewBase { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Definition of bitmap used as argument for showAccounts(). */ enum paymentTypeE { Preferred = 1, ///< show preferred accounts Payment = 2 ///< show payment accounts }; explicit KHomeView(QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0); ~KHomeView(); protected: void showPayments(); void showPaymentEntry(const MyMoneySchedule&, int cnt = 1); void showAccounts(paymentTypeE type, const QString& hdr); void showAccountEntry(const MyMoneyAccount&); void showFavoriteReports(); void showForecast(); void showNetWorthGraph(); void showSummary(); void showAssetsLiabilities(); void showIncomeExpenseSummary(); void showSchedulesSummary(); void showBudget(); void showCashFlowSummary(); const QString link(const QString& view, const QString& query, const QString& title = QString()) const; const QString linkend() const; void loadView(); /** * Overridden so we can emit the activated signal. * * @return Nothing. */ void showEvent(QShowEvent* event); public slots: void slotOpenUrl(const KUrl &url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &args, const KParts::BrowserArguments &browArgs); void slotLoadView(); /** * Print the current view */ void slotPrintView(); + /** + * Opens the print preview for the current view + */ + void slotPrintPreviewView(); + void slotZoomView(int); signals: void ledgerSelected(const QString& id, const QString& transaction); void scheduleSelected(const QString& id); void reportSelected(const QString& id); private: /// \internal d-pointer class. class Private; /// \internal d-pointer instance. Private* const d; /** * Print an account and its balance and limit */ void showAccountEntry(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyMoney& value, const MyMoneyMoney& valueToMinBal, const bool showMinBal); /** * @param acc the investment account * @return the balance in the currency of the investment account */ MyMoneyMoney investmentBalance(const MyMoneyAccount& acc); /** * Print text in the color set for negative numbers, if @p amount is negative * abd @p isNegative is true */ QString showColoredAmount(const QString& amount, bool isNegative); /** * Run the forecast */ void doForecast(); /** * Calculate the forecast balance after a payment has been made */ MyMoneyMoney forecastPaymentBalance(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyMoney& payment, QDate& paymentDate); }; #endif diff --git a/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp b/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp index 4c0ec978d..93033c0b5 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp @@ -1,2353 +1,2361 @@ /*************************************************************************** kmymoneyview.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000 by Michael Edwardes 2004 by Thomas Baumgart ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "kmymoneyview.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef KActivities_FOUND #include #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include #include #include #include #include "kendingbalancedlg.h" #include "kchooseimportexportdlg.h" #include "kimportdlg.h" #include "kexportdlg.h" #include "knewloanwizard.h" #include "kcurrencyeditdlg.h" #include "kfindtransactiondlg.h" #include "knewbankdlg.h" #include "knewfiledlg.h" #include "mymoneyseqaccessmgr.h" #include "mymoneydatabasemgr.h" #include "imymoneystorageformat.h" #include "mymoneystoragebin.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "mymoneystoragexml.h" #include "mymoneystoragesql.h" #include "mymoneygncreader.h" #include "mymoneystorageanon.h" #include #include "khomeview.h" #include "kaccountsview.h" #include "kcategoriesview.h" #include "kinstitutionsview.h" #include "kpayeesview.h" #include "ktagsview.h" #include "kscheduledview.h" #include "kgloballedgerview.h" #include "kinvestmentview.h" #include "kreportsview.h" #include "kbudgetview.h" #include "kforecastview.h" #include "konlinejoboutbox.h" #include "kmymoney.h" #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #include "models.h" #define COMPRESSION_MIME_TYPE "application/x-gzip" #define RECOVER_KEY_ID "0xD2B08440" KMyMoneyView::KMyMoneyView(QWidget *parent) : KPageWidget(parent), m_header(0), m_inConstructor(true), m_fileOpen(false), m_fmode(0600), m_lastViewSelected(0) #ifdef KActivities_FOUND , m_activityResourceInstance(0) #endif { // this is a workaround for the bug in KPageWidget that causes the header to be shown // for a short while during page switch which causes a kind of bouncing of the page's // content and if the page's content is at it's minimum size then during a page switch // the main window's size is also increased to fit the header that is shown for a sort // period - reading the code in kpagewidget.cpp we know that the header should be at (1,1) // in a grid layout so if we find it there remove it for good to avoid the described issues QGridLayout* gridLayout = qobject_cast(layout()); if (gridLayout) { QLayoutItem* headerItem = gridLayout->itemAtPosition(1, 1); // make sure that we remove only the header - we avoid surprises if the header is not at (1,1) in the layout if (headerItem && qobject_cast(headerItem->widget()) != NULL) { gridLayout->removeItem(headerItem); // after we remove the KPageWidget standard header replace it with our own title label m_header = new KMyMoneyTitleLabel(this); m_header->setObjectName("titleLabel"); m_header->setMinimumSize(QSize(100, 30)); m_header->setRightImageFile("pics/titlelabel_background.png"); m_header->setVisible(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showTitleBar()); gridLayout->addWidget(m_header, 1, 1); } } // the global variable kmymoney is not yet assigned. So we construct it here QObject* kmymoney = parent->parent(); newStorage(); m_model = new KPageWidgetModel(parent); connect(kmymoney, SIGNAL(fileLoaded(KUrl)), this, SLOT(slotRefreshViews())); // let the accounts model know which account is being currently reconciled connect(this, SIGNAL(reconciliationStarts(MyMoneyAccount,QDate,MyMoneyMoney)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotReconcileAccount(MyMoneyAccount,QDate,MyMoneyMoney))); // Page 0 m_homeView = new KHomeView(); m_homeViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_homeView, i18n("Home")); m_homeViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("go-home")); connect(m_homeView, SIGNAL(ledgerSelected(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotLedgerSelected(QString,QString))); connect(m_homeView, SIGNAL(scheduleSelected(QString)), this, SLOT(slotScheduleSelected(QString))); connect(m_homeView, SIGNAL(reportSelected(QString)), this, SLOT(slotShowReport(QString))); connect(m_homeView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 1 m_institutionsView = new KInstitutionsView(); m_institutionsViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_institutionsView, i18n("Institutions")); m_institutionsViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("view-bank")); connect(m_institutionsView, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_institutionsView, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectInstitution(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_institutionsView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowAccountContextMenu(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_institutionsView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowInstitutionContextMenu(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_institutionsView, SIGNAL(openObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotInstitutionEdit(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_institutionsView, SIGNAL(openObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotAccountOpen(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_institutionsView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 2 m_accountsView = new KAccountsView(); m_accountsViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_accountsView, i18n("Accounts")); m_accountsViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("view-bank-account")); connect(m_accountsView, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_accountsView, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectInstitution(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_accountsView, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectInvestment(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_accountsView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowAccountContextMenu(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_accountsView, SIGNAL(openObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotAccountOpen(MyMoneyObject))); connect(this, SIGNAL(reconciliationStarts(MyMoneyAccount,QDate,MyMoneyMoney)), m_accountsView, SLOT(slotReconcileAccount(MyMoneyAccount,QDate,MyMoneyMoney))); connect(m_accountsView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 3 m_scheduledView = new KScheduledView(); //this is to solve the way long strings are handled differently among versions of KPageWidget m_scheduleViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_scheduledView, i18n("Scheduled transactions")); m_scheduleViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("view-pim-calendar")); connect(m_scheduledView, SIGNAL(scheduleSelected(MyMoneySchedule)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectSchedule(MyMoneySchedule))); connect(m_scheduledView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowScheduleContextMenu())); connect(m_scheduledView, SIGNAL(enterSchedule()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotScheduleEnter())); connect(m_scheduledView, SIGNAL(skipSchedule()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotScheduleSkip())); connect(m_scheduledView, SIGNAL(editSchedule()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotScheduleEdit())); connect(m_scheduledView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 4 m_categoriesView = new KCategoriesView(); m_categoriesViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_categoriesView, i18n("Categories")); m_categoriesViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("view-financial-categories")); connect(m_categoriesView, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_categoriesView, SIGNAL(selectObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectInstitution(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_categoriesView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowAccountContextMenu(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_categoriesView, SIGNAL(openObject(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotAccountOpen(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_categoriesView, SIGNAL(reparent(MyMoneyAccount,MyMoneyAccount)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotReparentAccount(MyMoneyAccount,MyMoneyAccount))); connect(m_categoriesView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 5 m_tagsView = new KTagsView(); m_tagsViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_tagsView, i18n("Tags")); m_tagsViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("mail-tagged")); connect(kmymoney, SIGNAL(tagCreated(QString)), m_tagsView, SLOT(slotSelectTagAndTransaction(QString))); connect(kmymoney, SIGNAL(tagRename()), m_tagsView, SLOT(slotRenameButtonCliked())); connect(m_tagsView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowTagContextMenu())); connect(m_tagsView, SIGNAL(selectObjects(QList)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectTags(QList))); connect(m_tagsView, SIGNAL(transactionSelected(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotLedgerSelected(QString,QString))); connect(m_tagsView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 6 m_payeesView = new KPayeesView(); m_payeesViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_payeesView, i18n("Payees")); m_payeesViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("system-users")); connect(kmymoney, SIGNAL(payeeCreated(QString)), m_payeesView, SLOT(slotSelectPayeeAndTransaction(QString))); connect(kmymoney, SIGNAL(payeeRename()), m_payeesView, SLOT(slotRenameButtonCliked())); connect(m_payeesView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowPayeeContextMenu())); connect(m_payeesView, SIGNAL(selectObjects(QList)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectPayees(QList))); connect(m_payeesView, SIGNAL(transactionSelected(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotLedgerSelected(QString,QString))); connect(m_payeesView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 7 m_ledgerView = new KGlobalLedgerView(); m_ledgerViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_ledgerView, i18n("Ledgers")); m_ledgerViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("view-financial-list")); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(accountSelected(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowTransactionContextMenu())); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(transactionsSelected(KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectTransactions(KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions))); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(newTransaction()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotTransactionsNew())); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(cancelOrEndEdit(bool&)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotTransactionsCancelOrEnter(bool&))); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(startEdit()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotTransactionsEdit())); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(endEdit()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotTransactionsEnter())); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(toggleReconciliationFlag()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotToggleReconciliationFlag())); connect(this, SIGNAL(reconciliationStarts(MyMoneyAccount,QDate,MyMoneyMoney)), m_ledgerView, SLOT(slotSetReconcileAccount(MyMoneyAccount,QDate,MyMoneyMoney))); connect(kmymoney, SIGNAL(selectAllTransactions()), m_ledgerView, SLOT(slotSelectAllTransactions())); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 8 m_investmentView = new KInvestmentView(); m_investmentViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_investmentView, i18n("Investments")); m_investmentViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("view-investment")); connect(m_investmentView, SIGNAL(accountSelected(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotLedgerSelected(QString,QString))); connect(m_investmentView, SIGNAL(accountSelected(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_investmentView, SIGNAL(investmentRightMouseClick()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowInvestmentContextMenu())); connect(m_investmentView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 9 m_reportsView = new KReportsView(); m_reportsViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_reportsView, i18n("Reports")); m_reportsViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("office-chart-bar")); connect(m_reportsView, SIGNAL(ledgerSelected(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotLedgerSelected(QString,QString))); connect(m_reportsView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 10 m_budgetView = new KBudgetView(); m_budgetViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_budgetView, i18n("Budgets")); m_budgetViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("view-time-schedule-calculus")); connect(m_budgetView, SIGNAL(openContextMenu(MyMoneyObject)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowBudgetContextMenu())); connect(m_budgetView, SIGNAL(selectObjects(QList)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotSelectBudget(QList))); connect(kmymoney, SIGNAL(budgetRename()), m_budgetView, SLOT(slotStartRename())); connect(m_budgetView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 11 m_forecastView = new KForecastView(); m_forecastViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_forecastView, i18n("Forecast")); m_forecastViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("view-financial-forecast")); connect(m_forecastView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); // Page 12 m_onlineJobOutboxView = new KOnlineJobOutbox(); m_onlineJobOutboxViewFrame = m_model->addPage(m_onlineJobOutboxView, i18n("Outbox")); m_onlineJobOutboxViewFrame->setIcon(KIcon("online-banking")); connect(m_onlineJobOutboxView, SIGNAL(sendJobs(QList)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotOnlineJobSend(QList))); connect(m_onlineJobOutboxView, SIGNAL(editJob(QString)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotEditOnlineJob(QString))); connect(m_onlineJobOutboxView, SIGNAL(newCreditTransfer()), kmymoney, SLOT(slotNewOnlineTransfer())); connect(m_onlineJobOutboxView, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); connect(m_onlineJobOutboxView, SIGNAL(showContextMenu(onlineJob)), kmymoney, SLOT(slotShowOnlineJobContextMenu())); //set the model setModel(m_model); setCurrentPage(m_homeViewFrame); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentPageChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(slotCurrentPageChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex))); updateViewType(); m_inConstructor = false; // Initialize kactivities resource instance #ifdef KActivities_FOUND m_activityResourceInstance = new KActivities::ResourceInstance(window()->winId()); m_activityResourceInstance->setParent(this); connect(kmymoney, SIGNAL(fileLoaded(KUrl)), m_activityResourceInstance, SLOT(setUri(KUrl))); #endif } KMyMoneyView::~KMyMoneyView() { KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::setLastViewSelected(m_lastViewSelected); removeStorage(); } void KMyMoneyView::showTitleBar(bool show) { if (m_header) m_header->setVisible(show); } void KMyMoneyView::updateViewType() { // set the face type KPageView::FaceType faceType = KPageView::List; switch (KMyMoneySettings::viewType()) { case 0: faceType = KPageView::List; break; case 1: faceType = KPageView::Tree; break; case 2: faceType = KPageView::Tabbed; break; } if (faceType != KMyMoneyView::faceType()) { setFaceType(faceType); if (faceType == KPageView::Tree) { QList views = findChildren(); foreach (QTreeView * view, views) { if (view && (view->parent() == this)) { view->setRootIsDecorated(false); break; } } } } } bool KMyMoneyView::showPageHeader() const { return false; } void KMyMoneyView::showPage(KPageWidgetItem* pageItem) { // reset all selected items before showing the selected view // but not while we're in our own constructor if (!m_inConstructor && pageItem != currentPage()) { kmymoney->slotResetSelections(); } // pretend we're in the constructor to avoid calling the // above resets. For some reason which I don't know the details // of, KJanusWidget::showPage() calls itself recursively. This // screws up the action handling, as items could have been selected // in the meantime. We prevent this by setting the m_inConstructor // to true and reset it to the previos value when we leave this method. bool prevConstructor = m_inConstructor; m_inConstructor = true; setCurrentPage(pageItem); m_inConstructor = prevConstructor; if (!m_inConstructor) { // fixup some actions that are dependant on the view // this does not work during construction kmymoney->slotUpdateActions(); } } bool KMyMoneyView::canPrint() { bool rc = ( m_reportsViewFrame == currentPage() || m_homeViewFrame == currentPage() ); return rc; } bool KMyMoneyView::canCreateTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& /* list */, QString& tooltip) const { // we can only create transactions in the ledger view so // we check that this is the active page bool rc = (m_ledgerViewFrame == currentPage()); if (rc) rc = m_ledgerView->canCreateTransactions(tooltip); else tooltip = i18n("Creating transactions can only be performed in the ledger view"); return rc; } bool KMyMoneyView::canModifyTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, QString& tooltip) const { // we can only modify transactions in the ledger view so // we check that this is the active page bool rc = (m_ledgerViewFrame == currentPage()); if (rc) { rc = m_ledgerView->canModifyTransactions(list, tooltip); } else { tooltip = i18n("Modifying transactions can only be performed in the ledger view"); } return rc; } bool KMyMoneyView::canDuplicateTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, QString& tooltip) const { // we can only duplicate transactions in the ledger view so // we check that this is the active page bool rc = (m_ledgerViewFrame == currentPage()); if (rc) { rc = m_ledgerView->canDuplicateTransactions(list, tooltip); } else { tooltip = i18n("Duplicating transactions can only be performed in the ledger view"); } return rc; } bool KMyMoneyView::canEditTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, QString& tooltip) const { bool rc; // we can only edit transactions in the ledger view so // we check that this is the active page if ((rc = canModifyTransactions(list, tooltip)) == true) { tooltip = i18n("Edit the current selected transactions"); rc = m_ledgerView->canEditTransactions(list, tooltip); } return rc; } bool KMyMoneyView::createNewTransaction() { bool rc = false; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions list; QString txt; if (canCreateTransactions(list, txt)) { rc = m_ledgerView->selectEmptyTransaction(); } return rc; } TransactionEditor* KMyMoneyView::startEdit(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list) { TransactionEditor* editor = 0; QString txt; if (canEditTransactions(list, txt) || canCreateTransactions(list, txt)) { editor = m_ledgerView->startEdit(list); } return editor; } void KMyMoneyView::newStorage(storageTypeE t) { removeStorage(); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); if (t == Memory) file->attachStorage(new MyMoneySeqAccessMgr); else file->attachStorage(new MyMoneyDatabaseMgr); } void KMyMoneyView::removeStorage() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); IMyMoneyStorage* p = file->storage(); if (p != 0) { file->detachStorage(p); delete p; } } void KMyMoneyView::enableViewsIfFileOpen() { // call set enabled only if the state differs to avoid widgets 'bouncing on the screen' while doing this if (m_accountsViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_accountsViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_institutionsViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_institutionsViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_scheduleViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_scheduleViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_categoriesViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_categoriesViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_payeesViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_payeesViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_tagsViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_tagsViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_budgetViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_budgetViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_ledgerViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_ledgerViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_investmentViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_investmentViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_reportsViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_reportsViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_forecastViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_forecastViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); if (m_onlineJobOutboxViewFrame->isEnabled() != m_fileOpen) m_onlineJobOutboxViewFrame->setEnabled(m_fileOpen); emit viewStateChanged(m_fileOpen); } void KMyMoneyView::slotLedgerSelected(const QString& _accId, const QString& transaction) { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(_accId); QString accId(_accId); switch (acc.accountType()) { case MyMoneyAccount::Stock: // if a stock account is selected, we show the // the corresponding parent (investment) account acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(acc.parentAccountId()); accId = acc.id(); // tricky fall through here case MyMoneyAccount::Checkings: case MyMoneyAccount::Savings: case MyMoneyAccount::Cash: case MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard: case MyMoneyAccount::Loan: case MyMoneyAccount::Asset: case MyMoneyAccount::Liability: case MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan: case MyMoneyAccount::Income: case MyMoneyAccount::Expense: case MyMoneyAccount::Investment: case MyMoneyAccount::Equity: setCurrentPage(m_ledgerViewFrame); m_ledgerView->slotSelectAccount(accId, transaction); break; case MyMoneyAccount::CertificateDep: case MyMoneyAccount::MoneyMarket: case MyMoneyAccount::Currency: qDebug("No ledger view available for account type %d", acc.accountType()); break; default: qDebug("Unknown account type %d in KMyMoneyView::slotLedgerSelected", acc.accountType()); break; } } void KMyMoneyView::slotPayeeSelected(const QString& payee, const QString& account, const QString& transaction) { showPage(m_payeesViewFrame); m_payeesView->slotSelectPayeeAndTransaction(payee, account, transaction); } void KMyMoneyView::slotTagSelected(const QString& tag, const QString& account, const QString& transaction) { showPage(m_tagsViewFrame); m_tagsView->slotSelectTagAndTransaction(tag, account, transaction); } void KMyMoneyView::slotScheduleSelected(const QString& scheduleId) { MyMoneySchedule sched = MyMoneyFile::instance()->schedule(scheduleId); kmymoney->slotSelectSchedule(sched); } void KMyMoneyView::slotShowReport(const QString& reportid) { showPage(m_reportsViewFrame); m_reportsView->slotOpenReport(reportid); } void KMyMoneyView::slotShowReport(const MyMoneyReport& report) { showPage(m_reportsViewFrame); m_reportsView->slotOpenReport(report); } bool KMyMoneyView::fileOpen() { return m_fileOpen; } void KMyMoneyView::closeFile() { if (m_reportsView) m_reportsView->slotCloseAll(); // disconnect the signals disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectAdded(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectAdded(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectModified(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectModified(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectRemoved(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,QString)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectRemoved(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,QString))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(balanceChanged(MyMoneyAccount)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotBalanceOrValueChanged(MyMoneyAccount))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(MyMoneyAccount)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotBalanceOrValueChanged(MyMoneyAccount))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectAdded(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectAdded(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectModified(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectModified(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectRemoved(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,QString)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectRemoved(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,QString))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(balanceChanged(MyMoneyAccount)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotBalanceOrValueChanged(MyMoneyAccount))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(MyMoneyAccount)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotBalanceOrValueChanged(MyMoneyAccount))); disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), m_homeView, SLOT(slotLoadView())); // notify the models that the file is going to be closed (we should have something like dataChanged that reaches the models first) Models::instance()->fileClosed(); emit kmmFilePlugin(preClose); if (isDatabase()) MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage()->close(); // to log off a database user newStorage(); slotShowHomePage(); emit kmmFilePlugin(postClose); m_fileOpen = false; } void KMyMoneyView::ungetString(QIODevice *qfile, char *buf, int len) { buf = &buf[len-1]; while (len--) { qfile->ungetChar(*buf--); } } bool KMyMoneyView::readFile(const KUrl& url) { QString filename; m_fileOpen = false; bool isEncrypted = false; IMyMoneyStorageFormat* pReader = 0; if (!url.isValid()) { qDebug("Invalid URL '%s'", qPrintable(url.url())); return false; } // disconnect the current storga manager from the engine MyMoneyFile::instance()->detachStorage(); if (url.protocol() == "sql") { // handle reading of database m_fileType = KmmDb; // get rid of the mode parameter which is now redundant KUrl newUrl(url); if (!url.queryItem("mode").isNull()) { newUrl.removeQueryItem("mode"); } return (openDatabase(newUrl)); // on error, any message will have been displayed } IMyMoneyStorage *storage = new MyMoneySeqAccessMgr; if (url.isLocalFile()) { filename = url.toLocalFile(); } else { if (!KIO::NetAccess::download(url, filename, 0)) { KMessageBox::detailedError(this, i18n("Error while loading file '%1'.", url.url()), KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString(), i18n("File access error")); return false; } } // let's glimps into the file to figure out, if it's one // of the old (uncompressed) or new (compressed) files. QFile file(filename); QFileInfo info(file); if (!info.isFile()) { QString msg = i18n("

%1 is not a KMyMoney file.

", filename); KMessageBox::error(this, msg, i18n("Filetype Error")); return false; } m_fmode = 0600; m_fmode |= info.permission(QFile::ReadGroup) ? 040 : 0; m_fmode |= info.permission(QFile::WriteGroup) ? 020 : 0; m_fmode |= info.permission(QFile::ReadOther) ? 004 : 0; m_fmode |= info.permission(QFile::WriteOther) ? 002 : 0; QIODevice *qfile = 0; bool rc = true; // There's a problem with the KFilterDev and KGPGFile classes: // One supports the at(n) member but not ungetch() together with // read() and the other does not provide an at(n) method but // supports read() that considers the ungetch() buffer. QFile // supports everything so this is not a problem. We solve the problem // for now by keeping track of which method can be used. bool haveAt = true; emit kmmFilePlugin(preOpen); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray hdr(2, '\0'); int cnt; cnt = file.read(hdr.data(), 2); file.close(); if (cnt == 2) { if (QString(hdr) == QString("\037\213")) { // gzipped? qfile = KFilterDev::deviceForFile(filename, COMPRESSION_MIME_TYPE); } else if (QString(hdr) == QString("--") // PGP ASCII armored? || QString(hdr) == QString("\205\001") // PGP binary? || QString(hdr) == QString("\205\002")) { // PGP binary? if (KGPGFile::GPGAvailable()) { qfile = new KGPGFile(filename); haveAt = false; isEncrypted = true; } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, QString("%1"). arg(i18n("GPG is not available for decryption of file %1", filename))); qfile = new QFile(file.fileName()); } } else { // we can't use file directly, as we delete qfile later on qfile = new QFile(file.fileName()); } if (qfile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { try { hdr.resize(8); if (qfile->read(hdr.data(), 8) == 8) { if (haveAt) qfile->seek(0); else ungetString(qfile, hdr.data(), 8); // Ok, we got the first block of 8 bytes. Read in the two // unsigned long int's by preserving endianess. This is // achieved by reading them through a QDataStream object qint32 magic0, magic1; QDataStream s(&hdr, QIODevice::ReadOnly); s >> magic0; s >> magic1; // If both magic numbers match (we actually read in the // text 'KMyMoney' then we assume a binary file and // construct a reader for it. Otherwise, we construct // an XML reader object. // // The expression magic0 < 30 is only used to create // a binary reader if we assume an old binary file. This // should be removed at some point. An alternative is to // check the beginning of the file against an pattern // of the XML file (e.g. '?read(hdr.data(), 70) == 70) { if (haveAt) qfile->seek(0); else ungetString(qfile, hdr.data(), 70); QRegExp kmyexp(""); QRegExp gncexp("attachStorage(storage); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; loadDefaultCurrencies(); // currency list required for gnc loadAncientCurrencies(); // these too ft.commit(); MyMoneyFile::instance()->detachStorage(storage); pReader = new MyMoneyGncReader; m_fileType = GncXML; } } } if (pReader) { pReader->setProgressCallback(&KMyMoneyView::progressCallback); pReader->readFile(qfile, dynamic_cast(storage)); } else { if (m_fileType == KmmBinary) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, QString("%1"). arg(i18n("File %1 contains the old binary format used by KMyMoney. Please use an older version of KMyMoney (0.8.x) that still supports this format to convert it to the new XML based format.", filename))); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, QString("%1"). arg(i18n("File %1 contains an unknown file format.", filename))); } rc = false; } } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, QString("%1"). arg(i18n("Cannot read from file %1.", filename))); rc = false; } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, QString("%1"). arg(i18n("Cannot load file %1. Reason: %2", filename, e.what()))); rc = false; } if (pReader) { pReader->setProgressCallback(0); delete pReader; } qfile->close(); } else { KGPGFile *gpgFile = qobject_cast(qfile); if (gpgFile && !gpgFile->errorToString().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, QString("%1"). arg(i18n("The following error was encountered while decrypting file %1: %2", filename, gpgFile->errorToString()))); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, QString("%1"). arg(i18n("File %1 not found.", filename))); } rc = false; } delete qfile; } } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, QString("%1"). arg(i18n("File %1 not found.", filename))); rc = false; } // things are finished, now we connect the storage to the engine // which forces a reload of the cache in the engine with those // objects that are cached MyMoneyFile::instance()->attachStorage(storage); if (rc == false) return rc; // encapsulate transactions to the engine to be able to commit/rollback MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; // make sure we setup the encryption key correctly if (isEncrypted && MyMoneyFile::instance()->value("kmm-encryption-key").isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->setValue("kmm-encryption-key", KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::gpgRecipientList().join(",")); } // make sure we setup the name of the base accounts in translated form try { MyMoneyFile *file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); checkAccountName(file->asset(), i18n("Asset")); checkAccountName(file->liability(), i18n("Liability")); checkAccountName(file->income(), i18n("Income")); checkAccountName(file->expense(), i18n("Expense")); checkAccountName(file->equity(), i18n("Equity")); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } // if a temporary file was constructed by NetAccess::download, // then it will be removed with the next call. Otherwise, it // stays untouched on the local filesystem KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile(filename); return initializeStorage(); } void KMyMoneyView::checkAccountName(const MyMoneyAccount& _acc, const QString& name) const { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); if (_acc.name() != name) { MyMoneyAccount acc(_acc); acc.setName(name); file->modifyAccount(acc); } } bool KMyMoneyView::openDatabase(const KUrl& url) { m_fileOpen = false; // open the database IMyMoneySerialize* pStorage = dynamic_cast(MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage()); MyMoneyDatabaseMgr* pDBMgr = 0; if (! pStorage) { pDBMgr = new MyMoneyDatabaseMgr; pStorage = dynamic_cast(pDBMgr); } KSharedPtr reader = pStorage->connectToDatabase(url); KUrl dbURL(url); bool retry = true; while (retry) { switch (reader->open(dbURL, QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { case 0: // opened okay retry = false; break; case 1: // permanent error KMessageBox::detailedError(this, i18n("Cannot open database %1\n", dbURL.prettyUrl()), reader->lastError()); if (pDBMgr) { removeStorage(); delete pDBMgr; } return false; case -1: // retryable error if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, reader->lastError(), PACKAGE) == KMessageBox::No) { if (pDBMgr) { removeStorage(); delete pDBMgr; } return false; } else { QString options = dbURL.queryItem("options") + ",override"; dbURL.removeQueryItem("mode"); // now redundant dbURL.removeQueryItem("options"); dbURL.addQueryItem("options", options); } } } if (pDBMgr) { removeStorage(); MyMoneyFile::instance()->attachStorage(pDBMgr); } // single user mode; read some of the data into memory // FIXME - readFile no longer relevant? // tried removing it but then then got no indication that loading was complete // also, didn't show home page reader->setProgressCallback(&KMyMoneyView::progressCallback); if (!reader->readFile()) { KMessageBox::detailedError(nullptr, i18n("An unrecoverable error occurred while reading the database"), reader->lastError().toLatin1(), i18n("Database malfunction")); return false; } m_fileOpen = true; reader->setProgressCallback(0); return initializeStorage(); } bool KMyMoneyView::initializeStorage() { bool blocked = MyMoneyFile::instance()->signalsBlocked(); MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(true); // we check, if we have any currency in the file. If not, we load // all the default currencies we know. MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { loadDefaultCurrencies(); loadAncientCurrencies(); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(blocked); return false; } // make sure, we have a base currency and all accounts are // also assigned to a currency. QString baseId; try { baseId = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(e.what())); } if (baseId.isEmpty()) { // Stay in this endless loop until we have a base currency, // as without it the application does not work anymore. while (baseId.isEmpty()) { selectBaseCurrency(); try { baseId = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(e.what())); } } } else { // in some odd intermediate cases there could be files out there // that have a base currency set, but still have accounts that // do not have a base currency assigned. This call will take // care of it. We can safely remove it later. // // Another work-around for this scenario is to remove the base // currency setting from the XML file by removing the line // // // // and restart the application with this file. This will force to // run the above loop. selectBaseCurrency(); } KSharedConfigPtr config = KGlobal::config(); KPageWidgetItem* page; KConfigGroup grp = config->group("General Options"); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::startLastViewSelected() != 0) { page = m_model->item(m_model->index(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::lastViewSelected(), 0)); } else { page = m_homeViewFrame; } // For debugging purposes, we can turn off the automatic fix manually // by setting the entry in kmymoneyrc to true grp = config->group("General Options"); if (grp.readEntry("SkipFix", false) != true) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // Check if we have to modify the file before we allow to work with it IMyMoneyStorage* s = MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage(); while (s->fileFixVersion() < s->currentFixVersion()) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable((QString("testing fileFixVersion %1 < %2").arg(s->fileFixVersion()).arg(s->currentFixVersion())))); switch (s->fileFixVersion()) { case 0: fixFile_0(); s->setFileFixVersion(1); break; case 1: fixFile_1(); s->setFileFixVersion(2); break; case 2: fixFile_2(); s->setFileFixVersion(3); break; case 3: fixFile_3(); s->setFileFixVersion(4); break; // add new levels above. Don't forget to increase currentFixVersion() for all // the storage backends this fix applies to default: throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Unknown fix level in input file")); } } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(blocked); return false; } } else { qDebug("Skipping automatic transaction fix!"); } MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(blocked); // FIXME: we need to check, if it's necessary to have this // automatic funcitonality // if there's no asset account, then automatically start the // new account wizard // kmymoney->createInitialAccount(); m_fileOpen = true; emit kmmFilePlugin(postOpen); Models::instance()->fileOpened(); // connect the needed signals connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectAdded(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectAdded(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectModified(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectModified(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectRemoved(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,QString)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectRemoved(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,QString))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(balanceChanged(MyMoneyAccount)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotBalanceOrValueChanged(MyMoneyAccount))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(MyMoneyAccount)), Models::instance()->accountsModel(), SLOT(slotBalanceOrValueChanged(MyMoneyAccount))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectAdded(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectAdded(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectModified(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectModified(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,MyMoneyObject*const))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(objectRemoved(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,QString)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotObjectRemoved(MyMoneyFile::notificationObjectT,QString))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(balanceChanged(MyMoneyAccount)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotBalanceOrValueChanged(MyMoneyAccount))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(MyMoneyAccount)), Models::instance()->institutionsModel(), SLOT(slotBalanceOrValueChanged(MyMoneyAccount))); // inform everyone about new data MyMoneyFile::instance()->preloadCache(); MyMoneyFile::instance()->forceDataChanged(); // views can wait since they are going to be refresed in slotRefreshViews connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), m_homeView, SLOT(slotLoadView())); // if we currently see a different page, then select the right one if (m_model->index(page).row() != KPageView::currentPage().row()) { showPage(page); } return true; } void KMyMoneyView::saveToLocalFile(const QString& localFile, IMyMoneyStorageFormat* pWriter, bool plaintext, const QString& keyList) { KSaveFile qfile(localFile); QIODevice *dev = &qfile; KFilterBase *base = 0; QIODevice *statusDevice = dev; bool encryptedOk = true; bool encryptRecover = false; if (!keyList.isEmpty()) { if (!KGPGFile::GPGAvailable()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("GPG does not seem to be installed on your system. Please make sure, that GPG can be found using the standard search path. This time, encryption is disabled."), i18n("GPG not found")); encryptedOk = false; } if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::encryptRecover()) { encryptRecover = true; if (!KGPGFile::keyAvailable(QString(RECOVER_KEY_ID))) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("

You have selected to encrypt your data also with the KMyMoney recover key, but the key with id


has not been found in your keyring at this time. Please make sure to import this key into your keyring. You can find it on the KMyMoney web-site. This time your data will not be encrypted with the KMyMoney recover key.

