diff --git a/kf5/resolve_kuit.py b/kf5/resolve_kuit.py index 05daf2f..7684bf8 100755 --- a/kf5/resolve_kuit.py +++ b/kf5/resolve_kuit.py @@ -1,1700 +1,1789 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Resolve KUIT markup in i18n strings into plain or rich text, # or switch them to xi18n calls. # # Usage: # resolve_kuit.py [OPTIONS] FILE_OR_DIRECTORY... # # By default, KUIT markup is resolved into plain or rich text. # To switch strings containing any KUIT markup to xi18n calls instead, # use -x option; to switch all strings to xi18n calls, use -X option. # For non-code files (.ui, .rc, etc.) -x behaves same like -X, # since there is no way to specify by string whether it is to be # passed through i18n or xi18n call at runtime. Instead this is specified # on the top level (per file, but normally for all such files in a project), # as described in the "Connecting Calls to Catalogs" section # of the ki18n Programmer's Guide. # # Files are modified in-place. Modified file paths are written to stdout. # If an argument is a directory, files from it are recursivelly collected. # Only files with known extensions are processed (even if file with unknown # extension is given directly in the command line, it will be ignored). # The list of known extensions by resolution type can be listed with # -k option. Option -s RESTYPE:EXT1[,EXT2...] can be used to register # additional extensions (without leading dot, case ignored) for given # resolution type. One extension may have several resolution types. # Files in version control bookkeeping directories are skipped. # # In C-like function call files (resolution type 'ccall'), # i18n strings are detected as arguments in calls with # *i18n, *i18nc, *i18np, and *i18ncp function names. # By default detection considers string arguments to be either single or # double quoted, call arguments can be split into several lines, and # strings are concatenated when separated only by whitespace. # Default set of quotes can be replaced by repeating the -q QUOTE option. # # In XML-like markup files (resolution type 'xml'), # i18n strings are detected as element texts, for a certain set of tags. # i18n contexts are detected as attributes to those elements, for a certain # set of attributes. These sets can be expanded using -T TAG1[,TAG2...] # and -A ATTR1[,ATTR2...] options. Case is ignored for both. # Markup inside the element text is expected to be XML-escaped (<, etc.), # i.e. the element text is first unescaped before resolution. # # In PO files (resolution type 'po'), i18n strings are detected # according to PO format. # To process PO files, the Pology library must be ready for use. # In msgstr fields, KUIT markup transformations for given language # are looked up in its kdelibs4.po. The pattern path to kdelibs4.po files, # which contains @lang@ placeholder, is given with -t PATTERN option. # This can be a local path or a HTTP URL (e.g. # http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/l10n-kde4/@lang@/messages/kdelibs/kdelibs4.po ). # Language of processed PO file is determined from its Language: header field. # If only PO files of one language are processed and they do not reliably # contain this field, the language can be forced with -l LANG option. # By default both the original and the translation fields are resolved, # which is appropriate when the PO file is being resolved before # it has been merged with new template resulting from the resolved code. # If an unresolved PO file has been merged with new template first, # then option -m should be issued to resolve only the translation fields. # In this case, on fuzzy messages, if previous original fields (which are # also resolved) and current original fields match after resolution, # the message is unfuzzied. # # For a given i18n string, the decision of whether to resolve KUIT markup # into plain or Qt rich text is made based on the context marker, # as described in KUIT documentation at # http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Semantics . # Target formats can also be manually specified for certain context markers # by repeating the -f option. E.g. -f @info:progress=rich would override # the default resolution into plain text for @info:progress i18n strings. # # NOTE: [INTERNAL] # If tags are added on rich text(see top_tag_res variable), # then resolution must not be run over already resolved files. # Context markers will remain but format modifiers will be removed from them, # which may cause further modification in the second run. # # NOTE: [INTERNAL] # If tags are simply removed (see numid_tag_res variable), # a warning is issued on each removal to do something manually with # its associated argument, e.g. wrap it in QString::number(). # It is probably best to look for tags and handle their arguments # before running the resolution. import locale import optparse import os import re import sys def main (): opars = optparse.OptionParser( usage="%prog FILE_OR_DIRECTORY...", description="Resolve KUIT markup in i18n strings. " "Files are recursively searched for, " "and modified in place. " "C-like i18n calls are looked for in all files, " "except in PO files which are specially treated. " "WARNING: Do not run twice over same files.") opars.add_option( "-x", dest="switch_to_xi18n", action="store_const", default=0, const=1, help="Instead of resolving markup, switch i18n calls having " "some markup to xi18n calls.") opars.add_option( "-X", dest="switch_to_xi18n", action="store_const", default=0, const=2, help="Instead of resolving markup, switch all i18n calls " "to xi18n calls.") opars.add_option( "-f", dest="formats", action="append", default=[], metavar="MARKER=FORMAT", help="Set resolution into given target format for " "strings with this context marker. " "Target format can be one of: plain, rich. " "Option can be repeated.") opars.add_option( "-q", dest="quotes", action="append", default=[], metavar="QUOTE", help="Set opening and closing quote for string arguments " "in '%s' resolution type. " "Default is single and double quote. " "Option can be