diff --git a/autotests/testsession.cpp b/autotests/testsession.cpp index a3d9a1a..8888e87 100644 --- a/autotests/testsession.cpp +++ b/autotests/testsession.cpp @@ -1,352 +1,349 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2008 Kevin Ottens Copyright (c) 2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company Author: Kevin Ottens This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "session.h" #include "job.h" #include "kimap2test/fakeserver.h" #include "kimap2test/mockjob.h" Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KIMAP2::Session::State) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KJob *) class SessionTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private Q_SLOTS: void initTestCase() { qRegisterMetaType(); } void shouldStartDisconnected() { FakeServer fakeServer; fakeServer.setScenario(QList() << FakeServer::greeting() ); fakeServer.startAndWait(); KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 5989); QSignalSpy spy(&s, SIGNAL(stateChanged(KIMAP2::Session::State,KIMAP2::Session::State))); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); QTest::qWait(600); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::NotAuthenticated); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); // NotAuthenticated QList arguments = spy.takeFirst(); QCOMPARE((int)qvariant_cast(arguments.at(0)), (int)KIMAP2::Session::NotAuthenticated); QCOMPARE((int)qvariant_cast(arguments.at(1)), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); } void shouldFailForInvalidHosts() { KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 1234); s.setTimeout(1); // 1 second timout QSignalSpy spyFail(&s, SIGNAL(connectionFailed())); QSignalSpy spyState(&s, SIGNAL(stateChanged(KIMAP2::Session::State,KIMAP2::Session::State))); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); QTest::qWait(500); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); QCOMPARE(spyFail.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyState.count(), 0); // Wait 800ms more. So now it's 1.3 seconds, check that the socket timeout has correctly been // disabled, and that it hadn't fired unexpectedly. QTest::qWait(800); QCOMPARE(spyFail.count(), 1); } /** Checks that the timeout works when the connection succeeds, but the server doesn't sends anything back to the client. This could happen for example if we connected to a non-IMAP server. */ void shouldTimeoutOnNoGreeting() { FakeServer fakeServer; fakeServer.setScenario(QList()); fakeServer.startAndWait(); KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 5989); s.setTimeout(2); QSignalSpy spyFail(&s, SIGNAL(connectionFailed())); QSignalSpy spyState(&s, SIGNAL(stateChanged(KIMAP2::Session::State,KIMAP2::Session::State))); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); // Wait 1.8 second. Since the timeout is set to 2 seconds, the socket should be still // disconnected at this point, yet the connectionFailed() signal shouldn't have been emitted. QTest::qWait(1800); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); QCOMPARE(spyFail.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(spyState.count(), 0); // Wait 0.5 second more. Now we are at 2.3 seconds, the socket should have timed out, and the // connectionFailed() signal should have been emitted. QTest::qWait(500); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); QCOMPARE(spyFail.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyState.count(), 0); } void shouldSupportPreauth() { FakeServer fakeServer; fakeServer.setScenario(QList() << FakeServer::preauth() ); fakeServer.startAndWait(); KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 5989); QSignalSpy spy(&s, SIGNAL(stateChanged(KIMAP2::Session::State,KIMAP2::Session::State))); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); QTest::qWait(500); QCOMPARE((int)s.state(), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Authenticated); QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); // Authenticated QList arguments = spy.takeFirst(); QCOMPARE((int)qvariant_cast(arguments.at(0)), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Authenticated); QCOMPARE((int)qvariant_cast(arguments.at(1)), (int)KIMAP2::Session::Disconnected); } void shouldRespectStartOrder() { FakeServer fakeServer; fakeServer.setScenario(QList() << FakeServer::greeting() ); fakeServer.startAndWait(); KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 5989); MockJob *j1 = new MockJob(&s); connect(j1, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(jobDone(KJob*))); MockJob *j2 = new MockJob(&s); connect(j2, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(jobDone(KJob*))); MockJob *j3 = new MockJob(&s); connect(j3, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(jobDone(KJob*))); MockJob *j4 = new MockJob(&s); connect(j4, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(jobDone(KJob*))); j4->start(); j2->start(); j3->start(); j1->start(); - m_expectedCalls = 4; - m_eventLoop.exec(); - - QCOMPARE(m_jobs.size(), 