diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 9b3fb61..e4669d0 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -1,35 +1,36 @@ REPO=repo ARCH?=$(shell flatpak --default-arch) +INSTALL_SOURCE?=--install-deps-from=flathub all: $(REPO)/config $(foreach file, $(wildcard org.*.*.json), $(subst .json,.app,$(file))) $(foreach file, $(wildcard org.*.*.remoteapp), $(subst .remoteapp,.app,$(file))) %.app: %.json - flatpak-builder --force-clean --arch=$(ARCH) --ccache --repo=$(REPO) --subject="Build of $<, `date`" ${EXPORT_ARGS} app $< + flatpak-builder $(INSTALL_SOURCE) --force-clean --arch=$(ARCH) --ccache --repo=$(REPO) --subject="Build of $<, `date`" ${EXPORT_ARGS} app $< %.app: %.remoteapp ./build.sh $< %.flatpak: %.app flatpak build-bundle ${REPO} $@ $* export: flatpak build-update-repo --prune --prune-depth=20 $(REPO) ${EXPORT_ARGS} $(REPO)/config: ostree init --mode=archive-z2 --repo=$(REPO) remotes: flatpak remote-add kde --from https://distribute.kde.org/kderuntime.flatpakrepo --if-not-exists deps: flatpak install $(ARGS) kde org.kde.Platform flatpak install $(ARGS) kde org.kde.Sdk check: $(REPO)/config $(foreach file, $(wildcard org.*.*.json), $(subst .json,.clean,$(file))) %.clean: %.json json-glib-validate $< flatpak-builder --force-clean --arch=$(ARCH) --download-only ${EXPORT_ARGS} app $< clean: rm -rf $(TMP) .flatpak-builder