repeated." % "ccall") opars.add_option( "-s", dest="add_restype_exts", action="append", default=[], metavar="RESTYPE:EXT1[,EXT2...]", help="Set additional file name extension for given resolution type. " "Option can be repeated.") opars.add_option( "-T", dest="add_xml_texttags", action="store", default=None, metavar="TAG1[,TAG2...]", help="Set additional tags from which to collect text " "in '%s' resolution type." % "xml") opars.add_option( "-A", dest="add_xml_ctxtattrs", action="store", default=None, metavar="ATTR1[,ATTR2...]", help="Set additional attributes to consider as containing " "context in '%s' resolution type." % "xml") opars.add_option( "-t", dest="kdelibs4_path_pattern", action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH_PATTERN", help="The path pattern to kdelibs4.po files, " "which contains @lang@ placeholder. " "It can be a local path or HTTP URL. " "Needed only when processing PO files.") opars.add_option( "-l", dest="kdelibs4_lang", action="store", default=None, metavar="LANG", help="The language code of translated text in processed PO files, " "if it cannot be determined reliably from PO headers. " "When this option is in effect, PO files of exactly " "one language of translation must be proceesed.") opars.add_option( "-w", dest="msgfmt_wrap", action="store_true", default=False, help="Apply Gettext tools wrapping to PO files after resolving them.") opars.add_option( "-m", dest="post_merge", action="store_true", default=False, help="Resolve only translation fields in PO files. " "This is to be used when PO file is being resolved " "after it has been merged with template resulting " "from resolved code.") opars.add_option( "-I", dest="interface_wrap", action="store", default=None, metavar="HEAD_SEP", help="[undocumented]", ) opars.add_option( "-k", dest="list_restypes", action="store_true", default=False, help="List known resolution types and associated file extensions. " "It will include additions by '%s' option." % "-s", ) options, args = opars.parse_args() # Set additional resolution types. for rtextspec in options.add_restype_exts: lst = rtextspec.split(":", 1) if len(lst) != 2: raise StandardError( "Resolution specification '%s' given in command line " "is not valid." % rtextspec) rt, extspec = lst if rt not in _map_restype_ext: raise StandardError( "Unknown resolution type '%s' in resolution specification '%s' " "given in command line." % (rt, rtextspec)) exts = [e.lower() for e in extspec.split(",")] _map_restype_ext[rt][0].update(exts) if options.list_restypes: for rt, (exts, rf, ons) in _map_restype_ext.items(): report("%s: %s" % (rt, " ".join(sorted(exts)))) exit(1) # Update target format by context marker specification. for fmtspec in options.formats: try: cmk, fmt = fmtspec.split("=", 1) except: raise StandardError( "Invalid target format specification '%s' " "given in command line." % fmtspec) if fmt not in _known_formats.values(): raise StandardError( "Unknown target format '%s' given in command line." % fmt) _cmarker_to_format[cmk] = fmt # Set KUIT resolving options. if options.kdelibs4_path_pattern: if "@lang@" not in options.kdelibs4_path_pattern: raise StandardError( "Path pattern for kdelibs4.po files given in command line " "does not contain %s placeholder." % "@lang@") _kuit_spec.kdelibs4_path_pattern = options.kdelibs4_path_pattern _kuit_spec.force_lang = options.kdelibs4_lang _kuit_spec.interface_wrap = options.interface_wrap # Set C-call resolving options. _ccall_options.switch_to_xi18n = options.switch_to_xi18n if options.quotes: squotes = list(reversed(sorted(options.quotes))) # longest first _ccall_options.quotes[:] = squotes # Set XML resolving options. _xml_options.switch_to_xi18n = options.switch_to_xi18n if options.add_xml_texttags: tags = options.add_xml_texttags.split(",") _xml_options.text_tags.update(tags) if options.add_xml_ctxtattrs: attrs = options.add_xml_ctxtattrs.split(",") _xml_options.ctxt_attrs[:0] = attrs # higher priority # Set PO resolving options. _po_options.switch_to_xi18n = options.switch_to_xi18n _po_options.msgfmt_wrap = options.msgfmt_wrap _po_options.post_merge = options.post_merge # Collect all files. file_paths = [] for path in args: if os.path.isdir(path): for root, dirns, filens in os.walk(path): for filen in filens: file_paths.append(os.path.join(root, filen)) elif os.path.isfile(path): file_paths.append(path) else: raise StandardError( "Command line argument '%s' is neither a file " "nor a directory." % path) # Filter out VCS bookkeeping. mod_file_paths = [] vcs_dirns = set(["CVS", ".svn", ".git"]) for fp in file_paths: els = set(fp.split(os.path.sep)) if not els.intersection(vcs_dirns): mod_file_paths.append(fp) file_paths = mod_file_paths # Resolve files. file_paths.sort() test_encs = ["utf8", "iso8859-1", "iso8859-15", "cp1252"] for fp in file_paths: rspecs = get_resolvers_for_file(fp) modified = False for restype, resolvef, onstring in rspecs: if onstring: fstr = open(fp, "rb").read() badpos = -1 for fenc in test_encs: try: fstr = fstr.decode(fenc) except UnicodeDecodeError, e: if badpos < 0: badpos = e.start else: badpos = -1 break if badpos < 0: res_fstr = resolvef(fstr, fp) if res_fstr != fstr: tmpfp = fp + "~tmp" fh = open(tmpfp, "wb") fh.write(res_fstr.encode("utf8")) fh.close() os.rename(tmpfp, fp) modified = True else: warning("%s: Cannot decode file using any of " "test encodings (UTF-8 try produces problem " "in line %d, column %d), skipping it." % (fp, lno_to(fstr, badpos), cno_to(fstr, badpos))) else: if resolvef(fp): modified = True if modified: report(fp) def report (msg): lenc = locale.getpreferredencoding() emsg = ("%s\n" % msg).encode(lenc) sys.stdout.write(emsg) def warning (msg): lenc = locale.getpreferredencoding() emsg = ("[warning] %s\n" % msg).encode(lenc) sys.stderr.write(emsg) class Data: pass _kuit_spec = Data() _kuit_spec.kdelibs4_path_pattern = None _kuit_spec.force_lang = None _kuit_spec.interface_wrap = None _kuit_spec.langdata = {} _space_in_place_tag_rx = re.compile(r"(<[^>]*\S)(/\s*>)", re.U | re.S) def get_language_data (lang): langdata = _kuit_spec.langdata.get(lang) if langdata: return langdata kl4cat = None if lang != "en_US": # Fetch kdelibs4.po for this catalog's