diff --git a/krusader/ActionMan/actionproperty.cpp b/krusader/ActionMan/actionproperty.cpp index 3cf0577d..2338b384 100644 --- a/krusader/ActionMan/actionproperty.cpp +++ b/krusader/ActionMan/actionproperty.cpp @@ -1,519 +1,518 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Jonas Bähr * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "actionproperty.h" #include "addplaceholderpopup.h" #include "../UserAction/useraction.h" #include "../UserAction/kraction.h" #include "../krusader.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" // QtWidgets #include #include #include -#include #include #include ActionProperty::ActionProperty(QWidget *parent, KrAction *action) : QWidget(parent), _modified(false) { setupUi(this); if (action) { _action = action; updateGUI(_action); } ButtonAddPlaceholder->setIcon(Icon("list-add")); ButtonAddStartpath->setIcon(Icon("document-open")); // fill with all existing categories cbCategory->addItems(krUserAction->allCategories()); connect(ButtonAddPlaceholder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addPlaceholder())); connect(ButtonAddStartpath, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addStartpath())); connect(ButtonNewProtocol, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newProtocol())); connect(ButtonEditProtocol, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editProtocol())); connect(ButtonRemoveProtocol, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeProtocol())); connect(ButtonAddPath, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addPath())); connect(ButtonEditPath, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editPath())); connect(ButtonRemovePath, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removePath())); connect(ButtonAddMime, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addMime())); connect(ButtonEditMime, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editMime())); connect(ButtonRemoveMime, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeMime())); connect(ButtonNewFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newFile())); connect(ButtonEditFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editFile())); connect(ButtonRemoveFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeFile())); connect(KeyButtonShortcut, SIGNAL(keySequenceChanged(QKeySequence)), this, SLOT(changedShortcut(QKeySequence))); // track modifications: connect(leDistinctName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(leTitle, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(ButtonIcon, SIGNAL(iconChanged(QString)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(cbCategory, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(leTooltip, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(textDescription, SIGNAL(textChanged()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(leCommandline, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(leStartpath, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(chkSeparateStdError, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(radioCollectOutput, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(radioNormal, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(radioTE, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(radioTerminal, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(radioLocal, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(radioUrl, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(KeyButtonShortcut, SIGNAL(keySequenceChanged(QKeySequence)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(chkEnabled, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(leDifferentUser, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(setModified())); connect(chkDifferentUser, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(chkConfirmExecution, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); connect(chkSeparateStdError, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setModified())); // The modified-state of the ShowOnly-lists is tracked in the access-functions below } ActionProperty::~ActionProperty() { } void ActionProperty::changedShortcut(const QKeySequence& shortcut) { KeyButtonShortcut->setKeySequence(shortcut); } void ActionProperty::clear() { _action = 0; // This prevents the changed-signal from being emitted during the GUI-update _modified = true; // The real state is set at the end of this function. leDistinctName->clear(); cbCategory->clearEditText(); leTitle->clear(); leTooltip->clear(); textDescription->clear(); leCommandline->clear(); leStartpath->clear(); KeyButtonShortcut->clearKeySequence(); lbShowonlyProtocol->clear(); lbShowonlyPath->clear(); lbShowonlyMime->clear(); lbShowonlyFile->clear(); chkSeparateStdError->setChecked(false); radioNormal->setChecked(true); radioLocal->setChecked(true); chkEnabled->setChecked(true); chkConfirmExecution->setChecked(false); ButtonIcon->resetIcon(); leDifferentUser->clear(); chkDifferentUser->setChecked(false); setModified(false); } void ActionProperty::updateGUI(KrAction *action) { if (action) _action = action; if (! _action) return; // This prevents the changed-signal from being emitted during the GUI-update. _modified = true; // The real state is set at the end of this function. leDistinctName->setText(_action->objectName()); cbCategory->lineEdit()->setText(_action->category()); leTitle->setText(_action->text()); leTooltip->setText(_action->toolTip()); textDescription->setText(_action->whatsThis()); leCommandline->setText(_action->command()); leCommandline->home(false); leStartpath->setText(_action->startpath()); KeyButtonShortcut->setKeySequence(_action->shortcut()); lbShowonlyProtocol->clear(); lbShowonlyProtocol->addItems(_action->showonlyProtocol()); lbShowonlyPath->clear(); lbShowonlyPath->addItems(_action->showonlyPath()); lbShowonlyMime->clear(); lbShowonlyMime->addItems(_action->showonlyMime()); lbShowonlyFile->clear(); lbShowonlyFile->addItems(_action->showonlyFile()); chkSeparateStdError->setChecked(false); switch (_action->execType()) { case KrAction::CollectOutputSeparateStderr: chkSeparateStdError->setChecked(true); radioCollectOutput->setChecked(true); break; case KrAction::CollectOutput: radioCollectOutput->setChecked(true); break; case KrAction::Terminal: radioTerminal->setChecked(true); break; case KrAction::RunInTE: radioTE->setChecked(true); break; default: // case KrAction::Normal: radioNormal->setChecked(true); break; } if (_action->acceptURLs()) radioUrl->setChecked(true); else radioLocal->setChecked(true); chkEnabled->setChecked(_action->isVisible()); chkConfirmExecution->setChecked(_action->confirmExecution()); if (! _action->icon().isNull()) ButtonIcon->setIcon(_action->icon()); else ButtonIcon->resetIcon(); leDifferentUser->setText(_action->user()); if (_action->user().isEmpty()) chkDifferentUser->setChecked(false); else chkDifferentUser->setChecked(true); setModified(false); } void ActionProperty::updateAction(KrAction *action) { if (action) _action = action; if (! _action) return; if (_action->category() != cbCategory->currentText()) { _action->setCategory(cbCategory->currentText()); // Update the category-list cbCategory->clear(); cbCategory->addItems(krUserAction->allCategories()); cbCategory->lineEdit()->setText(_action->category()); } _action->setObjectName(leDistinctName->text()); _action->setText(leTitle->text()); _action->setToolTip(leTooltip->text()); _action->setWhatsThis(textDescription->toPlainText()); _action->setCommand(leCommandline->text()); _action->setStartpath(leStartpath->text()); _action->setShortcut(KeyButtonShortcut->keySequence()); QStringList list; for (int i1 = 0; i1 != lbShowonlyProtocol->count(); i1++) { QListWidgetItem* lbi = lbShowonlyProtocol->item(i1); list << lbi->text(); } _action->setShowonlyProtocol(list); list = QStringList(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 != lbShowonlyPath->count(); i1++) { QListWidgetItem* lbi = lbShowonlyPath->item(i1); list << lbi->text(); } _action->setShowonlyPath(list); list = QStringList(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 != lbShowonlyMime->count(); i1++) { QListWidgetItem* lbi = lbShowonlyMime->item(i1); list << lbi->text(); } _action->setShowonlyMime(list); list = QStringList(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 != lbShowonlyFile->count(); i1++) { QListWidgetItem* lbi = lbShowonlyFile->item(i1); list << lbi->text(); } _action->setShowonlyFile(list); if (radioCollectOutput->isChecked() && chkSeparateStdError->isChecked()) _action->setExecType(KrAction::CollectOutputSeparateStderr); else if (radioCollectOutput->isChecked() && ! chkSeparateStdError->isChecked()) _action->setExecType(KrAction::CollectOutput); else if (radioTerminal->isChecked()) _action->setExecType(KrAction::Terminal); else if (radioTE->isChecked()) _action->setExecType(KrAction::RunInTE); else _action->setExecType(KrAction::Normal); if (radioUrl->isChecked()) _action->setAcceptURLs(true); else _action->setAcceptURLs(false); _action->setEnabled(chkEnabled->isChecked()); _action->setVisible(chkEnabled->isChecked()); _action->setConfirmExecution(chkConfirmExecution->isChecked()); _action->setIcon(Icon(ButtonIcon->icon())); _action->setIconName(ButtonIcon->icon()); _action->setUser(leDifferentUser->text()); setModified(false); } void ActionProperty::addPlaceholder() { AddPlaceholderPopup popup(this); QString exp = popup.getPlaceholder(mapToGlobal( QPoint( ButtonAddPlaceholder->pos().x() + ButtonAddPlaceholder->width() + 6, // 6 is the default margin ButtonAddPlaceholder->pos().y() ) )); leCommandline->insert(exp); } void ActionProperty::addStartpath() { QString folder = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this); if (!folder.isEmpty()) { leStartpath->setText(folder); } } void ActionProperty::newProtocol() { bool ok; QString currentText; if (lbShowonlyProtocol->currentItem()) currentText = lbShowonlyProtocol->currentItem()->text(); QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("New protocol"), i18n("Set a protocol:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentText, &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { lbShowonlyProtocol->addItems(text.split(';')); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::editProtocol() { if (lbShowonlyProtocol->currentItem() == 0) return; bool ok; QString currentText = lbShowonlyProtocol->currentItem()->text(); QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Edit Protocol"), i18n("Set another protocol:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentText, &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { lbShowonlyProtocol->currentItem()->setText(text); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::removeProtocol() { if (lbShowonlyProtocol->currentItem() != 0) { delete lbShowonlyProtocol->currentItem(); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::addPath() { QString folder = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this); if (!folder.isEmpty()) { lbShowonlyPath->addItem(folder); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::editPath() { if (lbShowonlyPath->currentItem() == 0) return; bool ok; QString currentText = lbShowonlyPath->currentItem()->text(); QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Edit Path"), i18n("Set another path:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentText, &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { lbShowonlyPath->currentItem()->setText(text); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::removePath() { if (lbShowonlyPath->currentItem() != 0) { delete lbShowonlyPath->currentItem(); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::addMime() { bool ok; QString currentText; if (lbShowonlyMime->currentItem()) currentText = lbShowonlyMime->currentItem()->text(); QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("New MIME Type"), i18n("Set a MIME type:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentText, &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { lbShowonlyMime->addItems(text.split(';')); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::editMime() { if (lbShowonlyMime->currentItem() == 0) return; bool ok; QString currentText = lbShowonlyMime->currentItem()->text(); QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Edit MIME Type"), i18n("Set another MIME type:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentText, &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { lbShowonlyMime->currentItem()->setText(text); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::removeMime() { if (lbShowonlyMime->currentItem() != 0) { delete lbShowonlyMime->currentItem(); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::newFile() { bool ok; QString currentText; if (lbShowonlyFile->currentItem()) currentText = lbShowonlyFile->currentItem()->text(); QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("New File Name"), i18n("Set a file name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentText, &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { lbShowonlyFile->addItems(text.split(';')); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::editFile() { if (lbShowonlyFile->currentItem() == 0) return; bool ok; QString currentText = lbShowonlyFile->currentItem()->text(); QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Edit File Name"), i18n("Set another file name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentText, &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { lbShowonlyFile->currentItem()->setText(text); setModified(); } } void ActionProperty::removeFile() { if (lbShowonlyFile->currentItem() != 0) { delete lbShowonlyFile->currentItem(); setModified(); } } bool ActionProperty::validProperties() { if (leDistinctName->text().simplified().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Please set a unique name for the useraction")); leDistinctName->setFocus(); return false; } if (leTitle->text().simplified().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Please set a title for the menu entry")); leTitle->setFocus(); return false; } if (leCommandline->text().simplified().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Command line is empty")); leCommandline->setFocus(); return false; } if (leDistinctName->isEnabled()) if (krApp->actionCollection()->action(leDistinctName->text())) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("There already is an action with this name.\n" "If you do not have such a useraction the name is used by Krusader for an internal action.") ); leDistinctName->setFocus(); return false; } return true; } void ActionProperty::setModified(bool m) { if (m && !_modified) { // emit only when the state _changes_to_true_, emit changed(); } _modified = m; } diff --git a/krusader/ActionMan/useractionlistview.cpp b/krusader/ActionMan/useractionlistview.cpp index 60d0263f..d89a2ec3 100644 --- a/krusader/ActionMan/useractionlistview.cpp +++ b/krusader/ActionMan/useractionlistview.cpp @@ -1,256 +1,255 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 Jonas Bähr * * Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "useractionlistview.h" // QtCore #include // QtXml #include #include -#include #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../UserAction/kraction.h" #include "../UserAction/useraction.h" #define COL_TITLE 0 // UserActionListView UserActionListView::UserActionListView(QWidget * parent) : KrTreeWidget(parent) { setHeaderLabel(i18n("Title")); setRootIsDecorated(true); setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); // normaly select single items but one may use Ctrl or Shift to select multiple setSortingEnabled(true); sortItems(COL_TITLE, Qt::AscendingOrder); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(slotCurrentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*))); update(); } UserActionListView::~UserActionListView() { } QSize UserActionListView::sizeHint() const { return QSize(200, 400); } void UserActionListView::update() { clear(); UserAction::KrActionList list = krUserAction->actionList(); QListIterator it(list); while (it.hasNext()) insertAction(it.next()); } void UserActionListView::update(KrAction* action) { UserActionListViewItem* item = findActionItem(action); if (item) { // deleting & re-inserting is _much_easyer then tracking all possible cases of category changes! bool current = (item == currentItem()); bool selected = item->isSelected(); delete item; item = insertAction(action); if (current) setCurrentItem(item); if (selected) item->setSelected(true); } } UserActionListViewItem* UserActionListView::insertAction(KrAction* action) { if (! action) return 0; UserActionListViewItem* item; if (action->category().isEmpty()) item = new UserActionListViewItem(this, action); else { QTreeWidgetItem* categoryItem = findCategoryItem(action->category()); if (! categoryItem) { categoryItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(this); // create the new category item it not already present categoryItem->setText(0, action->category()); categoryItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled); } item = new UserActionListViewItem(categoryItem, action); } item->setAction(action); return item; } QTreeWidgetItem* UserActionListView::findCategoryItem(const QString& category) { QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(this); while (*it) { if ((*it)->text(COL_TITLE) == category && !((*it)->flags() & Qt::ItemIsSelectable)) return *it; it++; } return 0; } UserActionListViewItem* UserActionListView::findActionItem(const KrAction* action) { QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(this); while (*it) { if (UserActionListViewItem* item = dynamic_cast(*it)) { if (item->action() == action) return item; } it++; } return 0; } KrAction * UserActionListView::currentAction() const { if (UserActionListViewItem* item = dynamic_cast(currentItem())) return item->action(); else return 0; } void UserActionListView::setCurrentAction(const KrAction* action) { UserActionListViewItem* item = findActionItem(action); if (item) { setCurrentItem(item); } } void UserActionListView::setFirstActionCurrent() { QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(this); while (*it) { if (UserActionListViewItem* item = dynamic_cast(*it)) { setCurrentItem(item); break; } it++; } } void UserActionListView::slotCurrentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* item) { if (! item) return; scrollTo(indexOf(item)); } QDomDocument UserActionListView::dumpSelectedActions(QDomDocument* mergeDoc) const { QList list = selectedItems(); QDomDocument doc; if (mergeDoc) doc = *mergeDoc; else doc = UserAction::createEmptyDoc(); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = list.at(i); if (UserActionListViewItem* actionItem = dynamic_cast(item)) root.appendChild(actionItem->action()->xmlDump(doc)); } return doc; } void UserActionListView::removeSelectedActions() { QList list = selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QTreeWidgetItem* item = list.at(i); if (UserActionListViewItem* actionItem = dynamic_cast(item)) { delete actionItem->action(); // remove the action itself delete actionItem; // remove the action from the list } // if } } // UserActionListViewItem UserActionListViewItem::UserActionListViewItem(QTreeWidget* view, KrAction* action) : QTreeWidgetItem(view) { setAction(action); } UserActionListViewItem::UserActionListViewItem(QTreeWidgetItem* item, KrAction * action) : QTreeWidgetItem(item) { setAction(action); } UserActionListViewItem::~UserActionListViewItem() { } void UserActionListViewItem::setAction(KrAction * action) { if (! action) return; _action = action; update(); } KrAction * UserActionListViewItem::action() const { return _action; } void UserActionListViewItem::update() { if (! _action) return; if (! _action->icon().isNull()) setIcon(COL_TITLE, Icon(_action->iconName())); setText(COL_TITLE, _action->text()); } bool UserActionListViewItem::operator<(const QTreeWidgetItem &other) const { // FIXME some how this only produces bullshit :-/ // if ( i->text( COL_NAME ).isEmpty() ) { // categories only have titles // //qDebug() << "this->title: " << text(COL_TITLE) << " |=| i->title: " << i->text(COL_TITLE); // return ( ascending ? -1 : 1 ); // <0 means this is smaller then i // } // else return QTreeWidgetItem::operator<(other); } diff --git a/krusader/ActionMan/useractionpage.cpp b/krusader/ActionMan/useractionpage.cpp index 790eaec7..fb064e68 100644 --- a/krusader/ActionMan/useractionpage.cpp +++ b/krusader/ActionMan/useractionpage.cpp @@ -1,357 +1,356 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2006 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "useractionpage.h" // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include // QtGui #include // QtXml #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include "actionproperty.h" #include "useractionlistview.h" #include "../UserAction/useraction.h" #include "../UserAction/kraction.h" #include "../krusader.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" //This is the filter in the QFileDialog of Import/Export: static const char* FILE_FILTER = I18N_NOOP("*.xml|XML files\n*|All files"); UserActionPage::UserActionPage(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); layout->setSpacing(6); // 0px margin, 6px item-spacing // ======== pseudo-toolbar start ======== QHBoxLayout* toolbarLayout = new QHBoxLayout; // neither margin nor spacing for the toolbar with autoRaise toolbarLayout->setSpacing(0); toolbarLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); newButton = new QToolButton(this); newButton->setIcon(Icon("document-new")); newButton->setAutoRaise(true); newButton->setToolTip(i18n("Create new useraction")); importButton = new QToolButton(this); importButton->setIcon(Icon("document-import")); importButton->setAutoRaise(true); importButton->setToolTip(i18n("Import useractions")); exportButton = new QToolButton(this); exportButton->setIcon(Icon("document-export")); exportButton->setAutoRaise(true); exportButton->setToolTip(i18n("Export useractions")); copyButton = new QToolButton(this); copyButton->setIcon(Icon("edit-copy")); copyButton->setAutoRaise(true); copyButton->setToolTip(i18n("Copy useractions to clipboard")); pasteButton = new QToolButton(this); pasteButton->setIcon(Icon("edit-paste")); pasteButton->setAutoRaise(true); pasteButton->setToolTip(i18n("Paste useractions from clipboard")); removeButton = new QToolButton(this); removeButton->setIcon(Icon("edit-delete")); removeButton->setAutoRaise(true); removeButton->setToolTip(i18n("Delete selected useractions")); toolbarLayout->addWidget(newButton); toolbarLayout->addWidget(importButton); toolbarLayout->addWidget(exportButton); toolbarLayout->addWidget(copyButton); toolbarLayout->addWidget(pasteButton); toolbarLayout->addSpacing(6); // 6 pixel nothing toolbarLayout->addWidget(removeButton); toolbarLayout->addStretch(1000); // some very large stretch-factor // ======== pseudo-toolbar end ======== /* This seems obsolete now! // Display some help KMessageBox::information( this, // parent i18n( "When you apply changes to an action, the modifications " "become available in the current session immediately.\n" "When closing ActionMan, you will be asked to save the changes permanently." ), QString(), // caption "show UserAction help" //dontShowAgainName for the config ); */ layout->addLayout(toolbarLayout); QSplitter *split = new QSplitter(this); layout->addWidget(split, 1000); // again a very large stretch-factor to fix the height of the toolbar actionTree = new UserActionListView(split); actionTree->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); actionProperties = new ActionProperty(split); actionProperties->setEnabled(false); // if there are any actions in the list, the first is displayed and this widget is enabled connect(actionTree, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(slotChangeCurrent())); connect(newButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotNewAction())); connect(removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRemoveAction())); connect(importButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotImport())); connect(exportButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotExport())); connect(copyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotToClip())); connect(pasteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotFromClip())); // forwards the changed signal of the properties connect(actionProperties, SIGNAL(changed()), SIGNAL(changed())); actionTree->setFirstActionCurrent(); actionTree->setFocus(); } UserActionPage::~UserActionPage() { } bool UserActionPage::continueInSpiteOfChanges() { if (! actionProperties->isModified()) return true; int answer = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(this, i18n("The current action has been modified. Do you want to apply these changes?") ); if (answer == KMessageBox::Cancel) { disconnect(actionTree, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(slotChangeCurrent())); actionTree->setCurrentAction(actionProperties->action()); connect(actionTree, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(slotChangeCurrent())); return false; } if (answer == KMessageBox::Yes) { if (! actionProperties->validProperties()) { disconnect(actionTree, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(slotChangeCurrent())); actionTree->setCurrentAction(actionProperties->action()); connect(actionTree, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(slotChangeCurrent())); return false; } slotUpdateAction(); } // if Yes return true; } void UserActionPage::slotChangeCurrent() { if (! continueInSpiteOfChanges()) return; KrAction* action = actionTree->currentAction(); if (action) { actionProperties->setEnabled(true); // the discinct name is used as ID it is not allowd to change it afterwards because it is may referenced anywhere else actionProperties->leDistinctName->setEnabled(false); actionProperties->updateGUI(action); } else { // If the current item in the tree is no action (i.e. a cathegory), disable the properties actionProperties->clear(); actionProperties->setEnabled(false); } emit applied(); // to disable the apply-button } void UserActionPage::slotUpdateAction() { // check that we have a command line, title and a name if (! actionProperties->validProperties()) return; if (actionProperties->leDistinctName->isEnabled()) { // := new entry KrAction* action = new KrAction(krApp->actionCollection(), actionProperties->leDistinctName->text()); krUserAction->addKrAction(action); actionProperties->updateAction(action); UserActionListViewItem* item = actionTree->insertAction(action); actionTree->setCurrentItem(item); } else { // := edit an existing actionProperties->updateAction(); actionTree->update(actionProperties->action()); // update the listviewitem as well... } apply(); } void UserActionPage::slotNewAction() { if (continueInSpiteOfChanges()) { actionTree->clearSelection(); // else the user may think that he is overwriting the selected action actionProperties->clear(); actionProperties->setEnabled(true); // it may be disabled because the tree has the focus on a category actionProperties->leDistinctName->setEnabled(true); actionProperties->leDistinctName->setFocus(); } } void UserActionPage::slotRemoveAction() { if (! dynamic_cast(actionTree->currentItem())) return; int messageDelete = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, //parent i18n("Are you sure that you want to remove all selected actions?"), //text i18n("Remove Selected Actions?"), //caption KStandardGuiItem::remove(), //Label for the continue-button KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "Confirm Remove UserAction", //dontAskAgainName (for the config-file) KMessageBox::Dangerous | KMessageBox::Notify); if (messageDelete != KMessageBox::Continue) return; actionProperties->clear(); actionProperties->setEnabled(false); actionTree->removeSelectedActions(); apply(); } void UserActionPage::slotImport() { QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QString(), QString(), i18n(FILE_FILTER)); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; UserAction::KrActionList newActions; krUserAction->readFromFile(filename, UserAction::renameDoublicated, &newActions); QListIterator it(newActions); while (it.hasNext()) actionTree->insertAction(it.next()); if (newActions.count() > 0) { apply(); } } void UserActionPage::slotExport() { if (! dynamic_cast(actionTree->currentItem())) return; QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, QString(), QString(), i18n(FILE_FILTER)); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; QDomDocument doc = QDomDocument(ACTION_DOCTYPE); QFile file(filename); int answer = 0; if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // getting here, means the file already exists an can be read if (doc.setContent(&file)) // getting here means the file exists and already contains an UserAction-XML-tree answer = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, //parent i18n("This file already contains some useractions.\nDo you want to overwrite it or should it be merged with the selected actions?"), //text i18n("Overwrite or Merge?"), //caption KStandardGuiItem::overwrite(), //label for Yes-Button KGuiItem(i18n("Merge")) //label for No-Button ); file.close(); } if (answer == 0 && file.exists()) answer = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, //parent i18n("This file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"), //text i18n("Overwrite Existing File?"), //caption KStandardGuiItem::overwrite() //label for Continue-Button ); if (answer == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; if (answer == KMessageBox::No) // that means the merge-button doc = actionTree->dumpSelectedActions(&doc); // merge else // Yes or Continue means overwrite doc = actionTree->dumpSelectedActions(); bool success = UserAction::writeToFile(doc, filename); if (! success) KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot open %1 for writing.\nNothing exported.", filename), i18n("Export Failed") ); } void UserActionPage::slotToClip() { if (! dynamic_cast(actionTree->currentItem())) return; QDomDocument doc = actionTree->dumpSelectedActions(); QApplication::clipboard()->setText(doc.toString()); } void UserActionPage::slotFromClip() { QDomDocument doc(ACTION_DOCTYPE); if (doc.setContent(QApplication::clipboard()->text())) { QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); UserAction::KrActionList newActions; krUserAction->readFromElement(root, UserAction::renameDoublicated, &newActions); QListIterator it(newActions); while (it.hasNext()) actionTree->insertAction(it.next()); if (newActions.count() > 0) { apply(); } } // if ( doc.setContent ) } bool UserActionPage::readyToQuit() { // Check if the current UserAction has changed if (! continueInSpiteOfChanges()) return false; krUserAction->writeActionFile(); return true; } void UserActionPage::apply() { krUserAction->writeActionFile(); emit applied(); } void UserActionPage::applyChanges() { slotUpdateAction(); } diff --git a/krusader/BookMan/kraddbookmarkdlg.cpp b/krusader/BookMan/kraddbookmarkdlg.cpp index a15ac493..4b5905af 100644 --- a/krusader/BookMan/kraddbookmarkdlg.cpp +++ b/krusader/BookMan/kraddbookmarkdlg.cpp @@ -1,186 +1,186 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kraddbookmarkdlg.