diff --git a/tools/source_build_dist.sh b/tools/source_build_dist.sh index afecf5943..ce836b9d1 100755 --- a/tools/source_build_dist.sh +++ b/tools/source_build_dist.sh @@ -1,17 +1,26 @@ #!/bin/sh # Automate the build of the source dist # This script creates a branch, integrate the po and # create the tarball # +if [ ! -f gcompris.appdata.xml ] +then + echo "ERROR: Run me from the top level GCompris source dir" + exit 1 +fi + # The current version version=$(sed -n -e 's/set(GCOMPRIS_MINOR_VERSION \([0-9]\+\)).*/\1/p' CMakeLists.txt) # Uncomment if this is not already done -git co -b 0.${version}-po +git checkout -b 0.${version}-po mkdir -p build cd build +cmake .. make getSvnTranslations git add -f ../po -git ci -a -m "PO INTEGRATED / DO NOT PUSH ME" +git commit -a -m "PO INTEGRATED / DO NOT PUSH ME" make dist +git checkout 0.${version} +git branch -D 0.${version}-po