diff --git a/src/filewidgets/kdiroperator.cpp b/src/filewidgets/kdiroperator.cpp index 25ff5e8b..751c19fa 100644 --- a/src/filewidgets/kdiroperator.cpp +++ b/src/filewidgets/kdiroperator.cpp @@ -1,2835 +1,2861 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Stephan Kulow 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 Carsten Pfeiffer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kdiroperator.h" #include #include #include "kdirmodel.h" #include "kdiroperatordetailview_p.h" #include "kdiroperatoriconview_p.h" #include "kdirsortfilterproxymodel.h" #include "kfileitem.h" #include "kfilemetapreview_p.h" #include "kpreviewwidgetbase.h" #include "knewfilemenu.h" #include #include "../pathhelpers_p.h" #include #include // ConfigGroup, DefaultShowHidden, DefaultDirsFirst, DefaultSortReversed #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include template class QHash; // QDir::SortByMask is not only undocumented, it also omits QDir::Type which is another // sorting mode. static const int QDirSortMask = QDir::SortByMask | QDir::Type; class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KDirOperator::Private { public: explicit Private(KDirOperator *parent); ~Private(); enum InlinePreviewState { ForcedToFalse = 0, ForcedToTrue, NotForced }; // private methods bool checkPreviewInternal() const; void checkPath(const QString &txt, bool takeFiles = false); bool openUrl(const QUrl &url, KDirLister::OpenUrlFlags flags = KDirLister::NoFlags); int sortColumn() const; Qt::SortOrder sortOrder() const; void updateSorting(QDir::SortFlags sort); static bool isReadable(const QUrl &url); bool isSchemeSupported(const QString &scheme) const; KFile::FileView allViews(); QMetaObject::Connection m_connection; // A pair to store zoom settings for view kinds struct ZoomSettingsForView { QString name; int defaultValue; }; // private slots void _k_slotDetailedView(); void _k_slotSimpleView(); void _k_slotTreeView(); void _k_slotDetailedTreeView(); void _k_slotIconsView(); void _k_slotCompactView(); void _k_slotDetailsView(); void _k_slotToggleHidden(bool); void _k_slotToggleAllowExpansion(bool); void _k_togglePreview(bool); void _k_toggleInlinePreviews(bool); void _k_slotOpenFileManager(); void _k_slotSortByName(); void _k_slotSortBySize(); void _k_slotSortByDate(); void _k_slotSortByType(); void _k_slotSortReversed(bool doReverse); void _k_slotToggleDirsFirst(); void _k_slotToggleIconsView(); void _k_slotToggleCompactView(); void _k_slotToggleDetailsView(); void _k_slotToggleIgnoreCase(); void _k_slotStarted(); void _k_slotProgress(int); void _k_slotShowProgress(); void _k_slotIOFinished(); void _k_slotCanceled(); void _k_slotRedirected(const QUrl &); void _k_slotProperties(); void _k_slotActivated(const QModelIndex &); void _k_slotSelectionChanged(); void _k_openContextMenu(const QPoint &); void _k_triggerPreview(const QModelIndex &); void _k_showPreview(); void _k_slotSplitterMoved(int, int); void _k_assureVisibleSelection(); void _k_synchronizeSortingState(int, Qt::SortOrder); void _k_slotChangeDecorationPosition(); void _k_slotExpandToUrl(const QModelIndex &); void _k_slotItemsChanged(); void _k_slotDirectoryCreated(const QUrl &); int iconSizeForViewType(QAbstractItemView *itemView) const; void writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); ZoomSettingsForView zoomSettingsForViewForView() const; // private members KDirOperator * const parent; QStack backStack; ///< Contains all URLs you can reach with the back button. QStack forwardStack; ///< Contains all URLs you can reach with the forward button. QModelIndex lastHoveredIndex; KDirLister *dirLister; QUrl currUrl; KCompletion completion; KCompletion dirCompletion; bool completeListDirty; QDir::SortFlags sorting; QStyleOptionViewItem::Position decorationPosition; QSplitter *splitter; QAbstractItemView *itemView; KDirModel *dirModel; KDirSortFilterProxyModel *proxyModel; KFileItemList pendingMimeTypes; // the enum KFile::FileView as an int int viewKind; int defaultView; KFile::Modes mode; QProgressBar *progressBar; KPreviewWidgetBase *preview; QUrl previewUrl; int previewWidth; bool dirHighlighting; bool onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles; bool followNewDirectories; bool followSelectedDirectories; QString lastURL; // used for highlighting a directory on cdUp QTimer *progressDelayTimer; int dropOptions; KActionMenu *actionMenu; KActionCollection *actionCollection; KNewFileMenu *newFileMenu; KConfigGroup *configGroup; KFilePreviewGenerator *previewGenerator; bool showPreviews; int iconsZoom; bool isSaving; KActionMenu *decorationMenu; KToggleAction *leftAction; QList itemsToBeSetAsCurrent; bool shouldFetchForItems; InlinePreviewState inlinePreviewState; QStringList supportedSchemes; }; KDirOperator::Private::Private(KDirOperator *_parent) : parent(_parent), dirLister(nullptr), decorationPosition(QStyleOptionViewItem::Left), splitter(nullptr), itemView(nullptr), dirModel(nullptr), proxyModel(nullptr), progressBar(nullptr), preview(nullptr), previewUrl(), previewWidth(0), dirHighlighting(false), onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles(!qApp->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick)), followNewDirectories(true), followSelectedDirectories(true), progressDelayTimer(nullptr), dropOptions(0), actionMenu(nullptr), actionCollection(nullptr), newFileMenu(nullptr), configGroup(nullptr), previewGenerator(nullptr), showPreviews(false), iconsZoom(0), isSaving(false), decorationMenu(nullptr), leftAction(nullptr), shouldFetchForItems(false), inlinePreviewState(NotForced) { } KDirOperator::Private::~Private() { delete itemView; itemView = nullptr; // TODO: // if (configGroup) { // itemView->writeConfig(configGroup); // } qDeleteAll(backStack); qDeleteAll(forwardStack); delete preview; preview = nullptr; delete proxyModel; proxyModel = nullptr; delete dirModel; dirModel = nullptr; dirLister = nullptr; // deleted by KDirModel delete configGroup; configGroup = nullptr; delete progressDelayTimer; progressDelayTimer = nullptr; } KDirOperator::KDirOperator(const QUrl &_url, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), d(new Private(this)) { d->splitter = new QSplitter(this); d->splitter->setChildrenCollapsible(false); connect(d->splitter, SIGNAL(splitterMoved(int,int)), this, SLOT(_k_slotSplitterMoved(int,int))); d->preview = nullptr; d->mode = KFile::File; d->viewKind = KFile::Simple; if (_url.isEmpty()) { // no dir specified -> current dir QString strPath = QDir::currentPath(); strPath.append(QLatin1Char('/')); d->currUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(strPath); } else { d->currUrl = _url; if (d->currUrl.scheme().isEmpty()) { d->currUrl.setScheme(QStringLiteral("file")); } QString path = d->currUrl.path(); if (!path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { path.append(QLatin1Char('/')); // make sure we have a trailing slash! } d->currUrl.setPath(path); } // We set the direction of this widget to LTR, since even on RTL desktops // viewing directory listings in RTL mode makes people's head explode. // Is this the correct place? Maybe it should be in some lower level widgets...? setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight); setDirLister(new KDirLister()); connect(&d->completion, &KCompletion::match, this, &KDirOperator::slotCompletionMatch); d->progressBar = new QProgressBar(this); d->progressBar->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("d->progressBar")); d->progressBar->adjustSize(); d->progressBar->move(2, height() - d->progressBar->height() - 2); d->progressDelayTimer = new QTimer(this); d->progressDelayTimer->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("d->progressBar delay timer")); connect(d->progressDelayTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(_k_slotShowProgress())); d->completeListDirty = false; // action stuff setupActions(); setupMenu(); d->sorting = QDir::NoSort; //so updateSorting() doesn't think nothing has changed d->updateSorting(QDir::Name | QDir::DirsFirst); setFocusPolicy(Qt::WheelFocus); setAcceptDrops(true); } KDirOperator::~KDirOperator() { resetCursor(); disconnect(d->dirLister, nullptr, this, nullptr); delete d; } void KDirOperator::setSorting(QDir::SortFlags spec) { d->updateSorting(spec); } QDir::SortFlags KDirOperator::sorting() const { return d->sorting; } bool KDirOperator::isRoot() const { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (url().isLocalFile()) { const QString path = url().toLocalFile(); if (path.length() == 3) { return (path[0].isLetter() && path[1] == QLatin1Char(':') && path[2] == QLatin1Char('/')); } return false; } else #endif return url().path() == QLatin1String("/"); } KDirLister *KDirOperator::dirLister() const { return d->dirLister; } void KDirOperator::resetCursor() { if (qApp) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } d->progressBar->hide(); } void KDirOperator::sortByName() { d->updateSorting((d->sorting & ~QDirSortMask) | QDir::Name); } void KDirOperator::sortBySize() { d->updateSorting((d->sorting & ~QDirSortMask) | QDir::Size); } void KDirOperator::sortByDate() { d->updateSorting((d->sorting & ~QDirSortMask) | QDir::Time); } void KDirOperator::sortByType() { d->updateSorting((d->sorting & ~QDirSortMask) | QDir::Type); } void KDirOperator::sortReversed() { // toggle it, hence the inversion of current state d->_k_slotSortReversed(!(d->sorting & QDir::Reversed)); } void KDirOperator::toggleDirsFirst() { d->_k_slotToggleDirsFirst(); } void KDirOperator::toggleIgnoreCase() { if (d->proxyModel != nullptr) { Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = d->proxyModel->sortCaseSensitivity(); cs = (cs == Qt::CaseSensitive) ? Qt::CaseInsensitive : Qt::CaseSensitive; d->proxyModel->setSortCaseSensitivity(cs); } } void KDirOperator::updateSelectionDependentActions() { const bool hasSelection = (d->itemView != nullptr) && d->itemView->selectionModel()->hasSelection(); + d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("rename"))->setEnabled(hasSelection); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("trash"))->setEnabled(hasSelection); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("delete"))->setEnabled(hasSelection); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("properties"))->setEnabled(hasSelection); } void KDirOperator::setPreviewWidget(KPreviewWidgetBase *w) { const bool showPreview = (w != nullptr); if (showPreview) { d->viewKind = (d->viewKind | KFile::PreviewContents); } else { d->viewKind = (d->viewKind & ~KFile::PreviewContents); } delete d->preview; d->preview = w; if (w) { d->splitter->addWidget(w); } KToggleAction *previewAction = static_cast(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("preview"))); previewAction->setEnabled(showPreview); previewAction->setChecked(showPreview); setView(static_cast(d->viewKind)); } KFileItemList KDirOperator::selectedItems() const { KFileItemList itemList; if (d->itemView == nullptr) { return itemList; } const QItemSelection selection = d->proxyModel->mapSelectionToSource(d->itemView->selectionModel()->selection()); const QModelIndexList indexList = selection.indexes(); for (const QModelIndex &index : indexList) { KFileItem item = d->dirModel->itemForIndex(index); if (!item.isNull()) { itemList.append(item); } } return itemList; } bool KDirOperator::isSelected(const KFileItem &item) const { if ((item.isNull()) || (d->itemView == nullptr)) { return false; } const QModelIndex dirIndex = d->dirModel->indexForItem(item); const QModelIndex proxyIndex = d->proxyModel->mapFromSource(dirIndex); return d->itemView->selectionModel()->isSelected(proxyIndex); } int KDirOperator::numDirs() const { return (d->dirLister == nullptr) ? 0 : d->dirLister->directories().count(); } int KDirOperator::numFiles() const { return (d->dirLister == nullptr) ? 0 : d->dirLister->items().count() - numDirs(); } KCompletion *KDirOperator::completionObject() const { return const_cast(&d->completion); } KCompletion *KDirOperator::dirCompletionObject() const { return const_cast(&d->dirCompletion); } KActionCollection *KDirOperator::actionCollection() const { return d->actionCollection; } KFile::FileView KDirOperator::Private::allViews() { return static_cast(KFile::Simple | KFile::Detail | KFile::Tree | KFile::DetailTree); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotDetailedView() { // save old zoom settings writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); KFile::FileView view = static_cast((viewKind & ~allViews()) | KFile::Detail); parent->setView(view); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotSimpleView() { // save old zoom settings writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); KFile::FileView view = static_cast((viewKind & ~allViews()) | KFile::Simple); parent->setView(view); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotTreeView() { // save old zoom settings writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); KFile::FileView view = static_cast((viewKind & ~allViews()) | KFile::Tree); parent->setView(view); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotDetailedTreeView() { // save old zoom settings writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); KFile::FileView view = static_cast((viewKind & ~allViews()) | KFile::DetailTree); parent->setView(view); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotToggleAllowExpansion(bool allow) { KFile::FileView view = KFile::Detail; if (allow) { view = KFile::DetailTree; } parent->setView(view); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotToggleHidden(bool show) { dirLister->setShowingDotFiles(show); parent->updateDir(); _k_assureVisibleSelection(); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_togglePreview(bool on) { if (on) { viewKind = viewKind | KFile::PreviewContents; if (preview == nullptr) { preview = new KFileMetaPreview(parent); actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("preview"))->setChecked(true); splitter->addWidget(preview); } preview->show(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "_k_assureVisibleSelection", Qt::QueuedConnection); if (itemView != nullptr) { const QModelIndex index = itemView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (index.isValid()) { _k_triggerPreview(index); } } } else if (preview != nullptr) { viewKind = viewKind & ~KFile::PreviewContents; preview->hide(); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_toggleInlinePreviews(bool show) { if (showPreviews == show) { return; } showPreviews = show; if (!previewGenerator) { return; } previewGenerator->setPreviewShown(show); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotOpenFileManager() { const KFileItemList list = parent->selectedItems(); if (list.isEmpty()) { KIO::highlightInFileManager({currUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)}); } else { KIO::highlightInFileManager(list.urlList()); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotSortByName() { parent->sortByName(); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotSortBySize() { parent->sortBySize(); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotSortByDate() { parent->sortByDate(); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotSortByType() { parent->sortByType(); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotSortReversed(bool doReverse) { QDir::SortFlags s = sorting & ~QDir::Reversed; if (doReverse) { s |= QDir::Reversed; } updateSorting(s); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotToggleDirsFirst() { QDir::SortFlags s = (sorting ^ QDir::DirsFirst); updateSorting(s); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotIconsView() { // save old zoom settings writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); // Put the icons on top actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("decorationAtTop"))->setChecked(true); decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Top; // Switch to simple view KFile::FileView fileView = static_cast((viewKind & ~allViews()) | KFile::Simple); parent->setView(fileView); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotCompactView() { // save old zoom settings writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); // Put the icons on the side actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("decorationAtLeft"))->setChecked(true); decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Left; // Switch to simple view KFile::FileView fileView = static_cast((viewKind & ~allViews()) | KFile::Simple); parent->setView(fileView); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotDetailsView() { // save old zoom settings writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); KFile::FileView view; if (actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("allow expansion"))->isChecked()) { view = static_cast((viewKind & ~allViews()) | KFile::DetailTree); } else { view = static_cast((viewKind & ~allViews()) | KFile::Detail); } parent->setView(view); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotToggleIgnoreCase() { // TODO: port to Qt4's QAbstractItemView /*if ( !d->fileView ) return; QDir::SortFlags sorting = d->fileView->sorting(); if ( !KFile::isSortCaseInsensitive( sorting ) ) d->fileView->setSorting( sorting | QDir::IgnoreCase ); else d->fileView->setSorting( sorting & ~QDir::IgnoreCase ); d->sorting = d->fileView->sorting();*/ } void KDirOperator::mkdir() { d->newFileMenu->setPopupFiles(QList() << url()); d->newFileMenu->setViewShowsHiddenFiles(showHiddenFiles()); d->newFileMenu->createDirectory(); } bool KDirOperator::mkdir(const QString &directory, bool enterDirectory) { // Creates "directory", relative to the current directory (d->currUrl). // The given path may contain any number directories, existent or not. // They will all be created, if possible. // TODO: very similar to KDirSelectDialog::Private::slotMkdir bool writeOk = false; bool exists = false; QUrl folderurl(d->currUrl); const QStringList dirs = directory.split(QLatin1Char('/'), QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList::ConstIterator it = dirs.begin(); for (; it != dirs.end(); ++it) { folderurl.setPath(concatPaths(folderurl.path(), *it)); if (folderurl.isLocalFile()) { exists = QFile::exists(folderurl.toLocalFile()); } else { KIO::StatJob *job = KIO::stat(folderurl); KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, this); job->setDetails(0); //We only want to know if it exists, 0 == that. job->setSide(KIO::StatJob::DestinationSide); exists = job->exec(); } if (!exists) { KIO::Job *job = KIO::mkdir(folderurl); KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, this); writeOk = job->exec(); } } if (exists) { // url was already existent KMessageBox::sorry(d->itemView, i18n("A file or folder named %1 already exists.", folderurl.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile))); } else if (!writeOk) { KMessageBox::sorry(d->itemView, i18n("You do not have permission to " "create that folder.")); } else if (enterDirectory) { setUrl(folderurl, true); } return writeOk; } KIO::DeleteJob *KDirOperator::del(const KFileItemList &items, QWidget *parent, bool ask, bool showProgress) { if (items.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(parent, i18n("You did not select a file to delete."), i18n("Nothing to Delete")); return nullptr; } if (parent == nullptr) { parent = this; } const QList urls = items.urlList(); bool doIt = !ask; if (ask) { KIO::JobUiDelegate uiDelegate; uiDelegate.setWindow(parent); doIt = uiDelegate.askDeleteConfirmation(urls, KIO::JobUiDelegate::Delete, KIO::JobUiDelegate::DefaultConfirmation); } if (doIt) { KIO::JobFlags flags = showProgress ? KIO::DefaultFlags : KIO::HideProgressInfo; KIO::DeleteJob *job = KIO::del(urls, flags); KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, this); job->uiDelegate()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); return job; } return nullptr; } void KDirOperator::deleteSelected() { const KFileItemList list = selectedItems(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { del(list, this); } } KIO::CopyJob *KDirOperator::trash(const KFileItemList &items, QWidget *parent, bool ask, bool showProgress) { if (items.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::information(parent, i18n("You did not select a file to trash."), i18n("Nothing to Trash")); return nullptr; } const QList urls = items.urlList(); bool doIt = !ask; if (ask) { KIO::JobUiDelegate uiDelegate; uiDelegate.setWindow(parent); doIt = uiDelegate.askDeleteConfirmation(urls, KIO::JobUiDelegate::Trash, KIO::JobUiDelegate::DefaultConfirmation); } if (doIt) { KIO::JobFlags flags = showProgress ? KIO::DefaultFlags : KIO::HideProgressInfo; KIO::CopyJob *job = KIO::trash(urls, flags); KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, this); job->uiDelegate()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); return job; } return nullptr; } KFilePreviewGenerator *KDirOperator::previewGenerator() const { return d->previewGenerator; } void KDirOperator::setInlinePreviewShown(bool show) { d->inlinePreviewState = show ? Private::ForcedToTrue : Private::ForcedToFalse; } bool KDirOperator::isInlinePreviewShown() const { return d->showPreviews; } int KDirOperator::iconsZoom() const { return d->iconsZoom; } void KDirOperator::setIsSaving(bool isSaving) { d->isSaving = isSaving; } bool KDirOperator::isSaving() const { return d->isSaving; } +void KDirOperator::renameSelected() +{ + if (d->itemView == nullptr) { + return; + } + + const KFileItemList items = selectedItems(); + if (items.isEmpty()) { + return; + } + + KIO::RenameFileDialog* dialog = new KIO::RenameFileDialog(items, this); + connect(dialog, SIGNAL(renamingFinished()), SLOT(_k_assureVisibleSelection())); + + dialog->open(); +} + void KDirOperator::trashSelected() { if (d->itemView == nullptr) { return; } if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { deleteSelected(); return; } const KFileItemList list = selectedItems(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { trash(list, this); } } void KDirOperator::setIconsZoom(int _value) { if (d->iconsZoom == _value) { return; } int value = _value; value = qMin(100, value); value = qMax(0, value); d->iconsZoom = value; if (!d->previewGenerator) { return; } const int maxSize = KIconLoader::SizeEnormous - KIconLoader::SizeSmall; const int val = (maxSize * value / 100) + KIconLoader::SizeSmall; d->itemView->setIconSize(QSize(val, val)); d->previewGenerator->updatePreviews(); emit currentIconSizeChanged(value); } void KDirOperator::close() { resetCursor(); d->pendingMimeTypes.clear(); d->completion.clear(); d->dirCompletion.clear(); d->completeListDirty = true; d->dirLister->stop(); } void KDirOperator::Private::checkPath(const QString &, bool /*takeFiles*/) // SLOT { #if 0 // copy the argument in a temporary string QString text = _txt; // it's unlikely to happen, that at the beginning are spaces, but // for the end, it happens quite often, I guess. text = text.trimmed(); // if the argument is no URL (the check is quite fragil) and it's // no absolute path, we add the current directory to get a correct url if (text.find(':') < 0 && text[0] != '/') { text.insert(0, d->currUrl); } // in case we have a selection defined and someone patched the file- // name, we check, if the end of the new name is changed. if (!selection.isNull()) { int position = text.lastIndexOf('/'); ASSERT(position >= 0); // we already inserted the current d->dirLister in case QString filename = text.mid(position + 1, text.length()); if (filename != selection) { selection.clear(); } } QUrl u(text); // I have to take care of entered URLs bool filenameEntered = false; if (u.isLocalFile()) { // the empty path is kind of a hack KFileItem i("", u.toLocalFile()); if (i.isDir()) { setUrl(text, true); } else { if (takeFiles) if (acceptOnlyExisting && !i.isFile()) { warning("you entered an invalid URL"); } else { filenameEntered = true; } } } else { setUrl(text, true); } if (filenameEntered) { filename_ = u.url(); emit fileSelected(filename_); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); accept(); } #endif // qDebug() << "TODO KDirOperator::checkPath()"; } void KDirOperator::setUrl(const QUrl &_newurl, bool clearforward) { QUrl newurl; if (!_newurl.isValid()) { newurl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath()); } else { newurl = _newurl.adjusted(QUrl::NormalizePathSegments); } if (!newurl.path().isEmpty() && !newurl.path().endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { newurl.setPath(newurl.path() + QLatin1Char('/')); } // already set if (newurl.matches(d->currUrl, QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) { return; } if (!d->isSchemeSupported(newurl.scheme())) return; if (!Private::isReadable(newurl)) { // maybe newurl is a file? check its parent directory newurl = newurl.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename | QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); if (newurl.matches(d->currUrl, QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) { return; // parent is current dir, nothing to do (fixes #173454, too) } KIO::StatJob *job = KIO::stat(newurl); KJobWidgets::setWindow(job, this); bool res = job->exec(); KIO::UDSEntry entry = job->statResult(); KFileItem i(entry, newurl); if ((!res || !Private::isReadable(newurl)) && i.isDir()) { resetCursor(); KMessageBox::error(d->itemView, i18n("The specified folder does not exist " "or was not readable.")); return; } else if (!i.isDir()) { return; } } if (clearforward) { // autodelete should remove this one d->backStack.push(new QUrl(d->currUrl)); qDeleteAll(d->forwardStack); d->forwardStack.clear(); } d->lastURL = d->currUrl.toString(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); d->currUrl = newurl; pathChanged(); emit urlEntered(newurl); // enable/disable actions QAction *forwardAction = d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("forward")); forwardAction->setEnabled(!d->forwardStack.isEmpty()); QAction *backAction = d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("back")); backAction->setEnabled(!d->backStack.isEmpty()); QAction *upAction = d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("up")); upAction->setEnabled(!isRoot()); d->openUrl(newurl); } void KDirOperator::updateDir() { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); d->dirLister->emitChanges(); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } void KDirOperator::rereadDir() { pathChanged(); d->openUrl(d->currUrl, KDirLister::Reload); } bool KDirOperator::Private::isSchemeSupported(const QString &scheme) const { return supportedSchemes.isEmpty() || supportedSchemes.contains(scheme); } bool KDirOperator::Private::openUrl(const QUrl &url, KDirLister::OpenUrlFlags flags) { const bool result = KProtocolManager::supportsListing(url) && isSchemeSupported(url.scheme()) && dirLister->openUrl(url, flags); if (!result) { // in that case, neither completed() nor canceled() will be emitted by KDL _k_slotCanceled(); } return result; } int KDirOperator::Private::sortColumn() const { int column = KDirModel::Name; if (KFile::isSortByDate(sorting)) { column = KDirModel::ModifiedTime; } else if (KFile::isSortBySize(sorting)) { column = KDirModel::Size; } else if (KFile::isSortByType(sorting)) { column = KDirModel::Type; } else { Q_ASSERT(KFile::isSortByName(sorting)); } return column; } Qt::SortOrder KDirOperator::Private::sortOrder() const { return (sorting & QDir::Reversed) ? Qt::DescendingOrder : Qt::AscendingOrder; } void KDirOperator::Private::updateSorting(QDir::SortFlags sort) { // qDebug() << "changing sort flags from" << sorting << "to" << sort; if (sort == sorting) { return; } if ((sorting ^ sort) & QDir::DirsFirst) { // The "Folders First" setting has been changed. // We need to make sure that the files and folders are really re-sorted. // Without the following intermediate "fake resorting", // QSortFilterProxyModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) // would do nothing because neither the column nor the sort order have