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "krbookmarkhandler.h" // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include + KrAddBookmarkDlg::KrAddBookmarkDlg(QWidget *parent, QUrl url): QDialog(parent) { setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); setWindowTitle(i18n("Add Bookmark")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(mainLayout); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout; // expanding // name and url QLabel *lb1 = new QLabel(i18n("Name:"), this); _name = new KLineEdit(this); _name->setText(url.toDisplayString()); // default name is the url _name->selectAll(); // make the text selected layout->addWidget(lb1, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(_name, 0, 1); QLabel *lb2 = new QLabel(i18n("URL:"), this); _url = new KLineEdit(this); layout->addWidget(lb2, 1, 0); layout->addWidget(_url, 1, 1); _url->setText(url.toDisplayString()); // set the url in the field // create in linedit and button QLabel *lb3 = new QLabel(i18n("Create in:"), this); _folder = new KLineEdit(this); layout->addWidget(lb3, 2, 0); layout->addWidget(_folder, 2, 1); _folder->setReadOnly(true); _createInBtn = new QToolButton(this); _createInBtn->setIcon(Icon("go-down")); _createInBtn->setCheckable(true); connect(_createInBtn, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleCreateIn(bool))); layout->addWidget(_createInBtn, 2, 2); mainLayout->addLayout(layout); detailsWidget = createInWidget(); detailsWidget->setVisible(false); mainLayout->addWidget(detailsWidget); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); QPushButton *okButton = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); okButton->setDefault(true); okButton->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Return); newFolderButton = new QPushButton(i18n("New Folder")); buttonBox->addButton(newFolderButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); newFolderButton->setVisible(false);// hide it until _createIn is shown connect(newFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newFolder())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); _name->setFocus(); resize(sizeHint().width() * 2, sizeHint().height()); } void KrAddBookmarkDlg::toggleCreateIn(bool show) { _createInBtn->setIcon(Icon(show ? "go-up" : "go-down")); newFolderButton->setVisible(show); detailsWidget->setVisible(show); } // creates the widget that lets you decide where to put the new bookmark QWidget *KrAddBookmarkDlg::createInWidget() { _createIn = new KrTreeWidget(this); _createIn->setHeaderLabel(i18n("Folders")); _createIn->header()->hide(); _createIn->setRootIsDecorated(true); _createIn->setAlternatingRowColors(false); // disable alternate coloring QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(_createIn); item->setText(0, i18n("Bookmarks")); _createIn->expandItem(item); item->setSelected(true); _xr[item] = krBookMan->_root; populateCreateInWidget(krBookMan->_root, item); _createIn->setCurrentItem(item); slotSelectionChanged(); connect(_createIn, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); return _createIn; } void KrAddBookmarkDlg::slotSelectionChanged() { QList items = _createIn->selectedItems(); if (items.count() > 0) { _folder->setText(_xr[ items[ 0 ] ]->text()); } } void KrAddBookmarkDlg::populateCreateInWidget(KrBookmark *root, QTreeWidgetItem *parent) { QListIterator it(root->children()); while (it.hasNext()) { KrBookmark *bm = it.next(); if (bm->isFolder()) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(parent); item->setText(0, bm->text()); item->treeWidget()->expandItem(item); _xr[item] = bm; populateCreateInWidget(bm, item); } } } void KrAddBookmarkDlg::newFolder() { // get the name QString newFolder = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("New Folder"), i18n("Folder name:")); if (newFolder.isEmpty()) { return; } QList items = _createIn->selectedItems(); if (items.count() == 0) return; // add to the list in bookman KrBookmark *bm = new KrBookmark(newFolder); krBookMan->addBookmark(bm, _xr[ items[ 0 ]]); // fix the gui QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(items[ 0 ]); item->setText(0, bm->text()); _xr[item] = bm; _createIn->setCurrentItem(item); item->setSelected(true); } KrBookmark * KrAddBookmarkDlg::folder() const { QList items = _createIn->selectedItems(); if (items.count() == 0) return 0; return _xr[ items[ 0 ] ]; } diff --git a/krusader/BookMan/krbookmark.cpp b/krusader/BookMan/krbookmark.cpp index 192a3de4..5d2b05c9 100644 --- a/krusader/BookMan/krbookmark.cpp +++ b/krusader/BookMan/krbookmark.cpp @@ -1,151 +1,150 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krbookmark.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../Archive/krarchandler.h" #include "../FileSystem/krtrashhandler.h" #include "../Panel/listpanelactions.h" #include -#include #include #define BM_NAME(X) (QString("Bookmark:")+X) static const char* NAME_TRASH = I18N_NOOP("Trash bin"); static const char* NAME_VIRTUAL = I18N_NOOP("Virtual Filesystem"); static const char* NAME_LAN = I18N_NOOP("Local Network"); KrBookmark::KrBookmark(QString name, QUrl url, KActionCollection *parent, QString icon, QString actionName) : QAction(parent), _url(url), _icon(icon), _folder(false), _separator(false), _autoDelete(true) { QString actName = actionName.isNull() ? BM_NAME(name) : BM_NAME(actionName); setText(name); parent->addAction(actName, this); connect(this, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(activatedProxy())); // do we have an icon? if (!icon.isEmpty()) setIcon(Icon(icon)); else { // what kind of a url is it? if (_url.isLocalFile()) { setIcon(Icon("folder")); } else { // is it an archive? if (KRarcHandler::isArchive(_url)) setIcon(Icon("application-x-tar")); else setIcon(Icon("folder-html")); } } } KrBookmark::KrBookmark(QString name, QString icon) : QAction(Icon(icon), name, 0), _icon(icon), _folder(true), _separator(false), _autoDelete(false) { setIcon(Icon(icon == "" ? "folder" : icon)); } KrBookmark::~KrBookmark() { if (_autoDelete) { QListIterator it(_children); while (it.hasNext()) delete it.next(); _children.clear(); } } KrBookmark * KrBookmark::getExistingBookmark(QString actionName, KActionCollection *collection) { return static_cast(collection->action(BM_NAME(actionName))); } KrBookmark * KrBookmark::trash(KActionCollection *collection) { KrBookmark *bm = getExistingBookmark(i18n(NAME_TRASH), collection); if (!bm) bm = new KrBookmark(i18n(NAME_TRASH), QUrl("trash:/"), collection); bm->setIcon(Icon(KrTrashHandler::trashIcon())); return bm; } KrBookmark * KrBookmark::virt(KActionCollection *collection) { KrBookmark *bm = getExistingBookmark(i18n(NAME_VIRTUAL), collection); if (!bm) { bm = new KrBookmark(i18n(NAME_VIRTUAL), QUrl("virt:/"), collection); bm->setIcon(Icon("document-open-remote")); } return bm; } KrBookmark * KrBookmark::lan(KActionCollection *collection) { KrBookmark *bm = getExistingBookmark(i18n(NAME_LAN), collection); if (!bm) { bm = new KrBookmark(i18n(NAME_LAN), QUrl("remote:/"), collection); bm->setIcon(Icon("network-workgroup")); } return bm; } QAction * KrBookmark::jumpBackAction(KActionCollection *collection, bool isSetter, ListPanelActions *sourceActions) { auto actionName = isSetter ? QString("setJumpBack") : QString("jumpBack"); auto action = collection->action(actionName); if (action) { return action; } if (!sourceActions) { return nullptr; } // copy essential part of source action auto sourceAction = isSetter ? sourceActions->actSetJumpBack : sourceActions->actJumpBack; action = new QAction(sourceAction->icon(), sourceAction->text(), sourceAction); action->setShortcut(sourceAction->shortcut()); action->setShortcutContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, sourceAction, &QAction::trigger); // ensure there are no accelerator keys coming from another menu action->setText(KLocalizedString::removeAcceleratorMarker(action->text())); collection->addAction(actionName, action); return action; } KrBookmark * KrBookmark::separator() { KrBookmark *bm = new KrBookmark(""); bm->_separator = true; bm->_folder = false; return bm; } void KrBookmark::activatedProxy() { emit activated(url()); } diff --git a/krusader/BookMan/krbookmarkbutton.cpp b/krusader/BookMan/krbookmarkbutton.cpp index 455ffd82..5b7041b6 100644 --- a/krusader/BookMan/krbookmarkbutton.cpp +++ b/krusader/BookMan/krbookmarkbutton.cpp @@ -1,63 +1,63 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krbookmarkbutton.h" #include "krbookmarkhandler.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include -#include + KrBookmarkButton::KrBookmarkButton(QWidget *parent): QToolButton(parent) { setAutoRaise(true); setIcon(Icon("bookmarks")); setText(i18n("BookMan II")); setToolTip(i18n("BookMan II")); setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); setAcceptDrops(false); acmBookmarks = new KActionMenu(Icon("bookmarks"), i18n("Bookmarks"), this); acmBookmarks->setDelayed(false); setMenu(acmBookmarks->menu()); connect(acmBookmarks->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(populate())); connect(acmBookmarks->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(aboutToShow())); } void KrBookmarkButton::populate() { krBookMan->populate(static_cast(menu())); } void KrBookmarkButton::showMenu() { populate(); menu()->exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, height()))); } diff --git a/krusader/BookMan/krbookmarkhandler.cpp b/krusader/BookMan/krbookmarkhandler.cpp index 54a28453..57e759d1 100644 --- a/krusader/BookMan/krbookmarkhandler.cpp +++ b/krusader/BookMan/krbookmarkhandler.cpp @@ -1,878 +1,877 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krbookmarkhandler.h" #include "kraddbookmarkdlg.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "../kractions.h" #include "../krmainwindow.h" #include "../Dialogs/popularurls.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystem.h" #include "../Panel/krpanel.h" #include "../Panel/listpanelactions.h" // QtCore #include #include #include #include #include #include // QtGui #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #define SPECIAL_BOOKMARKS true // ------------------------ for internal use #define BOOKMARKS_FILE "krusader/krbookmarks.xml" #define CONNECT_BM(X) { disconnect(X, SIGNAL(activated(QUrl)), 0, 0); connect(X, SIGNAL(activated(QUrl)), this, SLOT(slotActivated(QUrl))); } KrBookmarkHandler::KrBookmarkHandler(KrMainWindow *mainWindow) : QObject(mainWindow->widget()), _mainWindow(mainWindow), _middleClick(false), _mainBookmarkPopup(0), _specialBookmarks(), _quickSearchAction(nullptr), _quickSearchBar(nullptr), _quickSearchMenu(nullptr) { // create our own action collection and make the shortcuts apply only to parent _privateCollection = new KActionCollection(this); _collection = _mainWindow->actions(); // create _root: father of all bookmarks. it is a dummy bookmark and never shown _root = new KrBookmark(i18n("Bookmarks")); _root->setParent(this); // load bookmarks importFromFile(); // create bookmark manager QString filename = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + BOOKMARKS_FILE; manager = KBookmarkManager::managerForFile(filename, QStringLiteral("krusader")); connect(manager, SIGNAL(changed(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(bookmarksChanged(QString,QString))); // create the quick search bar and action _quickSearchAction = new QWidgetAction(this); _quickSearchBar = new QLineEdit(); _quickSearchBar->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Type to search...")); _quickSearchAction->setDefaultWidget(_quickSearchBar); // ownership of the bar is transferred to the action _quickSearchAction->setEnabled(false); _setQuickSearchText(""); // fill a dummy menu to properly init actions (allows toolbar bookmark buttons to work properly) auto menu = new QMenu(mainWindow->widget()); populate(menu); menu->deleteLater(); } KrBookmarkHandler::~KrBookmarkHandler() { delete manager; delete _privateCollection; } void KrBookmarkHandler::bookmarkCurrent(QUrl url) { QPointer dlg = new KrAddBookmarkDlg(_mainWindow->widget(), url); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { KrBookmark *bm = new KrBookmark(dlg->name(), dlg->url(), _collection); addBookmark(bm, dlg->folder()); } delete dlg; } void KrBookmarkHandler::addBookmark(KrBookmark *bm, KrBookmark *folder) { if (folder == 0) folder = _root; // add to the list (bottom) folder->children().append(bm); exportToFile(); } void KrBookmarkHandler::deleteBookmark(KrBookmark *bm) { if (bm->isFolder()) clearBookmarks(bm); // remove the child bookmarks removeReferences(_root, bm); foreach(QWidget *w, bm->associatedWidgets()) w->removeAction(bm); delete bm; exportToFile(); } void KrBookmarkHandler::removeReferences(KrBookmark *root, KrBookmark *bmToRemove) { int index = root->children().indexOf(bmToRemove); if (index >= 0) root->children().removeAt(index); QListIterator it(root->children()); while (it.hasNext()) { KrBookmark *bm = it.next(); if (bm->isFolder()) removeReferences(bm, bmToRemove); } } void KrBookmarkHandler::exportToFileBookmark(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &where, KrBookmark *bm) { if (bm->isSeparator()) { QDomElement bookmark = doc.createElement("separator"); where.appendChild(bookmark); } else { QDomElement bookmark = doc.createElement("bookmark"); // url bookmark.setAttribute("href", bm->url().toDisplayString()); // icon bookmark.setAttribute("icon", bm->iconName()); // title QDomElement title = doc.createElement("title"); title.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(bm->text())); bookmark.appendChild(title); where.appendChild(bookmark); } } void KrBookmarkHandler::exportToFileFolder(QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &parent, KrBookmark *folder) { QListIterator it(folder->children()); while (it.hasNext()) { KrBookmark *bm = it.next(); if (bm->isFolder()) { QDomElement newFolder = doc.createElement("folder"); newFolder.setAttribute("icon", bm->iconName()); parent.appendChild(newFolder); QDomElement title = doc.createElement("title"); title.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(bm->text())); newFolder.appendChild(title); exportToFileFolder(doc, newFolder, bm); } else { exportToFileBookmark(doc, parent, bm); } } } // export to file using the xbel standard // // // Developer Web Site // // Title of this folder // KDE Web Site // // My own bookmarks // KOffice Web Site // // KDevelop Web Site // // // void KrBookmarkHandler::exportToFile() { QDomDocument doc("xbel"); QDomElement root = doc.createElement("xbel"); doc.appendChild(root); exportToFileFolder(doc, root, _root); if (!doc.firstChild().isProcessingInstruction()) { // adding: if not already present QDomProcessingInstruction instr = doc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" "); doc.insertBefore(instr, doc.firstChild()); } QString filename = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + BOOKMARKS_FILE; QFile file(filename); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setCodec("UTF-8"); stream << doc.toString(); file.close(); } else { KMessageBox::error(_mainWindow->widget(), i18n("Unable to write to %1", filename), i18n("Error")); } } bool KrBookmarkHandler::importFromFileBookmark(QDomElement &e, KrBookmark *parent, QString path, QString *errorMsg) { QString url, name, icon; // verify tag if (e.tagName() != "bookmark") { *errorMsg = i18n("%1 instead of %2", e.tagName(), QLatin1String("bookmark")); return false; } // verify href if (!e.hasAttribute("href")) { *errorMsg = i18n("missing tag %1", QLatin1String("href")); return false; } else url = e.attribute("href"); // verify title QDomElement te = e.firstChild().toElement(); if (te.tagName() != "title") { *errorMsg = i18n("missing tag %1", QLatin1String("title")); return false; } else name = te.text(); // do we have an icon? if (e.hasAttribute("icon")) { icon = e.attribute("icon"); } // ok: got name and url, let's add a bookmark KrBookmark *bm = KrBookmark::getExistingBookmark(path + name, _collection); if (!bm) { bm = new KrBookmark(name, QUrl(url), _collection, icon, path + name); parent->children().append(bm); } return true; } bool KrBookmarkHandler::importFromFileFolder(QDomNode &first, KrBookmark *parent, QString path, QString *errorMsg) { QString name; QDomNode n = first; while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (e.tagName() == "bookmark") { if (!importFromFileBookmark(e, parent, path, errorMsg)) return false; } else if (e.tagName() == "folder") { QString iconName = ""; if (e.hasAttribute("icon")) iconName = e.attribute("icon"); // the title is the first child of the folder QDomElement tmp = e.firstChild().toElement(); if (tmp.tagName() != "title") { *errorMsg = i18n("missing tag %1", QLatin1String("title")); return false; } else name = tmp.text(); KrBookmark *folder = new KrBookmark(name, iconName); parent->children().append(folder); QDomNode nextOne = tmp.nextSibling(); if (!importFromFileFolder(nextOne, folder, path + name + '/', errorMsg)) return false; } else if (e.tagName() == "separator") { parent->children().append(KrBookmark::separator()); } n = n.nextSibling(); } return true; } void KrBookmarkHandler::importFromFile() { clearBookmarks(_root); QString filename = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + BOOKMARKS_FILE; QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return; // no bookmarks file QString errorMsg; QDomNode n; QDomElement e; QDomDocument doc("xbel"); if (!doc.setContent(&file, &errorMsg)) { goto BM_ERROR; } // iterate through the document: first child should be "xbel" (skip all until we find it) n = doc.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull() && n.toElement().tagName() != "xbel") n = n.nextSibling(); if (n.isNull() || n.toElement().tagName() != "xbel") { errorMsg = i18n("%1 does not seem to be a valid bookmarks file", filename); goto BM_ERROR; } else n = n.firstChild(); // skip the xbel part importFromFileFolder(n, _root, "", &errorMsg); goto BM_SUCCESS; BM_ERROR: KMessageBox::error(_mainWindow->widget(), i18n("Error reading bookmarks file: %1", errorMsg), i18n("Error")); BM_SUCCESS: file.close(); } void KrBookmarkHandler::_setQuickSearchText(const QString &text) { bool isEmptyQuickSearchBarVisible = KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel").readEntry("Always show search bar", true); _quickSearchBar->setText(text); auto length = text.length(); bool isVisible = isEmptyQuickSearchBarVisible || length > 0; _quickSearchAction->setVisible(isVisible); _quickSearchBar->setVisible(isVisible); if (length == 0) { qDebug() << "Bookmark search: reset"; _resetActionTextAndHighlighting(); } else { qDebug() << "Bookmark search: query =" << text; } } QString KrBookmarkHandler::_quickSearchText() const { return _quickSearchBar->text(); } void KrBookmarkHandler::_highlightAction(QAction *action, bool isMatched) { auto font = action->font(); font.setBold(isMatched); action->setFont(font); } void KrBookmarkHandler::populate(QMenu *menu) { // removing action from previous menu is necessary // otherwise it won't be displayed in the currently populating menu if (_mainBookmarkPopup) { _mainBookmarkPopup->removeAction(_quickSearchAction); } _mainBookmarkPopup = menu; menu->clear(); _specialBookmarks.clear(); buildMenu(_root, menu); } void KrBookmarkHandler::buildMenu(KrBookmark *parent, QMenu *menu, int depth) { // add search bar widget to the top of the menu if (depth == 0) { menu->addAction(_quickSearchAction); } // run the loop twice, in order to put the folders on top. stupid but easy :-) // note: this code drops the separators put there by the user QListIterator it(parent->children()); while (it.hasNext()) { KrBookmark *bm = it.next(); if (!bm->isFolder()) continue; QMenu *newMenu = new QMenu(menu); newMenu->setIcon(Icon(bm->iconName())); newMenu->setTitle(bm->text()); QAction *menuAction = menu->addMenu(newMenu); QVariant v; v.setValue(bm); menuAction->setData(v); buildMenu(bm, newMenu, depth + 1); } it.toFront(); while (it.hasNext()) { KrBookmark *bm = it.next(); if (bm->isFolder()) continue; if (bm->isSeparator()) { menu->addSeparator(); continue; } menu->addAction(bm); CONNECT_BM(bm); } if (depth == 0) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); bool hasPopularURLs = group.readEntry("BM Popular URLs", true); bool hasTrash = group.readEntry("BM Trash", true); bool hasLan = group.readEntry("BM Lan", true); bool hasVirtualFS = group.readEntry("BM Virtual FS", true); bool hasJumpback = group.readEntry("BM Jumpback", true); if (hasPopularURLs) { menu->addSeparator(); // add the popular links submenu QMenu *newMenu = new QMenu(menu); newMenu->setTitle(i18n("Popular URLs")); newMenu->setIcon(Icon("folder-bookmark")); QAction *bmfAct = menu->addMenu(newMenu); _specialBookmarks.append(bmfAct); // add the top 15 urls #define MAX 15 QList list = _mainWindow->popularUrls()->getMostPopularUrls(MAX); QList::Iterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { QString name; if ((*it).isLocalFile()) name = (*it).path(); else name = (*it).toDisplayString(); // note: these bookmark are put into the private collection // as to not spam the general collection KrBookmark *bm = KrBookmark::getExistingBookmark(name, _privateCollection); if (!bm) bm = new KrBookmark(name, *it, _privateCollection); newMenu->addAction(bm); CONNECT_BM(bm); } newMenu->addSeparator(); newMenu->addAction(krPopularUrls); newMenu->installEventFilter(this); } // do we need to add special bookmarks? if (SPECIAL_BOOKMARKS) { if (hasTrash || hasLan || hasVirtualFS) menu->addSeparator(); KrBookmark *bm; // note: special bookmarks are not kept inside the _bookmarks list and added ad-hoc if (hasTrash) { bm = KrBookmark::trash(_collection); menu->addAction(bm); _specialBookmarks.append(bm); CONNECT_BM(bm); } if (hasLan) { bm = KrBookmark::lan(_collection); menu->addAction(bm); _specialBookmarks.append(bm); CONNECT_BM(bm); } if (hasVirtualFS) { bm = KrBookmark::virt(_collection); menu->addAction(bm); _specialBookmarks.append(bm); CONNECT_BM(bm); } if (hasJumpback) { menu->addSeparator(); ListPanelActions *actions = _mainWindow->listPanelActions(); auto slotTriggered = [=] { if (_mainBookmarkPopup && !_mainBookmarkPopup->isHidden()) { _mainBookmarkPopup->close(); } }; auto addJumpBackAction = [=](bool isSetter) { auto action = KrBookmark::jumpBackAction(_privateCollection, isSetter, actions); if (action) { menu->addAction(action); _specialBookmarks.append(action); // disconnecting from this as a receiver is important: // we don't want to break connections established by KrBookmark::jumpBackAction disconnect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, nullptr); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, slotTriggered); } }; addJumpBackAction(true); addJumpBackAction(false); } } menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(KrActions::actAddBookmark); _specialBookmarks.append(KrActions::actAddBookmark); QAction *bmAct = menu->addAction(Icon("bookmarks"), i18n("Manage Bookmarks"), manager, SLOT(slotEditBookmarks())); _specialBookmarks.append(bmAct); // make sure the menu is connected to us disconnect(menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), 0, 0); } menu->installEventFilter(this); } void KrBookmarkHandler::clearBookmarks(KrBookmark *root) { QList::iterator it = root->children().begin(); while (it != root->children().end()) { KrBookmark *bm = *it; if (bm->isFolder()) clearBookmarks(bm); else { foreach(QWidget *w, bm->associatedWidgets()) w->removeAction(bm); delete bm; } it = root->children().erase(it); } } void KrBookmarkHandler::bookmarksChanged(const QString&, const QString&) { importFromFile(); } bool KrBookmarkHandler::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev) { auto eventType = ev->type(); QMenu *menu = dynamic_cast(obj); if (eventType == QEvent::Show && menu) { _setQuickSearchText(""); _quickSearchMenu = menu; qDebug() << "Bookmark search: menu" << menu << "is shown"; return QObject::eventFilter(obj, ev); } if (eventType == QEvent::Close && menu && _quickSearchMenu) { if (_quickSearchMenu == menu) { qDebug() << "Bookmark search: stopped on menu" << menu; _setQuickSearchText(""); _quickSearchMenu = nullptr; } else { qDebug() << "Bookmark search: active action =" << _quickSearchMenu->activeAction(); // fix automatic deactivation of current action due to spurious close event from submenu auto quickSearchMenu = _quickSearchMenu; auto activeAction = _quickSearchMenu->activeAction(); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [=]() { qDebug() << "Bookmark search: active action =" << quickSearchMenu->activeAction(); if (!quickSearchMenu->activeAction() && activeAction) { quickSearchMenu->setActiveAction(activeAction); qDebug() << "Bookmark search: restored active action =" << quickSearchMenu->activeAction(); } }); } return QObject::eventFilter(obj, ev); } // Having it occur on keypress is consistent with other shortcuts, // such as Ctrl+W and accelerator keys if (eventType == QEvent::KeyPress && menu) { QKeyEvent *kev = static_cast(ev); QList acts = menu->actions(); bool quickSearchStarted = false; bool searchInSpecialItems = KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel").readEntry("Search in special items", false); if (kev->key() == Qt::Key_Left && kev->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { menu->close(); return true; } if ((kev->modifiers() != Qt::ShiftModifier && kev->modifiers() != Qt::NoModifier) || kev->text().isEmpty() || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Delete || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Return || kev->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { return QObject::eventFilter(obj, ev); } // update quick search text if (kev->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) { auto newSearchText = _quickSearchText(); newSearchText.chop(1); _setQuickSearchText(newSearchText); if (_quickSearchText().length() == 0) { return QObject::eventFilter(obj, ev); } } else { quickSearchStarted = _quickSearchText().length() == 0; _setQuickSearchText(_quickSearchText().append(kev->text())); } if (quickSearchStarted) { _quickSearchMenu = menu; qDebug() << "Bookmark search: started on menu" << menu; } // match actions QAction *matchedAction = nullptr; int nMatches = 0; const Qt::CaseSensitivity matchCase = _quickSearchText() == _quickSearchText().toLower() ? Qt::CaseInsensitive : Qt::CaseSensitive; for (auto act : acts) { if (act->isSeparator() || act->text() == "") { continue; } if (!searchInSpecialItems && _specialBookmarks.contains(act)) { continue; } if (quickSearchStarted) { // if the first key press is an accelerator key, let the accelerator handler process this event if (act->text().contains('&' + kev->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { qDebug() << "Bookmark search: hit accelerator key of" << act; _setQuickSearchText(""); return QObject::eventFilter(obj, ev); } // strip accelerator keys from actions so they don't interfere with the search key press events auto text = act->text(); _quickSearchOriginalActionTitles.insert(act, text); act->setText(KLocalizedString::removeAcceleratorMarker(text)); } // match prefix of the action text to the query if (act->text().left(_quickSearchText().length()).compare(_quickSearchText(), matchCase) == 0) { _highlightAction(act); if (!matchedAction || matchedAction->menu()) { // Can't highlight menus (see comment below), hopefully pick something we can matchedAction = act; } nMatches++; } else { _highlightAction(act, false); } } if (matchedAction) { qDebug() << "Bookmark search: primary match =" << matchedAction->text() << ", number of matches =" << nMatches; } else { qDebug() << "Bookmark search: no matches"; } // trigger the matched menu item or set an active item accordingly if (nMatches == 1) { _setQuickSearchText(""); if ((bool) matchedAction->menu()) { menu->setActiveAction(matchedAction); } else { matchedAction->activate(QAction::Trigger); } } else if (nMatches > 1) { // Because of a bug submenus cannot be highlighted // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-939 if (!matchedAction->menu()) { menu->setActiveAction(matchedAction); } else { menu->setActiveAction(nullptr); } } else { menu->setActiveAction(nullptr); } return true; } if (eventType == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { switch (static_cast(ev)->button()) { case Qt::RightButton: _middleClick = false; if (obj->inherits("QMenu")) { QMenu *menu = static_cast(obj); QAction *act = menu->actionAt(static_cast(ev)->pos()); if (obj == _mainBookmarkPopup && _specialBookmarks.contains(act)) { rightClickOnSpecialBookmark(); return true; } KrBookmark *bm = dynamic_cast(act); if (bm != 0) { rightClicked(menu, bm); return true; } else if (act && act->data().canConvert()) { KrBookmark *bm = act->data().value(); rightClicked(menu, bm); } } break; case Qt::LeftButton: _middleClick = false; break; case Qt::MidButton: _middleClick = true; break; default: break; } } return QObject::eventFilter(obj, ev); } void KrBookmarkHandler::_resetActionTextAndHighlighting() { for (QHash::const_iterator i = _quickSearchOriginalActionTitles.begin(); i != _quickSearchOriginalActionTitles.end(); ++i) { QAction *action = i.key(); action->setText(i.value()); _highlightAction(action, false); } _quickSearchOriginalActionTitles.clear(); } #define POPULAR_URLS_ID 100100 #define TRASH_ID 100101 #define LAN_ID 100103 #define VIRTUAL_FS_ID 100102 #define JUMP_BACK_ID 100104 void KrBookmarkHandler::rightClickOnSpecialBookmark() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); bool hasPopularURLs = group.readEntry("BM Popular URLs", true); bool hasTrash = group.readEntry("BM Trash", true); bool hasLan = group.readEntry("BM Lan", true); bool hasVirtualFS = group.readEntry("BM Virtual FS", true); bool hasJumpback = group.readEntry("BM Jumpback", true); QMenu menu(_mainBookmarkPopup); menu.setTitle(i18n("Enable special bookmarks")); QAction *act; act = menu.addAction(i18n("Popular URLs")); act->setData(QVariant(POPULAR_URLS_ID)); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(hasPopularURLs); act = menu.addAction(i18n("Trash bin")); act->setData(QVariant(TRASH_ID)); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(hasTrash); act = menu.addAction(i18n("Local Network")); act->setData(QVariant(LAN_ID)); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(hasLan); act = menu.addAction(i18n("Virtual Filesystem")); act->setData(QVariant(VIRTUAL_FS_ID)); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(hasVirtualFS); act = menu.addAction(i18n("Jump back")); act->setData(QVariant(JUMP_BACK_ID)); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(hasJumpback); connect(_mainBookmarkPopup, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), &menu, SLOT(close())); connect(_mainBookmarkPopup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), &menu, SLOT(close())); int result = -1; QAction *res = menu.exec(QCursor::pos()); if (res && res->data().canConvert()) result = res->data().toInt(); bool doCloseMain = true; switch (result) { case POPULAR_URLS_ID: group.writeEntry("BM Popular URLs", !hasPopularURLs); break; case TRASH_ID: group.writeEntry("BM Trash", !hasTrash); break; case LAN_ID: group.writeEntry("BM Lan", !hasLan); break; case VIRTUAL_FS_ID: group.writeEntry("BM Virtual FS", !hasVirtualFS); break; case JUMP_BACK_ID: group.writeEntry("BM Jumpback", !hasJumpback); break; default: doCloseMain = false; break; } menu.close(); if (doCloseMain && _mainBookmarkPopup) _mainBookmarkPopup->close(); } #define OPEN_ID 100200 #define OPEN_NEW_TAB_ID 100201 #define DELETE_ID 100202 void KrBookmarkHandler::rightClicked(QMenu *menu, KrBookmark * bm) { QMenu popup(_mainBookmarkPopup); QAction * act; if (!bm->isFolder()) { act = popup.addAction(Icon("document-open"), i18n("Open")); act->setData(QVariant(OPEN_ID)); act = popup.addAction(Icon("tab-new"), i18n("Open in a new tab")); act->setData(QVariant(OPEN_NEW_TAB_ID)); popup.addSeparator(); } act = popup.addAction(Icon("edit-delete"), i18n("Delete")); act->setData(QVariant(DELETE_ID)); connect(menu, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), &popup, SLOT(close())); connect(menu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), &popup, SLOT(close())); int result = -1; QAction *res = popup.exec(QCursor::pos()); if (res && res->data().canConvert ()) result = res->data().toInt(); popup.close(); if (_mainBookmarkPopup && result >= OPEN_ID && result <= DELETE_ID) { _mainBookmarkPopup->close(); } switch (result) { case OPEN_ID: SLOTS->refresh(bm->url()); break; case OPEN_NEW_TAB_ID: _mainWindow->activeManager()->newTab(bm->url()); break; case DELETE_ID: deleteBookmark(bm); break; } } // used to monitor middle clicks. if mid is found, then the // bookmark is opened in a new tab. ugly, but easier than overloading // KAction and KActionCollection. void KrBookmarkHandler::slotActivated(const QUrl &url) { if (_mainBookmarkPopup && !