diff --git a/src/widgets/kfileitemdelegate.cpp b/src/widgets/kfileitemdelegate.cpp index f18eb351..3dd8eb73 100644 --- a/src/widgets/kfileitemdelegate.cpp +++ b/src/widgets/kfileitemdelegate.cpp @@ -1,1621 +1,1618 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2009 Shaun Reich Copyright © 2006-2007, 2008 Fredrik Höglund This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kfileitemdelegate.h" #include "imagefilter_p.h" #include // was for HAVE_XRENDER #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "delegateanimationhandler_p.h" #if 0 // was: HAVE_X11 && HAVE_XRENDER # include # include # include # undef KeyPress # undef FocusOut #endif struct Margin { int left, right, top, bottom; }; class KFileItemDelegate::Private { public: enum MarginType { ItemMargin = 0, TextMargin, IconMargin, NMargins }; Private(KFileItemDelegate *parent); ~Private() {} QSize decorationSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const; QSize displaySizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const; QString replaceNewlines(const QString &string) const; inline KFileItem fileItem(const QModelIndex &index) const; QString elidedText(QTextLayout &layout, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QSize &maxSize) const; QSize layoutText(QTextLayout &layout, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QString &text, const QSize &constraints) const; QSize layoutText(QTextLayout &layout, const QString &text, int maxWidth) const; inline void setLayoutOptions(QTextLayout &layout, const QStyleOptionViewItem &options) const; inline bool verticalLayout(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const; inline QBrush brush(const QVariant &value, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const; QBrush foregroundBrush(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const; inline void setActiveMargins(Qt::Orientation layout); void setVerticalMargin(MarginType type, int left, int right, int top, int bottom); void setHorizontalMargin(MarginType type, int left, int right, int top, int bottom); inline void setVerticalMargin(MarginType type, int hor, int ver); inline void setHorizontalMargin(MarginType type, int hor, int ver); inline QRect addMargin(const QRect &rect, MarginType type) const; inline QRect subtractMargin(const QRect &rect, MarginType type) const; inline QSize addMargin(const QSize &size, MarginType type) const; inline QSize subtractMargin(const QSize &size, MarginType type) const; QString itemSize(const QModelIndex &index, const KFileItem &item) const; QString information(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index, const KFileItem &item) const; bool isListView(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const; QString display(const QModelIndex &index) const; QIcon decoration(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const; QPoint iconPosition(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const; QRect labelRectangle(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const; void layoutTextItems(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index, QTextLayout *labelLayout, QTextLayout *infoLayout, QRect *textBoundingRect) const; void drawTextItems(QPainter *painter, const QTextLayout &labelLayout, const QTextLayout &infoLayout, const QRect &textBoundingRect) const; KIO::AnimationState *animationState(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index, const QAbstractItemView *view) const; void restartAnimation(KIO::AnimationState *state); QPixmap applyHoverEffect(const QPixmap &icon) const; QPixmap transition(const QPixmap &from, const QPixmap &to, qreal amount) const; void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionViewItem *option, const QModelIndex &index) const; void drawFocusRect(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QRect &rect) const; void gotNewIcon(const QModelIndex &index); void paintJobTransfers(QPainter *painter, const qreal &jobAnimationAngle, const QPoint &iconPos, const QStyleOptionViewItem &opt); public: KFileItemDelegate::InformationList informationList; QColor shadowColor; QPointF shadowOffset; qreal shadowBlur; QSize maximumSize; bool showToolTipWhenElided; QTextOption::WrapMode wrapMode; bool jobTransfersVisible; QIcon downArrowIcon; private: KIO::DelegateAnimationHandler *animationHandler; Margin verticalMargin[NMargins]; Margin horizontalMargin[NMargins]; Margin *activeMargins; }; KFileItemDelegate::Private::Private(KFileItemDelegate *parent) : shadowColor(Qt::transparent), shadowOffset(1, 1), shadowBlur(2), maximumSize(0, 0), showToolTipWhenElided(true), wrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere), jobTransfersVisible(false), animationHandler(new KIO::DelegateAnimationHandler(parent)), activeMargins(nullptr) { } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::setActiveMargins(Qt::Orientation layout) { activeMargins = (layout == Qt::Horizontal ? horizontalMargin : verticalMargin); } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::setVerticalMargin(MarginType type, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { verticalMargin[type].left = left; verticalMargin[type].right = right; verticalMargin[type].top = top; verticalMargin[type].bottom = bottom; } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::setHorizontalMargin(MarginType type, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { horizontalMargin[type].left = left; horizontalMargin[type].right = right; horizontalMargin[type].top = top; horizontalMargin[type].bottom = bottom; } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::setVerticalMargin(MarginType type, int horizontal, int vertical) { setVerticalMargin(type, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical); } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::setHorizontalMargin(MarginType type, int horizontal, int vertical) { setHorizontalMargin(type, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical); } QRect KFileItemDelegate::Private::addMargin(const QRect &rect, MarginType type) const { Q_ASSERT(activeMargins != nullptr); const Margin &m = activeMargins[type]; return rect.adjusted(-m.left, -m.top, m.right, m.bottom); } QRect KFileItemDelegate::Private::subtractMargin(const