diff --git a/modules/wiky.js b/modules/wiky.js index 71e46ff..b0b363e 100755 --- a/modules/wiky.js +++ b/modules/wiky.js @@ -1,373 +1,375 @@ /* This work is licensed under Creative Commons GNU LGPL License. License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ Author: Stefan Goessner/2005-06 - Web: http://goessner.net/ + Web: http://goessner.net/ */ var Wiky = { version: 0.95, blocks: null, rules: { all: [ "Wiky.rules.pre", "Wiky.rules.nonwikiblocks", "Wiky.rules.wikiblocks", "Wiky.rules.post", ], pre: [ - { rex:/(\r?\n)/g, tmplt:"\xB6" }, // replace line breaks with '¶' .. + { rex:/(\r?\n)/g, tmplt:"\xB6" }, // replace line breaks with '�' .. ], post: [ { rex:/(^\xB6)|(\xB6$)/g, tmplt:"" }, // .. remove linebreaks at BOS and EOS .. { rex:/@([0-9]+)@/g, tmplt:function($0,$1){return Wiky.restore($1);} }, // resolve blocks .. - { rex:/\xB6/g, tmplt:"\n" } // replace '¶' with line breaks .. + { rex:/\xB6/g, tmplt:"\n" } // replace '�' with line breaks .. ], nonwikiblocks: [ { rex:/\\([%])/g, tmplt:function($0,$1){return Wiky.store($1);} }, { rex:/\[(?:\{([^}]*)\})?(?:\(([^)]*)\))?%(.*?)%\]/g, tmplt:function($0,$1,$2,$3){return ":p]"+Wiky.store("" + Wiky.apply($3, $2?Wiky.rules.lang[Wiky.attr($2)]:Wiky.rules.code) + "")+"[p:";} } //programm code block ], wikiblocks: [ "Wiky.rules.nonwikiinlines", "Wiky.rules.escapes", { rex:/(?:^|\xB6)(={1,6})(.*?)[=]*(?=\xB6|$)/g, tmplt:function($0,$1,$2){ var h=$1.length; return ":p]\xB6"+$2+"\xB6[p:";} }, //


{ rex:/(?:^|\xB6)[-]{4}(?:\xB6|$)/g, tmplt:"\xB6
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    ", d_u: "
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      ", d_t: "
      ", t_u: "


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