diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/krmaskchoice.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/krmaskchoice.cpp index 3a810eb1..442e5057 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/krmaskchoice.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/krmaskchoice.cpp @@ -1,151 +1,152 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krmaskchoice.h" // QtCore #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../GUI/krlistwidget.h" +#include "../compat.h" /** * Constructs a KrMaskChoice which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' * * The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to * TRUE to construct a modal dialog. */ KrMaskChoice::KrMaskChoice(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent) { setModal(true); resize(401, 314); setWindowTitle(i18n("Choose Files")); auto* MainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); auto* HeaderLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); MainLayout->addLayout(HeaderLayout); PixmapLabel1 = new QLabel(this); PixmapLabel1->setScaledContents(true); PixmapLabel1->setMaximumSize(QSize(31, 31)); HeaderLayout->addWidget(PixmapLabel1); label = new QLabel(this); label->setText(i18n("Select the following files:")); HeaderLayout->addWidget(label); selection = new KComboBox(this); selection->setEditable(true); selection->setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtTop); selection->setAutoCompletion(true); MainLayout->addWidget(selection); auto* GroupBox1 = new QGroupBox(this); GroupBox1->setTitle(i18n("Predefined Selections")); MainLayout->addWidget(GroupBox1); auto* gbLayout = new QHBoxLayout(GroupBox1); preSelections = new KrListWidget(GroupBox1); preSelections->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); preSelections->setWhatsThis(i18n("A predefined selection is a file-mask which you often use.\nSome examples are: \"*.c, *.h\", \"*.c, *.o\", etc.\nYou can add these masks to the list by typing them and pressing the Add button.\nDelete removes a predefined selection and Clear removes all of them.\nNotice that the line in which you edit the mask has its own history, you can scroll it, if needed.")); gbLayout->addWidget(preSelections); auto* vbox = new QVBoxLayout(); gbLayout->addLayout(vbox); PushButton7 = new QPushButton(GroupBox1); PushButton7->setText(i18n("Add")); PushButton7->setToolTip(i18n("Adds the selection in the line-edit to the list")); vbox->addWidget(PushButton7); PushButton7_2 = new QPushButton(GroupBox1); PushButton7_2->setText(i18n("Delete")); PushButton7_2->setToolTip(i18n("Delete the marked selection from the list")); vbox->addWidget(PushButton7_2); PushButton7_3 = new QPushButton(GroupBox1); PushButton7_3->setText(i18n("Clear")); PushButton7_3->setToolTip(i18n("Clears the entire list of selections")); vbox->addWidget(PushButton7_3); vbox->addItem(new QSpacerItem(5, 5, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); QDialogButtonBox* ButtonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, this); MainLayout->addWidget(ButtonBox); // signals and slots connections connect(ButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &KrMaskChoice::reject); connect(ButtonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &KrMaskChoice::accept); connect(PushButton7, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &KrMaskChoice::addSelection); connect(PushButton7_2, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &KrMaskChoice::deleteSelection); connect(PushButton7_3, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &KrMaskChoice::clearSelections); - connect(selection, QOverload::of(&KComboBox::activated), selection, &KComboBox::setEditText); + connect(selection, QOverload::of(&KComboBox::QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED), selection, &KComboBox::setEditText); connect(selection->lineEdit(), &QLineEdit::returnPressed, this, &KrMaskChoice::accept); connect(preSelections, &KrListWidget::currentItemChanged, this, &KrMaskChoice::currentItemChanged); connect(preSelections, &KrListWidget::itemActivated, this, &KrMaskChoice::acceptFromList); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ KrMaskChoice::~KrMaskChoice() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void KrMaskChoice::addSelection() { qWarning("KrMaskChoice::addSelection(): Not implemented yet!"); } void KrMaskChoice::clearSelections() { qWarning("KrMaskChoice::clearSelections(): Not implemented yet!"); } void KrMaskChoice::deleteSelection() { qWarning("KrMaskChoice::deleteSelection(): Not implemented yet!"); } void KrMaskChoice::acceptFromList(QListWidgetItem *) { qWarning("KrMaskChoice::acceptFromList(QListWidgetItem *): Not implemented yet!"); } void KrMaskChoice::currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *) { qWarning("KrMaskChoice::currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *): Not implemented yet!"); } diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/newftpgui.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/newftpgui.cpp index 294936a3..53af81ba 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/newftpgui.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/newftpgui.cpp @@ -1,203 +1,204 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2009 Fathi Boudra * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "newftpgui.h" // QtCore #include #include // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" +#include "../compat.h" #define SIZE_MINIMUM QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed) const QStringList sProtocols = QStringList() << QStringLiteral("ftp") << QStringLiteral("ftps") << QStringLiteral("sftp") << QStringLiteral("fish") << QStringLiteral("nfs") << QStringLiteral("smb") << QStringLiteral("webdav") << QStringLiteral("svn") << QStringLiteral("svn+file") << QStringLiteral("svn+http") << QStringLiteral("svn+https") << QStringLiteral("svn+ssh"); /** * Constructs a newFTPGUI which is a child of 'parent', * with the name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' */ newFTPGUI::newFTPGUI(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent) { setModal(true); setWindowTitle(i18n("New Network Connection")); resize(500, 240); auto *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(mainLayout); QSizePolicy policy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred); policy.setHeightForWidth(sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); setSizePolicy(policy); iconLabel = new QLabel(this); iconLabel->setPixmap(Icon("network-wired").pixmap(32)); iconLabel->setSizePolicy(SIZE_MINIMUM); aboutLabel = new QLabel(i18n("About to connect to..."), this); QFont font(aboutLabel->font()); font.setBold(true); aboutLabel->setFont(font); protocolLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Protocol:"), this); hostLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Host:"), this); portLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Port:"), this); prefix = new KComboBox(this); prefix->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("protocol")); prefix->setSizePolicy(SIZE_MINIMUM); url = new KrHistoryComboBox(this); url->setMaxCount(50); url->setMinimumContentsLength(10); const QStringList availableProtocols = KProtocolInfo::protocols(); for (const QString& protocol : sProtocols) { if (availableProtocols.contains(protocol)) prefix->addItem(protocol + QStringLiteral("://")); } // load the history and completion list after creating the history combo KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList list = group.readEntry("newFTP Completion list", QStringList()); url->completionObject()->setItems(list); list = group.readEntry("newFTP History list", QStringList()); url->setHistoryItems(list); // Select last used protocol const QString lastUsedProtocol = group.readEntry("newFTP Protocol", QString()); if(!lastUsedProtocol.isEmpty()) { prefix->setCurrentItem(lastUsedProtocol); } port = new QSpinBox(this); port->setMaximum(65535); port->setValue(21); port->setSizePolicy(SIZE_MINIMUM); usernameLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Username:"), this); username = new KLineEdit(this); passwordLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Password:"), this); password = new KLineEdit(this); password->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); auto *horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); horizontalLayout->addWidget(iconLabel); horizontalLayout->addWidget(aboutLabel); auto *gridLayout = new QGridLayout(); gridLayout->addWidget(protocolLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(hostLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(portLabel, 0, 2, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(prefix, 1, 0, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(url, 1, 1, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(port, 1, 2, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(usernameLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(username, 3, 0, 1, 3); gridLayout->addWidget(passwordLabel, 4, 0, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(password, 5, 0, 1, 3); auto *widgetLayout = new QGridLayout(); widgetLayout->addLayout(horizontalLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1); widgetLayout->addLayout(gridLayout, 1, 0, 1, 1); mainLayout->addLayout(widgetLayout); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); QPushButton *okButton = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); okButton->setText(i18n("&Connect")); okButton->setDefault(true); okButton->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Return); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &newFTPGUI::accept); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &newFTPGUI::reject); - connect(prefix, QOverload::of(&KComboBox::activated), this, &newFTPGUI::slotTextChanged); - connect(url, QOverload::of(&KrHistoryComboBox::activated), url, &KrHistoryComboBox::addToHistory); + connect(prefix, QOverload::of(&KComboBox::QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED), this, &newFTPGUI::slotTextChanged); + connect(url, QOverload::of(&KrHistoryComboBox::QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED), url, &KrHistoryComboBox::addToHistory); if(!lastUsedProtocol.isEmpty()) { // update the port field slotTextChanged(lastUsedProtocol); } setTabOrder(url, username); setTabOrder(username, password); setTabOrder(password, prefix); } /** * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ newFTPGUI::~newFTPGUI() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void newFTPGUI::slotTextChanged(const QString &string) { if (string.startsWith(QLatin1String("ftp")) || string.startsWith(QLatin1String("sftp")) || string.startsWith(QLatin1String("fish"))) { if (port->value() == 21 || port->value() == 22) { port->setValue(string.startsWith(QLatin1String("ftp")) ? 21 : 22); } port->setEnabled(true); } else { port->setEnabled(false); } } /** * Main event handler. Reimplemented to handle application font changes */ bool newFTPGUI::event(QEvent *ev) { bool ret = QDialog::event(ev); if (ev->type() == QEvent::ApplicationFontChange) { QFont font(aboutLabel->font()); font.setBold(true); aboutLabel->setFont(font); } return ret; } diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/packguibase.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/packguibase.cpp index 9f4d4a9e..8b6abd79 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/packguibase.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/packguibase.cpp @@ -1,495 +1,496 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "packguibase.h" // QtCore #include // QtGui #include #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../defaults.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" +#include "../compat.h" #include "../GUI/krhistorycombobox.h" /* * Constructs a PackGUIBase which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' * * The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to * TRUE to construct a modal dialog. */ PackGUIBase::PackGUIBase(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), expanded(false) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Archives"); setModal(true); resize(430, 140); setWindowTitle(i18n("Pack")); grid = new QGridLayout(this); grid->setSpacing(6); grid->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); hbox = new QHBoxLayout; hbox->setSpacing(6); hbox->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); TextLabel3 = new QLabel(this); TextLabel3->setText(i18n("To archive")); hbox->addWidget(TextLabel3); nameData = new QLineEdit(this); hbox->addWidget(nameData); typeData = new QComboBox(this); typeData->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); - connect(typeData, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::activated), this, &PackGUIBase::checkConsistency); + connect(typeData, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED), this, &PackGUIBase::checkConsistency); connect(typeData, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::highlighted), this, &PackGUIBase::checkConsistency); hbox->addWidget(typeData); grid->addLayout(hbox, 1, 0); hbox_2 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_2->setSpacing(6); hbox_2->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); TextLabel5 = new QLabel(this); TextLabel5->setText(i18n("In folder")); hbox_2->addWidget(TextLabel5); dirData = new QLineEdit(this); hbox_2->addWidget(dirData); browseButton = new QToolButton(this); browseButton->setIcon(Icon("document-open")); hbox_2->addWidget(browseButton); auto* spacer = new QSpacerItem(48, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hbox_2->addItem(spacer); grid->addLayout(hbox_2, 2, 0); hbox_3 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_3->setSpacing(6); hbox_3->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); PixmapLabel1 = new QLabel(this); PixmapLabel1->setPixmap(Icon("package-x-generic").pixmap(32)); PixmapLabel1->setScaledContents(true); PixmapLabel1->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); hbox_3->addWidget(PixmapLabel1); TextLabel1 = new QLabel(this); TextLabel1->setText(i18n("Pack")); hbox_3->addWidget(TextLabel1); grid->addLayout(hbox_3, 0, 0); hbox_4 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_4->setSpacing(6); hbox_4->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); auto* spacer_3 = new QSpacerItem(20, 26, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding); hbox_4->addItem(spacer_3); grid->addLayout(hbox_4, 3, 0); advancedWidget = new QWidget(this); hbox_5 = new