diff --git a/src/contextbrowser.cpp b/src/contextbrowser.cpp index 852e560b7a..809bf9e339 100644 --- a/src/contextbrowser.cpp +++ b/src/contextbrowser.cpp @@ -1,4463 +1,4465 @@ // (c) 2004 Christian Muehlhaeuser // (c) 2005 Reigo Reinmets // (c) 2005 Mark Kretschmann // (c) 2006 Peter C. Ndikuwera // (c) 2006 Alexandre Pereira de Oliveira // (c) 2006 Maximilian Kossick // License: GNU General Public License V2 #define DEBUG_PREFIX "ContextBrowser" #include "amarok.h" #include "amarokconfig.h" #include "app.h" #include "browserToolBar.h" #include "debug.h" #include "clicklineedit.h" #include "collectiondb.h" #include "collectionbrowser.h" #include "colorgenerator.h" #include "contextbrowser.h" #include "coverfetcher.h" #include "covermanager.h" #include "cuefile.h" #include "enginecontroller.h" #include "htmlview.h" #include "lastfm.h" #include "mediabrowser.h" #include "metabundle.h" #include "mountpointmanager.h" #include "playlist.h" //appendMedia() #include "podcastbundle.h" #include "qstringx.h" #include "scriptmanager.h" #include "starmanager.h" #include "statusbar.h" #include "tagdialog.h" #include "threadmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // External CSS reading #include //wiki tab #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //kapp #include // for Amarok::verboseTimeSince() #include // suggested/related/favorite box visibility #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for data: URLs #include #include #include #include #include #include //usleep() namespace Amarok { QString escapeHTML( const QString &s ) { return QString(s).replace( "&", "&" ).replace( "<", "<" ).replace( ">", ">" ); // .replace( "%", "%25" ) has to be the first(!) one, otherwise we would do things like converting spaces into %20 and then convert them into %25%20 } QString escapeHTMLAttr( const QString &s ) { return QString(s).replace( "%", "%25" ).replace( "'", "%27" ).replace( "\"", "%22" ).replace( "#", "%23" ).replace( "?", "%3F" ); } QString unescapeHTMLAttr( const QString &s ) { return QString(s).replace( "%3F", "?" ).replace( "%23", "#" ).replace( "%22", "\"" ).replace( "%27", "'" ).replace( "%25", "%" ); } QString verboseTimeSince( const QDateTime &datetime ) { const QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); const int datediff = datetime.daysTo( now ); if( datediff >= 6*7 /*six weeks*/ ) { // return absolute month/year const KCalendarSystem *cal = KGlobal::locale()->calendar(); const QDate date = datetime.date(); return i18n( "monthname year", "%1 %2" ).arg( cal->monthName(date), cal->yearString(date, false) ); } //TODO "last week" = maybe within 7 days, but prolly before last sunday if( datediff >= 7 ) // return difference in weeks return i18n( "One week ago", "%n weeks ago", (datediff+3)/7 ); if( datediff == -1 ) return i18n( "Tomorrow" ); const int timediff = datetime.secsTo( now ); if( timediff >= 24*60*60 /*24 hours*/ ) // return difference in days return datediff == 1 ? i18n( "Yesterday" ) : i18n( "One day ago", "%n days ago", (timediff+12*60*60)/(24*60*60) ); if( timediff >= 90*60 /*90 minutes*/ ) // return difference in hours return i18n( "One hour ago", "%n hours ago", (timediff+30*60)/(60*60) ); //TODO are we too specific here? Be more fuzzy? ie, use units of 5 minutes, or "Recently" if( timediff >= 0 ) // return difference in minutes return timediff/60 ? i18n( "One minute ago", "%n minutes ago", (timediff+30)/60 ) : i18n( "Within the last minute" ); return i18n( "The future" ); } QString verboseTimeSince( uint time_t ) { if( !time_t ) return i18n( "Never" ); QDateTime dt; dt.setTime_t( time_t ); return verboseTimeSince( dt ); } extern KConfig *config( const QString& ); /** * Function that must be used when separating contextBrowser escaped urls * detail can contain track/discnumber */ void albumArtistTrackFromUrl( QString url, QString &artist, QString &album, QString &detail ) { if ( !url.contains("@@@") ) return; //KHTML removes the trailing space! if ( url.endsWith( " @@@" ) ) url += ' '; const QStringList list = QStringList::split( " @@@ ", url, true ); int size = list.count(); Q_ASSERT( size>0 ); artist = size > 0 ? unescapeHTMLAttr( list[0] ) : ""; album = size > 1 ? unescapeHTMLAttr( list[1] ) : ""; detail = size > 2 ? unescapeHTMLAttr( list[2] ) : ""; } } using Amarok::QStringx; using Amarok::escapeHTML; using Amarok::escapeHTMLAttr; using Amarok::unescapeHTMLAttr; static QString albumImageTooltip( const QString &albumImage, int size ) { if ( albumImage == CollectionDB::instance()->notAvailCover( false, size ) ) return escapeHTMLAttr( i18n( "Click to fetch cover from amazon.%1, right-click for menu." ).arg( CoverManager::amazonTld() ) ); return escapeHTMLAttr( i18n( "Click for information from Amazon, right-click for menu." ) ); } ContextBrowser *ContextBrowser::s_instance = 0; QString ContextBrowser::s_wikiLocale = "en"; ContextBrowser::ContextBrowser( const char *name ) : KTabWidget( 0, name ) , EngineObserver( EngineController::instance() ) , m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage( true ) , m_dirtyLyricsPage( true ) , m_dirtyWikiPage( true ) , m_emptyDB( CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty() ) , m_wikiBackPopup( new KPopupMenu( this ) ) , m_wikiForwardPopup( new KPopupMenu( this ) ) , m_wikiJob( NULL ) , m_wikiConfigDialog( NULL ) , m_relatedOpen( true ) , m_suggestionsOpen( true ) , m_favoritesOpen( true ) , m_labelsOpen( true ) , m_showFreshPodcasts( true ) , m_showFavoriteAlbums( true ) , m_showNewestAlbums( true ) , m_browseArtists( false ) , m_browseLabels( false ) , m_cuefile( NULL ) { s_instance = this; s_wikiLocale = AmarokConfig::wikipediaLocale(); m_contextTab = new QVBox(this, "context_tab"); m_currentTrackPage = new HTMLView( m_contextTab, "current_track_page", true /* DNDEnabled */ ); m_lyricsTab = new QVBox(this, "lyrics_tab"); m_lyricsToolBar = new Browser::ToolBar( m_lyricsTab ); m_lyricsToolBar->setIconText( KToolBar::IconTextRight, false ); m_lyricsToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "refresh" ), LYRICS_REFRESH, true, i18n("Refresh") ); m_lyricsToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "add_lyrics" ), LYRICS_ADD, true, i18n("Add") ); m_lyricsToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "edit" ), LYRICS_EDIT, true, i18n("Edit") ); m_lyricsToolBar->setToggle( LYRICS_EDIT, true ); m_lyricsToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "search" ), LYRICS_SEARCH, true, i18n("Search") ); m_lyricsToolBar->setIconText( KToolBar::IconOnly, false ); m_lyricsToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "external" ), LYRICS_BROWSER, true, i18n("Open in external browser") ); { //Search text inside lyrics. Code inspired/copied from playlistwindow.cpp m_lyricsTextBar = new KToolBar( m_lyricsTab, "NotMainToolBar" ); m_lyricsTextBar->hide(); m_lyricsTextBarShowed=false; m_lyricsTextBar->setIconSize( 22, false ); //looks more sensible m_lyricsTextBar->setFlat( true ); //removes the ugly frame m_lyricsTextBar->setMovingEnabled( false ); //removes the ugly frame m_lyricsTextBar->boxLayout()->addStretch(); QWidget *button = new KToolBarButton( "locationbar_erase", 1, m_lyricsTextBar ); QLabel *filter_label = new QLabel( i18n("S&earch:") + ' ', m_lyricsTextBar ); m_lyricsSearchText = new ClickLineEdit( i18n( "Search in lyrics" ), m_lyricsTextBar ); filter_label->setBuddy( m_lyricsSearchText ); m_lyricsTextBar->setStretchableWidget(m_lyricsSearchText ); m_lyricsSearchText->setFrame( QFrame::Sunken ); m_lyricsSearchText->installEventFilter( this ); //we intercept keyEvents connect( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_lyricsSearchText, SLOT(clear()) ); QToolTip::add( button, i18n( "Clear search" ) ); QString filtertip = i18n( "Enter text to search for. Press enter to advance to the next match." ); QToolTip::add( m_lyricsSearchText, filtertip ); connect ( button, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_lyricsSearchText, SLOT(clear()) ); connect ( m_lyricsSearchText, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(lyricsSearchText(const QString & )) ); connect ( m_lyricsSearchText, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, (SLOT(lyricsSearchTextNext())) ); Amarok::actionCollection()->setAutoConnectShortcuts ( true ); new KAction( i18n("Search text in lyrics"), KShortcut("/"), this,SLOT( lyricsSearchTextShow() ), Amarok::actionCollection(), "search_text_lyric"); Amarok::actionCollection()->setAutoConnectShortcuts ( false ); } m_lyricsPage = new HTMLView( m_lyricsTab, "lyrics_page", true /* DNDEnabled */, false /* No JScript */ ); m_lyricsTextEdit = new KTextEdit ( m_lyricsTab, "lyrics_text_edit"); m_lyricsTextEdit->setTextFormat( Qt::PlainText ); m_lyricsTextEdit->hide(); m_wikiTab = new QVBox(this, "wiki_tab"); m_wikiToolBar = new Browser::ToolBar( m_wikiTab ); m_wikiToolBar->insertButton( "back", WIKI_BACK, false, i18n("Back") ); m_wikiToolBar->insertButton( "forward", WIKI_FORWARD, false, i18n("Forward") ); m_wikiToolBar->insertLineSeparator(); m_wikiToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "artist" ), WIKI_ARTIST, false, i18n("Artist Page") ); m_wikiToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "album" ), WIKI_ALBUM, false, i18n("Album Page") ); m_wikiToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "track" ), WIKI_TITLE, false, i18n("Title Page") ); m_wikiToolBar->insertLineSeparator(); m_wikiToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "external" ), WIKI_BROWSER, true, i18n("Open in external browser") ); m_wikiToolBar->insertButton( Amarok::icon( "change_language" ), WIKI_CONFIG, true, i18n("Change Locale") ); m_wikiToolBar->setDelayedPopup( WIKI_BACK, m_wikiBackPopup ); m_wikiToolBar->setDelayedPopup( WIKI_FORWARD, m_wikiForwardPopup ); m_wikiPage = new HTMLView( m_wikiTab, "wiki_page", true /* DNDEnabled */ ); m_cuefile = CueFile::instance(); connect( m_cuefile, SIGNAL(metaData( const MetaBundle& )), EngineController::instance(), SLOT(currentTrackMetaDataChanged( const MetaBundle& )) ); connect( m_cuefile, SIGNAL(newCuePoint( long, long, long )), Scrobbler::instance(), SLOT(subTrack( long, long, long )) ); addTab( m_contextTab, SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "music" ) ), i18n( "Music" ) ); addTab( m_lyricsTab, SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "lyrics" ) ), i18n( "Lyrics" ) ); addTab( m_wikiTab, SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "artist" ) ), i18n( "Artist" ) ); setTabEnabled( m_lyricsTab, false ); setTabEnabled( m_wikiTab, false ); m_showRelated = Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->readBoolEntry( "ShowRelated", true ); m_showSuggested = Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->readBoolEntry( "ShowSuggested", true ); m_showFaves = Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->readBoolEntry( "ShowFaves", true ); m_showLabels = Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->readBoolEntry( "ShowLabels", true ); m_showFreshPodcasts = Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->readBoolEntry( "ShowFreshPodcasts", true ); m_showNewestAlbums = Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->readBoolEntry( "ShowNewestAlbums", true ); m_showFavoriteAlbums = Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->readBoolEntry( "ShowFavoriteAlbums", true ); // Delete folder with the cached coverimage shadow pixmaps KIO::del( KURL::fromPathOrURL( Amarok::saveLocation( "covershadow-cache/" ) ), false, false ); connect( this, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QWidget* ) ), SLOT( tabChanged( QWidget* ) ) ); connect( m_currentTrackPage->browserExtension(), SIGNAL( openURLRequest( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ), this, SLOT( openURLRequest( const KURL & ) ) ); connect( m_lyricsPage->browserExtension(), SIGNAL( openURLRequest( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ), this, SLOT( openURLRequest( const KURL & ) ) ); connect( m_wikiPage->browserExtension(), SIGNAL( openURLRequest( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ), this, SLOT( openURLRequest( const KURL & ) ) ); connect( m_currentTrackPage, SIGNAL( popupMenu( const QString&, const QPoint& ) ), this, SLOT( slotContextMenu( const QString&, const QPoint& ) ) ); connect( m_lyricsPage, SIGNAL( popupMenu( const QString&, const QPoint& ) ), this, SLOT( slotContextMenu( const QString&, const QPoint& ) ) ); connect( m_wikiPage, SIGNAL( popupMenu( const QString&, const QPoint& ) ), this, SLOT( slotContextMenu( const QString&, const QPoint& ) ) ); connect( m_lyricsToolBar->getButton( LYRICS_ADD ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(lyricsAdd()) ); connect( m_lyricsToolBar->getButton( LYRICS_EDIT ), SIGNAL(toggled( int )), SLOT(lyricsEditToggle()) ); connect( m_lyricsToolBar->getButton( LYRICS_SEARCH ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(lyricsSearch()) ); connect( m_lyricsToolBar->getButton( LYRICS_REFRESH ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(lyricsRefresh()) ); connect( m_lyricsToolBar->getButton( LYRICS_BROWSER ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(lyricsExternalPage()) ); connect( m_wikiToolBar->getButton( WIKI_BACK ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(wikiHistoryBack()) ); connect( m_wikiToolBar->getButton( WIKI_FORWARD ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(wikiHistoryForward()) ); connect( m_wikiToolBar->getButton( WIKI_ARTIST ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(wikiArtistPage()) ); connect( m_wikiToolBar->getButton( WIKI_ALBUM ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(wikiAlbumPage()) ); connect( m_wikiToolBar->getButton( WIKI_TITLE ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(wikiTitlePage()) ); connect( m_wikiToolBar->getButton( WIKI_BROWSER ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(wikiExternalPage()) ); connect( m_wikiToolBar->getButton( WIKI_CONFIG ), SIGNAL(clicked( int )), SLOT(wikiConfig()) ); connect( m_wikiBackPopup, SIGNAL(activated( int )), SLOT(wikiBackPopupActivated( int )) ); connect( m_wikiForwardPopup, SIGNAL(activated( int )), SLOT(wikiForwardPopupActivated( int )) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( scanStarted() ), SLOT( collectionScanStarted() ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( scanDone( bool ) ), SLOT( collectionScanDone( bool ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( databaseEngineChanged() ), SLOT( renderView() ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( coverFetched( const QString&, const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( coverFetched( const QString&, const QString& ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( coverChanged( const QString&, const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( coverRemoved( const QString&, const QString& ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( similarArtistsFetched( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( similarArtistsFetched( const QString& ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( tagsChanged( const MetaBundle& ) ), this, SLOT( tagsChanged( const MetaBundle& ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( tagsChanged( const QString&, const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( tagsChanged( const QString&, const QString& ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( ratingChanged( const QString&, int ) ), this, SLOT( ratingOrScoreOrLabelsChanged( const QString& ) ) ); connect( StarManager::instance(), SIGNAL( ratingsColorsChanged() ), this, SLOT( ratingOrScoreOrLabelsChanged( const QString& ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( scoreChanged( const QString&, float ) ), this, SLOT( ratingOrScoreOrLabelsChanged( const QString& ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( labelsChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( ratingOrScoreOrLabelsChanged( const QString& ) ) ); connect( CollectionDB::instance(), SIGNAL( imageFetched( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( imageFetched( const QString& ) ) ); connect( App::instance(), SIGNAL( useScores( bool ) ), this, SLOT( refreshCurrentTrackPage() ) ); connect( App::instance(), SIGNAL( useRatings( bool ) ), this, SLOT( refreshCurrentTrackPage() ) ); connect( MountPointManager::instance(), SIGNAL( mediumConnected( int ) ), this, SLOT( renderView() ) ); connect( MountPointManager::instance(), SIGNAL( mediumRemoved( int ) ), this, SLOT( renderView() ) ); showContext( KURL( "current://track" ) ); // setMinimumHeight( AmarokConfig::coverPreviewSize() + (fontMetrics().height()+2)*5 + tabBar()->height() ); } ContextBrowser::~ContextBrowser() { DEBUG_BLOCK ThreadManager::instance()->abortAllJobsNamed( "CurrentTrackJob" ); // Ensure the KHTMLPart dies before its KHTMLView dies, // because KHTMLPart's dtoring relies on its KHTMLView still being alive // (see bug 130494). delete m_currentTrackPage; delete m_lyricsPage; delete m_wikiPage; m_cuefile->clear(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ContextBrowser::setFont( const QFont &newFont ) { QWidget::setFont( newFont ); reloadStyleSheet(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC SLOTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ContextBrowser::openURLRequest( const KURL &url ) { QString artist, album, track; Amarok::albumArtistTrackFromUrl( url.path(), artist, album, track ); // All http links should be loaded inside wikipedia tab, as that is the only tab that should contain them. // Streams should use stream:// protocol. if ( url.protocol() == "http" ) { if ( url.hasHTMLRef() ) { KURL base = url; base.setRef(QString::null); // Wikipedia also has links to otherpages with Anchors, so we have to check if it's for the current one if ( m_wikiCurrentUrl == base.url() ) { m_wikiPage->gotoAnchor( url.htmlRef() ); return; } } // new page m_dirtyWikiPage = true; m_wikiCurrentEntry = QString::null; showWikipedia( url.url() ); } else if ( url.protocol() == "show" ) { if ( url.path().contains( "suggestLyric-" ) ) { QString _url = url.url().mid( url.url().find( QString( "-" ) ) +1 ); debug() << "Clicked lyrics URL: " << _url << endl; m_dirtyLyricsPage = true; showLyrics( _url ); } else if ( url.path() == "collectionSetup" ) { CollectionView::instance()->setupDirs(); } else if ( url.path() == "scriptmanager" ) { ScriptManager::instance()->show(); ScriptManager::instance()->raise(); } else if ( url.path() == "editLabels" ) { showLabelsDialog(); } // Konqueror sidebar needs these if (url.path() == "context") { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage=true; showContext( KURL( "current://track" ) ); saveHtmlData(); } if (url.path() == "wiki") { m_dirtyWikiPage=true; showWikipedia(); saveHtmlData(); } if (url.path() == "lyrics") { m_dirtyLyricsPage=true; m_wikiJob=false; showLyrics(); saveHtmlData(); } } else if ( url.protocol() == "runscript" ) { ScriptManager::instance()->runScript( url.path() ); } // When left-clicking on cover image, open browser with amazon site else if ( url.protocol() == "fetchcover" ) { QString albumPath = CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage(artist, album, false, 0 ); if ( albumPath == CollectionDB::instance()->notAvailCover( false, 0 ) ) { CollectionDB::instance()->fetchCover( this, artist, album, false ); return; } QImage img( albumPath ); const QString amazonUrl = img.text( "amazon-url" ); if ( amazonUrl.isEmpty() ) KMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "

There is no product information available for this image.

Right-click on image for menu." ) ); else Amarok::invokeBrowser( amazonUrl ); } /* open konqueror with musicbrainz search result for artist-album */ else if ( url.protocol() == "musicbrainz" ) { const QString url = "http://www.musicbrainz.org/taglookup.html?artist=%1&album=%2&track=%3"; Amarok::invokeBrowser( url.arg( KURL::encode_string_no_slash( artist, 106 /*utf-8*/ ), KURL::encode_string_no_slash( album, 106 /*utf-8*/ ), KURL::encode_string_no_slash( track, 106 /*utf-8*/ ) ) ); } else if ( url.protocol() == "externalurl" ) Amarok::invokeBrowser( url.url().replace( QRegExp( "^externalurl:" ), "http:") ); else if ( url.protocol() == "lastfm" ) { LastFm::WebService *lfm = LastFm::Controller::instance()->getService(); if ( url.path() == "skip" ) lfm->skip(); else if ( url.path() == "love" ) lfm->love(); else if ( url.path() == "ban" ) lfm->ban(); } else if ( url.protocol() == "togglebox" ) { if ( url.path() == "ra" ) m_relatedOpen ^= true; else if ( url.path() == "ss" ) m_suggestionsOpen ^= true; else if ( url.path() == "ft" ) m_favoritesOpen ^= true; else if ( url.path() == "sl" ) m_labelsOpen ^= true; } else if ( url.protocol() == "seek" ) { EngineController::instance()->seek(url.path().toLong()); } // browse albums of a related artist. Don't do this if we are viewing Home tab else if ( url.protocol() == "artist" || url.protocol() == "current" || url.protocol() == "showlabel") { if( EngineController::engine()->loaded() ) // song must be active showContext( url ); } else if( url.protocol() == "artistback" ) { contextHistoryBack(); } else if ( url.protocol() == "wikipedia" ) { m_dirtyWikiPage = true; QString entry = unescapeHTMLAttr( url.path() ); showWikipediaEntry( entry ); } else if( url.protocol() == "ggartist" ) { const QString url2 = QString( "http://www.google.com/musicsearch?q=%1&res=artist" ) .arg( KURL::encode_string_no_slash( unescapeHTMLAttr( url.path() ).replace( " ", "+" ), 106 /*utf-8*/ ) ); Amarok::invokeBrowser( url2 ); } else if( url.protocol() == "file" ) { Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( url, Playlist::DefaultOptions ); } else if( url.protocol() == "stream" ) { Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( KURL::fromPathOrURL( url.url().replace( QRegExp( "^stream:" ), "http:" ) ), Playlist::DefaultOptions ); } else if( url.protocol() == "compilationdisc" || url.protocol() == "albumdisc" ) { Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( expandURL( url ) , Playlist::DefaultOptions ); } else HTMLView::openURLRequest( url ); } void ContextBrowser::collectionScanStarted() { m_emptyDB = CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty(); if( m_emptyDB && currentPage() == m_contextTab ) showCurrentTrack(); } void ContextBrowser::collectionScanDone( bool changed ) { if ( CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty() ) { m_emptyDB = true; if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab ) showCurrentTrack(); } else if ( m_emptyDB ) { m_emptyDB = false; PlaylistWindow::self()->showBrowser("CollectionBrowser"); } else if( changed && currentPage() == m_contextTab ) { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); } } void ContextBrowser::renderView() { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; m_dirtyLyricsPage = true; m_dirtyWikiPage = true; m_emptyDB = CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty(); showCurrentTrack(); } void ContextBrowser::lyricsChanged( const QString &url ) { if ( url == EngineController::instance()->bundle().url().path() ) { m_dirtyLyricsPage = true; if ( currentPage() == m_lyricsTab ) showLyrics(); } } void ContextBrowser::lyricsScriptChanged() { m_dirtyLyricsPage = true; if ( currentPage() == m_lyricsTab ) showLyrics(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROTECTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ContextBrowser::engineNewMetaData( const MetaBundle& bundle, bool trackChanged ) { bool newMetaData = false; m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; m_dirtyLyricsPage = true; m_wikiJob = 0; //New metadata, so let's forget previous wiki-fetching jobs if ( MetaBundle( m_currentURL ).artist() != bundle.artist() ) m_dirtyWikiPage = true; // Prepend stream metadata history item to list if ( !m_metadataHistory.first().contains( bundle.prettyTitle() ) ) { newMetaData = true; const QString timeString = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( QTime::currentTime() ).replace(" ", " "); // don't break over lines m_metadataHistory.prepend( QString( "" + timeString + " " + escapeHTML( bundle.prettyTitle() ) + "" ) ); } if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab && ( bundle.url() != m_currentURL || newMetaData || !trackChanged ) ) showCurrentTrack(); else if ( currentPage() == m_lyricsTab ) { EngineController::engine()->isStream() ? lyricsRefresh() : // can't call showLyrics() because the url hasn't changed showLyrics() ; } else if ( CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty() || !CollectionDB::instance()->isValid() ) showCurrentTrack(); if (trackChanged) { m_cuefile->clear(); if (bundle.url().isLocalFile()) { /** The cue file that is provided with the media might have different name than the * media file itself, hence simply cutting the media extension and adding ".cue" * is not always enough to find the matching cue file. In such cases we have * to search for all the cue files in the directory and have a look inside them for * the matching FILE="" stanza. However the FILE="" stanza does not always * point at the corresponding media file (e.g. it is quite often set to the misleading * FILE="audio.wav" WAV). Therfore we also have to check blindly if there is a cue * file having the same name as the media file played, as described above. */ // look for the cue file that matches the media file played first QString path = bundle.url().path(); QString cueFile = path.left( path.findRev('.') ) + ".cue"; m_cuefile->setCueFileName( cueFile ); if( m_cuefile->load( bundle.length() ) ) debug() << "[CUEFILE]: " << cueFile << " - Shoot blindly, found and loaded. " << endl; // if unlucky, let's have a look inside cue files, if any else { debug() << "[CUEFILE]: " << cueFile << " - Shoot blindly and missed, searching for other cue files." << endl; bool foundCueFile = false; QDir dir ( bundle.directory() ); dir.setFilter( QDir::Files ) ; dir.setNameFilter( "*.cue *.CUE" ) ; QStringList cueFilesList = dir.entryList(); if ( !cueFilesList.empty() ) for ( QStringList::Iterator it = cueFilesList.begin(); it != cueFilesList.end() && !foundCueFile; ++it ) { QFile file ( dir.filePath(*it) ); if( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { debug() << "[CUEFILE]: " << *it << " - Opened, looking for the matching FILE stanza." << endl; QTextStream stream( &file ); QString line; while ( !stream.atEnd() && !foundCueFile) { line = stream.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace(); if( line.startsWith( "file", false ) ) { line = line.mid( 5 ).remove( '"' ); if ( line.contains( bundle.filename(), false ) ) { cueFile = dir.filePath(*it); foundCueFile = true; m_cuefile->setCueFileName( cueFile ); if( m_cuefile->load( bundle.length() ) ) debug() << "[CUEFILE]: " << cueFile << " - Looked inside cue files, found and loaded proper one" << endl; } } } file.close(); } } if ( !foundCueFile ) debug() << "[CUEFILE]: - Didn't find any matching cue file." << endl; } } } } void ContextBrowser::engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State oldState ) { DEBUG_BLOCK if( state != Engine::Paused /*pause*/ && oldState != Engine::Paused /*resume*/ || state == Engine::Empty ) { // Pause shouldn't clear everything (but stop should, even when paused) m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; m_dirtyLyricsPage = true; m_wikiJob = 0; //let's forget previous wiki-fetching jobs } switch( state ) { case Engine::Empty: m_metadataHistory.clear(); if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab || currentPage() == m_lyricsTab ) { showCurrentTrack(); } blockSignals( true ); setTabEnabled( m_lyricsTab, false ); if ( currentPage() != m_wikiTab ) { setTabEnabled( m_wikiTab, false ); m_dirtyWikiPage = true; } else // current tab is wikitab, disable some buttons. { m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_ARTIST, false ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_ALBUM, false ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_TITLE, false ); } blockSignals( false ); break; case Engine::Playing: if ( oldState != Engine::Paused ) m_metadataHistory.clear(); blockSignals( true ); setTabEnabled( m_lyricsTab, true ); setTabEnabled( m_wikiTab, true ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_ARTIST, true ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_ALBUM, true ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_TITLE, true ); blockSignals( false ); break; default: ; } } void ContextBrowser::saveHtmlData() { QFile exportedDocument( Amarok::saveLocation() + "contextbrowser.html" ); exportedDocument.open(IO_WriteOnly); QTextStream stream( &exportedDocument ); stream.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 ); stream << m_HTMLSource // the pure html data.. .replace( "", QString( "" ).arg( HTMLView::loadStyleSheet() ) ); // and the stylesheet code exportedDocument.close(); } void ContextBrowser::paletteChange( const QPalette& /* pal */ ) { // KTabWidget::paletteChange( pal ); HTMLView::paletteChange(); reloadStyleSheet(); } void ContextBrowser::reloadStyleSheet() { m_currentTrackPage->setUserStyleSheet( HTMLView::loadStyleSheet() ); m_lyricsPage->setUserStyleSheet( HTMLView::loadStyleSheet() ); m_wikiPage->setUserStyleSheet( HTMLView::loadStyleSheet() ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROTECTED SLOTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //parts of this function from ktabwidget.cpp, copyright (C) 2003 Zack Rusin and Stephan Binner //fucking setCurrentTab() isn't virtual so we have to override this instead =( void ContextBrowser::wheelDelta( int delta ) { if ( count() < 2 || delta == 0 ) return; int index = currentPageIndex(), start = index; do { if( delta < 0 ) index = (index + 1) % count(); else { index = index - 1; if( index < 0 ) index = count() - 1; } if( index == start ) // full circle, none enabled return; } while( !isTabEnabled( page( index ) ) ); setCurrentPage( index ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIVATE SLOTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ContextBrowser::tabChanged( QWidget *page ) { DEBUG_FUNC_INFO setFocusProxy( page ); //so focus is given to a sensible widget when the tab is opened if ( page == m_contextTab ) showCurrentTrack(); else if ( page == m_lyricsTab ) showLyrics(); else if ( page == m_wikiTab ) showWikipedia(); } void ContextBrowser::slotContextMenu( const QString& urlString, const QPoint& point ) { enum { APPEND, ASNEXT, MAKE, MEDIA_DEVICE, INFO, TITLE, RELATED, SUGGEST, FAVES, FRESHPODCASTS, NEWALBUMS, FAVALBUMS, LABELS }; debug() << "url string: " << urlString << endl; - if( urlString.startsWith( "musicbrainz" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "externalurl" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "show:suggest" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "http" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "wikipedia" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "seek" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "ggartist" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "artistback" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "current" ) || - urlString.startsWith( "lastfm" ) || + if( urlString.startsWith( "musicbrainz" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "externalurl" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "show:suggest" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "http" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "wikipedia" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "seek" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "ggartist" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "artistback" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "current" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "lastfm" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "showlabel" ) || + urlString.startsWith( "show:editLabels" ) || currentPage() != m_contextTab ) return; KURL url( urlString ); KPopupMenu menu; KURL::List urls( url ); QString artist, album, track; // track unused here Amarok::albumArtistTrackFromUrl( url.path(), artist, album, track ); if( urlString.isEmpty() ) { debug() << "url string empty. loaded?" << EngineController::engine()->loaded() << endl; if( EngineController::engine()->loaded() ) { menu.setCheckable( true ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Show Labels"), LABELS ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Show Related Artists"), RELATED ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Show Suggested Songs"), SUGGEST ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Show Favorite Tracks"), FAVES ); menu.setItemChecked( RELATED, m_showRelated ); menu.setItemChecked( SUGGEST, m_showSuggested ); menu.setItemChecked( FAVES, m_showFaves ); menu.setItemChecked( LABELS, m_showLabels ); } else { // the home info page menu.setCheckable( true ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Show Fresh Podcasts"), FRESHPODCASTS ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Show Newest Albums"), NEWALBUMS ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Show Favorite Albums"), FAVALBUMS ); menu.setItemChecked( FRESHPODCASTS, m_showFreshPodcasts ); menu.setItemChecked( NEWALBUMS, m_showNewestAlbums ); menu.setItemChecked( FAVALBUMS, m_showFavoriteAlbums ); } } else if( url.protocol() == "fetchcover" ) { Amarok::coverContextMenu( this, point, artist, album ); return; } else if( url.protocol() == "stream" ) { url = KURL::fromPathOrURL( url.url().replace( QRegExp( "^stream:" ), "http:" ) ); urls = KURL::List( url ); menu.insertTitle( i18n("Podcast"), TITLE ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "files" ) ), i18n( "&Load" ), MAKE ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "add_playlist" ) ), i18n( "&Append to Playlist" ), APPEND ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "queue_track" ) ), i18n( "&Queue Podcast" ), ASNEXT ); //menu.insertSeparator(); //menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "down" ), i18n( "&Download" ), DOWNLOAD ); } else if( url.protocol() == "file" || url.protocol() == "artist" || url.protocol() == "album" || url.protocol() == "compilation" || url.protocol() == "albumdisc" || url.protocol() == "compilationdisc") { //TODO it would be handy and more usable to have this menu under the cover one too menu.insertTitle( i18n("Track"), TITLE ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "files" ) ), i18n( "&Load" ), MAKE ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "add_playlist" ) ), i18n( "&Append to Playlist" ), APPEND ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "queue_track" ) ), i18n( "&Queue Track" ), ASNEXT ); if( MediaBrowser::isAvailable() ) menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "device" ) ), i18n( "&Transfer to Media Device" ), MEDIA_DEVICE ); menu.insertSeparator(); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "info" ) ), i18n( "Edit Track &Information..." ), INFO ); if ( url.protocol() == "artist" ) { urls = expandURL( url ); menu.changeTitle( TITLE, i18n("Artist") ); menu.changeItem( INFO, i18n("Edit Artist &Information..." ) ); menu.changeItem( ASNEXT, i18n("&Queue Artist's Songs") ); } if ( url.protocol() == "album" ) { urls = expandURL( url ); menu.changeTitle( TITLE, i18n("Album") ); menu.changeItem( INFO, i18n("Edit Album &Information..." ) ); menu.changeItem( ASNEXT, i18n("&Queue Album") ); } if ( url.protocol() == "albumdisc" ) { urls = expandURL( url ); menu.changeTitle( TITLE, i18n("Album Disc") ); menu.changeItem( INFO, i18n("Edit Album Disc &Information..." ) ); menu.changeItem( ASNEXT, i18n("&Queue Album Disc") ); } if ( url.protocol() == "compilation" ) { urls = expandURL( url ); menu.changeTitle( TITLE, i18n("Compilation") ); menu.changeItem( INFO, i18n("Edit Album &Information..." ) ); menu.changeItem( ASNEXT, i18n("&Queue Album") ); } if ( url.protocol() == "compilationdisc" ) { urls = expandURL( url ); menu.changeTitle( TITLE, i18n("Compilation Disc") ); menu.changeItem( INFO, i18n("Edit Compilation Disc &Information..." ) ); menu.changeItem( ASNEXT, i18n("&Queue Compilation Disc") ); } if( urls.count() == 0 ) { menu.setItemEnabled( MAKE, false ); menu.setItemEnabled( APPEND, false ); menu.setItemEnabled( ASNEXT, false ); menu.setItemEnabled( MEDIA_DEVICE, false ); menu.setItemEnabled( INFO, false ); } } //Not all these are used in the menu, it depends on the context switch( menu.exec( point ) ) { case RELATED: m_showRelated = !menu.isItemChecked( RELATED ); Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->writeEntry( "ShowRelated", m_showRelated ); m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); break; case SUGGEST: m_showSuggested = !menu.isItemChecked( SUGGEST ); Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->writeEntry( "ShowSuggested", m_showSuggested ); m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); break; case FAVES: m_showFaves = !menu.isItemChecked( FAVES ); Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->writeEntry( "ShowFaves", m_showFaves ); m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); break; case LABELS: m_showLabels = !menu.isItemChecked( LABELS ); Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->writeEntry( "ShowLabels", m_showLabels ); m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); break; case FRESHPODCASTS: m_showFreshPodcasts = !menu.isItemChecked( FRESHPODCASTS ); Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->writeEntry( "ShowFreshPodcasts", m_showFreshPodcasts ); m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); break; case NEWALBUMS: m_showNewestAlbums = !menu.isItemChecked( NEWALBUMS ); Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->writeEntry( "ShowNewestAlbums", m_showNewestAlbums ); m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); break; case FAVALBUMS: m_showFavoriteAlbums = !menu.isItemChecked( FAVALBUMS ); Amarok::config( "ContextBrowser" )->writeEntry( "ShowFavoriteAlbums", m_showFavoriteAlbums ); m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); break; case ASNEXT: Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( urls, Playlist::Queue ); break; case INFO: { if ( urls.count() > 1 ) { TagDialog* dialog = new TagDialog( urls, instance() ); dialog->show(); } else if ( !urls.isEmpty() ) { TagDialog* dialog = new TagDialog( urls.first(), instance() ); dialog->show(); } break; } case MAKE: Playlist::instance()->clear(); //FALL_THROUGH case APPEND: Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( urls, Playlist::Append ); break; case MEDIA_DEVICE: MediaBrowser::queue()->addURLs( urls ); break; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Current-Tab ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** This is the slowest part of track change, so we thread it */ class CurrentTrackJob : public ThreadManager::DependentJob { public: CurrentTrackJob( ContextBrowser *parent ) : ThreadManager::DependentJob( parent, "CurrentTrackJob" ) , b( parent ) , m_currentTrack( QDeepCopy( EngineController::instance()->bundle() ) ) , m_isStream( EngineController::engine()->isStream() ) { for( QStringList::iterator it = b->m_metadataHistory.begin(); it != b->m_metadataHistory.end(); ++it ) { m_metadataHistory += QDeepCopy( *it ); } } private: virtual bool doJob(); void addMetaHistory(); void showLastFm( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ); void showStream( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ); void showPodcast( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ); void showBrowseArtistHeader( const QString &artist ); void showBrowseLabelHeader( const QString &label ); void showCurrentArtistHeader( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ); void showRelatedArtists( const QString &artist, const QStringList &relArtists ); void showSuggestedSongs( const QStringList &relArtists ); void showSongsWithLabel( const QString &label ); void showArtistsFaves( const QString &artistName, uint artist_id ); void showArtistsAlbums( const QString &artist, uint artist_id, uint album_id ); void showArtistsCompilations( const QString &artist, uint artist_id, uint album_id ); void showHome(); void showUserLabels( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ); QString fetchLastfmImage( const QString& url ); QStringList showHomeByAlbums(); void constructHTMLAlbums( const QStringList &albums, QString &htmlCode, const QString &idPrefix ); static QString statsHTML( int score, int rating, bool statsbox = true ); // meh. virtual void completeJob() { // are we still showing the currentTrack page? // if( b->currentPage() != b->m_contextTab ) // return; b->m_shownAlbums.clear(); for( QStringList::iterator it = m_shownAlbums.begin(); it != m_shownAlbums.end(); ++it ) b->m_shownAlbums.append( QDeepCopy( *it ) ); b->m_HTMLSource = QDeepCopy( m_HTMLSource ); b->m_currentTrackPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); b->m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = false; b->saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file } QString m_HTMLSource; ContextBrowser *b; MetaBundle m_currentTrack; bool m_isStream; QStringList m_shownAlbums; QStringList m_metadataHistory; }; void ContextBrowser::showContext( const KURL &url, bool fromHistory ) { if ( currentPage() != m_contextTab ) { blockSignals( true ); showPage( m_contextTab ); blockSignals( false ); } m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; m_contextURL = url.url(); if( url.protocol() == "current" ) { m_browseArtists = false; m_browseLabels = false; m_label = QString::null; m_artist = QString::null; m_contextBackHistory.clear(); m_contextBackHistory.push_back( "current://track" ); } else if( url.protocol() == "artist" ) { m_browseArtists = true; m_browseLabels = false; m_label = QString::null; m_artist = unescapeHTMLAttr( url.path() ); } else if( url.protocol() == "showlabel" ) { m_browseLabels = true; m_browseArtists = false; m_artist = QString::null; m_label = unescapeHTMLAttr( url.path() ); } // Append new URL to history if ( !fromHistory ) { m_contextBackHistory += m_contextURL.url(); } // Limit number of items in history if ( m_contextBackHistory.count() > CONTEXT_MAX_HISTORY ) m_contextBackHistory.pop_front(); showCurrentTrack(); } void ContextBrowser::contextHistoryBack() //SLOT { if( m_contextBackHistory.size() > 0 ) { m_contextBackHistory.pop_back(); m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showContext( KURL( m_contextBackHistory.last() ), true ); } } void ContextBrowser::showCurrentTrack() //SLOT { #if 0 if( BrowserBar::instance()->currentBrowser() != this ) { debug() << "current browser is not context, aborting showCurrentTrack()" << endl; m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; m_currentTrackPage->set( QString( "

