diff --git a/src/activities/balancebox/Balancebox.qml b/src/activities/balancebox/Balancebox.qml index be6fe9a5e..26613402c 100644 --- a/src/activities/balancebox/Balancebox.qml +++ b/src/activities/balancebox/Balancebox.qml @@ -1,574 +1,570 @@ /* GCompris - balance.qml * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Holger Kaelberer * * Authors: * Holger Kaelberer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.1 import QtSensors 5.0 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import GCompris 1.0 import Box2D 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 import "../../core" import "editor/" import "balancebox.js" as Activity import "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/core.js" as Core ActivityBase { id: activity property string mode: "play" // "play" or "test" property string levelSet: "builtin" // "builtin" or "user" property var testLevel property bool inForeground: false // to avoid unneeded reconfigurations property bool alwaysStart: true // enforce start signal for editor-to-testing- and returning from config-transition property bool needRestart: true - onWidthChanged: if (inForeground) { + onWidthChanged: if (inForeground) Activity.reconfigureScene(); - Activity.initLevel(); - } - onHeightChanged: if (inForeground) { + onHeightChanged: if (inForeground) Activity.reconfigureScene(); - Activity.initLevel(); - } onStart: { inForeground = true; focus = true; } onStop: inForeground = false; Keys.onPressed: Activity.processKeyPress(event.key) Keys.onReleased: Activity.processKeyRelease(event.key) pageComponent: Image { id: background source: Activity.baseUrl + "/maze_bg.svg" sourceSize.width: parent.width anchors.fill: parent signal start signal stop function startEditor() { editorLoader.active = true; if (activity.mode == "test") displayDialogs([dialogActivityConfig, editorLoader.item]); else displayDialog(editorLoader.item); } function handleBackEvent() { if (activity.mode == "test") { startEditor(); return true; } else return false; } Keys.onEscapePressed: event.accepted = handleBackEvent(); Keys.onReleased: { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Back) event.accepted = handleBackEvent(); } Component.onCompleted: { dialogActivityConfig.getInitialConfiguration() activity.start.connect(start) activity.stop.connect(stop) items.dpi = Math.round(Screen.pixelDensity*25.4); } onStart: if (activity.needRestart) { Activity.start(items); activity.needRestart = false; } else Activity.initLevel(); onStop: { Activity.stop(); activity.needRestart = true; } QtObject { id: items property string mode: activity.mode property string levelSet: activity.levelSet property var testLevel: activity.testLevel property Item main: activity.main property alias background: background property alias bar: bar property alias bonus: bonus property alias tilt: tilt property alias timer: timer property alias ball: ball property int ballSize: cellSize - 2*wallSize property alias mapWrapper: mapWrapper property int cellSize: mapWrapper.length / Math.min(mapWrapper.rows, mapWrapper.columns) property int wallSize: cellSize / 5 property var world: physicsWorld property alias keyboardTimer: keyboardTimer property var ballType: Fixture.Category1 property var wallType: Fixture.Category2 property var holeType: Fixture.Category3 property var goalType: Fixture.Category4 property var buttonType: Fixture.Category5 property alias parser: parser property double dpi property GCAudio audioEffects: activity.audioEffects property Loading loading: activity.loading } Loader { id: editorLoader active: false sourceComponent: BalanceboxEditor { id: editor visible: true testBox: activity onClose: activity.home() } } JsonParser { id: parser onError: console.error("Balancebox: Error parsing JSON: " + msg); } Rectangle { id: mapWrapper property double margin: 20 property int columns: 0 property int rows: 0 property double length: Math.min(background.height - 2*mapWrapper.margin, background.width - 2*mapWrapper.margin); color: "#E3DEDB" width: length height: length anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter transform: [ Rotation { origin.x: mapWrapper.width / 2 origin.y: mapWrapper.height / 2 axis { x: 1; y: 0; z: 0 } angle: ApplicationInfo.isMobile ? 