QRect &rect, MarginType type) const { Q_ASSERT(activeMargins != nullptr); const Margin &m = activeMargins[type]; return rect.adjusted(m.left, m.top, -m.right, -m.bottom); } QSize KFileItemDelegate::Private::addMargin(const QSize &size, MarginType type) const { Q_ASSERT(activeMargins != nullptr); const Margin &m = activeMargins[type]; return QSize(size.width() + m.left + m.right, size.height() + m.top + m.bottom); } QSize KFileItemDelegate::Private::subtractMargin(const QSize &size, MarginType type) const { Q_ASSERT(activeMargins != nullptr); const Margin &m = activeMargins[type]; return QSize(size.width() - m.left - m.right, size.height() - m.top - m.bottom); } // Returns the size of a file, or the number of items in a directory, as a QString QString KFileItemDelegate::Private::itemSize(const QModelIndex &index, const KFileItem &item) const { // Return a formatted string containing the file size, if the item is a file if (item.isFile()) { return KIO::convertSize(item.size()); } // Return the number of items in the directory const QVariant value = index.data(KDirModel::ChildCountRole); const int count = value.type() == QVariant::Int ? value.toInt() : KDirModel::ChildCountUnknown; if (count == KDirModel::ChildCountUnknown) { // was: i18nc("Items in a folder", "? items"); // but this just looks useless in a remote directory listing, // better not show anything. return QString(); } return i18ncp("Items in a folder", "1 item", "%1 items", count); } // Returns the additional information string, if one should be shown, or an empty string otherwise QString KFileItemDelegate::Private::information(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index, const KFileItem &item) const { QString string; if (informationList.isEmpty() || item.isNull() || !isListView(option)) { return string; } foreach (KFileItemDelegate::Information info, informationList) { if (info == KFileItemDelegate::NoInformation) { continue; } if (!string.isEmpty()) { string += QChar::LineSeparator; } switch (info) { case KFileItemDelegate::Size: string += itemSize(index, item); break; case KFileItemDelegate::Permissions: string += item.permissionsString(); break; case KFileItemDelegate::OctalPermissions: string += QString('0') + QString::number(item.permissions(), 8); break; case KFileItemDelegate::Owner: string += item.user(); break; case KFileItemDelegate::OwnerAndGroup: string += item.user() + ':' + item.group(); break; case KFileItemDelegate::CreationTime: string += item.timeString(KFileItem::CreationTime); break; case KFileItemDelegate::ModificationTime: string += item.timeString(KFileItem::ModificationTime); break; case KFileItemDelegate::AccessTime: string += item.timeString(KFileItem::AccessTime); break; case KFileItemDelegate::MimeType: string += item.isMimeTypeKnown() ? item.mimetype() : i18nc("@info mimetype", "Unknown"); break; case KFileItemDelegate::FriendlyMimeType: string += item.isMimeTypeKnown() ? item.mimeComment() : i18nc("@info mimetype", "Unknown"); break; case KFileItemDelegate::LinkDest: string += item.linkDest(); break; case KFileItemDelegate::LocalPathOrUrl: if (!item.localPath().isEmpty()) { string += item.localPath(); } else { string += item.url().toDisplayString(); } break; case KFileItemDelegate::Comment: string += item.comment(); break; default: break; } // switch (info) } // foreach (info, list) return string; } // Returns the KFileItem for the index KFileItem KFileItemDelegate::Private::fileItem(const QModelIndex &index) const { const QVariant value = index.data(KDirModel::FileItemRole); return qvariant_cast(value); } // Replaces any newline characters in the provided string, with QChar::LineSeparator QString KFileItemDelegate::Private::replaceNewlines(const QString &text) const { QString string = text; const QChar newline = QLatin1Char('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) if (string[i] == newline) { string[i] = QChar::LineSeparator; } return string; } // Lays the text out in a rectangle no larger than constraints, eliding it as necessary QSize KFileItemDelegate::Private::layoutText(QTextLayout &layout, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QString &text, const QSize &constraints) const { const QSize size = layoutText(layout, text, constraints.width()); if (size.width() > constraints.width() || size.height() > constraints.height()) { const QString elided = elidedText(layout, option, constraints); return layoutText(layout, elided, constraints.width()); } return size; } // Lays the text out in a rectangle no wider than maxWidth QSize KFileItemDelegate::Private::layoutText(QTextLayout &layout, const QString &text, int maxWidth) const { QFontMetrics metrics(layout.font()); int leading = metrics.leading(); int height = 0; qreal widthUsed = 0; QTextLine line; layout.setText(text); layout.beginLayout(); while ((line = layout.createLine()).isValid()) { line.setLineWidth(maxWidth); height += leading; line.setPosition(QPoint(0, height)); height += int(line.height()); widthUsed = qMax(widthUsed, line.naturalTextWidth()); } layout.endLayout(); return QSize(qCeil(widthUsed), height); } // Elides the text in the layout, by iterating over each line in the layout, eliding // or word breaking the line if it's wider than the max width, and finally adding an // ellipses at the end of the last line, if there are more lines than will fit within // the vertical size constraints. QString KFileItemDelegate::Private::elidedText(QTextLayout &layout, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QSize &size) const { const QString text = layout.text(); int maxWidth = size.width(); int maxHeight = size.height(); qreal height = 0; bool wrapText = (option.features & QStyleOptionViewItem::WrapText); // If the string contains a single line of text that shouldn't be word wrapped if (!wrapText && text.indexOf(QChar::LineSeparator) == -1) { return option.fontMetrics.elidedText(text, option.textElideMode, maxWidth); } // Elide each line that has already been laid out in the layout. QString elided; elided.reserve(text.length()); for (int i = 0; i < layout.lineCount(); i++) { QTextLine line = layout.lineAt(i); int start = line.textStart(); int length = line.textLength(); height += option.fontMetrics.leading(); if (height + line.height() + option.fontMetrics.lineSpacing() > maxHeight) { // Unfortunately, if the line ends because of a line separator, elidedText() will be too // clever and keep adding lines until it finds one that's too wide. if (line.naturalTextWidth() < maxWidth && text[start + length - 1] == QChar::LineSeparator) { elided += text.midRef(start, length - 1); } else { elided += option.fontMetrics.elidedText(text.mid(start), option.textElideMode, maxWidth); } break; } else if (line.naturalTextWidth() > maxWidth) { elided += option.fontMetrics.elidedText(text.mid(start, length), option.textElideMode, maxWidth); if (!elided.endsWith(QChar::LineSeparator)) { elided += QChar::LineSeparator; } } else { elided += text.midRef(start, length); } height += line.height(); } return elided; } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::setLayoutOptions(QTextLayout &layout, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { QTextOption textoption; textoption.setTextDirection(option.direction); textoption.setAlignment(QStyle::visualAlignment(option.direction, option.displayAlignment)); textoption.setWrapMode((option.features & QStyleOptionViewItem::WrapText) ? wrapMode : QTextOption::NoWrap); layout.setFont(option.font); layout.setTextOption(textoption); } QSize KFileItemDelegate::Private::displaySizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QString label = option.text; int maxWidth = 0; if (maximumSize.isEmpty()) { maxWidth = verticalLayout(option) && (option.features & QStyleOptionViewItem::WrapText) ? option.decorationSize.width() + 10 : 32757; } else { const Margin &itemMargin = activeMargins[ItemMargin]; const Margin &textMargin = activeMargins[TextMargin]; maxWidth = maximumSize.width() - (itemMargin.left + itemMargin.right) - (textMargin.left + textMargin.right); } KFileItem item = fileItem(index); // To compute the nominal size for the label + info, we'll just append // the information string to the label const QString info = information(option, index, item); if (!info.isEmpty()) { label += QString(QChar::LineSeparator) + info; } QTextLayout layout; setLayoutOptions(layout, option); QSize size = layoutText(layout, label, maxWidth); if (!info.isEmpty()) { // As soon as additional information is shown, it might be necessary that // the label and/or the additional information must get elided. To prevent // an expensive eliding in the scope of displaySizeHint, the maximum // width is reserved instead. size.setWidth(maxWidth); } return addMargin(size, TextMargin); } QSize KFileItemDelegate::Private::decorationSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { Q_UNUSED(index) QSize iconSize = option.icon.actualSize(option.decorationSize); if (!verticalLayout(option)) { iconSize.rwidth() = option.decorationSize.width(); } else if (iconSize.width() < option.decorationSize.width()) { iconSize.rwidth() = qMin(iconSize.width() + 10, option.decorationSize.width()); } if (iconSize.height() < option.decorationSize.height()) { iconSize.rheight() = option.decorationSize.height(); } return addMargin(iconSize, IconMargin); } bool KFileItemDelegate::Private::verticalLayout(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { return (option.decorationPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Top || option.decorationPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Bottom); } // Converts a QVariant of type Brush or Color to a QBrush QBrush KFileItemDelegate::Private::brush(const QVariant &value, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId()) { return qvariant_cast(value).brush(option.palette); } switch (value.type()) { case QVariant::Color: return QBrush(qvariant_cast(value)); case QVariant::Brush: return qvariant_cast(value); default: return QBrush(Qt::NoBrush); } } QBrush KFileItemDelegate::Private::foregroundBrush(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QPalette::ColorGroup cg = QPalette::Active; if (!(option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled)) { cg = QPalette::Disabled; } else if (!(option.state & QStyle::State_Active)) { cg = QPalette::Inactive; } // Always use the highlight color for selected items if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) { return option.palette.brush(cg, QPalette::HighlightedText); } // If the model provides its own foreground color/brush for this item const QVariant value = index.data(Qt::ForegroundRole); if (value.isValid()) { return brush(value, option); } return option.palette.brush(cg, QPalette::Text); } bool KFileItemDelegate::Private::isListView(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { if (qobject_cast(option.widget) || verticalLayout(option)) { return true; } return false; } QPixmap KFileItemDelegate::Private::applyHoverEffect(const QPixmap &icon) const { KIconEffect *effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect(); // Note that in KIconLoader terminology, active = hover. // ### We're assuming that the icon group is desktop/filemanager, since this // is KFileItemDelegate. if (effect->hasEffect(KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState)) { return effect->apply(icon, KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState); } return icon; } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::gotNewIcon(const QModelIndex &index) { animationHandler->gotNewIcon(index); } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::restartAnimation(KIO::AnimationState *state) { animationHandler->restartAnimation(state); } KIO::AnimationState *KFileItemDelegate::Private::animationState(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index, const QAbstractItemView *view) const { if (!option.widget->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Widget_Animate, nullptr, option.widget)) { return nullptr; } if (index.column() == KDirModel::Name) { return animationHandler->animationState(option, index, view); } return nullptr; } QPixmap KFileItemDelegate::Private::transition(const QPixmap &from, const QPixmap &to, qreal amount) const { int value = int(0xff * amount); if (value == 0 || to.isNull()) { return from; } if (value == 0xff || from.isNull()) { return to; } QColor color; color.setAlphaF(amount); // FIXME: Somehow this doesn't work