diff --git a/hooks/hooklib.py b/hooks/hooklib.py index dcb253e..2c39a68 100644 --- a/hooks/hooklib.py +++ b/hooks/hooklib.py @@ -1,1064 +1,1069 @@ #!/usr/bin/python import itertools import logging import os import re import time import subprocess import dns.resolver import smtplib import operator from datetime import datetime from collections import defaultdict from itertools import takewhile from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.header import Header from email import Charset import mimetypes from ordereddict import OrderedDict import lxml.etree as etree from lxml.builder import E class RepoType(object): "Enum type - Indicates the type of repository" Normal = 1 Sysadmin = 2 Website = 3 Scratch = 4 Clone = 5 Others = 6 class ChangeType(object): "Enum type - indicates the type of change to a ref" Update = 1 Create = 2 Delete = 3 Forced = 4 class RefType(object): "Enum type - indicates the type of ref in the repository" Branch = "branch" Tag = "tag" Backup = "backup" NotesReview = "gerrit-review" Notes = "notes" Upstream = "upstream" Changes = "changes" Meta = "meta" Unknown = 0 class Repository(object): "Represents a repository, and changes made to it" EmptyRef = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" RepoManagementName = "repo-management" PullBaseUrlHttp = "http://anongit.kde.org/" PullBaseUrlGit = "git://anongit.kde.org/" PushBaseUrl = "git@git.kde.org:" def __init__(self, ref, old_sha1, new_sha1, push_user): "Create a Repository object" # Save configuration self.ref = ref self.old_sha1 = old_sha1 self.new_sha1 = new_sha1 self.push_user = push_user self.commits = OrderedDict() # Find our configuration directory.... if os.getenv('REPO_MGMT'): self.management_directory = os.getenv('REPO_MGMT') else: self.management_directory = os.getenv('HOME') + "/" + Repository.RepoManagementName # Set path and id.... path_match = re.match("^"+Repository.BaseDir+"(.+).git$", os.getcwd()) self.path = path_match.group(1) self.__write_metadata() # Determine types.... self.repo_type = self.__get_repo_type() self.ref_type = self.__get_ref_type() self.change_type = self.__get_change_type() ref_name_match = re.match("^refs/(.+?)/(.+)$", self.ref) self.ref_name = ref_name_match.group(2) # Determine commit type for the top most commit if self.change_type == ChangeType.Delete: self.commit_type = "commit" else: command = ["git", "cat-file", "-t", self.new_sha1] process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) self.commit_type = process.stdout.readline().strip() # Final initialisation self.__build_commits() # Ensure emails get done using the charset encoding method we want, not what Python thinks is best.... Charset.add_charset("utf-8", Charset.QP, Charset.QP) def backup_ref(self): """Backup the git refs.""" # Back ourselves up! backup_ref="refs/backups/{0}-{1}-{2}".format(self.ref_type, self.ref_name, int( time.time() )) command = ("git", "update-ref", backup_ref, self.old_sha1) process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) def __build_commits(self): # Build the revision span git will use to help build the revision list... if self.change_type == ChangeType.Delete: return elif self.change_type == ChangeType.Create: revision_span = self.new_sha1 else: merge_base = read_command(('git', 'merge-base', self.new_sha1, self.old_sha1)) revision_span = "{0}..{1}".format(merge_base, self.new_sha1) # Get the list of revisions command = "git for-each-ref --format='%(refname) ^%(objectname)' | grep -v '^refs/changes/' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort -u | grep -v {0} | git rev-list --reverse --stdin {1}" command = command.format(self.old_sha1, revision_span) process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) revisions = process.stdout.readlines() # If we have no revisions... don't continue if not revisions: return # Build the git pretty format + regex. l = ( ('CH' , ('%H%n', '(?P.+)\n')), ('CP' , ('%P%n', '(?P.*)\n')), ('AN' , ('%an%n', '(?P.*)\n')), ('AE' , ('%ae%n', '(?P.*)\n')), ('D' , ('%ct%n', '(?P.+)\n')), ('CN' , ('%cn%n', '(?P.*)\n')), ('CE' , ('%ce%n', '(?P.*)\n')), ('MSG', ('%B%xff','(?P(.|\n)*)\xff(\n*)(\x00*)(?P(.