" ) .arg( i18n( "Updating..." ) ) ); return; } #endif if ( currentPage() != m_contextTab ) { blockSignals( true ); showPage( m_contextTab ); blockSignals( false ); } // TODO: Show CurrentTrack or Lyric tab if they were selected // If it's not a streaming, check for a collection if ( !EngineController::engine()->isStream() ) { if ( m_emptyDB && CollectionDB::instance()->isValid() && !MountPointManager::instance()->collectionFolders().isEmpty() ) { showScanning(); return; } else if ( CollectionDB::instance()->isEmpty() || !CollectionDB::instance()->isValid() ) { showIntroduction(); return; } } if( !m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage ) return; m_currentURL = EngineController::instance()->bundle().url(); m_currentTrackPage->write( QString::null ); ThreadManager::instance()->onlyOneJob( new CurrentTrackJob( this ) ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shows the statistics summary when no track is playing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CurrentTrackJob::showHome() { QueryBuilder qb; qb.clear(); //Song count qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); QStringList a = qb.run(); QString songCount = a[0]; qb.clear(); //Artist count //qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID ); //qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); //a = qb.run(); //QString artistCount = a[0]; qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID ); //I can't get the correct value w/o suing a subquery, and querybuilder doesn't support those QString artistCount = QString::number( qb.run().count() ); qb.clear(); //Album count //qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID ); //qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); //a = qb.run(); //QString albumCount = a[0]; qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID ); QString albumCount = QString::number( qb.run().count() ); qb.clear(); //Genre count //qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::tabGenre, QueryBuilder::valID ); //qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); //a = qb.run(); //QString genreCount = a[0]; qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valGenreID ); QString genreCount = QString::number( qb.run().count() ); qb.clear(); //Total Playtime qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcSum, QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valLength ); a = qb.run(); QString playTime = MetaBundle::fuzzyTime( a[0].toInt() ); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx( "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "No Track Playing" ) + "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "%3
\n" "%4
\n" "%5
\n" "%6
\n" "%7
\n" "
\n" "
\n" ) .args( QStringList() << escapeHTMLAttr( "externalurl://amarok.kde.org" ) << escapeHTMLAttr( KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath( "amarok", -KIcon::SizeEnormous ) ) << i18n( "1 Track", "%n Tracks", songCount.toInt() ) << i18n( "1 Artist", "%n Artists", artistCount.toInt() ) << i18n( "1 Album", "%n Albums", albumCount.toInt() ) << i18n( "1 Genre", "%n Genres", genreCount.toInt() ) << i18n( "%1 Play-time" ).arg ( playTime ) ) ); m_shownAlbums = showHomeByAlbums(); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n"); } void CurrentTrackJob::constructHTMLAlbums( const QStringList &reqResult, QString &htmlCode, const QString &stID ) { // This function create the html code used to display a list of albums. Each album // is a 'toggleable' block. // Parameter stID is used to differentiate same albums in different album list. So if this function // is called multiple time in the same HTML code, stID must be different. for ( uint i = 0; i < reqResult.count(); i += 4 ) { QueryBuilder qb; qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabYear, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valLength ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID, reqResult[i+1] ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, reqResult[i+3] ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optNoCompilations ); // samplers __need__ to be handled differently QStringList albumValues = qb.run(); QString albumYear; if ( !albumValues.isEmpty() ) { albumYear = albumValues[ 3 ]; for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues()) if ( albumValues[j + 3] != albumYear || albumYear == "0" ) { albumYear = QString::null; break; } } uint i_albumLength = 0; for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues() ) i_albumLength += QString(albumValues[j + 4]).toInt(); QString albumLength = ( i_albumLength==0 ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : MetaBundle::prettyTime( i_albumLength, true ) ); htmlCode.append( QStringx ( "\n" "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n") .args( QStringList() << stID + reqResult[i+1] )); QString albumName = escapeHTML( reqResult[ i ].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown album" ) : reqResult[ i ] ); QString artistName = albumValues[5].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown artist" ) : albumValues[5]; QString albumImage = ContextBrowser::getEncodedImage( CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage( albumValues[5], reqResult[ i ], true, 50 ) ); QString albumImageTitleAttr = albumImageTooltip( albumImage, 50 ); // Album image htmlCode.append( QStringx ( "\n" "\n") .args( QStringList() << i18n( "Single", "%n Tracks", albumValues.count() / qb.countReturnValues() ) << albumYear << albumLength) ); // Begining of the 'toggleable div' that contains the songs htmlCode.append( QStringx ( "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "%6\n" "\n" " - \n" "\n" "%9\n" "\n" ) .args( QStringList() << escapeHTMLAttr( albumValues[5] ) // artist name << escapeHTMLAttr( reqResult[ i ].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : reqResult[ i ] ) // album.name << albumImageTitleAttr << escapeHTMLAttr( albumImage ) << escapeHTMLAttr( artistName ) << escapeHTML( artistName ) << albumValues[6] << reqResult[ i + 1 ] //album.id << albumName ) ); // Tracks number, year and length htmlCode.append( QStringx ( "%1 " "
\n" "%2\n" "%3\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" ) .args( QStringList() << "none" /* shows it if it's the current track album */ << stID + reqResult[ i + 1 ] ) ); QString discNumber; if ( !albumValues.isEmpty() ) { for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues() ) { QString newDiscNumber = albumValues[ j + 7 ].stripWhiteSpace(); if( discNumber != newDiscNumber && newDiscNumber.toInt() > 0) { discNumber = newDiscNumber; htmlCode.append( QStringx ( "
\n" "\n" "%4" "\n" "
\n" ) .args( QStringList() << albumValues[6] << reqResult[ i + 1 ] //album.id << escapeHTMLAttr( discNumber ) << i18n( "Disc %1" ).arg( discNumber ) ) ); } QString track = albumValues[j + 2].stripWhiteSpace(); if( track.length() > 0 ) { if( track.length() == 1 ) track.prepend( "0" ); track = "\n" + track + " \n"; } QString length; if( albumValues[j + 4] != "0" ) length = "(" + MetaBundle::prettyTime( QString(albumValues[j + 4]).toInt(), true ) + ")\n"; htmlCode.append( "\n" ); } } htmlCode.append( "
\n" "\n" "\n" ); } } // return list of albums shown QStringList CurrentTrackJob::showHomeByAlbums() { QueryBuilder qb; m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); // if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showFreshPodcasts ) { qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabPodcastEpisodes, QueryBuilder::valParent ); qb.addFilter( QueryBuilder::tabPodcastEpisodes, QueryBuilder::valIsNew, CollectionDB::instance()->boolT(), QueryBuilder::modeNormal, true ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabPodcastEpisodes, QueryBuilder::valID, true ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); qb.setLimit( 0, 5 ); QStringList channels = qb.run(); if( channels.count() > 0 ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); } } // QStringList albums; // if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showNewestAlbums ) { qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcMax, QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valCreateDate ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.sortByFunction( QueryBuilder::funcMax, QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valCreateDate, true ); qb.excludeMatch( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, i18n( "Unknown" ) ); qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optNoCompilations ); // samplers __need__ to be handled differently qb.setLimit( 0, 5 ); QStringList recentAlbums = qb.run(); foreach( recentAlbums ) { albums += *it; it++; it++; it++; } // toggle html here so we get correct albums m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); } // // if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showFavoriteAlbums ) { qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.sortByFavoriteAvg(); // this function adds return values! qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID ); // only albums with more than 3 tracks qb.having( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID, QueryBuilder::funcCount, QueryBuilder::modeGreater, "3" ); qb.excludeMatch( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, i18n( "Unknown" ) ); qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optNoCompilations ); // samplers __need__ to be handled differently qb.setLimit( 0, 5 ); QStringList faveAlbums = qb.run(); QStringList faveResults; bool ratings = AmarokConfig::useRatings(); bool scores = AmarokConfig::useScores(); foreach( faveAlbums ) { albums += *it; faveResults += *(it++); faveResults += *(it++); faveResults += *(it++); // sortByFavoriteAvg add some return values, and constructHTMLAlbums expects // a specific set of return values, so we might need to skip some values if ( ratings ) it++; if ( scores ) it++; faveResults += *(it); } m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); } // m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Fresh Podcast Episodes" ) + "\n" "
\n" "\n" ); uint i = 0; for( QStringList::iterator it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); it++ ) { PodcastChannelBundle pcb; if( !CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastChannelBundle( *it, &pcb ) ) continue; QValueList episodes = CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastEpisodes( *it, true /* only new */, 1 ); if( !episodes.isEmpty() ) { PodcastEpisodeBundle &ep = *episodes.begin(); QString date; ep.dateTime().isNull() ? date = ep.date() : date = ep.dateTime().toString(); QString image = CollectionDB::instance()->podcastImage( pcb.imageURL().url(), true, 50 ); QString imageAttr = escapeHTMLAttr( i18n( "Click to go to podcast website: %1." ).arg( pcb.link().prettyURL() ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx ( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); i++; } } m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "%5 \n" "%7\n" "
\n" "%8\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" ) .args( QStringList() << QString::number( i ) << pcb.link().url().replace( QRegExp( "^http:" ), "externalurl:" ) << escapeHTMLAttr( imageAttr ) << escapeHTMLAttr( image ) << escapeHTML( ep.duration() ? MetaBundle::prettyTime( ep.duration() ) : QString( "" ) ) << ( ep.localUrl().isValid() ? ep.localUrl().url() : ep.url().url().replace( QRegExp( "^http:" ), "stream:" ) ) << escapeHTML( pcb.title() + ": " + ep.title() ) << escapeHTML( date ) << "none" << QString::number( i ) ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx ( "


\n" ).arg( ep.description() ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Your Newest Albums" ) + "\n" "
\n" "\n" ); constructHTMLAlbums( recentAlbums, m_HTMLSource, "1" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Favorite Albums" ) + "\n" "
\n" "\n" ); if ( faveAlbums.count() == 0 ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "

\n" + (QueryBuilder::valForFavoriteSorting() == QueryBuilder::valRating ? i18n( "A list of your favorite albums will appear here, once you have rated a few of your songs." ) : i18n( "A list of your favorite albums will appear here, once you have played a few of your songs." ) ) + "

\n" ); } else { constructHTMLAlbums( faveResults, m_HTMLSource, "2" ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" ); return albums; } void CurrentTrackJob::showLastFm( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ) { if( !LastFm::Controller::instance()->isPlaying() ) return; const LastFm::Bundle *lastFmInfo = currentTrack.lastFmBundle(); if ( !lastFmInfo ) return; const QString username = AmarokConfig::scrobblerUsername(); const QString userpage = "www.last.fm/user/" + username; //no http const QString albumUrl = lastFmInfo->albumUrl(); const QString artistUrl = lastFmInfo->artistUrl(); const QString titleUrl = lastFmInfo->titleUrl(); const QString lastfmIcon = "file://" + locate( "data","amarok/images/lastfm.png" ); const QString coverImage = ContextBrowser::getEncodedImage( lastFmInfo->imageUrl() ); QPtrList newUrls; newUrls.append( &albumUrl ); newUrls.append( &artistUrl ); newUrls.append( &titleUrl ); for ( QString* url = newUrls.first(); url; url = newUrls.next() ) url->replace( QRegExp( "^http:" ), "externalurl:" ); const QString skipIcon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath( Amarok::icon("next"), -KIcon::SizeSmallMedium ); const QString loveIcon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath( Amarok::icon("love"), -KIcon::SizeSmallMedium ); const QString banIcon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath( Amarok::icon("remove"), -KIcon::SizeSmallMedium ); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx( "
\n" "
\n" "%1 " "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "%3 - %5" "
\n" "%7" "
\n" "" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "%14\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "%16\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "%18\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" ) .args( QStringList() << escapeHTML( LastFm::Controller::stationDescription() ) //1 << artistUrl //2 << escapeHTML( currentTrack.artist() ) //3 << titleUrl //4 << escapeHTML( currentTrack.title() ) //5 << albumUrl //6 << escapeHTML( currentTrack.album() ) //7 << albumUrl //8 << coverImage //9 << escapeHTMLAttr( currentTrack.album() )//10 << escapeHTMLAttr( userpage ) //11 << escapeHTMLAttr( userpage ) //12 << escapeHTMLAttr( lastfmIcon ) //13 << escapeHTML( i18n( "Skip" ) ) //14 << escapeHTMLAttr( skipIcon ) //15 << escapeHTML( i18n( "Love" ) ) //16 << escapeHTMLAttr( loveIcon ) //17 << escapeHTML( i18n( "Ban" ) ) //18 << escapeHTMLAttr( banIcon ) //19 ) ); addMetaHistory(); if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showRelated || ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showSuggested ) { QStringList relArtists = CollectionDB::instance()->similarArtists( currentTrack.artist(), 10 ); if ( !relArtists.isEmpty() ) { if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showRelated ) showRelatedArtists( currentTrack.artist(), relArtists ); if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showSuggested ) showSuggestedSongs( relArtists ); } } const uint artist_id = CollectionDB::instance()->artistID( currentTrack.artist(), false /* don't autocreate */ ); if( artist_id ) { if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showFaves ) showArtistsFaves( currentTrack.artist(), artist_id ); const uint album_id = CollectionDB::instance()->albumID ( currentTrack.album(), false /* don't autocreate */ ); showArtistsAlbums( currentTrack.artist(), artist_id, album_id ); showArtistsCompilations( currentTrack.artist(), artist_id, album_id ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); } void CurrentTrackJob::showStream( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ) { m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx( "
\n" "
\n" "%1 " "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "%2\n" "
\n" "
\n" "%3" "
\n" "
\n" "%4" "
\n" "%5 kbps" "
\n" "%6" "
\n" "%7" "
\n" "
\n" ) .args( QStringList() << i18n( "Stream Details" ) << escapeHTML( currentTrack.prettyTitle() ) << escapeHTML( currentTrack.streamName() ) << escapeHTML( currentTrack.genre() ) << escapeHTML( currentTrack.prettyBitrate() ) << escapeHTML( currentTrack.streamUrl() ) << escapeHTML( currentTrack.prettyURL() ) ) ); addMetaHistory(); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); } void CurrentTrackJob::addMetaHistory() { if ( m_metadataHistory.count() > 0 ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" + i18n( "Metadata History" ) + "
\n" "\n" ); for ( uint i = 0; i < m_metadataHistory.count(); ++i ) { const QString &str = m_metadataHistory[i]; m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx( "\n" ).arg( str ) ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" ); } } void CurrentTrackJob::showPodcast( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ) { if( !currentTrack.podcastBundle() ) return; PodcastEpisodeBundle peb = *currentTrack.podcastBundle(); PodcastChannelBundle pcb; bool channelInDB = true; if( !CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastChannelBundle( peb.parent(), &pcb ) ) { pcb.setTitle( i18n( "Unknown Channel (not in Database)" ) ); channelInDB = false; } QString image; if( pcb.imageURL().isValid() ) image = CollectionDB::instance()->podcastImage( pcb.imageURL().url(), true ); else image = CollectionDB::instance()->notAvailCover( true ); QString imageAttr = escapeHTMLAttr( pcb.link().isValid() ? i18n( "Click to go to podcast website: %1." ).arg( pcb.link().prettyURL() ) : i18n( "No podcast website." ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx( "
\n" "
\n" "%1 " "
\n" "%2\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "%6" "%7" "
\n" "
\n" ) .args( QStringList() << escapeHTML( pcb.title() ) << escapeHTML( peb.title() ) << ( pcb.link().isValid() ? pcb.link().url().replace( QRegExp( "^http:" ), "externalurl:" ) : "current://track" ) << image << imageAttr << escapeHTML( peb.author().isEmpty() ? i18n( "Podcast" ) : i18n( "Podcast by %1" ).arg( peb.author() ) ) << ( peb.localUrl().isValid() ? "
\n" + escapeHTML( i18n( "(Cached)" ) ) : "" ) ) ); if ( m_isStream && m_metadataHistory.count() > 1 ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" + i18n( "Metadata History" ) + "
\n" "\n" ); for ( uint i = 0; i < m_metadataHistory.count(); ++i ) { const QString &str = m_metadataHistory[i]; m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx( "\n" ).arg( str ) ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + ( channelInDB ? i18n( "Episodes from %1" ).arg( escapeHTML( pcb.title() ) ) : i18n( "Episodes from this Channel" ) ) + "\n" "
\n" "\n" ); uint i = 0; QValueList episodes = CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastEpisodes( peb.parent() ); while( !episodes.isEmpty() ) { PodcastEpisodeBundle &ep = episodes.back(); QString date; ep.dateTime().isNull() ? date = ep.date() : date = ep.dateTime().toString(); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx ( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); i++; episodes.pop_back(); } m_HTMLSource.append("\n" ); } void CurrentTrackJob::showBrowseArtistHeader( const QString &artist ) { // bool linkback = ( b->m_contextBackHistory.size() > 0 ); QString back = ( linkback ? "\n" + escapeHTML( i18n( "<- Back" ) ) + "\n" : QString( "" ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( QString( "
\n" "
\n" "%1\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "%2 " "%4\n" "
\n" "%5\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" ) .args( QStringList() << QString::number( i ) << escapeHTML( ep.duration() ? MetaBundle::prettyTime( ep.duration() ) : QString( "" ) ) << ( ep.localUrl().isValid() ? ep.localUrl().url() : ep.url().url().replace( QRegExp( "^http:" ), "stream:" ) ) << escapeHTML( ep.title() ) << escapeHTML( date ) << (peb.url() == ep.url() ? "block" : "none" ) << QString::number( i ) ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx ( "