on Mac OS.. #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) const bool usePixmap = false; #else const bool usePixmap = from.paintEngine()->hasFeature(QPaintEngine::PorterDuff) && from.paintEngine()->hasFeature(QPaintEngine::BlendModes); #endif // If the native paint engine supports Porter/Duff compositing and CompositionMode_Plus if (usePixmap) { QPixmap under = from; QPixmap over = to; QPainter p; p.begin(&over); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.fillRect(over.rect(), color); p.end(); p.begin(&under); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationOut); p.fillRect(under.rect(), color); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Plus); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, over); p.end(); return under; } // Cannot use XRender with QPixmap anymore. #if 0 // HAVE_X11 && HAVE_XRENDER else if (from.paintEngine()->hasFeature(QPaintEngine::PorterDuff)) { // We have Xrender support // QX11PaintEngine doesn't implement CompositionMode_Plus in Qt 4.3, // which we need to be able to do a transition from one pixmap to // another. // // In order to avoid the overhead of converting the pixmaps to images // and doing the operation entirely in software, this function has a // specialized path for X11 that uses Xrender directly to do the // transition. This operation can be fully accelerated in HW. // // This specialization can be removed when QX11PaintEngine supports // CompositionMode_Plus. QPixmap source(to), destination(from); source.detach(); destination.detach(); Display *dpy = QX11Info::display(); XRenderPictFormat *format = XRenderFindStandardFormat(dpy, PictStandardA8); XRenderPictureAttributes pa; pa.repeat = 1; // RepeatNormal // Create a 1x1 8 bit repeating alpha picture Pixmap pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, destination.handle(), 1, 1, 8); Picture alpha = XRenderCreatePicture(dpy, pixmap, format, CPRepeat, &pa); XFreePixmap(dpy, pixmap); // Fill the alpha picture with the opacity value XRenderColor xcolor; xcolor.alpha = quint16(0xffff * amount); XRenderFillRectangle(dpy, PictOpSrc, alpha, &xcolor, 0, 0, 1, 1); // Reduce the alpha of the destination with 1 - opacity XRenderComposite(dpy, PictOpOutReverse, alpha, None, destination.x11PictureHandle(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, destination.width(), destination.height()); // Add source * opacity to the destination XRenderComposite(dpy, PictOpAdd, source.x11PictureHandle(), alpha, destination.x11PictureHandle(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, destination.width(), destination.height()); XRenderFreePicture(dpy, alpha); return destination; } #endif else { // Fall back to using QRasterPaintEngine to do the transition. QImage under = from.toImage(); QImage over = to.toImage(); QPainter p; p.begin(&over); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.fillRect(over.rect(), color); p.end(); p.begin(&under); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationOut); p.fillRect(under.rect(), color); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Plus); p.drawImage(0, 0, over); p.end(); return QPixmap::fromImage(under); } } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::layoutTextItems(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index, QTextLayout *labelLayout, QTextLayout *infoLayout, QRect *textBoundingRect) const { KFileItem item = fileItem(index); const QString info = information(option, index, item); bool showInformation = false; setLayoutOptions(*labelLayout, option); const QRect textArea = labelRectangle(option); QRect textRect = subtractMargin(textArea, Private::TextMargin); // Sizes and constraints for the different text parts QSize maxLabelSize = textRect.size(); QSize maxInfoSize = textRect.size(); QSize labelSize; QSize infoSize; // If we have additional info text, and there's space for at least two lines of text, // adjust the max label size to make room for at least one line of the info text if (!info.isEmpty() && textRect.height() >= option.fontMetrics.lineSpacing() * 2) { infoLayout->setFont(labelLayout->font()); infoLayout->setTextOption(labelLayout->textOption()); maxLabelSize.rheight() -= option.fontMetrics.lineSpacing(); showInformation = true; } // Lay out the label text, and adjust the max info size based on the label size labelSize = layoutText(*labelLayout, option, option.text, maxLabelSize); maxInfoSize.rheight() -= labelSize.height(); // Lay out the info text if (showInformation) { infoSize = layoutText(*infoLayout, option, info, maxInfoSize); } else { infoSize = QSize(0, 0); } // Compute the bounding rect of the text const QSize size(qMax(labelSize.width(), infoSize.width()), labelSize.height() + infoSize.height()); *textBoundingRect = QStyle::alignedRect(option.direction, option.displayAlignment, size, textRect); // Compute the positions where we should draw the layouts labelLayout->setPosition(QPointF(textRect.x(), textBoundingRect->y())); infoLayout->setPosition(QPointF(textRect.x(), textBoundingRect->y() + labelSize.height())); } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::drawTextItems(QPainter *painter, const QTextLayout &labelLayout, const QTextLayout &infoLayout, const QRect &boundingRect) const { if (shadowColor.alpha() > 0) { QPixmap pixmap(boundingRect.size()); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&pixmap); p.translate(-boundingRect.topLeft()); p.setPen(painter->pen()); labelLayout.draw(&p, QPoint()); if (!infoLayout.text().isEmpty()) { QColor color = p.pen().color(); color.setAlphaF(0.6); p.setPen(color); infoLayout.draw(&p, QPoint()); } p.end(); int padding = qCeil(shadowBlur); int blurFactor = qRound(shadowBlur); QImage image(boundingRect.size() + QSize(padding * 2, padding * 2), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image.fill(0); p.begin(&image); p.drawImage(padding, padding, pixmap.toImage()); p.end(); KIO::ImageFilter::shadowBlur(image, blurFactor, shadowColor); painter->drawImage(boundingRect.topLeft() - QPoint(padding, padding) + shadowOffset.toPoint(), image); painter->drawPixmap(boundingRect.topLeft(), pixmap); return; } labelLayout.draw(painter, QPoint()); if (!infoLayout.text().isEmpty()) { // TODO - for apps not doing