diff --git a/src/services/lastfm/LastFmService.cpp b/src/services/lastfm/LastFmService.cpp index 827454999b..56135f4abb 100644 --- a/src/services/lastfm/LastFmService.cpp +++ b/src/services/lastfm/LastFmService.cpp @@ -1,320 +1,323 @@ /*************************************************************************** * copyright : (C) 2007 Shane King * * copyright : (C) 2008 Leo Franchi * **************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "LastFmService.h" #include "EngineController.h" #include "LastFmServiceCollection.h" #include "LastFmServiceConfig.h" #include "SimilarArtistsAction.h" #include "ScrobblerAdapter.h" #include "StatusBar.h" #include "widgets/FlowLayout.h" #include "GlobalCollectionActions.h" #include "collection/CollectionManager.h" #include "meta/LastFmCapability.h" #include "meta/LastFmMeta.h" #include "playlist/PlaylistController.h" #include "widgets/SearchWidget.h" #include "kdenetwork/knetworkaccessmanager.h" #include // from liblastfm #include #include #include #include #include #include AMAROK_EXPORT_PLUGIN( LastFmServiceFactory ) QString md5( const QByteArray& src ) { QByteArray const digest = QCryptographicHash::hash( src, QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); return QString::fromLatin1( digest.toHex() ).rightJustified( 32, '0' ); } void LastFmServiceFactory::init() { LastFmServiceConfig config; // The user activated the service, but didn't fill the username/password? Don't start it. if ( config.username().isEmpty() || config.password().isEmpty() ) return; ServiceBase* service = new LastFmService( this, "Last.fm", config.username(), config.password(), config.scrobble(), config.fetchSimilar() ); m_activeServices << service; m_initialized = true; emit newService( service ); } QString LastFmServiceFactory::name() { return "Last.fm"; } KPluginInfo LastFmServiceFactory::info() { KPluginInfo pluginInfo( "amarok_service_lastfm.desktop", "services" ); pluginInfo.setConfig( config() ); return pluginInfo; } KConfigGroup LastFmServiceFactory::config() { return Amarok::config( LastFmServiceConfig::configSectionName() ); } LastFmService::LastFmService( LastFmServiceFactory* parent, const QString &name, const QString &username, const QString &password, bool scrobble, bool fetchSimilar ) : ServiceBase( name, parent ), m_scrobble( scrobble ), m_scrobbler( 0 ), m_polished( false ), m_userName( username ) { DEBUG_BLOCK Q_UNUSED( fetchSimilar ); // TODO implement.. // set the global static Lastfm::Ws stuff Ws::ApiKey = "402d3ca8e9bc9d3cf9b85e1202944ca5"; Ws::SharedSecret = "fe0dcde9fcd14c2d1d50665b646335e9"; // testing w/ official keys //Ws::SharedSecret = "73582dfc9e556d307aead069af110ab8"; //Ws::ApiKey = "c8c7b163b11f92ef2d33ba6cd3c2c3c3"; Ws::Username = qstrdup( m_userName.toLatin1().data() ); // set up proxy WsAccessManager* qnam = new KNetworkAccessManager( this ); WsRequestBuilder::setWAM( qnam ); debug() << "username:" << QString( QUrl::toPercentEncoding( Ws::Username ) ); QString authToken = md5( ( m_userName + md5( password.toUtf8() ) ).toUtf8() ); QString sign_key = md5( ( "api_key" + QString( Ws::ApiKey ) + "authToken" + authToken + "methodauth.getMobileSession" + QString( Ws::SharedSecret ) ).toUtf8() ); // now authenticate w/ last.fm and get our session key WsReply* reply = WsRequestBuilder( "auth.getMobileSession" ) .add( "username", m_userName ) .add( "authToken", authToken ) .add( "api_key", Ws::ApiKey ) .add( "api_sig", sign_key ) .get(); connect( reply, SIGNAL( finished( WsReply* ) ), SLOT( onAuthenticated( WsReply* ) ) ); //We have no use for searching currently.. m_searchWidget->setVisible( false ); setShortDescription( i18n( "Last.fm: The social music revolution." ) ); setIcon( KIcon( "view-services-lastfm-amarok" ) ); m_collection = new LastFmServiceCollection( m_userName ); CollectionManager::instance()->addUnmanagedCollection( m_collection, CollectionManager::CollectionDisabled ); //add the "plas simmilar artists" action to all artist The::globalCollectionActions()->addArtistAction( new SimilarArtistsAction( this ) ); Q_ASSERT( ms_service == 0 ); ms_service = this; m_serviceready = true; } LastFmService::~LastFmService() { DEBUG_BLOCK CollectionManager::instance()->removeUnmanagedCollection( m_collection ); ms_service = 0; delete m_collection; } void LastFmService::onAuthenticated( WsReply* reply ) { try { switch (reply->error()) { case Ws::NoError: { m_sessionKey = reply->lfm()["session"]["key"].nonEmptyText(); Ws::SessionKey = qstrdup( m_sessionKey.toLatin1().data() ); if( m_scrobble ) m_scrobbler = new ScrobblerAdapter( this, "ark" ); break; } case Ws::AuthenticationFailed: //The::statusBar()->longMessage( i18nc("Last.fm: errorMessage", "%1: %2", "Last.fm", "Sorry, we don't recognise that username, or you typed the password wrongly." ), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); break; default: //The::statusBar()->longMessage( i18nc("Last.fm: errorMessage", "%1: %2", "Last.fm", "There was a problem communicating with the Last.fm services. Please try again later." ), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); break; case Ws::UrProxyIsFuckedLol: case Ws::UrLocalNetworkIsFuckedLol: //The::statusBar()->longMessage( i18nc("Last.fm: errorMessage", "%1: %2", "Last.fm", "Last.fm cannot be reached. Please check your firewall settings." ), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); break; } } catch (CoreDomElement::Exception& e) { qWarning() << "Caught an exception - perhaps the web service didn't reply?" << e; } } void LastFmService::polish() { if( !m_polished ) { m_bottomPanel->setMaximumHeight( 150 ); m_buttonBox = new QWidget( m_bottomPanel ); FlowLayout * flowLayout= new FlowLayout( 3 ); m_buttonBox->setLayout( flowLayout ); m_loveButton = new QPushButton( ); m_loveButton->setText( i18n( "Love" ) ); m_loveButton->setObjectName( "loveButton" ); m_loveButton->setIcon( KIcon( "love-amarok" ) ); connect( m_loveButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( love() ) ); flowLayout->addWidget( m_loveButton ); m_banButton = new QPushButton(); m_banButton->setText( i18n( "Ban" ) ); m_banButton->setObjectName( "banButton" ); m_banButton->setIcon( KIcon( "remove-amarok" ) ); connect( m_banButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ban() ) ); flowLayout->addWidget( m_banButton ); m_skipButton = new QPushButton(); m_skipButton->setText( i18n( "Skip" ) ); m_skipButton->setObjectName( "skipButton" ); m_skipButton->setIcon( KIcon( "media-seek-forward-amarok" ) ); connect( m_skipButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( skip() ) ); flowLayout->addWidget( m_skipButton ); KHBox * customStationBox = new KHBox( m_bottomPanel ); customStationBox->setSpacing( 3 ); m_customStationEdit = new KLineEdit( customStationBox ); m_customStationEdit->setClickMessage( i18n( "Enter artist name" ) ); m_customStationButton = new QPushButton( customStationBox ); m_customStationButton->setText( i18n( "Go" ) ); m_customStationButton->setObjectName( "customButton" ); m_customStationButton->setIcon( KIcon( "media-playback-start-amarok" ) ); connect( m_customStationEdit, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( playCustomStation() ) ); connect( m_customStationButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( playCustomStation() ) ); QList levels; levels << CategoryId::Genre; setModel( new SingleCollectionTreeItemModel( m_collection, levels ) ); m_polished = true; } } void LastFmService::love() { DEBUG_BLOCK Meta::TrackPtr track = The::engineController()->currentTrack(); LastFm::Track* lastfmTrack = dynamic_cast< LastFm::Track* >( track.data() ); + if( track ) + The::statusBar()->shortMessage( i18nc( "As in, lastfm", "Loved Track: %1" ).arg( track->prettyName() ) ); + if( lastfmTrack ) lastfmTrack->love(); else m_scrobbler->loveTrack( track ); } void LastFmService::ban() { DEBUG_BLOCK Meta::TrackPtr track = The::engineController()->currentTrack(); LastFm::Track* lastfmTrack = dynamic_cast< LastFm::Track* >( track.data() ); if( lastfmTrack ) lastfmTrack->ban(); } void LastFmService::skip() { DEBUG_BLOCK Meta::TrackPtr track = The::engineController()->currentTrack(); LastFm::Track* lastfmTrack = dynamic_cast< LastFm::Track* >( track.data() ); if( lastfmTrack ) lastfmTrack->skip(); } void LastFmService::setRadioButtons( bool hasRadio ) { m_loveButton->setEnabled( true ); // we can love any track, anytime m_skipButton->setEnabled( hasRadio ); m_banButton->setEnabled( hasRadio ); } LastFmService *LastFmService::ms_service = 0; namespace The { LastFmService *lastFmService() { return LastFmService::ms_service; } } void LastFmService::playCustomStation() { QString band = m_customStationEdit->text(); if ( !band.isEmpty() ) { playLastFmStation( "lastfm://artist/" + band + "/similarartists" ); } } void LastFmService::playLastFmStation( const KUrl &url ) { Meta::TrackPtr track = CollectionManager::instance()->trackForUrl( url ); The::playlistController()->insertOptioned( track, Playlist::AppendAndPlay ); } Amarok::Collection * LastFmService::collection() { return m_collection; }