diff --git a/src/icon.cpp b/src/icon.cpp index 8ad658c3..218aa3ce 100644 --- a/src/icon.cpp +++ b/src/icon.cpp @@ -1,601 +1,602 @@ /* * Copyright 2011 Marco Martin * Copyright 2014 Aleix Pol Gonzalez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "icon.h" #include "libkirigami/platformtheme.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class ManagedTextureNode : public QSGSimpleTextureNode { Q_DISABLE_COPY(ManagedTextureNode) public: ManagedTextureNode(); void setTexture(QSharedPointer texture); private: QSharedPointer m_texture; }; ManagedTextureNode::ManagedTextureNode() {} void ManagedTextureNode::setTexture(QSharedPointer texture) { m_texture = texture; QSGSimpleTextureNode::setTexture(texture.data()); } typedef QHash > > TexturesCache; struct ImageTexturesCachePrivate { TexturesCache cache; }; class ImageTexturesCache { public: ImageTexturesCache(); ~ImageTexturesCache(); /** * @returns the texture for a given @p window and @p image. * * If an @p image id is the same as one already provided before, we won't create * a new texture and return a shared pointer to the existing texture. */ QSharedPointer loadTexture(QQuickWindow *window, const QImage &image, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options); QSharedPointer loadTexture(QQuickWindow *window, const QImage &image); private: QScopedPointer d; }; ImageTexturesCache::ImageTexturesCache() : d(new ImageTexturesCachePrivate) { } ImageTexturesCache::~ImageTexturesCache() { } QSharedPointer ImageTexturesCache::loadTexture(QQuickWindow *window, const QImage &image, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options) { qint64 id = image.cacheKey(); QSharedPointer texture = d->cache.value(id).value(window).toStrongRef(); if (!texture) { auto cleanAndDelete = [this, window, id](QSGTexture* texture) { QHash >& textures = (d->cache)[id]; textures.remove(window); if (textures.isEmpty()) d->cache.remove(id); delete texture; }; texture = QSharedPointer(window->createTextureFromImage(image, options), cleanAndDelete); (d->cache)[id][window] = texture.toWeakRef(); } //if we have a cache in an atlas but our request cannot use an atlassed texture //create a new texture and use that //don't use removedFromAtlas() as that requires keeping a reference to the non atlased version if (!(options & QQuickWindow::TextureCanUseAtlas) && texture->isAtlasTexture()) { texture = QSharedPointer(window->createTextureFromImage(image, options)); } return texture; } QSharedPointer ImageTexturesCache::loadTexture(QQuickWindow *window, const QImage &image) { return loadTexture(window, image, {}); } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(ImageTexturesCache, s_iconImageCache) Icon::Icon(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickItem(parent), m_smooth(false), m_changed(false), m_active(false), m_selected(false), m_isMask(false) { setFlag(ItemHasContents, true); //FIXME: not necessary anymore connect(qApp, &QGuiApplication::paletteChanged, this, &QQuickItem::polish); connect(this, &QQuickItem::enabledChanged, this, &QQuickItem::polish); } Icon::~Icon() { } void Icon::setSource(const QVariant &icon) { if (m_source == icon) { return; } m_source = icon; m_monochromeHeuristics.clear(); if (!m_theme) { m_theme = static_cast(qmlAttachedPropertiesObject(this, true)); Q_ASSERT(m_theme); connect(m_theme, &Kirigami::PlatformTheme::colorsChanged, this, &QQuickItem::polish); } if (icon.type() == QVariant::String) { const QString iconSource = icon.toString(); m_isMaskHeuristic = (iconSource.endsWith(QLatin1String("-symbolic")) || iconSource.endsWith(QLatin1String("-symbolic-rtl")) || iconSource.endsWith(QLatin1String("-symbolic-ltr"))); emit isMaskChanged(); } if (m_networkReply) { //if there was a network query going on, interrupt it m_networkReply->close(); } m_loadedImage = QImage(); polish(); emit sourceChanged(); emit validChanged(); } QVariant Icon::source() const { return m_source; } void Icon::setActive(const bool active) { if (active == m_active) { return; } m_active = active; polish(); emit activeChanged(); } bool Icon::active() const { return m_active; } bool Icon::valid() const { return !m_source.isNull(); } void Icon::setSelected(const bool selected) { if (selected == m_selected) { return; } m_selected = selected; polish(); emit selectedChanged(); } bool Icon::selected() const { return m_selected; } void Icon::setIsMask(bool mask) { if (m_isMask == mask) { return; } m_isMask = mask; m_isMaskHeuristic = mask; polish(); emit isMaskChanged(); } bool Icon::isMask() const { return m_isMask || m_isMaskHeuristic; } void Icon::setColor(const QColor &color) { if (m_color == color) { return; } m_color = color; polish(); emit colorChanged(); } QColor Icon::color() const { return m_color; } int Icon::implicitWidth() const { return 32; } int Icon::implicitHeight() const { return 32; } void Icon::setSmooth(const bool smooth) { if (smooth == m_smooth) { return; } m_smooth = smooth; polish(); emit smoothChanged(); } bool Icon::smooth() const { return m_smooth; } QSGNode* Icon::updatePaintNode(QSGNode* node, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData* /*data*/) { if (m_source.isNull() || qFuzzyIsNull(width()) || qFuzzyIsNull(height())) { delete node; return Q_NULLPTR; } if (m_changed || node == nullptr) { const QSize itemSize(width(), height()); QRect nodeRect(QPoint(0,0), itemSize); ManagedTextureNode* mNode = dynamic_cast(node); if (!mNode) { delete node; mNode = new ManagedTextureNode; } if (itemSize.width() != 0 && itemSize.height() != 0) { const auto multiplier = QCoreApplication::instance()->testAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) ? 