language. if not _kuit_spec.kdelibs4_path_pattern: raise StandardError( "Path pattern for kdelibs4.po not set (-t option).") kl4path = _kuit_spec.kdelibs4_path_pattern.replace("@lang@", lang) from urllib import urlopen kl4fh = urlopen(kl4path) from pology.catalog import Catalog kl4cat = Catalog("kdelibs4.po", readfh=kl4fh) langdata = Data() langdata.transform = {} for spec in _kuit_transforms.items(): - ktrkey, (msgctxt, msgid, subsmap, textmodf) = spec + ktrkey, (msgctxt, msgid, subsmap, prepend, postpend, textmodf) = spec pattern = msgid if kl4cat is not None: msgs = kl4cat.select_by_key(msgctxt, msgid) if msgs and msgs[0].translated: pattern = msgs[0].msgstr[0] fmt = ktrkey[2] if fmt == "rich": # Add space before /> in in-place closed rich-text tags, # as Qt may fail to guess format as rich-text otherwise. pattern = _space_in_place_tag_rx.sub(r"\1 \2", pattern) tr = Data() tr.pattern = pattern tr.subsmap = subsmap + tr.prepend = prepend + tr.postpend = postpend tr.textmodf = textmodf langdata.transform[ktrkey] = tr langdata.shcdelim = {} for spec in _kuit_shortcut_delimiters.items(): fmt, (msgctxt, msgid) = spec delim = msgid if kl4cat is not None: msgs = kl4cat.select_by_key(msgctxt, msgid) if msgs and msgs[0].translated: delim = msgs[0].msgstr[0] langdata.shcdelim[fmt] = delim langdata.keyname = {} for spec in _kuit_key_names: msgctxt, msgid = spec keyname = msgid if kl4cat is not None: msgs = kl4cat.select_by_key(msgctxt, msgid) if msgs and msgs[0].translated: keyname = msgs[0].msgstr[0] langdata.keyname[msgid] = keyname langdata.guidelim = {} for spec in _kuit_guipath_delimiters.items(): fmt, (msgctxt, msgid) = spec delim = msgid if kl4cat is not None: msgs = kl4cat.select_by_key(msgctxt, msgid) if msgs and msgs[0].translated: delim = msgs[0].msgstr[0] langdata.guidelim[fmt] = delim langdata.ifacewrap = None if _kuit_spec.interface_wrap: langdata.ifacewrap = _kuit_spec.interface_wrap _kuit_spec.langdata[lang] = langdata return langdata def lno_to (fstr, p): lno = fstr.count("\n", 0, p) + 1 return lno def cno_to (fstr, p): pb = fstr.rfind("\n", 0, p) # If no \n found, -1 is exactly what's needed below. cno = p - pb return cno _ccall_options = Data() # Call specification. _ccall_options.calls = { # "callname": (ctxt_pos, text_pos, plural_pos) "i18n": (-1, 0, -1), "i18nc": (0, 1, -1), "i18np": (-1, 0, 1), "i18ncp": (0, 1, 2), "ki18n": (-1, 0, -1), "ki18nc": (0, 1, -1), "ki18np": (-1, 0, 1), "ki18ncp": (0, 1, 2), "I18N_NOOP": (-1, 0, -1), "I18N_NOOP2": (0, 1, -1), "I18N_NOOP2_NOSTRIP": (0, 1, -1), } # Equip with total number of strings. _ccall_options.calls = dict([(cn, inds + (len([i for i in inds if i >= 0]),)) for cn, inds in _ccall_options.calls.items()]) # Default string quotes (must be sorted from longest to shortest). _ccall_options.quotes = list(reversed(sorted([ "\"", "'", ]))) # To-EOL and delimited comments which may mingle with # concatenated string literals. _ccall_options.midcstr_eolcmnts = set([ "//", "#", ]) _ccall_options.midcstr_delimcmnts = set([ ("/*", "*/"), ]) _ccall_head_rx = re.compile(r"([\w\d_]+)\s*\(", re.U | re.S) _mask_chr = "\x04" _print_mask_chr = u"¬" def resolve_ccall (fstr, path): showparse = False if showparse: report("%s: >>>>> start >>>>>" % path) langdata = get_language_data("en_US") toxi18n = _ccall_options.switch_to_xi18n segs = [] p1 = 0 while True: m = _ccall_head_rx.search(fstr, p1) if not m: segs.append(fstr[p1:]) break p2, p3 = m.span() callname = m.group(1) callspec = _ccall_options.calls.get(callname) if callspec: ictxt, itext, iplural, total = callspec p1a = p3 argspecs = [] all_strings = True end_call = False for k in range(total): if showparse: report("%s:%d: iarg=%d spos=%d" % (path, lno_to(fstr, p1a), k, p1a)) ret = _parse_cstr(fstr, p1a, (",", ")"), path, _ccall_options.midcstr_eolcmnts, _ccall_options.midcstr_delimcmnts) if not ret: all_strings = False break p2a, msarg, quote, outs = ret argspecs.append((msarg, quote, outs)) p1a = p2a if outs[-1].endswith(")"): end_call = True break if len(argspecs) == total: if showparse: report("%s:%d: call=[%s]%s" % (path, lno_to(fstr, p3), callname, "".join("{%s||%s}" % (_ppmasked(s[0]), s[1]) for s in argspecs))) csegs = [] lno = lno_to(fstr, p3) mctxt = argspecs[ictxt][0] if ictxt >= 0 else None res_callname = None for iarg, (msarg, quote, outs) in enumerate(argspecs): if iarg != ictxt: ret = resolve_kuit(mctxt, msarg, quote, langdata, path, lno, toxi18n=toxi18n) - res_mctxt, res_msarg, xi18n = ret + res_mctxt, res_msarg, xi18n = ret[:3] if xi18n and not res_callname: if callname.startswith("i"): res_callname = "x" + callname elif callname.startswith("k"): res_callname = "kx" + callname[1:] res_sarg = _unmask(res_msarg, outs) csegs.append(res_sarg) else: csegs.append("") if not res_callname: res_callname = callname if ictxt >= 0: outs_ctxt = argspecs[ictxt][2] res_ctxt = _unmask(res_mctxt, outs_ctxt) csegs[ictxt] = res_ctxt if showparse: report("%s:%d: res-segs=%s" % (path, lno_to(fstr, p3), "".join("{%s}" % s for s in csegs))) segs.append(fstr[p1:p2]) segs.append(res_callname) segs.append(fstr[p2 + len(callname):p3]) segs.append("".join(csegs)) p3 = p1a elif all_strings and end_call: if showparse: report("%s:%d: bad-call" % (path, lno_to(fstr, p3))) warning("%s:%d: Too little string arguments to call " "(expected %d, got %d)." % (path, lno_to(fstr, p3), total, len(argspecs))) segs.append(fstr[p1:p3]) p3 = p1a else: if showparse: report("%s:%d: not-literal-call" % (path, lno_to(fstr, p3))) segs.append(fstr[p1:p3]) else: segs.append(fstr[p1:p3]) p1 = p3 res_fstr = "".join(segs) if showparse: report("%s: <<<<< end <<<<<" % path) return res_fstr def _ppmasked (s): return s.replace(_mask_chr, _print_mask_chr) def _unmask (ms, outs): segs = [] p1 = 0 io = 0 while True: p2 = ms.find(_mask_chr, p1) if p2 < 0: segs.append(ms[p1:]) break segs.append(ms[p1:p2]) segs.append(outs[io]) io += 1 p1 = p2 + len(_mask_chr) s = "".join(segs) return s def _parse_cstr (fstr, spos, ends, path=None, eolcmnts=[], delimcmnts=[]): showparse = False l = len(fstr) p = spos if showparse: report("parse-cstr-start %d" % p) segs = [] outs = [] quote = None