diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/kgadvanced.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/kgadvanced.cpp index ab87db22..4cf022fb 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/kgadvanced.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/kgadvanced.cpp @@ -1,116 +1,113 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kgadvanced.h" #include "../defaults.h" // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include KgAdvanced::KgAdvanced(bool first, QWidget* parent) : KonfiguratorPage(first, parent) { QWidget *innerWidget = new QFrame(this); setWidget(innerWidget); setWidgetResizable(true); auto *kgAdvancedLayout = new QGridLayout(innerWidget); kgAdvancedLayout->setSpacing(6); // -------------------------- GENERAL GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *generalGrp = createFrame(i18n("General"), innerWidget); QGridLayout *generalGrid = createGridLayout(generalGrp); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM generalSettings[] = // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip { {"Advanced", "AutoMount", _AutoMount, i18n("Automount filesystems"), false, i18n("When stepping into a folder which is defined as a mount point in the fstab, try mounting it with the defined parameters.")} }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *generals = createCheckBoxGroup(1, 0, generalSettings, 1, generalGrp); generalGrid->addWidget(generals, 1, 0); addLabel(generalGrid, 2, 0, i18n("MountMan will not (un)mount the following mount-points:"), generalGrp); KonfiguratorEditBox *nonMountPoints = createEditBox("Advanced", "Nonmount Points", _NonMountPoints, generalGrp, false); generalGrid->addWidget(nonMountPoints, 2, 1); #ifdef BSD generals->find("AutoMount")->setEnabled(false); /* disable AutoMount on BSD */ #endif kgAdvancedLayout->addWidget(generalGrp, 0 , 0); // ----------------------- CONFIRMATIONS GROUPBOX ------------------------------- QGroupBox *confirmGrp = createFrame(i18n("Confirmations"), innerWidget); QGridLayout *confirmGrid = createGridLayout(confirmGrp); addLabel(confirmGrid, 0, 0, i18n("\nRequest user confirmation for the following operations:\n"), confirmGrp); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM confirmations[] = // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart ToolTip {{"Advanced", "Confirm Unempty Dir", _ConfirmUnemptyDir, i18n("Deleting non-empty folders"), false, ""}, {"Advanced", "Confirm Delete", _ConfirmDelete, i18n("Deleting files"), false, ""}, {"Advanced", "Confirm Copy", _ConfirmCopy, i18n("Copying files"), false, ""}, {"Advanced", "Confirm Move", _ConfirmMove, i18n("Moving files"), false, ""}, {"Advanced", "Confirm Feed to Listbox", _ConfirmFeedToListbox, i18n("Confirm feed to listbox"), false, i18n("Ask for a result name when feeding items to the listbox. By default the standard value is used.")}, {"Notification Messages", "Confirm Remove UserAction", true, i18n("Removing Useractions"), false, ""} }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *confWnd = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, confirmations, 6, confirmGrp); confirmGrid->addWidget(confWnd, 1, 0); kgAdvancedLayout->addWidget(confirmGrp, 1 , 0); // ------------------------ FINE-TUNING GROUPBOX -------------------------------- QGroupBox *fineTuneGrp = createFrame(i18n("Fine-Tuning"), innerWidget); QGridLayout *fineTuneGrid = createGridLayout(fineTuneGrp); fineTuneGrid->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop); const QString cacheTip = i18n("The icon cache size influences how fast the contents of a panel can be displayed. However, too large a cache might consume your memory."); QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("Icon cache size (KB):"), fineTuneGrp); - label->setWhatsThis(cacheTip); fineTuneGrid->addWidget(label, 0, 0); KonfiguratorSpinBox *spinBox = createSpinBox("Advanced", "Icon Cache Size", _IconCacheSize, - 1, 8192, fineTuneGrp, false); - spinBox->setWhatsThis(cacheTip); - spinBox->setToolTip(cacheTip); + 1, 8192, label, fineTuneGrp, false, cacheTip); spinBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); fineTuneGrid->addWidget(spinBox, 0, 1); addLabel(fineTuneGrid, 1, 0, i18n("Arguments of updatedb:"), fineTuneGrp); KonfiguratorEditBox *updatedbArgs = createEditBox("Locate", "UpdateDB Arguments", "", fineTuneGrp, false); fineTuneGrid->addWidget(updatedbArgs, 1, 1); kgAdvancedLayout->addWidget(fineTuneGrp, 2 , 0); } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/kgcolors.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/kgcolors.cpp index 9ef3c50f..7ca1dbea 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/kgcolors.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/kgcolors.cpp @@ -1,706 +1,707 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kgcolors.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../Panel/krcolorcache.h" #include "../Synchronizer/synchronizercolors.h" // QtCore #include #include // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KgColors::KgColors(bool first, QWidget* parent) : KonfiguratorPage(first, parent), offset(0), activeTabIdx(-1), inactiveTabIdx(-1), #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED synchronizerTabIdx(-1), #endif otherTabIdx(-1) { QWidget *innerWidget = new QFrame(this); setWidget(innerWidget); setWidgetResizable(true); auto *kgColorsLayout = new QGridLayout(innerWidget); kgColorsLayout->setSpacing(6); // -------------------------- GENERAL GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *generalGrp = createFrame(i18n("General"), innerWidget); QGridLayout *generalGrid = createGridLayout(generalGrp); generalGrid->setSpacing(0); generalGrid->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM generalSettings[] = // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {{"Colors", "KDE Default", _KDEDefaultColors, i18n("Use the default KDE colors"), false, "

" + i18n("

Use KDE's global color configuration.

KDE System Settings -> Application Appearance -> Colors

") }, {"Colors", "Enable Alternate Background", _AlternateBackground, i18n("Use alternate background color"), false, i18n("

The background color and the alternate background color alternates line by line.

When you don't use the KDE default colors, you can configure the alternate colors in the colors box.

") }, {"Colors", "Show Current Item Always", _ShowCurrentItemAlways, i18n("Show current item even if not focused"), false, i18n("

Shows the last cursor position in the non active list panel.

This option is only available when you don't use the KDE default colors.

") }, {"Colors", "Dim Inactive Colors", _DimInactiveColors, i18n("Dim the colors of the inactive panel"), false, i18n("

The colors of the inactive panel are calculated by a dim color and a dim factor.