1 : (window() ? window()->devicePixelRatio() : qGuiApp->devicePixelRatio()); const QSize size = itemSize * multiplier; mNode->setTexture(s_iconImageCache->loadTexture(window(), m_icon)); if (m_icon.size() != size) { // At this point, the image will already be scaled, but we need to output it in // the correct aspect ratio, painted centered in the viewport. So: QRect destination(QPoint(0, 0), m_icon.size().scaled(itemSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); destination.moveCenter(nodeRect.center()); nodeRect = destination; } } mNode->setRect(nodeRect); node = mNode; if (m_smooth) { mNode->setFiltering(QSGTexture::Linear); } m_changed = false; } return node; } void Icon::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) { QQuickItem::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry); if (newGeometry.size() != oldGeometry.size()) { polish(); } } void Icon::handleRedirect(QNetworkReply* reply) { QNetworkAccessManager* qnam = reply->manager(); #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0)) if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { #else if (reply->networkError() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { #endif return; } const QUrl possibleRedirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); if (!possibleRedirectUrl.isEmpty()) { const QUrl redirectUrl = reply->url().resolved(possibleRedirectUrl); if (redirectUrl == reply->url()) { // no infinite redirections thank you very much reply->deleteLater(); return; } reply->deleteLater(); QNetworkRequest request(possibleRedirectUrl); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferCache); m_networkReply = qnam->get(request); connect(m_networkReply.data(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [this](){handleFinished(m_networkReply); }); } } void Icon::handleFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) { reply->deleteLater(); if (!reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).isNull()) { handleRedirect(reply); return; } m_loadedImage = QImage(); const QString filename = reply->url().fileName(); if (!m_loadedImage.load(reply, filename.mid(filename.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'))).toLatin1().constData())) { qWarning() << "received broken image" << reply->url(); // broken image from data, inform the user of this with some useful broken-image thing... const QSize size = QSize(width(), height()) * (window() ? window()->devicePixelRatio() : qApp->devicePixelRatio()); m_loadedImage = QIcon::fromTheme(m_fallback).pixmap(size, iconMode(), QIcon::On).toImage(); } polish(); } void Icon::updatePolish() { QQuickItem::updatePolish(); if (m_source.isNull()) { return; } const QSize itemSize(width(), height()); if (itemSize.width() != 0 && itemSize.height() != 0) { const auto multiplier = QCoreApplication::instance()->testAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) ? 1 : (window() ? window()->devicePixelRatio() : qGuiApp->devicePixelRatio()); const QSize size = itemSize * multiplier; switch(m_source.type()){ case QVariant::Pixmap: m_icon = m_source.value().toImage(); break; case QVariant::Image: m_icon = m_source.value(); break; case QVariant::Bitmap: m_icon = m_source.value().toImage(); break; case QVariant::Icon: m_icon = m_source.value().pixmap(size, iconMode(), QIcon::On).toImage(); break; case QVariant::Url: case QVariant::String: m_icon = findIcon(size); break; case QVariant::Brush: //todo: fill here too? case QVariant::Color: m_icon = QImage(size, QImage::Format_Alpha8); m_icon.fill(m_source.value()); break; default: break; } if (m_icon.isNull()){ m_icon = QImage(size, QImage::Format_Alpha8); m_icon.fill(Qt::transparent); } const QColor tintColor = !m_color.isValid() || m_color == Qt::transparent ? (m_selected ? m_theme->highlightedTextColor() : m_theme->textColor()) : m_color; //TODO: initialize m_isMask with icon.isMask() if (tintColor.alpha() > 0 && (isMask() || guessMonochrome(m_icon))) { QPainter p(&m_icon); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceIn); p.fillRect(m_icon.rect(), tintColor); p.end(); } } m_changed = true; update(); } QImage Icon::findIcon(const QSize &size) { QImage img; QString iconSource = m_source.toString(); if (iconSource.startsWith(QLatin1String("image://"))) { + const auto multiplier = QCoreApplication::instance()->testAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) ? (window() ? window()->devicePixelRatio() : qGuiApp->devicePixelRatio()) : 1; QUrl iconUrl(iconSource); QString iconProviderId = iconUrl.host(); QString iconId = iconUrl.path(); // QRC paths are not correctly handled by .path() if (iconId.size() >=2 && iconId.startsWith(QLatin1String("/:"))) { iconId.remove(0, 1); } QSize actualSize; QQuickImageProvider* imageProvider = dynamic_cast( qmlEngine(this)->imageProvider(iconProviderId)); if (!imageProvider) return img; switch(imageProvider->imageType()){ case QQmlImageProviderBase::Image: - img = imageProvider->requestImage(iconId, &actualSize, size); + img = imageProvider->requestImage(iconId, &actualSize, size * multiplier); break; case QQmlImageProviderBase::Pixmap: - img = imageProvider->requestPixmap(iconId, &actualSize, size).toImage(); + img = imageProvider->requestPixmap(iconId, &actualSize, size * multiplier).toImage(); break; case QQmlImageProviderBase::Texture: case QQmlImageProviderBase::Invalid: case QQmlImageProviderBase::ImageResponse: //will have to investigate this more break; } } else if(iconSource.startsWith(QLatin1String("http://")) || iconSource.startsWith(QLatin1String("https://"))) { if(!m_loadedImage.isNull()) { return m_loadedImage.scaled(size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, m_smooth ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation ); } const auto url = m_source.toUrl(); QQmlEngine* engine = qmlEngine(this); QNetworkAccessManager* qnam; if (engine && (qnam = engine->networkAccessManager()) && (!m_networkReply || m_networkReply->url() != url)) { QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferCache); m_networkReply = qnam->get(request); connect(m_networkReply.data(), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, [this](){ handleFinished(m_networkReply); }); } // Temporary icon while we wait for the real image to load... img = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("image-x-icon")).pixmap(size, iconMode(), QIcon::On).toImage(); } else { if (iconSource.startsWith(QLatin1String("qrc:/"))) { iconSource = iconSource.mid(3); } else if (iconSource.startsWith(QLatin1String("file:/"))) { iconSource = QUrl(iconSource).path(); } QIcon icon; const bool isPath = iconSource.contains(QLatin1String("/")); if (isPath) { icon = QIcon(iconSource); } else { if (icon.isNull()) { icon = m_theme->iconFromTheme(iconSource, m_color); } } if (!icon.isNull()) { img = icon.pixmap(size, iconMode(), QIcon::On).toImage(); /*const QColor tintColor = !m_color.isValid() || m_color == Qt::transparent ? (m_selected ? m_theme->highlightedTextColor() : m_theme->textColor()) : m_color; if (m_isMask || icon.isMask() || iconSource.endsWith(QLatin1String("-symbolic")) || iconSource.endsWith(QLatin1String("-symbolic-rtl")) || iconSource.endsWith(QLatin1String("-symbolic-ltr")) || guessMonochrome(img)) { QPainter p(&img); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceIn); p.fillRect(img.rect(), tintColor); p.end(); }*/ } } return img; } QIcon::Mode Icon::iconMode() const { if (!isEnabled()) { return QIcon::Disabled; } else if (m_selected) { return QIcon::Selected; } else if (m_active) { return QIcon::Active; } return QIcon::Normal; } bool Icon::guessMonochrome(const QImage &img) { //don't try for too big images if (img.width() >= 256 || m_theme->supportsIconColoring()) { return false; } // round size to a standard size. hardcode as we can't use KIconLoader int stdSize; if (img.width() <= 16) { stdSize = 16; } else if (img.width() <= 22) { stdSize = 22; } else if (img.width() <= 24) { stdSize = 24; } else if (img.width() <= 32) { stdSize = 32; } else if (img.width() <= 48) { stdSize = 48; } else if (img.width() <= 64) { stdSize = 64; } else { stdSize = 128; } auto findIt = m_monochromeHeuristics.constFind(stdSize); if (findIt != m_monochromeHeuristics.constEnd()) { return findIt.value(); } QHash dist; int transparentPixels = 0; int saturatedPixels = 0; for(int x=0; x < img.width(); x++) { for(int y=0; y < img.height(); y++) { QColor color = QColor::fromRgba(qUnpremultiply(img.pixel(x, y))); if (color.alpha() < 100) { ++transparentPixels; continue; } else if (color.saturation() > 84) { ++saturatedPixels; } dist[qGray(color.rgb())]++; } } QMultiMap reverseDist; auto it = dist.constBegin(); qreal entropy = 0; while (it != dist.constEnd()) { reverseDist.insert(it.value(), it.key()); qreal probability = qreal(it.value()) / qreal(img.size().width() * img.size().height() - transparentPixels); entropy -= probability * log(probability) / log(255); ++it; } // Arbitrarly low values of entropy and colored pixels m_monochromeHeuristics[stdSize] = saturatedPixels <= (img.size().width()*img.size().height() - transparentPixels) * 0.3 && entropy <= 0.3; return m_monochromeHeuristics[stdSize]; } QString Icon::fallback() const { return m_fallback; } void Icon::setFallback(const QString& fallback) { if (m_fallback != fallback) { m_fallback = fallback; Q_EMIT fallbackChanged(fallback); } } #include "moc_icon.cpp"