diff --git a/src/core/DialogActivityConfig.qml b/src/core/DialogActivityConfig.qml index c230c1d8e..cffdddc4c 100644 --- a/src/core/DialogActivityConfig.qml +++ b/src/core/DialogActivityConfig.qml @@ -1,249 +1,250 @@ /* GCompris - DialogActivityConfig.qml * * Copyright (C) 2014 Johnny Jazeix * * Authors: * Johnny Jazeix * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.6 import GCompris 1.0 /** * A QML component for a full screen configuration dialog. * @ingroup components * * All user editable settings are presented to the user in a * DialogActivityConfig dialog. The global configuration can be accessed * through the Bar in the main menu, activity specific configuration from the * respective activity. * * All config items that are shown in this dialog are persisted * using ApplicationSettings. * * For an example have a look at Menu.qml. * * For more details on how to add configuration to an activity cf. * [the wiki](https://gcompris.net/wiki/Qt_Quick_development_process#Adding_a_configuration_for_a_specific_activity) * * @sa ApplicationSettings * @inherit QtQuick.Item */ Rectangle { id: dialogActivityContent visible: false /* Public interface: */ /** * type:object * The content object as loaded dynamically. */ property alias configItem: loader.item /** * type:Component * Content component which holds the visual presentation of the * config settings in the QML scene. */ property Component content /** * type:string * The name of the activity in case of per-activity config. * * Will be autogenerated unless set by the caller. */ property string activityName: "" /** * type:object * Map containing all settings as key/value-pairs. * * Will be populated from ApplicationSettings.loadActivityConfiguration * and can be passed to ApplicationSettings.saveActivityConfiguration. */ property var dataToSave property var dataValidationFunc: null /// @cond INTERNAL_DOCS property bool isDialog: true /** * type:string * Title of the configuration dialog. * Global configuration name is "Configuration". * For activities, it is "activity name configuration". */ readonly property string title: { if(activityName != "") qsTr("%1 configuration").arg(activityInfo.title) else qsTr("Configuration") } property alias active: loader.active property alias loader: loader property QtObject activityInfo: ActivityInfoTree.currentActivity property ActivityBase currentActivity /// @endcond /** * Emitted when the config dialog has been closed. */ signal close /** * Emitted when the config dialog has been started. */ signal start /** * Emitted when the settings are to be saved. * * The actual persisting of the settings in the settings file is done by * DialogActivityConfig. The activity has to take care to update its * internal state. */ signal saveData /** * Emitted when the config settings have been loaded. */ signal loadData signal stop color: "#696da3" border.color: "black" border.width: 1 function getInitialConfiguration() { if(activityName == "") { activityName = activityInfo.name.split('/')[0]; } dataToSave = ApplicationSettings.loadActivityConfiguration(activityName) loadData() } function saveDatainConfiguration() { saveData() ApplicationSettings.saveActivityConfiguration(activityName, dataToSave) } Row { visible: dialogActivityContent.active spacing: 2 Item { width: 10; height: 1 } Column { spacing: 10 anchors.top: parent.top Item { width: 1; height: 10 } Rectangle { color: "#e6e6e6" radius: 6.0 width: dialogActivityContent.width - 30 height: title.height * 1.2 border.color: "black" border.width: 2 Row { spacing: 2 padding: 8 Image { id: titleIcon anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top margins: 4 * ApplicationInfo.ratio } } GCText { id: title text: dialogActivityContent.title width: dialogActivityContent.width - (30 + cancel.width) horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter color: "black" fontSize: 20 font.weight: Font.DemiBold wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } } } Rectangle { color: "#e6e6e6" radius: 6.0 width: dialogActivityContent.width - 30 height: dialogActivityContent.height - (30 + title.height * 1.2) border.color: "black" border.width: 2 anchors.margins: 100 Flickable { id: flick anchors.margins: 8 anchors.fill: parent flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick clip: true contentHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height + 40 * ApplicationInfo.ratio Loader { id: loader active: false sourceComponent: dialogActivityContent.content property alias rootItem: dialogActivityContent } } // The scroll buttons GCButtonScroll { anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio anchors.bottom: flick.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 5 * ApplicationInfo.ratio onUp: flick.flick(0, 1400) onDown: flick.flick(0, -1400) upVisible: flick.visibleArea.yPosition <= 0 ? false : true downVisible: flick.visibleArea.yPosition + flick.visibleArea.heightRatio >= 1 ? false : true } } Item { width: 1; height: 10 } } } // The cancel button GCButtonCancel { id: cancel onClose: { if (dialogActivityContent.dataValidationFunc && ! dialogActivityContent.dataValidationFunc()) { console.log("Configuration data is invalid, not saving!"); return; } - saveData() - ApplicationSettings.saveActivityConfiguration(activityName, dataToSave) + if(activityName != "") { + ApplicationSettings.saveActivityConfiguration(activityName, dataToSave) + } parent.close() } } }