") } }; generals = createCheckBoxGroup(0, 2, generalSettings, sizeof(generalSettings) / sizeof(generalSettings[0]), generalGrp); generalGrid->addWidget(generals, 1, 0); generals->layout()->setSpacing(5); connect(generals->find("KDE Default"), &KonfiguratorCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &KgColors::slotDisable); connect(generals->find("Show Current Item Always"), &KonfiguratorCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &KgColors::slotDisable); connect(generals->find("Dim Inactive Colors"), &KonfiguratorCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &KgColors::slotDisable); kgColorsLayout->addWidget(generalGrp, 0 , 0, 1, 3); QWidget *hboxWidget = new QWidget(innerWidget); auto *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(hboxWidget); // -------------------------- COLORS GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *colorsFrameGrp = createFrame(i18n("Colors"), hboxWidget); QGridLayout *colorsFrameGrid = createGridLayout(colorsFrameGrp); colorsFrameGrid->setSpacing(0); colorsFrameGrid->setContentsMargins(3, 3, 3, 3); colorTabWidget = new QTabWidget(colorsFrameGrp); colorsGrp = new QWidget(colorTabWidget); activeTabIdx = colorTabWidget->addTab(colorsGrp, i18n("Active")); colorsGrid = new QGridLayout(colorsGrp); colorsGrid->setSpacing(0); colorsGrid->setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); ADDITIONAL_COLOR transparent = { i18n("Transparent"), Qt::white, "transparent" }; QPalette p = QGuiApplication::palette(); addColorSelector("Foreground", i18n("Foreground:"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); addColorSelector("Directory Foreground", i18n("Folder foreground:"), getColorSelector("Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as foreground")); addColorSelector("Executable Foreground", i18n("Executable foreground:"), getColorSelector("Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as foreground")); addColorSelector("Symlink Foreground", i18n("Symbolic link foreground:"), getColorSelector("Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as foreground")); addColorSelector("Invalid Symlink Foreground", i18n("Invalid symlink foreground:"), getColorSelector("Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as foreground")); addColorSelector("Background", i18n("Background:"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base)); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsBckgnd = { i18n("Same as background"), getColorSelector("Background")->getColor(), "Background" }; addColorSelector("Alternate Background", i18n("Alternate background:"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::AlternateBase), "", &sameAsBckgnd, 1); addColorSelector("Marked Foreground", i18n("Selected foreground:"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText), "", &transparent, 1); addColorSelector("Marked Background", i18n("Selected background:"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight), "", &sameAsBckgnd, 1); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsAltern = { i18n("Same as alt. background"), getColorSelector("Alternate Background")->getColor(), "Alternate Background" }; addColorSelector("Alternate Marked Background", i18n("Alternate selected background:"), getColorSelector("Marked Background")->getColor(), i18n("Same as selected background"), &sameAsAltern, 1); addColorSelector("Current Foreground", i18n("Current foreground:"), Qt::white, i18n("Not used")); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsMarkedForegnd = { i18n("Same as selected foreground"), getColorSelector("Marked Foreground")->getColor(), "Marked Foreground" }; addColorSelector("Marked Current Foreground", i18n("Selected current foreground:"), Qt::white, i18n("Not used"), &sameAsMarkedForegnd, 1); addColorSelector("Current Background", i18n("Current background:"), Qt::white, i18n("Not used"), &sameAsBckgnd, 1); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(colorsGrp), itemList.count() - offset, 1); connect(getColorSelector("Foreground"), &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotForegroundChanged); connect(getColorSelector("Background"), &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotBackgroundChanged); connect(getColorSelector("Alternate Background"), &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotAltBackgroundChanged); connect(getColorSelector("Marked Background"), &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotMarkedBackgroundChanged); inactiveColorStack = new QStackedWidget(colorTabWidget); inactiveTabIdx = colorTabWidget->addTab(inactiveColorStack, i18n("Inactive")); colorsGrp = normalInactiveWidget = new QWidget(inactiveColorStack); colorsGrid = new QGridLayout(normalInactiveWidget); colorsGrid->setSpacing(0); colorsGrid->setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); offset = endOfActiveColors = itemList.count(); addColorSelector("Inactive Foreground", i18n("Foreground:"), getColorSelector("Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active")); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsInactForegnd = { i18n("Same as foreground"), getColorSelector("Inactive Foreground")->getColor(), "Inactive Foreground" }; addColorSelector("Inactive Directory Foreground", i18n("Folder foreground:"), getColorSelector("Directory Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &sameAsInactForegnd, 1); addColorSelector("Inactive Executable Foreground", i18n("Executable foreground:"), getColorSelector("Executable Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &sameAsInactForegnd, 1); addColorSelector("Inactive Symlink Foreground", i18n("Symbolic link foreground:"), getColorSelector("Symlink Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &sameAsInactForegnd, 1); addColorSelector("Inactive Invalid Symlink Foreground", i18n("Invalid symlink foreground:"), getColorSelector("Invalid Symlink Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &sameAsInactForegnd, 1); addColorSelector("Inactive Background", i18n("Background:"), getColorSelector("Background")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active")); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsInactBckgnd = { i18n("Same as background"), getColorSelector("Inactive Background")->getColor(), "Inactive Background" }; addColorSelector("Inactive Alternate Background", i18n("Alternate background:"), getColorSelector("Alternate Background")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &sameAsInactBckgnd, 1); addColorSelector("Inactive Marked Foreground", i18n("Selected foreground:"), getColorSelector("Marked Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &transparent, 1); addColorSelector("Inactive Marked Background", i18n("Selected background:"), getColorSelector("Marked Background")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &sameAsInactBckgnd, 1); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsInactAltern[] = {{ i18n("Same as alt. background"), getColorSelector("Inactive Alternate Background")->getColor(), "Inactive Alternate Background" }, { i18n("Same as selected background"), getColorSelector("Inactive Marked Background")->getColor(), "Inactive Marked Background" } }; addColorSelector("Inactive Alternate Marked Background", i18n("Alternate selected background:"), getColorSelector("Alternate Marked Background")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), sameAsInactAltern, 2); addColorSelector("Inactive Current Foreground", i18n("Current foreground:"), getColorSelector("Current Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active")); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsInactMarkedForegnd = { i18n("Same as selected foreground"), getColorSelector("Inactive Marked Foreground")->getColor(), "Inactive Marked Foreground" }; addColorSelector("Inactive Marked Current Foreground", i18n("Selected current foreground:"), getColorSelector("Marked Current Foreground")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &sameAsInactMarkedForegnd, 1); addColorSelector("Inactive Current Background", i18n("Current background:"), getColorSelector("Current Background")->getColor(), i18n("Same as active"), &sameAsInactBckgnd, 1); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(normalInactiveWidget), itemList.count() - offset, 1); connect(getColorSelector("Inactive Foreground"), &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotInactiveForegroundChanged); connect(getColorSelector("Inactive Background"), &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotInactiveBackgroundChanged); connect(getColorSelector("Inactive Alternate Background"), &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotInactiveAltBackgroundChanged); connect(getColorSelector("Inactive Marked Background"), &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotInactiveMarkedBackgroundChanged); offset = endOfPanelColors = itemList.count(); inactiveColorStack->addWidget(normalInactiveWidget); colorsGrp = dimmedInactiveWidget = new QWidget(inactiveColorStack); colorsGrid = new QGridLayout(dimmedInactiveWidget); colorsGrid->setSpacing(0); colorsGrid->setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); addColorSelector("Dim Target Color", i18n("Dim target color:"), Qt::black); int index = itemList.count() - offset; - labelList.append(addLabel(colorsGrid, index, 0, i18n("Dim factor:"), colorsGrp)); - dimFactor = createSpinBox("Colors", "Dim Factor", 80, 0, 100, colorsGrp); + QLabel *spinBoxLabel = addLabel(colorsGrid, index, 0, i18n("Dim factor:"), colorsGrp); + labelList.append(spinBoxLabel); + dimFactor = createSpinBox("Colors", "Dim Factor", 80, 0, 100, spinBoxLabel, colorsGrp); dimFactor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); colorsGrid->addWidget(dimFactor, index++, 1); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(dimmedInactiveWidget), itemList.count() + 1 - offset, 1); inactiveColorStack->addWidget(dimmedInactiveWidget); inactiveColorStack->setCurrentWidget(normalInactiveWidget); ADDITIONAL_COLOR KDEDefaultBase = { i18n("KDE default"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base), "KDE default" }; ADDITIONAL_COLOR KDEDefaultFore = { i18n("KDE default"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text), "KDE default" }; #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED colorsGrp = new QWidget(colorTabWidget); synchronizerTabIdx = colorTabWidget->addTab(colorsGrp, i18n("Synchronizer")); colorsGrid = new QGridLayout(colorsGrp); colorsGrid->setSpacing(0); colorsGrid->setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); offset = endOfPanelColors = itemList.count(); DECLARE_SYNCHRONIZER_BACKGROUND_DEFAULTS; DECLARE_SYNCHRONIZER_FOREGROUND_DEFAULTS; addColorSelector("Synchronizer Equals Foreground", i18n("Equals foreground:"), SYNCHRONIZER_FOREGROUND_DEFAULTS[0], QString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer Equals Background", i18n("Equals background:"), SYNCHRONIZER_BACKGROUND_DEFAULTS[0], QString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer Differs Foreground", i18n("Differing foreground:"), SYNCHRONIZER_FOREGROUND_DEFAULTS[1], QString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer Differs Background", i18n("Differing background:"), SYNCHRONIZER_BACKGROUND_DEFAULTS[1], QString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer LeftCopy Foreground", i18n("Copy to left foreground:"), SYNCHRONIZER_FOREGROUND_DEFAULTS[2], QString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer LeftCopy Background", i18n("Copy to left background:"), SYNCHRONIZER_BACKGROUND_DEFAULTS[2], QString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer RightCopy Foreground", i18n("Copy to right foreground:"), SYNCHRONIZER_FOREGROUND_DEFAULTS[3], QString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer RightCopy Background", i18n("Copy to right background:"), SYNCHRONIZER_BACKGROUND_DEFAULTS[3], QString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer Delete Foreground", i18n("Delete foreground:"), SYNCHRONIZER_FOREGROUND_DEFAULTS[4], QString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1); addColorSelector("Synchronizer Delete Background", i18n("Delete background:"), SYNCHRONIZER_BACKGROUND_DEFAULTS[4], QString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(colorsGrp), itemList.count() - offset, 1); #endif colorsGrp = new QWidget(colorTabWidget); otherTabIdx = colorTabWidget->addTab(colorsGrp, i18n("Other")); colorsGrid = new QGridLayout(colorsGrp); colorsGrid->setSpacing(0); colorsGrid->setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); offset = endOfPanelColors = itemList.count(); addColorSelector("Quicksearch Match Foreground", i18n("Quicksearch, match foreground:"), Qt::black, QString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1); addColorSelector("Quicksearch Match Background", i18n("Quicksearch, match background:"), QColor(192, 255, 192), QString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1); addColorSelector("Quicksearch Non-match Foreground", i18n("Quicksearch, non-match foreground:"), Qt::black, QString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1); addColorSelector("Quicksearch Non-match Background", i18n("Quicksearch, non-match background:"), QColor(255, 192, 192), QString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1); ADDITIONAL_COLOR KDEDefaultWindowFore = { i18n("KDE default"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText), "KDE default" }; ADDITIONAL_COLOR KDEDefaultWindowBack = { i18n("KDE default"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window), "KDE default" }; addColorSelector("Statusbar Foreground Active", i18n("Statusbar, active foreground:"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText), QString(), &KDEDefaultWindowFore, 1); addColorSelector("Statusbar Background Active", i18n("Statusbar, active background:"), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight), QString(), &KDEDefaultWindowBack, 1); addColorSelector("Statusbar Foreground Inactive", i18n("Statusbar, inactive foreground:"), p.