diff --git a/find-modules/sip_generator.py b/find-modules/sip_generator.py index c9b93bb..b368813 100644 --- a/find-modules/sip_generator.py +++ b/find-modules/sip_generator.py @@ -1,822 +1,821 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2016 by Shaheed Haque (srhaque@theiet.org) # Copyright 2016 by Stephen Kelly (steveire@gmail.com) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # """SIP file generator for PyQt.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import gettext import inspect import logging import os import re -import subprocess import sys import traceback from clang import cindex from clang.cindex import AccessSpecifier, CursorKind, SourceRange, StorageClass, TokenKind, TypeKind, TranslationUnit import rules_engine class HelpFormatter(argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): pass logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) gettext.install(__name__) EXPR_KINDS = [ CursorKind.UNEXPOSED_EXPR, CursorKind.CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR, CursorKind.UNARY_OPERATOR, CursorKind.BINARY_OPERATOR, CursorKind.INTEGER_LITERAL, CursorKind.FLOATING_LITERAL, CursorKind.STRING_LITERAL, CursorKind.CXX_BOOL_LITERAL_EXPR, CursorKind.CXX_STATIC_CAST_EXPR, CursorKind.DECL_REF_EXPR ] TEMPLATE_KINDS = [ CursorKind.TYPE_REF, CursorKind.TEMPLATE_REF, CursorKind.NAMESPACE_REF ] + EXPR_KINDS def clang_diagnostic_to_logging_diagnostic(lvl): """ The diagnostic levels in cindex.py are Ignored = 0 Note = 1 Warning = 2 Error = 3 Fatal = 4 and the leves in the python logging module are NOTSET 0 DEBUG 10 INFO 20 WARNING 30 ERROR 40 CRITICAL 50 """ return (logging.NOTSET, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL)[lvl] def diagnostic_word(lvl): return ("", "info", "warning", "error", "fatality")[lvl] class SipGenerator(object): def __init__(self, project_rules, compile_flags, verbose=False, dump_includes=False, dump_privates=False): """ Constructor. :param project_rules: The rules for the file. :param compile_flags: The compile flags for the file. :param dump_includes: Turn on diagnostics for include files. :param dump_privates: Turn on diagnostics for omitted private items. """ self.rules = project_rules self.compile_flags = compile_flags self.verbose = verbose self.dump_includes = dump_includes self.dump_privates = dump_privates self.diagnostics = set() self.tu = None self.unpreprocessed_source = None @staticmethod def describe(cursor, text=None): if not text: text = cursor.spelling return "{} on line {} '{}'".format(cursor.kind.name, cursor.extent.start.line, text) def create_sip(self, h_file, include_filename): """ Actually convert the given source header file into its SIP equivalent. :param h_file: The source (header) file of interest. :param include_filename: The (header) to generate in the sip file. """ # # Read in the original file. # source = h_file self.unpreprocessed_source = [] with open(source, "rU") as f: for line in f: self.unpreprocessed_source.append(line) index = cindex.Index.create() self.tu = index.parse(source, ["-x", "c++"] + self.compile_flags) for diag in self.tu.diagnostics: # # We expect to be run over hundreds of files. Any parsing issues are likely to be very repetitive. # So, to avoid bothering the user, we suppress duplicates. # loc = diag.location msg = "{}:{}[{}] {}".format(loc.file, loc.line, loc.column, diag.spelling) if (diag.spelling == "#pragma once in main file"): continue if msg in self.diagnostics: continue self.diagnostics.add(msg) logger.log(clang_diagnostic_to_logging_diagnostic(diag.severity), "Parse {}: {}".format(diagnostic_word(diag.severity), msg)) if self.dump_includes: for include in sorted(set(self.tu.get_includes())): logger.debug(_("Used includes {}").format(include.include.name)) # # Run through the top level children in the translation unit. # body = self._container_get(self.tu.cursor, -1, h_file, include_filename) return body, self.tu.get_includes CONTAINER_SKIPPABLE_UNEXPOSED_DECL = re.compile("_DECLARE_PRIVATE|friend|;") FN_SKIPPABLE_ATTR = re.compile("_EXPORT|Q_REQUIRED_RESULT|format\(printf") VAR_SKIPPABLE_ATTR = re.compile("_EXPORT") TYPEDEF_SKIPPABLE_ATTR = re.compile("_EXPORT") def _container_get(self, container, level, h_file, include_filename): """ Generate the (recursive) translation for a class or namespace. :param container: A class or namespace. :param h_file: Name of header file being processed. :param level: Recursion level controls indentation. :return: A string. """ def skippable_attribute(member, text): """ We don't seem to have access to the __attribute__(())s, but at least we can look for stuff we care about. :param member: The attribute. :param text: The raw source corresponding to the region of member. """ if text.find("_DEPRECATED") != -1: sip["annotations"].add("Deprecated") return True SipGenerator._report_ignoring(container, member, text) if container.kind.is_translation_unit(): # # Any module-related manual code (%ExportedHeaderCode, %ModuleCode, %ModuleHeaderCode or other # module-level directives? # sip = { "name": include_filename, "decl": "" } self.rules.modulecode(include_filename, sip) body = sip["code"] else: body = "" sip = { "name": container.displayname, "annotations": set() } name = container.displayname if container.access_specifier == AccessSpecifier.PRIVATE: if self.dump_privates: logger.debug("Ignoring private {}".format(SipGenerator.describe(container))) return "" base_specifiers = [] template_type_parameters = [] had_copy_constructor = False had_const_member = False for member in container.get_children(): # # Only emit items in the translation unit. # if member.location.file.name != self.tu.spelling: continue decl = "" if member.kind in [CursorKind.CXX_METHOD, CursorKind.FUNCTION_DECL, CursorKind.FUNCTION_TEMPLATE, CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR, CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR, CursorKind.CONVERSION_FUNCTION]: decl = self._fn_get(container, member, level + 1) elif member.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_DECL: decl = self._enum_get(container, member, level + 1) + ";\n" elif member.kind == CursorKind.CXX_ACCESS_SPEC_DECL: decl = self._get_access_specifier(member, level + 1) elif member.kind == CursorKind.TYPEDEF_DECL: decl = self._typedef_get(container, member, level + 1) elif member.kind == CursorKind.CXX_BASE_SPECIFIER: # # Strip off the leading "class". Except for TypeKind.UNEXPOSED... # base_specifiers.append(member.displayname.split(None, 2)[-1]) elif member.kind == CursorKind.TEMPLATE_TYPE_PARAMETER: template_type_parameters.append(member.displayname) elif member.kind == CursorKind.TEMPLATE_NON_TYPE_PARAMETER: template_type_parameters.append(member.type.spelling + " " + member.displayname) elif member.kind in [CursorKind.VAR_DECL, CursorKind.FIELD_DECL]: had_const_member = had_const_member or member.type.is_const_qualified() decl = self._var_get(container, member, level + 1) elif member.kind in [CursorKind.NAMESPACE, CursorKind.CLASS_DECL, CursorKind.CLASS_TEMPLATE, CursorKind.CLASS_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION, CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL, CursorKind.UNION_DECL]: decl = self._container_get(member, level + 1, h_file, include_filename) elif member.kind in TEMPLATE_KINDS + [CursorKind.USING_DECLARATION, CursorKind.USING_DIRECTIVE, CursorKind.CXX_FINAL_ATTR]: # # Ignore: # # TEMPLATE_KINDS: Template type parameter. # CursorKind.USING_DECLARATION, CursorKind.USING_DIRECTIVE: Using? Pah! # CursorKind.CXX_FINAL_ATTR: Again, not much to be done with this. # pass else: SipGenerator._report_ignoring(container, member) def is_copy_constructor(member): if member.kind != CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR: return False numParams = 0 hasSelfType = False for child in member.get_children(): numParams += 1 if child.kind == CursorKind.PARM_DECL: paramType = child.type.spelling paramType = paramType.split("::")[-1] paramType = paramType.replace("const", "").replace("&", "").strip() hasSelfType = paramType == container.displayname return numParams == 1 and hasSelfType def has_parameter_default(parameter): for member in parameter.get_children(): if member.kind.is_expression(): return True return False def is_default_constructor(member): if member.kind != CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR: return False numParams = 0 for parameter in member.get_children(): if (has_parameter_default(parameter)): break numParams += 