diff --git a/kmymoney/converter/mymoneytemplate.cpp b/kmymoney/converter/mymoneytemplate.cpp index bec05c995..d029b58d5 100644 --- a/kmymoney/converter/mymoneytemplate.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/converter/mymoneytemplate.cpp @@ -1,564 +1,566 @@ /*************************************************************************** mymoneytemplate.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sat Aug 14 2004 copyright : (C) 2004 by Thomas Baumgart email : ipwizard@users.sourceforge.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "mymoneytemplate.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include +#include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "mymoneyenums.h" MyMoneyTemplate::MyMoneyTemplate() : m_progressCallback(0), m_accountsRead(0) { } MyMoneyTemplate::MyMoneyTemplate(const QUrl& url) : m_progressCallback(0), m_accountsRead(0) { loadTemplate(url); } MyMoneyTemplate::~MyMoneyTemplate() { } bool MyMoneyTemplate::loadTemplate(const QUrl &url) { QString filename; bool downloadedFile = false; if (!url.isValid()) { qDebug("Invalid template URL '%s'", qPrintable(url.url())); return false; } m_source = url; if (url.isLocalFile()) { filename = url.toLocalFile(); } else { downloadedFile = true; KIO::StoredTransferJob *transferjob = KIO::storedGet (url); KJobWidgets::setWindow(transferjob, KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow()); if (! transferjob->exec()) { KMessageBox::detailedError(KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(), i18n("Error while loading file '%1'.", url.url()), transferjob->errorString(), i18n("File access error")); return false; } QTemporaryFile file; file.setAutoRemove(false); file.open(); file.write(transferjob->data()); filename = file.fileName(); file.close(); } bool rc = true; QFile file(filename); QFileInfo info(file); if (!info.isFile()) { QString msg = i18n("

%1 is not a template file.

", filename); KMessageBox::error(KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(), msg, i18n("Filetype Error")); return false; } if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString errMsg; int errLine, errColumn; if (!m_doc.setContent(&file, &errMsg, &errLine, &errColumn)) { QString msg = i18n("

Error while reading template file %1 in line %2, column %3

", filename, errLine, errColumn); KMessageBox::detailedError(KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(), msg, errMsg, i18n("Template Error")); rc = false; } else { rc = loadDescription(); } file.close(); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(), i18n("File '%1' not found.", filename)); rc = false; } // if a temporary file was downloaded, then it will be removed // with the next call. Otherwise, it stays untouched on the local // filesystem. if (downloadedFile) { QFile::remove(filename); } return rc; } bool MyMoneyTemplate::loadDescription() { int validMask = 0x00; const int validAccount = 0x01; const int validTitle = 0x02; const int validShort = 0x04; const int validLong = 0x08; const int invalid = 0x10; const int validHeader = 0x0F; QDomElement rootElement = m_doc.documentElement(); if (!rootElement.isNull() && rootElement.tagName() == "kmymoney-account-template") { QDomNode child = rootElement.firstChild(); while (!child.isNull() && child.isElement()) { QDomElement childElement = child.toElement(); // qDebug("MyMoneyTemplate::import: Processing child node %s", childElement.tagName().data()); if (childElement.tagName() == "accounts") { m_accounts = childElement.firstChild(); validMask |= validAccount; } else if (childElement.tagName() == "title") { m_title = childElement.text(); validMask |= validTitle; } else if (childElement.tagName() == "shortdesc") { m_shortDesc = childElement.text(); validMask |= validShort; } else if (childElement.tagName() == "longdesc") { m_longDesc = childElement.text(); validMask |= validLong; } else { KMessageBox::error(KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(), i18n("

Invalid tag %1 in template file %2

", childElement.tagName(), m_source.toDisplayString())); validMask |= invalid; } child = child.nextSibling(); } } return validMask == validHeader; } bool MyMoneyTemplate::hierarchy(QMap& list, const QString& parent, QDomNode account) { bool rc = true; while (rc == true && !account.isNull()) { if (account.isElement()) { QDomElement accountElement = account.toElement(); if (accountElement.tagName() == "account") { QString name = QString("%1:%2").arg(parent).arg(accountElement.attribute("name")); list[name] = 0; hierarchy(list, name, account.firstChild()); } } account = account.nextSibling(); } return rc; } void MyMoneyTemplate::hierarchy(QMap& list) { bool rc = !m_accounts.isNull(); QDomNode accounts = m_accounts; while (rc == true && !accounts.isNull() && accounts.isElement()) { QDomElement rootNode = accounts.toElement(); QString name = rootNode.attribute("name"); if (rootNode.tagName() == "account") { rootNode = rootNode.firstChild().toElement(); eMyMoney::Account::Type type = static_cast(accounts.toElement().attribute("type").toUInt()); switch (type) { case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset: case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability: case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Income: case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense: case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Equity: if (name.isEmpty()) name = MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(type); list[name] = 0; rc = hierarchy(list, name, rootNode); break; default: rc = false; break; } } else { rc = false; } accounts = accounts.nextSibling(); } } bool MyMoneyTemplate::importTemplate(void(*callback)(int, int, const QString&)) { m_progressCallback = callback; bool rc = !m_accounts.isNull(); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); signalProgress(0, m_doc.elementsByTagName("account").count(), i18n("Loading template %1", m_source.url())); m_accountsRead = 0; while (rc == true && !m_accounts.isNull() && m_accounts.isElement()) { QDomElement childElement = m_accounts.toElement(); if (childElement.tagName() == "account") { ++m_accountsRead; MyMoneyAccount parent; switch (childElement.attribute("type").toUInt()) { case (uint)eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset: parent = file->asset(); break; case (uint)eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability: parent = file->liability(); break; case (uint)eMyMoney::Account::Type::Income: parent = file->income(); break; case (uint)eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense: parent = file->expense(); break; case (uint)eMyMoney::Account::Type::Equity: parent = file->equity(); break; default: KMessageBox::error(KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(), i18n("

Invalid top-level account type %1 in template file %2

", childElement.attribute("type"), m_source.toDisplayString())); rc = false; } if (rc == true) { if (childElement.attribute("name").isEmpty()) rc = createAccounts(parent, childElement.firstChild()); else rc = createAccounts(parent, childElement); } } else { rc = false; } m_accounts = m_accounts.nextSibling(); } /* * Resolve imported vat account assignments * * The template account id of the assigned vat account * is stored temporarly in the account key/value pair * 'UnresolvedVatAccount' and resolved below. */ QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); foreach (MyMoneyAccount acc, accounts) { if (!acc.pairs().contains("UnresolvedVatAccount")) continue; QString id = acc.value("UnresolvedVatAccount"); acc.setValue("VatAccount", m_vatAccountMap[id]); acc.deletePair("UnresolvedVatAccount"); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyAccount(acc); } signalProgress(-1, -1); return rc; } bool MyMoneyTemplate::createAccounts(MyMoneyAccount& parent, QDomNode account) { bool rc = true; while (rc == true && !account.isNull()) { MyMoneyAccount acc; if (account.isElement()) { QDomElement accountElement = account.toElement(); if (accountElement.tagName() == "account") { signalProgress(++m_accountsRead, 0); QList subAccountList; QList::ConstIterator it; it = subAccountList.constEnd(); if (!parent.accountList().isEmpty()) { MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(subAccountList, parent.accountList()); for (it = subAccountList.constBegin(); it != subAccountList.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).name() == accountElement.attribute("name")) { + qWarning() << "account" << (*it).name() << "already present"; acc = *it; QString id = accountElement.attribute("id"); if (!id.isEmpty()) m_vatAccountMap[id] = acc.id(); break; } } } if (it == subAccountList.constEnd()) { // not found, we need to create it acc.setName(accountElement.attribute("name")); acc.setAccountType(static_cast(accountElement.attribute("type").toUInt())); setFlags(acc, account.firstChild()); try { MyMoneyFile::instance()->addAccount(acc, parent); } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { } QString id = accountElement.attribute("id"); if (!id.isEmpty()) m_vatAccountMap[id] = acc.id(); } createAccounts(acc, account.firstChild()); } } account = account.nextSibling(); } return rc; } bool MyMoneyTemplate::setFlags(MyMoneyAccount& acc, QDomNode flags) { bool rc = true; while (rc == true && !flags.isNull()) { if (flags.isElement()) { QDomElement flagElement = flags.toElement(); if (flagElement.tagName() == "flag") { // make sure, we only store flags we know! QString value = flagElement.attribute("name"); if (value == "Tax") { acc.setValue(value, "Yes"); } else if (value == "VatRate") { acc.setValue(value, flagElement.attribute("value")); } else if (value == "VatAccount") { // will be resolved later in importTemplate() acc.setValue("UnresolvedVatAccount", flagElement.attribute("value")); } else if (value == "OpeningBalanceAccount") { acc.setValue("OpeningBalanceAccount", "Yes"); } else { KMessageBox::error(KMyMoneyUtils::mainWindow(), i18n("