|\n)*)')) ) pretty_format_data = (': '.join((outer, inner[0])) for outer, inner in l) pretty_format = '%xfe%xfa%xfc' + ''.join(pretty_format_data) re_format_data = (': '.join((outer, inner[1])) for outer, inner in l) re_format = '^' + ''.join(re_format_data) + '$' # Extract information about commits.... command = "git show --stdin --name-status -z -C --pretty=format:'{0}'".format(pretty_format) process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Pass on the commits for it to show, and read in all information for sha1 in revisions: process.stdin.write(sha1) process.stdin.close() output = process.stdout.read() # Parse time! split_out = output.split("\xfe\xfa\xfc") split_out.remove("") for commit_data in split_out: match = re.match(re_format, commit_data, re.MULTILINE) commit = Commit(self, match.groupdict()) self.commits[ commit.sha1 ] = commit # Extract the commit descriptions.... command = ("xargs", "git", "describe", "--always") process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = process.communicate(''.join(revisions)) descriptions = stdout.split('\n') for rev,desc in itertools.izip(revisions, descriptions): self.commits[ rev.strip() ].description = desc.strip() # Retrieve number of changed lines, and merge in the type of change process = get_change_diff( self, ["--numstat", "-z"] ) output = process.stdout.read() for sha1, information in re.findall("\xff([0-9a-f]+)\xff(?:\n|\x00|)([^\xff]*)(?:\x00|)", output): stats = defaultdict(dict) file_stats = re.findall("([0-9]+|-)\t([0-9]+|-)\t(?:(?=\x00)\x00([^\x00]+)\x00|)([^\x00]+)", information) for added, removed, source_file, changed_file in file_stats: if source_file: stats[changed_file]["source"] = unicode(source_file, "utf-8", "replace") stats[changed_file]["added"] = added stats[changed_file]["removed"] = removed # Parse the way files changed status = re.findall("\x00?(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X)(?:(?<=C|R)([0-9]+)\x00([^\x00]+)|)\x00([^\x00]+)?", self.commits[sha1].files_changed) for change, similarity, source_file, changed_file in status: stats[changed_file]["change"] = change if source_file: stats[changed_file]["similarity"] = similarity for filename, data in stats.iteritems(): if "source" in data.keys() and "similarity" not in data.keys(): del data["source"] # Remove items with invalid data (ie. number of changed lines but no status) data = OrderedDict((unicode(filename, "utf-8", "replace"), data) for filename, data in sorted(stats.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) if "change" in data and "added" in data) self.commits[sha1].files_changed = data def __write_metadata(self): """Write repository metatdata.""" clone_url = os.path.join(os.getenv('GIT_DIR'), 'cloneurl') with open(clone_url, "w") as metadata: metadata.write( "Pull (read-only): " + Repository.PullBaseUrlGit + self.path + "\n" ) metadata.write( "Pull (read-only): " + Repository.PullBaseUrlHttp + self.path + "\n" ) metadata.write( "Pull+Push (read+write): " + Repository.PushBaseUrl + self.path + "\n" ) def __get_repo_type(self): sysadmin_repos = ["gitolite-admin"] # What type of repo have we got??? if self.path in sysadmin_repos: return RepoType.Sysadmin elif re.match("^websites/(.+)$", self.path): return RepoType.Website elif re.match("^scratch/(.+)$", self.path): return RepoType.Scratch elif re.match("^clones/(.+)$", self.path): return RepoType.Clone elif re.match("^others/(.+)$", self.path): return RepoType.Others else: return RepoType.Normal def __get_ref_type(self): # What type is the ref being changed? if re.match("^refs/heads/(.+)$", self.ref): return RefType.Branch elif re.match("^refs/tags/(.+)$", self.ref): return RefType.Tag elif re.match("^refs/backups/(.+)$", self.ref): return RefType.Backup elif self.ref == "refs/notes/review": return RefType.NotesReview elif re.match("^refs/notes/(.+)$", self.ref): return RefType.Notes elif re.match("^refs/upstream/(.+)$", self.ref): return RefType.Upstream elif re.match("^refs/changes/(.+)$", self.ref): return RefType.Changes elif re.match("^refs/meta/(.+)$", self.ref): return RefType.Meta else: return RefType.Unknown def __get_change_type(self): # Determine the merge base, to detect if we are experiencing a force or normal push.... if( self.old_sha1 != self.EmptyRef and self.new_sha1 != self.EmptyRef ): merge_base = read_command(('git', 'merge-base', self.old_sha1, self.new_sha1)) # What type of change is happening here? if self.old_sha1 == self.EmptyRef and self.new_sha1 != self.EmptyRef: return ChangeType.Create elif self.new_sha1 == self.EmptyRef: return ChangeType.Delete elif self.old_sha1 != merge_base: return ChangeType.Forced else: return ChangeType.Update class CommitAuditor(object): """Performs all audits on commits""" ALLOWED_EOL_MIMETYPES = set(("text/vcard", "text/x-vcard", "text/directory", "image/svg", "image/x-portable-graymap")) ALLOWED_EOL_EXTENSIONS = set(("vcf", "vcf.ref", "svg", "pdf", "pgm", "fits")) "Whitelist of names which will always be accepted" FullNameWhitelist = [ 'Chaitanya' ] """ List of repositories that use web merging on GitHub pull requests and cause 'GitHub' usernames """ GitHubPRWhitelist = [ 'websites/inqlude', 'websites/inqlude-data' ] def __init__(self, repository): self.repository = repository self.