", QString(RECOVER_KEY_ID)), i18n("GPG Key not found")); encryptRecover = false; } } const QStringList keys = keyList.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = keys.constBegin(); it_s != keys.constEnd(); ++it_s) { if (!KGPGFile::keyAvailable(*it_s)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("

You have specified to encrypt your data for the user-id


Unfortunately, a valid key for this user-id was not found in your keyring. Please make sure to import a valid key for this user-id. This time, encryption is disabled.

", *it_s), i18n("GPG Key not found")); encryptedOk = false; } } if (encryptedOk == true) { QString msg = i18n("

You have configured to save your data in encrypted form using GPG. Make sure you understand that you might lose all your data if you encrypt it, but cannot decrypt it later on. If unsure, answer No.

"); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, msg, i18n("Store GPG encrypted"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), "StoreEncrypted") == KMessageBox::No) { encryptedOk = false; } } } int mask = umask((~m_fmode) & 0777); bool blocked = MyMoneyFile::instance()->signalsBlocked(); MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(true); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyFile::instance()->deletePair("kmm-encryption-key"); if (!keyList.isEmpty() && encryptedOk == true && !plaintext) { base++; KGPGFile *kgpg = new KGPGFile(localFile); if (kgpg) { QStringList keys = keyList.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = keys.constBegin(); it_s != keys.constEnd(); ++it_s) { kgpg->addRecipient((*it_s).toLatin1()); } if (encryptRecover) { kgpg->addRecipient(RECOVER_KEY_ID); } MyMoneyFile::instance()->setValue("kmm-encryption-key", keyList); } statusDevice = dev = kgpg; if (!dev || !dev->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(blocked); delete dev; throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Unable to open file '%1' for writing.", localFile)); } } else if (!plaintext) { base = KFilterBase::findFilterByMimeType(COMPRESSION_MIME_TYPE); if (base) { base->setDevice(&qfile, false); // we need to reopen the file to set the mode inside the filter stuff dev = KFilterDev::deviceForFile(localFile, COMPRESSION_MIME_TYPE, true); if (!dev || !dev->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(blocked); delete dev; throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Unable to open file '%1' for writing.", localFile)); } statusDevice = base->device(); } } else if (plaintext) { qfile.open(); if (qfile.error() != QFile::NoError) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Unable to write changes to '%1'", localFile)); } } umask(mask); ft.commit(); pWriter->setProgressCallback(&KMyMoneyView::progressCallback); pWriter->writeFile(dev, dynamic_cast(MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage())); MyMoneyFile::instance()->blockSignals(blocked); QFile *fileStatusDevice = qobject_cast(statusDevice); if (fileStatusDevice->error() != QFile::NoError) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Failure while writing to '%1'", localFile)); } pWriter->setProgressCallback(0); if (base != 0) { dev->close(); if (fileStatusDevice->error() != QFile::NoError) { delete dev; dev = 0; throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Failure while writing to '%1'", localFile)); } delete dev; } else qfile.close(); } bool KMyMoneyView::saveFile(const KUrl& url, const QString& keyList) { QString filename = url.path(); if (!fileOpen()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Tried to access a file when it has not been opened")); return false; } emit kmmFilePlugin(preSave); IMyMoneyStorageFormat* pWriter = 0; // If this file ends in ".ANON.XML" then this should be written using the // anonymous writer. bool plaintext = filename.right(4).toLower() == ".xml"; if (filename.right(9).toLower() == ".anon.xml") { pWriter = new MyMoneyStorageANON; } else { // only use XML writer. The binary format will be deprecated after 0.8 pWriter = new MyMoneyStorageXML; } // actually, url should be the parameter to this function // but for now, this would involve too many changes bool rc = true; try { if (! url.isValid()) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Malformed URL '%1'", url.url())); } if (url.isLocalFile()) { filename = url.toLocalFile(); try { const unsigned int nbak = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::autoBackupCopies(); if (nbak) { KSaveFile::numberedBackupFile(filename, QString(), QString::fromLatin1("~"), nbak); } saveToLocalFile(filename, pWriter, plaintext, keyList); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Unable to write changes to '%1'", filename)); } } else { KTemporaryFile tmpfile; tmpfile.open(); // to obtain the name saveToLocalFile(tmpfile.fileName(), pWriter, plaintext, keyList); if (!KIO::NetAccess::upload(tmpfile.fileName(), url, 0)) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(i18n("Unable to upload to '%1'", url.prettyUrl())); tmpfile.close(); } m_fileType = KmmXML; } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, e.what()); MyMoneyFile::instance()->setDirty(); rc = false; } delete pWriter; emit kmmFilePlugin(postSave); return rc; } bool KMyMoneyView::saveAsDatabase(const KUrl& url) { bool rc = false; if (!fileOpen()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Tried to access a file when it has not been opened")); return (rc); } MyMoneyStorageSql *writer = new MyMoneyStorageSql(dynamic_cast(MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage()), url); bool canWrite = false; switch (writer->open(url, QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { case 0: canWrite = true; break; case -1: // dbase already has data, see if he wants to clear it out if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("Database contains data which must be removed before using Save As.\n" "Do you wish to continue?"), "Database not empty") == KMessageBox::Continue) { if (writer->open(url, QIODevice::WriteOnly, true) == 0) canWrite = true; } else { delete writer; return false; } break; } if (canWrite) { writer->setProgressCallback(&KMyMoneyView::progressCallback); if (!writer->writeFile()) { KMessageBox::detailedError(nullptr, i18n("An unrecoverable error occurred while writing to the database.\n" "It may well be corrupt."), writer->lastError().toLatin1(), i18n("Database malfunction")); rc = false; } writer->setProgressCallback(0); rc = true; } else { KMessageBox::detailedError(this, i18n("Cannot open or create database %1.\n" "Retry Save As Database and click Help" " for further info.", url.prettyUrl()), writer->lastError()); } delete writer; return (rc); } bool KMyMoneyView::dirty() { if (!fileOpen()) return false; return MyMoneyFile::instance()->dirty(); } bool KMyMoneyView::startReconciliation(const MyMoneyAccount& account, const QDate& reconciliationDate, const MyMoneyMoney& endingBalance) { bool ok = true; // we cannot reconcile standard accounts if (MyMoneyFile::instance()->isStandardAccount(account.id())) ok = false; // check if we can reconcile this account // it makes sense for asset and liability accounts only if (ok == true) { if (account.isAssetLiability()) { showPage(m_ledgerViewFrame); // prepare reconciliation mode emit reconciliationStarts(account, reconciliationDate, endingBalance); } else { ok = false; } } return ok; } void KMyMoneyView::finishReconciliation(const MyMoneyAccount& /* account */) { emit reconciliationStarts(MyMoneyAccount(), QDate(), MyMoneyMoney()); } void KMyMoneyView::newFile() { closeFile(); m_fileType = KmmXML; // assume native type until saved m_fileOpen = true; } void KMyMoneyView::slotSetBaseCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& baseCurrency) { if (!baseCurrency.id().isEmpty()) { QString baseId; try { baseId = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(e.what())); } if (baseCurrency.id() != baseId) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->setBaseCurrency(baseCurrency); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Cannot set %1 as base currency: %2", baseCurrency.name(), e.what()), i18n("Set base currency")); } } } } void KMyMoneyView::selectBaseCurrency() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // check if we have a base currency. If not, we need to select one QString baseId; try { baseId = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(e.what())); } if (baseId.isEmpty()) { QPointer dlg = new KCurrencyEditDlg(this); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(selectBaseCurrency(MyMoneySecurity)), this, SLOT(slotSetBaseCurrency(MyMoneySecurity))); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; } try { baseId = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().id(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(e.what())); } if (!baseId.isEmpty()) { // check that all accounts have a currency QList list; file->accountList(list); QList::Iterator it; // don't forget those standard accounts list << file->asset(); list << file->liability(); list << file->income(); list << file->expense(); list << file->equity(); for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { QString cid; try { if (!(*it).currencyId().isEmpty() || (*it).currencyId().length() != 0) cid = MyMoneyFile::instance()->currency((*it).currencyId()).id(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } if (cid.isEmpty()) { (*it).setCurrencyId(baseId); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { file->modifyAccount(*it); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("Unable to setup base currency in account %s (%s): %s", qPrintable((*it).name()), qPrintable((*it).id()), qPrintable(e.what())); } } } } } void KMyMoneyView::loadDefaultCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& currency, const bool create) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneySecurity sec; MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { sec = file->currency(currency.id()); if (sec.name() != currency.name()) { sec.setName(currency.name()); file->modifyCurrency(sec); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { try { if (create) { file->addCurrency(currency); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("Error %s loading default currency", qPrintable(e.what())); } } } void KMyMoneyView::loadDefaultCurrencies() { // more information can be obtained from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_codes bool create = MyMoneyFile::instance()->currencyList().count() == 0; loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("AFA", i18n("Afghanistan Afghani")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ALL", i18n("Albanian Lek")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ANG", i18n("Netherland Antillian Guilder")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("DZD", i18n("Algerian Dinar")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ADF", i18n("Andorran Franc")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ADP", i18n("Andorran Peseta")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("AON", i18n("Angolan New Kwanza")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ARS", i18n("Argentine Peso"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("AWG", i18n("Aruban Florin")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("AUD", i18n("Australian Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("AZN", i18n("Azerbaijani Manat"), "m."), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BCH", i18n("Bitcoin Cash"), "BCH"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BSD", i18n("Bahamian Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BHD", i18n("Bahraini Dinar"), "BHD", 1000, 1000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BDT", i18n("Bangladeshi Taka")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BBD", i18n("Barbados Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BTC", i18n("Bitcoin"), "BTC"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BYN", i18n("Belarusian Ruble"), "Br"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BZD", i18n("Belize Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BMD", i18n("Bermudian Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BTN", i18n("Bhutan Ngultrum")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BOB", i18n("Bolivian Boliviano")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BAM", i18n("Bosnian Convertible Mark")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BWP", i18n("Botswana Pula")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BRL", i18n("Brazilian Real"), "R$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("GBP", i18n("British Pound"), QChar(0x00A3)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BND", i18n("Brunei Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BGN", i18n("Bulgarian Lev (new)")), true); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("BIF", i18n("Burundi Franc")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("XAF", i18n("CFA Franc BEAC")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("XOF", i18n("CFA Franc BCEAO")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("XPF", i18n("CFP Franc Pacifique"), "F", 1, 1, 100), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KHR", i18n("Cambodia Riel")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("CAD", i18n("Canadian Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("CVE", i18n("Cape Verde Escudo")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KYD", i18n("Cayman Islands Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("CLP", i18n("Chilean Peso")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("CNY", i18n("Chinese Yuan Renminbi")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("COP", i18n("Colombian Peso")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KMF", i18n("Comoros Franc")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("CRC", i18n("Costa Rican Colon"), QChar(0x20A1)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("HRK", i18n("Croatian Kuna")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("CUP", i18n("Cuban Peso")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("CZK", i18n("Czech Koruna")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("DKK", i18n("Danish Krone"), "kr"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("DJF", i18n("Djibouti Franc")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("DOP", i18n("Dominican Peso")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("XCD", i18n("East Caribbean Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("EGP", i18n("Egyptian Pound"), QChar(0x00A3)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SVC", i18n("El Salvador Colon")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ERN", i18n("Eritrean Nakfa")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("EEK", i18n("Estonian Kroon")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ETB", i18n("Ethiopian Birr")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("EUR", i18n("Euro"), QChar(0x20ac)), true); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("FKP", i18n("Falkland Islands Pound"), QChar(0x00A3)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("FJD", i18n("Fiji Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("GMD", i18n("Gambian Dalasi")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("GEL", i18n("Georgian Lari")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("GHC", i18n("Ghanaian Cedi")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("GIP", i18n("Gibraltar Pound"), QChar(0x00A3)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("GTQ", i18n("Guatemalan Quetzal")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("GWP", i18n("Guinea-Bissau Peso")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("GYD", i18n("Guyanan Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("HTG", i18n("Haitian Gourde")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("HNL", i18n("Honduran Lempira")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("HKD", i18n("Hong Kong Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("HUF", i18n("Hungarian Forint"), "HUF", 1, 1, 100), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ISK", i18n("Iceland Krona")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("INR", i18n("Indian Rupee"), QChar(0x20A8)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("IDR", i18n("Indonesian Rupiah"), "IDR", 100, 1), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("IRR", i18n("Iranian Rial"), "IRR", 1, 1), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("IQD", i18n("Iraqi Dinar"), "IQD", 1000, 1000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ILS", i18n("Israeli New Shekel"), QChar(0x20AA)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("JMD", i18n("Jamaican Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("JPY", i18n("Japanese Yen"), QChar(0x00A5), 100, 1), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("JOD", i18n("Jordanian Dinar"), "JOD", 1000, 1000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KZT", i18n("Kazakhstan Tenge")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KES", i18n("Kenyan Shilling")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KWD", i18n("Kuwaiti Dinar"), "KWD", 1000, 1000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KGS", i18n("Kyrgyzstan Som")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("LAK", i18n("Laos Kip"), QChar(0x20AD)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("LVL", i18n("Latvian Lats")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("LBP", i18n("Lebanese Pound"), QChar(0x00A3)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("LSL", i18n("Lesotho Loti")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("LRD", i18n("Liberian Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("LYD", i18n("Libyan Dinar"), "LYD", 1000, 1000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MOP", i18n("Macau Pataca")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MKD", i18n("Macedonian Denar")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MGF", i18n("Malagasy Franc"), "MGF", 500, 500), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MWK", i18n("Malawi Kwacha")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MYR", i18n("Malaysian Ringgit")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MVR", i18n("Maldive Rufiyaa")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MLF", i18n("Mali Republic Franc")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MRO", i18n("Mauritanian Ouguiya"), "MRO", 5, 5), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MUR", i18n("Mauritius Rupee")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MXN", i18n("Mexican Peso"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MDL", i18n("Moldavian Leu")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MNT", i18n("Mongolian Tugrik"), QChar(0x20AE)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MAD", i18n("Moroccan Dirham")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MZN", i18n("Mozambique Metical"), "MT"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("MMK", i18n("Myanmar Kyat")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("NAD", i18n("Namibian Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("NPR", i18n("Nepalese Rupee")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("NZD", i18n("New Zealand Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("NIC", i18n("Nicaraguan Cordoba Oro")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("NGN", i18n("Nigerian