Invalid flag type %1 for account %3 in template file %2

", flagElement.attribute("name"), m_source.toDisplayString(), acc.name())); rc = false; } QString currency = flagElement.attribute("currency"); if (!currency.isEmpty()) acc.setCurrencyId(currency); } } flags = flags.nextSibling(); } return rc; } void MyMoneyTemplate::signalProgress(int current, int total, const QString& msg) { if (m_progressCallback != 0) (*m_progressCallback)(current, total, msg); } bool MyMoneyTemplate::exportTemplate(void(*callback)(int, int, const QString&)) { m_progressCallback = callback; // prepare vat account map QList accountList; MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(accountList); int i = 0; QList::Iterator it; for (it = accountList.begin(); it != accountList.end(); ++it) { if (!(*it).pairs().contains("VatAccount")) continue; m_vatAccountMap[(*it).value("VatAccount")] = QString::fromLatin1("%1").arg(i++, 3, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); } m_doc = QDomDocument("KMYMONEY-TEMPLATE"); QDomProcessingInstruction instruct = m_doc.createProcessingInstruction(QString("xml"), QString("version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"")); m_doc.appendChild(instruct); QDomElement mainElement = m_doc.createElement("kmymoney-account-template"); m_doc.appendChild(mainElement); QDomElement title = m_doc.createElement("title"); QDomText t = m_doc.createTextNode(m_title); title.appendChild(t); mainElement.appendChild(title); QDomElement shortDesc = m_doc.createElement("shortdesc"); t = m_doc.createTextNode(m_shortDesc); shortDesc.appendChild(t); mainElement.appendChild(shortDesc); QDomElement longDesc = m_doc.createElement("longdesc"); t = m_doc.createTextNode(m_longDesc); longDesc.appendChild(t); mainElement.appendChild(longDesc); QDomElement accounts = m_doc.createElement("accounts"); mainElement.appendChild(accounts); addAccountStructure(accounts, MyMoneyFile::instance()->asset()); addAccountStructure(accounts, MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense()); addAccountStructure(accounts, MyMoneyFile::instance()->income()); addAccountStructure(accounts, MyMoneyFile::instance()->liability()); addAccountStructure(accounts, MyMoneyFile::instance()->equity()); return true; } const QString& MyMoneyTemplate::title() const { return m_title; } const QString& MyMoneyTemplate::shortDescription() const { return m_shortDesc; } const QString& MyMoneyTemplate::longDescription() const { return m_longDesc; } void MyMoneyTemplate::setTitle(const QString &s) { m_title = s; } void MyMoneyTemplate::setShortDescription(const QString &s) { m_shortDesc = s; } void MyMoneyTemplate::setLongDescription(const QString &s) { m_longDesc = s; } static bool nameLessThan(MyMoneyAccount &a1, MyMoneyAccount &a2) { return a1.name() < a2.name(); } bool MyMoneyTemplate::addAccountStructure(QDomElement& parent, const MyMoneyAccount& acc) { QDomElement account = m_doc.createElement("account"); parent.appendChild(account); if (MyMoneyFile::instance()->isStandardAccount(acc.id())) account.setAttribute(QString("name"), QString()); else account.setAttribute(QString("name"), acc.name()); account.setAttribute(QString("type"), (int)acc.accountType()); if (acc.pairs().contains("Tax")) { QDomElement flag = m_doc.createElement("flag"); flag.setAttribute(QString("name"), "Tax"); flag.setAttribute(QString("value"), acc.value("Tax")); account.appendChild(flag); } if (m_vatAccountMap.contains(acc.id())) account.setAttribute(QString("id"), m_vatAccountMap[acc.id()]); if (acc.pairs().contains("VatRate")) { QDomElement flag = m_doc.createElement("flag"); flag.setAttribute(QString("name"), "VatRate"); flag.setAttribute(QString("value"), acc.value("VatRate")); account.appendChild(flag); } if (acc.pairs().contains("VatAccount")) { QDomElement flag = m_doc.createElement("flag"); flag.setAttribute(QString("name"), "VatAccount"); flag.setAttribute(QString("value"), m_vatAccountMap[acc.value("VatAccount")]); account.appendChild(flag); } if (acc.pairs().contains("OpeningBalanceAccount")) { QString openingBalanceAccount = acc.value("OpeningBalanceAccount"); if (openingBalanceAccount == "Yes") { QDomElement flag = m_doc.createElement("flag"); flag.setAttribute(QString("name"), "OpeningBalanceAccount"); flag.setAttribute(QString("currency"), acc.currencyId()); account.appendChild(flag); } } // any child accounts? if (acc.accountList().count() > 0) { QList list; MyMoneyFile::instance()->accountList(list, acc.accountList(), false); qSort(list.begin(), list.end(), nameLessThan); QList::Iterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { addAccountStructure(account, *it); } } return true; } bool MyMoneyTemplate::saveTemplate(const QUrl &url) { QString filename; if (!url.isValid()) { qDebug("Invalid template URL '%s'", qPrintable(url.url())); return false; } if (url.isLocalFile()) { filename = url.toLocalFile(); QSaveFile qfile(filename/*, 0600*/); if (qfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { saveToLocalFile(&qfile); if (!qfile.commit()) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Unable to write changes to '%1'").arg(filename)); } } else { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Unable to write changes to '%1'").arg(filename)); } } else { QTemporaryFile tmpfile; tmpfile.open(); QSaveFile qfile(tmpfile.fileName()); if (qfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { saveToLocalFile(&qfile); if (!qfile.commit()) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Unable to upload to '%1'").arg(url.toDisplayString())); } } else { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Unable to upload to '%1'").arg(url.toDisplayString())); } int permission = -1; QFile file(tmpfile.fileName()); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); KIO::StoredTransferJob *putjob = KIO::storedPut(file.readAll(), url, permission, KIO::JobFlag::Overwrite); if (!putjob->exec()) { throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Unable to upload to '%1'.
%2").arg(url.toDisplayString(), putjob->errorString())); } file.close(); } return true; } bool MyMoneyTemplate::saveToLocalFile(QSaveFile* qfile) { QTextStream stream(qfile); stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); stream << m_doc.toString(); stream.flush(); return true; } diff --git a/kmymoney/kmymoneyui.rc b/kmymoney/kmymoneyui.rc index 66e6e0c2f..0bc0da327 100644 --- a/kmymoney/kmymoneyui.rc +++ b/kmymoney/kmymoneyui.rc @@ -1,254 +1,255 @@ - + &Import &Export + &Institution &Account &Category &Transaction Mark transaction as... Mark transaction T&ools Account options Category options Institution options Payee options Tag options Investment options Scheduled transactions options Transaction options Move transaction to... Select account Mark transaction as... Mark transaction Credit transfer options Main Toolbar diff --git a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.cpp b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.cpp index 88cfd391f..caa126d54 100644 --- a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.cpp @@ -1,1026 +1,1035 @@ /* * Copyright 2003-2019 Thomas Baumgart * Copyright 2004 Ace Jones * Copyright 2008-2010 Alvaro Soliverez * Copyright 2017-2018 Łukasz Wojniłowicz * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "mymoneytransactionfilter.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneymoney.h" #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include "mymoneysecurity.h" #include "mymoneypayee.h" #include "mymoneytag.h" #include "mymoneytransaction.h" #include "mymoneysplit.h" #include "mymoneyenums.h" class MyMoneyTransactionFilterPrivate { public: MyMoneyTransactionFilterPrivate() : m_reportAllSplits(false) , m_considerCategory(false) + , m_considerCategorySplits(false) , m_matchOnly(false) , m_treatTransfersAsIncomeExpense(false) , m_matchingSplitsCount(0) , m_invertText(false) { m_filterSet.allFilter = 0; } MyMoneyTransactionFilter::FilterSet m_filterSet; bool m_reportAllSplits; bool m_considerCategory; + bool m_considerCategorySplits; bool m_matchOnly; bool m_treatTransfersAsIncomeExpense; uint m_matchingSplitsCount; QRegExp m_text; bool m_invertText; QHash m_accounts; QHash m_payees; QHash m_tags; QHash m_categories; QHash m_states; QHash m_types; QHash m_validity; QString m_fromNr, m_toNr; QDate m_fromDate, m_toDate; MyMoneyMoney m_fromAmount, m_toAmount; }; MyMoneyTransactionFilter::MyMoneyTransactionFilter() : d_ptr(new MyMoneyTransactionFilterPrivate) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_reportAllSplits = true; d->m_considerCategory = true; } MyMoneyTransactionFilter::MyMoneyTransactionFilter(const QString& id) : d_ptr(new MyMoneyTransactionFilterPrivate) { addAccount(id); } MyMoneyTransactionFilter::MyMoneyTransactionFilter(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter& other) : d_ptr(new MyMoneyTransactionFilterPrivate(*other.d_func())) { } MyMoneyTransactionFilter::~MyMoneyTransactionFilter() { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); delete d; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::clear() { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_filterSet.allFilter = 0; d->m_invertText = false; d->m_accounts.clear(); d->m_categories.clear(); d->m_payees.clear(); d->m_tags.clear(); d->m_types.clear(); d->m_states.clear(); d->m_validity.clear(); d->m_fromDate = QDate(); d->m_toDate = QDate(); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::clearAccountFilter() { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.accountFilter = 0; d->m_accounts.clear(); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setTextFilter(const QRegExp& text, bool invert) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.textFilter = 1; d->m_invertText = invert; d->m_text = text; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addAccount(const QStringList& ids) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.accountFilter = 1; for (const auto& id : ids) addAccount(id); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addAccount(const QString& id) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (!d->m_accounts.isEmpty() && !id.isEmpty() && d->m_accounts.contains(id)) return; d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.accountFilter = 1; if (!id.isEmpty()) d->m_accounts.insert(id, QString()); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addCategory(const QStringList& ids) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.categoryFilter = 1; for (const auto& id : ids) addCategory(id); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addCategory(const QString& id) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (!d->m_categories.isEmpty() && !id.isEmpty() && d->m_categories.contains(id)) return; d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.categoryFilter = 1; if (!id.isEmpty()) d->m_categories.insert(id, QString()); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setDateFilter(const QDate& from, const QDate& to) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.dateFilter = from.isValid() | to.isValid(); d->m_fromDate = from; d->m_toDate = to; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setAmountFilter(const MyMoneyMoney& from, const MyMoneyMoney& to) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.amountFilter = 1; d->m_fromAmount = from.abs(); d->m_toAmount = to.abs(); // make sure that the user does not try to fool us ;-) if (from > to) std::swap(d->m_fromAmount, d->m_toAmount); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addPayee(const QString& id) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (!d->m_payees.isEmpty() && !id.isEmpty() && d->m_payees.contains(id)) return; d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.payeeFilter = 1; if (!id.isEmpty()) d->m_payees.insert(id, QString()); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addTag(const QString& id) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (!d->m_tags.isEmpty() && !id.isEmpty() && d->m_tags.contains(id)) return; d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.tagFilter = 1; if (!id.isEmpty()) d->m_tags.insert(id, QString()); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addType(const int type) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (!d->m_types.isEmpty() && d->m_types.contains(type)) return; d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.typeFilter = 1; d->m_types.insert(type, QString()); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addState(const int state) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (!d->m_states.isEmpty() && d->m_states.contains(state)) return; d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.stateFilter = 1; d->m_states.insert(state, QString()); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::addValidity(const int type) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (!d->m_validity.isEmpty() && d->m_validity.contains(type)) return; d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.validityFilter = 1; d->m_validity.insert(type, QString()); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setNumberFilter(const QString& from, const QString& to) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.nrFilter = 1; d->m_fromNr = from; d->m_toNr = to; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setReportAllSplits(const bool report) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_reportAllSplits = report; } +void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setConsiderCategorySplits(const bool check) +{ + Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); + d->m_considerCategorySplits = check; +} + void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setConsiderCategory(const bool check) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_considerCategory = check; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setTreatTransfersAsIncomeExpense(const bool check) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_treatTransfersAsIncomeExpense = check; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::treatTransfersAsIncomeExpense() const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return d->m_treatTransfersAsIncomeExpense; } uint MyMoneyTransactionFilter::matchingSplitsCount(const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_matchOnly = true; matchingSplits(transaction); d->m_matchOnly = false; return d->m_matchingSplitsCount; } QVector MyMoneyTransactionFilter::matchingSplits(const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); QVector matchingSplits; const auto file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // qDebug("T: %s", transaction.id().data()); // if no filter is set, we can safely return a match // if we should report all splits, then we collect them if (!d->m_filterSet.allFilter && d->m_reportAllSplits) { d->m_matchingSplitsCount = transaction.splitCount(); if (!d->m_matchOnly) matchingSplits = QVector::fromList(transaction.splits()); return matchingSplits; } d->m_matchingSplitsCount = 0; const auto filter = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter; // perform checks on the MyMoneyTransaction object first // check the date range if (filter.dateFilter) { if ((d->m_fromDate != QDate() && transaction.postDate() < d->m_fromDate) || (d->m_toDate != QDate() && transaction.postDate() > d->m_toDate)) { return matchingSplits; } } auto categoryMatched = !filter.categoryFilter; auto accountMatched = !filter.accountFilter; auto isTransfer = true; // check the transaction's validity if (filter.validityFilter) { if (!d->m_validity.isEmpty() && !d->m_validity.contains((int)validTransaction(transaction))) return matchingSplits; } // if d->m_reportAllSplits == false.. // ...then we don't need splits... // ...but we need to know if there were any found auto isMatchingSplitsEmpty = true; auto extendedFilter = d->m_filterSet; extendedFilter.singleFilter.dateFilter = 0; extendedFilter.singleFilter.accountFilter = 0; extendedFilter.singleFilter.categoryFilter = 0; if (filter.accountFilter || filter.categoryFilter || extendedFilter.allFilter) { const auto& splits = transaction.splits(); for (const auto& s : splits) { if (filter.accountFilter || filter.categoryFilter) { auto removeSplit = true; if (d->m_considerCategory) { switch (file->account(s.accountId()).accountGroup()) { case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Income: case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense: isTransfer = false; // check if the split references one of the categories in the list if (filter.categoryFilter) { if (d->m_categories.isEmpty()) { // we're looking for transactions with 'no' categories d->m_matchingSplitsCount = 0; matchingSplits.clear(); return matchingSplits; } else if (d->m_categories.contains(s.accountId())) { categoryMatched = true; removeSplit = false; } } break; default: // check if the split references one of the accounts in the list if (!filter.accountFilter) { removeSplit = false; } else if (!d->m_accounts.isEmpty() && d->m_accounts.contains(s.accountId())) { accountMatched = true; removeSplit = false; } break; } } else { if (!filter.accountFilter) { removeSplit = false; } else if (!d->m_accounts.isEmpty() && d->m_accounts.contains(s.accountId())) { accountMatched = true; removeSplit = false; } } if (removeSplit) continue; } // check if less frequent filters are active if (extendedFilter.allFilter) { const auto acc = file->account(s.accountId()); if (!(matchAmount(s) && matchText(s, acc))) continue; // Determine if this account is a category or an account auto isCategory = false; switch (acc.accountGroup()) { case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Income: case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense: isCategory = true; default: break; } - if (!isCategory) { + bool includeSplit = d->m_considerCategorySplits || (!d->m_considerCategorySplits && !isCategory); + if (includeSplit) { // check the payee list if (filter.payeeFilter) { if (!d->m_payees.isEmpty()) { if (s.payeeId().isEmpty() || !d->m_payees.contains(s.payeeId())) continue; } else if (!s.payeeId().isEmpty()) continue; } // check the tag list if (filter.tagFilter) { const auto tags = s.tagIdList(); if (!d->m_tags.isEmpty()) { if (tags.isEmpty()) { continue; } else { auto found = false; for (const auto& tag : tags) { if (d->m_tags.contains(tag)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) continue; } } else if (!tags.isEmpty()) continue; } // check the type list if (filter.typeFilter && !d->m_types.isEmpty() && !d->m_types.contains(splitType(transaction, s, acc))) continue; // check the state list if (filter.stateFilter && !d->m_states.isEmpty() && !d->m_states.contains(splitState(s))) continue; if (filter.nrFilter && ((!d->m_fromNr.isEmpty() && s.number() < d->m_fromNr) || (!d->m_toNr.isEmpty() && s.number() > d->m_toNr))) continue; } else if (filter.payeeFilter || filter.tagFilter || filter.typeFilter || filter.stateFilter || filter.nrFilter) { continue; } } if (d->m_reportAllSplits) matchingSplits.append(s); isMatchingSplitsEmpty = false; } } else if (d->m_reportAllSplits) { const auto& splits = transaction.splits(); for (const auto& s : splits) matchingSplits.append(s); d->m_matchingSplitsCount = matchingSplits.count(); return matchingSplits; } else if (transaction.splitCount() > 0) { isMatchingSplitsEmpty = false; } // check if we're looking for transactions without assigned category if (!categoryMatched && transaction.splitCount() == 1 && d->m_categories.isEmpty()) categoryMatched = true; // if there's no category filter and the category did not // match, then we still want to see this transaction if it's // a transfer if (!categoryMatched && !filter.categoryFilter) categoryMatched = isTransfer; if (isMatchingSplitsEmpty || !(accountMatched && categoryMatched)) { d->m_matchingSplitsCount = 0; return matchingSplits; } if (!d->m_reportAllSplits && !isMatchingSplitsEmpty) { d->m_matchingSplitsCount = 1; if (!d->m_matchOnly) matchingSplits.append(transaction.firstSplit()); } else { d->m_matchingSplitsCount = matchingSplits.count(); } // all filters passed, I guess we have a match // qDebug(" C: %d", m_matchingSplits.count()); return matchingSplits; } QDate MyMoneyTransactionFilter::fromDate() const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return d->m_fromDate; } QDate MyMoneyTransactionFilter::toDate() const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return d->m_toDate; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::matchText(const MyMoneySplit& s, const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); // check if the text is contained in one of the fields // memo, value, number, payee, tag, account if (d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.textFilter) { const auto file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); const auto sec = file->security(acc.currencyId()); if (s.memo().contains(d->m_text) || s.shares().formatMoney(acc.fraction(sec)).contains(d->m_text) || s.value().formatMoney(acc.fraction(sec)).contains(d->m_text) || s.number().contains(d->m_text) || (d->m_text.pattern().compare(s.transactionId())) == 0) return !d->m_invertText; if (acc.name().contains(d->m_text)) return !d->m_invertText; if (!s.payeeId().isEmpty() && file->payee(s.payeeId()).name().contains(d->m_text)) return !d->m_invertText; const auto& tagIdList = s.tagIdList(); for (const auto& tag : tagIdList) if (file->tag(tag).name().contains(d->m_text)) return !d->m_invertText; return d->m_invertText; } return true; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::matchAmount(const MyMoneySplit& s) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.amountFilter) { const auto value = s.value().abs(); const auto shares = s.shares().abs(); if ((value < d->m_fromAmount || value > d->m_toAmount) && (shares < d->m_fromAmount || shares > d->m_toAmount)) return false; } return true; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::match(const MyMoneySplit& s) const { const auto& acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(s.accountId()); return matchText(s, acc) && matchAmount(s); } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::match(const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); d->m_matchOnly = true; matchingSplits(transaction); d->m_matchOnly = false; return d->m_matchingSplitsCount > 0; } int MyMoneyTransactionFilter::splitState(const MyMoneySplit& split) const { switch (split.reconcileFlag()) { default: case eMyMoney::Split::State::NotReconciled: return (int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::NotReconciled; case eMyMoney::Split::State::Cleared: return (int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Cleared; case eMyMoney::Split::State::Reconciled: return (int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Reconciled; case eMyMoney::Split::State::Frozen: return (int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Frozen; } } int MyMoneyTransactionFilter::splitType(const MyMoneyTransaction& t, const MyMoneySplit& split, const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (acc.isIncomeExpense()) return (int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Type::All; if (t.splitCount() == 2 && !d->m_treatTransfersAsIncomeExpense) { const auto& splits = t.splits(); const auto file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); const auto& a = splits.at(0).id().compare(split.id()) == 0 ? acc : file->account(splits.at(0).accountId()); const auto& b = splits.at(1).id().compare(split.id()) == 0 ? acc : file->account(splits.at(1).accountId()); if (!a.isIncomeExpense() && !b.isIncomeExpense()) return (int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Type::Transfers; } if (split.value().isPositive()) return (int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Type::Deposits; return (int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Type::Payments; } eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Validity MyMoneyTransactionFilter::validTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& t) const { MyMoneyMoney val; const auto& splits = t.splits(); for (const auto& split : splits) val += split.value(); return (val == MyMoneyMoney()) ? eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Validity::Valid : eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Validity::Invalid; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::includesCategory(const QString& cat) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return !d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.categoryFilter || d->m_categories.contains(cat); } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::includesAccount(const QString& acc) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return !d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.accountFilter || d->m_accounts.contains(acc); } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::includesPayee(const QString& pye) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return !d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.payeeFilter || d->m_payees.contains(pye); } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::includesTag(const QString& tag) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return !d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.tagFilter || d->m_tags.contains(tag); } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::dateFilter(QDate& from, QDate& to) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); from = d->m_fromDate; to = d->m_toDate; return d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.dateFilter == 1; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::amountFilter(MyMoneyMoney& from, MyMoneyMoney& to) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); from = d->m_fromAmount; to = d->m_toAmount; return d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.amountFilter == 1; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::numberFilter(QString& from, QString& to) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); from = d->m_fromNr; to = d->m_toNr; return d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.nrFilter == 1; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::payees(QStringList& list) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.payeeFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_payee(d->m_payees); while (it_payee.hasNext()) { it_payee.next(); list += it_payee.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::tags(QStringList& list) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.tagFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_tag(d->m_tags); while (it_tag.hasNext()) { it_tag.next(); list += it_tag.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::accounts(QStringList& list) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.accountFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_account(d->m_accounts); while (it_account.hasNext()) { it_account.next(); QString account = it_account.key(); list += account; } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::categories(QStringList& list) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.categoryFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_category(d->m_categories); while (it_category.hasNext()) { it_category.next(); list += it_category.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::types(QList& list) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.typeFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_type(d->m_types); while (it_type.hasNext()) { it_type.next(); list += it_type.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::states(QList& list) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.stateFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_state(d->m_states); while (it_state.hasNext()) { it_state.next(); list += it_state.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::validities(QList& list) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.validityFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_validity(d->m_validity); while (it_validity.hasNext()) { it_validity.next(); list += it_validity.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::firstType(int&i) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.typeFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_type(d->m_types); if (it_type.hasNext()) { it_type.next(); i = it_type.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::firstState(int&i) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.stateFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_state(d->m_states); if (it_state.hasNext()) { it_state.next(); i = it_state.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::firstValidity(int&i) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); auto result = d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.validityFilter; if (result) { QHashIterator it_validity(d->m_validity); if (it_validity.hasNext()) { it_validity.next(); i = it_validity.key(); } } return result; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::textFilter(QRegExp& exp) const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); exp = d->m_text; return d->m_filterSet.singleFilter.textFilter == 1; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::isInvertingText() const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return d->m_invertText; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setDateFilter(eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date range) { QDate from, to; if (translateDateRange(range, from, to)) setDateFilter(from, to); } static int fiscalYearStartMonth = 1; static int fiscalYearStartDay = 1; void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::setFiscalYearStart(int firstMonth, int firstDay) { fiscalYearStartMonth = firstMonth; fiscalYearStartDay = firstDay; } bool MyMoneyTransactionFilter::translateDateRange(eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date id, QDate& start, QDate& end) { bool rc = true; int yr = QDate::currentDate().year(); int mon = QDate::currentDate().month(); switch (id) { case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::All: start = QDate(); end = QDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::AsOfToday: start = QDate(); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::CurrentMonth: start = QDate(yr, mon, 1); end = QDate(yr, mon, 1).addMonths(1).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::CurrentYear: start = QDate(yr, 1, 1); end = QDate(yr, 12, 31); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::MonthToDate: start = QDate(yr, mon, 1); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::YearToDate: start = QDate(yr, 1, 1); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::YearToMonth: start = QDate(yr, 1, 1); end = QDate(yr, mon, 1).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::LastMonth: start = QDate(yr, mon, 1).addMonths(-1); end = QDate(yr, mon, 1).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::LastYear: start = QDate(yr, 1, 1).addYears(-1); end = QDate(yr, 12, 31).addYears(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Last7Days: start = QDate::currentDate().addDays(-7); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Last30Days: start = QDate::currentDate().addDays(-30); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Last3Months: start = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(-3); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Last6Months: start = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(-6); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Last11Months: start = QDate(yr, mon, 1).addMonths(-12); end = QDate(yr, mon, 1).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Last12Months: start = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(-12); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Next7Days: start = QDate::currentDate(); end = QDate::currentDate().addDays(7); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Next30Days: start = QDate::currentDate(); end = QDate::currentDate().addDays(30); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Next3Months: start = QDate::currentDate(); end = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(3); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Next6Months: start = QDate::currentDate(); end = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(6); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Next12Months: start = QDate::currentDate(); end = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(12); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Next18Months: start = QDate::currentDate(); end = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(18); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::UserDefined: start = QDate(); end = QDate(); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Last3ToNext3Months: start = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(-3); end = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(3); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::CurrentQuarter: start = QDate(yr, mon - ((mon - 1) % 3), 1); end = start.addMonths(3).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::LastQuarter: start = QDate(yr, mon - ((mon - 1) % 3), 1).addMonths(-3); end = start.addMonths(3).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::NextQuarter: start = QDate(yr, mon - ((mon - 1) % 3), 1).addMonths(3); end = start.addMonths(3).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::CurrentFiscalYear: start = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), fiscalYearStartMonth, fiscalYearStartDay); if (QDate::currentDate() < start) start = start.addYears(-1); end = start.addYears(1).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::LastFiscalYear: start = QDate(QDate::currentDate().year(), fiscalYearStartMonth, fiscalYearStartDay); if (QDate::currentDate() < start) start = start.addYears(-1); start = start.addYears(-1); end = start.addYears(1).addDays(-1); break; case eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date::Today: start = QDate::currentDate(); end = QDate::currentDate(); break; default: qWarning("Unknown date identifier %d in MyMoneyTransactionFilter::translateDateRange()", (int)id); rc = false; break; } return rc; } MyMoneyTransactionFilter::FilterSet MyMoneyTransactionFilter::filterSet() const { Q_D(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter); return d->m_filterSet; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilter::removeReference(const QString& id) { Q_D(MyMoneyTransactionFilter); if (d->m_accounts.end() != d->m_accounts.find(id)) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(QString("Remove account '%1' from report").arg(id))); d->m_accounts.take(id); } else if (d->m_categories.end() != d->m_categories.find(id)) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(QString("Remove category '%1' from report").arg(id))); d->m_categories.remove(id); } else if (d->m_payees.end() != d->m_payees.find(id)) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(QString("Remove payee '%1' from report").arg(id))); d->m_payees.remove(id); } else if (d->m_tags.end() != d->m_tags.find(id)) { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(QString("Remove tag '%1' from report").arg(id))); d->m_tags.remove(id); } } diff --git a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.h b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.h index a967a429d..2acd6b293 100644 --- a/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.h +++ b/kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.h @@ -1,585 +1,604 @@ /* * Copyright 2003-2019 Thomas Baumgart * Copyright 2004 Ace Jones * Copyright 2008-2010 Alvaro Soliverez * Copyright 2017-2018 Łukasz Wojniłowicz * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef MYMONEYTRANSACTIONFILTER_H #define MYMONEYTRANSACTIONFILTER_H #include "kmm_mymoney_export.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes class QString; class QDate; template class QList; class MyMoneyMoney; class MyMoneySplit; class MyMoneyAccount; namespace eMyMoney { namespace TransactionFilter { enum class Date; enum class Validity; } } /** * @author Thomas Baumgart * @author Łukasz Wojniłowicz */ class MyMoneyTransaction; class MyMoneyTransactionFilterPrivate; class KMM_MYMONEY_EXPORT MyMoneyTransactionFilter { Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(MyMoneyTransactionFilter) protected: MyMoneyTransactionFilterPrivate* d_ptr; // name shouldn't colide with the one in mymoneyreport.h public: typedef union { unsigned allFilter; struct { unsigned textFilter : 1; unsigned accountFilter : 1; unsigned payeeFilter : 1; unsigned tagFilter : 1; unsigned categoryFilter : 1; unsigned nrFilter : 1; unsigned dateFilter : 1; unsigned amountFilter : 1; unsigned typeFilter : 1; unsigned stateFilter : 1; unsigned validityFilter : 1; } singleFilter; } FilterSet; /** * This is the standard constructor for a transaction filter. * It creates the object and calls setReportAllSplits() to * report all matching splits as separate entries. Use * setReportAllSplits() to override this behaviour. */ MyMoneyTransactionFilter(); /** * This is a convenience constructor to allow construction of * a simple account filter. It is basically the same as the * following: * * @code * : * MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; * filter.setReportAllSplits(false); * filter.addAccount(id); * : * @endcode * * @param id reference to account id */ explicit MyMoneyTransactionFilter(const QString& id); MyMoneyTransactionFilter(const MyMoneyTransactionFilter & other); MyMoneyTransactionFilter(MyMoneyTransactionFilter && other); MyMoneyTransactionFilter & operator=(MyMoneyTransactionFilter other); friend void swap(MyMoneyTransactionFilter& first, MyMoneyTransactionFilter& second); virtual ~MyMoneyTransactionFilter(); /** * This method is used to clear the filter. All settings will be * removed. */ void clear(); /** * This method is used to clear the accounts filter only. */ void clearAccountFilter(); /** * This method is used to set the regular expression filter to the value specified * as parameter @p exp. The following text based fields are searched: * * - Memo * - Payee * - Tag * - Category * - Shares / Value * - Number * * @param exp The regular expression that must be found in a transaction * before it is included in the result set. * @param invert If true, value must not be contained in any of the above mentioned fields * */ void setTextFilter(const QRegExp& exp, bool invert = false); /** * This method will add the account with id @p id to the list of matching accounts. * If the list is empty, any transaction will match. * * @param id internal ID of the account */ void addAccount(const QString& id); /** * This is a convenience method and behaves exactly like the above * method but for a list of id's. */ void addAccount(const QStringList& ids); /** * This method will add the category with id @p id to the list of matching categories. * If the list is empty, only transaction with a single asset/liability account will match. * * @param id internal ID of the account */ void addCategory(const QString& id); /** * This is a convenience method and behaves exactly like the above * method but for a list of id's. */ void addCategory(const QStringList& ids); /** * This method sets the date filter to match only transactions with posting dates in * the date range specified by @p from and @p to. If @p from equal QDate() * all transactions with dates prior to @p to match. If @p to equals QDate() * all transactions with posting dates past @p from match. If @p from and @p to * are equal QDate() the filter is not activated and all transactions match. * * @param from from date * @param to to date */ void setDateFilter(const QDate& from, const QDate& to); void setDateFilter(eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date range); /** * This method sets the amount filter to match only transactions with * an amount in the range specified by @p from and @p to. * If a specific amount should be searched, @p from and @p to should be * the same value. * * @param from smallest value to match * @param to largest value to match */ void setAmountFilter(const MyMoneyMoney& from, const MyMoneyMoney& to); /** * This method will add the payee with id @p id to the list of matching payees. * If the list is empty, any transaction will match. * * @param id internal id of the payee */ void addPayee(const QString& id); /** * This method will add the tag with id @ta id to the list of matching tags. * If the list is empty, any transaction will match. * * @param id internal id of the tag */ void addTag(const QString& id); /** */ void addType(const int type); /** */ void addValidity(const int type); /** */ void addState(const int state); /** * This method sets the number filter to match only transactions with * a number in the range specified by @p from and @p to. * If a specific number should be searched, @p from and @p to should be * the same value. * * @param from smallest value to match * @param to largest value to match * * @note @p from and @p to can contain alphanumeric text */ void setNumberFilter(const QString& from, const QString& to); /** * This method is used to check a specific transaction against the filter. * The transaction will match the whole filter, if all specified filters * match. If the filter is cleared using the clear() method, any transaction * matches. Matching splits from the transaction are returned by @ref * matchingSplits(). * * @param transaction A transaction * * @retval true The transaction matches the filter set * @retval false The transaction does not match at least one of * the filters in the filter set */ bool match(const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction); /** * This method is used to check a specific split against the * text filter. The split will match if all specified and * checked filters match. If the filter is cleared using the clear() * method, any split matches. * * @param sp pointer to the split to be checked * * @retval true The split matches the filter set * @retval false The split does not match at least one of * the filters in the filter set */ bool matchText(const MyMoneySplit& s, const MyMoneyAccount &acc) const; /** * This method is used to check a specific split against the * amount filter. The split will match if all specified and * checked filters match. If the filter is cleared using the clear() * method, any split matches. * * @param sp const reference to the split to be checked * * @retval true The split matches the filter set * @retval false The split does not match at least one of * the filters in the filter set */ bool matchAmount(const MyMoneySplit& s) const; /** * Convenience method which actually returns matchText(sp) && matchAmount(sp). */ bool match(const MyMoneySplit& s) const; /** * This method is used to switch the amount of splits reported * by matchingSplits(). If the argument @p report is @p true (the default * if no argument specified) then matchingSplits() will return all * matching splits of the transaction. If @p report is set to @p false, * then only the very first matching split will be returned by * matchingSplits(). * * @param report controls the behaviour of matchingsSplits() as explained above. */ void setReportAllSplits(const bool report = true); + /** + * Consider splits in categories + * + * With this setting, splits in categories that are not considered + * by default are taken into account. + * + * @param check check state + */ + void setConsiderCategorySplits(const bool check = true); + + /** + * Consider income and expense categories + * + * If the account or category filter is enabled, categories of + * income and expense type are included if enabled with this + * method. + * + * @param check check state + */ void setConsiderCategory(const bool check = true); void setTreatTransfersAsIncomeExpense(const bool check = true); /** * This method is to avoid returning matching splits list * if only its count is needed * @return count of matching splits */ uint matchingSplitsCount(const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction); /** * This method returns a list of the matching splits for the filter. * If m_reportAllSplits is set to false, then only the very first * split will be returned. Use setReportAllSplits() to change the * behaviour. * * @return reference list of MyMoneySplit objects containing the * matching splits. If multiple splits match, only the first * one will be returned. * * @note an empty list will be returned, if the filter only required * to check the data contained in the MyMoneyTransaction * object (e.g. posting-date, state, etc.). * * @note The constructors set m_reportAllSplits differently. Please * see the documentation of the constructors MyMoneyTransactionFilter() * and MyMoneyTransactionFilter(const QString&) for details. */ QVector matchingSplits(const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction); /** * This method returns the from date set in the filter. If * no value has been set up for this filter, then QDate() is * returned. * * @return returns m_fromDate */ QDate fromDate() const; /** * This method returns the to date set in the filter. If * no value has been set up for this filter, then QDate() is * returned. * * @return returns m_toDate */ QDate toDate() const; /** * This method is used to return information about the * presence of a specific category in the category filter. * The category in question is included in the filter set, * if it has been set or no category filter is set. * * @param cat id of category in question * @return true if category is in filter set, false otherwise */ bool includesCategory(const QString& cat) const; /** * This method is used to return information about the * presence of a specific account in the account filter. * The account in question is included in the filter set, * if it has been set or no account filter is set. * * @param acc id of account in question * @return true if account is in filter set, false otherwise */ bool includesAccount(const QString& acc) const; /** * This method is used to return information about the * presence of a specific payee in the account filter. * The payee in question is included in the filter set, * if it has been set or no account filter is set. * * @param pye id of payee in question * @return true if payee is in filter set, false otherwise */ bool includesPayee(const QString& pye) const; /** * This method is used to return information about the * presence of a specific tag in the account filter. * The tag in question is included in the filter set, * if it has been set or no account filter is set. * * @param tag id of tag in question * @return true if tag is in filter set, false otherwise */ bool includesTag(const QString& tag) const; /** * This method is used to return information about the * presence of a date filter. * * @param from result value for the beginning of the date range * @param to result value for the end of the date range * @return true if a date filter is set */ bool dateFilter(QDate& from, QDate& to) const; /** * This method is used to return information about the * presence of an amount filter. * * @param from result value for the low end of the amount range * @param to result value for the high end of the amount range * @return true if an amount filter is set */ bool amountFilter(MyMoneyMoney& from, MyMoneyMoney& to) const; /** * This method is used to return information about the * presence of an number filter. * * @param from result value for the low end of the number range * @param to result value for the high end of the number range * @return true if a number filter is set */ bool numberFilter(QString& from, QString& to) const; /** * This method returns whether a payee filter has been set, * and if so, it returns all the payees set in the filter. * * @param list list to append payees into * @return return true if a payee filter has been set */ bool payees(QStringList& list) const; /** * This method returns whether a tag filter has been set, * and if so, it returns all the tags set in the filter. * * @param list list to append tags into * @return return true if a tag filter has been set */ bool tags(QStringList& list) const; /** * This method returns whether an account filter has been set, * and if so, it returns all the accounts set in the filter. * * @param list list to append accounts into * @return return true if an account filter has been set */ bool accounts(QStringList& list) const; /** * This method returns whether a category filter has been set, * and if so, it returns all the categories set in the filter. * * @param list list to append categories into * @return return true if a category filter has been set */ bool categories(QStringList& list) const; /** * This method returns whether a type filter has been set, * and if so, it returns the first type in the filter. * * @param i int to replace with first type filter, untouched otherwise * @return return true if a type filter has been set */ bool firstType(int& i) const; bool types(QList& list) const; /** * This method returns whether a state filter has been set, * and if so, it returns the first state in the filter. * * @param i reference to int to replace with first state filter, untouched otherwise * @return return true if a state filter has been set */ bool firstState(int& i) const; bool states(QList& list) const; /** * This method returns whether a validity filter has been set, * and if so, it returns the first validity in the filter. * * @param i reference to int to replace with first validity filter, untouched otherwise * @return return true if a validity filter has been set */ bool firstValidity(int& i) const; bool validities(QList& list) const; /** * This method returns whether a text filter has been set, * and if so, it returns the text filter. * * @param text regexp to replace with text filter, or blank if none set * @return return true if a text filter has been set */ bool textFilter(QRegExp& text) const; /** * This method returns whether the text filter should return * that DO NOT contain the text */ bool isInvertingText() const; /** * This method returns whether transfers should be treated as * income/expense transactions or not */ bool treatTransfersAsIncomeExpense() const; /** * This method translates a plain-language date range into QDate * start & end * * @param range Plain-language range of dates, e.g. 'CurrentYear' * @param start QDate will be set to corresponding to the first date in @p range * @param end QDate will be set to corresponding to the last date in @p range * @return return true if a range was successfully set, or false if @p range was invalid */ static bool translateDateRange(eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Date range, QDate& start, QDate& end); static void setFiscalYearStart(int firstMonth, int firstDay); FilterSet filterSet() const; /** * This member removes all references to object identified by @p id. Used * to remove objects which are about to be removed from the engine. */ void removeReference(const QString& id); private: /** * This is a conversion tool from eMyMoney::Split::State * to MyMoneyTransactionFilter::stateE types * * @param split reference to split in question * * @return converted reconcile flag of the split passed as parameter */ int splitState(const MyMoneySplit& split) const; /** * This is a conversion tool from MyMoneySplit::action * to MyMoneyTransactionFilter::typeE types * * @param t reference to transaction * @param split reference to split in question * * @return converted action of the split passed as parameter */ int splitType(const MyMoneyTransaction& t, const MyMoneySplit& split, const MyMoneyAccount &acc) const; /** * This method checks if a transaction is valid or not. A transaction * is considered valid, if the sum of all splits is zero, invalid otherwise. * * @param transaction reference to transaction to be checked * @retval valid transaction is valid * @retval invalid transaction is invalid */ eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Validity validTransaction(const MyMoneyTransaction& transaction) const; }; inline void swap(MyMoneyTransactionFilter& first, MyMoneyTransactionFilter& second) // krazy:exclude=inline { using std::swap; swap(first.d_ptr, second.d_ptr); } inline MyMoneyTransactionFilter::MyMoneyTransactionFilter(MyMoneyTransactionFilter && other) : MyMoneyTransactionFilter() // krazy:exclude=inline { swap(*this, other); } inline MyMoneyTransactionFilter & MyMoneyTransactionFilter::operator=(MyMoneyTransactionFilter other) // krazy:exclude=inline { swap(*this, other); return *this; } /** * Make it possible to hold @ref MyMoneyTransactionFilter objects inside @ref QVariant objects. */ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(MyMoneyTransactionFilter) #endif diff --git a/kmymoney/mymoney/tests/mymoneytransactionfilter-test.cpp b/kmymoney/mymoney/tests/mymoneytransactionfilter-test.cpp index 228b6f1b6..09d0eff9c 100644 --- a/kmymoney/mymoney/tests/mymoneytransactionfilter-test.