__failed = False self.__logger = logging.getLogger("auditor") self.__logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.__logger.addHandler(handler) self.__setup_filenames() def __log_failure(self, commit, message): log_message = unicode("Audit failure - Commit {0} - {1}", "utf-8").format(commit, message) self.__logger.critical(log_message) self.__failed = True def __log_warning(self, commit, message): log_message = unicode("Audit warning - Commit {0} - {1}", "utf-8").format(commit, message) self.__logger.warning(log_message) def __setup_filenames(self): self.filename_limits = [] configuration_file = os.path.join(self.repository.management_directory, "config", "blockedfiles.cfg") with open(configuration_file) as configuration: for line in configuration: regex = line.strip() # Skip comments and blank lines if regex.startswith("#") or not regex: continue restriction = re.compile(regex) if restriction: self.filename_limits.append( restriction ) @property def audit_failed(self): """Whether the audit failed (True) or passed (False).""" return self.__failed def audit_eol(self): """Audit the commit for proper end-of-line characters. The UNIX type EOL is the only allowed EOL character.""" # Regex's.... re_commit = re.compile("^\xff(.+)\xff$") re_filename = re.compile("^diff --(cc |git a\/.+ b\/)(.+)$") blocked_eol = re.compile(r"(?:\r\n|\n\r|\r)$") # Bool to allow special files such as vcards to bypass the check eol_allowed = False # Do EOL audit! process = get_change_diff( self.repository, ["-p"] ) for line in process.stdout: commit_change = re.match( re_commit, line ) if commit_change: commit = commit_change.group(1) continue file_change = re.match( re_filename, line ) if file_change: filename = file_change.group(2) eol_violation = False eol_allowed = False # Check if it's an allowed mimetype # First - check with the mimetypes system, to see if it can tell guessed_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) if guessed_type in self.ALLOWED_EOL_MIMETYPES: eol_allowed = True continue # Second check: by file extension # NOTE: This uses the FIRST dot as extension splitted_filename = filename.split(os.extsep) # Check if there's an extension or not # NOTE This assumes that files use dots for extensions only! if len(splitted_filename) > 1: extension = splitted_filename[1] if extension in self.ALLOWED_EOL_EXTENSIONS: eol_allowed = True continue # Unless they added it, ignore it if not line.startswith("+"): continue if re.search( blocked_eol, line ) and not eol_violation: # Is this an allowed filename? if eol_allowed: continue # Failure has been found... handle it eol_violation = True self.__log_failure(commit, "End of Line Style (non-Unix): " + filename); def audit_filename(self): """Audit the file names in the commit.""" for commit in self.repository.commits.values(): for filename in commit.files_changed: if commit.files_changed[ filename ]["change"] not in ["A","R","C"]: continue for restriction in self.filename_limits: if re.search(restriction, filename): self.__log_failure(commit.sha1, "Invalid filename: " + filename) def audit_names_in_metadata(self): """Audit names in commit metadata. Names which do not have a first name and a surname are extremely uncommon and when present are therefore generally invalid. As we want people to use their actual name when committing we do some checks to make sure that what looks like an actual name is present.""" # Iterate over commits.... disallowed_domains = ["localhost", "localhost.localdomain", "(none)"] for commit in self.repository.commits.values(): for name in [ commit.committer_name, commit.author_name ]: # Is the name whitelisted? if name in self.FullNameWhitelist: continue # As a special case, allow the name 'GitHub' for certain repositories if name == 'GitHub' and self.repository.path in self.GitHubPRWhitelist: self.__log_warning(commit.sha1, "Commit has username 'GitHub' (web merge of PR); allowing anyway") continue # Check to see if the name contains spaces - if not - it is probably misconfigured.... if " " not in name.strip(): self.