diff --git a/src/conf/cryptooperationsconfigwidget.cpp b/src/conf/cryptooperationsconfigwidget.cpp index 09df9194..c84ec6f6 100644 --- a/src/conf/cryptooperationsconfigwidget.cpp +++ b/src/conf/cryptooperationsconfigwidget.cpp @@ -1,388 +1,394 @@ /* cryptooperationsconfigwidget.cpp This file is part of kleopatra, the KDE key manager Copyright (c) 2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB 2016 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik Software engineering by Intevation GmbH Libkleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Libkleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include #include "cryptooperationsconfigwidget.h" #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include "emailoperationspreferences.h" #include "fileoperationspreferences.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::Config; CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::CryptoOperationsConfigWidget(QWidget *p, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(p, f) { setupGui(); } static void resetDefaults() { auto config = QGpgME::cryptoConfig(); if (!config) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to obtain config"; return; } for (const auto &compName: config->componentList()) { auto comp = config->component(compName); if (!comp) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to find component:" << comp; return; } for (const auto &grpName: comp->groupList()) { auto grp = comp->group(grpName); if (!grp) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to find group:" << grp << "in component:" << compName; return; } for (const auto &entryName: grp->entryList()) { auto entry = grp->entry(entryName); if (!entry) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to find entry:" << entry << "in group:"<< grp << "in component:" << compName; return; } entry->resetToDefault(); } } } config->sync(true); return; } void CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::applyProfile(const QString &profile) { if (profile.isEmpty()) { return; } qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Applying profile " << profile; if (profile == i18n("default")) { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n("This means that every configuration option of the GnuPG System will be reset to its default."), i18n("Apply profile"), KStandardGuiItem::apply(), KStandardGuiItem::no()) != KMessageBox::Yes) { return; } resetDefaults(); return; } QDir datadir(QString::fromLocal8Bit(GpgME::dirInfo("datadir")) + QStringLiteral("/../doc/gnupg/examples")); const auto path = datadir.filePath(profile + QStringLiteral(".prf")); auto gpgconf = new QProcess; const auto ei = GpgME::engineInfo(GpgME::GpgConfEngine); Q_ASSERT (ei.fileName()); gpgconf->setProgram(QFile::decodeName(ei.fileName())); gpgconf->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); gpgconf->setArguments(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("--apply-profile") << path.toLocal8Bit()); connect(gpgconf, static_cast(&QProcess::finished), this, [this, gpgconf, profile] () { if (gpgconf->exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit) { KMessageBox::error(this, QStringLiteral("
").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(gpgconf->readAll()))); delete gpgconf; return; } delete gpgconf; KMessageBox::information(this, i18nc("%1 is the name of the profile", "The configuration profile \"%1\" was applied.", profile), i18n("GnuPG Profile - Kleopatra")); auto config = QGpgME::cryptoConfig(); if (config) { config->clear(); } }); gpgconf->start(); } // Get a list of available profile files and add a configuration // group if there are any. void CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::setupProfileGui(QBoxLayout *layout) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Engine version "; if (GpgME::engineInfo(GpgME::GpgEngine).engineVersion() < "2.1.20" || !layout) { // Profile support is new in 2.1.20 qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Engine version false"; return; } QDir datadir(QString::fromLocal8Bit(GpgME::dirInfo("datadir")) + QStringLiteral("/../doc/gnupg/examples")); if (!datadir.exists()) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to find gnupg's example profile directory" << datadir.path(); return; } const auto profiles = datadir.entryInfoList(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("*.prf"), QDir::Readable | QDir::Files, QDir::Name); if (profiles.