Naira"), QChar(0x20A6)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KPW", i18n("North Korean Won"), QChar(0x20A9)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("NOK", i18n("Norwegian Kroner"), "kr"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("OMR", i18n("Omani Rial"), "OMR", 1000, 1000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("PKR", i18n("Pakistan Rupee")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("PAB", i18n("Panamanian Balboa")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("PGK", i18n("Papua New Guinea Kina")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("PYG", i18n("Paraguay Guarani")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("PEN", i18n("Peruvian Nuevo Sol")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("PHP", i18n("Philippine Peso"), QChar(0x20B1)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("PLN", i18n("Polish Zloty")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("QAR", i18n("Qatari Rial")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("RON", i18n("Romanian Leu (new)")), true); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("RUB", i18n("Russian Ruble")), true); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("RWF", i18n("Rwanda Franc")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("WST", i18n("Samoan Tala")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("STD", i18n("Sao Tome and Principe Dobra")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SAR", i18n("Saudi Riyal")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("RSD", i18n("Serbian Dinar")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SCR", i18n("Seychelles Rupee")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SLL", i18n("Sierra Leone Leone")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SGD", i18n("Singapore Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SBD", i18n("Solomon Islands Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SOS", i18n("Somali Shilling")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ZAR", i18n("South African Rand")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("KRW", i18n("South Korean Won"), QChar(0x20A9)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("LKR", i18n("Sri Lanka Rupee")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SHP", i18n("St. Helena Pound"), QChar(0x00A3)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SDD", i18n("Sudanese Dinar")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SRG", i18n("Suriname Guilder")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SZL", i18n("Swaziland Lilangeni")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SEK", i18n("Swedish Krona")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("CHF", i18n("Swiss Franc"), "SFr"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("SYP", i18n("Syrian Pound"), QChar(0x00A3)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("TWD", i18n("Taiwan Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("TJS", i18n("Tajikistan Somoni")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("TZS", i18n("Tanzanian Shilling")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("THB", i18n("Thai Baht"), QChar(0x0E3F)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("TOP", i18n("Tongan Pa'anga")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("TTD", i18n("Trinidad and Tobago Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("TND", i18n("Tunisian Dinar"), "TND", 1000, 1000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("TRY", i18n("Turkish Lira"), QChar(0x20BA)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("TMM", i18n("Turkmenistan Manat")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("USD", i18n("US Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("UGX", i18n("Uganda Shilling")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("UAH", i18n("Ukraine Hryvnia")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("AED", i18n("United Arab Emirates Dirham")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("UYU", i18n("Uruguayan Peso")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("UZS", i18n("Uzbekistani Sum")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("VUV", i18n("Vanuatu Vatu")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("VEB", i18n("Venezuelan Bolivar")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("VND", i18n("Vietnamese Dong"), QChar(0x20AB)), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ZMK", i18n("Zambian Kwacha")), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("ZWD", i18n("Zimbabwe Dollar"), "$"), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("XAU", i18n("Gold"), "XAU", 1, 1000000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("XPD", i18n("Palladium"), "XPD", 1, 1000000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("XPT", i18n("Platinum"), "XPT", 1, 1000000), create); loadDefaultCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("XAG", i18n("Silver"), "XAG", 1, 1000000), create); } void KMyMoneyView::loadAncientCurrency(const QString& id, const QString& name, const QString& sym, const QDate& date, const MyMoneyMoney& rate, const QString& newId, const int partsPerUnit, const int smallestCashFraction, const int smallestAccountFraction) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyPrice price(id, newId, date, rate, "KMyMoney"); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // make sure if entry exists file->currency(id); // make sure we have the right price if (file->price(id, newId, date, true) != price) { file->addPrice(price); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { try { file->addCurrency(MyMoneySecurity(id, name, sym, partsPerUnit, smallestCashFraction, smallestAccountFraction)); if (date.isValid()) { file->addPrice(price); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("Error loading currency: %s", qPrintable(e.what())); } } } void KMyMoneyView::loadAncientCurrencies() { loadAncientCurrency("ATS", i18n("Austrian Schilling"), "ÖS", QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(10000, 137603), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("DEM", i18n("German Mark"), "DM", QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(100000, 195583), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("FRF", i18n("French Franc"), "FF", QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(100000, 655957), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("ITL", i18n("Italian Lira"), QChar(0x20A4), QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(100, 193627), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("ESP", i18n("Spanish Peseta"), QString(), QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(1000, 166386), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("NLG", i18n("Dutch Guilder"), QString(), QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(100000, 220371), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("BEF", i18n("Belgian Franc"), "Fr", QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(10000, 403399), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("LUF", i18n("Luxembourg Franc"), "Fr", QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(10000, 403399), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("PTE", i18n("Portuguese Escudo"), QString(), QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(1000, 200482), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("IEP", i18n("Irish Pound"), QChar(0x00A3), QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(1000000, 787564), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("FIM", i18n("Finnish Markka"), QString(), QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(100000, 594573), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("GRD", i18n("Greek Drachma"), QChar(0x20AF), QDate(1998, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(100, 34075), "EUR"); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_lev loadAncientCurrency("BGL", i18n("Bulgarian Lev"), "BGL", QDate(1999, 7, 5), MyMoneyMoney(1, 1000), "BGN"); loadAncientCurrency("ROL", i18n("Romanian Leu"), "ROL", QDate(2005, 6, 30), MyMoneyMoney(1, 10000), "RON"); loadAncientCurrency("RUR", i18n("Russian Ruble (old)"), "RUR", QDate(1998, 1, 1), MyMoneyMoney(1, 1000), "RUB"); loadAncientCurrency("SIT", i18n("Slovenian Tolar"), "SIT", QDate(2006, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(100, 23964), "EUR"); // Source: http://www.tf-portfoliosolutions.net/products/turkishlira.aspx loadAncientCurrency("TRL", i18n("Turkish Lira (old)"), "TL", QDate(2004, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(1, 1000000), "TRY"); // Source: http://www.focus.de/finanzen/news/malta-und-zypern_aid_66058.html loadAncientCurrency("MTL", i18n("Maltese Lira"), "MTL", QDate(2008, 1, 1), MyMoneyMoney(429300, 1000000), "EUR"); loadAncientCurrency("CYP", i18n("Cyprus Pound"), QString("C%1").arg(QChar(0x00A3)), QDate(2008, 1, 1), MyMoneyMoney(585274, 1000000), "EUR"); // Source: http://www.focus.de/finanzen/news/waehrungszone-slowakei-ist-neuer-euro-staat_aid_359025.html loadAncientCurrency("SKK", i18n("Slovak Koruna"), "SKK", QDate(2008, 12, 31), MyMoneyMoney(1000, 30126), "EUR"); // Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozambican_metical loadAncientCurrency("MZM", i18n("Mozambique Metical"), "MT", QDate(2006, 7, 1), MyMoneyMoney(1, 1000), "MZN"); // Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijani_manat loadAncientCurrency("AZM", i18n("Azerbaijani Manat"), "m.", QDate(2006, 1, 1), MyMoneyMoney(1, 5000), "AZN"); // Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litas loadAncientCurrency("LTL", i18n("Lithuanian Litas"), "Lt", QDate(2015, 1, 1), MyMoneyMoney(100000, 345280), "EUR"); // Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarusian_ruble loadAncientCurrency("BYR", i18n("Belarusian Ruble (old)"), "BYR", QDate(2016, 7, 1), MyMoneyMoney(1, 10000), "BYN"); } void KMyMoneyView::viewAccountList(const QString& /*selectAccount*/) { if (m_accountsViewFrame != currentPage()) showPage(m_accountsViewFrame); m_accountsView->show(); } void KMyMoneyView::slotRefreshViews() { // turn off sync between ledger and investment view disconnect(m_investmentView, SIGNAL(accountSelected(MyMoneyObject)), m_ledgerView, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); disconnect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(accountSelected(MyMoneyObject)), m_investmentView, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); // TODO turn sync between ledger and investment view if selected by user if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::syncLedgerInvestment()) { connect(m_investmentView, SIGNAL(accountSelected(MyMoneyObject)), m_ledgerView, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); connect(m_ledgerView, SIGNAL(accountSelected(MyMoneyObject)), m_investmentView, SLOT(slotSelectAccount(MyMoneyObject))); } showTitleBar(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::showTitleBar()); m_accountsView->slotLoadAccounts(); m_institutionsView->slotLoadAccounts(); m_categoriesView->slotLoadAccounts(); m_payeesView->slotLoadPayees(); m_tagsView->slotLoadTags(); m_ledgerView->slotLoadView(); m_budgetView->slotRefreshView(); m_homeView->slotLoadView(); m_investmentView->slotLoadView(); m_reportsView->slotLoadView(); m_forecastView->slotLoadForecast(); m_scheduledView->slotReloadView(); } void KMyMoneyView::slotShowTransactionDetail(bool detailed) { KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::setShowRegisterDetailed(detailed); slotRefreshViews(); } void KMyMoneyView::progressCallback(int current, int total, const QString& msg) { kmymoney->progressCallback(current, total, msg); } void KMyMoneyView::slotCurrentPageChanged(const QModelIndex current, const QModelIndex) { // remember the current page m_lastViewSelected = current.row(); // set the current page's title in the header if (m_header) m_header->setText(m_model->data(current).toString()); } /* DO NOT ADD code to this function or any of it's called ones. Instead, create a new function, fixFile_n, and modify the initializeStorage() logic above to call it */ void KMyMoneyView::fixFile_3() { // make sure each storage object contains a (unique) id MyMoneyFile::instance()->storageId(); } void KMyMoneyView::fixFile_2() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QList transactionList; file->transactionList(transactionList, filter); // scan the transactions and modify transactions with two splits // which reference an account and a category to have the memo text // of the account. QList::Iterator it_t; int count = 0; for (it_t = transactionList.begin(); it_t != transactionList.end(); ++it_t) { if ((*it_t).splitCount() == 2) { QString accountId; QString categoryId; QString accountMemo; QString categoryMemo; const QList& splits = (*it_t).splits(); QList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = splits.constBegin(); it_s != splits.constEnd(); ++it_s) { MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId()); if (acc.isIncomeExpense()) { categoryId = (*it_s).id(); categoryMemo = (*it_s).memo(); } else { accountId = (*it_s).id(); accountMemo = (*it_s).memo(); } } if (!accountId.isEmpty() && !categoryId.isEmpty() && accountMemo != categoryMemo) { MyMoneyTransaction t(*it_t); MyMoneySplit s(t.splitById(categoryId)); s.setMemo(accountMemo); t.modifySplit(s); file->modifyTransaction(t); ++count; } } } qDebug("%d transactions fixed in fixFile_2", count); } void KMyMoneyView::fixFile_1() { // we need to fix reports. If the account filter list contains // investment accounts, we need to add the stock accounts to the list // as well if we don't have the expert mode enabled if (!KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode()) { try { QList reports = MyMoneyFile::instance()->reportList(); QList::iterator it_r; for (it_r = reports.begin(); it_r != reports.end(); ++it_r) { QStringList list; (*it_r).accounts(list); QStringList missing; QStringList::const_iterator it_a, it_b; for (it_a = list.constBegin(); it_a != list.constEnd(); ++it_a) { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(*it_a); if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { for (it_b = acc.accountList().begin(); it_b != acc.accountList().end(); ++it_b) { if (!list.contains(*it_b)) { missing.append(*it_b); } } } } if (!missing.isEmpty()) { (*it_r).addAccount(missing); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyReport(*it_r); } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } } #if 0 if (!m_accountsView->allItemsSelected()) { // retrieve a list of selected accounts QStringList list; m_accountsView->selectedItems(list); // if we're not in expert mode, we need to make sure // that all stock accounts for the selected investment // account are also selected if (!KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode()) { QStringList missing; QStringList::const_iterator it_a, it_b; for (it_a = list.begin(); it_a != list.end(); ++it_a) { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(*it_a); if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { for (it_b = acc.accountList().begin(); it_b != acc.accountList().end(); ++it_b) { if (!list.contains(*it_b)) { missing.append(*it_b); } } } } list += missing; } m_filter.addAccount(list); } #endif void KMyMoneyView::fixFile_0() { /* (Ace) I am on a crusade against file fixups. Whenever we have to fix the * file, it is really a warning. So I'm going to print a debug warning, and * then go track them down when I see them to figure out how they got saved * out needing fixing anyway. */ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList accountList; file->accountList(accountList); QList::Iterator it_a; QList scheduleList = file->scheduleList(); QList::Iterator it_s; MyMoneyAccount equity = file->equity(); MyMoneyAccount asset = file->asset(); bool equityListEmpty = equity.accountList().count() == 0; for (it_a = accountList.begin(); it_a != accountList.end(); ++it_a) { if ((*it_a).accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Loan || (*it_a).accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan) { fixLoanAccount_0(*it_a); } // until early before 0.8 release, the equity account was not saved to // the file. If we have an equity account with no sub-accounts but // find and equity account that has equity() as it's parent, we reparent // this account. Need to move it to asset() first, because otherwise // MyMoneyFile::reparent would act as NOP. if (equityListEmpty && (*it_a).accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Equity) { if ((*it_a).parentAccountId() == equity.id()) { MyMoneyAccount acc = *it_a; // tricky, force parent account to be empty so that we really // can re-parent it acc.setParentAccountId(QString()); file->reparentAccount(acc, equity); kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " fixed account " << acc.id() << " reparented to " << equity.id(); } } } for (it_s = scheduleList.begin(); it_s != scheduleList.end(); ++it_s) { fixSchedule_0(*it_s); } fixTransactions_0(); } void KMyMoneyView::fixSchedule_0(MyMoneySchedule sched) { MyMoneyTransaction t = sched.transaction(); QList splitList = t.splits(); QList::ConstIterator it_s; bool updated = false; try { // Check if the splits contain valid data and set it to // be valid. for (it_s = splitList.constBegin(); it_s != splitList.constEnd(); ++it_s) { // the first split is always the account on which this transaction operates // and if the transaction commodity is not set, we take this if (it_s == splitList.constBegin() && t.commodity().isEmpty()) { kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << t.id() << " has no commodity"; try { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account((*it_s).accountId()); t.setCommodity(acc.currencyId()); updated = true; } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } } // make sure the account exists. If not, remove the split try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->account((*it_s).accountId()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << sched.id() << " " << (*it_s).id() << " removed, because account '" << (*it_s).accountId() << "' does not exist."; t.removeSplit(*it_s); updated = true; } if ((*it_s).reconcileFlag() != MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled) { kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << sched.id() << " " << (*it_s).id() << " should be 'not reconciled'"; MyMoneySplit split = *it_s; split.setReconcileDate(QDate()); split.setReconcileFlag(MyMoneySplit::NotReconciled); t.modifySplit(split); updated = true; } // the schedule logic used to operate only on the value field. // This is now obsolete. if ((*it_s).shares().isZero() && !(*it_s).value().isZero()) { MyMoneySplit split = *it_s; split.setShares(split.value()); t.modifySplit(split); updated = true; } } // If there have been changes, update the schedule and // the engine data. if (updated) { sched.setTransaction(t); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifySchedule(sched); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qWarning("Unable to update broken schedule: %s", qPrintable(e.what())); } } void KMyMoneyView::fixLoanAccount_0(MyMoneyAccount acc) { if (acc.value("final-payment").isEmpty() || acc.value("term").isEmpty() || acc.value("periodic-payment").isEmpty() || acc.value("loan-amount").isEmpty() || acc.value("interest-calculation").isEmpty() || acc.value("schedule").isEmpty() || acc.value("fixed-interest").isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("

The account \"%1\" was previously created as loan account but some information is missing.

