diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index e3e484596..884230760 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,470 +1,471 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) # KDE Application Version, managed by release script set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR "18") set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR "11") set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO "70") set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION "${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR}.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR}.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO}") project(okular VERSION 1.5.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO}) set(QT_REQUIRED_VERSION "5.8.0") set(KF5_REQUIRED_VERSION "5.33.0") find_package(ECM 5.33.0 CONFIG REQUIRED) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_MODULE_PATH}) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(FeatureSummary) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(ECMAddTests) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) ecm_setup_version(${PROJECT_VERSION} VARIABLE_PREFIX OKULAR VERSION_HEADER "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/core/version.h" PACKAGE_VERSION_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Okular5ConfigVersion.cmake") find_package(Qt5 ${QT_REQUIRED_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core DBus Test Widgets PrintSupport Svg Qml Quick) find_package(Qt5 ${QT_REQUIRED_VERSION} OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS TextToSpeech) if (NOT Qt5TextToSpeech_FOUND) message(STATUS "Qt5TextToSpeech not found, speech features will be disabled") else() add_definitions(-DHAVE_SPEECH) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3.10.0") # CMake 3.9+ warns about automoc on files without Q_OBJECT, and doesn't know about other macros. # 3.10+ lets us provide more macro names that require automoc. list(APPEND CMAKE_AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES "OKULAR_EXPORT_PLUGIN") endif() set(optionalComponents) if (ANDROID) # we want to make sure that generally all components are found set(optionalComponents "OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS") endif() find_package(KF5 ${KF5_REQUIRED_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Archive Bookmarks Completion Config ConfigWidgets CoreAddons Crash IconThemes KIO Parts ThreadWeaver WindowSystem ${optionalComponents} DocTools JS Wallet ) if(KF5Wallet_FOUND) add_definitions(-DWITH_KWALLET=1) endif() if(KF5JS_FOUND) add_definitions(-DWITH_KJS=1) endif() if(NOT WIN32 AND NOT ANDROID) find_package(KF5 ${KF5_REQUIRED_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Activities ) set_package_properties("KF5Activities" PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Activities interface library" URL "https://api.kde.org/frameworks/kactivities/html/" TYPE RECOMMENDED PURPOSE "Required for Activities integration.") endif() find_package(KF5Kirigami2) set_package_properties(KF5Kirigami2 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A QtQuick based components set" PURPOSE "Required at runtime by the mobile app" TYPE RUNTIME ) find_package(Phonon4Qt5 CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KDEExperimentalPurpose) set_package_properties(KDEExperimentalPurpose PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A framework for services and actions integration" PURPOSE "Required for enabling the share menu in Okular" TYPE OPTIONAL ) if (KDEExperimentalPurpose_FOUND) set(PURPOSE_FOUND 1) else() set(PURPOSE_FOUND 0) endif() set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules) find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) # This is here instead of in generators since we use if(Poppler_Qt5_FOUND) in autotests/ find_package(Poppler "0.12.1" COMPONENTS Qt5) set_package_properties("Poppler" PROPERTIES TYPE RECOMMENDED PURPOSE "Support for PDF files in okular.") add_definitions(-DQT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS) add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN="okular") add_definitions(-DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${PHONON_INCLUDES} core/synctex ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/core) option(BUILD_OKULARKIRIGAMI "Builds the touch-friendly frontend" ON) if (BUILD_OKULARKIRIGAMI) add_subdirectory( mobile ) endif() option(BUILD_COVERAGE "Build the project with gcov support" OFF) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS "5.0.0") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wsuggest-override" ) endif() endif() if(BUILD_COVERAGE) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -lgcov") endif() add_subdirectory( ui ) add_subdirectory( shell ) add_subdirectory( generators ) if(BUILD_TESTING) add_subdirectory( autotests ) add_subdirectory( conf/autotests ) endif() if(KF5DocTools_FOUND) add_subdirectory(doc) endif() include(OkularConfigureChecks.cmake) if(NOT WIN32) set(MATH_LIB m) else(NOT WIN32) set(MATH_LIB) endif(NOT WIN32) # okularcore set(okularcore_SRCS core/action.cpp core/annotations.cpp core/area.cpp core/audioplayer.cpp core/bookmarkmanager.cpp core/chooseenginedialog.cpp core/document.cpp core/documentcommands.cpp core/fontinfo.cpp core/form.cpp core/generator.cpp core/generator_p.cpp core/misc.cpp core/movie.cpp core/observer.cpp core/debug.cpp core/page.cpp core/pagecontroller.cpp core/pagesize.cpp core/pagetransition.cpp core/rotationjob.cpp core/scripter.cpp core/sound.cpp core/sourcereference.cpp core/textdocumentgenerator.cpp core/textdocumentsettings.cpp core/textpage.cpp core/tilesmanager.cpp core/utils.cpp core/view.cpp core/fileprinter.cpp + core/signatureutils.cpp core/script/event.cpp core/synctex/synctex_parser.c core/synctex/synctex_parser_utils.c ) qt5_add_resources(okularcore_SRCS core/script/builtin.qrc ) ki18n_wrap_ui(okularcore_SRCS conf/textdocumentsettings.ui ) install( FILES core/action.h core/annotations.h core/area.h core/document.h core/fontinfo.h core/form.h core/generator.h core/global.h core/page.h core/pagesize.h core/pagetransition.h core/sound.h core/sourcereference.h core/textdocumentgenerator.h core/textdocumentsettings.h core/textpage.h core/tile.h core/utils.h core/fileprinter.h core/observer.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/core/version.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/core/okularcore_export.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/settings_core.h DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/okular/core COMPONENT Devel) install( FILES interfaces/configinterface.h interfaces/guiinterface.h interfaces/printinterface.h interfaces/saveinterface.h interfaces/viewerinterface.h DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/okular/interfaces COMPONENT Devel) ki18n_wrap_ui(okularcore_SRCS core/chooseenginewidget.ui ) kconfig_add_kcfg_files(okularcore_SRCS conf/settings_core.kcfgc) add_library(okularcore SHARED ${okularcore_SRCS}) generate_export_header(okularcore BASE_NAME okularcore EXPORT_FILE_NAME "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/core/okularcore_export.h") if (ANDROID) set(fileName ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Okular5Core-android-dependencies.xml) file(WRITE "${fileName}" "\n" "\n" "\n") install(FILES ${fileName} DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) endif() # Special handling for linking okularcore on OSX/Apple IF(APPLE) SET(OKULAR_IOKIT "-framework IOKit" CACHE STRING "Apple IOKit framework") ENDIF(APPLE) # Extra library needed by imported synctex code on Windows if(WIN32) set(SHLWAPI shlwapi) endif(WIN32) target_link_libraries(okularcore PRIVATE ${OKULAR_IOKIT} ${SHLWAPI} KF5::Archive KF5::KIOCore KF5::KIOWidgets KF5::I18n KF5::ThreadWeaver KF5::Bookmarks Phonon::phonon4qt5 ${MATH_LIB} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} PUBLIC # these are included from the installed headers KF5::CoreAddons KF5::XmlGui KF5::ConfigGui Qt5::PrintSupport Qt5::Widgets ) if (KF5Wallet_FOUND) target_link_libraries(okularcore PRIVATE KF5::Wallet) endif() if (KF5JS_FOUND) target_sources(okularcore PRIVATE core/script/executor_kjs.cpp core/script/kjs_app.cpp core/script/kjs_console.cpp core/script/kjs_data.cpp core/script/kjs_document.cpp core/script/kjs_field.cpp core/script/kjs_fullscreen.cpp core/script/kjs_field.cpp core/script/kjs_spell.cpp core/script/kjs_util.cpp core/script/kjs_event.cpp ) target_link_libraries(okularcore PRIVATE KF5::JS KF5::JSApi) endif() set_target_properties(okularcore PROPERTIES VERSION 9.0.0 SOVERSION 9 OUTPUT_NAME Okular5Core EXPORT_NAME Core) install(TARGETS okularcore EXPORT Okular5Targets ${KDE_INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) install(FILES conf/okular.kcfg DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KCFGDIR}) install(FILES conf/okular_core.kcfg DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KCFGDIR}) install(FILES core/okularGenerator.desktop DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICETYPES5DIR}) # okularpart set(okularpart_conf_SRCS