_mainBookmarkPopup->isHidden()) _mainBookmarkPopup->close(); if (_middleClick) _mainWindow->activeManager()->newTab(url); else SLOTS->refresh(url); } diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/checksumdlg.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/checksumdlg.cpp index 00a9915d..d5fb71c5 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/checksumdlg.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/checksumdlg.cpp @@ -1,577 +1,576 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2008 Jonas Bähr * * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "checksumdlg.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "../krusader.h" #include "../GUI/krlistwidget.h" #include "../GUI/krtreewidget.h" // QtCore #include #include #include #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include void Checksum::startCreationWizard(const QString &path, const QStringList &files) { if (files.isEmpty()) return; QDialog *dialog = new CHECKSUM_::CreateWizard(path, files); dialog->show(); } void Checksum::startVerifyWizard(const QString &path, const QString &checksumFile) { QDialog *dialog = new CHECKSUM_::VerifyWizard(path, checksumFile); dialog->show(); } namespace CHECKSUM_ { bool stopListFiles; // async operation invoked by QtConcurrent::run in creation wizard QStringList listFiles(const QString &path, const QStringList &fileNames) { const QDir baseDir(path); QStringList allFiles; for (const QString fileName : fileNames) { if (stopListFiles) return QStringList(); QDir subDir = QDir(baseDir.filePath(fileName)); if (subDir.exists()) { subDir.setFilter(QDir::Files); QDirIterator it(subDir, QDirIterator::Subdirectories | QDirIterator::FollowSymlinks); while (it.hasNext()) { if (stopListFiles) return QStringList(); allFiles << baseDir.relativeFilePath(it.next()); } } else { // assume this is a file allFiles << fileName; } } return allFiles; } // ------------- Checksum Process ChecksumProcess::ChecksumProcess(QObject *parent, const QString &path) : KProcess(parent), m_tmpOutFile(QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/krusader_XXXXXX.stdout")), m_tmpErrFile(QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/krusader_XXXXXX.stderr")) { m_tmpOutFile.open(); // necessary to create the filename m_tmpErrFile.open(); // necessary to create the filename setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels); // without this the next 2 lines have no effect! setStandardOutputFile(m_tmpOutFile.fileName()); setStandardErrorFile(m_tmpErrFile.fileName()); setWorkingDirectory(path); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0) connect(this, &ChecksumProcess::errorOccurred, this, &ChecksumProcess::slotError); #endif connect(this, static_cast(&QProcess::finished), this, &ChecksumProcess::slotFinished); } ChecksumProcess::~ChecksumProcess() { disconnect(this, 0, this, 0); // QProcess emits finished() on destruction close(); } void ChecksumProcess::slotError(QProcess::ProcessError error) { if (error == QProcess::FailedToStart) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Could not start %1.", program().join(" "))); } } void ChecksumProcess::slotFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { if (exitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("There was an error while running %1.", program().join(" "))); return; } // parse result files if (!KrServices::fileToStringList(&m_tmpOutFile, m_outputLines) || !KrServices::fileToStringList(&m_tmpErrFile, m_errorLines)) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Error reading stdout or stderr")); return; } emit resultReady(); } // ------------- Generic Checksum Wizard ChecksumWizard::ChecksumWizard(const QString &path) : QWizard(krApp), m_path(path), m_process(0) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); // init the dictionary - pity it has to be manually m_checksumTools.insert("md5", "md5sum"); m_checksumTools.insert("sha1", "sha1sum"); m_checksumTools.insert("sha256", "sha256sum"); m_checksumTools.insert("sha224", "sha224sum"); m_checksumTools.insert("sha384", "sha384sum"); m_checksumTools.insert("sha512", "sha512sum"); connect(this, &QWizard::currentIdChanged, this, &ChecksumWizard::slotCurrentIdChanged); } ChecksumWizard::~ChecksumWizard() { if (m_process) { delete m_process; } } void ChecksumWizard::slotCurrentIdChanged(int id) { if (id == m_introId) { onIntroPage(); } else if (id == m_progressId) { if (m_process) { // we are coming from the result page; delete m_process; m_process = 0; restart(); } else { button(QWizard::BackButton)->hide(); button(QWizard::NextButton)->hide(); onProgressPage(); } } else if (id == m_resultId) { onResultPage(); } } QWizardPage *ChecksumWizard::createProgressPage(const QString &title) { QWizardPage *page = new QWizardPage; page->setTitle(title); page->setPixmap(QWizard::LogoPixmap, Icon("process-working").pixmap(32)); page->setSubTitle(i18n("Please wait...")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; page->setLayout(mainLayout); // "busy" indicator QProgressBar *bar = new QProgressBar(); bar->setRange(0,0); mainLayout->addWidget(bar); return page; } bool ChecksumWizard::checkExists(const QString type) { if (!KrServices::cmdExist(m_checksumTools[type])) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Krusader cannot find a checksum tool that handles %1 on your system. " "Please check the Dependencies page in Krusader's settings.", type)); return false; } return true; } void ChecksumWizard::runProcess(const QString &type, const QStringList &args) { Q_ASSERT(m_process == 0); m_process = new ChecksumProcess(this, m_path); m_process->setProgram(KrServices::fullPathName(m_checksumTools[type]), args); // show next page (with results) (only) when process is done connect(m_process, &ChecksumProcess::resultReady, this, &QWizard::next); // run the process m_process->start(); } void ChecksumWizard::addChecksumLine(KrTreeWidget *tree, const QString &line) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(tree); const int hashLength = line.indexOf(' '); // delimiter is either " " or " *" item->setText(0, line.left(hashLength)); QString fileName = line.mid(hashLength + 2); if (fileName.endsWith('\n')) fileName.chop(1); item->setText(1, fileName); } // ------------- Create Wizard CreateWizard::CreateWizard(const QString &path, const QStringList &_files) : ChecksumWizard(path), m_fileNames(_files), m_listFilesWatcher() { m_introId = addPage(createIntroPage()); m_progressId = addPage(createProgressPage(i18n("Creating Checksums"))); m_resultId = addPage(createResultPage()); setButton(QWizard::FinishButton, QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Save).button(QDialogButtonBox::Save)); connect(&m_listFilesWatcher, &QFutureWatcher::resultReadyAt, this, &CreateWizard::createChecksums); } QWizardPage *CreateWizard::createIntroPage() { QWizardPage *page = new QWizardPage; page->setTitle(i18n("Create Checksums")); page->setPixmap(QWizard::LogoPixmap, Icon("document-edit-sign").pixmap(32)); page->setSubTitle(i18n("About to calculate checksum for the following files or directories:")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; page->setLayout(mainLayout); // file list KrListWidget *listWidget = new KrListWidget; listWidget->addItems(m_fileNames); mainLayout->addWidget(listWidget); // checksum method QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout; QLabel *methodLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Select the checksum method:")); hLayout->addWidget(methodLabel); m_methodBox = new KComboBox; // -- fill the combo with available methods for (const QString type: m_checksumTools.keys()) m_methodBox->addItem(type); m_methodBox->setFocus(); hLayout->addWidget(m_methodBox); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); return page; } QWizardPage *CreateWizard::createResultPage() { QWizardPage *page = new QWizardPage; page->setTitle(i18n("Checksum Results")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; page->setLayout(mainLayout); m_hashesTreeWidget = new KrTreeWidget(this); m_hashesTreeWidget->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); m_hashesTreeWidget->setHeaderLabels(QStringList() << i18n("Hash") << i18n("File")); mainLayout->addWidget(m_hashesTreeWidget); m_errorLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Errors received:")); mainLayout->addWidget(m_errorLabel); m_errorListWidget = new KrListWidget; mainLayout->addWidget(m_errorListWidget); m_onePerFileBox = new QCheckBox(i18n("Save one checksum file for each source file")); m_onePerFileBox->setChecked(false); mainLayout->addWidget(m_onePerFileBox); return page; } void CreateWizard::onIntroPage() { button(QWizard::NextButton)->show(); } void CreateWizard::onProgressPage() { // first, get all files (recurse in directories) - async stopListFiles = false; // QFuture cannot cancel QtConcurrent::run connect(this, &CreateWizard::finished, this, [=]() { stopListFiles = true; }); QFuture listFuture = QtConcurrent::run(listFiles, m_path, m_fileNames); m_listFilesWatcher.setFuture(listFuture); } void CreateWizard::createChecksums() { const QString type = m_methodBox->currentText(); if (!checkExists(type)) { button(QWizard::BackButton)->show(); return; } const QStringList &allFiles = m_listFilesWatcher.result(); if (allFiles.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("No files found")); button(QWizard::BackButton)->show(); return; } runProcess(type, allFiles); // set suggested filename m_suggestedFilePath = QDir(m_path).filePath( (m_fileNames.count() > 1 ? "checksum." : (m_fileNames[0] + '.')) + type); } void CreateWizard::onResultPage() { // hash tools display errors into stderr, so we'll use that to determine the result of the job const QStringList outputLines = m_process->stdOutput(); const QStringList errorLines = m_process->errOutput(); bool errors = !errorLines.isEmpty(); bool successes = !outputLines.isEmpty(); QWizardPage *page = currentPage(); page->setPixmap(QWizard::LogoPixmap, Icon(errors || !successes ? "dialog-error" : "dialog-information").pixmap(32)); page->setSubTitle(errors || !successes ? i18n("Errors were detected while creating the checksums") : i18n("Checksums were created successfully")); m_hashesTreeWidget->clear(); m_hashesTreeWidget->setVisible(successes); if (successes) { for (const QString line : outputLines) addChecksumLine(m_hashesTreeWidget, line); //m_hashesTreeWidget->sortItems(1, Qt::AscendingOrder); } m_errorLabel->setVisible(errors); m_errorListWidget->setVisible(errors); m_errorListWidget->clear(); m_errorListWidget->addItems(errorLines); m_onePerFileBox->setEnabled(outputLines.size() > 1); button(QWizard::FinishButton)->setEnabled(successes); } bool CreateWizard::savePerFile() { const QString type = m_suggestedFilePath.mid(m_suggestedFilePath.lastIndexOf('.')); krApp->startWaiting(i18n("Saving checksum files..."), 0); for (const QString line : m_process->stdOutput()) { const QString filename = line.mid(line.indexOf(' ') + 2) + type; if (!saveChecksumFile(QStringList() << line, filename)) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Errors occurred while saving multiple checksums. Stopping")); krApp->stopWait(); return false; } } krApp->stopWait(); return true; } bool CreateWizard::saveChecksumFile(const QStringList &data, const QString &filename) { QString filePath = filename.isEmpty() ? m_suggestedFilePath : filename; if (filename.isEmpty() || QFile::exists(filePath)) { filePath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, QString(), filePath); if (filePath.isEmpty()) return false; // user pressed cancel } QFile file(filePath); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&file); for (const QString line : data) stream << line << "\n"; file.close(); } if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) { KMessageBox::detailedError(this, i18n("Error saving file %1", filePath), file.errorString()); return false; } return true; } void CreateWizard::accept() { const bool saved = m_onePerFileBox->isChecked() ? savePerFile() : saveChecksumFile(m_process->stdOutput()); if (saved) QWizard::accept(); } // ------------- Verify Wizard VerifyWizard::VerifyWizard(const QString &path, const QString &inputFile) : ChecksumWizard(path) { m_checksumFile = isSupported(inputFile) ? inputFile : path; m_introId = addPage(createIntroPage()); // m_checksumFile must already be set m_progressId = addPage(createProgressPage(i18n("Verifying Checksums"))); m_resultId = addPage(createResultPage()); } void VerifyWizard::slotChecksumPathChanged(const QString &path) { m_hashesTreeWidget->clear(); button(QWizard::NextButton)->setEnabled(false); if (!isSupported(path)) return; m_checksumFile = path; // parse and display checksum file content; only for the user, parsed values are not used m_hashesTreeWidget->clear(); QFile file(m_checksumFile); if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream inStream(&file); while (!inStream.atEnd()) { addChecksumLine(m_hashesTreeWidget, file.readLine()); } } file.close(); button(QWizard::NextButton)->setEnabled(true); } QWizardPage *VerifyWizard::createIntroPage() { QWizardPage *page = new QWizardPage; page->setTitle(i18n("Verify Checksum File")); page->setPixmap(QWizard::LogoPixmap, Icon("document-edit-verify").pixmap(32)); page->setSubTitle(i18n("About to verify the following checksum file")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; page->setLayout(mainLayout); // checksum file QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout; QLabel *checksumFileLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Checksum file:")); hLayout->addWidget(checksumFileLabel); KUrlRequester *checksumFileReq = new KUrlRequester; QString typesFilter; for (const QString ext: m_checksumTools.keys()) typesFilter += ("*." + ext + ' '); checksumFileReq->setFilter(typesFilter); checksumFileReq->setText(m_checksumFile); checksumFileReq->setFocus(); connect(checksumFileReq, &KUrlRequester::textChanged, this, &VerifyWizard::slotChecksumPathChanged); hLayout->addWidget(checksumFileReq); mainLayout->addLayout(hLayout); // content of checksum file m_hashesTreeWidget = new KrTreeWidget(page); m_hashesTreeWidget->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); m_hashesTreeWidget->setHeaderLabels(QStringList() << i18n("Hash") << i18n("File")); mainLayout->addWidget(m_hashesTreeWidget); return page; } QWizardPage *VerifyWizard::createResultPage() { QWizardPage *page = new QWizardPage; page->setTitle(i18n("Verify Result")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; page->setLayout(mainLayout); m_outputLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Result output:")); mainLayout->addWidget(m_outputLabel); m_outputListWidget = new KrListWidget; mainLayout->addWidget(m_outputListWidget); return page; } void VerifyWizard::onIntroPage() { // cannot do this in constructor: NextButton->hide() is overridden slotChecksumPathChanged(m_checksumFile); } void VerifyWizard::onProgressPage() { // verify checksum file... const QString extension = QFileInfo(m_checksumFile).suffix(); if (!checkExists(extension)) { button(QWizard::BackButton)->show(); return; } runProcess(extension, QStringList() << "--strict" << "-c" << m_checksumFile); } void VerifyWizard::onResultPage() { // better not only trust error output const bool errors = m_process->exitCode() != 0 || !m_process->errOutput().isEmpty(); QWizardPage *page = currentPage(); page->setPixmap(QWizard::LogoPixmap, Icon(errors ? "dialog-error" : "dialog-information").pixmap(32)); page->setSubTitle(errors ? i18n("Errors were detected while verifying the checksums") : i18n("Checksums were verified successfully")); // print everything, errors first m_outputListWidget->clear(); m_outputListWidget->addItems(m_process->errOutput() + m_process->stdOutput()); button(QWizard::FinishButton)->setEnabled(!errors); } bool VerifyWizard::isSupported(const QString &path) { const QFileInfo fileInfo(path); return fileInfo.isFile() && m_checksumTools.keys().contains(fileInfo.suffix()); } } // NAMESPACE CHECKSUM_ diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/krspwidgets.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/krspwidgets.cpp index ddcbafe9..0eed58ef 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/krspwidgets.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/krspwidgets.cpp @@ -1,260 +1,259 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krspwidgets.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../Filter/filtertabs.h" #include "../GUI/krlistwidget.h" // QtCore #include // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include // missing ? #include #include #include #include -#include #include ///////////////////// initiation of the static members //////////////////////// QStringList KRSpWidgets::maskList; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KRSpWidgets::KRSpWidgets() { } KRQuery KRSpWidgets::getMask(QString caption, bool nameOnly, QWidget * parent) { if (!nameOnly) { return FilterTabs::getQuery(parent); } else { QPointer p = new KRMaskChoiceSub(parent); p->setWindowTitle(caption); p->exec(); QString selection = p->selection->currentText(); delete p; if (selection.isEmpty()) { return KRQuery(); } else { return KRQuery(selection); } } } /////////////////////////// newFTP //////////////////////////////////////// QUrl KRSpWidgets::newFTP() { QPointer p = new newFTPSub(); p->exec(); QString uri = p->url->currentText(); if (uri.isEmpty()) { delete p; return QUrl(); // empty url } QString protocol = p->prefix->currentText(); protocol.truncate(protocol.length() - 3); // remove the trailing :// QString username = p->username->text().simplified(); QString password = p->password->text().simplified(); int uriStart = uri.lastIndexOf('@'); /* lets the user enter user and password in the URI field */ if (uriStart != -1) { QString uriUser = uri.left(uriStart); QString uriPsw; uri = uri.mid(uriStart + 1); int pswStart = uriUser.indexOf(':'); /* getting the password name from the URL */ if (pswStart != -1) { uriPsw = uriUser.mid(pswStart + 1); uriUser = uriUser.left(pswStart); } if (!uriUser.isEmpty()) { /* handling the ftp proxy username and password also */ username = username.isEmpty() ? uriUser : username + '@' + uriUser; } if (!uriPsw.isEmpty()) { /* handling the ftp proxy username and password also */ password = password.isEmpty() ? uriPsw : password + '@' + uriPsw; } } QString host = uri; /* separating the hostname and path from the uri */ QString path; int pathStart = uri.indexOf("/"); if (pathStart != -1) { path = host.mid(pathStart); host = host.left(pathStart); } /* setting the parameters of the URL */ QUrl url; url.setScheme(protocol); url.setHost(host); url.setPath(path); if (protocol == "ftp" || protocol == "fish" || protocol == "sftp") { url.setPort(p->port->cleanText().toInt()); } if (!username.isEmpty()) { url.setUserName(username); } if (!password.isEmpty()) { url.setPassword(password); } delete p; return url; } newFTPSub::newFTPSub() : newFTPGUI(0) { url->setFocus(); setGeometry(krMainWindow->x() + krMainWindow->width() / 2 - width() / 2, krMainWindow->y() + krMainWindow->height() / 2 - height() / 2, width(), height()); } void newFTPSub::accept() { url->addToHistory(url->currentText()); // save the history and completion list when the history combo is // destroyed KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList list = url->completionObject()->items(); group.writeEntry("newFTP Completion list", list); list = url->historyItems(); group.writeEntry("newFTP History list", list); QString protocol = prefix->currentText(); group.writeEntry("newFTP Protocol", protocol); newFTPGUI::accept(); } void newFTPSub::reject() { url->lineEdit()->setText(""); newFTPGUI::reject(); } /////////////////////////// KRMaskChoiceSub /////////////////////////////// KRMaskChoiceSub::KRMaskChoiceSub(QWidget * parent) : KRMaskChoice(parent) { PixmapLabel1->setPixmap(Icon("edit-select").pixmap(32)); label->setText(i18n("Enter a selection:")); // the predefined selections list KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList lst = group.readEntry("Predefined Selections", QStringList()); if (lst.size() > 0) preSelections->addItems(lst); // the combo-box tweaks selection->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); selection->addItems(KRSpWidgets::maskList); selection->lineEdit()->setText("*"); selection->lineEdit()->selectAll(); selection->setFocus(); } void KRMaskChoiceSub::reject() { selection->clear(); KRMaskChoice::reject(); } void KRMaskChoiceSub::accept() { bool add = true; // make sure we don't have that already for (int i = 0; i != KRSpWidgets::maskList.count(); i++) if (KRSpWidgets::maskList[ i ].simplified() == selection->currentText().simplified()) { // break if we found one such as this add = false; break; } if (add) KRSpWidgets::maskList.insert(0, selection->currentText().toLocal8Bit()); // write down the predefined selections list QStringList list; for (int j = 0; j != preSelections->count(); j++) { QListWidgetItem *i = preSelections->item(j); list.append(i->text()); } KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); group.writeEntry("Predefined Selections", list); KRMaskChoice::accept(); } void KRMaskChoiceSub::addSelection() { QString temp = selection->currentText(); bool itemExists = false; // check if the selection already exists for (int j = 0; j != preSelections->count(); j++) { QListWidgetItem *i = preSelections->item(j); if (i->text() == temp) { itemExists = true; break; } } if (!temp.isEmpty() && !itemExists) { preSelections->addItem(selection->currentText()); preSelections->update(); } } void KRMaskChoiceSub::deleteSelection() { delete preSelections->currentItem(); preSelections->update(); } void KRMaskChoiceSub::clearSelections() { preSelections->clear(); preSelections->update(); } void KRMaskChoiceSub::acceptFromList(QListWidgetItem *i) { selection->addItem(i->text(), 0); accept(); } void KRMaskChoiceSub::currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *i) { if (i) selection->setEditText(i->text()); } diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/kurllistrequester.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/kurllistrequester.cpp index ec31d341..72723141 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/kurllistrequester.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/kurllistrequester.cpp @@ -1,191 +1,190 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kurllistrequester.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystem.h" #include "../icon.h" // QtGui #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #define DELETE_ITEM_ID 100 KURLListRequester::KURLListRequester(Mode requestMode, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), mode(requestMode) { // Creating the widget QGridLayout *urlListRequesterGrid = new QGridLayout(this); urlListRequesterGrid->setSpacing(0); urlListRequesterGrid->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); urlLineEdit = new KLineEdit(this); urlListRequesterGrid->addWidget(urlLineEdit, 0, 0); urlListBox = new KrListWidget(this); urlListBox->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); urlListRequesterGrid->addWidget(urlListBox, 1, 0, 1, 3); urlAddBtn = new QToolButton(this); urlAddBtn->setText(""); urlAddBtn->setIcon(Icon("arrow-down")); urlListRequesterGrid->addWidget(urlAddBtn, 0, 1); urlBrowseBtn = new QToolButton(this); urlBrowseBtn->setText(""); urlBrowseBtn->setIcon(Icon("folder")); urlListRequesterGrid->addWidget(urlBrowseBtn, 0, 2); // add shell completion completion.setMode(KUrlCompletion::FileCompletion); urlLineEdit->setCompletionObject(&completion); // connection table connect(urlAddBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAdd())); connect(urlBrowseBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotBrowse())); connect(urlLineEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QString)), this, SLOT(slotAdd())); connect(urlListBox, SIGNAL(itemRightClicked(QListWidgetItem*,QPoint)), this, SLOT(slotRightClicked(QListWidgetItem*,QPoint))); connect(urlLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(changed())); } void KURLListRequester::slotAdd() { QString text = urlLineEdit->text().simplified(); if (text.length()) { QString error; emit checkValidity(text, error); if (!error.isNull()) KMessageBox::error(this, error); else { urlListBox->addItem(text); urlLineEdit->clear(); emit changed(); } } } void KURLListRequester::slotBrowse() { QUrl url; switch (mode) { case RequestFiles: url = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(this); break; case RequestDirs: url = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectoryUrl(this); break; } if (!url.isEmpty()) urlLineEdit->setText(url.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); urlLineEdit->setFocus(); } void KURLListRequester::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) { if (urlListBox->hasFocus()) { deleteSelectedItems(); return; } } QWidget::keyPressEvent(e); } void KURLListRequester::deleteSelectedItems() { QList delList = urlListBox->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i != delList.count(); i++) delete delList[ i ]; emit changed(); } void KURLListRequester::slotRightClicked(QListWidgetItem *item, const QPoint &pos) { if (item == 0) return; QMenu popupMenu(this); QAction * menuAction = popupMenu.addAction(i18n("Delete")); if (menuAction == popupMenu.exec(pos)) { if (item->isSelected()) deleteSelectedItems(); else { delete item; emit changed(); } } } QList KURLListRequester::urlList() { QList urls; QString text = urlLineEdit->text().simplified(); if (!text.isEmpty()) { QString error; emit checkValidity(text, error); if (error.isNull()) urls.append(QUrl::fromUserInput(text, QString(), QUrl::AssumeLocalFile)); } for (int i = 0; i != urlListBox->count(); i++) { QListWidgetItem *item = urlListBox->item(i); QString text = item->text().simplified(); QString error; emit checkValidity(text, error); if (error.isNull()) urls.append(QUrl::fromUserInput(text, QString(), QUrl::AssumeLocalFile)); } return urls; } void KURLListRequester::setUrlList(QList urlList) { urlLineEdit->clear(); urlListBox->clear(); QList::iterator it; for (it = urlList.begin(); it != urlList.end(); ++it) urlListBox->addItem(it->toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); emit changed(); } diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/newftpgui.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/newftpgui.cpp index 773b8735..4e51c4aa 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/newftpgui.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/newftpgui.cpp @@ -1,206 +1,205 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2009 Fathi Boudra * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "newftpgui.h" // QtCore #include #include // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #define SIZE_MINIMUM QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed) const QStringList sProtocols = QStringList() << QStringLiteral("ftp") << QStringLiteral("ftps") << QStringLiteral("sftp") << QStringLiteral("fish") << QStringLiteral("nfs") << QStringLiteral("smb") << QStringLiteral("webdav") << QStringLiteral("svn") << QStringLiteral("svn+file") << QStringLiteral("svn+http") << QStringLiteral("svn+https") << QStringLiteral("svn+ssh"); /** * Constructs a newFTPGUI which is a child of 'parent', * with the name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' */ newFTPGUI::newFTPGUI(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent) { setModal(true); setWindowTitle(i18n("New Network Connection")); resize(500, 240); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(mainLayout); QSizePolicy policy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred); policy.setHeightForWidth(sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); setSizePolicy(policy); iconLabel = new QLabel(this); iconLabel->setPixmap(Icon("network-wired").pixmap(32)); iconLabel->setSizePolicy(SIZE_MINIMUM); aboutLabel = new QLabel(i18n("About to connect to..."), this); QFont font(aboutLabel->font()); font.setBold(true); aboutLabel->setFont(font); protocolLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Protocol:"), this); hostLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Host:"), this); portLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Port:"), this); prefix = new KComboBox(this); prefix->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("protocol")); prefix->setSizePolicy(SIZE_MINIMUM); url = new KHistoryComboBox(this); url->setMaxCount(50); url->setMinimumContentsLength(10); const QStringList availableProtocols = KProtocolInfo::protocols(); for (const QString protocol : sProtocols) { if (availableProtocols.contains(protocol)) prefix->addItem(protocol + QStringLiteral("://")); } // load the history and completion list after creating the history combo KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList list = group.readEntry("newFTP Completion list", QStringList()); url->completionObject()->setItems(list); list = group.readEntry("newFTP History list", QStringList()); url->setHistoryItems(list); // Select last used protocol const QString lastUsedProtocol = group.readEntry("newFTP Protocol", QString()); if(!lastUsedProtocol.isEmpty()) { prefix->setCurrentItem(lastUsedProtocol); } port = new QSpinBox(this); port->setMaximum(65535); port->setValue(21); port->setSizePolicy(SIZE_MINIMUM); usernameLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Username:"), this); username = new KLineEdit(this); passwordLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Password:"), this); password = new KLineEdit(this); password->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); horizontalLayout->addWidget(iconLabel); horizontalLayout->addWidget(aboutLabel); QGridLayout *gridLayout = new QGridLayout(); gridLayout->addWidget(protocolLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(hostLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(portLabel, 0, 2, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(prefix, 1, 0, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(url, 1, 1, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(port, 1, 2, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(usernameLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(username, 3, 0, 1, 3); gridLayout->addWidget(passwordLabel, 4, 0, 1, 1); gridLayout->addWidget(password, 5, 0, 1, 3); QGridLayout *widgetLayout = new QGridLayout(); widgetLayout->addLayout(horizontalLayout, 0, 0, 1, 1); widgetLayout->addLayout(gridLayout, 1, 0, 1, 1); mainLayout->addLayout(widgetLayout); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); QPushButton *okButton = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); okButton->setText(i18n("&Connect")); okButton->setDefault(true); okButton->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Return); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(prefix, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(slotTextChanged(QString))); connect(url, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), url, SLOT(addToHistory(QString))); if(!lastUsedProtocol.isEmpty()) { // update the port field slotTextChanged(lastUsedProtocol); } setTabOrder(url, username); setTabOrder(username, password); setTabOrder(password, prefix); } /** * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ newFTPGUI::~newFTPGUI() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void newFTPGUI::slotTextChanged(const QString &string) { if (string.startsWith(QLatin1String("ftp")) || string.startsWith(QLatin1String("sftp")) || string.startsWith(QLatin1String("fish"))) { if (port->value() == 21 || port->value() == 22) { port->setValue(string.startsWith(QLatin1String("ftp")) ? 