0 : -items.tilt.xRotation }, Rotation { origin.x: mapWrapper.width / 2 origin.y: mapWrapper.height / 2 axis { x: 0; y: 1; z: 0 } angle: ApplicationInfo.isMobile ? 0 : items.tilt.yRotation } ] // right: Wall { id: rightWall width: items.wallSize height: parent.height + items.wallSize anchors.left: mapWrapper.right anchors.leftMargin: - items.wallSize/2 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: -items.wallSize/2 shadow: false shadowHorizontalOffset: Math.min(items.tilt.yRotation, items.wallSize) shadowVerticalOffset: Math.min(items.tilt.xRotation, items.wallSize) } // bottom: Wall { id: bottomWall width: parent.width + items.wallSize height: items.wallSize anchors.left: mapWrapper.left anchors.leftMargin: - items.wallSize/2 anchors.top: parent.bottom anchors.topMargin: -items.wallSize/2 shadow: false shadowHorizontalOffset: Math.min(items.tilt.yRotation, items.wallSize) shadowVerticalOffset: Math.min(items.tilt.xRotation, items.wallSize) } // top: Wall { id: topWall width: parent.width + items.wallSize height: items.wallSize anchors.left: mapWrapper.left anchors.leftMargin: - items.wallSize/2 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: -items.wallSize/2 shadow: false shadowHorizontalOffset: Math.min(items.tilt.yRotation, items.wallSize) shadowVerticalOffset: Math.min(items.tilt.xRotation, items.wallSize) } // left: Wall { id: leftWall width: items.wallSize height: parent.height + items.wallSize anchors.left: mapWrapper.left anchors.leftMargin: - items.wallSize/2 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: -items.wallSize/2 shadow: false shadowHorizontalOffset: Math.min(items.tilt.yRotation, items.wallSize) shadowVerticalOffset: Math.min(items.tilt.xRotation, items.wallSize) } BalanceItem { id: ball world: physicsWorld imageSource: Activity.baseUrl + "/ball.svg" visible: false scale: 1.0 width: items.ballSize height: items.ballSize z: 1 categories: items.ballType collidesWith: items.wallType | items.holeType | items.goalType | items.buttonType density: 1 friction: Activity.friction linearDamping: Activity.friction restitution: Activity.restitution bodyType: Body.Dynamic shadow: true shadowHorizontalOffset: (items.tilt.yRotation > 0) ? Math.min(items.tilt.yRotation, items.wallSize) : Math.max(items.tilt.yRotation, -items.wallSize) shadowVerticalOffset: (items.tilt.xRotation > 0) ? Math.min(items.tilt.xRotation, items.wallSize) : Math.max(items.tilt.xRotation, -items.wallSize) Behavior on scale { NumberAnimation { id: fallAnimation duration: 1000 } } onBeginContact: { if (other.categories !== items.wallType) Activity.addBallContact(other); else { // sound-effect on each contact with a wall might be too annoying: //items.audioEffects.stop(); //items.audioEffects.play("qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/sounds/brick.wav"); } } onEndContact: { if (other.categories !