funny things with the color palette, // KColorScheme::InactiveText would be a much more correct choice. We // should provide an API to specify what color to use for information. QColor color = painter->pen().color(); color.setAlphaF(0.6); painter->setPen(color); infoLayout.draw(painter, QPoint()); } } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::initStyleOption(QStyleOptionViewItem *option, const QModelIndex &index) const { const KFileItem item = fileItem(index); bool updateFontMetrics = false; // Try to get the font from the model QVariant value = index.data(Qt::FontRole); if (value.isValid()) { option->font = qvariant_cast(value).resolve(option->font); updateFontMetrics = true; } // Use an italic font for symlinks if (!item.isNull() && item.isLink()) { option->font.setItalic(true); updateFontMetrics = true; } if (updateFontMetrics) { option->fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(option->font); } // Try to get the alignment for the item from the model value = index.data(Qt::TextAlignmentRole); if (value.isValid()) { option->displayAlignment = Qt::Alignment(value.toInt()); } value = index.data(Qt::BackgroundRole); if (value.isValid()) { option->backgroundBrush = brush(value, *option); } option->text = display(index); if (!option->text.isEmpty()) { option->features |= QStyleOptionViewItem::HasDisplay; } option->icon = decoration(*option, index); + // Note that even null icons are still drawn for alignment if (!option->icon.isNull()) { option->features |= QStyleOptionViewItem::HasDecoration; } // ### Make sure this value is always true for now option->showDecorationSelected = true; } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::paintJobTransfers(QPainter *painter, const qreal &jobAnimationAngle, const QPoint &iconPos, const QStyleOptionViewItem &opt) { painter->save(); QSize iconSize = opt.icon.actualSize(opt.decorationSize); QPixmap downArrow = downArrowIcon.pixmap(iconSize * 0.30); //corner (less x and y than bottom-right corner) that we will center the painter around QPoint bottomRightCorner = QPoint(iconPos.x() + iconSize.width() * 0.75, iconPos.y() + iconSize.height() * 0.60); QPainter pixmapPainter(&downArrow); //make the icon transparent and such pixmapPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); pixmapPainter.fillRect(downArrow.rect(), QColor(255, 255, 255, 110)); painter->translate(bottomRightCorner); painter->drawPixmap(-downArrow.size().width() * .50, -downArrow.size().height() * .50, downArrow); //animate the circles by rotating the painter around the center point.. painter->rotate(jobAnimationAngle); painter->setPen(QColor(20, 20, 20, 80)); painter->setBrush(QColor(250, 250, 250, 90)); int radius = iconSize.width() * 0.04; int spacing = radius * 4.5; //left painter->drawEllipse(QPoint(-spacing, 0), radius, radius); //right painter->drawEllipse(QPoint(spacing, 0), radius, radius); //up painter->drawEllipse(QPoint(0, -spacing), radius, radius); //down painter->drawEllipse(QPoint(0, spacing), radius, radius); painter->restore(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- KFileItemDelegate::KFileItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemDelegate(parent), d(new Private(this)) { int focusHMargin = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin); int focusVMargin = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameVMargin); // Margins for horizontal mode (list views, tree views, table views) const int textMargin = focusHMargin * 4; if (QApplication::isRightToLeft()) { d->setHorizontalMargin(Private::TextMargin, textMargin, focusVMargin, focusHMargin, focusVMargin); } else { d->setHorizontalMargin(Private::TextMargin, focusHMargin, focusVMargin, textMargin, focusVMargin); } d->setHorizontalMargin(Private::IconMargin, focusHMargin, focusVMargin); d->setHorizontalMargin(Private::ItemMargin, 0, 0); // Margins for vertical mode (icon views) d->setVerticalMargin(Private::TextMargin, 6, 2); d->setVerticalMargin(Private::IconMargin, focusHMargin, focusVMargin); d->setVerticalMargin(Private::ItemMargin, 0, 0); setShowInformation(NoInformation); } KFileItemDelegate::~KFileItemDelegate() { delete d; } QSize KFileItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { // If the model wants to provide its own size hint for the item const QVariant value = index.data(Qt::SizeHintRole); if (value.isValid()) { return qvariant_cast(value); } QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option); d->initStyleOption(&opt, index); d->setActiveMargins(d->verticalLayout(opt) ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal); const QSize displaySize = d->displaySizeHint(opt, index); const QSize decorationSize = d->decorationSizeHint(opt, index); QSize size; if (d->verticalLayout(opt)) { size.rwidth() = qMax(displaySize.width(), decorationSize.width()); size.rheight() = decorationSize.height() + displaySize.height() + 1; } else { size.rwidth() = decorationSize.width() + displaySize.width() + 1; size.rheight() = qMax(decorationSize.height(), displaySize.height()); } size = d->addMargin(size, Private::ItemMargin); if (!d->maximumSize.isEmpty()) { size = size.boundedTo(d->maximumSize); } return size; } QString KFileItemDelegate::Private::display(const QModelIndex &index) const { const QVariant value = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole); switch (value.type()) { case QVariant::String: { if (index.column() == KDirModel::Size) { return itemSize(index, fileItem(index)); } else { const QString text = replaceNewlines(value.toString()); return KStringHandler::preProcessWrap(text); } } case QVariant::Double: return QLocale().toString(value.toDouble(), 'f'); case QVariant::Int: case QVariant::UInt: return QLocale().toString(value.toInt()); default: return QString(); } } void KFileItemDelegate::setShowInformation(const InformationList &list) { d->informationList = list; } void KFileItemDelegate::setShowInformation(Information value) { if (value != NoInformation) { d->informationList = InformationList() << value; } else { d->informationList = InformationList(); } } KFileItemDelegate::InformationList KFileItemDelegate::showInformation() const { return d->informationList; } void KFileItemDelegate::setShadowColor(const