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Text), QString(), &KDEDefaultWindowFore, 1); addColorSelector("Statusbar Background Inactive", i18n("Statusbar, inactive background:"), p.color(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Base), QString(), &KDEDefaultWindowBack, 1); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(colorsGrp), itemList.count() - offset, 1); colorsFrameGrid->addWidget(colorTabWidget, 0, 0); hbox->addWidget(colorsFrameGrp); // -------------------------- PREVIEW GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- previewGrp = createFrame(i18n("Preview"), hboxWidget); previewGrid = createGridLayout(previewGrp); preview = new KrTreeWidget(previewGrp); preview->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Window); preview->setAutoFillBackground(true); QStringList labels; labels << i18n("Colors"); preview->setHeaderLabels(labels); preview->header()->setSortIndicatorShown(false); preview->setSortingEnabled(false); preview->setEnabled(false); previewGrid->addWidget(preview, 0 , 0); hbox->addWidget(previewGrp); connect(generals->find("Enable Alternate Background"), &KonfiguratorCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &KgColors::generatePreview); connect(colorTabWidget, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, this, &KgColors::generatePreview); connect(dimFactor, QOverload::of(&KonfiguratorSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &KgColors::generatePreview); kgColorsLayout->addWidget(hboxWidget, 1 , 0, 1, 3); importBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Import color-scheme"), innerWidget); kgColorsLayout->addWidget(importBtn, 2, 0); exportBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Export color-scheme"), innerWidget); kgColorsLayout->addWidget(exportBtn, 2, 1); kgColorsLayout->addWidget(createSpacer(innerWidget), 2, 2); connect(importBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &KgColors::slotImportColors); connect(exportBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &KgColors::slotExportColors); slotDisable(); } int KgColors::addColorSelector(const QString& cfgName, QString name, QColor defaultValue, const QString& dfltName, ADDITIONAL_COLOR *addColor, int addColNum) { int index = itemList.count() - offset; labelList.append(addLabel(colorsGrid, index, 0, std::move(name), colorsGrp)); KonfiguratorColorChooser *chooser = createColorChooser("Colors", cfgName, std::move(defaultValue), colorsGrp, false, addColor, addColNum); chooser->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); if (!dfltName.isEmpty()) chooser->setDefaultText(dfltName); colorsGrid->addWidget(chooser, index, 1); connect(chooser, &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::generatePreview); if (!offset) connect(chooser, &KonfiguratorColorChooser::colorChanged, this, &KgColors::slotActiveChanged); itemList.append(chooser); itemNames.append(cfgName); return index; } KonfiguratorColorChooser *KgColors::getColorSelector(const QString& name) { QList::iterator it; int position = 0; for (it = itemNames.begin(); it != itemNames.end(); it++, position++) if (*it == name) return itemList.at(position); return nullptr; } QLabel *KgColors::getSelectorLabel(const QString& name) { QList::iterator it; int position = 0; for (it = itemNames.begin(); it != itemNames.end(); it++, position++) if (*it == name) return labelList.at(position); return nullptr; } void KgColors::slotDisable() { bool enabled = generals->find("KDE Default")->isChecked(); importBtn->setEnabled(!enabled); exportBtn->setEnabled(!enabled); for (int i = 0; i < labelList.count() && i < endOfPanelColors ; i++) labelList.at(i)->setEnabled(!enabled); for (int j = 0; j < itemList.count() && j < endOfPanelColors ; j++) itemList.at(j)->setEnabled(!enabled); generals->find("Enable Alternate Background")->setEnabled(enabled); generals->find("Show Current Item Always")->setEnabled(!enabled); generals->find("Dim Inactive Colors")->setEnabled(!enabled); bool dimmed = !enabled && generals->find("Dim Inactive Colors")->isChecked(); if (dimmed) inactiveColorStack->setCurrentWidget(dimmedInactiveWidget); else inactiveColorStack->setCurrentWidget(normalInactiveWidget); enabled = enabled || !generals->find("Show Current Item Always")->isChecked(); getColorSelector("Inactive Current Foreground")->setEnabled(!enabled); getColorSelector("Inactive Current Background")->setEnabled(!enabled); generatePreview(); } void KgColors::slotActiveChanged() { for (int i = 0; i != endOfActiveColors; i++) itemList.at(endOfActiveColors + i)->setDefaultColor(itemList.at(i)->getColor()); } void KgColors::slotForegroundChanged() { QColor color = getColorSelector("Foreground")->getColor(); getColorSelector("Directory Foreground")->setDefaultColor(color); getColorSelector("Executable Foreground")->setDefaultColor(color); getColorSelector("Symlink Foreground")->setDefaultColor(color); getColorSelector("Invalid Symlink Foreground")->setDefaultColor(color); } void KgColors::slotBackgroundChanged() { QColor color = getColorSelector("Background")->getColor(); getColorSelector("Alternate Background")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); getColorSelector("Marked Background")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); getColorSelector("Current Background")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); } void KgColors::slotAltBackgroundChanged() { QColor color = getColorSelector("Alternate Background")->getColor(); getColorSelector("Alternate Marked Background")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); } void KgColors::slotMarkedBackgroundChanged() { QColor color = getColorSelector("Marked Background")->getColor(); getColorSelector("Alternate Marked Background")->setDefaultColor(color); } void KgColors::slotInactiveForegroundChanged() { QColor color = getColorSelector("Inactive Foreground")->getColor(); getColorSelector("Inactive Directory Foreground")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); getColorSelector("Inactive Executable Foreground")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); getColorSelector("Inactive Symlink Foreground")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); getColorSelector("Inactive Invalid Symlink Foreground")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); } void KgColors::slotInactiveBackgroundChanged() { QColor color = getColorSelector("Inactive Background")->getColor(); getColorSelector("Inactive Alternate Background")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); getColorSelector("Inactive Marked Background")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); getColorSelector("Inactive Current Background")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); } void KgColors::slotInactiveAltBackgroundChanged() { QColor color = getColorSelector("Inactive Alternate Background")->getColor(); getColorSelector("Inactive Alternate Marked Background")->changeAdditionalColor(0, color); } void KgColors::slotInactiveMarkedBackgroundChanged() { QColor color = getColorSelector("Inactive Marked Background")->getColor(); getColorSelector("Inactive Alternate Marked Background")->changeAdditionalColor(1, color); } void KgColors::setColorWithDimming(PreviewItem * item, QColor foreground, QColor background, bool dimmed) { if (dimmed && dimFactor->value() < 100) { int dim = dimFactor->value(); QColor dimColor = getColorSelector("Dim Target Color")->getColor(); foreground = QColor((dimColor.red() * (100 - dim) + foreground.red() * dim) / 100, (dimColor.green() * (100 - dim) + foreground.green() * dim) / 100, (dimColor.blue() * (100 - dim) + foreground.blue() * dim) / 100); background = QColor((dimColor.red() * (100 - dim) + background.red() * dim) / 100, (dimColor.green() * (100 - dim) + background.green() * dim) / 100, (dimColor.blue() * (100 - dim) + background.blue() * dim) / 100); } item->setColor(foreground, background); } void KgColors::generatePreview() { const int currentPage = colorTabWidget->currentIndex(); preview->clear(); if (currentPage == activeTabIdx || currentPage == inactiveTabIdx) { PreviewItem *pwMarkCur = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Selected + Current")); PreviewItem *pwMark2 = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Selected 2")); PreviewItem *pwMark1 = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Selected 1")); PreviewItem *pwCurrent = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Current")); PreviewItem *pwInvLink = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Invalid symlink")); PreviewItem *pwSymLink = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Symbolic link")); PreviewItem *pwApp = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Application")); PreviewItem *pwFile = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("File")); PreviewItem *pwDir = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Folder")); bool isActive = currentPage == 0; // create local color cache instance, which does NOT affect the color cache instance using to paint the panels KrColorCache colCache; // create local color settings instance, which initially contains the settings from krConfig KrColorSettings colorSettings; // copy over local settings to color settings instance, which does not affect the persisted krConfig settings QList names = KrColorSettings::getColorNames(); for (auto & name : names) { KonfiguratorColorChooser * chooser = getColorSelector(name); if (!chooser) continue; colorSettings.setColorTextValue(name, chooser->getValue()); if (chooser->isValueRGB()) colorSettings.setColorValue(name, chooser->getColor()); else colorSettings.setColorValue(name, QColor()); } colorSettings.setBoolValue("KDE Default", generals->find("KDE Default")->isChecked()); colorSettings.setBoolValue("Enable Alternate Background", generals->find("Enable Alternate Background")->isChecked()); colorSettings.setBoolValue("Show Current Item Always", generals->find("Show Current Item Always")->isChecked()); colorSettings.setBoolValue("Dim Inactive Colors", generals->find("Dim Inactive Colors")->isChecked()); colorSettings.setNumValue("Dim Factor", dimFactor->value()); // let the color cache use the local color settings colCache.setColors(colorSettings); // ask the local color cache for certain color groups and use them to color the preview KrColorGroup cg; // setting the background color colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, false, isActive, false, false)); QPalette pal = preview->palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, cg.background()); preview->setPalette(pal); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::Directory, false, isActive, false, false)); pwDir->setColor(cg.text(), cg.background()); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, true, isActive, false, false)); pwFile->setColor(cg.text(), cg.background()); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::Executable, false, isActive, false, false)); pwApp->setColor(cg.text(), cg.background()); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::Symlink, true, isActive, false, false)); pwSymLink->setColor(cg.text(), cg.background()); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::InvalidSymlink, false, isActive, false, false)); pwInvLink->setColor(cg.text(), cg.background()); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, true, isActive, true, false)); pwCurrent->setColor(cg.text(), cg.background()); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, false, isActive, false, true)); pwMark1->setColor(cg.highlightedText(), cg.highlight()); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, true, isActive, false, true)); pwMark2->setColor(cg.highlightedText(), cg.highlight()); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, false, isActive, true, true)); pwMarkCur->setColor(cg.highlightedText(), cg.highlight()); } #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED else if (currentPage == synchronizerTabIdx) { PreviewItem *pwDelete = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Delete")); PreviewItem *pwRightCopy = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Copy to right")); PreviewItem *pwLeftCopy = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Copy to left")); PreviewItem *pwDiffers = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Differing")); PreviewItem *pwEquals = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Equals")); pwEquals->setColor(getColorSelector("Synchronizer Equals Foreground")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Synchronizer Equals Background")->getColor()); pwDiffers->setColor(getColorSelector("Synchronizer Differs Foreground")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Synchronizer Differs Background")->getColor()); pwLeftCopy->setColor(getColorSelector("Synchronizer LeftCopy Foreground")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Synchronizer LeftCopy Background")->getColor()); pwRightCopy->setColor(getColorSelector("Synchronizer RightCopy Foreground")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Synchronizer RightCopy Background")->getColor()); pwDelete->setColor(getColorSelector("Synchronizer Delete Foreground")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Synchronizer Delete Background")->getColor()); } #endif else if (currentPage == otherTabIdx) { PreviewItem *pwNonMatch = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Quicksearch non-match")); PreviewItem *pwMatch = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Quicksearch match")); pwMatch->setColor(getColorSelector("Quicksearch Match Foreground")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Quicksearch Match Background")->getColor()); pwNonMatch->setColor(getColorSelector("Quicksearch Non-match Foreground")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Quicksearch Non-match Background")->getColor()); PreviewItem *pwStatusActive = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Statusbar active")); PreviewItem *pwStatusInactive = new PreviewItem(preview, i18n("Statusbar inactive")); pwStatusActive->setColor(getColorSelector("Statusbar Foreground Active")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Statusbar Background Active")->getColor()); pwStatusInactive->setColor(getColorSelector("Statusbar Foreground Inactive")->getColor(), getColorSelector("Statusbar Background Inactive")->getColor()); } } bool KgColors::apply() { bool result = KonfiguratorPage::apply(); KrColorCache::getColorCache().refreshColors(); return result; } void KgColors::slotImportColors() { // find $KDEDIR/share/apps/krusader QString basedir= QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::DataLocation, QStringLiteral("total_commander.keymap")); basedir = QFileInfo(basedir).absolutePath(); // let the user select a file to load QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(nullptr, i18n("Select a color-scheme file"), basedir, QStringLiteral("*.color")); if (file.isEmpty()) { return; } QFile f(file); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error: unable to read from file"), i18n("Error")); return; } QDataStream stream(&f); // ok, import away deserialize(stream); generatePreview(); } void KgColors::slotExportColors() { QString file = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(nullptr, i18n("Select a