been changed. Qt::SortOrder tmpSortOrder = (sortOrder() == Qt::AscendingOrder ? Qt::DescendingOrder : Qt::AscendingOrder); proxyModel->sort(sortOrder(), tmpSortOrder); proxyModel->setSortFoldersFirst(sort & QDir::DirsFirst); } sorting = sort; parent->updateSortActions(); proxyModel->sort(sortColumn(), sortOrder()); // TODO: The headers from QTreeView don't take care about a sorting // change of the proxy model hence they must be updated the manually. // This is done here by a qobject_cast, but it would be nicer to: // - provide a signal 'sortingChanged()' // - connect KDirOperatorDetailView() with this signal and update the // header internally QTreeView *treeView = qobject_cast(itemView); if (treeView != nullptr) { QHeaderView *headerView = treeView->header(); headerView->blockSignals(true); headerView->setSortIndicator(sortColumn(), sortOrder()); headerView->blockSignals(false); } _k_assureVisibleSelection(); } // Protected void KDirOperator::pathChanged() { if (d->itemView == nullptr) { return; } d->pendingMimeTypes.clear(); //d->fileView->clear(); TODO d->completion.clear(); d->dirCompletion.clear(); // it may be, that we weren't ready at this time QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // when KIO::Job emits finished, the slot will restore the cursor QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); if (!Private::isReadable(d->currUrl)) { KMessageBox::error(d->itemView, i18n("The specified folder does not exist " "or was not readable.")); if (d->backStack.isEmpty()) { home(); } else { back(); } } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotRedirected(const QUrl &newURL) { currUrl = newURL; pendingMimeTypes.clear(); completion.clear(); dirCompletion.clear(); completeListDirty = true; emit parent->urlEntered(newURL); } // Code pinched from kfm then hacked void KDirOperator::back() { if (d->backStack.isEmpty()) { return; } d->forwardStack.push(new QUrl(d->currUrl)); QUrl *s = d->backStack.pop(); setUrl(*s, false); delete s; } // Code pinched from kfm then hacked void KDirOperator::forward() { if (d->forwardStack.isEmpty()) { return; } d->backStack.push(new QUrl(d->currUrl)); QUrl *s = d->forwardStack.pop(); setUrl(*s, false); delete s; } QUrl KDirOperator::url() const { return d->currUrl; } void KDirOperator::cdUp() { // Allow /d/c// to go up to /d/ instead of /d/c/ QUrl tmp(d->currUrl.adjusted(QUrl::NormalizePathSegments)); setUrl(tmp.resolved(QUrl(QStringLiteral(".."))), true); } void KDirOperator::home() { setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath()), true); } void KDirOperator::clearFilter() { d->dirLister->setNameFilter(QString()); d->dirLister->clearMimeFilter(); checkPreviewSupport(); } void KDirOperator::setNameFilter(const QString &filter) { d->dirLister->setNameFilter(filter); checkPreviewSupport(); } QString KDirOperator::nameFilter() const { return d->dirLister->nameFilter(); } void KDirOperator::setMimeFilter(const QStringList &mimetypes) { d->dirLister->setMimeFilter(mimetypes); checkPreviewSupport(); } QStringList KDirOperator::mimeFilter() const { return d->dirLister->mimeFilters(); } void KDirOperator::setNewFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes(const QStringList &mimeTypes) { d->newFileMenu->setSupportedMimeTypes(mimeTypes); } QStringList KDirOperator::newFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes() const { return d->newFileMenu->supportedMimeTypes(); } bool KDirOperator::checkPreviewSupport() { KToggleAction *previewAction = static_cast(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("preview"))); bool hasPreviewSupport = false; KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), ConfigGroup); if (cg.readEntry("Show Default Preview", true)) { hasPreviewSupport = d->checkPreviewInternal(); } previewAction->setEnabled(hasPreviewSupport); return hasPreviewSupport; } void KDirOperator::activatedMenu(const KFileItem &item, const QPoint &pos) { updateSelectionDependentActions(); d->newFileMenu->setPopupFiles(QList() << item.url()); d->newFileMenu->setViewShowsHiddenFiles(showHiddenFiles()); d->newFileMenu->checkUpToDate(); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("new"))->setEnabled(item.isDir()); emit contextMenuAboutToShow(item, d->actionMenu->menu()); d->actionMenu->menu()->exec(pos); } void KDirOperator::changeEvent(QEvent *event) { QWidget::changeEvent(event); } bool KDirOperator::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(watched); // If we are not hovering any items, check if there is a current index // set. In that case, we show the preview of that item. switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::MouseMove: { if (d->preview && !d->preview->isHidden()) { const QModelIndex hoveredIndex = d->itemView->indexAt(d->itemView->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); if (d->lastHoveredIndex == hoveredIndex) { return QWidget::eventFilter(watched, event); } d->lastHoveredIndex = hoveredIndex; const QModelIndex focusedIndex = d->itemView->selectionModel() ? d->itemView->selectionModel()->currentIndex() : QModelIndex(); if (!hoveredIndex.isValid() && focusedIndex.isValid() && d->itemView->selectionModel()->isSelected(focusedIndex) && (d->lastHoveredIndex != focusedIndex)) { const QModelIndex sourceFocusedIndex = d->proxyModel->mapToSource(focusedIndex); const KFileItem item = d->dirModel->itemForIndex(sourceFocusedIndex); if (!item.isNull()) { d->preview->showPreview(item.url()); } } } } break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: { if (d->preview != nullptr && !d->preview->isHidden()) { const QModelIndex hoveredIndex = d->itemView->indexAt(d->itemView->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); const QModelIndex focusedIndex = d->itemView->selectionModel() ? d->itemView->selectionModel()->currentIndex() : QModelIndex(); if (((!focusedIndex.isValid()) || !d->itemView->selectionModel()->isSelected(focusedIndex)) && (!hoveredIndex.isValid())) { d->preview->clearPreview(); } } QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast(event); if (mouseEvent) { switch (mouseEvent->button()) { case Qt::BackButton: back(); break; case Qt::ForwardButton: forward(); break; default: break; } } } break; case QEvent::Wheel: { QWheelEvent *evt = static_cast(event); if (evt->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { if (evt->angleDelta().y() > 0) { setIconsZoom(d->iconsZoom + 10); } else { setIconsZoom(d->iconsZoom - 10); } return true; } } break; case QEvent::DragEnter: { // Accepts drops of one file or folder only QDragEnterEvent *evt = static_cast(event); const QList urls = KUrlMimeData::urlsFromMimeData(evt->mimeData(), KUrlMimeData::DecodeOptions::PreferLocalUrls); // only one file/folder can be dropped at the moment if (urls.size() != 1) { evt->ignore(); } else { // mimetype filtering bool mimeFilterPass = true; const QStringList mimeFilters = d->dirLister->mimeFilters(); if (mimeFilters.size() > 1) { mimeFilterPass = false; const QUrl &url = urls.constFirst(); QMimeDatabase mimeDataBase; QMimeType fileMimeType = mimeDataBase.mimeTypeForUrl(url); QRegularExpression regex; for (const auto& mimeFilter : mimeFilters) { regex.setPattern(mimeFilter); if (regex.match(fileMimeType.name()).hasMatch()) { // matches! mimeFilterPass = true; break; } } } event->setAccepted(mimeFilterPass); } return true; } case QEvent::Drop: { QDropEvent *evt = static_cast(event); const QList urls = KUrlMimeData::urlsFromMimeData(evt->mimeData(), KUrlMimeData::DecodeOptions::PreferLocalUrls); const QUrl &url = urls.constFirst(); // stat the url to get details KIO::StatJob *job = KIO::stat(url, KIO::HideProgressInfo); job->exec(); setFocus(); KIO::UDSEntry entry = job->statResult(); if (entry.isDir()) { // if this was a directory setUrl(url, false); } else { // if the current url is not known if (d->dirLister->findByUrl(url).isNull()) { setUrl(url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename), false); // Will set the current item once loading has finished auto urlSetterClosure = [this, url](){ setCurrentItem(url); QObject::disconnect(d->m_connection); }; d->m_connection = connect(this, &KDirOperator::finishedLoading, this, urlSetterClosure); } else { setCurrentItem(url); } } evt->accept(); return true; } case QEvent::KeyPress: { QKeyEvent *evt = static_cast(event); if (evt->key() == Qt::Key_Return || evt->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { // when no elements are selected and Return/Enter is pressed // emit keyEnterReturnPressed // let activated event be emitted by subsequent QAbstractItemView::keyPress otherwise if (!d->itemView->currentIndex().isValid()) { emit keyEnterReturnPressed(); evt->accept(); return true; } } } default: break; } return QWidget::eventFilter(watched, event); } bool KDirOperator::Private::checkPreviewInternal() const { const QStringList supported = KIO::PreviewJob::supportedMimeTypes(); // no preview support for directories? if (parent->dirOnlyMode() && supported.indexOf(QLatin1String("inode/directory")) == -1) { return false; } const QStringList mimeTypes = dirLister->mimeFilters(); const QStringList nameFilters = dirLister->nameFilter().split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (mimeTypes.isEmpty() && nameFilters.isEmpty() && !supported.isEmpty()) { return true; } else { QMimeDatabase db; QRegularExpression re; if (!mimeTypes.isEmpty()) { for (const QString &str : supported) { // wilcard matching because the "mimetype" can be "image/*" re.setPattern(QRegularExpression::wildcardToRegularExpression(str)); if (mimeTypes.indexOf(re) != -1) { // matches! -> we want previews return true; } } } if (!nameFilters.isEmpty()) { // find the mimetypes of all the filter-patterns for (const QString &filter : nameFilters) { if (filter == QLatin1Char('*')) { return true; } const QMimeType mt = db.mimeTypeForFile(filter, QMimeDatabase::MatchExtension /*fast mode, no file contents exist*/); if (!mt.isValid()) { continue; } const QString mime = mt.name(); for (const QString &str : supported) { // the "mimetypes" we get from the PreviewJob can be "image/*" // so we need to check in wildcard mode re.setPattern(QRegularExpression::wildcardToRegularExpression(str)); if (re.match(mime).hasMatch()) { return true; } } } } } return false; } QAbstractItemView *KDirOperator::createView(QWidget *parent, KFile::FileView viewKind) { QAbstractItemView *itemView = nullptr; if (KFile::isDetailView(viewKind) || KFile::isTreeView(viewKind) || KFile::isDetailTreeView(viewKind)) { KDirOperatorDetailView *detailView = new KDirOperatorDetailView(parent); detailView->setViewMode(viewKind); itemView = detailView; } else { itemView = new KDirOperatorIconView(parent, decorationPosition()); } return itemView; } void KDirOperator::setAcceptDrops(bool acceptsDrops) { QWidget::setAcceptDrops(acceptsDrops); if (view()) { view()->setAcceptDrops(acceptsDrops); if (acceptsDrops) { view()->installEventFilter(this); } else { view()->removeEventFilter(this); } } } void KDirOperator::setDropOptions(int options) { d->dropOptions = options; // TODO: //if (d->fileView) // d->fileView->setDropOptions(options); } void KDirOperator::setView(KFile::FileView viewKind) { bool preview = (KFile::isPreviewInfo(viewKind) || KFile::isPreviewContents(viewKind)); if (viewKind == KFile::Default) { if (KFile::isDetailView((KFile::FileView)d->defaultView)) { viewKind = KFile::Detail; } else if (KFile::isTreeView((KFile::FileView)d->defaultView)) { viewKind = KFile::Tree; } else if (KFile::isDetailTreeView((KFile::FileView)d->defaultView)) { viewKind = KFile::DetailTree; } else { viewKind = KFile::Simple; } const KFile::FileView defaultViewKind = static_cast(d->defaultView); preview = (KFile::isPreviewInfo(defaultViewKind) || KFile::isPreviewContents(defaultViewKind)) && d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("preview"))->isEnabled(); } d->viewKind = static_cast(viewKind); viewKind = static_cast(d->viewKind); QAbstractItemView *newView = createView(this, viewKind); setView(newView); if (acceptDrops()) { newView->setAcceptDrops(true); newView->installEventFilter(this); } d->_k_togglePreview(preview); } KFile::FileView KDirOperator::viewMode() const { return static_cast(d->viewKind); } QAbstractItemView *KDirOperator::view() const { return d->itemView; } KFile::Modes KDirOperator::mode() const { return d->mode; } void KDirOperator::setMode(KFile::Modes mode) { if (d->mode == mode) { return; } d->mode = mode; d->dirLister->setDirOnlyMode(dirOnlyMode()); // reset the view with the different mode if (d->itemView != nullptr) { setView(static_cast(d->viewKind)); } } void KDirOperator::setView(QAbstractItemView *view) { if (view == d->itemView) { return; } // TODO: do a real timer and restart it after that d->pendingMimeTypes.clear(); const bool listDir = (d->itemView == nullptr); if (d->mode & KFile::Files) { view->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); } else { view->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); } QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = nullptr; if ((d->itemView != nullptr) && d->itemView->selectionModel()->hasSelection()) { // remember the selection of the current item view and apply this selection // to the new view later const QItemSelection selection = d->itemView->selectionModel()->selection(); selectionModel = new QItemSelectionModel(d->proxyModel, this); selectionModel->select(selection, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } setFocusProxy(nullptr); delete d->itemView; d->itemView = view; d->itemView->setModel(d->proxyModel); setFocusProxy(d->itemView); view->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); KFileItemDelegate *delegate = new KFileItemDelegate(d->itemView); d->itemView->setItemDelegate(delegate); d->itemView->viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover); d->itemView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); d->itemView->setMouseTracking(true); //d->itemView->setDropOptions(d->dropOptions); // first push our settings to the view, then