conf/preferencesdialog.cpp conf/dlgaccessibility.cpp conf/dlgdebug.cpp conf/dlgeditor.cpp conf/dlggeneral.cpp conf/dlgannotations.cpp conf/dlgperformance.cpp conf/dlgpresentation.cpp conf/editannottooldialog.cpp conf/editdrawingtooldialog.cpp conf/widgetannottools.cpp conf/widgetconfigurationtoolsbase.cpp conf/widgetdrawingtools.cpp ) set(okularpart_SRCS ${okularpart_conf_SRCS} part.cpp extensions.cpp ui/embeddedfilesdialog.cpp ui/annotwindow.cpp ui/annotationmodel.cpp ui/annotationpopup.cpp ui/annotationpropertiesdialog.cpp ui/annotationproxymodels.cpp ui/annotationtools.cpp ui/annotationwidgets.cpp ui/bookmarklist.cpp ui/debug_ui.cpp ui/drawingtoolactions.cpp ui/fileprinterpreview.cpp ui/findbar.cpp ui/formwidgets.cpp ui/guiutils.cpp ui/ktreeviewsearchline.cpp ui/latexrenderer.cpp ui/minibar.cpp ui/okmenutitle.cpp ui/pageitemdelegate.cpp ui/pagepainter.cpp ui/pagesizelabel.cpp ui/pageviewannotator.cpp ui/pageviewmouseannotation.cpp ui/pageview.cpp ui/magnifierview.cpp ui/pageviewutils.cpp ui/presentationsearchbar.cpp ui/presentationwidget.cpp ui/propertiesdialog.cpp ui/searchlineedit.cpp ui/searchwidget.cpp ui/sidebar.cpp ui/side_reviews.cpp ui/snapshottaker.cpp ui/thumbnaillist.cpp ui/toc.cpp ui/tocmodel.cpp ui/toolaction.cpp ui/videowidget.cpp ui/layers.cpp ) if (Qt5TextToSpeech_FOUND) set(okularpart_SRCS ${okularpart_SRCS} ui/tts.cpp) endif() ki18n_wrap_ui(okularpart_SRCS conf/dlgaccessibilitybase.ui conf/dlgeditorbase.ui conf/dlggeneralbase.ui conf/dlgannotationsbase.ui conf/dlgperformancebase.ui conf/dlgpresentationbase.ui ) kconfig_add_kcfg_files(okularpart_SRCS conf/settings.kcfgc) add_library(okularpart SHARED ${okularpart_SRCS}) generate_export_header(okularpart BASE_NAME okularpart) target_link_libraries(okularpart okularcore ${MATH_LIB} Qt5::Svg Phonon::phonon4qt5 KF5::Archive KF5::Bookmarks KF5::I18n KF5::IconThemes KF5::ItemViews KF5::KIOCore KF5::KIOFileWidgets KF5::KIOWidgets KF5::Parts KF5::Solid KF5::WindowSystem ) if(KF5Wallet_FOUND) target_link_libraries(okularpart KF5::Wallet) endif() if (KDEExperimentalPurpose_FOUND) target_link_libraries(okularpart KDEExperimental::PurposeWidgets) endif() set_target_properties(okularpart PROPERTIES PREFIX "") if (Qt5TextToSpeech_FOUND) target_link_libraries(okularpart Qt5::TextToSpeech) endif() install(TARGETS okularpart DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR}) ########### install files ############### install(FILES okular.upd DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/kconf_update) install( FILES okular_part.desktop DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICES5DIR} ) install( FILES part.rc part-viewermode.rc DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KXMLGUI5DIR}/okular ) install( FILES okular.categories DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_CONFDIR} ) ########### cmake files ################# set(CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "${KDE_INSTALL_CMAKEPACKAGEDIR}/Okular5") configure_package_config_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Okular5Config.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Okular5Config.cmake" INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} PATH_VARS INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ) install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Okular5Config.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Okular5ConfigVersion.cmake" DESTINATION "${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}" COMPONENT Devel ) install(EXPORT Okular5Targets DESTINATION "${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}" FILE Okular5Targets.cmake NAMESPACE Okular::) ########### summary ################# feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/core/form.cpp b/core/form.cpp index 2071da0f2..4781c6eaa 100644 --- a/core/form.cpp +++ b/core/form.cpp @@ -1,296 +1,325 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 by Pino Toscano * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "form.h" #include "form_p.h" // qt includes #include #include "action.h" using namespace Okular; FormFieldPrivate::FormFieldPrivate( FormField::FieldType type ) : m_type( type ), m_activateAction( nullptr ) { } FormFieldPrivate::~FormFieldPrivate() { delete m_activateAction; qDeleteAll( m_additionalActions.values() ); qDeleteAll( m_additionalAnnotActions.values() ); } void FormFieldPrivate::setDefault() { m_default = value(); } FormField::FormField( FormFieldPrivate &dd ) : d_ptr( &dd ) { d_ptr->q_ptr = this; } FormField::~FormField() { delete