color scheme file"), QString(), QStringLiteral("*")); if (file.isEmpty()) { return; } QFile f(file); if (f.exists() && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("File %1 already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?", file), i18n("Warning"), KStandardGuiItem::overwrite()) != KMessageBox::Continue) return; if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error: unable to write to file"), i18n("Error")); return; } QDataStream stream(&f); serialize(stream); } void KgColors::serialize(QDataStream & stream) { serializeItem(stream, "Alternate Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Alternate Marked Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Current Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Current Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Enable Alternate Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Directory Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Executable Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Symlink Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Invalid Symlink Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Alternate Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Alternate Marked Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Current Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Current Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Marked Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Marked Current Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Marked Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Directory Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Executable Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Symlink Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Invalid Symlink Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Dim Inactive Colors"); serializeItem(stream, "Dim Target Color"); serializeItem(stream, "Dim Factor"); serializeItem(stream, "KDE Default"); serializeItem(stream, "Marked Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Marked Current Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Marked Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Show Current Item Always"); #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Equals Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Equals Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Differs Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Differs Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer LeftCopy Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer LeftCopy Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer RightCopy Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer RightCopy Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Delete Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Delete Background"); #endif serializeItem(stream, "Quicksearch Match Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Quicksearch Match Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Quicksearch Non-match Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Quicksearch Non-match Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Statusbar Foreground Active"); serializeItem(stream, "Statusbar Background Active"); serializeItem(stream, "Statusbar Foreground Inactive"); serializeItem(stream, "Statusbar Background Inactive"); stream << QString("") << QString(""); } void KgColors::deserialize(QDataStream & stream) { for (;;) { QString name; QString value; stream >> name >> value; if (name.isEmpty()) break; if (name == "KDE Default" || name == "Enable Alternate Background" || name == "Show Current Item Always" || name == "Dim Inactive Colors") { bool bValue = false; value = value.toLower(); if (value == "true" || value == "yes" || value == "on" || value == "1") bValue = true; generals->find(name)->setChecked(bValue); continue; } if (name == "Dim Factor") { dimFactor->setValue(value.toInt()); continue; } KonfiguratorColorChooser *selector = getColorSelector(name); if (selector == nullptr) break; selector->setValue(value); } } void KgColors::serializeItem(class QDataStream & stream, const char * name) { stream << QString(name); if (strcmp(name, "KDE Default") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Enable Alternate Background") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Show Current Item Always") == 0 || strcmp(name, "Dim Inactive Colors") == 0) { bool bValue = generals->find(name)->isChecked(); stream << QString(bValue ? "true" : "false"); } else if (strcmp(name, "Dim Factor") == 0) stream << QString::number(dimFactor->value()); else { KonfiguratorColorChooser *selector = getColorSelector(name); stream << selector->getValue(); } } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp index 774f0d33..9930660d 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp @@ -1,332 +1,331 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kggeneral.h" // QtCore #include // QtGui #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "krresulttabledialog.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #define PAGE_GENERAL 0 #define PAGE_VIEWER 1 #define PAGE_EXTENSIONS 2 KgGeneral::KgGeneral(bool first, QWidget* parent) : KonfiguratorPage(first, parent) { if (first) slotFindTools(); tabWidget = new QTabWidget(this); setWidget(tabWidget); setWidgetResizable(true); createGeneralTab(); createViewerTab(); createExtensionsTab(); } QWidget* KgGeneral::createTab(const QString& name) { auto *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(tabWidget); tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea, name); scrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); QWidget *tab = new QWidget(scrollArea); scrollArea->setWidget(tab); return tab; } void KgGeneral::createViewerTab() { QWidget *tab = createTab(i18n("Viewer/Editor")); auto *tabLayout = new QGridLayout(tab); tabLayout->setSpacing(6); tabLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); tabLayout->addWidget(createCheckBox("General", "View In Separate Window", _ViewInSeparateWindow, i18n("Internal editor and viewer opens each file in a separate window"), tab, false, i18n("If checked, each file will open in a separate window, otherwise, the viewer will work in a single, tabbed mode"), PAGE_VIEWER)); // ------------------------- viewer ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *viewerGrp = createFrame(i18n("Viewer"), tab); tabLayout->addWidget(viewerGrp, 1, 0); QGridLayout *viewerGrid = createGridLayout(viewerGrp); QWidget * hboxWidget2 = new QWidget(viewerGrp); auto * hbox2 = new QHBoxLayout(hboxWidget2); QWidget * vboxWidget = new QWidget(hboxWidget2); auto * vbox = new QVBoxLayout(vboxWidget); vbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Default viewer mode:"), vboxWidget)); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP viewMode[] = // name value tooltip {{ i18n("Generic mode"), "generic", i18n("Use the system's default viewer") }, { i18n("Text mode"), "text", i18n("View the file in text-only mode") }, { i18n("Hex mode"), "hex", i18n("View the file in hex-mode (better for binary files)") }, { i18n("Lister mode"), "lister", i18n("View the file with lister (for huge text files)") } }; vbox->addWidget(createRadioButtonGroup("General", "Default Viewer Mode", "generic", 0, 4, viewMode, 4, vboxWidget, false, PAGE_VIEWER)); vbox->addWidget( createCheckBox("General", "UseOktetaViewer", _UseOktetaViewer, i18n("Use Okteta as Hex viewer"), vboxWidget, false, i18n("If available, use Okteta as Hex viewer instead of the internal viewer"), PAGE_VIEWER) ); QWidget * hboxWidget4 = new QWidget(vboxWidget); auto * hbox4 = new QHBoxLayout(hboxWidget4); const QString listerLimitTip = i18n("If a text file is bigger than this size then lister will be used."); QLabel *label5 = new QLabel(i18n("Use lister if the text file is bigger than:"), hboxWidget4); - label5->setWhatsThis(listerLimitTip); hbox4->addWidget(label5); KonfiguratorSpinBox *spinBox = createSpinBox("General", "Lister Limit", _ListerLimit, - 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, hboxWidget4, false, listerLimitTip, PAGE_VIEWER); + 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, label5, hboxWidget4, false, listerLimitTip, PAGE_VIEWER); hbox4->addWidget(spinBox); QLabel *label6 = new QLabel(i18n("MB"), hboxWidget4); hbox4->addWidget(label6); vbox->addWidget(hboxWidget4); hbox2->addWidget(vboxWidget); viewerGrid->addWidget(hboxWidget2, 0, 0); // ------------------------- editor ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *editorGrp = createFrame(i18n("Editor"), tab); tabLayout->addWidget(editorGrp, 2, 0); QGridLayout *editorGrid = createGridLayout(editorGrp); QLabel *label1 = new QLabel(i18n("Editor:"), editorGrp); editorGrid->addWidget(label1, 0, 0); KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlReq = createURLRequester("General", "Editor", "internal editor", editorGrp, false, QString(), PAGE_VIEWER, false); editorGrid->addWidget(urlReq, 0, 1); QLabel *label2 = new QLabel(i18n("Hint: use 'internal editor' if you want to use Krusader's fast built-in editor"), editorGrp); editorGrid->addWidget(label2, 1, 0, 1, 2); } void KgGeneral::createExtensionsTab() { // ------------------------- atomic extensions ---------------------------------- QWidget *tab = createTab(i18n("Atomic extensions")); auto *tabLayout = new QGridLayout(tab); tabLayout->setSpacing(6); tabLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); QWidget * vboxWidget2 = new QWidget(tab); tabLayout->addWidget(vboxWidget2); auto * vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout(vboxWidget2); QWidget * hboxWidget3 = new QWidget(vboxWidget2); vbox2->addWidget(hboxWidget3); auto * hbox3 = new QHBoxLayout(hboxWidget3); QLabel * atomLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Atomic extensions:"), hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(atomLabel); int size = QFontMetrics(atomLabel->font()).height(); auto *addButton = new QToolButton(hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(addButton); QPixmap iconPixmap = Icon("list-add").pixmap(size); addButton->setFixedSize(iconPixmap.width() + 4, iconPixmap.height() + 4); addButton->setIcon(QIcon(iconPixmap)); connect(addButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &KgGeneral::slotAddExtension); auto *removeButton = new QToolButton(hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(removeButton); iconPixmap = Icon("list-remove").pixmap(size); removeButton->setFixedSize(iconPixmap.width() + 4, iconPixmap.height() + 4); removeButton->setIcon(QIcon(iconPixmap)); connect(removeButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &KgGeneral::slotRemoveExtension); QStringList defaultAtomicExtensions; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.gz"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.bz2"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.lzma"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.xz"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".moc.cpp"; listBox = createListBox("Look&Feel", "Atomic Extensions", defaultAtomicExtensions, vboxWidget2, true, QString(), PAGE_EXTENSIONS); vbox2->addWidget(listBox); } void KgGeneral::createGeneralTab() { QWidget *tab = createTab(i18n("General")); auto *kgGeneralLayout = new QGridLayout(tab); kgGeneralLayout->setSpacing(6); kgGeneralLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); // -------------------------- GENERAL GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *generalGrp = createFrame(i18n("General"), tab); QGridLayout *generalGrid = createGridLayout(generalGrp); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM settings[] = { // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {"Look&Feel", "Warn On Exit", _WarnOnExit, i18n("Warn on exit"), false, i18n("Display a warning when trying to close the main window.") }, // KDE4: move warn on exit to the other confirmations {"Look&Feel", "Minimize To Tray", _ShowTrayIcon, i18n("Show and close to tray"), false, i18n("Show an icon in the system tray and keep running in the background when the window is closed.") }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *cbs = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, settings, 2 /*count*/, generalGrp, PAGE_GENERAL); generalGrid->addWidget(cbs, 0, 0); // temp dir auto *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Temp Folder:"), generalGrp)); KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlReq3 = createURLRequester("General", "Temp Directory", _TempDirectory, generalGrp, false, PAGE_GENERAL); urlReq3->setMode(KFile::Directory); connect(urlReq3->extension(), &KonfiguratorExtension::applyManually, this, &KgGeneral::applyTempDir); hbox->addWidget(urlReq3); generalGrid->addLayout(hbox, 13, 0, 1, 1); QLabel *label4 = new QLabel(i18n("Note: you must have full permissions for the temporary folder."), generalGrp); generalGrid->addWidget(label4, 14, 0, 1, 1); kgGeneralLayout->addWidget(generalGrp, 0 , 0); // ----------------------- delete mode -------------------------------------- QGroupBox *delGrp = createFrame(i18n("Delete mode"), tab); QGridLayout *delGrid = createGridLayout(delGrp); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP deleteMode[] = // name value tooltip {{i18n("Move to trash"), "true", i18n("Files will be moved to trash when deleted.")}, {i18n("Delete files"), "false", i18n("Files will be permanently deleted.")