diff --git a/src/core/ActivityInfoTree.cpp b/src/core/ActivityInfoTree.cpp index 8f7b16b24..62237bae8 100644 --- a/src/core/ActivityInfoTree.cpp +++ b/src/core/ActivityInfoTree.cpp @@ -1,342 +1,342 @@ /* GCompris - ActivityInfoTree.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2014 Bruno Coudoin * * Authors: * Bruno Coudoin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include "ActivityInfoTree.h" #include "ApplicationInfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ActivityInfoTree::ActivityInfoTree(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_rootMenu(nullptr), m_currentActivity(nullptr) { } void ActivityInfoTree::setRootMenu(ActivityInfo *rootMenu) { m_rootMenu = rootMenu; } ActivityInfo *ActivityInfoTree::getRootMenu() const { return m_rootMenu; } QQmlListProperty ActivityInfoTree::menuTree() { return {this, nullptr, &menuTreeCount, &menuTreeAt}; } int ActivityInfoTree::menuTreeCount(QQmlListProperty *property) { ActivityInfoTree *obj = qobject_cast(property->object); if(obj != nullptr) return obj->m_menuTree.count(); return 0; } ActivityInfo *ActivityInfoTree::menuTreeAt(QQmlListProperty *property, int index) { ActivityInfoTree *obj = qobject_cast(property->object); if(obj != nullptr) return obj->m_menuTree.at(index); return nullptr; } ActivityInfo *ActivityInfoTree::menuTree(int index) const { return m_menuTree.at(index); } void ActivityInfoTree::setCurrentActivity(ActivityInfo *currentActivity) { m_currentActivity = currentActivity; emit currentActivityChanged(); } ActivityInfo *ActivityInfoTree::getCurrentActivity() const { return m_currentActivity; } void ActivityInfoTree::menuTreeAppend(ActivityInfo *menu) { m_menuTreeFull.append(menu); } void ActivityInfoTree::menuTreeAppend(QQmlEngine *engine, const QDir &menuDir, const QString &menuFile) { QQmlComponent component(engine, QUrl::fromLocalFile(menuDir.absolutePath() + '/' + menuFile)); QObject *object = component.create(); if(component.isReady()) { if(QQmlProperty::read(object, "section").toString() == "/") { menuTreeAppend(qobject_cast(object)); } } else { qDebug() << menuFile << ": Failed to load"; } } void ActivityInfoTree::sortByDifficulty(bool emitChanged) { std::sort(m_menuTree.begin(), m_menuTree.end(), SortByDifficulty()); if (emitChanged) Q_EMIT menuTreeChanged(); } void ActivityInfoTree::sortByName(bool emitChanged) { std::sort(m_menuTree.begin(), m_menuTree.end(), SortByName()); if (emitChanged) Q_EMIT menuTreeChanged(); } // Filter the current activity list by the given tag // the tag 'all' means no filter // the tag 'favorite' means only marked as favorite // The level is also filtered based on the global property void ActivityInfoTree::filterByTag(const QString &tag, const QString &category, bool emitChanged) { m_menuTree.clear(); // https://www.kdab.com/goodbye-q_foreach/, for loops on QList may cause detach const auto constMenuTreeFull = m_menuTreeFull; for(const auto &activity: constMenuTreeFull) { // filter on category if given else on tag - if(((category != "" && activity->section().indexOf(category) != -1) || - (category == "" && activity->section().indexOf(tag) != -1) || + if(((!category.isEmpty() && activity->section().indexOf(category) != -1) || + (category.isEmpty() && activity->section().indexOf(tag) != -1) || tag == "all" || (tag == "favorite" && activity->favorite())) && (activity->difficulty() >= ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->filterLevelMin() && activity->difficulty() <= ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->filterLevelMax())) { m_menuTree.push_back(activity); } } sortByDifficulty(); if (emitChanged) Q_EMIT menuTreeChanged(); } void ActivityInfoTree::filterByDifficulty(quint32 levelMin, quint32 levelMax) { auto it = std::remove_if(m_menuTree.begin(), m_menuTree.end(), [&](const ActivityInfo* activity) { return activity->difficulty() < levelMin || activity->difficulty() > levelMax; }); m_menuTree.erase(it, m_menuTree.end()); } void ActivityInfoTree::filterLockedActivities(bool emitChanged) { // If we have the full version or if we show all the activities, we don't need to do anything if(!ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->isDemoMode() || ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->showLockedActivities()) return; // Remove non free activities if needed. We need to already have a menuTree filled! auto it = std::remove_if(m_menuTree.begin(), m_menuTree.end(), [](const ActivityInfo* activity) { return !activity->demo(); }); m_menuTree.erase(it, m_menuTree.end()); if (emitChanged) Q_EMIT menuTreeChanged(); } void ActivityInfoTree::filterEnabledActivities(bool emitChanged) { auto it = std::remove_if(m_menuTree.begin(), m_menuTree.end(), [](const ActivityInfo* activity) { return !activity->enabled(); }); m_menuTree.erase(it, m_menuTree.end()); if (emitChanged) Q_EMIT menuTreeChanged(); } void ActivityInfoTree::filterCreatedWithinVersions(int firstVersion, int lastVersion, bool emitChanged) { m_menuTree.clear(); const auto constMenuTreeFull = m_menuTreeFull; for(const auto &activity: constMenuTreeFull) { if(firstVersion < activity->createdInVersion() && activity->createdInVersion() <= lastVersion) { m_menuTree.push_back(activity); } } if (emitChanged) Q_EMIT menuTreeChanged(); } void ActivityInfoTree::exportAsSQL() { QTextStream cout(stdout); ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->setFilterLevelMin(1); ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->setFilterLevelMax(6); filterByTag("all"); cout << "CREATE TABLE activities (" << "id INT UNIQUE, " << "name TEXT," << "section TEXT," << "author TEXT," << "difficulty INT," << "icon TEXT," << "title TEXT," << "description TEXT," << "prerequisite TEXT," << "goal TEXT," << "manual TEXT," << "credit TEXT," << "demo INT);" << endl; cout << "DELETE FROM activities" << endl; int i(0); const auto constMenuTree = m_menuTree; for(const auto &activity: constMenuTree) { cout << "INSERT INTO activities VALUES(" << i++ << ", " << "'" << activity->name() << "', " << "'" << activity->section() << "', " << "'" << activity->author() << "', " << activity->difficulty() << ", " << "'" << activity->icon() << "', " << "\"" << activity->title() << "\", " << "\"" << activity->description() << "\", " << "\"" << activity->prerequisite() << "\", " << "\"" << activity->goal().toHtmlEscaped() << "\", " << "\"" << activity->manual().toHtmlEscaped() << "\", " << "\"" << activity->credit() << "\", " << static_cast(activity->demo()) << ");" << endl; } } QObject *ActivityInfoTree::menuTreeProvider(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine) { Q_UNUSED(scriptEngine) ActivityInfoTree *menuTree = new ActivityInfoTree(nullptr); QQmlComponent componentRoot(engine, QUrl("qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/menu/ActivityInfo.qml")); QObject *objectRoot = componentRoot.create(); menuTree->setRootMenu(qobject_cast(objectRoot)); QFile file(":/gcompris/src/activities/activities_out.txt"); if(!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "Failed to load the activity list"; } QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); if(!line.startsWith(QLatin1String("#"))) { QString url = QString("qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/%1/ActivityInfo.qml").arg(line); if(!QResource::registerResource( ApplicationInfo::getFilePath(line + ".rcc"))) qDebug() << "Failed to load the resource file " << line + ".rcc"; QQmlComponent componentRoot(engine, QUrl(url)); QObject *objectRoot = componentRoot.create(); if(objectRoot != nullptr) { menuTree->menuTreeAppend(qobject_cast(objectRoot)); } else { qDebug() << "ERROR: failed to load " << line << " " << componentRoot.errors(); } } } file.close(); menuTree->filterByTag("favorite"); menuTree->filterLockedActivities(); menuTree->filterEnabledActivities(); return menuTree; } void ActivityInfoTree::registerResources() { if(!QResource::registerResource(ApplicationInfo::getFilePath("core.rcc"))) qDebug() << "Failed to load the resource file " << ApplicationInfo::getFilePath("core.rcc"); if(!QResource::registerResource(ApplicationInfo::getFilePath("menu.rcc"))) qDebug() << "Failed to load the resource file menu.rcc"; if(!QResource::registerResource(ApplicationInfo::getFilePath("activities.rcc"))) qDebug() << "Failed to load the resource file activities.rcc"; if(QResource::registerResource(ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->cachePath() + "/data2/" + QString("full-%1.rcc").arg(COMPRESSED_AUDIO))) qDebug() << "Registered the pre-download " << QString("full-%1.rcc").arg(COMPRESSED_AUDIO); } void ActivityInfoTree::filterBySearch(const QString& text) { m_menuTree.clear(); if(!text.trimmed().isEmpty()) { // perform search on each word entered in the searchField const QStringList wordsList = text.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); for(const QString &searchTerm: wordsList) { const QString trimmedText = searchTerm.trimmed(); const auto &constMenuTreeFull = m_menuTreeFull; for(const auto &activity: constMenuTreeFull) { if(activity->title().contains(trimmedText, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || activity->name().contains(trimmedText, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || activity->description().contains(trimmedText, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // add the activity only if it's not added if(m_menuTree.indexOf(activity) == -1) m_menuTree.push_back(activity); } } } } else m_menuTree = m_menuTreeFull; filterEnabledActivities(false); filterLockedActivities(false); filterByDifficulty(ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->filterLevelMin(), ApplicationSettings::getInstance()->filterLevelMax()); sortByDifficulty(false); Q_EMIT menuTreeChanged(); } QVariantList ActivityInfoTree::allCharacters() { QSet keyboardChars; const auto constMenuTreeFull = m_menuTreeFull; for(const auto &tree: constMenuTreeFull) { const QString &title = tree->title(); for(const QChar &letter: title) { if(!letter.isSpace() && !letter.isPunct()) { keyboardChars.insert(letter.toLower()); } } } for(const QChar &letters: keyboardChars) { m_keyboardCharacters.push_back(letters); } std::sort(m_keyboardCharacters.begin(), m_keyboardCharacters.end()); return m_keyboardCharacters; }