QGridLayout(advancedWidget); hbox_5->setSpacing(6); hbox_5->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); auto *compressLayout = new QVBoxLayout; compressLayout->setSpacing(6); compressLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); multipleVolume = new QCheckBox(i18n("Multiple volume archive"), advancedWidget); connect(multipleVolume, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &PackGUIBase::checkConsistency); compressLayout->addWidget(multipleVolume, 0, nullptr); auto * volumeHbox = new QHBoxLayout; auto* spacer_5 = new QSpacerItem(20, 26, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); volumeHbox->addItem(spacer_5); TextLabel7 = new QLabel(i18n("Size:"), advancedWidget); volumeHbox->addWidget(TextLabel7); volumeSpinBox = new QSpinBox(advancedWidget); volumeSpinBox->setMinimum(1); volumeSpinBox->setMaximum(9999); volumeSpinBox->setValue(1440); volumeHbox->addWidget(volumeSpinBox); volumeUnitCombo = new QComboBox(advancedWidget); volumeUnitCombo->addItem("B"); volumeUnitCombo->addItem("KB"); volumeUnitCombo->addItem("MB"); volumeUnitCombo->setCurrentIndex(1); volumeHbox->addWidget(volumeUnitCombo); compressLayout->addLayout(volumeHbox); int level = group.readEntry("Compression level", _defaultCompressionLevel); setCompressionLevel = new QCheckBox(i18n("Set compression level"), advancedWidget); if (level != _defaultCompressionLevel) setCompressionLevel->setChecked(true); connect(setCompressionLevel, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &PackGUIBase::checkConsistency); compressLayout->addWidget(setCompressionLevel, 0, nullptr); auto * sliderHbox = new QHBoxLayout; auto* spacer_6 = new QSpacerItem(20, 26, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); sliderHbox->addItem(spacer_6); QWidget * sliderVBoxWidget = new QWidget(advancedWidget); auto *sliderVBox = new QVBoxLayout(sliderVBoxWidget); compressionSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, sliderVBoxWidget); compressionSlider->setMinimum(1); compressionSlider->setMaximum(9); compressionSlider->setPageStep(1); compressionSlider->setValue(level); compressionSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); sliderVBox->addWidget(compressionSlider); QWidget * minmaxWidget = new QWidget(sliderVBoxWidget); sliderVBox->addWidget(minmaxWidget); auto * minmaxHbox = new QHBoxLayout(minmaxWidget); minLabel = new QLabel(i18n("MIN"), minmaxWidget); maxLabel = new QLabel(i18n("MAX"), minmaxWidget); maxLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); minmaxHbox->addWidget(minLabel); minmaxHbox->addWidget(maxLabel); sliderHbox->addWidget(sliderVBoxWidget); compressLayout->addLayout(sliderHbox); compressLayout->addStretch(0); hbox_5->addLayout(compressLayout, 0, 0); QFrame *vline = new QFrame(advancedWidget); vline->setFrameStyle(QFrame::VLine | QFrame::Sunken); vline->setMinimumWidth(20); hbox_5->addWidget(vline, 0, 1); auto * passwordGrid = new QGridLayout; passwordGrid->setSpacing(6); passwordGrid->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); TextLabel4 = new QLabel(advancedWidget); TextLabel4->setText(i18n("Password")); passwordGrid->addWidget(TextLabel4, 0, 0); password = new QLineEdit(advancedWidget); password->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); connect(password, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &PackGUIBase::checkConsistency); passwordGrid->addWidget(password, 0, 1); TextLabel6 = new QLabel(advancedWidget); TextLabel6->setText(i18n("Again")); passwordGrid->addWidget(TextLabel6, 1, 0); passwordAgain = new QLineEdit(advancedWidget); passwordAgain->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); connect(passwordAgain, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &PackGUIBase::checkConsistency); passwordGrid->addWidget(passwordAgain, 1, 1); auto *consistencyHbox = new QHBoxLayout; auto* spacer_cons = new QSpacerItem(48, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); consistencyHbox->addItem(spacer_cons); passwordConsistencyLabel = new QLabel(advancedWidget); consistencyHbox->addWidget(passwordConsistencyLabel); passwordGrid->addLayout(consistencyHbox, 2, 0, 1, 2); encryptHeaders = new QCheckBox(i18n("Encrypt headers"), advancedWidget); passwordGrid->addWidget(encryptHeaders, 3, 0, 1, 2); auto* spacer_psw = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding); passwordGrid->addItem(spacer_psw, 4, 0); hbox_5->addLayout(passwordGrid, 0, 2); hbox_7 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_7->setSpacing(6); hbox_7->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); TextLabel8 = new QLabel(i18n("Command line switches:"), advancedWidget); TextLabel8->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hbox_7->addWidget(TextLabel8); commandLineSwitches = new KrHistoryComboBox(advancedWidget); commandLineSwitches->setMaxCount(25); // remember 25 items commandLineSwitches->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); commandLineSwitches->setMinimumContentsLength(10); QStringList list = group.readEntry("Command Line Switches", QStringList()); commandLineSwitches->setHistoryItems(list); hbox_7->addWidget(commandLineSwitches); hbox_5->addLayout(hbox_7, 1, 0, 1, 3); advancedWidget->hide(); checkConsistency(); grid->addWidget(advancedWidget, 4, 0); hbox_6 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_6->setSpacing(6); hbox_6->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); advancedButton = new QPushButton(this); advancedButton->setText(i18n("&Advanced >>")); hbox_6->addWidget(advancedButton); auto* spacer_2 = new QSpacerItem(140, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hbox_6->addItem(spacer_2); okButton = new QPushButton(this); KStandardGuiItem::assign(okButton, KStandardGuiItem::Ok); okButton->setDefault(true); hbox_6->addWidget(okButton); cancelButton = new QPushButton(this); KStandardGuiItem::assign(cancelButton, KStandardGuiItem::Cancel); hbox_6->addWidget(cancelButton); grid->addLayout(hbox_6, 6, 0); // signals and slots connections connect(okButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &PackGUIBase::accept); connect(advancedButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &PackGUIBase::expand); connect(cancelButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &PackGUIBase::reject); connect(browseButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &PackGUIBase::browse); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ PackGUIBase::~PackGUIBase() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void PackGUIBase::browse() { qWarning("PackGUIBase::browse(): Not implemented yet!"); } void PackGUIBase::expand() { expanded = !expanded; advancedButton->setText(expanded ? i18n("&Advanced <<") : i18n("&Advanced >>")); if (expanded) advancedWidget->show(); else { advancedWidget->hide(); layout()->activate(); QSize minSize = minimumSize(); resize(width(), minSize.height()); } show(); } void PackGUIBase::checkConsistency() { QPalette p = QGuiApplication::palette(); QPalette pal = passwordConsistencyLabel->palette(); if (password->text().isEmpty() && passwordAgain->text().isEmpty()) { pal.setColor(passwordConsistencyLabel->foregroundRole(), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); passwordConsistencyLabel->setText(i18n("No password specified")); } else if (password->text() == passwordAgain->text()) { pal.setColor(passwordConsistencyLabel->foregroundRole(), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); passwordConsistencyLabel->setText(i18n("The passwords are equal")); } else { pal.setColor(passwordConsistencyLabel->foregroundRole(), Qt::red); passwordConsistencyLabel->setText(i18n("The passwords are different")); } passwordConsistencyLabel->setPalette(pal); QString packer = typeData->currentText(); bool passworded = false; if (packer == "7z" || packer == "rar" || packer == "zip" || packer == "arj") passworded = true; passwordConsistencyLabel->setEnabled(passworded); password->setEnabled(passworded); passwordAgain->setEnabled(passworded); TextLabel4->setEnabled(passworded); TextLabel6->setEnabled(passworded); encryptHeaders->setEnabled(packer == "rar"); multipleVolume->setEnabled(packer == "rar" || packer == "arj"); bool volumeEnabled = multipleVolume->isEnabled() && multipleVolume->isChecked(); volumeSpinBox->setEnabled(volumeEnabled); volumeUnitCombo->setEnabled(volumeEnabled); TextLabel7->setEnabled(volumeEnabled); /* TODO */ setCompressionLevel->setEnabled(packer == "rar" || packer == "arj" || packer == "zip" || packer == "7z"); bool sliderEnabled = setCompressionLevel->isEnabled() && setCompressionLevel->isChecked(); compressionSlider->setEnabled(sliderEnabled); minLabel->setEnabled(sliderEnabled); maxLabel->setEnabled(sliderEnabled); } bool PackGUIBase::extraProperties(QMap & inMap) { inMap.clear(); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Archives"); if (password->isEnabled() && passwordAgain->isEnabled()) { if (password->text() != passwordAgain->text()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot pack, the passwords are different.")); return false; } if (!password->text().isEmpty()) { inMap[ "Password" ] = password->text(); if (encryptHeaders->isEnabled() && encryptHeaders->isChecked()) inMap[ "EncryptHeaders" ] = '1'; } } if (multipleVolume->isEnabled() && multipleVolume->isChecked()) { KIO::filesize_t size = volumeSpinBox->value(); switch (volumeUnitCombo->currentIndex()) { case 2: size *= 1000; #if __GNUC__ >= 7 [[gnu::fallthrough]]; #endif case 1: size *= 1000; default: break; } if (size < 10000) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid volume size.")); return false; } QString sbuffer; sbuffer.asprintf("%llu", size); inMap[ "VolumeSize" ] = sbuffer; } if (setCompressionLevel->isEnabled() && setCompressionLevel->isChecked()) { inMap[ "CompressionLevel" ] = QString("%1").arg(compressionSlider->value()); int level = compressionSlider->value(); group.writeEntry("Compression level", level); } QString cmdArgs = commandLineSwitches->currentText().trimmed(); if (!cmdArgs.isEmpty()) { bool firstChar = true; QChar quote = QChar::Null; for (int i = 0; i < cmdArgs.length(); i++) { QChar ch(cmdArgs[ i ]); if (ch.isSpace()) continue; if (ch == quote) { quote = QChar::Null; continue; } if (firstChar && ch != QLatin1Char('-')) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid command line switch.\nA switch must start with '-'.")); return false; } firstChar = false; if (quote == QLatin1Char('"')) continue; if (quote == QChar::Null && (ch == QLatin1Char('\'') || ch == QLatin1Char('"'))) quote = ch; if (ch == QLatin1Char('\\')) { if (i == cmdArgs.length() - 1) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid command line switch.\nBackslashes cannot be the last character.")); return false; } i++; } } if (quote != QChar::Null) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid command line switch.\nUnclosed quotation mark.")); return false; } commandLineSwitches->addToHistory(cmdArgs); inMap[ "CommandLineSwitches" ] = cmdArgs; } return true; } diff --git a/krusader/Filter/generalfilter.cpp b/krusader/Filter/generalfilter.cpp index e86d4d43..c5431edc 100644 --- a/krusader/Filter/generalfilter.cpp +++ b/krusader/Filter/generalfilter.cpp @@ -1,666 +1,667 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2003 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2003 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "generalfilter.h" #include "filtertabs.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystem.h" +#include "../compat.h" // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { const char *description; const char *regExp; int cursorAdjustment; } term; static const term items[] = { { I18N_NOOP("Any Character"), ".", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Start of Line"), "^", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("End of Line"), "$", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Set of Characters"), "[]", -1 }, { I18N_NOOP("Repeats, Zero or More Times"), "*", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Repeats, One or More Times"), "+", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Optional"), "?", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Escape"), "\\", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("TAB"), "\\t", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Newline"), "\\n", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Carriage Return"), "\\r", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("White Space"), "\\s", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Digit"), "\\d", 0 }, }; class RegExpAction : public QAction { public: RegExpAction(QObject *parent, const QString &text, const QString ®Exp, int cursor) : QAction(text, parent), mText(text), mRegExp(regExp), mCursor(cursor) { } QString text() const { return mText; } QString regExp() const { return mRegExp; } int cursor() const { return mCursor; } private: QString mText; QString mRegExp; int mCursor; }; GeneralFilter::GeneralFilter(FilterTabs *tabs, int properties, QWidget *parent, QStringList extraOptions) : QWidget(parent), profileManager(nullptr), fltTabs(tabs) { auto *filterLayout = new QGridLayout(this); filterLayout->setSpacing(6); filterLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); this->properties = properties; // Options for name filtering auto *nameGroup = new QGroupBox(this); nameGroup->setTitle(i18n("File Name")); auto *nameGroupLayout = new QGridLayout(nameGroup); nameGroupLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); nameGroupLayout->setSpacing(6); nameGroupLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); searchForCase = new QCheckBox(nameGroup); searchForCase->setText(i18n("&Case sensitive")); searchForCase->setChecked(false); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(searchForCase, 1, 2); QLabel *searchForLabel = new QLabel(nameGroup); searchForLabel->setText(i18n("Search &for:")); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(searchForLabel, 0, 0); searchFor = new KrHistoryComboBox(false, nameGroup/*, "searchFor"*/); QSizePolicy searchForPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); searchForPolicy.setHeightForWidth(searchFor->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); searchFor->setSizePolicy(searchForPolicy); searchFor->setEditable(true); searchFor->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); searchFor->setMaxCount(25); searchFor->setMinimumContentsLength(10); searchForLabel->setBuddy(searchFor); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(searchFor, 0, 1, 1, 2); const QString s = "

