diff --git a/autotests/html/highlight.cpp.html b/autotests/html/highlight.cpp.html index 8214017..bc32516 100644 --- a/autotests/html/highlight.cpp.html +++ b/autotests/html/highlight.cpp.html @@ -1,303 +1,303 @@ highlight.cpp
 #pragma once
 #include <cassert>
 #include <assert.h>
 #include "assert.h"
 #include "assert.hpp"
 #include "path/assert.hpp"
 #include PATH_IN_MACRO()
 #define SOME_VAR 1
 #ifdef SOME_VAR
 #define MULTILINE_MACRO one \
 two \
 # define MULTILINE_MACRO_TEXT                        \
     /* NOTE The contents of macro is too green :D */ \
     char const s[] = "a\\b"                          \
 # error dds
 # warning dds
 # line 2 "file.cpp"
 # define A(x, y) x##y x#y
 // OK(L, a) -> L"a"
 # define OK(x, y) x###y
 # define BAD(x, y) x####y
 static int g_global;
 template<class T, typename U, template<class> class = std::is_pointer>
 struct class1
   : private std::vector<T>, public U
         : _member1(xxx)
     void foo() { return; }
     void foo() const { return; }
     void foo() noexcept { return; }
     void foo() const noexcept { return; }
     virtual void foo() const noexcept { return; }
     static void foo() { return; }
     constexpr static void foo() const
         noexcept(noexcept(std::is_pointer<U>::value)) override
         xxx::template ttt<U>::type {};
         xxx.template get<U>();
         auto x = C<'a'> + y;
     int operator->*(T (C::*m)(int));
     operator value_t ();
     value_type _member1; // NOTE internal ?
     value_type __internal;
     value_type internal__;
     value_type _M_internal;
     value_t member2_;
     value_type m_member3;
     static int s_static;
 constexpr struct : xyz
     using xyz::xyz;
     using xyz::operator=;
     int a : 1;
     int b : 7;
 } x {};
 template<class T>
 using is_pointer = std::is_pointer<T>::type;
 template<class T>
 constexpr auto is_pointer_v = std::is_pointer<T>::value;
 uint64_t namespaces()
 #if 1
     double foo(const A);
     double foo(const A);
 #if 0
     double foo(const A);
     double foo(const A);
 int bar(void*p, void * pp)
 # if 0
     double foo();
 # else
     double foo();
 # endif
 static uint64_t intWithSuffix = 42ull;
 static long intWithSuffixAndPrefix = 0b0101L;
 static int octNum = 07232;
 static int invalidOctNum = 09231;
 static uint64_t hexNum = 0xDEADBEEF42;
 static uint64_t invalidHexNum = 0xGLDFKG;
 static char binNum = 0b0101010;
 static int64_t intWithSuffix = -42LL;
 static long intWithSuffixAndPrefix = -0b0101L; // BUG
 static int octNum = -07232;
 static int invalidOctNum = -09231;
 static int64_t hexNum = -0xDEADBEEF42;
 static int64_t invalidHexNum = -0xGLDFKG;
 static char binNum = -0b0101010;
 static uint64_t intWithSuffixWithSep = 4'2ull;
 static long intWithSuffixAndPrefixWithSep = 0b0'10'1L;
 static int octNumWithSep = 07'232;
 static int invalidOctNumWithSep = 09'23'1;
 static uint64_t hexNumWithSep = 0xD'EAD'BE'EF'42;
 static uint64_t invalidHexNumWithSep = 0xGLD'FKG;
 static char binNumWithSep = 0b0'1010'10;
 static double d1 = 42.;
 static double d2 = .42;
 static double d2a = -0.49;
 static double d2b = -0.09;
 static double d3 = 42.3e1;
 static double d4 = .2e-12;
 static double d5 = 32.e+12;
 static double invalidD1 = 32.e+a12;
-static float floatQualifier = 23.123f;
+static float floatQualifier = 23.123f;
 // TODO c++17
 static double d6 = 0x1ffp10;
 static double d7 = 0X0p-1;
 static double d8 = 0x1.p0;
 static double d9 = 0xf.p-1;
 static double d10 = 0x0.123p-1;
 static double d11 = 0xa.bp10l;
 static double invalidD2 = 0x0.123p-a;
 static float floatQualifier = 0xf.p-1f;
 static bool yes = true;
 static bool no = false;
 static const char c1 = 'c';
 static const char       c1a = u8'c'; // TODO c++17
 static const char16_t   c1b = u'c';
 static const char32_t   c1c = U'c';
 static const wchar_t    c1d = L'c';
 static const char c2 = '\n';
 static const char c2a = '\120'; // octal
 static const char c2b = '\x1f'; // hex
 static const char c2c = '\'';
 static const char c2d = '\\';
 static const char* c3 = "string";
 static const char* c4 = "\"string\n\t\012\x12\"";
 static const char* c5 = "multiline \
 static const char* c6 = "multifragment" "other""string";
 static const char*      c6a = u8"string";
 static const char16_t*  c6b = u"string";
 static const char32_t*  c6c = U"string";
 static const wchar_t*   c6d = L"string";
 static const char* rawString1 = R"(string)";
 static const char*      rawString1a = u8R"(string)";
 static const char16_t*  rawString1b = uR"(string)";
 static const char32_t*  rawString1c = UR"(string)";
 static const wchar_t*   rawString1d = LR"(string\nstring)";
 static const char* rawString2 = R"ab(string\nstring)ab";
 static const char* rawString3 = R"ab(string
 // UDL (c++11)
 operator""_a(const char*); // BUG operator not colorized
 operator ""_a(const char*); // BUG colorized or
 operator "" _a(const char*); // BUG or not colorized
 operator "" a(const char*);
 operator ""a(const char*); // BUG
 operator""a(const char*); // BUG
 "string"_s; // BUG colorized or
 "string"s; // BUG or not colorized
 "string"_s-b; // -b is not part of the string
 // Macro
 // Attributes
 [[noreturn]] void foo();
 [[deprecated]] void foo();
 [[deprecated("because")]] void foo();
 void foo([[carries_dependency]] int);
 [[opt(1), debug]]
 [[using CC: opt(1), debug]] // c++17
 [[using CC: CC::opt(1)]] // c++17
 void f([[maybe_unused]] int val)
     [[maybe_unused]] int x;
     switch (x = foo(); x) {
         case 1:
         case XXX:
         case Class::foo():
     // c++17: fold expression
     (args + ... + (1 * 2));
     (v.push_back(args), ...);
     [[omp::parallel]] for (auto&& x : v)
     for (auto&& [first,second] : mymap) {
     auto [x, y] = foo();
     [x = 1, =y](){};
     decltype((auto)) x = foo();
 auto f() -> decltype(foo());
 __attribute__((pure)) void f();
 goto label;
 //BEGIN region
 // TODO comment FIXME comment ### comment BUG comment
 //END region
 // \brief blah blah
 /// \brief blah blah
  * Doxygen
  * @param p1 text
  * \brief <b>bold text</b>
  * \dot
  * a -> b
  * \enddot
  * \verbatim
  * <dummy>
  * \endverbatim
  * <html>text</html>
 // Some GNU macros, cross-referenced from gcc.xml to isocpp.xml
diff --git a/autotests/reference/highlight.cpp.ref b/autotests/reference/highlight.cpp.ref index 1bfbdcc..575a81c 100644 --- a/autotests/reference/highlight.cpp.ref +++ b/autotests/reference/highlight.cpp.ref @@ -1,296 +1,296 @@ #pragma once