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/mymoney/tests/mymoneytransactionfilter-test.cpp @@ -1,791 +1,794 @@ /* * Copyright 2018 Ralf Habacker * Copyright 2018 Thomas Baumgart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "mymoneytransactionfilter-test.h" #include #include "mymoneyenums.h" #include "mymoneytransactionfilter.h" #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneystoragemgr.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include "mymoneypayee.h" #include "mymoneysecurity.h" #include "mymoneytag.h" #include "mymoneytransaction.h" #include "mymoneysplit.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" // uses helper functions from reports tests #include "tests/testutilities.h" using namespace test; QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest) MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest() : storage(nullptr) , file(nullptr) { } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::init() { storage = new MyMoneyStorageMgr; file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); file->attachStorage(storage); MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; file->addCurrency(MyMoneySecurity("USD", "US Dollar", "$")); file->setBaseCurrency(file->currency("USD")); MyMoneyPayee payeeTest("Payee 10.2"); file->addPayee(payeeTest); payeeId = payeeTest.id(); MyMoneyTag tag("Tag 10.2"); file->addTag(tag); tagIdList << tag.id(); QString acAsset = MyMoneyFile::instance()->asset().id(); QString acExpense = (MyMoneyFile::instance()->expense().id()); QString acIncome = (MyMoneyFile::instance()->income().id()); acCheckingId = makeAccount("Account 10.2", eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings, MyMoneyMoney(0.0), QDate(2004, 1, 1), acAsset); acExpenseId = makeAccount("Expense", eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense, MyMoneyMoney(), QDate(2004, 1, 11), acExpense); acIncomeId = makeAccount("Expense", eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense, MyMoneyMoney(), QDate(2004, 1, 11), acIncome); ft.commit(); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::cleanup() { file->detachStorage(storage); delete storage; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchAmount() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.20)); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; QCOMPARE(filter.matchAmount(split), true); filter.setAmountFilter(MyMoneyMoney("123.0"), MyMoneyMoney("124.0")); QCOMPARE(filter.matchAmount(split), true); filter.setAmountFilter(MyMoneyMoney("120.0"), MyMoneyMoney("123.0")); QCOMPARE(filter.matchAmount(split), false); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchText() { MyMoneySplit split; MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; MyMoneyAccount account = file->account(acCheckingId); // no filter QCOMPARE(filter.matchText(split, account), true); filter.setTextFilter(QRegExp("10.2"), false); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filterInvert; filterInvert.setTextFilter(QRegExp("10.2"), true); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filterNotFound; filterNotFound.setTextFilter(QRegExp("10.5"), false); // memo split.setMemo("10.2"); QCOMPARE(filter.matchText(split, account), true); QCOMPARE(filterInvert.matchText(split, account), false); QCOMPARE(filterNotFound.matchText(split, account), false); split.setMemo(QString()); // payee split.setPayeeId(payeeId); QCOMPARE(filter.matchText(split, account), true); QCOMPARE(filterInvert.matchText(split, account), false); QCOMPARE(filterNotFound.matchText(split, account), false); split.setPayeeId(QString()); // tag split.setTagIdList(tagIdList); QCOMPARE(filter.matchText(split, account), true); QCOMPARE(filterInvert.matchText(split, account), false); QCOMPARE(filterNotFound.matchText(split, account), false); split.setTagIdList(QStringList()); // value split.setValue(MyMoneyMoney("10.2")); QCOMPARE(filter.matchText(split, account), true); QCOMPARE(filterInvert.matchText(split, account), false); QCOMPARE(filterNotFound.matchText(split, account), false); split.setValue(MyMoneyMoney()); // number split.setNumber("10.2"); QCOMPARE(filter.matchText(split, account), true); QCOMPARE(filterInvert.matchText(split, account), false); QCOMPARE(filterNotFound.matchText(split, account), false); split.setNumber("0.0"); // transaction id split.setTransactionId("10.2"); QCOMPARE(filter.matchText(split, account), true); QCOMPARE(filterInvert.matchText(split, account), false); QCOMPARE(filterNotFound.matchText(split, account), false); split.setTransactionId("0.0"); // account split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); QCOMPARE(filter.matchText(split, account), true); QCOMPARE(filterInvert.matchText(split, account), false); QCOMPARE(filterNotFound.matchText(split, account), false); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchSplit() { qDebug() << "returns matchText() || matchAmount(), which are already tested"; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionAll() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split2.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionAccount() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split2.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.addAccount(acCheckingId); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); filter.setConsiderCategory(false); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); filter.setConsiderCategory(false); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); filter.setConsiderCategory(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); filter.setConsiderCategory(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.clear(); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionCategory() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split2.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.addCategory(acExpenseId); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); filter.setConsiderCategory(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); filter.setConsiderCategory(false); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction)); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionDate() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split2.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(true); filter.setDateFilter(QDate(2014, 1, 1), QDate(2014, 1, 3)); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.setDateFilter(QDate(2014, 1, 3), QDate(2014, 1, 5)); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction)); } void setupTransactionForNumber(MyMoneyTransaction &transaction, const QString &accountId) { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(accountId); split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); split.setNumber("1"); split.setMemo("1"); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(accountId); split2.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(1.00)); split2.setNumber("2"); split2.setMemo("2"); MyMoneySplit split3; split3.setAccountId(accountId); split3.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(100.00)); split3.setNumber("3"); split3.setMemo("3"); MyMoneySplit split4; split4.setAccountId(accountId); split4.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(22.00)); split4.setNumber("4"); split4.setMemo("4"); transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); transaction.addSplit(split3); transaction.addSplit(split4); } void runtTestMatchTransactionNumber(MyMoneyTransaction &transaction, MyMoneyTransactionFilter &filter) { // return all matching splits filter.setReportAllSplits(true); filter.setNumberFilter("", ""); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 4); filter.setNumberFilter("1", ""); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 4); filter.setNumberFilter("", "4"); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 4); filter.setNumberFilter("1", "4"); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 4); filter.setNumberFilter("1", "2"); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); // do not return all matching splits filter.setReportAllSplits(false); filter.setNumberFilter("1", "4"); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.setNumberFilter("1", "2"); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionNumber() { MyMoneyTransaction transaction; setupTransactionForNumber(transaction, acCheckingId); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; runtTestMatchTransactionNumber(transaction, filter); transaction.clear(); setupTransactionForNumber(transaction, acExpenseId); filter.clear(); runtTestMatchTransactionNumber(transaction, filter); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionPayee() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); split.setPayeeId(payeeId); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split2.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(124.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.addPayee(payeeId); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); // check no category support MyMoneySplit split3; split3.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split3.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(120.00)); split3.setPayeeId(payeeId); MyMoneyTransaction transaction2; transaction2.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction2.addSplit(split3); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction2)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction2).size(), 0); qDebug() << "payee on categories could not be tested"; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionState() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); split.setReconcileFlag(eMyMoney::Split::State::NotReconciled); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split2.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(1.00)); split2.setReconcileFlag(eMyMoney::Split::State::Cleared); MyMoneySplit split3; split3.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split3.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(100.00)); split3.setReconcileFlag(eMyMoney::Split::State::Reconciled); MyMoneySplit split4; split4.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split4.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(22.00)); split4.setReconcileFlag(eMyMoney::Split::State::Frozen); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); transaction.addSplit(split3); transaction.addSplit(split4); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 4); // all states filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::NotReconciled); filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Cleared); filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Reconciled); filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Frozen); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 4); // single state filter.clear(); filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::NotReconciled); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.clear(); filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Cleared); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.clear(); filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Reconciled); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); filter.clear(); filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Frozen); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); // check no category support MyMoneySplit split5; split5.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split5.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(22.00)); split5.setReconcileFlag(eMyMoney::Split::State::Frozen); MyMoneyTransaction transaction2; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split5); filter.clear(); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); filter.addState((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::Frozen); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction2)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction2).size(), 0); qDebug() << "states on categories could not be tested"; } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionTag() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); split.setTagIdList(tagIdList); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split2.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); split2.setTagIdList(tagIdList); MyMoneySplit split3; split3.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split3.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(10.00)); split3.setTagIdList(tagIdList); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); transaction.addSplit(split3); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.addTag(tagIdList.first()); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); // -1 because categories are not supported yet QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); - // check no category support + // check disabled category splits support MyMoneySplit split4; split4.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split4.setShares(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); split4.setTagIdList(tagIdList); MyMoneyTransaction transaction2; transaction2.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction2.addSplit(split4); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction2)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction2).size(), 0); - qDebug() << "tags on categories could not be tested"; + // check enabled category splits support + filter.setConsiderCategorySplits(true); + QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction2)); + QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction2).size(), 1); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionTypeAllTypes() { /* alltypes - account group == MyMoneyAccount::Income || - account group == MyMoneyAccount::Expense */ MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acIncomeId); split2.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(true); // all splits QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); filter.addType((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::State::All); qDebug() << "MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allTypes could not be tested"; qDebug() << "because type filter does not work with categories"; QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 0); // ! alltypes MyMoneySplit split3; split3.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split3.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction2; transaction2.addSplit(split3); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction2)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction2).size(), 0); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionTypeDeposits() { // deposits - split value is positive MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(true); // all splits QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); // deposits filter.addType((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Type::Deposits); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); // no deposits MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split2.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction2; transaction2.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction2.addSplit(split2); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction2)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction2).size(), 0); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionTypePayments() { /* payments - account group != MyMoneyAccount::Income - account group != MyMoneyAccount::Expense - split value is not positive - number of splits != 2 */ MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(true); // all splits QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); // valid payments filter.addType((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Type::Payments); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); // no payments // check number of splits != 2 MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split2.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); transaction.addSplit(split2); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 0); // split value is not positive MyMoneySplit split3; split3.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split3.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); transaction.addSplit(split3); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); // account group != MyMoneyAccount::Income && account group != MyMoneyAccount::Expense MyMoneySplit split4; split4.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split4.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-124.00)); transaction.addSplit(split4); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionTypeTransfers() { /* check transfers - number of splits == 2 - account group != MyMoneyAccount::Income - account group != MyMoneyAccount::Expense */ MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split2.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); MyMoneySplit split3; split3.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split3.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.setReportAllSplits(true); // all splits QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); filter.addType((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Type::Transfers); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); // transfers - invalid number of counts transaction.addSplit(split3); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 0); // transfers - invalid account MyMoneySplit split4; split4.setAccountId(acIncomeId); split4.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); MyMoneySplit split5; split5.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split5.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction2; transaction2.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction2.addSplit(split4); transaction2.addSplit(split5); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction2)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction2).size(), 0); } void MyMoneyTransactionFilterTest::testMatchTransactionValidity() { MyMoneySplit split; split.setAccountId(acCheckingId); split.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(123.00)); MyMoneySplit split2; split2.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split2.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-123.00)); MyMoneyTransaction transaction; transaction.setPostDate(QDate(2014, 1, 2)); transaction.addSplit(split); transaction.addSplit(split2); // check valid transaction MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.addValidity((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Validity::Valid); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 2); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 1); // check invalid transaction filter.clear(); filter.addValidity((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Validity::Invalid); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 0); // add split to make transaction invalid MyMoneySplit split3; split3.setAccountId(acExpenseId); split3.setValue(MyMoneyMoney(-10.00)); transaction.addSplit(split3); filter.setReportAllSplits(true); QVERIFY(filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 3); filter.clear(); filter.addValidity((int)eMyMoney::TransactionFilter::Validity::Valid); QVERIFY(!filter.match(transaction)); QCOMPARE(filter.matchingSplits(transaction).size(), 0); } diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/checkprinting/checkprinting.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/checkprinting/checkprinting.cpp index 00b5d3708..f6a5a33c5 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/checkprinting/checkprinting.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/checkprinting/checkprinting.cpp @@ -1,272 +1,271 @@ /*************************************************************************** * This file is part of KMyMoney, A Personal Finance Manager by KDE * * * * Copyright (C) 2009 Cristian Onet * * Copyright (C) 2019 Thomas Baumgart * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include "checkprinting.h" // QT includes #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_WEBENGINE -#include + #include #else -#include + #include +#endif +#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE + #include #endif #include // KDE includes #include #include #include // KMyMoney includes #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include "mymoneyinstitution.h" #include "mymoneymoney.h" #include "mymoneypayee.h" #include "mymoneysecurity.h" #include "mymoneysplit.h" #include "mymoneytransaction.h" #include "mymoneyutils.h" #include "viewinterface.h" #include "selectedtransactions.h" #include "numbertowords.h" #include "pluginsettings.h" #include "mymoneyenums.h" -#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE -#include -#include -#endif #include "kmm_printer.h" struct CheckPrinting::Private { QAction* m_action; QString m_checkTemplateHTML; QStringList m_printedTransactionIdList; KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions m_transactions; }; CheckPrinting::CheckPrinting(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "checkprinting"/*must be the same as X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name*/) { Q_UNUSED(args); + // Tell the host application to load my GUI component const auto componentName = QLatin1String("checkprinting"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("checkprinting.rc"); - // Tell the host application to load my GUI component setComponentName(componentName, i18nc("It's about printing bank checks", "Check printing")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE - const QString rcFilePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../share/kxmlgui5/") + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; + const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif // For ease announce that we have been loaded. qDebug("Plugins: checkprinting loaded"); d = std::unique_ptr(new Private); // Create the actions of this plugin QString actionName = i18n("Print check"); d->m_action = actionCollection()->addAction("transaction_checkprinting", this, SLOT(slotPrintCheck())); d->m_action->setText(actionName); // wait until a transaction is selected before enabling the action d->m_action->setEnabled(false); d->m_printedTransactionIdList = PluginSettings::printedChecks(); readCheckTemplate(); //! @todo Christian: Replace #if 0 connect(KMyMoneyPlugin::PluginLoader::instance(), SIGNAL(configChanged(Plugin*)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateConfig())); #endif } /** * @internal Destructor is needed because destructor call of unique_ptr must be in this compile unit */ CheckPrinting::~CheckPrinting() { qDebug("Plugins: checkprinting unloaded"); } void CheckPrinting::plug() { connect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::transactionsSelected, this, &CheckPrinting::slotTransactionsSelected); } void CheckPrinting::unplug() { disconnect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::transactionsSelected, this, &CheckPrinting::slotTransactionsSelected); } void CheckPrinting::readCheckTemplate() { QString checkTemplateHTMLPath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "checkprinting/check_template.html"); if (PluginSettings::checkTemplateFile().isEmpty()) { PluginSettings::setCheckTemplateFile(checkTemplateHTMLPath); PluginSettings::self()->save(); } QFile checkTemplateHTMLFile(PluginSettings::checkTemplateFile()); checkTemplateHTMLFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream stream(&checkTemplateHTMLFile); d->m_checkTemplateHTML = stream.readAll(); checkTemplateHTMLFile.close(); } bool CheckPrinting::canBePrinted(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransaction & selectedTransaction) const { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); bool isACheck = file->account(selectedTransaction.split().accountId()).accountType() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Checkings && selectedTransaction.split().shares().isNegative(); return isACheck && d->m_printedTransactionIdList.contains(selectedTransaction.transaction().id()) == 0; } void CheckPrinting::markAsPrinted(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransaction & selectedTransaction) { d->m_printedTransactionIdList.append(selectedTransaction.transaction().id()); } void CheckPrinting::slotPrintCheck() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyMoneyToWordsConverter converter; #ifdef ENABLE_WEBENGINE auto htmlPart = new QWebEngineView(); #else auto htmlPart = new KWebView(); #endif KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it; for (it = d->m_transactions.constBegin(); it != d->m_transactions.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!canBePrinted(*it)) continue; // skip this check since it was already printed QString checkHTML = d->m_checkTemplateHTML; const MyMoneyAccount account = file->account((*it).split().accountId()); const MyMoneySecurity currency = file->currency(account.currencyId()); const MyMoneyInstitution institution = file->institution(file->account((*it).split().accountId()).institutionId()); // replace the predefined tokens // data about the user checkHTML.replace("$OWNER_NAME", file->user().name()); checkHTML.replace("$OWNER_ADDRESS", file->user().address()); checkHTML.replace("$OWNER_CITY", file->user().city()); checkHTML.replace("$OWNER_STATE", file->user().state()); // data about the account institution checkHTML.replace("$INSTITUTION_NAME", institution.name()); checkHTML.replace("$INSTITUTION_STREET", institution.street()); checkHTML.replace("$INSTITUTION_TELEPHONE", institution.telephone()); checkHTML.replace("$INSTITUTION_TOWN", institution.town()); checkHTML.replace("$INSTITUTION_CITY", institution.city()); checkHTML.replace("$INSTITUTION_POSTCODE", institution.postcode()); checkHTML.replace("$INSTITUTION_MANAGER", institution.manager()); // data about the transaction checkHTML.replace("$DATE", QLocale().toString((*it).transaction().postDate(), QLocale::ShortFormat)); checkHTML.replace("$CHECK_NUMBER", (*it).split().number()); checkHTML.replace("$PAYEE_NAME", file->payee((*it).split().payeeId()).name()); checkHTML.replace("$PAYEE_ADDRESS", file->payee((*it).split().payeeId()).address()); checkHTML.replace("$PAYEE_CITY", file->payee((*it).split().payeeId()).city()); checkHTML.replace("$PAYEE_POSTCODE", file->payee((*it).split().payeeId()).postcode()); checkHTML.replace("$PAYEE_STATE", file->payee((*it).split().payeeId()).state()); checkHTML.replace("$AMOUNT_STRING", converter.convert((*it).split().value().abs(), currency.smallestAccountFraction())); checkHTML.replace("$AMOUNT_DECIMAL", MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney((*it).split().value().abs(), currency)); checkHTML.replace("$MEMO", (*it).split().memo()); const auto currencyId = (*it).transaction().commodity(); const auto accountcurrency = MyMoneyFile::instance()->currency(currencyId); checkHTML.replace("$TRANSACTIONCURRENCY", accountcurrency.tradingSymbol()); int numSplits = (*it).transaction().splitCount(); const int maxSplits = 11; for (int i = 0; i < maxSplits; ++i) { const QString valueVariable = QString("$SPLITVALUE%1").arg(i); const QString accountVariable = QString("$SPLITACCOUNTNAME%1").arg(i); if (i < numSplits) { checkHTML.replace( valueVariable, MyMoneyUtils::formatMoney((*it).transaction().splits()[i].value().abs(), currency)); checkHTML.replace( accountVariable, (file->account((*it).transaction().splits()[i].accountId())).name()); } else { checkHTML.replace( valueVariable, " "); checkHTML.replace( accountVariable, " "); } } // print the check htmlPart->setHtml(checkHTML, QUrl("file://")); auto printer = KMyMoneyPrinter::startPrint(); if (printer != nullptr) { #ifdef ENABLE_WEBENGINE htmlPart->page()->print(printer, [=] (bool) {}); #else htmlPart->print(printer); #endif } // mark the transaction as printed markAsPrinted(*it); } PluginSettings::setPrintedChecks(d->m_printedTransactionIdList); delete htmlPart; } void CheckPrinting::slotTransactionsSelected(const KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions& transactions) { d->m_transactions = transactions; bool actionEnabled = false; // enable/disable the action depending if there are transactions selected or not // and whether they can be printed or not KMyMoneyRegister::SelectedTransactions::const_iterator it; for (it = d->m_transactions.constBegin(); it != d->m_transactions.constEnd(); ++it) { if (canBePrinted(*it)) { actionEnabled = true; break; } } d->m_action->setEnabled(actionEnabled); } // the plugin's configurations has changed void CheckPrinting::configurationChanged() { PluginSettings::self()->load(); // re-read the data because the configuration has changed readCheckTemplate(); d->m_printedTransactionIdList = PluginSettings::printedChecks(); } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(CheckPrintingFactory, "checkprinting.json", registerPlugin();) #include "checkprinting.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/csv/export/csvexporter.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/csv/export/csvexporter.cpp index b798f8ba4..a7bccc364 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/csv/export/csvexporter.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/csv/export/csvexporter.cpp @@ -1,128 +1,127 @@ /* * Copyright 2013-2014 Allan Anderson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "csvexporter.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include +#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE + #include + #include +#endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "csvexportdlg.h" #include "csvwriter.h" #include "viewinterface.h" -#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE -#include -#include -#endif - CSVExporter::CSVExporter(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "csvexporter"/*must be the same as X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name*/) { Q_UNUSED(args); const auto componentName = QLatin1String("csvexporter"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("csvexporter.rc"); setComponentName(componentName, i18n("CSV exporter")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE - const QString rcFilePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../share/kxmlgui5/") + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; + const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif createActions(); // For information, announce that we have been loaded. qDebug("Plugins: csvexporter loaded"); } CSVExporter::~CSVExporter() { qDebug("Plugins: csvexporter unloaded"); } void CSVExporter::createActions() { const auto &kpartgui = QStringLiteral("file_export_csv"); m_action = actionCollection()->addAction(kpartgui); m_action->setText(i18n("&CSV...")); connect(m_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &CSVExporter::slotCsvExport); connect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::viewStateChanged, action(qPrintable(kpartgui)), &QAction::setEnabled); } void CSVExporter::slotCsvExport() { m_dlg = new CsvExportDlg(); if (m_dlg->exec()) { if (okToWriteFile(QUrl::fromUserInput(m_dlg->filename()))) { m_dlg->setWindowTitle(i18nc("CSV Exporter dialog title", "CSV Exporter")); CsvWriter* writer = new CsvWriter; writer->m_plugin = this; connect(writer, &CsvWriter::signalProgress, m_dlg, &CsvExportDlg::slotStatusProgressBar); writer->write(m_dlg->filename(), m_dlg->accountId(), m_dlg->accountSelected(), m_dlg->categorySelected(), m_dlg->startDate(), m_dlg->endDate(), m_dlg->separator()); } } } bool CSVExporter::okToWriteFile(const QUrl &url) { // check if the file exists and warn the user bool reallySaveFile = true; bool fileExists = false; if (url.isValid()) { short int detailLevel = 0; // Lowest level: file/dir/symlink/none KIO::StatJob* statjob = KIO::stat(url, KIO::StatJob::SourceSide, detailLevel); bool noerror = statjob->exec(); if (noerror) { // We want a file fileExists = !statjob->statResult().isDir(); } } if (fileExists) { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, i18n("The file %1 already exists. Do you really want to overwrite it?", url.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)), i18n("File already exists")) != KMessageBox::Yes) reallySaveFile = false; } return reallySaveFile; } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(CSVExporterFactory, "csvexporter.json", registerPlugin();) #include "csvexporter.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/csv/export/csvexporter.rc b/kmymoney/plugins/csv/export/csvexporter.rc index c2fe0ac6a..7f2836aaf 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/csv/export/csvexporter.rc +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/csv/export/csvexporter.rc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/csv/import/csvimporter.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/csv/import/csvimporter.cpp index e3e03cd0e..8aba046b1 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/csv/import/csvimporter.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/csv/import/csvimporter.cpp @@ -1,129 +1,129 @@ /* * Copyright 2010-2014 Allan Anderson * Copyright 2016-2018 Łukasz Wojniłowicz - * Copyright 2018 Thomas Baumgart + * Copyright 2018-2019 Thomas Baumgart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "csvimporter.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include +#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE + #include + #include +#endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "core/csvimportercore.h" #include "csvwizard.h" #include "statementinterface.h" #include "viewinterface.h" -#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE -#include -#include -#endif - CSVImporter::CSVImporter(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "csvimporter"/*must be the same as X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name*/) { Q_UNUSED(args); const auto componentName = QLatin1String("csvimporter"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("csvimporter.rc"); setComponentName(componentName, i18n("CSV importer")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE - const QString rcFilePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../share/kxmlgui5/") + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; + const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif + createActions(); // For information, announce that we have been loaded. qDebug("Plugins: csvimporter loaded"); } CSVImporter::~CSVImporter() { qDebug("Plugins: csvimporter unloaded"); } void CSVImporter::createActions() { const auto &kpartgui = QStringLiteral("file_import_csv"); auto importAction = actionCollection()->addAction(kpartgui); importAction->setText(i18n("CSV...")); connect(importAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &CSVImporter::startWizardRun); connect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::viewStateChanged, action(qPrintable(kpartgui)), &QAction::setEnabled); } QString CSVImporter::formatName() const { return QLatin1String("CSV"); } QString CSVImporter::formatFilenameFilter() const { return "*.csv"; } bool CSVImporter::isMyFormat(const QString& filename) const { // filename is considered a CSV file if it can be opened // and the filename ends in ".csv" (case does not matter). QFile f(filename); return filename.endsWith(QLatin1String(".csv"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); } void CSVImporter::startWizardRun() { import(QString()); } bool CSVImporter::import(const QString& filename) { QPointer wizard = new CSVWizard(this); wizard->presetFilename(filename); auto rc = false; if ((wizard->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) && wizard) { rc = !statementInterface()->import(wizard->statement(), false).isEmpty(); } wizard->deleteLater(); return rc; } QString CSVImporter::lastError() const { return QString(); } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(CSVImporterFactory, "csvimporter.json", registerPlugin();) #include "csvimporter.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/icalendar/export/icalendarexporter.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/icalendar/export/icalendarexporter.cpp index e1bf2e92b..5265d1e76 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/icalendar/export/icalendarexporter.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/icalendar/export/icalendarexporter.cpp @@ -1,162 +1,158 @@ -/*************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2009 Cristian Onet onet.cristian@gmail.com * - * * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * - * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * - * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * - * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * - * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * - * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * - * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * - * * - * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * - * GNU General Public License for more details. * - * * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * - * along with this program. If not, see * - ***************************************************************************/ +/* + * Copyright 2009 Cristian Onet + * Copyright 2019 Thomas Baumgart + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ #include #include "icalendarexporter.h" #include #include #include +#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE + #include + #include +#endif // KDE includes #include #include #include #include #include // KMyMoney includes #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "pluginloader.h" #include "schedulestoicalendar.h" #include "pluginsettings.h" #include "viewinterface.h" -#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE -#include -#include -#endif - struct iCalendarExporter::Private { QAction* m_action; QString m_profileName; QString m_iCalendarFileEntryName; KMMSchedulesToiCalendar m_exporter; }; iCalendarExporter::iCalendarExporter(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "icalendarexporter"/*must be the same as X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name*/), d(std::unique_ptr(new Private)) { Q_UNUSED(args); d->m_profileName = "iCalendarPlugin"; d->m_iCalendarFileEntryName = "iCalendarFile"; const auto componentName = QLatin1String("icalendarexporter"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("icalendarexporter.rc"); - // Tell the host application to load my GUI component setComponentName(componentName, i18n("iCalendar exporter")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE - const QString rcFilePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../share/kxmlgui5/") + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; + const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif // For ease announce that we have been loaded. qDebug("Plugins: icalendarexporter loaded"); // Create the actions of this plugin QString actionName = i18n("Schedules to iCalendar"); QString icalFilePath; // Note the below code only exists to move existing settings to the new plugin specific config KConfigGroup config = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group(d->m_profileName); icalFilePath = config.readEntry(d->m_iCalendarFileEntryName, icalFilePath); // read the settings PluginSettings::self()->load(); if (!icalFilePath.isEmpty()) { // move the old setting to the new config PluginSettings::setIcalendarFile(icalFilePath); PluginSettings::self()->save(); KSharedConfig::openConfig()->deleteGroup(d->m_profileName); } else { // read it from the new config icalFilePath = PluginSettings::icalendarFile(); } if (!icalFilePath.isEmpty()) actionName = i18n("Schedules to iCalendar [%1]", icalFilePath); const auto &kpartgui = QStringLiteral("file_export_icalendar"); d->m_action = actionCollection()->addAction(kpartgui); d->m_action->setText(actionName); connect(d->m_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &iCalendarExporter::slotFirstExport); connect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::viewStateChanged, action(qPrintable(kpartgui)), &QAction::setEnabled); } iCalendarExporter::~iCalendarExporter() { qDebug("Plugins: icalendarexporter unloaded"); } void iCalendarExporter::slotFirstExport() { QPointer fileDialog = new QFileDialog(d->m_action->parentWidget(), QString(), QString(), QString("%1|%2\n").arg("*.ics").arg(i18nc("ICS (Filefilter)", "iCalendar files"))); fileDialog->setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); fileDialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("Export as")); if (fileDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QUrl newURL = fileDialog->selectedUrls().front(); if (newURL.isLocalFile()) { PluginSettings::setIcalendarFile(newURL.toLocalFile()); PluginSettings::self()->save(); slotExport(); } } delete fileDialog; } void iCalendarExporter::slotExport() { QString icalFilePath = PluginSettings::icalendarFile(); if (!icalFilePath.isEmpty()) d->m_exporter.exportToFile(icalFilePath); } void iCalendarExporter::plug() { connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), &MyMoneyFile::dataChanged, this, &iCalendarExporter::slotExport); } void iCalendarExporter::unplug() { disconnect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), &MyMoneyFile::dataChanged, this, &iCalendarExporter::slotExport); } void iCalendarExporter::configurationChanged() { PluginSettings::self()->load(); // export the schedules because the configuration has changed QString icalFilePath = PluginSettings::icalendarFile(); if (!icalFilePath.isEmpty()) d->m_exporter.exportToFile(icalFilePath); } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(iCalendarExporterFactory, "icalendarexporter.json", registerPlugin();) #include "icalendarexporter.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/icalendar/export/icalendarexporter.rc b/kmymoney/plugins/icalendar/export/icalendarexporter.rc index 170768423..bdfdc3ebb 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/icalendar/export/icalendarexporter.rc +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/icalendar/export/icalendarexporter.rc @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ - + - + diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kbanking.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kbanking.cpp index bfff8b4f8..e5c109fb9 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kbanking.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kbanking.cpp @@ -1,1534 +1,1535 @@ /* * Copyright 2004 Martin Preuss aquamaniac@users.sourceforge.net * Copyright 2009 Cristian Onet onet.cristian@gmail.com * Copyright 2010-2019 Thomas Baumgart tbaumgart@kde.org * Copyright 2015 Christian David christian-david@web.de * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "kbanking.h" #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //! @todo remove @c #include +#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE + #include + #include +#endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Library Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoney/onlinejob.h" #include "kbaccountsettings.h" #include "kbmapaccount.h" #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "onlinejobadministration.h" #include "kmymoneyview.h" #include "kbpickstartdate.h" #include "mymoneyinstitution.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "gwenkdegui.h" #include "gwenhywfarqtoperators.h" #include "aqbankingkmmoperators.h" #include "mymoneystatement.h" #include "statementinterface.h" #include "viewinterface.h" #ifdef KMM_DEBUG #include "chiptandialog.h" #include "phototandialog.h" #include "phototan-demo.cpp" #endif -#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE -#include -#include -#endif - class KBanking::Private { public: Private() : passwordCacheTimer(nullptr), jobList(), fileId() { QString gwenProxy = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("GWEN_PROXY")); if (gwenProxy.isEmpty()) { std::unique_ptr cfg = std::unique_ptr(new KConfig("kioslaverc")); QRegExp exp("(\\w+://)?([^/]{2}.+:\\d+)"); QString proxy; KConfigGroup grp = cfg->group("Proxy Settings"); int type = grp.readEntry("ProxyType", 0); switch (type) { case 0: // no proxy break; case 1: // manual specified proxy = grp.readEntry("httpsProxy"); qDebug("KDE https proxy setting is '%s'", qPrintable(proxy)); if (exp.exactMatch(proxy)) { proxy = exp.cap(2); qDebug("Setting GWEN_PROXY to '%s'", qPrintable(proxy)); if (!qputenv("GWEN_PROXY", qPrintable(proxy))) { qDebug("Unable to setup GWEN_PROXY"); } } break; default: // other currently not supported qDebug("KDE proxy setting of type %d not supported", type); break; } } } QString libVersion(void (*version)(int*, int*, int*, int*)) { int major, minor, patch, build; version(&major, &minor, &patch, &build); return QString("%1.%2.%3.%4").arg(major).arg(minor).arg(patch).arg(build); } /** * KMyMoney asks for accounts over and over again which causes a lot of "Job not supported with this account" error messages. * This function filters messages with that string. */ static int gwenLogHook(GWEN_GUI* gui, const char* domain, GWEN_LOGGER_LEVEL level, const char* message) { Q_UNUSED(gui); Q_UNUSED(domain); Q_UNUSED(level); const char* messageToFilter = "Job not supported with this account"; if (strstr(message, messageToFilter) != 0) return 1; return 0; } QTimer *passwordCacheTimer; QMap jobList; QString fileId; }; KBanking::KBanking(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : OnlinePluginExtended(parent, "kbanking") , d(new Private) , m_configAction(nullptr) , m_importAction(nullptr) , m_kbanking(nullptr) , m_accountSettings(nullptr) , m_statementCount(0) { Q_UNUSED(args) QString compileVersionSet = QLatin1String(GWENHYWFAR_VERSION_FULL_STRING "/" AQBANKING_VERSION_FULL_STRING); QString runtimeVersionSet = QString("%1/%2").arg(d->libVersion(&GWEN_Version), d->libVersion(&AB_Banking_GetVersion)); qDebug() << QString("Plugins: kbanking loaded, build with (%1), run with (%2)").arg(compileVersionSet, runtimeVersionSet); } KBanking::~KBanking() { delete d; qDebug("Plugins: kbanking unloaded"); } void KBanking::plug() { const auto componentName = QLatin1String("kbanking"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("kbanking.rc"); m_kbanking = new KBankingExt(this, "KMyMoney"); d->passwordCacheTimer = new QTimer(this); d->passwordCacheTimer->setSingleShot(true); d->passwordCacheTimer->setInterval(60000); connect(d->passwordCacheTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &KBanking::slotClearPasswordCache); if (m_kbanking) { //! @todo when is gwenKdeGui deleted? gwenKdeGui *gui = new gwenKdeGui(); GWEN_Gui_SetGui(gui->getCInterface()); GWEN_Logger_SetLevel(0, GWEN_LoggerLevel_Warning); if (m_kbanking->init() == 0) { // Tell the host application to load my GUI component + const auto componentName = QLatin1String("kbanking"); + const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("kbanking.rc"); setComponentName(componentName, "KBanking"); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE - const QString rcFilePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../share/kxmlgui5/") + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; + const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); - #else +#else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif // get certificate handling and dialog settings management AB_Gui_Extend(gui->getCInterface(), m_kbanking->getCInterface()); // create actions createActions(); // load protocol conversion list loadProtocolConversion(); GWEN_Logger_SetLevel(AQBANKING_LOGDOMAIN, GWEN_LoggerLevel_Warning); GWEN_Gui_SetLogHookFn(GWEN_Gui_GetGui(), &KBanking::Private::gwenLogHook); } else { qWarning("Could not initialize KBanking online banking interface"); delete m_kbanking; m_kbanking = 0; } } } void KBanking::unplug() { d->passwordCacheTimer->deleteLater(); if (m_kbanking) { m_kbanking->fini(); delete m_kbanking; qDebug("Plugins: kbanking unplugged"); } } void KBanking::loadProtocolConversion() { if (m_kbanking) { m_protocolConversionMap = { {"aqhbci", "HBCI"}, {"aqofxconnect", "OFX"}, {"aqyellownet", "YellowNet"}, {"aqgeldkarte", "Geldkarte"}, {"aqdtaus", "DTAUS"} }; } } void KBanking::protocols(QStringList& protocolList) const { if (m_kbanking) { std::list list = m_kbanking->getActiveProviders(); std::list::iterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { // skip the dummy if (*it == "aqnone") continue; QMap::const_iterator it_m; it_m = m_protocolConversionMap.find((*it).c_str()); if (it_m != m_protocolConversionMap.end()) protocolList << (*it_m); else protocolList << (*it).c_str(); } } } QWidget* KBanking::accountConfigTab(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, QString& name) { const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& kvp = acc.onlineBankingSettings(); name = i18n("Online settings"); if (m_kbanking) { m_accountSettings = new KBAccountSettings(acc, 0); m_accountSettings->loadUi(kvp); return m_accountSettings; } QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("KBanking module not correctly initialized"), 0); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignHCenter); return label; } MyMoneyKeyValueContainer KBanking::onlineBankingSettings(const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& current) { MyMoneyKeyValueContainer kvp(current); kvp["provider"] = objectName().toLower(); if (m_accountSettings) { m_accountSettings->loadKvp(kvp); } return kvp; } void KBanking::createActions() { QAction *settings_aqbanking = actionCollection()->addAction("settings_aqbanking"); settings_aqbanking->setText(i18n("Configure Aq&Banking...")); connect(settings_aqbanking, &QAction::triggered, this, &KBanking::slotSettings); QAction *file_import_aqbanking = actionCollection()->addAction("file_import_aqbanking"); file_import_aqbanking->setText(i18n("AqBanking importer...")); connect(file_import_aqbanking, &QAction::triggered, this, &KBanking::slotImport); Q_CHECK_PTR(viewInterface()); connect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::viewStateChanged, action("file_import_aqbanking"), &QAction::setEnabled); #ifdef KMM_DEBUG QAction *openChipTanDialog = actionCollection()->addAction("open_chiptan_dialog"); openChipTanDialog->setText("Open ChipTan Dialog"); connect(openChipTanDialog, &QAction::triggered, [&](){ auto dlg = new chipTanDialog(); dlg->setHhdCode("0F04871100030333555414312C32331D"); dlg->setInfoText("