" + i18n("

The filename filtering criteria is defined here.

" "

You can make use of wildcards. Multiple patterns are separated by " "space (means logical OR) and patterns are excluded from the search " "using the pipe symbol.

" "

If the pattern is ended with a slash (*pattern*/), " "that means that pattern relates to recursive search of folders." "

  • pattern - means to search those files/folders " "that name is pattern, recursive search goes through all " "subfolders independently of the value of pattern
  • " "
  • pattern/ - means to search all files/folders, but " "recursive search goes through/excludes the folders that name is " "pattern

" "

It is allowed to use quotation marks for names that contain space." " Filter \"Program Files\" searches out those " "files/folders that name is Program Files.

" "


    " "
  • *.o
  • " "
  • *.h *.c\?\?
  • " "
  • *.cpp *.h | *.moc.cpp
  • " "
  • * | .svn/ .git/

" "Note: the search term 'text' is equivalent to " "'*text*'.

"); searchFor->setWhatsThis(s); searchForLabel->setWhatsThis(s); QLabel *searchType = new QLabel(nameGroup); searchType->setText(i18n("&Of type:")); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(searchType, 1, 0); ofType = new KComboBox(false, nameGroup); ofType->setObjectName("ofType"); QSizePolicy ofTypePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); ofTypePolicy.setHeightForWidth(ofType->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); ofType->setSizePolicy(ofTypePolicy); ofType->setEditable(false); searchType->setBuddy(ofType); ofType->addItem(i18n("All Files")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Archives")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Folders")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Image Files")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Text Files")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Video Files")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Audio Files")); connect(ofType, QOverload::of(&KComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &GeneralFilter::slotDisable); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(ofType, 1, 1); filterLayout->addWidget(nameGroup, 0, 0); middleLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); middleLayout->setSpacing(6); middleLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasProfileHandler) { // The profile handler auto *profileHandler = new QGroupBox(this); profileHandler->setTitle(i18n("&Profile handler")); auto *profileLayout = new QGridLayout(profileHandler); profileLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); profileLayout->setSpacing(6); profileLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); profileListBox = new KrListWidget(profileHandler); profileLayout->addWidget(profileListBox, 0, 0, 4, 1); profileAddBtn = new QPushButton(profileHandler); KStandardGuiItem::assign(profileAddBtn, KStandardGuiItem::Add); profileLayout->addWidget(profileAddBtn, 0, 1); profileLoadBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("&Load"), profileHandler); profileLoadBtn->setEnabled(false); profileLayout->addWidget(profileLoadBtn, 1, 1); profileOverwriteBtn = new QPushButton(profileHandler); profileOverwriteBtn->setEnabled(false); KStandardGuiItem::assign(profileOverwriteBtn, KStandardGuiItem::Overwrite); profileLayout->addWidget(profileOverwriteBtn, 2, 1); profileRemoveBtn = new QPushButton(profileHandler); profileRemoveBtn->setEnabled(false); KStandardGuiItem::assign(profileRemoveBtn, KStandardGuiItem::Remove); profileLayout->addWidget(profileRemoveBtn, 3, 1); profileManager = new ProfileManager("SelectionProfile", this); profileManager->hide(); middleLayout->addWidget(profileHandler); refreshProfileListBox(); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasSearchIn) { // Options for search in QGroupBox *searchGroupBox = new QGroupBox(i18n("Searc&h in"), this); auto *searchLayout = new QGridLayout(searchGroupBox); searchLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); searchLayout->setSpacing(6); searchLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); searchIn = new KURLListRequester(KURLListRequester::RequestDirs, searchGroupBox); searchLayout->addWidget(searchIn, 0, 0); connect(searchIn, &KURLListRequester::changed, this, &GeneralFilter::slotDisable); middleLayout->addWidget(searchGroupBox); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) { // Options for don't search in QGroupBox *searchGroupBox = new QGroupBox(i18n("&Do not search in"), this); auto *searchLayout = new QGridLayout(searchGroupBox); searchLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); searchLayout->setSpacing(6); searchLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); dontSearchIn = new KURLListRequester(KURLListRequester::RequestDirs, searchGroupBox); searchLayout->addWidget(dontSearchIn, 0, 0, 1, 2); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Search"); useExcludeFolderNames = createExcludeCheckBox(group); searchLayout->addWidget(useExcludeFolderNames, 1, 0, 1, 1); excludeFolderNames = createExcludeComboBox(group); searchLayout->addWidget(excludeFolderNames, 1, 1, 1, 1); if (!useExcludeFolderNames->isChecked()) { excludeFolderNames->setDisabled(true); } connect(useExcludeFolderNames, &QCheckBox::toggled, excludeFolderNames, &KrHistoryComboBox::setEnabled); } middleLayout->addWidget(searchGroupBox); } filterLayout->addLayout(middleLayout, 1, 0); // Options for containing text auto *containsGroup = new QGroupBox(this); containsGroup->setTitle(i18n("Containing text")); auto *containsLayout = new QGridLayout(containsGroup); containsLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); containsLayout->setSpacing(6); containsLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); auto *containsTextLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); containsTextLayout->setSpacing(6); containsTextLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); containsLabel = new QLabel(containsGroup); QSizePolicy containsLabelPolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum); containsLabelPolicy.setHeightForWidth(containsLabel->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); containsLabel->setSizePolicy(containsLabelPolicy); containsLabel->setText(i18n("&Text:")); containsTextLayout->addWidget(containsLabel); containsText = new KrHistoryComboBox(false, containsGroup/*, "containsText"*/); QSizePolicy containsTextPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); containsTextPolicy.setHeightForWidth(containsText->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); containsText->setSizePolicy(containsTextPolicy); containsText->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); containsText->setMaxCount(25); containsText->setMinimumContentsLength(10); containsTextLayout->addWidget(containsText); containsLabel->setBuddy(containsText); containsRegExp = new QToolButton(containsGroup); containsRegExp->setPopupMode(QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup); containsRegExp->setCheckable(true); containsRegExp->setText(i18n("RegExp")); // Populate the popup menu. auto *patterns = new QMenu(containsRegExp); for (int i = 0; (unsigned)i < sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]); i++) { patterns->addAction(new RegExpAction(patterns, i18n(items[i].description), items[i].regExp, items[i].cursorAdjustment)); } connect(containsRegExp, &QToolButton::toggled, this, &GeneralFilter::slotDisable); connect(containsRegExp, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &GeneralFilter::slotRegExpTriggered); containsRegExp->setMenu(patterns); patterns->setEnabled(false); containsTextLayout->addWidget(containsRegExp); containsLayout->addLayout(containsTextLayout, 0, 0); auto *containsCbsLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); containsCbsLayout->setSpacing(6); containsCbsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); encLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Encoding:"), containsGroup); containsCbsLayout->addWidget(encLabel); contentEncoding = new KComboBox(containsGroup); contentEncoding->setEditable(false); contentEncoding->addItem(i18nc("Default encoding", "Default")); contentEncoding->addItems(KCharsets::charsets()->descriptiveEncodingNames()); containsCbsLayout->addWidget(contentEncoding); auto* cbSpacer = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); containsCbsLayout->addItem(cbSpacer); containsWholeWord = new QCheckBox(containsGroup); QSizePolicy containsWholeWordPolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); containsWholeWordPolicy.setHeightForWidth(containsWholeWord->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); containsWholeWord->setSizePolicy(containsWholeWordPolicy); containsWholeWord->setText(i18n("&Match whole word only")); containsWholeWord->setChecked(false); containsCbsLayout->addWidget(containsWholeWord); containsTextCase = new QCheckBox(containsGroup); QSizePolicy containsTextCasePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); containsTextCasePolicy.setHeightForWidth(containsTextCase->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); containsTextCase->setSizePolicy(containsTextCasePolicy); containsTextCase->setText(i18n("Cas&e sensitive")); containsTextCase->setChecked(true); containsCbsLayout->addWidget(containsTextCase); containsLayout->addLayout(containsCbsLayout, 1, 0); filterLayout->addWidget(containsGroup, 2, 0); auto *recurseLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); recurseLayout->setSpacing(6); recurseLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); auto* recurseSpacer = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); recurseLayout->addItem(recurseSpacer); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { // Options for recursive searching searchInDirs = new QCheckBox(this); searchInDirs->setText(i18n("Search in s&ub folders")); searchInDirs->setChecked(true); recurseLayout->addWidget(searchInDirs); searchInArchives = new QCheckBox(this); searchInArchives->setText(i18n("Search in arch&ives")); recurseLayout->addWidget(searchInArchives); followLinks = new QCheckBox(this); followLinks->setText(i18n("Follow &links")); recurseLayout->addWidget(followLinks); } filterLayout->addLayout(recurseLayout, 3, 0); for(int i = 0; i < extraOptions.length(); i++) { auto *option = new QCheckBox(this); option->setText(extraOptions[i]); recurseLayout->addWidget(option); this->extraOptions.insert(extraOptions[i], option); } // Connection table if (properties & FilterTabs::HasProfileHandler) { connect(profileAddBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &GeneralFilter::slotAddBtnClicked); connect(profileLoadBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &GeneralFilter::slotLoadBtnClicked); connect(profileOverwriteBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &GeneralFilter::slotOverwriteBtnClicked); connect(profileRemoveBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &GeneralFilter::slotRemoveBtnClicked); connect(profileListBox, &KrListWidget::itemDoubleClicked, this, &GeneralFilter::slotProfileDoubleClicked); connect(profileManager, &ProfileManager::loadFromProfile, fltTabs, &FilterTabs::loadFromProfile); connect(profileManager, &ProfileManager::saveToProfile, fltTabs, &FilterTabs::saveToProfile); } - connect(searchFor, QOverload::of(&KrHistoryComboBox::activated), searchFor, &KrHistoryComboBox::addToHistory); - connect(containsText, QOverload::of(&KrHistoryComboBox::activated), containsText, &KrHistoryComboBox::addToHistory); + connect(searchFor, QOverload::of(&KrHistoryComboBox::QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED), searchFor, &KrHistoryComboBox::addToHistory); + connect(containsText, QOverload::of(&KrHistoryComboBox::QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED), containsText, &KrHistoryComboBox::addToHistory); // load