QColor &color) { d->shadowColor = color; } QColor KFileItemDelegate::shadowColor() const { return d->shadowColor; } void KFileItemDelegate::setShadowOffset(const QPointF &offset) { d->shadowOffset = offset; } QPointF KFileItemDelegate::shadowOffset() const { return d->shadowOffset; } void KFileItemDelegate::setShadowBlur(qreal factor) { d->shadowBlur = factor; } qreal KFileItemDelegate::shadowBlur() const { return d->shadowBlur; } void KFileItemDelegate::setMaximumSize(const QSize &size) { d->maximumSize = size; } QSize KFileItemDelegate::maximumSize() const { return d->maximumSize; } void KFileItemDelegate::setShowToolTipWhenElided(bool showToolTip) { d->showToolTipWhenElided = showToolTip; } bool KFileItemDelegate::showToolTipWhenElided() const { return d->showToolTipWhenElided; } void KFileItemDelegate::setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapMode wrapMode) { d->wrapMode = wrapMode; } QTextOption::WrapMode KFileItemDelegate::wrapMode() const { return d->wrapMode; } QRect KFileItemDelegate::iconRect(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option); d->initStyleOption(&opt, index); return QRect(d->iconPosition(opt), opt.icon.actualSize(opt.decorationSize)); } void KFileItemDelegate::setJobTransfersVisible(bool jobTransfersVisible) { d->downArrowIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("go-down")); d->jobTransfersVisible = jobTransfersVisible; } bool KFileItemDelegate::jobTransfersVisible() const { return d->jobTransfersVisible; } QIcon KFileItemDelegate::Private::decoration(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { const QVariant value = index.data(Qt::DecorationRole); QIcon icon; switch (value.type()) { case QVariant::Icon: icon = qvariant_cast(value); break; case QVariant::Pixmap: icon.addPixmap(qvariant_cast(value)); break; case QVariant::Color: { QPixmap pixmap(option.decorationSize); pixmap.fill(qvariant_cast(value)); icon.addPixmap(pixmap); break; } default: break; } return icon; } QRect KFileItemDelegate::Private::labelRectangle(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { - if (option.icon.isNull()) { - return subtractMargin(option.rect, Private::ItemMargin); - } - const QSize decoSize = addMargin(option.decorationSize, Private::IconMargin); const QRect itemRect = subtractMargin(option.rect, Private::ItemMargin); QRect textArea(QPoint(0, 0), itemRect.size()); switch (option.decorationPosition) { case QStyleOptionViewItem::Top: textArea.setTop(decoSize.height() + 1); break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Bottom: textArea.setBottom(itemRect.height() - decoSize.height() - 1); break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Left: textArea.setLeft(decoSize.width() + 1); break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Right: textArea.setRight(itemRect.width() - decoSize.width() - 1); break; } textArea.translate(itemRect.topLeft()); return QStyle::visualRect(option.direction, option.rect, textArea); } QPoint KFileItemDelegate::Private::iconPosition(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const { const QRect itemRect = subtractMargin(option.rect, Private::ItemMargin); Qt::Alignment alignment; // Convert decorationPosition to the alignment the decoration will have in option.rect switch (option.decorationPosition) { case QStyleOptionViewItem::Top: alignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop; break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Bottom: alignment = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom; break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Left: alignment = Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft; break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Right: alignment = Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight; break; } // Compute the nominal decoration rectangle const QSize size = addMargin(option.decorationSize, Private::IconMargin); const QRect rect = QStyle::alignedRect(option.direction, alignment, size, itemRect); // Position the icon in the center of the rectangle QRect iconRect = QRect(QPoint(), option.icon.actualSize(option.decorationSize)); iconRect.moveCenter(rect.center()); return iconRect.topLeft(); } void KFileItemDelegate::Private::drawFocusRect(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QRect &rect) const { if (!(option.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus)) { return; } QStyleOptionFocusRect opt; opt.direction = option.direction; opt.fontMetrics = option.fontMetrics; opt.palette = option.palette; opt.rect = rect; opt.state = option.state | QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange | QStyle::State_Item; opt.backgroundColor = option.palette.color(option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::Highlight : QPalette::Base); // Apparently some widget styles expect this hint to not be set painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); QStyle *style = option.widget ? option.widget->style() : QApplication::style(); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &opt, painter, option.widget); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); } void KFileItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return; } QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option); d->initStyleOption(&opt, index); d->setActiveMargins(d->verticalLayout(opt) ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal); if (!(option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled)) { opt.palette.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Disabled); } // Unset the mouse over bit if we're not drawing the first column if (index.column() > 0) { opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver; } else { opt.viewItemPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::OnlyOne; } const QAbstractItemView *view = qobject_cast(opt.widget); // Check if the item is being animated // ======================================================================== KIO::AnimationState *state = d->animationState(opt, index, view); KIO::CachedRendering *cache = nullptr; qreal progress = ((opt.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) && index.column() == KDirModel::Name) ? 