diff --git a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp index 40ae4c538..979ceccdb 100644 --- a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp @@ -1,870 +1,868 @@ /*************************************************************************** mymoneyreport.cpp ------------------- begin : Sun July 4 2004 copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones email : acejones@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "mymoneyreport.h" #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneyfile.h" - -// define this to debug reports -// #define DEBUG_REPORTS +#include "reportdebug.h" const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kRowTypeText = QString("none,assetliability,expenseincome,category,topcategory,account,tag,payee,month,week,topaccount,topaccount-account,equitytype,accounttype,institution,budget,budgetactual,schedule,accountinfo,accountloaninfo,accountreconcile,cashflow").split(','); const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kColumnTypeText = QString("none,months,bimonths,quarters,4,5,6,weeks,8,9,10,11,years").split(','); // if you add names here, don't forget to update the bitmap for EQueryColumns // and shift the bit for eQCend one position to the left const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kQueryColumnsText = QString("none,number,payee,category,tag,memo,account,reconcileflag,action,shares,price,performance,loan,balance").split(','); const MyMoneyReport::EReportType MyMoneyReport::kTypeArray[] = { eNoReport, ePivotTable, ePivotTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, ePivotTable, ePivotTable, eInfoTable, eInfoTable, eInfoTable, eQueryTable, eQueryTable, eNoReport }; const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kDetailLevelText = QString("none,all,top,group,total,invalid").split(','); const QStringList MyMoneyReport::kChartTypeText = QString("none,line,bar,pie,ring,stackedbar,invalid").split(','); // This should live in mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.h const QStringList kTypeText = QString("all,payments,deposits,transfers,none").split(','); const QStringList kStateText = QString("all,notreconciled,cleared,reconciled,frozen,none").split(','); const QStringList kDateLockText = QString("alldates,untiltoday,currentmonth,currentyear,monthtodate,yeartodate,yeartomonth,lastmonth,lastyear,last7days,last30days,last3months,last6months,last12months,next7days,next30days,next3months,next6months,next12months,userdefined,last3tonext3months,last11Months,currentQuarter,lastQuarter,nextQuarter,currentFiscalYear,lastFiscalYear,today,next18months").split(','); const QStringList kAccountTypeText = QString("unknown,checkings,savings,cash,creditcard,loan,certificatedep,investment,moneymarket,asset,liability,currency,income,expense,assetloan,stock,equity,invalid").split(','); MyMoneyReport::MyMoneyReport() : m_name("Unconfigured Pivot Table Report"), m_detailLevel(eDetailNone), m_convertCurrency(true), m_favorite(false), m_tax(false), m_investments(false), m_loans(false), m_reportType(kTypeArray[eExpenseIncome]), m_rowType(eExpenseIncome), m_columnType(eMonths), m_columnsAreDays(false), m_queryColumns(eQCnone), m_dateLock(userDefined), m_accountGroupFilter(false), m_chartType(eChartLine), m_chartDataLabels(true), m_chartGridLines(true), m_chartByDefault(false), m_includeSchedules(false), m_includeTransfers(false), m_includeBudgetActuals(false), m_includeUnusedAccounts(false), m_showRowTotals(false), m_includeForecast(false), m_includeMovingAverage(false), m_movingAverageDays(0), m_includePrice(false), m_includeAveragePrice(false), m_mixedTime(false), m_currentDateColumn(0), m_skipZero(false) { m_chartLineWidth = m_lineWidth; } MyMoneyReport::MyMoneyReport(const QString& id, const MyMoneyReport& right) : MyMoneyObject(id), m_movingAverageDays(0), m_currentDateColumn(0) { *this = right; setId(id); } MyMoneyReport::MyMoneyReport(ERowType _rt, unsigned _ct, dateOptionE _dl, EDetailLevel _ss, const QString& _name, const QString& _comment) : m_name(_name), m_comment(_comment), m_detailLevel(_ss), m_convertCurrency(true), m_favorite(false), m_tax(false), m_investments(false), m_loans(false), m_reportType(kTypeArray[_rt]), m_rowType(_rt), m_columnType(eMonths), m_columnsAreDays(false), m_queryColumns(eQCnone), m_dateLock(_dl), m_accountGroupFilter(false), m_chartType(eChartLine), m_chartDataLabels(true), m_chartGridLines(true), m_chartByDefault(false), m_includeSchedules(false), m_includeTransfers(false), m_includeBudgetActuals(false), m_includeUnusedAccounts(false), m_showRowTotals(false), m_includeForecast(false), m_includeMovingAverage(false), m_movingAverageDays(0), m_includePrice(false), m_includeAveragePrice(false), m_mixedTime(false), m_currentDateColumn(0), m_skipZero(false) { //set initial values m_chartLineWidth = m_lineWidth; //set report type if (m_reportType == ePivotTable) m_columnType = static_cast(_ct); if (m_reportType == eQueryTable) m_queryColumns = static_cast(_ct); setDateFilter(_dl); //throw exception if the type is inconsistent if ((_rt > static_cast(sizeof(kTypeArray) / sizeof(kTypeArray[0]))) || (m_reportType == eNoReport)) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION("Invalid report type"); //add the corresponding account groups if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); m_showRowTotals = true; } if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eAccount) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::AssetLoan); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Cash); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Checkings); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::CreditCard); if (KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode()) addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Equity); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Loan); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Savings); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Stock); m_showRowTotals = true; } if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); m_showRowTotals = true; } //FIXME take this out once we have sorted out all issues regarding budget of assets and liabilities -- asoliverez@gmail.com if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eBudget || _rt == MyMoneyReport::eBudgetActual) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); } if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eAccountInfo) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); } //cash flow reports show splits for all account groups if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eCashFlow) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); } #ifdef DEBUG_REPORTS QDebug dbg = qDebug(); dbg << _name << toString(_rt) << toString(m_reportType); foreach(const MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE accountType, m_accountGroups) dbg << MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(accountType); if (m_accounts.size() > 0) dbg << m_accounts; #endif } MyMoneyReport::MyMoneyReport(const QDomElement& node) : MyMoneyObject(node), m_currentDateColumn(0) { // properly initialize the object before reading it *this = MyMoneyReport(); if (!read(node)) clearId(); } void MyMoneyReport::clear() { m_accountGroupFilter = false; m_accountGroups.clear(); MyMoneyTransactionFilter::clear(); } void MyMoneyReport::validDateRange(QDate& _db, QDate& _de) { _db = fromDate(); _de = toDate(); // if either begin or end date are invalid we have one of the following // possible date filters: // // a) begin date not set - first transaction until given end date // b) end date not set - from given date until last transaction // c) both not set - first transaction until last transaction // // If there is no transaction in the engine at all, we use the current // year as the filter criteria. if (!_db.isValid() || !_de.isValid()) { QList list = MyMoneyFile::instance()->transactionList(*this); QDate tmpBegin, tmpEnd; if (!list.isEmpty()) { qSort(list); // try to use the post dates tmpBegin = list.front().postDate(); tmpEnd = list.back().postDate(); // if the post dates are not valid try the entry dates if (!tmpBegin.isValid()) tmpBegin = list.front().entryDate(); if (!tmpEnd.isValid()) tmpEnd = list.back().entryDate(); } // make sure that we leave this function with valid dates no mather what if (!tmpBegin.isValid() || !tmpEnd.isValid() || tmpBegin > tmpEnd) { tmpBegin = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), 1, 1); // the first date in the file tmpEnd = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), 12, 31); // the last date in the file } if (!_db.isValid()) _db = tmpBegin; if (!_de.isValid()) _de = tmpEnd; } if (_db > _de) _db = _de; } void MyMoneyReport::setRowType(ERowType _rt) { m_rowType = _rt; m_reportType = kTypeArray[_rt]; m_accountGroupFilter = false; m_accountGroups.clear(); if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability); } if (_rt == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) { addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense); addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income); } } bool MyMoneyReport::accountGroups(QList& list) const { bool result = m_accountGroupFilter; if (result) { QList::const_iterator it_group = m_accountGroups.begin(); while (it_group != m_accountGroups.end()) { list += (*it_group); ++it_group; } } return result; } void MyMoneyReport::addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type) { if (!m_accountGroups.isEmpty() && type != MyMoneyAccount::UnknownAccountType) { if (m_accountGroups.contains(type)) return; } m_accountGroupFilter = true; if (type != MyMoneyAccount::UnknownAccountType) m_accountGroups.push_back(type); } bool MyMoneyReport::includesAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type) const { bool result = (! m_accountGroupFilter) || (isIncludingTransfers() && m_rowType == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) || m_accountGroups.contains(type); return result; } bool MyMoneyReport::includes(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const { bool result = false; if (includesAccountGroup(acc.accountGroup())) { switch (acc.accountGroup()) { case MyMoneyAccount::Income: case MyMoneyAccount::Expense: if (isTax()) result = (acc.value("Tax") == "Yes") && includesCategory(acc.id()); else result = includesCategory(acc.id()); break; case MyMoneyAccount::Asset: case MyMoneyAccount::Liability: if (isLoansOnly()) result = acc.isLoan() && includesAccount(acc.id()); else if (isInvestmentsOnly()) result = acc.isInvest() && includesAccount(acc.id()); else if (isIncludingTransfers() && m_rowType == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) // If transfers are included, ONLY include this account if it is NOT // included in the report itself!! result = ! includesAccount(acc.id()); else result = includesAccount(acc.id()); break; default: result = includesAccount(acc.id()); } } return result; } void MyMoneyReport::write(QDomElement& e, QDomDocument *doc, bool anonymous) const { // No matter what changes, be sure to have a 'type' attribute. Only change // the major type if it becomes impossible to maintain compatibility with // older versions of the program as new features are added to the reports. // Feel free to change the minor type every time a change is made here. writeBaseXML(*doc, e); if (anonymous) { e.setAttribute("name", m_id); e.setAttribute("comment", QString(m_comment).fill('x')); } else { e.setAttribute("name", m_name); e.setAttribute("comment", m_comment); } e.setAttribute("group", m_group); e.setAttribute("convertcurrency", m_convertCurrency); e.setAttribute("favorite", m_favorite); e.setAttribute("tax", m_tax); e.setAttribute("investments", m_investments); e.setAttribute("loans", m_loans); e.setAttribute("rowtype", kRowTypeText[m_rowType]); e.setAttribute("datelock", kDateLockText[m_dateLock]); e.setAttribute("includeschedules", m_includeSchedules); e.setAttribute("columnsaredays", m_columnsAreDays); e.setAttribute("includestransfers", m_includeTransfers); if (!m_budgetId.isEmpty()) e.setAttribute("budget", m_budgetId); e.setAttribute("includesactuals", m_includeBudgetActuals); e.setAttribute("includeunused", m_includeUnusedAccounts); e.setAttribute("includesforecast", m_includeForecast); e.setAttribute("includesprice", m_includePrice); e.setAttribute("includesaverageprice", m_includeAveragePrice); e.setAttribute("mixedtime", m_mixedTime); e.setAttribute("includesmovingaverage", m_includeMovingAverage); if (m_includeMovingAverage) e.setAttribute("movingaveragedays", m_movingAverageDays); if (m_chartType < 0 || m_chartType >= kChartTypeText.size()) { qDebug("m_chartType out of bounds with %d on report of type %d. Default to none.", m_chartType, m_reportType); e.setAttribute("charttype", kChartTypeText[0]); } else { e.setAttribute("charttype", kChartTypeText[m_chartType]); } e.setAttribute("chartdatalabels", m_chartDataLabels); e.setAttribute("chartgridlines", m_chartGridLines); e.setAttribute("chartbydefault", m_chartByDefault); e.setAttribute("chartlinewidth", m_chartLineWidth); e.setAttribute("skipZero", m_skipZero); if (m_reportType == ePivotTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "pivottable 1.15"); e.setAttribute("detail", kDetailLevelText[m_detailLevel]); e.setAttribute("columntype", kColumnTypeText[m_columnType]); e.setAttribute("showrowtotals", m_showRowTotals); } else if (m_reportType == eQueryTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "querytable 1.14"); QStringList columns; unsigned qc = m_queryColumns; unsigned it_qc = eQCbegin; unsigned index = 1; while (it_qc != eQCend) { if (qc & it_qc) columns += kQueryColumnsText[index]; it_qc *= 2; index++; } e.setAttribute("querycolumns", columns.join(",")); } else if (m_reportType == eInfoTable) { e.setAttribute("type", "infotable 1.0"); e.setAttribute("detail", kDetailLevelText[m_detailLevel]); e.setAttribute("showrowtotals", m_showRowTotals); } // // Text Filter // QRegExp textfilter; if (textFilter(textfilter)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("TEXT"); f.setAttribute("pattern", textfilter.pattern()); f.setAttribute("casesensitive", (textfilter.caseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseSensitive) ? 1 : 0); f.setAttribute("regex", (textfilter.patternSyntax() == QRegExp::Wildcard) ? 1 : 0); f.setAttribute("inverttext", m_invertText); e.appendChild(f); } // // Type & State Filters // QList typelist; if (types(typelist) && ! typelist.empty()) { // iterate over payees, and add each one QList::const_iterator it_type = typelist.constBegin(); while (it_type != typelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TYPE"); p.setAttribute("type", kTypeText[*it_type]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_type; } } QList statelist; if (states(statelist) && ! statelist.empty()) { // iterate over payees, and add each one QList::const_iterator it_state = statelist.constBegin(); while (it_state != statelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("STATE"); p.setAttribute("state", kStateText[*it_state]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_state; } } // // Number Filter // QString nrFrom, nrTo; if (numberFilter(nrFrom, nrTo)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("NUMBER"); f.setAttribute("from", nrFrom); f.setAttribute("to", nrTo); e.appendChild(f); } // // Amount Filter // MyMoneyMoney from, to; if (amountFilter(from, to)) { // bool getAmountFilter(MyMoneyMoney&,MyMoneyMoney&); QDomElement f = doc->createElement("AMOUNT"); f.setAttribute("from", from.toString()); f.setAttribute("to", to.toString()); e.appendChild(f); } // // Payees Filter // QStringList payeelist; if (payees(payeelist)) { if (payeelist.empty()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("PAYEE"); e.appendChild(p); } else { // iterate over payees, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_payee = payeelist.constBegin(); while (it_payee != payeelist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("PAYEE"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_payee); e.appendChild(p); ++it_payee; } } } // // Tags Filter // QStringList taglist; if (tags(taglist)) { if (taglist.empty()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TAG"); e.appendChild(p); } else { // iterate over tags, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_tag = taglist.constBegin(); while (it_tag != taglist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("TAG"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_tag); e.appendChild(p); ++it_tag; } } } // // Account Groups Filter // QList accountgrouplist; if (accountGroups(accountgrouplist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QList::const_iterator it_group = accountgrouplist.constBegin(); while (it_group != accountgrouplist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("ACCOUNTGROUP"); p.setAttribute("group", kAccountTypeText[*it_group]); e.appendChild(p); ++it_group; } } // // Accounts Filter // QStringList accountlist; if (accounts(accountlist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_account = accountlist.constBegin(); while (it_account != accountlist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("ACCOUNT"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_account); e.appendChild(p); ++it_account; } } // // Categories Filter // accountlist.clear(); if (categories(accountlist)) { // iterate over accounts, and add each one QStringList::const_iterator it_account = accountlist.constBegin(); while (it_account != accountlist.constEnd()) { QDomElement p = doc->createElement("CATEGORY"); p.setAttribute("id", *it_account); e.appendChild(p); ++it_account; } } // // Date Filter // if (m_dateLock == userDefined) { QDate dateFrom, dateTo; if (dateFilter(dateFrom, dateTo)) { QDomElement f = doc->createElement("DATES"); if (dateFrom.isValid()) f.setAttribute("from", dateFrom.toString(Qt::ISODate)); if (dateTo.isValid()) f.setAttribute("to", dateTo.toString(Qt::ISODate)); e.appendChild(f); } } } bool MyMoneyReport::read(const QDomElement& e) { // The goal of this reading method is 100% backward AND 100% forward // compatibility. Any report ever created with any version of KMyMoney // should be able to be loaded by this method (as long as it's one of the // report types supported in this version, of course) bool result = false; if ( "REPORT" == e.tagName() && ( (e.attribute("type").indexOf("pivottable 1.") == 0) || (e.attribute("type").indexOf("querytable 1.") == 0) || (e.attribute("type").indexOf("infotable 1.") == 0) ) ) { result = true; clear(); int i; m_name = e.attribute("name"); m_comment = e.attribute("comment", "Extremely old report"); //set report type if (!e.attribute("type").indexOf("pivottable")) { m_reportType = MyMoneyReport::ePivotTable; } else if (!e.attribute("type").indexOf("querytable")) { m_reportType = MyMoneyReport::eQueryTable; } else if (!e.attribute("type").indexOf("infotable")) { m_reportType = MyMoneyReport::eInfoTable; } else { m_reportType = MyMoneyReport::eNoReport; } // Removed the line that screened out loading reports that are called // "Default Report". It's possible for the user to change the comment // to this, and we'd hate for it to break as a result. m_group = e.attribute("group"); m_id = e.attribute("id"); //check for reports with older settings which didn't have the detail attribute if (e.hasAttribute("detail")) { i = kDetailLevelText.indexOf(e.attribute("detail", "all")); if (i != -1) m_detailLevel = static_cast(i); } else if (e.attribute("showsubaccounts", "0").toUInt()) { //set to show all accounts m_detailLevel = eDetailAll; } else { //set to show the top level account instead m_detailLevel = eDetailTop; } m_convertCurrency = e.attribute("convertcurrency", "1").toUInt(); m_favorite = e.attribute("favorite", "0").toUInt(); m_tax = e.attribute("tax", "0").toUInt(); m_investments = e.attribute("investments", "0").toUInt(); m_loans = e.attribute("loans", "0").toUInt(); m_includeSchedules = e.attribute("includeschedules", "0").toUInt(); m_columnsAreDays = e.attribute("columnsaredays", "0").toUInt(); m_includeTransfers = e.attribute("includestransfers", "0").toUInt(); if (e.hasAttribute("budget")) m_budgetId = e.attribute("budget"); m_includeBudgetActuals = e.attribute("includesactuals", "0").toUInt(); m_includeUnusedAccounts = e.attribute("includeunused", "0").toUInt(); m_includeForecast = e.attribute("includesforecast", "0").toUInt(); m_includePrice = e.attribute("includesprice", "0").toUInt(); m_includeAveragePrice = e.attribute("includesaverageprice", "0").toUInt(); m_mixedTime = e.attribute("mixedtime", "0").toUInt(); m_includeMovingAverage = e.attribute("includesmovingaverage", "0").toUInt(); m_skipZero = e.attribute("skipZero", "0").toUInt(); if (m_includeMovingAverage) m_movingAverageDays = e.attribute("movingaveragedays", "1").toUInt(); //only load chart data if it is a pivot table m_chartType = static_cast(0); if (m_reportType == ePivotTable) { i = kChartTypeText.indexOf(e.attribute("charttype")); if (i >= 0) m_chartType = static_cast(i); // if it is invalid, set to first type if (m_chartType >= eChartEnd) m_chartType = eChartLine; m_chartDataLabels = e.attribute("chartdatalabels", "1").toUInt(); m_chartGridLines = e.attribute("chartgridlines", "1").toUInt(); m_chartByDefault = e.attribute("chartbydefault", "0").toUInt(); m_chartLineWidth = e.attribute("chartlinewidth", QString(m_lineWidth)).toUInt(); } else { m_chartDataLabels = true; m_chartGridLines = true; m_chartByDefault = false; m_chartLineWidth = 1; } QString datelockstr = e.attribute("datelock", "userdefined"); // Handle the pivot 1.2/query 1.1 case where the values were saved as // numbers bool ok = false; i = datelockstr.toUInt(&ok); if (!ok) { i = kDateLockText.indexOf(datelockstr); if (i == -1) i = userDefined; } setDateFilter(static_cast(i)); i = kRowTypeText.indexOf(e.attribute("rowtype", "expenseincome")); if (i != -1) { setRowType(static_cast(i)); // recent versions of KMyMoney always showed a total column for // income/expense reports. We turn it on for backward compatibility // here. If the total column is turned off, the flag will be reset // in the next step if (i == eExpenseIncome) m_showRowTotals = true; } if (e.hasAttribute("showrowtotals")) m_showRowTotals = e.attribute("showrowtotals").toUInt(); i = kColumnTypeText.indexOf(e.attribute("columntype", "months")); if (i != -1) setColumnType(static_cast(i)); unsigned qc = 0; QStringList columns = e.attribute("querycolumns", "none").split(','); QStringList::const_iterator it_column = columns.constBegin(); while (it_column != columns.constEnd()) { i = kQueryColumnsText.indexOf(*it_column); if (i > 0) qc |= (1 << (i - 1)); ++it_column; } setQueryColumns(static_cast(qc)); QDomNode child = e.firstChild(); while (!child.isNull() && child.isElement()) { QDomElement c = child.toElement(); if ("TEXT" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("pattern")) { setTextFilter(QRegExp(c.attribute("pattern"), c.attribute("casesensitive", "1").toUInt() ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive, c.attribute("regex", "1").toUInt() ? QRegExp::Wildcard : QRegExp::RegExp), c.attribute("inverttext", "0").toUInt()); } if ("TYPE" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("type")) { i = kTypeText.indexOf(c.attribute("type")); if (i != -1) addType(i); } if ("STATE" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("state")) { i = kStateText.indexOf(c.attribute("state")); if (i != -1) addState(i); } if ("NUMBER" == c.tagName()) { setNumberFilter(c.attribute("from"), c.attribute("to")); } if ("AMOUNT" == c.tagName()) { setAmountFilter(MyMoneyMoney(c.attribute("from", "0/100")), MyMoneyMoney(c.attribute("to", "0/100"))); } if ("DATES" == c.tagName()) { QDate from, to; if (c.hasAttribute("from")) from = QDate::fromString(c.attribute("from"), Qt::ISODate); if (c.hasAttribute("to")) to = QDate::fromString(c.attribute("to"), Qt::ISODate); MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setDateFilter(from, to); } if ("PAYEE" == c.tagName()) { addPayee(c.attribute("id")); } if ("TAG" == c.tagName()) { addTag(c.attribute("id")); } if ("CATEGORY" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("id")) { addCategory(c.attribute("id")); } if ("ACCOUNT" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("id")) { addAccount(c.attribute("id")); } if ("ACCOUNTGROUP" == c.tagName() && c.hasAttribute("group")) { i = kAccountTypeText.indexOf(c.attribute("group")); if (i != -1) addAccountGroup(static_cast(i)); } child = child.nextSibling(); } } return result; } void MyMoneyReport::writeXML(QDomDocument& document, QDomElement& parent) const { QDomElement el = document.createElement("REPORT"); write(el, &document, false); parent.appendChild(el); } bool MyMoneyReport::hasReferenceTo(const QString& id) const { QStringList list; // collect all ids accounts(list); categories(list); payees(list); tags(list); return (list.contains(id) > 0); } int MyMoneyReport::m_lineWidth = 2; void MyMoneyReport::setLineWidth(int width) { m_lineWidth = width; } QString MyMoneyReport::toString(ERowType type) { switch(type) { case eNoRows : return "eNoRows"; case eAssetLiability : return "eAssetLiability"; case eExpenseIncome : return "eExpenseIncome"; case eCategory : return "eCategory"; case eTopCategory : return "eTopCategory"; case eAccount : return "eAccount"; case eTag : return "eTag"; case ePayee : return "ePayee"; case eMonth : return "eMonth"; case eWeek : return "eWeek"; case eTopAccount : return "eTopAccount"; case eAccountByTopAccount: return "eAccountByTopAccount"; case eEquityType : return "eEquityType"; case eAccountType : return "eAccountType"; case eInstitution : return "eInstitution"; case eBudget : return "eBudget"; case eBudgetActual : return "eBudgetActual"; case eSchedule : return "eSchedule"; case eAccountInfo : return "eAccountInfo"; case eAccountLoanInfo : return "eAccountLoanInfo"; case eAccountReconcile : return "eAccountReconcile"; case eCashFlow : return "eCashFlow"; default : return "undefined"; } } QString MyMoneyReport::toString(MyMoneyReport::EReportType type) { switch(type) { case eNoReport: return "eNoReport"; case ePivotTable: return "ePivotTable"; case eQueryTable: return "eQueryTable"; case eInfoTable: return "eInfoTable"; default: return "undefined"; } } diff --git a/kmymoney/reports/CMakeLists.txt b/kmymoney/reports/CMakeLists.txt index ea9deac99..44369798a 100644 --- a/kmymoney/reports/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/kmymoney/reports/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,47 +1,48 @@ set (libreports_a_SOURCES kreportchartview.cpp reportaccount.cpp listtable.cpp objectinfotable.cpp pivotgrid.cpp pivottable.cpp querytable.cpp reporttable.cpp kbalanceaxis.cpp ) kde4_add_library(reports STATIC ${libreports_a_SOURCES}) +target_link_libraries(reports kmm_kdchart) add_dependencies(reports kmm_settings) ############## tests #################### if( KDE4_BUILD_TESTS ) # Pivot Grid set( pivotgridtest_SRCS pivotgridtest.cpp reportstestcommon.cpp ) kde4_add_unit_test( pivotgridtest TESTNAME kmymoney-pivotgridtest ${pivotgridtest_SRCS} ) add_dependencies( pivotgridtest reports kmymoney_base kmymoney_common kmm_storage ) target_link_libraries( pivotgridtest reports kmymoney_base kmymoney_common kmm_storage ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTTEST_LIBRARY} ) # Pivot Table set( pivottabletest_SRCS pivottabletest.cpp reportstestcommon.cpp ../mymoney/mymoneytestutils.cpp ) kde4_add_unit_test( pivottabletest TESTNAME kmymoney-pivottabletest ${pivottabletest_SRCS} ) add_dependencies( pivottabletest dialogs widgets reports settings kmymoney_base kmymoney_common kmm_kdchart kmm_storage kmm_settings ) target_link_libraries( pivottabletest reports settings kmymoney_base kmymoney_common dialogs widgets kmm_kdchart kmm_storage kmm_settings ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTTEST_LIBRARY} ) # Query Table set( querytabletest_SRCS querytabletest.cpp reportstestcommon.cpp ../mymoney/mymoneytestutils.cpp ) kde4_add_unit_test( querytabletest TESTNAME kmymoney-querytabletest ${querytabletest_SRCS} ) add_dependencies( querytabletest dialogs widgets reports settings kmymoney_base kmymoney_common kmm_storage kmm_settings ) target_link_libraries( querytabletest reports kmymoney_base kmymoney_common dialogs widgets kmm_storage kmm_settings ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTTEST_LIBRARY} ) kde4_add_executable( reportcharttest reportcharttest.cpp ) target_link_libraries( reportcharttest reports kmm_kdchart ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ) endif( KDE4_BUILD_TESTS ) diff --git a/kmymoney/reports/pivottable.cpp b/kmymoney/reports/pivottable.cpp index 251bd677a..b29646369 100644 --- a/kmymoney/reports/pivottable.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/reports/pivottable.cpp @@ -1,2294 +1,2294 @@ /*************************************************************************** pivottable.cpp ------------------- begin : Mon May 17 2004 copyright : (C) 2004-2005 by Ace Jones email : Thomas Baumgart Alvaro Soliverez ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "pivottable.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "pivotgrid.h" #include "reportdebug.h" #include "kreportchartview.h" #include "kmymoneyglobalsettings.h" #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #include "mymoneyforecast.h" #include namespace reports { using KDChart::Widget; QString Debug::m_sTabs; bool Debug::m_sEnabled = DEBUG_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT; QString Debug::m_sEnableKey; Debug::Debug(const QString& _name): m_methodName(_name), m_enabled(m_sEnabled) { if (!m_enabled && _name == m_sEnableKey) m_enabled = true; if (m_enabled) { qDebug("%s%s(): ENTER", qPrintable(m_sTabs), qPrintable(m_methodName)); m_sTabs.append("--"); } } Debug::~Debug() { if (m_enabled) { m_sTabs.remove(0, 2); qDebug("%s%s(): EXIT", qPrintable(m_sTabs), qPrintable(m_methodName)); if (m_methodName == m_sEnableKey) m_enabled = false; } } void Debug::output(const QString& _text) { if (m_enabled) qDebug("%s%s(): %s", qPrintable(m_sTabs), qPrintable(m_methodName), qPrintable(_text)); } PivotTable::PivotTable(const MyMoneyReport& _config_f): ReportTable(), m_runningSumsCalculated(false), m_config_f(_config_f) { init(); } void PivotTable::init() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // // Initialize locals // MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // // Initialize member variables // //make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts includeInvestmentSubAccounts(); m_config_f.validDateRange(m_beginDate, m_endDate); // If we need to calculate running sums, it does not make sense // to show a row total column if (m_config_f.isRunningSum()) m_config_f.setShowingRowTotals(false); // if this is a months-based report if (! m_config_f.isColumnsAreDays()) { // strip out the 'days' component of the begin and end dates. // we're only using these variables to contain year and month. m_beginDate = QDate(m_beginDate.year(), m_beginDate.month(), 1); m_endDate = QDate(m_endDate.year(), m_endDate.month(), 1); } m_numColumns = columnValue(m_endDate) - columnValue(m_beginDate) + 2; //Load what types of row the report is going to show loadRowTypeList(); // // Initialize outer groups of the grid // if (m_config_f.rowType() == MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability) { m_grid.insert(KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(MyMoneyAccount::Asset), PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns)); m_grid.insert(KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(MyMoneyAccount::Liability), PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns, PivotOuterGroup::m_kDefaultSortOrder, true /* inverted */)); } else { m_grid.insert(KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(MyMoneyAccount::Income), PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns, PivotOuterGroup::m_kDefaultSortOrder - 2)); m_grid.insert(KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(MyMoneyAccount::Expense), PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns, PivotOuterGroup::m_kDefaultSortOrder - 1, true /* inverted */)); // // Create rows for income/expense reports with all accounts included // if (m_config_f.isIncludingUnusedAccounts()) createAccountRows(); } // // Initialize grid totals // m_grid.m_total = PivotGridRowSet(m_numColumns); // // Get opening balances // (for running sum reports only) // if (m_config_f.isRunningSum()) calculateOpeningBalances(); // // Calculate budget mapping // (for budget reports only) // if (m_config_f.hasBudget()) calculateBudgetMapping(); // // Populate all transactions into the row/column pivot grid // QList transactions; m_config_f.setReportAllSplits(false); m_config_f.setConsiderCategory(true); try { transactions = file->transactionList(m_config_f); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("ERR: %s thrown in %s(%ld)", qPrintable(e.what()), qPrintable(e.file()), e.line()); throw e; } DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Found %1 matching transactions").arg(transactions.count())); // Include scheduled transactions if required if (m_config_f.isIncludingSchedules()) { // Create a custom version of the report filter, excluding date // We'll use this to compare the transaction against MyMoneyTransactionFilter schedulefilter(m_config_f); schedulefilter.setDateFilter(QDate(), QDate()); // Get the real dates from the config filter QDate configbegin, configend; m_config_f.validDateRange(configbegin, configend); QList schedules = file->scheduleList(); QList::const_iterator it_schedule = schedules.constBegin(); while (it_schedule != schedules.constEnd()) { // If the transaction meets the filter MyMoneyTransaction tx = (*it_schedule).transaction(); if (!