listen for changes from the view QTreeView *treeView = qobject_cast(d->itemView); if (treeView) { QHeaderView *headerView = treeView->header(); headerView->setSortIndicator(d->sortColumn(), d->sortOrder()); connect(headerView, SIGNAL(sortIndicatorChanged(int,Qt::SortOrder)), this, SLOT(_k_synchronizeSortingState(int,Qt::SortOrder))); } connect(d->itemView, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(_k_slotActivated(QModelIndex))); connect(d->itemView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(_k_openContextMenu(QPoint))); connect(d->itemView, SIGNAL(entered(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(_k_triggerPreview(QModelIndex))); d->splitter->insertWidget(0, d->itemView); d->splitter->resize(size()); d->itemView->show(); if (listDir) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); d->openUrl(d->currUrl); } if (selectionModel != nullptr) { d->itemView->setSelectionModel(selectionModel); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "_k_assureVisibleSelection", Qt::QueuedConnection); } connect(d->itemView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(_k_triggerPreview(QModelIndex))); connect(d->itemView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(_k_slotSelectionChanged())); // if we cannot cast it to a QListView, disable the "Icon Position" menu. Note that this check // needs to be done here, and not in createView, since we can be set an external view d->decorationMenu->setEnabled(qobject_cast(d->itemView)); d->shouldFetchForItems = qobject_cast(view); if (d->shouldFetchForItems) { connect(d->dirModel, SIGNAL(expand(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(_k_slotExpandToUrl(QModelIndex))); } else { d->itemsToBeSetAsCurrent.clear(); } const bool previewForcedToTrue = d->inlinePreviewState == Private::ForcedToTrue; const bool previewShown = d->inlinePreviewState == Private::NotForced ? d->showPreviews : previewForcedToTrue; d->previewGenerator = new KFilePreviewGenerator(d->itemView); const int maxSize = KIconLoader::SizeEnormous - KIconLoader::SizeSmall; const int val = (maxSize * d->iconsZoom / 100) + KIconLoader::SizeSmall; d->itemView->setIconSize(previewForcedToTrue ? QSize(KIconLoader::SizeHuge, KIconLoader::SizeHuge) : QSize(val, val)); d->previewGenerator->setPreviewShown(previewShown); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("inline preview"))->setChecked(previewShown); // ensure we change everything needed d->_k_slotChangeDecorationPosition(); updateViewActions(); emit viewChanged(view); const int zoom = previewForcedToTrue ? (KIconLoader::SizeHuge - KIconLoader::SizeSmall + 1) * 100 / maxSize : d->iconSizeForViewType(view); // this will make d->iconsZoom be updated, since setIconsZoom slot will be called emit currentIconSizeChanged(zoom); } void KDirOperator::setDirLister(KDirLister *lister) { if (lister == d->dirLister) { // sanity check return; } delete d->dirModel; d->dirModel = nullptr; delete d->proxyModel; d->proxyModel = nullptr; //delete d->dirLister; // deleted by KDirModel already, which took ownership d->dirLister = lister; d->dirModel = new KDirModel(); d->dirModel->setDirLister(d->dirLister); d->dirModel->setDropsAllowed(KDirModel::DropOnDirectory); d->shouldFetchForItems = qobject_cast(d->itemView); if (d->shouldFetchForItems) { connect(d->dirModel, SIGNAL(expand(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(_k_slotExpandToUrl(QModelIndex))); } else { d->itemsToBeSetAsCurrent.clear(); } d->proxyModel = new KDirSortFilterProxyModel(this); d->proxyModel->setSourceModel(d->dirModel); d->dirLister->setDelayedMimeTypes(true); QWidget *mainWidget = topLevelWidget(); d->dirLister->setMainWindow(mainWidget); // qDebug() << "mainWidget=" << mainWidget; connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(percent(int)), SLOT(_k_slotProgress(int))); connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(started(QUrl)), SLOT(_k_slotStarted())); connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(completed()), SLOT(_k_slotIOFinished())); connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(canceled()), SLOT(_k_slotCanceled())); connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(redirection(QUrl)), SLOT(_k_slotRedirected(QUrl))); connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(newItems(KFileItemList)), SLOT(_k_slotItemsChanged())); connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(itemsDeleted(KFileItemList)), SLOT(_k_slotItemsChanged())); connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(itemsFilteredByMime(KFileItemList)), SLOT(_k_slotItemsChanged())); connect(d->dirLister, SIGNAL(clear()), SLOT(_k_slotItemsChanged())); } void KDirOperator::selectDir(const KFileItem &item) { setUrl(item.targetUrl(), true); } void KDirOperator::selectFile(const KFileItem &item) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); emit fileSelected(item); } void KDirOperator::highlightFile(const KFileItem &item) { if ((d->preview != nullptr && !d->preview->isHidden()) && !item.isNull()) { d->preview->showPreview(item.url()); } emit fileHighlighted(item); } void KDirOperator::setCurrentItem(const QUrl &url) { // qDebug(); KFileItem item = d->dirLister->findByUrl(url); if (d->shouldFetchForItems && item.isNull()) { d->itemsToBeSetAsCurrent << url; d->dirModel->expandToUrl(url); return; } setCurrentItem(item); } void KDirOperator::setCurrentItem(const KFileItem &item) { // qDebug(); if (!d->itemView) { return; } QItemSelectionModel *selModel = d->itemView->selectionModel(); if (selModel) { selModel->clear(); if (!item.isNull()) { const QModelIndex dirIndex = d->dirModel->indexForItem(item); const QModelIndex proxyIndex = d->proxyModel->mapFromSource(dirIndex); selModel->setCurrentIndex(proxyIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } } } void KDirOperator::setCurrentItems(const QList &urls) { // qDebug(); if (!d->itemView) { return; } KFileItemList itemList; for (const QUrl &url : urls) { KFileItem item = d->dirLister->findByUrl(url); if (d->shouldFetchForItems && item.isNull()) { d->itemsToBeSetAsCurrent << url; d->dirModel->expandToUrl(url); continue; } itemList << item; } setCurrentItems(itemList); } void KDirOperator::setCurrentItems(const KFileItemList &items) { // qDebug(); if (d->itemView == nullptr) { return; } QItemSelectionModel *selModel = d->itemView->selectionModel(); if (selModel) { selModel->clear(); QModelIndex proxyIndex; for (const KFileItem &item : items) { if (!item.isNull()) { const QModelIndex dirIndex = d->dirModel->indexForItem(item); proxyIndex = d->proxyModel->mapFromSource(dirIndex); selModel->select(proxyIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } } if (proxyIndex.isValid()) { selModel->setCurrentIndex(proxyIndex, QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate); } } } QString KDirOperator::makeCompletion(const QString &string) { if (string.isEmpty()) { d->itemView->selectionModel()->clear(); return QString(); } prepareCompletionObjects(); return d->completion.makeCompletion(string); } QString KDirOperator::makeDirCompletion(const QString &string) { if (string.isEmpty()) { d->itemView->selectionModel()->clear(); return QString(); } prepareCompletionObjects(); return d->dirCompletion.makeCompletion(string); } void KDirOperator::prepareCompletionObjects() { if (d->itemView == nullptr) { return; } if (d->completeListDirty) { // create the list of all possible completions const KFileItemList itemList = d->dirLister->items(); for (const KFileItem &item : itemList) { d->completion.addItem(item.name()); if (item.isDir()) { d->dirCompletion.addItem(item.name()); } } d->completeListDirty = false; } } void KDirOperator::slotCompletionMatch(const QString &match) { QUrl url(match); if (url.isRelative()) { url = d->currUrl.resolved(url); } setCurrentItem(url); emit completion(match); } void KDirOperator::setupActions() { d->actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this); d->actionCollection->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("KDirOperator::actionCollection")); d->actionMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Menu"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("popupMenu"), d->actionMenu); QAction *upAction = d->actionCollection->addAction(KStandardAction::Up, QStringLiteral("up"), this, SLOT(cdUp())); upAction->setText(i18n("Parent Folder")); QAction *backAction = d->actionCollection->addAction(KStandardAction::Back, QStringLiteral("back"), this, SLOT(back())); backAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Backspace); d->actionCollection->addAction(KStandardAction::Forward, QStringLiteral("forward"), this, SLOT(forward())); QAction *homeAction = d->actionCollection->addAction(KStandardAction::Home, QStringLiteral("home"), this, SLOT(home())); homeAction->setText(i18n("Home Folder")); QAction *reloadAction = d->actionCollection->addAction(KStandardAction::Redisplay, QStringLiteral("reload"), this, SLOT(rereadDir())); reloadAction->setText(i18n("Reload")); reloadAction->setShortcuts(KStandardShortcut::shortcut(KStandardShortcut::Reload)); QAction *mkdirAction = new QAction(i18n("New Folder..."), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("mkdir"), mkdirAction); mkdirAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("folder-new"))); connect(mkdirAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(mkdir())); + QAction *rename = KStandardAction::renameFile(this, &KDirOperator::renameSelected, this); + d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("rename"), rename); + QAction *trash = new QAction(i18n("Move to Trash"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("trash"), trash); trash->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("user-trash"))); trash->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Delete); connect(trash, &QAction::triggered, this, &KDirOperator::trashSelected); QAction *action = new QAction(i18n("Delete"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("delete"), action); action->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-delete"))); action->setShortcut(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Delete); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &KDirOperator::deleteSelected); // the sort menu actions KActionMenu *sortMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Sorting"), this); sortMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-sort"))); sortMenu->setDelayed(false); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("sorting menu"), sortMenu); KToggleAction *byNameAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Sort by Name"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("by name"), byNameAction); connect(byNameAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotSortByName())); KToggleAction *bySizeAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Sort by Size"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("by size"), bySizeAction); connect(bySizeAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotSortBySize())); KToggleAction *byDateAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Sort by Date"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("by date"), byDateAction); connect(byDateAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotSortByDate())); KToggleAction *byTypeAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Sort by Type"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("by type"), byTypeAction); connect(byTypeAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotSortByType())); QActionGroup *sortOrderGroup = new QActionGroup(this); sortOrderGroup->setExclusive(true); KToggleAction *ascendingAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Ascending"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("ascending"), ascendingAction); ascendingAction->setActionGroup(sortOrderGroup); connect(ascendingAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { this->d->_k_slotSortReversed(false); }); KToggleAction *descendingAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Descending"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("descending"), descendingAction); descendingAction->setActionGroup(sortOrderGroup); connect(descendingAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { this->d->_k_slotSortReversed(true); }); KToggleAction *dirsFirstAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Folders First"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("dirs first"), dirsFirstAction); connect(dirsFirstAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotToggleDirsFirst())); // View modes that match those of Dolphin KToggleAction *iconsViewAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Icons View"), this); iconsViewAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-icons"))); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("icons view"), iconsViewAction); connect(iconsViewAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotIconsView())); KToggleAction *compactViewAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Compact View"), this); compactViewAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-details"))); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("compact view"), compactViewAction); connect(compactViewAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotCompactView())); KToggleAction *detailsViewAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Details View"), this); detailsViewAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-tree"))); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("details view"), detailsViewAction); connect(detailsViewAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotDetailsView())); QActionGroup *viewModeGroup = new QActionGroup(this); viewModeGroup->setExclusive(true); iconsViewAction->setActionGroup(viewModeGroup); compactViewAction->setActionGroup(viewModeGroup); detailsViewAction->setActionGroup(viewModeGroup); QActionGroup *sortGroup = new