1 return numParams == 0 had_copy_constructor = had_copy_constructor or is_copy_constructor(member) # # Discard almost anything which is private. # if member.access_specifier == AccessSpecifier.PRIVATE: if member.kind == CursorKind.CXX_ACCESS_SPEC_DECL: # # We need these because... # pass elif is_copy_constructor(member) or is_default_constructor(member): # # ...we need to pass private copy contructors to the SIP compiler. # pass else: if self.dump_privates: logger.debug("Ignoring private {}".format(SipGenerator.describe(member))) continue if decl: if self.verbose: pad = " " * ((level + 1) * 4) body += pad + "// {}\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(member)) body += decl if container.kind == CursorKind.TRANSLATION_UNIT: return body if container.kind == CursorKind.NAMESPACE: container_type = "namespace " + name elif container.kind in [CursorKind.CLASS_DECL, CursorKind.CLASS_TEMPLATE, CursorKind.CLASS_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION]: container_type = "class " + name elif container.kind == CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL: container_type = "struct " + name elif container.kind == CursorKind.UNION_DECL: container_type = "union " + name else: raise AssertionError( _("Unexpected container {}: {}[{}]").format(container.kind, name, container.extent.start.line)) sip["decl"] = container_type sip["template_parameters"] = template_type_parameters pad = " " * (level * 4) # # Empty containers are still useful if they provide namespaces or forward declarations. # if not body: text = self._read_source(container.extent) if not text.endswith("}"): # # Forward declaration. # modifying_rule = self.rules.forward_declaration_rules().apply(container, sip) if sip["name"]: if modifying_rule: body += "// Modified {} (by {}):\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(container), modifying_rule) if "External" in sip["annotations"]: body += pad + sip["decl"] body += " /External/;\n" else: body = pad + "// Discarded {} (by {})\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(container), "default forward declaration handling") else: body = pad + "// Discarded {} (by {})\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(container), modifying_rule) else: # # Generate private copy constructor for non-copyable types. # if had_const_member and not had_copy_constructor: body += " private:\n {}(const {} &); // Generated\n".format(name, container.type.get_canonical().spelling) # # Flesh out the SIP context for the rules engine. # sip["base_specifiers"] = base_specifiers sip["body"] = body modifying_rule = self.rules.container_rules().apply(container, sip) if sip["name"]: decl = "" if modifying_rule: decl += "// Modified {} (by {}):\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(container), modifying_rule) decl += pad + sip["decl"] if sip["base_specifiers"]: decl += ": " + ", ".join(sip["base_specifiers"]) if sip["annotations"]: decl += " /" + ",".join(sip["annotations"]) + "/" if sip["template_parameters"]: decl = pad + "template <" + ", ".join(sip["template_parameters"]) + ">\n" + decl decl += "\n" + pad + "{\n" decl += "%TypeHeaderCode\n#include <{}>\n%End\n".format(include_filename) body = decl + sip["body"] + pad + "};\n" else: body = pad + "// Discarded {} (by {})\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(container), modifying_rule) return body def _get_access_specifier(self, member, level): """ Skip access specifiers embedded in the Q_OBJECT macro. """ access_specifier_text = self._read_source(member.extent) if access_specifier_text == "Q_OBJECT": return "" pad = " " * ((level - 1) * 4) access_specifier = "" if (access_specifier_text in ("Q_SIGNALS:", "signals:", "public Q_SLOTS:", "public slots:", "protected Q_SLOTS:", "protected slots:")): access_specifier = access_specifier_text elif member.access_specifier == AccessSpecifier.PRIVATE: access_specifier = "private:" elif member.access_specifier == AccessSpecifier.PROTECTED: access_specifier = "protected:" elif member.access_specifier == AccessSpecifier.PUBLIC: access_specifier = "public:" decl = pad + access_specifier + "\n" return decl def _enum_get(self, container, enum, level): pad = " " * (level * 4) decl = pad + "enum {} {{\n".format(enum.displayname) enumerations = [] for enum in enum.get_children(): # # Skip visibility attributes and the like. # if enum.kind == CursorKind.ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL: enumerations.append(pad + " {}".format(enum.displayname)) decl += ",\n".join(enumerations) + "\n" decl += pad + "}" return decl def _fn_get(self, container, function, level): """ Generate the translation for a function. :param container: A class or namespace. :param function: The function object. :param level: Recursion level controls indentation. :return: A string. """ if container.kind == CursorKind.TRANSLATION_UNIT and \ (function.semantic_parent.kind == CursorKind.CLASS_DECL or function.semantic_parent.kind == CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL) and \ function.is_definition(): # Skip inline methods return def skippable_attribute(member, text): """ We don't seem to have access to the __attribute__(())s, but at least we can look for stuff we care about. :param member: The attribute. :param text: The raw source corresponding to the region of member. """ if SipGenerator.FN_SKIPPABLE_ATTR.search(text): return True SipGenerator._report_ignoring(function, member, text) sip = { "name": function.spelling, } parameters = [] parameter_modifying_rules = [] template_parameters = [] for child in function.get_children(): if child.kind == CursorKind.PARM_DECL: parameter = child.displayname or "__{}".format(len(parameters)) theType = child.type.get_canonical() typeSpelling = theType.spelling if theType.kind == TypeKind.POINTER: typeSpelling = theType.get_pointee().spelling + "* " decl = "{} {}".format(typeSpelling, parameter) child_sip = { "name": parameter, "decl": decl, "init": self._fn_get_parameter_default(function, child), "annotations": set() } modifying_rule = self.rules.parameter_rules().apply(container, function, child, child_sip) if modifying_rule: parameter_modifying_rules.append("// Modified {} (by {}):\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(child), modifying_rule)) decl = child_sip["decl"] if child_sip["annotations"]: decl += " /" + ",".join(child_sip["annotations"]) + "/" if child_sip["init"]: decl += " = " + child_sip["init"] parameters.append(decl) elif child.kind in [CursorKind.COMPOUND_STMT, CursorKind.CXX_OVERRIDE_ATTR, CursorKind.MEMBER_REF, CursorKind.DECL_REF_EXPR, CursorKind.CALL_EXPR] + TEMPLATE_KINDS: # # Ignore: # # CursorKind.COMPOUND_STMT: Function body. # CursorKind.CXX_OVERRIDE_ATTR: The "override" keyword. # CursorKind.MEMBER_REF, CursorKind.DECL_REF_EXPR, CursorKind.CALL_EXPR: Constructor initialisers. # TEMPLATE_KINDS: The result type. # pass elif child.kind == CursorKind.TEMPLATE_TYPE_PARAMETER: template_parameters.append(child.displayname) elif child.kind == CursorKind.TEMPLATE_NON_TYPE_PARAMETER: template_parameters.append(child.type.spelling + " " + child.displayname) else: text = self._read_source(child.extent) if child.kind in [CursorKind.UNEXPOSED_ATTR, CursorKind.VISIBILITY_ATTR] and skippable_attribute(child, text): pass else: SipGenerator._report_ignoring(function, child) # # Flesh out the SIP context for the rules engine. # sip["template_parameters"] = template_parameters if function.kind in [CursorKind.CONSTRUCTOR, CursorKind.DESTRUCTOR]: sip["fn_result"] = "" else: sip["fn_result"] = function.result_type.spelling sip["parameters"] = parameters sip["prefix"], sip["suffix"] = self._fn_get_decorators(function) modifying_rule = self.rules.function_rules().apply(container, function, sip) pad = " " * (level * 4) if sip["name"]: # # Any method-related code (%MethodCode, %VirtualCatcherCode, VirtualCallCode # or other method-related directives)? # self.rules.methodcode(function, sip) decl = "" if modifying_rule: decl += "// Modified {} (by {}):\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(function), modifying_rule) + pad decl += pad.join(parameter_modifying_rules) if parameter_modifying_rules: decl += pad decl += sip["name"] + "(" + ", ".join(sip["parameters"]) + ")" if sip["fn_result"]: decl = sip["fn_result"] + " " + decl decl = pad + sip["prefix"] + decl + sip["suffix"] if sip["template_parameters"]: decl = pad + "template <" + ", ".join(sip["template_parameters"]) + ">\n" + decl decl += ";\n" decl += sip["code"] else: decl = pad + "// Discarded {} (by {})\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(function), modifying_rule) return decl def _fn_get_decorators(self, function): """ The parser does not provide direct access to the complete keywords (explicit, const, static, etc) of a function in the displayname. It would be nice to get these from the AST, but I cannot find where they are hiding. Now, we could resort to using the original source. That does not bode well if you have macros (QOBJECT, xxxDEPRECATED?), inlined bodies and the like, using the rule engine could be used to patch corner cases... ...or we can try to guess what SIP cares about, i.e static and maybe const. Luckily (?), we have those to hand! :param function: The function object. :return: prefix, suffix String containing any prefix or suffix keywords. """ suffix = "" if function.is_const_method(): suffix += " const" prefix = "" if function.is_static_method(): prefix += "static " if function.is_virtual_method(): prefix += "virtual " if function.is_pure_virtual_method(): suffix += " = 0" return prefix, suffix def _fn_get_parameter_default(self, function, parameter): """ The parser does not seem to provide access to the complete text of a parameter. This makes it hard to find any default values, so we: 1. Run the lexer from "here" to the end of the file, bailing out when we see the "," or a ")" marking the end. 2. Watch for the assignment. """ def _get_param_type(parameter): result = parameter.type.get_declaration().type if result.kind != TypeKind.ENUM and result.kind != TypeKind.TYPEDEF and parameter.type.kind == TypeKind.LVALUEREFERENCE: if parameter.type.get_pointee().get_declaration().type.kind != TypeKind.INVALID: return parameter.type.get_pointee().get_declaration().type return parameter.type.get_pointee() if parameter.type.get_declaration().type.kind == TypeKind.INVALID: return parameter.type if (parameter.type.get_declaration().type.kind == TypeKind.TYPEDEF): isQFlags = False for member in parameter.type.get_declaration().get_children(): if member.kind == CursorKind.TEMPLATE_REF and member.spelling == "QFlags": isQFlags = True if isQFlags and member.kind == CursorKind.TYPE_REF: result = member.type break return result def _get_param_value(text, parameterType): if text == "0" or text == "nullptr": return text if text == "{}": if parameterType.kind == TypeKind.ENUM: return "0" if parameterType.kind == TypeKind.POINTER: return "nullptr" if parameterType.spelling.startswith("const "): return parameterType.spelling[6:] + "()" return parameterType.spelling + "()" if not "::" in parameterType.spelling: return text try: typeText, typeInit = text.split("(") typeInit = "(" + typeInit except: typeText = text typeInit = "" prefix = parameterType.spelling.rsplit("::", 1)[0] if "::" in typeText: typeText = typeText.rsplit("::", 1)[1] return prefix + "::" + typeText + typeInit for member in parameter.get_children(): if member.kind.is_expression(): possible_extent = SourceRange.from_locations(parameter.extent.start, function.extent.end) text = "" bracket_level = 0 found_start = False found_end = False for token in self.tu.get_tokens(extent=possible_extent): if (token.spelling == "="): found_start = True continue if token.spelling == "," and bracket_level == 0: found_end = True break elif token.spelling == "(": bracket_level += 1 text += token.spelling elif token.spelling == ")": if bracket_level == 0: found_end = True break bracket_level -= 1 text += token.spelling if bracket_level == 0: found_end = True break elif found_start: text += token.spelling if not found_end and text: RuntimeError(_("No end found for {}::{}, '{}'").format(function.spelling, parameter.spelling, text)) parameterType = _get_param_type(parameter) return _get_param_value(text, parameterType) return "" def _typedef_get(self, container, typedef, level): """ Generate the translation for a typedef. :param container: A class or namespace. :param typedef: The typedef object. :param level: Recursion level controls indentation. :return: A string. """ sip = { "name": typedef.displayname, "decl": typedef.underlying_typedef_type.spelling, "annotations": set(), } self.rules.typedef_rules().apply(container, typedef, sip) pad = " " * (level * 4) if sip["name"]: decl = pad + "typedef {} {}".format(sip["decl"], sip["name"]) decl += ";\n" else: decl = pad + "// Discarded {}\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(typedef)) return decl def _var_get(self, container, variable, level): """ Generate the translation for a variable. :param container: A class or namespace. :param variable: The variable object. :param level: Recursion level controls indentation. :return: A string. """ def skippable_attribute(member, text): """ We don't seem to have access to the __attribute__(())s, but at least we can look for stuff we care about. :param member: The attribute. :param text: The raw source corresponding to the region of member. """ if SipGenerator.VAR_SKIPPABLE_ATTR.search(text): return True SipGenerator._report_ignoring(container, member, text) sip = { "name": variable.spelling } for child in variable.get_children(): if child.kind in TEMPLATE_KINDS + [CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL, CursorKind.UNION_DECL]: # # Ignore: # # TEMPLATE_KINDS, CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL, CursorKind.UNION_DECL: : The variable type. # pass else: text = self._read_source(child.extent) if child.kind == CursorKind.VISIBILITY_ATTR and skippable_attribute(child, text): pass else: SipGenerator._report_ignoring(variable, child) # # Flesh out the SIP context for the rules engine. # decl = "{} {}".format(variable.type.spelling, variable.spelling) sip["decl"] = decl modifying_rule = self.rules.variable_rules().apply(container, variable, sip) pad = " " * (level * 4) if sip["name"]: decl = sip["decl"] # # SIP does not support protected variables, so we ignore them. # if variable.access_specifier == AccessSpecifier.PROTECTED: decl = pad + "// Discarded {}\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(variable)) else: decl = pad + decl + ";\n" else: decl = pad + "// Discarded {} (by {})\n".format(SipGenerator.describe(variable), modifying_rule) return decl def _read_source(self, extent): """ Read the given range from the unpre-processed source. :param extent: The range of text required. """ extract = self.unpreprocessed_source[extent.start.line - 1:extent.end.line] if extent.start.line == extent.end.line: extract[0] = extract[0][extent.start.column - 1:extent.end.column - 1] else: extract[0] = extract[0][extent.start.column - 1:] extract[-1] = extract[-1][:extent.end.column - 1] # # Return a single line of text. # return "".join(extract).replace("\n", " ") @staticmethod def _report_ignoring(parent, child, text=None): if not text: text = child.displayname or child.spelling logger.debug(_("Ignoring {} {} child {}").format(parent.kind.name, parent.spelling, SipGenerator.describe(child, text))) def main(argv=None): """ Take a single C++ header file and generate the corresponding SIP file. Beyond simple generation of the SIP file from the corresponding C++ header file, a set of rules can be used to customise the generated SIP file. Examples: sip_generator.py /usr/include/KF5/KItemModels/kselectionproxymodel.h """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=inspect.getdoc(main), formatter_class=HelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("Enable verbose output")) parser.add_argument("--flags", help=_("Semicolon-separated C++ compile flags to use")) parser.add_argument("--include_filename", help=_("C++ header include to compile")) parser.add_argument("libclang", help=_("libclang library to use for parsing")) parser.add_argument("project_rules", help=_("Project rules")) parser.add_argument("source", help=_("C++ header to process")) parser.add_argument("output", help=_("output filename to write")) try: args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') # # Generate! # cindex.Config.set_library_file(args.libclang) rules = rules_engine.rules(args.project_rules) g = SipGenerator(rules, args.flags.lstrip().split(";"), args.verbose) body, includes = g.create_sip(args.source, args.include_filename) with open(args.output, "w") as outputFile: outputFile.write(body) except Exception as e: tbk = traceback.format_exc() print(tbk) return -1 if __name__ == "__main__": if sys.argv[1] != "--self-check": sys.exit(main()) else: cindex.Config.set_library_file(sys.argv[2])