== items.wallType) Activity.removeBallContact(other); } } World { id: physicsWorld gravity: Qt.point(0, 0) // we calculate acceleration ourselves pixelsPerMeter: Activity.box2dPpm // default: 32 timeStep: Activity.step/1000 // default: 1/60 } DebugDraw { id: debugDraw world: physicsWorld visible: Activity.debugDraw z: 1 } } Timer { id: timer interval: Activity.step; running: false; repeat: true onTriggered: Activity.moveBall() } Item { id: tilt property double xRotation: 0 property double yRotation: 0 property bool swapAxes: false property bool invertX: false property bool invertY: false onXRotationChanged: { if (xRotation > 90) xRotation = 90; else if (xRotation < -90) xRotation = -90; } onYRotationChanged: { if (yRotation > 90) yRotation = 90; else if (yRotation < -90) yRotation = -90; } TiltSensor { id: tiltSensor active: ApplicationInfo.isMobile ? true : false onReadingChanged: { if (!tilt.swapAxes) { tilt.xRotation = tilt.invertX ? -reading.xRotation : reading.xRotation; tilt.yRotation = tilt.invertY ? -reading.yRotation : reading.yRotation; } else { tilt.xRotation = tilt.invertX ? -reading.yRotation : reading.yRotation; tilt.yRotation = tilt.invertY ? -reading.xRotation : reading.xRotation; } tiltText.text = "X/Y Rotation: " + tiltSensor.reading.xRotation + "/" + tiltSensor.reading.yRotation } } } Item { id: textWrapper anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top width: parent.width height: parent.height / 3 visible: Activity.debugDraw Text { id: tiltText anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top text: "X/Y Rotation: " + tilt.xRotation + "/" + tilt.yRotation font.pointSize: 12 } Text { id: posText anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: tiltText.bottom text: "X/Y = " + ball.x + "/" + ball.y font.pointSize: 12 } } MultiPointTouchArea { anchors.fill: parent touchPoints: [ TouchPoint { id: point1 } ] property real startX property real startY property int offset: 30 function reset() { startX = point1.x startY = point1.y } onPressed: { reset() } onUpdated: { var moveX = point1.x - startX var moveY = point1.y - startY // Find the direction with the most move if(Math.abs(moveX) * ApplicationInfo.ratio > offset && Math.abs(moveX) > Math.abs(moveY)) { if(moveX > offset * ApplicationInfo.ratio) { Activity.processKeyPress(Qt.Key_Right) reset() } else if(moveX < -offset * ApplicationInfo.ratio) { Activity.processKeyPress(Qt.Key_Left) reset() } } else if(Math.abs(moveY) * ApplicationInfo.ratio > offset && Math.abs(moveX) < Math.abs(moveY)) { if(moveY > offset * ApplicationInfo.ratio) { Activity.processKeyPress(Qt.Key_Down) reset() } else if(moveY < -offset * ApplicationInfo.ratio) { Activity.processKeyPress(Qt.Key_Up) reset() } } } onReleased: { Activity.keyboardIsTilting = false } } DialogHelp { id: dialogHelp onClose: home() } Bar { id: bar content: BarEnumContent { value: activity.mode == "play" ? (help | home | level | config ) : ( help | home ) } onHelpClicked: { // stop everything or the ball keeps moving while we're away: items.timer.stop(); displayDialog(dialogHelp); } onPreviousLevelClicked: Activity.previousLevel() onNextLevelClicked: Activity.nextLevel() onHomeClicked: { if (activity.mode == "test") background.startEditor(); else activity.home() } onConfigClicked: { items.timer.stop(); dialogActivityConfig.active = true // Set default values dialogActivityConfig.setDefaultValues(); displayDialog(dialogActivityConfig) } } Bonus { id: bonus looseSound: "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/sounds/crash.wav" Component.onCompleted: { win.connect(Activity.nextLevel); loose.connect(Activity.initLevel); } } Timer { id: keyboardTimer interval: Activity.keyboardTimeStep; running: false repeat: false onTriggered: Activity.keyboardHandler() } DialogActivityConfig { id: dialogActivityConfig currentActivity: activity content: Component { Item { property alias levelsBox: levelsBox property var availableLevels: [ { "text": qsTr("Built-in"), "value": "builtin" }, { "text": qsTr("User"), "value": "user" }, ] Flow { id: flow spacing: 5 width: dialogActivityConfig.width GCComboBox { id: levelsBox model: availableLevels background: dialogActivityConfig label: qsTr("Select your level set") } Button { id: editorButton style: GCButtonStyle {} height: levelsBox.height text: qsTr("Start Editor") visible: levelsBox.currentIndex == 1 onClicked: background.startEditor() } } } } onClose: home(); onLoadData: { if(dataToSave && dataToSave["levels"]) { activity.levelSet = dataToSave["levels"]; } } onSaveData: { var newLevels = dialogActivityConfig.configItem .availableLevels[dialogActivityConfig.configItem.levelsBox.currentIndex].value; if (newLevels !