d_ptr; } FormField::FieldType FormField::type() const { Q_D( const FormField ); return d->m_type; } bool FormField::isReadOnly() const { return false; } void FormField::setReadOnly( bool ) { } bool FormField::isVisible() const { return true; } void FormField::setVisible( bool ) { } Action* FormField::activationAction() const { Q_D( const FormField ); return d->m_activateAction; } void FormField::setActivationAction( Action *action ) { Q_D( FormField ); delete d->m_activateAction; d->m_activateAction = action; } Action* FormField::additionalAction( AdditionalActionType type ) const { Q_D( const FormField ); return d->m_additionalActions.value(type); } void FormField::setAdditionalAction( AdditionalActionType type, Action *action ) { Q_D( FormField ); delete d->m_additionalActions.value(type); d->m_additionalActions[type] = action; } Action* FormField::additionalAction( Annotation::AdditionalActionType type ) const { Q_D( const FormField ); return d->m_additionalAnnotActions.value(type); } void FormField::setAdditionalAction( Annotation::AdditionalActionType type, Action *action ) { Q_D( FormField ); delete d->m_additionalAnnotActions.value(type); d->m_additionalAnnotActions[type] = action; } class Okular::FormFieldButtonPrivate : public Okular::FormFieldPrivate { public: FormFieldButtonPrivate() : FormFieldPrivate( FormField::FormButton ) { } Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( FormFieldButton ) void setValue( const QString& v ) override { Q_Q( FormFieldButton ); q->setState( QVariant( v ).toBool() ); } QString value() const override { Q_Q( const FormFieldButton ); return qVariantFromValue( q->state() ).toString(); } }; FormFieldButton::FormFieldButton() : FormField( *new FormFieldButtonPrivate() ) { } FormFieldButton::~FormFieldButton() { } void FormFieldButton::setState( bool ) { } class Okular::FormFieldTextPrivate : public Okular::FormFieldPrivate { public: FormFieldTextPrivate() : FormFieldPrivate( FormField::FormText ) { } Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( FormFieldText ) void setValue( const QString& v ) override { Q_Q( FormFieldText ); q->setText( v ); } QString value() const override { Q_Q( const FormFieldText ); return q->text(); } }; FormFieldText::FormFieldText() : FormField( *new FormFieldTextPrivate() ) { } FormFieldText::~FormFieldText() { } void FormFieldText::setText( const QString& ) { } bool FormFieldText::isPassword() const { return false; } bool FormFieldText::isRichText() const { return false; } int FormFieldText::maximumLength() const { return -1; } Qt::Alignment FormFieldText::textAlignment() const { return Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft; } bool FormFieldText::canBeSpellChecked() const { return false; } class Okular::FormFieldChoicePrivate : public Okular::FormFieldPrivate { public: FormFieldChoicePrivate() : FormFieldPrivate( FormField::FormChoice ) { } Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( FormFieldChoice ) void setValue( const QString& v ) override { Q_Q( FormFieldChoice ); QStringList choices = v.split( QLatin1Char (';'), QString::SkipEmptyParts ); QList newchoices; foreach ( const QString& str, choices ) { bool ok = true; int val = str.toInt( &ok ); if ( ok ) newchoices.append( val ); } if ( !newchoices.isEmpty() ) q->setCurrentChoices( newchoices ); } QString value() const override { Q_Q( const FormFieldChoice ); QList choices = q->currentChoices(); qSort( choices ); QStringList list; foreach ( int c, choices ) { list.append( QString::number( c ) ); } return list.join( QStringLiteral( ";" ) ); } }; FormFieldChoice::FormFieldChoice() : FormField( *new FormFieldChoicePrivate() ) { } FormFieldChoice::~FormFieldChoice() { } bool FormFieldChoice::isEditable() const { return false; } bool FormFieldChoice::multiSelect() const { return false; } void FormFieldChoice::setCurrentChoices( const QList< int >& ) { } QString FormFieldChoice::editChoice() const { return QString(); } void FormFieldChoice::setEditChoice( const QString& ) { } Qt::Alignment FormFieldChoice::textAlignment() const { return Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft; } bool FormFieldChoice::canBeSpellChecked() const { return false; } +class Okular::FormFieldSignaturePrivate : public Okular::FormFieldPrivate +{ + public: + FormFieldSignaturePrivate() + : FormFieldPrivate( FormField::FormSignature ) + { + } + + Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( FormFieldSignature ) + + void setValue( const QString& v ) override + { + Q_UNUSED( v ) + } + + QString value() const override + { + return