(*it_schedule).isFinished() && schedulefilter.match(tx)) { // Keep the id of the schedule with the transaction so that // we can do the autocalc later on in case of a loan payment tx.setValue("kmm-schedule-id", (*it_schedule).id()); // Get the dates when a payment will be made within the report window QDate nextpayment = (*it_schedule).adjustedNextPayment(configbegin); if (nextpayment.isValid()) { // Add one transaction for each date QList paymentDates = (*it_schedule).paymentDates(nextpayment, configend); QList::const_iterator it_date = paymentDates.constBegin(); while (it_date != paymentDates.constEnd()) { //if the payment occurs in the past, enter it tomorrow if (QDate::currentDate() >= *it_date) { tx.setPostDate(QDate::currentDate().addDays(1)); } else { tx.setPostDate(*it_date); } if (tx.postDate() <= configend && tx.postDate() >= configbegin) { transactions += tx; } DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Added transaction for schedule %1 on %2").arg((*it_schedule).id()).arg((*it_date).toString())); ++it_date; } } } ++it_schedule; } } // whether asset & liability transactions are actually to be considered // transfers bool al_transfers = (m_config_f.rowType() == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome) && (m_config_f.isIncludingTransfers()); //this is to store balance for loan accounts when not included in the report QMap loanBalances; QList::const_iterator it_transaction = transactions.constBegin(); int colofs = columnValue(m_beginDate) - 1; while (it_transaction != transactions.constEnd()) { MyMoneyTransaction tx = (*it_transaction); QDate postdate = tx.postDate(); if (postdate < m_beginDate) { qDebug("MyMoneyFile::transactionList returned a transaction that is outside the date filter, skipping it"); ++it_transaction; continue; } int column = columnValue(postdate) - colofs; // check if we need to call the autocalculation routine if (tx.isLoanPayment() && tx.hasAutoCalcSplit() && (tx.value("kmm-schedule-id").length() > 0)) { // make sure to consider any autocalculation for loan payments MyMoneySchedule sched = file->schedule(tx.value("kmm-schedule-id")); const MyMoneySplit& split = tx.amortizationSplit(); if (!split.id().isEmpty()) { ReportAccount splitAccount = file->account(split.accountId()); MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type = splitAccount.accountGroup(); QString outergroup = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(type); //if the account is included in the report, calculate the balance from the cells if (m_config_f.includes(splitAccount)) { loanBalances[splitAccount.id()] = cellBalance(outergroup, splitAccount, column, false); } else { //if it is not in the report and also not in loanBalances, get the balance from the file if (!loanBalances.contains(splitAccount.id())) { QDate dueDate = sched.nextDueDate(); //if the payment is overdue, use current date if (dueDate < QDate::currentDate()) dueDate = QDate::currentDate(); //get the balance from the file for the date loanBalances[splitAccount.id()] = file->balance(splitAccount.id(), dueDate.addDays(-1)); } } KMyMoneyUtils::calculateAutoLoan(sched, tx, loanBalances); //if the loan split is not included in the report, update the balance for the next occurrence if (!m_config_f.includes(splitAccount)) { QList::ConstIterator it_loanSplits; for (it_loanSplits = tx.splits().constBegin(); it_loanSplits != tx.splits().constEnd(); ++it_loanSplits) { if ((*it_loanSplits).isAmortizationSplit() && (*it_loanSplits).accountId() == splitAccount.id()) loanBalances[splitAccount.id()] = loanBalances[splitAccount.id()] + (*it_loanSplits).shares(); } } } } QList splits = tx.splits(); QList::const_iterator it_split = splits.constBegin(); while (it_split != splits.constEnd()) { ReportAccount splitAccount = (*it_split).accountId(); // Each split must be further filtered, because if even one split matches, // the ENTIRE transaction is returned with all splits (even non-matching ones) if (m_config_f.includes(splitAccount) && m_config_f.match(&(*it_split))) { // reverse sign to match common notation for cash flow direction, only for expense/income splits MyMoneyMoney reverse(splitAccount.isIncomeExpense() ? -1 : 1, 1); MyMoneyMoney value; // the outer group is the account class (major account type) MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type = splitAccount.accountGroup(); QString outergroup = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(type); value = (*it_split).shares(); bool stockSplit = tx.isStockSplit(); if (!stockSplit) { // retrieve the value in the account's underlying currency if (value != MyMoneyMoney::autoCalc) { value = value * reverse; } else { qDebug("PivotTable::PivotTable(): This must not happen"); value = MyMoneyMoney(); // keep it 0 so far } // Except in the case of transfers on an income/expense report if (al_transfers && (type == MyMoneyAccount::Asset || type == MyMoneyAccount::Liability)) { outergroup = i18n("Transfers"); value = -value; } } // add the value to its correct position in the pivot table assignCell(outergroup, splitAccount, column, value, false, stockSplit); } ++it_split; } ++it_transaction; } // // Get forecast data // if (m_config_f.isIncludingForecast()) calculateForecast(); // //Insert Price data // if (m_config_f.isIncludingPrice()) fillBasePriceUnit(ePrice); // //Insert Average Price data // if (m_config_f.isIncludingAveragePrice()) { fillBasePriceUnit(eActual); calculateMovingAverage(); } // // Collapse columns to match column type // if (m_config_f.columnPitch() > 1) collapseColumns(); // // Calculate the running sums // (for running sum reports only) // if (m_config_f.isRunningSum()) calculateRunningSums(); // // Calculate Moving Average // if (m_config_f.isIncludingMovingAverage()) calculateMovingAverage(); // // Calculate Budget Difference // if (m_config_f.isIncludingBudgetActuals()) calculateBudgetDiff(); // // Convert all values to the deep currency // convertToDeepCurrency(); // // Convert all values to the base currency // if (m_config_f.isConvertCurrency()) convertToBaseCurrency(); // // Determine column headings // calculateColumnHeadings(); // // Calculate row and column totals // calculateTotals(); // // If using mixed time, calculate column for current date // m_config_f.setCurrentDateColumn(currentDateColumn()); } void PivotTable::collapseColumns() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); int columnpitch = m_config_f.columnPitch(); if (columnpitch != 1) { int sourcemonth = (m_config_f.isColumnsAreDays()) // use the user's locale to determine the week's start ? (m_beginDate.dayOfWeek() + 8 - KGlobal::locale()->weekStartDay()) % 7 : m_beginDate.month(); int sourcecolumn = 1; int destcolumn = 1; while (sourcecolumn < m_numColumns) { if (sourcecolumn != destcolumn) { #if 0 // TODO: Clean up this rather inefficient kludge. We really should jump by an entire // destcolumn at a time on RS reports, and calculate the proper sourcecolumn to use, // allowing us to clear and accumulate only ONCE per destcolumn if (m_config_f.isRunningSum()) clearColumn(destcolumn); #endif accumulateColumn(destcolumn, sourcecolumn); } if (++sourcecolumn < m_numColumns) { if ((sourcemonth++ % columnpitch) == 0) { if (sourcecolumn != ++destcolumn) clearColumn(destcolumn); } } } m_numColumns = destcolumn + 1; } } void PivotTable::accumulateColumn(int destcolumn, int sourcecolumn) { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("From Column %1 to %2").arg(sourcecolumn).arg(destcolumn)); // iterate over outer groups PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { // iterate over inner groups PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { // iterator over rows PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { if ((*it_row)[eActual].count() <= sourcecolumn) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Sourcecolumn %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::accumulateColumn").arg(sourcecolumn).arg((*it_row)[eActual].count())); if ((*it_row)[eActual].count() <= destcolumn) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Destcolumn %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::accumulateColumn").arg(sourcecolumn).arg((*it_row)[eActual].count())); (*it_row)[eActual][destcolumn] += (*it_row)[eActual][sourcecolumn]; ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::clearColumn(int column) { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Column %1").arg(column)); // iterate over outer groups PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { // iterate over inner groups PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { // iterator over rows PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { if ((*it_row)[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::accumulateColumn").arg(column).arg((*it_row)[eActual].count())); (*it_row++)[eActual][column] = PivotCell(); } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::calculateColumnHeadings() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // one column for the opening balance m_columnHeadings.append("Opening"); int columnpitch = m_config_f.columnPitch(); if (columnpitch == 0) { // output the warning but don't crash by dividing with 0 qWarning("PivotTable::calculateColumnHeadings() Invalid column pitch"); return; } // if this is a days-based report if (m_config_f.isColumnsAreDays()) { if (columnpitch == 1) { QDate columnDate = m_beginDate; int column = 1; while (column++ < m_numColumns) { QString heading = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->monthName(columnDate.month(), columnDate.year(), KCalendarSystem::ShortName) + ' ' + QString::number(columnDate.day()); columnDate = columnDate.addDays(1); m_columnHeadings.append(heading); } } else { QDate day = m_beginDate; QDate prv = m_beginDate; // use the user's locale to determine the week's start int dow = (day.dayOfWeek() + 8 - KGlobal::locale()->weekStartDay()) % 7; while (day <= m_endDate) { if (((dow % columnpitch) == 0) || (day == m_endDate)) { m_columnHeadings.append(QString("%1 %2 - %3 %4") .arg(KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->monthName(prv.month(), prv.year(), KCalendarSystem::ShortName)) .arg(prv.day()) .arg(KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->monthName(day.month(), day.year(), KCalendarSystem::ShortName)) .arg(day.day())); prv = day.addDays(1); } day = day.addDays(1); dow++; } } } // else it's a months-based report else { if (columnpitch == 12) { int year = m_beginDate.year(); int column = 1; while (column++ < m_numColumns) m_columnHeadings.append(QString::number(year++)); } else { int year = m_beginDate.year(); bool includeyear = (m_beginDate.year() != m_endDate.year()); int segment = (m_beginDate.month() - 1) / columnpitch; int column = 1; while (column++ < m_numColumns) { QString heading = KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->monthName(1 + segment * columnpitch, 2000, KCalendarSystem::ShortName); if (columnpitch != 1) heading += '-' + KGlobal::locale()->calendar()->monthName((1 + segment) * columnpitch, 2000, KCalendarSystem::ShortName); if (includeyear) heading += ' ' + QString::number(year); m_columnHeadings.append(heading); if (++segment >= 12 / columnpitch) { segment -= 12 / columnpitch; ++year; } } } } } void PivotTable::createAccountRows() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); QList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); while (it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { ReportAccount account = *it_account; // only include this item if its account group is included in this report // and if the report includes this account if (m_config_f.includes(*it_account)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Includes account %1").arg(account.name())); // the row group is the account class (major account type) QString outergroup = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(account.accountGroup()); // place into the 'opening' column... assignCell(outergroup, account, 0, MyMoneyMoney()); } ++it_account; } } void PivotTable::calculateOpeningBalances() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // First, determine the inclusive dates of the report. Normally, that's just // the begin & end dates of m_config_f. However, if either of those dates are // blank, we need to use m_beginDate and/or m_endDate instead. QDate from = m_config_f.fromDate(); QDate to = m_config_f.toDate(); if (! from.isValid()) from = m_beginDate; if (! to.isValid()) to = m_endDate; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); QList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); while (it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { ReportAccount account = *it_account; // only include this item if its account group is included in this report // and if the report includes this account if (m_config_f.includes(*it_account)) { //do not include account if it is closed and it has no transactions in the report period if (account.isClosed()) { //check if the account has transactions for the report timeframe MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.addAccount(account.id()); filter.setDateFilter(m_beginDate, m_endDate); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QList transactions = file->transactionList(filter); //if a closed account has no transactions in that timeframe, do not include it if (transactions.size() == 0) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("DOES NOT INCLUDE account %1").arg(account.name())); ++it_account; continue; } } DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Includes account %1").arg(account.name())); // the row group is the account class (major account type) QString outergroup = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(account.accountGroup()); // extract the balance of the account for the given begin date, which is // the opening balance plus the sum of all transactions prior to the begin // date // this is in the underlying currency MyMoneyMoney value = file->balance(account.id(), from.addDays(-1)); // place into the 'opening' column... assignCell(outergroup, account, 0, value); } else { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("DOES NOT INCLUDE account %1").arg(account.name())); } ++it_account; } } void PivotTable::calculateRunningSums(PivotInnerGroup::iterator& it_row) { MyMoneyMoney runningsum = it_row.value()[eActual][0].calculateRunningSum(MyMoneyMoney()); int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (it_row.value()[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateRunningSums").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[eActual].count())); runningsum = it_row.value()[eActual][column].calculateRunningSum(runningsum); ++column; } } void PivotTable::calculateRunningSums() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); m_runningSumsCalculated = true; PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { #if 0 MyMoneyMoney runningsum = it_row.value()[0]; int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (it_row.value()[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateRunningSums").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[eActual].count())); runningsum = (it_row.value()[eActual][column] += runningsum); ++column; } #endif calculateRunningSums(it_row); ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } MyMoneyMoney PivotTable::cellBalance(const QString& outergroup, const ReportAccount& _row, int _column, bool budget) { if (m_runningSumsCalculated) { qDebug("You must not call PivotTable::cellBalance() after calling PivotTable::calculateRunningSums()"); throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("You must not call PivotTable::cellBalance() after calling PivotTable::calculateRunningSums()")); } // for budget reports, if this is the actual value, map it to the account which // holds its budget ReportAccount row = _row; if (!budget && m_config_f.hasBudget()) { QString newrow = m_budgetMap[row.id()]; // if there was no mapping found, then the budget report is not interested // in this account. if (newrow.isEmpty()) return MyMoneyMoney(); row = newrow; } // ensure the row already exists (and its parental hierarchy) createRow(outergroup, row, true); // Determine the inner group from the top-most parent account QString innergroup(row.topParentName()); if (m_numColumns <= _column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of m_numColumns range (%2) in PivotTable::cellBalance").arg(_column).arg(m_numColumns)); if (m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count() <= _column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::cellBalance").arg(_column).arg(m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count())); MyMoneyMoney balance; if (budget) balance = m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eBudget][0].cellBalance(MyMoneyMoney()); else balance = m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][0].cellBalance(MyMoneyMoney()); int column = 1; while (column < _column) { if (m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::cellBalance").arg(column).arg(m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count())); balance = m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][column].cellBalance(balance); ++column; } return balance; } void PivotTable::calculateBudgetMapping() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // Only do this if there is at least one budget in the file if (file->countBudgets()) { // Select a budget // // It will choose the first budget in the list for the start year of the report if no budget is selected MyMoneyBudget budget = MyMoneyBudget(); QList budgets = file->budgetList(); bool validBudget = false; //check that the selected budget is valid if (m_config_f.budget() != "Any") { QList::const_iterator budgets_it = budgets.constBegin(); while (budgets_it != budgets.constEnd()) { //pick the budget by id if ((*budgets_it).id() == m_config_f.budget()) { budget = file->budget((*budgets_it).id()); validBudget = true; break; } ++budgets_it; } } //if no valid budget has been selected if (!validBudget) { //if the budget list is empty, just return if (budgets.count() == 0) { return; } QList::const_iterator budgets_it = budgets.constBegin(); while (budgets_it != budgets.constEnd()) { //pick the first budget that matches the report start year if ((*budgets_it).budgetStart().year() == QDate::currentDate().year()) { budget = file->budget((*budgets_it).id()); break; } ++budgets_it; } //if it can't find a matching budget, take the first one on the list if (budget.id().isEmpty()) { budget = budgets[0]; } //assign the budget to the report m_config_f.setBudget(budget.id(), m_config_f.isIncludingBudgetActuals()); } // Dump the budget //kDebug(2) << "Budget " << budget.name() << ": "; // Go through all accounts in the system to build the mapping QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); QList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); while (it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { //include only the accounts selected for the report if (m_config_f.includes(*it_account)) { QString id = (*it_account).id(); QString acid = id; // If the budget contains this account outright if (budget.contains(id)) { // Add it to the mapping m_budgetMap[acid] = id; // kDebug(2) << ReportAccount(acid).debugName() << " self-maps / type =" << budget.account(id).budgetLevel(); } // Otherwise, search for a parent account which includes sub-accounts else { //if includeBudgetActuals, include all accounts regardless of whether in budget or not if (m_config_f.isIncludingBudgetActuals()) { m_budgetMap[acid] = id; // kDebug(2) << ReportAccount(acid).debugName() << " maps to " << ReportAccount(id).debugName(); } do { id = file->account(id).parentAccountId(); if (budget.contains(id)) { if (budget.account(id).budgetSubaccounts()) { m_budgetMap[acid] = id; // kDebug(2) << ReportAccount(acid).debugName() << " maps to " << ReportAccount(id).debugName(); break; } } } while (! id.isEmpty()); } } ++it_account; } // end while looping through the accounts in the file // Place the budget values into the budget grid QList baccounts = budget.getaccounts(); QList::const_iterator it_bacc = baccounts.constBegin(); while (it_bacc != baccounts.constEnd()) { ReportAccount splitAccount = (*it_bacc).id(); //include the budget account only if it is included in the report if (m_config_f.includes(splitAccount)) { MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeE type = splitAccount.accountGroup(); QString outergroup = KMyMoneyUtils::accountTypeToString(type); // reverse sign to match common notation for cash flow direction, only for expense/income splits MyMoneyMoney reverse((splitAccount.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Expense) ? -1 : 1, 1); const QMap& periods = (*it_bacc).getPeriods(); // skip the account if it has no periods if (periods.count() < 1) { ++it_bacc; continue; } MyMoneyMoney value = (*periods.begin()).amount() * reverse; int column = 1; // based on the kind of budget it is, deal accordingly switch ((*it_bacc).budgetLevel()) { case MyMoneyBudget::AccountGroup::eYearly: // divide the single yearly value by 12 and place it in each column value /= MyMoneyMoney(12, 1); case MyMoneyBudget::AccountGroup::eNone: case MyMoneyBudget::AccountGroup::eMax: case MyMoneyBudget::AccountGroup::eMonthly: // place the single monthly value in each column of the report // only add the value if columns are monthly or longer if (m_config_f.columnType() == MyMoneyReport::eBiMonths || m_config_f.columnType() == MyMoneyReport::eMonths || m_config_f.columnType() == MyMoneyReport::eYears || m_config_f.columnType() == MyMoneyReport::eQuarters) { QDate budgetDate = budget.budgetStart(); while (column < m_numColumns && budget.budgetStart().addYears(1) > budgetDate) { //only show budget values if the budget year and the column date match //no currency conversion is done here because that is done for all columns later if (budgetDate > columnDate(column)) { ++column; } else { if (budgetDate >= m_beginDate.addDays(-m_beginDate.day() + 1) && budgetDate <= m_endDate.addDays(m_endDate.daysInMonth() - m_endDate.day()) && budgetDate > (columnDate(column).addMonths(-m_config_f.columnType()))) { assignCell(outergroup, splitAccount, column, value, true /*budget*/); } budgetDate = budgetDate.addMonths(1); } } } break; case MyMoneyBudget::AccountGroup::eMonthByMonth: // place each value in the appropriate column // budget periods are supposed to come in order just like columns { QMap::const_iterator it_period = periods.begin(); while (it_period != periods.end() && column < m_numColumns) { if ((*it_period).startDate() > columnDate(column)) { ++column; } else { switch (m_config_f.columnType()) { case MyMoneyReport::eYears: case MyMoneyReport::eBiMonths: case MyMoneyReport::eQuarters: case MyMoneyReport::eMonths: { if ((*it_period).startDate() >= m_beginDate.addDays(-m_beginDate.day() + 1) && (*it_period).startDate() <= m_endDate.addDays(m_endDate.daysInMonth() - m_endDate.day()) && (*it_period).startDate() > (columnDate(column).addMonths(-m_config_f.columnType()))) { //no currency conversion is done here because that is done for all columns later value = (*it_period).amount() * reverse; assignCell(outergroup, splitAccount, column, value, true /*budget*/); } ++it_period; break; } default: break; } } } break; } } } ++it_bacc; } } // end if there was a budget } void PivotTable::convertToBaseCurrency() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); int fraction = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (it_row.value()[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::convertToBaseCurrency").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[eActual].count())); QDate valuedate = columnDate(column); //get base price for that date MyMoneyMoney conversionfactor = it_row.key().baseCurrencyPrice(valuedate, m_config_f.isSkippingZero()); for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if (m_rowTypeList[i] != eAverage) { //calculate base value MyMoneyMoney oldval = it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column]; MyMoneyMoney value = (oldval * conversionfactor).reduce(); //convert to lowest fraction it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column] = PivotCell(value.convert(fraction)); - DEBUG_OUTPUT_IF(conversionfactor != MyMoneyMoney::ONE , QString("Factor of %1, value was %2, now %3").arg(conversionfactor).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(oldval)).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(it_row.value()[m_rowTypeList[i]][column].toDouble()))); + DEBUG_OUTPUT_IF(conversionfactor != MyMoneyMoney::ONE , QString("Factor of %1, value was %2, now %3").arg(conversionfactor.toDouble()).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(oldval.toDouble())).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(it_row.value()[m_rowTypeList[i]][column].toDouble()))); } } ++column; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::convertToDeepCurrency() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (it_row.value()[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::convertToDeepCurrency").