__log_failure(commit.sha1, "Non-full name: " + name) continue def audit_emails_in_metadata(self): """Audit commit metadata. Invalid hostnames such as localhost or (none) will be caught by this auditor. This will ensure that invalid email addresses or users will not show up in commits.""" # Iterate over commits.... disallowed_domains = ["localhost", "localhost.localdomain", "(none)"] for commit in self.repository.commits.values(): for email_address in [ commit.committer_email, commit.author_email ]: # Extract the email address, and reject them if extraction fails.... extraction = re.match("^(\S+)@(\S+)$", email_address) if not extraction: self.__log_failure(commit.sha1, "Seemingly invalid email address: " + email_address) continue # Don't allow domains which are disallowed... domain = extraction.group(2) if domain in disallowed_domains: self.__log_failure(commit.sha1, "Email address using a blocked domain: " + email_address) continue # Ensure they have a valid MX/A entry in DNS.... try: dns.resolver.query(domain, "MX") except (dns.resolver.NoAnswer, dns.exception.Timeout, dns.name.EmptyLabel): try: dns.resolver.query(domain, "A") except (dns.resolver.NoAnswer, dns.exception.Timeout, dns.name.EmptyLabel, dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN): self.__log_failure(commit.sha1, "Email address has an invalid domain : " + email_address) except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoNameservers): self.__log_failure(commit.sha1, "Email address has an invalid domain : " + email_address) def audit_hashes(self, blocked_list): with open(blocked_list, "r") as blockedfile: blocked = blockedfile.readlines() for sha1 in blocked: sha1 = sha1.strip() if sha1 in self.repository.commits: self.__log_failure(sha1, "Administratively blocked commit: contact sysadmin@kde.org") class CommitNotifier(object): "Contains items needed to send notifications for commits" def __init__(self): self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP() self.smtp.connect() def __del__(self): self.smtp.quit() def notify_email(self, builder, notification_address, diff ): # Build list for X-Commit-Directories... full_commit_dirs = [cdir for cdir in builder.commit_directories] # Build a list of addresses to Cc, cc_addresses = builder.keywords['email_cc'] + builder.keywords['email_cc2'] bcc_addresses = [] # Add the committer to the Cc in case problems have been found if builder.checker and (builder.checker.license_problem or builder.checker.commit_problem): cc_addresses.append( builder.commit.committer_email ) if builder.keywords['email_gui']: cc_addresses.append( 'kde-doc-english@kde.org' ) if builder.repository.repo_type == RepoType.Website: bcc_addresses.append( 'scmupdate@olios.kde.org' ) if builder.repository.path == "websites/ev-kde-org": cc_addresses.append( 'kde-ev-board@kde.org' ) i18nInfraChange = re.compile("(.*)Messages.sh$") if any(i18nInfraChange.match(filename) for filename in builder.commit.files_changed): cc_addresses.append( 'i18n-infrastructure@kde.org' ) docbookChange = re.compile("(.*)\.docbook$") if any(docbookChange.match(filename) for filename in builder.commit.files_changed): cc_addresses.append( 'kde-doc-english@kde.org' ) body = builder.body if diff and len(diff) < 8000: body += "\n" + unicode('', "utf-8", 'replace').join(diff) # Handle the normal mailing list mails.... message = MIMEText( body.encode("utf-8"), 'plain', 'utf-8' ) message['Subject'] = Header( builder.subject, 'utf-8', 76, 'Subject' ) message['From'] = builder.address_header( builder.commit.committer_name, "null@kde.org" ) message['To'] = Header( notification_address ) message['Reply-To'] = builder.address_header( builder.commit.committer_name, builder.commit.committer_email ) if cc_addresses: message['Cc'] = Header( ','.join(cc_addresses) ) message['X-Commit-Ref'] = Header( builder.repository.ref_name ) message['X-Commit-Project'] = Header( builder.repository.path ) message['X-Commit-Folders'] = Header( ' '.join(builder.commit_directories) ) message['X-Commit-Directories'] = Header( "(0) " + ' '.join(full_commit_dirs) ) # Send email... to_addresses = cc_addresses + bcc_addresses + [notification_address] self.smtp.sendmail("null@kde.org", to_addresses, message.as_string()) def notify_bugzilla(self, builder): commit_regex = re.compile("^\s*((CC)?BUGS?|FEATURE)[:=](.