#include "assert.h"
#include "assert.hpp"
#include "path/assert.hpp"
#include PATH_IN_MACRO()

#define SOME_VAR 1
#ifdef SOME_VAR

#define MULTILINE_MACRO one \
two \

/* NOTE The contents of macro is too green :D */ \
char const s[] = "a\\b" \

# error dds
# warning dds
# line 2 "file.cpp"
# define A(x, y) x##y x#y
// OK(L, a) -> L"a"
# define OK(x, y) x###y
# define BAD(x, y) x####y

static int g_global;

template<class T, typename U, template<class> class = std::is_pointer>
struct class1
: private std::vector<T>, public U
: _member1(xxx)


void foo() { return; }
void foo() const { return; }
void foo() noexcept { return; }
void foo() const noexcept { return; }
virtual void foo() const noexcept { return; }
static void foo() { return; }
constexpr static void foo() const
noexcept(noexcept(std::is_pointer<U>::value)) override
xxx::template ttt<U>::type {};
xxx.template get<U>();
auto x = C<'a'> + y;

int operator->*(T (C::*m)(int));
operator value_t ();

value_type _member1; // NOTE internal ?
value_type __internal;
value_type internal__;
value_type _M_internal;
value_t member2_;
value_type m_member3;

static int s_static;

constexpr struct : xyz
using xyz::xyz;
using xyz::operator=;

int a : 1;
int b : 7;
} x {};

template<class T>
using is_pointer = std::is_pointer<T>::type;

template<class T>
constexpr auto is_pointer_v = std::is_pointer<T>::value;

uint64_t namespaces()

#if 1
double foo(const A);
double foo(const A);

