diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index a8fad88a..5459d29f 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,104 +1,104 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) set(KDEPIM_VERSION_NUMBER "5.11.40") project(kaddressbook VERSION ${KDEPIM_VERSION_NUMBER}) set(KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.57.0") find_package(ECM ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH}) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(ECMAddTests) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(ECMGenerateHeaders) include(FeatureSummary) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(ECMGeneratePriFile) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(ECMQtDeclareLoggingCategory) # Do NOT add quote set(KDEPIM_DEV_VERSION alpha) # add an extra space if(DEFINED KDEPIM_DEV_VERSION) set(KDEPIM_DEV_VERSION " ${KDEPIM_DEV_VERSION}") endif() set(KDEPIM_VERSION "${KDEPIM_VERSION_NUMBER}${KDEPIM_DEV_VERSION}") set(KPIMTEXTEDIT_LIB_VERSION "5.11.40") set(AKONADI_VERSION "5.11.40") set(KONTACTINTERFACE_LIB_VERSION "5.11.40") set(KDEPIM_LIB_VERSION "${KDEPIM_VERSION_NUMBER}") set(KDEPIM_LIB_SOVERSION "5") set(QT_REQUIRED_VERSION "5.10.0") find_package(Qt5 ${QT_REQUIRED_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED Widgets Test DBus PrintSupport) set(LIBKDEPIM_LIB_VERSION_LIB "5.11.40") -set(KDEPIM_APPS_LIB_VERSION_LIB "5.11.41") +set(KDEPIM_APPS_LIB_VERSION_LIB "5.11.42") set(LIBGRANTLEETHEME_LIB_VERSION_LIB "5.11.40") set(PIMCOMMON_LIB_VERSION_LIB "5.11.40") set(LIBKLEO_LIB_VERSION "5.11.40") # Find KF5 package find_package(KF5DBusAddons ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5DocTools ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED) find_package(KF5KCMUtils ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5Crash ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED) find_package(KF5IconThemes ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED) find_package(KF5Libkleo ${LIBKLEO_LIB_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) option(DOMAIN_EXPERIMENTAL "Enable this feature if you want to build experimental domain library. Not Stable yet." FALSE) # Find KdepimLibs Package find_package(KF5PimTextEdit ${KPIMTEXTEDIT_LIB_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5Akonadi ${AKONADI_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5KontactInterface ${KONTACTINTERFACE_LIB_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5Libkdepim ${LIBKDEPIM_LIB_VERSION_LIB} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5KdepimDBusInterfaces ${KDEPIM_APPS_LIB_VERSION_LIB} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5PimCommonAkonadi ${PIMCOMMON_LIB_VERSION_LIB} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5KaddressbookGrantlee ${KDEPIM_APPS_LIB_VERSION_LIB} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5KaddressbookImportExport ${KDEPIM_APPS_LIB_VERSION_LIB} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5GrantleeTheme ${LIBGRANTLEETHEME_LIB_VERSION_LIB} CONFIG REQUIRED) set(GPGMEPP_LIB_VERSION "1.8.0") find_package(Gpgmepp ${GPGMEPP_LIB_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5AkonadiSearch "5.11.40" CONFIG REQUIRED) set_package_properties(KF5AkonadiSearch PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "The Akonadi Search libraries" URL "https://www.kde.org" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Provides search capabilities in KMail and Akonadi") include_directories(${kaddressbook_SOURCE_DIR} ${kaddressbook_BINARY_DIR}) find_package(KF5Prison ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"kaddressbook\") set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) # workaround for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-74665 (bug in qt5.13 reevaluate it) if (${Qt5Widgets_VERSION} STREQUAL "5.13.0") MESSAGE(STATUS "Qt version: ${Qt5Widgets_VERSION} DISABLE compile without deprecated methods. bug QTBUG-74665") else() add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000) endif() add_definitions(-DQT_NO_FOREACH) add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(kontactplugin) install( FILES kaddressbook.renamecategories kaddressbook.categories DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_CONFDIR} ) feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/src/printing/grantlee/themes/default/theme.html b/src/printing/grantlee/themes/default/theme.html index 87217fbe..ec8b5ae9 100644 --- a/src/printing/grantlee/themes/default/theme.html +++ b/src/printing/grantlee/themes/default/theme.html @@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
{% if contacts %} {% for contact in contacts %} {% if contact.name %}
{{ contact.name }}
{% else %}
{{ contacti18n.nextcontacti18n }}
{% endif %}
{{ contact.realName|safe }}
{% if contact.emails %} {% endif %} {% if contact.organization %} {% endif %} - {% if contact.webPage %} + {% if contact.url.url %} - + {% endif %} {% if contact.birthday %} {% endif %} {% if contact.note %} {% endif %}
{{ contacti18n.emailsi18n }} {% for email in contact.emails %} {{ email.email }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ contacti18n.organizationi18n }} {{ contact.organization }}
{{ contacti18n.websitei18n }}{{ contact.webPage|safe }}{{ contact.url.url }}
{{ contacti18n.birthdayi18n }} {{ contact.birthday }}