+)\n", re.MULTILINE) bugs_changed = builder.keywords['bug_fixed'] + builder.keywords['bug_cc'] for bug in bugs_changed: # Prepare the customised Bugzilla comment related_bugs = ["bug " + entry for entry in bugs_changed if entry != bug] commit_msg = builder.body if related_bugs: commit_msg = re.sub(commit_regex, "Related: " + ', '.join(related_bugs) + "\n", commit_msg, 1) commit_msg = re.sub(commit_regex, "", commit_msg) # Prepare the Bugzilla specific message body portion... bug_body = list() bug_body.append( "@bug_id = " + bug ) if bug in builder.keywords['bug_fixed']: bug_body.append( "@bug_status = RESOLVED" ) bug_body.append( "@resolution = FIXED" ) bug_body.append( "@cf_commitlink = " + builder.commit.url ) if builder.keywords['fixed_in']: bug_body.append("@cf_versionfixedin = " + builder.keywords['fixed_in'][0]) bug_body.append( '' ) bug_body.append( commit_msg ) body = unicode('\n', "utf-8").join( bug_body ) message = MIMEText( body.encode("utf-8"), 'plain', 'utf-8' ) message['Subject'] = Header( builder.subject, 'utf-8', 76, 'Subject' ) message['From'] = Header( builder.commit.committer_email ) message['To'] = Header( "bug-control@bugs.kde.org" ) self.smtp.sendmail(builder.commit.committer_email, ["bug-control@bugs.kde.org"], message.as_string()) if bug in builder.keywords['bug_fixed']: print "Closing bug " + bug else: print "Posting comment to bug " + bug def notify_reviewboard(self, builder): for review in builder.keywords['review']: # Call the helper program ref_changed = builder.repository.ref_type + " " + builder.repository.ref_name review_updater = builder.repository.management_directory + "/hooks/update_review.py" cmdline = (review_updater, review, builder.commit.sha1, builder.commit.committer_name.encode('utf8'), builder.commit.author_name.encode('utf8'), ref_changed) # Fork into the background - we don't want it to block the hook subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=False) def handler(self, repository): # If there are no commits -> nothing to notify on :) if len(repository.commits) == 0: return # We will incrementally notify as we gather up the diffs.... process = get_change_diff( repository, ["-p"] ) diff = list() for line in process.stdout: commit_change = re.match( "^\xff(.+)\xff$", line ) if commit_change and diff: yield(repository.commits[commit], diff) commit = "" diff = list() if commit_change: commit = commit_change.group(1) continue diff.append( unicode(line, "utf-8", 'replace') ) if commit: yield(repository.commits[commit], diff) class MessageBuilder(object): """Creates the components needed to send emails and other notifications""" def __init__(self, repository, commit, checker = None, include_url = True): self.repository = repository self.commit = commit self.checker = checker self.keywords = defaultdict(list) self.include_url = include_url # Generate directories affected by the commit commit_directories = [os.path.dirname(filename) for filename in commit.files_changed] self.commit_directories = list( set(commit_directories) ) def address_header(self, name, email): """Helper function to construct an address header for emails - as Python stuffs it up""" fixed_name = Header( name ).encode() return unicode("{0} <{1}>").format(fixed_name, email) @property def subject(self): if len(self.commit_directories) == 1: lowest_common_path = self.commit_directories[0] else: # This works on path segments rather than char-by-char as os.path.commonprefix does # and hence avoids problems when multiple directories at the same level start with # the same sequence of characters. by_levels = zip( *[p.split(os.path.sep) for p in self.commit_directories] ) equal = lambda name: all( n == name[0] for n in name[1:] ) lowest_common_path = os.path.sep.join(x[0] for x in takewhile( equal, by_levels )) if not lowest_common_path: lowest_common_path = '/' repo_path = self.repository.path if self.repository.ref_name != "master": repo_path += "/" + self.repository.ref_name short_msg = self.commit.message.splitlines()[0] subject = unicode("[{0}] {1}: {2}").format(repo_path, lowest_common_path, short_msg) if self.keywords['silent']: subject += ' (silent)' if self.keywords['notes']: subject += ' (silent,notes)' return subject @property def body(self): commit = self.commit firstline = unicode("Git commit {0} by {1}").format( commit.sha1, commit.committer_name ) if commit.author_name != commit.committer_name: firstline += ", on behalf of " + commit.author_name firstline += "." committed_on = commit.datetime.strftime("Committed on %d/%m/%Y at %H:%M.") pushed_by = "Pushed by {0} into {1} '{2}'.".format( self.repository.push_user, self.repository.ref_type, self.repository.ref_name) summary = [firstline, committed_on, pushed_by, '', commit.message.strip(), ''] for filename, info in commit.files_changed.iteritems(): temporary = "{0:<2} +{1:<4} -{2:<4}".format(info["change"], info["added"], info["removed"]) data = [temporary, filename] if "source" in info.keys(): temporary = unicode("[from: {0} - {1}% similarity]").format(info["source"], info["similarity"]) data.append( temporary ) if self.checker: data.extend( self.checker.commit_notes[filename] ) summary.append( ' '.join(data) ) if self.checker and self.checker.license_problem: summary.append( "\nThe files marked with a * at the end have a non valid " "license. Please read: https://community.kde.org/Policies/Licensing_Policy " "and use the headers which are listed at that page.\n") if self.checker and self.checker.commit_problem: summary.append( "\nThe files marked with ** at the end have a problem. " "either the file contains a trailing space or the file contains a call to " "a potentially dangerous code. Please read: " "http://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/CommitHooks#Email_notifications " "Either fix the trailing space or review the dangerous code.\n") if self.include_url: summary.append( "\n" + commit.url ) return '\n'.join( summary ) + '\n' def determine_keywords(self): """Parse special keywords in commits to determine further post-commit actions.""" split = dict() split['email_cc'] = re.compile("^\s*CC[-_]?MAIL[:=]\s*(.*)") split['email_cc2'] = re.compile("^\s*C[Cc][:=]\s*(.*)") split['fixed_in'] = re.compile("^\s*FIXED[-_]?IN[:=]\s*(.*)") numeric = dict() numeric['bug_fixed'] = re.compile("^\s*(?:BUGS?|FEATURE)[:=]\s*(.+)") numeric['bug_cc'] = re.compile("^\s*CCBUGS?[:=]\s*(.+)") numeric['review'] = re.compile("^\s*REVIEWS?[:=]\s*(?!D)(.+)") presence = dict() presence['email_gui'] = re.compile("^\s*GUI:") presence['silent'] = re.compile("(?:CVS|SVN|GIT|SCM).?SILENT") presence['notes'] = re.compile("(?:Notes added by 'git notes add'|Notes removed by 'git notes remove')") results = defaultdict(list) for line in self.commit.message.split("\n"): + # If our line starts with Summary: (as it does when using Arcanist's default template) then strip this off + # This allows for people to fill keywords in the Differential Summary and have this work smoothly for them + line = re.sub("^Summary: (.+)", "\g<1>", line) + + # Start processing our keywords... for (name, regex) in split.iteritems(): match = re.match( regex, line ) if match: results[name] += [result.strip() for result in match.group(1).split(",")] for (name, regex) in numeric.iteritems(): match = re.match( regex, line ) if match: results[name] += re.findall("(\d{1,10})", match.group(1)) for (name, regex) in presence.iteritems(): if re.match( regex, line ): results[name] = True self.keywords = results class CiaNotifier(object): "Notifies CIA of changes to a repository" MESSAGE = E.message GENERATOR = E.generator SOURCE = E.source TIMESTAMP = E.timestamp BODY = E.body COMMIT = E.commit def __init__(self, repository): # Generate the non-variant part of the XML message sent to CIA. name = E.name("KDE CIA Python client") version = E.version("1.00") url = E.url("http://projects.kde.org/repo-management") self._generator = self.GENERATOR(name, version, url) self.repository = repository self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP() self.smtp.connect() def __del__(self): self.smtp.quit() def notify(self, builder): """Send the commmit notification to CIA. The message is created incrementally using lxml's "E" builder.""" # Build the section for the template... commit = builder.commit files = E.files() commit_msg = commit.message.strip() commit_msg = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1f\x7f-\xff]', '', commit_msg) for filename in commit.files_changed: safe_filename = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1f\x7f-\xff]', '', filename) file_element = E.file(safe_filename) files.append(file_element) # Build the message cia_message = self.MESSAGE() cia_message.append(self._generator) source = self.SOURCE(E.project("KDE")) source.append(E.module(self.repository.path)) source.append(E.branch(self.repository.ref_name)) cia_message.append(source) cia_message.append(self.TIMESTAMP(commit.date)) body = self.BODY() commit_data = self.COMMIT() commit_data.append(E.author(commit.author_name)) commit_data.append(E.revision(commit.description)) commit_data.append(files) commit_data.append(E.log(commit_msg)) commit_data.append(E.url(commit.url)) body.append(commit_data) cia_message.append(body) # Convert