\n" ).arg( ep.description() ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "
\n" ) .arg( escapeHTML( artist ) ) .arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "Browse Artist" ) ) ) .arg( back ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n"); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "
\n" + QString( "\n" ) + i18n( "Information for Current Track" ) + "\n" "
\n" + QString( "\n" ).arg( escapeHTMLAttr( artist + b->wikiArtistPostfix() ) ) + i18n( "Wikipedia Information for %1" ).arg( escapeHTML( artist ) ) + "\n" "
\n" + QString( "\n" ).arg( escapeHTMLAttr( artist ) ) + i18n( "Google Musicsearch for %1" ).arg( escapeHTML( artist ) ) + "\n" "
\n" "\n" ); // } void CurrentTrackJob::showBrowseLabelHeader( const QString &label ) { bool linkback = ( b->m_contextBackHistory.size() > 0 ); QString back = ( linkback ? "\n" + escapeHTML( i18n( "<- Back" ) ) + "\n" : QString( "" ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( QString( "
\n" "
\n" "%1\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "
\n" ) .arg( escapeHTML( label ) ) .arg( escapeHTML( i18n( "Browse Label" ) ) ) .arg( back ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n"); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "
\n" + QString( "\n" ) + i18n( "Information for Current Track" ) + "\n" "
\n" + QString( "\n" ).arg( escapeHTMLAttr( label ) ) + i18n( "Last.fm Information for %1" ).arg( escapeHTML( label ) ) + "\n" "
\n" "
\n" ); } void CurrentTrackJob::showCurrentArtistHeader( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ) { QueryBuilder qb; QStringList values; // qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valCreateDate ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valAccessDate ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valPlayCounter ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valScore ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valRating ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valURL, currentTrack.url().path() ); values = qb.run(); usleep( 10000 ); //making 2 tables is most probably not the cleanest way to do it, but it works. QString albumImage = ContextBrowser::getEncodedImage( CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage( currentTrack, true, 1 ) ); QString albumImageTitleAttr = albumImageTooltip( albumImage, 0 ); bool isCompilation = false; if( !currentTrack.album().isEmpty() ) { isCompilation = CollectionDB::instance()->albumIsCompilation( QString::number( CollectionDB::instance()->albumID( currentTrack.album() ) ) ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" // Show "Title - Artist \n Album", or only "PrettyTitle" if there's no title tag + ( !currentTrack.title().isEmpty() ? QStringx( "%1 " "- " "%2\n" "
\n" "%3\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" ).arg( i18n( "Score: %1" ).arg( score ) ) + "\n" "\n" "\n"; if( AmarokConfig::useRatings() ) { contents += QString( "\n" ).arg( i18n( "Rating: %1" ) .arg( MetaBundle::ratingDescription( rating ) ) ) + "\n" "\n"; } return table.arg( contents ); } bool CurrentTrackJob::doJob() { m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" ); if( !b->m_browseArtists ) { if( !EngineController::engine()->loaded() ) { showHome(); return true; } MetaBundle mb( m_currentTrack.url() ); if( mb.podcastBundle() ) { showPodcast( mb ); return true; } if( m_currentTrack.url().protocol() == "lastfm" ) { showLastFm( m_currentTrack ); return true; } if( m_isStream && m_currentTrack.url().protocol() != "daap" ) { showStream( m_currentTrack ); return true; } } QString artist; if( b->m_browseArtists ) { artist = b->m_artist; if( artist == m_currentTrack.artist() ) { b->m_browseArtists = false; b->m_artist = QString::null; b->m_contextBackHistory.clear(); b->m_contextBackHistory.push_back( "current://track" ); } } else artist = m_currentTrack.artist(); const uint artist_id = CollectionDB::instance()->artistID( artist ); const uint album_id = CollectionDB::instance()->albumID ( m_currentTrack.album() ); QueryBuilder qb; QStringList values; if( b->m_browseArtists ) showBrowseArtistHeader( artist ); else if( b->m_browseLabels ) { showBrowseLabelHeader( b->m_label ); showSongsWithLabel( b->m_label ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); return true; } else showCurrentArtistHeader( m_currentTrack ); if ( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showLabels && !b->m_browseArtists ) showUserLabels( m_currentTrack ); if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showRelated || ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showSuggested ) { QStringList relArtists = CollectionDB::instance()->similarArtists( artist, 10 ); if ( !relArtists.isEmpty() ) { if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showRelated ) showRelatedArtists( artist, relArtists ); if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showSuggested ) showSuggestedSongs( relArtists ); } } QString artistName = artist.isEmpty() ? i18n( "This Artist" ) : artist ; if ( !artist.isEmpty() ) { if( ContextBrowser::instance()->m_showFaves ) showArtistsFaves( artistName, artist_id ); showArtistsAlbums( artist, artist_id, album_id ); showArtistsCompilations( artist, artist_id, album_id ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); return true; } void ContextBrowser::showIntroduction() { if ( currentPage() != m_contextTab ) { blockSignals( true ); showPage( m_contextTab ); blockSignals( false ); } // Do we have to rebuild the page? I don't care m_HTMLSource = QString::null; m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Hello Amarok user!" ) + "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "

\n" + i18n( "This is the Context Browser: " "it shows you contextual information about the currently playing track. " "In order to use this feature of Amarok, you need to build a Collection." ) + "

\n" "
\n" "

\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" ); m_currentTrackPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file } void ContextBrowser::showScanning() { if ( currentPage() != m_contextTab ) { blockSignals( true ); showPage( m_contextTab ); blockSignals( false ); } // Do we have to rebuild the page? I don't care m_HTMLSource=""; m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Building Collection Database..." ) + "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "

\n" + i18n( "Please be patient while Amarok scans your music collection. You can watch the progress of this activity in the statusbar." ) + "

\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" ); m_currentTrackPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file } QString ContextBrowser::getEncodedImage( const QString &imageUrl ) { // Embed cover image in html (encoded string), to get around khtml's caching //debug() << "Encoding imageUrl: " << imageUrl << endl; const QImage img( imageUrl ); QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer( ba ); buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly ); img.save( &buffer, "PNG" ); // writes image into ba in PNG format const QString coverImage = QString( "data:image/png;base64,%1" ).arg( KCodecs::base64Encode( ba ) ); //debug() << "Encoded imageUrl: " << coverImage << endl; return coverImage; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lyrics-Tab ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ContextBrowser::showLyrics( const QString &url ) { #if 0 if( BrowserBar::instance()->currentBrowser() != this ) { debug() << "current browser is not context, aborting showLyrics()" << endl; m_dirtyLyricsPage = true; return; } #endif DEBUG_BLOCK if ( currentPage() != m_lyricsTab ) { blockSignals( true ); showPage( m_lyricsTab ); blockSignals( false ); } if ( !m_dirtyLyricsPage ) return; QString lyrics = CollectionDB::instance()->getLyrics( EngineController::instance()->bundle().url().path() ); // don't rely on caching for streams const bool cached = !lyrics.isEmpty() && !EngineController::engine()->isStream(); QString title = EngineController::instance()->bundle().title(); QString artist = EngineController::instance()->bundle().artist(); if( title.contains("PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com", true) >= 1 ) title = title.remove(" (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)"); if( artist.contains("PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com", true) >= 1 ) artist = artist.remove(" (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)"); if ( title.isEmpty() ) { /* If title is empty, try to use pretty title. The fact that it often (but not always) has artist name together, can be bad, but at least the user will hopefully get nice suggestions. */ QString prettyTitle = EngineController::instance()->bundle().prettyTitle(); int h = prettyTitle.find( '-' ); if ( h != -1 ) { title = prettyTitle.mid( h+1 ).stripWhiteSpace(); if( title.contains("PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com", true) >= 1 ) title = title.remove(" (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)"); if ( artist.isEmpty() ) { artist = prettyTitle.mid( 0, h ).stripWhiteSpace(); if( artist.contains("PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com", true) >= 1 ) artist = artist.remove(" (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)"); } } } m_lyricSearchUrl = QString( "http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&q=lyrics+%1+%2" ) .arg( KURL::encode_string_no_slash( '"' + artist + '"', 106 /*utf-8*/ ), KURL::encode_string_no_slash( '"' + title + '"', 106 /*utf-8*/ ) ); m_lyricsToolBar->getButton( LYRICS_BROWSER )->setEnabled(false); if( ( !cached || url == "reload" ) && !ScriptManager::instance()->lyricsScriptRunning() ) { const QStringList scripts = ScriptManager::instance()->lyricsScripts(); lyrics = i18n( "Sorry, no lyrics script running.") + "
\n" + "
\n"+ i18n( "Available Lyrics Scripts:" ) + "
\n"; foreach ( scripts ) { lyrics += QString( "%2
\n" ).arg( *it, *it ); } lyrics += "
\n" + i18n( "Click on one of the scripts to run it, or use the Script Manager, to be able" " to see all the scripts, and download new ones from the Web." ); lyrics += "
\n" "

\n"; m_HTMLSource = QString ( "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + ( cached ? i18n( "Cached Lyrics" ) : i18n( "Lyrics" ) ) + "\n" "
\n" "
\n" + lyrics + "
\n" "
\n" "\n" ); m_lyricsPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); m_dirtyLyricsPage = false; saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file return; } if( cached && url.isEmpty() ) { lyricsResult( lyrics.utf8(), true ); } else { m_HTMLSource = QString ( "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Fetching Lyrics" ) + "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "

\n" + i18n( "Fetching Lyrics..." ) + "

\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" ); m_lyricsPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file if( url.isNull() || url == "reload" ) ScriptManager::instance()->notifyFetchLyrics( artist, title ); else ScriptManager::instance()->notifyFetchLyricsByUrl( url ); } } void ContextBrowser::lyricsResult( QCString cXmlDoc, bool cached ) //SLOT { QDomDocument doc; QString xmldoc = QString::fromUtf8( cXmlDoc ); if( !doc.setContent( xmldoc ) ) { m_HTMLSource=""; m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Error" ) + "\n" "
\n" "

\n" + i18n( "Lyrics could not be retrieved because the server was not reachable." ) + "

\n" "
\n" "\n" ); m_lyricsPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file m_dirtyLyricsPage = false; return; } QString lyrics; QDomElement el = doc.documentElement(); m_lyricCurrentUrl = el.attribute( "page_url" ); ScriptManager* const sm = ScriptManager::instance(); KConfig spec( sm->specForScript( sm->lyricsScriptRunning() ), true, false ); spec.setGroup( "Lyrics" ); if ( el.attribute( "add_url" ).isEmpty() ) { m_lyricAddUrl = spec.readPathEntry( "add_url" ); m_lyricAddUrl.replace( "MAGIC_ARTIST", KURL::encode_string_no_slash( EngineController::instance()->bundle().artist() ) ); m_lyricAddUrl.replace( "MAGIC_TITLE", KURL::encode_string_no_slash( EngineController::instance()->bundle().title() ) ); m_lyricAddUrl.replace( "MAGIC_ALBUM", KURL::encode_string_no_slash( EngineController::instance()->bundle().album() ) ); m_lyricAddUrl.replace( "MAGIC_YEAR", KURL::encode_string_no_slash( QString::number( EngineController::instance()->bundle().year() ) ) ); } else m_lyricAddUrl = el.attribute( "add_url" ); if ( el.tagName() == "suggestions" ) { const QDomNodeList l = doc.elementsByTagName( "suggestion" ); if( l.length() ==0 ) { lyrics = i18n( "Lyrics for track not found" ); } else { lyrics = i18n( "Lyrics for track not found, here are some suggestions:" ) + "

\n"; for( uint i = 0; i < l.length(); ++i ) { const QString url = l.item( i ).toElement().attribute( "url" ); const QString artist = l.item( i ).toElement().attribute( "artist" ); const QString title = l.item( i ).toElement().attribute( "title" ); lyrics += "\n" + i18n("%1 - %2").arg( artist, title ); lyrics += "
\n"; } } lyrics += i18n( "

You can search for the lyrics on the Web.