QActionGroup(this); byNameAction->setActionGroup(sortGroup); bySizeAction->setActionGroup(sortGroup); byDateAction->setActionGroup(sortGroup); byTypeAction->setActionGroup(sortGroup); d->decorationMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Icon Position"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("decoration menu"), d->decorationMenu); d->leftAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Next to File Name"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("decorationAtLeft"), d->leftAction); connect(d->leftAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotChangeDecorationPosition())); KToggleAction *topAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Above File Name"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("decorationAtTop"), topAction); connect(topAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotChangeDecorationPosition())); d->decorationMenu->addAction(d->leftAction); d->decorationMenu->addAction(topAction); QActionGroup *decorationGroup = new QActionGroup(this); decorationGroup->setExclusive(true); d->leftAction->setActionGroup(decorationGroup); topAction->setActionGroup(decorationGroup); KToggleAction *shortAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Short View"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("short view"), shortAction); shortAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-icons"))); connect(shortAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(_k_slotSimpleView())); KToggleAction *detailedAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Detailed View"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("detailed view"), detailedAction); detailedAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-details"))); connect(detailedAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(_k_slotDetailedView())); KToggleAction *treeAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Tree View"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("tree view"), treeAction); treeAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-tree"))); connect(treeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(_k_slotTreeView())); KToggleAction *detailedTreeAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Detailed Tree View"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("detailed tree view"), detailedTreeAction); detailedTreeAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-tree"))); connect(detailedTreeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(_k_slotDetailedTreeView())); QActionGroup *viewGroup = new QActionGroup(this); shortAction->setActionGroup(viewGroup); detailedAction->setActionGroup(viewGroup); treeAction->setActionGroup(viewGroup); detailedTreeAction->setActionGroup(viewGroup); KToggleAction *allowExpansionAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Allow Expansion in Details View"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("allow expansion"), allowExpansionAction); connect(allowExpansionAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(_k_slotToggleAllowExpansion(bool))); KToggleAction *showHiddenAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Hidden Files"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("show hidden"), showHiddenAction); showHiddenAction->setShortcuts({Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Period, Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_H, Qt::Key_F8}); connect(showHiddenAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(_k_slotToggleHidden(bool))); KToggleAction *previewAction = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Preview Panel"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("preview"), previewAction); previewAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F11); connect(previewAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(_k_togglePreview(bool))); KToggleAction *inlinePreview = new KToggleAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-preview")), i18n("Show Preview"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("inline preview"), inlinePreview); inlinePreview->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F12); connect(inlinePreview, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(_k_toggleInlinePreviews(bool))); QAction *fileManager = new QAction(i18n("Open Containing Folder"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("file manager"), fileManager); fileManager->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("system-file-manager"))); connect(fileManager, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(_k_slotOpenFileManager())); action = new QAction(i18n("Properties"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("properties"), action); action->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-properties"))); action->setShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Return); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(_k_slotProperties())); // the view menu actions KActionMenu *viewMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("&View"), this); d->actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("view menu"), viewMenu); viewMenu->addAction(shortAction); viewMenu->addAction(detailedAction); // Comment following lines to hide the extra two modes viewMenu->addAction(treeAction); viewMenu->addAction(detailedTreeAction); // TODO: QAbstractItemView does not offer an action collection. Provide // an interface to add a custom action collection. d->newFileMenu = new KNewFileMenu(d->actionCollection, QStringLiteral("new"), this); connect(d->newFileMenu, SIGNAL(directoryCreated(QUrl)), this, SLOT(_k_slotDirectoryCreated(QUrl))); d->actionCollection->addAssociatedWidget(this); const QList list = d->actionCollection->actions(); for (QAction *action : list) { action->setShortcutContext(Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut); } } void KDirOperator::setupMenu() { setupMenu(SortActions | ViewActions | FileActions); } void KDirOperator::setupMenu(int whichActions) { // first fill the submenus (sort and view) KActionMenu *sortMenu = static_cast(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("sorting menu"))); sortMenu->menu()->clear(); sortMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("by name"))); sortMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("by size"))); sortMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("by date"))); sortMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("by type"))); sortMenu->addSeparator(); sortMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("ascending"))); sortMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("descending"))); sortMenu->addSeparator(); sortMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("dirs first"))); // now plug everything into the popupmenu d->actionMenu->menu()->clear(); if (whichActions & NavActions) { d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("up"))); d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("back"))); d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("forward"))); d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("home"))); d->actionMenu->addSeparator(); } if (whichActions & FileActions) { d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("new"))); + + d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("rename"))); + d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("rename"))->setEnabled(KProtocolManager::supportsMoving(d->currUrl)); + if (d->currUrl.isLocalFile() && !(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) { d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("trash"))); } KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QStringLiteral("KDE")); const bool del = !d->currUrl.isLocalFile() || (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) || cg.readEntry("ShowDeleteCommand", false); if (del) { d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("delete"))); } d->actionMenu->addSeparator(); } if (whichActions & SortActions) { d->actionMenu->addAction(sortMenu); if (!(whichActions & ViewActions)) { d->actionMenu->addSeparator(); } } if (whichActions & ViewActions) { d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("view menu"))); d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("reload"))); d->actionMenu->addSeparator(); } if (whichActions & FileActions) { d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("file manager"))); d->actionMenu->addAction(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("properties"))); } } void KDirOperator::updateSortActions() { QAction *ascending = d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("ascending")); QAction *descending = d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("descending")); if (KFile::isSortByName(d->sorting)) { d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("by name"))->setChecked(true); descending->setText(i18nc("Sort descending", "Z-A")); ascending->setText(i18nc("Sort ascending", "A-Z")); } else if (KFile::isSortByDate(d->sorting)) { d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("by date"))->setChecked(true); descending->setText(i18nc("Sort descending", "Newest First")); ascending->setText(i18nc("Sort ascending", "Oldest First")); } else if (KFile::isSortBySize(d->sorting)) { d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("by size"))->setChecked(true); descending->setText(i18nc("Sort descending", "Largest First")); ascending->setText(i18nc("Sort ascending", "Smallest First")); } else if (KFile::isSortByType(d->sorting)) { d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("by type"))->setChecked(true); descending->setText(i18nc("Sort descending", "Z-A")); ascending->setText(i18nc("Sort ascending", "A-Z")); } ascending->setChecked(!(d->sorting & QDir::Reversed)); descending->setChecked(d->sorting & QDir::Reversed); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("dirs first"))->setChecked(d->sorting & QDir::DirsFirst); } void KDirOperator::updateViewActions() { KFile::FileView fv = static_cast(d->viewKind); //QAction *separateDirs = d->actionCollection->action("separate dirs"); //separateDirs->setChecked(KFile::isSeparateDirs(fv) && // separateDirs->isEnabled()); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("short view"))->setChecked(KFile::isSimpleView(fv)); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("detailed view"))->setChecked(KFile::isDetailView(fv)); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("tree view"))->setChecked(KFile::isTreeView(fv)); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("detailed tree view"))->setChecked(KFile::isDetailTreeView(fv)); // dolphin style views d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("icons view"))->setChecked(KFile::isSimpleView(fv) && d->decorationPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Top); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("compact view"))->setChecked(KFile::isSimpleView(fv) && d->decorationPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Left); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("details view"))->setChecked(KFile::isDetailTreeView(fv) || KFile::isDetailView(fv)); } void KDirOperator::readConfig(const KConfigGroup &configGroup) { d->defaultView = 0; QString viewStyle = configGroup.readEntry("View Style", "DetailTree"); if (viewStyle == QLatin1String("Detail")) { d->defaultView |= KFile::Detail; } else if (viewStyle == QLatin1String("Tree")) { d->defaultView |= KFile::Tree; } else if (viewStyle == QLatin1String("DetailTree")) { d->defaultView |= KFile::DetailTree; } else { d->defaultView |= KFile::Simple; } //if (configGroup.readEntry(QLatin1String("Separate Directories"), // DefaultMixDirsAndFiles)) { // d->defaultView |= KFile::SeparateDirs; //} if (configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Show Preview"), false)) { d->defaultView |= KFile::PreviewContents; } d->previewWidth = configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Preview Width"), 100); if (configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Show hidden files"), DefaultShowHidden)) { d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("show hidden"))->setChecked(true); d->dirLister->setShowingDotFiles(true); } if (configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Allow Expansion"), DefaultShowHidden)) { d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("allow expansion"))->setChecked(true); } QDir::SortFlags sorting = QDir::Name; if (configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Sort directories first"), DefaultDirsFirst)) { sorting |= QDir::DirsFirst; } QString name = QStringLiteral("Name"); QString sortBy = configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Sort by"), name); if (sortBy == name) { sorting |= QDir::Name; } else if (sortBy == QLatin1String("Size")) { sorting |= QDir::Size; } else if (sortBy == QLatin1String("Date")) { sorting |= QDir::Time; } else if (sortBy == QLatin1String("Type")) { sorting |= QDir::Type; } if (configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Sort reversed"), DefaultSortReversed)) { sorting |= QDir::Reversed; } d->updateSorting(sorting); if (d->inlinePreviewState == Private::NotForced) { d->showPreviews = configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Show Inline Previews"), true); } QStyleOptionViewItem::Position pos = (QStyleOptionViewItem::Position) configGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Decoration position"), (int) QStyleOptionViewItem::Top); setDecorationPosition(pos); } void KDirOperator::writeConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup) { QString sortBy = QStringLiteral("Name"); if (KFile::isSortBySize(d->sorting)) { sortBy = QStringLiteral("Size"); } else if (KFile::isSortByDate(d->sorting)) { sortBy = QStringLiteral("Date"); } else if (KFile::isSortByType(d->sorting)) { sortBy = QStringLiteral("Type"); } configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Sort by"), sortBy); configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Sort