diff --git a/lib/crop/croptool.cpp b/lib/crop/croptool.cpp index 7e13930a..29748b8c 100644 --- a/lib/crop/croptool.cpp +++ b/lib/crop/croptool.cpp @@ -1,464 +1,472 @@ // vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: /* Gwenview: an image viewer Copyright 2007 Aurélien Gâteau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Self #include "croptool.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE // Local #include #include "cropimageoperation.h" #include "cropwidget.h" #include "gwenviewconfig.h" static const int HANDLE_SIZE = 15; namespace Gwenview { enum CropHandleFlag { CH_None, CH_Top = 1, CH_Left = 2, CH_Right = 4, CH_Bottom = 8, CH_TopLeft = CH_Top | CH_Left, CH_BottomLeft = CH_Bottom | CH_Left, CH_TopRight = CH_Top | CH_Right, CH_BottomRight = CH_Bottom | CH_Right, CH_Content = 16 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(CropHandle, CropHandleFlag) } // namespace inline QPoint boundPointX(const QPoint& point, const QRect& rect) { return QPoint( qBound(rect.left(), point.x(), rect.right()), point.y() ); } inline QPoint boundPointXY(const QPoint& point, const QRect& rect) { return QPoint( qBound(rect.left(), point.x(), rect.right()), qBound(rect.top(), point.y(), rect.bottom()) ); } Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Gwenview::CropHandle) namespace Gwenview { struct CropToolPrivate { CropTool* q; QRect mRect; QList mCropHandleList; CropHandle mMovingHandle; QPoint mLastMouseMovePos; double mCropRatio; double mLockedCropRatio; CropWidget* mCropWidget; QRect viewportCropRect() const { return q->imageView()->mapToView(mRect); } QRect handleViewportRect(CropHandle handle) { QSize viewportSize = q->imageView()->size().toSize(); QRect rect = viewportCropRect(); int left, top; if (handle & CH_Top) { top = rect.top(); } else if (handle & CH_Bottom) { top = rect.bottom() + 1 - HANDLE_SIZE; } else { top = rect.top() + (rect.height() - HANDLE_SIZE) / 2; top = qBound(0, top, viewportSize.height() - HANDLE_SIZE); } if (handle & CH_Left) { left = rect.left(); } else if (handle & CH_Right) { left = rect.right() + 1 - HANDLE_SIZE; } else { left = rect.left() + (rect.width() - HANDLE_SIZE) / 2; left = qBound(0, left, viewportSize.width() - HANDLE_SIZE); } return QRect(left, top, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE); } CropHandle handleAt(const QPointF& pos) { Q_FOREACH(const CropHandle & handle, mCropHandleList) { QRectF rect = handleViewportRect(handle); if (rect.contains(pos)) { return handle; } } QRectF rect = viewportCropRect(); if (rect.contains(pos)) { return CH_Content; } return CH_None; } void updateCursor(CropHandle handle, bool buttonDown) { Qt::CursorShape shape; switch (handle) { case CH_TopLeft: case CH_BottomRight: shape = Qt::SizeFDiagCursor; break; case CH_TopRight: case CH_BottomLeft: shape = Qt::SizeBDiagCursor; break; case CH_Left: case CH_Right: shape = Qt::SizeHorCursor; break; case CH_Top: case CH_Bottom: shape = Qt::SizeVerCursor; break; case CH_Content: shape = buttonDown ? Qt::ClosedHandCursor : Qt::OpenHandCursor; break; default: shape = Qt::ArrowCursor; break; } q->imageView()->setCursor(shape); } void keepRectInsideImage() { const QSize imageSize = q->imageView()->documentSize().toSize(); if (mRect.width() > imageSize.width() || mRect.height() > imageSize.height()) { // This can happen when the crop ratio changes QSize rectSize = mRect.size(); rectSize.scale(imageSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); mRect.setSize(rectSize); } if (mRect.right() >= imageSize.width()) { mRect.moveRight(imageSize.width() - 1); } else if (mRect.left() < 0) { mRect.moveLeft(0); } if (mRect.bottom() >= imageSize.height()) { mRect.moveBottom(imageSize.height() - 1); } else if (mRect.top() < 0) { mRect.moveTop(0); } } void setupWidget() { RasterImageView* view = q->imageView(); mCropWidget = new CropWidget(nullptr, view, q); QObject::connect(mCropWidget, SIGNAL(cropRequested()), q, SLOT(slotCropRequested())); QObject::connect(mCropWidget, SIGNAL(done()), q, SIGNAL(done())); // This is needed when crop ratio set to Current Image, and the image is rotated QObject::connect(view, &RasterImageView::imageRectUpdated, mCropWidget, &CropWidget::updateCropRatio); } QRect computeVisibleImageRect() const { RasterImageView* view = q->imageView(); const