the completion and history lists // ==> search for KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Search"); QStringList list = group.readEntry("SearchFor Completion", QStringList()); searchFor->completionObject()->setItems(list); list = group.readEntry("SearchFor History", QStringList()); searchFor->setHistoryItems(list); // ==> grep list = group.readEntry("ContainsText Completion", QStringList()); containsText->completionObject()->setItems(list); list = group.readEntry("ContainsText History", QStringList()); containsText->setHistoryItems(list); setTabOrder(searchFor, containsText); // search for -> content setTabOrder(containsText, searchType); // content -> search type slotDisable(); } GeneralFilter::~GeneralFilter() { // save the history combos // ==> search for QStringList list = searchFor->completionObject()->items(); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Search"); group.writeEntry("SearchFor Completion", list); list = searchFor->historyItems(); group.writeEntry("SearchFor History", list); // ==> grep text list = containsText->completionObject()->items(); group.writeEntry("ContainsText Completion", list); list = containsText->historyItems(); group.writeEntry("ContainsText History", list); if ((properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) && (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions)) { list = excludeFolderNames->historyItems(); group.writeEntry("ExcludeFolderNamesHistory", list); group.writeEntry("ExcludeFolderNames", excludeFolderNames->currentText()); group.writeEntry("ExcludeFolderNamesUse", static_cast(useExcludeFolderNames->checkState())); } krConfig->sync(); } bool GeneralFilter::isExtraOptionChecked(const QString& name) { QCheckBox *option = extraOptions[name]; return option ? option->isChecked() : false; } void GeneralFilter::checkExtraOption(const QString& name, bool check) { QCheckBox *option = extraOptions[name]; if (option) option->setChecked(check); } void GeneralFilter::queryAccepted() { searchFor->addToHistory(searchFor->currentText()); containsText->addToHistory(containsText->currentText()); if ((properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) && (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions)) { excludeFolderNames->addToHistory(excludeFolderNames->currentText()); } } void GeneralFilter::refreshProfileListBox() { profileListBox->clear(); profileListBox->addItems(ProfileManager::availableProfiles("SelectionProfile")); if (profileListBox->count() != 0) { profileLoadBtn->setEnabled(true); profileOverwriteBtn->setEnabled(true); profileRemoveBtn->setEnabled(true); } else { profileLoadBtn->setEnabled(false); profileOverwriteBtn->setEnabled(false); profileRemoveBtn->setEnabled(false); } } QCheckBox *GeneralFilter::createExcludeCheckBox(const KConfigGroup &group) { auto *excludeCheckBox = new QCheckBox(this); excludeCheckBox->setText(i18n("Exclude Folder Names")); excludeCheckBox->setToolTip(i18n("Filters out specified folder names from the results.")); excludeCheckBox->setChecked(static_cast(group.readEntry("ExcludeFolderNamesUse", 0))); return excludeCheckBox; } KrHistoryComboBox *GeneralFilter::createExcludeComboBox(const KConfigGroup &group) { auto *excludeComboBox = new KrHistoryComboBox(false, this); QSizePolicy excludeFolderNamesPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); excludeFolderNamesPolicy.setHeightForWidth(excludeComboBox->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); excludeComboBox->setSizePolicy(excludeFolderNamesPolicy); excludeComboBox->setEditable(true); excludeComboBox->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); excludeComboBox->setMaxCount(25); excludeComboBox->setMinimumContentsLength(10); excludeComboBox->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Enter space-separated folder names")); excludeComboBox->lineEdit()->setWhatsThis( i18n("You can insert names with escaped spaces or quoted.\nExample: .git \"target " "build\" build\\ krusader")); excludeComboBox->setHistoryItems(group.readEntry("ExcludeFolderNamesHistory", QStringList())); excludeComboBox->setEditText(group.readEntry("ExcludeFolderNames", "")); return excludeComboBox; } void GeneralFilter::slotAddBtnClicked() { profileManager->newProfile(searchFor->currentText().simplified()); refreshProfileListBox(); } void GeneralFilter::slotOverwriteBtnClicked() { QListWidgetItem *item = profileListBox->currentItem(); if (item != nullptr) profileManager->overwriteProfile(item->text()); } void GeneralFilter::slotRemoveBtnClicked() { QListWidgetItem *item = profileListBox->currentItem(); if (item != nullptr) { profileManager->deleteProfile(item->text()); refreshProfileListBox(); } } void GeneralFilter::slotProfileDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *item) { if (item != nullptr) { QString profileName = item->text(); profileManager->loadProfile(profileName); fltTabs->close(true); } } void GeneralFilter::slotLoadBtnClicked() { QListWidgetItem *item = profileListBox->currentItem(); if (item != nullptr) profileManager->loadProfile(item->text()); } void GeneralFilter::slotDisable() { bool state = containsRegExp->isChecked(); bool global = ofType->currentText() != i18n("Folders"); bool remoteOnly = false; if (properties & FilterTabs::HasSearchIn) { QList urlList = searchIn->urlList(); remoteOnly = urlList.count() != 0; foreach(const QUrl &url, urlList) if (url.scheme() == "file") remoteOnly = false; } containsWholeWord->setEnabled(!state && global); containsRegExp->menu()->setEnabled(state && global); encLabel->setEnabled(global); contentEncoding->setEnabled(global); containsTextCase->setEnabled(global); containsRegExp->setEnabled(global); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) searchInArchives->setEnabled(global && !remoteOnly); containsLabel->setEnabled(global); containsText->setEnabled(global); } void GeneralFilter::slotRegExpTriggered(QAction * act) { if (act == nullptr) return; auto *regAct = dynamic_cast(act); if (regAct == nullptr) return; containsText->lineEdit()->insert(regAct->regExp()); containsText->lineEdit()->setCursorPosition(containsText->lineEdit()->cursorPosition() + regAct->cursor()); containsText->lineEdit()->setFocus(); } bool GeneralFilter::getSettings(FilterSettings &s) { // check that we have (at least) what to search, and where to search in if (searchFor->currentText().simplified().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(this , i18n("No search criteria entered.")); searchFor->setFocus(); return false; } s.searchFor = searchFor->currentText().trimmed(); s.searchForCase = searchForCase->isChecked(); if (ofType->currentText() != i18n("All Files")) s.mimeType = ofType->currentText(); if (containsText->isEnabled()) { s.containsText = containsText->currentText(); s.containsTextCase = containsTextCase->isChecked(); s.containsWholeWord = containsWholeWord->isChecked(); s.containsRegExp = containsRegExp->isChecked(); } if (contentEncoding->currentIndex() != 0) s.contentEncoding = KCharsets::charsets()->encodingForName(contentEncoding->currentText()); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { s.recursive = searchInDirs->isChecked(); s.searchInArchives = searchInArchives->isChecked(); s.followLinks = followLinks->isChecked(); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasSearchIn) { s.searchIn = searchIn->urlList(); if (s.searchIn.isEmpty()) { // we need a place to search in KMessageBox::error(this , i18n("Please specify a location to search in.")); searchIn->lineEdit()->setFocus(); return false; } } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) { s.dontSearchIn = dontSearchIn->urlList(); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { if (useExcludeFolderNames->isChecked()) { s.excludeFolderNames = KShell::splitArgs(excludeFolderNames->currentText()); } else { s.excludeFolderNames = QStringList(); } } } return true; } void GeneralFilter::applySettings(const FilterSettings &s) { searchFor->setEditText(s.searchFor); searchForCase->setChecked(s.searchForCase); setComboBoxValue(ofType, s.mimeType); containsText->setEditText(s.containsText); containsTextCase->setChecked(s.containsTextCase); containsWholeWord->setChecked(s.containsWholeWord); containsRegExp->setChecked(s.containsRegExp); setComboBoxValue(contentEncoding, KCharsets::charsets()->descriptionForEncoding(s.contentEncoding)); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { searchInDirs->setChecked(s.recursive); searchInArchives->setChecked(s.searchInArchives); followLinks->setChecked(s.followLinks); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasSearchIn) { searchIn->lineEdit()->clear(); searchIn->listBox()->clear(); searchIn->listBox()->addItems(KrServices::toStringList(s.searchIn)); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) { dontSearchIn->lineEdit()->clear(); dontSearchIn->listBox()->clear(); dontSearchIn->listBox()->addItems(KrServices::toStringList(s.dontSearchIn)); } } diff --git a/krusader/Panel/panelfunc.cpp b/krusader/Panel/panelfunc.cpp index 07f6a822..14ee11e0 100644 --- a/krusader/Panel/panelfunc.cpp +++ b/krusader/Panel/panelfunc.cpp @@ -1,1407 +1,1407 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "panelfunc.h" // QtCore #include #include #include #include #include #include // QtGui #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dirhistoryqueue.h" #include "krcalcspacedialog.h" #include "krerrordisplay.h" #include "krsearchbar.h" #include "listpanel.h" #include "listpanelactions.h" #include "PanelView/krview.h" #include "PanelView/krviewitem.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "../kractions.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../abstractpanelmanager.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "../Archive/krarchandler.h" #include "../Archive/packjob.h" #include "../FileSystem/fileitem.h" #include "../FileSystem/virtualfilesystem.h" #include "../FileSystem/krpermhandler.