" ) .arg( QString( m_lyricSearchUrl ).replace( QRegExp( "^http:" ), "externalurl:" ) ); } else { lyrics = el.text(); lyrics.replace( "\n", "
\n" ); // Plaintext -> HTML const QString title = el.attribute( "title" ); const QString artist = el.attribute( "artist" ); const QString site = el.attribute( "site" ).isEmpty() ? spec.readEntry( "site" ) : el.attribute( "site" ); const QString site_url = el.attribute( "site_url" ).isEmpty() ? spec.readEntry( "site_url" ) : el.attribute( "site_url" ); lyrics.prepend( "\n" + title + "
\n" + artist+ "

\n" ); if( !cached ) { lyrics.append( "

\n" + i18n( "Powered by %1 (%2)" ).arg( site, site_url ) + "\n" ); CollectionDB::instance()->setLyrics( EngineController::instance()->bundle().url().path(), xmldoc, EngineController::instance()->bundle().uniqueId() ); } } m_HTMLSource=""; m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + ( cached ? i18n( "Cached Lyrics" ) : i18n( "Lyrics" ) ) + "\n" "
\n" "
\n" + lyrics + "
\n" "
\n" "\n" ); m_lyricsPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); //Reset scroll m_lyricsPage->view()->setContentsPos(0, 0); saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file m_lyricsToolBar->getButton( LYRICS_BROWSER )->setEnabled( !m_lyricCurrentUrl.isEmpty() ); m_dirtyLyricsPage = false; } void ContextBrowser::lyricsExternalPage() //SLOT { Amarok::invokeBrowser( m_lyricCurrentUrl ); } void ContextBrowser::lyricsAdd() //SLOT { Amarok::invokeBrowser( m_lyricAddUrl ); } void ContextBrowser::lyricsEditToggle() //SLOT { if ( m_lyricsToolBar->getButton( LYRICS_EDIT )->isOn() ) { m_lyricsBeingEditedUrl = EngineController::instance()->bundle().url().path(); m_lyricsBeingEditedArtist = EngineController::instance()->bundle().artist(); m_lyricsBeingEditedTitle = EngineController::instance()->bundle().title(); QString xml = CollectionDB::instance()->getLyrics( m_lyricsBeingEditedUrl ), lyrics; QDomDocument doc; if( doc.setContent( xml ) ) lyrics = doc.documentElement().text(); else lyrics = QString::null; m_lyricsTextEdit->setText( lyrics ); m_lyricsPage->hide(); m_lyricsTextEdit->show(); } else { m_lyricsTextEdit->hide(); QDomDocument doc; QDomElement e = doc.createElement( "lyrics" ); e.setAttribute( "artist", m_lyricsBeingEditedArtist ); e.setAttribute( "title", m_lyricsBeingEditedTitle ); QDomText t = doc.createTextNode( m_lyricsTextEdit->text() ); e.appendChild( t ); doc.appendChild( e ); CollectionDB::instance()->setLyrics( m_lyricsBeingEditedUrl, doc.toString(), CollectionDB::instance()->uniqueIdFromUrl( KURL( m_lyricsBeingEditedUrl) ) ); m_lyricsPage->show(); lyricsChanged( m_lyricsBeingEditedUrl ); } } void ContextBrowser::lyricsSearch() //SLOT { Amarok::invokeBrowser( m_lyricSearchUrl ); } void ContextBrowser::lyricsRefresh() //SLOT { m_dirtyLyricsPage = true; showLyrics( "reload" ); } void ContextBrowser::lyricsSearchText(QString const &text) //SLOT { m_lyricsPage->findText( text, 0 ); lyricsSearchTextNext(); } void ContextBrowser::lyricsSearchTextNext() //SLOT { m_lyricsPage->findTextNext(); } void ContextBrowser::lyricsSearchTextShow() //SLOT { m_lyricsSearchText->setEnabled( true ); m_lyricsTextBar->show(); m_lyricsTextBarShowed = true; m_lyricsSearchText->setFocus(); } void ContextBrowser::lyricsSearchTextHide() //SLOT { m_lyricsSearchText->setText(""); m_lyricsSearchText->setEnabled( false ); m_lyricsTextBar->hide(); m_lyricsTextBarShowed=false; } void ContextBrowser::lyricsSearchTextToggle() //SLOT { if ( m_lyricsTextBarShowed ) { lyricsSearchTextHide(); } else { lyricsSearchTextShow(); } } // Wikipedia-Tab ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QString ContextBrowser::wikiArtistPostfix() const { if( wikiLocale() == "en" ) return " (band)"; else if( wikiLocale() == "de" ) return " (Band)"; else return ""; } QString ContextBrowser::wikiAlbumPostfix() const { if( wikiLocale() == "en" ) return " (album)"; else return ""; } QString ContextBrowser::wikiTrackPostfix() const { if( wikiLocale() == "en" ) return " (song)"; else return ""; } void ContextBrowser::wikiConfigChanged( int /*activeItem*/ ) // SLOT { // keep in sync with localeList in wikiConfig QString text = m_wikiLocaleCombo->currentText(); m_wikiLocaleEdit->setEnabled( text == i18n("Other...") ); if( text == i18n("English") ) m_wikiLocaleEdit->setText( "en" ); else if( text == i18n("German") ) m_wikiLocaleEdit->setText( "de" ); else if( text == i18n("French") ) m_wikiLocaleEdit->setText( "fr" ); else if( text == i18n("Polish") ) m_wikiLocaleEdit->setText( "pl" ); else if( text == i18n("Japanese") ) m_wikiLocaleEdit->setText( "ja" ); else if( text == i18n("Spanish") ) m_wikiLocaleEdit->setText( "es" ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiConfigApply() // SLOT { const bool changed = m_wikiLocaleEdit->text() != wikiLocale(); setWikiLocale( m_wikiLocaleEdit->text() ); if ( changed && currentPage() == m_wikiTab && !m_wikiCurrentEntry.isNull() ) { m_dirtyWikiPage = true; showWikipediaEntry( m_wikiCurrentEntry ); } showWikipedia(); } void ContextBrowser::wikiConfig() // SLOT { QStringList localeList; localeList << i18n( "English" ) << i18n( "German" ) << i18n( "French" ) << i18n( "Polish" ) << i18n( "Japanese" ) << i18n( "Spanish" ) << i18n( "Other..." ); int index; if( wikiLocale() == "en" ) index = 0; else if( wikiLocale() == "de" ) index = 1; else if( wikiLocale() == "fr" ) index = 2; else if( wikiLocale() == "pl" ) index = 3; else if( wikiLocale() == "ja" ) index = 4; else if( wikiLocale() == "es" ) index = 5; else // other index = 6; m_wikiConfigDialog = new KDialogBase( this, 0, true, 0, KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Apply|KDialogBase::Cancel ); kapp->setTopWidget( m_wikiConfigDialog ); m_wikiConfigDialog->setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n( "Wikipedia Locale" ) ) ); QVBox *box = m_wikiConfigDialog->makeVBoxMainWidget(); m_wikiLocaleCombo = new QComboBox( box ); m_wikiLocaleCombo->insertStringList( localeList ); QHBox *hbox = new QHBox( box ); QLabel *otherLabel = new QLabel( i18n( "Locale: " ), hbox ); m_wikiLocaleEdit = new QLineEdit( "en", hbox ); otherLabel->setBuddy( m_wikiLocaleEdit ); QToolTip::add( m_wikiLocaleEdit, i18n( "2-letter language code for your Wikipedia locale" ) ); connect( m_wikiLocaleCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( wikiConfigChanged(int) ) ); connect( m_wikiConfigDialog, SIGNAL( applyClicked() ), SLOT( wikiConfigApply() ) ); m_wikiLocaleEdit->setText( wikiLocale() ); m_wikiLocaleCombo->setCurrentItem( index ); wikiConfigChanged( index ); // a little redundant, but saves ugly code, and ensures the lineedit enabled status is correct m_wikiConfigDialog->setInitialSize( QSize( 240, 100 ) ); const int result = m_wikiConfigDialog->exec(); if( result == QDialog::Accepted ) wikiConfigApply(); delete m_wikiConfigDialog; } QString ContextBrowser::wikiLocale() { if( s_wikiLocale.isEmpty() ) return QString( "en" ); return s_wikiLocale; } void ContextBrowser::setWikiLocale( const QString &locale ) { AmarokConfig::setWikipediaLocale( locale ); s_wikiLocale = locale; } QString ContextBrowser::wikiURL( const QString &item ) { return QString( "http://%1.wikipedia.org/wiki/" ).arg( wikiLocale() ) + KURL::encode_string_no_slash( item, 106 /*utf-8*/ ); } void ContextBrowser::reloadWikipedia() { m_wikiJob = NULL; showWikipediaEntry( m_wikiCurrentEntry, true ); } void ContextBrowser::showWikipediaEntry( const QString &entry, bool replaceHistory ) { m_wikiCurrentEntry = entry; showWikipedia( wikiURL( entry ), false, replaceHistory ); } void ContextBrowser::showLabelsDialog() { DEBUG_BLOCK KURL currentUrl = EngineController::instance()->bundle().url(); QStringList allLabels = CollectionDB::instance()->labelList(); QStringList trackLabels = CollectionDB::instance()->getLabels( currentUrl.path(), CollectionDB::typeUser ); debug() << "Showing add label dialog" << endl; KDialogBase *dialog = new KDialogBase( this, 0, false, QString::null, KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel ); dialog->makeVBoxMainWidget(); m_addLabelEdit = new ClickLineEdit( i18n( "Add new label" ), dialog->mainWidget() ); m_addLabelEdit->installEventFilter( this ); m_addLabelEdit->setFrame( QFrame::Sunken ); QToolTip::add( m_addLabelEdit, i18n( "Enter a new label and press Return to add it" ) ); m_labelListView = new QListView( dialog->mainWidget() ); m_labelListView->addColumn( i18n( "Label" ) ); m_labelListView->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); foreach( allLabels ) { QCheckListItem *item = new QCheckListItem( m_labelListView, *it, QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); item->setOn( trackLabels.contains( *it ) ); } if( dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { debug() << "Dialog closed, updating labels" << endl; QStringList newTrackLabels; QListViewItemIterator iter( m_labelListView ); while( iter.current() ) { QCheckListItem *item = static_cast( iter.current() ); if( item->isOn() ) newTrackLabels.append( item->text() ); iter++; } CollectionDB::instance()->setLabels( currentUrl.path(), newTrackLabels, CollectionDB::instance()->uniqueIdFromUrl( currentUrl ), CollectionDB::typeUser ); CollectionDB::instance()->cleanLabels(); if( newTrackLabels != trackLabels && currentUrl == EngineController::instance()->bundle().url() ) { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); } } delete dialog; //deletes children m_addLabelEdit = 0; m_labelListView = 0; } bool ContextBrowser::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { switch( e->type() ) { case 6/*QEvent::KeyPress*/: #define e static_cast(e) if( o == m_addLabelEdit ) //the add label lineedit { switch( e->key() ) { case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: { QCheckListItem *item = new QCheckListItem( m_labelListView, m_addLabelEdit->text(), QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); item->setOn( true ); m_addLabelEdit->setText( QString() ); return true; } default: return false; } } if (o == m_lyricsSearchText) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Escape: { lyricsSearchTextHide(); return true; } default: return false; } } default: break; } return KTabWidget::eventFilter( o, e ); } void ContextBrowser::showWikipedia( const QString &url, bool fromHistory, bool replaceHistory ) { #if 0 if( BrowserBar::instance()->currentBrowser() != this ) { debug() << "current browser is not context, aborting showWikipedia()" << endl; m_dirtyWikiPage = true; return; } #endif if ( currentPage() != m_wikiTab ) { blockSignals( true ); showPage( m_wikiTab ); blockSignals( false ); } if ( !m_dirtyWikiPage || m_wikiJob ) return; // Disable the Open in a Browser button, because while loading it would open wikipedia main page. m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_BROWSER, false ); m_HTMLSource=""; m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Wikipedia" ) + "\n" "
\n" "
\n" "

\n" + i18n( "Fetching Wikipedia Information" ) + " ...

\n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n" ); m_wikiPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file if ( url.isEmpty() ) { QString tmpWikiStr; if ( (EngineController::instance()->bundle().url().protocol() == "lastfm") || (EngineController::instance()->bundle().url().protocol() == "daap") || !EngineController::engine()->isStream() ) { if ( !EngineController::instance()->bundle().artist().isEmpty() ) { tmpWikiStr = EngineController::instance()->bundle().artist(); tmpWikiStr += wikiArtistPostfix(); } else if ( !EngineController::instance()->bundle().title().isEmpty() ) { tmpWikiStr = EngineController::instance()->bundle().title(); } else { tmpWikiStr = EngineController::instance()->bundle().prettyTitle(); } } else { tmpWikiStr = EngineController::instance()->bundle().prettyTitle(); } //Hack to make wiki searches work with magnatune preview tracks if (tmpWikiStr.contains( "PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com" ) >= 1 ) { tmpWikiStr = tmpWikiStr.remove(" (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)" ); int index = tmpWikiStr.find( '-' ); if ( index != -1 ) { tmpWikiStr = tmpWikiStr.left (index - 1); } } m_wikiCurrentEntry = tmpWikiStr; m_wikiCurrentUrl = wikiURL( tmpWikiStr ); } else { m_wikiCurrentUrl = url; } // Append new URL to history if ( replaceHistory ) { m_wikiBackHistory.back() = m_wikiCurrentUrl; } else if ( !fromHistory ) { m_wikiBackHistory += m_wikiCurrentUrl; m_wikiForwardHistory.clear(); } // Limit number of items in history if ( m_wikiBackHistory.count() > WIKI_MAX_HISTORY ) m_wikiBackHistory.pop_front(); // Remove all items from the button-menus m_wikiBackPopup->clear(); m_wikiForwardPopup->clear(); // Populate button menus with URLs from the history QStringList::ConstIterator it; uint count; // Reverse iterate over both lists count = m_wikiBackHistory.count()-1; it = m_wikiBackHistory.fromLast(); if( count > 0 ) it--; for ( uint i=0; iinsertItem( SmallIconSet( "wiki" ), *it, i ); count = m_wikiForwardHistory.count(); it = m_wikiForwardHistory.fromLast(); for ( uint i=0; iinsertItem( SmallIconSet( "wiki" ), *it, i ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_BACK, m_wikiBackHistory.size() > 1 ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_FORWARD, m_wikiForwardHistory.size() > 0 ); m_wikiBaseUrl = m_wikiCurrentUrl.mid(0 , m_wikiCurrentUrl.find("wiki/")); m_wikiJob = KIO::storedGet( m_wikiCurrentUrl, false, false ); Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->newProgressOperation( m_wikiJob ) .setDescription( i18n( "Fetching Wikipedia Information" ) ); connect( m_wikiJob, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job* ) ), SLOT( wikiResult( KIO::Job* ) ) ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiHistoryBack() //SLOT { //Disable the button as history may be empty. Reenabled later by showWikipedia. m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_BACK, false ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_FORWARD, false ); m_wikiForwardHistory += m_wikiBackHistory.last(); m_wikiBackHistory.pop_back(); m_dirtyWikiPage = true; m_wikiCurrentEntry = QString::null; showWikipedia( m_wikiBackHistory.last(), true ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiHistoryForward() //SLOT { //Disable the button as history may be empty. Reenabled later by showWikipedia. m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_FORWARD, false ); m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_BACK, false ); m_wikiBackHistory += m_wikiForwardHistory.last(); m_wikiForwardHistory.pop_back(); m_dirtyWikiPage = true; m_wikiCurrentEntry = QString::null; showWikipedia( m_wikiBackHistory.last(), true ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiBackPopupActivated( int id ) //SLOT { do { m_wikiForwardHistory += m_wikiBackHistory.last(); m_wikiBackHistory.pop_back(); if ( m_wikiForwardHistory.count() > WIKI_MAX_HISTORY ) m_wikiForwardHistory.pop_front(); id--; } while( id >= 0 ); m_dirtyWikiPage = true; m_wikiCurrentEntry = QString::null; showWikipedia( m_wikiBackHistory.last(), true ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiForwardPopupActivated( int id ) //SLOT { do { m_wikiBackHistory += m_wikiForwardHistory.last(); m_wikiForwardHistory.pop_back(); if ( m_wikiBackHistory.count() > WIKI_MAX_HISTORY ) m_wikiBackHistory.pop_front(); id--; } while( id >= 0 ); m_dirtyWikiPage = true; m_wikiCurrentEntry = QString::null; showWikipedia( m_wikiBackHistory.last(), true ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiArtistPage() //SLOT { m_dirtyWikiPage = true; showWikipedia(); // Will fall back to title, if artist is empty(streams!). } void ContextBrowser::wikiAlbumPage() //SLOT { m_dirtyWikiPage = true; showWikipediaEntry( EngineController::instance()->bundle().album() + wikiAlbumPostfix() ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiTitlePage() //SLOT { m_dirtyWikiPage = true; showWikipediaEntry( EngineController::instance()->bundle().title() + wikiTrackPostfix() ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiExternalPage() //SLOT { Amarok::invokeBrowser( m_wikiCurrentUrl ); } void ContextBrowser::wikiResult( KIO::Job* job ) //SLOT { DEBUG_BLOCK if ( !job->error() == 0 ) { m_HTMLSource=""; m_HTMLSource.append( "
\n" "
\n" "\n" + i18n( "Error" ) + "\n" "
\n" "

