diff --git a/src/org/kde/kdeconnect/Plugins/MprisPlugin/MprisPlugin.java b/src/org/kde/kdeconnect/Plugins/MprisPlugin/MprisPlugin.java index 6b6d8fb1..32fb16e5 100644 --- a/src/org/kde/kdeconnect/Plugins/MprisPlugin/MprisPlugin.java +++ b/src/org/kde/kdeconnect/Plugins/MprisPlugin/MprisPlugin.java @@ -1,466 +1,465 @@ /* * Copyright 2014 Albert Vaca Cintora * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.kde.kdeconnect.Plugins.MprisPlugin; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Intent; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat; import android.util.Log; import org.kde.kdeconnect.NetworkPacket; import org.kde.kdeconnect.Plugins.Plugin; import org.kde.kdeconnect_tp.R; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class MprisPlugin extends Plugin { public class MprisPlayer { private String player = ""; private boolean playing = false; private String currentSong = ""; private String title = ""; private String artist = ""; private String album = ""; private String albumArtUrl = ""; private int volume = 50; private long length = -1; private long lastPosition = 0; private long lastPositionTime; private boolean playAllowed = true; private boolean pauseAllowed = true; private boolean goNextAllowed = true; private boolean goPreviousAllowed = true; private boolean seekAllowed = true; public MprisPlayer() { lastPositionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public String getCurrentSong() { return currentSong; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getArtist() { return artist; } public String getAlbum() { return album; } public String getPlayer() { return player; } private boolean isSpotify() { return getPlayer().toLowerCase().equals("spotify"); } public int getVolume() { return volume; } public long getLength() { return length; } public boolean isPlaying() { return playing; } public boolean isPlayAllowed() { return playAllowed; } public boolean isPauseAllowed() { return pauseAllowed; } public boolean isGoNextAllowed() { return goNextAllowed; } public boolean isGoPreviousAllowed() { return goPreviousAllowed; } public boolean isSeekAllowed() { return seekAllowed && getLength() >= 0 && getPosition() >= 0 && !isSpotify(); } public boolean hasAlbumArt() { return !albumArtUrl.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns the album art (if available). Note that this can return null even if hasAlbumArt() returns true. * * @return The album art, or null if not available */ public Bitmap getAlbumArt() { return AlbumArtCache.getAlbumArt(albumArtUrl); } public boolean isSetVolumeAllowed() { return !isSpotify(); } public long getPosition() { if (playing) { return lastPosition + (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPositionTime); } else { return lastPosition; } } public void playPause() { if (isPauseAllowed() || isPlayAllowed()) { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "action", "PlayPause"); } } public void play() { if (isPlayAllowed()) { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "action", "Play"); } } public void pause() { if (isPauseAllowed()) { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "action", "Pause"); } } public void stop() { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "action", "Stop"); } public void previous() { if (isGoPreviousAllowed()) { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "action", "Previous"); } } public void next() { if (isGoNextAllowed()) { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "action", "Next"); } } public void setVolume(int volume) { if (isSetVolumeAllowed()) { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "setVolume", volume); } } public void setPosition(int position) { if (isSeekAllowed()) { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "SetPosition", position); lastPosition = position; lastPositionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } public void seek(int offset) { if (isSeekAllowed()) { MprisPlugin.this.sendCommand(getPlayer(), "Seek", offset); } } } public final static String PACKET_TYPE_MPRIS = "kdeconnect.mpris"; public final static String PACKET_TYPE_MPRIS_REQUEST = "kdeconnect.mpris.request"; private HashMap players = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap playerStatusUpdated = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap playerListUpdated = new HashMap<>(); @Override public String getDisplayName() { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_plugin_mpris); } @Override public String getDescription() { return context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_plugin_mpris_desc); } @Override public Drawable getIcon() { return ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.mpris_plugin_action); } @Override public boolean hasSettings() { return true; } @Override public boolean onCreate() { - requestPlayerList(); MprisMediaSession.getInstance().onCreate(context.getApplicationContext(), this, device.getDeviceId()); //Always request the player list so the data is up-to-date requestPlayerList(); AlbumArtCache.initializeDiskCache(context); AlbumArtCache.registerPlugin(this); return true; } @Override public void onDestroy() { players.clear(); AlbumArtCache.deregisterPlugin(this); MprisMediaSession.getInstance().onDestroy(this, device.getDeviceId()); } private void sendCommand(String player, String method, String value) { NetworkPacket np = new NetworkPacket(PACKET_TYPE_MPRIS_REQUEST); np.set("player", player); np.set(method, value); device.sendPacket(np); } private