21 : 22); } port->setEnabled(true); } else { port->setEnabled(false); } } /** * Main event handler. Reimplemented to handle application font changes */ bool newFTPGUI::event(QEvent *ev) { bool ret = QDialog::event(ev); if (ev->type() == QEvent::ApplicationFontChange) { QFont font(aboutLabel->font()); font.setBold(true); aboutLabel->setFont(font); } return ret; } diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/packguibase.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/packguibase.cpp index bcee78cf..f2049f4e 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/packguibase.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/packguibase.cpp @@ -1,497 +1,496 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "packguibase.h" // QtCore #include // QtGui #include #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../defaults.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" /* * Constructs a PackGUIBase which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' * * The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to * TRUE to construct a modal dialog. */ PackGUIBase::PackGUIBase(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), expanded(false) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Archives"); setModal(true); resize(430, 140); setWindowTitle(i18n("Pack")); grid = new QGridLayout(this); grid->setSpacing(6); grid->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); hbox = new QHBoxLayout; hbox->setSpacing(6); hbox->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); TextLabel3 = new QLabel(this); TextLabel3->setText(i18n("To archive")); hbox->addWidget(TextLabel3); nameData = new QLineEdit(this); hbox->addWidget(nameData); typeData = new QComboBox(this); typeData->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); connect(typeData, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(checkConsistency())); connect(typeData, SIGNAL(highlighted(QString)), this, SLOT(checkConsistency())); hbox->addWidget(typeData); grid->addLayout(hbox, 1, 0); hbox_2 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_2->setSpacing(6); hbox_2->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); TextLabel5 = new QLabel(this); TextLabel5->setText(i18n("In folder")); hbox_2->addWidget(TextLabel5); dirData = new QLineEdit(this); hbox_2->addWidget(dirData); browseButton = new QToolButton(this); browseButton->setIcon(Icon("document-open")); hbox_2->addWidget(browseButton); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem(48, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hbox_2->addItem(spacer); grid->addLayout(hbox_2, 2, 0); hbox_3 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_3->setSpacing(6); hbox_3->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); PixmapLabel1 = new QLabel(this); PixmapLabel1->setPixmap(Icon("package-x-generic").pixmap(32)); PixmapLabel1->setScaledContents(true); PixmapLabel1->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); hbox_3->addWidget(PixmapLabel1); TextLabel1 = new QLabel(this); TextLabel1->setText(i18n("Pack")); hbox_3->addWidget(TextLabel1); grid->addLayout(hbox_3, 0, 0); hbox_4 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_4->setSpacing(6); hbox_4->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); QSpacerItem* spacer_3 = new QSpacerItem(20, 26, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding); hbox_4->addItem(spacer_3); grid->addLayout(hbox_4, 3, 0); advancedWidget = new QWidget(this); hbox_5 = new QGridLayout(advancedWidget); hbox_5->setSpacing(6); hbox_5->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); QVBoxLayout *compressLayout = new QVBoxLayout; compressLayout->setSpacing(6); compressLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); multipleVolume = new QCheckBox(i18n("Multiple volume archive"), advancedWidget); connect(multipleVolume, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(checkConsistency())); compressLayout->addWidget(multipleVolume, 0, 0); QHBoxLayout * volumeHbox = new QHBoxLayout; QSpacerItem* spacer_5 = new QSpacerItem(20, 26, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); volumeHbox->addItem(spacer_5); TextLabel7 = new QLabel(i18n("Size:"), advancedWidget); volumeHbox->addWidget(TextLabel7); volumeSpinBox = new QSpinBox(advancedWidget); volumeSpinBox->setMinimum(1); volumeSpinBox->setMaximum(9999); volumeSpinBox->setValue(1440); volumeHbox->addWidget(volumeSpinBox); volumeUnitCombo = new QComboBox(advancedWidget); volumeUnitCombo->addItem("B"); volumeUnitCombo->addItem("KB"); volumeUnitCombo->addItem("MB"); volumeUnitCombo->setCurrentIndex(1); volumeHbox->addWidget(volumeUnitCombo); compressLayout->addLayout(volumeHbox); int level = group.readEntry("Compression level", _defaultCompressionLevel); setCompressionLevel = new QCheckBox(i18n("Set compression level"), advancedWidget); if (level != _defaultCompressionLevel) setCompressionLevel->setChecked(true); connect(setCompressionLevel, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(checkConsistency())); compressLayout->addWidget(setCompressionLevel, 0, 0); QHBoxLayout * sliderHbox = new QHBoxLayout; QSpacerItem* spacer_6 = new QSpacerItem(20, 26, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); sliderHbox->addItem(spacer_6); QWidget * sliderVBoxWidget = new QWidget(advancedWidget); QVBoxLayout *sliderVBox = new QVBoxLayout(sliderVBoxWidget); compressionSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, sliderVBoxWidget); compressionSlider->setMinimum(1); compressionSlider->setMaximum(9); compressionSlider->setPageStep(1); compressionSlider->setValue(level); compressionSlider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); sliderVBox->addWidget(compressionSlider); QWidget * minmaxWidget = new QWidget(sliderVBoxWidget); sliderVBox->addWidget(minmaxWidget); QHBoxLayout * minmaxHbox = new QHBoxLayout(minmaxWidget); minLabel = new QLabel(i18n("MIN"), minmaxWidget); maxLabel = new QLabel(i18n("MAX"), minmaxWidget); maxLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); minmaxHbox->addWidget(minLabel); minmaxHbox->addWidget(maxLabel); sliderHbox->addWidget(sliderVBoxWidget); compressLayout->addLayout(sliderHbox); compressLayout->addStretch(0); hbox_5->addLayout(compressLayout, 0, 0); QFrame *vline = new QFrame(advancedWidget); vline->setFrameStyle(QFrame::VLine | QFrame::Sunken); vline->setMinimumWidth(20); hbox_5->addWidget(vline, 0, 1); QGridLayout * passwordGrid = new QGridLayout; passwordGrid->setSpacing(6); passwordGrid->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); TextLabel4 = new QLabel(advancedWidget); TextLabel4->setText(i18n("Password")); passwordGrid->addWidget(TextLabel4, 0, 0); password = new QLineEdit(advancedWidget); password->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); connect(password, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(checkConsistency())); passwordGrid->addWidget(password, 0, 1); TextLabel6 = new QLabel(advancedWidget); TextLabel6->setText(i18n("Again")); passwordGrid->addWidget(TextLabel6, 1, 0); passwordAgain = new QLineEdit(advancedWidget); passwordAgain->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); connect(passwordAgain, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(checkConsistency())); passwordGrid->addWidget(passwordAgain, 1, 1); QHBoxLayout *consistencyHbox = new QHBoxLayout; QSpacerItem* spacer_cons = new QSpacerItem(48, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); consistencyHbox->addItem(spacer_cons); passwordConsistencyLabel = new QLabel(advancedWidget); consistencyHbox->addWidget(passwordConsistencyLabel); passwordGrid->addLayout(consistencyHbox, 2, 0, 1, 2); encryptHeaders = new QCheckBox(i18n("Encrypt headers"), advancedWidget); passwordGrid->addWidget(encryptHeaders, 3, 0, 1, 2); QSpacerItem* spacer_psw = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding); passwordGrid->addItem(spacer_psw, 4, 0); hbox_5->addLayout(passwordGrid, 0, 2); hbox_7 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_7->setSpacing(6); hbox_7->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); TextLabel8 = new QLabel(i18n("Command line switches:"), advancedWidget); TextLabel8->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hbox_7->addWidget(TextLabel8); commandLineSwitches = new KHistoryComboBox(advancedWidget); commandLineSwitches->setMaxCount(25); // remember 25 items commandLineSwitches->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); commandLineSwitches->setMinimumContentsLength(10); QStringList list = group.readEntry("Command Line Switches", QStringList()); commandLineSwitches->setHistoryItems(list); hbox_7->addWidget(commandLineSwitches); hbox_5->addLayout(hbox_7, 1, 0, 1, 3); advancedWidget->hide(); checkConsistency(); grid->addWidget(advancedWidget, 4, 0); hbox_6 = new QHBoxLayout; hbox_6->setSpacing(6); hbox_6->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); advancedButton = new QPushButton(this); advancedButton->setText(i18n("&Advanced >>")); hbox_6->addWidget(advancedButton); QSpacerItem* spacer_2 = new QSpacerItem(140, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hbox_6->addItem(spacer_2); okButton = new QPushButton(this); KStandardGuiItem::assign(okButton, KStandardGuiItem::Ok); okButton->setDefault(true); hbox_6->addWidget(okButton); cancelButton = new QPushButton(this); KStandardGuiItem::assign(cancelButton, KStandardGuiItem::Cancel); hbox_6->addWidget(cancelButton); grid->addLayout(hbox_6, 6, 0); // signals and slots connections connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(advancedButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(expand())); connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(browseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(browse())); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ PackGUIBase::~PackGUIBase() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void PackGUIBase::browse() { qWarning("PackGUIBase::browse(): Not implemented yet!"); } void PackGUIBase::expand() { expanded = !expanded; advancedButton->setText(expanded ? i18n("&Advanced <<") : i18n("&Advanced >>")); if (expanded) advancedWidget->show(); else { advancedWidget->hide(); layout()->activate(); QSize minSize = minimumSize(); resize(width(), minSize.height()); } show(); } void PackGUIBase::checkConsistency() { QPalette p = QGuiApplication::palette(); QPalette pal = passwordConsistencyLabel->palette(); if (password->text().isEmpty() && passwordAgain->text().isEmpty()) { pal.setColor(passwordConsistencyLabel->foregroundRole(), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); passwordConsistencyLabel->setText(i18n("No password specified")); } else if (password->text() == passwordAgain->text()) { pal.setColor(passwordConsistencyLabel->foregroundRole(), p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); passwordConsistencyLabel->setText(i18n("The passwords are equal")); } else { pal.setColor(passwordConsistencyLabel->foregroundRole(), Qt::red); passwordConsistencyLabel->setText(i18n("The passwords are different")); } passwordConsistencyLabel->setPalette(pal); QString packer = typeData->currentText(); bool passworded = false; if (packer == "7z" || packer == "rar" || packer == "zip" || packer == "arj") passworded = true; passwordConsistencyLabel->setEnabled(passworded); password->setEnabled(passworded); passwordAgain->setEnabled(passworded); TextLabel4->setEnabled(passworded); TextLabel6->setEnabled(passworded); encryptHeaders->setEnabled(packer == "rar"); multipleVolume->setEnabled(packer == "rar" || packer == "arj"); bool volumeEnabled = multipleVolume->isEnabled() && multipleVolume->isChecked(); volumeSpinBox->setEnabled(volumeEnabled); volumeUnitCombo->setEnabled(volumeEnabled); TextLabel7->setEnabled(volumeEnabled); /* TODO */ setCompressionLevel->setEnabled(packer == "rar" || packer == "arj" || packer == "zip" || packer == "7z"); bool sliderEnabled = setCompressionLevel->isEnabled() && setCompressionLevel->isChecked(); compressionSlider->setEnabled(sliderEnabled); minLabel->setEnabled(sliderEnabled); maxLabel->setEnabled(sliderEnabled); } bool PackGUIBase::extraProperties(QMap & inMap) { inMap.clear(); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Archives"); if (password->isEnabled() && passwordAgain->isEnabled()) { if (password->text() != passwordAgain->text()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Cannot pack, the passwords are different.")); return false; } if (!password->text().isEmpty()) { inMap[ "Password" ] = password->text(); if (encryptHeaders->isEnabled() && encryptHeaders->isChecked()) inMap[ "EncryptHeaders" ] = '1'; } } if (multipleVolume->isEnabled() && multipleVolume->isChecked()) { KIO::filesize_t size = volumeSpinBox->value(); switch (volumeUnitCombo->currentIndex()) { case 2: size *= 1000; #if __GNUC__ >= 7 [[gnu::fallthrough]]; #endif case 1: size *= 1000; default: break; } if (size < 10000) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid volume size.")); return false; } QString sbuffer; sbuffer.sprintf("%llu", size); inMap[ "VolumeSize" ] = sbuffer; } if (setCompressionLevel->isEnabled() && setCompressionLevel->isChecked()) { inMap[ "CompressionLevel" ] = QString("%1").arg(compressionSlider->value()); int level = compressionSlider->value(); group.writeEntry("Compression level", level); } QString cmdArgs = commandLineSwitches->currentText().trimmed(); if (!cmdArgs.isEmpty()) { bool firstChar = true; QChar quote = QChar::Null; for (int i = 0; i < cmdArgs.length(); i++) { QChar ch(cmdArgs[ i ]); if (ch.isSpace()) continue; if (ch == quote) { quote = QChar::Null; continue; } if (firstChar && ch != QLatin1Char('-')) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid command line switch.\nA switch must start with '-'.")); return false; } firstChar = false; if (quote == QLatin1Char('"')) continue; if (quote == QChar::Null && (ch == QLatin1Char('\'') || ch == QLatin1Char('"'))) quote = ch; if (ch == QLatin1Char('\\')) { if (i == cmdArgs.length() - 1) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid command line switch.\nBackslashes cannot be the last character.")); return false; } i++; } } if (quote != QChar::Null) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Invalid command line switch.\nUnclosed quotation mark.")); return false; } commandLineSwitches->addToHistory(cmdArgs); QStringList list = commandLineSwitches->historyItems(); group.writeEntry("Command Line Switches", list); inMap[ "CommandLineSwitches" ] = cmdArgs; } return true; } diff --git a/krusader/Dialogs/popularurls.cpp b/krusader/Dialogs/popularurls.cpp index ff2627a8..c39d8c60 100644 --- a/krusader/Dialogs/popularurls.cpp +++ b/krusader/Dialogs/popularurls.cpp @@ -1,376 +1,375 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "popularurls.h" #include // QtCore #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "../GUI/krtreewidget.h" #define STARTING_RANK 20 #define INCREASE 2 #define DECREASE 1 PopularUrls::PopularUrls(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), head(0), tail(0), count(0) { dlg = new PopularUrlsDlg(); } PopularUrls::~PopularUrls() { clearList(); delete dlg; } void PopularUrls::clearList() { if (head) { UrlNodeP p = head, tmp; while (p) { tmp = p; p = p->next; delete tmp; } } ranks.clear(); head = tail = 0; } void PopularUrls::save() { KConfigGroup svr(krConfig, "Private"); // prepare the string list containing urls and int list with ranks QStringList urlList; QList rankList; UrlNodeP p = head; while (p) { urlList << p->url.toDisplayString(); rankList << p->rank; p = p->next; } svr.writeEntry("PopularUrls", urlList); svr.writeEntry("PopularUrlsRank", rankList); } void PopularUrls::load() { KConfigGroup svr(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList urlList = svr.readEntry("PopularUrls", QStringList()); QList rankList = svr.readEntry("PopularUrlsRank", QList()); if (urlList.count() != rankList.count()) { KMessageBox::error(krMainWindow, i18n("The saved 'Popular URLs' are invalid. The list will be cleared.")); return; } clearList(); count = 0; // iterate through both lists and QStringList::Iterator uit; QList::Iterator rit; for (uit = urlList.begin(), rit = rankList.begin(); uit != urlList.end() && rit != rankList.end(); ++uit, ++rit) { UrlNodeP node = new UrlNode; node->url = QUrl(*uit); node->rank = *rit; appendNode(node); ranks.insert(*uit, node); } } // returns a url list with the 'max' top popular urls QList PopularUrls::getMostPopularUrls(int max) { // get at most 'max' urls QList list; UrlNodeP p = head; int tmp = 0; if (maxUrls < max) max = maxUrls; // don't give more than maxUrls while (p && tmp < max) { list << p->url; p = p->next; ++tmp; } return list; } // adds a url to the list, or increase rank of an existing url, making // sure to bump it up the list if needed void PopularUrls::addUrl(const QUrl& url) { QUrl tmpurl = url; tmpurl.setPassword(QString()); // make sure no passwords are permanently stored if (!tmpurl.path().endsWith('/')) // make a uniform trailing slash policy tmpurl.setPath(tmpurl.path() + '/'); UrlNodeP pnode; decreaseRanks(); if (!head) { // if the list is empty ... (assumes dict to be empty as well) pnode = new UrlNode; pnode->rank = STARTING_RANK; pnode->url = tmpurl; appendNode(pnode); ranks.insert(tmpurl.url(), head); } else { if (ranks.find(tmpurl.url()) == ranks.end()) { // is the added url new? if so, append it pnode = new UrlNode; pnode->rank = STARTING_RANK; pnode->url = tmpurl; appendNode(pnode); ranks.insert(tmpurl.url(), pnode); } else { pnode = ranks[ tmpurl.url()]; pnode->rank += INCREASE; } } // do we need to change location for this one? relocateIfNeeded(pnode); // too many urls? if (count > maxUrls) removeNode(tail); //dumpList(); } // checks if 'node' needs to be bumped-up the ranking list and does it if needed void PopularUrls::relocateIfNeeded(UrlNodeP node) { if (node->prev && (node->prev->rank < node->rank)) { // iterate until we find the correct place to put it UrlNodeP tmp = node->prev->prev; while (tmp) { if (tmp->rank >= node->rank) break; // found it! else tmp = tmp->prev; } // now, if tmp isn't null, we need to move node to tmp->next // else move it to become head removeNode(node); insertNode(node, tmp); } } // iterate over the list, decreasing each url's rank // this is very naive, but a 1..30 for loop is acceptable (i hope) void PopularUrls::decreaseRanks() { if (head) { UrlNodeP p = head; while (p) { if (p->rank - DECREASE >= 0) p->rank -= DECREASE; else p->rank = 0; p = p->next; } } } // removes a node from the list, but doesn't free memory! // note: this will be buggy in case the list becomes empty (which should never happen) void PopularUrls::removeNode(UrlNodeP node) { if (node->prev) { if (tail == node) tail = node->prev; node->prev->next = node->next; } if (node->next) { if (head == node) head = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; } --count; } void PopularUrls::insertNode(UrlNodeP node, UrlNodeP after) { if (!after) { // make node head node->next = head; node->prev = 0; head->prev = node; head = node; } else { if (tail == after) tail = node; node->prev = after; node->next = after->next; if (node->next) { after->next->prev = node; after->next = node; } } ++count; } // appends 'node' to the end of the list, collecting garbage if needed void PopularUrls::appendNode(UrlNodeP node) { if (!tail) { // creating the first element head = tail = node; node->prev = node->next = 0; } else { node->next = 0; node->prev = tail; tail->next = node; tail = node; } ++count; } void PopularUrls::dumpList() { UrlNodeP p = head; printf("====start %d====\n", count); while (p) { printf("%d : %s\n", p->rank, p->url.url().toLatin1().data()); p = p->next; } fflush(stdout); } void PopularUrls::showDialog() { QList list = getMostPopularUrls(maxUrls); dlg->run(list); if (dlg->result() == -1) return; SLOTS->refresh(list[dlg->result()]); //printf("running %s\n", list[dlg->result()].url().toLatin1());fflush(stdout); } // ===================================== PopularUrlsDlg ====================================== PopularUrlsDlg::PopularUrlsDlg(): QDialog(krMainWindow) { setWindowTitle(i18n("Popular URLs")); setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(mainLayout); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout; layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); // listview to contain the urls urls = new KrTreeWidget(this); urls->header()->hide(); urls->setSortingEnabled(false); urls->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); // quick search search = new KTreeWidgetSearchLine(this, urls); QLabel *lbl = new QLabel(i18n("&Search:"), this); lbl->setBuddy(search); layout->addWidget(lbl, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(search, 0, 1); layout->addWidget(urls, 1, 0, 1, 2); mainLayout->addLayout(layout); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); setTabOrder(search, urls); setTabOrder((QWidget *)urls, buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close)); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(urls, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(slotItemSelected(QModelIndex))); connect(search, SIGNAL(hiddenChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,bool)), this, SLOT(slotVisibilityChanged())); } void PopularUrlsDlg::slotItemSelected(const QModelIndex & ndx) { selection = ndx.row(); accept(); } void PopularUrlsDlg::slotVisibilityChanged() { // select the first visible item QList list = urls->selectedItems(); if (list.count() > 0 && !list[0]->isHidden()) return; urls->clearSelection(); urls->setCurrentItem(0); QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(urls); while (*it) { if (!(*it)->isHidden()) { (*it)->setSelected(true); urls->setCurrentItem(*it); break; } it++; } } PopularUrlsDlg::~PopularUrlsDlg() { delete search; delete urls; } void PopularUrlsDlg::run(QList list) { // populate the listview urls->clear(); QList::Iterator it; QTreeWidgetItem * lastItem = 0; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(urls, lastItem); lastItem = item; item->setText(0, (*it).isLocalFile() ? (*it).path() : (*it).toDisplayString()); item->setIcon(0, (*it).isLocalFile() ? Icon("folder") : Icon("folder-html")); } setMinimumSize(urls->sizeHint().width() + 45, 400); search->clear(); search->setFocus(); selection = -1; slotVisibilityChanged(); exec(); } diff --git a/krusader/DiskUsage/diskusagegui.cpp b/krusader/DiskUsage/diskusagegui.cpp index c47b500b..dc7e3756 100644 --- a/krusader/DiskUsage/diskusagegui.cpp +++ b/krusader/DiskUsage/diskusagegui.cpp @@ -1,243 +1,242 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "diskusagegui.h" // QtCore #include // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystem.h" #include "../Dialogs/krdialogs.h" DiskUsageGUI::DiskUsageGUI(const QUrl &openDir) : QDialog(nullptr), exitAtFailure(true) { setWindowTitle(i18n("Krusader::Disk Usage")); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); baseDirectory = openDir; QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(mainLayout); QGridLayout *duGrid = new QGridLayout(); duGrid->setSpacing(6); duGrid->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); QWidget *duTools = new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout *duHBox = new QHBoxLayout(duTools); duHBox->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); duTools->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); btnNewSearch = new QToolButton(duTools); btnNewSearch->setIcon(Icon("document-open")); duHBox->addWidget(btnNewSearch); btnNewSearch->setToolTip(i18n("Start new disk usage search")); btnRefresh = new QToolButton(duTools); btnRefresh->setIcon(Icon("view-refresh")); duHBox->addWidget(btnRefresh); btnRefresh->setToolTip(i18n("Refresh")); btnDirUp = new QToolButton(duTools); btnDirUp->setIcon(Icon("go-up")); duHBox->addWidget(btnDirUp); btnDirUp->setToolTip(i18n("Parent folder")); QWidget *separatorWidget = new QWidget(duTools); separatorWidget->setMinimumWidth(10); duHBox->addWidget(separatorWidget); btnLines = new QToolButton(duTools); btnLines->setIcon(Icon("view-list-details")); btnLines->setCheckable(true); duHBox->addWidget(btnLines); btnLines->setToolTip(i18n("Line view")); btnDetailed = new QToolButton(duTools); btnDetailed->setIcon(Icon("view-list-tree")); btnDetailed->setCheckable(true); duHBox->addWidget(btnDetailed); btnDetailed->setToolTip(i18n("Detailed view")); btnFilelight = new QToolButton(duTools); btnFilelight->setIcon(Icon("kr_diskusage")); btnFilelight->setCheckable(true); duHBox->addWidget(btnFilelight); btnFilelight->setToolTip(i18n("Filelight view")); QWidget *spacerWidget = new QWidget(duTools); duHBox->addWidget(spacerWidget); QHBoxLayout *hboxlayout = new QHBoxLayout(spacerWidget); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); hboxlayout->addItem(spacer); duGrid->addWidget(duTools, 0, 0); diskUsage = new DiskUsage("DiskUsage", this); duGrid->addWidget(diskUsage, 1, 0); status = new KSqueezedTextLabel(this); duGrid->addWidget(status, 2, 0); mainLayout->addLayout(duGrid); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(diskUsage, SIGNAL(status(QString)), this, SLOT(slotStatus(QString))); connect(diskUsage, SIGNAL(viewChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotViewChanged(int))); connect(diskUsage, SIGNAL(newSearch()), this, SLOT(askDir())); connect(diskUsage, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(slotLoadFinished(bool))); connect(btnNewSearch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(askDir())); connect(btnRefresh, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotLoadUsageInfo())); connect(btnDirUp, SIGNAL(clicked()), diskUsage, SLOT(dirUp())); connect(btnLines, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectLinesView())); connect(btnDetailed, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectListView())); connect(btnFilelight, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectFilelightView())); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "DiskUsage"); int view = group.readEntry("View", VIEW_LINES); if (view < VIEW_LINES || view > VIEW_FILELIGHT) view = VIEW_LINES; diskUsage->setView(view); sizeX = group.readEntry("Window Width", QFontMetrics(font()).width("W") * 70); sizeY = group.readEntry("Window Height", QFontMetrics(font()).height() * 25); resize(sizeX, sizeY); if (group.readEntry("Window Maximized", false)) { setWindowState(windowState() | Qt::WindowMaximized); } } void DiskUsageGUI::askDirAndShow() { if (askDir()) { show(); } } void DiskUsageGUI::slotLoadFinished(bool result) { if (exitAtFailure && !result) { close(); } else { exitAtFailure = false; } } void DiskUsageGUI::enableButtons(bool isOn) { btnNewSearch->setEnabled(isOn); btnRefresh->setEnabled(isOn); btnDirUp->setEnabled(isOn); btnLines->setEnabled(isOn); btnDetailed->setEnabled(isOn); btnFilelight->setEnabled(isOn); } void DiskUsageGUI::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { if (!isMaximized()) { sizeX = e->size().width(); sizeY = e->size().height(); } QDialog::resizeEvent(e); } void DiskUsageGUI::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "DiskUsage"); group.writeEntry("Window Width", sizeX); group.writeEntry("Window Height", sizeY); group.writeEntry("Window Maximized", isMaximized()); group.writeEntry("View", diskUsage->getActiveView()); event->accept(); } void DiskUsageGUI::slotLoadUsageInfo() { diskUsage->load(baseDirectory); } void DiskUsageGUI::slotStatus(QString stat) { status->setText(stat); } void DiskUsageGUI::slotViewChanged(int view) { if (view == VIEW_LOADER) { enableButtons(false); return; } enableButtons(true); btnLines->setChecked(false); btnDetailed->setChecked(false); btnFilelight->setChecked(false); switch (view) { case VIEW_LINES: btnLines->setChecked(true); break; case VIEW_DETAILED: btnDetailed->setChecked(true); break; case VIEW_FILELIGHT: btnFilelight->setChecked(true); break; case VIEW_LOADER: break; } } bool DiskUsageGUI::askDir() { // ask the user for the copy destX const QUrl newDir = KChooseDir::getDir(i18n("Viewing the usage of folder:"), baseDirectory, baseDirectory); if (newDir.isEmpty()) return false; baseDirectory = newDir; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotLoadUsageInfo())); return true; } diff --git a/krusader/DiskUsage/radialMap/widgetEvents.cpp b/krusader/DiskUsage/radialMap/widgetEvents.cpp index b7494148..2d4ddba7 100644 --- a/krusader/DiskUsage/radialMap/widgetEvents.cpp +++ b/krusader/DiskUsage/radialMap/widgetEvents.cpp @@ -1,253 +1,252 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Max Howell * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "fileTree.h" #include "radialMap.h" //class Segment #include "widget.h" #include "../../icon.h" #include // QtCore #include //::resizeEvent() // QtGui #include #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include //QApplication::setOverrideCursor() #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include void RadialMap::Widget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) { if (m_map.resize(rect())) { m_timer.setSingleShot(true); m_timer.start(500); //will cause signature to rebuild for new size } //always do these as they need to be initialised on creation m_offset.rx() = (width() - m_map.width()) / 2; m_offset.ry() = (height() - m_map.height()) / 2; } void RadialMap::Widget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { //bltBit for some Qt setups will bitBlt _after_ the labels are painted. Which buggers things up! //shame as bitBlt is