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystemprovider.h" #include "../FileSystem/sizecalculator.h" #include "../Dialogs/packgui.h" #include "../Dialogs/krdialogs.h" #include "../Dialogs/krpleasewait.h" #include "../Dialogs/krspwidgets.h" #include "../Dialogs/checksumdlg.h" #include "../KViewer/krviewer.h" #include "../MountMan/kmountman.h" - +#include "../compat.h" QPointer ListPanelFunc::copyToClipboardOrigin; ListPanelFunc::ListPanelFunc(ListPanel *parent) : QObject(parent), panel(parent), fileSystemP(nullptr), urlManuallyEntered(false), _isPaused(true), _refreshAfterPaused(true), _quickSizeCalculator(nullptr) { history = new DirHistoryQueue(panel); delayTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&delayTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ListPanelFunc::doRefresh); } ListPanelFunc::~ListPanelFunc() { if (fileSystemP) { fileSystemP->deleteLater(); } delete history; if (_quickSizeCalculator) _quickSizeCalculator->deleteLater(); } bool ListPanelFunc::isSyncing(const QUrl &url) { if(otherFunc()->otherFunc() == this && panel->otherPanel()->gui->syncBrowseButton->isChecked() && !otherFunc()->syncURL.isEmpty() && otherFunc()->syncURL == url) return true; return false; } void ListPanelFunc::openFileNameInternal(const QString &name, bool externallyExecutable) { if (name == "..") { dirUp(); return; } FileItem *fileitem = files()->getFileItem(name); if (fileitem == nullptr) return; QUrl url = files()->getUrl(name); if (fileitem->isDir()) { panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent(QString()); openUrl(url); return; } QString mime = fileitem->getMime(); QUrl arcPath = browsableArchivePath(name); if (!arcPath.isEmpty()) { bool browseAsDirectory = !externallyExecutable || (KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Archives").readEntry("ArchivesAsDirectories", _ArchivesAsDirectories) && (KrArcHandler::arcSupported(mime) || KrServices::isoSupported(mime))); if (browseAsDirectory) { openUrl(arcPath); return; } } if (externallyExecutable) { if (mime == QLatin1String("application/x-desktop")) { KDesktopFileActions::runWithStartup(url, url.isLocalFile(), QByteArray()); return; } if (KRun::isExecutableFile(url, mime)) { runCommand(KShell::quoteArg(url.path())); return; } KService::Ptr service = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService(mime); if(service) { runService(*service, QList() << url); return; } displayOpenWithDialog(QList() << url); } } QUrl ListPanelFunc::cleanPath(const QUrl &urlIn) { QUrl url = urlIn; url.setPath(QDir::cleanPath(url.path())); if (!url.isValid() || url.isRelative()) { if (url.url() == "~") url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath()); else if (!url.url().startsWith('/')) { // possible relative URL - translate to full URL url = files()->currentDirectory(); url.setPath(url.path() + '/' + urlIn.path()); } } url.setPath(QDir::cleanPath(url.path())); return url; } void ListPanelFunc::openUrl(const QUrl &url, const QString& nameToMakeCurrent, bool manuallyEntered) { qDebug() << "URL=" << url.toDisplayString() << "; name to current=" << nameToMakeCurrent; if (panel->syncBrowseButton->isChecked()) { //do sync-browse stuff.... if(syncURL.isEmpty()) syncURL = panel->otherPanel()->virtualPath(); QString relative = QDir(panel->virtualPath().path() + '/').relativeFilePath(url.path()); syncURL.setPath(QDir::cleanPath(syncURL.path() + '/' + relative)); panel->otherPanel()->gui->setTabState(ListPanel::TabState::DEFAULT); otherFunc()->openUrlInternal(syncURL, nameToMakeCurrent, false, false); } openUrlInternal(url, nameToMakeCurrent, false, manuallyEntered); } void ListPanelFunc::immediateOpenUrl(const QUrl &url) { openUrlInternal(url, QString(), true, false); } void ListPanelFunc::openUrlInternal(const QUrl &url, const QString& nameToMakeCurrent, bool immediately, bool manuallyEntered) { const QUrl cleanUrl = cleanPath(url); if (panel->isLocked() && !files()->currentDirectory().matches(cleanUrl, QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) { panel->_manager->newTab(url); urlManuallyEntered = false; return; } urlManuallyEntered = manuallyEntered; const QString currentItem = history->currentUrl().path() == cleanUrl.path() ? history->currentItem() : nameToMakeCurrent; panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent(nameToMakeCurrent); history->add(cleanUrl, currentItem); if(immediately) doRefresh(); else refresh(); } void ListPanelFunc::refresh() { panel->cancelProgress(); delayTimer.start(0); // to avoid qApp->processEvents() deadlock situation } void ListPanelFunc::doRefresh() { delayTimer.stop(); if (_isPaused) { _refreshAfterPaused = true; // simulate refresh panel->slotStartUpdate(true); return; } else { _refreshAfterPaused = false; } const QUrl url = history->currentUrl(); if(!url.isValid()) { panel->slotStartUpdate(true); // refresh the panel urlManuallyEntered = false; return; } panel->cancelProgress(); // if we are not refreshing to current URL const bool isEqualUrl = files()->currentDirectory().matches(url, QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); if (!isEqualUrl) { panel->setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); panel->view->clearSavedSelection(); } if (panel->fileSystemError) { panel->fileSystemError->hide(); } panel->setNavigatorUrl(url); // may get a new filesystem for this url FileSystem *fileSystem = FileSystemProvider::instance().getFilesystem(url, files()); fileSystem->setParentWindow(krMainWindow); connect(fileSystem, &FileSystem::aboutToOpenDir, &krMtMan, &KMountMan::autoMount, Qt::DirectConnection); if (fileSystem != fileSystemP) { panel->view->setFiles(nullptr); // disconnect older signals disconnect(fileSystemP, nullptr, panel, nullptr); fileSystemP->deleteLater(); fileSystemP = fileSystem; // v != 0 so this is safe } else { if (fileSystemP->isRefreshing()) { // TODO remove busy waiting here delayTimer.start(100); /* if filesystem is busy try refreshing later */ return; } } // (re)connect filesystem signals disconnect(files(), nullptr, panel, nullptr); connect(files(), &DirListerInterface::scanDone, panel, &ListPanel::slotStartUpdate); connect(files(), &FileSystem::fileSystemInfoChanged, panel, &ListPanel::updateFilesystemStats); connect(files(), &FileSystem::refreshJobStarted, panel, &ListPanel::slotRefreshJobStarted); connect(files(), &FileSystem::error, panel, &ListPanel::slotFilesystemError); panel->view->setFiles(files()); if (!isEqualUrl || !panel->view->getCurrentKrViewItem()) { // set current item after refresh from history, if there is none yet panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent(history->currentItem()); } // workaround for detecting panel deletion while filesystem is refreshing QPointer panelSave = panel; // NOTE: this is blocking. Returns false on error or interruption (cancel requested or panel // was deleted) const bool scanned = fileSystemP->refresh(url); if (scanned) { // update the history and address bar, as the actual url might differ from the one requested history->setCurrentUrl(fileSystemP->currentDirectory()); panel->setNavigatorUrl(fileSystemP->currentDirectory()); } else if (!panelSave) { return; } panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent(QString()); panel->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); // on local file system change the working directory if (files()->isLocal()) QDir::setCurrent(KrServices::urlToLocalPath(files()->currentDirectory())); // see if the open url operation failed, and if so, // put the attempted url in the navigator bar and let the user change it if (!scanned) { if(isSyncing(url)) panel->otherPanel()->gui->syncBrowseButton->setChecked(false); else if(urlManuallyEntered) { panel->setNavigatorUrl(url); if(panel == ACTIVE_PANEL) panel->editLocation(); } } if(otherFunc()->otherFunc() == this) // not true if our tab is not active otherFunc()->syncURL = QUrl(); urlManuallyEntered = false; refreshActions(); } void ListPanelFunc::setPaused(bool paused) { if (paused == _isPaused) return; _isPaused = paused; // TODO: disable refresh() in local file system when paused if (!_isPaused && _refreshAfterPaused) refresh(); } void ListPanelFunc::redirectLink() { if (!files()->isLocal()) { KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("You can edit links only on local file systems")); return; } FileItem *fileitem = files()->getFileItem(panel->getCurrentName()); if (!fileitem) return; QString file = fileitem->getUrl().path(); QString currentLink = fileitem->getSymDest(); if (currentLink.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("The current file is not a link, so it cannot be redirected.")); return; } // ask the user for a new destination bool ok = false; QString newLink = QInputDialog::getText(krMainWindow, i18n("Link Redirection"), i18n("Please enter the new link destination:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentLink, &ok); // if the user canceled - quit if (!ok || newLink == currentLink) return; // delete the current link if (unlink(file.toLocal8Bit()) == -1) { KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("Cannot remove old link: %1", file)); return; } // try to create a new symlink if (symlink(newLink.toLocal8Bit(), file.toLocal8Bit()) == -1) { KMessageBox:: /* --=={ Patch by Heiner }==-- */sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("Failed to create a new link: %1", file)); return; } } void ListPanelFunc::krlink(bool sym) { if (!files()->isLocal()) { KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("You can create links only on local file systems")); return; } QString name = panel->getCurrentName(); // ask the new link name.. bool ok = false; QString linkName = QInputDialog::getText(krMainWindow, i18n("New Link"), i18n("Create a new link to: %1", name), QLineEdit::Normal, name, &ok); // if the user canceled - quit if (!ok || linkName == name) return; // if the name is already taken - quit if (files()->getFileItem(linkName) != nullptr) { KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("A folder or a file with this name already exists.")); return; } // make link name and target absolute path if (linkName.left(1) != "/") linkName = files()->currentDirectory().path() + '/' + linkName; name = files()->getUrl(name).path(); if (sym) { if (symlink(name.toLocal8Bit(), linkName.toLocal8Bit()) == -1) KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("Failed to create a new symlink '%1' to: '%2'", linkName, name)); } else { if (link(name.toLocal8Bit(), linkName.toLocal8Bit()) == -1) KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("Failed to create a new link '%1' to '%2'", linkName, name)); } } void ListPanelFunc::view() { panel->searchBar->hideBarIfSearching(); QString fileName = panel->getCurrentName(); if (fileName.isNull()) return; // if we're trying to view a directory, just exit FileItem *fileitem = files()->getFileItem(fileName); if (!fileitem || fileitem->isDir()) return; if (!fileitem->isReadable()) { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("No permissions to view this file.")); return; } // call KViewer. KrViewer::view(files()->getUrl(fileName)); // nothing more to it! } void ListPanelFunc::viewDlg() { // ask the user for a url to view QUrl dest = KChooseDir::getFile(i18n("Enter a URL to view:"), QUrl(panel->getCurrentName()), panel->virtualPath()); if (dest.isEmpty()) return ; // the user canceled KrViewer::view(dest); // view the file } void ListPanelFunc::terminal() { SLOTS->runTerminal(panel->lastLocalPath()); } void ListPanelFunc::editFile(const QUrl &filePath) { panel->searchBar->hideBarIfSearching(); QUrl editPath; if (!filePath.isEmpty()) { editPath = filePath; } else { const QString name = panel->getCurrentName(); if (name.isNull()) return; editPath = files()->getUrl(name); } if (editPath.isLocalFile()) { const KFileItem fileToEdit = KFileItem(editPath); if (fileToEdit.isDir()) { KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("You cannot edit a folder")); return; } if (!fileToEdit.isReadable()) { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("No permissions to edit this file.")); return; } KrViewer::edit(editPath); } else { KIO::StatJob* statJob = KIO::stat(editPath, KIO::HideProgressInfo); connect(statJob, &KIO::StatJob::result, this, &ListPanelFunc::slotStatEdit); } } void ListPanelFunc::askEditFile() { // ask the user for the filename to edit const QUrl filePath = KChooseDir::getFile(i18n("Enter the filename to edit:"), QUrl(panel->getCurrentName()), panel->virtualPath()); if (filePath.isEmpty()) { return; // the user canceled } if (filePath.isLocalFile()) { // if the file exists, edit it instead of creating a new one QFile file(filePath.toLocalFile()); if (file.exists()) { editFile(filePath); return; } else { // simply create a local file // also because KIO::CopyJob::setDefaultPermissions does not work #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0) file.open(QIODevice::NewOnly); #else