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to find any profiles in: " << datadir.path(); return; } auto genGrp = new QGroupBox(i18nc("@title", "General Operations")); auto profLayout = new QHBoxLayout; genGrp->setLayout(profLayout); layout->addWidget(genGrp); auto profLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Activate GnuPG Profile:")); profLabel->setToolTip(i18n("A profile consists of various settings that can apply to multiple components of the GnuPG system.")); auto combo = new QComboBox; profLabel->setBuddy(combo); // Add an empty Item to avoid the impression that this GUI elment // shows the currently selected profile. combo->addItem(QString()); // We don't translate "default" here because the other profile names are // also not translated as they are taken directly from file. combo->addItem(i18n("default")); for (const auto &profile: profiles) { combo->addItem(profile.baseName()); } auto btn = new QPushButton(i18n("Apply")); + btn->setEnabled(false); + profLayout->addWidget(profLabel); profLayout->addWidget(combo); profLayout->addWidget(btn); profLayout->addStretch(1); connect(btn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this, combo] () { applyProfile(combo->currentText()); }); + + connect(combo, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, [btn] (const QString &text) { + btn->setEnabled(!text.isEmpty()); + }); } void CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::setupGui() { QVBoxLayout *baseLay = new QVBoxLayout(this); baseLay->setMargin(0); QGroupBox *mailGrp = new QGroupBox(i18n("EMail Operations")); QVBoxLayout *mailGrpLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mQuickSignCB = new QCheckBox(i18n("Don't confirm signing certificate if there is only one valid certificate for the identity")); mQuickEncryptCB = new QCheckBox(i18n("Don't confirm encryption certificates if there is exactly one valid certificate for each recipient")); mailGrpLayout->addWidget(mQuickSignCB); mailGrpLayout->addWidget(mQuickEncryptCB); mailGrp->setLayout(mailGrpLayout); baseLay->addWidget(mailGrp); QGroupBox *fileGrp = new QGroupBox(i18n("File Operations")); QVBoxLayout *fileGrpLay = new QVBoxLayout; mPGPFileExtCB = new QCheckBox(i18n("Create OpenPGP encrypted files with \".pgp\" file extensions instead of \".gpg\"")); mASCIIArmorCB = new QCheckBox(i18n("Create signed or encrypted files as text files.")); mASCIIArmorCB->setToolTip(i18nc("@info", "Set this option to encode encrypted or signed files as base64 encoded text. " "So that they can be opened with an editor or sent in a mail body. " "This will increase file size by one third.")); mAutoDecryptVerifyCB = new QCheckBox(i18n("Automatically start operation based on input detection for decrypt/verify.")); mTmpDirCB = new QCheckBox(i18n("Create temporary decrypted files in the folder of the encrypted file.")); mTmpDirCB->setToolTip(i18nc("@info", "Set this option to avoid using the users temporary directory.")); fileGrpLay->addWidget(mPGPFileExtCB); fileGrpLay->addWidget(mAutoDecryptVerifyCB); fileGrpLay->addWidget(mASCIIArmorCB); fileGrpLay->addWidget(mTmpDirCB); QGridLayout *comboLay = new QGridLayout; QLabel *chkLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Checksum program to use when creating checksum files:")); comboLay->addWidget(chkLabel, 0, 0); mChecksumDefinitionCB = new QComboBox; comboLay->addWidget(mChecksumDefinitionCB, 0, 1); QLabel *archLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Archive command to use when archiving files:")); comboLay->addWidget(archLabel, 1, 0); mArchiveDefinitionCB = new QComboBox; comboLay->addWidget(mArchiveDefinitionCB, 1, 1); fileGrpLay->addLayout(comboLay); fileGrp->setLayout(fileGrpLay); baseLay->addWidget(fileGrp); setupProfileGui(baseLay); baseLay->addStretch(1); if (!GpgME::hasFeature(0, GpgME::BinaryAndFineGrainedIdentify)) { /* Auto handling requires a working identify in GpgME. * so that classify in kleoaptra can correctly detect the input.