Test Graphic for debugging

The encoded data is

Account Number: 335554
Amount: 1,23

"); connect(dlg, &QDialog::accepted, dlg, &chipTanDialog::deleteLater); connect(dlg, &QDialog::rejected, dlg, &chipTanDialog::deleteLater); dlg->show(); }); QAction *openPhotoTanDialog = actionCollection()->addAction("open_phototan_dialog"); openPhotoTanDialog->setText("Open PhotoTan Dialog"); connect(openPhotoTanDialog, &QAction::triggered, [&](){ auto dlg = new photoTanDialog(); QImage img; img.loadFromData(photoTan, sizeof(photoTan), "PNG"); img = img.scaled(300, 300, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); dlg->setPicture(QPixmap::fromImage(img)); dlg->setInfoText("

Test Graphic for debugging

The encoded data is


"); connect(dlg, &QDialog::accepted, dlg, &chipTanDialog::deleteLater); connect(dlg, &QDialog::rejected, dlg, &chipTanDialog::deleteLater); dlg->show(); }); #endif } void KBanking::slotSettings() { if (m_kbanking) { GWEN_DIALOG* dlg = AB_Banking_CreateSetupDialog(m_kbanking->getCInterface()); if (dlg == NULL) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Could not create setup dialog."); return; } if (GWEN_Gui_ExecDialog(dlg, 0) == 0) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Aborted by user"); GWEN_Dialog_free(dlg); return; } GWEN_Dialog_free(dlg); } } bool KBanking::mapAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& settings) { bool rc = false; if (m_kbanking && !acc.id().isEmpty()) { m_kbanking->askMapAccount(acc); // at this point, the account should be mapped // so we search it and setup the account reference in the KMyMoney object AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC* ab_acc; ab_acc = aqbAccount(acc); if (ab_acc) { MyMoneyAccount a(acc); setupAccountReference(a, ab_acc); settings = a.onlineBankingSettings(); rc = true; } } return rc; } AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC* KBanking::aqbAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) const { if (m_kbanking == 0) { return 0; } // certainly looking for an expense or income account does not make sense at this point // so we better get out right away if (acc.isIncomeExpense()) { return 0; } AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC *ab_acc = AB_Banking_GetAccountSpecByAlias(m_kbanking->getCInterface(), m_kbanking->mappingId(acc).toUtf8().data()); // if the account is not found, we temporarily scan for the 'old' mapping (the one w/o the file id) // in case we find it, we setup the new mapping in addition on the fly. if (!ab_acc && acc.isAssetLiability()) { ab_acc = AB_Banking_GetAccountSpecByAlias(m_kbanking->getCInterface(), acc.id().toUtf8().data()); if (ab_acc) { qDebug("Found old mapping for '%s' but not new. Setup new mapping", qPrintable(acc.name())); m_kbanking->setAccountAlias(ab_acc, m_kbanking->mappingId(acc).toUtf8().constData()); // TODO at some point in time, we should remove the old mapping } } return ab_acc; } AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC* KBanking::aqbAccount(const QString& accountId) const { MyMoneyAccount account = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(accountId); return aqbAccount(account); } QString KBanking::stripLeadingZeroes(const QString& s) const { QString rc(s); QRegExp exp("^(0*)([^0].*)"); if (exp.exactMatch(s)) { rc = exp.cap(2); } return rc; } void KBanking::setupAccountReference(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC* ab_acc) { MyMoneyKeyValueContainer kvp; if (ab_acc) { QString accountNumber = stripLeadingZeroes(AB_AccountSpec_GetAccountNumber(ab_acc)); QString routingNumber = stripLeadingZeroes(AB_AccountSpec_GetBankCode(ab_acc)); QString val = QString("%1-%2").arg(routingNumber, accountNumber); if (val != acc.onlineBankingSettings().value("kbanking-acc-ref")) { kvp.clear(); // make sure to keep our own previous settings const QMap& vals = acc.onlineBankingSettings().pairs(); QMap::const_iterator it_p; for (it_p = vals.begin(); it_p != vals.end(); ++it_p) { if (QString(it_p.key()).startsWith("kbanking-")) { kvp.setValue(it_p.key(), *it_p); } } kvp.setValue("kbanking-acc-ref", val); kvp.setValue("provider", objectName().toLower()); setAccountOnlineParameters(acc, kvp); } } else { // clear the connection setAccountOnlineParameters(acc, kvp); } } bool KBanking::accountIsMapped(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) { return aqbAccount(acc) != 0; } bool KBanking::updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) { return updateAccount(acc, false); } bool KBanking::updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, bool moreAccounts) { if (!m_kbanking) return false; bool rc = false; if (!acc.id().isEmpty()) { AB_TRANSACTION *job = 0; int rv; /* get AqBanking account */ AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC *ba = aqbAccount(acc); // Update the connection between the KMyMoney account and the AqBanking equivalent. // If the account is not found anymore ba == 0 and the connection is removed. setupAccountReference(acc, ba); if (!ba) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("" "The given application account %1 " "has not been mapped to an online " "account." "", acc.name()), i18n("Account Not Mapped")); } else { bool enqueJob = true; if (acc.onlineBankingSettings().value("kbanking-txn-download") != "no") { /* create getTransactions job */ if (AB_AccountSpec_GetTransactionLimitsForCommand(ba, AB_Transaction_CommandGetTransactions)) { /* there are transaction limits for this job, so it is allowed */ job = AB_Transaction_new(); AB_Transaction_SetUniqueAccountId(job, AB_AccountSpec_GetUniqueId(ba)); AB_Transaction_SetCommand(job, AB_Transaction_CommandGetTransactions); } if (job) { int days = 0 /* TODO in AqBanking AB_JobGetTransactions_GetMaxStoreDays(job)*/; QDate qd; if (days > 0) { GWEN_DATE *dt; dt=GWEN_Date_CurrentDate(); GWEN_Date_SubDays(dt, days); qd = QDate(GWEN_Date_GetYear(dt), GWEN_Date_GetMonth(dt), GWEN_Date_GetDay(dt)); GWEN_Date_free(dt); } // get last statement request date from application account object // and start from a few days before if the date is valid QDate lastUpdate = QDate::fromString(acc.value("lastImportedTransactionDate"), Qt::ISODate); if (lastUpdate.isValid()) lastUpdate = lastUpdate.addDays(-3); int dateOption = acc.onlineBankingSettings().value("kbanking-statementDate").toInt(); switch (dateOption) { case 0: // Ask user break; case 1: // No date qd = QDate(); break; case 2: // Last download qd = lastUpdate; break; case 3: // First possible // qd is already setup break; } // the pick start date option dialog is needed in // case the dateOption is 0 or the date option is > 1 // and the qd is invalid if (dateOption == 0 || (dateOption > 1 && !qd.isValid())) { QPointer psd = new KBPickStartDate(m_kbanking, qd, lastUpdate, acc.name(), lastUpdate.isValid() ? 2 : 3, 0, true); if (psd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { qd = psd->date(); } else { enqueJob = false; } delete psd; } if (enqueJob) { if (qd.isValid()) { GWEN_DATE *dt; dt=GWEN_Date_fromGregorian(qd.year(), qd.month(), qd.day()); AB_Transaction_SetFirstDate(job, dt); GWEN_Date_free(dt); } rv = m_kbanking->enqueueJob(job); if (rv) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Error %d", rv); KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("" "Could not enqueue the job.\n" ""), i18n("Error")); } } AB_Transaction_free(job); } } if (enqueJob) { /* create getBalance job */ if (AB_AccountSpec_GetTransactionLimitsForCommand(ba, AB_Transaction_CommandGetBalance)) { /* there are transaction limits for this job, so it is allowed */ job = AB_Transaction_new(); AB_Transaction_SetUniqueAccountId(job, AB_AccountSpec_GetUniqueId(ba)); AB_Transaction_SetCommand(job, AB_Transaction_CommandGetBalance); rv = m_kbanking->enqueueJob(job); AB_Transaction_free(job); if (rv) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Error %d", rv); KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("" "Could not enqueue the job.\n" ""), i18n("Error")); } else { rc = true; emit queueChanged(); } } } } } // make sure we have at least one job in the queue before sending it if (!moreAccounts && m_kbanking->getEnqueuedJobs().size() > 0) executeQueue(); return rc; } void KBanking::executeQueue() { if (m_kbanking && m_kbanking->getEnqueuedJobs().size() > 0) { AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx; ctx = AB_ImExporterContext_new(); int rv = m_kbanking->executeQueue(ctx); if (!rv) { m_kbanking->importContext(ctx, 0); } else { DBG_ERROR(0, "Error: %d", rv); } AB_ImExporterContext_free(ctx); } } /** @todo improve error handling, e.g. by adding a .isValid to nationalTransfer * @todo use new onlineJob system */ void KBanking::sendOnlineJob(QList& jobs) { Q_CHECK_PTR(m_kbanking); m_onlineJobQueue.clear(); QList unhandledJobs; if (!jobs.isEmpty()) { foreach (onlineJob job, jobs) { if (sepaOnlineTransfer::name() == job.task()->taskName()) { onlineJobTyped typedJob(job); enqueTransaction(typedJob); job = typedJob; } else { job.addJobMessage(onlineJobMessage(eMyMoney::OnlineJob::MessageType::Error, "KBanking", "Cannot handle this request")); unhandledJobs.append(job); } m_onlineJobQueue.insert(m_kbanking->mappingId(job), job); } executeQueue(); } jobs = m_onlineJobQueue.values() + unhandledJobs; m_onlineJobQueue.clear(); } QStringList KBanking::availableJobs(QString accountId) { try { MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(accountId); QString id = MyMoneyFile::instance()->value("kmm-id"); if(id != d->fileId) { d->jobList.clear(); d->fileId = id; } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { // Exception usually means account was not found return QStringList(); } if(d->jobList.contains(accountId)) { return d->jobList[accountId]; } QStringList list; AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC* abAccount = aqbAccount(accountId); if (!abAccount) { return list; } // Check availableJobs // sepa transfer if (AB_AccountSpec_GetTransactionLimitsForCommand(abAccount, AB_Transaction_CommandSepaTransfer)) { list.append(sepaOnlineTransfer::name()); } d->jobList[accountId] = list; return list; } /** @brief experimenting with QScopedPointer and aqBanking pointers */ class QScopedPointerAbJobDeleter { public: static void cleanup(AB_TRANSACTION* job) { AB_Transaction_free(job); } }; /** @brief experimenting with QScopedPointer and aqBanking pointers */ class QScopedPointerAbAccountDeleter { public: static void cleanup(AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC* account) { AB_AccountSpec_free(account); } }; IonlineTaskSettings::ptr KBanking::settings(QString accountId, QString taskName) { AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC* abAcc = aqbAccount(accountId); if (abAcc == 0) return IonlineTaskSettings::ptr(); if (sepaOnlineTransfer::name() == taskName) { // Get limits for sepaonlinetransfer const AB_TRANSACTION_LIMITS *limits=AB_AccountSpec_GetTransactionLimitsForCommand(abAcc, AB_Transaction_CommandSepaTransfer); if (limits==NULL) return IonlineTaskSettings::ptr(); return AB_TransactionLimits_toSepaOnlineTaskSettings(limits).dynamicCast(); } return IonlineTaskSettings::ptr(); } bool KBanking::enqueTransaction(onlineJobTyped& job) { /* get AqBanking account */ const QString accId = job.constTask()->responsibleAccount(); AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC *abAccount = aqbAccount(accId); if (!abAccount) { job.addJobMessage(onlineJobMessage(eMyMoney::OnlineJob::MessageType::Warning, "KBanking", i18n("" "The given application account %1 " "has not been mapped to an online " "account." "", MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(accId).name()))); return false; } //setupAccountReference(acc, ba); // needed? if (AB_AccountSpec_GetTransactionLimitsForCommand(abAccount, AB_Transaction_CommandSepaTransfer)==NULL) { qDebug("AB_ERROR_OFFSET is %i", AB_ERROR_OFFSET); job.addJobMessage(onlineJobMessage(eMyMoney::OnlineJob::MessageType::Error, "AqBanking", QString("Sepa credit transfers for account \"%1\" are not available.").arg(MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(accId).name()) ) ); return false; } AB_TRANSACTION *abJob = AB_Transaction_new(); /* command */ AB_Transaction_SetCommand(abJob, AB_Transaction_CommandSepaTransfer); // Origin Account AB_Transaction_SetUniqueAccountId(abJob, AB_AccountSpec_GetUniqueId(abAccount)); // Recipient payeeIdentifiers::ibanBic beneficiaryAcc = job.constTask()->beneficiaryTyped(); AB_Transaction_SetRemoteName(abJob, beneficiaryAcc.ownerName().toUtf8().constData()); AB_Transaction_SetRemoteIban(abJob, beneficiaryAcc.electronicIban().toUtf8().constData()); AB_Transaction_SetRemoteBic(abJob, beneficiaryAcc.fullStoredBic().toUtf8().constData()); // Origin Account AB_Transaction_SetLocalAccount(abJob, abAccount); // Purpose AB_Transaction_SetPurpose(abJob, job.constTask()->purpose().toUtf8().constData()); // Reference // AqBanking duplicates the string. This should be safe. AB_Transaction_SetEndToEndReference(abJob, job.constTask()->endToEndReference().toUtf8().constData()); // Other Fields AB_Transaction_SetTextKey(abJob, job.constTask()->textKey()); AB_Transaction_SetValue(abJob, AB_Value_fromMyMoneyMoney(job.constTask()->value())); /** @todo LOW remove Debug info */ AB_Transaction_SetStringIdForApplication(abJob, m_kbanking->mappingId(job).toUtf8().constData()); qDebug() << "Enqueue: " << m_kbanking->enqueueJob(abJob); AB_Transaction_free(abJob); //delete localAcc; return true; } void KBanking::startPasswordTimer() { if (d->passwordCacheTimer->isActive()) d->passwordCacheTimer->stop(); d->passwordCacheTimer->start(); } void KBanking::slotClearPasswordCache() { m_kbanking->clearPasswordCache(); } void KBanking::slotImport() { m_statementCount = 0; statementInterface()->resetMessages(); if (!m_kbanking->interactiveImport()) qWarning("Error on import dialog"); else statementInterface()->showMessages(m_statementCount); } bool KBanking::importStatement(const MyMoneyStatement& s) { m_statementCount++; return !statementInterface()->import(s).isEmpty(); } MyMoneyAccount KBanking::account(const QString& key, const QString& value) const { return statementInterface()->account(key, value); } void KBanking::setAccountOnlineParameters(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& kvps) const { return statementInterface()->setAccountOnlineParameters(acc, kvps); } KBankingExt::KBankingExt(KBanking* parent, const char* appname, const char* fname) : AB_Banking(appname, fname) , m_parent(parent) , _jobQueue(0) { m_sepaKeywords = {QString::fromUtf8("SEPA-BASISLASTSCHRIFT"), QString::fromUtf8("SEPA-ÜBERWEISUNG")}; QRegularExpression exp("(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+).*"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = exp.match(KAboutData::applicationData().version()); QByteArray regkey; const char *p = "\x08\x0f\x41\x0f\x58\x5b\x56\x4a\x09\x7b\x40\x0e\x5f\x2a\x56\x3f\x0e\x7f\x3f\x7d\x5b\x56\x56\x4b\x0a\x4d"; const char* q = appname; while (*p) { regkey += (*q++ ^ *p++) & 0xff; if (!*q) q = appname; } registerFinTs(regkey.data(), match.captured(1).remove(QLatin1Char('.')).left(5).toLatin1()); } int KBankingExt::init() { int rv = AB_Banking::init(); if (rv < 0) return rv; _jobQueue = AB_Transaction_List2_new(); return 0; } int KBankingExt::fini() { if (_jobQueue) { AB_Transaction_List2_freeAll(_jobQueue); _jobQueue = 0; } return AB_Banking::fini(); } int KBankingExt::executeQueue(AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx) { m_parent->startPasswordTimer(); int rv = AB_Banking::executeJobs(_jobQueue, ctx); if (rv != 0) { qDebug() << "Sending queue by aqbanking got error no " << rv; } /** check result of each job */ AB_TRANSACTION_LIST2_ITERATOR* jobIter = AB_Transaction_List2_First(_jobQueue); if (jobIter) { AB_TRANSACTION* abJob = AB_Transaction_List2Iterator_Data(jobIter); while (abJob) { const char *stringIdForApp=AB_Transaction_GetStringIdForApplication(abJob); if (!(stringIdForApp && *stringIdForApp)) { qWarning("Executed AB_Job without KMyMoney id"); abJob = AB_Transaction_List2Iterator_Next(jobIter); continue; } QString jobIdent = QString::fromUtf8(stringIdForApp); onlineJob job = m_parent->m_onlineJobQueue.value(jobIdent); if (job.isNull()) { // It should not be possible that this will happen (only if AqBanking fails heavily). //! @todo correct exception text qWarning("Executed a job which was not in queue. Please inform the KMyMoney developers."); abJob = AB_Transaction_List2Iterator_Next(jobIter); continue; } AB_TRANSACTION_STATUS abStatus = AB_Transaction_GetStatus(abJob); if (abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusSent || abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusPending || abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusAccepted || abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusRejected || abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusError || abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusUnknown) job.setJobSend(); if (abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusAccepted) job.setBankAnswer(eMyMoney::OnlineJob::sendingState::acceptedByBank); else if (abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusError || abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusRejected || abStatus == AB_Transaction_StatusUnknown) job.setBankAnswer(eMyMoney::OnlineJob::sendingState::sendingError); job.addJobMessage(onlineJobMessage(eMyMoney::OnlineJob::MessageType::Debug, "KBanking", "Job was processed")); m_parent->m_onlineJobQueue.insert(jobIdent, job); abJob = AB_Transaction_List2Iterator_Next(jobIter); } AB_Transaction_List2Iterator_free(jobIter); } AB_TRANSACTION_LIST2 *oldQ = _jobQueue; _jobQueue = AB_Transaction_List2_new(); AB_Transaction_List2_freeAll(oldQ); emit m_parent->queueChanged(); m_parent->startPasswordTimer(); return rv; } void KBankingExt::clearPasswordCache() { /* clear password DB */ GWEN_Gui_SetPasswordStatus(NULL, NULL, GWEN_Gui_PasswordStatus_Remove, 0); } std::list KBankingExt::getEnqueuedJobs() { AB_TRANSACTION_LIST2 *ll; std::list rl; ll = _jobQueue; if (ll && AB_Transaction_List2_GetSize(ll)) { AB_TRANSACTION *j; AB_TRANSACTION_LIST2_ITERATOR *it; it = AB_Transaction_List2_First(ll); assert(it); j = AB_Transaction_List2Iterator_Data(it); assert(j); while (j) { rl.push_back(j); j = AB_Transaction_List2Iterator_Next(it); } AB_Transaction_List2Iterator_free(it); } return rl; } int KBankingExt::enqueueJob(AB_TRANSACTION *j) { assert(_jobQueue); assert(j); AB_Transaction_Attach(j); AB_Transaction_List2_PushBack(_jobQueue, j); return 0; } int KBankingExt::dequeueJob(AB_TRANSACTION *j) { assert(_jobQueue); AB_Transaction_List2_Remove(_jobQueue, j); AB_Transaction_free(j); emit m_parent->queueChanged(); return 0; } void KBankingExt::transfer() { //m_parent->transfer(); } bool KBankingExt::askMapAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QString bankId; QString accountId; // extract some information about the bank. if we have a sortcode // (BLZ) we display it, otherwise the name is enough. try { const MyMoneyInstitution &bank = file->institution(acc.institutionId()); bankId = bank.name(); if (!bank.sortcode().isEmpty()) bankId = bank.sortcode(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { // no bank assigned, we just leave the field empty } // extract account information. if we have an account number // we show it, otherwise the name will be displayed accountId = acc.number(); if (accountId.isEmpty()) accountId = acc.name(); // do the mapping. the return value of this method is either // true, when the user mapped the account or false, if he // decided to quit the dialog. So not really a great thing // to present some more information. KBMapAccount *w; w = new KBMapAccount(this, bankId.toUtf8().constData(), accountId.toUtf8().constData()); if (w->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { AB_ACCOUNT_SPEC *a; a = w->getAccount(); assert(a); DBG_NOTICE(0, "Mapping application account \"%s\" to " "online account \"%s/%s\"", qPrintable(acc.name()), AB_AccountSpec_GetBankCode(a), AB_AccountSpec_GetAccountNumber(a)); // TODO remove the following line once we don't need backward compatibility setAccountAlias(a, acc.id().toUtf8().constData()); qDebug("Setup mapping to '%s'", acc.id().toUtf8().constData()); setAccountAlias(a, mappingId(acc).toUtf8().constData()); qDebug("Setup mapping to '%s'", mappingId(acc).toUtf8().constData()); delete w; return true; } delete w; return false; } QString KBankingExt::mappingId(const MyMoneyObject& object) const { QString id = MyMoneyFile::instance()->storageId() + QLatin1Char('-') + object.id(); // AqBanking does not handle the enclosing parens, so we remove it id.remove('{'); id.remove('}'); return id; } bool KBankingExt::interactiveImport() { AB_IMEXPORTER_CONTEXT *ctx; GWEN_DIALOG *dlg; int rv; ctx = AB_ImExporterContext_new(); dlg = AB_Banking_CreateImporterDialog(getCInterface(), ctx, NULL); if (dlg == NULL) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Could not create importer dialog."); AB_ImExporterContext_free(ctx); return false; } rv = GWEN_Gui_ExecDialog(dlg, 0); if (rv == 0) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Aborted by user"); GWEN_Dialog_free(dlg); AB_ImExporterContext_free(ctx); return false; } if (!importContext(ctx, 0)) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Error on importContext"); GWEN_Dialog_free(dlg); AB_ImExporterContext_free(ctx); return false; } GWEN_Dialog_free(dlg); AB_ImExporterContext_free(ctx); return true; } void KBankingExt::_xaToStatement(MyMoneyStatement &ks, const MyMoneyAccount& acc, const AB_TRANSACTION *t) { QString s; QString memo; const char *p; const AB_VALUE *val; const GWEN_DATE *dt; const GWEN_DATE *startDate = 0; MyMoneyStatement::Transaction kt; unsigned long h; kt.m_fees = MyMoneyMoney(); // bank's transaction id p = AB_Transaction_GetFiId(t); if (p) kt.m_strBankID = QString("ID ") + QString::fromUtf8(p); // payee p = AB_Transaction_GetRemoteName(t); if (p) kt.m_strPayee = QString::fromUtf8(p); // memo #if 1 p = AB_Transaction_GetPurpose(t); if (p && *p) { QString tmpMemo; s=QString::fromUtf8(p).trimmed(); tmpMemo=QString::fromUtf8(p).trimmed(); tmpMemo.replace('\n', ' '); memo=tmpMemo; } // in case we have some SEPA fields filled with information // we add them to the memo field p = AB_Transaction_GetEndToEndReference(t); if (p) { s += QString(", EREF: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("EREF: %1").arg(p)); } p = AB_Transaction_GetCustomerReference(t); if (p) { s += QString(", CREF: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("CREF: %1").arg(p)); } p = AB_Transaction_GetMandateId(t); if (p) { s += QString(", MREF: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("MREF: %1").arg(p)); } p = AB_Transaction_GetCreditorSchemeId(t); if (p) { s += QString(", CRED: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("CRED: %1").arg(p)); } p = AB_Transaction_GetOriginatorId(t); if (p) { s += QString(", DEBT: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("DEBT: %1").arg(p)); } #else // The variable 's' contains the old method of extracting // the memo which added a linefeed after each part received // from AqBanking. The new variable 'memo' does not have // this inserted linefeed. We keep the variable 's' to // construct the hash-value to retrieve the reference s.truncate(0); sl = AB_Transaction_GetPurpose(t); if (sl) { GWEN_STRINGLISTENTRY *se; bool insertLineSep = false; se = GWEN_StringList_FirstEntry(sl); while (se) { p = GWEN_StringListEntry_Data(se); assert(p); if (insertLineSep) s += '\n'; insertLineSep = true; s += QString::fromUtf8(p).trimmed(); memo += QString::fromUtf8(p).trimmed(); se = GWEN_StringListEntry_Next(se); } // while // Sparda / Netbank hack: the software these banks use stores // parts of the payee name in the beginning of the purpose field // in case the payee name exceeds the 27 character limit. This is // the case, when one of the strings listed in m_sepaKeywords is part // of the purpose fields but does not start at the beginning. In this // case, the part leading up to the keyword is to be treated as the // tail of the payee. Also, a blank is inserted after the keyword. QSet::const_iterator itk; for (itk = m_sepaKeywords.constBegin(); itk != m_sepaKeywords.constEnd(); ++itk) { int idx = s.indexOf(*itk); if (idx >= 0) { if (idx > 0) { // re-add a possibly removed blank to name if (kt.m_strPayee.length() < 27) kt.m_strPayee += ' '; kt.m_strPayee += s.left(idx); s = s.mid(idx); } s = QString("%1 %2").arg(*itk).arg(s.mid((*itk).length())); // now do the same for 'memo' except for updating the payee idx = memo.indexOf(*itk); if (idx >= 0) { if (idx > 0) { memo = memo.mid(idx); } } memo = QString("%1 %2").arg(*itk).arg(memo.mid((*itk).length())); break; } } // in case we have some SEPA fields filled with information // we add them to the memo field p = AB_Transaction_GetEndToEndReference(t); if (p) { s += QString(", EREF: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("EREF: %1").arg(p)); } p = AB_Transaction_GetCustomerReference(t); if (p) { s += QString(", CREF: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("CREF: %1").arg(p)); } p = AB_Transaction_GetMandateId(t); if (p) { s += QString(", MREF: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("MREF: %1").arg(p)); } p = AB_Transaction_GetCreditorSchemeId(t); if (p) { s += QString(", CRED: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("CRED: %1").arg(p)); } p = AB_Transaction_GetOriginatorId(t); if (p) { s += QString(", DEBT: %1").arg(p); if(memo.length()) memo.append('\n'); memo.append(QString("DEBT: %1").arg(p)); } } #endif const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& kvp = acc.onlineBankingSettings(); // check if we need the version with or without linebreaks if (kvp.value("kbanking-memo-removelinebreaks").compare(QLatin1String("no"))) { kt.m_strMemo = memo; } else { kt.m_strMemo = s; } // calculate the hash code and start with the payee info // and append the memo field h = MyMoneyTransaction::hash(kt.m_strPayee.trimmed()); h = MyMoneyTransaction::hash(s, h); // see, if we need to extract the payee from the memo field QString rePayee = kvp.value("kbanking-payee-regexp"); if (!rePayee.isEmpty() && kt.m_strPayee.isEmpty()) { QString reMemo = kvp.value("kbanking-memo-regexp"); QStringList exceptions = kvp.value("kbanking-payee-exceptions").split(';', QString::SkipEmptyParts); bool needExtract = true; QStringList::const_iterator it_s; for (it_s = exceptions.constBegin(); needExtract && it_s != exceptions.constEnd(); ++it_s) { QRegExp exp(*it_s, Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (exp.indexIn(kt.m_strMemo) != -1) { needExtract = false; } } if (needExtract) { QRegExp expPayee(rePayee, Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp expMemo(reMemo, Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (expPayee.indexIn(kt.m_strMemo) != -1) { kt.m_strPayee = expPayee.cap(1); if (expMemo.indexIn(kt.m_strMemo) != -1) { kt.m_strMemo = expMemo.cap(1); } } } } kt.m_strPayee = kt.m_strPayee.trimmed(); // date dt = AB_Transaction_GetDate(t); if (!dt) dt = AB_Transaction_GetValutaDate(t); if (dt) { if (!startDate) startDate = dt; /*else { dead code if (GWEN_Time_Diff(ti, startTime) < 0) startTime = ti; }*/ kt.m_datePosted = QDate(GWEN_Date_GetYear(dt), GWEN_Date_GetMonth(dt), GWEN_Date_GetDay(dt)); } else { DBG_WARN(0, "No date for transaction"); } // value val = AB_Transaction_GetValue(t); if (val) { if (ks.m_strCurrency.isEmpty()) { p = AB_Value_GetCurrency(val); if (p) ks.m_strCurrency = p; } else { p = AB_Value_GetCurrency(val); if (p) s = p; if (ks.m_strCurrency.toLower() != s.toLower()) { // TODO: handle currency difference DBG_ERROR(0, "Mixed currencies currently not allowed"); } } kt.m_amount = MyMoneyMoney(AB_Value_GetValueAsDouble(val)); // The initial implementation of this feature was based on // a denominator of 100. Since the denominator might be // different nowadays, we make sure to use 100 for the // duplicate detection QString tmpVal = kt.m_amount.formatMoney(100, false); tmpVal.remove(QRegExp("[,\\.]")); tmpVal += QLatin1String("/100"); h = MyMoneyTransaction::hash(tmpVal, h); } else { DBG_WARN(0, "No value for transaction"); } if (startDate) { QDate d(QDate(GWEN_Date_GetYear(startDate), GWEN_Date_GetMonth(startDate), GWEN_Date_GetDay(startDate))); if (!ks.m_dateBegin.isValid()) ks.m_dateBegin = d; else if (d < ks.m_dateBegin) ks.m_dateBegin = d; if (!ks.m_dateEnd.isValid()) ks.m_dateEnd = d; else if (d > ks.m_dateEnd) ks.m_dateEnd = d; } else { DBG_WARN(0, "No date in current transaction"); } // add information about remote account to memo in case we have something const char *remoteAcc = AB_Transaction_GetRemoteAccountNumber(t); const char *remoteBankCode = AB_Transaction_GetRemoteBankCode(t); if (remoteAcc && remoteBankCode) { kt.m_strMemo += QString("\n%1/%2").arg(remoteBankCode, remoteAcc); } // make hash value unique in case we don't have one already if (kt.m_strBankID.isEmpty()) { QString hashBase; hashBase.sprintf("%s-%07lx", qPrintable(kt.m_datePosted.toString(Qt::ISODate)), h); int idx = 1; QString hash; for (;;) { hash = QString("%1-%2").arg(hashBase).arg(idx); QMap::const_iterator it; it = m_hashMap.constFind(hash); if (it == m_hashMap.constEnd()) { m_hashMap[hash] = true; break; } ++idx; } kt.m_strBankID = QString("%1-%2").arg(acc.id()).arg(hash); } // store transaction ks.m_listTransactions += kt; } bool KBankingExt::importAccountInfo(AB_IMEXPORTER_ACCOUNTINFO *ai, uint32_t /*flags*/) { const char *p; DBG_INFO(0, "Importing account..."); // account number MyMoneyStatement ks; p = AB_ImExporterAccountInfo_GetAccountNumber(ai); if (p) { ks.m_strAccountNumber = m_parent->stripLeadingZeroes(p); } p = AB_ImExporterAccountInfo_GetBankCode(ai); if (p) { ks.m_strRoutingNumber = m_parent->stripLeadingZeroes(p); } MyMoneyAccount kacc; if (!ks.m_strAccountNumber.isEmpty() || !ks.m_strRoutingNumber.isEmpty()) { kacc = m_parent->account("kbanking-acc-ref", QString("%1-%2").arg(ks.m_strRoutingNumber, ks.m_strAccountNumber)); ks.m_accountId = kacc.id(); } // account name p = AB_ImExporterAccountInfo_GetAccountName(ai); if (p) ks.m_strAccountName = p; // account type switch (AB_ImExporterAccountInfo_GetAccountType(ai)) { case AB_AccountType_Bank: ks.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Savings; break; case AB_AccountType_CreditCard: ks.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::CreditCard; break; case AB_AccountType_Checking: ks.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Checkings; break; case AB_AccountType_Savings: ks.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Savings; break; case AB_AccountType_Investment: ks.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Investment; break; case AB_AccountType_Cash: default: ks.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::None; } // account status const AB_BALANCE *bal = AB_Balance_List_GetLatestByType(AB_ImExporterAccountInfo_GetBalanceList(ai), AB_Balance_TypeBooked); if (!bal) bal = AB_Balance_List_GetLatestByType(AB_ImExporterAccountInfo_GetBalanceList(ai), AB_Balance_TypeNoted); if (bal) { const AB_VALUE* val = AB_Balance_GetValue(bal); if (val) { DBG_INFO(0, "Importing balance"); ks.m_closingBalance = AB_Value_toMyMoneyMoney(val); p = AB_Value_GetCurrency(val); if (p) ks.m_strCurrency = p; } const GWEN_DATE* dt = AB_Balance_GetDate(bal); if (dt) { ks.m_dateEnd = QDate(GWEN_Date_GetYear(dt), GWEN_Date_GetMonth(dt) , GWEN_Date_GetDay(dt)); } else { DBG_WARN(0, "No date for balance"); } } else { DBG_WARN(0, "No account balance"); } // clear hash map m_hashMap.clear(); // get all transactions const AB_TRANSACTION* t = AB_ImExporterAccountInfo_GetFirstTransaction(ai, AB_Transaction_TypeStatement, 0); while (t) { _xaToStatement(ks, kacc, t); t = AB_Transaction_List_FindNextByType(t, AB_Transaction_TypeStatement, 0); } // import them if (!m_parent->importStatement(ks)) { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, i18n("Error importing statement. Do you want to continue?"), i18n("Critical Error")) == KMessageBox::No) { DBG_ERROR(0, "User aborted"); return false; } } return true; } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(KBankingFactory, "kbanking.json", registerPlugin();) #include "kbanking.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kbanking.rc.in b/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kbanking.rc.in index 90bf8a41d..c8a0acca5 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kbanking.rc.in +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kbanking.rc.in @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ - + - @KMM_BANKING_DEBUG_OPTIONS@ diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/ofx/import/ofximporter.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/ofx/import/ofximporter.cpp index 5f831a329..7985f631c 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/ofx/import/ofximporter.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/ofx/import/ofximporter.cpp @@ -1,994 +1,993 @@ /* * Copyright 2005 Ace Jones acejones@users.sourceforge.net * Copyright 2010-2019 Thomas Baumgart tbaumgart@kde.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "ofximporter.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include +#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE + #include + #include +#endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include #include "konlinebankingstatus.h" #include "konlinebankingsetupwizard.h" #include "kofxdirectconnectdlg.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "mymoneystatement.h" #include "mymoneystatementreader.h" #include "statementinterface.h" #include "importinterface.h" #include "viewinterface.h" #include "ui_importoption.h" #include "kmymoneyutils.h" //#define DEBUG_LIBOFX -#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE -#include -#include -#endif - using KWallet::Wallet; typedef enum { UniqueIdUnknown = -1, UniqueIdOfx = 0, UniqueIdKMyMoney } UniqueTransactionIdSource; class OFXImporter::Private { public: Private() : m_valid(false), m_preferName(PreferId), m_uniqueIdSource(UniqueIdUnknown), m_walletIsOpen(false), m_statusDlg(0), m_wallet(0), m_updateStartDate(QDate(1900,1,1)), m_timestampOffset(0) {} bool m_valid; enum NamePreference { PreferId = 0, PreferName, PreferMemo } m_preferName; UniqueTransactionIdSource m_uniqueIdSource; bool m_walletIsOpen; QList m_statementlist; QList m_securitylist; QString m_fatalerror; QStringList m_infos; QStringList m_warnings; QStringList m_errors; KOnlineBankingStatus* m_statusDlg; Wallet *m_wallet; QDate m_updateStartDate; int m_timestampOffset; QSet m_hashes; int constructTimeOffset(const QTimeEdit* timestampOffset, const KComboBox* timestampOffsetSign) const { // get offset in minutes int offset = timestampOffset->time().msecsSinceStartOfDay() / 1000 / 60; if (timestampOffsetSign->currentText() == QStringLiteral("-")) { offset = -offset; } return offset; } }; static UniqueTransactionIdSource defaultIdSource() { KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kmymoney/ofximporterrc")); KConfigGroup grp = config->group("General"); return (grp.readEntry("useOwnFITID", false) == true) ? UniqueIdKMyMoney : UniqueIdOfx; } OFXImporter::OFXImporter(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "ofximporter"), /* * the string in the line above must be the same as * X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name and the provider name assigned in * OfxImporterPlugin::onlineBankingSettings() */ KMyMoneyPlugin::ImporterPlugin(), d(new Private) { Q_UNUSED(args) const auto componentName = QLatin1String("ofximporter"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("ofximporter.rc"); setComponentName(componentName, i18n("OFX Importer")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE - const QString rcFilePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../share/kxmlgui5/") + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; + const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif createActions(); // For ease announce that we have been loaded. qDebug("Plugins: ofximporter loaded"); } OFXImporter::~OFXImporter() { delete d; qDebug("Plugins: ofximporter unloaded"); } void OFXImporter::createActions() { const auto &kpartgui = QStringLiteral("file_import_ofx"); auto a = actionCollection()->addAction(kpartgui); a->setText(i18n("OFX...")); connect(a, &QAction::triggered, this, static_cast(&OFXImporter::slotImportFile)); connect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::viewStateChanged, action(qPrintable(kpartgui)), &QAction::setEnabled); } void OFXImporter::slotImportFile() { QWidget * widget = new QWidget; Ui_ImportOption* option = new Ui_ImportOption; option->setupUi(widget); // initially set to global default option option->m_uniqueIdSource->setCurrentIndex(defaultIdSource()); QUrl url = importInterface()->selectFile(i18n("OFX import file selection"), QString(), QStringLiteral("*.ofx *.qfx *.ofc|OFX files (*.ofx *.qfx *.ofc);;*|All files (*)"), QFileDialog::ExistingFile, widget); d->m_preferName = static_cast(option->m_preferName->currentIndex()); d->m_uniqueIdSource = static_cast(option->m_uniqueIdSource->currentIndex()); d->m_timestampOffset = d->constructTimeOffset(option->m_timestampOffset, option->m_timestampOffsetSign); if (url.isValid()) { const QString filename(url.toLocalFile()); if (isMyFormat(filename)) { statementInterface()->resetMessages(); slotImportFile(filename); statementInterface()->showMessages(d->m_statementlist.count()); } else { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Unable to import %1 using the OFX importer plugin. This file is not the correct format.", url.toDisplayString()), i18n("Incorrect format")); } } delete option; delete widget; } QString OFXImporter::formatName() const { return QStringLiteral("OFX"); } QString OFXImporter::formatFilenameFilter() const { return QStringLiteral("*.ofx *.qfx *.ofc"); } bool OFXImporter::isMyFormat(const QString& filename) const { // filename is considered an Ofx file if it contains // the tag "" or "" in the first 20 lines. // which contain some data bool result = false; QFile f(filename); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream ts(&f); int lineCount = 20; while (!ts.atEnd() && !result && lineCount != 0) { // get a line of data and remove all unnecessary whitepace chars QString line = ts.readLine().simplified(); if (line.contains(QStringLiteral(""), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || line.contains(QStringLiteral(""), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) result = true; // count only lines that contain some non white space chars if (!line.isEmpty()) lineCount--; } f.close(); } else { qDebug() << "OFXImporter::isMyFormat: unable to open" << filename << "with" << f.errorString(); } return result; } bool OFXImporter::import(const QString& filename) { d->m_fatalerror = i18n("Unable to parse file"); d->m_valid = false; d->m_errors.clear(); d->m_warnings.clear(); d->m_infos.clear(); d->m_statementlist.clear(); d->m_securitylist.clear(); QByteArray filename_deep = QFile::encodeName(filename); ofx_STATUS_msg = true; ofx_INFO_msg = true; ofx_WARNING_msg = true; ofx_ERROR_msg = true; #ifdef DEBUG_LIBOFX ofx_PARSER_msg = true; ofx_DEBUG_msg = true; ofx_DEBUG1_msg = true; ofx_DEBUG2_msg = true; ofx_DEBUG3_msg = true; ofx_DEBUG4_msg = true; ofx_DEBUG5_msg = true; #endif LibofxContextPtr ctx = libofx_get_new_context(); Q_CHECK_PTR(ctx); // Don't show the position that caused a message to be shown // This has no setter (see libofx.h) ofx_show_position = false; d->m_hashes.clear(); qDebug("setup callback routines"); ofx_set_transaction_cb(ctx, ofxTransactionCallback, this); ofx_set_statement_cb(ctx, ofxStatementCallback, this); ofx_set_account_cb(ctx, ofxAccountCallback, this); ofx_set_security_cb(ctx, ofxSecurityCallback, this); ofx_set_status_cb(ctx, ofxStatusCallback, this); qDebug("process data"); libofx_proc_file(ctx, filename_deep, AUTODETECT); qDebug("process data done"); libofx_free_context(ctx); if (d->m_valid) { d->m_fatalerror.clear(); d->m_valid = storeStatements(d->m_statementlist); } return d->m_valid; } QString OFXImporter::lastError() const { if (d->m_errors.count() == 0) return d->m_fatalerror; return d->m_errors.join(QStringLiteral("

