diff --git a/agents/unifiedmailboxagent/unifiedmailboxmanager.cpp b/agents/unifiedmailboxagent/unifiedmailboxmanager.cpp index cb9525b3b..fd7af4a61 100644 --- a/agents/unifiedmailboxagent/unifiedmailboxmanager.cpp +++ b/agents/unifiedmailboxagent/unifiedmailboxmanager.cpp @@ -1,441 +1,445 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2018 Daniel Vrátil This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "unifiedmailboxmanager.h" #include "unifiedmailbox.h" #include "unifiedmailboxagent_debug.h" #include "utils.h" #include "common.h" #include "settings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { /** * A little RAII helper to make sure changeProcessed() and replayNext() gets * called on the ChangeRecorder whenever we are done with handling a change. */ class ReplayNextOnExit { public: ReplayNextOnExit(Akonadi::ChangeRecorder &recorder) : mRecorder(recorder) { } ~ReplayNextOnExit() { mRecorder.changeProcessed(); mRecorder.replayNext(); } private: Akonadi::ChangeRecorder &mRecorder; }; } // static bool UnifiedMailboxManager::isUnifiedMailbox(const Akonadi::Collection &col) { #ifdef UNIT_TESTS return col.parentCollection().name() == Common::AgentIdentifier; #else return col.resource() == Common::AgentIdentifier; #endif } UnifiedMailboxManager::UnifiedMailboxManager(const KSharedConfigPtr &config, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , mConfig(config) { mMonitor.setObjectName(QStringLiteral("UnifiedMailboxChangeRecorder")); mMonitor.setConfig(&mMonitorSettings); mMonitor.setChangeRecordingEnabled(true); mMonitor.setTypeMonitored(Akonadi::Monitor::Items); mMonitor.setTypeMonitored(Akonadi::Monitor::Collections); mMonitor.itemFetchScope().setCacheOnly(true); mMonitor.itemFetchScope().setFetchRemoteIdentification(false); mMonitor.itemFetchScope().setFetchModificationTime(false); mMonitor.collectionFetchScope().fetchAttribute(); connect(&mMonitor, &Akonadi::Monitor::itemAdded, this, [this](const Akonadi::Item &item, const Akonadi::Collection &collection) { ReplayNextOnExit replayNext(mMonitor); qCDebug(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Item" << item.id() << "added to collection" << collection.id(); const auto box = unifiedMailboxForSource(collection.id()); if (!box) { qCWarning(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Failed to find unified mailbox for source collection " << collection.id(); return; } if (box->collectionId() <= -1) { qCWarning(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Missing box->collection mapping for unified mailbox" << box->id(); return; } new Akonadi::LinkJob(Akonadi::Collection{box->collectionId()}, {item}, this); }); connect(&mMonitor, &Akonadi::Monitor::itemsRemoved, this, [this](const Akonadi::Item::List &items) { ReplayNextOnExit replayNext(mMonitor); // Monitor did the heavy lifting for us and already figured out that // we only monitor the source collection of the Items and translated // it into REMOVE change. // This relies on Akonadi never mixing Items from different sources or // destination during batch-moves. const auto parentId = items.first().parentCollection().id(); const auto box = unifiedMailboxForSource(parentId); if (!box) { qCWarning(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Received Remove notification for Items belonging to" << parentId << "which we don't monitor"; return; } if (box->collectionId() <= -1) { qCWarning(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Missing box->collection mapping for unified mailbox" << box->id(); return; } new Akonadi::UnlinkJob(Akonadi::Collection{box->collectionId()}, items, this); }); connect(&mMonitor, &Akonadi::Monitor::itemsMoved, this, [this](const Akonadi::Item::List &items, const Akonadi::Collection &srcCollection, const Akonadi::Collection &dstCollection) { ReplayNextOnExit replayNext(mMonitor); if (const auto srcBox = unifiedMailboxForSource(srcCollection.id())) { // Move source collection was our source, unlink the Item from a box new Akonadi::UnlinkJob(Akonadi::Collection{srcBox->collectionId()}, items, this); } if (const auto dstBox = unifiedMailboxForSource(dstCollection.id())) { // Move destination collection is our source, link the Item into a box new Akonadi::LinkJob(Akonadi::Collection{dstBox->collectionId()}, items, this); } }); connect(&mMonitor, &Akonadi::Monitor::collectionRemoved, this, [this](const Akonadi::Collection &col) { ReplayNextOnExit replayNext(mMonitor); if (auto box = unifiedMailboxForSource(col.id())) { box->removeSourceCollection(col.id()); mMonitor.setCollectionMonitored(col, false); if (box->sourceCollections().isEmpty()) { removeBox(box->id()); } saveBoxes(); // No need to resync the box collection, the linked Items got removed by Akonadi } else { qCWarning(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Received notification about removal of Collection" << col.id() << "which we don't monitor"; } }); connect(&mMonitor, qOverload &>(&Akonadi::Monitor::collectionChanged), this, [this](const Akonadi::Collection &col, const QSet &parts) { ReplayNextOnExit replayNext(mMonitor); qCDebug(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Collection changed:" << parts; if (!parts.contains(Akonadi::SpecialCollectionAttribute().type())) { return; } if (col.hasAttribute()) { const auto srcBox = unregisterSpecialSourceCollection(col.id()); const auto dstBox = registerSpecialSourceCollection(col); if (srcBox == dstBox) { return; } saveBoxes(); if (srcBox && srcBox->sourceCollections().isEmpty()) { removeBox(srcBox->id()); return; } if (srcBox) { Q_EMIT updateBox(srcBox); } if (dstBox) { Q_EMIT updateBox(dstBox); } } else { if (const auto box = unregisterSpecialSourceCollection(col.id())) { saveBoxes(); if (box->sourceCollections().isEmpty()) { removeBox(box->id()); } else { Q_EMIT updateBox(box); } } } }); } UnifiedMailboxManager::~UnifiedMailboxManager() { } Akonadi::ChangeRecorder &UnifiedMailboxManager::changeRecorder() { return mMonitor; } void UnifiedMailboxManager::loadBoxes(FinishedCallback &&finishedCb) { qCDebug(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "loading boxes"; const auto group = mConfig->group("UnifiedMailboxes"); const auto boxGroups = group.groupList(); for (const auto &boxGroupName : boxGroups) { const auto boxGroup = group.group(boxGroupName); auto box = std::make_unique(); box->load(boxGroup); insertBox(std::move(box)); } const auto cb = [this, finishedCb = std::move(finishedCb)]() { qCDebug(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Finished callback: enabling change recorder"; // Only now start processing changes from change recorder connect(&mMonitor, &Akonadi::ChangeRecorder::changesAdded, &mMonitor, &Akonadi::ChangeRecorder::replayNext, Qt::QueuedConnection); // And start replaying any potentially pending notification QTimer::singleShot(0, &mMonitor, &Akonadi::ChangeRecorder::replayNext); if (finishedCb) { finishedCb(); } }; qCDebug(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Loaded" << mMailboxes.size() << "boxes from config"; if (mMailboxes.empty()) { createDefaultBoxes(std::move(cb)); } else { discoverBoxCollections(std::move(cb)); } } void UnifiedMailboxManager::saveBoxes() { auto group = mConfig->group("UnifiedMailboxes"); const auto currentGroups = group.groupList(); for (const auto &groupName : currentGroups) { group.deleteGroup(groupName); } for (const auto &boxIt : mMailboxes) { auto boxGroup = group.group(boxIt.second->id()); boxIt.second->save(boxGroup); } mConfig->sync(); mConfig->reparseConfiguration(); } void UnifiedMailboxManager::insertBox(std::unique_ptr box) { auto it = mMailboxes.emplace(std::make_pair(box->id(), std::move(box))); it.first->second->attachManager(this); } void UnifiedMailboxManager::removeBox(const QString &id) { auto box = std::find_if(mMailboxes.begin(), mMailboxes.end(), [&id](const std::pair > &box) { return box.second->id() == id; }); if (box == mMailboxes.end()) { return; } box->second->attachManager(nullptr); mMailboxes.erase(box); } UnifiedMailbox *UnifiedMailboxManager::unifiedMailboxForSource(qint64 source) const { const auto box = mSourceToBoxMap.find(source); if (box == mSourceToBoxMap.cend()) { return {}; } return box->second; } UnifiedMailbox *UnifiedMailboxManager::unifiedMailboxFromCollection(const Akonadi::Collection &col) const { if (!isUnifiedMailbox(col)) { return nullptr; } const auto box = mMailboxes.find(col.name()); if (box == mMailboxes.cend()) { return {}; } return box->second.get(); } void UnifiedMailboxManager::createDefaultBoxes(FinishedCallback &&finishedCb) { if (!Settings::self()->createDefaultBoxes()) { return; } // First build empty boxes auto inbox = std::make_unique(); inbox->attachManager(this); inbox->setId(Common::InboxBoxId); inbox->setName(i18n("Inbox")); inbox->setIcon(QStringLiteral("mail-folder-inbox")); insertBox(std::move(inbox)); auto sent = std::make_unique(); sent->attachManager(this); sent->setId(Common::SentBoxId); sent->setName(i18n("Sent")); sent->setIcon(QStringLiteral("mail-folder-sent")); insertBox(std::move(sent)); auto drafts = std::make_unique(); drafts->attachManager(this); drafts->setId(Common::DraftsBoxId); drafts->setName(i18n("Drafts")); drafts->setIcon(QStringLiteral("document-properties")); insertBox(std::move(drafts)); auto list = new Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob(Akonadi::Collection::root(), Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::Recursive, this); list->fetchScope().fetchAttribute(); list->fetchScope().setContentMimeTypes({QStringLiteral("message/rfc822")}); #ifdef UNIT_TESTS list->fetchScope().setAncestorRetrieval(Akonadi::CollectionFetchScope::Parent); #else list->fetchScope().setAncestorRetrieval(Akonadi::CollectionFetchScope::None); #endif connect(list, &Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::collectionsReceived, this, [this](const Akonadi::Collection::List &list) { for (const auto &col : list) { if (isUnifiedMailbox(col)) { continue; } try { switch (Akonadi::SpecialMailCollections::self()->specialCollectionType(col)) { case Akonadi::SpecialMailCollections::Inbox: mMailboxes.at(Common::InboxBoxId)->addSourceCollection(col.id()); break; case Akonadi::SpecialMailCollections::SentMail: mMailboxes.at(Common::SentBoxId)->addSourceCollection(col.id()); break; case Akonadi::SpecialMailCollections::Drafts: mMailboxes.at(Common::DraftsBoxId)->addSourceCollection(col.id()); break; default: continue; } } catch (const std::out_of_range &) { qCWarning(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Failed to find a special unified mailbox for source collection" << col.id(); continue; } } }); connect(list, &Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::result, this, [this, finishedCb = std::move(finishedCb)]() { saveBoxes(); if (finishedCb) { finishedCb(); } }); #ifndef UNIT_TESTS Settings::self()->setCreateDefaultBoxes(false); Settings::self()->save(); #endif } void UnifiedMailboxManager::discoverBoxCollections(FinishedCallback &&finishedCb) { auto list = new Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob(Akonadi::Collection::root(), Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::Recursive, this); #ifdef UNIT_TESTS list->fetchScope().setAncestorRetrieval(Akonadi::CollectionFetchScope::Parent); #else list->fetchScope().setResource(Common::AgentIdentifier); #endif connect(list, &Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::collectionsReceived, this, [this](const Akonadi::Collection::List &list) { for (const auto &col : list) { if (!isUnifiedMailbox(col) || col.parentCollection() == Akonadi::Collection::root()) { continue; } - - mMailboxes.at(col.name())->setCollectionId(col.id()); + const auto it = mMailboxes.find(col.name()); + if (it == mMailboxes.end()) { + qCWarning(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << "Failed to find an unified mailbox for source collection" << col.id(); + } else { + it->second->setCollectionId(col.id()); + } } }); if (finishedCb) { connect(list, &Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::result, this, finishedCb); } } const UnifiedMailbox *UnifiedMailboxManager::registerSpecialSourceCollection(const Akonadi::Collection &col) { // This is slightly awkward, wold be better if we could use SpecialMailCollections, // but it also relies on Monitor internally, so there's a possible race condition // between our ChangeRecorder and SpecialMailCollections' Monitor auto attr = col.attribute(); Q_ASSERT(attr); if (!attr) { return {}; } decltype(mMailboxes)::iterator box; if (attr->collectionType() == Common::SpecialCollectionInbox) { box = mMailboxes.find(Common::InboxBoxId); } else if (attr->collectionType() == Common::SpecialCollectionSentMail) { box = mMailboxes.find(Common::SentBoxId); } else if (attr->collectionType() == Common::SpecialCollectionDrafts) { box = mMailboxes.find(Common::DraftsBoxId); } if (box == mMailboxes.end()) { return {}; } box->second->addSourceCollection(col.id()); return box->second.get(); } const UnifiedMailbox *UnifiedMailboxManager::unregisterSpecialSourceCollection(qint64 colId) { auto box = unifiedMailboxForSource(colId); if (!box) { return {}; } if (!box->isSpecial()) { qCDebug(UNIFIEDMAILBOXAGENT_LOG) << colId << "does not belong to a special unified box" << box->id(); return {}; } box->removeSourceCollection(colId); return box; }