#if 0
double foo(const A);
double foo(const A);

int bar(void*p, void * pp)
# if 0
double foo();
# else
double foo();
# endif

static uint64_t intWithSuffix = 42ull;
static long intWithSuffixAndPrefix = 0b0101L;
static int octNum = 07232;
static int invalidOctNum = 09231;
static uint64_t hexNum = 0xDEADBEEF42;
static uint64_t invalidHexNum = 0xGLDFKG;
static char binNum = 0b0101010;

static int64_t intWithSuffix = -42LL;
static long intWithSuffixAndPrefix = -0b0101L; // BUG
static int octNum = -07232;
static int invalidOctNum = -09231;
static int64_t hexNum = -0xDEADBEEF42;
static int64_t invalidHexNum = -0xGLDFKG;
static char binNum = -0b0101010;

static uint64_t intWithSuffixWithSep = 4'2ull;
static long intWithSuffixAndPrefixWithSep = 0b0'10'1L;
static int octNumWithSep = 07'232;
static int invalidOctNumWithSep = 09'23'1;
static uint64_t hexNumWithSep = 0xD'EAD'BE'EF'42;
static uint64_t invalidHexNumWithSep = 0xGLD'FKG;
static char binNumWithSep = 0b0'1010'10;

static double d1 = 42.;
static double d2 = .42;
static double d2a = -0.49;
static double d2b = -0.09;
static double d3 = 42.3e1;
static double d4 = .2e-12;
static double d5 = 32.e+12;
static double invalidD1 = 32.e+a12;
-static float floatQualifier = 23.123f;
+static float floatQualifier = 23.123f;
// TODO c++17
static double d6 = 0x1ffp10;
static double d7 = 0X0p-1;
static double d8 = 0x1.p0;
static double d9 = 0xf.p-1;
static double d10 = 0x0.123p-1;
static double d11 = 0xa.bp10l;
static double invalidD2 = 0x0.123p-a;
static float floatQualifier = 0xf.p-1f;

static bool yes = true;
static bool no = false;

static const char c1 = 'c';
static const char c1a = u8'c'; // TODO c++17
static const char16_t c1b = u'c';
static const char32_t c1c = U'c';
static const wchar_t c1d = L'c';
static const char c2 = '\n';
static const char c2a = '\120'; // octal
static const char c2b = '\x1f'; // hex
static const char c2c = '\'';
static const char c2d = '\\';
static const char* c3 = "string";
static const char* c4 = "\"string\n\t\012\x12\"";
static const char* c5 = "multiline \
static const char* c6 = "multifragment" "other""string";
static const char* c6a = u8"string";
static const char16_t* c6b = u"string";
static const char32_t* c6c = U"string";
static const wchar_t* c6d = L"string";
static const char* rawString1 = R"(string)";
static const char* rawString1a = u8R"(string)";
static const char16_t* rawString1b = uR"(string)";
static const char32_t* rawString1c = UR"(string)";
static const wchar_t* rawString1d = LR"(string\nstring)";
static const char* rawString2 = R"ab(string\nstring)ab";
static const char* rawString3 = R"ab(string

// UDL (c++11)

operator""_a(const char*); // BUG operator not colorized
operator ""_a(const char*); // BUG colorized or
operator "" _a(const char*); // BUG or not colorized
operator "" a(const char*);
operator ""a(const char*); // BUG
operator""a(const char*); // BUG

"string"_s; // BUG colorized or
"string"s; // BUG or not colorized
"string"_s-b; // -b is not part of the string

// Macro


// Attributes

[[noreturn]] void foo();
[[deprecated]] void foo();
[[deprecated("because")]] void foo();
void foo([[carries_dependency]] int);

[[opt(1), debug]]
[[using CC: opt(1), debug]] // c++17
[[using CC: CC::opt(1)]] // c++17

void f([[maybe_unused]] int val)
[[maybe_unused]] int x;
switch (x = foo(); x) {
case 1:
case XXX:
case Class::foo():

// c++17: fold expression
(args + ... + (1 * 2));
(v.push_back(args), ...);

[[omp::parallel]] for (auto&& x : v)
for (auto&& [first,second] : mymap) {

auto [x, y] = foo();

[x = 1, =y](){};

decltype((auto)) x = foo();

auto f() -> decltype(foo());

__attribute__((pure)) void f();

goto label;

//BEGIN region
// TODO comment FIXME comment ### comment BUG comment
//END region


// \brief blah blah
/// \brief blah blah

* Doxygen
* @param p1 text
* \brief bold text
* \dot
* a -> b
* \enddot
* \verbatim
* \endverbatim
* text


// Some GNU macros, cross-referenced from gcc.xml to isocpp.xml