")); } /* __________________________________________________________________________ * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA * * Static callbacks for LibOFX * * YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY */ int OFXImporter::ofxTransactionCallback(struct OfxTransactionData data, void * pv) { // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO; OFXImporter* pofx = reinterpret_cast(pv); MyMoneyStatement& s = pofx->back(); MyMoneyStatement::Transaction t; if (data.date_posted_valid) { QDateTime dt; dt.setTime_t(data.date_posted - pofx->d->m_timestampOffset * 60); t.m_datePosted = dt.date(); } else if (data.date_initiated_valid) { QDateTime dt; dt.setTime_t(data.date_initiated - pofx->d->m_timestampOffset * 60); t.m_datePosted = dt.date(); } if (t.m_datePosted.isValid()) { // verify the transaction date is one we want if (t.m_datePosted < pofx->d->m_updateStartDate) { //kDebug(0) << "discarding transaction dated" << qPrintable(t.m_datePosted.toString(Qt::ISODate)); return 0; } } if (data.amount_valid) { t.m_amount = MyMoneyMoney(data.amount, 1000); } if (data.check_number_valid) { t.m_strNumber = QString::fromUtf8(data.check_number); } unsigned long h; QString tmpString; // in case the unique transaction id source is yet unknown we // use the global preset UniqueTransactionIdSource idSource = pofx->d->m_uniqueIdSource; if (idSource == UniqueIdUnknown) { idSource = defaultIdSource(); } switch (idSource) { default: case UniqueIdOfx: if (data.fi_id_valid) { t.m_strBankID = QStringLiteral("ID ") + QString::fromUtf8(data.fi_id); } else if (data.reference_number_valid) { t.m_strBankID = QStringLiteral("REF ") + QString::fromUtf8(data.reference_number); } break; case UniqueIdKMyMoney: if (data.payee_id_valid) { tmpString = QString::fromUtf8(data.payee_id); } else if (data.name_valid) { tmpString = QString::fromUtf8(data.name); } else if (data.memo_valid) { tmpString = QString::fromUtf8(data.memo); } h = MyMoneyTransaction::hash(tmpString.trimmed()); if (data.memo_valid) h = MyMoneyTransaction::hash(QString::fromUtf8(data.memo), h); h = MyMoneyTransaction::hash(t.m_amount.toString(), h); // make hash value unique in case we don't have one already QString hashBase; hashBase.sprintf("%s-%07lx", qPrintable(t.m_datePosted.toString(Qt::ISODate)), h); int idx = 1; QString hash; for (;;) { hash = QString("%1-%2").arg(hashBase).arg(idx); if (!pofx->d->m_hashes.contains(hash)) { pofx->d->m_hashes += hash; break; } ++idx; } t.m_strBankID = QString("KMM %1").arg(hash); break; } // Decide whether to use NAME, PAYEEID or MEMO to construct the payee bool validity[3] = {false, false, false}; QStringList values; switch (pofx->d->m_preferName) { case OFXImporter::Private::PreferId: // PAYEEID default: validity[0] = data.payee_id_valid; validity[1] = data.name_valid; validity[2] = data.memo_valid; values += QString::fromUtf8(data.payee_id); values += QString::fromUtf8(data.name); values += QString::fromUtf8(data.memo); break; case OFXImporter::Private::PreferName: // NAME validity[0] = data.name_valid; validity[1] = data.payee_id_valid; validity[2] = data.memo_valid; values += QString::fromUtf8(data.name); values += QString::fromUtf8(data.payee_id); values += QString::fromUtf8(data.memo); break; case OFXImporter::Private::PreferMemo: // MEMO validity[0] = data.memo_valid; validity[1] = data.payee_id_valid; validity[2] = data.name_valid; values += QString::fromUtf8(data.memo); values += QString::fromUtf8(data.payee_id); values += QString::fromUtf8(data.name); break; } // for investment transactions we don't use the meme as payee if (data.invtransactiontype_valid) { values.clear(); validity[0] = data.payee_id_valid; validity[1] = data.name_valid; validity[2] = false; values += QString::fromUtf8(data.payee_id); values += QString::fromUtf8(data.name); } for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) { if (validity[idx]) { t.m_strPayee = values[idx]; break; } } // extract memo field if we haven't used it as payee if ((data.memo_valid) && (pofx->d->m_preferName != OFXImporter::Private::PreferMemo)) { t.m_strMemo = QString::fromUtf8(data.memo); } // If the payee or memo fields are blank, set them to // the other one which is NOT blank. (acejones) if (t.m_strPayee.isEmpty()) { // But we only create a payee for non-investment transactions (ipwizard) if (! t.m_strMemo.isEmpty() && data.invtransactiontype_valid == false) t.m_strPayee = t.m_strMemo; } else { if (t.m_strMemo.isEmpty()) t.m_strMemo = t.m_strPayee; } if (data.security_data_valid) { struct OfxSecurityData* secdata = data.security_data_ptr; if (secdata->ticker_valid) { t.m_strSymbol = QString::fromUtf8(secdata->ticker); } if (secdata->secname_valid) { t.m_strSecurity = QString::fromUtf8(secdata->secname); } } t.m_shares = MyMoneyMoney(); if (data.units_valid) { t.m_shares = MyMoneyMoney(data.units, 100000).reduce(); } t.m_price = MyMoneyMoney(); if (data.unitprice_valid) { t.m_price = MyMoneyMoney(data.unitprice, 100000).reduce(); } t.m_fees = MyMoneyMoney(); if (data.fees_valid) { t.m_fees += MyMoneyMoney(data.fees, 1000).reduce(); } if (data.commission_valid) { t.m_fees += MyMoneyMoney(data.commission, 1000).reduce(); } bool unhandledtype = false; QString type; if (data.invtransactiontype_valid) { switch (data.invtransactiontype) { case OFX_BUYDEBT: case OFX_BUYMF: case OFX_BUYOPT: case OFX_BUYOTHER: case OFX_BUYSTOCK: t.m_eAction = eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::Buy; break; case OFX_REINVEST: t.m_eAction = eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::ReinvestDividend; break; case OFX_SELLDEBT: case OFX_SELLMF: case OFX_SELLOPT: case OFX_SELLOTHER: case OFX_SELLSTOCK: t.m_eAction = eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::Sell; break; case OFX_INCOME: t.m_eAction = eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::CashDividend; // NOTE: With CashDividend, the amount of the dividend should // be in data.amount. Since I've never seen an OFX file with // cash dividends, this is an assumption on my part. (acejones) break; // // These types are all not handled. We will generate a warning for them. // case OFX_CLOSUREOPT: unhandledtype = true; type = QStringLiteral("CLOSUREOPT (Close a position for an option)"); break; case OFX_INVEXPENSE: unhandledtype = true; type = QStringLiteral("INVEXPENSE (Misc investment expense that is associated with a specific security)"); break; case OFX_JRNLFUND: unhandledtype = true; type = QStringLiteral("JRNLFUND (Journaling cash holdings between subaccounts within the same investment account)"); break; case OFX_MARGININTEREST: unhandledtype = true; type = QStringLiteral("MARGININTEREST (Margin interest expense)"); break; case OFX_RETOFCAP: unhandledtype = true; type = QStringLiteral("RETOFCAP (Return of capital)"); break; case OFX_SPLIT: unhandledtype = true; type = QStringLiteral("SPLIT (Stock or mutial fund split)"); break; case OFX_TRANSFER: unhandledtype = true; type = QStringLiteral("TRANSFER (Transfer holdings in and out of the investment account)"); break; default: unhandledtype = true; type = QString("UNKNOWN %1").arg(data.invtransactiontype); break; } } else t.m_eAction = eMyMoney::Transaction::Action::None; // In the case of investment transactions, the 'total' is supposed to the total amount // of the transaction. units * unitprice +/- commission. Easy, right? Sadly, it seems // some ofx creators do not follow this in all circumstances. Therefore, we have to double- // check the total here and adjust it if it's wrong. #if 0 // Even more sadly, this logic is BROKEN. It consistently results in bogus total // values, because of rounding errors in the price. A more through solution would // be to test if the commission alone is causing a discrepancy, and adjust in that case. if (data.invtransactiontype_valid && data.unitprice_valid) { double proper_total = t.m_dShares * data.unitprice + t.m_moneyFees; if (proper_total != t.m_moneyAmount) { pofx->addWarning(QString("Transaction %1 has an incorrect total of %2. Using calculated total of %3 instead.").arg(t.m_strBankID).arg(t.m_moneyAmount).arg(proper_total)); t.m_moneyAmount = proper_total; } } #endif if (unhandledtype) pofx->addWarning(QString("Transaction %1 has an unsupported type (%2).").arg(t.m_strBankID, type)); else s.m_listTransactions += t; // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "return 0 "; return 0; } int OFXImporter::ofxStatementCallback(struct OfxStatementData data, void* pv) { // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO; OFXImporter* pofx = reinterpret_cast(pv); MyMoneyStatement& s = pofx->back(); pofx->setValid(); if (data.currency_valid) { s.m_strCurrency = QString::fromUtf8(data.currency); } if (data.account_id_valid) { s.m_strAccountNumber = QString::fromUtf8(data.account_id); } if (data.date_start_valid) { QDateTime dt; dt.setTime_t(data.date_start - pofx->d->m_timestampOffset * 60); s.m_dateBegin = dt.date(); } if (data.date_end_valid) { QDateTime dt; dt.setTime_t(data.date_end - pofx->d->m_timestampOffset * 60); s.m_dateEnd = dt.date(); } if (data.ledger_balance_valid && data.ledger_balance_date_valid) { s.m_closingBalance = MyMoneyMoney(data.ledger_balance); QDateTime dt; dt.setTime_t(data.ledger_balance_date); s.m_dateEnd = dt.date(); } // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " return 0"; return 0; } int OFXImporter::ofxAccountCallback(struct OfxAccountData data, void * pv) { // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO; OFXImporter* pofx = reinterpret_cast(pv); pofx->addnew(); MyMoneyStatement& s = pofx->back(); // Having any account at all makes an ofx statement valid pofx->d->m_valid = true; // new account means new hashes pofx->d->m_hashes.clear(); if (data.account_id_valid) { s.m_strAccountName = QString::fromUtf8(data.account_name); s.m_strAccountNumber = QString::fromUtf8(data.account_id); } if (data.bank_id_valid) { s.m_strRoutingNumber = QString::fromUtf8(data.bank_id); } if (data.broker_id_valid) { s.m_strRoutingNumber = QString::fromUtf8(data.broker_id); } if (data.currency_valid) { s.m_strCurrency = QString::fromUtf8(data.currency); } if (data.account_type_valid) { switch (data.account_type) { case OfxAccountData::OFX_CHECKING : s.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Checkings; break; case OfxAccountData::OFX_SAVINGS : s.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Savings; break; case OfxAccountData::OFX_MONEYMRKT : s.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Investment; break; case OfxAccountData::OFX_CREDITLINE : s.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::CreditCard; break; case OfxAccountData::OFX_CMA : s.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::CreditCard; break; case OfxAccountData::OFX_CREDITCARD : s.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::CreditCard; break; case OfxAccountData::OFX_INVESTMENT : s.m_eType = eMyMoney::Statement::Type::Investment; break; } } // ask KMyMoney for an account id // but only if we have any information to ask for if (!s.m_strAccountNumber.isEmpty() || !s.m_strRoutingNumber.isEmpty()) { s.m_accountId = pofx->account(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-acc-ref"), QString("%1-%2").arg(s.m_strRoutingNumber, s.m_strAccountNumber)).id(); } // copy over the securities s.m_listSecurities = pofx->d->m_securitylist; // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " return 0"; return 0; } int OFXImporter::ofxSecurityCallback(struct OfxSecurityData data, void* pv) { // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO; OFXImporter* pofx = reinterpret_cast(pv); MyMoneyStatement::Security sec; if (data.unique_id_valid) { sec.m_strId = QString::fromUtf8(data.unique_id); } if (data.secname_valid) { sec.m_strName = QString::fromUtf8(data.secname); } if (data.ticker_valid) { sec.m_strSymbol = QString::fromUtf8(data.ticker); } pofx->d->m_securitylist += sec; return 0; } int OFXImporter::ofxStatusCallback(struct OfxStatusData data, void * pv) { // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO; OFXImporter* pofx = reinterpret_cast(pv); QString message; // if we got this far, we know we were able to parse the file. // so if it fails after here it can only because there were no actual // accounts in the file! pofx->d->m_fatalerror = i18n("No accounts found."); if (data.ofx_element_name_valid) message.prepend(QString("%1: ").arg(QString::fromUtf8(data.ofx_element_name))); if (data.code_valid) message += QString("%1 (Code %2): %3").arg(QString::fromUtf8(data.name)).arg(data.code).arg(QString::fromUtf8(data.description)); if (data.server_message_valid) message += QString(" (%1)").arg(QString::fromUtf8(data.server_message)); if (data.severity_valid) { switch (data.severity) { case OfxStatusData::INFO: pofx->addInfo(message); break; case OfxStatusData::ERROR: pofx->addError(message); break; case OfxStatusData::WARN: pofx->addWarning(message); break; default: pofx->addWarning(message); pofx->addWarning(QStringLiteral("Previous message was an unknown type. 'WARNING' was assumed.")); break; } } // kDebug(2) << Q_FUNC_INFO << " return 0 "; return 0; } QStringList OFXImporter::importStatement(const MyMoneyStatement &s) { qDebug("OfxImporterPlugin::importStatement start"); return statementInterface()->import(s, false); } MyMoneyAccount OFXImporter::account(const QString& key, const QString& value) const { return statementInterface()->account(key, value); } void OFXImporter::protocols(QStringList& protocolList) const { protocolList.clear(); protocolList << QStringLiteral("OFX"); } QWidget* OFXImporter::accountConfigTab(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, QString& name) { name = i18n("Online settings"); d->m_statusDlg = new KOnlineBankingStatus(acc, 0); return d->m_statusDlg; } MyMoneyKeyValueContainer OFXImporter::onlineBankingSettings(const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& current) { MyMoneyKeyValueContainer kvp(current); // keep the provider name in sync with the one found in kmm_ofximport.desktop kvp[QStringLiteral("provider")] = objectName().toLower(); if (d->m_statusDlg) { kvp.deletePair(QStringLiteral("appId")); kvp.deletePair(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-headerVersion")); kvp.deletePair(QStringLiteral("password")); d->m_wallet = openSynchronousWallet(); if (d->m_wallet && (d->m_wallet->hasFolder(KWallet::Wallet::PasswordFolder()) || d->m_wallet->createFolder(KWallet::Wallet::PasswordFolder())) && d->m_wallet->setFolder(KWallet::Wallet::PasswordFolder())) { QString key = OFX_PASSWORD_KEY(kvp.value(QStringLiteral("url")), kvp.value(QStringLiteral("uniqueId"))); if (d->m_statusDlg->m_storePassword->isChecked()) { d->m_wallet->writePassword(key, d->m_statusDlg->m_password->text()); } else { if (d->m_wallet->hasEntry(key)) { d->m_wallet->removeEntry(key); } } } else { if (d->m_statusDlg->m_storePassword->isChecked()) { kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("password"), d->m_statusDlg->m_password->text()); } } if (!d->m_statusDlg->appId().isEmpty()) kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("appId"), d->m_statusDlg->appId()); kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-headerVersion"), d->m_statusDlg->headerVersion()); kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-numRequestDays"), QString::number(d->m_statusDlg->m_numdaysSpin->value())); kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-todayMinus"), QString::number(d->m_statusDlg->m_todayRB->isChecked())); kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-lastUpdate"), QString::number(d->m_statusDlg->m_lastUpdateRB->isChecked())); kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-pickDate"), QString::number(d->m_statusDlg->m_pickDateRB->isChecked())); kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-specificDate"), d->m_statusDlg->m_specificDate->date().toString()); kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-preferName"), QString::number(d->m_statusDlg->m_preferredPayee->currentIndex())); kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-uniqueIdSource"), QString::number(d->m_statusDlg->m_uniqueTransactionId->currentIndex())); if (!d->m_statusDlg->m_clientUidEdit->text().isEmpty()) kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("clientUid"), d->m_statusDlg->m_clientUidEdit->text()); else kvp.deletePair(QStringLiteral("clientUid")); int offset = d->constructTimeOffset(d->m_statusDlg->m_timestampOffset, d->m_statusDlg->m_timestampOffsetSign); if (offset == 0) { kvp.deletePair(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-timestampOffset")); } else { kvp.setValue(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-timestampOffset"), QString::number(offset)); } // get rid of pre 4.6 values kvp.deletePair(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-preferPayeeid")); } return kvp; } bool OFXImporter::mapAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& settings) { Q_UNUSED(acc); bool rc = false; QPointer wiz = new KOnlineBankingSetupWizard(0); if (wiz->isInit()) { if (wiz->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { rc = wiz->chosenSettings(settings); } } delete wiz; return rc; } bool OFXImporter::updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, bool moreAccounts) { Q_UNUSED(moreAccounts); qDebug("OfxImporterPlugin::updateAccount"); try { d->m_uniqueIdSource = UniqueIdUnknown; if (!acc.id().isEmpty()) { // Save the value of preferName to be used by ofxTransactionCallback d->m_preferName = static_cast(acc.onlineBankingSettings().value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-preferName")).toInt()); if (acc.onlineBankingSettings().value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-uniqueIdSource")).isEmpty()) d->m_uniqueIdSource = defaultIdSource(); else d->m_uniqueIdSource = static_cast(acc.onlineBankingSettings().value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-uniqueIdSource")).toInt()); QPointer dlg = new KOfxDirectConnectDlg(acc); connect(dlg.data(), &KOfxDirectConnectDlg::statementReady, this, static_cast(&OFXImporter::slotImportFile)); // get the date of the earliest transaction that we are interested in // from the settings for this account MyMoneyKeyValueContainer settings = acc.onlineBankingSettings(); if (!settings.value(QStringLiteral("provider")).isEmpty()) { if ((settings.value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-todayMinus")).toInt() != 0) && !settings.value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-numRequestDays")).isEmpty()) { //kDebug(0) << "start date = today minus"; d->m_updateStartDate = QDate::currentDate().addDays(-settings.value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-numRequestDays")).toInt()); } else if ((settings.value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-lastUpdate")).toInt() != 0) && !acc.value(QStringLiteral("lastImportedTransactionDate")).isEmpty()) { //kDebug(0) << "start date = last update"; d->m_updateStartDate = QDate::fromString(acc.value(QStringLiteral("lastImportedTransactionDate")), Qt::ISODate); } else if ((settings.value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-pickDate")).toInt() != 0) && !settings.value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-specificDate")).isEmpty()) { //kDebug(0) << "start date = pick date"; d->m_updateStartDate = QDate::fromString(settings.value(QStringLiteral("kmmofx-specificDate"))); } else { //kDebug(0) << "start date = today - 2 months"; d->m_updateStartDate = QDate::currentDate().addMonths(-2); } } d->m_timestampOffset = settings.value("kmmofx-timestampOffset").toInt(); //kDebug(0) << "ofx plugin: account" << acc.name() << "earliest transaction date to process =" << qPrintable(d->m_updateStartDate.toString(Qt::ISODate)); if (dlg->init()) dlg->exec(); delete dlg; // reset the earliest-interesting-transaction date to the non-specific account setting d->m_updateStartDate = QDate(1900,1,1); d->m_timestampOffset = 0; } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::information(0 , i18n("Error connecting to bank: %1", QString::fromLatin1(e.what()))); } return false; } void OFXImporter::slotImportFile(const QString& url) { qDebug("OfxImporterPlugin::slotImportFile"); if (!import(url)) { KMessageBox::error(0, QString("%1").arg(i18n("

Unable to import '%1' using the OFX importer plugin. The plugin returned the following error:


", url, lastError())), i18n("Importing error")); } } bool OFXImporter::storeStatements(const QList &statements) { if (statements.isEmpty()) return true; auto ok = true; auto abort = false; // FIXME Deal with warnings/errors coming back from plugins /*if ( ofx.errors().count() ) { if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(this,i18n("The following errors were returned from your bank"),ofx.errors(),i18n("OFX Errors")) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) abort = true; } if ( ofx.warnings().count() ) { if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(this,i18n("The following warnings were returned from your bank"),ofx.warnings(),i18n("OFX Warnings"),KStandardGuiItem::cont(),"ofxwarnings") == KMessageBox::Cancel ) abort = true; }*/ qDebug("OfxImporterPlugin::storeStatements() with %d statements called", statements.count()); for (const auto& statement : statements) { if (abort) break; if (importStatement(statement).isEmpty()) ok = false; } if (!ok) KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("Importing process terminated unexpectedly."), i18n("Failed to import all statements.")); return ok; } void OFXImporter::addnew() { d->m_statementlist.push_back(MyMoneyStatement()); } MyMoneyStatement& OFXImporter::back() { return d->m_statementlist.back(); } bool OFXImporter::isValid() const { return d->m_valid; } void OFXImporter::setValid() { d->m_valid = true; } void OFXImporter::addInfo(const QString& _msg) { d->m_infos += _msg; } void OFXImporter::addWarning(const QString& _msg) { d->m_warnings += _msg; } void OFXImporter::addError(const QString& _msg) { d->m_errors += _msg; } const QStringList& OFXImporter::infos() const // krazy:exclude=spelling { return d->m_infos; } const QStringList& OFXImporter::warnings() const { return d->m_warnings; } const QStringList& OFXImporter::errors() const { return d->m_errors; } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(OFXImporterFactory, "ofximporter.json", registerPlugin();) #include "ofximporter.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/qif/export/qifexporter.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/qif/export/qifexporter.cpp index 79b0743b3..47891072c 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/qif/export/qifexporter.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/qif/export/qifexporter.cpp @@ -1,104 +1,105 @@ /* * Copyright 2017 Łukasz Wojniłowicz * Copyright 2019 Thomas Baumgart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include + #include "qifexporter.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "kexportdlg.h" #include "mymoneyqifwriter.h" #include "viewinterface.h" #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE #include #include #endif QIFExporter::QIFExporter(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "qifexporter"/*must be the same as X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name*/) { Q_UNUSED(args); const auto componentName = QLatin1String("qifexporter"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("qifexporter.rc"); setComponentName(componentName, i18n("QIF exporter")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif createActions(); // For information, announce that we have been loaded. qDebug("Plugins: qifexporter loaded"); } QIFExporter::~QIFExporter() { qDebug("Plugins: qifexporter unloaded"); } void QIFExporter::createActions() { const auto &kpartgui = QStringLiteral("file_export_qif"); m_action = actionCollection()->addAction(kpartgui); m_action->setText(i18n("QIF...")); connect(m_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &QIFExporter::slotQifExport); connect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::viewStateChanged, action(qPrintable(kpartgui)), &QAction::setEnabled); } void QIFExporter::slotQifExport() { m_action->setEnabled(false); QPointer dlg = new KExportDlg(nullptr); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != nullptr) { // if (okToWriteFile(QUrl::fromLocalFile(dlg->filename()))) { MyMoneyQifWriter writer; connect(&writer, SIGNAL(signalProgress(int,int)), this, SLOT(slotStatusProgressBar(int,int))); writer.write(dlg->filename(), dlg->profile(), dlg->accountId(), dlg->accountSelected(), dlg->categorySelected(), dlg->startDate(), dlg->endDate()); // } } delete dlg; m_action->setEnabled(true); } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(QIFExporterFactory, "qifexporter.json", registerPlugin();) #include "qifexporter.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/qif/import/qifimporter.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/qif/import/qifimporter.cpp index f93b41698..a298334b4 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/qif/import/qifimporter.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/qif/import/qifimporter.cpp @@ -1,129 +1,130 @@ /* * Copyright 2017 Łukasz Wojniłowicz * Copyright 2019 Thomas Baumgart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include + #include "qifimporter.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "kimportdlg.h" #include "mymoneyqifreader.h" #include "statementinterface.h" #include "viewinterface.h" #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE #include #include #endif class MyMoneyStatement; QIFImporter::QIFImporter(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "qifimporter"/*must be the same as X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name*/), m_qifReader(nullptr) { Q_UNUSED(args); const auto componentName = QLatin1String("qifimporter"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("qifimporter.rc"); setComponentName(componentName, i18n("QIF importer")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif createActions(); // For information, announce that we have been loaded. qDebug("Plugins: qifimporter loaded"); } QIFImporter::~QIFImporter() { delete m_qifReader; qDebug("Plugins: qifimporter unloaded"); } void QIFImporter::createActions() { const auto &kpartgui = QStringLiteral("file_import_qif"); m_action = actionCollection()->addAction(kpartgui); m_action->setText(i18n("QIF...")); connect(m_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &QIFImporter::slotQifImport); connect(viewInterface(), &KMyMoneyPlugin::ViewInterface::viewStateChanged, action(qPrintable(kpartgui)), &QAction::setEnabled); } void QIFImporter::slotQifImport() { QPointer dlg = new KImportDlg(nullptr); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg != nullptr) { m_action->setEnabled(false); delete m_qifReader; m_qifReader = new MyMoneyQifReader; statementInterface()->resetMessages(); connect(m_qifReader, &MyMoneyQifReader::statementsReady, this, &QIFImporter::slotGetStatements); m_qifReader->setURL(dlg->file()); m_qifReader->setProfile(dlg->profile()); m_qifReader->setCategoryMapping(dlg->m_typeComboBox->currentIndex() == 0); if (!m_qifReader->startImport()) { delete m_qifReader; statementInterface()->showMessages(0); m_action->setEnabled(true); } } delete dlg; } bool QIFImporter::slotGetStatements(const QList &statements) { auto ret = true; for (const auto& statement : statements) { const auto singleImportSummary = statementInterface()->import(statement); if (singleImportSummary.isEmpty()) ret = false; } // inform the user about the result of the operation statementInterface()->showMessages(statements.count()); // allow further QIF imports m_action->setEnabled(true); return ret; } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(QIFImporterFactory, "qifimporter.json", registerPlugin();) #include "qifimporter.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/sql/sqlstorage.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/sql/sqlstorage.cpp index 79bcac485..951ab27b1 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/sql/sqlstorage.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/sql/sqlstorage.cpp @@ -1,385 +1,385 @@ -/*************************************************************************** - sqlstorage.cpp - ------------------- - - copyright : (C) 2018 by Łukasz Wojniłowicz - email : lukasz.wojnilowicz@gmail.com - ***************************************************************************/ - -/*************************************************************************** - * * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * - * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * - * (at your option) any later version. * - * * - ***************************************************************************/ +/* + * Copyright 2018 Łukasz Wojniłowicz + * Copyright 2019 Thomas Baumgart + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include #include +#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE + #include + #include +#endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "sqlstorage.h" #include "appinterface.h" #include "viewinterface.h" #include "kselectdatabasedlg.h" #include "kgeneratesqldlg.h" #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneystoragesql.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "mymoneystoragemgr.h" #include "icons.h" #include "kmymoneysettings.h" #include "kmymoneyenums.h" -#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE -#include -#include -#endif - using namespace Icons; QUrlQuery SQLStorage::convertOldUrl(const QUrl& url) { const auto key = QLatin1String("driver"); // take care and convert some old url to their new counterpart QUrlQuery query(url); if (query.queryItemValue(key) == QLatin1String("QMYSQL3")) { // fix any old urls query.removeQueryItem(key); query.addQueryItem(key, QLatin1String("QMYSQL")); } else if (query.queryItemValue(key) == QLatin1String("QSQLITE3")) { query.removeQueryItem(key); query.addQueryItem(key, QLatin1String("QSQLITE")); } #ifdef ENABLE_SQLCIPHER // Reading unencrypted database with QSQLITE // while QSQLCIPHER is available causes crash. // QSQLCIPHER can read QSQLITE if (query.queryItemValue(key) == QLatin1String("QSQLITE")) { query.removeQueryItem(key); query.addQueryItem(key, QLatin1String("QSQLCIPHER")); } #endif return query; } SQLStorage::SQLStorage(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "sqlstorage"/*must be the same as X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name*/) { Q_UNUSED(args) const auto componentName = QLatin1String("sqlstorage"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("sqlstorage.rc"); setComponentName(componentName, i18n("SQL storage")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE - const QString rcFilePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../share/kxmlgui5/") + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; + const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif createActions(); // For information, announce that we have been loaded. qDebug("Plugins: sqlstorage loaded"); } SQLStorage::~SQLStorage() { qDebug("Plugins: sqlstorage unloaded"); } MyMoneyStorageMgr *SQLStorage::open(const QUrl &url) { if (url.scheme() != QLatin1String("sql")) return nullptr; auto storage = new MyMoneyStorageMgr; auto reader = std::make_unique(storage, url); dbUrl = url; if (dbUrl.password().isEmpty()) { // check if a password is needed. it may be if the URL came from the last/recent file list QPointer dialog = new KSelectDatabaseDlg(QIODevice::ReadWrite, dbUrl); if (!dialog->checkDrivers()) { delete dialog; return nullptr; } QUrlQuery query = convertOldUrl(dbUrl); // if we need to supply a password, then show the dialog // otherwise it isn't needed if ((query.queryItemValue("secure").toLower() == QLatin1String("yes")) && dbUrl.password().isEmpty()) { if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != nullptr) { dbUrl = dialog->selectedURL(); } else { delete dialog; return nullptr; } } delete dialog; } // create a copy that we can override temporarily // and use it from now on QUrl dbURL(dbUrl); bool retry = true; while (retry) { switch (reader->open(dbURL, QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { case 0: // opened okay retry = false; break; case 1: // permanent error KMessageBox::detailedError(nullptr, i18n("Cannot open database %1\n", dbURL.toDisplayString()), reader->lastError()); delete storage; return nullptr; case -1: // retryable error if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(nullptr, reader->lastError(), PACKAGE) == KMessageBox::No) { delete storage; return nullptr; } else { QUrlQuery query(dbURL); const QString optionKey = QLatin1String("options"); QString options = query.queryItemValue(optionKey); if(!options.isEmpty()) { options += QLatin1Char(','); } options += QLatin1String("override"); query.removeQueryItem(QLatin1String("mode")); query.removeQueryItem(optionKey); query.addQueryItem(optionKey, options); dbURL.setQuery(query); } break; case 2: // bad password case 3: // unsupported operation delete storage; return nullptr; } } // single user mode; read some of the data into memory // FIXME - readFile no longer relevant? // tried removing it but then got no indication that loading was complete // also, didn't show home page // reader->setProgressCallback(&KMyMoneyView::progressCallback); if (!reader->readFile()) { KMessageBox::detailedError(nullptr, i18n("An unrecoverable error occurred while reading the database"), reader->lastError().toLatin1(), i18n("Database malfunction")); delete storage; return nullptr; } // reader->setProgressCallback(0); return storage; } QUrl SQLStorage::openUrl() const { return dbUrl; } bool SQLStorage::save(const QUrl &url) { auto rc = false; if (!appInterface()->fileOpen()) { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("Tried to access a file when it has not been opened")); return (rc); } auto writer = new MyMoneyStorageSql(MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage(), url); writer->open(url, QIODevice::ReadWrite); // writer->setProgressCallback(&KMyMoneyView::progressCallback); if (!writer->writeFile()) { KMessageBox::detailedError(nullptr, i18n("An unrecoverable error occurred while writing to the database.\n" "It may well be corrupt."), writer->lastError().toLatin1(), i18n("Database malfunction")); rc = false; } else { rc = true; } writer->setProgressCallback(0); delete writer; return rc; } bool SQLStorage::saveAs() { auto rc = false; QUrl oldUrl; // in event of it being a database, ensure that all data is read into storage for saveas if (appInterface()->isDatabase()) oldUrl = appInterface()->filenameURL().isEmpty() ? appInterface()->lastOpenedURL() : appInterface()->filenameURL(); QPointer dialog = new KSelectDatabaseDlg(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QUrl url = oldUrl; if (!dialog->checkDrivers()) { delete dialog; return rc; } while (oldUrl == url && dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { url = dialog->selectedURL(); // If the protocol is SQL for the old and new, and the hostname and database names match // Let the user know that the current database cannot be saved on top of itself. if (url.scheme() == "sql" && oldUrl.scheme() == "sql" && oldUrl.host() == url.host() && QUrlQuery(oldUrl).queryItemValue("driver") == QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue("driver") && oldUrl.path().right(oldUrl.path().length() - 1) == url.path().right(url.path().length() - 1)) { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("Cannot save to current database.")); } else { try { rc = saveAsDatabase(url); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("Cannot save to current database: %1", QString::fromLatin1(e.what()))); } } } delete dialog; if (rc) { //KRecentFilesAction *p = dynamic_cast(action("file_open_recent")); //if(p) appInterface()->addToRecentFiles(url); appInterface()->writeLastUsedFile(url.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); appInterface()->writeFilenameURL(url); } return rc; } eKMyMoney::StorageType SQLStorage::storageType() const { return eKMyMoney::StorageType::SQL; } QString SQLStorage::fileExtension() const { return i18n("Database files (*.db *.sql)"); } void SQLStorage::createActions() { m_openDBaction = actionCollection()->addAction("open_database"); m_openDBaction->setText(i18n("Open database...")); m_openDBaction->setIcon(Icons::get(Icon::SVNUpdate)); connect(m_openDBaction, &QAction::triggered, this, &SQLStorage::slotOpenDatabase); m_generateDB = actionCollection()->addAction("tools_generate_sql"); m_generateDB->setText(i18n("Generate Database SQL")); connect(m_generateDB, &QAction::triggered, this, &SQLStorage::slotGenerateSql); } void SQLStorage::slotOpenDatabase() { QPointer dialog = new KSelectDatabaseDlg(QIODevice::ReadWrite); if (!dialog->checkDrivers()) { delete dialog; return; } if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != 0) { auto url = dialog->selectedURL(); QUrl newurl = url; if ((newurl.scheme() == QLatin1String("sql"))) { QUrlQuery query = convertOldUrl(newurl); newurl.setQuery(query); // check if a password is needed. it may be if the URL came from the last/recent file list dialog = new KSelectDatabaseDlg(QIODevice::ReadWrite, newurl); if (!dialog->checkDrivers()) { delete dialog; return; } // if we need to supply a password, then show the dialog // otherwise it isn't needed if ((query.queryItemValue("secure").toLower() == QLatin1String("yes")) && newurl.password().isEmpty()) { if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dialog != nullptr) { newurl = dialog->selectedURL(); } else { delete dialog; return; } } delete dialog; } appInterface()->slotFileOpenRecent(newurl); } delete dialog; } void SQLStorage::slotGenerateSql() { QPointer editor = new KGenerateSqlDlg(nullptr); editor->setObjectName("Generate Database SQL"); editor->exec(); delete editor; } bool SQLStorage::saveAsDatabase(const QUrl &url) { auto writer = new MyMoneyStorageSql(MyMoneyFile::instance()->storage(), url); auto canWrite = false; switch (writer->open(url, QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { case 0: canWrite = true; break; case -1: // dbase already has data, see if he wants to clear it out if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("Database contains data which must be removed before using Save As.\n" "Do you wish to continue?"), "Database not empty") == KMessageBox::Continue) { if (writer->open(url, QIODevice::WriteOnly, true) == 0) canWrite = true; } else { delete writer; return false; } break; case 2: // bad password case 3: // unsupported operation delete writer; return false; } if (canWrite) { delete writer; save(url); return true; } else { KMessageBox::detailedError(nullptr, i18n("Cannot open or create database %1.\n" "Retry Save As Database and click Help" " for further info.", url.toDisplayString()), writer->lastError()); delete writer; return false; } } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(SQLStorageFactory, "sqlstorage.json", registerPlugin();) #include "sqlstorage.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/views/reports/core/pivottable.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/views/reports/core/pivottable.cpp index 4af1c765a..c0d8517ed 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/views/reports/core/pivottable.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/views/reports/core/pivottable.cpp @@ -1,2374 +1,2383 @@ /* * Copyright 2005-2006 Ace Jones * Copyright 2005-2018 Thomas Baumgart * Copyright 2007-2014 Alvaro Soliverez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "pivottable.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "pivotgrid.h" #include "reportdebug.h" #include "kreportchartview.h" #include "kmymoneysettings.h" #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #include "mymoneyforecast.h" #include "mymoneyprice.h" #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneysecurity.h" #include "mymoneybudget.h" #include "mymoneyreport.h" #include "mymoneyschedule.h" #include "mymoneysplit.h" #include "mymoneytransaction.h" #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "mymoneyenums.h" namespace KChart { class Widget; } namespace reports { using KChart::Widget; QString Debug::m_sTabs; bool Debug::m_sEnabled = DEBUG_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT; QString Debug::m_sEnableKey; Debug::Debug(const QString& _name): m_methodName(_name), m_enabled(m_sEnabled) { if (!m_enabled && _name == m_sEnableKey) m_enabled = true; if (m_enabled) { qDebug("%s%s(): ENTER", qPrintable(m_sTabs), qPrintable(m_methodName)); m_sTabs.append("--"); } } Debug::~Debug() { if (m_enabled) { m_sTabs.remove(0, 2); qDebug("%s%s(): EXIT", qPrintable(m_sTabs), qPrintable(m_methodName)); if (m_methodName == m_sEnableKey) m_enabled = false; } } void Debug::output(const QString& _text) { if (m_enabled) qDebug("%s%s(): %s", qPrintable(m_sTabs), qPrintable(m_methodName), qPrintable(_text)); } PivotTable::PivotTable(const MyMoneyReport& _report): ReportTable(_report), m_runningSumsCalculated(false) { init(); } void PivotTable::init() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // // Initialize locals // MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // // Initialize member variables // //make sure we have all subaccounts of investment accounts includeInvestmentSubAccounts(); m_config.validDateRange(m_beginDate, m_endDate); // If we need to calculate running sums, it does not make sense // to show a row total column if (m_config.isRunningSum()) m_config.setShowingRowTotals(false); if (m_config.isRunningSum() && !m_config.isIncludingPrice() && !m_config.isIncludingAveragePrice() && !m_config.isIncludingMovingAverage()) m_startColumn = 1; else m_startColumn = 0; m_numColumns = columnValue(m_endDate) - columnValue(m_beginDate) + 1 + m_startColumn; // 1 for m_beginDate values and m_startColumn for opening balance values //Load what types of row the report is going to show loadRowTypeList(); // // Initialize outer groups of the grid // if (m_config.rowType() == eMyMoney::Report::RowType::AssetLiability) { m_grid.insert(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset), PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns)); m_grid.insert(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability), PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns, PivotOuterGroup::m_kDefaultSortOrder, true /* inverted */)); } else { m_grid.insert(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Income), PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns, PivotOuterGroup::m_kDefaultSortOrder - 2)); m_grid.insert(MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense), PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns, PivotOuterGroup::m_kDefaultSortOrder - 1, true /* inverted */)); // // Create rows for income/expense reports with all accounts included // if (m_config.isIncludingUnusedAccounts()) createAccountRows(); } // // Initialize grid totals // m_grid.m_total = PivotGridRowSet(m_numColumns); // // Get opening balances // Only net worth report qualifies if (m_startColumn == 1) calculateOpeningBalances(); // // Calculate budget mapping // (for budget reports only) // if (m_config.hasBudget()) calculateBudgetMapping(); // prices report doesn't need transactions, but it needs account stub // otherwise fillBasePriceUnit won't do nothing if (m_config.isIncludingPrice() || m_config.isIncludingAveragePrice()) { QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); foreach (const auto acc, accounts) { if (acc.isInvest()) { const ReportAccount repAcc(acc); if (m_config.includes(repAcc)) { const auto outergroup = acc.accountTypeToString(acc.accountType()); assignCell(outergroup, repAcc, 0, MyMoneyMoney(), false, false); // add account stub } } } } else { // // Populate all transactions into the row/column pivot grid // QList transactions; m_config.setReportAllSplits(false); m_config.setConsiderCategory(true); try { transactions = file->transactionList(m_config); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("ERR: %s", e.what()); throw; } DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Found %1 matching transactions").arg(transactions.count())); // Include scheduled transactions if required if (m_config.isIncludingSchedules()) { // Create a custom version of the report filter, excluding date // We'll use this to compare the transaction against MyMoneyTransactionFilter schedulefilter(m_config); schedulefilter.setDateFilter(QDate(), QDate()); // Get the real dates from the config filter QDate configbegin, configend; m_config.validDateRange(configbegin, configend); QList schedules = file->scheduleList(); QList::const_iterator it_schedule = schedules.constBegin(); while (it_schedule != schedules.constEnd()) { // If the transaction meets the filter MyMoneyTransaction tx = (*it_schedule).transaction(); if (!(*it_schedule).isFinished() && schedulefilter.match(tx)) { // Keep the id of the schedule with the transaction so that // we can do the autocalc later on in case of a loan payment tx.setValue("kmm-schedule-id", (*it_schedule).id()); // Get the dates when a payment will be made within the report window QDate nextpayment = (*it_schedule).adjustedNextPayment(configbegin); if (nextpayment.isValid()) { // Add one transaction for each date QList paymentDates = (*it_schedule).paymentDates(nextpayment, configend); QList::const_iterator it_date = paymentDates.constBegin(); while (it_date != paymentDates.constEnd()) { //if the payment occurs in the past, enter it tomorrow if (QDate::currentDate() >= *it_date) { tx.setPostDate(QDate::currentDate().addDays(1)); } else { tx.setPostDate(*it_date); } if (tx.postDate() <= configend && tx.postDate() >= configbegin) { transactions += tx; } DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Added transaction for schedule %1 on %2").arg((*it_schedule).id()).arg((*it_date).toString())); ++it_date; } } } ++it_schedule; } } // whether asset & liability transactions are actually to be considered // transfers bool al_transfers = (m_config.rowType() == eMyMoney::Report::RowType::ExpenseIncome) && (m_config.isIncludingTransfers()); //this is to store balance for loan accounts when not included in the report QMap loanBalances; QList::const_iterator it_transaction = transactions.constBegin(); int colofs = columnValue(m_beginDate) - m_startColumn; while (it_transaction != transactions.constEnd()) { MyMoneyTransaction tx = (*it_transaction); if (m_openingBalanceTransactions.contains(tx.id())) { ++it_transaction; continue; } QDate postdate = tx.postDate(); if (postdate < m_beginDate) { qDebug("MyMoneyFile::transactionList returned a transaction that is outside the date filter, skipping it"); ++it_transaction; continue; } int column = columnValue(postdate) - colofs; // check if we need to call the autocalculation routine if (tx.isLoanPayment() && tx.hasAutoCalcSplit() && (tx.value("kmm-schedule-id").length() > 0)) { // make sure to consider any autocalculation for loan payments MyMoneySchedule sched = file->schedule(tx.value("kmm-schedule-id")); const MyMoneySplit& split = tx.amortizationSplit(); if (!split.id().isEmpty()) { ReportAccount splitAccount(file->account(split.accountId())); eMyMoney::Account::Type type = splitAccount.accountGroup(); QString outergroup = MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(type); //if the account is included in the report, calculate the balance from the cells if (m_config.includes(splitAccount)) { loanBalances[splitAccount.id()] = cellBalance(outergroup, splitAccount, column, false); } else { //if it is not in the report and also not in loanBalances, get the balance from the file if (!loanBalances.contains(splitAccount.id())) { QDate dueDate = sched.nextDueDate(); //if the payment is overdue, use current date if (dueDate < QDate::currentDate()) dueDate = QDate::currentDate(); //get the balance from the file for the date loanBalances[splitAccount.id()] = file->balance(splitAccount.id(), dueDate.addDays(-1)); } } KMyMoneyUtils::calculateAutoLoan(sched, tx, loanBalances); //if the loan split is not included in the report, update the balance for the next occurrence if (!m_config.includes(splitAccount)) { foreach (const auto txsplit, tx.splits()) { if (txsplit.isAmortizationSplit() && txsplit.accountId() == splitAccount.id()) loanBalances[splitAccount.id()] = loanBalances[splitAccount.id()] + txsplit.shares(); } } } } QList splits = tx.splits(); QList::const_iterator it_split = splits.constBegin(); while (it_split != splits.constEnd()) { ReportAccount splitAccount((*it_split).accountId()); // Each split must be further filtered, because if even one split matches, // the ENTIRE transaction is returned with all splits (even non-matching ones) if (m_config.includes(splitAccount) && m_config.match((*it_split))) { // reverse sign to match common notation for cash flow direction, only for expense/income splits MyMoneyMoney reverse(splitAccount.isIncomeExpense() ? -1 : 1, 1); MyMoneyMoney value; // the outer group is the account class (major account type) eMyMoney::Account::Type type = splitAccount.accountGroup(); QString outergroup = MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(type); value = (*it_split).shares(); bool stockSplit = tx.isStockSplit(); if (!stockSplit) { // retrieve the value in the account's underlying currency if (value != MyMoneyMoney::autoCalc) { value = value * reverse; } else { qDebug("PivotTable::PivotTable(): This must not happen"); value = MyMoneyMoney(); // keep it 0 so far } // Except in the case of transfers on an income/expense report if (al_transfers && (type == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset || type == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability)) { outergroup = i18n("Transfers"); value = -value; } } // add the value to its correct position in the pivot table assignCell(outergroup, splitAccount, column, value, false, stockSplit); } ++it_split; } ++it_transaction; } } // // Get forecast data // if (m_config.isIncludingForecast()) calculateForecast(); // //Insert Price data // if (m_config.isIncludingPrice()) fillBasePriceUnit(ePrice); // //Insert Average Price data // if (m_config.isIncludingAveragePrice()) { fillBasePriceUnit(eActual); calculateMovingAverage(); } // // Collapse columns to match column type // if (m_config.columnPitch() > 1) collapseColumns(); // // Calculate the running sums // (for running sum reports only) // if (m_config.isRunningSum()) calculateRunningSums(); // // Calculate Moving Average // if (m_config.isIncludingMovingAverage()) calculateMovingAverage(); // // Calculate Budget Difference // if (m_config.isIncludingBudgetActuals()) calculateBudgetDiff(); // // Convert all values to the deep currency // convertToDeepCurrency(); // // Convert all values to the base currency // if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) convertToBaseCurrency(); // // Determine column headings // calculateColumnHeadings(); // // Calculate row and column totals // calculateTotals(); // // If using mixed time, calculate column for current date // m_config.setCurrentDateColumn(currentDateColumn()); } void PivotTable::collapseColumns() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); int columnpitch = m_config.columnPitch(); if (columnpitch != 1) { int sourcemonth = (m_config.isColumnsAreDays()) // use the user's locale to determine the week's start ? (m_beginDate.dayOfWeek() + 8 - QLocale().firstDayOfWeek()) % 7 : m_beginDate.month(); int sourcecolumn = m_startColumn; int destcolumn = m_startColumn; while (sourcecolumn < m_numColumns) { if (sourcecolumn != destcolumn) { #if 0 // TODO: Clean up this rather inefficient kludge. We really should jump by an entire // destcolumn at a time on RS reports, and calculate the proper sourcecolumn to use, // allowing us to clear and accumulate only ONCE per destcolumn if (m_config_f.isRunningSum()) clearColumn(destcolumn); #endif accumulateColumn(destcolumn, sourcecolumn); } if (++sourcecolumn < m_numColumns) { if ((sourcemonth++ % columnpitch) == 0) { if (sourcecolumn != ++destcolumn) clearColumn(destcolumn); } } } m_numColumns = destcolumn + 1; } } void PivotTable::accumulateColumn(int destcolumn, int sourcecolumn) { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("From Column %1 to %2").arg(sourcecolumn).arg(destcolumn)); // iterate over outer groups PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { // iterate over inner groups PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { // iterator over rows PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { if ((*it_row)[eActual].count() <= sourcecolumn) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Sourcecolumn %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::accumulateColumn").arg(sourcecolumn).arg((*it_row)[eActual].count())); if ((*it_row)[eActual].count() <= destcolumn) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Destcolumn %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::accumulateColumn").arg(sourcecolumn).arg((*it_row)[eActual].count())); (*it_row)[eActual][destcolumn] += (*it_row)[eActual][sourcecolumn]; ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::clearColumn(int column) { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Column %1").arg(column)); // iterate over outer groups PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { // iterate over inner groups PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { // iterator over rows PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { if ((*it_row)[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::accumulateColumn").arg(column).arg((*it_row)[eActual].count())); (*it_row++)[eActual][column] = PivotCell(); } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::calculateColumnHeadings() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // one column for the opening balance if (m_startColumn == 1) m_columnHeadings.append("Opening"); int columnpitch = m_config.columnPitch(); if (columnpitch == 0) { // output the warning but don't crash by dividing with 0 qWarning("PivotTable::calculateColumnHeadings() Invalid column pitch"); return; } // if this is a days-based report if (m_config.isColumnsAreDays()) { if (columnpitch == 1) { QDate columnDate = m_beginDate; int column = m_startColumn; while (column++ < m_numColumns) { QString heading = QLocale().monthName(columnDate.month(), QLocale::ShortFormat) + ' ' + QString::number(columnDate.day()); columnDate = columnDate.addDays(1); m_columnHeadings.append(heading); } } else { QDate day = m_beginDate; QDate prv = m_beginDate; // use the user's locale to determine the week's start int dow = (day.dayOfWeek() + 8 - QLocale().firstDayOfWeek()) % 7; while (day <= m_endDate) { if (((dow % columnpitch) == 0) || (day == m_endDate)) { m_columnHeadings.append(QString("%1 %2 - %3 %4") .arg(QLocale().monthName(prv.month(), QLocale::ShortFormat)) .arg(prv.day()) .arg(QLocale().monthName(day.month(), QLocale::ShortFormat)) .arg(day.day())); prv = day.addDays(1); } day = day.addDays(1); dow++; } } } // else it's a months-based report else { if (columnpitch == 12) { int year = m_beginDate.year(); int column = m_startColumn; while (column++ < m_numColumns) m_columnHeadings.append(QString::number(year++)); } else { int year = m_beginDate.year(); bool includeyear = (m_beginDate.year() != m_endDate.year()); int segment = (m_beginDate.month() - 1) / columnpitch; int column = m_startColumn; while (column++ < m_numColumns) { QString heading = QLocale().monthName(1 + segment * columnpitch, QLocale::ShortFormat); if (columnpitch != 1) heading += '-' + QLocale().monthName((1 + segment) * columnpitch, QLocale::ShortFormat); if (includeyear) heading += ' ' + QString::number(year); m_columnHeadings.append(heading); if (++segment >= 12 / columnpitch) { segment -= 12 / columnpitch; ++year; } } } } } void PivotTable::createAccountRows() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); QList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); while (it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { ReportAccount account(*it_account); // only include this item if its account group is included in this report // and if the report includes this account if (m_config.includes(*it_account)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Includes account %1").arg(account.name())); // the row group is the account class (major account type) QString outergroup = MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(account.accountGroup()); // place into the 'opening' column... assignCell(outergroup, account, 0, MyMoneyMoney()); } ++it_account; } } void PivotTable::calculateOpeningBalances() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // First, determine the inclusive dates of the report. Normally, that's just // the begin & end dates of m_config_f. However, if either of those dates are // blank, we need to use m_beginDate and/or m_endDate instead. QDate from = m_config.fromDate(); QDate to = m_config.toDate(); if (! from.isValid()) from = m_beginDate; if (! to.isValid()) to = m_endDate; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); QList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); while (it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { ReportAccount account(*it_account); // only include this item if its account group is included in this report // and if the report includes this account if (m_config.includes(*it_account)) { //do not include account if it is closed and it has no transactions in the report period if (account.isClosed()) { //check if the account has transactions for the report timeframe MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; filter.addAccount(account.id()); filter.setDateFilter(m_beginDate, m_endDate); filter.setReportAllSplits(false); QList transactions = file->transactionList(filter); //if a closed account has no transactions in that timeframe, do not include it if (transactions.size() == 0) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("DOES NOT INCLUDE account %1").arg(account.name())); ++it_account; continue; } } DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Includes account %1").arg(account.name())); // the row group is the account class (major account type) QString outergroup = MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(account.accountGroup()); // extract the balance of the account for the given begin date, which is // the opening balance plus the sum of all transactions prior to the begin // date // this is in the underlying currency MyMoneyMoney value = file->balance(account.id(), from.addDays(-1)); if ((columnValue(from) == columnValue(account.openingDate())) && value.isZero()) { auto tid = file->openingBalanceTransaction(account); if (!tid.isEmpty()) { try { const auto t = file->transaction(tid); const auto s0 = t.splitByAccount(account.id()); value = s0.shares(); m_openingBalanceTransactions << tid; } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug() << "Error retrieving opening balance transaction " << tid << ": " << e.what(); } } } + if (account.isInvest()) { + // calculate value of shares + value *= account.deepCurrencyPrice(from.addDays(-1)); + } + // place into the 'opening' column... assignCell(outergroup, account, 0, value); } else { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("DOES NOT INCLUDE account %1").arg(account.name())); } ++it_account; } } void PivotTable::calculateRunningSums(PivotInnerGroup::iterator& it_row) { MyMoneyMoney runningsum = it_row.value()[eActual][0].calculateRunningSum(MyMoneyMoney()); int column = m_startColumn; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (it_row.value()[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateRunningSums").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[eActual].count())); runningsum = it_row.value()[eActual][column].calculateRunningSum(runningsum); ++column; } } void PivotTable::calculateRunningSums() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); m_runningSumsCalculated = true; PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { #if 0 MyMoneyMoney runningsum = it_row.value()[0]; int column = m_startColumn; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (it_row.value()[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateRunningSums").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[eActual].count())); runningsum = (it_row.value()[eActual][column] += runningsum); ++column; } #endif calculateRunningSums(it_row); ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } MyMoneyMoney PivotTable::cellBalance(const QString& outergroup, const ReportAccount& _row, int _column, bool budget) { if (m_runningSumsCalculated) { qDebug("You must not call PivotTable::cellBalance() after calling PivotTable::calculateRunningSums()"); throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("You must not call PivotTable::cellBalance() after calling PivotTable::calculateRunningSums()")); } // for budget reports, if this is the actual value, map it to the account which // holds its budget ReportAccount row = _row; if (!budget && m_config.hasBudget()) { QString newrow = m_budgetMap[row.id()]; // if there was no mapping found, then the budget report is not interested // in this account. if (newrow.isEmpty()) return MyMoneyMoney(); row = ReportAccount(newrow); } // ensure the row already exists (and its parental hierarchy) createRow(outergroup, row, true); // Determine the inner group from the top-most parent account QString innergroup(row.topParentName()); if (m_numColumns <= _column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of m_numColumns range (%2) in PivotTable::cellBalance").arg(_column).arg(m_numColumns)); if (m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count() <= _column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::cellBalance").arg(_column).arg(m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count())); MyMoneyMoney balance; if (budget) balance = m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eBudget][0].cellBalance(MyMoneyMoney()); else balance = m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][0].cellBalance(MyMoneyMoney()); int column = m_startColumn; while (column < _column) { if (m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::cellBalance").arg(column).arg(m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count())); balance = m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][column].cellBalance(balance); ++column; } return balance; } void PivotTable::calculateBudgetMapping() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // Only do this if there is at least one budget in the file if (file->countBudgets()) { // Select a budget // // It will choose the first budget in the list for the start year of the report if no budget is selected MyMoneyBudget budget = MyMoneyBudget(); QList budgets = file->budgetList(); bool validBudget = false; //check that the selected budget is valid if (m_config.budget() != "Any") { QList::const_iterator budgets_it = budgets.constBegin(); while (budgets_it != budgets.constEnd()) { //pick the budget by id if ((*budgets_it).id() == m_config.budget()) { budget = file->budget((*budgets_it).id()); validBudget = true; break; } ++budgets_it; } } //if no valid budget has been selected if (!validBudget) { //if the budget list is empty, just return if (budgets.count() == 0) { return; } QList::const_iterator budgets_it = budgets.constBegin(); while (budgets_it != budgets.constEnd()) { //pick the first budget that matches the report start year if ((*budgets_it).budgetStart().year() == QDate::currentDate().year()) { budget = file->budget((*budgets_it).id()); break; } ++budgets_it; } //if it can't find a matching budget, take the first one on the list if (budget.id().isEmpty()) { budget = budgets[0]; } //assign the budget to the report m_config.setBudget(budget.id(), m_config.isIncludingBudgetActuals()); } // Dump the budget //qDebug() << "Budget " << budget.name() << ": "; // Go through all accounts in the system to build the mapping QList accounts; file->accountList(accounts); QList::const_iterator it_account = accounts.constBegin(); while (it_account != accounts.constEnd()) { //include only the accounts selected for the report if (m_config.includes(*it_account)) { QString id = (*it_account).id(); QString acid = id; // If the budget contains this account outright if (budget.contains(id)) { // Add it to the mapping m_budgetMap[acid] = id; // qDebug() << ReportAccount(acid).debugName() << " self-maps / type =" << budget.account(id).budgetLevel(); } // Otherwise, search for a parent account which includes sub-accounts else { //if includeBudgetActuals, include all accounts regardless of whether in budget or not if (m_config.isIncludingBudgetActuals()) { m_budgetMap[acid] = id; // qDebug() << ReportAccount(acid).debugName() << " maps to " << ReportAccount(id).debugName(); } do { id = file->account(id).parentAccountId(); if (budget.contains(id)) { if (budget.account(id).budgetSubaccounts()) { m_budgetMap[acid] = id; // qDebug() << ReportAccount(acid).debugName() << " maps to " << ReportAccount(id).debugName(); break; } } } while (! id.isEmpty()); } } ++it_account; } // end while looping through the accounts in the file // Place the budget values into the budget grid QList baccounts = budget.getaccounts(); QList::const_iterator it_bacc = baccounts.constBegin(); while (it_bacc != baccounts.constEnd()) { ReportAccount splitAccount((*it_bacc).id()); //include the budget account only if it is included in the report if (m_config.includes(splitAccount)) { eMyMoney::Account::Type type = splitAccount.accountGroup(); QString outergroup = MyMoneyAccount::accountTypeToString(type); // reverse sign to match common notation for cash flow direction, only for expense/income splits MyMoneyMoney reverse((splitAccount.accountType() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense) ? -1 : 1, 1); const QMap& periods = (*it_bacc).getPeriods(); // skip the account if it has no periods if (periods.count() < 1) { ++it_bacc; continue; } MyMoneyMoney value = (*periods.begin()).amount() * reverse; int column = m_startColumn; // based on the kind of budget it is, deal accordingly switch ((*it_bacc).budgetLevel()) { case eMyMoney::Budget::Level::Yearly: // divide the single yearly value by 12 and place it in each column value /= MyMoneyMoney(12, 1); // intentional fall through case eMyMoney::Budget::Level::None: case eMyMoney::Budget::Level::Max: case eMyMoney::Budget::Level::Monthly: // place the single monthly value in each column of the report // only add the value if columns are monthly or longer if (m_config.columnType() == eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::BiMonths || m_config.columnType() == eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Months || m_config.columnType() == eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Years || m_config.columnType() == eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Quarters) { QDate budgetDate = budget.budgetStart(); while (column < m_numColumns && budget.budgetStart().addYears(1) > budgetDate) { //only show budget values if the budget year and the column date match //no currency conversion is done here because that is done for all columns later if (budgetDate >= columnDate(column+1)) { ++column; } else { if (budgetDate >= m_beginDate.addDays(-m_beginDate.day() + 1) && budgetDate <= m_endDate.addDays(m_endDate.daysInMonth() - m_endDate.day()) && budgetDate > (columnDate(column).addMonths(-static_cast(m_config.columnType())))) { assignCell(outergroup, splitAccount, column, value, true /*budget*/); } budgetDate = budgetDate.addMonths(1); } } } break; case eMyMoney::Budget::Level::MonthByMonth: // place each value in the appropriate column // budget periods are supposed to come in order just like columns { QMap::const_iterator it_period = periods.begin(); while (it_period != periods.end() && column < m_numColumns) { if ((*it_period).startDate() >= columnDate(column + 1 - m_startColumn)) { ++column; } else { switch (m_config.columnType()) { case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Years: case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::BiMonths: case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Quarters: case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Months: { if ((*it_period).startDate() >= m_beginDate.addDays(-m_beginDate.day() + 1) && (*it_period).startDate() <= m_endDate.addDays(m_endDate.daysInMonth() - m_endDate.day()) && (*it_period).startDate() > (columnDate(column).addMonths(-static_cast(m_config.columnType())))) { //no currency conversion is done here because that is done for all columns later value = (*it_period).amount() * reverse; assignCell(outergroup, splitAccount, column, value, true /*budget*/); } ++it_period; break; } default: break; } } } break; } } } ++it_bacc; } } // end if there was a budget } void PivotTable::convertToBaseCurrency() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); int fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); QList rowTypeList = m_rowTypeList; rowTypeList.removeOne(eAverage); PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { auto column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (it_row.value()[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::convertToBaseCurrency").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[eActual].count())); QDate valuedate = columnDate(column); //get base price for that date MyMoneyMoney conversionfactor = it_row.key().baseCurrencyPrice(valuedate, m_config.isSkippingZero()); int pricePrecision; if (it_row.key().isInvest()) pricePrecision = file->security(it_row.key().currencyId()).pricePrecision(); else pricePrecision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(fraction); foreach (const auto rowType, rowTypeList) { //calculate base value MyMoneyMoney oldval = it_row.value()[rowType][column]; MyMoneyMoney value = (oldval * conversionfactor).reduce(); //convert to lowest fraction if (rowType == ePrice) it_row.value()[rowType][column] = PivotCell(MyMoneyMoney(value.convertPrecision(pricePrecision))); else it_row.value()[rowType][column] = PivotCell(value.convert(fraction)); DEBUG_OUTPUT_IF(conversionfactor != MyMoneyMoney::ONE , QString("Factor of %1, value was %2, now %3").arg(conversionfactor.toDouble()).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(oldval.toDouble())).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(it_row.value()[rowType][column].toDouble()))); } ++column; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::convertToDeepCurrency() { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { auto column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (it_row.value()[eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::convertToDeepCurrency").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[eActual].count())); QDate valuedate = columnDate(column); //get conversion factor for the account and date MyMoneyMoney conversionfactor = it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(valuedate, m_config.isSkippingZero()); //use the fraction relevant to the account at hand int fraction = it_row.key().currency().smallestAccountFraction(); //use base currency fraction if not initialized if (fraction == -1) fraction = file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction(); //convert to deep currency MyMoneyMoney oldval = it_row.value()[eActual][column]; MyMoneyMoney value = (oldval * conversionfactor).reduce(); //reduce to lowest fraction it_row.value()[eActual][column] = PivotCell(value.convert(fraction)); //convert price data if (m_config.isIncludingPrice()) { MyMoneyMoney oldPriceVal = it_row.value()[ePrice][column]; MyMoneyMoney priceValue = (oldPriceVal * conversionfactor).reduce(); it_row.value()[ePrice][column] = PivotCell(priceValue.convert(10000)); } DEBUG_OUTPUT_IF(conversionfactor != MyMoneyMoney::ONE , QString("Factor of %1, value was %2, now %3").arg(conversionfactor.toDouble()).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(oldval.toDouble())).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(it_row.value()[eActual][column].toDouble()))); ++column; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::calculateTotals() { //insert the row type that is going to be used for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < m_numColumns; ++k) { m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].append(PivotCell()); } } // // Outer groups // // iterate over outer groups PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < m_numColumns; ++k) { (*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].append(PivotCell()); } } // // Inner Groups // PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { for (int k = 0; k < m_numColumns; ++k) { (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].append(PivotCell()); } } // // Rows // PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { // // Columns // auto column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if (it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, row columns").arg(column).arg(it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); if ((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, inner group totals").arg(column).arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); //calculate total MyMoneyMoney value = it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column]; (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column] += value; (*it_row)[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total += value; } ++column; } ++it_row; } // // Inner Row Group Totals // auto column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if ((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, inner group totals").arg(column).arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); if ((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, outer group totals").arg(column).arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); //calculate totals MyMoneyMoney value = (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column]; (*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column] += value; (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total += value; } ++column; } ++it_innergroup; } // // Outer Row Group Totals // const bool isIncomeExpense = (m_config.rowType() == eMyMoney::Report::RowType::ExpenseIncome); const bool invert_total = (*it_outergroup).m_inverted; auto column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if (m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, grid totals").arg(column).arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); //calculate actual totals MyMoneyMoney value = (*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column]; (*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total += value; //so far the invert only applies to actual and budget if (invert_total && m_rowTypeList[i] != eBudgetDiff && m_rowTypeList[i] != eForecast) value = -value; // forecast income expense reports should be inverted as opposed to asset/liability reports if (invert_total && isIncomeExpense && m_rowTypeList[i] == eForecast) value = -value; m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column] += value; } ++column; } ++it_outergroup; } // // Report Totals // auto totalcolumn = 0; while (totalcolumn < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { if (m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count() <= totalcolumn) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Total column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::calculateTotals, grid totals").arg(totalcolumn).arg(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].count())); //calculate actual totals MyMoneyMoney value = m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][totalcolumn]; m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total += value; } ++totalcolumn; } } void PivotTable::assignCell(const QString& outergroup, const ReportAccount& _row, int column, MyMoneyMoney value, bool budget, bool stockSplit) { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Parameters: %1,%2,%3,%4,%5").arg(outergroup).arg(_row.debugName()).arg(column).arg(DEBUG_SENSITIVE(value.toDouble())).arg(budget)); // for budget reports, if this is the actual value, map it to the account which // holds its budget ReportAccount row = _row; if (!budget && m_config.hasBudget()) { QString newrow = m_budgetMap[row.id()]; // if there was no mapping found, then the budget report is not interested // in this account. if (newrow.isEmpty()) return; row = ReportAccount(newrow); } // ensure the row already exists (and its parental hierarchy) createRow(outergroup, row, true); // Determine the inner group from the top-most parent account QString innergroup(row.topParentName()); if (m_numColumns <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of m_numColumns range (%2) in PivotTable::assignCell").arg(column).arg(m_numColumns)); if (m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::assignCell").arg(column).arg(m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual].count())); if (m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eBudget].count() <= column) throw MYMONEYEXCEPTION(QString::fromLatin1("Column %1 out of grid range (%2) in PivotTable::assignCell").arg(column).arg(m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eBudget].count())); if (!stockSplit) { // Determine whether the value should be inverted before being placed in the row if (m_grid[outergroup].m_inverted) value = -value; // Add the value to the grid cell if (budget) { m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eBudget][column] += value; } else { // If it is loading an actual value for a budget report // check whether it is a subaccount of a budget account (include subaccounts) // If so, check if is the same currency and convert otherwise if (m_config.hasBudget() && row.id() != _row.id() && row.currencyId() != _row.currencyId()) { ReportAccount origAcc = _row; MyMoneyMoney rate = origAcc.foreignCurrencyPrice(row.currencyId(), columnDate(column), false); m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][column] += (value * rate).reduce(); } else { m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][column] += value; } } } else { m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row][eActual][column] += PivotCell::stockSplit(value); } } void PivotTable::createRow(const QString& outergroup, const ReportAccount& row, bool recursive) { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); // Determine the inner group from the top-most parent account QString innergroup(row.topParentName()); if (! m_grid.contains(outergroup)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Adding group [%1]").arg(outergroup)); m_grid[outergroup] = PivotOuterGroup(m_numColumns); } if (! m_grid[outergroup].contains(innergroup)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Adding group [%1][%2]").arg(outergroup).arg(innergroup)); m_grid[outergroup][innergroup] = PivotInnerGroup(m_numColumns); } if (! m_grid[outergroup][innergroup].contains(row)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(QString("Adding row [%1][%2][%3]").arg(outergroup).arg(innergroup).arg(row.debugName())); m_grid[outergroup][innergroup][row] = PivotGridRowSet(m_numColumns); if (recursive && !row.isTopLevel()) createRow(outergroup, row.parent(), recursive); } } int PivotTable::columnValue(const QDate& _date) const { if (m_config.isColumnsAreDays()) return (static_cast(m_beginDate.daysTo(_date))); else return (_date.year() * 12 + _date.month()); } QDate PivotTable::columnDate(int column) const { if (m_config.isColumnsAreDays()) return m_beginDate.addDays(m_config.columnPitch() * column - m_startColumn); else return m_beginDate.addMonths(m_config.columnPitch() * column).addDays(-m_startColumn); } QString PivotTable::renderCSV() const { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); int pricePrecision = 0; int currencyPrecision = 0; int precision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); bool isMultipleCurrencies = false; // // Table Header // QString result = i18n("Account"); auto column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { result += QString(",%1").arg(QString(m_columnHeadings[column++])); if (m_rowTypeList.size() > 1) { QString separator; separator = separator.fill(',', m_rowTypeList.size() - 1); result += separator; } } //show total columns if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) result += QString(",%1").arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")); result += '\n'; // Row Type Header if (m_rowTypeList.size() > 1) { column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString(",%1").arg(m_columnTypeHeaderList[i]); } column++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString(",%1").arg(m_columnTypeHeaderList[i]); } } result += '\n'; } // // Outer groups // // iterate over outer groups PivotGrid::const_iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { // // Outer Group Header // if (!