4); + QTRY_COMPARE(m_jobs.size(), 4); QCOMPARE(m_jobs[0], j4); QCOMPARE(m_jobs[1], j2); QCOMPARE(m_jobs[2], j3); QCOMPARE(m_jobs[3], j1); } void shouldManageQueueSize() { FakeServer fakeServer; fakeServer.setScenario(QList() << FakeServer::greeting() ); fakeServer.startAndWait(); KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 5989); QSignalSpy queueSpy(&s, SIGNAL(jobQueueSizeChanged(int))); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 0); MockJob *j1 = new MockJob(&s); MockJob *j2 = new MockJob(&s); MockJob *j3 = new MockJob(&s); MockJob *j4 = new MockJob(&s); connect(j4, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), &m_eventLoop, SLOT(quit())); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 0); j1->start(); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 1); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.size(), 1); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.at(0).at(0).toInt(), 1); j2->start(); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 2); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.size(), 2); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.at(1).at(0).toInt(), 2); j3->start(); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 3); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.size(), 3); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.at(2).at(0).toInt(), 3); j4->start(); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 4); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.size(), 4); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.at(3).at(0).toInt(), 4); queueSpy.clear(); m_eventLoop.exec(); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 0); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.at(0).at(0).toInt(), 3); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.at(1).at(0).toInt(), 2); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.at(2).at(0).toInt(), 1); QCOMPARE(queueSpy.at(3).at(0).toInt(), 0); } void shouldTimeoutOnNoReply() { FakeServer fakeServer; fakeServer.setScenario(QList() << FakeServer::preauth() << "C: A000001 DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY" // We never get a OK or anything, so the job can't normally complete ); fakeServer.startAndWait(); KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 5989); QSignalSpy spyFail(&s, SIGNAL(connectionFailed())); QSignalSpy spyState(&s, SIGNAL(stateChanged(KIMAP2::Session::State,KIMAP2::Session::State))); MockJob *mock = new MockJob(&s); mock->setCommand("DUMMY"); mock->exec(); // We expect to get an error here due to some timeout QVERIFY(mock->error() != 0); QCOMPARE(spyFail.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(spyState.count(), 2); // Authenticated, Disconnected } void shouldFailFirstJobOnConnectionFailed() { qRegisterMetaType(); FakeServer fakeServer; fakeServer.setScenario(QList()); fakeServer.startAndWait(); KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 5989); s.setTimeout(1); MockJob *j1 = new MockJob(&s); QSignalSpy spyResult1(j1, SIGNAL(result(KJob*))); QSignalSpy spyDestroyed1(j1, SIGNAL(destroyed())); MockJob *j2 = new MockJob(&s); QSignalSpy spyResult2(j2, SIGNAL(result(KJob*))); QSignalSpy spyDestroyed2(j2, SIGNAL(destroyed())); MockJob *j3 = new MockJob(&s); QSignalSpy spyResult3(j3, SIGNAL(result(KJob*))); QSignalSpy spyDestroyed3(j3, SIGNAL(destroyed())); j1->start(); j2->start(); j3->start(); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 3); QTest::qWait(1100); // Check that only the first job has emitted it's result QCOMPARE(spyResult1.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyResult2.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyResult3.count(), 1); // Check that all jobs have been deleted QCOMPARE(spyDestroyed1.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyDestroyed2.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(spyDestroyed3.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(s.jobQueueSize(), 0); } void shouldCloseOnInconsistency() { FakeServer fakeServer; fakeServer.setScenario(QList() << FakeServer::preauth() << "C: A000001 DUMMY" << "S: * DUMMY %)" ); fakeServer.startAndWait(); KIMAP2::Session s(QStringLiteral(""), 5989); QSignalSpy spyFail(&s, SIGNAL(connectionFailed())); QSignalSpy spyState(&s, SIGNAL(stateChanged(KIMAP2::Session::State,KIMAP2::Session::State))); MockJob *mock = new MockJob(&s); mock->setTimeout(5000); mock->setCommand("DUMMY"); mock->setAutoDelete(false); mock->exec(); // We expect to get an error here due to the inconsistency QVERIFY(mock->error() != 0); QCOMPARE(spyFail.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(spyState.count(), 2); // Authenticated, Disconnected delete mock; } public Q_SLOTS: void jobDone(KJob *job) { m_jobs << job; if (m_expectedCalls == m_jobs.size()) { m_eventLoop.quit(); } } private: QEventLoop m_eventLoop; int m_expectedCalls; QList m_jobs; }; QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(SessionTest) #include "testsession.moc"