reversed"), d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("descending"))->isChecked()); configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Sort directories first"), d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("dirs first"))->isChecked()); // don't save the preview when an application specific preview is in use. bool appSpecificPreview = false; if (d->preview) { KFileMetaPreview *tmp = dynamic_cast(d->preview); appSpecificPreview = (tmp == nullptr); } if (!appSpecificPreview) { KToggleAction *previewAction = static_cast(d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("preview"))); if (previewAction->isEnabled()) { bool hasPreview = previewAction->isChecked(); configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Show Preview"), hasPreview); if (hasPreview) { // remember the width of the preview widget QList sizes = d->splitter->sizes(); Q_ASSERT(sizes.count() == 2); configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Preview Width"), sizes[1]); } } } configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Show hidden files"), d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("show hidden"))->isChecked()); configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Allow Expansion"), d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("allow expansion"))->isChecked()); KFile::FileView fv = static_cast(d->viewKind); QString style; if (KFile::isDetailView(fv)) { style = QStringLiteral("Detail"); } else if (KFile::isSimpleView(fv)) { style = QStringLiteral("Simple"); } else if (KFile::isTreeView(fv)) { style = QStringLiteral("Tree"); } else if (KFile::isDetailTreeView(fv)) { style = QStringLiteral("DetailTree"); } configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("View Style"), style); if (d->inlinePreviewState == Private::NotForced) { configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Show Inline Previews"), d->showPreviews); d->writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded(); } configGroup.writeEntry(QStringLiteral("Decoration position"), (int) d->decorationPosition); } void KDirOperator::Private::writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded() { // must match behavior of iconSizeForViewType if (configGroup && itemView) { ZoomSettingsForView zoomSettings = zoomSettingsForViewForView(); configGroup->writeEntry(zoomSettings.name, iconsZoom); } } void KDirOperator::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { // resize the splitter and assure that the width of // the preview widget is restored QList sizes = d->splitter->sizes(); const bool hasPreview = (sizes.count() == 2); d->splitter->resize(size()); sizes = d->splitter->sizes(); const bool restorePreviewWidth = hasPreview && (d->previewWidth != sizes[1]); if (restorePreviewWidth) { const int availableWidth = sizes[0] + sizes[1]; sizes[0] = availableWidth - d->previewWidth; sizes[1] = d->previewWidth; d->splitter->setSizes(sizes); } if (hasPreview) { d->previewWidth = sizes[1]; } if (d->progressBar->parent() == this) { // might be reparented into a statusbar d->progressBar->move(2, height() - d->progressBar->height() - 2); } } void KDirOperator::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) // TODO KF6 remove { QWidget::keyPressEvent(e); } void KDirOperator::setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles(bool enable) { d->onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles = enable; // TODO: port to QAbstractItemModel //if (d->itemView != 0) { // d->itemView->setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles(enable); //} } bool KDirOperator::onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles() const { return d->onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles; } void KDirOperator::setFollowNewDirectories(bool enable) { d->followNewDirectories = enable; } bool KDirOperator::followNewDirectories() const { return d->followNewDirectories; } void KDirOperator::setFollowSelectedDirectories(bool enable) { d->followSelectedDirectories = enable; } bool KDirOperator::followSelectedDirectories() const { return d->followSelectedDirectories; } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotStarted() { progressBar->setValue(0); // delay showing the progressbar for one second progressDelayTimer->setSingleShot(true); progressDelayTimer->start(1000); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotShowProgress() { progressBar->raise(); progressBar->show(); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotProgress(int percent) { progressBar->setValue(percent); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotIOFinished() { progressDelayTimer->stop(); _k_slotProgress(100); progressBar->hide(); emit parent->finishedLoading(); parent->resetCursor(); if (preview) { preview->clearPreview(); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotCanceled() { emit parent->finishedLoading(); parent->resetCursor(); } QProgressBar *KDirOperator::progressBar() const { return d->progressBar; } void KDirOperator::clearHistory() { qDeleteAll(d->backStack); d->backStack.clear(); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("back"))->setEnabled(false); qDeleteAll(d->forwardStack); d->forwardStack.clear(); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("forward"))->setEnabled(false); } void KDirOperator::setEnableDirHighlighting(bool enable) { d->dirHighlighting = enable; } bool KDirOperator::dirHighlighting() const { return d->dirHighlighting; } bool KDirOperator::dirOnlyMode() const { return dirOnlyMode(d->mode); } bool KDirOperator::dirOnlyMode(uint mode) { return ((mode & KFile::Directory) && (mode & (KFile::File | KFile::Files)) == 0); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotProperties() { if (itemView == nullptr) { return; } const KFileItemList list = parent->selectedItems(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { KPropertiesDialog dialog(list, parent); dialog.exec(); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotActivated(const QModelIndex &index) { const QModelIndex dirIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(index); KFileItem item = dirModel->itemForIndex(dirIndex); const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); if (item.isNull() || (modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) || (modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier)) { return; } if (item.isDir()) { // Only allow disabling following selected directories on Tree and // DetailTree views as selected directories in these views still expand // when selected. For other views, disabling following selected // directories would make selecting a directory a noop which is // unintuitive. if (followSelectedDirectories || (viewKind != KFile::Tree && viewKind != KFile::DetailTree)) { parent->selectDir(item); } } else { parent->selectFile(item); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotSelectionChanged() { if (itemView == nullptr) { return; } // In the multiselection mode each selection change is indicated by // emitting a null item. Also when the selection has been cleared, a // null item must be emitted. const bool multiSelectionMode = (itemView->selectionMode() == QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); const bool hasSelection = itemView->selectionModel()->hasSelection(); if (multiSelectionMode || !hasSelection) { KFileItem nullItem; parent->highlightFile(nullItem); } else { const KFileItem selectedItem = parent->selectedItems().constFirst(); parent->highlightFile(selectedItem); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_openContextMenu(const QPoint &pos) { const QModelIndex proxyIndex = itemView->indexAt(pos); const QModelIndex dirIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(proxyIndex); KFileItem item = dirModel->itemForIndex(dirIndex); if (item.isNull()) { return; } parent->activatedMenu(item, QCursor::pos()); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_triggerPreview(const QModelIndex &index) { if ((preview != nullptr && !preview->isHidden()) && index.isValid() && (index.column() == KDirModel::Name)) { const QModelIndex dirIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(index); const KFileItem item = dirModel->itemForIndex(dirIndex); if (item.isNull()) { return; } if (!item.isDir()) { previewUrl = item.url(); _k_showPreview(); } else { preview->clearPreview(); } } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_showPreview() { if (preview != nullptr) { preview->showPreview(previewUrl); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotSplitterMoved(int, int) { const QList sizes = splitter->sizes(); if (sizes.count() == 2) { // remember the width of the preview widget (see KDirOperator::resizeEvent()) previewWidth = sizes[1]; } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_assureVisibleSelection() { if (itemView == nullptr) { return; } QItemSelectionModel *selModel = itemView->selectionModel(); if (selModel->hasSelection()) { const QModelIndex index = selModel->currentIndex(); itemView->scrollTo(index, QAbstractItemView::EnsureVisible); _k_triggerPreview(index); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_synchronizeSortingState(int logicalIndex, Qt::SortOrder order) { QDir::SortFlags newSort = sorting & ~(QDirSortMask | QDir::Reversed); switch (logicalIndex) { case KDirModel::Name: newSort |= QDir::Name; break; case KDirModel::Size: newSort |= QDir::Size; break; case KDirModel::ModifiedTime: newSort |= QDir::Time; break; case KDirModel::Type: newSort |= QDir::Type; break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); } if (order == Qt::DescendingOrder) { newSort |= QDir::Reversed; } updateSorting(newSort); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent, "_k_assureVisibleSelection", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotChangeDecorationPosition() { if (!itemView) { return; } KDirOperatorIconView *view = qobject_cast(itemView); if (!view) { return; } const bool leftChecked = actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("decorationAtLeft"))->isChecked(); if (leftChecked) { view->setDecorationPosition(QStyleOptionViewItem::Left); } else { view->setDecorationPosition(QStyleOptionViewItem::Top); } itemView->update(); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotExpandToUrl(const QModelIndex &index) { QTreeView *treeView = qobject_cast(itemView); if (!treeView) { return; } const KFileItem item = dirModel->itemForIndex(index); if (item.isNull()) { return; } if (!item.isDir()) { const QModelIndex proxyIndex = proxyModel->mapFromSource(index); QList::Iterator it = itemsToBeSetAsCurrent.begin(); while (it != itemsToBeSetAsCurrent.end()) { const QUrl url = *it; if (url.matches(item.url(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash) || url.isParentOf(item.url())) { const KFileItem _item = dirLister->findByUrl(url); if (!_item.isNull() && _item.isDir()) { const QModelIndex _index = dirModel->indexForItem(_item); const QModelIndex _proxyIndex = proxyModel->mapFromSource(_index); treeView->expand(_proxyIndex); // if we have expanded the last parent of this item, select it if (item.url().adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename | QUrl::StripTrailingSlash) == url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) { treeView->selectionModel()->select(proxyIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } } it = itemsToBeSetAsCurrent.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } else if (!itemsToBeSetAsCurrent.contains(item.url())) { itemsToBeSetAsCurrent << item.url(); } } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotItemsChanged() { completeListDirty = true; } int KDirOperator::Private::iconSizeForViewType(QAbstractItemView *itemView) const { // must match behavior of writeIconZoomSettingsIfNeeded if (!itemView || !configGroup) { return 0; } ZoomSettingsForView ZoomSettingsForView = zoomSettingsForViewForView(); return configGroup->readEntry(ZoomSettingsForView.name, ZoomSettingsForView.defaultValue); } KDirOperator::Private::ZoomSettingsForView KDirOperator::Private::zoomSettingsForViewForView() const { KFile::FileView fv = static_cast(viewKind); if (KFile::isSimpleView(fv)) { if (decorationPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Top){ // Simple view decoration above, aka Icons View // default to 43% aka 64px return {QStringLiteral("iconViewIconSize"), 43}; } else { // Simple view decoration left, aka compact view // default to 15% aka 32px return {QStringLiteral("listViewIconSize"), 15}; } } else { if (KFile::isTreeView(fv)) { return {QStringLiteral("treeViewIconSize"), 0}; } else { // DetailView and DetailTreeView return {QStringLiteral("detailViewIconSize"), 0}; } } } void KDirOperator::setViewConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup) { delete d->configGroup; d->configGroup = new KConfigGroup(configGroup); } KConfigGroup *KDirOperator::viewConfigGroup() const { return d->configGroup; } void KDirOperator::setShowHiddenFiles(bool s) { d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("show hidden"))->setChecked(s); } bool KDirOperator::showHiddenFiles() const { return d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("show hidden"))->isChecked(); } QStyleOptionViewItem::Position KDirOperator::decorationPosition() const { return d->decorationPosition; } void KDirOperator::setDecorationPosition(QStyleOptionViewItem::Position position) { d->decorationPosition = position; const bool decorationAtLeft = d->decorationPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Left; d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("decorationAtLeft"))->setChecked(decorationAtLeft); d->actionCollection->action(QStringLiteral("decorationAtTop"))->setChecked(!decorationAtLeft); } bool KDirOperator::Private::isReadable(const QUrl &url) { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { return true; // what else can we say? } return QDir(url.toLocalFile()).isReadable(); } void KDirOperator::Private::_k_slotDirectoryCreated(const QUrl &url) { if (followNewDirectories) { parent->setUrl(url, true); } } void KDirOperator::setSupportedSchemes(const QStringList &schemes) { d->supportedSchemes = schemes; rereadDir(); } QStringList KDirOperator::supportedSchemes() const { return d->supportedSchemes; } #include "moc_kdiroperator.cpp" diff --git a/src/filewidgets/kdiroperator.h b/src/filewidgets/kdiroperator.h index f9f122f9..847c926b 100644 --- a/src/filewidgets/kdiroperator.h +++ b/src/filewidgets/kdiroperator.h @@ -1,993 +1,1000 @@ // -*- c++ -*- /* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1999 Stephan Kulow 2000,2001 Carsten Pfeiffer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KDIROPERATOR_H_ #define KDIROPERATOR_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kiofilewidgets_export.h" class QAbstractItemView; class QModelIndex; class QProgressBar; class KActionCollection; class KActionMenu; class KConfigGroup; class KDirLister; class KPreviewWidgetBase; class KFilePreviewGenerator; namespace KIO { class CopyJob; class DeleteJob; } /** * @class KDirOperator kdiroperator.h * * This widget works as a network transparent filebrowser. You specify a URL * to display and this url will be loaded via KDirLister. The user can * browse through directories, highlight and select files, delete or rename * files. * * It supports different views, e.g. a detailed view (see KFileDetailView), * a simple icon view (see KFileIconView), a combination of two views, * separating directories and files ( KCombiView). * * Additionally, a preview view is available (see KFilePreview), which can * show either a simple or detailed view and additionally a preview widget * (see setPreviewWidget()). KImageFilePreview is one implementation * of a preview widget, that displays previews for all supported filetypes * utilizing KIO::PreviewJob. * * Currently, those classes don't support Drag&Drop out of the box -- there * you have to use your own view-classes. You can use some DnD-aware views * from Björn Sahlström until they will be integrated * into this library. See http://devel-home.kde.org/~pfeiffer/DnD-classes.tar.gz * * This widget is the one used in the KFileWidget. * * Basic usage is like this: * \code * KDirOperator *op = new KDirOperator(QUrl("file:///home/gis"), this); * // some signals you might be interested in * connect(op, SIGNAL(urlEntered(const QUrl&)), * SLOT(urlEntered(const QUrl&))); * connect(op, SIGNAL(fileHighlighted(const KFileItem &)), * SLOT(fileHighlighted(const KFileItem &))); * connect(op, SIGNAL(fileSelected(const KFileItem &)), * SLOT(fileSelected(const KFileItem &))); * connect(op, SIGNAL(finishedLoading()), * SLOT(slotLoadingFinished())); * * KConfigGroup grp(KSharedConfig::openConfig(),"Your KDiroperator ConfigGroup" ); * op->readConfig( &grp); * op->setView(KFile::Default); * \endcode * * This will create a childwidget of 'this' showing the directory contents * of /home/gis in the default-view. The view is determined by the readConfig() * call, which will read the KDirOperator settings, the user left your program * with (and which you saved with op->writeConfig()). * * @short A widget for displaying files and browsing directories. * @author Stephan Kulow , Carsten Pfeiffer */ class KIOFILEWIDGETS_EXPORT KDirOperator : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: /** * The various action types. These values can be or'd together */ enum ActionType { SortActions = 1, ViewActions = 2, NavActions = 4, FileActions = 8, AllActions = 15 }; /** * Constructs the KDirOperator with no initial view. As the views are * configurable, call readConfig() to load the user's configuration * and then setView to explicitly set a view. * * This constructor doesn't start loading the url, setView will do it. */ explicit KDirOperator(const QUrl &urlName = QUrl(), QWidget *parent = nullptr); /** * Destroys the KDirOperator. */ virtual ~KDirOperator(); /** * Enables/disables showing hidden files. */ virtual void setShowHiddenFiles(bool s); /** * @returns true when hidden files are shown or false otherwise. */ bool showHiddenFiles() const; /** * Stops loading immediately. You don't need to call this, usually. */ void close(); /** * Sets a filter like "*.cpp *.h *.o". Only files matching that filter * will be shown. * * @see KDirLister::setNameFilter * @see nameFilter */ void setNameFilter(const QString &filter); /** * @returns the current namefilter. * @see setNameFilter */ QString nameFilter() const; /** * Sets a list of mimetypes as filter. Only files of those mimetypes * will be shown. * * Example: * \code * QStringList filter; * filter << "text/html" << "image/png" << "inode/directory"; * dirOperator->setMimefilter( filter ); * \endcode * * Node: Without the mimetype inode/directory, only files would be shown. * Call updateDir() to apply it. * * @see KDirLister::setMimeFilter * @see mimeFilter */ void setMimeFilter(const QStringList &mimetypes); /** * @returns the current mime filter. */ QStringList mimeFilter() const; /** * Only show the files in a given set of mimetypes. * This is useful in specialized applications (while file managers, on * the other hand, want to show all mimetypes). Internally uses * KNewFileMenu::setSupportedMimeTypes * * Example: * \code * QStringList mimeTypes; * mimeTypes << "text/html" << "inode/directory"; * dirOperator->setNewFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes(mimeTypes); * \endcode * * Note: If the list is empty, all options will be shown. Otherwise, * without the mimetype inode/directory, only file options will be shown. * * @see KNewFileMenu::setSupportedMimeTypes * @see newFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes * @since 4.5 */ void setNewFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes(const QStringList &mime); /** * @returns the current Supported Mimes Types. * @since 4.5 */ QStringList newFileMenuSupportedMimeTypes() const; /** * Clears both the namefilter and mimetype filter, so that all files and * directories will be shown. Call updateDir() to apply it. * * @see setMimeFilter * @see setNameFilter */ void clearFilter(); /** * @returns the current url */ QUrl url() const; /** * Sets a new url to list. * @param clearforward specifies whether the "forward" history should be cleared. * @param url the URL to set */ virtual void setUrl(const QUrl &url, bool clearforward); /** * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p url * the current url file. */ void setCurrentItem(const QUrl &url); /** * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p item * as the current item. */ void setCurrentItem(const KFileItem &item); /** * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p urls * the current url files. * @since 4.2 */ void setCurrentItems(const QList &urls); /** * Clears the current selection and attempts to set @p items * as the current items. * @since 4.2 */ void setCurrentItems(const KFileItemList &items); /** * Sets a new view to be used for showing and browsing files. * Note: this will read the current url() to fill the view. * * @see KFileTreeView * @see view */ virtual void setView(QAbstractItemView *view); /** * @returns the currently used view. * @see setView */ QAbstractItemView *view() const; /** * Sets one of the predefined fileviews. * @see KFile::FileView */ virtual void setView(KFile::FileView viewKind); /** * Returns the current view mode. * @returns KFile::FileView * @see KFile::FileView * @since 5.0 */ KFile::FileView viewMode() const; /** * Sets the way to sort files and directories. */ void setSorting(QDir::SortFlags); /** * @returns the current way of sorting files and directories */ QDir::SortFlags sorting() const; /** * @returns true if we are displaying the root directory of the current url */ bool isRoot() const; /** * @returns the object listing the directory */ KDirLister *dirLister() const; /** * @returns the progress widget, that is shown during directory listing. * You can for example reparent() it to put it into a statusbar. */ QProgressBar *progressBar() const; /** * Sets the listing/selection mode for the views, an OR'ed combination of * @li File * @li Directory * @li Files * @li ExistingOnly * @li LocalOnly * * You cannot mix File and Files of course, as the former means * single-selection mode, the latter multi-selection. */ virtual void setMode(KFile::Modes m); /** * @returns the listing/selection mode. */ KFile::Modes mode() const; /** * Sets a preview-widget to be shown next to the file-view. * The ownership of @p w is transferred to KDirOperator, so don't * delete it yourself! */ virtual void setPreviewWidget(KPreviewWidgetBase *w); /** * @returns a list of all currently selected items. If there is no view, * or there are no selected items, an empty list is returned. */ KFileItemList selectedItems() const; /** * @returns true if @p item is currently selected, or false otherwise. */ bool isSelected(const KFileItem &item) const; /** * @returns the number of directories in the currently listed url. * Returns 0 if there is no view. */ int numDirs() const; /** * @returns the number of files in the currently listed url. * Returns 0 if there is no view. */ int numFiles() const; /** * @returns a KCompletion object, containing all filenames and * directories of the current directory/URL. * You can use it to insert it into a KLineEdit or KComboBox * Note: it will only contain files, after prepareCompletionObjects() * has been called. It will be implicitly called from makeCompletion() * or makeDirCompletion() */ KCompletion *completionObject() const; /** * @returns a KCompletion object, containing only all directories of the * current directory/URL. * You can use it to insert it into a KLineEdit or KComboBox * Note: it will only contain directories, after * prepareCompletionObjects() has been called. It will be implicitly * called from makeCompletion() or makeDirCompletion() */ KCompletion *dirCompletionObject() const; /** * an accessor to a collection of all available Actions. The actions * are static, they will be there all the time (no need to connect to * the signals KActionCollection::inserted() or removed(). * * There are the following actions: * * @li popupMenu : an ActionMenu presenting a popupmenu with all actions * @li up : changes to the parent directory * @li back : goes back to the previous directory * @li forward : goes forward in the history * @li home : changes to the user's home directory * @li reload : reloads the current directory * @li mkdir : opens a dialog box to create a directory * @li delete : deletes the selected files/directories * @li sorting menu : an ActionMenu containing all sort-options * @li by name : sorts by name * @li by size : sorts by size * @li by date : sorts by date * @li by type : sorts by type * @li descending : reverses the sort order * @li view menu : an ActionMenu containing all actions concerning the view * @li short view : shows a simple fileview * @li detailed view : shows a detailed fileview (dates, permissions ,...) * @li show hidden : shows hidden files * @li preview : shows a preview next to the fileview * @li properties : shows a KPropertiesDialog for the selected files * * The short and detailed view are in an exclusive group. The sort-by * actions are in an exclusive group as well. Also the "separate dirs", * "preview" and "single" actions are in an exclusive group. * * You can e.g. use * \code * actionCollection()->action( "up" )->plug( someToolBar ); * \endcode * to add a button into a toolbar, which makes the dirOperator change to * its parent directory. * * @returns all available Actions */ KActionCollection *actionCollection() const; /** * Sets the config object and the to be used group in KDirOperator. This * will be used to store the view's configuration. * If you don't set this, the views cannot save and restore their * configuration. * * Usually you call this right after KDirOperator creation so that the view * instantiation can make use of it already. * * Note that KDirOperator does NOT take ownership of that object (typically * it's KSharedConfig::openConfig() anyway. * * You must not delete the KConfig or KConfigGroup object (and master config object) before * either deleting the KDirOperator or calling setViewConfig(0); or something like that * * @see viewConfig * @see viewConfigGroup */ virtual void setViewConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup); /** * @returns the group set by setViewConfig configuration. */ KConfigGroup *viewConfigGroup() const; /** * Reads the default settings for a view, i.e. the default KFile::FileView. * Also reads the sorting and whether hidden files should be shown. * Note: the default view will not be set - you have to call * \code * setView( KFile::Default ) * \endcode * to apply it. * * @see setView * @see setViewConfig * @see writeConfig */ virtual void readConfig(const KConfigGroup &configGroup); /** * Saves the current settings like sorting, simple or detailed view. * * @see readConfig * @see setViewConfig */ virtual void writeConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup); /** * This toggles between double/single click file and directory selection mode. * When argument is true, files and directories are highlighted with single click and * selected (executed) with double click. * * NOTE: this currently has no effect. * * The default follows the single/double click system setting. */ void setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles(bool enable); /** * @returns whether files (not directories) should only be select()ed by * double-clicks. * @see setOnlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles */ bool onlyDoubleClickSelectsFiles() const; /** * Toggles whether setUrl is called on newly created directories. * @since 5.62 */ void setFollowNewDirectories(bool enable); /** * @returns true if setUrl is called on newly created directories, false * otherwise. Enabled by default. * @since 5.62 * @see setFollowNewDirectories */ bool followNewDirectories() const; /** * Toggles whether setUrl is