while True: pp = p while p < l and fstr[p].isspace(): p += 1 segs.append(_mask_chr) outs.append(fstr[pp:p]) if p == l: break at_quote = False if quote is None: for q in _ccall_options.quotes: if fstr[p:p + len(q)] == q: at_quote = True quote = q lq = len(quote) break else: if fstr[p:p + lq] == quote: at_quote = True if at_quote: pp = p p += lq p = find_esc(fstr, quote, "\\", p) if p < 0: if path: warning("%s:%d: Unterminated string literal." % (path, lno_to(fstr, pp))) return None p += lq segs.append(fstr[pp:p]) if showparse: report("parse-cstr-quote-end %d" % p) continue at_end = False for end in ends: if fstr[p:p + len(end)] == end: pp = p p += len(end) at_end = True segs.append(_mask_chr) outs.append(fstr[pp:p]) if showparse: report("parse-cstr-end-end %d" % p) break if at_end: break cmnt_end = False for ec in eolcmnts: if fstr[p:p + len(ec)] == ec: pp = p p += len(ec) while p < l and fstr[p] != "\n": p += 1 if p < l: p += 1 cmnt_end = True segs.append(_mask_chr) outs.append(fstr[pp:p]) if showparse: report("parse-cstr-eol-cmnt-end %d" % p) break if cmnt_end: continue for dc1, dc2 in delimcmnts: if fstr[p:p + len(dc1)] == dc1: pp = p p += len(dc1) while p < l and fstr[p:p + len(dc2)] != dc2: p += 1 if p == l: warning("%s:%d: Unterminated comment." % (path, lno_to(fstr, pp))) return None p += len(dc2) cmnt_end = True segs.append(_mask_chr) outs.append(fstr[pp:p]) if showparse: report("parse-cstr-delim-cmnt-end %d" % p) break if cmnt_end: continue break if quote is None: return None mstr = "".join(segs) return p, mstr, quote, outs _xml_options = Data() # Default tags and attributes to extract from. # Ordering of attributes is significant, first found is taken as context. # According to extractrc from kdesdk/scripts/. _xml_options.text_tags = set([ "text", "title", "string", "whatsthis", "tooltip", "label", ]) _xml_options.ctxt_attrs = [ "context", "comment", ] _xml_rx = Data() _xml_rx.inited = False def _init_xml_regexes (): if _xml_rx.inited: return tagins = "|".join(sorted(_xml_options.text_tags)) rx = re.compile(r"<\s*(%s)\b([^>]*)>([^<]*)<\s*/\s*\1\s*>" % tagins, re.U | re.S | re.I) _xml_rx.i18n_el = rx attrins = "|".join(_xml_options.ctxt_attrs) rx = re.compile(r"""^(.*\b(?:%s)\s*=\s*['"])(.*?)(['"].*)$""" % attrins, re.U | re.S | re.I) _xml_rx.ctxt_attr = rx _xml_rx.inited = True def resolve_xml (fstr, path): showparse = False if showparse: report("%s: >>>>> start >>>>>" % path) _init_xml_regexes() langdata = get_language_data("en_US") toxi18n = _xml_options.switch_to_xi18n segs = [] p1 = 0 while True: m = _xml_rx.i18n_el.search(fstr, p1) if not m: segs.append(fstr[p1:]) break p2, p3 = m.span() lno = lno_to(fstr, p2) segs.append(fstr[p1:p2]) tag, attr_str, etext = m.groups() ctxt = None m = _xml_rx.ctxt_attr.search(attr_str) if m: attr_head, ectxt, attr_tail = m.groups() ctxt, noesc_ctxt = unescape_xml(ectxt, testnoesc=True) text, noesc_text = unescape_xml(etext, testnoesc=True) if showparse: if ctxt is not None: report("%s:%d: ctxt-text={%s}{%s}" % (path, lno, ectxt, etext)) else: report("%s:%d: text={%s}" % (path, lno, etext)) ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt, text, None, langdata, path, lno, toxi18n=toxi18n) res_ctxt, res_text = ret[:2] res_etext = escape_xml(res_text, noesc=noesc_text) if ctxt is not None: res_ectxt = escape_xml(res_ctxt, noesc=noesc_ctxt) seg = ("<%s%s%s%s>%s" % (tag, attr_head, res_ectxt, attr_tail, res_etext, tag)) else: seg = "<%s%s>%s" % (tag, attr_str, res_etext, tag) if showparse: if ctxt is not None: report("%s:%d: res-ctxt-text={%s}{%s}" % (path, lno, res_ectxt, res_etext)) else: report("%s:%d: res-text={%s}" % (path, lno, res_etext)) segs.append(seg) p1 = p3 res_fstr = "".join(segs) if showparse: report("%s: <<<<< end <<<<<" % path) return res_fstr _po_options = Data() _po_options.msgfmt_wrap = False def resolve_po (path): from pology.catalog import Catalog from pology.gtxtools import msgfilter cat = Catalog(path) langdata_src = get_language_data("en_US") lang = _kuit_spec.force_lang or cat.language() if not lang: raise StandardError( "%s: Cannot determine language of PO file." % path) langdata_trn = get_language_data(lang) - toxi18n = _po_options.switch_to_xi18n + toxi18n_global = _po_options.switch_to_xi18n seen_keys = set() for ind, msg in enumerate(cat): + toxi18n = toxi18n_global + # Override resolution setting by message xi18n flag. + if "kde-kuit-format" in msg.flag: + toxi18n = 2 + # Original fields. + ctxt = msg.msgctxt + forcerich = False + if not _po_options.post_merge: + ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt, msg.msgid, None, + langdata_src, path, msg.refline, + toxi18n=toxi18n) + msg.msgid = ret[1] + if ctxt is not None: + msg.msgctxt = ret[0] + if msg.msgid_plural is not None: + ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt, msg.msgid_plural, None, + langdata_src, path, msg.refline, + toxi18n=toxi18n) + msg.msgid_plural = ret[1] + else: + # Check if to not touch existing KUIT or + # to force rich text in non-original fields. + if not forcerich: + ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt, msg.msgid, None, + langdata_src, path, msg.refline, + toxi18n=toxi18n) + has_any_html_tag, has_any_kuit_tag = ret[3:5] + if has_any_kuit_tag: + toxi18n = 2 + else: + forcerich = has_any_html_tag + if not forcerich: + ret = resolve_entities(msg.msgid, path, msg.refline) + any_entity_resolved = ret[1] + forcerich = any_entity_resolved # Previous original fields. ctxt_prev = msg.msgctxt_previous has_previous = False if msg.msgid_previous is not None: has_previous = True ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt_prev, msg.msgid_previous, None, langdata_src, path, msg.refline, - toxi18n=toxi18n) + toxi18n=toxi18n, forcerich=forcerich) msg.msgid_previous = ret[1] if ctxt_prev is not None: msg.msgctxt_previous = ret[0] if msg.msgid_plural_previous is not None: ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt_prev, msg.msgid_plural_previous, None, langdata_src, path, msg.refline, - toxi18n=toxi18n) + toxi18n=toxi18n, forcerich=forcerich) msg.msgid_plural_previous = ret[1] - ctxt = msg.msgctxt - if not _po_options.post_merge: - # Original fields. - ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt, msg.msgid, None, - langdata_src, path, msg.refline, - toxi18n=toxi18n) - msg.msgid = ret[1] - if ctxt is not None: - msg.msgctxt = ret[0] - if msg.msgid_plural is not None: - ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt, msg.msgid_plural, None, - langdata_src, path, msg.refline, - toxi18n=toxi18n) - msg.msgid_plural = ret[1] # Translation fields. ctxt_trn = ctxt if (not msg.fuzzy or not has_previous) else ctxt_prev for i in range(len(msg.msgstr)): ret = resolve_kuit(ctxt_trn, msg.msgstr[i], None, langdata_trn, path, msg.refline, - toxi18n=toxi18n) + toxi18n=toxi18n, forcerich=forcerich) msg.msgstr[i] = ret[1] - if msg.msgid.endswith("\n") and not msg.msgstr[i].endswith("\n"): - msg.msgstr[i] += "\n" + if msg.translated: + if msg.msgid.endswith("\n") and not msg.msgstr[i].endswith("\n"): + msg.msgstr[i] += "\n" + elif not msg.msgid.endswith("\n") and msg.msgstr[i].endswith("\n"): + msg.msgstr[i] = msg.msgstr[i][:-1] # In post-merge mode, maybe it can be unfuzzied now. - if _po_options.post_merge and msg.fuzzy: + if _po_options.post_merge and msg.fuzzy and all(list(msg.msgstr)): if ( msg.msgctxt == msg.msgctxt_previous and msg.msgid == msg.msgid_previous and msg.msgid_plural == msg.msgid_plural_previous ): msg.unfuzzy() # Conversion may make a message with same key as a previous one, # remove the current message in that case. if msg.key in seen_keys: cat.remove_on_sync(ind) else: seen_keys.add(msg.key) modified = cat.sync() if modified and _po_options.msgfmt_wrap: msgfilter(["cat"])(cat.filename) return modified _map_restype_ext = { "ccall": (set([ "cpp", "cxx", "cc", "c", "h", "hpp", "hxx", "hh", "py", "js", "rb", "qml", #"kcfg", won't work due to XML escaping; but there is # no existing case of embedded i18n() with KUIT in KDE repos. ]), resolve_ccall, True), "xml": (set([ "ui", "rc", "kcfg", ]), resolve_xml, True), "po": (set([ "po", "pot", ]), resolve_po, False), } # Inverted resolution types by extension. _map_ext_restype = {} def _init_map_ext_restype (): if _map_ext_restype: return for rt, (exts, rf, ons) in _map_restype_ext.items(): for ext in exts: if ext not in _map_ext_restype: _map_ext_restype[ext] = [] _map_ext_restype[ext].append((rt, rf, ons)) def get_resolvers_for_file (path): _init_map_ext_restype() p = path.rfind(".") if p >= 0: ext = path[p + 1:] else: ext = "" rspecs = _map_ext_restype.get(ext, []) return rspecs # KUIT keyboard shortcut delimiters and lookup key in PO files, as # format: (msgctxt, msgid). # According to kuitsemantics.cpp from kdecore. _kuit_raw_shortcut_delimiter_rx = re.compile(r"\+|-", re.U) _kuit_shortcut_delimiters = { "plain": (u"shortcut-key-delimiter/plain", u"+"), "rich": (u"shortcut-key-delimiter/rich", u"+"), } # Add delimiters for term format, same as plain. _kuit_shortcut_delimiters["term"] = _kuit_shortcut_delimiters["plain"] # KUIT keyboard key names and lookup in PO files, # as set((msgctxt, msgid)). F%1 is special. _kuit_key_names_raw = set([ u"Alt", u"AltGr", u"Backspace", u"CapsLock", u"Control", u"Ctrl", u"Del", u"Delete", u"Down", u"End", u"Enter", u"Esc", u"Escape", u"Home", u"Hyper", u"Ins", u"Insert", u"Left", u"Menu", u"Meta", u"NumLock", u"PageDown", u"PageUp", u"PgDown", u"PgUp", u"PauseBreak", u"PrintScreen", u"PrtScr", u"Return", u"Right", u"ScrollLock", u"Shift", u"Space", u"Super", u"SysReq", u"Tab", u"Up", u"Win", u"F%1", ]) _kuit_key_names = set((u"keyboard-key-name", kn) for kn in _kuit_key_names_raw) def textmod_shortcut (text, quote, fmt, langdata): segs = [] p1 = 0 while True: m = _kuit_raw_shortcut_delimiter_rx.search(text, p1) if not m: keyname = text[p1:].strip() else: p2, p3 = m.span() keyname = text[p1:p2].strip() if keyname[:1] == "F" and keyname[1:].isdigit(): lkeypattern = langdata.keyname.get(u"F%1", u"F%1") lkeyname = lkeypattern.replace("%1", keyname[1:]) else: lkeyname = langdata.keyname.get(keyname, keyname) segs.append(lkeyname) if not m: break segs.append(langdata.shcdelim[fmt]) p1 = p3 res_text = "".join(segs) if quote: res_text = escape_c(res_text, quote) return res_text # KUIT UI path delimiters and lookup key in PO files, as # format: (msgctxt, msgid). # According to kuitsemantics.cpp from kdecore. -_kuit_raw_guipath_delimiter_rx = re.compile(r"->|\|", re.U) +_kuit_raw_guipath_delimiter_rx = re.compile(r"->", re.U) _kuit_guipath_delimiters = { "plain": (u"gui-path-delimiter/plain", u"→"), "rich": (u"gui-path-delimiter/rich", u"→"), } # Add delimiters for term format, same as plain. _kuit_guipath_delimiters["term"] = _kuit_guipath_delimiters["plain"] def textmod_interface (text, quote, fmt, langdata): segs = [] p1 = 0 while True: m = _kuit_raw_guipath_delimiter_rx.search(text, p1) if not m: pathel = text[p1:].strip() else: p2, p3 = m.span() pathel = text[p1:p2].strip() if langdata.ifacewrap: head, sep = langdata.ifacewrap[:-1], langdata.ifacewrap[-1:] pathel = "%s%s%s" % (head, pathel, sep) segs.append(pathel) if not m: break segs.append(langdata.guidelim[fmt]) p1 = p3 res_text = "".join(segs) if quote: res_text = escape_c(res_text, quote) return res_text # KUIT transformation patterns and lookup key in PO files, as -# (tag, attributes, format): (msgctxt, msgid, subsmap, textmodf). +# (tag, attributes, format): (msgctxt, msgid, subsmap, prepend, postpend, textmodf). # According to kuitsemantics.cpp from kdecore. _kuit_transforms = { (u"title", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@title/plain", u"== %1 ==", {"%1": "title"}, + "", "\n", None), (u"title", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@title/rich", u"


", {"%1": "title"}, + "", "", None), (u"subtitle", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@subtitle/plain", u"~ %1 ~", {"%1": "subtitle"}, + "", "\n", None), (u"subtitle", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@subtitle/rich", u"


", {"%1": "subtitle"}, + "", "", None), (u"para", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@para/plain", u"%1", {"%1": "para"}, + "", "\n", None), (u"para", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@para/rich", u"