The new loan wizard will be started to collect all relevant information.

Please use KMyMoney version 0.8.7 or later and earlier than version 0.9 to correct the problem.

" , acc.name()), i18n("Account problem")); throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Fix LoanAccount0 not supported anymore"); } } void KMyMoneyView::createSchedule(MyMoneySchedule newSchedule, MyMoneyAccount& newAccount) { // Add the schedule only if one exists // // Remember to modify the first split to reference the newly created account if (!newSchedule.name().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // We assume at least 2 splits in the transaction MyMoneyTransaction t = newSchedule.transaction(); if (t.splitCount() < 2) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Transaction for schedule has less than 2 splits!"); } // now search the split that does not have an account reference // and set it up to be the one of the account we just added // to the account pool. Note: the schedule code used to leave // this always the first split, but the loan code leaves it as // the second one. So I thought, searching is a good alternative .... QList::ConstIterator it_s; for (it_s = t.splits().constBegin(); it_s != t.splits().constEnd(); ++it_s) { if ((*it_s).accountId().isEmpty()) { MyMoneySplit s = (*it_s); s.setAccountId(newAccount.id()); t.modifySplit(s); break; } } newSchedule.setTransaction(t); MyMoneyFile::instance()->addSchedule(newSchedule); // in case of a loan account, we keep a reference to this // schedule in the account if (newAccount.isLoan()) { newAccount.setValue("schedule", newSchedule.id()); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(newAccount); } ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Unable to add schedule: %1", e.what())); } } } void KMyMoneyView::fixTransactions_0() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList scheduleList = file->scheduleList(); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QList transactionList; file->transactionList(transactionList, filter); QList::Iterator it_x; QStringList interestAccounts; KMSTATUS(i18n("Fix transactions")); kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(0, scheduleList.count() + transactionList.count()); int cnt = 0; // scan the schedules to find interest accounts for (it_x = scheduleList.begin(); it_x != scheduleList.end(); ++it_x) { MyMoneyTransaction t = (*it_x).transaction(); QList::ConstIterator it_s; QStringList accounts; bool hasDuplicateAccounts = false; for (it_s = t.splits().constBegin(); it_s != t.splits().constEnd(); ++it_s) { if (accounts.contains((*it_s).accountId())) { hasDuplicateAccounts = true; kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << t.id() << " has multiple splits with account " << (*it_s).accountId(); } else { accounts << (*it_s).accountId(); } if ((*it_s).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionInterest) { if (interestAccounts.contains((*it_s).accountId()) == 0) { interestAccounts << (*it_s).accountId(); } } } if (hasDuplicateAccounts) { fixDuplicateAccounts_0(t); } ++cnt; if (!(cnt % 10)) kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(cnt); } // scan the transactions and modify loan transactions QList::Iterator it_t; for (it_t = transactionList.begin(); it_t != transactionList.end(); ++it_t) { const char *defaultAction = 0; QList splits = (*it_t).splits(); QList::Iterator it_s; QStringList accounts; // check if base commodity is set. if not, set baseCurrency if ((*it_t).commodity().isEmpty()) { kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << (*it_t).id() << " has no base currency"; (*it_t).setCommodity(file->baseCurrency().id()); file->modifyTransaction(*it_t); } bool isLoan = false; // Determine default action if ((*it_t).splitCount() == 2) { // check for transfer int accountCount = 0; MyMoneyMoney val; for (it_s = splits.begin(); it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) { MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId()); if (acc.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Asset || acc.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Liability) { val = (*it_s).value(); accountCount++; if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Loan || acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan) isLoan = true; } else break; } if (accountCount == 2) { if (isLoan) defaultAction = MyMoneySplit::ActionAmortization; else defaultAction = MyMoneySplit::ActionTransfer; } else { if (val.isNegative()) defaultAction = MyMoneySplit::ActionWithdrawal; else defaultAction = MyMoneySplit::ActionDeposit; } } isLoan = false; for (it_s = splits.begin(); defaultAction == 0 && it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) { MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId()); MyMoneyMoney val = (*it_s).value(); if (acc.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Asset || acc.accountGroup() == MyMoneyAccount::Liability) { if (!val.isPositive()) defaultAction = MyMoneySplit::ActionWithdrawal; else defaultAction = MyMoneySplit::ActionDeposit; } } #if 0 // Check for correct actions in transactions referencing credit cards bool needModify = false; // The action fields are actually not used anymore in the ledger view logic // so we might as well skip this whole thing here! for (it_s = splits.begin(); needModify == false && it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) { MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account((*it_s).accountId()); MyMoneyMoney val = (*it_s).value(); if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard) { if (val < 0 && (*it_s).action() != MyMoneySplit::ActionWithdrawal && (*it_s).action() != MyMoneySplit::ActionTransfer) needModify = true; if (val >= 0 && (*it_s).action() != MyMoneySplit::ActionDeposit && (*it_s).action() != MyMoneySplit::ActionTransfer) needModify = true; } } // (Ace) Extended the #endif down to cover this conditional, because as-written // it will ALWAYS be skipped. if (needModify == true) { for (it_s = splits.begin(); it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) { (*it_s).setAction(defaultAction); (*it_t).modifySplit(*it_s); file->modifyTransaction(*it_t); } splits = (*it_t).splits(); // update local copy qDebug("Fixed credit card assignment in %s", (*it_t).id().data()); } #endif // Check for correct assignment of ActionInterest in all splits // and check if there are any duplicates in this transactions for (it_s = splits.begin(); it_s != splits.end(); ++it_s) { MyMoneyAccount splitAccount = file->account((*it_s).accountId()); if (!accounts.contains((*it_s).accountId())) { accounts << (*it_s).accountId(); } // if this split references an interest account, the action // must be of type ActionInterest if (interestAccounts.contains((*it_s).accountId())) { if ((*it_s).action() != MyMoneySplit::ActionInterest) { kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << (*it_t).id() << " contains an interest account (" << (*it_s).accountId() << ") but does not have ActionInterest"; (*it_s).setAction(MyMoneySplit::ActionInterest); (*it_t).modifySplit(*it_s); file->modifyTransaction(*it_t); qDebug("Fixed interest action in %s", qPrintable((*it_t).id())); } // if it does not reference an interest account, it must not be // of type ActionInterest } else { if ((*it_s).action() == MyMoneySplit::ActionInterest) { kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << (*it_t).id() << " does not contain an interest account so it should not have ActionInterest"; (*it_s).setAction(defaultAction); (*it_t).modifySplit(*it_s); file->modifyTransaction(*it_t); qDebug("Fixed interest action in %s", qPrintable((*it_t).id())); } } // check that for splits referencing an account that has // the same currency as the transactions commodity the value // and shares field are the same. if ((*it_t).commodity() == splitAccount.currencyId() && (*it_s).value() != (*it_s).shares()) { kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << (*it_t).id() << " " << (*it_s).id() << " uses the transaction currency, but shares != value"; (*it_s).setShares((*it_s).value()); (*it_t).modifySplit(*it_s); file->modifyTransaction(*it_t); } // fix the shares and values to have the correct fraction if (!splitAccount.isInvest()) { try { int fract = splitAccount.fraction(); if ((*it_s).shares() != (*it_s).shares().convert(fract)) { qDebug("adjusting fraction in %s,%s", qPrintable((*it_t).id()), qPrintable((*it_s).id())); (*it_s).setShares((*it_s).shares().convert(fract)); (*it_s).setValue((*it_s).value().convert(fract)); (*it_t).modifySplit(*it_s); file->modifyTransaction(*it_t); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { qDebug("Missing security '%s', split not altered", qPrintable(splitAccount.currencyId())); } } } ++cnt; if (!(cnt % 10)) kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(cnt); } kmymoney->slotStatusProgressBar(-1, -1); } void KMyMoneyView::fixDuplicateAccounts_0(MyMoneyTransaction& t) { qDebug("Duplicate account in transaction %s", qPrintable(t.id())); } void KMyMoneyView::slotPrintView() { if (m_reportsViewFrame == currentPage()) m_reportsView->slotPrintView(); else if (m_homeViewFrame == currentPage()) m_homeView->slotPrintView(); } +void KMyMoneyView::slotPrintPreviewView() +{ + if (m_reportsViewFrame == currentPage()) + m_reportsView->slotPrintPreviewView(); + else if (m_homeViewFrame == currentPage()) + m_homeView->slotPrintPreviewView(); +} + KMyMoneyViewBase* KMyMoneyView::addBasePage(const QString& title, const QString& icon) { KMyMoneyViewBase* viewBase = new KMyMoneyViewBase(this, title, title); connect(viewBase, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToChangeView())); KPageWidgetItem* frm = m_model->addPage(viewBase, title); frm->setIcon(KIcon(icon)); return viewBase; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* KMyMoneyViewBase */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes class KMyMoneyViewBase::Private { public: QVBoxLayout* m_viewLayout; }; KMyMoneyViewBase::KMyMoneyViewBase(QWidget* parent, const QString& name, const QString& title) : QWidget(parent), d(new Private) { setAccessibleName(name); setAccessibleDescription(title); d->m_viewLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); d->m_viewLayout->setSpacing(6); d->m_viewLayout->setMargin(0); } KMyMoneyViewBase::~KMyMoneyViewBase() { delete d; } void KMyMoneyViewBase::addWidget(QWidget* w) { d->m_viewLayout->addWidget(w); } QVBoxLayout* KMyMoneyViewBase::layout() const { return d->m_viewLayout; } diff --git a/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.h b/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.h index c4a769c2b..fa4f695e3 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.h +++ b/kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.h @@ -1,681 +1,686 @@ /*************************************************************************** kmymoneyview.h ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000-2001 by Michael Edwardes email : ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KMYMONEYVIEW_H #define KMYMONEYVIEW_H // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include #include #include #include "mymoneyschedule.h" #include #include #ifdef KActivities_FOUND namespace KActivities { class ResourceInstance; } #endif class KHomeView; class KAccountsView; class KCategoriesView; class KInstitutionsView; class KPayeesView; class KTagsView; class KBudgetView; class KScheduledView; class KGlobalLedgerView; class IMyMoneyStorageFormat; class MyMoneyTransaction; class KInvestmentView; class KReportsView; class KMyMoneyViewBase; class MyMoneyReport; class TransactionEditor; class KForecastView; class KOnlineJobOutbox; class KMyMoneyTitleLabel; /** * This class represents the view of the MyMoneyFile which contains * Banks/Accounts/Transactions, Recurring transactions (or Bills & Deposits) * and scripts (yet to be implemented). Each different aspect of the file * is represented by a tab within the view. * * @author Michael Edwardes 2001 Copyright 2000-2001 * * @short Handles the view of the MyMoneyFile. */ class KMyMoneyView : public KPageWidget { Q_OBJECT public: enum viewID { HomeView = 0, AccountsView, InstitutionsView, SchedulesView, CategoriesView, PayeesView, LedgersView, InvestmentsView, ReportsView, BudgetView, ForecastView, OnlineJobOutboxView }; // file actions for plugin enum fileActions { preOpen, postOpen, preSave, postSave, preClose, postClose }; KOnlineJobOutbox* getOnlineJobOutbox() const { return m_onlineJobOutboxView; } private: enum menuID { AccountNew = 1, AccountOpen, AccountReconcile, AccountEdit, AccountDelete, AccountOnlineMap, AccountOnlineUpdate, AccountOfxConnect, CategoryNew }; enum storageTypeE { Memory = 0, Database } _storageType; KPageWidgetModel* m_model; KHomeView *m_homeView; KAccountsView *m_accountsView; KInstitutionsView *m_institutionsView; KCategoriesView *m_categoriesView; KPayeesView *m_payeesView; KTagsView *m_tagsView; KBudgetView *m_budgetView; KScheduledView *m_scheduledView; KGlobalLedgerView *m_ledgerView; KInvestmentView *m_investmentView; KReportsView* m_reportsView; KForecastView* m_forecastView; KOnlineJobOutbox* m_onlineJobOutboxView; KPageWidgetItem* m_homeViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_accountsViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_institutionsViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_categoriesViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_payeesViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_tagsViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_budgetViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_scheduleViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_ledgerViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_investmentViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_reportsViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_forecastViewFrame; KPageWidgetItem* m_onlineJobOutboxViewFrame; KMyMoneyTitleLabel* m_header; bool m_inConstructor; bool m_fileOpen; int m_fmode; int m_lastViewSelected; // Keep a note of the file type typedef enum _fileTypeE { KmmBinary = 0, // native, binary KmmXML, // native, XML KmmDb, // SQL database /* insert new native file types above this line */ MaxNativeFileType, /* and non-native types below */ GncXML // Gnucash XML } fileTypeE; fileTypeE m_fileType; #ifdef KActivities_FOUND private: KActivities::ResourceInstance * m_activityResourceInstance; #endif private: void ungetString(QIODevice *qfile, char * buf, int len); /** * This method creates the currency @p curr if it does not exist and * @p create is @p true. If the currency already exists, it checks * if the name is equal. If it is not, the name of the object in the * engine is updated to the name passed with @p curr. * * @param curr MyMoneySecurity to be checked * @param create If true and currency does not exist it will be created If false currency will not be created even if it does not exist */ void loadDefaultCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& curr, const bool create); /** * */ void loadAncientCurrency(const QString& id, const QString& name, const QString& sym, const QDate& date, const MyMoneyMoney& rate, const QString& newId, const int partsPerUnit = 100, const int smallestCashFraction = 100, const int smallestAccountFraction = 0); /** * if no base currency is defined, start the dialog and force it to be set */ void selectBaseCurrency(); /** * This method attaches an empty storage object to the MyMoneyFile * object. It calls removeStorage() to remove a possibly attached * storage object. */ void newStorage(storageTypeE = Memory); /** * This method removes an attached storage from the MyMoneyFile * object. */ void removeStorage(); void viewAccountList(const QString& selectAccount); // Show the accounts view static void progressCallback(int current, int total, const QString&); /** */ void fixFile_0(); void fixFile_1(); void fixFile_2(); void fixFile_3(); /** */ void fixLoanAccount_0(MyMoneyAccount acc); /** */ void fixTransactions_0(); void fixSchedule_0(MyMoneySchedule sched); void fixDuplicateAccounts_0(MyMoneyTransaction& t); void createSchedule(MyMoneySchedule s, MyMoneyAccount& a); void checkAccountName(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const QString& name) const; public: /** * The constructor for KMyMoneyView. Just creates all the tabs for the * different aspects of the MyMoneyFile. */ explicit KMyMoneyView(QWidget *parent = 0); /** * Destructor */ ~KMyMoneyView(); /** * Makes sure that a MyMoneyFile is open and has been created successfully. * * @return Whether the file is open and initialised */ bool fileOpen(); /** * Closes the open MyMoneyFile and frees all the allocated memory, I hope ! */ void closeFile(); /** * Calls MyMoneyFile::readAllData which reads a MyMoneyFile into appropriate * data structures in memory. The return result is examined to make sure no * errors occurred whilst parsing. * * @param url The URL to read from. * If no protocol is specified, file:// is assumed. * * @return Whether the read was successful. */ bool readFile(const KUrl& url); /** * Saves the data into permanent storage using the XML format. * * @param url The URL to save into. * If no protocol is specified, file:// is assumed. * @param keyList QString containing a comma separated list of keys * to be used for encryption. If @p keyList is empty, * the file will be saved unencrypted (the default) * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ bool saveFile(const KUrl& url, const QString& keyList = QString()); /** * Saves the data into permanent storage on a new or empty SQL database. * * @param url The pseudo of tyhe database * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ //const bool saveDatabase(const KUrl& url); This no longer relevant /** * Saves the data into permanent storage on a new or empty SQL database. * * @param url The pseudo URL of the database * * @retval false save operation failed * @retval true save operation was successful */ bool saveAsDatabase(const KUrl& url); /** * Call this to find out if the currently open file is native KMM * * @retval true file is native * @retval false file is foreign */ bool isNativeFile() { return (m_fileOpen && (m_fileType < MaxNativeFileType)); } /** * Call this to find out if the currently open file is a sql database * * @retval true file is database * @retval false file is serial */ bool isDatabase() { return (m_fileOpen && ((m_fileType == KmmDb))); } /** * Call this to see if the MyMoneyFile contains any unsaved data. * * @retval true if any data has been modified but not saved * @retval false otherwise */ bool dirty(); /** * Close the currently opened file and create an empty new file. * * @see MyMoneyFile */ void newFile(); /** * This method enables the state of all views (except home view) according * to an open file. */ void enableViewsIfFileOpen(); KMyMoneyViewBase* addBasePage(const QString& title, const QString& icon = QString()); void addWidget(QWidget* w); void showPage(KPageWidgetItem* pageItem); /** * check if the current view allows to create a transaction * * @param list list of selected transactions * @param tooltip reference to string receiving the tooltip text * which explains why the modify function is not available (in case * of returning @c false) * * @retval true Yes, view allows to create a transaction (tooltip is not changed) * @retval false No, view cannot to create a transaction (tooltip is updated with message) */ bool canCreateTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, QString& tooltip) const; /** * check if the current view allows to modify (edit/delete) the selected transactions * * @param list list of selected transactions * @param tooltip reference to string receiving the tooltip text * which explains why the modify function is not available (in case * of returning @c false) * * @retval true Yes, view allows to edit/delete transactions (tooltip is not changed) * @retval false No, view cannot edit/delete transactions (tooltip is updated with message) */ bool canModifyTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, QString& tooltip) const; bool canDuplicateTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, QString& tooltip) const; /** * check