== activity.levelSet) { activity.levelSet = newLevels; dataToSave = {"levels": activity.levelSet}; activity.needRestart = true; } } dataValidationFunc: function() { var newLevels = dialogActivityConfig.configItem .availableLevels[dialogActivityConfig.configItem.levelsBox.currentIndex].value; if (newLevels === "user" && !parser.jsonFile.exists(Activity.userFile)) { Core.showMessageDialog(dialogActivityConfig, qsTr("You selected the user-defined level set, but you have not yet defined any user levels!
" + "Either create your user levels by starting the level editor or choose the 'built-in' level set."), qsTr("Ok"), null, "", null, null); return false; } return true; } function setDefaultValues() { for(var i = 0 ; i < dialogActivityConfig.configItem.availableLevels.length; i ++) { if(dialogActivityConfig.configItem.availableLevels[i].value === activity.levelSet) { dialogActivityConfig.configItem.levelsBox.currentIndex = i; break; } } } } } } diff --git a/src/activities/balancebox/balancebox.js b/src/activities/balancebox/balancebox.js index 08754de48..f5b63cd0d 100644 --- a/src/activities/balancebox/balancebox.js +++ b/src/activities/balancebox/balancebox.js @@ -1,517 +1,528 @@ /* GCompris - balancebox.js * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Holger Kaelberer * * Authors: * Holger Kaelberer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ /* ToDo: - make sensitivity configurable - add rectangular fixture for goal - editor: add 'clear' button - editor: allow going back: level 1 -> last level - add new item: unordered contact, that has to be collected but in an arbitrary order */ .pragma library .import QtQuick 2.0 as Quick .import GCompris 1.0 as GCompris .import Box2D 2.0 as Box2D .import "qrc:/gcompris/src/core/core.js" as Core .import QtQml 2.2 as Qml Qt.include("balancebox_common.js") var dataset = null; // Parameters that control the ball's dynamics var m = 0.2; // without ppm-correction: 10 var g = 9.81; // without ppm-correction: 50.8 var box2dPpm = 32; // pixelsPerMeter used in Box2D's world var boardSizeM = 0.9; // board's real edge length, fixed to 90 cm var boardSizePix = 500; // board's current size in pix (acquired dynamically) var dpiBase=139; var boardSizeBase = 760; var curDpi = null; var pixelsPerMeter = null; var vFactor = pixelsPerMeter / box2dPpm; // FIXME: calculate! var step = 20; // time step (in ms) var friction = 0.15; var restitution = 0.3; // rebounce factor // stuff for keyboard based tilting var keyboardTiltStep = 0.5; // degrees var keyboardTimeStep = 20; // ms var lastKey; var keyboardIsTilting = false; // tilting or resetting to horizontal var debugDraw = false; var currentLevel = 0; var numberOfLevel = 0; var items; var level; var map; // current map var goal = null; var holes = new Array(); var walls = new Array(); var contacts = new Array(); var ballContacts = new Array(); var goalUnlocked; var lastContact; var ballContacts; var wallComponent = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/balancebox/Wall.qml"); var contactComponent = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/balancebox/BalanceContact.qml"); var balanceItemComponent = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/balancebox/BalanceItem.qml"); var contactIndex = -1; var pendingObjects = 0; +var