*/ mAutoDecryptVerifyCB->setVisible(false); } connect(mQuickSignCB, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::changed); connect(mQuickEncryptCB, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::changed); connect(mChecksumDefinitionCB, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::changed); connect(mArchiveDefinitionCB, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::changed); connect(mPGPFileExtCB, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::changed); connect(mAutoDecryptVerifyCB, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::changed); connect(mASCIIArmorCB, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::changed); connect(mTmpDirCB, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::changed); } CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::~CryptoOperationsConfigWidget() {} void CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::defaults() { EMailOperationsPreferences emailPrefs; emailPrefs.setDefaults(); mQuickSignCB->setChecked(emailPrefs.quickSignEMail()); mQuickEncryptCB->setChecked(emailPrefs.quickEncryptEMail()); FileOperationsPreferences filePrefs; filePrefs.setDefaults(); mPGPFileExtCB->setChecked(filePrefs.usePGPFileExt()); mAutoDecryptVerifyCB->setChecked(filePrefs.autoDecryptVerify()); if (mChecksumDefinitionCB->count()) { mChecksumDefinitionCB->setCurrentIndex(0); } if (mArchiveDefinitionCB->count()) { mArchiveDefinitionCB->setCurrentIndex(0); } } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::shared_ptr) void CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::load() { const EMailOperationsPreferences emailPrefs; mQuickSignCB ->setChecked(emailPrefs.quickSignEMail()); mQuickEncryptCB->setChecked(emailPrefs.quickEncryptEMail()); const FileOperationsPreferences filePrefs; mPGPFileExtCB->setChecked(filePrefs.usePGPFileExt()); mAutoDecryptVerifyCB->setChecked(filePrefs.autoDecryptVerify()); mASCIIArmorCB->setChecked(filePrefs.addASCIIArmor()); mTmpDirCB->setChecked(filePrefs.dontUseTmpDir()); const std::vector< std::shared_ptr > cds = ChecksumDefinition::getChecksumDefinitions(); const std::shared_ptr default_cd = ChecksumDefinition::getDefaultChecksumDefinition(cds); mChecksumDefinitionCB->clear(); mArchiveDefinitionCB->clear(); for (const std::shared_ptr &cd : cds) { mChecksumDefinitionCB->addItem(cd->label(), qVariantFromValue(cd)); if (cd == default_cd) { mChecksumDefinitionCB->setCurrentIndex(mChecksumDefinitionCB->count() - 1); } } const QString ad_default_id = filePrefs.archiveCommand(); // This is a weird hack but because we are a KCM we can't link // against ArchiveDefinition which pulls in loads of other classes. // So we do the parsing which archive definitions exist here ourself. if (KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("libkleopatrarc"))) { const QStringList groups = config->groupList().filter(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("^Archive Definition #"))); for (const QString &group : groups) { const KConfigGroup cGroup(config, group); const QString id = cGroup.readEntryUntranslated(QStringLiteral("id")); const QString name = cGroup.readEntry("Name"); mArchiveDefinitionCB->addItem(name, QVariant(id)); if (id == ad_default_id) { mArchiveDefinitionCB->setCurrentIndex(mArchiveDefinitionCB->count() - 1); } } } } void CryptoOperationsConfigWidget::save() { EMailOperationsPreferences emailPrefs; emailPrefs.setQuickSignEMail(mQuickSignCB ->isChecked()); emailPrefs.setQuickEncryptEMail(mQuickEncryptCB->isChecked()); emailPrefs.save(); FileOperationsPreferences filePrefs; filePrefs.setUsePGPFileExt(mPGPFileExtCB->isChecked()); filePrefs.setAutoDecryptVerify(mAutoDecryptVerifyCB->isChecked()); filePrefs.setAddASCIIArmor(mASCIIArmorCB->isChecked()); filePrefs.setDontUseTmpDir(mTmpDirCB->isChecked()); const int idx = mChecksumDefinitionCB->currentIndex(); if (idx >= 0) { const std::shared_ptr cd = qvariant_cast< std::shared_ptr >(mChecksumDefinitionCB->itemData(idx)); ChecksumDefinition::setDefaultChecksumDefinition(cd); } const int aidx = mArchiveDefinitionCB->currentIndex(); if (aidx >= 0) { const QString id = mArchiveDefinitionCB->itemData(aidx).toString(); filePrefs.setArchiveCommand(id); } filePrefs.save(); } diff --git a/src/view/padwidget.cpp b/src/view/padwidget.cpp index b354cbf7..3270e717 100644 --- a/src/view/padwidget.cpp +++ b/src/view/padwidget.cpp @@ -1,530 +1,530 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- padwidget.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager Copyright (c) 2018 Intevation GmbH Kleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include "padwidget.h" #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include #include #include #include "crypto/gui/signencryptwidget.h" #include "crypto/gui/resultitemwidget.h" #include "crypto/signencrypttask.h" #include "crypto/decryptverifytask.h" #include "utils/gnupg-helper.h" #include "utils/input.h" #include "utils/output.h" #include "commands/importcertificatefromdatacommand.