void sendCommand(String player, String method, int value) { NetworkPacket np = new NetworkPacket(PACKET_TYPE_MPRIS_REQUEST); np.set("player", player); np.set(method, value); device.sendPacket(np); } @Override public boolean onPacketReceived(NetworkPacket np) { if (np.has("player")) { MprisPlayer playerStatus = players.get(np.getString("player")); if (playerStatus != null) { playerStatus.currentSong = np.getString("nowPlaying", playerStatus.currentSong); //Note: title, artist and album will not be available for all desktop clients playerStatus.title = np.getString("title", playerStatus.title); playerStatus.artist = np.getString("artist", playerStatus.artist); playerStatus.album = np.getString("album", playerStatus.album); playerStatus.volume = np.getInt("volume", playerStatus.volume); playerStatus.length = np.getLong("length", playerStatus.length); if (np.has("pos")) { playerStatus.lastPosition = np.getLong("pos", playerStatus.lastPosition); playerStatus.lastPositionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } playerStatus.playing = np.getBoolean("isPlaying", playerStatus.playing); playerStatus.playAllowed = np.getBoolean("canPlay", playerStatus.playAllowed); playerStatus.pauseAllowed = np.getBoolean("canPause", playerStatus.pauseAllowed); playerStatus.goNextAllowed = np.getBoolean("canGoNext", playerStatus.goNextAllowed); playerStatus.goPreviousAllowed = np.getBoolean("canGoPrevious", playerStatus.goPreviousAllowed); playerStatus.seekAllowed = np.getBoolean("canSeek", playerStatus.seekAllowed); String newAlbumArtUrlstring = np.getString("albumArtUrl", playerStatus.albumArtUrl); try { //Turn the url into canonical form (and check its validity) URL newAlbumArtUrl = new URL(newAlbumArtUrlstring); playerStatus.albumArtUrl = newAlbumArtUrl.toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException ignored) { } for (String key : playerStatusUpdated.keySet()) { try { playerStatusUpdated.get(key).dispatchMessage(new Message()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e("MprisControl", "Exception"); playerStatusUpdated.remove(key); } } } } List newPlayerList = np.getStringList("playerList"); if (newPlayerList != null) { boolean equals = true; for (String newPlayer : newPlayerList) { if (!players.containsKey(newPlayer)) { equals = false; MprisPlayer player = new MprisPlayer(); player.player = newPlayer; players.put(newPlayer, player); //Immediately ask for the data of this player requestPlayerStatus(newPlayer); } } Iterator> iter = players.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String oldPlayer = iter.next().getKey(); boolean found = false; for (String newPlayer : newPlayerList) { if (newPlayer.equals(oldPlayer)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { iter.remove(); equals = false; } } if (!equals) { for (String key : playerListUpdated.keySet()) { try { playerListUpdated.get(key).dispatchMessage(new Message()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e("MprisControl", "Exception"); playerListUpdated.remove(key); } } } } return true; } @Override public String[] getSupportedPacketTypes() { return new String[]{PACKET_TYPE_MPRIS}; } @Override public String[] getOutgoingPacketTypes() { return new String[]{PACKET_TYPE_MPRIS_REQUEST}; } public void setPlayerStatusUpdatedHandler(String id, Handler h) { playerStatusUpdated.put(id, h); h.dispatchMessage(new Message()); } public void removePlayerStatusUpdatedHandler(String id) { playerStatusUpdated.remove(id); } public void setPlayerListUpdatedHandler(String id, Handler h) { playerListUpdated.put(id, h); h.dispatchMessage(new Message()); } public void removePlayerListUpdatedHandler(String id) { playerListUpdated.remove(id); } public List getPlayerList() { List playerlist = new ArrayList<>(players.keySet()); Collections.sort(playerlist); return playerlist; } public MprisPlayer getPlayerStatus(String player) { return players.get(player); } public MprisPlayer getEmptyPlayer() { return new MprisPlayer(); } /** * Returns a playing mpris player, if any exist * * @return null if no players are playing, a playing player otherwise */ public MprisPlayer getPlayingPlayer() { for (MprisPlayer player : players.values()) { if (player.isPlaying()) { return player; } } return null; } private void requestPlayerList() { NetworkPacket np = new NetworkPacket(PACKET_TYPE_MPRIS_REQUEST); np.set("requestPlayerList", true); device.sendPacket(np); } private void requestPlayerStatus(String player) { NetworkPacket np = new NetworkPacket(PACKET_TYPE_MPRIS_REQUEST); np.set("player", player); np.set("requestNowPlaying", true); np.set("requestVolume", true); device.sendPacket(np); } @Override public boolean hasMainActivity() { return true; } @Override public void startMainActivity(Activity parentActivity) { Intent intent = new Intent(parentActivity, MprisActivity.class); intent.putExtra("deviceId", device.getDeviceId()); parentActivity.startActivity(intent); } @Override public String getActionName() { return context.getString(R.string.open_mpris_controls); } public void fetchedAlbumArt(String url) { boolean doEmitUpdate = false; for (MprisPlayer player : players.values()) { if (url.equals(player.albumArtUrl)) { doEmitUpdate = true; } } if (doEmitUpdate) { for (String key : playerStatusUpdated.keySet()) { try { playerStatusUpdated.get(key).dispatchMessage(new Message()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e("MprisControl", "Exception"); playerStatusUpdated.remove(key); } } } } }