pendingReconfigure = false; function start(items_) { items = items_; currentLevel = 0; - reconfigureScene(); - if (items.mode === "play") { if (GCompris.ApplicationInfo.isMobile) { // lock screen orientation GCompris.ApplicationInfo.setRequestedOrientation(0); if (GCompris.ApplicationInfo.getNativeOrientation() === Qt.PortraitOrientation) { /* * Adjust tilting if native orientation != landscape. * * Note: As of Qt 5.4.1 QTiltSensor as well as QRotationSensor * report on Android * isFeatureSupported(AxesOrientation) == false. * Therefore we honour rotation manually. */ items.tilt.swapAxes = true; items.tilt.invertX = true; } } var levelsFile = builtinFile; if (items.levelSet === "user") levelsFile = userFile; dataset = items.parser.parseFromUrl(levelsFile, validateLevels); if (dataset == null) { console.error("Balancebox: Error loading levels from " + levelsFile + ", can't continue!"); return; } } else { // testmode: dataset = [items.testLevel]; } numberOfLevel = dataset.length; - initLevel(); + + reconfigureScene(); } function reconfigureScene() { if (items === undefined || items.mapWrapper === undefined) return; + if (pendingObjects > 0) { + pendingReconfigure = true; + return; + } + // set up dynamic variables for movement: pixelsPerMeter = (items.mapWrapper.length / boardSizeBase) * boardSizePix / boardSizeM; vFactor = pixelsPerMeter / box2dPpm; // console.log("Starting: mode=" + items.mode // + " pixelsPerM=" + items.world.pixelsPerMeter // + " timeStep=" + items.world.timeStep // + " posIterations=" + items.world.positionIterations // + " velIterations=" + items.world.velocityIterations // + " boardSizePix" + boardSizePix + " (real " + items.mapWrapper.length + ")" // + " pixelsPerMeter=" + pixelsPerMeter // + " vFactor=" + vFactor // + " dpi=" + items.dpi // + " nativeOrientation=" + GCompris.ApplicationInfo.getNativeOrientation()); + initLevel(); } function sinDeg(num) { return Math.sin(num/180*Math.PI); } function moveBall() { var dt = step / 1000; var dvx = ((m*g*dt) * sinDeg(items.tilt.yRotation)) / m; var dvy = ((m*g*dt) * sinDeg(items.tilt.xRotation)) / m; // console.log("moving ball: dv: " + items.ball.body.linearVelocity.x // + "/" + items.ball.body.linearVelocity.y // + " -> " + (items.ball.body.linearVelocity.x+dvx) // + "/" + (items.ball.body.linearVelocity.y+dvy)); items.ball.body.linearVelocity.x += dvx * vFactor; items.ball.body.linearVelocity.y += dvy * vFactor; checkBallContacts(); } function checkBallContacts() { for (var k = 0; k < ballContacts.length; k++) { if (items.ball.x > ballContacts[k].x - items.ballSize/2 && items.ball.x < ballContacts[k].x + items.ballSize/2 && items.ball.y > ballContacts[k].y - items.ballSize/2 && items.ball.y < ballContacts[k].y + items.ballSize/2) { // collision if (ballContacts[k].categories == items.holeType) finishBall(false, ballContacts[k].x, ballContacts[k].y); else if (ballContacts[k].categories == items.goalType && goalUnlocked) finishBall(true, ballContacts[k].x, ballContacts[k].y); else if (ballContacts[k].categories == items.buttonType) { if (!ballContacts[k].pressed && ballContacts[k].orderNum == lastContact + 1) { ballContacts[k].pressed = true; lastContact = ballContacts[k].orderNum; if (lastContact == contacts.length) { items.audioEffects.play("qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/sounds/win.wav"); goalUnlocked = true; goal.imageSource = baseUrl + "/door.svg"; } else items.audioEffects.play("qrc:/gcompris/src/core/resource/sounds/scroll.wav"); // bleep } } } } } function finishBall(won, x, y) { items.timer.stop(); items.keyboardTimer.stop(); items.ball.x = x; items.ball.y = y; items.ball.scale = 0.4; items.ball.body.linearVelocity = Qt.point(0, 0); if (won) items.bonus.good("flower"); else items.bonus.bad("flower"); } function