diff --git a/view/two-column/about.html.haml b/view/two-column/about.html.haml index 8d1e25b..3591cf6 100644 --- a/view/two-column/about.html.haml +++ b/view/two-column/about.html.haml @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ %home = link_to "Home", "index" %h3 About Inqlude %p The goal of Inqlude is to provide a comprehensive listing of all existing libraries for developers of Qt applications. If you are creating applications using the Qt toolkit, and are looking for libraries, components or modules to use, Inqlude is the place where you find all information and pointers to get started. %p Inqlude comes with a command line client for handling libraries. See the = link_to "instructions how to get libraries", "get" for more details. %p Inqlude aims to be a complete archive of all available Qt based libraries. If you notice that there is some information missing, outdated or inaccurate, please consider contributing the missing data. See the = link_to "instructions how to contribute", "contribute" for more details. %p %em Note that Inqlude is currently in alpha state. It's not ready for full production use yet. Data is still incomplete, and the tools are limited. Feedback and input is appreciated. %p - If you have questions of comments please feel free to write to the Inqlude - mailing list #{link_to "inqlude@kde.org", "mailto:inqlude@kde.org"}. + If you have questions of comments please feel free to let us know by + #{link_to "creating an issue", "https://github.com/cornelius/inqlude/issues/new"}. %p Inqlude was created by = link_to "Cornelius Schumacher", "mailto:schumacher@kde.org" with the help of many others, and is a proud member of the KDE family. %br diff --git a/view/two-column/contribute.html.haml b/view/two-column/contribute.html.haml index a9ae6bd..7ef5681 100644 --- a/view/two-column/contribute.html.haml +++ b/view/two-column/contribute.html.haml @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ %home = link_to "Home", "index" %h3 Contributing data about libraries %p To get a complete overview about all available Qt based libraries, we need to collect data about these libraries. This includes descriptions, instructions how to use them, as well as links to sources or installable packages. %p The meta data used by Inqlude is collected in a git repository at = link( "http://github.com/cornelius/inqlude-data" ) or = link( "https://projects.kde.org/projects/websites/inqlude-data" ) + "." It contains a manifest file in JSON format for each library, which has the meta data in a structured machine-readable form. JSON is easy enough for humans to read and edit as well. See the = link_to "specification of the manifest format", "https://github.com/cornelius/inqlude/blob/master/manifest-format.md" for documentation about what to put into the manifest. %p You can contribute meta data by providing patches to the inqlude-data - repository. Use the github mechanisms or just send patches by email. + repository. Use the KDE or GitHub mechanisms or just send patches by email. Contributions are welcome. %br %h3 Contributing to the Inqlude tools %p The command line tool is developed in another git repository at = link( "http://github.com/cornelius/inqlude" ) or = link( "https://projects.kde.org/projects/websites/inqlude" ) + "." It's still in a proof-of-concept state, so there is quite a bit work left. Have a look at the = link_to "list of open issues", "http://github.com/cornelius/inqlude/issues" or read the source and come up with your own ideas what to improve. %p Especially welcome are contributions for adding support for native package systems on the variety of Linux distributions and other systems out there. %br -%h3 Mailing list +%h3 Discussions %p If you want to discuss any aspects of Inqlude, get in contact with us, have - questions, or want to contribute in any other way, the best way is to use the - mailing list #{link_to "inqlude@kde.org", "https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/inqlude"}. + questions, or want to contribute in any other way, the best way is to start + a thread by #{link_to "creating an issue", "https://github.com/cornelius/inqlude/issues/new"}. diff --git a/view/two-column/layout.html.haml b/view/two-column/layout.html.haml index 234190a..dfdbca3 100644 --- a/view/two-column/layout.html.haml +++ b/view/two-column/layout.html.haml @@ -1,95 +1,108 @@ !!! %head %meta{ :charset => 'utf-8' } = style_sheet - if enable_search - + + :javascript + var _paq = _paq || []; + // tracker methods like "setCustomDimension" should be called before "trackPageView" + _paq.push(['trackPageView']); + _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); + (function() { + var u="//stats.kde.org/"; + _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']); + _paq.push(['setSiteId', '4']); + var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; + g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); + })(); + %body .container-fluid.header .col-sm-8.left .ribbon = link_to "Alpha", "about" %h1 %span.logo>< = link_to "#in", "index" %span.logo.green>< = link_to "q", "index" %span.logo>< = link_to "lude", "index" %h2 %span.subtitle>< = link_to "The Qt library archive", "index" .col-sm-4.right - if enable_search %gcse:searchbox-only{ resultsUrl: "https://inqlude.org/search.html" } Loading... %br{ :clear => "all" } .col-sm-3.side-bar %p{:class => "description"} Inqlude provides a comprehensive listing of all existing libraries for developers of applications using the #{link_to "Qt toolkit", "http://qt-project.org"}. Inqlude is run by the community and open for contributions. %ul.titles-list %li = link_to "About", "about" %li = link_to "How to get libraries", "get" %li = link_to "How to contribute", "contribute" %p{:class => "title"} Latest releases %hr %ul.side-list %li - latest_libraries.each do |library| - if library.latest_manifest.group == "kde-frameworks" = link_to_group('kde-frameworks', 'KDE Frameworks') -else - if library.latest_manifest.display_name = link_to_library(library.latest_manifest.name, library.latest_manifest.display_name) - else = link_to_library(library.latest_manifest.name, library.latest_manifest.name) %date = '(' + library.latest_manifest.release_date + ')' %br %p{:class => "title"} Topics %hr %ul.side-list %li = link_to "All", "all" %number = ' (' + libraries.length.to_s + ')' %li - topics.each do |topic| = link_to_topic(topic) %number = ' (' + no_of_libraries(topic).to_s + ')' %br .col-sm-9.main-pane = yank %br{ :clear => "all" } %hr .col-sm-12.footer = add_footer - if enable_search :javascript (function() { var cx = '012526638842992167133:g7thmrlp2uw'; var gcse = document.createElement('script'); gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; gcse.async = true; gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=' + cx; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); })();