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::Crypto; using namespace Kleo::Crypto::Gui; static GpgME::Protocol getProtocol(const std::shared_ptr &result) { const auto dvResult = dynamic_cast(result.get()); if (dvResult) { for (const auto &key: KeyCache::instance()->findRecipients(dvResult->decryptionResult())) { return key.protocol(); } for (const auto &key: KeyCache::instance()->findSigners(dvResult->verificationResult())) { return key.protocol(); } } return GpgME::UnknownProtocol; } class PadWidget::Private { public: Private(PadWidget *qq): q(qq), mEdit(new QTextEdit), mCryptBtn(new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme("document-edit-sign-encrypt"), i18n("Sign / Encrypt Notepad"))), mDecryptBtn(new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme("document-edit-decrypt-verify"), i18n("Decrypt / Verify Notepad"))), mRevertBtn(new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-undo"), i18n("Revert"))), mAdditionalInfoLabel(new QLabel), mSigEncWidget(new SignEncryptWidget(nullptr, true)), mProgressBar(new QProgressBar), mProgressLabel(new QLabel), mLastResultWidget(nullptr), mPGPRB(nullptr), mCMSRB(nullptr), mImportProto(GpgME::UnknownProtocol) { auto vLay = new QVBoxLayout(q); auto btnLay = new QHBoxLayout; vLay->addLayout(btnLay); btnLay->addWidget(mCryptBtn); btnLay->addWidget(mDecryptBtn); btnLay->addWidget(mRevertBtn); mRevertBtn->setVisible(false); btnLay->addWidget(mAdditionalInfoLabel); btnLay->addStretch(-1); mProgressBar->setRange(0, 0); mProgressBar->setVisible(false); mProgressLabel->setVisible(false); auto progLay = new QHBoxLayout; progLay->addWidget(mProgressLabel); progLay->addWidget(mProgressBar); mStatusLay = new QVBoxLayout; mStatusLay->addLayout(progLay); vLay->addLayout(mStatusLay, 0.1); auto tabWidget = new QTabWidget; vLay->addWidget(tabWidget, 1); tabWidget->addTab(mEdit, QIcon::fromTheme("edittext"), i18n("Notepad")); // The recipients area auto recipientsWidget = new QWidget; auto recipientsVLay = new QVBoxLayout(recipientsWidget); auto protocolSelectionLay = new QHBoxLayout; bool pgpOnly = KeyCache::instance()->pgpOnly(); if (!pgpOnly) { recipientsVLay->addLayout(protocolSelectionLay); } protocolSelectionLay->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("


"))); protocolSelectionLay->addStretch(-1); // Once S/MIME is supported add radio for S/MIME here. recipientsVLay->addWidget(mSigEncWidget); tabWidget->addTab(recipientsWidget, QIcon::fromTheme("contact-new-symbolic"), i18n("Recipients")); mEdit->setPlaceholderText("Enter a message to encrypt or decrypt..."); - auto fixedFont = QFont("Monospace", 10); + auto fixedFont = QFont("Monospace"); fixedFont.setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); // This does not work well // QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont); - mEdit->setCurrentFont(fixedFont); + mEdit->setFont(fixedFont); mEdit->setMinimumWidth(QFontMetrics(fixedFont).averageCharWidth() * 70); if (KeyCache::instance()->pgpOnly()) { mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::OpenPGP); } else { auto grp = new QButtonGroup(q); auto mPGPRB = new QRadioButton(i18n("OpenPGP")); auto mCMSRB = new QRadioButton(i18n("S/MIME")); grp->addButton(mPGPRB); grp->addButton(mCMSRB); KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "Notepad"); if (config.readEntry("wasCMS", false)) { mCMSRB->setChecked(true); mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::CMS); } else { mPGPRB->setChecked(true); mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::OpenPGP); } protocolSelectionLay->addWidget(mPGPRB); protocolSelectionLay->addWidget(mCMSRB); connect(mPGPRB, &QRadioButton::toggled, q, [this] (bool value) { if (value) { mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::OpenPGP); } }); connect(mCMSRB, &QRadioButton::toggled, q, [this] (bool value) { if (value) { mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::CMS); } }); } updateCommitButton(); connect(mEdit, &QTextEdit::textChanged, q, [this] () { updateCommitButton(); }); connect(mCryptBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this] () { if (mImportProto != GpgME::UnknownProtocol) { doImport(); } else { doEncryptSign(); } }); connect(mSigEncWidget, &SignEncryptWidget::operationChanged, q, [this] (const QString &) { updateCommitButton(); }); connect(mDecryptBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this] () { doDecryptVerify(); }); connect(mRevertBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this] () { revert(); }); } void revert() { mEdit->setPlainText(QString::fromUtf8(mInputData)); mRevertBtn->setVisible(false); } void updateRecipientsFromResult(const Kleo::Crypto::DecryptVerifyResult &result) { const auto decResult = result.decryptionResult(); for (const auto &recipient: decResult.recipients()) { if (!recipient.keyID()) { continue; } GpgME::Key key; if (strlen(recipient.keyID()) < 16) { key = KeyCache::instance()->findByShortKeyID(recipient.keyID()); } else { key = KeyCache::instance()->findByKeyIDOrFingerprint(recipient.keyID()); } if (key.isNull()) { std::vector subids; subids.push_back(std::string(recipient.keyID())); for (const auto &subkey: KeyCache::instance()->findSubkeysByKeyID(subids)) { key = subkey.parent(); break; } } if (key.isNull()) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Unknown key" << recipient.keyID(); mSigEncWidget->addUnknownRecipient(recipient.keyID()); continue; } bool keyFound = false; for (const auto &existingKey: mSigEncWidget->recipients()) { if (existingKey.primaryFingerprint() && key.primaryFingerprint() && !strcmp (existingKey.primaryFingerprint(), key.primaryFingerprint())) { keyFound = true; break; } } if (!keyFound) { mSigEncWidget->addRecipient(key); } } } void cryptDone(const std::shared_ptr &result) { updateCommitButton(); mDecryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mProgressBar->setVisible(false); mProgressLabel->setVisible(false); mLastResultWidget = new ResultItemWidget(result); mLastResultWidget->showCloseButton(true); mStatusLay->addWidget(mLastResultWidget); connect(mLastResultWidget, &ResultItemWidget::closeButtonClicked, q, [this] () { removeLastResultItem(); }); // Check result protocol if (mPGPRB) { auto proto = getProtocol(result); if (proto == GpgME::UnknownProtocol) { proto = mPGPRB->isChecked() ? GpgME::OpenPGP : GpgME::CMS; } else if (proto == GpgME::OpenPGP) { mPGPRB->setChecked(true); } else if (proto == GpgME::CMS) { mCMSRB->setChecked(true); } KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "Notepad"); config.writeEntry("wasCMS", proto == GpgME::CMS); } if (result->errorCode()) { if (!result->errorString().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(q, result->errorString(), i18nc("@title", "Error in crypto action")); } return; } mEdit->setPlainText(QString::fromUtf8(mOutputData)); mOutputData.clear(); mRevertBtn->setVisible(true); const auto decryptVerifyResult = dynamic_cast(result.get()); if (decryptVerifyResult) { updateRecipientsFromResult(*decryptVerifyResult); } } void doDecryptVerify() { doCryptoCommon(); mSigEncWidget->clearAddedRecipients(); mProgressLabel->setText(i18n("Decrypt / Verify") + QStringLiteral("...")); auto input = Input::createFromByteArray(&mInputData, i18n("Notepad")); auto output = Output::createFromByteArray(&mOutputData, i18n("Notepad")); AbstractDecryptVerifyTask *task; auto classification = input->classification(); if (classification & Class::OpaqueSignature || classification & Class::ClearsignedMessage) { auto verifyTask = new VerifyOpaqueTask(); verifyTask->setInput(input); verifyTask->setOutput(output); task = verifyTask; } else { auto decTask = new DecryptVerifyTask(); decTask->setInput(input); decTask->setOutput(output); task = decTask; } try { task->autodetectProtocolFromInput(); } catch (const Kleo::Exception &e) { KMessageBox::error(q, e.message(), i18nc("@title", "Error in crypto action")); mCryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mDecryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mProgressBar->setVisible(false); mProgressLabel->setVisible(false); return; } connect (task, &Task::result, q, [this, task] (const std::shared_ptr &result) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Decrypt / Verify done. Err:" << result->errorCode(); task->deleteLater(); cryptDone(result); }); task->start(); } void removeLastResultItem() { if (mLastResultWidget) { mStatusLay->removeWidget(mLastResultWidget); delete mLastResultWidget; mLastResultWidget = nullptr; } } void doCryptoCommon() { mCryptBtn->setEnabled(false); mDecryptBtn->setEnabled(false); mProgressBar->setVisible(true); mProgressLabel->setVisible(true); mInputData = mEdit->toPlainText().toUtf8(); removeLastResultItem(); } void