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[eActual].count())); QDate valuedate = columnDate(column); //get conversion factor for the account and date MyMoneyMoney conversionfactor = it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(valuedate, m_config_f.isSkippingZero()); //use the fraction relevant to the account at hand int fraction = it_row.key().currency().smallestAccountFraction(); //use base currency fraction if not initialized if (fraction == -1) fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); //convert to deep currency MyMoneyMoney oldval = it_row.value()[eActual][column]; MyMoneyMoney value = (oldval * conversionfactor).reduce(); //reduce to lowest fraction it_row.value()[eActual][column] = PivotCell(value.convert(fraction)); //convert price data if (m_config_f.isIncludingPrice()) { MyMoneyMoney oldPriceVal = it_row.value()[ePrice][column]; MyMoneyMoney priceValue = (oldPriceVal * conversionfactor).reduce(); it_row.value()[ePrice][column] = PivotCell(priceValue.convert(10000)); } DEBUG_OUTPUT_IF(conversionfactor != MyMoneyMoney::ONE , QString("Factor of %1, value was %2, now %3").arg(conversionfactor.toDouble()).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(oldval.toDouble())).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(it_row.value()[eActual][column].toDouble()))); ++column; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::calculateTotals() { //insert the row type that is going to be used for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < m_numColumns; ++k) { m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].append(PivotCell()); } } // // Outer groups // // iterate over outer groups PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < m_numColumns; ++k) { (*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].append(PivotCell()); } } // // Inner Groups // PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < m_numColumns; ++k) { (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].append(PivotCell()); } } // // Rows // PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { // // Columns // int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if (it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, row columns").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); if ((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, inner group totals").arg(column).arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); //calculate total MyMoneyMoney value = it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column]; (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column] += value; (*it_row)[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total += value; } ++column; } ++it_row; } // // Inner Row Group Totals // int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if ((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, inner group totals").arg(column).arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); if ((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, outer group totals").arg(column).arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); //calculate totals MyMoneyMoney value = (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column]; (*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column] += value; (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total += value; } ++column; } ++it_innergroup; } // // Outer Row Group Totals // const bool isIncomeExpense = (m_config_f.rowType() == MyMoneyReport::eExpenseIncome); const bool invert_total = (*it_outergroup).m_inverted; int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if (m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, grid totals").arg(column).arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); //calculate actual totals MyMoneyMoney value = (*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column]; (*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total += value; //so far the invert only applies to actual and budget if (invert_total && m_rowTypeList[i] != eBudgetDiff && m_rowTypeList[i] != eForecast) value = -value; // forecast income expense reports should be inverted as oposed to asset/liability reports if (invert_total && isIncomeExpense && m_rowTypeList[i] == eForecast) value = -value; m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column] += value; } ++column; } ++it_outergroup; } // // Report Totals // int totalcolumn = 1; while (totalcolumn < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if (m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= totalcolumn) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Total column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, grid totals").arg(totalcolumn).arg(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); //calculate actual totals MyMoneyMoney value = m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][totalcolumn]; m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total += value; } ++totalcolumn; } } void PivotTable::assignCell(const QString& outergroup, const ReportAccount& _row, int column, MyMoneyMoney value, bool budget, bool stockSplit) { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Parameters: %1,%2,%3,%4,%5").arg(outergroup).arg(_row.debugName()).arg(column).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(value.toDouble())).arg(budget)); // for budget reports, if this is the actual value, map it to the account which // holds its budget ReportAccount row = _row; if (!budget && m_config_f.hasBudget()) { QString newrow = m_budgetMap[row.id()]; // if there was no mapping found, then the budget report is not interested // in this account. if (newrow.isEmpty()) return; row = newrow; } // ensure the row already exists (and its parental hierarchy) createRow(outergroup, row, true); // Determine the inner group from the top-most parent account QString innergroup(row.topParentName()); if (m_numColumns <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of m_numColumns range (%2) in PivotTable::assignCell").arg(column).arg(m_numColumns)); if (m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::assignCell").arg(column).arg(m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count())); if (m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eBudget].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::assignCell").arg(column).arg(m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eBudget].count())); if (!stockSplit) { // Determine whether the value should be inverted before being placed in the row if (m_grid[outergroup].m_inverted) value = -value; // Add the value to the grid cell if (budget) { m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eBudget][column] += value; } else { // If it is loading an actual value for a budget report // check whether it is a subaccount of a budget account (include subaccounts) // If so, check if is the same currency and convert otherwise if (m_config_f.hasBudget() && row.id() != _row.id() && row.currencyId() != _row.currencyId()) { ReportAccount origAcc = _row; MyMoneyMoney rate = origAcc.foreignCurrencyPrice(row.currencyId(), columnDate(column), false); m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][column] += (value * rate).reduce(); } else { m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][column] += value; } } } else { m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][column] += PivotCell::stockSplit(value); } } void PivotTable::createRow(const QString& outergroup, const ReportAccount& row, bool recursive) { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // Determine the inner group from the top-most parent account QString innergroup(row.topParentName()); if (! m_grid.contains(outergroup)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Adding group [%1]").arg(outergroup)); m_grid[outergroup] = PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns); } if (! m_grid[outergroup].contains(innergroup)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Adding group [%1][%2]").arg(outergroup).arg(innergroup)); m_grid[outergroup][innergroup] = PivotInnerGroup(m_numColumns); } if (! m_grid[outergroup][innergroup].contains(row)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Adding row [%1][%2][%3]").arg(outergroup).arg(innergroup).arg(row.debugName())); m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row] = PivotGridRowSet(m_numColumns); if (recursive && !row.isTopLevel()) createRow(outergroup, row.parent(), recursive); } } int PivotTable::columnValue(const QDate& _date) const { if (m_config_f.isColumnsAreDays()) return (m_beginDate.daysTo(_date)); else return (_date.year() * 12 + _date.month()); } QDate PivotTable::columnDate(int column) const { if (m_config_f.isColumnsAreDays()) return m_beginDate.addDays(m_config_f.columnPitch() * column - 1); else return m_beginDate.addMonths(m_config_f.columnPitch() * column).addDays(-1); } QString PivotTable::renderCSV() const { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // // Report Title // QString result = QString("\"Report: %1\"\n").arg(m_config_f.name()); result += i18nc("Report date range", "%1 through %2\n", KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_config_f.fromDate(), KLocale::ShortDate), KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_config_f.toDate(), KLocale::ShortDate)); if (m_config_f.isConvertCurrency()) result += i18n("All currencies converted to %1\n", MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().name()); else result += i18n("All values shown in %1 unless otherwise noted\n", MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().name()); // // Table Header // result += i18n("Account"); int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { result += QString(",%1").arg(QString(m_columnHeadings[column++])); if (m_rowTypeList.size() > 1) { QString separator; separator = separator.fill(',', m_rowTypeList.size() - 1); result += separator; } } //show total columns if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) result += QString(",%1").arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")); result += '\n'; // Row Type Header if (m_rowTypeList.size() > 1) { int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString(",%1").arg(m_columnTypeHeaderList[i]); } column++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString(",%1").arg(m_columnTypeHeaderList[i]); } } result += '\n'; } int fraction = MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); // // Outer groups // // iterate over outer groups PivotGrid::const_iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { // // Outer Group Header // result += it_outergroup.key() + '\n'; // // Inner Groups // PivotOuterGroup::const_iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); int rownum = 0; while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { // // Rows // QString innergroupdata; PivotInnerGroup::const_iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { ReportAccount rowname = it_row.key(); int fraction = rowname.currency().smallestAccountFraction(); // // Columns // QString rowdata; int column = 1; bool isUsed = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) isUsed |= it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][0].isUsed(); while (column < m_numColumns) { //show columns for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { isUsed |= it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].isUsed(); rowdata += QString(",\"%1\"").arg(it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].formatMoney(fraction, false)); } column++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) rowdata += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_row)[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total.formatMoney(fraction, false)); } // // Row Header // if (!rowname.isClosed() || isUsed) { innergroupdata += "\"" + QString().fill(' ', rowname.hierarchyDepth() - 1) + rowname.name(); // if we don't convert the currencies to the base currency and the // current row contains a foreign currency, then we append the currency // to the name of the account if (!m_config_f.isConvertCurrency() && rowname.isForeignCurrency()) innergroupdata += QString(" (%1)").arg(rowname.currencyId()); innergroupdata += '\"'; if (isUsed) innergroupdata += rowdata; innergroupdata += '\n'; } ++it_row; } // // Inner Row Group Totals // bool finishrow = true; QString finalRow; bool isUsed = false; if (m_config_f.