diff --git a/src/printthread.cpp b/src/printthread.cpp index e9552ef..fc5a086 100644 --- a/src/printthread.cpp +++ b/src/printthread.cpp @@ -1,153 +1,152 @@ /* AtCore Copyright (C) <2017> Authors: Chris Rizzitello This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "printthread.h" -#include "gcodecommands.h" Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(PRINT_THREAD, "org.kde.atelier.core.printThread") /** * @brief The PrintThreadPrivate class */ class PrintThreadPrivate { public: AtCore *core = nullptr; //!<@param core: Pointer to AtCore QTextStream *gcodestream = nullptr; //!<@param gcodestream: Steam the job is read from float printProgress = 0; //!<@param printProgress: Progress of the print job qint64 totalSize = 0; //!<@param totalSize: total file size qint64 stillSize = 0; //!<@param stillSize: remaining file QString cline; //!<@param cline: current line AtCore::STATES state = AtCore::IDLE;//!<@param state: printer state QFile *file = nullptr; //!<@param file: gcode File to stream from }; PrintThread::PrintThread(AtCore *parent, QString fileName) : d(new PrintThreadPrivate) { d->core = parent; d->state = d->core->state(); d->file = new QFile(fileName); d->file->open(QFile::ReadOnly); d->totalSize = d->file->bytesAvailable(); d->stillSize = d->totalSize; d->gcodestream = new QTextStream(d->file); } void PrintThread::start() { // we only want to do this when printing connect(d->core->firmwarePlugin(), &IFirmware::readyForCommand, this, &PrintThread::processJob, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &PrintThread::nextCommand, d->core, &AtCore::pushCommand, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &PrintThread::stateChanged, d->core, &AtCore::setState, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(d->core, &AtCore::stateChanged, this, &PrintThread::setState, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &PrintThread::finished, this, &PrintThread::deleteLater); // force a command if the printer doesn't send "wait" when idle processJob(); } void PrintThread::processJob() { if (d->gcodestream->atEnd()) { endPrint(); } switch (d->state) { case AtCore::STARTPRINT: case AtCore::IDLE: case AtCore::BUSY: setState(AtCore::BUSY); nextLine(); while (d->cline.isEmpty() && !d->gcodestream->atEnd()) { nextLine(); } if (!d->cline.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(PRINT_THREAD) << "cline:" << d->cline; emit nextCommand(d->cline); } break; case AtCore::ERRORSTATE: qCDebug(PRINT_THREAD) << "Error State"; break; case AtCore::STOP: { endPrint(); break; } case AtCore::PAUSE: break; default: qCDebug(PRINT_THREAD) << "Unknown State"; break; } } void PrintThread::endPrint() { emit(printProgressChanged(100)); qCDebug(PRINT_THREAD) << "atEnd"; disconnect(d->core->firmwarePlugin(), &IFirmware::readyForCommand, this, &PrintThread::processJob); disconnect(this, &PrintThread::nextCommand, d->core, &AtCore::pushCommand); disconnect(d->core, &AtCore::stateChanged, this, &PrintThread::setState); emit(stateChanged(AtCore::FINISHEDPRINT)); emit(stateChanged(AtCore::IDLE)); disconnect(this, &PrintThread::stateChanged, d->core, &AtCore::setState); emit finished(); } void PrintThread::nextLine() { d->cline = d->gcodestream->readLine(); qCDebug(PRINT_THREAD) << "Nextline:" << d->cline; d->stillSize -= d->cline.size() + 1; //remove read chars d->printProgress = float(d->totalSize - d->stillSize) * 100.0 / float(d->totalSize); qCDebug(PRINT_THREAD) << "progress:" << QString::number(d->printProgress); emit(printProgressChanged(d->printProgress)); if (d->cline.contains(QChar::fromLatin1(';'))) { d->cline.resize(d->cline.indexOf(QChar::fromLatin1(';'))); } d->cline = d->cline.simplified(); } void PrintThread::setState(const AtCore::STATES &newState) { if (d->state == AtCore::STATES::DISCONNECTED && ( newState == AtCore::STATES::PAUSE || newState == AtCore::STATES::STOP ) ) { qCDebug(PRINT_THREAD) << "Serial not connected !"; return; } if (newState != d->state) { qCDebug(PRINT_THREAD) << "State Changed from [" << d->state << "] to [" << newState << ']'; disconnect(d->core, &AtCore::stateChanged, this, &PrintThread::setState); d->state = newState; emit(stateChanged(d->state)); connect(d->core, &AtCore::stateChanged, this, &PrintThread::setState, Qt::QueuedConnection); } }