1.0 : 0.0; const QPoint iconPos = d->iconPosition(opt); QIcon::Mode iconMode; if (!(option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled)) { iconMode = QIcon::Disabled; } else if ((option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) && (option.state & QStyle::State_Active)) { iconMode = QIcon::Selected; } else { iconMode = QIcon::Normal; } QIcon::State iconState = option.state & QStyle::State_Open ? QIcon::On : QIcon::Off; QPixmap icon = opt.icon.pixmap(opt.decorationSize, iconMode, iconState); if (state && !state->hasJobAnimation()) { cache = state->cachedRendering(); progress = state->hoverProgress(); // Clear the mouse over bit temporarily opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver; // If we have a cached rendering, draw the item from the cache if (cache) { if (cache->checkValidity(opt.state) && cache->regular.size() == opt.rect.size()) { QPixmap pixmap = d->transition(cache->regular, cache->hover, progress); if (state->cachedRenderingFadeFrom() && state->fadeProgress() != 1.0) { // Apply icon fading animation KIO::CachedRendering *fadeFromCache = state->cachedRenderingFadeFrom(); const QPixmap fadeFromPixmap = d->transition(fadeFromCache->regular, fadeFromCache->hover, progress); pixmap = d->transition(fadeFromPixmap, pixmap, state->fadeProgress()); } painter->drawPixmap(option.rect.topLeft(), pixmap); if (d->jobTransfersVisible && index.column() == 0) { if (index.data(KDirModel::HasJobRole).toBool()) { d->paintJobTransfers(painter, state->jobAnimationAngle(), iconPos, opt); } } return; } if (!cache->checkValidity(opt.state)) { if (opt.widget->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Widget_Animate, nullptr, opt.widget)) { // Fade over from the old icon to the new one // Only start a new fade if the previous one is ready // Else we may start racing when checkValidity() always returns false if (state->fadeProgress() == 1) { state->setCachedRenderingFadeFrom(state->takeCachedRendering()); } } d->gotNewIcon(index); } // If it wasn't valid, delete it state->setCachedRendering(nullptr); } else { // The cache may have been discarded, but the animation handler still needs to know about new icons d->gotNewIcon(index); } } // Compute the metrics, and lay out the text items // ======================================================================== const QPen pen = QPen(d->foregroundBrush(opt, index), 0); //### Apply the selection effect to the icon when the item is selected and // showDecorationSelected is false. QTextLayout labelLayout, infoLayout; QRect textBoundingRect; d->layoutTextItems(opt, index, &labelLayout, &infoLayout, &textBoundingRect); QStyle *style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style(); int focusHMargin = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin); int focusVMargin = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameVMargin); QRect focusRect = textBoundingRect.adjusted(-focusHMargin, -focusVMargin, +focusHMargin, +focusVMargin); // Create a new cached rendering of a hovered and an unhovered item. // We don't create a new cache for a fully hovered item, since we don't // know yet if a hover out animation will be run. // ======================================================================== if (state && (state->hoverProgress() < 1 || state->fadeProgress() < 1)) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0) const qreal dpr = painter->device()->devicePixelRatioF(); #else const qreal dpr = painter->device()->devicePixelRatio(); #endif cache = new KIO::CachedRendering(opt.state, option.rect.size(), index, dpr); QPainter p; p.begin(&cache->regular); p.translate(-option.rect.topLeft()); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.setPen(pen); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, &p, opt.widget); p.drawPixmap(iconPos, icon); d->drawTextItems(&p, labelLayout, infoLayout, textBoundingRect); d->drawFocusRect(&p, opt, focusRect); p.end(); opt.state |= QStyle::State_MouseOver; icon = d->applyHoverEffect(icon); p.begin(&cache->hover); p.translate(-option.rect.topLeft()); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.setPen(pen); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, &p, opt.widget); p.drawPixmap(iconPos, icon); d->drawTextItems(&p, labelLayout, infoLayout, textBoundingRect); d->drawFocusRect(&p, opt, focusRect); p.end(); state->setCachedRendering(cache); QPixmap pixmap = d->transition(cache->regular, cache->hover, progress); if (state->cachedRenderingFadeFrom() && state->fadeProgress() == 0) { // Apply icon fading animation KIO::CachedRendering *fadeFromCache = state->cachedRenderingFadeFrom(); const QPixmap fadeFromPixmap = d->transition(fadeFromCache->regular, fadeFromCache->hover, progress); pixmap = d->transition(fadeFromPixmap, pixmap, state->fadeProgress()); d->restartAnimation(state); } painter->drawPixmap(option.rect.topLeft(), pixmap); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); if (d->jobTransfersVisible && index.column() == 0) { if (index.data(KDirModel::HasJobRole).toBool()) { d->paintJobTransfers(painter, state->jobAnimationAngle(), iconPos, opt); } } return; } // Render the item directly if we're not using a cached rendering // ======================================================================== painter->save(); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter->setPen(pen); if (progress > 0 && !(opt.