", {"%1": "para"}, + "", "", None), (u"list", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@list/plain", u"%1", {"%1": "list"}, + "\n", "", None), (u"list", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@list/rich", u"", {"%1": "list"}, + "", "", None), (u"item", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@item/plain", u" * %1", {"%1": "item"}, + "", "\n", None), (u"item", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@item/rich", u"
  • %1
  • ", {"%1": "item"}, + "", "", None), (u"note", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@note/plain", u"Note: %1", {"%1": "note"}, + "", "", None), (u"note", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@note/rich", u"Note: %1", {"%1": "note"}, + "", "", None), (u"note", frozenset([u"label"]), "plain"): (u"@note-with-label/plain\n" u"%1 is the note label, %2 is the text", u"%1: %2", {"%1": "label", "%2": "note"}, + "", "", None), (u"note", frozenset([u"label"]), "rich"): (u"@note-with-label/rich\n" u"%1 is the note label, %2 is the text", u"%1: %2", {"%1": "label", "%2": "note"}, + "", "", None), (u"warning", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@warning/plain", u"WARNING: %1", {"%1": "warning"}, + "", "", None), (u"warning", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@warning/rich", u"Warning: %1", {"%1": "warning"}, + "", "", None), (u"warning", frozenset([u"label"]), "plain"): (u"@warning-with-label/plain\n" u"%1 is the warning label, %2 is the text", u"%1: %2", {"%1": "label", "%2": "warning"}, + "", "", None), (u"warning", frozenset([u"label"]), "rich"): (u"@warning-with-label/rich\n" u"%1 is the warning label, %2 is the text", u"%1: %2", {"%1": "label", "%2": "warning"}, + "", "", None), (u"link", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@link/plain", u"%1", {"%1": "link"}, + "", "", None), (u"link", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@link/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "link"}, + "", "", None), (u"link", frozenset([u"url"]), "plain"): (u"@link-with-description/plain\n" u"%1 is the URL, %2 is the descriptive text", u"%2 (%1)", {"%2": "link", "%1": "url"}, + "", "", None), (u"link", frozenset([u"url"]), "rich"): (u"@link-with-description/rich\n" u"%1 is the URL, %2 is the descriptive text", u"%2", {"%2": "link", "%1": "url"}, + "", "", None), (u"filename", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@filename/plain", u"‘%1’", {"%1": "filename"}, + "", "", None), (u"filename", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@filename/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "filename"}, + "", "", None), (u"application", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@application/plain", u"%1", {"%1": "application"}, + "", "", None), (u"application", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@application/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "application"}, + "", "", None), (u"command", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@command/plain", u"%1", {"%1": "command"}, + "", "", None), (u"command", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@command/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "command"}, + "", "", None), (u"command", frozenset([u"section"]), "plain"): (u"@command-with-section/plain\n" u"%1 is the command name, %2 is its man section", u"%1(%2)", {"%1": "command", "%2": "section"}, + "", "", None), (u"command", frozenset([u"section"]), "rich"): (u"@command-with-section/rich\n" u"%1 is the command name, %2 is its man section", u"%1(%2)", {"%1": "command", "%2": "section"}, + "", "", None), (u"resource", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@resource/plain", u"“%1”", {"%1": "resource"}, + "", "", None), (u"resource", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@resource/rich", u"“%1”", {"%1": "resource"}, + "", "", None), (u"icode", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@icode/plain", u"“%1”", {"%1": "icode"}, + "", "", None), (u"icode", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@icode/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "icode"}, + "", "", None), (u"bcode", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@bcode/plain", u"\n%1\n", {"%1": "bcode"}, + "", "", None), (u"bcode", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@bcode/rich", u"
    ", {"%1": "bcode"}, + "", "", None), (u"shortcut", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@shortcut/plain", u"%1", {"%1": "shortcut"}, + "", "", textmod_shortcut), (u"shortcut", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@shortcut/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "shortcut"}, + "", "", textmod_shortcut), (u"interface", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@interface/plain", u"|%1|", {"%1": "interface"}, + "", "", textmod_interface), (u"interface", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@interface/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "interface"}, + "", "", textmod_interface), (u"emphasis", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@emphasis/plain", u"*%1*", {"%1": "emphasis"}, + "", "", None), (u"emphasis", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@emphasis/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "emphasis"}, + "", "", None), (u"emphasis", frozenset([u"strong"]), "plain"): (u"@emphasis-strong/plain", u"**%1**", {"%1": "emphasis"}, + "", "", None), (u"emphasis", frozenset([u"strong"]), "rich"): (u"@emphasis-strong/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "emphasis"}, + "", "", None), (u"placeholder", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@placeholder/plain", u"<%1>", {"%1": "placeholder"}, + "", "", None), (u"placeholder", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@placeholder/rich", u"<%1>", {"%1": "placeholder"}, + "", "", None), (u"email", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@email/plain", u"<%1>", {"%1": "email"}, + "", "", None), (u"email", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@email/rich", u"<%1>", {"%1": "email"}, + "", "", None), (u"email", frozenset([u"address"]), "plain"): (u"@email-with-name/plain\n" u"%1 is name, %2 is address", u"%1 <%2>", {"%1": "email", "%2": "address"}, + "", "", None), (u"email", frozenset([u"address"]), "rich"): (u"@email-with-name/rich\n" u"%1 is name, %2 is address", u"%1", {"%1": "email", "%2": "address"}, + "", "", None), (u"envar", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@envar/plain", u"$%1", {"%1": "envar"}, + "", "", None), (u"envar", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@envar/rich", u"$%1", {"%1": "envar"}, + "", "", None), (u"message", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@message/plain", u"/%1/", {"%1": "message"}, + "", "", None), (u"message", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@message/rich", u"%1", {"%1": "message"}, + "", "", None), (u"nl", frozenset([]), "plain"): (u"@nl/plain", u"%1\n", {"%1": "nl"}, + "", "", None), (u"nl", frozenset([]), "rich"): (u"@nl/rich", u"%1