if the current view allows to edit the selected transactions * * @param list list of selected transactions * @param tooltip reference to string receiving the tooltip text * which explains why the edit function is not available (in case * of returning @c false) * * @retval true Yes, view allows to enter/edit transactions * @retval false No, view cannot enter/edit transactions */ bool canEditTransactions(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& list, QString& tooltip) const; /** * check if the current view allows to print something * * @retval true Yes, view allows to print * @retval false No, view cannot print */ bool canPrint(); TransactionEditor* startEdit(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions&); bool createNewTransaction(); /** * Used to start reconciliation of account @a account. It switches the * ledger view into reconciliation mode and updates the view. * * @param account account which should be reconciled * @param reconciliationDate the statement date * @param endingBalance the ending balance entered for this account * * @retval true Reconciliation started * @retval false Account cannot be reconciled */ bool startReconciliation(const MyMoneyAccount& account, const QDate& reconciliationDate, const MyMoneyMoney& endingBalance); /** * Used to finish reconciliation of account @a account. It switches the * ledger view to normal mode and updates the view. * * @param account account which should be reconciled */ void finishReconciliation(const MyMoneyAccount& account); /** * This method preloads all known currencies into the engine. */ void loadDefaultCurrencies(); void loadAncientCurrencies(); void showTitleBar(bool show); /** * This method changes the view type according to the settings. */ void updateViewType(); protected: /** * Overwritten because KMyMoney has it's custom header. */ virtual bool showPageHeader() const; public slots: /** * This slot writes information about the page passed as argument @a current * in the kmymoney.rc file so that it can be selected automatically when * the application is started again. * * @param current QModelIndex of the current page item * @param previous QModelIndex of the previous page item */ void slotCurrentPageChanged(const QModelIndex current, const QModelIndex previous); /** * Brings up a dialog to change the list(s) settings and saves them into the * class KMyMoneySettings (a singleton). * * @see KListSettingsDlg * Refreshes all views. Used e.g. after settings have been changed or * data has been loaded from external sources (QIF import). **/ void slotRefreshViews(); /** * Called, whenever the ledger view should pop up and a specific * transaction in an account should be shown. If @p transaction * is empty, the last transaction should be selected * * @param acc The ID of the account to be shown * @param transaction The ID of the transaction to be selected */ void slotLedgerSelected(const QString& acc, const QString& transaction = QString()); /** * Called, whenever the payees view should pop up and a specific * transaction in an account should be shown. * * @param payeeId The ID of the payee to be shown * @param accountId The ID of the account to be shown * @param transactionId The ID of the transaction to be selected */ void slotPayeeSelected(const QString& payeeId, const QString& accountId, const QString& transactionId); /** * Called, whenever the tags view should pop up and a specific * transaction in an account should be shown. * * @param tagId The ID of the tag to be shown * @param accountId The ID of the account to be shown * @param transactionId The ID of the transaction to be selected */ void slotTagSelected(const QString& tagId, const QString& accountId, const QString& transactionId); /** * Called, whenever the schedule view should pop up and a specific * schedule should be shown. * * @param schedule The ID of the schedule to be shown */ void slotScheduleSelected(const QString& schedule); /** * Called, whenever the report view should pop up and a specific * report should be shown. * * @param reportid The ID of the report to be shown */ void slotShowReport(const QString& reportid); /** * Same as the above, but the caller passes in an actual report * definition to be shown. * * @param report The report to be shown */ void slotShowReport(const MyMoneyReport& report); /** * This slot prints the current view. */ void slotPrintView(); + /** + * This slot opens the print preview for the current view. + */ + void slotPrintPreviewView(); + /** * This slot switches the view to present the home page */ void slotShowHomePage() { setCurrentPage(m_homeViewFrame); } protected slots: /** * Called when the user changes the detail * setting of the transaction register * * @param detailed if true, the register is shown with all details */ void slotShowTransactionDetail(bool detailed); /** * eventually replace this with KMyMoneyApp::slotCurrencySetBase(). * it contains the same code * * @deprecated */ void slotSetBaseCurrency(const MyMoneySecurity& baseCurrency); private: /** * This method is called from readFile to open a database file which * is to be processed in 'proper' database mode, i.e. in-place updates * * @param dbaseURL pseudo-KUrl representation of database * * @retval true Database opened successfully * @retval false Could not open or read database */ bool openDatabase(const KUrl& dbaseURL); /** * This method is used after a file or database has been * read into storage, and performs various initialization tasks * * @retval true all went okay * @retval false an exception occurred during this process */ bool initializeStorage(); /** * This method is used by saveFile() to store the data * either directly in the destination file if it is on * the local file system or in a temporary file when * the final destination is reached over a network * protocol (e.g. FTP) * * @param localFile the name of the local file * @param writer pointer to the formatter * @param plaintext whether to override any compression & encryption settings * @param keyList QString containing a comma separated list of keys to be used for encryption * If @p keyList is empty, the file will be saved unencrypted * * @note This method will close the file when it is written. */ void saveToLocalFile(const QString& localFile, IMyMoneyStorageFormat* writer, bool plaintext = false, const QString& keyList = QString()); /** * Internal method used by slotAccountNew() and slotAccountCategory(). */ void accountNew(const bool createCategory); signals: /** * This signal is emitted whenever a view is selected. * The parameter @p view is identified as one of KMyMoneyView::viewID. */ void viewActivated(int view); /** * This signal is emitted whenever a new view is about to be selected. */ void aboutToChangeView(); void accountSelectedForContextMenu(const MyMoneyAccount& acc); void viewStateChanged(bool enabled); /** * This signal is emitted to inform the kmmFile plugin when various file actions * occur. The Action parameter distinguishes between them. */ void kmmFilePlugin(unsigned int action); /** * Signal is emitted when reconciliation starts or ends. In case of end, * @a account is MyMoneyAccount() * * @param account account for which reconciliation starts or MyMoneyAccount() * if reconciliation ends. * @param reconciliationDate the statement date * @param endingBalance collected ending balance when reconciliation starts * 0 otherwise */ void reconciliationStarts(const MyMoneyAccount& account, const QDate& reconciliationDate, const MyMoneyMoney& endingBalance); }; /** * This class is an abstract base class that all specific views * should be based on. */ class KMyMoneyViewBase : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: KMyMoneyViewBase(QWidget* parent, const QString& name, const QString& title); virtual ~KMyMoneyViewBase(); void setTitle(const QString& title); QVBoxLayout* layout() const; void addWidget(QWidget* w); /** * This method is used to edit the currently selected transactions * The default implementation returns @p false which signals to the caller, that * the view was not capable to edit the transactions. * * @retval false view was not capable to edit transactions * @retval true view was capable to edit the transactions and did so */ bool editTransactions(const QList& transactions) const { Q_UNUSED(transactions) return false; } signals: /** * This signal is emitted whenever the view is about to be shown. */ void aboutToShow(); private: /// \internal d-pointer class. class Private; /// \internal d-pointer instance. Private* const d; }; #endif diff --git a/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp b/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp index 593616545..742917d11 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp @@ -1,1832 +1,1876 @@ /*************************************************************************** kreportsview.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sat Mar 27 2004 copyright : (C) 2000-2004 by Michael Edwardes email : mte@users.sourceforge.net Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio Ace Jones ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "kreportsview.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include #include #include #include "kmymoney.h" #include "querytable.h" #include "objectinfotable.h" #include "kreportconfigurationfilterdlg.h" using namespace reports; #define VIEW_LEDGER "ledger" #define VIEW_SCHEDULE "schedule" #define VIEW_WELCOME "welcome" #define VIEW_HOME "home" #define VIEW_REPORTS "reports" /** * KReportsView::KReportTab Implementation */ +class KReportsView::KReportTab::Private : public QObject +{ + Q_OBJECT +public: + KReportsView::KReportTab *q; + + Private(KReportsView::KReportTab *parent) : q(parent) {} + +public slots: + void slotPrintRequested(QPrinter *printer); +}; + +void KReportsView::KReportTab::Private::slotPrintRequested(QPrinter *printer) +{ + if (!q->m_chartView->isHidden()) { + QPainter painter(printer); + int h = painter.fontMetrics().height(); + q->m_chartView->paint(&painter, QRect(0, 0, printer->pageRect().width(), printer->pageRect().height() - h)); + QFont font = painter.font(); + font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF() * 0.8); + painter.setFont(font); + painter.drawText(0, h, KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(QDate::currentDate(), KLocale::ShortDate)); + QUrl file(kmymoney->filename()); + painter.drawText(0, printer->pageRect().height(), file.toLocalFile()); + } else if (q->m_part && q->m_part->view()) +#if KDE_IS_VERSION(4, 14, 65) + q->m_part->view()->print(kmymoney->printer(), true); +#else + q->m_part->view()->print(true); +#endif +} + KReportsView::KReportTab::KReportTab(KTabWidget* parent, const MyMoneyReport& report): QWidget(parent), m_part(new KHTMLPart(this)), m_chartView(new KReportChartView(this)), m_control(new kMyMoneyReportControl(this)), m_layout(new QVBoxLayout(this)), m_report(report), m_deleteMe(false), m_chartEnabled(false), m_showingChart(false), m_needReload(true), - m_table(0) + m_table(0), + d(new Private(this)) { m_layout->setSpacing(6); m_part->setFontScaleFactor(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::fontSizePercentage()); //set button icons m_control->buttonChart->setIcon(KIcon("office-chart-line")); m_control->buttonClose->setIcon(KIcon("document-close")); m_control->buttonConfigure->setIcon(KIcon("configure")); m_control->buttonCopy->setIcon(KIcon("edit-copy")); m_control->buttonDelete->setIcon(KIcon("edit-delete")); m_control->buttonExport->setIcon(KIcon("document-export")); m_control->buttonNew->setIcon(KIcon("document-new")); m_chartView->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); m_chartView->hide(); m_layout->addWidget(m_control); m_layout->addWidget(m_part->view()); m_layout->addWidget(m_chartView); parent->addTab(this, KIcon("application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"), report.name()); parent->setTabEnabled(parent->indexOf(this), true); // get users character set encoding m_encoding = KGlobal::locale()->encoding(); } KReportsView::KReportTab::~KReportTab() { delete m_table; //This is to prevent a crash on exit with KDE 4.3.2 delete m_part; + delete d; } void KReportsView::KReportTab::print() { - if (!m_chartView->isHidden()) { - QPointer dlg = new QPrintDialog(kmymoney->printer(), this); - if (dlg->exec()) { - QPainter painter(kmymoney->printer()); - m_chartView->paint(&painter, painter.window()); - QFont font = painter.font(); - font.setPointSizeF(font.pointSizeF() * 0.8); - painter.setFont(font); - painter.drawText(0, 0, KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(QDate::currentDate(), KLocale::ShortDate)); - QUrl file(kmymoney->filename()); - painter.drawText(0, painter.window().height(), file.toLocalFile()); - } - } else if (m_part && m_part->view()) -#ifdef Q_OS_WIN - m_part->view()->print(kmymoney->printer()); + QPrintDialog dlg(kmymoney->printer(), this); + if (!dlg.exec()) + return; + + d->slotPrintRequested(kmymoney->printer()); +} + +void KReportsView::KReportTab::printPreview() +{ +#if KDE_IS_VERSION(4, 14, 65) #else - m_part->view()->print(); + if (m_chartView->isHidden()) + return; #endif + QPrintPreviewDialog dlg(kmymoney->printer(), this); + connect(&dlg, SIGNAL(paintRequested(QPrinter*)), d, SLOT(slotPrintRequested(QPrinter*))); + dlg.exec(); } void KReportsView::KReportTab::copyToClipboard() { QMimeData* pMimeData = new QMimeData(); pMimeData->setHtml(m_table->renderHTML(qobject_cast(this), m_encoding, m_report.name(), true)); QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(pMimeData); } void KReportsView::KReportTab::saveAs(const QString& filename, bool includeCSS) { QFile file(filename); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { if (QFileInfo(filename).suffix().toLower() == "csv") { QTextStream(&file) << m_table->renderCSV(); } else { QString table = m_table->renderHTML(qobject_cast(this), m_encoding, m_report.name(), includeCSS); QTextStream stream(&file); stream << table; } file.close(); } } void KReportsView::KReportTab::loadTab() { m_needReload = true; if (isVisible()) { m_needReload = false; updateReport(); } } void KReportsView::KReportTab::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { if (m_needReload) { m_needReload = false; updateReport(); } QWidget::showEvent(event); } void KReportsView::KReportTab::updateReport() { // reload the report from the engine. It might have // been changed by the user try { // Don't try to reload default reports from the engine if (!m_report.id().isEmpty()) m_report = MyMoneyFile::instance()->report(m_report.id()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } delete m_table; m_table = 0; if (m_report.reportType() == MyMoneyReport::Report::PivotTable) { m_table = new PivotTable(m_report); m_chartEnabled = true; } else if (m_report.reportType() == MyMoneyReport::Report::QueryTable) { m_table = new QueryTable(m_report); m_chartEnabled = false; } else if (m_report.reportType() == MyMoneyReport::Report::InfoTable) { m_table = new ObjectInfoTable(m_report); m_chartEnabled = false; } m_part->begin(); m_part->write(m_table->renderHTML(qobject_cast(this), m_encoding, m_report.name())); m_part->end(); m_table->drawChart(*m_chartView); m_control->buttonChart->setEnabled(m_chartEnabled); if (m_report.isChartByDefault() && !m_showingChart) toggleChart(); } void KReportsView::KReportTab::toggleChart() { // for now it will just SHOW the chart. In the future it actually has to toggle it. if (m_showingChart) { m_part->view()->show(); m_chartView->hide(); m_control->buttonChart->setText(i18n("Chart")); m_control->buttonChart->setToolTip(i18n("Show the chart version of this report")); m_control->buttonChart->setIcon(KIcon("office-chart-line")); } else { m_part->view()->hide(); m_chartView->show(); m_control->buttonChart->setText(i18n("Report")); m_control->buttonChart->setToolTip(i18n("Show the report version of this chart")); m_control->buttonChart->setIcon(KIcon("view-financial-list")); } m_showingChart = ! m_showingChart; } /** * KReportsView Implementation */ class KReportsView::Private { public: Private() { fSavProps = new FileSaveProperties(); } ~Private() { delete fSavProps; } class FileSaveProperties { public: FileSaveProperties() { includeCssCheckBox = 0; cbIsChecked = true; filter = "*.csv"; filtCsv = "*.csv|" + i18nc("CSV (Filefilter)", "CSV files"); filtHtml = "*.html|" + i18nc("HTML (Filefilter)", "HTML files"); } /** * 'include css' checkbox for file save dialog. */ QCheckBox* includeCssCheckBox; /** * Persistent checked-state of includeCssCheckBox. */ bool cbIsChecked; /** * Current filtername of file save dialog * without description, e.g. @c '*.csv' */ QString filter; /** * CSV filtername and description. * * @see KFileDialog::KFileDialog */ QString filtCsv; /** * HTML filtername and description. * * @see KFileDialog::KFileDialog */ QString filtHtml; }; FileSaveProperties* fSavProps; }; KReportsView::KReportsView(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KMyMoneyViewBase(parent, name, i18n("Reports")), d(new Private), m_needReload(false) { // build reports toc setColumnsAlreadyAdjusted(false); m_reportTabWidget = new KTabWidget(this); addWidget(m_reportTabWidget); m_reportTabWidget->setTabsClosable(true); m_listTab = new QWidget(m_reportTabWidget); m_listTabLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_listTab); m_listTabLayout->setSpacing(6); m_tocTreeWidget = new QTreeWidget(m_listTab); // report-group items have only 1 column (name of group), // report items have 2 columns (report name and comment) m_tocTreeWidget->setColumnCount(2); // headers QStringList headers; headers << i18n("Reports") << i18n("Comment"); m_tocTreeWidget->setHeaderLabels(headers); m_tocTreeWidget->setAlternatingRowColors(true); m_tocTreeWidget->setSortingEnabled(true); m_tocTreeWidget->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); // for report group items: // doubleclick toggles the expand-state, // so avoid any further action in case of doubleclick // (see slotItemDoubleClicked) m_tocTreeWidget->setExpandsOnDoubleClick(false); m_tocTreeWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); m_tocTreeWidget->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); m_listTabLayout->addWidget(m_tocTreeWidget); m_reportTabWidget->addTab(m_listTab, i18n("Reports")); connect(m_reportTabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(slotClose(int))); connect(m_tocTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(slotItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int))); connect(m_tocTreeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(slotListContextMenu(QPoint))); connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(slotLoadView())); } KReportsView::~KReportsView() { delete d; } void KReportsView::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { emit aboutToShow(); if (m_needReload) { loadView(); m_needReload = false; } KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) emit reportSelected(tab->report()); else emit reportSelected(MyMoneyReport()); // don't forget base class implementation KMyMoneyViewBase::showEvent(event); } void KReportsView::slotLoadView() { m_needReload = true; if (isVisible()) { loadView(); m_needReload = false; } } void KReportsView::loadView() { // remember the id of the current selected item QTreeWidgetItem* item = m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem(); QString selectedItem = (item) ? item->text(0) : QString(); // save expand states of all top-level items QMap expandStates; for (int i = 0; i < m_tocTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = m_tocTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i); if (item) { QString itemLabel = item->text(0); if (item->isExpanded()) { expandStates.insert(itemLabel, true); } else { expandStates.insert(itemLabel, false); } } } // find the item visible on top QTreeWidgetItem* visibleTopItem = m_tocTreeWidget->itemAt(0, 0); // text of column 0 identifies the item visible on top QString visibleTopItemText; bool visibleTopItemFound = true; if (visibleTopItem == NULL) { visibleTopItemFound = false; } else { // this assumes, that all item-texts