faster, possibly Qt bug? Should report the bug? - seems to be race condition //bitBlt( this, m_offset, &m_map ); QPainter paint(this); paint.drawPixmap(m_offset, m_map); //vertical strips if (m_map.width() < width()) { paint.eraseRect(0, 0, m_offset.x(), height()); paint.eraseRect(m_map.width() + m_offset.x(), 0, m_offset.x() + 1, height()); } //horizontal strips if (m_map.height() < height()) { paint.eraseRect(0, 0, width(), m_offset.y()); paint.eraseRect(0, m_map.height() + m_offset.y(), width(), m_offset.y() + 1); } //exploded labels if (!m_map.isNull() && !m_timer.isActive()) paintExplodedLabels(paint); } const RadialMap::Segment* RadialMap::Widget::segmentAt(QPoint &e) const { //determine which segment QPoint e is above e -= m_offset; if (e.x() <= m_map.width() && e.y() <= m_map.height()) { //transform to cartesian coords e.rx() -= m_map.width() / 2; //should be an int e.ry() = m_map.height() / 2 - e.y(); double length = std::hypot(e.x(), e.y()); if (length >= m_map.m_innerRadius) { //not hovering over inner circle uint depth = ((int)length - m_map.m_innerRadius) / m_map.m_ringBreadth; if (depth <= m_map.m_visibleDepth) { //**** do earlier since you can //** check not outside of range //vector calculation, reduces to simple trigonometry //cos angle = (aibi + ajbj) / albl //ai = x, bi=1, aj=y, bj=0 //cos angle = x / (length) uint a = (uint)(acos((double)e.x() / length) * 916.736); //916.7324722 = #radians in circle * 16 //acos only understands 0-180 degrees if (e.y() < 0) a = 5760 - a; #define ring (m_map.m_signature + depth) for (ConstIterator it = ring->constIterator(); it != ring->end(); ++it) if ((*it)->intersects(a)) return *it; #undef ring } } else return m_rootSegment; //hovering over inner circle } return 0; } void RadialMap::Widget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { //set m_focus to what we hover over, update UI if it's a new segment Segment const * const oldFocus = m_focus; QPoint p = e->pos(); m_focus = segmentAt(p); //NOTE p is passed by non-const reference if (m_focus && m_focus->file() != m_tree) { if (m_focus != oldFocus) { //if not same as last time setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); m_tip.updateTip(m_focus->file(), m_tree); emit mouseHover(m_focus->file()->fullPath()); //repaint required to update labels now before transparency is generated repaint(); } // updates tooltip pseudo-tranparent background m_tip.moveto(e->globalPos(), *this, (p.y() < 0)); } else if (oldFocus && oldFocus->file() != m_tree) { unsetCursor(); m_tip.hide(); update(); emit mouseHover(QString()); } } void RadialMap::Widget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { //m_tip is hidden already by event filter //m_focus is set correctly (I've been strict, I assure you it is correct!) if (m_focus && !m_focus->isFake()) { const QUrl url = Widget::url(m_focus->file()); const bool isDir = m_focus->file()->isDir(); if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) { QMenu popup; popup.setTitle(m_focus->file()->fullPath(m_tree)); QAction * actKonq = 0, * actKonsole = 0, *actViewMag = 0, * actFileOpen = 0, * actEditDel = 0; if (isDir) { actKonq = popup.addAction(Icon("system-file-manager"), i18n("Open File Manager Here")); if (url.scheme() == "file") actKonsole = popup.addAction(Icon("utilities-terminal"), i18n("Open Terminal Here")); if (m_focus->file() != m_tree) { popup.addSeparator(); actViewMag = popup.addAction(Icon("zoom-original"), i18n("&Center Map Here")); } } else actFileOpen = popup.addAction(Icon("document-open"), i18n("&Open")); popup.addSeparator(); actEditDel = popup.addAction(Icon("edit-delete"), i18n("&Delete")); QAction * result = popup.exec(e->globalPos()); if (result == 0) result = (QAction *) - 1; // sanity if (result == actKonq) //KRun::runCommand will show an error message if there was trouble KRun::runCommand(QString("kfmclient openURL '%1'").arg(url.url()), this); else if (result == actKonsole) KRun::runCommand(QString("konsole --workdir '%1'").arg(url.url()), this); else if (result == actViewMag || result == actFileOpen) goto sectionTwo; else if (result == actEditDel) { const QUrl url = Widget::url(m_focus->file()); const QString message = (m_focus->file()->isDir() ? i18n("The folder at '%1' will be recursively and permanently deleted.", url.toDisplayString()) : i18n("'%1' will be permanently deleted.", url.toDisplayString())); const int userIntention = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, message, QString(), KStandardGuiItem::del()); if (userIntention == KMessageBox::Continue) { KIO::Job *job = KIO::del(url); KIO::JobUiDelegate *ui = static_cast(job->uiDelegate()); ui->setWindow(this); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(deleteJobFinished(KJob*))); QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::BusyCursor); } } else //ensure m_focus is set for new mouse position sendFakeMouseEvent(); } else { sectionTwo: const QRect rect(e->x() - 20, e->y() - 20, 40, 40); m_tip.hide(); //user expects this if (!isDir || e->button() == Qt::MidButton) { #if 0 // TODO: PORTME KIconEffect::visualActivate(this, rect); #endif new KRun(url, this, true); //FIXME see above } else if (m_focus->file() != m_tree) { //is left mouse button #if 0 // TODO: PORTME KIconEffect::visualActivate(this, rect); #endif emit activated(url); //activate first, this will cause UI to prepare itself if (m_focus) createFromCache((Directory *)m_focus->file()); } } } } void RadialMap::Widget::deleteJobFinished(KJob *job) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if (!job->error()) invalidate(); else job->uiDelegate()->showErrorMessage(); } diff --git a/krusader/Filter/advancedfilter.cpp b/krusader/Filter/advancedfilter.cpp index 4300e817..40787741 100644 --- a/krusader/Filter/advancedfilter.cpp +++ b/krusader/Filter/advancedfilter.cpp @@ -1,613 +1,612 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2003 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2003 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "advancedfilter.h" // QtCore #include #include #include // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../Dialogs/krdialogs.h" #define USERSFILE QString("/etc/passwd") #define GROUPSFILE QString("/etc/group") AdvancedFilter::AdvancedFilter(FilterTabs *tabs, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), fltTabs(tabs) { QGridLayout *filterLayout = new QGridLayout(this); filterLayout->setSpacing(6); filterLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); // Options for size QGroupBox *sizeGroup = new QGroupBox(this); QSizePolicy sizeGroupPolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum); sizeGroupPolicy.setHeightForWidth(sizeGroup->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); sizeGroup->setSizePolicy(sizeGroupPolicy); sizeGroup->setTitle(i18n("Size")); QGridLayout *sizeLayout = new QGridLayout(sizeGroup); sizeLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); sizeLayout->setSpacing(6); sizeLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); minSizeEnabled = new QCheckBox(sizeGroup); minSizeEnabled->setText(i18n("At Least")); minSizeEnabled->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); sizeLayout->addWidget(minSizeEnabled, 0, 0); minSizeAmount = new QSpinBox(sizeGroup); minSizeAmount->setRange(0, 999999999); minSizeAmount->setEnabled(false); sizeLayout->addWidget(minSizeAmount, 0, 1); minSizeType = new KComboBox(false, sizeGroup); // i18n: @item:inlistbox next to a text field containing the amount minSizeType->addItem(i18n("Byte")); // i18n: @item:inlistbox next to a text field containing the amount minSizeType->addItem(i18n("KiB")); // i18n: @item:inlistbox next to a text field containing the amount minSizeType->addItem(i18n("MiB")); // i18n: @item:inlistbox next to a text field containing the amount minSizeType->addItem(i18n("GiB")); minSizeType->setEnabled(false); sizeLayout->addWidget(minSizeType, 0, 2); maxSizeEnabled = new QCheckBox(sizeGroup); maxSizeEnabled->setText(i18n("At Most")); maxSizeEnabled->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); sizeLayout->addWidget(maxSizeEnabled, 0, 3); maxSizeAmount = new QSpinBox(sizeGroup); maxSizeAmount->setRange(0, 999999999); maxSizeAmount->setEnabled(false); sizeLayout->addWidget(maxSizeAmount, 0, 4); maxSizeType = new KComboBox(false, sizeGroup); // i18n: @item:inlistbox next to a text field containing the amount maxSizeType->addItem(i18n("Byte")); // i18n: @item:inlistbox next to a text field containing the amount maxSizeType->addItem(i18n("KiB")); // i18n: @item:inlistbox next to a text field containing the amount maxSizeType->addItem(i18n("MiB")); // i18n: @item:inlistbox next to a text field containing the amount maxSizeType->addItem(i18n("GiB")); maxSizeType->setEnabled(false); sizeLayout->addWidget(maxSizeType, 0, 5); filterLayout->addWidget(sizeGroup, 0, 0); // Options for date Icon iconDate("view-calendar"); QGroupBox *dateGroup = new QGroupBox(this); QButtonGroup *btnGroup = new QButtonGroup(dateGroup); dateGroup->setTitle(i18n("Date")); btnGroup->setExclusive(true); QGridLayout *dateLayout = new QGridLayout(dateGroup); dateLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); dateLayout->setSpacing(6); dateLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); anyDateEnabled = new QRadioButton(dateGroup); anyDateEnabled->setText(i18n("Any date")); btnGroup->addButton(anyDateEnabled); anyDateEnabled->setChecked(true); modifiedBetweenEnabled = new QRadioButton(dateGroup); modifiedBetweenEnabled->setText(i18n("&Modified between")); btnGroup->addButton(modifiedBetweenEnabled); modifiedBetweenData1 = new KLineEdit(dateGroup); modifiedBetweenData1->setEnabled(false); modifiedBetweenData1->setText(""); modifiedBetweenBtn1 = new QToolButton(dateGroup); modifiedBetweenBtn1->setEnabled(false); modifiedBetweenBtn1->setText(""); modifiedBetweenBtn1->setIcon(iconDate); QLabel *andLabel = new QLabel(dateGroup); andLabel->setText(i18n("an&d")); modifiedBetweenData2 = new KLineEdit(dateGroup); modifiedBetweenData2->setEnabled(false); modifiedBetweenData2->setText(""); andLabel->setBuddy(modifiedBetweenData2); modifiedBetweenBtn2 = new QToolButton(dateGroup); modifiedBetweenBtn2->setEnabled(false); modifiedBetweenBtn2->setText(""); modifiedBetweenBtn2->setIcon(iconDate); notModifiedAfterEnabled = new QRadioButton(dateGroup); notModifiedAfterEnabled->setText(i18n("&Not modified after")); btnGroup->addButton(notModifiedAfterEnabled); notModifiedAfterData = new KLineEdit(dateGroup); notModifiedAfterData->setEnabled(false); notModifiedAfterData->setText(""); notModifiedAfterBtn = new QToolButton(dateGroup); notModifiedAfterBtn->setEnabled(false); notModifiedAfterBtn->setText(""); notModifiedAfterBtn->setIcon(iconDate); modifiedInTheLastEnabled = new QRadioButton(dateGroup); modifiedInTheLastEnabled->setText(i18n("Mod&ified in the last")); btnGroup->addButton(modifiedInTheLastEnabled); modifiedInTheLastData = new QSpinBox(dateGroup); modifiedInTheLastData->setRange(0, 99999); modifiedInTheLastData->setEnabled(false); modifiedInTheLastType = new KComboBox(dateGroup); modifiedInTheLastType->addItem(i18n("days")); modifiedInTheLastType->addItem(i18n("weeks")); modifiedInTheLastType->addItem(i18n("months")); modifiedInTheLastType->addItem(i18n("years")); modifiedInTheLastType->setEnabled(false); notModifiedInTheLastData = new QSpinBox(dateGroup); notModifiedInTheLastData->setRange(0, 99999); notModifiedInTheLastData->setEnabled(false); QLabel *notModifiedInTheLastLbl = new QLabel(dateGroup); notModifiedInTheLastLbl->setText(i18n("No&t modified in the last")); notModifiedInTheLastLbl->setBuddy(notModifiedInTheLastData); notModifiedInTheLastType = new KComboBox(dateGroup); notModifiedInTheLastType->addItem(i18n("days")); notModifiedInTheLastType->addItem(i18n("weeks")); notModifiedInTheLastType->addItem(i18n("months")); notModifiedInTheLastType->addItem(i18n("years")); notModifiedInTheLastType->setEnabled(false); // Date options layout dateLayout->addWidget(anyDateEnabled, 0, 0); dateLayout->addWidget(modifiedBetweenEnabled, 1, 0); dateLayout->addWidget(modifiedBetweenData1, 1, 1); dateLayout->addWidget(modifiedBetweenBtn1, 1, 2); dateLayout->addWidget(andLabel, 1, 3); dateLayout->addWidget(modifiedBetweenData2, 1, 4); dateLayout->addWidget(modifiedBetweenBtn2, 1, 5); dateLayout->addWidget(notModifiedAfterEnabled, 2, 0); dateLayout->addWidget(notModifiedAfterData, 2, 1); dateLayout->addWidget(notModifiedAfterBtn, 2, 2); dateLayout->addWidget(modifiedInTheLastEnabled, 3, 0); QHBoxLayout *modifiedInTheLastLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); modifiedInTheLastLayout->addWidget(modifiedInTheLastData); modifiedInTheLastLayout->addWidget(modifiedInTheLastType); dateLayout->addLayout(modifiedInTheLastLayout, 3, 1); dateLayout->addWidget(notModifiedInTheLastLbl, 4, 0); modifiedInTheLastLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); modifiedInTheLastLayout->addWidget(notModifiedInTheLastData); modifiedInTheLastLayout->addWidget(notModifiedInTheLastType); dateLayout->addLayout(modifiedInTheLastLayout, 4, 1); filterLayout->addWidget(dateGroup, 1, 0); // Options for ownership QGroupBox *ownershipGroup = new QGroupBox(this); ownershipGroup->setTitle(i18n("Ownership")); QGridLayout *ownershipLayout = new QGridLayout(ownershipGroup); ownershipLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); ownershipLayout->setSpacing(6); ownershipLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); hboxLayout->setSpacing(6); hboxLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); belongsToUserEnabled = new QCheckBox(ownershipGroup); belongsToUserEnabled->setText(i18n("Belongs to &user")); hboxLayout->addWidget(belongsToUserEnabled); belongsToUserData = new KComboBox(ownershipGroup); belongsToUserData->setEnabled(false); belongsToUserData->setEditable(false); hboxLayout->addWidget(belongsToUserData); belongsToGroupEnabled = new QCheckBox(ownershipGroup); belongsToGroupEnabled->setText(i18n("Belongs to gr&oup")); hboxLayout->addWidget(belongsToGroupEnabled); belongsToGroupData = new KComboBox(ownershipGroup); belongsToGroupData->setEnabled(false); belongsToGroupData->setEditable(false); hboxLayout->addWidget(belongsToGroupData); ownershipLayout->addLayout(hboxLayout, 0, 0, 1, 4); permissionsEnabled = new QCheckBox(ownershipGroup); permissionsEnabled->setText(i18n("P&ermissions")); ownershipLayout->addWidget(permissionsEnabled, 1, 0); QGroupBox *ownerGroup = new QGroupBox(ownershipGroup); QHBoxLayout *ownerHBox = new QHBoxLayout(ownerGroup); ownerGroup->setTitle(i18n("O&wner")); ownerR = new KComboBox(ownerGroup); ownerR->addItem(i18n("?")); ownerR->addItem(i18n("r")); ownerR->addItem(i18n("-")); ownerR->setEnabled(false); ownerHBox->addWidget(ownerR); ownerW = new KComboBox(ownerGroup); ownerW->addItem(i18n("?")); ownerW->addItem(i18n("w")); ownerW->addItem(i18n("-")); ownerW->setEnabled(false); ownerHBox->addWidget(ownerW); ownerX = new KComboBox(ownerGroup); ownerX->addItem(i18n("?")); ownerX->addItem(i18n("x")); ownerX->addItem(i18n("-")); ownerX->setEnabled(false); ownerHBox->addWidget(ownerX); ownershipLayout->addWidget(ownerGroup, 1, 1); QGroupBox *groupGroup = new QGroupBox(ownershipGroup); QHBoxLayout *groupHBox = new QHBoxLayout(groupGroup); groupGroup->setTitle(i18n("Grou&p")); groupR = new KComboBox(groupGroup); groupR->addItem(i18n("?")); groupR->addItem(i18n("r")); groupR->addItem(i18n("-")); groupR->setEnabled(false); groupHBox->addWidget(groupR); groupW = new KComboBox(groupGroup); groupW->addItem(i18n("?")); groupW->addItem(i18n("w")); groupW->addItem(i18n("-")); groupW->setEnabled(false); groupHBox->addWidget(groupW); groupX = new KComboBox(groupGroup); groupX->addItem(i18n("?")); groupX->addItem(i18n("x")); groupX->addItem(i18n("-")); groupX->setEnabled(false); groupHBox->addWidget(groupX); ownershipLayout->addWidget(groupGroup, 1, 2); QGroupBox *allGroup = new QGroupBox(ownershipGroup); QHBoxLayout *allHBox = new QHBoxLayout(allGroup); allGroup->setTitle(i18n("A&ll")); allR = new KComboBox(allGroup); allR->addItem(i18n("?")); allR->addItem(i18n("r")); allR->addItem(i18n("-")); allR->setEnabled(false); allHBox->addWidget(allR); allW = new KComboBox(allGroup); allW->addItem(i18n("?")); allW->addItem(i18n("w")); allW->addItem(i18n("-")); allW->setEnabled(false); allHBox->addWidget(allW); allX = new KComboBox(allGroup); allX->addItem(i18n("?")); allX->addItem(i18n("x")); allX->addItem(i18n("-")); allX->setEnabled(false); allHBox->addWidget(allX); ownershipLayout->addWidget(allGroup, 1, 3); QLabel *infoLabel = new QLabel(ownershipGroup); QFont infoLabel_font(infoLabel->font()); infoLabel_font.setFamily("adobe-helvetica"); infoLabel_font.setItalic(true); infoLabel->setFont(infoLabel_font); infoLabel->setText(i18n("Note: a '?' is a wildcard")); ownershipLayout->addWidget(infoLabel, 2, 0, 1, 4, Qt::AlignRight); filterLayout->addWidget(ownershipGroup, 2, 0); // Connection table connect(minSizeEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), minSizeAmount, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(minSizeEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), minSizeType, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(maxSizeEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), maxSizeAmount, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(maxSizeEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), maxSizeType, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedBetweenEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), modifiedBetweenData1, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedBetweenEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), modifiedBetweenBtn1, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedBetweenEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), modifiedBetweenData2, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedBetweenEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), modifiedBetweenBtn2, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(notModifiedAfterEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), notModifiedAfterData, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(notModifiedAfterEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), notModifiedAfterBtn, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedInTheLastEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), modifiedInTheLastData, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedInTheLastEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), modifiedInTheLastType, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedInTheLastEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), notModifiedInTheLastData, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedInTheLastEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), notModifiedInTheLastType, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(belongsToUserEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), belongsToUserData, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(belongsToGroupEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), belongsToGroupData, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ownerR, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ownerW, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ownerX, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), groupR, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), groupW, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), groupX, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), allR, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), allW, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(permissionsEnabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), allX, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(modifiedBetweenBtn1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(modifiedBetweenSetDate1())); connect(modifiedBetweenBtn2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(modifiedBetweenSetDate2())); connect(notModifiedAfterBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(notModifiedAfterSetDate())); // fill the users and groups list fillList(belongsToUserData, USERSFILE); fillList(belongsToGroupData, GROUPSFILE); // tab order setTabOrder(minSizeEnabled, minSizeAmount); setTabOrder(minSizeAmount, maxSizeEnabled); setTabOrder(maxSizeEnabled, maxSizeAmount); setTabOrder(maxSizeAmount, modifiedBetweenEnabled); setTabOrder(modifiedBetweenEnabled, modifiedBetweenData1); setTabOrder(modifiedBetweenData1, modifiedBetweenData2); setTabOrder(modifiedBetweenData2, notModifiedAfterEnabled); setTabOrder(notModifiedAfterEnabled, notModifiedAfterData); setTabOrder(notModifiedAfterData, modifiedInTheLastEnabled); setTabOrder(modifiedInTheLastEnabled, modifiedInTheLastData); setTabOrder(modifiedInTheLastData, notModifiedInTheLastData); setTabOrder(notModifiedInTheLastData, belongsToUserEnabled); setTabOrder(belongsToUserEnabled, belongsToUserData); setTabOrder(belongsToUserData, belongsToGroupEnabled); setTabOrder(belongsToGroupEnabled, belongsToGroupData); setTabOrder(belongsToGroupData, permissionsEnabled); setTabOrder(permissionsEnabled, ownerR); setTabOrder(ownerR, ownerW); setTabOrder(ownerW, ownerX); setTabOrder(ownerX, groupR); setTabOrder(groupR, groupW); setTabOrder(groupW, groupX); setTabOrder(groupX, allR); setTabOrder(allR, allW); setTabOrder(allW, allX); setTabOrder(allX, minSizeType); setTabOrder(minSizeType, maxSizeType); setTabOrder(maxSizeType, modifiedInTheLastType); setTabOrder(modifiedInTheLastType, notModifiedInTheLastType); } void AdvancedFilter::modifiedBetweenSetDate1() { changeDate(modifiedBetweenData1); } void AdvancedFilter::modifiedBetweenSetDate2() { changeDate(modifiedBetweenData2); } void AdvancedFilter::notModifiedAfterSetDate() { changeDate(notModifiedAfterData); } void AdvancedFilter::changeDate(KLineEdit *p) { // check if the current date is valid QDate d = stringToDate(p->text()); if (!d.isValid()) d = QDate::currentDate(); KRGetDate *gd = new KRGetDate(d, this); d = gd->getDate(); // if a user pressed ESC or closed the dialog, we'll return an invalid date if (d.isValid()) p->setText(dateToString(d)); delete gd; } void AdvancedFilter::fillList(KComboBox *list, QString filename) { QFile data(filename); if (!data.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Search: Unable to read " << filename << " !!!"; return; } // and read it into the temporary array QTextStream t(&data); while (!t.atEnd()) { QString s = t.readLine(); QString name = s.left(s.indexOf(':')); if (!name.startsWith('#')) list->addItem(name); } } void AdvancedFilter::invalidDateMessage(KLineEdit *p) { // FIXME p->text() is empty sometimes (to reproduce, set date to "13.09.005") KMessageBox::detailedError(this, i18n("Invalid date entered."), i18n("The date %1 is not valid according to your locale. Please re-enter a valid date (use the date button for easy access).", p->text())); p->setFocus(); } bool AdvancedFilter::getSettings(FilterSettings &s) { s.minSizeEnabled = minSizeEnabled->isChecked(); s.minSize.amount = minSizeAmount->value(); s.minSize.unit = static_cast(minSizeType->currentIndex()); s.maxSizeEnabled = maxSizeEnabled->isChecked(); s.maxSize.amount = maxSizeAmount->value(); s.maxSize.unit = static_cast(maxSizeType->currentIndex()); if (s.minSizeEnabled && s.maxSizeEnabled && (s.maxSize.size() < s.minSize.size())) { KMessageBox::detailedError(this, i18n("Specified sizes are inconsistent."), i18n("Please re-enter the values, so that the left side size " "will be smaller than (or equal to) the right side size.")); minSizeAmount->setFocus(); return false; } s.modifiedBetweenEnabled = modifiedBetweenEnabled->isChecked(); s.modifiedBetween1 = stringToDate(modifiedBetweenData1->text()); s.modifiedBetween2 = stringToDate(modifiedBetweenData2->text()); if (s.modifiedBetweenEnabled) { // check if date is valid if (!s.modifiedBetween1.isValid()) { invalidDateMessage(modifiedBetweenData1); return false; } else if (!s.modifiedBetween2.isValid()) { invalidDateMessage(modifiedBetweenData2); return false; } else if (s.modifiedBetween1 > s.modifiedBetween2) { KMessageBox::detailedError(this, i18n("Dates are inconsistent."), i18n("The date on the left is later than the date on the right. " "Please re-enter the dates, so that the left side date " "will be earlier than the right side date.")); modifiedBetweenData1->setFocus(); return false; } } s.notModifiedAfterEnabled = notModifiedAfterEnabled->isChecked(); s.notModifiedAfter = stringToDate(notModifiedAfterData->text()); if(s.notModifiedAfterEnabled && !s.notModifiedAfter.isValid()) { invalidDateMessage(notModifiedAfterData); return false; } s.modifiedInTheLastEnabled = modifiedInTheLastEnabled->isChecked(); s.modifiedInTheLast.amount = modifiedInTheLastData->value(); s.modifiedInTheLast.unit = static_cast(modifiedInTheLastType->currentIndex()); s.notModifiedInTheLast.amount = notModifiedInTheLastData->value(); s.notModifiedInTheLast.unit = static_cast(notModifiedInTheLastType->currentIndex()); if (s.modifiedInTheLastEnabled && s.modifiedInTheLast.amount && s.notModifiedInTheLast.amount) { if (s.modifiedInTheLast.days() < s.notModifiedInTheLast.days()) { KMessageBox::detailedError(this, i18n("Dates are inconsistent."), i18n("The date on top is later than the date on the bottom. " "Please re-enter the dates, so that the top date " "will be earlier than the bottom date.")); modifiedInTheLastData->setFocus(); return false; } } s.ownerEnabled = belongsToUserEnabled->isChecked(); s.owner = belongsToUserData->currentText(); s.groupEnabled = belongsToGroupEnabled->isChecked(); s.group = belongsToGroupData->currentText(); s.permissionsEnabled = permissionsEnabled->isChecked(); s.permissions = ownerR->currentText() + ownerW->currentText() + ownerX->currentText() + groupR->currentText() + groupW->currentText() + groupX->currentText() + allR->currentText() + allW->currentText() + allX->currentText(); return true; } void AdvancedFilter::applySettings(const FilterSettings &s) { minSizeEnabled->setChecked(s.minSizeEnabled); minSizeAmount->setValue(s.minSize.amount); minSizeType->setCurrentIndex(s.minSize.unit); maxSizeEnabled->setChecked(s.maxSizeEnabled); maxSizeAmount->setValue(s.maxSize.amount); maxSizeType->setCurrentIndex(s.maxSize.unit); if (s.modifiedBetweenEnabled) modifiedBetweenEnabled->setChecked(true); else if (s.notModifiedAfterEnabled) notModifiedAfterEnabled->setChecked(true); else if (s.modifiedInTheLastEnabled) modifiedInTheLastEnabled->setChecked(true); else anyDateEnabled->setChecked(true); modifiedBetweenData1->setText(dateToString(s.modifiedBetween1)); modifiedBetweenData2->setText(dateToString(s.modifiedBetween2)); notModifiedAfterData->setText(dateToString(s.notModifiedAfter)); modifiedInTheLastData->setValue(s.modifiedInTheLast.amount); modifiedInTheLastType->setCurrentIndex(s.modifiedInTheLast.unit); notModifiedInTheLastData->setValue(s.notModifiedInTheLast.amount); notModifiedInTheLastType->setCurrentIndex(s.notModifiedInTheLast.unit); belongsToUserEnabled->setChecked(s.ownerEnabled); setComboBoxValue(belongsToUserData, s.owner); belongsToGroupEnabled->setChecked(s.groupEnabled); setComboBoxValue(belongsToGroupData, s.group); permissionsEnabled->setChecked(s.permissionsEnabled); QString perm = s.permissions; if (perm.length() != 9) perm = "?????????"; setComboBoxValue(ownerR, QString(perm[0])); setComboBoxValue(ownerW, QString(perm[1])); setComboBoxValue(ownerX, QString(perm[2])); setComboBoxValue(groupR, QString(perm[3])); setComboBoxValue(groupW, QString(perm[4])); setComboBoxValue(groupX, QString(perm[5])); setComboBoxValue(allR, QString(perm[6])); setComboBoxValue(allW, QString(perm[7])); setComboBoxValue(allX, QString(perm[8])); } diff --git a/krusader/Filter/generalfilter.cpp b/krusader/Filter/generalfilter.cpp index e2eb0f6b..29378a79 100644 --- a/krusader/Filter/generalfilter.cpp +++ b/krusader/Filter/generalfilter.cpp @@ -1,636 +1,635 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2003 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2003 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "generalfilter.h" #include "filtertabs.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystem.h" // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include typedef struct { const char *description; const char *regExp; int cursorAdjustment; } term; static const term items[] = { { I18N_NOOP("Any Character"), ".", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Start of Line"), "^", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("End of Line"), "$", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Set of Characters"), "[]", -1 }, { I18N_NOOP("Repeats, Zero or More Times"), "*", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Repeats, One or More Times"), "+", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Optional"), "?", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Escape"), "\\", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("TAB"), "\\t", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Newline"), "\\n", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Carriage Return"), "\\r", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("White Space"), "\\s", 0 }, { I18N_NOOP("Digit"), "\\d", 0 }, }; class RegExpAction : public QAction { public: RegExpAction(QObject *parent, const QString &text, const QString ®Exp, int cursor) : QAction(text, parent), mText(text), mRegExp(regExp), mCursor(cursor) { } QString text() const { return mText; } QString regExp() const { return mRegExp; } int cursor() const { return mCursor; } private: QString mText; QString mRegExp; int mCursor; }; GeneralFilter::GeneralFilter(FilterTabs *tabs, int properties, QWidget *parent, QStringList extraOptions) : QWidget(parent), profileManager(0), fltTabs(tabs) { QGridLayout *filterLayout = new QGridLayout(this); filterLayout->setSpacing(6); filterLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); this->properties = properties; // Options for name filtering QGroupBox *nameGroup = new QGroupBox(this); nameGroup->setTitle(i18n("File Name")); QGridLayout *nameGroupLayout = new QGridLayout(nameGroup); nameGroupLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); nameGroupLayout->setSpacing(6); nameGroupLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); searchForCase = new QCheckBox(nameGroup); searchForCase->setText(i18n("&Case sensitive")); searchForCase->setChecked(false); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(searchForCase, 1, 2); QLabel *searchForLabel = new QLabel(nameGroup); searchForLabel->setText(i18n("Search &for:")); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(searchForLabel, 0, 0); searchFor = new KHistoryComboBox(false, nameGroup/*, "searchFor"*/); QSizePolicy searchForPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); searchForPolicy.setHeightForWidth(searchFor->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); searchFor->setSizePolicy(searchForPolicy); searchFor->setEditable(true); searchFor->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); searchFor->setMaxCount(25); searchFor->setMinimumContentsLength(10); searchForLabel->setBuddy(searchFor); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(searchFor, 0, 1, 1, 2); QString s = "

" + i18n("

The filename filtering criteria is defined here.