} }; KonfiguratorRadioButtons *trashRadio = createRadioButtonGroup("General", "Move To Trash", _MoveToTrash ? "true" : "false", 2, 0, deleteMode, 2, delGrp, false, PAGE_GENERAL); delGrid->addWidget(trashRadio); kgGeneralLayout->addWidget(delGrp, 1 , 0); // ----------------------- terminal ----------------------------------------- QGroupBox *terminalGrp = createFrame(i18n("Terminal"), tab); QGridLayout *terminalGrid = createGridLayout(terminalGrp); QLabel *label3 = new QLabel(i18n("External Terminal:"), generalGrp); terminalGrid->addWidget(label3, 0, 0); KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlReq2 = createURLRequester("General", "Terminal", _Terminal, generalGrp, false, PAGE_GENERAL, false); terminalGrid->addWidget(urlReq2, 0, 1); QLabel *terminalLabel = new QLabel(i18n("%d will be replaced by the workdir."), terminalGrp); terminalGrid->addWidget(terminalLabel, 1, 1); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM terminal_settings[] = { // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {"General", "Send CDs", _SendCDs, i18n("Embedded Terminal sends Chdir on panel change"), false, i18n("When checked, whenever the panel is changed (for example, by pressing Tab), Krusader changes the current folder in the embedded terminal.") }, }; cbs = createCheckBoxGroup(1, 0, terminal_settings, 1 /*count*/, terminalGrp, PAGE_GENERAL); terminalGrid->addWidget(cbs, 2, 0, 1, 2); kgGeneralLayout->addWidget(terminalGrp, 2 , 0); } void KgGeneral::applyTempDir(QObject *obj, const QString& configGroup, const QString& name) { auto *urlReq = qobject_cast(obj); QString value = urlReq->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile); KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, value); } void KgGeneral::slotFindTools() { QPointer dlg = new KrResultTableDialog(this, KrResultTableDialog::Tool, i18n("Search results"), i18n("Searching for tools..."), "tools-wizard", i18n("Make sure to install new tools in your $PATH (e.g. /usr/bin)")); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; } void KgGeneral::slotAddExtension() { bool ok; QString atomExt = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Add new atomic extension"), i18n("Extension:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok); if (ok) { if (!atomExt.startsWith('.') || atomExt.indexOf('.', 1) == -1) KMessageBox::error(krMainWindow, i18n("Atomic extensions must start with '.' and must contain at least one more '.' character."), i18n("Error")); else listBox->addItem(atomExt); } } void KgGeneral::slotRemoveExtension() { QList list = listBox->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i != list.count(); i++) listBox->removeItem(list[ i ]->text()); } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/kgpanel.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/kgpanel.cpp index 2b3a290f..4c2d199d 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/kgpanel.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/kgpanel.cpp @@ -1,836 +1,836 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 Jan Lepper * * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kgpanel.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../Dialogs/krdialogs.h" // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../GUI/krtreewidget.h" #include "../Panel/krsearchbar.h" #include "../Panel/PanelView/krselectionmode.h" #include "../Panel/PanelView/krview.h" #include "../Panel/PanelView/krviewfactory.h" #include "../Panel/krlayoutfactory.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krglobal.h" enum { PAGE_GENERAL = 0, PAGE_VIEW, PAGE_PANELTOOLBAR, PAGE_MOUSE, PAGE_MEDIA_MENU, PAGE_LAYOUT }; KgPanel::KgPanel(bool first, QWidget* parent) : KonfiguratorPage(first, parent) { tabWidget = new QTabWidget(this); setWidget(tabWidget); setWidgetResizable(true); setupGeneralTab(); setupPanelTab(); setupButtonsTab(); setupMouseModeTab(); setupMediaMenuTab(); setupLayoutTab(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------- General TAB ---------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KgPanel::setupGeneralTab() { auto *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(tabWidget); QWidget *tab = new QWidget(scrollArea); scrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setWidget(tab); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea, i18n("General")); auto *layout = new QVBoxLayout(tab); layout->setSpacing(6); layout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------- Navigator bar ------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QGroupBox *groupBox = createFrame(i18n("Navigator bar"), tab); QGridLayout *gridLayout = createGridLayout(groupBox); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM navigatorbar_settings[] = { // cfg_class, cfg_name, default, text, restart, tooltip {"Look&Feel", "Navigator Edit Mode", false, i18n("Edit Mode by default"), true, i18n("Show editable path in Navigator bar by default") }, {"Look&Feel", "Navigator Full Path", false, i18n("Show full path by default"), true, i18n("Always show full path in Navigator bar by default.") }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup* cbs = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, navigatorbar_settings, 2 /*count*/, groupBox, PAGE_GENERAL); gridLayout->addWidget(cbs, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(groupBox); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------- Operation --------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groupBox = createFrame(i18n("Operation"), tab); gridLayout = createGridLayout(groupBox); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM operation_settings[] = { // cfg_class, cfg_name, default, text, restart, tooltip {"Look&Feel", "Mark Dirs", _MarkDirs, i18n("Autoselect folders"), false, i18n("When matching the select criteria, not only files will be selected, but also folders.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Rename Selects Extension", true, i18n("Rename selects extension"), false, i18n("When renaming a file, the whole text is selected. If you want Total-Commander like renaming of just the name, without extension, uncheck this option.") }, {"Look&Feel", "UnselectBeforeOperation", _UnselectBeforeOperation, i18n("Unselect files before copy/move"), false, i18n("Unselect files, which are to be copied/moved, before the operation starts.") }, {"Look&Feel", "FilterDialogRemembersSettings", _FilterDialogRemembersSettings, i18n("Filter dialog remembers settings"), false, i18n("The filter dialog is opened with the last filter settings that where applied to the panel.") }, }; cbs = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, operation_settings, 4 /*count*/, groupBox, PAGE_GENERAL); gridLayout->addWidget(cbs, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(groupBox); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ Tabs --------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groupBox = createFrame(i18n("Tabs"), tab); gridLayout = createGridLayout(groupBox); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM tabbar_settings[] = { // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {"Look&Feel", "Fullpath Tab Names", _FullPathTabNames, i18n("Use full path tab names"), true , i18n("Display the full path in the folder tabs. By default only the last part of the path is displayed.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Show Tab Buttons", true, i18n("Show new/close tab buttons"), true , i18n("Show the new/close tab buttons.") }, }; cbs = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, tabbar_settings, 2 /*count*/, groupBox, PAGE_GENERAL); gridLayout->addWidget(cbs, 0, 0, 1, 2); // ----------------- Tab Bar position ---------------------------------- auto *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Tab Bar position:"), groupBox)); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR positions[] = { { i18n("Top"), "top" }, { i18n("Bottom"), "bottom" } }; KonfiguratorComboBox *cmb = createComboBox("Look&Feel", "Tab Bar Position", "bottom", positions, 2, groupBox, true, false, QString(), PAGE_GENERAL); hbox->addWidget(cmb); gridLayout->addLayout(hbox, 1, 0, Qt::AlignLeft); // ----------------- Show Tab bar ---------------------------------- KonfiguratorCheckBox *checkBox = createCheckBox("Look&Feel", "Show Tab Bar On Single Tab", true, i18n("Show Tab Bar on single tab"), groupBox, true, i18n("Show the tab bar with only one tab.")); gridLayout->addWidget(checkBox, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); layout->addWidget(groupBox); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------- Search bar -------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groupBox = createFrame(i18n("Search bar"), tab); gridLayout = createGridLayout(groupBox); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM quicksearch[] = { // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {"Look&Feel", "New Style Quicksearch", _NewStyleQuicksearch, i18n("Start by typing"), false, i18n("Open search bar and start searching by typing in panel.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Case Sensitive Quicksearch", _CaseSensitiveQuicksearch, i18n("Case sensitive"), false, i18n("Search must match case.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Up/Down Cancels Quicksearch", false, i18n("Up/Down cancels search"), false, i18n("Pressing the Up/Down buttons closes the search bar (only in search mode).") }, {"Look&Feel", "Navigation with Right Arrow Quicksearch", _NavigationWithRightArrowQuicksearch, i18n("Folder navigation with Right Arrow"), false, i18n("Pressing the Right button enters folder if no search text editing intention is captured.") }, }; cbs = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, quicksearch, 4 /*count*/, groupBox, PAGE_GENERAL); gridLayout->addWidget(cbs, 0, 0, 1, -1); // -------------- Search bar position ----------------------- hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Position:"), groupBox)); cmb = createComboBox("Look&Feel", "Quicksearch Position", "bottom", positions, 2, groupBox, true, false, QString(), PAGE_GENERAL); hbox->addWidget(cmb); hbox->addWidget(createSpacer(groupBox)); gridLayout->addLayout(hbox, 1, 0); // -------------- Default search mode ----------------------- hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Default mode:"), groupBox)); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR modes[] = { {i18n("Search"), QString::number(KrSearchBar::MODE_SEARCH)}, {i18n("Select"), QString::number(KrSearchBar::MODE_SELECT)}, {i18n("Filter"), QString::number(KrSearchBar::MODE_FILTER)}}; cmb = createComboBox("Look&Feel", "Default Search Mode", QString::number(KrSearchBar::MODE_SEARCH), modes, 3, groupBox, true, false, QString(), PAGE_GENERAL); cmb->setToolTip(i18n("Set the default mode on first usage")); hbox->addWidget(cmb); hbox->addWidget(createSpacer(groupBox)); gridLayout->addLayout(hbox, 1, 1); layout->addWidget(groupBox); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------- Bookmark search settings ---------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groupBox = createFrame(i18n("Bookmark Search"), tab); gridLayout = createGridLayout(groupBox); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM bookmarkSearchSettings[] = { {"Look&Feel", "Always show search bar", true, i18n("Always show search bar"), false, i18n("Make bookmark search bar always visible") }, {"Look&Feel", "Search in special items", false, i18n("Search in special items"), false, i18n("Bookmark search is also applied to special items in bookmark menu like Trash, Popular URLs, Jump Back, etc.") }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *bookmarkSearchSettingsGroup = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, bookmarkSearchSettings, 2 /*count*/, groupBox, PAGE_GENERAL); gridLayout->addWidget(bookmarkSearchSettingsGroup, 1, 0, 1, 2); layout->addWidget(groupBox); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------- Status/Totalsbar settings ---------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groupBox = createFrame(i18n("Status/Totalsbar"), tab); gridLayout = createGridLayout(groupBox); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM barSettings[] = { {"Look&Feel", "Show Size In Bytes", false, i18n("Show size in bytes too"), true, i18n("Show size in bytes too") }, {"Look&Feel", "ShowSpaceInformation", true, i18n("Show space information"), true, i18n("Show free/total space on the device") }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *barSett = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, barSettings, 2 /*count*/, groupBox, PAGE_GENERAL); gridLayout->addWidget(barSett, 1, 0, 1, 2); layout->addWidget(groupBox); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------ Layout Tab -------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KgPanel::setupLayoutTab() { auto *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(tabWidget); QWidget *tab = new QWidget(scrollArea); scrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setWidget(tab); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea, i18n("Layout")); QGridLayout *grid = createGridLayout(tab); QStringList layoutNames = KrLayoutFactory::layoutNames(); int numLayouts = layoutNames.count(); grid->addWidget(createSpacer(tab), 0, 2); QLabel *l = new QLabel(i18n("Layout:"), tab); l->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); grid->addWidget(l, 0, 0); auto *layouts = new KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR[numLayouts]; for (int i = 0; i != numLayouts; i++) { layouts[ i ].text = KrLayoutFactory::layoutDescription(layoutNames[i]); layouts[ i ].value = layoutNames[i]; } KonfiguratorComboBox *cmb = createComboBox("PanelLayout", "Layout", "default", layouts, numLayouts, tab, true, false, QString(), PAGE_LAYOUT); grid->addWidget(cmb, 0, 1); delete [] layouts; l = new QLabel(i18n("Frame Color:"), tab); l->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); grid->addWidget(l, 1, 0); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR frameColor[] = { { i18nc("Frame color", "Defined by Layout"), "default" }, { i18nc("Frame color", "None"), "none" }, { i18nc("Frame color", "Statusbar"), "Statusbar" } }; cmb = createComboBox("PanelLayout", "FrameColor", "default", frameColor, 3, tab, true, false, QString(), PAGE_LAYOUT); grid->addWidget(cmb, 1, 1); l = new QLabel(i18n("Frame Shape:"), tab); l->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); grid->addWidget(l, 2, 0); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR frameShape[] = { { i18nc("Frame shape", "Defined by Layout"), "default" }, { i18nc("Frame shape", "None"), "NoFrame" }, { i18nc("Frame shape", "Box"), "Box" }, { i18nc("Frame shape", "Panel"), "Panel" }, }; cmb = createComboBox("PanelLayout", "FrameShape", "default", frameShape, 4, tab, true, false, QString(), PAGE_LAYOUT); grid->addWidget(cmb, 2, 1); l = new QLabel(i18n("Frame Shadow:"), tab); l->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); grid->addWidget(l, 3, 0); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR frameShadow[] = { { i18nc("Frame shadow", "Defined by Layout"), "default" }, { i18nc("Frame shadow", "None"), "Plain" }, { i18nc("Frame shadow", "Raised"), "Raised" }, { i18nc("Frame shadow", "Sunken"), "Sunken" }, }; cmb = createComboBox("PanelLayout", "FrameShadow", "default", frameShadow, 4, tab, true, false, QString(), PAGE_LAYOUT); grid->addWidget(cmb, 3, 1); } void KgPanel::setupView(KrViewInstance *instance, QWidget *parent) { QGridLayout *grid = createGridLayout(parent); // -------------------- Filelist icon size ---------------------------------- auto *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Default icon size:"), parent)); auto *iconSizes = new KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR[KrView::iconSizes.count()]; for(int i = 0; i < KrView::iconSizes.count(); i++) iconSizes[i].text = iconSizes[i].value = QString::number(KrView::iconSizes[i]); KonfiguratorComboBox *cmb = createComboBox(instance->name(), "IconSize", _FilelistIconSize, iconSizes, KrView::iconSizes.count(), parent, true, true, QString(), PAGE_VIEW); delete [] iconSizes; cmb->lineEdit()->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp("[1-9]\\d{0,1}"), cmb)); hbox->addWidget(cmb); hbox->addWidget(createSpacer(parent)); grid->addLayout(hbox, 1, 0); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM iconSettings[] = // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip { {instance->name(), "With Icons", _WithIcons, i18n("Use icons in the filenames"), true, i18n("Show the icons for filenames and folders.") }, {instance->name(), "ShowPreviews", false, i18n("Show previews by default"), false, i18n("Show previews of files and folders.") }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *iconSett = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, iconSettings, 2 /*count*/, parent, PAGE_VIEW); grid->addWidget(iconSett, 2, 0, 1, 2); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------- VIEW TAB ------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KgPanel::setupPanelTab() { auto *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(tabWidget); QWidget *tab_panel = new QWidget(scrollArea); scrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setWidget(tab_panel); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea, i18n("View")); auto *panelLayout = new QGridLayout(tab_panel); panelLayout->setSpacing(6); panelLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); QGroupBox *panelGrp = createFrame(i18n("General"), tab_panel); panelLayout->addWidget(panelGrp, 0, 0); QGridLayout *panelGrid = createGridLayout(panelGrp); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------- General settings ----------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------- Panel Font ---------------------------------- auto *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); auto *fontLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); fontLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("View font:"), panelGrp)); KonfiguratorFontChooser *chsr = createFontChooser("Look&Feel", "Filelist Font", _FilelistFont, panelGrp, true, PAGE_VIEW); fontLayout->addWidget(chsr); fontLayout->addStretch(1); hbox->addLayout(fontLayout, 1); // -------------------- Panel Tooltip ---------------------------------- auto *tooltipLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); const QString delayTip = i18n("The duration after a tooltip is shown for a file item, in " "milliseconds. Set a negative value to disable tooltips."); QLabel *tooltipLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Tooltip delay (msec):")); - tooltipLabel->setWhatsThis(delayTip); tooltipLayout->addWidget(tooltipLabel); KonfiguratorSpinBox *tooltipSpinBox = createSpinBox("Look&Feel", "Panel Tooltip Delay", 1000, - -100, 5000, panelGrp, false, delayTip, PAGE_VIEW); + -100, 5000, tooltipLabel, panelGrp, false, + delayTip, PAGE_VIEW); tooltipSpinBox->setSingleStep(100); tooltipLayout->addWidget(tooltipSpinBox); tooltipLayout->addStretch(1); hbox->addLayout(tooltipLayout, 1); panelGrid->addLayout(hbox, 1, 0); // -------------------- General options ---------------------------------- KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM panelSettings[] = // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip { {"Look&Feel", "Human Readable Size", _HumanReadableSize, i18n("Use human-readable file size"), true , i18n("File sizes are displayed in B, KB, MB and GB, not just in bytes.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Show Hidden", _ShowHidden, i18n("Show hidden files"), false, i18n("Display files beginning with a dot.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Numeric permissions", _NumericPermissions, i18n("Numeric Permissions"), true, i18n("Show octal numbers (0755) instead of the standard permissions (rwxr-xr-x) in the permission column.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Load User Defined Folder Icons", _UserDefinedFolderIcons, i18n("Load the user defined folder icons"), true , i18n("Load the user defined folder icons (can cause decrease in performance).") }, {"Look&Feel", "Always Show Current Item", _AlwaysShowCurrentItem, i18n("Always show current item"), false, i18n("Show current item border decoration in inactive panel.") }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *panelSett = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, panelSettings, 5 /*count*/, panelGrp, PAGE_VIEW); panelGrid->addWidget(panelSett, 3, 0, 1, 2); // ========================================================= panelGrid->addWidget(createLine(panelGrp), 4, 0); // ------------------------ Sort Method ---------------------------------- hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Sort method:"), panelGrp)); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR sortMethods[] = {{ i18n("Alphabetical"), QString::number(KrViewProperties::Alphabetical) }, { i18n("Alphabetical and numbers"), QString::number(KrViewProperties::AlphabeticalNumbers) }, { i18n("Character code"), QString::number(KrViewProperties::CharacterCode) }, { i18n("Character code and numbers"), QString::number(KrViewProperties::CharacterCodeNumbers) }, { i18nc("Krusader sort", "Krusader"), QString::number(KrViewProperties::Krusader) } }; KonfiguratorComboBox *cmb = createComboBox("Look&Feel", "Sort method", QString::number(_DefaultSortMethod), sortMethods, 5, panelGrp, true, false, QString(), PAGE_VIEW); hbox->addWidget(cmb); hbox->addWidget(createSpacer(panelGrp)); panelGrid->addLayout(hbox, 5, 0); // ------------------------ Sort Options ---------------------------------- KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM sortSettings[] = // cfg_class, cfg_name, default, text, restart, tooltip { {"Look&Feel", "Case Sensative Sort", _CaseSensativeSort, i18n("Case sensitive sorting"), true, i18n("All files beginning with capital letters appear before files beginning with non-capital letters (UNIX default).") }, {"Look&Feel", "Show Directories First", true, i18n("Show folders first"), true, nullptr }, {"Look&Feel", "Always sort dirs by name", false, i18n("Always sort dirs by name"), true, i18n("Folders are sorted by name, regardless of the sort column.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Locale Aware Sort", true, i18n("Locale aware sorting"), true, i18n("The sorting is performed in a locale- and also platform-dependent manner. Can be slow.") }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *sortSett = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, sortSettings, 4 /*count*/, panelGrp, PAGE_VIEW); sortSett->find("Show Directories First")->addDep(sortSett->find("Always sort dirs by name")); panelGrid->addWidget(sortSett, 6, 0, 1, 2); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------- View modes ----------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- panelGrp = createFrame(i18n("View modes"), tab_panel); panelLayout->addWidget(panelGrp, 1, 0); panelGrid = createGridLayout(panelGrp); // -------------------- Default Panel Type ---------------------------------- hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Default view mode:"), panelGrp)); QList views = KrViewFactory::registeredViews(); const int viewsSize = views.size(); auto *panelTypes = new KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR[ viewsSize ]; QString defType = QString('0'); for (int i = 0; i != viewsSize; i++) { KrViewInstance * inst = views[ i ]; panelTypes[ i ].text = inst->description(); panelTypes[ i ].text.remove('&'); panelTypes[ i ].value = QString("%1").arg(inst->id()); if (inst->id() == KrViewFactory::defaultViewId()) defType = QString("%1").arg(inst->id()); } cmb = createComboBox("Look&Feel", "Default Panel Type", defType, panelTypes, viewsSize, panelGrp, false, false, QString(), PAGE_VIEW); hbox->addWidget(cmb); hbox->addWidget(createSpacer(panelGrp)); delete [] panelTypes; panelGrid->addLayout(hbox, 0, 0); // ----- Individual Settings Per View Type ------------------------ auto *tabs_view = new QTabWidget(panelGrp); panelGrid->addWidget(tabs_view, 11, 0); for(int i = 0; i < views.count(); i++) { QWidget *tab = new QWidget(tabs_view); tabs_view->addTab(tab, views[i]->description()); setupView(views[i], tab); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------- Panel Toolbar TAB ---------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KgPanel::setupButtonsTab() { auto *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(tabWidget); QWidget *tab = new QWidget(scrollArea); scrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setWidget(tab); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea, i18n("Buttons")); QBoxLayout * tabLayout = new QVBoxLayout(tab); tabLayout->setSpacing(6); tabLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM buttonsParams[] = // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip { {"ListPanelButtons", "Icons", false, i18n("Toolbar buttons have icons"), true, "" }, {"Look&Feel", "Media Button Visible", true, i18n("Show Media Button"), true , i18n("The media button will be visible.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Back Button Visible", false, i18n("Show Back Button"), true , "Goes back in history." }, {"Look&Feel", "Forward Button Visible", false, i18n("Show Forward Button"), true , "Goes forward in history." }, {"Look&Feel", "History Button Visible", true, i18n("Show History Button"), true , i18n("The history button will be visible.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Bookmarks Button Visible", true, i18n("Show Bookmarks Button"), true , i18n("The bookmarks button will be visible.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Panel Toolbar visible", _PanelToolBar, i18n("Show Panel Toolbar"), true, i18n("The panel toolbar will be visible.") }, }; buttonsCheckboxes = createCheckBoxGroup(1, 0, buttonsParams, 7/*count*/, tab, PAGE_PANELTOOLBAR); connect(buttonsCheckboxes->find("Panel Toolbar visible"), &KonfiguratorCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &KgPanel::slotEnablePanelToolbar); tabLayout->addWidget(buttonsCheckboxes, 0, nullptr); QGroupBox * panelToolbarGrp = createFrame(i18n("Visible Panel Toolbar buttons"), tab); QGridLayout * panelToolbarGrid = createGridLayout(panelToolbarGrp); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM panelToolbarButtonsParams[] = { // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {"Look&Feel", "Equal Button Visible", _cdOther, i18n("Equal button (=)"), true , i18n("Changes the panel folder to the other panel folder.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Up Button Visible", _cdUp, i18n("Up button (..)"), true , i18n("Changes the panel folder to the parent folder.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Home Button Visible", _cdHome, i18n("Home button (~)"), true , i18n("Changes the panel folder to the home folder.") }, {"Look&Feel", "Root Button Visible", _cdRoot, i18n("Root button (/)"), true , i18n("Changes the panel folder to the root folder.") }, {"Look&Feel", "SyncBrowse Button Visible", _syncBrowseButton, i18n("Toggle-button for sync-browsing"), true , i18n("Each folder change in the panel is also performed in the other panel.") }, }; panelToolbarButtonsCheckboxes = createCheckBoxGroup(1, 0, panelToolbarButtonsParams, sizeof(panelToolbarButtonsParams) / sizeof(*panelToolbarButtonsParams), panelToolbarGrp, PAGE_PANELTOOLBAR); panelToolbarGrid->addWidget(panelToolbarButtonsCheckboxes, 0, 0); tabLayout->addWidget(panelToolbarGrp, 1, nullptr); // Enable panel toolbar checkboxes slotEnablePanelToolbar(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------- Mouse TAB ---------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KgPanel::setupMouseModeTab() { auto *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(tabWidget); QWidget *tab_mouse = new QWidget(scrollArea); scrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setWidget(tab_mouse); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea, i18n("Selection Mode")); auto *mouseLayout = new QGridLayout(tab_mouse); mouseLayout->setSpacing(6); mouseLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); // -------------- General ----------------- QGroupBox *mouseGeneralGroup = createFrame(i18n("General"), tab_mouse); QGridLayout *mouseGeneralGrid = createGridLayout(mouseGeneralGroup); mouseGeneralGrid->setSpacing(0); mouseGeneralGrid->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP mouseSelection[] = { // name value tooltip { i18n("Krusader Mode"), "0", i18n("Both keys allow selecting files. To select more than one file, hold the Ctrl key and click the left mouse button. Right-click menu is invoked using a short click on the right mouse button.") }, { i18n("Konqueror Mode"), "1", i18n("Pressing the left mouse button selects files - you can click and select multiple files. Right-click menu is invoked using a short click on the right mouse button.") }, { i18n("Total-Commander Mode"), "2", i18n("The left mouse button does not select, but sets the current file without affecting the current selection. The right mouse button selects multiple files and the right-click menu is invoked by pressing and holding the right mouse button.") }, { i18n("Ergonomic Mode"), "4", i18n("The left mouse button does not select, but sets the current file without affecting the current selection. The right mouse button invokes the context-menu. You can select with Ctrl key and the left button.") }, { i18n("Custom Selection Mode"), "3", i18n("Design your own selection mode.") } }; mouseRadio = createRadioButtonGroup("Look&Feel", "Mouse Selection", "0", 1, 5, mouseSelection, 5, mouseGeneralGroup, true, PAGE_MOUSE); mouseRadio->layout()->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); mouseGeneralGrid->addWidget(mouseRadio, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i != mouseRadio->count(); i++) connect(mouseRadio->find(i), &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &KgPanel::slotSelectionModeChanged); mouseLayout->addWidget(mouseGeneralGroup, 0, 0); // -------------- Details ----------------- QGroupBox *mouseDetailGroup = createFrame(i18n("Details"), tab_mouse); QGridLayout *mouseDetailGrid = createGridLayout(mouseDetailGroup); mouseDetailGrid->setSpacing(0); mouseDetailGrid->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP singleOrDoubleClick[] = { // name value tooltip { i18n("Double-click selects (classic)"), "0", i18n("A single click on a file will select and focus, a double click opens the file or steps into the folder.") }, { i18n("Obey global selection policy"), "1", i18n("