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll && ((*it_innergroup).size() > 1)) { // Print the individual rows result += innergroupdata; if (m_config_f.isShowingColumnTotals()) { // Start the TOTALS row finalRow = i18nc("Total balance", "Total"); isUsed = true; } else { ++rownum; finishrow = false; } } else { // Start the single INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT row ReportAccount rowname = (*it_innergroup).begin().key(); isUsed |= !rowname.isClosed(); finalRow = "\"" + QString().fill(' ', rowname.hierarchyDepth() - 1) + rowname.name(); if (!m_config_f.isConvertCurrency() && rowname.isForeignCurrency()) finalRow += QString(" (%1)").arg(rowname.currencyId()); finalRow += "\""; } // Finish the row started above, unless told not to if (finishrow) { int column = 1; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) isUsed |= (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][0].isUsed(); while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { isUsed |= (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].isUsed(); finalRow += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].formatMoney(fraction, false)); } column++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) finalRow += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total.formatMoney(fraction, false)); } finalRow += '\n'; } if (isUsed) { result += finalRow; ++rownum; } ++it_innergroup; } // // Outer Row Group Totals // if (m_config_f.isShowingColumnTotals()) { result += QString("%1 %2").arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")).arg(it_outergroup.key()); int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) result += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].formatMoney(fraction, false)); column++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) result += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total.formatMoney(fraction, false)); } result += '\n'; } ++it_outergroup; } // // Report Totals // if (m_config_f.isShowingColumnTotals()) { result += i18n("Grand Total"); int totalcolumn = 1; while (totalcolumn < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) result += QString(",\"%1\"").arg(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][totalcolumn].formatMoney(fraction, false)); totalcolumn++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) result += QString(",\"%1\"").arg(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total.formatMoney(fraction, false)); } result += '\n'; } return result; } QString PivotTable::renderBody() const { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); QString colspan = QString(" colspan=\"%1\"").arg(m_numColumns + 1 + (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals() ? 1 : 0)); // // Report Title // QString result = QString("


\n").arg(m_config_f.name()); //actual dates of the report result += QString("
"); result += i18nc("Report date range", "%1 through %2", KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_config_f.fromDate(), KLocale::ShortDate), KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(m_config_f.toDate(), KLocale::ShortDate)); result += QString("
\n"); result += QString("
\n"); //currency conversion message result += QString("
"); if (m_config_f.isConvertCurrency()) result += i18n("All currencies converted to %1", MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().name()); else result += i18n("All values shown in %1 unless otherwise noted", MyMoneyFile::instance()->baseCurrency().name()); result += QString("
\n"); result += QString("
\n"); // setup a leftborder for better readability of budget vs actual reports QString leftborder; if (m_rowTypeList.size() > 1) leftborder = " class=\"leftborder\""; // // Table Header // result += QString("\n\n\n" "\n").arg(i18n("Account")); QString headerspan; int span = m_rowTypeList.size(); headerspan = QString(" colspan=\"%1\"").arg(span); int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) result += QString("%2").arg(headerspan, QString(m_columnHeadings[column++]).replace(QRegExp(" "), "
")); if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) result += QString("%2").arg(headerspan).arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")); result += "
\n"; // // Header for multiple columns // if (span > 1) { result += ""; int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (column != 1) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(m_columnTypeHeaderList[i]) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); } column++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(m_columnTypeHeaderList[i]) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } result += ""; } // Skip the body of the report if the report only calls for totals to be shown if (m_config_f.detailLevel() != MyMoneyReport::eDetailTotal) { // // Outer groups // // Need to sort the outergroups. They can't always be sorted by name. So we create a list of // map iterators, and sort that. Then we'll iterate through the map iterators and use those as // before. // // I hope this doesn't bog the performance of reports, given that we're copying the entire report // data. If this is a perf hit, we could change to storing outergroup pointers, I think. QList outergroups; PivotGrid::const_iterator it_outergroup_map = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup_map != m_grid.end()) { outergroups.push_back(it_outergroup_map.value()); // copy the name into the outergroup, because we will now lose any association with // the map iterator outergroups.back().m_displayName = it_outergroup_map.key(); ++it_outergroup_map; } qSort(outergroups.begin(), outergroups.end()); QList::const_iterator it_outergroup = outergroups.constBegin(); while (it_outergroup != outergroups.constEnd()) { // // Outer Group Header // result += QString("\n").arg(colspan).arg((*it_outergroup).m_displayName); // Skip the inner groups if the report only calls for outer group totals to be shown if (m_config_f.detailLevel() != MyMoneyReport::eDetailGroup) { // // Inner Groups // PivotOuterGroup::const_iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); int rownum = 0; while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { // // Rows // QString innergroupdata; PivotInnerGroup::const_iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { // // Columns // QString rowdata; int column = 1; bool isUsed = it_row.value()[eActual][0].isUsed(); while (column < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (column != 1) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { rowdata += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount(it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column])) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); isUsed |= it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].isUsed(); } column++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { rowdata += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount(it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total)) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } // // Row Header // ReportAccount rowname = it_row.key(); // don't show closed accounts if they have not been used if (!rowname.isClosed() || isUsed) { innergroupdata += QString("%5%6") .arg(rownum & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd") .arg(rowname.isTopLevel() ? " id=\"topparent\"" : "") .arg("") //.arg((*it_row).m_total.isZero() ? colspan : "") // colspan the distance if this row will be blank .arg(rowname.hierarchyDepth() - 1) .arg(rowname.name().replace(QRegExp(" "), " ")) .arg((m_config_f.isConvertCurrency() || !rowname.isForeignCurrency()) ? QString() : QString(" (%1)").arg(rowname.currency().id())); // Don't print this row if it's going to be all zeros // TODO: Uncomment this, and deal with the case where the data // is zero, but the budget is non-zero //if ( !(*it_row).m_total.isZero() ) innergroupdata += rowdata; innergroupdata += "\n"; } ++it_row; } // // Inner Row Group Totals // bool finishrow = true; QString finalRow; bool isUsed = false; if (m_config_f.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll && ((*it_innergroup).size() > 1)) { // Print the individual rows result += innergroupdata; if (m_config_f.isShowingColumnTotals()) { // Start the TOTALS row finalRow = QString("") .arg(rownum & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd") .arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")); // don't suppress display of totals isUsed = true; } else { finishrow = false; ++rownum; } } else { // Start the single INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT row // FIXME: There is a bit of a bug here with class=leftX. There's only a finite number // of classes I can define in the .CSS file, and the user can theoretically nest deeper. // The right solution is to use style=Xem, and calculate X. Let's see if anyone complains // first :) Also applies to the row header case above. // FIXED: I found it in one of my reports and changed it to the proposed method. // This works for me (ipwizard) ReportAccount rowname = (*it_innergroup).begin().key(); isUsed |= !rowname.isClosed(); finalRow = QString("") .arg(rownum & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd") .arg(m_config_f.detailLevel() == MyMoneyReport::eDetailAll ? "id=\"solo\"" : "") .arg(rowname.hierarchyDepth() - 1) .arg(rowname.name().replace(QRegExp(" "), " ")) .arg((m_config_f.isConvertCurrency() || !rowname.isForeignCurrency()) ? QString() : QString(" (%1)").arg(rowname.currency().id())); } // Finish the row started above, unless told not to if (finishrow) { int column = 1; isUsed |= (*it_innergroup).m_total[eActual][0].isUsed(); while (column < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (column != 1) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { finalRow += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column])) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); isUsed |= (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].isUsed(); } column++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { finalRow += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total)) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } finalRow += "\n"; if (isUsed) { result += finalRow; ++rownum; } } ++it_innergroup; } // end while iterating on the inner groups } // end if detail level is not "group" // // Outer Row Group Totals // if (m_config_f.isShowingColumnTotals()) { result += QString("").arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")).arg((*it_outergroup).m_displayName); int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (column != 1) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column])) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); } column++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total)) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } result += "\n"; } ++it_outergroup; } // end while iterating on the outergroups } // end if detail level is not "total" // // Report Totals // if (m_config_f.isShowingColumnTotals()) { result += QString("\n"); result += QString("").arg(i18n("Grand Total")); int totalcolumn = 1; while (totalcolumn < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (totalcolumn != 1) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][totalcolumn])) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); } totalcolumn++; } if (m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total)) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } result += "\n"; } result += QString("\n"); result += QString("\n"); result += "