file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); #endif file.close(); slotFileCreated(nullptr, filePath); return; } } else { KIO::StatJob* statJob = KIO::stat(filePath, KIO::HideProgressInfo); connect(statJob, &KIO::StatJob::result, this, &ListPanelFunc::slotStatEdit); } } void ListPanelFunc::slotStatEdit(KJob* job) { if (!job) return; const KIO::StatJob *statJob = dynamic_cast(job); const QUrl &url = statJob->url(); if (job->error()) { if (job->error() == KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST) { // create a new file auto *tempFile = new QTemporaryFile; tempFile->setAutoRemove(false); // done below tempFile->open(); // create file KIO::CopyJob *job = KIO::copy(QUrl::fromLocalFile(tempFile->fileName()), url); job->setUiDelegate(nullptr); job->setDefaultPermissions(true); connect(job, &KIO::CopyJob::result, this, [=](KJob *job) { slotFileCreated(job, url); }); connect(job, &KIO::CopyJob::result, tempFile, &QTemporaryFile::deleteLater); return; } else { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, job->errorString()); return; } } if (statJob->statResult().isDir()) { KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, i18n("You cannot edit a folder")); return; } KrViewer::edit(url); } void ListPanelFunc::slotFileCreated(KJob *job, const QUrl filePath) { if (!job || (!job->error() || job->error() == KIO::ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST)) { KrViewer::edit(filePath); if (KIO::upUrl(filePath).matches(panel->virtualPath(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) { refresh(); } if (KIO::upUrl(filePath).matches(panel->otherPanel()->virtualPath(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) { otherFunc()->refresh(); } } else { KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, job->errorString()); } } void ListPanelFunc::copyFiles(bool enqueue, bool move) { panel->searchBar->hideBarIfSearching(); const QStringList fileNames = panel->getSelectedNames(); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return ; // safety QUrl destination = panel->otherPanel()->virtualPath(); bool fullDestPath = false; if (fileNames.count() == 1 && otherFunc()->files()->type() != FileSystem::FS_VIRTUAL) { FileItem *item = files()->getFileItem(fileNames[0]); if (item && !item->isDir()) { fullDestPath = true; // add original filename to destination destination.setPath(QDir(destination.path()).filePath(item->getUrl().fileName())); } } if (!fullDestPath) { destination = FileSystem::ensureTrailingSlash(destination); } const KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Advanced"); const bool showDialog = move ? group.readEntry("Confirm Move", _ConfirmMove) : group.readEntry("Confirm Copy", _ConfirmCopy); if (showDialog) { QString operationText; if (move) { operationText = fileNames.count() == 1 ? i18n("Move %1 to:", fileNames.first()) : i18np("Move %1 file to:", "Move %1 files to:", fileNames.count()); } else { operationText = fileNames.count() == 1 ? i18n("Copy %1 to:", fileNames.first()) : i18np("Copy %1 file to:", "Copy %1 files to:", fileNames.count()); } // ask the user for the copy/move dest const KChooseDir::ChooseResult result = KChooseDir::getCopyDir(operationText, destination, panel->virtualPath()); destination = result.url; if (destination.isEmpty()) return ; // the user canceled enqueue = result.enqueue; } const JobMan::StartMode startMode = enqueue && krJobMan->isQueueModeEnabled() ? JobMan::Delay : !enqueue && !krJobMan->isQueueModeEnabled() ? JobMan::Start : JobMan::Enqueue; const QList fileUrls = files()->getUrls(fileNames); if (move) { // after the delete return the cursor to the first unmarked file above the current item panel->prepareToDelete(); } // make sure the user does not overwrite multiple files by mistake if (fileNames.count() > 1) { destination = FileSystem::ensureTrailingSlash(destination); } const KIO::CopyJob::CopyMode mode = move ? KIO::CopyJob::Move : KIO::CopyJob::Copy; FileSystemProvider::instance().startCopyFiles(fileUrls, destination, mode, true, startMode); if(KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel").readEntry("UnselectBeforeOperation", _UnselectBeforeOperation)) { panel->view->saveSelection(); panel->view->unselectAll(); } } // called from SLOTS to begin the renaming process void ListPanelFunc::rename() { panel->searchBar->hideBarIfSearching(); panel->view->renameCurrentItem(); } // called by signal itemRenamed() from the view to complete the renaming process void ListPanelFunc::rename(const QString &oldname, const QString &newname) { if (oldname == newname) return ; // do nothing // set current after rename panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent(newname); // as always - the filesystem do the job files()->rename(oldname, newname); } void ListPanelFunc::mkdir() { QDialog dialog; dialog.setModal(true); dialog.setWindowTitle(i18n("New Folder")); QVBoxLayout layout; dialog.setLayout(&layout); QLabel comboBoxLabel(i18n("Folder's name:")); layout.addWidget(&comboBoxLabel); KrHistoryComboBox comboBox(&dialog); comboBox.setMaxCount(50); comboBox.setMinimumContentsLength(30); // Ensure that the window title is fully seen layout.addWidget(&comboBox); QDialogButtonBox buttonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, &dialog); layout.addWidget(&buttonBox); layout.setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); connect(&buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, &dialog, &QDialog::accept); connect(&buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, &dialog, &QDialog::reject); - connect(&comboBox, QOverload::of(&KrHistoryComboBox::activated), + connect(&comboBox, QOverload::of(&KrHistoryComboBox::QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED), &comboBox, &KrHistoryComboBox::addToHistory); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // load the history and completion list after creating the KrHistoryComboBox // in the configuration file: the group where the configuration is saved const QString confGroup = "Private"; KConfigGroup group(krConfig, confGroup); const QString entryName = "NewFolder"; // in the configuration file: the key where the completion list is saved const QString completionListKey = entryName + " Completion list"; QStringList list = group.readEntry(completionListKey, QStringList()); comboBox.completionObject()->setItems(list); // in the configuration file: the key where the history list is saved const QString historyListKey = entryName + " History list"; list = group.readEntry(historyListKey, QStringList()); comboBox.setHistoryItems(list); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // the suggested name is the complete name for the folders, // while filenames are suggested without their extension QString suggestedName = panel->getCurrentName(); if (!suggestedName.isEmpty() && !files()->getFileItem(suggestedName)->isDir()) suggestedName = QFileInfo(suggestedName).completeBaseName(); comboBox.setEditText(suggestedName); comboBox.lineEdit()->selectAll(); // ask the name of the new folder const auto dialogResult = dialog.exec(); const QString dirName = comboBox.currentText(); if (dialogResult == QDialog::Accepted) comboBox.addToHistory(dirName); // save the history and completion list list = comboBox.completionObject()->items(); group.writeEntry(completionListKey, list); list = comboBox.historyItems(); group.writeEntry(historyListKey, list); if (dialogResult != QDialog::Accepted) return; const QString firstName = dirName.section('/', 0, 0, QString::SectionIncludeLeadingSep); // if the user canceled or the name was composed of slashes -> quit if (!dirName.startsWith('/') && firstName.isEmpty()) { return; } // notify the user about an existing folder if only a single directory was given if (!dirName.contains('/') && files()->getFileItem(firstName)) { // focus the existing directory panel->view->setCurrentItem(firstName); // show an error message KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("A folder or a file with this name already exists.")); return; } // focus new directory when next refresh happens panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent(firstName); // create new directory (along with underlying directories if necessary) files()->mkDir(dirName); } void ListPanelFunc::defaultOrAlternativeDeleteFiles(bool invert) { const bool trash = KConfigGroup(krConfig, "General").readEntry("Move To Trash", _MoveToTrash); deleteFiles(trash != invert); } void ListPanelFunc::deleteFiles(bool moveToTrash) { panel->searchBar->hideBarIfSearching(); const bool isVFS = files()->type() == FileSystem::FS_VIRTUAL; if (isVFS && files()->isRoot()) { // only virtual deletion possible removeVirtualFiles(); return; } // first get the selected file names list const QStringList fileNames = panel->getSelectedNames(); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return; // move to trash: only if possible moveToTrash = moveToTrash && files()->canMoveToTrash(fileNames); // now ask the user if he/she is sure: const QList confirmedUrls = confirmDeletion( files()->getUrls(fileNames), moveToTrash, isVFS, false); if (confirmedUrls.isEmpty()) return; // nothing to delete // after the delete return the cursor to the first unmarked // file above the current item; panel->prepareToDelete(); // let the filesystem do the job... files()->deleteFiles(confirmedUrls, moveToTrash); } QList ListPanelFunc::confirmDeletion(const QList &urls, bool moveToTrash, bool virtualFS, bool showPath) { QStringList files; for (const QUrl& fileUrl : urls) { files.append(showPath ? fileUrl.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile) : fileUrl.fileName()); } const KConfigGroup advancedGroup(krConfig, "Advanced"); if (advancedGroup.readEntry("Confirm Delete", _ConfirmDelete)) { QString s; // text KGuiItem b; // continue button if (moveToTrash) { s = i18np("Do you really want to move this item to the trash?", "Do you really want to move these %1 items to the trash?", files.count()); b = KGuiItem(i18n("&Trash")); } else if (virtualFS) { s = i18np("Do you really want to delete this item physically (not just " "removing it from the virtual items)?", "Do you really want to delete these %1 items physically (not just " "removing them from the virtual items)?", files.count()); b = KStandardGuiItem::del(); } else { s = i18np("Do you really want to delete this item?", "Do you really want to delete these %1 items?", files.count()); b = KStandardGuiItem::del(); } // show message // note: i'm using continue and not yes/no because the yes/no has cancel as default button if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(krMainWindow, s, files, i18n("Warning"), b) != KMessageBox::Continue) { return QList(); } } // we want to warn the user about non empty dir const bool emptyDirVerify = advancedGroup.readEntry("Confirm Unempty Dir", _ConfirmUnemptyDir); QList toDelete; if (emptyDirVerify) { QSet confirmedFiles; for (const QUrl& fileUrl : urls) { confirmedFiles.insert(fileUrl); if (!fileUrl.isLocalFile()) { continue; // TODO only local fs supported } const QString filePath = fileUrl.toLocalFile(); QFileInfo fileInfo(filePath); if (fileInfo.isDir() && !fileInfo.isSymLink()) { // read local dir... const QDir dir(filePath); if (!dir.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::System | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot).isEmpty()) { // ...is not empty, ask user const QString fileString = showPath ? filePath : fileUrl.fileName(); const KMessageBox::ButtonCode result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( krMainWindow, i18n("