called on selected directories when a tree view * is used. * @since 5.62 */ void setFollowSelectedDirectories(bool enable); /** * @returns whether setUrl is called on selected directories when a tree * view is used. Enabled by default. * @since 5.62 */ bool followSelectedDirectories() const; /** * Creates the given directory/url. If it is a relative path, * it will be completed with the current directory. * If enterDirectory is true, the directory will be entered after a * successful operation. If unsuccessful, a messagebox will be presented * to the user. * @returns true if the directory could be created. */ virtual bool mkdir(const QString &directory, bool enterDirectory = true); /** * Starts and returns a KIO::DeleteJob to delete the given @p items. * * @param items the list of items to be deleted * @param parent the parent widget used for the confirmation dialog * @param ask specifies whether a confirmation dialog should be shown * @param showProgress passed to the DeleteJob to show a progress dialog */ virtual KIO::DeleteJob *del(const KFileItemList &items, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool ask = true, bool showProgress = true); /** * Clears the forward and backward history. */ void clearHistory(); /** * When going up in the directory hierarchy, KDirOperator can highlight * the directory that was just left. * * I.e. when you go from /home/gis/src to /home/gis, the item "src" will * be made the current item. * * Default is off. */ virtual void setEnableDirHighlighting(bool enable); /** * @returns whether the last directory will be made the current item * when going up in the directory hierarchy. * * Default is false. */ bool dirHighlighting() const; /** * @returns true if we are in directory-only mode, that is, no files are * shown. */ bool dirOnlyMode() const; static bool dirOnlyMode(uint mode); /** * Sets up the action menu. * @param whichActions is an value of OR'd ActionTypes that controls which actions to show in the action menu */ void setupMenu(int whichActions); /** * Reimplemented - allow dropping of files if @p b is true, defaults to true since 5.59 * @param b true if the widget should allow dropping of files */ virtual void setAcceptDrops(bool b); /** * Sets the options for dropping files. * CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED */ virtual void setDropOptions(int options); /** * Starts and returns a KIO::CopyJob to trash the given @p items. * * @param items the list of items to be trashed * @param parent the parent widget used for the confirmation dialog * @param ask specifies whether a confirmation dialog should be shown * @param showProgress passed to the CopyJob to show a progress dialog */ virtual KIO::CopyJob *trash(const KFileItemList &items, QWidget *parent, bool ask = true, bool showProgress = true); /** * Returns the preview generator for the current view. * @since 4.2 */ KFilePreviewGenerator *previewGenerator() const; /** * Forces the inline previews to be shown or hidden, depending on @p show. * * @param show Whether to show inline previews or not. * @since 4.2 */ void setInlinePreviewShown(bool show); /** * Returns the position where icons are shown relative to the labels * of file items in the icon view. * @since 4.2.3 */ QStyleOptionViewItem::Position decorationPosition() const; /** * Sets the position where icons shall be shown relative to the labels * of file items in the icon view. * @since 4.2.3 */ void setDecorationPosition(QStyleOptionViewItem::Position position); /** * Returns whether the inline previews are shown or not. * @since 4.2 */ bool isInlinePreviewShown() const; /** * Returns the icon zoom. * @since 4.2 */ int iconsZoom() const; /** * If the system is set up to trigger items on single click, if @p isSaving * is true, we will force to double click to accept. * @note this is false by default * @since 4.2 */ void setIsSaving(bool isSaving); /** * Returns whether KDirOperator will force a double click to accept. * @note this is false by default * @since 4.2 */ bool isSaving() const; /** * Returns the URL schemes that the file widget should allow navigating to. * * If the returned list is empty, all schemes are supported. * * @sa QFileDialog::supportedSchemes * @since 5.43 */ QStringList supportedSchemes() const; protected: /** * A view factory for creating predefined fileviews. Called internally by setView, * but you can also call it directly. Reimplement this if you depend on self defined fileviews. * @param parent is the QWidget to be set as parent * @param viewKind is the predefined view to be set, note: this can be several ones OR:ed together * @returns the created view * @see KFile::FileView * @see setView */ virtual QAbstractItemView *createView(QWidget *parent, KFile::FileView viewKind); /** * Sets a custom KDirLister to list directories. * The KDirOperator takes ownership of the given KDirLister. */ virtual void setDirLister(KDirLister *lister); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override; void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override; // TODO KF6 REMOVE /** * Sets up all the actions. Called from the constructor, you usually * better not call this. */ void setupActions(); /** * Updates the sorting-related actions to comply with the current sorting * @see sorting */ void updateSortActions(); /** * Updates the view-related actions to comply with the current * KFile::FileView */ void updateViewActions(); /** * Sets up the context-menu with all the necessary actions. Called from the * constructor, you usually don't need to call this. */ void setupMenu(); /** * Synchronizes the completion objects with the entries of the * currently listed url. * * Automatically called from makeCompletion() and * makeDirCompletion() */ void prepareCompletionObjects(); /** * Checks if there support from KIO::PreviewJob for the currently * shown files, taking mimeFilter() and nameFilter() into account * Enables/disables the preview-action accordingly. */ bool checkPreviewSupport(); /** * Called upon right-click to activate the popupmenu. */ virtual void activatedMenu(const KFileItem &item, const QPoint &pos); void changeEvent(QEvent *event) override; bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override; public Q_SLOTS: /** * Goes one step back in the history and opens that url. */ virtual void back(); /** * Goes one step forward in the history and opens that url. */ virtual void forward(); /** * Enters the home directory. */ virtual void home(); /** * Goes one directory up from the current url. */ virtual void cdUp(); /** * to update the view after changing the settings */ void updateDir(); /** * Re-reads the current url. */ virtual void rereadDir(); /** * Opens a dialog to create a new directory. */ virtual void mkdir(); /** * Deletes the currently selected files/directories. */ virtual void deleteSelected(); /** * Enables/disables actions that are selection dependent. Call this e.g. * when you are about to show a popup menu using some of KDirOperators * actions. */ void updateSelectionDependentActions(); /** * Tries to complete the given string (only completes files). */ QString makeCompletion(const QString &); /** * Tries to complete the given string (only completes directories). */ QString makeDirCompletion(const QString &); + /** + * Initiates a rename operation on the currently selected files/directories, + * prompting the user to choose a new name(s) for the currently selected items + * @since 5.67 + */ + void renameSelected(); + /** * Trashes the currently selected files/directories. * * This function used to take activation reason and keyboard modifiers, * in order to call deleteSelected() if the user wanted to delete. * Instead, call deleteSelected(). * * FIXME KAction Port: link deleteSelected() up correctly */ virtual void trashSelected(); /** * Notifies that the icons size should change. @p value is an int ranged from 0 to 100. * 100 means KIconLoader::SizeEnormous. * @since 4.2 */ void setIconsZoom(int value); /** * Set the URL schemes that the file widget should allow navigating to. * * If the returned list is empty, all schemes are supported. Examples for * schemes are @c "file" or @c "ftp". * * @sa QFileDialog::setSupportedSchemes * @since 5.43 */ void setSupportedSchemes(const QStringList &schemes); protected Q_SLOTS: /** * Restores the normal cursor after showing the busy-cursor. Also hides * the progressbar. */ void resetCursor(); /** * Called after setUrl() to load the directory, update the history, * etc. */ void pathChanged(); /** * Enters the directory specified by the given @p item. */ virtual void selectDir(const KFileItem &item); /** * Emits fileSelected( item ) */ void selectFile(const KFileItem &item); /** * Emits fileHighlighted(item) */ void highlightFile(const KFileItem &item); /** * Changes sorting to sort by name */ void sortByName(); /** * Changes sorting to sort by size */ void sortBySize(); /** * Changes sorting to sort by date */ void sortByDate(); /** * Changes sorting to sort by date */ void sortByType(); /** * Changes sorting to reverse sorting */ void sortReversed(); /** * Toggles showing directories first / having them sorted like files. */ void toggleDirsFirst(); /** * Toggles case sensitive / case insensitive sorting */ void toggleIgnoreCase(); /** * Tries to make the given @p match as current item in the view and emits * completion( match ) */ void slotCompletionMatch(const QString &match); Q_SIGNALS: void urlEntered(const QUrl &); void updateInformation(int files, int dirs); void completion(const QString &); void finishedLoading(); /** * Emitted whenever the current fileview is changed, either by an explicit * call to setView() or by the user selecting a different view thru * the GUI. */ void viewChanged(QAbstractItemView *newView); /** * Emitted when a file is highlighted or generally the selection changes in * multiselection mode. In the latter case, @p item is a null KFileItem. * You can access the selected items with selectedItems(). */ void fileHighlighted(const KFileItem &item); void dirActivated(const KFileItem &item); void fileSelected(const KFileItem &item); /** * Emitted when files are dropped. Dropping files is disabled by * default. You need to enable it with setAcceptDrops() * @param item the item on which the drop occurred or 0. * @param event the drop event itself. * @param urls the urls that where dropped. */ void dropped(const KFileItem &item, QDropEvent *event, const QList &urls); /** * Emitted just before the context menu is shown, allows users to * extend the menu with custom actions. * * @param item the file on which the context menu was invoked * @param menu the context menu, pre-populated with the file-management actions * @since 4.2 */ void contextMenuAboutToShow(const KFileItem &item, QMenu *menu); /** * Will notify that the icon size has changed. Since we save the icon size depending * on the view type (list view or a different kind of view), a call to setView() can * trigger this signal to be emitted. * @since 4.2 */ void currentIconSizeChanged(int size); /** * Triggered when the user hit Enter/Return * @since 5.57 */ void keyEnterReturnPressed(); private: class Private; Private *const d; Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotDetailedView()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotSimpleView()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotTreeView()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotDetailedTreeView()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotToggleAllowExpansion(bool)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotToggleHidden(bool)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_togglePreview(bool)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_toggleInlinePreviews(bool)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotOpenFileManager()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotSortByName()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotSortBySize()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotSortByDate()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotSortByType()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotSortReversed(bool)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotToggleDirsFirst()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotIconsView()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotCompactView()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotDetailsView()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotToggleIgnoreCase()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotStarted()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotProgress(int)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotShowProgress()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotIOFinished()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotCanceled()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotRedirected(const QUrl &)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotProperties()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotActivated(const QModelIndex &)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotSelectionChanged()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_openContextMenu(const QPoint &)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_triggerPreview(const QModelIndex &)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_showPreview()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotSplitterMoved(int, int)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_assureVisibleSelection()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_synchronizeSortingState(int, Qt::SortOrder)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotChangeDecorationPosition()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotExpandToUrl(const QModelIndex &)) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotItemsChanged()) Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void _k_slotDirectoryCreated(const QUrl &)) }; #endif