QString(); + } +}; + +FormFieldSignature::FormFieldSignature() + : FormField( *new FormFieldSignaturePrivate() ) +{ +} + +FormFieldSignature::~FormFieldSignature() +{ +} diff --git a/core/form.h b/core/form.h index bcc41de43..5ccbee2d4 100644 --- a/core/form.h +++ b/core/form.h @@ -1,392 +1,433 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 by Pino Toscano * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _OKULAR_FORM_H_ #define _OKULAR_FORM_H_ #include "okularcore_export.h" #include "area.h" #include "annotations.h" - +#include "signatureutils.h" #include namespace Okular { class Action; class Page; class PagePrivate; class FormFieldPrivate; class FormFieldButtonPrivate; class FormFieldTextPrivate; class FormFieldChoicePrivate; +class FormFieldSignaturePrivate; /** * @short The base interface of a form field. * * This is the very basic interface to represent a field in a form. * * This is not meant to be used as a direct base for the form fields in a * document, but its abstract subclasses are. */ class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormField { /// @cond PRIVATE friend class Page; friend class PagePrivate; /// @endcond public: /** * The types of form field. */ enum FieldType { FormButton, ///< A "button". See @ref FormFieldButton::ButtonType. FormText, ///< A field of variable text. See @ref FormFieldText::TextType. FormChoice, ///< A choice field. See @ref FormFieldChoice::ChoiceType. FormSignature ///< A signature. }; virtual ~FormField(); /** * The type of the field. */ FieldType type() const; /** * The bouding rect of the field, in normalized coordinates. */ virtual NormalizedRect rect() const = 0; /** * The ID of the field. */ virtual int id() const = 0; /** * The internal name of the field, to be used when referring to the * field in eg scripts. */ virtual QString name() const = 0; /** * The visible name of the field, to be used in the user interface * (eg in error messages, etc). */ virtual QString uiName() const = 0; /** * Whether the field is read-only. */ virtual bool isReadOnly() const; /** * Whether the field is read-only. * * @since 1.4 */ virtual void setReadOnly( bool value ); /** * Whether this form field is visible. */ virtual bool isVisible() const; /** * Whether the field is visible. * * @since 1.5 */ virtual void setVisible( bool value ); Action* activationAction() const; /** * Describes the type of form additional action. * * @since 1.1 */ enum AdditionalActionType { FieldModified, ///< An action to be performed when the user modifies the field FormatField, ///< An action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its value ValidateField, ///< An action to be performed when the field value changes CalculateField, ///< An action to be performed when the field needs to be recalculated }; /** * Returns the additional action of the given @p type or @c nullptr if no action has been defined. * * @since 1.1 */ Action* additionalAction( AdditionalActionType type ) const; /* Returns the additional action of the given @p type or @c nullptr if no action has been defined. * * This is for actions of annotation widgets associated with the FormField * * @since 1.5 */ Action* additionalAction( Annotation::AdditionalActionType type ) const; protected: /// @cond PRIVATE FormField( FormFieldPrivate &dd ); Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE( FormField ) FormFieldPrivate *d_ptr; /// @endcond void setActivationAction( Action *action ); void setAdditionalAction( AdditionalActionType type, Action *action ); void setAdditionalAction( Annotation::AdditionalActionType type, Action *action ); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY( FormField ) }; /** * @short Interface of a button form field. * * This is the base interface to reimplement to represent a button field, like * a push button, a check box or a radio button. * * @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1) */ class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormFieldButton : public FormField { public: /** * The types of button field. */ enum ButtonType { Push, ///< A simple push button. CheckBox, ///< A check box. Radio ///< A radio button. }; virtual ~FormFieldButton(); /** The particular type of the button field. */ virtual ButtonType buttonType() const = 0; /** * The caption to be used for the button. */ virtual QString caption() const = 0; /** * The state of the button. */ virtual bool state() const = 0; /** * Sets the state of the button to the new \p state . */ virtual void setState( bool state ); /** * The list with the IDs of