You can make use of wildcards. Multiple patterns are separated by space (means logical OR) and patterns are excluded from the search using the pipe symbol.

If the pattern is ended with a slash (*pattern*/), that means that pattern relates to recursive search of folders.

  • pattern - means to search those files/folders that name is pattern, recursive search goes through all subfolders independently of the value of pattern
  • pattern/ - means to search all files/folders, but recursive search goes through/excludes the folders that name is pattern

It is allowed to use quotation marks for names that contain space. Filter \"Program Files\" searches out those files/folders that name is Program Files.


  • *.o
  • *.h *.c\?\?
  • *.cpp *.h | *.moc.cpp
  • * | .svn/ .git/

Note: the search term 'text' is equivalent to '*text*'.

"); searchFor->setWhatsThis(s); searchForLabel->setWhatsThis(s); QLabel *searchType = new QLabel(nameGroup); searchType->setText(i18n("&Of type:")); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(searchType, 1, 0); ofType = new KComboBox(false, nameGroup); ofType->setObjectName("ofType"); QSizePolicy ofTypePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); ofTypePolicy.setHeightForWidth(ofType->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); ofType->setSizePolicy(ofTypePolicy); ofType->setEditable(false); searchType->setBuddy(ofType); ofType->addItem(i18n("All Files")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Archives")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Folders")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Image Files")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Text Files")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Video Files")); ofType->addItem(i18n("Audio Files")); connect(ofType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotDisable())); nameGroupLayout->addWidget(ofType, 1, 1); filterLayout->addWidget(nameGroup, 0, 0); middleLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); middleLayout->setSpacing(6); middleLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); QSpacerItem* middleSpacer = new QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); middleLayout->addItem(middleSpacer); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasProfileHandler) { // The profile handler QGroupBox *profileHandler = new QGroupBox(this); profileHandler->setTitle(i18n("&Profile handler")); QGridLayout *profileLayout = new QGridLayout(profileHandler); profileLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); profileLayout->setSpacing(6); profileLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); profileListBox = new KrListWidget(profileHandler); profileLayout->addWidget(profileListBox, 0, 0, 4, 1); profileAddBtn = new QPushButton(profileHandler); KStandardGuiItem::assign(profileAddBtn, KStandardGuiItem::Add); profileLayout->addWidget(profileAddBtn, 0, 1); profileLoadBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("&Load"), profileHandler); profileLoadBtn->setEnabled(false); profileLayout->addWidget(profileLoadBtn, 1, 1); profileOverwriteBtn = new QPushButton(profileHandler); profileOverwriteBtn->setEnabled(false); KStandardGuiItem::assign(profileOverwriteBtn, KStandardGuiItem::Overwrite); profileLayout->addWidget(profileOverwriteBtn, 2, 1); profileRemoveBtn = new QPushButton(profileHandler); profileRemoveBtn->setEnabled(false); KStandardGuiItem::assign(profileRemoveBtn, KStandardGuiItem::Remove); profileLayout->addWidget(profileRemoveBtn, 3, 1); profileManager = new ProfileManager("SelectionProfile", this); profileManager->hide(); middleLayout->addWidget(profileHandler); refreshProfileListBox(); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasSearchIn) { // Options for search in QGroupBox *searchInGroup = new QGroupBox(this); searchInGroup->setTitle(i18n("Searc&h in")); QGridLayout *searchInLayout = new QGridLayout(searchInGroup); searchInLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); searchInLayout->setSpacing(6); searchInLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); searchIn = new KURLListRequester(KURLListRequester::RequestDirs, searchInGroup); searchInLayout->addWidget(searchIn, 0, 0); connect(searchIn, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotDisable())); middleLayout->addWidget(searchInGroup); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) { // Options for don't search in QGroupBox *dontSearchInGroup = new QGroupBox(this); dontSearchInGroup->setTitle(i18n("&Do not search in")); QGridLayout *dontSearchInLayout = new QGridLayout(dontSearchInGroup); dontSearchInLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); dontSearchInLayout->setSpacing(6); dontSearchInLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); dontSearchIn = new KURLListRequester(KURLListRequester::RequestDirs, dontSearchInGroup); dontSearchInLayout->addWidget(dontSearchIn, 0, 0, 1, 2); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Search"); useExcludeFolderNames = new QCheckBox(this); useExcludeFolderNames->setText(i18n("Exclude Folder Names")); useExcludeFolderNames->setToolTip(i18n("Filters out specified directory names from the results.")); useExcludeFolderNames->setChecked(static_cast(group.readEntry("ExcludeFolderNamesUse", 0))); dontSearchInLayout->addWidget(useExcludeFolderNames, 1, 0, 1, 1); excludeFolderNames = new KHistoryComboBox(false, dontSearchInGroup); QSizePolicy excludeFolderNamesPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); excludeFolderNamesPolicy.setHeightForWidth(excludeFolderNames->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); excludeFolderNames->setSizePolicy(excludeFolderNamesPolicy); excludeFolderNames->setEditable(true); excludeFolderNames->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); excludeFolderNames->setMaxCount(25); excludeFolderNames->setMinimumContentsLength(10); excludeFolderNames->lineEdit()->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Enter space-separated folder names")); excludeFolderNames->lineEdit()->setWhatsThis(i18n("You can insert names with escaped spaces or quoted.\nExample: .git \"target build\" build\\ krusader")); dontSearchInLayout->addWidget(excludeFolderNames, 1, 1, 1, 1); excludeFolderNames->setHistoryItems(group.readEntry("ExcludeFolderNamesHistory", QStringList())); excludeFolderNames->setEditText(group.readEntry("ExcludeFolderNames", "")); if (!useExcludeFolderNames->isChecked()) { excludeFolderNames->setDisabled(true); } connect(useExcludeFolderNames, &QCheckBox::toggled, excludeFolderNames, &KHistoryComboBox::setEnabled); } middleLayout->addWidget(dontSearchInGroup); } filterLayout->addLayout(middleLayout, 1, 0); // Options for containing text QGroupBox *containsGroup = new QGroupBox(this); containsGroup->setTitle(i18n("Containing text")); QGridLayout *containsLayout = new QGridLayout(containsGroup); containsLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); containsLayout->setSpacing(6); containsLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); QHBoxLayout *containsTextLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); containsTextLayout->setSpacing(6); containsTextLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); containsLabel = new QLabel(containsGroup); QSizePolicy containsLabelPolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum); containsLabelPolicy.setHeightForWidth(containsLabel->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); containsLabel->setSizePolicy(containsLabelPolicy); containsLabel->setText(i18n("&Text:")); containsTextLayout->addWidget(containsLabel); containsText = new KHistoryComboBox(false, containsGroup/*, "containsText"*/); QSizePolicy containsTextPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); containsTextPolicy.setHeightForWidth(containsText->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); containsText->setSizePolicy(containsTextPolicy); containsText->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); containsText->setMaxCount(25); containsText->setMinimumContentsLength(10); containsTextLayout->addWidget(containsText); containsLabel->setBuddy(containsText); containsRegExp = new QToolButton(containsGroup); containsRegExp->setPopupMode(QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup); containsRegExp->setCheckable(true); containsRegExp->setText(i18n("RegExp")); // Populate the popup menu. QMenu *patterns = new QMenu(containsRegExp); for (int i = 0; (unsigned)i < sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]); i++) { patterns->addAction(new RegExpAction(patterns, i18n(items[i].description), items[i].regExp, items[i].cursorAdjustment)); } connect(containsRegExp, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotDisable())); connect(containsRegExp, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(slotRegExpTriggered(QAction*))); containsRegExp->setMenu(patterns); patterns->setEnabled(false); containsTextLayout->addWidget(containsRegExp); containsLayout->addLayout(containsTextLayout, 0, 0); QHBoxLayout *containsCbsLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); containsCbsLayout->setSpacing(6); containsCbsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); encLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Encoding:"), containsGroup); containsCbsLayout->addWidget(encLabel); contentEncoding = new KComboBox(containsGroup); contentEncoding->setEditable(false); contentEncoding->addItem(i18nc("Default encoding", "Default")); contentEncoding->addItems(KCharsets::charsets()->descriptiveEncodingNames()); containsCbsLayout->addWidget(contentEncoding); QSpacerItem* cbSpacer = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); containsCbsLayout->addItem(cbSpacer); containsWholeWord = new QCheckBox(containsGroup); QSizePolicy containsWholeWordPolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); containsWholeWordPolicy.setHeightForWidth(containsWholeWord->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); containsWholeWord->setSizePolicy(containsWholeWordPolicy); containsWholeWord->setText(i18n("&Match whole word only")); containsWholeWord->setChecked(false); containsCbsLayout->addWidget(containsWholeWord); containsTextCase = new QCheckBox(containsGroup); QSizePolicy containsTextCasePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); containsTextCasePolicy.setHeightForWidth(containsTextCase->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); containsTextCase->setSizePolicy(containsTextCasePolicy); containsTextCase->setText(i18n("Cas&e sensitive")); containsTextCase->setChecked(true); containsCbsLayout->addWidget(containsTextCase); containsLayout->addLayout(containsCbsLayout, 1, 0); filterLayout->addWidget(containsGroup, 2, 0); QHBoxLayout *recurseLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); recurseLayout->setSpacing(6); recurseLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); QSpacerItem* recurseSpacer = new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); recurseLayout->addItem(recurseSpacer); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { // Options for recursive searching searchInDirs = new QCheckBox(this); searchInDirs->setText(i18n("Search in s&ub folders")); searchInDirs->setChecked(true); recurseLayout->addWidget(searchInDirs); searchInArchives = new QCheckBox(this); searchInArchives->setText(i18n("Search in arch&ives")); recurseLayout->addWidget(searchInArchives); followLinks = new QCheckBox(this); followLinks->setText(i18n("Follow &links")); recurseLayout->addWidget(followLinks); } filterLayout->addLayout(recurseLayout, 3, 0); for(int i = 0; i < extraOptions.length(); i++) { QCheckBox *option = new QCheckBox(this); option->setText(extraOptions[i]); recurseLayout->addWidget(option); this->extraOptions.insert(extraOptions[i], option); } // Connection table if (properties & FilterTabs::HasProfileHandler) { connect(profileAddBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()) , this, SLOT(slotAddBtnClicked())); connect(profileLoadBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()) , this, SLOT(slotLoadBtnClicked())); connect(profileOverwriteBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()) , this, SLOT(slotOverwriteBtnClicked())); connect(profileRemoveBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()) , this, SLOT(slotRemoveBtnClicked())); connect(profileListBox, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)) , this, SLOT(slotProfileDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*))); connect(profileManager, SIGNAL(loadFromProfile(QString)), fltTabs, SLOT(loadFromProfile(QString))); connect(profileManager, SIGNAL(saveToProfile(QString)), fltTabs, SLOT(saveToProfile(QString))); } connect(searchFor, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), searchFor, SLOT(addToHistory(QString))); connect(containsText, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), containsText, SLOT(addToHistory(QString))); // load the completion and history lists // ==> search for KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Search"); QStringList list = group.readEntry("SearchFor Completion", QStringList()); searchFor->completionObject()->setItems(list); list = group.readEntry("SearchFor History", QStringList()); searchFor->setHistoryItems(list); // ==> grep list = group.readEntry("ContainsText Completion", QStringList()); containsText->completionObject()->setItems(list); list = group.readEntry("ContainsText History", QStringList()); containsText->setHistoryItems(list); setTabOrder(searchFor, containsText); // search for -> content setTabOrder(containsText, searchType); // content -> search type slotDisable(); } GeneralFilter::~GeneralFilter() { // save the history combos // ==> search for QStringList list = searchFor->completionObject()->items(); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Search"); group.writeEntry("SearchFor Completion", list); list = searchFor->historyItems(); group.writeEntry("SearchFor History", list); // ==> grep text list = containsText->completionObject()->items(); group.writeEntry("ContainsText Completion", list); list = containsText->historyItems(); group.writeEntry("ContainsText History", list); if ((properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) && (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions)) { list = excludeFolderNames->historyItems(); group.writeEntry("ExcludeFolderNamesHistory", list); group.writeEntry("ExcludeFolderNames", excludeFolderNames->currentText()); group.writeEntry("ExcludeFolderNamesUse", static_cast(useExcludeFolderNames->checkState())); } krConfig->sync(); } bool GeneralFilter::isExtraOptionChecked(QString name) { QCheckBox *option = extraOptions[name]; return option ? option->isChecked() : false; } void GeneralFilter::checkExtraOption(QString name, bool check) { QCheckBox *option = extraOptions[name]; if (option) option->setChecked(check); } void GeneralFilter::queryAccepted() { searchFor->addToHistory(searchFor->currentText()); containsText->addToHistory(containsText->currentText()); if ((properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) && (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions)) { excludeFolderNames->addToHistory(excludeFolderNames->currentText()); } } void GeneralFilter::refreshProfileListBox() { profileListBox->clear(); profileListBox->addItems(ProfileManager::availableProfiles("SelectionProfile")); if (profileListBox->count() != 0) { profileLoadBtn->setEnabled(true); profileOverwriteBtn->setEnabled(true); profileRemoveBtn->setEnabled(true); } else { profileLoadBtn->setEnabled(false); profileOverwriteBtn->setEnabled(false); profileRemoveBtn->setEnabled(false); } } void GeneralFilter::slotAddBtnClicked() { profileManager->newProfile(searchFor->currentText().simplified()); refreshProfileListBox(); } void GeneralFilter::slotOverwriteBtnClicked() { QListWidgetItem *item = profileListBox->currentItem(); if (item != 0) profileManager->overwriteProfile(item->text()); } void GeneralFilter::slotRemoveBtnClicked() { QListWidgetItem *item = profileListBox->currentItem(); if (item != 0) { profileManager->deleteProfile(item->text()); refreshProfileListBox(); } } void GeneralFilter::slotProfileDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *item) { if (item != 0) { QString profileName = item->text(); profileManager->loadProfile(profileName); fltTabs->close(true); } } void GeneralFilter::slotLoadBtnClicked() { QListWidgetItem *item = profileListBox->currentItem(); if (item != 0) profileManager->loadProfile(item->text()); } void GeneralFilter::slotDisable() { bool state = containsRegExp->isChecked(); bool global = ofType->currentText() != i18n("Folders"); bool remoteOnly = false; if (properties & FilterTabs::HasSearchIn) { QList urlList = searchIn->urlList(); remoteOnly = urlList.count() != 0; foreach(const QUrl &url, urlList) if (url.scheme() == "file") remoteOnly = false; } containsWholeWord->setEnabled(!state && global); containsRegExp->menu()->setEnabled(state && global); encLabel->setEnabled(global); contentEncoding->setEnabled(global); containsTextCase->setEnabled(global); containsRegExp->setEnabled(global); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) searchInArchives->setEnabled(global && !remoteOnly); containsLabel->setEnabled(global); containsText->setEnabled(global); } void GeneralFilter::slotRegExpTriggered(QAction * act) { if (act == 0) return; RegExpAction *regAct = dynamic_cast(act); if (regAct == 0) return; containsText->lineEdit()->insert(regAct->regExp()); containsText->lineEdit()->setCursorPosition(containsText->lineEdit()->cursorPosition() + regAct->cursor()); containsText->lineEdit()->setFocus(); } bool GeneralFilter::getSettings(FilterSettings &s) { // check that we have (at least) what to search, and where to search in if (searchFor->currentText().simplified().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(this , i18n("No search criteria entered.")); searchFor->setFocus(); return false; } s.searchFor = searchFor->currentText().trimmed(); s.searchForCase = searchForCase->isChecked(); if (ofType->currentText() != i18n("All Files")) s.mimeType = ofType->currentText(); if (containsText->isEnabled()) { s.containsText = containsText->currentText(); s.containsTextCase = containsTextCase->isChecked(); s.containsWholeWord = containsWholeWord->isChecked(); s.containsRegExp = containsRegExp->isChecked(); } if (contentEncoding->currentIndex() != 0) s.contentEncoding = KCharsets::charsets()->encodingForName(contentEncoding->currentText()); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { s.recursive = searchInDirs->isChecked(); s.searchInArchives = searchInArchives->isChecked(); s.followLinks = followLinks->isChecked(); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasSearchIn) { s.searchIn = searchIn->urlList(); if (s.searchIn.isEmpty()) { // we need a place to search in KMessageBox::error(this , i18n("Please specify a location to search in.")); searchIn->lineEdit()->setFocus(); return false; } } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) { s.dontSearchIn = dontSearchIn->urlList(); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { if (useExcludeFolderNames->isChecked()) { s.excludeFolderNames = KShell::splitArgs(excludeFolderNames->currentText()); } else { s.excludeFolderNames = QStringList(); } } } return true; } void GeneralFilter::applySettings(const FilterSettings &s) { searchFor->setEditText(s.searchFor); searchForCase->setChecked(s.searchForCase); setComboBoxValue(ofType, s.mimeType); containsText->setEditText(s.containsText); containsTextCase->setChecked(s.containsTextCase); containsWholeWord->setChecked(s.containsWholeWord); containsRegExp->setChecked(s.containsRegExp); setComboBoxValue(contentEncoding, KCharsets::charsets()->descriptionForEncoding(s.contentEncoding)); if (properties & FilterTabs::HasRecurseOptions) { searchInDirs->setChecked(s.recursive); searchInArchives->setChecked(s.searchInArchives); followLinks->setChecked(s.followLinks); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasSearchIn) { searchIn->lineEdit()->clear(); searchIn->listBox()->clear(); searchIn->listBox()->addItems(KrServices::toStringList(s.searchIn)); } if (properties & FilterTabs::HasDontSearchIn) { dontSearchIn->lineEdit()->clear(); dontSearchIn->listBox()->clear(); dontSearchIn->listBox()->addItems(KrServices::toStringList(s.dontSearchIn)); } } diff --git a/krusader/GUI/kcmdline.cpp b/krusader/GUI/kcmdline.cpp index 9bcc0fa6..09d6040c 100644 --- a/krusader/GUI/kcmdline.cpp +++ b/krusader/GUI/kcmdline.cpp @@ -1,316 +1,315 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kcmdline.h" // QtCore #include #include #include // QtGui #include #include #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../krusaderview.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "../ActionMan/addplaceholderpopup.h" #include "kcmdmodebutton.h" CmdLineCombo::CmdLineCombo(QWidget *parent) : KHistoryComboBox(parent), _handlingLineEditResize(false) { lineEdit()->installEventFilter(this); _pathLabel = new QLabel(this); _pathLabel->setWhatsThis(i18n("Name of folder where command will be processed.")); _pathLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); } bool CmdLineCombo::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *e) { if(watched == lineEdit() && (e->type() == QEvent::Move || e->type() == QEvent::Resize)) { if(!_handlingLineEditResize) { // avoid infinite recursion _handlingLineEditResize = true; updateLineEditGeometry(); _handlingLineEditResize = false; } } return false; } void CmdLineCombo::setPath(QString path) { _path = path; doLayout(); } void CmdLineCombo::updateLineEditGeometry() { QRect r = lineEdit()->geometry(); r.setLeft(_pathLabel->geometry().right()); lineEdit()->setGeometry(r); } void CmdLineCombo::doLayout() { QString pathNameLabel = _path; QFontMetrics fm(_pathLabel->fontMetrics()); int textWidth = fm.width(_path); int maxWidth = (width() + _pathLabel->width()) * 2 / 5; int letters = _path.length() / 2; while (letters && textWidth > maxWidth) { pathNameLabel = _path.left(letters) + "..." + _path.right(letters); letters--; textWidth = fm.width(pathNameLabel); } _pathLabel->setText(pathNameLabel + "> "); _pathLabel->adjustSize(); QStyleOptionComboBox opt; initStyleOption(&opt); QRect labelRect = style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &opt, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxEditField, this); labelRect.adjust(2, 0, 0, 0); labelRect.setWidth(_pathLabel->width()); _pathLabel->setGeometry(labelRect); updateLineEditGeometry(); } void CmdLineCombo::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { KHistoryComboBox::resizeEvent(e); doLayout(); } void CmdLineCombo::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { switch (e->key()) { case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Return: if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { SLOTS->insertFileName((e->modifiers()&Qt::ShiftModifier)!=0); break; } KHistoryComboBox::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Qt::Key_Down: if (e->modifiers() == (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier)) { MAIN_VIEW->focusTerminalEmulator(); return; } else KHistoryComboBox::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Qt::Key_Up: if (e->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier || e->modifiers() == (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier)) { emit returnToPanel(); return; } else KHistoryComboBox::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Qt::Key_Escape: if (e->modifiers() == 0) { emit returnToPanel(); return; } else KHistoryComboBox::keyPressEvent(e); break; default: KHistoryComboBox::keyPressEvent(e); } } KCMDLine::KCMDLine(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QGridLayout * layout = new QGridLayout(this); layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); int height = QFontMetrics(QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont)).height(); height = height + 5 * (height > 14) + 6; // and editable command line completion.setMode(KUrlCompletion::FileCompletion); cmdLine = new CmdLineCombo(this); cmdLine->setMaxCount(100); // remember 100 commands cmdLine->setMinimumContentsLength(10); cmdLine->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); cmdLine->setMaximumHeight(height); cmdLine->setCompletionObject(&completion); cmdLine->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed)); // load the history KConfigGroup grpSvr(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList list = grpSvr.readEntry("cmdline history", QStringList()); cmdLine->setHistoryItems(list); connect(cmdLine, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QString)), this, SLOT(slotRun())); connect(cmdLine, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QString)), cmdLine->lineEdit(), SLOT(clear())); connect(cmdLine, SIGNAL(returnToPanel()), this, SLOT(slotReturnFocus())); cmdLine->setWhatsThis(i18n("

Well, it is actually quite simple: you type your command here and Krusader obeys.

Tip: move within command line history with <Up> and <Down> arrows.

