diff --git a/doc/build.md b/doc/build.md index 6d8d0d3..c9fa714 100644 --- a/doc/build.md +++ b/doc/build.md @@ -1,94 +1,92 @@ # Building And Deploying %AtCore Building %AtCore is broken up into to main steps Configuration and Building. Deploying %AtCore is also covered here. ## Configuration In order to configure your build you will need [cmake] and [extra-cmake-modules]. %AtCore Build Options Are: - -DBUILD_GUI = ( ON | OFF ) Build the test client (Default is OFF) - -DBUILD_DOCS = (ON | OFF ) Build the Documentation (Default is OFF) - -DBUILD_TESTS = ( ON | OFF ) Build and Run Unittests (Default is OFF) Recommended CMake Command Linux ``` cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL+LIBDIR=lib CMakeLists.txt ``` Mac OS/ Windows ``` cmake CMakeLists.txt ``` ## Building After Configuring you Should be able to run make to build all targets. ``` make ``` ## Dependencies In addition to a working development enviroment for your system you will need the following to build %AtCore - qt5-base - qt5-serialport - -Building atcore-gui adds the following dependencies: - qt5-widgets - qt5-charts Building The Documentation adds the following dependency: - [doxygen] ### Installing Dependencies on Windows and Mac OS #### Mac Os Mac Os users could use [homebrew] to install both cmake and cmake-extra-modules using. ``` brew update brew install cmake brew tap KDE-mac/kde; brew install kf5-extra-cmake-modules ``` Then can download and install [Qt] #### Windows Windows users could install [chocolatey] and do something like ``` choco install cmake choco install ninja git clone -q git://anongit.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules.git cd extra-cmake-modules cmake -G "Ninja" . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= ninja install ``` Then Download and install [Qt] ## Deploying %AtCore After you build you may wish to deploy atcore on your system for use ### Linux From the build dir the command below to install atcore with its plugins to the system (assuming cmake used above) ``` sudo make install ``` ### Windows/Mac OS On these systems atcore will look in the path of the program using it for firmware plugins -On Windows This is in a directory next to the program +On Windows this is in a directory next to the program ``` C:\atcore_test_GUI\atcore-gui.exe C:\atcore_test_GUI\AtCore.dll C:\atcore_test_GUI\plugins\repetier.dll ``` -On Mac Os This is In the app Bundle +On Mac OS this is in the app bundle ``` atcore-gui.app/Contents/MacOS/atcore-gui atcore-gui.app/Contents/MacOS/AtCore.dylib atcore-gui.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/repetier.dylib ``` [Qt]:https://www.qt.io [doxygen]:http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/ [cmake]:https://cmake.org/ [extra-cmake-modules]:https://cgit.kde.org/extra-cmake-modules.git/tree [homebrew]:https://brew.sh/ [chocolatey]:https://chocolatey.org/ diff --git a/doc/contrib.md b/doc/contrib.md index 1f12ab4..4452ebd 100644 --- a/doc/contrib.md +++ b/doc/contrib.md @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ # Contributing To AtCore %AtCore is an open source project and all open source projects need contrubitors. Thank you for taking the time to read this document and Thank you for your contributions to the project. ---- ## Prerequisites In order to contrbute directly to %AtCore you will need to have a [KDE Identity]. You should also install [arcanist] on your system since it will make creating revisions for code review much easier.You may wish to join us on [IRC] or [Telegram] ### General Coding Guidelines The following guidelines apply to all submited code. - Follow the [KDE style guidelines] - Use constant referances when possible - Includes should be alphabetical. - Run the style script before you commit. - Headers should use #pragma once not #ifndef Def. - Auto should not be used if the type is not explict. - Doxygen comments should be created/updated with code. - Objects should have logical varible and function names - Code should alway be readable ,comment your code. ### Commit Guidelines Keeping a clean project history requires that we take care when choosing how we will commit our code.Consider the following when creating commits. ALL COMMITS MUST BE REVIEWED BEFORE PUSHING TO MASTER. - Follow the [KDE commit guidelines] - Reviewers: rizzitello, patrickelectric, laysrodrigues, tcanabrava - Be sure to make things "done" in phabricator. - Update your revisions with `arc diff --update ` - - Ammend your local commits to fix review issues. + - Amend your local commits to fix review issues. - Revisions require a majority acceptance rate before landing - Land your code with `arc land ` [IRC]: https://webchat.freenode.net/ [Telegram]: telegram.me/KDEAtelier [KDE Identity]: https://identity.kde.org/ [arcanist]:https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/arcanist/ [KDE style guidelines]:https://community.kde.org/Policies/Kdelibs_Coding_Style [KDE commit guidelines]:https://community.kde.org/Policies/Commit_Policy diff --git a/doc/mainpage.md b/doc/mainpage.md index 0db1146..276aa66 100644 --- a/doc/mainpage.md +++ b/doc/mainpage.md @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ # %AtCore %AtCore is a API to manage the serial connection between the computer and 3D Printers. This project is under [LGPL-2.0]+. %AtCore is written by [KDE] members, - Chris Rizzitello - Patrick José Pereira - - Lays Rodrigues
+ - Lays Rodrigues - Tomaz Canabrava ## Supported Firmwares Currenty the following firmwares are supported. Firmware Name |Basic Use| Control SD :------------:|:-------:|:----------: Repetier | YES | YES Marlin | YES | YES Teacup | YES | NO APrinter | YES | NO SPrinter | YES | NO Smoothie | YES | NO GRBL | YES | NO ## Building Deploying %AtCore See: [Building and Deploying] ## Importing %AtCore in your CMakeList CMake should find %AtCore using the following in your CMakeLists ```CMake include (AtCore REQUIRED COMPONATES AtCore ) ``` ## Getting Involved - [IRC] - freenode \#kde-atelier - [Telegram] - Atelier group - [Web] - Our web page - Report Bugs to our [Bug Tracker]. - Support us by making a [Donation] - [Contribute] to %AtCore. [IRC]: https://webchat.freenode.net/ [Telegram]: telegram.me/KDEAtelier [Bug Tracker]: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Atelier&component=AtCore [KDE]:https://www.kde.org [Web]: https://atelier.kde.org [LGPL-2.0]:https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.0.html [Building and Deploying]:build.md [Contribute]:contrib.md [Donation]:https://kde.org/donate/?app=atcore