\n" + i18n( "Artist information could not be retrieved because the server was not reachable." ) + "

\n" "
\n" ); m_wikiPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); m_dirtyWikiPage = false; //m_wikiPage = NULL; // FIXME: what for? leads to crashes saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file warning() << "[WikiFetcher] KIO error! errno: " << job->error() << endl; return; } if ( job != m_wikiJob ) return; //not the right job, so let's ignore it KIO::StoredTransferJob* const storedJob = static_cast( job ); m_wiki = QString( storedJob->data() ); // Enable the Open in a Brower button, Disabled while loading, guz it would open wikipedia main page. m_wikiToolBar->setItemEnabled( WIKI_BROWSER, true ); // FIXME: Get a safer Regexp here, to match only inside of at least. if ( m_wiki.contains( "charset=utf-8" ) ) { m_wiki = QString::fromUtf8( storedJob->data().data(), storedJob->data().size() ); } if( m_wiki.find( "var wgArticleId = 0" ) != -1 ) { // article was not found if( m_wikiCurrentEntry.endsWith( wikiArtistPostfix() ) ) { m_wikiCurrentEntry = m_wikiCurrentEntry.left( m_wikiCurrentEntry.length() - wikiArtistPostfix().length() ); reloadWikipedia(); return; } else if( m_wikiCurrentEntry.endsWith( wikiAlbumPostfix() ) ) { m_wikiCurrentEntry = m_wikiCurrentEntry.left( m_wikiCurrentEntry.length() - wikiAlbumPostfix().length() ); reloadWikipedia(); return; } else if( m_wikiCurrentEntry.endsWith( wikiTrackPostfix() ) ) { m_wikiCurrentEntry = m_wikiCurrentEntry.left( m_wikiCurrentEntry.length() - wikiTrackPostfix().length() ); reloadWikipedia(); return; } } //remove the new-lines and tabs(replace with spaces IS needed). m_wiki.replace( "\n", " " ); m_wiki.replace( "\t", " " ); m_wikiLanguages = QString::null; // Get the available language list if ( m_wiki.find("
") != -1 ) { m_wikiLanguages = m_wiki.mid( m_wiki.find("
") ); m_wikiLanguages = m_wikiLanguages.mid( m_wikiLanguages.find("
    ") ); m_wikiLanguages = m_wikiLanguages.mid( 0, m_wikiLanguages.find( "
" ) ); } QString copyright; QString copyrightMark = "
  • "; if ( m_wiki.find( copyrightMark ) != -1 ) { copyright = m_wiki.mid( m_wiki.find(copyrightMark) + copyrightMark.length() ); copyright = copyright.mid( 0, copyright.find( "
  • " ) ); copyright.replace( "
    ", QString::null ); //only one br at the beginning copyright.prepend( "
    " ); } // Ok lets remove the top and bottom parts of the page m_wiki = m_wiki.mid( m_wiki.find( "

    " ) ); m_wiki = m_wiki.mid( 0, m_wiki.find( "
    " ) ); // Adding back license information m_wiki += copyright; m_wiki.append( "
    " ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp("


    "), QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "]*>[^<]*<[^>]*>[^<]*<[^>]*>[^<]*" ), QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "]*>([^<]*)" ), "\\1" ); // Remove anything inside of a class called urlexpansion, as it's pointless for us m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "[^(]*[(][^)]*[)]" ), QString::null ); // Remove hidden table rows as well QRegExp hidden( "
    .*", false ); hidden.setMinimal( true ); //greedy behaviour wouldn't be any good! m_wiki.replace( hidden, QString::null ); // we want to keep our own style (we need to modify the stylesheet a bit to handle things nicely) m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "style= *\"[^\"]*\"" ), QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "class= *\"[^\"]*\"" ), QString::null ); // let's remove the form elements, we don't want them. m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "]*>" ), QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "]*>" ), QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( "\n" , QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "]*>" ), QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( "\n" , QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "]*>" ), QString::null ); m_wiki.replace( "" , QString::null ); //first we convert all the links with protocol to external, as they should all be External Links. m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "href= *\"http:" ), "href=\"externalurl:" ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "href= *\"/" ), "href=\"" +m_wikiBaseUrl ); m_wiki.replace( QRegExp( "href= *\"#" ), "href=\"" +m_wikiCurrentUrl + '#' ); m_HTMLSource = "\n"; m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "Wikipedia Information" ) + "\n" "
    \n" "
    \n" + m_wiki + "
    \n" "
    \n" ); if ( !m_wikiLanguages.isEmpty() ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "Wikipedia Other Languages" ) + "\n" "
    \n" "
    \n" + m_wikiLanguages + "
    \n" "
    \n" ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); m_wikiPage->set( m_HTMLSource ); m_dirtyWikiPage = false; saveHtmlData(); // Send html code to file m_wikiJob = NULL; } void ContextBrowser::coverFetched( const QString &artist, const QString &album ) //SLOT { if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab && !EngineController::engine()->loaded() && !m_browseArtists ) { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; if( m_shownAlbums.contains( album ) ) showCurrentTrack(); return; } const MetaBundle ¤tTrack = EngineController::instance()->bundle(); if ( currentTrack.artist().isEmpty() && currentTrack.album().isEmpty() ) return; if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab && ( currentTrack.artist().string() == artist || m_artist == artist || currentTrack.album().string() == album ) ) // this is for compilations or when artist is empty { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); } } void ContextBrowser::coverRemoved( const QString &artist, const QString &album ) //SLOT { if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab && !EngineController::engine()->loaded() && !m_browseArtists ) { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; if( m_shownAlbums.contains( album ) ) showCurrentTrack(); return; } const MetaBundle ¤tTrack = EngineController::instance()->bundle(); if ( currentTrack.artist().isEmpty() && currentTrack.album().isEmpty() && m_artist.isNull() ) return; if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab && ( currentTrack.artist().string() == artist || m_artist == artist || currentTrack.album().string() == album ) ) // this is for compilations or when artist is empty { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); } } void ContextBrowser::similarArtistsFetched( const QString &artist ) //SLOT { if( artist == m_artist || EngineController::instance()->bundle().artist().string() == artist ) { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab ) showCurrentTrack(); } } void ContextBrowser::imageFetched( const QString &url ) //SLOT { const MetaBundle ¤tTrack = EngineController::instance()->bundle(); PodcastEpisodeBundle peb; if( CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastEpisodeBundle( currentTrack.url(), &peb ) ) { PodcastChannelBundle pcb; if( CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastChannelBundle( peb.parent(), &pcb ) ) { if( pcb.imageURL().url() == url ) { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); } } } } void ContextBrowser::ratingOrScoreOrLabelsChanged( const QString &path ) //SLOT { const MetaBundle ¤tTrack = EngineController::instance()->bundle(); //Always refresh if using ratings, otherwise suggested songs and other songs by artist that //have their ratings changed in the playlist won't be reflected until the context browser refreshes //which can be confusing, and looks less polished/professional //This can be changed if it slows things down too much... if( m_browseLabels || ( currentTrack.isFile() && ( currentTrack.url().path() == path || AmarokConfig::useRatings() ) ) ) refreshCurrentTrackPage(); } void ContextBrowser::tagsChanged( const MetaBundle &bundle ) //SLOT { const MetaBundle ¤tTrack = EngineController::instance()->bundle(); if( !m_shownAlbums.contains( bundle.album() ) && m_artist != bundle.artist() ) { if( currentTrack.artist().isEmpty() && currentTrack.album().isEmpty() ) return; if( bundle.artist() != currentTrack.artist() && bundle.album() != currentTrack.album() ) return; } refreshCurrentTrackPage(); } void ContextBrowser::tagsChanged( const QString &oldArtist, const QString &oldAlbum ) //SLOT { const MetaBundle ¤tTrack = EngineController::instance()->bundle(); if( !m_shownAlbums.contains( oldAlbum ) && m_artist != oldArtist ) { if( currentTrack.artist().isEmpty() && currentTrack.album().isEmpty() ) return; if( oldArtist != currentTrack.artist() && oldAlbum != currentTrack.album() ) return; } refreshCurrentTrackPage(); } void ContextBrowser::refreshCurrentTrackPage() //SLOT { if ( currentPage() == m_contextTab ) // this is for compilations or when artist is empty { m_dirtyCurrentTrackPage = true; showCurrentTrack(); } } bool ContextBrowser::hasContextProtocol( const KURL &url ) { QString protocol = url.protocol(); return protocol == "album" || protocol == "artist" || protocol == "stream" || protocol == "compilation" || protocol == "albumdisc" || protocol == "compilationdisc" || protocol == "fetchcover"; } KURL::List ContextBrowser::expandURL( const KURL &url ) { KURL::List urls; QString protocol = url.protocol(); if( protocol == "artist" ) { uint artist_id = CollectionDB::instance()->artistID( url.path(), false ); if( artist_id ) { QStringList trackUrls = CollectionDB::instance()->artistTracks( QString::number( artist_id ) ); foreach( trackUrls ) urls += KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it ); } } else if( protocol == "album" ) { QString artist, album, track; // track unused here Amarok::albumArtistTrackFromUrl( url.path(), artist, album, track ); QStringList trackUrls = CollectionDB::instance()->albumTracks( artist, album ); foreach( trackUrls ) { urls += KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it ); } } else if( protocol == "albumdisc" ) { QString artist, album, discnumber; // discnumber is returned in track number field Amarok::albumArtistTrackFromUrl( url.path(), artist, album, discnumber ); QStringList trackUrls = CollectionDB::instance()->albumDiscTracks( artist, album, discnumber ); foreach( trackUrls ) { urls += KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it ); } } else if( protocol == "compilation" ) { QueryBuilder qb; qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID, url.path() ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optOnlyCompilations ); QStringList values = qb.run(); for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = values.begin(), end = values.end(); it != end; ++it ) { urls += KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it ); } } else if( protocol == "compilationdisc") { QString artist, album, discnumber; // artist is unused Amarok::albumArtistTrackFromUrl( url.path(), artist, album, discnumber ); QueryBuilder qb; qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID, album ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber, discnumber ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optOnlyCompilations ); QStringList values = qb.run(); for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = values.begin(), end = values.end(); it != end; ++it ) { urls += KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it ); } } else if( protocol == "fetchcover" ) { QString artist, album, track; // track unused here Amarok::albumArtistTrackFromUrl( url.path(), artist, album, track ); QString artistID = QString::number( CollectionDB::instance()->artistID( artist ) ); QString albumID = QString::number( CollectionDB::instance()->albumID( album ) ); QStringList trackUrls = CollectionDB::instance()->albumTracks( artistID, albumID ); foreach( trackUrls ) { urls += KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it ); } } else if( protocol == "stream" ) { urls += KURL::fromPathOrURL( url.url().replace( QRegExp( "^stream:" ), "http:" ) ); } return urls; } #include "contextbrowser.moc"
    \n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
    \n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
    \n" ) .args( QStringList() << escapeHTML( currentTrack.title() ) << escapeHTML( currentTrack.artist() ) << escapeHTML( currentTrack.album() ) << ( isCompilation ? "" : escapeHTMLAttr( currentTrack.artist() ) ) << escapeHTMLAttr( currentTrack.album() ) << escapeHTMLAttr( albumImage ) << albumImageTitleAttr << i18n( "Look up this track at musicbrainz.org" ) << escapeHTMLAttr( currentTrack.artist() ) << escapeHTMLAttr( currentTrack.album() ) << escapeHTMLAttr( currentTrack.title() ) << escapeHTML( locate( "data", "amarok/images/musicbrainz.png" ) ) ) : QString ( //no title "%1 " "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
    \n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" ) .arg( escapeHTML( currentTrack.prettyTitle() ) ) .arg( escapeHTMLAttr( currentTrack.artist() ) ) .arg( escapeHTMLAttr( currentTrack.album() ) ) .arg( escapeHTMLAttr( albumImage ) ) .arg( albumImageTitleAttr ) ) ); if ( !values.isEmpty() && values[2].toInt() ) { QDateTime firstPlay = QDateTime(); firstPlay.setTime_t( values[0].toUInt() ); QDateTime lastPlay = QDateTime(); lastPlay.setTime_t( values[1].toUInt() ); const uint playtimes = values[2].toInt(); const uint score = static_cast( values[3].toFloat() ); const uint rating = values[4].toInt(); //SAFE = .arg( x, y ) //UNSAFE = .arg( x ).arg( y ) m_HTMLSource.append( QString( "%1
    \n" "
    \n" "%3
    \n" "%4\n" ) .arg( i18n( "Track played once", "Track played %n times", playtimes ), statsHTML( score, rating, false ), i18n( "Last played: %1" ).arg( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( lastPlay ) ), i18n( "First played: %1" ).arg( Amarok::verboseTimeSince( firstPlay ) ) ) ); } else m_HTMLSource.append( i18n( "Never played before" ) ); m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "\n" ); // if ( currentTrack.url().isLocalFile() && !CollectionDB::instance()->isFileInCollection( currentTrack.url().path() ) ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "This file is not in your Collection!" ) + "\n" "
    \n" "
    \n" "

    \n" + i18n( "If you would like to see contextual information about this track," " you should add it to your Collection." ) + "

    \n" "
    \n" "