")); layout->addWidget(cmdLine, 0, 1); buttonAddPlaceholder = new QToolButton(this); buttonAddPlaceholder->setAutoRaise(true); buttonAddPlaceholder->setIcon(Icon("list-add")); connect(buttonAddPlaceholder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addPlaceholder())); buttonAddPlaceholder->setWhatsThis(i18n("Add Placeholders for the selected files in the panel.")); layout->addWidget(buttonAddPlaceholder, 0, 2); // a run in terminal button terminal = new KCMDModeButton(this); terminal->setAutoRaise(true); layout->addWidget(terminal, 0, 3); layout->activate(); } KCMDLine::~KCMDLine() { KConfigGroup grpSvr(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList list = cmdLine->historyItems(); //qWarning() << list[0]; grpSvr.writeEntry("cmdline history", list); krConfig->sync(); } void KCMDLine::addPlaceholder() { AddPlaceholderPopup popup(this); QString exp = popup.getPlaceholder( buttonAddPlaceholder->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)) ); this->addText(exp); } void KCMDLine::setCurrent(const QString &path) { cmdLine->setPath(path); completion.setDir(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path)); // make sure our command is executed in the right directory // This line is important for Krusader overall functions -> do not remove ! QDir::setCurrent(path); } void KCMDLine::slotRun() { const QString command1(cmdLine->currentText()); if (command1.isEmpty()) return; cmdLine->addToHistory(command1); // bugfix by aardvark: current editline is destroyed by addToHistory() in some cases cmdLine->setEditText(command1); if (command1.simplified().left(3) == "cd ") { // cd command effect the active panel QString dir = command1.right(command1.length() - command1.indexOf(" ")).trimmed(); if (dir == "~") dir = QDir::homePath(); else if (dir.left(1) != "/" && !dir.contains(":/")) dir = cmdLine->path() + (cmdLine->path() == "/" ? "" : "/") + dir; SLOTS->refresh(QUrl::fromUserInput(dir,QDir::currentPath(),QUrl::AssumeLocalFile)); } else { exec(); cmdLine->clearEditText(); } } void KCMDLine::slotReturnFocus() { MAIN_VIEW->cmdLineUnFocus(); } static const KrActionBase::ExecType execModesMenu[] = { KrActionBase::Normal, KrActionBase::CollectOutputSeparateStderr, KrActionBase::CollectOutput, KrActionBase::Terminal, KrActionBase::RunInTE, }; QString KCMDLine::command() const { return cmdLine->currentText(); } KrActionBase::ExecType KCMDLine::execType() const { KConfigGroup grp(krConfig, "Private"); int i = grp.readEntry("Command Execution Mode", (int)0); return execModesMenu[i]; } QString KCMDLine::startpath() const { return cmdLine->path(); // return path->text().left(path->text().length() - 1); } QString KCMDLine::user() const { return QString(); } QString KCMDLine::text() const { return cmdLine->currentText(); } bool KCMDLine::acceptURLs() const { return false; } bool KCMDLine::confirmExecution() const { return false; } bool KCMDLine::doSubstitution() const { return true; } void KCMDLine::setText(QString text) { cmdLine->lineEdit()->setText(text); } diff --git a/krusader/GUI/kcmdmodebutton.cpp b/krusader/GUI/kcmdmodebutton.cpp index a7e859ff..32d12b33 100644 --- a/krusader/GUI/kcmdmodebutton.cpp +++ b/krusader/GUI/kcmdmodebutton.cpp @@ -1,75 +1,74 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 Václav Juza * * Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kcmdmodebutton.h" #include "../kractions.h" #include "../icon.h" // QtWidgets #include #include -#include #include /** * KCMDModeButton class, which represents a button with popup menu to switch * the mode of the krusader built-in command-line */ KCMDModeButton::KCMDModeButton(QWidget *parent) : QToolButton(parent) { /* // from the old terminal-button: setText( i18n( "If pressed, Krusader executes command line in a terminal." ) ); setToolTip( i18n( "If pressed, Krusader executes command line in a terminal." ) ); QWhatsThis::add( terminal, i18n( "The 'run in terminal' button allows Krusader " "to run console (or otherwise non-graphical) " "programs in a terminal of your choice. If it's " "pressed, terminal mode is active." ) ); */ setIcon(Icon("utilities-terminal")); adjustSize(); action = new KActionMenu(i18n("Execution mode"), this); Q_CHECK_PTR(action); for (int i = 0; KrActions::execTypeArray[i] != 0; i++) { action->addAction(*KrActions::execTypeArray[i]); } QMenu *pP = action->menu(); Q_CHECK_PTR(pP); setMenu(pP); setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); setAcceptDrops(false); } KCMDModeButton::~KCMDModeButton() { delete action; } /** called when clicked to the button */ void KCMDModeButton::showMenu() { QMenu * pP = menu(); if (pP) { menu() ->exec(mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))); } } diff --git a/krusader/KViewer/krviewer.cpp b/krusader/KViewer/krviewer.cpp index ec5e0804..50ee9c50 100644 --- a/krusader/KViewer/krviewer.cpp +++ b/krusader/KViewer/krviewer.cpp @@ -1,715 +1,714 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krviewer.h" // QtCore #include #include #include #include #include // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../defaults.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "panelviewer.h" #define VIEW_ICON "document-preview" #define EDIT_ICON "document-edit" #define MODIFIED_ICON "document-save-as" #define CHECK_MODFIED_INTERVAL 500 /* NOTE: Currently the code expects PanelViewer::openUrl() to be called only once in the panel viewer's life time - otherwise unexpected things might happen. */ QList KrViewer::viewers; KrViewer::KrViewer(QWidget *parent) : KParts::MainWindow(parent, (Qt::WindowFlags)KDE_DEFAULT_WINDOWFLAGS), manager(this, this), tabBar(this), reservedKeys(), reservedKeyActions(), sizeX(-1), sizeY(-1) { //setWFlags(Qt::WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose); setXMLFile("krviewer.rc"); // kpart-related xml file setHelpMenuEnabled(false); connect(&manager, SIGNAL(activePartChanged(KParts::Part*)), this, SLOT(createGUI(KParts::Part*))); connect(&tabBar, &QTabWidget::currentChanged, this, &KrViewer::tabChanged); connect(&tabBar, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(tabCloseRequest(int))); tabBar.setDocumentMode(true); tabBar.setMovable(true); setCentralWidget(&tabBar); printAction = KStandardAction::print(this, SLOT(print()), 0); copyAction = KStandardAction::copy(this, SLOT(copy()), 0); viewerMenu = new QMenu(this); QAction *tempAction; KActionCollection *ac = actionCollection(); #define addCustomMenuAction(name, text, slot, shortcut)\ tempAction = ac->addAction(name, this, slot);\ tempAction->setText(text);\ ac->setDefaultShortcut(tempAction, shortcut);\ viewerMenu->addAction(tempAction); addCustomMenuAction("genericViewer", i18n("&Generic Viewer"), SLOT(viewGeneric()), Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_G); addCustomMenuAction("textViewer", i18n("&Text Viewer"), SLOT(viewText()), Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_T); addCustomMenuAction("hexViewer", i18n("&Hex Viewer"), SLOT(viewHex()), Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_H); addCustomMenuAction("lister", i18n("&Lister"), SLOT(viewLister()), Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_L); viewerMenu->addSeparator(); addCustomMenuAction("textEditor", i18n("Text &Editor"), SLOT(editText()), Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_E); viewerMenu->addSeparator(); QList actList = menuBar()->actions(); bool hasPrint = false, hasCopy = false; foreach(QAction *a, actList) { if (a->shortcut().matches(printAction->shortcut()) != QKeySequence::NoMatch) hasPrint = true; if (a->shortcut().matches(copyAction->shortcut()) != QKeySequence::NoMatch) hasCopy = true; } QAction *printAct = viewerMenu->addAction(printAction->icon(), printAction->text(), this, SLOT(print())); if (hasPrint) printAct->setShortcut(printAction->shortcut()); QAction *copyAct = viewerMenu->addAction(copyAction->icon(), copyAction->text(), this, SLOT(copy())); if (hasCopy) copyAct->setShortcut(copyAction->shortcut()); viewerMenu->addSeparator(); configKeysAction = ac->addAction(KStandardAction::KeyBindings, this, SLOT(configureShortcuts())); viewerMenu->addAction(configKeysAction); viewerMenu->addSeparator(); detachAction = ac->addAction("detachTab", this, SLOT(detachTab())); detachAction->setText(i18n("&Detach Tab")); //no point in detaching only one tab.. detachAction->setEnabled(false); ac->setDefaultShortcut(detachAction, Qt::META + Qt::Key_D); viewerMenu->addAction(detachAction); quitAction = ac->addAction(KStandardAction::Quit, this, SLOT(close())); viewerMenu->addAction(quitAction); QList shortcuts; tabCloseAction = ac->addAction("closeTab", this, SLOT(tabCloseRequest())); tabCloseAction->setText(i18n("&Close Current Tab")); shortcuts = KStandardShortcut::close(); shortcuts.append(Qt::Key_Escape); ac->setDefaultShortcuts(tabCloseAction, shortcuts); tabNextAction = ac->addAction("nextTab", this, SLOT(nextTab())); tabNextAction->setText(i18n("&Next Tab")); shortcuts = KStandardShortcut::tabNext(); shortcuts.append(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Tab); // reenforce QTabWidget shortcut ac->setDefaultShortcuts(tabNextAction, shortcuts); tabPrevAction = ac->addAction("prevTab", this, SLOT(prevTab())); tabPrevAction->setText(i18n("&Previous Tab")); shortcuts = KStandardShortcut::tabPrev(); shortcuts.append(Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Tab); // reenforce QTabWidget shortcut ac->setDefaultShortcuts(tabPrevAction, shortcuts); tabBar.setTabsClosable(true); checkModified(); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "KrViewerWindow"); int sx = group.readEntry("Window Width", -1); int sy = group.readEntry("Window Height", -1); if (sx != -1 && sy != -1) resize(sx, sy); else resize(900, 700); if (group.readEntry("Window Maximized", false)) { setWindowState(windowState() | Qt::WindowMaximized); } // filtering out the key events menuBar() ->installEventFilter(this); } KrViewer::~KrViewer() { disconnect(&manager, SIGNAL(activePartChanged(KParts::Part*)), this, SLOT(createGUI(KParts::Part*))); viewers.removeAll(this); // close tabs before deleting tab bar - this avoids Qt bug 26115 // https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-26115 while(tabBar.count()) tabCloseRequest(tabBar.currentIndex(), true); delete printAction; delete copyAction; } void KrViewer::configureDeps() { PanelEditor::configureDeps(); } void KrViewer::createGUI(KParts::Part* part) { KParts::MainWindow::createGUI(part); updateActions(); toolBar() ->show(); statusBar() ->show(); // the KParts part may override the viewer shortcuts. We prevent it // by installing an event filter on the menuBar() and the part reservedKeys.clear(); reservedKeyActions.clear(); QList list = viewerMenu->actions(); // also add the actions that are not in the menu... list << tabCloseAction << tabNextAction << tabPrevAction; // getting the key sequences of the viewer menu for (int w = 0; w != list.count(); w++) { QAction *act = list[ w ]; QList sequences = act->shortcuts(); foreach(QKeySequence keySeq, sequences) { for(int i = 0; i < keySeq.count(); ++i) { reservedKeys.push_back(keySeq[i]); reservedKeyActions.push_back(act); //the same action many times in case of multiple shortcuts } } } // and "fix" the menubar QList actList = menuBar()->actions(); viewerMenu->setTitle(i18n("&KrViewer")); QAction * act = menuBar() ->addMenu(viewerMenu); act->setData(QVariant(70)); menuBar() ->show(); } void KrViewer::configureShortcuts() { KShortcutsDialog::configure(actionCollection(), KShortcutsEditor::LetterShortcutsAllowed, this); } bool KrViewer::eventFilter(QObject * /* watched */, QEvent * e) { // TODO: after porting to Qt5/KF5 we never catch *ANY* KeyPress or ShortcutOverride events here anymore. // Should look into if there is any way to fix it. Currently if a KPart has same shortcut as KrViewer then // it causes a conflict, messagebox shown to user and no action triggered. if (e->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride) { QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*) e; if (reservedKeys.contains(ke->key())) { ke->accept(); QAction *act = reservedKeyActions[ reservedKeys.indexOf(ke->key())]; if (act != 0) { // don't activate the close functions immediately! // it can cause crash if (act == tabCloseAction || act == quitAction) { QTimer::singleShot(0, act, SLOT(trigger())); } else { act->activate(QAction::Trigger); } } return true; } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent* ke = (QKeyEvent*) e; if (reservedKeys.contains(ke->key())) { ke->accept(); return true; } } return false; } KrViewer* KrViewer::getViewer(bool new_window) { if (!new_window) { if (viewers.isEmpty()) { viewers.prepend(new KrViewer()); // add to first (active) } else { if (viewers.first()->isMinimized()) { // minimized? -> show it again viewers.first()->setWindowState((viewers.first()->windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized) | Qt::WindowActive); viewers.first()->show(); } viewers.first()->raise(); viewers.first()->activateWindow(); } return viewers.first(); } else { KrViewer *newViewer = new KrViewer(); viewers.prepend(newViewer); return newViewer; } } void KrViewer::view(QUrl url, QWidget * parent) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "General"); bool defaultWindow = group.readEntry("View In Separate Window", _ViewInSeparateWindow); view(url, Default, defaultWindow, parent); } void KrViewer::view(QUrl url, Mode mode, bool new_window, QWidget * parent) { KrViewer* viewer = getViewer(new_window); viewer->viewInternal(url, mode, parent); viewer->show(); } void KrViewer::edit(QUrl url, QWidget * parent) { edit(url, Text, -1, parent); } void KrViewer::edit(QUrl url, Mode mode, int new_window, QWidget * parent) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "General"); QString editor = group.readEntry("Editor", _Editor); if (new_window == -1) new_window = group.readEntry("View In Separate Window", _ViewInSeparateWindow); if (editor != "internal editor" && !editor.isEmpty()) { KProcess proc; QStringList cmdArgs = KShell::splitArgs(editor, KShell::TildeExpand); if (cmdArgs.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(krMainWindow, i18nc("Arg is a string containing the bad quoting.", "Bad quoting in editor command:\n%1", editor)); return; } // if the file is local, pass a normal path and not a url. this solves // the problem for editors that aren't url-aware proc << cmdArgs << url.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile); if (!proc.startDetached()) KMessageBox::sorry(krMainWindow, i18n("Can not open \"%1\"", editor)); return; } KrViewer* viewer = getViewer(new_window); viewer->editInternal(url, mode, parent); viewer->show(); } void KrViewer::addTab(PanelViewerBase *pvb) { int tabIndex = tabBar.addTab(pvb, makeTabIcon(pvb), makeTabText(pvb)); tabBar.setCurrentIndex(tabIndex); tabBar.setTabToolTip(tabIndex, makeTabToolTip(pvb)); updateActions(); // now we can offer the option to detach tabs (we have more than one) if (tabBar.count() > 1) { detachAction->setEnabled(true); } tabBar.show(); connect(pvb, SIGNAL(openUrlFinished(PanelViewerBase*,bool)), SLOT(openUrlFinished(PanelViewerBase*,bool))); connect(pvb, SIGNAL(urlChanged(PanelViewerBase*,QUrl)), this, SLOT(tabURLChanged(PanelViewerBase*,QUrl))); } void KrViewer::tabURLChanged(PanelViewerBase *pvb, const QUrl &url) { Q_UNUSED(url) refreshTab(pvb); } void KrViewer::openUrlFinished(PanelViewerBase *pvb, bool success) { if (success) { KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = pvb->part(); if (part) { if (!isPartAdded(part)) addPart(part); if (tabBar.currentWidget() == pvb) { manager.setActivePart(part); if (part->widget()) part->widget()->setFocus(); } } } else { tabCloseRequest(tabBar.currentIndex(), false); } } void KrViewer::tabChanged(int index) { QWidget *w = tabBar.widget(index); if(!w) return; KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = static_cast(w)->part(); if (part && isPartAdded(part)) { manager.setActivePart(part); if (part->widget()) part->widget()->setFocus(); } else manager.setActivePart(0); // set this viewer to be the main viewer if (viewers.removeAll(this)) viewers.prepend(this); // move to first } void KrViewer::tabCloseRequest(int index, bool force) { // important to save as returnFocusTo will be cleared at removePart QWidget *returnFocusToThisWidget = returnFocusTo; PanelViewerBase *pvb = static_cast(tabBar.widget(index)); if (!pvb) return; if (!force && !pvb->queryClose()) return; if (pvb->part() && isPartAdded(pvb->part())) removePart(pvb->part()); disconnect(pvb, 0, this, 0); pvb->closeUrl(); tabBar.removeTab(index); delete pvb; pvb = 0; if (tabBar.count() <= 0) { if (returnFocusToThisWidget) { returnFocusToThisWidget->raise(); returnFocusToThisWidget->activateWindow(); } else { krMainWindow->raise(); krMainWindow->activateWindow(); } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(close())); } else if (tabBar.count() == 1) { // no point in detaching only one tab.. detachAction->setEnabled(false); } } void KrViewer::tabCloseRequest() { tabCloseRequest(tabBar.currentIndex()); } bool KrViewer::queryClose() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "KrViewerWindow"); group.writeEntry("Window Width", sizeX); group.writeEntry("Window Height", sizeY); group.writeEntry("Window Maximized", isMaximized()); for (int i = 0; i != tabBar.count(); i++) { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.widget(i)); if (!pvb) continue; tabBar.setCurrentIndex(i); if (!pvb->queryClose()) return false; } return true; } void KrViewer::viewGeneric() { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (pvb) viewInternal(pvb->url(), Generic); } void KrViewer::viewText() { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (pvb) viewInternal(pvb->url(), Text); } void KrViewer::viewLister() { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (pvb) viewInternal(pvb->url(), Lister); } void KrViewer::viewHex() { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (pvb) viewInternal(pvb->url(), Hex); } void KrViewer::editText() { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (pvb) editInternal(pvb->url(), Text); } void KrViewer::checkModified() { QTimer::singleShot(CHECK_MODFIED_INTERVAL, this, SLOT(checkModified())); PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (pvb) refreshTab(pvb); } void KrViewer::refreshTab(PanelViewerBase* pvb) { int ndx = tabBar.indexOf(pvb); tabBar.setTabText(ndx, makeTabText(pvb)); tabBar.setTabIcon(ndx, makeTabIcon(pvb)); tabBar.setTabToolTip(ndx, makeTabToolTip(pvb)); } void KrViewer::nextTab() { int index = (tabBar.currentIndex() + 1) % tabBar.count(); tabBar.setCurrentIndex(index); } void KrViewer::prevTab() { int index = (tabBar.currentIndex() - 1) % tabBar.count(); while (index < 0) index += tabBar.count(); tabBar.setCurrentIndex(index); } void KrViewer::detachTab() { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (!pvb) return; KrViewer* viewer = getViewer(true); bool wasPartAdded = false; KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = pvb->part(); if (part && isPartAdded(part)) { wasPartAdded = true; removePart(part); } disconnect(pvb, 0, this, 0); tabBar.removeTab(tabBar.indexOf(pvb)); if (tabBar.count() == 1) { //no point in detaching only one tab.. detachAction->setEnabled(false); } pvb->setParent(&viewer->tabBar); pvb->move(QPoint(0, 0)); viewer->addTab(pvb); if (wasPartAdded) { viewer->addPart(part); if (part->widget()) part->widget()->setFocus(); } viewer->show(); } void KrViewer::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::ActivationChange && isActiveWindow()) if (viewers.removeAll(this)) viewers.prepend(this); // move to first } void KrViewer::print() { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (!pvb || !pvb->part() || !isPartAdded(pvb->part())) return; KParts::BrowserExtension * ext = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject(pvb->part()); if (ext && ext->isActionEnabled("print")) Invoker(ext, SLOT(print())).invoke(); } void KrViewer::copy() { PanelViewerBase* pvb = static_cast(tabBar.currentWidget()); if (!pvb || !pvb->part() || !isPartAdded(pvb->part())) return; KParts::BrowserExtension * ext = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject(pvb->part()); if (ext && ext->isActionEnabled("copy")) Invoker(ext, SLOT(copy())).invoke(); } void KrViewer::updateActions() { QList actList = toolBar()->actions(); bool hasPrint = false, hasCopy = false; foreach(QAction *a, actList) { if (a->text() == printAction->text()) hasPrint = true; if (a->text() == copyAction->text()) hasCopy = true; } if (!hasPrint) toolBar()->addAction(printAction->icon(), printAction->text(), this, SLOT(print())); if (!hasCopy) toolBar()->addAction(copyAction->icon(), copyAction->text(), this, SLOT(copy())); } bool KrViewer::isPartAdded(KParts::Part* part) { return manager.parts().contains(part); } void KrViewer::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { if (!isMaximized()) { sizeX = e->size().width(); sizeY = e->size().height(); } KParts::MainWindow::resizeEvent(e); } QString KrViewer::makeTabText(PanelViewerBase *pvb) { QString fileName = pvb->url().fileName(); if (pvb->isModified()) fileName.prepend("*"); return pvb->isEditor() ? i18nc("filename (filestate)", "%1 (Editing)", fileName) : i18nc("filename (filestate)", "%1 (Viewing)", fileName); } QString KrViewer::makeTabToolTip(PanelViewerBase *pvb) { QString url = pvb->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile); return pvb->isEditor() ? i18nc("filestate: filename", "Editing: %1", url) : i18nc("filestate: filename", "Viewing: %1", url); } QIcon KrViewer::makeTabIcon(PanelViewerBase *pvb) { QString iconName; if (pvb->isModified()) iconName = MODIFIED_ICON; else if (pvb->isEditor()) iconName = EDIT_ICON; else iconName = VIEW_ICON; return Icon(iconName); } void KrViewer::addPart(KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part) { Q_ASSERT(part); Q_ASSERT(!isPartAdded(part)); if (isPartAdded(part)) { qDebug()<<"part already added:"<installEventFilter(this); manager.addPart(part, false); // don't automatically set active part } void KrViewer::removePart(KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part) { Q_ASSERT(part); Q_ASSERT(isPartAdded(part)); if (isPartAdded(part)) { disconnect(part, 0, this, 0); part->removeEventFilter(this); manager.removePart(part); } else qDebug()<<"part hasn't been added:"<openUrl(url); } void KrViewer::editInternal(QUrl url, Mode mode, QWidget * parent) { returnFocusTo = parent; PanelViewerBase* editWidget = new PanelEditor(&tabBar, mode); addTab(editWidget); editWidget->openUrl(url); } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp index b3ecc62e..b970b764 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/kggeneral.cpp @@ -1,331 +1,330 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kggeneral.h" // QtCore #include // QtGui #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include "krresulttabledialog.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #define PAGE_GENERAL 0 #define PAGE_VIEWER 1 #define PAGE_EXTENSIONS 2 KgGeneral::KgGeneral(bool first, QWidget* parent) : KonfiguratorPage(first, parent) { if (first) slotFindTools(); tabWidget = new QTabWidget(this); setWidget(tabWidget); setWidgetResizable(true); createGeneralTab(); createViewerTab(); createExtensionsTab(); } QWidget* KgGeneral::createTab(QString name) { QScrollArea *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(tabWidget); tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea, name); scrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); QWidget *tab = new QWidget(scrollArea); scrollArea->setWidget(tab); return tab; } void KgGeneral::createViewerTab() { QWidget *tab = createTab(i18n("Viewer/Editor")); QGridLayout *tabLayout = new QGridLayout(tab); tabLayout->setSpacing(6); tabLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); tabLayout->addWidget(createCheckBox("General", "View In Separate Window", _ViewInSeparateWindow, i18n("Internal editor and viewer opens each file in a separate window"), tab, false, i18n("If checked, each file will open in a separate window, otherwise, the viewer will work in a single, tabbed mode"), PAGE_VIEWER)); // ------------------------- viewer ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *viewerGrp = createFrame(i18n("Viewer"), tab); tabLayout->addWidget(viewerGrp, 1, 0); QGridLayout *viewerGrid = createGridLayout(viewerGrp); QWidget * hboxWidget2 = new QWidget(viewerGrp); QHBoxLayout * hbox2 = new QHBoxLayout(hboxWidget2); QWidget * vboxWidget = new QWidget(hboxWidget2); QVBoxLayout * vbox = new QVBoxLayout(vboxWidget); vbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Default viewer mode:"), vboxWidget)); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP viewMode[] = // name value tooltip {{ i18n("Generic mode"), "generic", i18n("Use the system's default viewer") }, { i18n("Text mode"), "text", i18n("View the file in text-only mode") }, { i18n("Hex mode"), "hex", i18n("View the file in hex-mode (better for binary files)") }, { i18n("Lister mode"), "lister", i18n("View the file with lister (for huge text files)") } }; vbox->addWidget(createRadioButtonGroup("General", "Default Viewer Mode", "generic", 0, 4, viewMode, 4, vboxWidget, false, PAGE_VIEWER)); vbox->addWidget( createCheckBox("General", "UseOktetaViewer", _UseOktetaViewer, i18n("Use Okteta as Hex viewer"), vboxWidget, false, i18n("If available, use Okteta as Hex viewer instead of the internal viewer"), PAGE_VIEWER) ); QWidget * hboxWidget4 = new QWidget(vboxWidget); QHBoxLayout * hbox4 = new QHBoxLayout(hboxWidget4); QLabel *label5 = new QLabel(i18n("Use lister if the text file is bigger than:"), hboxWidget4); hbox4->addWidget(label5); KonfiguratorSpinBox *spinBox = createSpinBox("General", "Lister Limit", _ListerLimit, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, hboxWidget4, false, PAGE_VIEWER); hbox4->addWidget(spinBox); QLabel *label6 = new QLabel(i18n("MB"), hboxWidget4); hbox4->addWidget(label6); vbox->addWidget(hboxWidget4); hbox2->addWidget(vboxWidget); viewerGrid->addWidget(hboxWidget2, 0, 0); // ------------------------- editor ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *editorGrp = createFrame(i18n("Editor"), tab); tabLayout->addWidget(editorGrp, 2, 0); QGridLayout *editorGrid = createGridLayout(editorGrp); QLabel *label1 = new QLabel(i18n("Editor:"), editorGrp); editorGrid->addWidget(label1, 0, 0); KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlReq = createURLRequester("General", "Editor", "internal editor", editorGrp, false, PAGE_VIEWER, false); editorGrid->addWidget(urlReq, 0, 1); QLabel *label2 = new QLabel(i18n("Hint: use 'internal editor' if you want to use Krusader's fast built-in editor"), editorGrp); editorGrid->addWidget(label2, 1, 0, 1, 2); } void KgGeneral::createExtensionsTab() { // ------------------------- atomic extensions ---------------------------------- QWidget *tab = createTab(i18n("Atomic extensions")); QGridLayout *tabLayout = new QGridLayout(tab); tabLayout->setSpacing(6); tabLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); QWidget * vboxWidget2 = new QWidget(tab); tabLayout->addWidget(vboxWidget2); QVBoxLayout * vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout(vboxWidget2); QWidget * hboxWidget3 = new QWidget(vboxWidget2); vbox2->addWidget(hboxWidget3); QHBoxLayout * hbox3 = new QHBoxLayout(hboxWidget3); QLabel * atomLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Atomic extensions:"), hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(atomLabel); int size = QFontMetrics(atomLabel->font()).height(); QToolButton *addButton = new QToolButton(hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(addButton); QPixmap icon = Icon("list-add").pixmap(size); addButton->setFixedSize(icon.width() + 4, icon.height() + 4); addButton->setIcon(QIcon(icon)); connect(addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddExtension())); QToolButton *removeButton = new QToolButton(hboxWidget3); hbox3->addWidget(removeButton); icon = Icon("list-remove").pixmap(size); removeButton->setFixedSize(icon.width() + 4, icon.height() + 4); removeButton->setIcon(QIcon(icon)); connect(removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveExtension())); QStringList defaultAtomicExtensions; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.gz"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.bz2"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.lzma"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.xz"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".moc.cpp"; listBox = createListBox("Look&Feel", "Atomic Extensions", defaultAtomicExtensions, vboxWidget2, true, PAGE_EXTENSIONS); vbox2->addWidget(listBox); } void KgGeneral::createGeneralTab() { QWidget *tab = createTab(i18n("General")); QGridLayout *kgGeneralLayout = new QGridLayout(tab); kgGeneralLayout->setSpacing(6); kgGeneralLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11); // -------------------------- GENERAL GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *generalGrp = createFrame(i18n("General"), tab); QGridLayout *generalGrid = createGridLayout(generalGrp); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM settings[] = { // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {"Look&Feel", "Warn On Exit", _WarnOnExit, i18n("Warn on exit"), false, i18n("Display a warning when trying to close the main window.") }, // KDE4: move warn on exit to the other confirmations {"Look&Feel", "Minimize To Tray", _ShowTrayIcon, i18n("Show and close to tray"), false, i18n("Show an icon in the system tray and keep running in the background when the window is closed.") }, }; KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *cbs = createCheckBoxGroup(2, 0, settings, 2 /*count*/, generalGrp, PAGE_GENERAL); generalGrid->addWidget(cbs, 0, 0); // temp dir QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Temp Folder:"), generalGrp)); KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlReq3 = createURLRequester("General", "Temp Directory", _TempDirectory, generalGrp, false, PAGE_GENERAL); urlReq3->setMode(KFile::Directory); connect(urlReq3->extension(), SIGNAL(applyManually(QObject*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(applyTempDir(QObject*,QString,QString))); hbox->addWidget(urlReq3); generalGrid->addLayout(hbox, 13, 0, 1, 1); QLabel *label4 = new QLabel(i18n("Note: you must have full permissions for the temporary folder."), generalGrp); generalGrid->addWidget(label4, 14, 0, 1, 1); kgGeneralLayout->addWidget(generalGrp, 0 , 0); // ----------------------- delete mode -------------------------------------- QGroupBox *delGrp = createFrame(i18n("Delete mode"), tab); QGridLayout *delGrid = createGridLayout(delGrp); KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP deleteMode[] = // name value tooltip {{i18n("Move to trash"), "true", i18n("Files will be moved to trash when deleted.")}, {i18n("Delete files"), "false", i18n("Files will be permanently deleted.")