(m_config.isIncludingPrice() || m_config.isIncludingAveragePrice())) result += it_outergroup.key() + '\n'; // // Inner Groups // PivotOuterGroup::const_iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); int rownum = 0; while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { // // Rows // QString innergroupdata; PivotInnerGroup::const_iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { ReportAccount rowname = it_row.key(); // // Columns // QString rowdata; column = 0; bool isUsed = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) isUsed |= it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][0].isUsed(); if (it_row.key().accountType() != eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment) { while (column < m_numColumns) { //show columns foreach (const auto rowType, m_rowTypeList) { if (rowType == ePrice) { if (pricePrecision == 0) { if (it_row.key().isInvest()) { pricePrecision = file->currency(it_row.key().currencyId()).pricePrecision(); precision = pricePrecision; } else precision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); } else precision = pricePrecision; } else { if (currencyPrecision == 0) { if (it_row.key().isInvest()) // stock account isn't evaluated in currency, so take investment account instead currencyPrecision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(it_row.key().parent().fraction()); else currencyPrecision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(it_row.key().fraction()); precision = currencyPrecision; } else precision = currencyPrecision; } rowdata += QString(",\"%1\"").arg(it_row.value()[rowType][column].formatMoney(QString(), precision, false)); isUsed |= it_row.value()[rowType][column].isUsed(); } column++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) rowdata += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_row)[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total.formatMoney(QString(), precision, false)); } } else { for (auto i = 0; i < m_numColumns + m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) rowdata.append(',');; } // // Row Header // if (!rowname.isClosed() || isUsed) { innergroupdata += "\"" + QString().fill(' ', rowname.hierarchyDepth() - 1) + rowname.name(); // if we don't convert the currencies to the base currency and the // current row contains a foreign currency, then we append the currency // to the name of the account if (!m_config.isConvertCurrency() && rowname.isForeignCurrency()) innergroupdata += QString(" (%1)").arg(rowname.currencyId()); innergroupdata += '\"'; if (isUsed) innergroupdata += rowdata; innergroupdata += '\n'; if (!isMultipleCurrencies && rowname.isForeignCurrency()) isMultipleCurrencies = true; if (!m_containsNonBaseCurrency && rowname.isForeignCurrency()) m_containsNonBaseCurrency = true; } ++it_row; } // // Inner Row Group Totals // bool finishrow = true; QString finalRow; bool isUsed = false; if (m_config.detailLevel() == eMyMoney::Report::DetailLevel::All && ((*it_innergroup).size() > 1)) { // Print the individual rows result += innergroupdata; if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && m_config.isShowingColumnTotals()) { // Start the TOTALS row finalRow = i18nc("Total balance", "Total"); isUsed = true; } else { ++rownum; finishrow = false; } } else { // Start the single INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT row ReportAccount rowname = (*it_innergroup).begin().key(); isUsed |= !rowname.isClosed(); finalRow = "\"" + QString().fill(' ', rowname.hierarchyDepth() - 1) + rowname.name(); if (!m_config.isConvertCurrency() && rowname.isForeignCurrency()) finalRow += QString(" (%1)").arg(rowname.currencyId()); finalRow += "\""; } // Finish the row started above, unless told not to if (finishrow) { column = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) isUsed |= (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][0].isUsed(); while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { isUsed |= (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].isUsed(); finalRow += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].formatMoney(QString(), precision, false)); } column++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) finalRow += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total.formatMoney(QString(), precision, false)); } finalRow += '\n'; } if (isUsed) { result += finalRow; ++rownum; } ++it_innergroup; } // // Outer Row Group Totals // if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && m_config.isShowingColumnTotals()) { result += QString("%1 %2").arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")).arg(it_outergroup.key()); column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) result += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].formatMoney(QString(), precision, false)); column++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) result += QString(",\"%1\"").arg((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total.formatMoney(QString(), precision, false)); } result += '\n'; } ++it_outergroup; } // // Report Totals // if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && m_config.isShowingColumnTotals()) { result += i18n("Grand Total"); auto totalcolumn = 0; while (totalcolumn < m_numColumns) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) result += QString(",\"%1\"").arg(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][totalcolumn].formatMoney(QString(), precision, false)); totalcolumn++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) result += QString(",\"%1\"").arg(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total.formatMoney(QString(), precision, false)); } result += '\n'; } return result; } QString PivotTable::renderHTML() const { DEBUG_ENTER(Q_FUNC_INFO); MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); int pricePrecision = 0; int currencyPrecision = 0; int precision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); QString colspan = QString(" colspan=\"%1\"").arg(m_numColumns + 1 + (m_config.isShowingRowTotals() ? 1 : 0)); // setup a leftborder for better readability of budget vs actual reports QString leftborder; if (m_rowTypeList.size() > 1) leftborder = " class=\"leftborder\""; // // Table Header // QString result = QString("\n\n\n" "\n").arg(i18n("Account")); QString headerspan; int span = m_rowTypeList.size(); headerspan = QString(" colspan=\"%1\"").arg(span); auto column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) result += QString("%2").arg(headerspan, QString(m_columnHeadings[column++]).replace(QRegExp(" "), "
")); if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) result += QString("%2").arg(headerspan).arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")); result += "
\n"; // // Header for multiple columns // if (span > 1) { result += ""; column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (column != 0) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(m_columnTypeHeaderList[i]) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); } column++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(m_columnTypeHeaderList[i]) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } result += ""; } // Skip the body of the report if the report only calls for totals to be shown if (m_config.detailLevel() != eMyMoney::Report::DetailLevel::Total) { // // Outer groups // // Need to sort the outergroups. They can't always be sorted by name. So we create a list of // map iterators, and sort that. Then we'll iterate through the map iterators and use those as // before. // // I hope this doesn't bog the performance of reports, given that we're copying the entire report // data. If this is a perf hit, we could change to storing outergroup pointers, I think. QList outergroups; PivotGrid::const_iterator it_outergroup_map = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup_map != m_grid.end()) { outergroups.push_back(it_outergroup_map.value()); // copy the name into the outergroup, because we will now lose any association with // the map iterator outergroups.back().m_displayName = it_outergroup_map.key(); ++it_outergroup_map; } qSort(outergroups.begin(), outergroups.end()); QList::const_iterator it_outergroup = outergroups.constBegin(); while (it_outergroup != outergroups.constEnd()) { // // Outer Group Header // if (!(m_config.isIncludingPrice() || m_config.isIncludingAveragePrice())) result += QString("\n").arg(colspan).arg((*it_outergroup).m_displayName); // Skip the inner groups if the report only calls for outer group totals to be shown if (m_config.detailLevel() != eMyMoney::Report::DetailLevel::Group) { // // Inner Groups // PivotOuterGroup::const_iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); int rownum = 0; while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { // // Rows // QString innergroupdata; PivotInnerGroup::const_iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { // // Columns // QString rowdata; column = 0; pricePrecision = 0; // new row => new account => new precision currencyPrecision = 0; bool isUsed = it_row.value()[eActual][0].isUsed(); if (it_row.key().accountType() != eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment) { while (column < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (column > 0) lb = leftborder; foreach (const auto rowType, m_rowTypeList) { if (rowType == ePrice) { if (pricePrecision == 0) { if (it_row.key().isInvest()) { pricePrecision = file->currency(it_row.key().currencyId()).pricePrecision(); precision = pricePrecision; } else precision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()); } else precision = pricePrecision; } else { if (currencyPrecision == 0) { if (it_row.key().isInvest()) // stock account isn't evaluated in currency, so take investment account instead currencyPrecision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(it_row.key().parent().fraction()); else currencyPrecision = MyMoneyMoney::denomToPrec(it_row.key().fraction()); precision = currencyPrecision; } else precision = currencyPrecision; } rowdata += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount(it_row.value()[rowType][column], QString(), precision)) .arg(lb); lb.clear(); isUsed |= it_row.value()[rowType][column].isUsed(); } ++column; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { rowdata += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount(it_row.value()[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total, QString(), precision)) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } } else rowdata += QString(QLatin1Literal("")).arg(m_numColumns + m_rowTypeList.size()); // // Row Header // ReportAccount rowname = it_row.key(); // don't show closed accounts if they have not been used if (!rowname.isClosed() || isUsed) { innergroupdata += QString("%5%6") .arg(rownum & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd") .arg(rowname.isTopLevel() ? " id=\"topparent\"" : "") .arg("") //.arg((*it_row).m_total.isZero() ? colspan : "") // colspan the distance if this row will be blank .arg(rowname.hierarchyDepth() - 1) .arg(rowname.name().replace(QRegExp(" "), " ")) .arg((m_config.isConvertCurrency() || !rowname.isForeignCurrency()) ? QString() : QString(" (%1)").arg(rowname.currency().id())); // Don't print this row if it's going to be all zeros // TODO: Uncomment this, and deal with the case where the data // is zero, but the budget is non-zero //if ( !(*it_row).m_total.isZero() ) innergroupdata += rowdata; innergroupdata += "\n"; if (!m_containsNonBaseCurrency && rowname.isForeignCurrency()) m_containsNonBaseCurrency = true; } ++it_row; } // // Inner Row Group Totals // bool finishrow = true; QString finalRow; bool isUsed = false; if (m_config.detailLevel() == eMyMoney::Report::DetailLevel::All && ((*it_innergroup).size() > 1)) { // Print the individual rows result += innergroupdata; if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && m_config.isShowingColumnTotals()) { // Start the TOTALS row finalRow = QString("") .arg(rownum & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd") .arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")); // don't suppress display of totals isUsed = true; } else { finishrow = false; ++rownum; } } else { // Start the single INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT row // FIXME: There is a bit of a bug here with class=leftX. There's only a finite number // of classes I can define in the .CSS file, and the user can theoretically nest deeper. // The right solution is to use style=Xem, and calculate X. Let's see if anyone complains // first :) Also applies to the row header case above. // FIXED: I found it in one of my reports and changed it to the proposed method. // This works for me (ipwizard) ReportAccount rowname = (*it_innergroup).begin().key(); isUsed |= !rowname.isClosed(); finalRow = QString("") .arg(rownum & 0x01 ? "even" : "odd") .arg(m_config.detailLevel() == eMyMoney::Report::DetailLevel::All ? "id=\"solo\"" : "") .arg(rowname.hierarchyDepth() - 1) .arg(rowname.name().replace(QRegExp(" "), " ")) .arg((m_config.isConvertCurrency() || !rowname.isForeignCurrency()) ? QString() : QString(" (%1)").arg(rowname.currency().id())); } // Finish the row started above, unless told not to if (finishrow) { column = 0; isUsed |= (*it_innergroup).m_total[eActual][0].isUsed(); while (column < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (column != 0) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { finalRow += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column], QString(), precision)) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); isUsed |= (*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column].isUsed(); } column++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { finalRow += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount((*it_innergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total, QString(), precision)) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } finalRow += "\n"; if (isUsed) { result += finalRow; ++rownum; } } ++it_innergroup; } // end while iterating on the inner groups } // end if detail level is not "group" // // Outer Row Group Totals // if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && m_config.isShowingColumnTotals()) { result += QString("").arg(i18nc("Total balance", "Total")).arg((*it_outergroup).m_displayName); column = 0; while (column < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (column != 0) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][column], QString(), precision)) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); } column++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount((*it_outergroup).m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total, QString(), precision)) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } result += "\n"; } ++it_outergroup; } // end while iterating on the outergroups } // end if detail level is not "total" // // Report Totals // if (m_config.isConvertCurrency() && m_config.isShowingColumnTotals()) { result += QString("\n"); result += QString("").arg(i18n("Grand Total")); auto totalcolumn = 0; while (totalcolumn < m_numColumns) { QString lb; if (totalcolumn != 0) lb = leftborder; for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ][totalcolumn], QString(), precision)) .arg(i == 0 ? lb : QString()); } totalcolumn++; } if (m_config.isShowingRowTotals()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_rowTypeList.size(); ++i) { result += QString("%1") .arg(coloredAmount(m_grid.m_total[ m_rowTypeList[i] ].m_total, QString(), precision)) .arg(i == 0 ? leftborder : QString()); } } result += "\n"; } result += "
%1 %2
\n"; return result; } void PivotTable::dump(const QString& file, const QString& /* context */) const { QFile g(file); g.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream(&g) << renderHTML(); g.close(); } void PivotTable::drawChart(KReportChartView& chartView) const { chartView.drawPivotChart(m_grid, m_config, m_numColumns, m_columnHeadings, m_rowTypeList, m_columnTypeHeaderList); } QString PivotTable::coloredAmount(const MyMoneyMoney& amount, const QString& currencySymbol, int prec) const { const auto value = amount.formatMoney(currencySymbol, prec); if (amount.isNegative()) return QString::fromLatin1("%2") .arg(KMyMoneySettings::schemeColor(SchemeColor::Negative).name(), value); else return value; } void PivotTable::calculateBudgetDiff() { PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = m_startColumn; switch (it_row.key().accountGroup()) { case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Income: case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Asset: while (column < m_numColumns) { it_row.value()[eBudgetDiff][column] = PivotCell(it_row.value()[eActual][column] - it_row.value()[eBudget][column]); ++column; } break; case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Expense: case eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability: while (column < m_numColumns) { it_row.value()[eBudgetDiff][column] = PivotCell(it_row.value()[eBudget][column] - it_row.value()[eActual][column]); ++column; } break; default: break; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::calculateForecast() { //setup forecast MyMoneyForecast forecast = KMyMoneyUtils::forecast(); //since this is a net worth forecast we want to include all account even those that are not in use forecast.setIncludeUnusedAccounts(true); //setup forecast dates if (m_endDate > QDate::currentDate()) { forecast.setForecastEndDate(m_endDate); forecast.setForecastStartDate(QDate::currentDate()); forecast.setForecastDays(QDate::currentDate().daysTo(m_endDate)); } else { forecast.setForecastStartDate(m_beginDate); forecast.setForecastEndDate(m_endDate); forecast.setForecastDays(m_beginDate.daysTo(m_endDate) + 1); } //adjust history dates if beginning date is before today if (m_beginDate < QDate::currentDate()) { forecast.setHistoryEndDate(m_beginDate.addDays(-1)); forecast.setHistoryStartDate(forecast.historyEndDate().addDays(-forecast.accountsCycle()*forecast.forecastCycles())); } //run forecast if (m_config.rowType() == eMyMoney::Report::RowType::AssetLiability) { //asset and liability forecast.doForecast(); } else { //income and expenses MyMoneyBudget budget; forecast.createBudget(budget, m_beginDate.addYears(-1), m_beginDate.addDays(-1), m_beginDate, m_endDate, false); } // check if we need to copy the opening balances // the conditions might be too tight but those fix a reported // problem and should avoid side effects in other situations // see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=391961 const bool copyOpeningBalances = (m_startColumn == 1) && !m_config.isIncludingSchedules() && (m_config.isRunningSum()); //go through the data and add forecast PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = m_startColumn; QDate forecastDate = m_beginDate; // check whether the opening balance needs to be setup if (copyOpeningBalances) { - it_row.value()[eForecast][0] += it_row.value()[eActual][0]; + if (it_row.key().accountGroup() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Liability) { + it_row.value()[eForecast][0] -= it_row.value()[eActual][0]; + } else { + it_row.value()[eForecast][0] += it_row.value()[eActual][0]; + } } //check whether columns are days or months if (m_config.isColumnsAreDays()) { while (column < m_numColumns) { it_row.value()[eForecast][column] = PivotCell(forecast.forecastBalance(it_row.key(), forecastDate)); forecastDate = forecastDate.addDays(1); ++column; } } else { //if columns are months while (column < m_numColumns) { // the forecast balance is on the first day of the month see MyMoneyForecast::calculateScheduledMonthlyBalances() forecastDate = QDate(forecastDate.year(), forecastDate.month(), 1); //check that forecastDate is not over ending date if (forecastDate > m_endDate) forecastDate = m_endDate; //get forecast balance and set the corresponding column it_row.value()[eForecast][column] = PivotCell(forecast.forecastBalance(it_row.key(), forecastDate)); forecastDate = forecastDate.addMonths(1); ++column; } } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::loadRowTypeList() { if ((m_config.isIncludingBudgetActuals()) || (!m_config.hasBudget() && !m_config.isIncludingForecast() && !m_config.isIncludingMovingAverage() && !m_config.isIncludingPrice() && !m_config.isIncludingAveragePrice()) ) { m_rowTypeList.append(eActual); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Actual")); } if (m_config.hasBudget()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eBudget); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Budget")); } if (m_config.isIncludingBudgetActuals()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eBudgetDiff); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Difference")); } if (m_config.isIncludingForecast()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eForecast); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Forecast")); } if (m_config.isIncludingMovingAverage()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eAverage); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Moving Average")); } if (m_config.isIncludingAveragePrice()) { m_rowTypeList.append(eAverage); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Moving Average Price")); } if (m_config.isIncludingPrice()) { m_rowTypeList.append(ePrice); m_columnTypeHeaderList.append(i18n("Price")); } } void PivotTable::calculateMovingAverage() { int delta = m_config.movingAverageDays() / 2; //go through the data and add the moving average PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = m_startColumn; //check whether columns are days or months if (m_config.columnType() == eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Days) { while (column < m_numColumns) { MyMoneyMoney totalPrice = MyMoneyMoney(); QDate averageStart = columnDate(column).addDays(-delta); QDate averageEnd = columnDate(column).addDays(delta); for (QDate averageDate = averageStart; averageDate <= averageEnd; averageDate = averageDate.addDays(1)) { if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { totalPrice += it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(averageDate) * it_row.key().baseCurrencyPrice(averageDate); } else { totalPrice += it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(averageDate); } totalPrice = totalPrice.convert(10000); } //calculate the average price MyMoneyMoney averagePrice = totalPrice / MyMoneyMoney((averageStart.daysTo(averageEnd) + 1), 1); //get the actual value, multiply by the average price and save that value MyMoneyMoney averageValue = it_row.value()[eActual][column] * averagePrice; it_row.value()[eAverage][column] = PivotCell(averageValue.convert(10000)); ++column; } } else { //if columns are months while (column < m_numColumns) { QDate averageStart = columnDate(column); //set the right start date depending on the column type switch (m_config.columnType()) { case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Years: { averageStart = QDate(columnDate(column).year(), 1, 1); break; } case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::BiMonths: { averageStart = QDate(columnDate(column).year(), columnDate(column).month(), 1).addMonths(-1); break; } case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Quarters: { averageStart = QDate(columnDate(column).year(), columnDate(column).month(), 1).addMonths(-1); break; } case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Months: { averageStart = QDate(columnDate(column).year(), columnDate(column).month(), 1); break; } case eMyMoney::Report::ColumnType::Weeks: { averageStart = columnDate(column).addDays(-columnDate(column).dayOfWeek() + 1); break; } default: break; } //gather the actual data and calculate the average MyMoneyMoney totalPrice = MyMoneyMoney(); QDate averageEnd = columnDate(column); for (QDate averageDate = averageStart; averageDate <= averageEnd; averageDate = averageDate.addDays(1)) { if (m_config.isConvertCurrency()) { totalPrice += it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(averageDate) * it_row.key().baseCurrencyPrice(averageDate); } else { totalPrice += it_row.key().deepCurrencyPrice(averageDate); } totalPrice = totalPrice.convert(10000); } MyMoneyMoney averagePrice = totalPrice / MyMoneyMoney((averageStart.daysTo(averageEnd) + 1), 1); MyMoneyMoney averageValue = it_row.value()[eActual][column] * averagePrice; //fill in the average it_row.value()[eAverage][column] = PivotCell(averageValue.convert(10000)); ++column; } } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } void PivotTable::fillBasePriceUnit(ERowType rowType) { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); QString baseCurrencyId = file->baseCurrency().id(); //get the first price date for securities QMap securityDates = securityFirstPrice(); //go through the data PivotGrid::iterator it_outergroup = m_grid.begin(); while (it_outergroup != m_grid.end()) { PivotOuterGroup::iterator it_innergroup = (*it_outergroup).begin(); while (it_innergroup != (*it_outergroup).end()) { PivotInnerGroup::iterator it_row = (*it_innergroup).begin(); while (it_row != (*it_innergroup).end()) { int column = m_startColumn; //if it is a base currency fill all the values bool firstPriceExists = false; if (it_row.key().currencyId() == baseCurrencyId) { firstPriceExists = true; } while (column < m_numColumns) { //check whether the date for that column is on or after the first price if (!firstPriceExists && securityDates.contains(it_row.key().currencyId()) && columnDate(column) >= securityDates.value(it_row.key().currencyId())) { firstPriceExists = true; } //only add the dummy value if there is a price for that date if (firstPriceExists) { //insert a unit of currency for each account it_row.value()[rowType][column] = PivotCell(MyMoneyMoney::ONE); } ++column; } ++it_row; } ++it_innergroup; } ++it_outergroup; } } QMap PivotTable::securityFirstPrice() { MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneyPriceList priceList = file->priceList(); QMap securityPriceDate; MyMoneyPriceList::const_iterator prices_it; for (prices_it = priceList.constBegin(); prices_it != priceList.constEnd(); ++prices_it) { MyMoneyPrice firstPrice = (*((*prices_it).constBegin())); //check the security in the from field //if it is there, check if it is older if (securityPriceDate.contains(firstPrice.from())) { if (securityPriceDate.value(firstPrice.from()) > firstPrice.date()) { securityPriceDate[firstPrice.from()] = firstPrice.date(); } } else { securityPriceDate.insert(firstPrice.from(), firstPrice.date()); } //check the security in the to field //if it is there, check if it is older if (securityPriceDate.contains(firstPrice.to())) { if (securityPriceDate.value(firstPrice.to()) > firstPrice.date()) { securityPriceDate[firstPrice.to()] = firstPrice.date(); } } else { securityPriceDate.insert(firstPrice.to(), firstPrice.date()); } } return securityPriceDate; } void PivotTable::includeInvestmentSubAccounts() { // if we're not in expert mode, we need to make sure // that all stock accounts for the selected investment // account are also selected QStringList accountList; if (m_config.accounts(accountList)) { if (!KMyMoneySettings::expertMode()) { foreach (const auto sAccount, accountList) { auto acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(sAccount); if (acc.accountType() == eMyMoney::Account::Type::Investment) { foreach (const auto sSubAccount, acc.accountList()) { if (!accountList.contains(sSubAccount)) { m_config.addAccount(sSubAccount); } } } } } } } int PivotTable::currentDateColumn() { //return -1 if the columns do not include the current date if (m_beginDate > QDate::currentDate() || m_endDate < QDate::currentDate()) { return -1; } //check the date of each column and return if it is the one for the current date //if columns are not days, return the one for the current month or year int column = m_startColumn; while (column < m_numColumns) { if (columnDate(column) >= QDate::currentDate()) { break; } column++; } //if there is no column matching the current date, return -1 if (column == m_numColumns) { column = -1; } return column; } } // namespace diff --git a/kmymoney/plugins/weboob/weboob.cpp b/kmymoney/plugins/weboob/weboob.cpp index 7262c2541..a778c4536 100644 --- a/kmymoney/plugins/weboob/weboob.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/plugins/weboob/weboob.cpp @@ -1,240 +1,239 @@ /* - * This file is part of KMyMoney, A Personal Finance Manager by KDE - * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Romain Bignon - * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Florent Fourcot - * Copyright (C) 2016 Christian David - * (C) 2017 by Łukasz Wojniłowicz + * Copyright 2014-2015 Romain Bignon + * Copyright 2014-2015 Florent Fourcot + * Copyright 2016 Christian David + * Copyright 2017 Łukasz Wojniłowicz + * Copyright 2019 Thomas Baumgart * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License - * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 - * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "weboob.h" #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include #include +#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE + #include + #include +#endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mapaccountwizard.h" #include "accountsettings.h" #include "weboobinterface.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include "mymoneykeyvaluecontainer.h" #include "mymoneystatement.h" #include "statementinterface.h" -#ifdef IS_APPIMAGE -#include -#include -#endif - class WeboobPrivate { public: WeboobPrivate() { } ~WeboobPrivate() { } WeboobInterface weboob; QFutureWatcher watcher; std::unique_ptr progress; AccountSettings* accountSettings; }; Weboob::Weboob(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KMyMoneyPlugin::Plugin(parent, "weboob"), d_ptr(new WeboobPrivate) { Q_UNUSED(args) const auto componentName = QLatin1String("weboob"); const auto rcFileName = QLatin1String("weboob.rc"); setComponentName(componentName, i18n("Weboob")); #ifdef IS_APPIMAGE - const QString rcFilePath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1String("/../share/kxmlgui5/") + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; + const QString rcFilePath = QString("%1/../share/kxmlgui5/%2/%3").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), componentName, rcFileName); setXMLFile(rcFilePath); const QString localRcFilePath = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation).first() + QLatin1Char('/') + componentName + QLatin1Char('/') + rcFileName; setLocalXMLFile(localRcFilePath); #else setXMLFile(rcFileName); #endif qDebug("Plugins: weboob loaded"); } Weboob::~Weboob() { Q_D(Weboob); delete d; qDebug("Plugins: weboob unloaded"); } void Weboob::plug() { Q_D(Weboob); connect(&d->watcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, &Weboob::gotAccount); } void Weboob::unplug() { Q_D(Weboob); disconnect(&d->watcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, &Weboob::gotAccount); } void Weboob::protocols(QStringList& protocolList) const { protocolList << "weboob"; } QWidget* Weboob::accountConfigTab(const MyMoneyAccount& account, QString& tabName) { Q_D(Weboob); const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& kvp = account.onlineBankingSettings(); tabName = i18n("Weboob configuration"); d->accountSettings = new AccountSettings(account, 0); d->accountSettings->loadUi(kvp); return d->accountSettings; } MyMoneyKeyValueContainer Weboob::onlineBankingSettings(const MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& current) { Q_D(Weboob); MyMoneyKeyValueContainer kvp(current); kvp["provider"] = objectName().toLower(); if (d->accountSettings) { d->accountSettings->loadKvp(kvp); } return kvp; } bool Weboob::mapAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& acc, MyMoneyKeyValueContainer& onlineBankingSettings) { Q_D(Weboob); Q_UNUSED(acc); bool rc = false; QPointer w = new MapAccountWizard(nullptr, &d->weboob); if (w->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && w != nullptr) { onlineBankingSettings.setValue("wb-backend", w->currentBackend()); onlineBankingSettings.setValue("wb-id", w->currentAccount()); onlineBankingSettings.setValue("wb-max", "0"); rc = true; } delete w; return rc; } bool Weboob::updateAccount(const MyMoneyAccount& kacc, bool moreAccounts) { Q_D(Weboob); Q_UNUSED(moreAccounts); QString bname = kacc.onlineBankingSettings().value("wb-backend"); QString id = kacc.onlineBankingSettings().value("wb-id"); QString max = kacc.onlineBankingSettings().value("wb-max"); d->progress = std::make_unique(nullptr); d->progress->setWindowTitle(i18n("Connecting to bank...")); d->progress->setLabelText(i18n("Retrieving transactions...")); d->progress->setModal(true); d->progress->setCancelButton(nullptr); d->progress->setMinimum(0); d->progress->setMaximum(0); d->progress->setMinimumDuration(0); QFuture future = QtConcurrent::run(&d->weboob, &WeboobInterface::getAccount, bname, id, max); d->watcher.setFuture(future); d->progress->exec(); d->progress.reset(); return true; } void Weboob::gotAccount() { Q_D(Weboob); WeboobInterface::Account acc = d->watcher.result(); MyMoneyAccount kacc = statementInterface()->account("wb-id", acc.id); MyMoneyStatement ks; ks.m_accountId = kacc.id(); ks.m_strAccountName = acc.name; ks.m_closingBalance = acc.balance; if (acc.transactions.length() > 0) ks.m_dateEnd = acc.transactions.front().date; #if 0 switch (acc.type) { case Weboob::Account::TYPE_CHECKING: ks.m_eType = MyMoneyStatement::etCheckings; break; case Weboob::Account::TYPE_SAVINGS: ks.m_eType = MyMoneyStatement::etSavings; break; case Weboob::Account::TYPE_MARKET: ks.m_eType = MyMoneyStatement::etInvestment; break; case Weboob::Account::TYPE_DEPOSIT: case Weboob::Account::TYPE_LOAN: case Weboob::Account::TYPE_JOINT: case Weboob::Account::TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; } #endif for (QListIterator it(acc.transactions); it.hasNext();) { WeboobInterface::Transaction tr = it.next(); MyMoneyStatement::Transaction kt; kt.m_strBankID = QLatin1String("ID ") + tr.id; kt.m_datePosted = tr.rdate; kt.m_amount = tr.amount; kt.m_strMemo = tr.raw; kt.m_strPayee = tr.label; ks.m_listTransactions += kt; } statementInterface()->import(ks); d->progress->hide(); } K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON(WeboobFactory, "weboob.json", registerPlugin();) #include "weboob.moc" diff --git a/kmymoney/views/ktagsview.cpp b/kmymoney/views/ktagsview.cpp index 3f148b05f..fdb6436e9 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/ktagsview.cpp +++ b/kmymoney/views/ktagsview.cpp @@ -1,756 +1,758 @@ -/*************************************************************************** - ktagsview.cpp - ------------- - begin : Sat Oct 13 2012 - copyright : (C) 2012 by Alessandro Russo - (C) 2017 by Łukasz Wojniłowicz - ***************************************************************************/ - -/*************************************************************************** - * * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * - * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * - * (at your option) any later version. * - * * - ***************************************************************************/ +/* + * Copyright 2012 Alessandro Russo + * Copyright 2017 Łukasz Wojniłowicz + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ #include "ktagsview.h" #include "ktagsview_p.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "mymoneyexception.h" #include "mymoneymoney.h" #include "mymoneyprice.h" #include "kmymoneysettings.h" #include "ktagreassigndlg.h" #include "kmymoneyutils.h" #include "kmymoneymvccombo.h" #include "mymoneysecurity.h" #include "mymoneysplit.h" #include "mymoneytransaction.h" #include "mymoneyschedule.h" #include "transaction.h" #include "menuenums.h" using namespace Icons; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* KTransactionPtrVector */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // *** KTagsView Implementation *** KTagsView::KTagsView(QWidget *parent) : KMyMoneyViewBase(*new KTagsViewPrivate(this), parent) { typedef void(KTagsView::*KTagsViewFunc)(); const QHash actionConnections { {eMenu::Action::NewTag, &KTagsView::slotNewTag}, {eMenu::Action::RenameTag, &KTagsView::slotRenameTag}, {eMenu::Action::DeleteTag, &KTagsView::slotDeleteTag} }; for (auto a = actionConnections.cbegin(); a != actionConnections.cend(); ++a) connect(pActions[a.key()], &QAction::triggered, this, a.value()); } KTagsView::~KTagsView() { } void KTagsView::executeCustomAction(eView::Action action) { switch(action) { case eView::Action::Refresh: refresh(); break; case eView::Action::SetDefaultFocus: { Q_D(KTagsView); QTimer::singleShot(0, d->m_searchWidget, SLOT(setFocus())); } break; default: break; } } void KTagsView::refresh() { Q_D(KTagsView); if (isVisible()) { if (d->m_inSelection) QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(refresh())); else loadTags(); d->m_needsRefresh = false; } else { d->m_needsRefresh = true; } } void KTagsView::slotStartRename(QListWidgetItem* item) { Q_D(KTagsView); d->m_allowEditing = true; d->ui->m_tagsList->editItem(item); } // This variant is only called when a single tag is selected and renamed. void KTagsView::slotRenameSingleTag(QListWidgetItem* ta) { Q_D(KTagsView); //if there is no current item selected, exit if (d->m_allowEditing == false || !d->ui->m_tagsList->currentItem() || ta != d->ui->m_tagsList->currentItem()) return; //qDebug() << "[KTagsView::slotRenameTag]"; // create a copy of the new name without appended whitespaces auto new_name = ta->text(); if (d->m_tag.name() != new_name) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // check if we already have a tag with the new name try { // this function call will throw an exception, if the tag // hasn't been found. MyMoneyFile::instance()->tagByName(new_name); // the name already exists, ask the user whether he's sure to keep the name if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("A tag with the name '%1' already exists. It is not advisable to have " "multiple tags with the same identification name. Are you sure you would like " "to rename the tag?", new_name)) != KMessageBox::Yes) { ta->setText(d->m_tag.name()); return; } } catch (const MyMoneyException &) { // all ok, the name is unique } d->m_tag.setName(new_name); d->m_newName = new_name; MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyTag(d->m_tag); // the above call to modifyTag will reload the view so // all references and pointers to the view have to be // re-established. // make sure, that the record is visible even if it moved // out of sight due to the rename operation ensureTagVisible(d->m_tag.id()); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to modify tag"), QString::fromLatin1(e.what())); } } else { ta->setText(new_name); } } void KTagsView::ensureTagVisible(const QString& id) { Q_D(KTagsView); for (int i = 0; i < d->ui->m_tagsList->count(); ++i) { KTagListItem* ta = dynamic_cast(d->ui->m_tagsList->item(0)); if (ta && ta->tag().id() == id) { d->ui->m_tagsList->scrollToItem(ta, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter); d->ui->m_tagsList->setCurrentItem(ta); // active item and deselect all others d->ui->m_tagsList->setCurrentRow(i, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); // and select it break; } } } void KTagsView::selectedTags(QList& tagsList) const { Q_D(const KTagsView); QList selectedItems = d->ui->m_tagsList->selectedItems(); QList::ConstIterator itemsIt = selectedItems.constBegin(); while (itemsIt != selectedItems.constEnd()) { KTagListItem* item = dynamic_cast(*itemsIt); if (item) tagsList << item->tag(); ++itemsIt; } } void KTagsView::slotSelectTag(QListWidgetItem* cur, QListWidgetItem* prev) { Q_D(KTagsView); Q_UNUSED(cur); Q_UNUSED(prev); d->m_allowEditing = false; } void KTagsView::slotSelectTag() { Q_D(KTagsView); // check if the content of a currently selected tag was modified // and ask to store the data if (d->ui->m_updateButton->isEnabled()) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, QString("%1").arg( i18n("Do you want to save the changes for %1?", d->m_newName)), i18n("Save changes")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { d->m_inSelection = true; slotUpdateTag(); d->m_inSelection = false; } } // loop over all tags and count the number of tags, also // obtain last selected tag QList tagsList; selectedTags(tagsList); slotSelectTags(tagsList); if (tagsList.isEmpty()) { d->ui->m_tabWidget->setEnabled(false); // disable tab widget d->ui->m_balanceLabel->hide(); d->ui->m_deleteButton->setEnabled(false); //disable delete and rename button d->ui->m_renameButton->setEnabled(false); clearItemData(); d->m_tag = MyMoneyTag(); return; // make sure we don't access an undefined tag } d->ui->m_deleteButton->setEnabled(true); //re-enable delete button // if we have multiple tags selected, clear and disable the tag information if (tagsList.count() > 1) { d->ui->m_tabWidget->setEnabled(false); // disable tab widget d->ui->m_renameButton->setEnabled(false); // disable also the rename button d->ui->m_balanceLabel->hide(); clearItemData(); } else d->ui->m_renameButton->setEnabled(true); // otherwise we have just one selected, enable tag information widget and renameButton d->ui->m_tabWidget->setEnabled(true); d->ui->m_balanceLabel->show(); // as of now we are updating only the last selected tag, and until // selection mode of the QListView has been changed to Extended, this // will also be the only selection and behave exactly as before - Andreas try { d->m_tag = tagsList[0]; d->m_newName = d->m_tag.name(); d->ui->m_colorbutton->setEnabled(true); d->ui->m_colorbutton->setColor(d->m_tag.tagColor()); d->ui->m_closed->setEnabled(true); d->ui->m_closed->setChecked(d->m_tag.isClosed()); d->ui->m_notes->setEnabled(true); d->ui->m_notes->setText(d->m_tag.notes()); slotTagDataChanged(); showTransactions(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qDebug("exception during display of tag: %s", e.what()); d->ui->m_register->clear(); d->m_tag = MyMoneyTag(); } d->m_allowEditing = true; } void KTagsView::clearItemData() { Q_D(KTagsView); d->ui->m_colorbutton->setColor(QColor()); d->ui->m_closed->setChecked(false); d->ui->m_notes->setText(QString()); showTransactions(); } void KTagsView::showTransactions() { Q_D(KTagsView); MyMoneyMoney balance; auto file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); MyMoneySecurity base = file->baseCurrency(); // setup sort order d->ui->m_register->setSortOrder(KMyMoneySettings::sortSearchView()); // clear the register d->ui->m_register->clear(); if (d->m_tag.id().isEmpty() || !d->ui->m_tabWidget->isEnabled()) { d->ui->m_balanceLabel->setText(i18n("Balance: %1", balance.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()))); return; } // setup the list and the pointer vector MyMoneyTransactionFilter filter; + filter.setConsiderCategorySplits(); filter.addTag(d->m_tag.id()); filter.setDateFilter(KMyMoneySettings::startDate().date(), QDate()); // retrieve the list from the engine file->transactionList(d->m_transactionList, filter); // create the elements for the register QList >::const_iterator it; QMap uniqueMap; MyMoneyMoney deposit, payment; int splitCount = 0; bool balanceAccurate = true; for (it = d->m_transactionList.constBegin(); it != d->m_transactionList.constEnd(); ++it) { const MyMoneySplit& split = (*it).second; MyMoneyAccount acc = file->account(split.accountId()); ++splitCount; uniqueMap[(*it).first.id()]++; KMyMoneyRegister::Register::transactionFactory(d->ui->m_register, (*it).first, (*it).second, uniqueMap[(*it).first.id()]); // take care of foreign currencies MyMoneyMoney val = split.shares().abs(); if (acc.currencyId() != base.id()) { const MyMoneyPrice &price = file->price(acc.currencyId(), base.id()); // in case the price is valid, we use it. Otherwise, we keep // a flag that tells us that the balance is somewhat inaccurate if (price.isValid()) { val *= price.rate(base.id()); } else { balanceAccurate = false; } } if (split.shares().isNegative()) { payment += val; } else { deposit += val; } } balance = deposit - payment; // add the group markers d->ui->m_register->addGroupMarkers(); // sort the transactions according to the sort setting d->ui->m_register->sortItems(); // remove trailing and adjacent markers d->ui->m_register->removeUnwantedGroupMarkers(); d->ui->m_register->updateRegister(true); // we might end up here with updates disabled on the register so // make sure that we enable updates here d->ui->m_register->setUpdatesEnabled(true); d->ui->m_balanceLabel->setText(i18n("Balance: %1%2", balanceAccurate ? "" : "~", balance.formatMoney(file->baseCurrency().smallestAccountFraction()))); } void KTagsView::slotTagDataChanged() { Q_D(KTagsView); auto rc = false; if (d->ui->m_tabWidget->isEnabled()) { rc |= ((d->m_tag.tagColor().isValid() != d->ui->m_colorbutton->color().isValid()) || (d->ui->m_colorbutton->color().isValid() && d->m_tag.tagColor() != d->ui->m_colorbutton->color())); rc |= (d->ui->m_closed->isChecked() != d->m_tag.isClosed()); rc |= ((d->m_tag.notes().isEmpty() != d->ui->m_notes->toPlainText().isEmpty()) || (!d->ui->m_notes->toPlainText().isEmpty() && d->m_tag.notes() != d->ui->m_notes->toPlainText())); } d->ui->m_updateButton->setEnabled(rc); } void KTagsView::slotUpdateTag() { Q_D(KTagsView); if (d->ui->m_updateButton->isEnabled()) { MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; d->ui->m_updateButton->setEnabled(false); try { d->m_tag.setName(d->m_newName); d->m_tag.setTagColor(d->ui->m_colorbutton->color()); d->m_tag.setClosed(d->ui->m_closed->isChecked()); d->m_tag.setNotes(d->ui->m_notes->toPlainText()); MyMoneyFile::instance()->modifyTag(d->m_tag); ft.commit(); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to modify tag"), QString::fromLatin1(e.what())); } } } void KTagsView::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { if (MyMoneyFile::instance()->storageAttached()) { Q_D(KTagsView); if (d->m_needLoad) d->init(); emit customActionRequested(View::Tags, eView::Action::AboutToShow); if (d->m_needsRefresh) refresh(); QList list; selectedTags(list); slotSelectTags(list); } // don't forget base class implementation QWidget::showEvent(event); } void KTagsView::updateTagActions(const QList& tags) { pActions[eMenu::Action::NewTag]->setEnabled(true); const auto tagsCount = tags.count(); auto b = tagsCount == 1 ? true : false; pActions[eMenu::Action::RenameTag]->setEnabled(b); b = tagsCount >= 1 ? true : false; pActions[eMenu::Action::DeleteTag]->setEnabled(b); } void KTagsView::loadTags() { Q_D(KTagsView); if (d->m_inSelection) return; QMap isSelected; QString id; MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // remember which items are selected in the list QList selectedItems = d->ui->m_tagsList->selectedItems(); QList::const_iterator tagsIt = selectedItems.constBegin(); while (tagsIt != selectedItems.constEnd()) { KTagListItem* item = dynamic_cast(*tagsIt); if (item) isSelected[item->tag().id()] = true; ++tagsIt; } // keep current selected item KTagListItem *currentItem = static_cast(d->ui->m_tagsList->currentItem()); if (currentItem) id = currentItem->tag().id(); d->m_allowEditing = false; // clear the list d->m_searchWidget->clear(); d->m_searchWidget->updateSearch(); d->ui->m_tagsList->clear(); d->ui->m_register->clear(); currentItem = 0; QListlist = file->tagList(); QList::ConstIterator it; for (it = list.constBegin(); it != list.constEnd(); ++it) { if (d->m_tagFilterType == (int)eView::Tag::All || (d->m_tagFilterType == (int)eView::Tag::Referenced && file->isReferenced(*it)) || (d->m_tagFilterType == (int)eView::Tag::Unused && !file->isReferenced(*it)) || (d->m_tagFilterType == (int)eView::Tag::Opened && !(*it).isClosed()) || (d->m_tagFilterType == (int)eView::Tag::Closed && (*it).isClosed())) { KTagListItem* item = new KTagListItem(d->ui->m_tagsList, *it); if (item->tag().id() == id) currentItem = item; if (isSelected[item->tag().id()]) item->setSelected(true); } } d->ui->m_tagsList->sortItems(); if (currentItem) { d->ui->m_tagsList->setCurrentItem(currentItem); d->ui->m_tagsList->scrollToItem(currentItem); } slotSelectTag(0, 0); d->m_allowEditing = true; } void KTagsView::slotSelectTransaction() { Q_D(KTagsView); QList list = d->ui->m_register->selectedItems(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* t = dynamic_cast(list[0]); if (t) emit selectByVariant(QVariantList {QVariant(t->split().accountId()), QVariant(t->transaction().id())}, eView::Intent::ShowTransaction); } } void KTagsView::slotSelectTagAndTransaction(const QString& tagId, const QString& accountId, const QString& transactionId) { if (!isVisible()) return; Q_D(KTagsView); try { // clear filter d->m_searchWidget->clear(); d->m_searchWidget->updateSearch(); // deselect all other selected items QList selectedItems = d->ui->m_tagsList->selectedItems(); QList::const_iterator tagsIt = selectedItems.constBegin(); while (tagsIt != selectedItems.constEnd()) { KTagListItem* item = dynamic_cast(*tagsIt); if (item) item->setSelected(false); ++tagsIt; } // find the tag in the list QListWidgetItem* it; for (int i = 0; i < d->ui->m_tagsList->count(); ++i) { it = d->ui->m_tagsList->item(i); KTagListItem* item = dynamic_cast(it); if (item && item->tag().id() == tagId) { d->ui->m_tagsList->scrollToItem(it, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter); d->ui->m_tagsList->setCurrentItem(it); // active item and deselect all others d->ui->m_tagsList->setCurrentRow(i, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); // and select it //make sure the tag selection is updated and transactions are updated accordingly slotSelectTag(); KMyMoneyRegister::RegisterItem *registerItem = 0; for (i = 0; i < d->ui->m_register->rowCount(); ++i) { registerItem = d->ui->m_register->itemAtRow(i); KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* t = dynamic_cast(registerItem); if (t) { if (t->transaction().id() == transactionId && t->transaction().accountReferenced(accountId)) { d->ui->m_register->selectItem(registerItem); d->ui->m_register->ensureItemVisible(registerItem); break; } } } // quit out of outer for() loop break; } } } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { qWarning("Unexpected exception in KTagsView::slotSelectTagAndTransaction %s", e.what()); } } void KTagsView::slotSelectTagAndTransaction(const QString& tagId) { slotSelectTagAndTransaction(tagId, QString(), QString()); } void KTagsView::slotShowTagsMenu(const QPoint& /*ta*/) { Q_D(KTagsView); auto item = dynamic_cast(d->ui->m_tagsList->currentItem()); if (item) { slotSelectTag(); pMenus[eMenu::Menu::Tag]->exec(QCursor::pos()); } } void KTagsView::slotHelp() { KHelpClient::invokeHelp("details.tags.attributes"); //FIXME-ALEX update help file } void KTagsView::slotChangeFilter(int index) { Q_D(KTagsView); //update the filter type then reload the tags list d->m_tagFilterType = index; loadTags(); } void KTagsView::slotSelectTags(const QList& list) { Q_D(KTagsView); d->m_selectedTags = list; updateTagActions(list); } void KTagsView::slotNewTag() { QString id; KMyMoneyUtils::newTag(i18n("New Tag"), id); slotSelectTagAndTransaction(id); } void KTagsView::slotRenameTag() { Q_D(KTagsView); if (d->ui->m_tagsList->currentItem() && d->ui->m_tagsList->selectedItems().count() == 1) { slotStartRename(d->ui->m_tagsList->currentItem()); } } void KTagsView::slotDeleteTag() { Q_D(KTagsView); if (d->m_selectedTags.isEmpty()) return; // shouldn't happen const auto file = MyMoneyFile::instance(); // first create list with all non-selected tags QList remainingTags = file->tagList(); QList::iterator it_ta; for (it_ta = remainingTags.begin(); it_ta != remainingTags.end();) { if (d->m_selectedTags.contains(*it_ta)) { it_ta = remainingTags.erase(it_ta); } else { ++it_ta; } } // get confirmation from user QString prompt; if (d->m_selectedTags.size() == 1) prompt = i18n("