siblings (ie, buttons belonging to the same * group as the current one. * * Valid only for \ref Radio buttons, an empty list otherwise. */ virtual QList< int > siblings() const = 0; protected: FormFieldButton(); private: Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE( FormFieldButton ) Q_DISABLE_COPY( FormFieldButton ) }; /** * @short Interface of a text form field. * * This is the base interface to reimplement to represent a text field, ie a * field where the user insert text. */ class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormFieldText : public FormField { public: /** * The types of text field. */ enum TextType { Normal, ///< A simple singleline text field. Multiline, ///< A multiline text field. FileSelect ///< An input field to select the path of a file on disk. }; virtual ~FormFieldText(); /** * The particular type of the text field. */ virtual TextType textType() const = 0; /** * The text of text field. */ virtual QString text() const = 0; /** * Sets the new @p text in the text field. * * The default implementation does nothing. * * Reimplemented only if the setting of new text is supported. */ virtual void setText( const QString& text ); /** * Whether this text field is a password input, eg its text @b must be * replaced with asterisks. * * Always false for @ref FileSelect text fields. */ virtual bool isPassword() const; /** * Whether this text field should allow rich text. */ virtual bool isRichText() const; /** * The maximum length allowed for the text of text field, or -1 if * there is no limitation for the text. */ virtual int maximumLength() const; /** * The alignment of the text within the field. */ virtual Qt::Alignment textAlignment() const; /** * Whether the text inserted manually in the field (where possible) * can be spell-checked. * * @note meaningful only if the field is editable. */ virtual bool canBeSpellChecked() const; protected: FormFieldText(); private: Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE( FormFieldText ) Q_DISABLE_COPY( FormFieldText ) }; /** * @short Interface of a choice form field. * * This is the base interface to reimplement to represent a choice field, ie a * field where the user can select one (of more) element(s) among a set of * choices. */ class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormFieldChoice : public FormField { public: /** * The types of choice field. */ enum ChoiceType { ComboBox, ///< A combo box choice field. ListBox ///< A list box choice field. }; virtual ~FormFieldChoice(); /** * The particular type of the choice field. */ virtual ChoiceType choiceType() const = 0; /** * The possible choices of the choice field. */ virtual QStringList choices() const = 0; /** * Whether this ComboBox is editable, ie the user can type in a custom * value. * * Always false for the other types of choices. */ virtual bool isEditable() const; /** * Whether more than one choice of this ListBox can be selected at the * same time. * * Always false for the other types of choices. */ virtual bool multiSelect() const; /** * The currently selected choices. * * Always one element in the list in case of single choice elements. */ virtual QList< int > currentChoices() const = 0; /** * Sets the selected choices to @p choices . */ virtual void setCurrentChoices( const QList< int >& choices ); /** The text entered into an editable combo box choice field @since 0.16 (KDE 4.10) */ virtual QString editChoice() const; /** Sets the text entered into an editable combo box choice field @since 0.16 (KDE 4.10) */ virtual void setEditChoice( const QString& text ); /** * The alignment of the text within the field. */ virtual Qt::Alignment textAlignment() const; /** * Whether the text inserted manually in the field (where possible) * can be spell-checked. * * @note meaningful only if the field is editable. */ virtual bool canBeSpellChecked() const; protected: FormFieldChoice(); private: Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE( FormFieldChoice ) Q_DISABLE_COPY( FormFieldChoice ) }; +/** + * @short Interface of a signature form field. + * + * This is the base interface to reimplement to represent a signature field. + */ +class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormFieldSignature : public FormField +{ + public: + /** + * The types of signature. + */ + enum SignatureType { + AdbePkcs7sha1, + AdbePkcs7detached, + EtsiCAdESdetached, + UnknownType + }; + + ~FormFieldSignature(); + + /** + * The signature type + */ + virtual SignatureType signatureType() const = 0; + + /** + * Validate the signature with 'now' as validation time. + * + */ + virtual SignatureInfo *validate() const = 0; + + + protected: + FormFieldSignature(); + + private: + Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE( FormFieldSignature ) + Q_DISABLE_COPY( FormFieldSignature ) +}; + } #endif diff --git a/core/signatureutils.cpp b/core/signatureutils.