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver)) { opt.state |= QStyle::State_MouseOver; icon = d->applyHoverEffect(icon); } style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, opt.widget); painter->drawPixmap(iconPos, icon); d->drawTextItems(painter, labelLayout, infoLayout, textBoundingRect); d->drawFocusRect(painter, opt, focusRect); if (d->jobTransfersVisible && index.column() == 0 && state) { if (index.data(KDirModel::HasJobRole).toBool()) { d->paintJobTransfers(painter, state->jobAnimationAngle(), iconPos, opt); } } painter->restore(); } QWidget *KFileItemDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option); d->initStyleOption(&opt, index); QTextEdit *edit = new QTextEdit(parent); edit->setAcceptRichText(false); edit->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); edit->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); edit->setAlignment(opt.displayAlignment); edit->setEnabled(false); //Disable the text-edit to mark it as un-initialized return edit; } bool KFileItemDelegate::editorEvent(QEvent *event, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) { Q_UNUSED(event) Q_UNUSED(model) Q_UNUSED(option) Q_UNUSED(index) return false; } void KFileItemDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const { QTextEdit *textedit = qobject_cast(editor); Q_ASSERT(textedit != nullptr); //Do not update existing text that the user may already have edited. //The models will call setEditorData(..) whenever the icon has changed, //and this makes the editing work correctly despite that. if (textedit->isEnabled()) { return; } textedit->setEnabled(true); //Enable the text-edit to mark it as initialized const QVariant value = index.data(Qt::EditRole); const QString text = value.toString(); textedit->insertPlainText(text); textedit->selectAll(); QMimeDatabase db; const QString extension = db.suffixForFileName(text); if (!extension.isEmpty()) { // The filename contains an extension. Assure that only the filename // gets selected. const int selectionLength = text.length() - extension.length() - 1; QTextCursor cursor = textedit->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfBlock); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, selectionLength); textedit->setTextCursor(cursor); } } void KFileItemDelegate::setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const { QTextEdit *textedit = qobject_cast(editor); Q_ASSERT(textedit != nullptr); model->setData(index, textedit->toPlainText(), Qt::EditRole); } void KFileItemDelegate::updateEditorGeometry(QWidget *editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option); d->initStyleOption(&opt, index); d->setActiveMargins(d->verticalLayout(opt) ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal); QRect r = d->labelRectangle(opt); // Use the full available width for the editor when maximumSize is set if (!d->maximumSize.isEmpty()) { if (d->verticalLayout(option)) { int diff = qMax(r.width(), d->maximumSize.width()) - r.width(); if (diff > 1) { r.adjust(-(diff / 2), 0, diff / 2, 0); } } else { int diff = qMax(r.width(), d->maximumSize.width() - opt.decorationSize.width()) - r.width(); if (diff > 0) { if (opt.decorationPosition == QStyleOptionViewItem::Left) { r.adjust(0, 0, diff, 0); } else { r.adjust(-diff, 0, 0, 0); } } } } QTextEdit *textedit = qobject_cast(editor); Q_ASSERT(textedit != nullptr); const int frame = textedit->frameWidth(); r.adjust(-frame, -frame, frame, frame); editor->setGeometry(r); } bool KFileItemDelegate::helpEvent(QHelpEvent *event, QAbstractItemView *view, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) { Q_UNUSED(event) Q_UNUSED(view) // if the tooltip information the model keeps is different from the display information, // show it always const QVariant toolTip = index.data(Qt::ToolTipRole); if (!toolTip.isValid()) { return false; } if (index.data() != toolTip) { return QAbstractItemDelegate::helpEvent(event, view, option, index); } if (!d->showToolTipWhenElided) { return false; } // in the case the tooltip information is the same as the display information, // show it only in the case the display information is elided QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option); d->initStyleOption(&opt, index); d->setActiveMargins(d->verticalLayout(opt) ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal); QTextLayout labelLayout; QTextLayout infoLayout; QRect textBoundingRect; d->layoutTextItems(opt, index, &labelLayout, &infoLayout, &textBoundingRect); const QString elidedText = d->elidedText(labelLayout, opt, textBoundingRect.size()); if (elidedText != d->display(index)) { return QAbstractItemDelegate::helpEvent(event, view, option, index); } return false; } QRegion KFileItemDelegate::shape(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) { QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option); d->initStyleOption(&opt, index); d->setActiveMargins(d->verticalLayout(opt) ? Qt::Vertical : Qt::Horizontal); QTextLayout labelLayout; QTextLayout infoLayout; QRect textBoundingRect; d->layoutTextItems(opt, index, &labelLayout, &infoLayout, &textBoundingRect); const QPoint pos = d->iconPosition(opt); QRect iconRect = QRect(pos, opt.icon.actualSize(opt.decorationSize)); // Extend the icon rect so it touches the text rect switch (opt.decorationPosition) { case QStyleOptionViewItem::Top: if (iconRect.width() < textBoundingRect.width()) { iconRect.setBottom(textBoundingRect.top()); } else { textBoundingRect.setTop(iconRect.bottom()); } break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Bottom: if (iconRect.width() < textBoundingRect.width()) { iconRect.setTop(textBoundingRect.bottom()); } else { textBoundingRect.setBottom(iconRect.top()); } break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Left: iconRect.setRight(textBoundingRect.left()); break; case QStyleOptionViewItem::Right: iconRect.setLeft(textBoundingRect.right()); break; } QRegion region; region += iconRect; region += textBoundingRect; return region; } bool KFileItemDelegate::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { QTextEdit *editor = qobject_cast(object); if (!editor) { return false; } switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); switch (keyEvent->key()) { case Qt::Key_Tab: case Qt::Key_Backtab: emit commitData(editor); emit closeEditor(editor, NoHint); return true; case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Return: { const QString text = editor->toPlainText(); if (text.isEmpty() || (text == QLatin1String(".")) || (text == QLatin1String(".."))) { return true; // So a newline doesn't get inserted } emit commitData(editor); emit closeEditor(editor, SubmitModelCache); return true; } case Qt::Key_Escape: emit closeEditor(editor, RevertModelCache); return true; default: return false; } // switch (keyEvent->key()) } // case QEvent::KeyPress case QEvent::FocusOut: { const QWidget *w = QApplication::activePopupWidget(); if (!w || w->parent() != editor) { emit commitData(editor); emit closeEditor(editor, NoHint); return true; } else { return false; } } default: return false; } // switch (event->type()) }