Folder %1 is not empty.

", fileString) + (moveToTrash ? i18n("

Skip this one or trash all?

") : i18n("

Skip this one or delete all?

")), QString(), KGuiItem(i18n("&Skip")), KGuiItem(moveToTrash ? i18n("&Trash All") : i18n("&Delete All"))); if (result == KMessageBox::Yes) { confirmedFiles.remove(fileUrl); // skip this dir } else if (result == KMessageBox::No) { break; // accept all remaining } else { return QList(); // cancel } } } } toDelete = confirmedFiles.values(); } else { toDelete = urls; } return toDelete; } void ListPanelFunc::removeVirtualFiles() { if (files()->type() != FileSystem::FS_VIRTUAL) { qWarning() << "filesystem not virtual"; return; } const QStringList fileNames = panel->getSelectedNames(); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return; const QString text = i18np("Do you really want to delete this virtual item (physical files stay untouched)?", "Do you really want to delete these %1 virtual items (physical files stay " "untouched)?", fileNames.count()); if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(krMainWindow, text, fileNames, i18n("Warning"), KStandardGuiItem::remove()) != KMessageBox::Continue) return; auto *fileSystem = dynamic_cast(files()); fileSystem->remove(fileNames); } void ListPanelFunc::goInside(const QString& name) { openFileNameInternal(name, false); } void ListPanelFunc::runCommand(const QString& cmd) { qDebug() << "command=" << cmd; const QString workdir = panel->virtualPath().isLocalFile() ? panel->virtualPath().path() : QDir::homePath(); if(!KRun::runCommand(cmd, krMainWindow, workdir)) KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("Could not start %1", cmd)); } void ListPanelFunc::runService(const KService &service, const QList& urls) { qDebug() << "service name=" << service.name(); KIO::DesktopExecParser parser(service, urls); QStringList args = parser.resultingArguments(); if (!args.isEmpty()) runCommand(KShell::joinArgs(args)); else KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("%1 cannot open %2", service.name(), KrServices::toStringList(urls).join(", "))); } void ListPanelFunc::displayOpenWithDialog(const QList& urls) { // NOTE: we are not using KRun::displayOpenWithDialog() because we want the commands working // directory to be the panel directory KOpenWithDialog dialog(urls, panel); dialog.hideRunInTerminal(); if (dialog.exec()) { KService::Ptr service = dialog.service(); if(!service) service = KService::Ptr(new KService(dialog.text(), dialog.text(), QString())); runService(*service, urls); } } QUrl ListPanelFunc::browsableArchivePath(const QString &filename) { FileItem *fileitem = files()->getFileItem(filename); QUrl url = files()->getUrl(filename); QString mime = fileitem->getMime(); if(url.isLocalFile()) { QString protocol = krArcMan.registeredProtocol(mime); if(!protocol.isEmpty()) { url.setScheme(protocol); return url; } } return QUrl(); } // this is done when you double click on a file void ListPanelFunc::execute(const QString& name) { openFileNameInternal(name, true); } void ListPanelFunc::pack() { const QStringList fileNames = panel->getSelectedNames(); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return ; // safety if (fileNames.count() == 0) return ; // nothing to pack // choose the default name QString defaultName = panel->virtualPath().fileName(); if (defaultName.isEmpty()) defaultName = "pack"; if (fileNames.count() == 1) defaultName = fileNames.first(); // ask the user for archive name and packer new PackGUI(defaultName, panel->otherPanel()->virtualPath().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile | QUrl::StripTrailingSlash), fileNames.count(), fileNames.first()); if (PackGUI::type.isEmpty()) { return ; // the user canceled } // check for partial URLs if (!PackGUI::destination.contains(":/") && !PackGUI::destination.startsWith('/')) { PackGUI::destination = panel->virtualPath().toDisplayString() + '/' + PackGUI::destination; } QString destDir = PackGUI::destination; if (!destDir.endsWith('/')) destDir += '/'; bool packToOtherPanel = (destDir == FileSystem::ensureTrailingSlash(panel->otherPanel()->virtualPath()).toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); QUrl destURL = QUrl::fromUserInput(destDir + PackGUI::filename + '.' + PackGUI::type, QString(), QUrl::AssumeLocalFile); if (destURL.isLocalFile() && QFile::exists(destURL.path())) { QString msg = i18n("

The archive %1.%2 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?

All data in the previous archive will be lost.

", PackGUI::filename, PackGUI::type); if (PackGUI::type == "zip") { msg = i18n("

The archive %1.%2 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?

Zip will replace identically named entries in the zip archive or add entries for new names.