%1 %2
\n"; return result; } void PivotTable::dump(const QString& file, const QString& /* context */) const { QFile g(file); g.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream(&g) << renderBody(); g.close(); } void PivotTable::drawChart(KReportChartView& chartView) const { chartView.drawPivotChart(m_grid, m_config_f, m_numColumns, m_columnHeadings, m_rowTypeList, m_columnTypeHeaderList); } QString PivotTable::coloredAmount(const MyMoneyMoney& amount, const QString& currencySymbol, int prec) const { QString result; if (amount.isNegative()) result += QString("") .arg(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::listNegativeValueColor().red()) .arg(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::listNegativeValueColor().green()) .arg(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::listNegativeValueColor().blue()); result += amount.formatMoney(currencySymbol, prec); if (amount.isNegative()) result += QString(""); return result; } void PivotTable::calculateBudgetDiff() { PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = 1; switch (it_row.key().accountGroup()) { case MyMoneyAccount::Income: case MyMoneyAccount::Asset: while (column < m_numColumns) { it_row.value()[eBudgetDiff][column] = it_row.value()[eActual][column] - it_row.value()[eBudget][column]; ++column; } break; case MyMoneyAccount::Expense: case MyMoneyAccount::Liability: while (column < m_numColumns) { it_row.value()[eBudgetDiff][column] = it_row.value()[eBudget][column] - it_row.value()[eActual][column]; ++column; } break; default: break; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::calculateForecast() { //setup forecast MyMoneyForecast forecast = KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::forecast(); //since this is a net worth forecast we want to include all account even those that are not in use forecast.setIncludeUnusedAccounts(true); //setup forecast dates if (m_endDate > QDate::currentDate()) { forecast.setForecastEndDate(m_endDate); forecast.setForecastStartDate(QDate::currentDate()); forecast.setForecastDays(QDate::currentDate().daysTo(m_endDate)); } else { forecast.setForecastStartDate(m_beginDate); forecast.setForecastEndDate(m_endDate); forecast.setForecastDays(m_beginDate.daysTo(m_endDate) + 1); } //adjust history dates if beginning date is before today if (m_beginDate < QDate::currentDate()) { forecast.setHistoryEndDate(m_beginDate.addDays(-1)); forecast.setHistoryStartDate(forecast.historyEndDate().addDays(-forecast.accountsCycle()*forecast.forecastCycles())); } //run forecast if (m_config_f.rowType() == MyMoneyReport::eAssetLiability) { //asset and liability forecast.doForecast(); } else { //income and expenses MyMoneyBudget budget; forecast.createBudget(budget, m_beginDate.addYears(-1), m_beginDate.addDays(-1), m_beginDate, m_endDate, false); } //go through the data and add forecast PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = 1; QDate forecastDate = m_beginDate; //check whether columns are days or months if (m_config_f.isColumnsAreDays()) { while (column < m_numColumns) { it_row.value()[eForecast][column] = forecast.forecastBalance(it_row.key(), forecastDate); forecastDate = forecastDate.addDays(1); ++column; } } else { //if columns are months while (column < m_numColumns) { // the forecast balance is on the first day of the month see MyMoneyForecast::calculateScheduledMonthlyBalances() forecastDate = QDate(forecastDate.year(), forecastDate.month(), 1); //check that forecastDate is not over ending date if (forecastDate > m_endDate) forecastDate = m_endDate; //get forecast balance and set the corresponding column it_row.value()[eForecast][column] = forecast.forecastBalance(it_row.key(), forecastDate); forecastDate = forecastDate.addMonths(1); ++column; } } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::loadRowTypeList() { if ((m_config_f.isIncludingBudgetActuals()) || (!m_config_f.hasBudget() && !m_config_f.isIncludingForecast() && !m_config_f.isIncludingMovingAverage() && !m_config_f.isIncludingPrice() && !m_config_f.isIncludingAveragePrice()) ) { m_rowTypeList.append(eActual); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Actual")); } if (m_config_f.hasBudget()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eBudget); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Budget")); } if (m_config_f.isIncludingBudgetActuals()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eBudgetDiff); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Difference")); } if (m_config_f.isIncludingForecast()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eForecast); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Forecast")); } if (m_config_f.isIncludingMovingAverage()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eAverage); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Moving Average")); } if (m_config_f.isIncludingAveragePrice()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eAverage); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Moving Average Price")); } if (m_config_f.isIncludingPrice()) { m_rowTypeList.append(ePrice); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Price")); } } void PivotTable::calculateMovingAverage() { int delta = m_config_f.movingAverageDays() / 2; //go through the data and add the moving average PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = 1; //check whether columns are days or months if (m_config_f.columnType() == MyMoneyReport::eDays) { while (column < m_numColumns) { MyMoneyMoney totalPrice = MyMoneyMoney(); QDate averageStart = columnDate(column).addDays(-delta); QDate averageEnd = columnDate(column).addDays(delta); for (QDate averageDate = averageStart; averageDate <= averageEnd; averageDate = averageDate.addDays(1)) { if (m_config_f.isConvertCurrency()) { totalPrice += it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(averageDate) * it_row.key().baseCurrencyPrice(averageDate); } else { totalPrice += it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(averageDate); } totalPrice = totalPrice.convert(10000); } //calculate the average price MyMoneyMoney averagePrice = totalPrice / MyMoneyMoney((averageStart.daysTo(averageEnd) + 1), 1); //get the actual value, multiply by the average price and save that value MyMoneyMoney averageValue = it_row.value()[eActual][column] * averagePrice; it_row.value()[eAverage][column] = averageValue.convert(10000); ++column; } } else { //if columns are months while (column < m_numColumns) { QDate averageStart = columnDate(column); //set the right start date depending on the column type switch (m_config_f.columnType()) { case MyMoneyReport::eYears: { averageStart = QDate(columnDate(column).year(), 1, 1); break; } case MyMoneyReport::eBiMonths: { averageStart = QDate(columnDate(column).year(), columnDate(column).month(), 1).addMonths(-1); break; } case MyMoneyReport::eQuarters: { averageStart = QDate(columnDate(column).year(), columnDate(column).month(), 1).addMonths(-1); break; } case MyMoneyReport::eMonths: { averageStart = QDate(columnDate(column).year(), columnDate(column).month(), 1); break; } case MyMoneyReport::eWeeks: { averageStart = columnDate(column).addDays(-columnDate(column).dayOfWeek() + 1); break; } default: break; } //gather the actual data and calculate the average MyMoneyMoney totalPrice = MyMoneyMoney(); QDate averageEnd = columnDate(column); for (QDate averageDate = averageStart; averageDate <= averageEnd; averageDate = averageDate.addDays(1)) { if (m_config_f.isConvertCurrency()) { totalPrice += it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(averageDate) * it_row.key().baseCurrencyPrice(averageDate); } else { totalPrice += it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(averageDate); } totalPrice = totalPrice.convert(10000); } MyMoneyMoney averagePrice = totalPrice / MyMoneyMoney((averageStart.daysTo(averageEnd) + 1), 1); MyMoneyMoney averageValue = it_row.value()[eActual][column] * averagePrice; //fill in the average it_row.value()[eAverage][column] = averageValue.convert(10000); ++column; } } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::fillBasePriceUnit(ERowType rowType) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QString baseCurrencyId = file->baseCurrency().id(); //get the first price date for securities QMap securityDates = securityFirstPrice(); //go through the data PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = 1; //if it is a base currency fill all the values bool firstPriceExists = false; if (it_row.key().currencyId() == baseCurrencyId) { firstPriceExists = true; } while (column < m_numColumns) { //check whether the date for that column is on or after the first price if (!firstPriceExists && securityDates.contains(it_row.key().currencyId()) && columnDate(column) >= securityDates.value(it_row.key().currencyId())) { firstPriceExists = true; } //only add the dummy value if there is a price for that date if (firstPriceExists) { //insert a unit of currency for each account it_row.value()[rowType][column] = MyMoneyMoney::ONE; } ++column; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } QMap PivotTable::securityFirstPrice() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyPriceList priceList = file->priceList(); QMap securityPriceDate; MyMoneyPriceList::const_iterator prices_it; for (prices_it = priceList.constBegin(); prices_it != priceList.constEnd(); ++prices_it) { MyMoneyPrice firstPrice = (*((*prices_it).constBegin())); //check the security in the from field //if it is there, check if it is older if (securityPriceDate.contains(firstPrice.from())) { if (securityPriceDate.value(firstPrice.from()) > firstPrice.date()) { securityPriceDate[firstPrice.from()] = firstPrice.date(); } } else { securityPriceDate.insert(firstPrice.from(), firstPrice.date()); } //check the security in the to field //if it is there, check if it is older if (securityPriceDate.contains(firstPrice.to())) { if (securityPriceDate.value(firstPrice.to()) > firstPrice.date()) { securityPriceDate[firstPrice.to()] = firstPrice.date(); } } else { securityPriceDate.insert(firstPrice.to(), firstPrice.date()); } } return securityPriceDate; } void PivotTable::includeInvestmentSubAccounts() { // if we're not in expert mode, we need to make sure // that all stock accounts for the selected investment // account are also selected QStringList accountList; if (m_config_f.accounts(accountList)) { if (!KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode()) { QStringList::const_iterator it_a, it_b; for (it_a = accountList.constBegin(); it_a != accountList.constEnd(); ++it_a) { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(*it_a); if (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) { for (it_b = acc.accountList().constBegin(); it_b != acc.accountList().constEnd(); ++it_b) { if (!accountList.contains(*it_b)) { m_config_f.addAccount(*it_b); } } } } } } } int PivotTable::currentDateColumn() { //return -1 if the columns do not include the current date if (m_beginDate > QDate::currentDate() || m_endDate < QDate::currentDate()) { return -1; } //check the date of each column and return if it is the one for the current date //if columns are not days, return the one for the current month or year int column = 1; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (columnDate(column) >= QDate::currentDate()) { break; } column++; } //if there is no column matching the current date, return -1 if (column == m_numColumns) { column = -1; } return column; } } // namespace