doEncryptSign() { doCryptoCommon(); mProgressLabel->setText(mSigEncWidget->currentOp() + QStringLiteral("...")); auto input = Input::createFromByteArray(&mInputData, i18n("Notepad")); auto output = Output::createFromByteArray(&mOutputData, i18n("Notepad")); auto task = new SignEncryptTask(); task->setInput(input); task->setOutput(output); const auto sigKey = mSigEncWidget->signKey(); bool encrypt = mSigEncWidget->encryptSymmetric() || mSigEncWidget->recipients().size(); bool sign = !sigKey.isNull(); if (sign) { task->setSign(true); std::vector signVector; signVector.push_back(sigKey); task->setSigners(signVector); } else { task->setSign(false); } task->setEncrypt(encrypt); task->setRecipients(mSigEncWidget->recipients().toStdVector()); task->setEncryptSymmetric(mSigEncWidget->encryptSymmetric()); task->setAsciiArmor(true); if (sign && !encrypt && sigKey.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP) { task->setClearsign(true); } connect (task, &Task::result, q, [this, task] (const std::shared_ptr &result) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Encrypt / Sign done. Err:" << result->errorCode(); task->deleteLater(); cryptDone(result); }); task->start(); } void doImport() { doCryptoCommon(); mProgressLabel->setText(i18n("Importing...")); auto cmd = new Kleo::ImportCertificateFromDataCommand(mInputData, mImportProto); connect(cmd, &Kleo::ImportCertificatesCommand::finished, q, [this] () { mCryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mDecryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mProgressBar->setVisible(false); mProgressLabel->setVisible(false); updateCommitButton(); mRevertBtn->setVisible(true); mEdit->setPlainText(QString()); }); cmd->start(); } void checkImportProtocol() { QGpgME::QByteArrayDataProvider dp(mEdit->toPlainText().toUtf8()); GpgME::Data data(&dp); auto type = data.type(); if (type == GpgME::Data::PGPKey) { mImportProto = GpgME::OpenPGP; } else if (type == GpgME::Data::X509Cert || type == GpgME::Data::PKCS12) { mImportProto = GpgME::CMS; } else { mImportProto = GpgME::UnknownProtocol; } } void updateCommitButton() { mAdditionalInfoLabel->setVisible(false); checkImportProtocol(); if (mImportProto != GpgME::UnknownProtocol) { mCryptBtn->setText(i18nc("1 is an operation to apply to the notepad. " "Like Sign/Encrypt or just Encrypt.", "%1 Notepad", i18n("Import"))); mCryptBtn->setDisabled(false); return; } if (!mSigEncWidget->currentOp().isEmpty()) { mCryptBtn->setDisabled(false); mCryptBtn->setText(i18nc("1 is an operation to apply to the notepad. " "Like Sign/Encrypt or just Encrypt.", "%1 Notepad", mSigEncWidget->currentOp())); } else { mCryptBtn->setText(i18n("Sign / Encrypt Notepad")); mCryptBtn->setDisabled(true); } if (Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs")) { bool de_vs = mSigEncWidget->isDeVsAndValid(); mCryptBtn->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(de_vs ? "security-high" : "security-medium")); mCryptBtn->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("background-color: ") + (de_vs ? KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background(KColorScheme::PositiveBackground).color().name() : KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background(KColorScheme::NegativeBackground).color().name())); mAdditionalInfoLabel->setText(de_vs ? i18nc("VS-NfD-conforming is a German standard for restricted documents for which special restrictions about algorithms apply. The string states that all cryptographic operations necessary for the communication are compliant with that.", "VS-NfD-compliant communication possible.") : i18nc("VS-NfD-conforming is a German standard for restricted documents for which special restrictions about algorithms apply. The string states that all cryptographic operations necessary for the communication are compliant with that.", "VS-NfD-compliant communication not possible.")); mAdditionalInfoLabel->setVisible(true); } } private: PadWidget *q; QTextEdit *mEdit; QPushButton *mCryptBtn; QPushButton *mDecryptBtn; QPushButton *mRevertBtn; QLabel *mAdditionalInfoLabel; QByteArray mInputData; QByteArray mOutputData; SignEncryptWidget *mSigEncWidget; QProgressBar *mProgressBar; QLabel *mProgressLabel; QVBoxLayout *mStatusLay; ResultItemWidget *mLastResultWidget; QList mAutoAddedKeys; QRadioButton *mPGPRB; QRadioButton *mCMSRB; GpgME::Protocol mImportProto; }; PadWidget::PadWidget(QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent), d(new Private(this)) { }