stop() { // reset everything tearDown(); // unlock screen orientation if (GCompris.ApplicationInfo.isMobile) GCompris.ApplicationInfo.setRequestedOrientation(-1); // make sure loading overlay is really stopped items.loading.stop(); } function createObject(component, properties) { var p = properties; p.world = items.world; var object = component.createObject(items.mapWrapper, p); return object; } var incubators; // need to reference all returned incubators in global scope // or things don't work function incubateObject(targetArr, component, properties) { var p = properties; p.world = items.world; var incubator = component.incubateObject(items.mapWrapper, p); if (incubator === null) { console.error("Error during object incubation!"); items.loading.stop(); return; } incubators.push(incubator); if (incubator.status === Qml.Component.Ready) targetAttr.push(incubator.object); else if (incubator.status === Qml.Component.Loading) { pendingObjects++; incubator.onStatusChanged = function(status) { if (status === Qml.Component.Ready) targetArr.push(incubator.object); else console.error("Error during object creation!"); if (--pendingObjects === 0) { // initMap completed - items.timer.start(); - items.loading.stop(); + if (pendingReconfigure) { + pendingReconfigure = false; + reconfigureScene(); + } else { + items.timer.start(); + items.loading.stop(); + } } } } else console.error("Error during object creation!"); } function initMap() { var modelMap = new Array(); incubators = new Array(); goalUnlocked = true; items.mapWrapper.rows = map.length; items.mapWrapper.columns = map[0].length; pendingObjects = 0; for (var row = 0; row < map.length; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < map[row].length; col++) { var x = col * items.cellSize; var y = row * items.cellSize; var orderNum = (map[row][col] & 0xFF00) >> 8; // debugging: if (debugDraw) { try { var rect = Qt.createQmlObject( "import QtQuick 2.0;Rectangle{" +"width:" + items.cellSize +";" +"height:" + items.cellSize+";" +"x:" + x + ";" +"y:" + y +";" +"color: \"transparent\";" +"border.color: \"blue\";" +"border.width: 1;" +"}", items.mapWrapper); } catch (e) { console.error("Error creating object: " + e); } } if (map[row][col] & NORTH) { incubateObject(walls, wallComponent, { x: x-items.wallSize/2, y: y-items.wallSize/2, width: items.cellSize + items.wallSize, height: items.wallSize, shadow: false}); } if (map[row][col] & SOUTH) { incubateObject(walls, wallComponent, { x: x-items.wallSize/2, y: y+items.cellSize-items.wallSize/2, width: items.cellSize+items.wallSize, height: items.wallSize, shadow: false}); } if (map[row][col] & EAST) { incubateObject(walls, wallComponent, { x: x+items.cellSize-items.wallSize/2, y: y-items.wallSize/2, width: items.wallSize, height: items.cellSize+items.wallSize, shadow: false}); } if (map[row][col] & WEST) { incubateObject(walls, wallComponent, { x: x-items.wallSize/2, y: y-items.wallSize/2, width: items.wallSize, height: items.cellSize+items.wallSize, shadow: false}); } if (map[row][col] & START) { items.ball.x = col * items.cellSize + items.wallSize; items.ball.y = row * items.cellSize + items.wallSize; items.ball.visible = true; } if (map[row][col] & GOAL) { var goalX = col * items.cellSize + items.wallSize/2; var goalY = row * items.cellSize + items.wallSize/2; goal = createObject(balanceItemComponent, { x: goalX, y: goalY, width: items.cellSize - items.wallSize, height: items.cellSize - items.wallSize, imageSource: baseUrl + "/door_closed.svg", categories: items.goalType, sensor: true}); } if (map[row][col] & HOLE) { var holeX = col * items.cellSize + items.wallSize; var holeY = row * items.cellSize + items.wallSize; incubateObject(holes, balanceItemComponent, { x: holeX, y: holeY, width: items.ballSize, height: items.ballSize, imageSource: baseUrl + "/hole.svg", density: 0, friction: 0, restitution: 0, categories: items.holeType, sensor: true}); } if (orderNum > 0) { var contactX = col * items.cellSize + items.wallSize/2; var contactY = row * items.cellSize + items.wallSize/2; goalUnlocked = false; incubateObject(contacts, contactComponent, { x: contactX, y: contactY, width: items.cellSize - items.wallSize, height: items.cellSize - items.wallSize, pressed: false, density: 0, friction: 0, restitution: 0, categories: items.buttonType, sensor: true, orderNum: orderNum, text: level.targets[orderNum-1]}); } } } if (goalUnlocked && goal) // if we have no contacts at all goal.imageSource = baseUrl + "/door.svg"; if (pendingObjects === 0) { // don't have any pending objects (e.g. empty map!): stop overlay items.timer.start(); items.loading.stop(); } } function addBallContact(item) { if (ballContacts.indexOf(item) !== -1) return; ballContacts.push(item); } function removeBallContact(item) { var index = ballContacts.indexOf(item); if (index > -1) ballContacts.splice(index, 1); } function tearDown() { items.ball.body.linearVelocity = Qt.point(0, 0); items.ball.scale = 1; items.ball.visible = false; items.timer.stop(); items.keyboardTimer.stop(); if (holes.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i< holes.length; i++) holes[i].destroy(); holes.length = 0; } if (walls.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i< walls.length; i++) walls[i].destroy(); walls.length = 0; } if (contacts.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i< contacts.length; i++) contacts[i].destroy(); contacts.length = 0; } lastContact = 0; if (goal) goal.destroy(); goal = null; items.tilt.xRotation = 0; items.tilt.yRotation = 0; ballContacts = new Array(); } function initLevel(testLevel) { items.loading.start(); items.bar.level = currentLevel + 1; // reset everything tearDown(); level = dataset[currentLevel]; map = level.map initMap(); } // keyboard tilting stuff: function keyboardHandler() { var MAX_TILT = 5 if (keyboardIsTilting) { if (lastKey == Qt.Key_Left && items.tilt.yRotation > -MAX_TILT) items.tilt.yRotation -= keyboardTiltStep; else if (lastKey == Qt.Key_Right && items.tilt.yRotation < MAX_TILT) items.tilt.yRotation += keyboardTiltStep; else if (lastKey == Qt.Key_Up && items.tilt.xRotation > -MAX_TILT) items.tilt.xRotation -= keyboardTiltStep; else if (lastKey == Qt.Key_Down && items.tilt.xRotation < MAX_TILT) items.tilt.xRotation += keyboardTiltStep; items.keyboardTimer.start(); } else {// is resetting // yRotation: if (items.tilt.yRotation < 0) items.tilt.yRotation = Math.min(items.tilt.yRotation + keyboardTiltStep, 0); else if (items.tilt.yRotation > 0) items.tilt.yRotation = Math.max(items.tilt.yRotation - keyboardTiltStep, 0); // xRotation: if (items.tilt.xRotation < 0) items.tilt.xRotation = Math.min(items.tilt.xRotation + keyboardTiltStep, 0); else if (items.tilt.xRotation > 0) items.tilt.xRotation = Math.max(items.tilt.xRotation - keyboardTiltStep, 0); // resetting done? if (items.tilt.yRotation != 0 || items.tilt.xRotation != 0) items.keyboardTimer.start(); } } function processKeyPress(key) { if (key == Qt.Key_Left || key == Qt.Key_Right || key == Qt.Key_Up || key == Qt.Key_Down) { lastKey = key; keyboardIsTilting = true; items.keyboardTimer.stop(); keyboardHandler(); } } function processKeyRelease(key) { if (key == Qt.Key_Left || key == Qt.Key_Right || key == Qt.Key_Up || key == Qt.Key_Down) { lastKey = key; keyboardIsTilting = false; items.keyboardTimer.stop(); keyboardHandler(); } } function nextLevel() { if(numberOfLevel <= ++currentLevel ) { currentLevel = 0 } initLevel(); } function previousLevel() { if(--currentLevel < 0) { currentLevel = numberOfLevel - 1 } initLevel(); }