to a string commit_xml = etree.tostring(cia_message) # Craft the email.... message = MIMEText( commit_xml, 'xml', 'utf-8' ) message['Subject'] = "DeliverXML" message['From'] = "sysadmin@kde.org" message['To'] = "commits@spring.kde.org" # Send email... self.smtp.sendmail("sysadmin@kde.org", ["commits@spring.kde.org"], message.as_string()) class Commit(object): """Represents a git commit""" UrlPattern = "https://commits.kde.org/{0}/{1}" def __init__(self, repository, commit_data): self.repository = repository self._commit_data = commit_data self._raw_properties = ["files_changed", "datetime"] self.url = Commit.UrlPattern.format( repository.path, self.sha1 ) # Convert the date into something usable... self._commit_data["datetime"] = datetime.fromtimestamp( float(self._commit_data["date"]) ) def __getattr__(self, key): if key not in self._commit_data: raise AttributeError if key in self._raw_properties: return self._commit_data[key] value = self._commit_data[key] return unicode(value, "utf-8", 'replace') def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key not in ['_commit_data', '_raw_properties', 'repository']: self._commit_data[key] = value else: self.__dict__[key] = value def __repr__(self): return str(self._commit_data) class CommitChecker(object): """Checker class for commit information such as licenses, or potentially unsafe practices.""" @property def license_problem(self): return self._license_problem @property def commit_problem(self): return self._commit_problem @property def commit_notes(self): return self._commit_notes def check_commit_license(self, filename, text): problemfile = False gl = qte = license = wrong = "" text = re.sub("^\#", "", text) text = re.sub("\t\n\r", " ", text) text = re.sub("[^ A-Za-z.@0-9]", "", text) text = re.sub("\s+", " ", text) if re.search("version 2(?:\.0)? .{0,40}as published by the Free Software Foundation", text): gl = " (v2)" if re.search("version 2(?:\.0)? of the License", text): gl = " (v2)" if re.search("version 3(?:\.0)? .{0,40}as published by the Free Software Foundation", text): gl = " (v3)" if re.search("either version 2(?: of the License)? or at your option any later version", text): gl = " (v2+)" if re.search("version 2(?: of the License)? or at your option version 3", text): gl = " (v2/3)" if re.search("version 2(?: of the License)? or at your option version 3 or at the discretion of KDE e.V.{10,60}any later version", text): gl = " (v2/3+eV)" if re.search("either version 3(?: of the License)? or at your option any later version", text): gl = " (v3+)" if re.search("version 2\.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation", text): gl = " (v2.1)" if re.search("2\.1 available at: http:\/\/www.fsf.org\/copyleft\/lesser.html", text): gl = " (v2.1)" if re.search("either version 2\.1 of the License or at your option any later version", text): gl = " (v2.1+)" if re.search("([Pp]ermission is given|[pP]ermission is also granted|[pP]ermission) to link (the code of )?this program with (any edition of )?(Qt|the Qt library)", text): qte = " (+Qt exception)" # Check for an old FSF address # MIT licenses will trigger the check too, as "675 Mass Ave" is MIT's address if re.search("(?:675 Mass Ave|59 Temple Place|Suite 330|51 Franklin Steet|02139|02111-1307)", text, re.IGNORECASE): # "51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301" is the right FSF address wrong = " (wrong address)" self._license_problem = True problemfile = True # LGPL or GPL if re.search("under (the (terms|conditions) of )?the GNU (Library|Lesser) General Public License", text): license = "LGPL" + gl + wrong + " " + license if re.search("under (the (terms|conditions) of )?the (Library|Lesser) GNU General Public License", text): license = "LGPL" + gl + wrong + " " + license if re.search("under (the (terms|conditions) of )?the (GNU )?LGPL", text): license = "LGPL" + gl + wrong + " " + license if re.search("[Tt]he LGPL as published by the Free Software Foundation", text): license = "LGPL" + gl + wrong + " " + license if re.search("LGPL with the following explicit clarification", text): license = "LGPL" + gl + wrong + " " + license if re.search("under (the terms of )?