diff --git a/KF5CoreAddonsMacros.cmake b/KF5CoreAddonsMacros.cmake index e762384..d7cc464 100644 --- a/KF5CoreAddonsMacros.cmake +++ b/KF5CoreAddonsMacros.cmake @@ -1,136 +1,136 @@ # # kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json(target desktopfile # DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE | SERVICE_TYPES [ [...]] # [OUTPUT_DIR dir] [COMPAT_MODE]) # # This macro uses desktoptojson to generate a json file from a plugin # description in a .desktop file. The generated file can be compiled # into the plugin using the K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON (cpp) macro. # # All files in SERVICE_TYPES will be parsed by desktoptojson to ensure that the generated # json uses the right data type (string, string list, int, double or bool) for all of the # properties. If your application does not have any custom properties defined you should pass # DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE instead. It is an error if neither of these arguments is given. # This is done in order to ensure that all applications explicitly choose the right service # type and don't have runtime errors because of the data being wrong (QJsonValue does not # perform any type conversions). # # If COMPAT_MODE is passed as an argument the generated JSON file will be compatible with # the metadata format used by KPluginInfo (from KService), otherwise it will default to # the new format that is used by KPluginMetaData (from KCoreAddons). # # If OUTPUT_DIR is set the generated file will be created inside instead of in # ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} # # Example: # # kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json(plasma_engine_time plasma-dataengine-time.desktop # SERVICE_TYPES plasma-dataengine.desktop) function(kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json target desktop) get_filename_component(desktop_basename ${desktop} NAME_WE) # allow passing an absolute path to the .desktop cmake_parse_arguments(DESKTOP_TO_JSON "COMPAT_MODE;DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE" "OUTPUT_DIR" "SERVICE_TYPES" ${ARGN}) if(DESKTOP_TO_JSON_OUTPUT_DIR) set(json "${DESKTOP_TO_JSON_OUTPUT_DIR}/${desktop_basename}.json") else() set(json "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${desktop_basename}.json") endif() if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS OR "${target}" STREQUAL "") _desktop_to_json_cmake28(${desktop} ${json} ${DESKTOP_TO_JSON_COMPAT_MODE}) return() elseif(MSVC_IDE AND CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.0) # autogen dependencies for visual studio generator are broken until cmake commit 2ed0d06 _desktop_to_json_cmake28(${desktop} ${json} ${DESKTOP_TO_JSON_COMPAT_MODE}) return() endif() set(command KF5::desktoptojson -i ${desktop} -o ${json}) if(DESKTOP_TO_JSON_COMPAT_MODE) list(APPEND command -c) endif() if(DESKTOP_TO_JSON_SERVICE_TYPES) foreach(type ${DESKTOP_TO_JSON_SERVICE_TYPES}) if (EXISTS ${KDE_INSTALL_FULL_KSERVICETYPES5DIR}/${type}) set(type ${KDE_INSTALL_FULL_KSERVICETYPES5DIR}/${type}) endif() list(APPEND command -s ${type}) endforeach() endif() file(RELATIVE_PATH relativejson ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${json}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${json} COMMAND ${command} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS ${desktop} COMMENT "Generating ${relativejson}" ) set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS ${json}) endfunction() function(_desktop_to_json_cmake28 desktop json compat) # This function runs desktoptojson at *configure* time, ie, when CMake runs. # This is necessary with CMake < 3.0.0 because the .json file must be # generated before moc is run, and there was no way until CMake 3.0.0 to # define a target as a dependency of the automoc target. message("Using CMake 2.8 way to call desktoptojson") get_target_property(DESKTOPTOJSON_LOCATION KF5::desktoptojson LOCATION) if(compat) execute_process( COMMAND ${DESKTOPTOJSON_LOCATION} -i ${desktop} -o ${json} -c RESULT_VARIABLE result WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) else() execute_process( COMMAND ${DESKTOPTOJSON_LOCATION} -i ${desktop} -o ${json} RESULT_VARIABLE result WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) endif() if (NOT result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Generating ${json} failed") endif() endfunction() # # kcoreaddons_add_plugin(plugin_name SOURCES... [JSON "pluginname.json"] [INSTALL_NAMESPACE "servicename"]) # # This macro helps simplifying the creation of plugins for KPluginFactory # based systems. # It will create a plugin given the SOURCES list, the name of the JSON file # that will define the plugin's metadata and the INSTALL_NAMESPACE so that # the plugin is installed with the rest of the plugins from the same sub-system, -# within ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}. +# within ${KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR}. # # Example: # kcoreaddons_add_plugin(kdeconnect_share JSON kdeconnect_share.json SOURCES ${kdeconnect_share_SRCS}) # # Since 5.10.0 function(kcoreaddons_add_plugin plugin) set(options) set(oneValueArgs JSON INSTALL_NAMESPACE) set(multiValueArgs SOURCES) cmake_parse_arguments(KCA_ADD_PLUGIN "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) if(NOT KCA_ADD_PLUGIN_SOURCES) message(FATAL_ERROR "kcoreaddons_add_plugin called without SOURCES parameter") endif() get_filename_component(json "${KCA_ADD_PLUGIN_JSON}" REALPATH) add_library(${plugin} MODULE ${KCA_ADD_PLUGIN_SOURCES}) set_property(TARGET ${plugin} APPEND PROPERTY AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS ${json}) # If find_package(ECM 5.38) or higher is called, output the plugin in a INSTALL_NAMESPACE subfolder. # See https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Making_apps_run_uninstalled if(NOT ("${ECM_GLOBAL_FIND_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "5.38.0")) set_target_properties(${plugin} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${KCA_ADD_PLUGIN_INSTALL_NAMESPACE}") endif() if (NOT KCA_ADD_PLUGIN_INSTALL_NAMESPACE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Must specify INSTALL_NAMESPACE for ${plugin}") endif() - install(TARGETS ${plugin} DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}/${KCA_ADD_PLUGIN_INSTALL_NAMESPACE}) + install(TARGETS ${plugin} DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR}/${KCA_ADD_PLUGIN_INSTALL_NAMESPACE}) endfunction()