    ", {"%1": "nl"}, + "", "", None), } # Add patterns for term format, same as plain. for (tag, attrs, fmt), trspec in _kuit_transforms.items(): if fmt == "plain": _kuit_transforms[(tag, attrs, "term")] = trspec # Collect all known tags and formats. _kuit_tags = set() _known_formats = set() for (tag, attrs, fmt), trspec in _kuit_transforms.items(): _kuit_tags.add(tag) _known_formats.add(fmt) # Qt rich text tags (used for implicit determination of rich format). _html_tags = set([ "a", "address", "b", "big", "blockquote", "body", "br", "center", "cita", "code", "dd", "dfn", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "font", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "hr", "html", "i", "img", "kbd", "meta", "li", "nobr", "ol", "p", "pre", "qt", "s", "samp", "small", "span", "strong", "sup", "sub", "table", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "title", "tr", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", ]) # Default target formats by context marker. # According to kuitsemantics.cpp from kdecore. _cmarker_to_format = { "@action": "plain", "@title": "plain", "@label": "plain", "@option": "plain", "@item": "plain", "@info": "rich", "@info:progress": "plain", "@info:status": "plain", "@info:credit": "plain", "@info:shell": "plain", } _top_tag_rx = re.compile(r"<\s*(qt|html)\b[^>]*>(.*)<\s*/\s*qt\s*>", re.U | re.S | re.I) -def resolve_kuit (ctxt, text, quote, langdata, path, lno, toxi18n=0): +def resolve_kuit (ctxt, text, quote, langdata, path, lno, + toxi18n=0, forcerich=False): xi18n = False fmt_cm, fmt_rc, res_ctxt, has_cmarker = format_from_cmarker(ctxt, quote) + if forcerich: + fmt_cm = "rich" + fmt_rc = "rich" if fmt_cm and fmt_cm not in _known_formats: warning("%s:%d: Unknown format modifier '%s' in context marker. " "The string will not be resolved until this is fixed." % (path, lno, fmt_cm)) - return ctxt, text, xi18n + has_any_html_tag = False + has_any_kuit_tag = False + return ctxt, text, xi18n, has_any_html_tag, has_any_kuit_tag if toxi18n in (1, 2) and fmt_cm != fmt_rc and not path.endswith(".po"): warning("%s:%d: Manual format modifier '%s' does not match " "the implicit format modifier '%s' based on context marker. " "Manual format modifiers are no longer supported, " "replace them with another format selection method." % (path, lno, fmt_cm, fmt_rc)) # Recover original context with modifier still inside. res_ctxt = ctxt fmt = fmt_cm or format_from_tags(text, quote) or "plain" ret = _resolve_kuit_r(text, quote, fmt, langdata, path, lno) res_text, has_any_kuit_tag, has_any_html_tag, has_top_tag = ret if (toxi18n == 1 and has_any_kuit_tag) or toxi18n == 2: if has_any_html_tag: warning("%s:%d: Mixed KUIT and HTML tags. " "This should be changed to all-KUIT tags." % (path, lno)) xi18n = True - return res_ctxt, text, xi18n + return res_ctxt, text, xi18n, has_any_html_tag, has_any_kuit_tag if fmt_cm != "rich" and not has_any_html_tag: ret = resolve_entities(res_text, path, lno) res_text, any_entity_resolved = ret else: any_entity_resolved = False if not has_cmarker and not has_any_kuit_tag and not any_entity_resolved: # In this case the resolution should have been no-op, # so return the original input just in case. - return ctxt, text, xi18n + return ctxt, text, xi18n, has_any_html_tag, has_any_kuit_tag if has_top_tag or fmt_cm == "rich": # What to do with top tag in rich text. # 0 - As in KUIT processing in kdecore. But this would cause # tags to appear in otherwise plain text which happens # to be sent to rich-text capable output. People may not like it. # (It would also cause that running resolution over already # resolved files leads to spurious additon of tags, # e.g. 1st resolution @info/plain -> @info and no tag, # 2nd resolution @info -> @info and tag.) # 1 - Original top tag is removed and then tag added only if # there is another tag or entity in the text. # 2 - Top tag is neither added nor removed, but left as it is # in the literal text. top_tag_res = 2 if top_tag_res in (0, 1): if has_top_tag: res_text = _top_tag_rx.sub(r"\2", res_text) if top_tag_res == 0 or ("<" in res_text or "&" in res_text): p1 = 0 p2 = len(res_text) if quote: p1 = res_text.find(quote) + len(quote) p2 = res_text.rfind(quote) res_text = ("%s%s%s" % (res_text[:p1], res_text[p1:p2], res_text[p2:])) elif top_tag_res == 2: pass else: raise StandardError( "Unknown top tag resolution choice '%d'." % top_tag_res) - return res_ctxt, res_text, xi18n + return res_ctxt, res_text, xi18n, has_any_html_tag, has_any_kuit_tag _element_rx = re.compile(r"<\s*(\w+)(?:([^>]*)>(.*?)<\s*/\s*\1|\s*/)\s*>", re.U | re.S) _attribute_rx = re.compile(r"""\b(\w+)\s*=\s*["'](.*?)