(version 2 of )?the GNU (General Public License|GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE)", text): license = "GPL" + gl + qte + wrong + " " + license # QPL if re.search("may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License as defined by Trolltech AS", text): license = "QPL " + license # X11, BSD-like if re.search("Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files", text): license = "X11 (BSD like) " + license # MIT license if re.search("Permission to use copy modify (and )?distribute(and sell)? this software and its documentation for any purpose", text): license = "MIT " + license # BSD if re.search("MERCHANTABILITY( AND|| or) FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE", text) and not re.search("GPL", license): license = "BSD " + license # MPL if re.search("subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1", text): license = "MPL 1.1 " + license if re.search("Mozilla Public License Version 1\.0/", text): license = "MPL 1.0 " + license # Artistic license if re.search("under the Artistic License", text): license = "Artistic " + license # Public domain if re.search("Public Domain", text, re.IGNORECASE) or re.search(" disclaims [Cc]opyright", text): license = "Public Domain " + license # Auto-generated if re.search("(All changes made in this file will be lost|This file is automatically generated|DO NOT EDIT|DO NOT delete this file|[Gg]enerated by|uicgenerated|produced by gperf)", text): license = "GENERATED FILE" self._license_problem = True problemfile = True # Don't bother with trivial files. if not license and len(text) < 128: license = "Trivial file" # About every license has this clause; but we've failed to detect which type it is. if not license and re.search("This (software|package)( is free software and)? is provided ", text, re.IGNORECASE): license = "Unknown license" self._license_problem = True problemfile = True # Either a missing or an unsupported license if not license: license = "UNKNOWN" self._license_problem = True problemfile = True license = license.strip() if license: self._commit_notes[filename].append( (" "*4) + "[License: " + license + "]") if license and problemfile: self._commit_notes[filename].append( " *") def check_commit_problems(self, commit, diff): """Check for potential problems in a commit.""" # Initialise self._license_problem = False self._commit_problem = False self._commit_notes = defaultdict(list) # Unsafe regex checks... unsafe_matches = list() unsafe_matches.append( r"\b(KRun::runCommand|K3?ShellProcess|setUseShell|setShellCommand)\b\s*[\(\r\n]" ) unsafe_matches.append( r"\b(system|popen|mktemp|mkstemp|tmpnam|gets|syslog|strptime)\b\s*[\(\r\n]" ) unsafe_matches.append( r"(scanf)\b\s*[\(\r\n]" ) valid_filename_regex = r"\.(cpp|cc|cxx|C|c\+\+|c|l|y||h|H|hh|hxx|hpp|h\+\+|qml)$" # Retrieve the diff and do the problem checks... filename = unicode("") filediff = list() for line in diff: file_change = re.match( "^diff --(cc |git a\/.+ b\/)(.+)$", line ) if file_change: # Are we changing file? If so, we have the full diff, so do a license check.... if filename != "" and commit.files_changed[ filename ]["change"] in ['A'] and re.search(valid_filename_regex, filename): self.check_commit_license(filename, ''.join(filediff)) filediff = list() filename = file_change.group(2) continue # Diff headers are bogus if re.match("@@ -\d+,\d+ \+\d+ @@", line): filediff = list() continue # Do an incremental check for *.desktop syntax errors.... if re.search("\.desktop$", filename) and re.search("[^=]+=.*[ \t]$", line) and line.startswith("+") and not re.match("^\+#", line): self._commit_notes[filename].append( "[TRAILING SPACE] **" ) self._commit_problem = True # Check for things which are unsafe... for safety_match in unsafe_matches: match = re.match(safety_match, line) if match: note = "[POSSIBLY UNSAFE: {0}] **".format( match.group(1) ) self._commit_notes[filename].append(note) self._commit_problem = True # Store the diff.... filediff.append(line) if filename != "" and commit.files_changed[ filename ]["change"] in ['A'] and re.search(valid_filename_regex, filename): self.check_commit_license(filename, ''.join(filediff)) def read_command( command, shell=False ): process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return process.stdout.readline().strip() def get_change_diff( repository, log_arguments ): # Prepare to run.... command = ["git", "show", "--pretty=format:%xff%H%xff", "--stdin", "-C"] command.extend(log_arguments) process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Pass on the commits for it to show... for sha1 in repository.commits: process.stdin.write(sha1 + "\n") process.stdin.close() return process