Use global setting:

Plasma System Settings -> Input Devices -> Mouse

") } }; KonfiguratorRadioButtons *clickRadio = createRadioButtonGroup("Look&Feel", "Single Click Selects", "0", 1, 0, singleOrDoubleClick, 2, mouseDetailGroup, true, PAGE_MOUSE); clickRadio->layout()->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); mouseDetailGrid->addWidget(clickRadio, 0, 0); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM mouseCheckboxesParam[] = { // {cfg_class, cfg_name, default // text, restart, // tooltip } {"Custom Selection Mode", "QT Selection", _QtSelection, i18n("Based on KDE's selection mode"), true, i18n("If checked, use a mode based on KDE's style.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "Left Selects", _LeftSelects, i18n("Left mouse button selects"), true, i18n("If checked, left clicking an item will select it.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "Left Preserves", _LeftPreserves, i18n("Left mouse button preserves selection"), true, i18n("If checked, left clicking an item will select it, but will not unselect other, already selected items.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "ShiftCtrl Left Selects", _ShiftCtrlLeft, i18n("Shift/Ctrl-Left mouse button selects"), true, i18n("If checked, Shift/Ctrl left clicking will select items.\nNote: this is meaningless if 'Left Button Selects' is checked.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "Right Selects", _RightSelects, i18n("Right mouse button selects"), true, i18n("If checked, right clicking an item will select it.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "Right Preserves", _RightPreserves, i18n("Right mouse button preserves selection"), true, i18n("If checked, right clicking an item will select it, but will not unselect other, already selected items.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "ShiftCtrl Right Selects", _ShiftCtrlRight, i18n("Shift/Ctrl-Right mouse button selects"), true, i18n("If checked, Shift/Ctrl right clicking will select items.\nNote: this is meaningless if 'Right Button Selects' is checked.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "Space Moves Down", _SpaceMovesDown, i18n("Spacebar moves down"), true, i18n("If checked, pressing the spacebar will select the current item and move down.\nOtherwise, current item is selected, but remains the current item.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "Space Calc Space", _SpaceCalcSpace, i18n("Spacebar calculates disk space"), true, i18n("If checked, pressing the spacebar while the current item is a folder, will (except from selecting the folder)\ncalculate space occupied of the folder (recursively).") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "Insert Moves Down", _InsertMovesDown, i18n("Insert moves down"), true, i18n("If checked, pressing Insert will select the current item, and move down to the next item.\nOtherwise, current item is not changed.") }, {"Custom Selection Mode", "Immediate Context Menu", _ImmediateContextMenu, i18n("Right clicking pops context menu immediately"), true, i18n("If checked, right clicking will result in an immediate showing of the context menu.\nOtherwise, user needs to click and hold the right mouse button for 500ms.") }, }; mouseCheckboxes = createCheckBoxGroup(1, 0, mouseCheckboxesParam, 11 /*count*/, mouseDetailGroup, PAGE_MOUSE); mouseDetailGrid->addWidget(mouseCheckboxes, 1, 0); for (int i = 0; i < mouseCheckboxes->count(); i++) connect(mouseCheckboxes->find(i), &KonfiguratorCheckBox::clicked, this, &KgPanel::slotMouseCheckBoxChanged); mouseLayout->addWidget(mouseDetailGroup, 0, 1, 2, 1); // Disable the details-button if not in custom-mode slotSelectionModeChanged(); // -------------- Preview ----------------- QGroupBox *mousePreviewGroup = createFrame(i18n("Preview"), tab_mouse); QGridLayout *mousePreviewGrid = createGridLayout(mousePreviewGroup); // TODO preview mousePreview = new KrTreeWidget(mousePreviewGroup); mousePreviewGrid->addWidget(mousePreview, 0 , 0); mousePreviewGroup->setEnabled(false); // TODO re-enable once the preview is implemented // ------------------------------------------ mouseLayout->addWidget(mousePreviewGroup, 1, 0); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------- Media Menu TAB ---------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KgPanel::setupMediaMenuTab() { auto *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(tabWidget); QWidget *tab = new QWidget(scrollArea); scrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setWidget(tab); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea, i18n("Media Menu")); QBoxLayout * tabLayout = new QVBoxLayout(tab); tabLayout->setSpacing(6); tabLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM mediaMenuParams[] = { // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {"MediaMenu", "ShowPath", true, i18n("Show Mount Path"), false, nullptr }, {"MediaMenu", "ShowFSType", true, i18n("Show File System Type"), false, nullptr }, {"MediaMenu", "HideSquashFS", false, i18n("Hide SquashFS entries"), false, nullptr }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *mediaMenuCheckBoxes = createCheckBoxGroup(1, 0, mediaMenuParams, sizeof(mediaMenuParams) / sizeof(*mediaMenuParams), tab, PAGE_MEDIA_MENU); tabLayout->addWidget(mediaMenuCheckBoxes, 0, nullptr); auto *showSizeHBox = new QHBoxLayout(); showSizeHBox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Show Size:"), tab)); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR showSizeValues[] = { { i18nc("setting 'show size'", "Always"), "Always" }, { i18nc("setting 'show size'", "When Device has no Label"), "WhenNoLabel" }, { i18nc("setting 'show size'", "Never"), "Never" }, }; KonfiguratorComboBox *showSizeCmb = createComboBox("MediaMenu", "ShowSize", "Always", showSizeValues, sizeof(showSizeValues) / sizeof(*showSizeValues), tab, false, false, QString(), PAGE_MEDIA_MENU); showSizeHBox->addWidget(showSizeCmb); createIgnoredMountpointsList(tab, tabLayout); showSizeHBox->addStretch(); tabLayout->addLayout(showSizeHBox); tabLayout->addStretch(); } void KgPanel::createIgnoredMountpointsList(QWidget *tab, QBoxLayout *tabLayout) { QWidget *vboxWidget2 = new QWidget(tab); tabLayout->addWidget(vboxWidget2); auto *vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout(vboxWidget2); QWidget *hboxWidget3 = new QWidget(vboxWidget2); vbox2->addWidget(hboxWidget3); auto *hbox3 = new QHBoxLayout(hboxWidget3); QLabel *atomLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Hide following mountpoints:"), hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(atomLabel); int size = QFontMetrics(atomLabel->font()).height(); auto *addButton = new QToolButton(hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(addButton); QPixmap iconPixmap = Icon("list-add").pixmap(size); addButton->setFixedSize(iconPixmap.width() + 4, iconPixmap.height() + 4); addButton->setIcon(QIcon(iconPixmap)); connect(addButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &KgPanel::slotAddMountpoint); auto *removeButton = new QToolButton(hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(removeButton); iconPixmap = Icon("list-remove").pixmap(size); removeButton->setFixedSize(iconPixmap.width() + 4, iconPixmap.height() + 4); removeButton->setIcon(QIcon(iconPixmap)); connect(removeButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &KgPanel::slotRemoveMountpoint); QStringList defaultHiddenMountpoints; // Empty list listBox = createListBox("MediaMenu", "Hidden Mountpoints", defaultHiddenMountpoints, vboxWidget2, true, QString(), PAGE_MEDIA_MENU); vbox2->addWidget(listBox); } void KgPanel::slotAddMountpoint() { bool ok; QString atomExt = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Add new hidden mount point"), i18n("Mount point:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok); if (ok) { listBox->addItem(atomExt); } } void KgPanel::slotRemoveMountpoint() { QList list = listBox->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i != list.count(); i++) listBox->removeItem(list[i]->text()); } void KgPanel::slotEnablePanelToolbar() { bool enableTB = buttonsCheckboxes->find("Panel Toolbar visible")->isChecked(); panelToolbarButtonsCheckboxes->find("Root Button Visible")->setEnabled(enableTB); panelToolbarButtonsCheckboxes->find("Home Button Visible")->setEnabled(enableTB); panelToolbarButtonsCheckboxes->find("Up Button Visible")->setEnabled(enableTB); panelToolbarButtonsCheckboxes->find("Equal Button Visible")->setEnabled(enableTB); panelToolbarButtonsCheckboxes->find("SyncBrowse Button Visible")->setEnabled(enableTB); } void KgPanel::slotSelectionModeChanged() { KrSelectionMode *selectionMode = KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandlerForMode(mouseRadio->selectedValue()); if (selectionMode == nullptr) //User mode return; selectionMode->init(); mouseCheckboxes->find("QT Selection")->setChecked(selectionMode->useQTSelection()); mouseCheckboxes->find("Left Selects")->setChecked(selectionMode->leftButtonSelects()); mouseCheckboxes->find("Left Preserves")->setChecked(selectionMode->leftButtonPreservesSelection()); mouseCheckboxes->find("ShiftCtrl Left Selects")->setChecked(selectionMode->shiftCtrlLeftButtonSelects()); mouseCheckboxes->find("Right Selects")->setChecked(selectionMode->rightButtonSelects()); mouseCheckboxes->find("Right Preserves")->setChecked(selectionMode->rightButtonPreservesSelection()); mouseCheckboxes->find("ShiftCtrl Right Selects")->setChecked(selectionMode->shiftCtrlRightButtonSelects()); mouseCheckboxes->find("Space Moves Down")->setChecked(selectionMode->spaceMovesDown()); mouseCheckboxes->find("Space Calc Space")->setChecked(selectionMode->spaceCalculatesDiskSpace()); mouseCheckboxes->find("Insert Moves Down")->setChecked(selectionMode->insertMovesDown()); mouseCheckboxes->find("Immediate Context Menu")->setChecked(selectionMode->showContextMenu() == -1); } void KgPanel::slotMouseCheckBoxChanged() { mouseRadio->selectButton("3"); //custom selection mode } int KgPanel::activeSubPage() { return tabWidget->currentIndex(); } bool KgPanel::apply() { // We read the IconSize config file before and after // applying the change, to see if it really changed KConfigGroup briefView(krConfig, "KrInterBriefView"); KConfigGroup detailedView(krConfig, "KrInterDetailedView"); int oldiconBriefSize = briefView.readEntry("IconSize", _FilelistIconSize).toInt(); int oldiconDetailSize = detailedView.readEntry("IconSize", _FilelistIconSize).toInt(); KonfiguratorPage::apply(); int iconBriefSize = briefView.readEntry("IconSize", _FilelistIconSize).toInt(); int iconDetailSize = detailedView.readEntry("IconSize", _FilelistIconSize).toInt(); return oldiconBriefSize != iconBriefSize || oldiconDetailSize != iconDetailSize; } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratorpage.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratorpage.cpp index 03f6f7ba..4243962f 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratorpage.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratorpage.cpp @@ -1,310 +1,312 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "konfiguratorpage.h" // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../krglobal.h" KonfiguratorPage::KonfiguratorPage(bool firstTime, QWidget* parent) : QScrollArea(parent), firstCall(firstTime) { setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); } bool KonfiguratorPage::apply() { bool restartNeeded = false; for (auto & item : itemList) restartNeeded = item->apply() || restartNeeded; krConfig->sync(); return restartNeeded; } void KonfiguratorPage::setDefaults() { int activePage = activeSubPage(); for (auto & item : itemList) { if (item->subPage() == activePage) item->setDefaults(); } } void KonfiguratorPage::loadInitialValues() { for (auto & item : itemList) item->loadInitialValue(); } bool KonfiguratorPage::isChanged() { bool isChanged = false; for (auto & item : itemList) isChanged = isChanged || item->isChanged(); return isChanged; } KonfiguratorCheckBox* KonfiguratorPage::createCheckBox(QString configGroup, QString name, bool defaultValue, QString text, QWidget *parent, bool restart, const QString &toolTip, int page) { KonfiguratorCheckBox *checkBox = new KonfiguratorCheckBox(std::move(configGroup), std::move(name), defaultValue, std::move(text), parent, restart, page); if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) { checkBox->setWhatsThis(toolTip); checkBox->setToolTip(toolTip); } registerObject(checkBox->extension()); return checkBox; } KonfiguratorSpinBox* KonfiguratorPage::createSpinBox(QString configGroup, QString configName, - int defaultValue, int min, int max, QWidget *parent, bool restart, const QString &toolTip, int page) + int defaultValue, int min, int max, QLabel *label, QWidget *parent, bool restart, const QString &toolTip, int page) { KonfiguratorSpinBox *spinBox = new KonfiguratorSpinBox(std::move(configGroup), std::move(configName), defaultValue, min, max, parent, restart, page); if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) { + label->setWhatsThis(toolTip); + label->setToolTip(toolTip); spinBox->setWhatsThis(toolTip); spinBox->setToolTip(toolTip); } registerObject(spinBox->extension()); return spinBox; } KonfiguratorEditBox* KonfiguratorPage::createEditBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, const QString &toolTip, int page) { KonfiguratorEditBox *editBox = new KonfiguratorEditBox(std::move(configGroup), std::move(name), std::move(defaultValue), parent, restart, page); if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) { editBox->setWhatsThis(toolTip); editBox->setToolTip(toolTip); } registerObject(editBox->extension()); return editBox; } KonfiguratorListBox* KonfiguratorPage::createListBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QStringList defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, const QString &toolTip, int page) { KonfiguratorListBox *listBox = new KonfiguratorListBox(std::move(configGroup), std::move(name), std::move(defaultValue), parent, restart, page); if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) { listBox->setWhatsThis(toolTip); listBox->setToolTip(toolTip); } registerObject(listBox->extension()); return listBox; } KonfiguratorURLRequester* KonfiguratorPage::createURLRequester(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, const QString &toolTip, int page, bool expansion) { KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlRequester = new KonfiguratorURLRequester(std::move(configGroup), std::move(name), std::move(defaultValue), parent, restart, page, expansion); if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) { urlRequester->setWhatsThis(toolTip); urlRequester->setToolTip(toolTip); } registerObject(urlRequester->extension()); return urlRequester; } QGroupBox* KonfiguratorPage::createFrame(const QString& text, QWidget *parent) { auto *groupBox = new QGroupBox(parent); if (!text.isNull()) groupBox->setTitle(text); return groupBox; } QGridLayout* KonfiguratorPage::createGridLayout(QWidget *parent) { auto *gridLayout = new QGridLayout(parent); gridLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); gridLayout->setSpacing(6); gridLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); return gridLayout; } QLabel* KonfiguratorPage::addLabel(QGridLayout *layout, int x, int y, const QString& label, QWidget *parent) { QLabel *lbl = new QLabel(label, parent); layout->addWidget(lbl, x, y); return lbl; } QWidget* KonfiguratorPage::createSpacer(QWidget *parent) { QWidget *widget = new QWidget(parent); auto *hboxlayout = new QHBoxLayout(widget); auto* spacer = new QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); hboxlayout->addItem(spacer); return widget; } KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup* KonfiguratorPage::createCheckBoxGroup(int sizex, int sizey, KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM *params, int paramNum, QWidget *parent, int page) { auto *groupWidget = new KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup(parent); auto *layout = new QGridLayout(groupWidget); layout->setSpacing(6); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); int x = 0, y = 0; for (int i = 0; i != paramNum; i++) { KonfiguratorCheckBox *checkBox = createCheckBox(params[i].configClass, params[i].configName, params[i].defaultValue, params[i].text, groupWidget, params[i].restart, params[i].toolTip, page); groupWidget->add(checkBox); layout->addWidget(checkBox, y, x); if (sizex) { if (++x == sizex) x = 0, y++; } else { if (++y == sizey) y = 0, x++; } } return groupWidget; } KonfiguratorRadioButtons* KonfiguratorPage::createRadioButtonGroup(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, int sizex, int sizey, KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP *params, int paramNum, QWidget *parent, bool restart, int page) { KonfiguratorRadioButtons *radioWidget = new KonfiguratorRadioButtons(std::move(configGroup), std::move(name), std::move(defaultValue), parent, restart, page); auto *layout = new QGridLayout(radioWidget); layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); layout->setSpacing(6); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); int x = 0, y = 0; for (int i = 0; i != paramNum; i++) { auto *radBtn = new QRadioButton(params[i].text, radioWidget); if (!params[i].tooltip.isEmpty()) { radBtn->setWhatsThis(params[i].tooltip); radBtn->setToolTip(params[i].tooltip); } layout->addWidget(radBtn, y, x); radioWidget->addRadioButton(radBtn, params[i].text, params[i].value); if (sizex) { if (++x == sizex) x = 0, y++; } else { if (++y == sizey) y = 0, x++; } } radioWidget->loadInitialValue(); registerObject(radioWidget->extension()); return radioWidget; } KonfiguratorFontChooser *KonfiguratorPage::createFontChooser(QString configGroup, QString name, const QFont& defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, int page) { KonfiguratorFontChooser *fontChooser = new KonfiguratorFontChooser(std::move(configGroup), std::move(name), defaultValue, parent, restart, page); registerObject(fontChooser->extension()); return fontChooser; } KonfiguratorComboBox *KonfiguratorPage::createComboBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR *params, int paramNum, QWidget *parent, bool restart, bool editable, const QString &toolTip, int page) { KonfiguratorComboBox *comboBox = new KonfiguratorComboBox(std::move(configGroup), std::move(name), std::move(defaultValue), params, paramNum, parent, restart, editable, page); if (!toolTip.isEmpty()) { comboBox->setWhatsThis(toolTip); comboBox->setToolTip(toolTip); } registerObject(comboBox->extension()); return comboBox; } QFrame* KonfiguratorPage::createLine(QWidget *parent, bool vertical) { QFrame *line = new QFrame(parent); line->setFrameStyle((vertical ? QFrame::VLine : QFrame::HLine) | QFrame::Sunken); return line; } void KonfiguratorPage::registerObject(KonfiguratorExtension *item) { itemList.push_back(item); connect(item, SIGNAL(sigChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(sigChanged())); } void KonfiguratorPage::removeObject(KonfiguratorExtension *item) { int ndx = itemList.indexOf(item); if (ndx != -1) { QList::iterator it = itemList.begin() + ndx; delete *it; itemList.erase(it); } } KonfiguratorColorChooser *KonfiguratorPage::createColorChooser(QString configGroup, QString name, QColor defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, ADDITIONAL_COLOR *addColPtr, int addColNum, int page) { KonfiguratorColorChooser *colorChooser = new KonfiguratorColorChooser(std::move(configGroup), std::move(name), std::move(defaultValue), parent, restart, addColPtr, addColNum, page); registerObject(colorChooser->extension()); return colorChooser; } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratorpage.h b/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratorpage.h index 3d25f047..3ec29809 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratorpage.h +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratorpage.h @@ -1,519 +1,520 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef KONFIGURATORPAGE_H #define KONFIGURATORPAGE_H // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include "konfiguratoritems.h" struct KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM; /** * KonfiguratorPage is responsible for handling pages in Konfigurator. * It provides simple methods for create and manage Konfigurator pages. * * @short The base class of a page in Konfigurator */ class KonfiguratorPage : public QScrollArea { Q_OBJECT public: /** * The constructor of the KonfiguratorPage class. * * @param firstTime this parameter is true if it is the first call of Konfigurator * @param parent reference to the parent widget */ KonfiguratorPage(bool firstTime, QWidget *parent); /** * Applies the changes in the Konfigurator page. * * Writes out all relevant information to the configuration object and synchronizes * it with the file storage (hard disk, krusaderrc file). This function calls the apply() * method of each konfigurator item and finally performs the synchronization. * * @return a boolean value indicates that Krusader restart is needed for the correct change */ virtual bool apply(); /** * Sets every konfigurator item to its default value on the page. * * This method calls the setDefaults() method of each konfigurator item. This function * doesn't modify the current configuration, only the values of the GUI items. The * apply() method must be called for finalizing the changes. */ virtual void setDefaults(); /** * Reloads the original value of each konfigurator item from the configuration object. * * This function calls the loadInitialValue() method of each konfigurator item. * Used to rollback the changes on the konfigurator page. Called if the user * responds 'No' to the "Apply changes" question. */ virtual void loadInitialValues(); /** * Checks whether the page was changed. * * This function calls the isChanged() method of each konfigurator item and * performs logical OR operation on them. Actually, this function returns true * if any of the konfigurator items was changed. * * @return true if at least one of the konfigurator items was changed */ virtual bool isChanged(); /** * Flag, indicates the first call of Konfigurator * @return true if konfigurator was started at the first time */ inline bool isFirst() { return firstCall; } /** * This method is used to query the active subpage from the Konfigurator * @return the active page (by default the first page) */ virtual int activeSubPage() { return FIRST_PAGE; } /** * Adds a new checkbox item to the page. *
The checkbox widget's name is QString(configGroup + "/" + name).ascii()
* * Sample:

* KonfiguratorCheckBox *myCheckBox = createCheckBox( "class", "name", false, parentWidget);
* myLayout->addWidget( myCheckBox, 0, 0 ); * * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param name The item name used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the checkbox * @param text The text field of the checkbox * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param toolTip Tooltip used for this checkbox * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created checkbox */ KonfiguratorCheckBox *createCheckBox(QString configGroup, QString name, bool defaultValue, QString text, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, const QString &toolTip = QString(), int page = FIRST_PAGE); /** * Adds a new spinbox item to the page. *
The spinbox widget's name is QString(configGroup + "/" + name).ascii()
* * Sample:

* KonfiguratorSpinBox *mySpinBox = createSpinBox( "class", "name", 10, 1, 100, parentWidget);
* myLayout->addWidget( mySpinBox, 0, 0 ); * * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param configName The item name used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the spinbox * @param min The minimum value of the spinbox * @param max The maximum value of the spinbox + * @param label The label that is associated to the spinbox * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param toolTip Tooltip used for this spinbox * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created spinbox */ KonfiguratorSpinBox *createSpinBox(QString configGroup, QString configName, int defaultValue, - int min, int max, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, + int min, int max, QLabel *label, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, const QString &toolTip = QString(), int page = FIRST_PAGE); /** * Adds a new editbox item to the page. *
The editbox widget's name is QString(configGroup + "/" + name).ascii()
* * Sample:

* KonfiguratorEditBox *myEditBox = createEditBox( "class", "name", "default", parentWidget);
* myLayout->addWidget( myEditBox, 0, 0 ); * * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param name The itemname used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the editbox * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param toolTip Tooltip used for this editbox * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created editbox */ KonfiguratorEditBox *createEditBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, const QString &toolTip = QString(), int page = FIRST_PAGE); /** * Adds a new listbox item to the page. *
The listbox widget's name is QString(configGroup + "/" + name).ascii()
* * Sample:

* QStringList valueList;
* valueList += "item";
* KonfiguratorListBox *myListBox = createListBox( "class", "name", valueList, parentWidget);
* myLayout->addWidget( myListBox, 0, 0 ); * * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param name The itemname used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the listbox * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param toolTip Tooltip used for this listbox * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created editbox */ KonfiguratorListBox *createListBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QStringList defaultValue, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, const QString &toolTip = QString(), int page = FIRST_PAGE); /** * Adds a new URL requester item to the page. *
The URL requester widget's name is QString(configGroup + "/" + name).ascii()
* * Sample:

* KonfiguratorURLRequester *myURLRequester = createURLRequester( "class", "name", "default", parentWidget );
* myLayout->addWidget( myURLRequester, 0, 0 ); * * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param name The itemname used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the URL requester * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param toolTip Tooltip used for this URL requester * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * @param expansion Whether to perform url expansion * * @return reference to the newly created URL requester */ KonfiguratorURLRequester *createURLRequester(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, const QString &toolTip = QString(), int page = FIRST_PAGE, bool expansion = true); /** * Adds a new font chooser item to the page. *
The font chooser widget's name is QString(configGroup + "/" + name).ascii()
* * Sample:

* KonfiguratorFontChooser *myFontChooser = createFontChooser( "class", "name", QFont(), parentWidget );
* myLayout->addWidget( myFontChooser, 0, 0 ); * * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param name The item name used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the font chooser * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created font chooser */ KonfiguratorFontChooser *createFontChooser(QString configGroup, QString name, const QFont& defaultValue, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, int page = FIRST_PAGE); /** * Adds a new combobox item to the page. *
The combobox widget's name is QString(configGroup + "/" + name).ascii()
* * Sample:

*  {{ i18n( "combo text1" ), "value1" },
*   { i18n( "combo text2" ), "value2" },
*   { i18n( "combo text3" ), "value3" }};

* KonfiguratorComboBox *myComboBox = createComboBox( "class", "name", "value2", comboInfo, 3, parentWidget );
* myLayout->addWidget( myComboBox, 0, 0 ); * * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param name The item name used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the combobox * @param params Pointer to the name-value pair array (combo elements) * @param paramNum Number of the combobox elements * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param editable Flag indicates that the combo can be edited * @param toolTip Tooltip used for this combobox * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created combobox */ KonfiguratorComboBox *createComboBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR *params, int paramNum, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, bool editable = false, const QString &toolTip = QString(), int page = FIRST_PAGE); /** * Creates a frame on the page. * * Sample:

* QGroupBox *myGroup = createFrame( i18n( "MyFrameName" ), parentWidget, "frameName" );
* myLayout->addWidget( myGroup, 0, 0 ); * * @param text The text written out onto the frame * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * * @return reference to the newly created frame */ QGroupBox *createFrame(const QString& text = QString(), QWidget *parent = nullptr); /** * Creates a new QGridLayout element and sets its margins. * * Sample:

* QGroupBox *myGroup = createFrame( i18n( "MyFrameName" ), parentWidget, "frameName" );
* QGridLayout *myLayout = createGridLayout( myGroup ) );
* myLayout->addWidget( myGroup, 0, 0 ); * * @param parent Reference to the parent layout * * @return reference to the newly created QGridLayout */ QGridLayout *createGridLayout(QWidget *parent); /** * Adds a new label to a grid layout. * * Sample:

* QGroupBox *myGroup = createFrame( i18n( "MyFrameName" ), parentWidget, "frameName" );
* QGridLayout *myLayout = createGridLayout( myGroup->layout() );
* addLabel( myLayout, 0, 0, i18n( "Hello world!" ), myGroup, "myLabel" );
* mainLayout->addWidget( myGroup, 0, 0 ); * * @param layout The grid layout on which the item will be placed * @param x the column to which the label will be placed * @param y the row to which the label will be placed * @param label the text of the label * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * * @return reference to the newly created label */ QLabel *addLabel(QGridLayout *layout, int x, int y, const QString& label, QWidget *parent = nullptr); /** * Creates a spacer object (for justifying in QHBox). * * Sample:

* QHBox *hbox = new QHBox( myParent, "hbox" );
* createSpinBox( "class", "spin", 5, 1, 10, hbox );
* createSpacer( hbox );
* myLayout->addWidget( hbox, 0, 0 ); * * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * * @return reference to the newly created spacer widget */ QWidget *createSpacer(QWidget *parent = nullptr); /** * Creates a separator line. * * Sample:

* QFrame *myLine = createLine( myParent, "myLine" );
* myLayout->addWidget( myLine, 1, 0 );
* * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param vertical Means vertical line * * @return reference to the newly created spacer widget */ QFrame *createLine(QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool vertical = false); /** * Creates a checkbox group. A checkbox group contains a lot of checkboxes. * The grouped checkboxes are embedded into one widget, which can be placed anywhere * on the GUI. The placing of the elements can be horizontal or vertical in the group. * At horizontal placing the sizex integer defines the maximum element number in * one row, sizey is 0. At vertical placing sizex is 0, and sizey defines the * maximum row number in one column.
* * One specific element can be reached by its name or index with the find methods. * The first element is checkBoxGroup->find( 0 ), "myCb" element is checkBoxGroup->find( "myCb") ... * * Sample:

*  {{"CbClass","CbName1", false, i18n( "name1" ), false, "tooltip1"},
*   {"CbClass","CbName2", true, i18n( "name2" ), false, "tooltip2"},
*   {"CbClass","CbName3", true, i18n( "name3" ), false, "tooltip3"}};

* KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *myCheckBoxGroup = createCheckBoxGroup( 1, 0, myCBArray, 3, myParent, "myCheckboxGroup" );
* myCheckBoxGroup->find( 0 )->setEnabled( false );

* myLayout->addWidget( myCheckBoxGroup, 0, 0 );
* * @param sizex the maximum column number at horizontal placing * @param sizey the maximum row number at vertical placing * @param params pointer to the checkbox array * @param paramNum number of the checkbox elements * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created checkbox group widget */ KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *createCheckBoxGroup(int sizex, int sizey, KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM *params, int paramNum, QWidget *parent = nullptr, int page = FIRST_PAGE); /** * Creates a radio button group. A radio button group contains a lot of radio buttons. * The grouped buttons are embedded into one widget, which can be placed anywhere * on the GUI. The placing of the elements can be horizontal or vertical in the group. * At horizontal placing the sizex integer defines the maximum element number in * one row, sizey is 0. At vertical placing sizex is 0, and sizey defines the * maximum row number in one column.
* * The references of the buttons can be accessed by the find methods of KonfiguratorRadioButtons. * The first element is myRadioGrp->find( 0 ), "myRadio" element is myRadioGrp->find( "myRadio") ... * * Sample:

*  {{ i18n( "radio text1" ), "value1", i18n( "tooltip1" ) },
*   { i18n( "radio text2" ), "value2", i18n( "tooltip2" ) },
*   { i18n( "radio text3" ), "value3", i18n( "tooltip3" ) }};

* KonfiguratorRadioButtons *myRadioGroup = createRadioButtonGroup( "class", "name", "value1", * 1, 0, radioInfo, 3, myParent, "myRadioGroup" );
* myRadioGroup->find( i18n( "radio text1" ) )->setEnabled( false );
* myLayout->addWidget( myRadioGroup, 0, 0 );
* * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param name The item name used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the radio buttons * @param sizex the maximum column number at horizontal placing * @param sizey the maximum row number at vertical placing * @param params pointer to the checkbox array * @param paramNum number of the checkbox elements * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created radio button group widget */ KonfiguratorRadioButtons *createRadioButtonGroup(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, int sizex, int sizey, KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP *params, int paramNum, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, int page = FIRST_PAGE); /** * This function is used to insert new, unknown items into KonfiguratorPage. The * item must be derived from KonfiguratorExtension class, which have * isChanged(), apply(), setDefaults, loadInitialValue() methods. After that, the * object is properly handled by Konfigurator page. * * * @param item The item to be added to KonfiguratorPage */ void registerObject(KonfiguratorExtension *item); /** * This function is used to remove elements from KonfiguratorPage. * * Sample:

* KonfiguratorEditBox *myEditBox = createEditBox( "class", "name", "default", parentWidget);
* myLayout->addWidget( myEditBox, 0, 0 );
* removeObject( myEditBox->extension() ); * * After the removeObject myEditBox will be untouched at apply(), setDefaults(), isChanged(), * loadInitialValues() methods of the KonfiguratorPage. * * @param item The item to be removed from KonfiguratorPage */ void removeObject(KonfiguratorExtension *item); /** * Adds a new color chooser combobox item to the page. *
The chooser's widget's name is QString(configGroup + "/" + name).ascii()
* * Sample:

* KonfiguratorColorChooser *myColorChooser = createColorChooser( "class", "name", QColor( 255, 0, 255 ), parentWidget );
* myLayout->addWidget( myColorChooser, 0, 0 ); * * @param configGroup The class name used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") * @param name The item name used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") * @param defaultValue The default value of the color chooser * @param parent Reference to the parent widget * @param restart The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart * @param addColPtr The additional color values * @param addColNum Number of additional colors * @param page The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults) * * @return reference to the newly created combobox */ KonfiguratorColorChooser *createColorChooser(QString configGroup, QString name, QColor defaultValue, QWidget *parent = nullptr, bool restart = false, ADDITIONAL_COLOR *addColPtr = nullptr, int addColNum = 0, int page = FIRST_PAGE); signals: /** * The signal is emitted if the changed flag was modified in any konfigurator item. * Used for enabling/disabling the apply button. */ void sigChanged(); protected: QList itemList; private: bool firstCall; }; /** * KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM is the basic item of checkbox arrays. It contains * every information related to a checkbox. */ struct KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM { /** * The class used in KConfig (ex. "Archives") */ QString configClass; /** * The item name used in KConfig (ex. "Do Tar") */ QString configName; /** * The default value of the checkbox */ bool defaultValue; /** * The text field of the checkbox */ QString text; /** * The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart */ bool restart; /** * The checkbox's tooltip */ QString toolTip; }; #endif /* __KONFIGURATOR_PAGE_H__ */