["']""") def _resolve_kuit_r (text, quote, fmt, langdata, path, lno): segs = [] p1 = 0 has_any_kuit_tag = False has_any_html_tag = False has_top_tag = False while True: m = _element_rx.search(text, p1) if not m: segs.append(text[p1:]) break p2, p3 = m.span() segs.append(text[p1:p2]) tag, attrstr, etext = m.groups() if etext is None: in_place = True attrstr, etext = "", "" else: in_place = False ret = _resolve_kuit_r(etext, quote, fmt, langdata, path, lno) res_etext, has_any_kuit_tag_1, has_any_html_tag_1, has_top_tag_1 = ret has_any_html_tag = has_any_html_tag or has_any_html_tag_1 has_any_kuit_tag = has_any_kuit_tag or has_any_kuit_tag_1 res_span = text[p2:p3] # in case no other resolution if tag in _kuit_tags: has_any_kuit_tag = True attrmap = dict(_attribute_rx.findall(attrstr)) has_top_tag = has_top_tag or has_top_tag_1 trkey = (tag, frozenset(attrmap.keys()), fmt) tr = langdata.transform.get(trkey) if tr is not None: if tr.textmodf: res_etext = tr.textmodf(res_etext, quote, fmt, langdata) res_span = tr.pattern if quote: res_span = escape_c(res_span, quote) replmap = attrmap replmap[tag] = res_etext # Replace in one pass, because replacement might contain %N. p1a = 0 csegs = [] seen_pls = set() while True: p2a = res_span.find("%", p1a) if p2a < 0: csegs.append(res_span[p1a:]) break csegs.append(res_span[p1a:p2a]) if res_span[p2a + 1:p2a + 2].isdigit(): pl = res_span[p2a:p2a + 2] nm = tr.subsmap[pl] cseg = replmap[nm] # cannot fail if quote and pl in seen_pls: # If placeholder was already replaced once, # further replacements have to eliminate # masking chars and quotes, because # total number of masking chars must not change. cseg = join_quoted(cseg, quote, invert=True, strip=True) seen_pls.add(pl) csegs.append(cseg) p1a = p2a + 2 else: csegs.append("%") p1a = p2a + 1 res_span = "".join(csegs) + res_span = tr.prepend + res_span + tr.postpend else: warning("%s:%d: No transformation for tag '%s' and format '%s'." % (path, lno, tag, fmt)) elif tag == "numid": has_any_kuit_tag = True # What to do with numid tag. # 0 - Simply remove numid tag, with a warning to manually convert # associated argument into digit string. # 1 - Modify all placeholders in the text wrapped with numid # to %I form, which indicates numeric identifier formatting. numid_tag_res = 0 if numid_tag_res == 0: if not path.endswith((".po", ".pot")): warning("%s:%d: A '%s' tag has been removed, do something " "manually with the affected argument " "(e.g. wrap it in QString::number())." % (path, lno, tag)) res_span = res_etext elif numid_tag_res == 1: nisegs = [] p1b = 0 while True: p2b = res_etext.find("%", p1b) if p2b < 0: nisegs.append(res_etext[p1b:]) break nisegs.append(res_etext[p1b:p2b]) if res_etext[p2b + 1:p2b + 2].isdigit(): p3b = p2b + 1 while p3b < len(res_etext) and res_etext[p3b].isdigit(): p3b += 1 nisegs.append("%I" + res_etext[p2b + 1:p3b]) p1b = p3b else: nisegs.append("%") p1b += 1 res_span = "".join(nisegs) else: raise StandardError( "Unknown '%s' tag resolution choice '%d'." % ("numid", numid_tag_res)) elif tag in _html_tags: has_any_html_tag = True if tag.lower() in ("qt", "html"): has_top_tag = True if not in_place: res_span = "<%s%s>%s" % (tag, attrstr, res_etext, tag) segs.append(res_span) p1 = p3 res_text = "".join(segs) return res_text, has_any_kuit_tag, has_any_html_tag, has_top_tag _entity_rx = re.compile(r"&([a-z]+|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+);", re.U | re.S) _xml_entities = { "lt": "<", "gt": ">", "amp": "&", "apos": "'", "quot": "\"", } def resolve_entities (text, path, lno): any_entity_resolved = False segs = [] p1 = 0 while True: m = _entity_rx.search(text, p1) if not m: segs.append(text[p1:]) break p2, p3 = m.span() segs.append(text[p1:p2]) span = text[p2:p3] ent = m.group(1) if ent.startswith("#"): # numeric character try: if ent[1] == "x": c = unichr(int(ent[2:], 16)) else: c = unichr(int(ent[1:], 10)) except: warning("%s:%d: Invalid numeric XML entity '%s'." % (path, lno, ent)) segs.append(c) any_entity_resolved = True elif ent in _xml_entities: segs.append(_xml_entities[ent]) any_entity_resolved = True else: # Don't warn, may be some HTML entity. segs.append(span) p1 = p3 res_text = "".join(segs) return res_text, any_entity_resolved _cmarker_rx = re.compile(r"@(\w+):?(\w+)?/?(\w+)?", re.U | re.S) def format_from_cmarker (ctxt, quote): fmt = None fmt_rc = None res_ctxt = ctxt has_cmarker = False if ctxt is not None: p1 = 0 if quote: p1 = ctxt.find(quote) + len(quote) m = _cmarker_rx.match(ctxt, p1) if m: has_cmarker = True role, cue, fmt = m.groups() if role and cue: # implicit format by role and cue fmt_rc = _cmarker_to_format.get("@%s:%s" % (role, cue)) if not fmt_rc: # implicit format by role alone fmt_rc = _cmarker_to_format.get("@%s" % role) if fmt: # explicit format modifier p2 = ctxt.find("/", p1) res_ctxt = ctxt[:p2] + ctxt[p2 + 1 + len(fmt):] else: fmt = fmt_rc return fmt, fmt_rc, res_ctxt, has_cmarker _opentag_rx = re.compile(r"<\s*(\w+)[^>]*>", re.U | re.S) def format_from_tags (text, quote): fmt = None for tag in _opentag_rx.findall(text): if tag in _html_tags: fmt = "rich" break return fmt def escape_c (text, quote): text = text.replace("\\", "\\\\") # must be first if quote: text = text.replace(quote, "\\" + quote) text = text.replace("\t", "\\t") text = text.replace("\n", "\\n") return text def join_quoted (s, quote, invert=False, strip=False): segs1 = [] segs2 = [] p1 = 0 l = len(s) lq = len(quote) while True: p2 = find_esc(s, quote, "\\", p1) if p2 < 0: segs2.append(s[p1:]) break segs2.append(s[p1:p2]) p2 += len(quote) p3 = find_skip_esc(s, quote, "\\", p2) if p3 < 0: raise StandardError( "Malformed concatenated string literal '%s'." % s) segs1.append(s[p2:p3]) p1 = p3 + len(quote) js1 = "".join(segs1) js2 = "".join(segs2) js = js1 if not invert else js2 if not strip: js = quote + js + quote return js def find_esc (s, f, e, p=0): ls = len(s) le = len(e) while p < ls: if s.startswith(e, p): p += le + 1 elif s.startswith(f, p): break else: p += 1 if p >= ls: p = -1 return p _xml_entities_escape_ordered = [ ("&", "&"), # must be first ("<", "<"), (">", ">"), ("\"", """), ("'", "'"), ] _xml_entities_unescape_ordered = [ tuple(reversed(x)) for x in reversed(_xml_entities_escape_ordered)] def unescape_xml (es, testnoesc=False): s = es if testnoesc: noesc = set() for ent, val in _xml_entities_unescape_ordered: if testnoesc: p = s.find(val) if p >= 0 and not s.startswith(ent, p): # for & -> & noesc.add(ent) s = s.replace(ent, val) if testnoesc: return s, noesc else: return s def escape_xml (s, noesc=None): es = s for val, ent in _xml_entities_escape_ordered: if not noesc or ent not in noesc: es = es.replace(val, ent) return es if __name__ == "__main__": main()