QRect imageRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), view->documentSize().toSize()); const QRect viewportRect = view->mapToImage(view->rect().toRect()); return imageRect & viewportRect; } }; CropTool::CropTool(RasterImageView* view) : AbstractRasterImageViewTool(view) , d(new CropToolPrivate) { d->q = this; d->mCropHandleList << CH_Left << CH_Right << CH_Top << CH_Bottom << CH_TopLeft << CH_TopRight << CH_BottomLeft << CH_BottomRight; d->mMovingHandle = CH_None; d->mCropRatio = 0.; d->mLockedCropRatio = 0.; d->mRect = d->computeVisibleImageRect(); d->setupWidget(); } CropTool::~CropTool() { // mCropWidget is a child of its container not of us, so it is not deleted automatically delete d->mCropWidget; delete d; } void CropTool::setCropRatio(double ratio) { d->mCropRatio = ratio; } void CropTool::setRect(const QRect& rect) { QRect oldRect = d->mRect; d->mRect = rect; d->keepRectInsideImage(); if (d->mRect != oldRect) { rectUpdated(d->mRect); } imageView()->update(); } QRect CropTool::rect() const { return d->mRect; } void CropTool::paint(QPainter* painter) { QRect rect = d->viewportCropRect(); QRect imageRect = imageView()->rect().toRect(); static const QColor outerColor = QColor::fromHsvF(0, 0, 0, 0.5); // For some reason nothing gets drawn if borderColor is not fully opaque! //static const QColor borderColor = QColor::fromHsvF(0, 0, 1.0, 0.66); static const QColor borderColor = QColor::fromHsvF(0, 0, 1.0); static const QColor fillColor = QColor::fromHsvF(0, 0, 0.75, 0.66); QRegion outerRegion = QRegion(imageRect) - QRegion(rect); Q_FOREACH(const QRect & outerRect, outerRegion.rects()) { painter->fillRect(outerRect, outerColor); } painter->setPen(borderColor); painter->drawRect(rect); if (d->mMovingHandle == CH_None) { // Only draw handles when user is not resizing painter->setBrush(fillColor); Q_FOREACH(const CropHandle & handle, d->mCropHandleList) { rect = d->handleViewportRect(handle); painter->drawRect(rect); } } } void CropTool::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) { - event->accept(); if (event->buttons() != Qt::LeftButton) { + event->ignore(); + return; + } + const CropHandle newMovingHandle = d->handleAt(event->pos()); + if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier + && !(newMovingHandle & (CH_Top | CH_Left | CH_Right | CH_Bottom))) { + event->ignore(); return; } - d->mMovingHandle = d->handleAt(event->pos()); + + event->accept(); + d->mMovingHandle = newMovingHandle; d->updateCursor(d->mMovingHandle, true /* down */); if (d->mMovingHandle == CH_Content) { d->mLastMouseMovePos = imageView()->mapToImage(event->pos().toPoint()); } // Update to hide handles imageView()->update(); } void CropTool::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) { event->accept(); if (event->buttons() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } const QSize imageSize = imageView()->document()->size(); QPoint point = imageView()->mapToImage(event->pos().toPoint()); int posX = qBound(0, point.x(), imageSize.width() - 1); int posY = qBound(0, point.y(), imageSize.height() - 1); if (d->mMovingHandle == CH_None) { return; } // Adjust edge if (d->mMovingHandle & CH_Top) { d->mRect.setTop(posY); } else if (d->mMovingHandle & CH_Bottom) { d->mRect.setBottom(posY); } if (d->mMovingHandle & CH_Left) { d->mRect.setLeft(posX); } else if (d->mMovingHandle & CH_Right) { d->mRect.setRight(posX); } // Normalize rect and handles (this is useful when user drag the right side // of the crop rect to the left of the left side) if (d->mRect.height() < 0) { d->mMovingHandle = d->mMovingHandle ^(CH_Top | CH_Bottom); } if (d->mRect.width() < 0) { d->mMovingHandle = d->mMovingHandle ^(CH_Left | CH_Right); } d->mRect = d->mRect.normalized(); // Enforce ratio: double ratioToEnforce = d->mCropRatio; // - if user is holding down Ctrl/Shift when resizing rect, lock to current rect ratio if (event->modifiers() & (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier) && d->mLockedCropRatio > 0) { ratioToEnforce = d->mLockedCropRatio; } // - if user has restricted the ratio via the GUI if (ratioToEnforce > 0.) { if (d->mMovingHandle == CH_Top || d->mMovingHandle == CH_Bottom) { // Top or bottom int width = int(d->mRect.height() / ratioToEnforce); d->mRect.setWidth(width); } else if (d->mMovingHandle == CH_Left || d->mMovingHandle == CH_Right) { // Left or right int height = int(d->mRect.width() * ratioToEnforce); d->mRect.setHeight(height); } else if (d->mMovingHandle & CH_Top) { // Top left or top right int height = int(d->mRect.width() * ratioToEnforce); d->mRect.setTop(d->mRect.bottom() - height); } else if (d->mMovingHandle & CH_Bottom) { // Bottom left or bottom right int height = int(d->mRect.width() * ratioToEnforce); d->mRect.setHeight(height); } } if (d->mMovingHandle == CH_Content) { d->mRect.translate(point - d->mLastMouseMovePos); d->mLastMouseMovePos = point; } d->keepRectInsideImage(); imageView()->update(); rectUpdated(d->mRect); } void CropTool::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) { event->accept(); d->mMovingHandle = CH_None; d->updateCursor(d->handleAt(event->lastPos()), false); // Update to show handles imageView()->update(); } void CropTool::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event) { event->accept(); // Make sure cursor is updated when moving over handles CropHandle handle = d->handleAt(event->lastPos()); d->updateCursor(handle, false /* buttonDown */); } void CropTool::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { // Lock crop ratio to current rect when user presses Control or Shift if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Control || event->key() == Qt::Key_Shift) { d->mLockedCropRatio = 1. * d->mRect.height() / d->mRect.width(); } QDialogButtonBox *buttons = d->mCropWidget->findChild(); switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Escape: event->accept(); buttons->rejected(); break; case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: event->accept(); buttons->accepted(); break; default: break; } } void CropTool::toolActivated() { imageView()->setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor); d->mCropWidget->setAdvancedSettingsEnabled(GwenviewConfig::cropAdvancedSettingsEnabled()); d->mCropWidget->setPreserveAspectRatio(GwenviewConfig::cropPreserveAspectRatio()); const int index = GwenviewConfig::cropRatioIndex(); if (index >= 0) { // Preset ratio d->mCropWidget->setCropRatioIndex(index); } else { // Must be a custom ratio, or blank const QSizeF ratio = QSizeF(GwenviewConfig::cropRatioWidth(), GwenviewConfig::cropRatioHeight()); d->mCropWidget->setCropRatio(ratio); } } void CropTool::toolDeactivated() { GwenviewConfig::setCropAdvancedSettingsEnabled(d->mCropWidget->advancedSettingsEnabled()); GwenviewConfig::setCropPreserveAspectRatio(d->mCropWidget->preserveAspectRatio()); GwenviewConfig::setCropRatioIndex(d->mCropWidget->cropRatioIndex()); const QSizeF ratio = d->mCropWidget->cropRatio(); GwenviewConfig::setCropRatioWidth(ratio.width()); GwenviewConfig::setCropRatioHeight(ratio.height()); } void CropTool::slotCropRequested() { CropImageOperation* op = new CropImageOperation(d->mRect); emit imageOperationRequested(op); emit done(); } QWidget* CropTool::widget() const { return d->mCropWidget; } } // namespace diff --git a/lib/redeyereduction/redeyereductiontool.cpp b/lib/redeyereduction/redeyereductiontool.cpp index ef20965f..d03c6f0d 100644 --- a/lib/redeyereduction/redeyereductiontool.cpp +++ b/lib/redeyereduction/redeyereductiontool.cpp @@ -1,213 +1,215 @@ // vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: /* Gwenview: an image viewer Copyright 2007 Aurélien Gâteau This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Self #include "redeyereductiontool.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE // Local #include #include "gwenviewconfig.h" #include "paintutils.h" #include "redeyereductionimageoperation.h" #include "ui_redeyereductionwidget.h" namespace Gwenview { struct RedEyeReductionWidget : public QWidget, public Ui_RedEyeReductionWidget { RedEyeReductionWidget() { setupUi(this); } void showNotSetPage() { dialogButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->hide(); stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(notSetPage); } void showMainPage() { dialogButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->show(); stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(mainPage); } }; struct RedEyeReductionToolPrivate { RedEyeReductionTool* q; RedEyeReductionTool::Status mStatus; QPointF mCenter; int