diff --git a/doc/build.md b/doc/build.md index 3a7fb9d..9807ad0 100644 --- a/doc/build.md +++ b/doc/build.md @@ -1,102 +1,102 @@ # Building And Deploying %AtCore Building %AtCore is broken up into to main steps Configuration and Building. Deploying %AtCore is also covered here. ## Configuration In order to configure your build you will need [cmake] and [extra-cmake-modules]. %AtCore Build Options Are: - -DBUILD_GUI = ( ON | OFF ) Build the test client (Default is OFF) - -DBUILD_DOCS = (ON | OFF ) Build the Documentation (Default is OFF) - -DBUILD_TESTS = ( ON | OFF ) Build and Run Unittests (Default is OFF) - -DDEPLOY_PLUGINS_WITH_BINARY ( ON | OFF ) Deploy the plugins to bin/plugins (Default is OFF, Turn on for win/mac) Recommended CMake Command Linux ``` -cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL+LIBDIR=lib CMakeLists.txt +cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib CMakeLists.txt ``` Mac OS/ Windows ``` cmake -DDEPLOY_PLUGINS_WITH_BINARY=ON CMakeLists.txt ``` ## Building After Configuring you Should be able to run make to build all targets. ``` make ``` ## Dependencies In addition to a working development enviroment for your system you will need the following to build %AtCore - qt5-base - qt5-serialport - qt5-widgets - qt5-charts Building The Documentation adds the following dependency: - [doxygen] ### Installing Dependencies on Windows and Mac OS #### Mac Os Mac Os users could use [homebrew] to install both cmake and cmake-extra-modules using. ``` brew update brew install cmake brew tap KDE-mac/kde; brew install kf5-extra-cmake-modules ``` Then can download and install [Qt] #### Windows Windows users could install [chocolatey] and do something like ``` choco install cmake choco install ninja git clone -q git://anongit.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules.git cd extra-cmake-modules cmake -G "Ninja" . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= ninja install ``` Then Download and install [Qt] ## Deploying %AtCore After you build you may wish to deploy atcore on your system for use ### Linux From the build dir the command below to install atcore with its plugins to the system (assuming cmake used above) ``` sudo make install ``` ### Finding Plugins AtCore will check each directory below for plugins. 1. QApplication::applicationDirPath/plugins 2. QApplication::applicationDirPath/AtCore 3. QApplication::applicationDirPath/../PlugIns/AtCore 4. INSTALL_PREFIX/KDE_PLUGIN_DIR/AtCore 5. QT_Plugin_Path/AtCore 6. KDE_PLUGIN_DIR/AtCore 7. BUILDDIR for plugins. For Locations starting with 'QApplication::applicationDirPath' atcore will look next to the binary using atcore. Usually this is in a directory next to the program ``` atcore_test_GUI\atcore-gui.exe atcore_test_GUI\AtCore.dll atcore_test_GUI\plugins\repetier.dll ``` But on Mac OS this is in the app bundle ``` atcore-gui.app/Contents/MacOS/atcore-gui atcore-gui.app/Contents/MacOS/AtCore.dylib atcore-gui.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/repetier.dylib ``` [Qt]:https://www.qt.io [doxygen]:http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/ [cmake]:https://cmake.org/ [extra-cmake-modules]:https://cgit.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules.git/tree [homebrew]:https://brew.sh/ [chocolatey]:https://chocolatey.org/