{{ contacti18n.notei18n }} {{ contact.note }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} diff --git a/src/printing/grantlee/themes/full/theme.html b/src/printing/grantlee/themes/full/theme.html index 67167fb2..5e0c752a 100644 --- a/src/printing/grantlee/themes/full/theme.html +++ b/src/printing/grantlee/themes/full/theme.html @@ -1,112 +1,112 @@
{% if contacts %} {% for contact in contacts %}
{{ contact.name }}
{{ contact.realName|safe }}
{% if contact.photo %} {% endif %} {% if contact.emails %} {% endif %} {% if contact.organization %} {% endif %} - {% if contact.webPage %} + {% for url in contact.urls %} - + - {% endif %} + {% endfor %} {% if contact.birthday %} {% endif %} {% if contact.note %} {% endif %} {% if contact.title %} {% endif %} {% for address in contact.addresses %} {% if address.formattedAddress %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for listphone in contact.phones %} {% endfor %} {% for im in contact.instantManging %} {% endfor %}
{{ contact.photo|safe }}
{{ contacti18n.emailsi18n }} {% for email in contact.emails %} {{ email.email }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ contacti18n.organizationi18n }} {{ contact.organization }}
{{ contacti18n.websitei18n }}{{ contact.webPage|safe }}{{ url.url }}
{{ contacti18n.birthdayi18n }} {{ contact.birthday }}
{{ contacti18n.notei18n }} {{ contact.note }}
{{ contacti18n.titlei18n }} {{ contact.title }}
{{ address.typeLabel }} {% with address.formattedAddress as fa %} {% for line in fa.splitlines %}{{ line }}
{% endfor %} {% endwith %}
{{ listphone.typeLabel }} {{ listphone.number }}
{{ im.type }} {{ im.address }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %} diff --git a/src/viewertemplates/contact_embedded.html b/src/viewertemplates/contact_embedded.html index 4ba899e5..6e52b4a1 100644 --- a/src/viewertemplates/contact_embedded.html +++ b/src/viewertemplates/contact_embedded.html @@ -1,183 +1,193 @@
{% if contact.birthday %} {% with contact.birthdayi18n as title %} {% if contact.birthdayage %} {% with contact.birthdayage|safe as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% else %} {% with contact.birthday|safe as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% for phoneNumber in contact.phoneNumbers %} {% if phoneNumber.supportsSms %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for email in contact.emails %} {% endfor %} {% for imAddress in contact.imAddresses %} {% with imAddress.type as title %} {% with imAddress.imAddress|safe as value %} {% with imAddress.imIcon|safe as value2 %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} - {% for website in contact.websites %} - {% with contact.websitei18n as title %} - {% with website|safe as value %} - {% include "contact_row.html" %} - {% endwith %} - {% endwith %} + {% for website in contact.urls %} + + + + {% endfor %} - {% if contact.blogUrl %} - {% with "Blog Feed" as title %} - {% with contact.blogUrl|safe as value %} - {% include "contact_row.html" %} - {% endwith %} - {% endwith %} + {% if contact.blogFeed %} + + + {% endif %} {% for address in contact.addresses %} {% endfor %} {% if contact.profession %} {% with contact.Professioni18n as title %} {% with contact.profession as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if contact.department %} {% with contact.departmenti18n as title %} {% with contact.department as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if contact.office %} {% with contact.officei18n as title %} {% with contact.office as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if contact.manager %} {% with contact.manageri18n as title %} {% with contact.manager as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if contact.assistant %} {% with contact.assistanti18n as title %} {% with contact.assistant as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if contact.spouse %} {% with contact.spousei18n as title %} {% with contact.spouse as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if contact.anniversary %} {% with contact.anniversaryi18n as title %} {% with contact.anniversary as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% for customField in contact.customFieldsUrl %} {% with customField.title as title %} {% with customField.value|safe as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% for customField in contact.customFields %} {% with customField.title as title %} {% with customField.value as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% if contact.addressBookName %} {% with contact.addressBookNamei18n as title %} {% with contact.addressBookName as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% if contact.note %} {% with contact.notei18n as title %} {% with contact.note|safe as value %} {% include "contact_row.html" %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %}
{{ contact.name }}
{{ contact.job }}
{{ contact.organization }}
{{ phoneNumber.typeLabel }}{{ phoneNumber.number }} {{ phoneNumber.number }}
{{ contact.emailsi18n }} {{ email.email }}
{{ contact.websitei18n }} + {% if website.url.scheme %} + + {% else %} + + {% endif %} + {{ website.url }}
{{ contact.blogUrli18n }} + {% if contact.blogFeed.scheme %} + + {% else %} + + {% endif %} + {{ contact.blogFeed }} +
{{ address.typeLabel }} {% with address.formattedAddress as fa %} {% for line in fa.splitlines %} {{ line }} {% if line and not forloop.last %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endwith %}
{% if contact.hasqrcode %}

{% endif %}