mDiameter; RedEyeReductionWidget* mToolWidget; void setupToolWidget() { mToolWidget = new RedEyeReductionWidget; mToolWidget->showNotSetPage(); QObject::connect(mToolWidget->diameterSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), q, SLOT(setDiameter(int))); QObject::connect(mToolWidget->dialogButtonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), q, SLOT(slotApplyClicked())); QObject::connect(mToolWidget->dialogButtonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), q, SIGNAL(done())); } QRectF rectF() const { if (mStatus == RedEyeReductionTool::NotSet) { return QRectF(); } return QRectF(mCenter.x() - mDiameter / 2, mCenter.y() - mDiameter / 2, mDiameter, mDiameter); } }; RedEyeReductionTool::RedEyeReductionTool(RasterImageView* view) : AbstractRasterImageViewTool(view) , d(new RedEyeReductionToolPrivate) { d->q = this; d->mDiameter = GwenviewConfig::redEyeReductionDiameter(); d->mStatus = NotSet; d->setupToolWidget(); view->document()->startLoadingFullImage(); } RedEyeReductionTool::~RedEyeReductionTool() { GwenviewConfig::setRedEyeReductionDiameter(d->mDiameter); delete d->mToolWidget; delete d; } void RedEyeReductionTool::paint(QPainter* painter) { if (d->mStatus == NotSet) { return; } QRectF docRectF = d->rectF(); imageView()->document()->waitUntilLoaded(); QRect docRect = PaintUtils::containingRect(docRectF); QImage img = imageView()->document()->image().copy(docRect); QRectF imgRectF( docRectF.left() - docRect.left(), docRectF.top() - docRect.top(), docRectF.width(), docRectF.height() ); RedEyeReductionImageOperation::apply(&img, imgRectF); const QRectF viewRectF = imageView()->mapToView(docRectF); painter->drawImage(viewRectF, img, imgRectF); } void RedEyeReductionTool::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) { - event->accept(); - if (event->buttons() != Qt::LeftButton) { + if (event->buttons() != Qt::LeftButton + || event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { + event->ignore(); return; } + event->accept(); if (d->mStatus == NotSet) { d->mToolWidget->diameterSpinBox->setValue(d->mDiameter); d->mToolWidget->showMainPage(); d->mStatus = Adjusting; } d->mCenter = imageView()->mapToImage(event->pos()); imageView()->update(); } void RedEyeReductionTool::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) { event->accept(); if (event->buttons() == Qt::NoButton) { return; } d->mCenter = imageView()->mapToImage(event->pos()); imageView()->update(); } void RedEyeReductionTool::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event) { // Just prevent the event from reaching the image view event->accept(); } void RedEyeReductionTool::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { QDialogButtonBox *buttons = d->mToolWidget->findChild(); switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Escape: event->accept(); buttons->rejected(); break; case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: event->accept(); buttons->accepted(); break; default: break; } } void RedEyeReductionTool::toolActivated() { imageView()->setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor); } void RedEyeReductionTool::slotApplyClicked() { QRectF docRectF = d->rectF(); if (!docRectF.isValid()) { qWarning() << "invalid rect"; return; } RedEyeReductionImageOperation* op = new RedEyeReductionImageOperation(docRectF); emit imageOperationRequested(op); d->mStatus = NotSet; d->mToolWidget->showNotSetPage(); } void RedEyeReductionTool::setDiameter(int value) { d->mDiameter = value; imageView()->update(); } QWidget* RedEyeReductionTool::widget() const { return d->mToolWidget; } } // namespace diff --git a/lib/redeyereduction/redeyereductionwidget.ui b/lib/redeyereduction/redeyereductionwidget.ui index 366d3c74..758acfc9 100644 --- a/lib/redeyereduction/redeyereductionwidget.ui +++ b/lib/redeyereduction/redeyereductionwidget.ui @@ -1,80 +1,116 @@ RedEyeReductionWidget 0 0 405 56 0 Size diameterSlider 2 - 40 + 99 Qt::Horizontal 2 + + 99 + diameterSpinBox label diameterSlider Click on the red eye you want to fix QDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::Ok - + + + diameterSlider + valueChanged(int) + diameterSpinBox + setValue(int) + + + 96 + 27 + + + 183 + 27 + + + + + diameterSpinBox + valueChanged(int) + diameterSlider + setValue(int) + + + 183 + 27 + + + 96 + 27 + + + +