", PackGUI::filename, PackGUI::type); } if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(krMainWindow, msg, QString(), KStandardGuiItem::overwrite()) == KMessageBox::Cancel) return ; // stop operation } else if (destURL.scheme() == QStringLiteral("virt")) { KMessageBox::error(krMainWindow, i18n("Cannot pack files onto a virtual destination.")); return; } PackJob * job = PackJob::createPacker(files()->currentDirectory(), destURL, fileNames, PackGUI::type, PackGUI::extraProps); job->setUiDelegate(new KIO::JobUiDelegate()); KIO::getJobTracker()->registerJob(job); job->uiDelegate()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); if (packToOtherPanel) connect(job, &PackJob::result, panel->otherPanel()->func, &ListPanelFunc::refresh); } void ListPanelFunc::testArchive() { const QStringList fileNames = panel->getSelectedNames(); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return ; // safety TestArchiveJob * job = TestArchiveJob::testArchives(files()->currentDirectory(), fileNames); job->setUiDelegate(new KIO::JobUiDelegate()); KIO::getJobTracker()->registerJob(job); job->uiDelegate()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); } void ListPanelFunc::unpack() { const QStringList fileNames = panel->getSelectedNames(); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return ; // safety QString s; if (fileNames.count() == 1) s = i18n("Unpack %1 to:", fileNames[0]); else s = i18np("Unpack %1 file to:", "Unpack %1 files to:", fileNames.count()); // ask the user for the copy dest QUrl dest = KChooseDir::getDir(s, panel->otherPanel()->virtualPath(), panel->virtualPath()); if (dest.isEmpty()) return ; // the user canceled bool packToOtherPanel = (dest.matches(panel->otherPanel()->virtualPath(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)); UnpackJob * job = UnpackJob::createUnpacker(files()->currentDirectory(), dest, fileNames); job->setUiDelegate(new KIO::JobUiDelegate()); KIO::getJobTracker()->registerJob(job); job->uiDelegate()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); if (packToOtherPanel) connect(job, &UnpackJob::result, panel->otherPanel()->func, &ListPanelFunc::refresh); } void ListPanelFunc::createChecksum() { if (!panel->func->files()->isLocal()) return; // only local, non-virtual files are supported const KrViewItemList items = panel->view->getSelectedKrViewItems(); QStringList fileNames; for (KrViewItem *item : items) { FileItem *file = panel->func->getFileItem(item); fileNames.append(file->getUrl().fileName()); } if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return; // nothing selected and no valid current file Checksum::startCreationWizard(panel->virtualPath().toLocalFile(), fileNames); } void ListPanelFunc::matchChecksum() { if (!panel->func->files()->isLocal()) return; // only local, non-virtual files are supported FileItem *currentItem = files()->getFileItem(panel->getCurrentName()); const QString checksumFilePath = currentItem ? currentItem->getUrl().toLocalFile() : QString(); Checksum::startVerifyWizard(panel->virtualPath().toLocalFile(), checksumFilePath); } void ListPanelFunc::calcSpace() { QStringList fileNames; panel->view->getSelectedItems(&fileNames); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) { // current file is ".." dummy file panel->view->selectAllIncludingDirs(); panel->view->getSelectedItems(&fileNames); panel->view->unselectAll(); } SizeCalculator *sizeCalculator = createAndConnectSizeCalculator(files()->getUrls(fileNames)); KrCalcSpaceDialog::showDialog(panel, sizeCalculator); } void ListPanelFunc::quickCalcSpace() { const QString currentName = panel->getCurrentName(); if (currentName.isEmpty()) { // current file is ".." dummy, do a verbose calcSpace calcSpace(); return; } if (!_quickSizeCalculator) { _quickSizeCalculator = createAndConnectSizeCalculator(QList()); panel->connectQuickSizeCalculator(_quickSizeCalculator); } _quickSizeCalculator->add(files()->getUrl(currentName)); } SizeCalculator *ListPanelFunc::createAndConnectSizeCalculator(const QList &urls) { auto *sizeCalculator = new SizeCalculator(urls); connect(sizeCalculator, &SizeCalculator::calculated, this, &ListPanelFunc::slotSizeCalculated); connect(sizeCalculator, &SizeCalculator::finished, panel, &ListPanel::slotUpdateTotals); connect(this, &ListPanelFunc::destroyed, sizeCalculator, &SizeCalculator::deleteLater); return sizeCalculator; } void ListPanelFunc::slotSizeCalculated(const QUrl &url, KIO::filesize_t size) { KrViewItem *item = panel->view->findItemByUrl(url); if (!item) return; item->setSize(size); item->redraw(); } void ListPanelFunc::FTPDisconnect() { // you can disconnect only if connected! if (files()->isRemote()) { panel->_actions->actFTPDisconnect->setEnabled(false); panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent(QString()); openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(panel->lastLocalPath())); } } void ListPanelFunc::newFTPconnection() { QUrl url = KrSpWidgets::newFTP(); // if the user canceled - quit if (url.isEmpty()) return; panel->_actions->actFTPDisconnect->setEnabled(true); qDebug() << "URL=" << url.toDisplayString(); openUrl(url); } void ListPanelFunc::properties() { const QStringList names = panel->getSelectedNames(); if (names.isEmpty()) { return ; // no names... } KFileItemList fileItems; for (const QString& name : names) { FileItem *fileitem = files()->getFileItem(name); if (!fileitem) { continue; } fileItems.push_back(KFileItem(fileitem->getEntry(), files()->getUrl(name))); } if (fileItems.isEmpty()) return; // Show the properties dialog auto *dialog = new KPropertiesDialog(fileItems, krMainWindow); connect(dialog, &KPropertiesDialog::applied, this, &ListPanelFunc::refresh); dialog->show(); } void ListPanelFunc::refreshActions() { panel->updateButtons(); if(ACTIVE_PANEL != panel) return; QString protocol = files()->currentDirectory().scheme(); krRemoteEncoding->setEnabled(protocol == "ftp" || protocol == "sftp" || protocol == "fish" || protocol == "krarc"); //krMultiRename->setEnabled( fileSystemType == FileSystem::FS_NORMAL ); // batch rename //krProperties ->setEnabled( fileSystemType == FileSystem::FS_NORMAL || fileSystemType == FileSystem::FS_FTP ); // file properties /* krUnpack->setEnabled(true); // unpack archive krTest->setEnabled(true); // test archive krSelect->setEnabled(true); // select a group by filter krSelectAll->setEnabled(true); // select all files krUnselect->setEnabled(true); // unselect by filter krUnselectAll->setEnabled( true); // remove all selections krInvert->setEnabled(true); // invert the selection krFTPConnect->setEnabled(true); // connect to an ftp krFTPNew->setEnabled(true); // create a new connection krAllFiles->setEnabled(true); // show all files in list krCustomFiles->setEnabled(true); // show a custom set of files krRoot->setEnabled(true); // go all the way up krExecFiles->setEnabled(true); // show only executables */ panel->_actions->setViewActions[panel->panelType]->setChecked(true); panel->_actions->actFTPDisconnect->setEnabled(files()->isRemote()); // allow disconnecting a network session panel->_actions->actCreateChecksum->setEnabled(files()->isLocal()); panel->_actions->actDirUp->setEnabled(!files()->isRoot()); panel->_actions->actRoot->setEnabled(!panel->virtualPath().matches(QUrl::fromLocalFile(ROOT_DIR), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)); panel->_actions->actHome->setEnabled(!atHome()); panel->_actions->actHistoryBackward->setEnabled(history->canGoBack()); panel->_actions->actHistoryForward->setEnabled(history->canGoForward()); panel->view->op()->emitRefreshActions(); } FileSystem* ListPanelFunc::files() { if (!fileSystemP) fileSystemP = FileSystemProvider::instance().getFilesystem(QUrl::fromLocalFile(ROOT_DIR)); return fileSystemP; } QUrl ListPanelFunc::virtualDirectory() { return _isPaused ? history->currentUrl() : files()->currentDirectory(); } FileItem *ListPanelFunc::getFileItem(const QString &name) { return files()->getFileItem(name); } FileItem *ListPanelFunc::getFileItem(KrViewItem *item) { return files()->getFileItem(item->name()); } void ListPanelFunc::clipboardChanged(QClipboard::Mode mode) { if (mode == QClipboard::Clipboard && this == copyToClipboardOrigin) { disconnect(QApplication::clipboard(), nullptr, this, nullptr); copyToClipboardOrigin = nullptr; } } void ListPanelFunc::copyToClipboard(bool move) { const QStringList fileNames = panel->getSelectedNames(); if (fileNames.isEmpty()) return ; // safety QList fileUrls = files()->getUrls(fileNames); auto *mimeData = new QMimeData; mimeData->setData("application/x-kde-cutselection", move ? "1" : "0"); mimeData->setUrls(fileUrls); if (copyToClipboardOrigin) disconnect(QApplication::clipboard(), nullptr, copyToClipboardOrigin, nullptr); copyToClipboardOrigin = this; QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(mimeData, QClipboard::Clipboard); connect(QApplication::clipboard(), &QClipboard::changed, this, &ListPanelFunc::clipboardChanged); } void ListPanelFunc::pasteFromClipboard() { QClipboard * cb = QApplication::clipboard(); ListPanelFunc *origin = nullptr; if (copyToClipboardOrigin) { disconnect(QApplication::clipboard(), nullptr, copyToClipboardOrigin, nullptr); origin = copyToClipboardOrigin; copyToClipboardOrigin = nullptr; } bool move = false; const QMimeData *data = cb->mimeData(); if (data->hasFormat("application/x-kde-cutselection")) { QByteArray a = data->data("application/x-kde-cutselection"); if (!a.isEmpty()) move = (a.at(0) == '1'); // true if 1 } QList urls = data->urls(); if (urls.isEmpty()) return; if(origin && KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel").readEntry("UnselectBeforeOperation", _UnselectBeforeOperation)) { origin->panel->view->saveSelection(); for(KrViewItem *item = origin->panel->view->getFirst(); item != nullptr; item = origin->panel->view->getNext(item)) { if (urls.contains(item->getFileItem()->getUrl())) item->setSelected(false); } } files()->addFiles(urls, move ? KIO::CopyJob::Move : KIO::CopyJob::Copy); } ListPanelFunc* ListPanelFunc::otherFunc() { return panel->otherPanel()->func; } void ListPanelFunc::historyGotoPos(int pos) { if(history->gotoPos(pos)) refresh(); } void ListPanelFunc::historyBackward() { if(history->goBack()) refresh(); } void ListPanelFunc::historyForward() { if(history->goForward()) refresh(); } void ListPanelFunc::dirUp() { openUrl(KIO::upUrl(files()->currentDirectory()), files()->currentDirectory().fileName()); } void ListPanelFunc::home() { openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath())); } void ListPanelFunc::root() { openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(ROOT_DIR)); } void ListPanelFunc::cdToOtherPanel() { openUrl(panel->otherPanel()->virtualPath()); } void ListPanelFunc::syncOtherPanel() { otherFunc()->openUrl(panel->virtualPath()); } bool ListPanelFunc::atHome() { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath()).matches(panel->virtualPath(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); } diff --git a/krusader/compat.h b/krusader/compat.h index d65dab0f..2613a98e 100644 --- a/krusader/compat.h +++ b/krusader/compat.h @@ -1,51 +1,65 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _COMPAT_H_ #define _COMPAT_H_ #include #if KIO_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 48, 0) #define UDS_ENTRY_INSERT(A, B) UDSEntry::fastInsert((A), (B)); #else #define UDS_ENTRY_INSERT(A, B) UDSEntry::insert((A), (B)); #endif +/** + * QComboBox::activated(const QString &text) was made obsoleted in QT 5.15 in + * favor of QComboBox::textActivated(const QString &text) + * + * https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.15/qcombobox-obsolete.html#activated-1 + * + * This can be removed when the qt minimum version required will be >= 5.14 + */ +#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) + #define QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED textActivated +#else + #define QCOMBOBOX_ACTIVATED activated +#endif + /** * QFontMetrics::width(const QString&, int) was made obsoleted in QT 5.11 in * favor of QFontMetrics::horizontalAdvance(const QString &, int) * * https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-5.11/qfontmetrics-obsolete.html#width * * This can be removed when the qt minimum version required will be >= 5.11 */ #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0) #define QFONTMETRICS_WIDTH(A) horizontalAdvance(A) #else #define QFONTMETRICS_WIDTH(A) width(A) #endif #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) #define SET_TAB_STOP_DISTANCE(X) setTabStopDistance(X) #else #define SET_TAB_STOP_DISTANCE(X) setTabStopWidth(X) #endif #endif