Do you really want to remove the tag %1?

", d->m_selectedTags.front().name()); else prompt = i18n("Do you really want to remove all selected tags?"); if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, prompt, i18n("Remove Tag")) == KMessageBox::No) return; MyMoneyFileTransaction ft; try { // create a transaction filter that contains all tags selected for removal MyMoneyTransactionFilter f = MyMoneyTransactionFilter(); for (QList::const_iterator it = d->m_selectedTags.constBegin(); it != d->m_selectedTags.constEnd(); ++it) { f.addTag((*it).id()); } // request a list of all transactions that still use the tags in question auto translist = file->transactionList(f); // qDebug() << "[KTagsView::slotDeleteTag] " << translist.count() << " transaction still assigned to tags"; // now get a list of all schedules that make use of one of the tags QList used_schedules; foreach (const auto schedule, file->scheduleList()) { // loop over all splits in the transaction of the schedule foreach (const auto split, schedule.transaction().splits()) { for (auto i = 0; i < split.tagIdList().size(); ++i) { // is the tag in the split to be deleted? if (d->tagInList(d->m_selectedTags, split.tagIdList()[i])) { used_schedules.push_back(schedule); // remember this schedule break; } } } } // qDebug() << "[KTagsView::slotDeleteTag] " << used_schedules.count() << " schedules use one of the selected tags"; MyMoneyTag newTag; // if at least one tag is still referenced, we need to reassign its transactions first if (!translist.isEmpty() || !used_schedules.isEmpty()) { // show error message if no tags remain //FIXME-ALEX Tags are optional so we can delete all of them and simply delete every tagId from every transaction if (remainingTags.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("At least one transaction/scheduled transaction is still referenced by a tag. " "Currently you have all tags selected. However, at least one tag must remain so " "that the transaction/scheduled transaction can be reassigned.")); return; } // show transaction reassignment dialog auto dlg = new KTagReassignDlg(this); KMyMoneyMVCCombo::setSubstringSearchForChildren(dlg, !KMyMoneySettings::stringMatchFromStart()); auto tag_id = dlg->show(remainingTags); delete dlg; // and kill the dialog if (tag_id.isEmpty()) //FIXME-ALEX Let the user choose to not reassign a to-be deleted tag to another one. return; // the user aborted the dialog, so let's abort as well newTag = file->tag(tag_id); // TODO : check if we have a report that explicitly uses one of our tags // and issue an appropriate warning try { // now loop over all transactions and reassign tag for (auto& transaction : translist) { // create a copy of the splits list in the transaction // loop over all splits for (auto& split : transaction.splits()) { QList tagIdList = split.tagIdList(); for (int i = 0; i < tagIdList.size(); ++i) { // if the split is assigned to one of the selected tags, we need to modify it if (d->tagInList(d->m_selectedTags, tagIdList[i])) { tagIdList.removeAt(i); if (tagIdList.indexOf(tag_id) == -1) tagIdList.append(tag_id); i = -1; // restart from the first element } } split.setTagIdList(tagIdList); // first modify tag list in current split // then modify the split in our local copy of the transaction list transaction.modifySplit(split); // this does not modify the list object 'splits'! } // for - Splits file->modifyTransaction(transaction); // modify the transaction in the MyMoney object } // for - Transactions // now loop over all schedules and reassign tags for (auto& schedule : used_schedules) { // create copy of transaction in current schedule auto trans = schedule.transaction(); // create copy of lists of splits for (auto& split : trans.splits()) { QList tagIdList = split.tagIdList(); for (auto i = 0; i < tagIdList.size(); ++i) { if (d->tagInList(d->m_selectedTags, tagIdList[i])) { tagIdList.removeAt(i); if (tagIdList.indexOf(tag_id) == -1) tagIdList.append(tag_id); i = -1; // restart from the first element } } split.setTagIdList(tagIdList); trans.modifySplit(split); // does not modify the list object 'splits'! } // for - Splits // store transaction in current schedule schedule.setTransaction(trans); file->modifySchedule(schedule); // modify the schedule in the MyMoney engine } // for - Schedules } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to reassign tag of transaction/split"), QString::fromLatin1(e.what())); } } // if !translist.isEmpty() // now loop over all selected tags and remove them for (QList::iterator it = d->m_selectedTags.begin(); it != d->m_selectedTags.end(); ++it) { file->removeTag(*it); } ft.commit(); // If we just deleted the tags, they sure don't exist anymore slotSelectTags(QList()); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedSorry(this, i18n("Unable to remove tag(s)"), QString::fromLatin1(e.what())); } } diff --git a/kmymoney/views/ktagsview.h b/kmymoney/views/ktagsview.h index 9b70394f4..1393228b5 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/ktagsview.h +++ b/kmymoney/views/ktagsview.h @@ -1,136 +1,136 @@ -/*************************************************************************** - ktagsview.h - ------------- - begin : Sat Oct 13 2012 - copyright : (C) 2012 by Alessandro Russo - (C) 2017 by Łukasz Wojniłowicz - -***************************************************************************/ - -/*************************************************************************** - * * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * - * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * - * (at your option) any later version. * - * * - ***************************************************************************/ +/* + * Copyright 2012 Alessandro Russo + * Copyright 2017 Łukasz Wojniłowicz + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ #ifndef KTAGSVIEW_H #define KTAGSVIEW_H // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "kmymoneyviewbase.h" class QListWidgetItem; class KListWidgetSearchLine; class MyMoneyObject; class MyMoneyTag; template class QList; /** * @author Alessandro Russo */ class KTagsViewPrivate; class KTagsView : public KMyMoneyViewBase { Q_OBJECT public: explicit KTagsView(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~KTagsView() override; void updateTagActions(const QList& tags); void executeCustomAction(eView::Action action) override; public Q_SLOTS: void slotSelectTagAndTransaction(const QString& tagId, const QString& accountId, const QString& transactionId); void slotSelectTagAndTransaction(const QString& tagId); void slotStartRename(QListWidgetItem*); void slotHelp(); void refresh(); protected: void showEvent(QShowEvent* event) override; void loadTags(); void selectedTags(QList& tagsList) const; void ensureTagVisible(const QString& id); void clearItemData(); protected Q_SLOTS: /** * This method loads the m_transactionList, clears * the m_TransactionPtrVector and rebuilds and sorts * it according to the current settings. Then it * loads the m_transactionView with the transaction data. */ void showTransactions(); /** * This slot is called whenever the selection in m_tagsList * is about to change. */ void slotSelectTag(QListWidgetItem* cur, QListWidgetItem* prev); /** * This slot is called whenever the selection in m_tagsList * has been changed. */ void slotSelectTag(); /** * This slot marks the current selected tag as modified (dirty). */ void slotTagDataChanged(); /** * This slot is called when the name of a tag is changed inside * the tag list view and only a single tag is selected. */ void slotRenameSingleTag(QListWidgetItem *ta); /** * Updates the tag data in m_tag from the information in the * tag information widget. */ void slotUpdateTag(); void slotSelectTransaction(); void slotChangeFilter(int index); Q_SIGNALS: void transactionSelected(const QString& accountId, const QString& transactionId); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(KTagsView) Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KTagsView) private Q_SLOTS: /** * This slot receives the signal from the listview control that an item was right-clicked, * If @p points to a real tag item, emits openContextMenu(). * * @param p position of the pointer device */ void slotShowTagsMenu(const QPoint& p); void slotSelectTags(const QList& list); void slotNewTag(); void slotRenameTag(); void slotDeleteTag(); }; #endif diff --git a/kmymoney/views/ktagsview_p.h b/kmymoney/views/ktagsview_p.h index 6808ea60a..5288c0b45 100644 --- a/kmymoney/views/ktagsview_p.h +++ b/kmymoney/views/ktagsview_p.h @@ -1,254 +1,255 @@ -/*************************************************************************** - ktagsview_p.h - ------------- - begin : Sat Oct 13 2012 - copyright : (C) 2012 by Alessandro Russo - (C) 2017 by Łukasz Wojniłowicz - ***************************************************************************/ - -/*************************************************************************** - * * - * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * - * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * - * (at your option) any later version. * - * * - ***************************************************************************/ +/* + * Copyright 2012 Alessandro Russo + * Copyright 2017 Łukasz Wojniłowicz + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of + * the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ #ifndef KTAGSVIEW_P_H #define KTAGSVIEW_P_H #include "ktagsview.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QT Includes #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Project Includes #include "ui_ktagsview.h" #include "kmymoneyviewbase_p.h" #include "mymoneyaccount.h" #include "mymoneyfile.h" #include "mymoneytag.h" #include "mymoneytransactionfilter.h" #include "icons.h" #include "viewenums.h" #include "widgetenums.h" using namespace Icons; namespace Ui { class KTagsView; } // *** KTagListItem Implementation *** /** * This class represents an item in the tags list view. */ class KTagListItem : public QListWidgetItem { public: /** * Constructor to be used to construct a tag entry object. * * @param parent pointer to the QListWidget object this entry should be * added to. * @param tag const reference to MyMoneyTag for which * the QListWidget entry is constructed */ explicit KTagListItem(QListWidget *parent, const MyMoneyTag& tag) : QListWidgetItem(parent, QListWidgetItem::UserType), m_tag(tag) { setText(tag.name()); // allow in column rename setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); } ~KTagListItem() {} MyMoneyTag tag() const { return m_tag; } private: MyMoneyTag m_tag; }; class KTagsViewPrivate : public KMyMoneyViewBasePrivate { Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(KTagsView) public: explicit KTagsViewPrivate(KTagsView *qq) : q_ptr(qq), ui(new Ui::KTagsView), m_needLoad(true), m_searchWidget(nullptr), m_inSelection(false), m_allowEditing(true), m_tagFilterType(0) { } ~KTagsViewPrivate() override { if (!m_needLoad) { // remember the splitter settings for startup KConfigGroup grp = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("Last Use Settings"); grp.writeEntry("KTagsViewSplitterSize", ui->m_splitter->saveState()); grp.sync(); } delete ui; } void init() { Q_Q(KTagsView); m_needLoad = false; ui->setupUi(q); // create the searchline widget // and insert it into the existing layout m_searchWidget = new KListWidgetSearchLine(q, ui->m_tagsList); m_searchWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); ui->m_tagsList->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); ui->m_listTopHLayout->insertWidget(0, m_searchWidget); //load the filter type ui->m_filterBox->addItem(i18nc("@item Show all tags", "All")); ui->m_filterBox->addItem(i18nc("@item Show only used tags", "Used")); ui->m_filterBox->addItem(i18nc("@item Show only unused tags", "Unused")); ui->m_filterBox->addItem(i18nc("@item Show only opened tags", "Opened")); ui->m_filterBox->addItem(i18nc("@item Show only closed tags", "Closed")); ui->m_filterBox->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents); ui->m_newButton->setIcon(Icons::get(Icon::ListAddTag)); ui->m_renameButton->setIcon(Icons::get(Icon::EditRename)); ui->m_deleteButton->setIcon(Icons::get(Icon::ListRemoveTag)); ui->m_updateButton->setIcon(Icons::get(Icon::DialogOK)); ui->m_updateButton->setEnabled(false); ui->m_register->setupRegister(MyMoneyAccount(), QList { eWidgets::eTransaction::Column::Date, eWidgets::eTransaction::Column::Account, eWidgets::eTransaction::Column::Detail, eWidgets::eTransaction::Column::ReconcileFlag, eWidgets::eTransaction::Column::Payment, eWidgets::eTransaction::Column::Deposit }); ui->m_register->setSelectionMode(QTableWidget::SingleSelection); ui->m_register->setDetailsColumnType(eWidgets::eRegister::DetailColumn::AccountFirst); ui->m_balanceLabel->hide(); q->connect(ui->m_tagsList, &QListWidget::currentItemChanged, q, static_cast(&KTagsView::slotSelectTag)); q->connect(ui->m_tagsList, &QListWidget::itemSelectionChanged, q, static_cast(&KTagsView::slotSelectTag)); q->connect(ui->m_tagsList, &QListWidget::itemDoubleClicked, q, &KTagsView::slotStartRename); q->connect(ui->m_tagsList, &QListWidget::itemChanged, q, &KTagsView::slotRenameSingleTag); q->connect(ui->m_tagsList, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, q, &KTagsView::slotShowTagsMenu); q->connect(ui->m_newButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, q, &KTagsView::slotNewTag); q->connect(ui->m_renameButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, q, &KTagsView::slotRenameTag); q->connect(ui->m_deleteButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, q, &KTagsView::slotDeleteTag); q->connect(ui->m_colorbutton, &KColorButton::changed, q, &KTagsView::slotTagDataChanged); q->connect(ui->m_closed, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, q, &KTagsView::slotTagDataChanged); q->connect(ui->m_notes, &QTextEdit::textChanged, q, &KTagsView::slotTagDataChanged); q->connect(ui->m_updateButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, q, &KTagsView::slotUpdateTag); q->connect(ui->m_helpButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, q, &KTagsView::slotHelp); q->connect(ui->m_register, &KMyMoneyRegister::Register::editTransaction, q, &KTagsView::slotSelectTransaction); q->connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), &MyMoneyFile::dataChanged, q, &KTagsView::refresh); q->connect(ui->m_filterBox, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), q, &KTagsView::slotChangeFilter); // use the size settings of the last run (if any) auto grp = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group("Last Use Settings"); ui->m_splitter->restoreState(grp.readEntry("KTagsViewSplitterSize", QByteArray())); ui->m_splitter->setChildrenCollapsible(false); // At start we haven't any tag selected ui->m_tabWidget->setEnabled(false); // disable tab widget ui->m_deleteButton->setEnabled(false); // disable delete and rename button ui->m_renameButton->setEnabled(false); m_tag = MyMoneyTag(); // make sure we don't access an undefined tag q->clearItemData(); } /** * Check if a list contains a tag with a given id * * @param list const reference to value list * @param id const reference to id * * @retval true object has been found * @retval false object is not in list */ bool tagInList(const QList& list, const QString& id) const { bool rc = false; QList::const_iterator it_p = list.begin(); while (it_p != list.end()) { if ((*it_p).id() == id) { rc = true; break; } ++it_p; } return rc; } KTagsView *q_ptr; Ui::KTagsView *ui; MyMoneyTag m_tag; QString m_newName; /** * This member holds a list of all transactions */ QList > m_transactionList; /** * This member holds the load state of page */ bool m_needLoad; /** * Search widget for the list */ KListWidgetSearchLine* m_searchWidget; /** * Semaphore to suppress loading during selection */ bool m_inSelection; /** * This signals whether a tag can be edited **/ bool m_allowEditing; /** * This holds the filter type */ int m_tagFilterType; QList m_selectedTags; }; #endif diff --git a/maintainer/release-windows-packages b/maintainer/release-windows-packages index 9900d03b9..5326f8e64 100755 --- a/maintainer/release-windows-packages +++ b/maintainer/release-windows-packages @@ -1,297 +1,324 @@ #!/bin/sh # # unpack windows rpm's from opensuse download server, upload files to kde.org and file a related release ticket # # Author: Ralf Habacker # # requirements: # # osc - opensuse build service command line client # # syntax: release-windows-packages [] # # run ./release-windows-packages to see all modes and options # NAME=kmymoney5 # package name on download.kde.org RELEASE_NAME=kmymoney PACKAGENAME32=mingw32-$NAME ROOT32=windows\:mingw\:win32 -SRCROOT32=${ROOT32} ARCHOUT32=i686-w64-mingw32 use32=1 PACKAGENAME64=mingw64-$NAME ROOT64=windows\:mingw\:win64 -SRCROOT64=${ROOT64} ARCHOUT64=x86_64-w64-mingw32 use64=1 REPO=openSUSE_Leap_42.3 SRCREPO=$REPO usesrc=0 PHABURL=https://phabricator.kde.org oscoptions="-A https://api.opensuse.org" apitoken=cli-uxo23l4q5qrzoyscbz5kp4zcngqp options='projectPHIDs[]=PHID-PROJ-3qa4tomwgrmcmp4ym2ow' +# abort on errors +set -e + +echo2() { printf "%s\n" "$*" >&2; } + +which 7z >/dev/null 2>&1 +if test $? -ne 0; then + echo "7z not found, run 'zypper install p7zip'" + exit 1 +fi + self=$(realpath $0) if ! test -d "work"; then mkdir work fi +echo2 "running mode $1" dryrun=0 update=0 update_symlink=0 curl=curl +branch=stable # check options for var in "$@"; do case $var in --update-32) ## update i686 variant use64=0 usesrc=0 update=1 shift ;; --update-64) ## update x86_64 variant use32=0 usesrc=0 update=1 shift ;; +--symlink) ## update 'latest' symbolic link + update_symlink=1 + shift + ;; + +--unstable) ## release unstable version + branch=unstable + ROOT32=home\:rhabacker\:branches\:windows\:mingw\:win32\:$NAME + ROOT64=home\:rhabacker\:branches\:windows\:mingw\:win64\:$NAME + shift + ;; + --dryrun) ## simulate upload only dryrun=1 curl="echo curl" shift ;; esac done +SRCROOT32=${ROOT32} +SRCROOT64=${ROOT64} + function clean() { rm -rf work/* } function download() { cd work rm -rf binaries if test $use32 -eq 1; then osc $oscoptions getbinaries --multibuild-package=$PACKAGENAME32-installer $ROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 $REPO x86_64 VERSION=$(find binaries/ -name "*$PACKAGENAME32-setup*" | sed "s,^.*$PACKAGENAME32-setup-,,g;s,-.*$,,g") echo $VERSION > VERSION fi if test $use64 -eq 1; then osc $oscoptions getbinaries --multibuild-package=$PACKAGENAME64-installer $ROOT64 $PACKAGENAME64 $REPO x86_64 VERSION=$(find binaries/ -name "*$PACKAGENAME64-setup*" | sed "s,^.*$PACKAGENAME64-setup-,,g;s,-.*$,,g") echo $VERSION > VERSION fi cd .. if test $usesrc -eq 1; then downloadsrc fi touch work/$1.finished } function getversion() { if ! test -f work/VERSION; then echo "no version found" exit 1; fi VERSION=$(cat work/VERSION) } function downloadsrc() { cd work # fetch source package src32pkg=$(osc $oscoptions ls -b -r $SRCREPO -a x86_64 $SRCROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 | grep src) osc $oscoptions getbinaries --sources $SRCROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 $SRCREPO x86_64 $src32pkg # we only need once source package #src64pkg=$(osc $oscoptions ls -b -r $SRCREPO -a x86_64 $SRCROOT64 mingw64-umbrello | grep src) #osc $oscoptions getbinaries --sources $SRCROOT64 mingw64-umbrello $SRCREPO x86_64 $src64pkg # fetch debug packages debug32pkg=$(osc $oscoptions ls -b -r $SRCREPO -a x86_64 $SRCROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 | grep debug) osc $oscoptions getbinaries $SRCROOT32 $PACKAGENAME32 $SRCREPO x86_64 $debug32pkg if test -n "$ROOT64"; then debug64pkg=$(osc $oscoptions ls -b -r $SRCREPO -a x86_64 $SRCROOT64 $PACKAGENAME64 | grep debug) osc $oscoptions getbinaries $SRCROOT64 $PACKAGENAME64 $SRCREPO x86_64 $debug64pkg fi cd .. touch $1.finished } function unpack() { getversion cd work files=$(cd binaries; find -name '*setup*' -o -name '*portable*' -o -name '*src*' -o -name '*debugpackage*' | grep "$VERSION" | sed 's,^.,binaries,g') if test -d tmp; then rm -rf tmp fi mkdir -p tmp for i in $(echo $files); do (cd tmp; rpm2cpio ../$i | cpio -idmv) done cd .. touch $1.finished } function movepackage() { cd work rm -rf out mkdir -p out find tmp/ -type f -name '*.exe' -exec cp {} out \; find tmp/ -type f -name '*.7z' -exec cp {} out \; find tmp/ -type f -name '*.xz' -exec cp {} out \; cd .. touch $1.finished } function repacksource() { # repackage source package srcfile=$(find work/tmp -name "$NAME*.xz") outfile=$(basename $srcfile | sed 's,\.tar\.xz,\.7z,g') (mkdir -p work/srctmp; cd work/srctmp; tar -xJf ../../$srcfile; 7za a ../out/$outfile *; cd ..; rm -rf srctmp) touch work/$1.finished } function createsha() { (cd work/out; find -type f -name '*.7z' -o -name '*.exe' -o -name '*.xz' | sed 's,\./,,g' | sort | xargs sha256sum > $NAME.sha256sum) touch work/$1.finished } function upload() { for i in $(find work/out -name '*.7z' -o -name '*.exe' -o -name '*.xz'); do $curl -T $i ftp://upload.kde.org/incoming/ if test $? -ne 0; then echo "upload failed" exit 1 fi done touch work/$1.finished } function createdescription() { getversion - description="Please move the $RELEASE_NAME related files which has been uploaded to upload.kde.org/incoming to download mirror 'stable/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION' location" + description="Please move the $RELEASE_NAME related files which have been uploaded to upload.kde.org/incoming to download mirror '$branch/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION' location" if test $update -eq 1; then description="$description and remove the old files from this directory." elif test $update_symlink -eq 1; then - description="$description and update the symbolic link 'stable/$RELEASE_NAME/latest' to 'stable/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION'" + description="$description and update the symbolic link '$branch/$RELEASE_NAME/latest' to '$branch/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION'." else description="$description." fi sums=$(cat work/out/$NAME.sha256sum | gawk 'BEGIN { print "dir shasum file"} $2 ~ /mingw32/ { print "win32 " $0 } $2 ~ /mingw64/ { print "win64 " $0 } $2 ~ /\-src/ { print "src " $0 }') echo -e "$description\n\n$sums" > work/description + cat work/description touch work/$1.finished } function ticket() { getversion description=$(cat work/description) $curl $PHABURL/api/maniphest.createtask \ -d api.token=$apitoken \ - -d "title=tarball move request for stable/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION" \ + -d "title=tarball move request for $branch/$RELEASE_NAME/$VERSION" \ -d "description=$description" \ -d "$options" touch work/$1.finished } function sf() { clean download unpack movepackage if test $usesrc -eq 1; then repacksource fi createsha echo "All release related files are located in work/out" ls work/out touch work/$1.finished } function kde() { clean download unpack movepackage if test $usesrc -eq 1; then repacksource fi createsha upload echo "Content for ticket creating:" createdescription echo run "$0 ticket" to submit ticket touch work/$1.finished } function help() { echo "syntax: release-windows-packages [] " echo echo "options:" gawk '$0 ~ /^--[a-z].*) ##/ { sub(/) ##/,"",$0); a = $1; $1 = ""; printf(" %-20s - %s\n",a, $0); }' $0 echo echo "modes:" gawk '$0 ~ /^[a-z].*) ##/ { sub(/) ##/,"",$0); a = $1; $1 = ""; printf(" %-20s - %s\n",a, $0); }' $0 } case $1 in clean) ## clean working area clean; ;; download) ## download rpm packages download ;; downloadsrc) ## download source downloadsrc ;; unpack) ## unpack rpm files unpack ;; movepackage) ## move windows binary packages into upload folder movepackage ;; repacksource) ## repackage source tar ball to 7z repacksource ;; createsha) ## create sha256sums createsha ;; upload) ## upload files to staging area upload ;; createdescription) ## create ticket description createdescription ;; ticket) ## submit phabricator ticket ticket ;; sf) ## run all required targets for releasing on sourceforge sf ;; kde) ## run all required targets for releasing on download.kde.org kde ;; *) help ;; esac exit 0