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dbf925db6 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/signatureutils.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + * Copyright (C) 2018 by Chinmoy Ranjan Pradhan * + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#include "signatureutils.h" + +using namespace Okular; + +CertificateInfo::CertificateInfo() +{ +} + +CertificateInfo::~CertificateInfo() +{ +} + +Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS( CertificateInfo::KeyUsageExtensions ) + +bool CertificateInfo::isNull() const +{ + return true; +} + +int CertificateInfo::version() const +{ + return -1; +} + +QByteArray CertificateInfo::serialNumber() const +{ + return QByteArray(); +} + +QString CertificateInfo::issuerInfo(EntityInfoKey) const +{ + return QString(); +} + +QString CertificateInfo::subjectInfo(EntityInfoKey) const +{ + return QString(); +} + +QDateTime CertificateInfo::validityStart() const +{ + return QDateTime(); +} + +QDateTime CertificateInfo::validityEnd() const +{ + return QDateTime(); +} + +CertificateInfo::KeyUsageExtensions CertificateInfo::keyUsageExtensions() const +{ + return KuNone; +} + +QByteArray CertificateInfo::publicKey() const +{ + return QByteArray(); +} + +CertificateInfo::PublicKeyType CertificateInfo::publicKeyType() const +{ + return OtherKey; +} + +int CertificateInfo::publicKeyStrength() const +{ + return -1; +} + +bool CertificateInfo::isSelfSigned() const +{ + return false; +} + +QByteArray CertificateInfo::certificateData() const +{ + return QByteArray(); +} + + +SignatureInfo::SignatureInfo() +{ +} + +SignatureInfo::~SignatureInfo() +{ +} + +SignatureInfo::SignatureStatus SignatureInfo::signatureStatus() const +{ + return SignatureStatusUnknown; +} + +SignatureInfo::CertificateStatus SignatureInfo::certificateStatus() const +{ + return CertificateStatusUnknown; + +} + +SignatureInfo::HashAlgorithm SignatureInfo::hashAlgorithm() const +{ + return HashAlgorithmUnknown; +} + +QString SignatureInfo::signerName() const +{ + return QString(); +} + +QString SignatureInfo::signerSubjectDN() const +{ + return QString(); +} + +QString SignatureInfo::location() const +{ + return QString(); +} + +QString SignatureInfo::reason() const +{ + return QString(); +} + +QDateTime SignatureInfo::signingTime() const +{ + return QDateTime(); +} + +QByteArray SignatureInfo::signature() const +{ + return QByteArray(); +} + +QList SignatureInfo::signedRangeBounds() const +{ + return QList(); +} + +bool SignatureInfo::signsTotalDocument() const +{ + return false; +} + +CertificateInfo *SignatureInfo::certificateInfo() const +{ + return nullptr; +} diff --git a/core/signatureutils.h b/core/signatureutils.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3c177684 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/signatureutils.h @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + * Copyright (C) 2018 by Chinmoy Ranjan Pradhan * + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef OKULAR_SIGNATUREINFO_H +#define OKULAR_SIGNATUREINFO_H + +#include "okularcore_export.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace Okular { + +class CertificateInfoPrivate; +class SignatureInfoPrivate; + +/** + * @short A helper class to store information about x509 certificate + */ +class OKULARCORE_EXPORT CertificateInfo +{ + public: + + /** + * The algorithm of public key. + */ + enum PublicKeyType + { + RsaKey, + DsaKey, + EcKey, + OtherKey + }; + + /** + * Certificate key usage extensions. + */ + enum KeyUsageExtension + { + KuDigitalSignature = 0x80, + KuNonRepudiation = 0x40, + KuKeyEncipherment = 0x20, + KuDataEncipherment = 0x10, + KuKeyAgreement = 0x08, + KuKeyCertSign = 0x04, + KuClrSign = 0x02, + KuEncipherOnly = 0x01, + KuNone = 0x00 + }; + Q_DECLARE_FLAGS( KeyUsageExtensions, KeyUsageExtension ) + + /** + * Predefined keys for elements in an entity's distinguished name. + */ + enum EntityInfoKey + { + CommonName, + DistinguishedName, + EmailAddress, + Organization, + }; + + /** + * Destructor + */ + virtual ~CertificateInfo(); + + /** + * Returns true if certificate has no contents; otherwise returns false. + */ + virtual bool isNull() const; + + /** + * The certificate version string. + */ + virtual int version() const; + + /** + * The certificate serial number. + */ + virtual QByteArray serialNumber() const; + + /** + * Information about the issuer. + */ + virtual QString issuerInfo(EntityInfoKey key) const; + + /** + * Information about the subject + */ + virtual QString subjectInfo(EntityInfoKey key) const; + + /** + * The date-time when certificate becomes valid. + */ + virtual QDateTime validityStart() const; + + /** + * The date-time when certificate expires. + */ + virtual QDateTime validityEnd() const; + + /** + * The uses allowed for the certificate. + */ + virtual KeyUsageExtensions keyUsageExtensions() const; + + /** + * The public key value. + */ + virtual QByteArray publicKey() const; + + /** + * The public key type. + */ + virtual PublicKeyType publicKeyType() const; + + /** + * The strength of public key in bits. + */ + virtual int publicKeyStrength() const; + + /** + * Returns true if certificate is self-signed otherwise returns false. + */ + virtual bool isSelfSigned() const; + + /** + * The DER encoded certificate. + */ + virtual QByteArray certificateData() const; + + protected: + CertificateInfo(); + + private: + Q_DISABLE_COPY( CertificateInfo ) +}; + +/** + * @short A helper class to store information about digital signature + */ +class OKULARCORE_EXPORT SignatureInfo +{ + public: + + /** + * The verfication result of the signature. + */ + enum SignatureStatus + { + SignatureStatusUnknown, ///< The signature status is unknown for some reason. + SignatureValid, ///< The signature is cryptographically valid. + SignatureInvalid, ///< The signature is cryptographically invalid. + SignatureDigestMismatch, ///< The document content was changed after the signature was applied. + SignatureDecodingError, ///< The signature CMS/PKCS7 structure is malformed. + SignatureGenericError, ///< The signature could not be verified. + SignatureNotFound, ///< The requested signature is not present in the document. + SignatureNotVerified ///< The signature is not yet verified. + }; + + /** + * The verification result of the certificate. + */ + enum CertificateStatus + { + CertificateStatusUnknown, ///< The certificate status is unknown for some reason. + CertificateTrusted, ///< The certificate is considered trusted. + CertificateUntrustedIssuer, ///< The issuer of this certificate has been marked as untrusted by the user. + CertificateUnknownIssuer, ///< The certificate trust chain has not finished in a trusted root certificate. + CertificateRevoked, ///< The certificate was revoked by the issuing certificate authority. + CertificateExpired, ///< The signing time is outside the validity bounds of this certificate. + CertificateGenericError, ///< The certificate could not be verified. + CertificateNotVerified ///< The certificate is not yet verified. + }; + + /** + * The hash algorithm of the signature + */ + enum HashAlgorithm + { + HashAlgorithmUnknown, + HashAlgorithmMd2, + HashAlgorithmMd5, + HashAlgorithmSha1, + HashAlgorithmSha256, + HashAlgorithmSha384, + HashAlgorithmSha512, + HashAlgorithmSha224 + }; + + /** + * Destructor. + */ + virtual ~SignatureInfo(); + + /** + * The signature status of the signature. + */ + virtual SignatureStatus signatureStatus() const; + + /** + * The certificate status of the signature. + */ + virtual CertificateStatus certificateStatus() const; + + /** + * The signer subject common name associated with the signature. + */ + virtual QString signerName() const; + + /** + * The signer subject distinguished name associated with the signature. + */ + virtual QString signerSubjectDN() const; + + /** + * Get signing location. + */ + virtual QString location() const; + + /** + * Get signing reason. + */ + virtual QString reason() const; + + /** + * The the hash algorithm used for the signature. + */ + virtual HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm() const; + + /** + * The signing time associated with the signature. + */ + virtual QDateTime signingTime() const; + + /** + * Get the signature binary data. + */ + virtual QByteArray signature() const; + + /** + * Get the bounds of the ranges of the document which are signed. + */ + virtual QList signedRangeBounds() const; + + /** + * Checks whether the signature authenticates the total document + * except for the signature itself. + */ + virtual bool signsTotalDocument() const; + + /** + * Get certificate details. + */ + virtual CertificateInfo *certificateInfo() const; + + protected: + SignatureInfo(); + + private: + Q_DISABLE_COPY( SignatureInfo ) +}; + +} + +#endif