    \n" "
    \n" "
    \n" ); } /* cue file code */ if ( b->m_cuefile && (b->m_cuefile->count() > 0) ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "Cue File" ) + "\n" "
    \n" "\n" ); CueFile::Iterator it; uint i = 0; for ( it = b->m_cuefile->begin(); it != b->m_cuefile->end(); ++it ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "" ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "\n" "\n" + QString::number(it.data().getTrackNumber()) + " \n" "\n" + escapeHTML( it.data().getTitle() ) + "\n" "\n" + i18n(" – ") + "\n" "\n" + escapeHTML( it.data().getArtist() ) + "\n" " (" + MetaBundle::prettyTime( it.data().getLength()/1000, false ) + ")\n" "\n" "
    \n" "
    \n" ); } } void CurrentTrackJob::showRelatedArtists( const QString &artist, const QStringList &relArtists ) { // m_HTMLSource.append( QString( "\n" ); if ( !b->m_relatedOpen ) m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); // } void CurrentTrackJob::showSuggestedSongs( const QStringList &relArtists ) { QString token; QueryBuilder qb; QStringList values; qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valScore ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valRating ); qb.addMatches( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, relArtists ); qb.sortByFavorite(); qb.setLimit( 0, 10 ); values = qb.run(); // if ( !values.isEmpty() ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "Suggested Songs" ) + "\n" "
    \n" "\n" ); for ( uint i = 0; i < values.count(); i += 5 ) m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "\n" "\n"+ escapeHTML( values[i + 2] ) + "\n" "\n" + i18n(" – ") + "\n" + escapeHTML( values[i + 1] ) + "\n" "\n" "\n" + statsHTML( static_cast( values[i + 3].toFloat() ), values[i + 4].toInt() ) + "
    \n" "
    \n" ); if ( !b->m_suggestionsOpen ) m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); } //
    } void CurrentTrackJob::showSongsWithLabel( const QString &label ) { QueryBuilder qb; QStringList values; qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valScore ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valRating ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabLabels, QueryBuilder::valType, QString::number( CollectionDB::typeUser ) ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabLabels, QueryBuilder::valName, label ); qb.sortByFavorite(); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRandomize ); qb.setLimit( 0, 30 ); values = qb.run(); if ( !values.isEmpty() ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "Songs with label %1" ).arg( label ) + "\n" "
    \n" "\n" ); for ( uint i = 0; i < values.count(); i += 5 ) m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "\n" "\n"+ escapeHTML( values[i + 2] ) + "\n" "\n" + i18n(" – ") + "\n" + escapeHTML( values[i + 1] ) + "\n" "\n" "\n" + statsHTML( static_cast( values[i + 3].toFloat() ), values[i + 4].toInt() ) + "
    \n" "
    \n" ); } } void CurrentTrackJob::showUserLabels( const MetaBundle ¤tTrack ) { QueryBuilder qb; qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabLabels, QueryBuilder::valName, true ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL, currentTrack.url().path() ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabLabels, QueryBuilder::valType, QString::number( CollectionDB::typeUser ) ); qb.setLimit( 0, 10 ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabLabels, QueryBuilder::valName, false ); qb.buildQuery(); QStringList values = qb.run(); QString title; if ( currentTrack.title().isEmpty() ) title = currentTrack.veryNiceTitle(); else title = currentTrack.title(); m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( " Labels for %1 " ).arg( escapeHTML( title ) ) + "\n" "
    \n" "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" ); if ( !values.isEmpty() ) { foreach( values ) { if( it != values.begin() ) m_HTMLSource.append( ", \n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "" + escapeHTML( *it ) + "" ); } } m_HTMLSource.append( "
    " + i18n( "Add labels to %1" ).arg( escapeHTML( title ) ) + "
    \n" "
    \n" ); if ( !b->m_labelsOpen ) m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); } void CurrentTrackJob::showArtistsFaves( const QString &artist, uint artist_id ) { QString artistName = artist.isEmpty() ? escapeHTML( i18n( "This Artist" ) ) : escapeHTML( artist ); QueryBuilder qb; QStringList values; qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valScore ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valRating ); qb.addNumericFilter( QueryBuilder::tabStats, QueryBuilder::valPlayCounter, "0", QueryBuilder::modeGreater ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, QString::number( artist_id ) ); qb.sortByFavorite(); qb.setLimit( 0, 10 ); values = qb.run(); usleep( 10000 ); if ( !values.isEmpty() ) { m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "Favorite Tracks by %1" ).arg( artistName ) + "\n" "
    \n" "\n" ); for ( uint i = 0; i < values.count(); i += 4 ) m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" ); m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "\n" "\n" + escapeHTML( values[i] ) + "\n" "\n" "\n" + statsHTML( static_cast( values[i + 2].toFloat() ), values[i + 3].toInt() ) + "
    \n" "
    \n" ); if ( !b->m_favoritesOpen ) m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); } } void CurrentTrackJob::showArtistsAlbums( const QString &artist, uint artist_id, uint album_id ) { DEBUG_BLOCK QString artistName = artist.isEmpty() ? escapeHTML( i18n( "This Artist" ) ) : escapeHTML( artist ); QueryBuilder qb; QStringList values; // qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.addReturnFunctionValue( QueryBuilder::funcMax, QueryBuilder::tabYear, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, QString::number( artist_id ) ); qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.groupBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.sortByFunction( QueryBuilder::funcMax, QueryBuilder::tabYear, QueryBuilder::valName, true ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optNoCompilations ); values = qb.run(); if ( !values.isEmpty() ) { // write the script to toggle blocks visibility m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "Albums by %1" ).arg( artistName ) + "\n" "
    \n" "\n" ); uint vectorPlace = 0; // find album of the current track (if it exists) while ( vectorPlace < values.count() && values[ vectorPlace+1 ] != QString::number( album_id ) ) vectorPlace += 3; for ( uint i = 0; i < values.count(); i += 3 ) { qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabYear, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valLength ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID, values[ i + 1 ] ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, QString::number( artist_id ) ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optNoCompilations ); QStringList albumValues = qb.run(); usleep( 10000 ); QString albumYear; if ( !albumValues.isEmpty() ) { albumYear = albumValues[ 3 ]; for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues() ) if ( albumValues[j + 3] != albumYear || albumYear == "0" ) { albumYear = QString::null; break; } } uint i_albumLength = 0; for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues() ) i_albumLength += QString(albumValues[j + 4]).toInt(); QString albumLength = ( i_albumLength==0 ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : MetaBundle::prettyTime( i_albumLength, true ) ); QString albumImage = ContextBrowser::getEncodedImage( CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage( artist, values[ i ], true, 50 ) ); QString albumImageTitleAttr = albumImageTooltip( albumImage, 50 ); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx ( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
    \n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "%6 " "%9\n" "
    \n" "%10\n" "%11\n" "
    \n" "
    \n" "
    \n" ) .args( QStringList() << values[ i + 1 ] << escapeHTMLAttr( artist ) // artist name << escapeHTMLAttr( values[ i ].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : values[ i ] ) // album.name << albumImageTitleAttr << escapeHTMLAttr( albumImage ) << i18n( "Single", "%n Tracks", albumValues.count() / qb.countReturnValues() ) << QString::number( artist_id ) << values[ i + 1 ] //album.id << escapeHTML( values[ i ].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : values[ i ] ) << albumYear << albumLength << ( i!=vectorPlace ? "none" : "block" ) /* shows it if it's the current track album */ << values[ i + 1 ] ) ); QString discNumber; if ( !albumValues.isEmpty() ) for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues() ) { QString newDiscNumber = albumValues[ j + 5 ].stripWhiteSpace(); if( discNumber != newDiscNumber && newDiscNumber.toInt() > 0) { discNumber = newDiscNumber; m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx ( "
    \n" "\n" "%4" "\n" "
    \n" ) .args( QStringList() << QString::number( artist_id ) << values[ i + 1 ] //album.id << escapeHTMLAttr( discNumber ) << i18n( "Disc %1" ).arg( discNumber ) ) ); } QString track = albumValues[j + 2].stripWhiteSpace(); if( track.length() > 0 ) { if( track.length() == 1 ) track.prepend( "0" ); track = "\n" + track + " \n"; } QString length; if( albumValues[j + 4] != "0" ) length = "(" + MetaBundle::prettyTime( QString(albumValues[j + 4]).toInt(), true ) + ")\n"; bool current = false; if( i==vectorPlace && albumValues[j + 2].toInt() == m_currentTrack.track() && discNumber.toInt() == m_currentTrack.discNumber() ) current = true; m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "
    \n" ); } //
    } void CurrentTrackJob::showArtistsCompilations( const QString &artist, uint artist_id, uint album_id ) { QString artistName = artist.isEmpty() ? escapeHTML( i18n( "This Artist" ) ) : escapeHTML( artist ); QueryBuilder qb; QStringList values; // qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valID ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valArtistID, QString::number( artist_id ) ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabYear, QueryBuilder::valName, true ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabAlbum, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optRemoveDuplicates ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optOnlyCompilations ); values = qb.run(); if ( !values.isEmpty() ) { // write the script to toggle blocks visibility m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" + i18n( "Compilations with %1" ).arg( artistName ) + "\n" "
    \n" "\n" ); uint vectorPlace = 0; // find album of the current track (if it exists) while ( vectorPlace < values.count() && values[ vectorPlace+1 ] != QString::number( album_id ) ) vectorPlace += 2; for ( uint i = 0; i < values.count(); i += 2 ) { qb.clear(); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTitle ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabYear, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valLength ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabArtist, QueryBuilder::valName ); qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valAlbumID, values[ i + 1 ] ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valDiscNumber ); qb.sortBy( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valTrack ); qb.setOptions( QueryBuilder::optOnlyCompilations ); QStringList albumValues = qb.run(); usleep( 10000 ); QString albumYear; if ( !albumValues.isEmpty() ) { albumYear = albumValues[ 3 ]; for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues() ) if ( albumValues[j + 3] != albumYear || albumYear == "0" ) { albumYear = QString::null; break; } } uint i_albumLength = 0; for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues() ) i_albumLength += QString(albumValues[j + 4]).toInt(); QString albumLength = ( i_albumLength==0 ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : MetaBundle::prettyTime( i_albumLength, true ) ); QString albumImage = ContextBrowser::getEncodedImage( CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage( artist, values[ i ], true, 50 ) ); QString albumImageTitleAttr = albumImageTooltip( albumImage, 50 ); m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx ( "\n" "\n" "\n" ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
    \n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "%5 " "%7\n" "
    \n" "%8\n" "%9\n" "
    \n" "
    \n" "
    \n" ) .args( QStringList() << values[ i + 1 ] << escapeHTMLAttr( values[ i ].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : values[ i ] ) // album.name << albumImageTitleAttr << escapeHTMLAttr( albumImage ) << i18n( "Single", "%n Tracks", albumValues.count() / qb.countReturnValues() ) << values[ i + 1 ] //album.id << escapeHTML( values[ i ].isEmpty() ? i18n( "Unknown" ) : values[ i ] ) << albumYear << albumLength << ( i!=vectorPlace ? "none" : "block" ) /* shows it if it's the current track album */ << values[ i + 1 ] ) ); QString discNumber; if ( !albumValues.isEmpty() ) for ( uint j = 0; j < albumValues.count(); j += qb.countReturnValues() ) { QString newDiscNumber = albumValues[ j + 6 ].stripWhiteSpace(); if( discNumber != newDiscNumber && newDiscNumber.toInt() > 0) { discNumber = newDiscNumber; m_HTMLSource.append( QStringx ( "
    \n" "\n" "%3" "\n" "
    \n" ) .args( QStringList() << values[ i + 1 ] //album.id << escapeHTMLAttr( discNumber ) << i18n( "Disc %1" ).arg( discNumber ) ) ); } QString track = albumValues[j + 2].stripWhiteSpace(); if( track.length() > 0 ) { if( track.length() == 1 ) track.prepend( "0" ); track = "\n" + track + " \n"; } QString length; if( albumValues[j + 4] != "0" ) length = "(" + MetaBundle::prettyTime( QString(albumValues[j + 4]).toInt(), true ) + ")\n"; QString tracktitle_formated; QString tracktitle; tracktitle = escapeHTML( i18n("%1 - %2").arg( albumValues[j + 5], albumValues[j] ) ); tracktitle_formated = "\n"; if( i==vectorPlace && albumValues[j + 2].toInt() == m_currentTrack.track() && discNumber.toInt() == m_currentTrack.discNumber() ) tracktitle_formated += "\n"; if ( artist == albumValues[j + 5] ) tracktitle_formated += "\n"; tracktitle_formated += tracktitle; if ( artist == albumValues[j + 5] ) tracktitle_formated += "\n"; if( i==vectorPlace && track.toInt() == m_currentTrack.track() && discNumber.toInt() == m_currentTrack.discNumber() ) tracktitle_formated += "\n"; tracktitle_formated += " "; m_HTMLSource.append( "\n" ); } m_HTMLSource.append( "
    \n" "
    \n" "
    \n" ); } //
    } QString CurrentTrackJob::statsHTML( int score, int rating, bool statsbox ) //static { if( !AmarokConfig::useScores() && !AmarokConfig::useRatings() ) return ""; if ( rating < 0 ) rating = 0; if ( rating > 10 ) rating = 10; QString table = QString( "%2
    \n" ) .arg( statsbox ? "class='statsBox'" : "" ); QString contents; if( AmarokConfig::useScores() ) contents += QString( "
    \n" + QString::number( score ) + "\n" "
    \n" "
    \n" "
    \n" "
    \n"; if( rating ) { bool half = rating%2; contents += "\n"; QImageIO fullStarIO; fullStarIO.setImage( StarManager::instance()->getStarImage( half ? rating/2 + 1 : rating/2 ) ); fullStarIO.setFormat( "PNG" ); QBuffer fullStarBuf; fullStarBuf.open( IO_WriteOnly ); fullStarIO.setIODevice( &fullStarBuf ); fullStarIO.write(); fullStarBuf.close(); QCString fullStar = KCodecs::base64Encode( fullStarBuf.buffer(), true ); const QString img = "\n"; for( int i = 0, n = rating / 2; i < n; ++i ) contents += img.arg( "data:image/png;base64," + fullStar ); if( rating % 2 ) { QImageIO halfStarIO; halfStarIO.setImage( StarManager::instance()->getHalfStarImage( half ? rating/2 + 1 : rating/2 ) ); halfStarIO.setFormat( "PNG" ); QBuffer halfStarBuf; halfStarBuf.open( IO_WriteOnly ); halfStarIO.setIODevice( &halfStarBuf ); halfStarIO.write(); halfStarBuf.close(); QCString halfStar = KCodecs::base64Encode( halfStarBuf.buffer(), true ); contents += img.arg( "data:image/png;base64," + halfStar ); } contents += "\n"; } else contents += i18n( "Not rated" ); contents += "