in column 0 are unique, // no matter, whether the item is a report- or a group-item visibleTopItemText = visibleTopItem->text(0); } // // Rebuild the list page // m_tocTreeWidget->clear(); // Default Reports QList defaultreports; defaultReports(defaultreports); QList::const_iterator it_group = defaultreports.constBegin(); // the item to be set as current item QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem = 0L; // group number, this will be used as sort key for reportgroup items // we have: // 1st some default groups // 2nd a chart group // 3rd maybe a favorite group // 4th maybe an orphan group (for old reports) int defaultGroupNo = 1; int chartGroupNo = defaultreports.size() + 1; // group for diagrams QString groupName = I18N_NOOP("Charts"); TocItemGroup* chartTocItemGroup = new TocItemGroup(m_tocTreeWidget, chartGroupNo, i18n(groupName.toLatin1().data())); m_allTocItemGroups.insert(groupName, chartTocItemGroup); while (it_group != defaultreports.constEnd()) { QString groupName = (*it_group).name(); TocItemGroup* defaultTocItemGroup = new TocItemGroup(m_tocTreeWidget, defaultGroupNo++, i18n(groupName.toLatin1().data())); m_allTocItemGroups.insert(groupName, defaultTocItemGroup); if (groupName == selectedItem) { currentItem = defaultTocItemGroup; } QList::const_iterator it_report = (*it_group).begin(); while (it_report != (*it_group).end()) { MyMoneyReport report = *it_report; report.setGroup(groupName); TocItemReport* reportTocItemReport = new TocItemReport(defaultTocItemGroup, report); if (report.name() == selectedItem) { currentItem = reportTocItemReport; } // ALSO place it into the Charts list if it's displayed as a chart by default if (report.isChartByDefault()) { new TocItemReport(chartTocItemGroup, report); } ++it_report; } ++it_group; } // group for custom (favorite) reports int favoriteGroupNo = chartGroupNo + 1; groupName = I18N_NOOP("Favorite Reports"); TocItemGroup* favoriteTocItemGroup = new TocItemGroup(m_tocTreeWidget, favoriteGroupNo, i18n(groupName.toLatin1().data())); m_allTocItemGroups.insert(groupName, favoriteTocItemGroup); TocItemGroup* orphanTocItemGroup = 0; QList customreports = MyMoneyFile::instance()->reportList(); QList::const_iterator it_report = customreports.constBegin(); while (it_report != customreports.constEnd()) { MyMoneyReport report = *it_report; QString groupName = (*it_report).group(); // If this report is in a known group, place it there // KReportGroupListItem* groupnode = groupitems[(*it_report).group()]; TocItemGroup* groupNode = m_allTocItemGroups[groupName]; if (groupNode) { new TocItemReport(groupNode, report); } else { // otherwise, place it in the orphanage if (!orphanTocItemGroup) { // group for orphaned reports int orphanGroupNo = favoriteGroupNo + 1; QString groupName = I18N_NOOP("Old Customized Reports"); orphanTocItemGroup = new TocItemGroup(m_tocTreeWidget, orphanGroupNo, i18n(groupName.toLatin1().data())); m_allTocItemGroups.insert(groupName, orphanTocItemGroup); } new TocItemReport(orphanTocItemGroup, report); } // ALSO place it into the Favorites list if it's a favorite if ((*it_report).isFavorite()) { new TocItemReport(favoriteTocItemGroup, report); } // ALSO place it into the Charts list if it's displayed as a chart by default if ((*it_report).isChartByDefault()) { new TocItemReport(chartTocItemGroup, report); } ++it_report; } // // Go through the tabs to set their update flag or delete them if needed // int index = 1; while (index < m_reportTabWidget->count()) { // TODO: Find some way of detecting the file is closed and kill these tabs!! KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); if (tab->isReadyToDelete() /* || ! reports.count() */) { delete tab; --index; } else { tab->loadTab(); } ++index; } if (visibleTopItemFound) { // try to find the visibleTopItem that we had at the start of this method // intentionally not using 'Qt::MatchCaseSensitive' here // to avoid 'item not found' if someone corrected a typo only QList visibleTopItemList = m_tocTreeWidget->findItems(visibleTopItemText, Qt::MatchFixedString | Qt::MatchRecursive); if (visibleTopItemList.isEmpty()) { // the item could not be found, it was deleted or renamed visibleTopItemFound = false; } else { visibleTopItem = visibleTopItemList.at(0); if (visibleTopItem == NULL) { visibleTopItemFound = false; } } } // adjust column widths, // but only the first time when the view is loaded, // maybe the user sets other column widths later, // so don't disturb him if (columnsAlreadyAdjusted()) { // restore expand states of all top-level items restoreTocExpandState(expandStates); // restore current item m_tocTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(currentItem); // try to scroll to the item visible on top // when this method started if (visibleTopItemFound) { m_tocTreeWidget->scrollToItem(visibleTopItem); } else { m_tocTreeWidget->scrollToTop(); } return; } // avoid flickering m_tocTreeWidget->setUpdatesEnabled(false); // expand all top-level items m_tocTreeWidget->expandAll(); // resize columns m_tocTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(0); m_tocTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(1); // restore expand states of all top-level items restoreTocExpandState(expandStates); // restore current item m_tocTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(currentItem); // try to scroll to the item visible on top // when this method started if (visibleTopItemFound) { m_tocTreeWidget->scrollToItem(visibleTopItem); } else { m_tocTreeWidget->scrollToTop(); } setColumnsAlreadyAdjusted(true); m_tocTreeWidget->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } void KReportsView::slotOpenUrl(const KUrl &url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments&, const KParts::BrowserArguments&) { QString view = url.fileName(); QString command = url.queryItem("command"); QString id = url.queryItem("id"); QString tid = url.queryItem("tid"); if (view == VIEW_REPORTS) { if (command.isEmpty()) { // slotRefreshView(); } else if (command == "print") slotPrintView(); else if (command == "copy") slotCopyView(); else if (command == "save") slotSaveView(); else if (command == "configure") slotConfigure(); else if (command == "duplicate") slotDuplicate(); else if (command == "close") slotCloseCurrent(); else if (command == "delete") slotDelete(); else qWarning() << i18n("Unknown command '%1' in KReportsView::slotOpenUrl()", qPrintable(command)); } else if (view == VIEW_LEDGER) { emit ledgerSelected(id, tid); } else { qWarning() << i18n("Unknown view '%1' in KReportsView::slotOpenUrl()", qPrintable(view)); } } void KReportsView::slotPrintView() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) tab->print(); } +void KReportsView::slotPrintPreviewView() +{ + KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); + if (tab) + tab->printPreview(); +} + void KReportsView::slotCopyView() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) tab->copyToClipboard(); } void KReportsView::slotSaveView() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) { d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox = new QCheckBox(i18n("Include Stylesheet")); // restore checkbox checked state d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox->setChecked(d->fSavProps->cbIsChecked); QString filterList = d->fSavProps->filtCsv + '\n' + d->fSavProps->filtHtml; QPointer dlg = new KFileDialog(KUrl("kfiledialog:///kmymoney-export"), filterList, this, qobject_cast(d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox)); connect(dlg, SIGNAL(filterChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotSaveFilterChanged(QString))); dlg->setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Saving); dlg->setCaption(i18n("Export as")); // set current file filter && enable or disable includeCssCheckBox KFileFilterCombo* combo = dlg->filterWidget(); if (d->fSavProps->filter == "*.csv") { combo->setCurrentFilter(d->fSavProps->filtCsv); d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox->setEnabled(false); } else { combo->setCurrentFilter(d->fSavProps->filtHtml); d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox->setEnabled(true); } if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { KUrl newURL = dlg->selectedUrl(); if (!newURL.isEmpty()) { QString newName = newURL.pathOrUrl(); if (newName.indexOf('.') == -1) newName.append(d->fSavProps->filter.remove('*')); // save checkbox checked state d->fSavProps->cbIsChecked = d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox->isChecked(); try { tab->saveAs(newName, d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox->isEnabled() && d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox->isChecked()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Failed to save: %1", e.what())); } } } delete d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox; delete dlg; } } void KReportsView::slotSaveFilterChanged(const QString& filter) { d->fSavProps->filter = filter; if (filter == "*.html") { d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox->setEnabled(true); } else { d->fSavProps->includeCssCheckBox->setEnabled(false); } } void KReportsView::slotConfigure() { QString cm = "KReportsView::slotConfigure"; KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (!tab) { // nothing to do return; } MyMoneyReport report = tab->report(); if (report.comment() == i18n("Default Report") || report.comment() == i18n("Generated Report")) { report.setComment(i18n("Custom Report")); report.setName(i18n("%1 (Customized)", report.name())); } QPointer dlg = new KReportConfigurationFilterDlg(report); if (dlg->exec()) { MyMoneyReport newreport = dlg->getConfig(); // If this report has an ID, then MODIFY it, otherwise ADD it MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { if (! newreport.id().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyReport(newreport); ft.commit(); tab->modifyReport(newreport); m_reportTabWidget->setTabText(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(tab), newreport.name()); m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(tab)) ; } else { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addReport(newreport); ft.commit(); QString reportGroupName = newreport.group(); // find report group TocItemGroup* tocItemGroup = m_allTocItemGroups[reportGroupName]; if (!tocItemGroup) { QString error = i18n("Could not find reportgroup \"%1\" for report \"%2\".\nPlease report this error to the developer's list: kmymoney-devel@kde.org", reportGroupName, newreport.name()); // write to messagehandler qWarning() << cm << error; // also inform user KMessageBox::error(m_reportTabWidget, error, i18n("Critical Error")); // cleanup delete dlg; return; } // do not add TocItemReport to TocItemGroup here, // this is done in loadView addReportTab(newreport); } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Failed to configure report: %1", e.what())); } } delete dlg; } void KReportsView::slotDuplicate() { QString cm = "KReportsView::slotDuplicate"; KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (!tab) { // nothing to do return; } MyMoneyReport dupe = tab->report(); dupe.setName(i18n("Copy of %1", dupe.name())); if (dupe.comment() == i18n("Default Report")) dupe.setComment(i18n("Custom Report")); dupe.clearId(); QPointer dlg = new KReportConfigurationFilterDlg(dupe); if (dlg->exec()) { MyMoneyReport newReport = dlg->getConfig(); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addReport(newReport); ft.commit(); QString reportGroupName = newReport.group(); // find report group TocItemGroup* tocItemGroup = m_allTocItemGroups[reportGroupName]; if (!tocItemGroup) { QString error = i18n("Could not find reportgroup \"%1\" for report \"%2\".\nPlease report this error to the developer's list: kmymoney-devel@kde.org", reportGroupName, newReport.name()); // write to messagehandler qWarning() << cm << error; // also inform user KMessageBox::error(m_reportTabWidget, error, i18n("Critical Error")); // cleanup delete dlg; return; } // do not add TocItemReport to TocItemGroup here, // this is done in loadView addReportTab(newReport); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { QString error = i18n("Cannot add report, reason: \"%1\"", e.what()); // write to messagehandler qWarning() << cm << error; // also inform user KMessageBox::error(m_reportTabWidget, error, i18n("Critical Error")); } } delete dlg; } void KReportsView::slotDelete() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (!tab) { // nothing to do return; } MyMoneyReport report = tab->report(); if (! report.id().isEmpty()) { if (KMessageBox::Continue == deleteReportDialog(report.name())) { // close the tab and then remove the report so that it is not // generated again during the following loadView() call slotClose(m_reportTabWidget->currentIndex()); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyFile::instance()->removeReport(report); ft.commit(); } } else { KMessageBox::information(this, QString("") + i18n("%1 is a default report, so it cannot be deleted.", report.name()) + QString(""), i18n("Delete Report?")); } } int KReportsView::deleteReportDialog(const QString &reportName) { return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, QString("") + i18n("Are you sure you want to delete report %1? There is no way to recover it.", reportName) + QString(""), i18n("Delete Report?")); } void KReportsView::slotOpenReport(const QString& id) { if (id.isEmpty()) { // nothing to do return; } KReportTab* page = 0; // Find the tab which contains the report int index = 1; while (index < m_reportTabWidget->count()) { KReportTab* current = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); if (current->report().id() == id) { page = current; break; } ++index; } // Show the tab, or create a new one, as needed if (page) m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(page)); else addReportTab(MyMoneyFile::instance()->report(id)); } void KReportsView::slotOpenReport(const MyMoneyReport& report) { kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " " << report.name(); KReportTab* page = 0; // Find the tab which contains the report indicated by this list item int index = 1; while (index < m_reportTabWidget->count()) { KReportTab* current = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); if (current->report().name() == report.name()) { page = current; break; } ++index; } // Show the tab, or create a new one, as needed if (page) m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(page)); else addReportTab(report); } void KReportsView::slotItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int) { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(item); if (!tocItem->isReport()) { // toggle the expanded-state for reportgroup-items item->setExpanded(item->isExpanded() ? false : true); // nothing else to do for reportgroup-items return; } TocItemReport* reportTocItem = dynamic_cast(tocItem); MyMoneyReport& report = reportTocItem->getReport(); KReportTab* page = 0; // Find the tab which contains the report indicated by this list item int index = 1; while (index < m_reportTabWidget->count()) { KReportTab* current = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); // If this report has an ID, we'll use the ID to match if (! report.id().isEmpty()) { if (current->report().id() == report.id()) { page = current; break; } } // Otherwise, use the name to match. THIS ASSUMES that no 2 default reports // have the same name...but that would be pretty a boneheaded thing to do. else { if (current->report().name() == report.name()) { page = current; break; } } ++index; } // Show the tab, or create a new one, as needed if (page) m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(page)); else addReportTab(report); } void KReportsView::slotToggleChart() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->currentWidget()); if (tab) tab->toggleChart(); } void KReportsView::slotCloseCurrent() { slotClose(m_reportTabWidget->currentIndex()); } void KReportsView::slotClose(int index) { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(index)); if (tab) { m_reportTabWidget->removeTab(index); tab->setReadyToDelete(true); } } void KReportsView::slotCloseAll() { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(1)); while (tab) { m_reportTabWidget->removeTab(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(tab)); tab->setReadyToDelete(true); tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(1)); } } void KReportsView::addReportTab(const MyMoneyReport& report) { KReportTab* tab = new KReportTab(m_reportTabWidget, report); connect(tab->control()->buttonChart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotToggleChart())); connect(tab->control()->buttonConfigure, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotConfigure())); connect(tab->control()->buttonNew, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDuplicate())); connect(tab->control()->buttonCopy, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCopyView())); connect(tab->control()->buttonExport, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSaveView())); connect(tab->control()->buttonDelete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDelete())); connect(tab->control()->buttonClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCloseCurrent())); connect(tab->browserExtenstion(), SIGNAL(openUrlRequest(KUrl,KParts::OpenUrlArguments,KParts::BrowserArguments)), this, SLOT(slotOpenUrl(KUrl,KParts::OpenUrlArguments,KParts::BrowserArguments))); // if this is a default report, then you can't delete it! if (report.id().isEmpty()) tab->control()->buttonDelete->setEnabled(false); m_reportTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_reportTabWidget->indexOf(tab)); } void KReportsView::slotListContextMenu(const QPoint & p) { QList items = m_tocTreeWidget->selectedItems(); if (items.isEmpty()) return; QList tocItems; foreach(QTreeWidgetItem *item, items) { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(item); if (!tocItem || !tocItem->isReport()) continue; tocItems.append(tocItem); } if (tocItems.isEmpty()) return; KMenu* contextmenu = new KMenu(this); contextmenu->addAction(i18nc("To open a report", "&Open"), this, SLOT(slotOpenFromList())); contextmenu->addAction(i18nc("To print a report", "&Print"), this, SLOT(slotPrintFromList())); if (tocItems.size() == 1) { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(tocItems.at(0)); contextmenu->addAction(i18nc("Configure a report", "&Configure"), this, SLOT(slotConfigureFromList())); contextmenu->addAction(i18n("&New report"), this, SLOT(slotNewFromList())); // Only add this option if it's a custom report. Default reports cannot be deleted TocItemReport* reportTocItem = dynamic_cast(tocItem); MyMoneyReport& report = reportTocItem->getReport(); if (! report.id().isEmpty()) { contextmenu->addAction(i18n("&Delete"), this, SLOT(slotDeleteFromList())); } } contextmenu->popup(m_tocTreeWidget->mapToGlobal(p)); } void KReportsView::slotOpenFromList() { QList items = m_tocTreeWidget->selectedItems(); if (items.isEmpty()) return; foreach(QTreeWidgetItem *item, items) { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(item); if (tocItem && tocItem->isReport()) slotItemDoubleClicked(tocItem, 0); } } void KReportsView::slotPrintFromList() { QList items = m_tocTreeWidget->selectedItems(); if (items.isEmpty()) return; foreach(QTreeWidgetItem *item, items) { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(item); if (tocItem && tocItem->isReport()) { slotItemDoubleClicked(tocItem, 0); slotPrintView(); } } } void KReportsView::slotConfigureFromList() { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem()); if (tocItem) { slotItemDoubleClicked(tocItem, 0); slotConfigure(); } } void KReportsView::slotNewFromList() { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem()); if (tocItem) { slotItemDoubleClicked(tocItem, 0); slotDuplicate(); } } void KReportsView::slotDeleteFromList() { TocItem* tocItem = dynamic_cast(m_tocTreeWidget->currentItem()); if (tocItem) { TocItemReport* reportTocItem = dynamic_cast(tocItem); MyMoneyReport& report = reportTocItem->getReport(); // If this report does not have an ID, it's a default report and cannot be deleted if (! report.id().isEmpty() && KMessageBox::Continue == deleteReportDialog(report.name())) { // check if report's tab is open; start from 1 because 0 is toc tab for (int i = 1; i < m_reportTabWidget->count(); ++i) { KReportTab* tab = dynamic_cast(m_reportTabWidget->widget(i)); if (tab->report().id() == report.id()) { slotClose(i); // if open, close it, so no crash when switching to it break; } } MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; MyMoneyFile::instance()->removeReport(report); ft.commit(); } } } void KReportsView::defaultReports(QList& groups) { { ReportGroup list("Income and Expenses", i18n("Income and Expenses")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::ExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentMonth, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Income and Expenses This Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::ExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Income and Expenses This Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::ExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::Column::Years, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Income and Expenses By Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::ExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Income and Expenses Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); list.back().setChartDataLabels(false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::ExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Group, i18n("Income and Expenses Pie Chart"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Pie); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(false); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Net Worth", i18n("Net Worth")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Net Worth By Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::today, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Net Worth Today"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Years, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Net Worth By Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next7Days, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("7-day Cash Flow Forecast"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setIncludingSchedules(true); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Total, i18n("Net Worth Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Institution, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::None, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Account Balances by Institution"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AccountType, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::None, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Account Balances by Type"), i18n("Default Report") )); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Transactions", i18n("Transactions")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Account, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Tag | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Balance, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Transactions by Account"), i18n("Default Report") )); //list.back().setConvertCurrency(false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Category, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Account | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Tag, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Transactions by Category"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Payee, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Tag, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Transactions by Payee"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Tag, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Transactions by Tag"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Month, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Tag, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Transactions by Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Week, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Tag, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Transactions by Week"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Account, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Loan, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Loan Transactions"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setLoansOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AccountReconcile, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Balance, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last3Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Transactions by Reconciliation Status"), i18n("Default Report") )); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("CashFlow", i18n("Cash Flow")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::CashFlow, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Account, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Cash Flow Transactions This Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Investments", i18n("Investments")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::TopAccount, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Action | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Shares | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Price, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Transactions"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AccountByTopAccount, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Shares | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Price, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Holdings by Account"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::EquityType, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Shares | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Price, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Holdings by Type"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AccountByTopAccount, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Performance, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Performance by Account"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::EquityType, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Performance, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Performance by Type"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::today, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Holdings Pie"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Pie); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Worth Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Price Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.back().setIncludingBudgetActuals(false); list.back().setIncludingPrice(true); list.back().setConvertCurrency(true); list.back().setChartDataLabels(false); list.back().setSkipZero(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last12Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Moving Average Price Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.back().setIncludingBudgetActuals(false); list.back().setIncludingAveragePrice(true); list.back().setMovingAverageDays(10); list.back().setConvertCurrency(true); list.back().setChartDataLabels(false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last30Days, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Moving Average"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.back().setIncludingBudgetActuals(false); list.back().setIncludingMovingAverage(true); list.back().setMovingAverageDays(10); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::last30Days, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Investment Moving Average vs Actual"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setInvestmentsOnly(true); list.back().setIncludingBudgetActuals(true); list.back().setIncludingMovingAverage(true); list.back().setMovingAverageDays(10); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Taxes", i18n("Taxes")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Category, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Account, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Tax Transactions by Category"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setTax(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Payee, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Account, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Tax Transactions by Payee"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setTax(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Category, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Payee | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Account, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::lastFiscalYear, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Tax Transactions by Category Last Fiscal Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setTax(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Payee, MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Number | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Category | MyMoneyReport::QueryColumns::Account, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::lastFiscalYear, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Tax Transactions by Payee Last Fiscal Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setTax(true); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Budgeting", i18n("Budgeting")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::BudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToDate, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Budgeted vs. Actual This Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(true); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::BudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::yearToMonth, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Budgeted vs. Actual This Year (YTM)"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(true); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); // in case we're in January, we show the last year if (QDate::currentDate().month() == 1) { list.back().setDateFilter(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::lastYear); } list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::BudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentMonth, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Monthly Budgeted vs. Actual"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::BudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentYear, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Yearly Budgeted vs. Actual"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Budget, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentMonth, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Monthly Budget"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setBudget("Any", false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Budget, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentYear, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Yearly Budget"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setBudget("Any", false); list.back().setShowingRowTotals(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::BudgetActual, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentYear, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Group, i18n("Yearly Budgeted vs Actual Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setBudget("Any", true); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Forecast", i18n("Forecast")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next12Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Forecast By Month"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setIncludingForecast(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::nextQuarter, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Forecast Next Quarter"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setIncludingForecast(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::ExpenseIncome, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::currentYear, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top, i18n("Income and Expenses Forecast This Year"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setIncludingForecast(true); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AssetLiability, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next3Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Total, i18n("Net Worth Forecast Graph"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setColumnsAreDays(true); list.back().setIncludingForecast(true); list.back().setChartByDefault(true); list.back().setChartGridLines(false); list.back().setChartType(MyMoneyReport::Chart::Line); groups.push_back(list); } { ReportGroup list("Information", i18n("General Information")); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Schedule, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next12Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Schedule Information"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setDetailLevel(MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::Schedule, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::next12Months, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Schedule Summary Information"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setDetailLevel(MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::Top); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AccountInfo, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::today, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Account Information"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setConvertCurrency(false); list.push_back(MyMoneyReport( MyMoneyReport::Row::AccountLoanInfo, MyMoneyReport::Column::Months, MyMoneyTransactionFilter::today, MyMoneyReport::DetailLevel::All, i18n("Loan Information"), i18n("Default Report") )); list.back().setConvertCurrency(false); groups.push_back(list); } } bool KReportsView::columnsAlreadyAdjusted() { return m_columnsAlreadyAdjusted; } void KReportsView::setColumnsAlreadyAdjusted(bool adjusted) { m_columnsAlreadyAdjusted = adjusted; } void KReportsView::restoreTocExpandState(QMap& expandStates) { for (int i = 0; i < m_tocTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = m_tocTreeWidget->topLevelItem(i); if (item) { QString itemLabel = item->text(0); if (expandStates.contains(itemLabel)) { item->setExpanded(expandStates[itemLabel]); } else { item->setExpanded(false); } } } } // Make sure, that these definitions are only used within this file // this does not seem to be necessary, but when building RPMs the // build option 'final' is used and all CPP files are concatenated. // So it could well be, that in another CPP file these definitions // are also used. #undef VIEW_LEDGER #undef VIEW_SCHEDULE #undef VIEW_WELCOME #undef VIEW_HOME #undef VIEW_REPORTS + +#include "kreportsview.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.h b/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.h index 22e33d1b2..c0d9dd29a 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.h +++ b/kmymoney/views/kreportsview.h @@ -1,257 +1,261 @@ /*************************************************************************** kreportsview.h - description ------------------- begin : Sat Mar 27 2004 copyright : (C) 2000-2004 by Michael Edwardes email : mte@users.sourceforge.net Javier Campos Morales Felix Rodriguez John C Thomas Baumgart Kevin Tambascio Ace Jones ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KREPORTSVIEW_H #define KREPORTSVIEW_H // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #ifdef _CHECK_MEMORY #include #endif #include "mymoneyschedule.h" #include #include #include "pivottable.h" #include "querytable.h" #include "../widgets/kmymoneyreportcontrolimpl.h" #include "kreportchartview.h" #include "kmymoneyview.h" #include "tocitem.h" #include "tocitemgroup.h" #include "tocitemreport.h" class MyMoneyReport; /** * Displays a page where reports can be placed. * * @author Ace Jones * * @short A view for reports. **/ class KReportsView : public KMyMoneyViewBase { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Helper class for KReportView. * * This is the widget which displays a single report in the TabWidget that comprises this view. * * @author Ace Jones */ class KReportTab: public QWidget { private: KHTMLPart* m_part; reports::KReportChartView* m_chartView; kMyMoneyReportControl* m_control; QVBoxLayout* m_layout; MyMoneyReport m_report; bool m_deleteMe; bool m_chartEnabled; bool m_showingChart; bool m_needReload; reports::ReportTable* m_table; + class Private; + Private* const d; /** * Users character set encoding. */ QByteArray m_encoding; public: KReportTab(KTabWidget* parent, const MyMoneyReport& report); ~KReportTab(); const MyMoneyReport& report() const { return m_report; } void print(); + void printPreview(); void toggleChart(); void copyToClipboard(); void saveAs(const QString& filename, bool includeCSS = false); void updateReport(); QString createTable(const QString& links = QString()); const kMyMoneyReportControlDecl* control() const { return m_control; } bool isReadyToDelete() const { return m_deleteMe; } void setReadyToDelete(bool f) { m_deleteMe = f; } void modifyReport(const MyMoneyReport& report) { m_report = report; } void showEvent(QShowEvent * event); void loadTab(); KParts::BrowserExtension* browserExtenstion() const { return m_part->browserExtension(); } }; /** * Helper class for KReportView. * * This is a named list of reports, which will be one section * in the list of default reports * * @author Ace Jones */ class ReportGroup: public QList { private: QString m_name; ///< the title of the group in non-translated form QString m_title; ///< the title of the group in i18n-ed form public: ReportGroup() {} ReportGroup(const QString& name, const QString& title): m_name(name), m_title(title) {} const QString& name() const { return m_name; } const QString& title() const { return m_title; } }; private: /// \internal d-pointer class. class Private; /// \internal d-pointer instance. Private* const d; bool m_needReload; KTabWidget* m_reportTabWidget; QWidget* m_listTab; QVBoxLayout* m_listTabLayout; QTreeWidget* m_tocTreeWidget; QMap m_allTocItemGroups; bool m_columnsAlreadyAdjusted; void restoreTocExpandState(QMap& expandStates); public: /** * Standard constructor. * * @param parent The QWidget this is used in. * @param name The QT name. * * @return An object of type KReportsView * * @see ~KReportsView */ explicit KReportsView(QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0); /** * Standard destructor. * * @return Nothing. * * @see KReportsView */ ~KReportsView(); /** * Overridden so we can reload the view if necessary. * * @return Nothing. */ void showEvent(QShowEvent * event); protected: void addReportTab(const MyMoneyReport&); void loadView(); static void defaultReports(QList&); bool columnsAlreadyAdjusted(); void setColumnsAlreadyAdjusted(bool adjusted); public slots: void slotOpenUrl(const KUrl &url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments& args, const KParts::BrowserArguments& browArgs); void slotLoadView(); void slotPrintView(); + void slotPrintPreviewView(); void slotCopyView(); void slotSaveView(); void slotConfigure(); void slotDuplicate(); void slotToggleChart(); void slotItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int); void slotOpenReport(const QString&); void slotOpenReport(const MyMoneyReport&); void slotCloseCurrent(); void slotClose(int index); void slotCloseAll(); void slotDelete(); void slotListContextMenu(const QPoint &); void slotOpenFromList(); void slotPrintFromList(); void slotConfigureFromList(); void slotNewFromList(); void slotDeleteFromList(); protected slots: void slotSaveFilterChanged(const QString&); signals: /** * This signal is emitted whenever a report is selected */ void reportSelected(const MyMoneyReport&); /** * This signal is emitted whenever a transaction is selected */ void ledgerSelected(const QString&, const QString&); private: /** * Display a dialog to confirm report deletion */ int deleteReportDialog(const QString&); }; #endif