} }; KonfiguratorRadioButtons *trashRadio = createRadioButtonGroup("General", "Move To Trash", _MoveToTrash ? "true" : "false", 2, 0, deleteMode, 2, delGrp, false, PAGE_GENERAL); delGrid->addWidget(trashRadio); kgGeneralLayout->addWidget(delGrp, 1 , 0); // ----------------------- terminal ----------------------------------------- QGroupBox *terminalGrp = createFrame(i18n("Terminal"), tab); QGridLayout *terminalGrid = createGridLayout(terminalGrp); QLabel *label3 = new QLabel(i18n("External Terminal:"), generalGrp); terminalGrid->addWidget(label3, 0, 0); KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlReq2 = createURLRequester("General", "Terminal", _Terminal, generalGrp, false, PAGE_GENERAL, false); terminalGrid->addWidget(urlReq2, 0, 1); QLabel *terminalLabel = new QLabel(i18n("%d will be replaced by the workdir."), terminalGrp); terminalGrid->addWidget(terminalLabel, 1, 1); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM terminal_settings[] = { // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {"General", "Send CDs", _SendCDs, i18n("Embedded Terminal sends Chdir on panel change"), false, i18n("When checked, whenever the panel is changed (for example, by pressing Tab), Krusader changes the current folder in the embedded terminal.") }, }; cbs = createCheckBoxGroup(1, 0, terminal_settings, 1 /*count*/, terminalGrp, PAGE_GENERAL); terminalGrid->addWidget(cbs, 2, 0, 1, 2); kgGeneralLayout->addWidget(terminalGrp, 2 , 0); } void KgGeneral::applyTempDir(QObject *obj, QString configGroup, QString name) { KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlReq = (KonfiguratorURLRequester *)obj; QString value = urlReq->url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile); KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, value); } void KgGeneral::slotFindTools() { QPointer dlg = new KrResultTableDialog(this, KrResultTableDialog::Tool, i18n("Search results"), i18n("Searching for tools..."), "tools-wizard", i18n("Make sure to install new tools in your $PATH (e.g. /usr/bin)")); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; } void KgGeneral::slotAddExtension() { bool ok; QString atomExt = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Add new atomic extension"), i18n("Extension:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok); if (ok) { if (!atomExt.startsWith('.') || atomExt.indexOf('.', 1) == -1) KMessageBox::error(krMainWindow, i18n("Atomic extensions must start with '.' and must contain at least one more '.' character."), i18n("Error")); else listBox->addItem(atomExt); } } void KgGeneral::slotRemoveExtension() { QList list = listBox->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i != list.count(); i++) listBox->removeItem(list[ i ]->text()); } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/kgprotocols.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/kgprotocols.cpp index 6b9731e3..b0f6605b 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/kgprotocols.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/kgprotocols.cpp @@ -1,389 +1,389 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "kgprotocols.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krservices.h" // QtCore #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KgProtocols::KgProtocols(bool first, QWidget* parent) : KonfiguratorPage(first, parent) { QGridLayout *KgProtocolsLayout = new QGridLayout(this); KgProtocolsLayout->setSpacing(6); // -------------------------- LINK VIEW ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *linkGrp = createFrame(i18n("Links"), this); QGridLayout *linkGrid = createGridLayout(linkGrp); QStringList labels; labels << i18n("Defined Links"); linkList = new KrTreeWidget(linkGrp); linkList->setHeaderLabels(labels); linkList->setRootIsDecorated(true); linkGrid->addWidget(linkList, 0, 0); KgProtocolsLayout->addWidget(linkGrp, 0, 0, 2, 1); // -------------------------- BUTTONS ---------------------------------- QWidget *vbox1Widget = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *vbox1 = new QVBoxLayout(vbox1Widget); addSpacer(vbox1); btnAddProtocol = new QPushButton(vbox1Widget); btnAddProtocol->setIcon(Icon("arrow-left")); btnAddProtocol->setWhatsThis(i18n("Add protocol to the link list.")); vbox1->addWidget(btnAddProtocol); btnRemoveProtocol = new QPushButton(vbox1Widget); btnRemoveProtocol->setIcon(Icon("arrow-right")); btnRemoveProtocol->setWhatsThis(i18n("Remove protocol from the link list.")); vbox1->addWidget(btnRemoveProtocol); addSpacer(vbox1); KgProtocolsLayout->addWidget(vbox1Widget, 0 , 1); QWidget *vbox2Widget = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *vbox2 = new QVBoxLayout(vbox2Widget); addSpacer(vbox2); btnAddMime = new QPushButton(vbox2Widget); btnAddMime->setIcon(Icon("arrow-left")); btnAddMime->setWhatsThis(i18n("Add MIME to the selected protocol on the link list.")); vbox2->addWidget(btnAddMime); btnRemoveMime = new QPushButton(vbox2Widget); btnRemoveMime->setIcon(Icon("arrow-right")); btnRemoveMime->setWhatsThis(i18n("Remove MIME from the link list.")); vbox2->addWidget(btnRemoveMime); addSpacer(vbox2); KgProtocolsLayout->addWidget(vbox2Widget, 1 , 1); // -------------------------- PROTOCOLS LISTBOX ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *protocolGrp = createFrame(i18n("Protocols"), this); QGridLayout *protocolGrid = createGridLayout(protocolGrp); protocolList = new KrListWidget(protocolGrp); loadProtocols(); protocolGrid->addWidget(protocolList, 0, 0); KgProtocolsLayout->addWidget(protocolGrp, 0 , 2); // -------------------------- MIMES LISTBOX ---------------------------------- QGroupBox *mimeGrp = createFrame(i18n("MIMEs"), this); QGridLayout *mimeGrid = createGridLayout(mimeGrp); mimeList = new KrListWidget(mimeGrp); loadMimes(); mimeGrid->addWidget(mimeList, 0, 0); KgProtocolsLayout->addWidget(mimeGrp, 1 , 2); // -------------------------- CONNECT TABLE ---------------------------------- connect(protocolList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotDisableButtons())); connect(linkList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotDisableButtons())); connect(mimeList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotDisableButtons())); connect(linkList, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(slotDisableButtons())); connect(btnAddProtocol, SIGNAL(clicked()) , this, SLOT(slotAddProtocol())); connect(btnRemoveProtocol, SIGNAL(clicked()) , this, SLOT(slotRemoveProtocol())); connect(btnAddMime, SIGNAL(clicked()) , this, SLOT(slotAddMime())); connect(btnRemoveMime, SIGNAL(clicked()) , this, SLOT(slotRemoveMime())); loadInitialValues(); slotDisableButtons(); } void KgProtocols::addSpacer(QBoxLayout *layout) { layout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); } void KgProtocols::loadProtocols() { QStringList protocols = KProtocolInfo::protocols(); protocols.sort(); foreach(const QString &protocol, protocols) { QUrl u; u.setScheme(protocol); if(KProtocolManager::inputType(u) == KProtocolInfo::T_FILESYSTEM) { protocolList->addItem(protocol); } } } void KgProtocols::loadMimes() { QMimeDatabase db; QList mimes = db.allMimeTypes(); for (QList::const_iterator it = mimes.constBegin(); it != mimes.constEnd(); ++it) mimeList->addItem((*it).name()); mimeList->sortItems(); } void KgProtocols::slotDisableButtons() { btnAddProtocol->setEnabled(protocolList->selectedItems().count() != 0); QTreeWidgetItem *listViewItem = linkList->currentItem(); bool isProtocolSelected = (listViewItem == 0 ? false : listViewItem->parent() == 0); btnRemoveProtocol->setEnabled(isProtocolSelected); btnAddMime->setEnabled(listViewItem != 0 && mimeList->selectedItems().count() != 0); btnRemoveMime->setEnabled(listViewItem == 0 ? false : listViewItem->parent() != 0); if (linkList->currentItem() == 0 && linkList->topLevelItemCount() != 0) linkList->setCurrentItem(linkList->topLevelItem(0)); QList list = linkList->selectedItems(); if (list.count() == 0 && linkList->currentItem() != 0) linkList->currentItem()->setSelected(true); } void KgProtocols::slotAddProtocol() { QList list = protocolList->selectedItems(); if (list.count() > 0) { addProtocol(list[ 0 ]->text(), true); slotDisableButtons(); emit sigChanged(); } } void KgProtocols::addProtocol(QString name, bool changeCurrent) { QList list = protocolList->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly); if (list.count() > 0) { delete list[ 0 ]; QTreeWidgetItem *listViewItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(linkList); listViewItem->setText(0, name); QString iconName = KProtocolInfo::icon(name); if (iconName.isEmpty()) iconName = "go-next-view"; listViewItem->setIcon(0, Icon(iconName)); if (changeCurrent) linkList->setCurrentItem(listViewItem); } } void KgProtocols::slotRemoveProtocol() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = linkList->currentItem(); if (item) { removeProtocol(item->text(0)); slotDisableButtons(); emit sigChanged(); } } void KgProtocols::removeProtocol(QString name) { QList itemList = linkList->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly, 0); if (itemList.count()) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = itemList[ 0 ]; while (item->childCount() != 0) removeMime(item->child(0)->text(0)); linkList->takeTopLevelItem(linkList->indexOfTopLevelItem(item)); protocolList->addItem(name); protocolList->sortItems(); } } void KgProtocols::slotAddMime() { QList list = mimeList->selectedItems(); if (list.count() > 0 && linkList->currentItem() != 0) { QTreeWidgetItem *itemToAdd = linkList->currentItem(); if (itemToAdd->parent()) itemToAdd = itemToAdd->parent(); addMime(list[ 0 ]->text(), itemToAdd->text(0)); slotDisableButtons(); emit sigChanged(); } } void KgProtocols::addMime(QString name, QString protocol) { QList list = mimeList->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly); QList itemList = linkList->findItems(protocol, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive, 0); QTreeWidgetItem *currentListItem = 0; if (itemList.count() != 0) currentListItem = itemList[ 0 ]; if (list.count() > 0 && currentListItem && currentListItem->parent() == 0) { delete list[ 0 ]; QTreeWidgetItem *listViewItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(currentListItem); listViewItem->setText(0, name); - listViewItem->setIcon(0, krLoader->loadMimeTypeIcon(name, KIconLoader::Small)); + listViewItem->setIcon(0, KIconLoader::global()->loadMimeTypeIcon(name, KIconLoader::Small)); linkList->expandItem( currentListItem ); } } void KgProtocols::slotRemoveMime() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = linkList->currentItem(); if (item) { removeMime(item->text(0)); slotDisableButtons(); emit sigChanged(); } } void KgProtocols::removeMime(QString name) { QList itemList = linkList->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive, 0); QTreeWidgetItem *currentMimeItem = 0; if (itemList.count() != 0) currentMimeItem = itemList[ 0 ]; if (currentMimeItem && currentMimeItem->parent() != 0) { mimeList->addItem(currentMimeItem->text(0)); mimeList->sortItems(); currentMimeItem->parent()->removeChild(currentMimeItem); } } void KgProtocols::loadInitialValues() { if (linkList->model()->rowCount() > 0) while (linkList->topLevelItemCount() != 0) removeProtocol(linkList->topLevelItem(0)->text(0)); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Protocols"); QStringList protList = group.readEntry("Handled Protocols", QStringList()); for (QStringList::Iterator it = protList.begin(); it != protList.end(); ++it) { addProtocol(*it); QStringList mimes = group.readEntry(QString("Mimes For %1").arg(*it), QStringList()); for (QStringList::Iterator it2 = mimes.begin(); it2 != mimes.end(); ++it2) addMime(*it2, *it); } if (linkList->topLevelItemCount() != 0) linkList->setCurrentItem(linkList->topLevelItem(0)); slotDisableButtons(); linkList->expandAll(); emit sigChanged(); } void KgProtocols::setDefaults() { while (linkList->topLevelItemCount() != 0) removeProtocol(linkList->topLevelItem(0)->text(0)); slotDisableButtons(); if (isChanged()) emit sigChanged(); } bool KgProtocols::isChanged() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Protocols"); QStringList protList = group.readEntry("Handled Protocols", QStringList()); if ((int)protList.count() != linkList->topLevelItemCount()) return true; for (int i = 0; i != linkList->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = linkList->topLevelItem(i); if (!protList.contains(item->text(0))) return true; QStringList mimes = group.readEntry(QString("Mimes For %1").arg(item->text(0)), QStringList()); if ((int)mimes.count() != item->childCount()) return true; for (int j = 0; j != item->childCount(); j++) { QTreeWidgetItem *children = item->child(j); if (!mimes.contains(children->text(0))) return true; } } return false; } bool KgProtocols::apply() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Protocols"); QStringList protocolList; for (int i = 0; i != linkList->topLevelItemCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = linkList->topLevelItem(i); protocolList.append(item->text(0)); QStringList mimes; for (int j = 0; j != item->childCount(); j++) { QTreeWidgetItem *children = item->child(j); mimes.append(children->text(0)); } group.writeEntry(QString("Mimes For %1").arg(item->text(0)), mimes); } group.writeEntry("Handled Protocols", protocolList); krConfig->sync(); KrServices::clearProtocolCache(); emit sigChanged(); return false; } void KgProtocols::init() { } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratoritems.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratoritems.cpp index ee7c5a93..37e86b6d 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratoritems.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/konfiguratoritems.cpp @@ -1,838 +1,838 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Csaba Karai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "konfiguratoritems.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" // QtCore #include // QtGui #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include + KonfiguratorExtension::KonfiguratorExtension(QObject *obj, QString cfgGroup, QString cfgName, bool restartNeeded, int page) : QObject(), objectPtr(obj), applyConnected(false), setDefaultsConnected(false), changed(false), restartNeeded(restartNeeded), subpage(page), configGroup(cfgGroup), configName(cfgName) { } void KonfiguratorExtension::connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) { if (signal == QMetaMethod::fromSignal(&KonfiguratorExtension::applyManually)) applyConnected = true; else if (signal == QMetaMethod::fromSignal(&KonfiguratorExtension::setDefaultsManually)) setDefaultsConnected = true; QObject::connectNotify(signal); } bool KonfiguratorExtension::apply() { if (!changed) return false; if (applyConnected) emit applyManually(objectPtr, configGroup, configName); else emit applyAuto(objectPtr, configGroup, configName); setChanged(false); return restartNeeded; } void KonfiguratorExtension::setDefaults() { if (setDefaultsConnected) emit setDefaultsManually(objectPtr); else emit setDefaultsAuto(objectPtr); } void KonfiguratorExtension::loadInitialValue() { emit setInitialValue(objectPtr); } bool KonfiguratorExtension::isChanged() { return changed; } // KonfiguratorCheckBox class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorCheckBox::KonfiguratorCheckBox(QString configGroup, QString name, bool defaultValue, QString text, QWidget *parent, bool restart, int page) : QCheckBox(text, parent), defaultValue(defaultValue) { ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, name, restart, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject*,QString,QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); connect(this, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), ext, SLOT(setChanged())); loadInitialValue(); } KonfiguratorCheckBox::~KonfiguratorCheckBox() { delete ext; } void KonfiguratorCheckBox::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); setChecked(group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), defaultValue)); ext->setChanged(false); } void KonfiguratorCheckBox::checkStateSet() { QCheckBox::checkStateSet(); updateDeps(); } void KonfiguratorCheckBox::nextCheckState() { QCheckBox::nextCheckState(); updateDeps(); } void KonfiguratorCheckBox::addDep(KonfiguratorCheckBox *dep) { deps << dep; dep->setEnabled(isChecked()); } void KonfiguratorCheckBox::updateDeps() { foreach(KonfiguratorCheckBox *dep, deps) dep->setEnabled(isChecked()); } void KonfiguratorCheckBox::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, isChecked()); } void KonfiguratorCheckBox::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { if (isChecked() != defaultValue) setChecked(defaultValue); } // KonfiguratorSpinBox class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorSpinBox::KonfiguratorSpinBox(QString configGroup, QString configName, int defaultValue, int min, int max, QWidget *parent, bool restartNeeded, int page) : QSpinBox(parent), defaultValue(defaultValue) { ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, configName, restartNeeded, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject*,QString,QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); connect(this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), ext, SLOT(setChanged())); setMinimum(min); setMaximum(max); loadInitialValue(); } KonfiguratorSpinBox::~KonfiguratorSpinBox() { delete ext; } void KonfiguratorSpinBox::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); setValue(group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), defaultValue)); ext->setChanged(false); } void KonfiguratorSpinBox::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, value()); } void KonfiguratorSpinBox::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { if (value() != defaultValue) setValue(defaultValue); } // KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup class /////////////////////////////// void KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup::add(KonfiguratorCheckBox *checkBox) { checkBoxList.append(checkBox); } KonfiguratorCheckBox * KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup::find(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= checkBoxList.count()) return 0; return checkBoxList.at(index); } KonfiguratorCheckBox * KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup::find(QString name) { QListIterator it(checkBoxList); while (it.hasNext()) { KonfiguratorCheckBox * checkBox = it.next(); if (checkBox->extension()->getConfigName() == name) return checkBox; } return 0; } // KonfiguratorRadioButtons class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorRadioButtons::KonfiguratorRadioButtons(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, int page) : QWidget(parent), defaultValue(defaultValue) { ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, name, restart, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject*,QString,QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); } KonfiguratorRadioButtons::~KonfiguratorRadioButtons() { delete ext; } void KonfiguratorRadioButtons::addRadioButton(QRadioButton *radioWidget, QString name, QString value) { radioButtons.append(radioWidget); radioNames.push_back(name); radioValues.push_back(value); connect(radioWidget, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), ext, SLOT(setChanged())); } QRadioButton * KonfiguratorRadioButtons::find(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= radioButtons.count()) return 0; return radioButtons.at(index); } QRadioButton * KonfiguratorRadioButtons::find(QString name) { int index = radioNames.indexOf(name); if (index == -1) return 0; return radioButtons.at(index); } void KonfiguratorRadioButtons::selectButton(QString value) { int cnt = 0; QListIterator it(radioButtons); while (it.hasNext()) { QRadioButton * btn = it.next(); if (value == radioValues[ cnt ]) { btn->setChecked(true); return; } cnt++; } if (!radioButtons.isEmpty()) radioButtons.first()->setChecked(true); } void KonfiguratorRadioButtons::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); QString initValue = group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), defaultValue); selectButton(initValue); ext->setChanged(false); } QString KonfiguratorRadioButtons::selectedValue() { int cnt = 0; QListIterator it(radioButtons); while (it.hasNext()) { QRadioButton * btn = it.next(); if (btn->isChecked()) { return radioValues[ cnt ]; } cnt++; } return QString(); } void KonfiguratorRadioButtons::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { QString value = selectedValue(); if (!value.isEmpty()) KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, value); } void KonfiguratorRadioButtons::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { selectButton(defaultValue); } // KonfiguratorEditBox class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorEditBox::KonfiguratorEditBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, int page) : QLineEdit(parent), defaultValue(defaultValue) { ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, name, restart, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject *, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject *, QString, QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), ext, SLOT(setChanged())); loadInitialValue(); } KonfiguratorEditBox::~KonfiguratorEditBox() { delete ext; } void KonfiguratorEditBox::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); setText(group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), defaultValue)); ext->setChanged(false); } void KonfiguratorEditBox::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, text()); } void KonfiguratorEditBox::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { if (text() != defaultValue) setText(defaultValue); } // KonfiguratorURLRequester class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorURLRequester::KonfiguratorURLRequester(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, int page, bool expansion) : KUrlRequester(parent), defaultValue(defaultValue), expansion(expansion) { ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, name, restart, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject *, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject *, QString, QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), ext, SLOT(setChanged())); loadInitialValue(); } KonfiguratorURLRequester::~KonfiguratorURLRequester() { delete ext; } void KonfiguratorURLRequester::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); lineEdit()->setText(group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), defaultValue)); ext->setChanged(false); } void KonfiguratorURLRequester::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup) .writeEntry(name, expansion ? url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile) : text()); } void KonfiguratorURLRequester::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { if (url().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile) != defaultValue) lineEdit()->setText(defaultValue); } // KonfiguratorFontChooser class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorFontChooser::KonfiguratorFontChooser(QString configGroup, QString name, QFont defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, int page) : QWidget(parent), defaultValue(defaultValue) { QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, name, restart, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject*,QString,QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); pLabel = new QLabel(this); pLabel->setMinimumWidth(150); layout->addWidget(pLabel); pToolButton = new QToolButton(this); connect(pToolButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotBrowseFont())); pToolButton->setIcon(Icon("document-open")); layout->addWidget(pToolButton); loadInitialValue(); } KonfiguratorFontChooser::~KonfiguratorFontChooser() { delete ext; } void KonfiguratorFontChooser::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); font = group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), defaultValue); ext->setChanged(false); setFont(); } void KonfiguratorFontChooser::setFont() { pLabel->setFont(font); pLabel->setText(font.family() + QString(", %1").arg(font.pointSize())); } void KonfiguratorFontChooser::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, font); } void KonfiguratorFontChooser::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { font = defaultValue; ext->setChanged(); setFont(); } void KonfiguratorFontChooser::slotBrowseFont() { bool ok; font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, font, this); if (!ok) return; // cancelled by the user, and font is actually not changed (getFont returns the font we gave it) ext->setChanged(); setFont(); } // KonfiguratorComboBox class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorComboBox::KonfiguratorComboBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QString defaultValue, KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR *listIn, int listInLen, QWidget *parent, bool restart, bool editable, int page) : QComboBox(parent), defaultValue(defaultValue), listLen(listInLen) { list = new KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR[ listInLen ]; for (int i = 0; i != listLen; i++) { list[i] = listIn[i]; addItem(list[i].text); } ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, name, restart, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject*,QString,QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); // connect( this, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), ext, SLOT(setChanged()) ); /* Removed because of startup combo failure */ connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(int)), ext, SLOT(setChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), ext, SLOT(setChanged())); setEditable(editable); loadInitialValue(); } KonfiguratorComboBox::~KonfiguratorComboBox() { delete []list; delete ext; } void KonfiguratorComboBox::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); QString select = group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), defaultValue); selectEntry(select); ext->setChanged(false); } void KonfiguratorComboBox::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { QString text = isEditable() ? lineEdit()->text() : currentText(); QString value = text; for (int i = 0; i != listLen; i++) if (list[i].text == text) { value = list[i].value; break; } KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, value); } void KonfiguratorComboBox::selectEntry(QString entry) { for (int i = 0; i != listLen; i++) if (list[i].value == entry) { setCurrentIndex(i); return; } if (isEditable()) lineEdit()->setText(entry); else setCurrentIndex(0); } void KonfiguratorComboBox::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { selectEntry(defaultValue); } // KonfiguratorColorChooser class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorColorChooser::KonfiguratorColorChooser(QString configGroup, QString name, QColor defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, ADDITIONAL_COLOR *addColPtr, int addColNum, int page) : QComboBox(parent), defaultValue(defaultValue), disableColorChooser(true) { ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, name, restart, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject*,QString,QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); addColor(i18n("Custom color"), QColor(255, 255, 255)); addColor(i18nc("Default color", "Default"), defaultValue); for (int i = 0; i != addColNum; i++) { additionalColors.push_back(addColPtr[i]); addColor(addColPtr[i].name, addColPtr[i].color); } addColor(i18n("Red"), Qt::red); addColor(i18n("Green"), Qt::green); addColor(i18n("Blue"), Qt::blue); addColor(i18n("Cyan"), Qt::cyan); addColor(i18n("Magenta"), Qt::magenta); addColor(i18n("Yellow"), Qt::yellow); addColor(i18n("Dark Red"), Qt::darkRed); addColor(i18n("Dark Green"), Qt::darkGreen); addColor(i18n("Dark Blue"), Qt::darkBlue); addColor(i18n("Dark Cyan"), Qt::darkCyan); addColor(i18n("Dark Magenta"), Qt::darkMagenta); addColor(i18n("Dark Yellow"), Qt::darkYellow); addColor(i18n("White"), Qt::white); addColor(i18n("Light Gray"), Qt::lightGray); addColor(i18n("Gray"), Qt::gray); addColor(i18n("Dark Gray"), Qt::darkGray); addColor(i18n("Black"), Qt::black); connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotCurrentChanged(int))); loadInitialValue(); } KonfiguratorColorChooser::~KonfiguratorColorChooser() { delete ext; } QPixmap KonfiguratorColorChooser::createPixmap(QColor color) { QPainter painter; QPen pen; int size = QFontMetrics(font()).height() * 3 / 4; QRect rect(0, 0, size, size); QPixmap pixmap(rect.width(), rect.height()); pen.setColor(Qt::black); painter.begin(&pixmap); QBrush brush(color); painter.fillRect(rect, brush); painter.setPen(pen); painter.drawRect(rect); painter.end(); pixmap.detach(); return pixmap; } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::addColor(QString text, QColor color) { addItem(createPixmap(color), text); palette.push_back(color); } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); QString selected = group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), QString("")); setValue(selected); ext->setChanged(false); } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::setDefaultColor(QColor dflt) { defaultValue = dflt; palette[1] = defaultValue; setItemIcon(1, createPixmap(defaultValue)); if (currentIndex() == 1) emit colorChanged(); } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::changeAdditionalColor(int num, QColor color) { if (num < additionalColors.size()) { palette[2+num] = color; additionalColors[num].color = color; setItemIcon(2 + num, createPixmap(color)); if (currentIndex() == 2 + num) emit colorChanged(); } } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::setDefaultText(QString text) { setItemIcon(1, createPixmap(defaultValue)); setItemText(1, text); } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, getValue()); } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::setValue(QString value) { disableColorChooser = true; if (value.isEmpty()) { setCurrentIndex(1); customValue = defaultValue; } else { bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j != additionalColors.size(); j++) if (additionalColors[j].value == value) { setCurrentIndex(2 + j); found = true; break; } if (! found) { KConfigGroup colGroup(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); colGroup.writeEntry("TmpColor", value); QColor color = colGroup.readEntry("TmpColor", defaultValue); customValue = color; colGroup.deleteEntry("TmpColor"); setCurrentIndex(0); for (int i = 2 + additionalColors.size(); i != palette.size(); i++) if (palette[i] == color) { setCurrentIndex(i); break; } } } palette[0] = customValue; setItemIcon(0, createPixmap(customValue)); ext->setChanged(); emit colorChanged(); disableColorChooser = false; } QString KonfiguratorColorChooser::getValue() { QColor color = palette[ currentIndex()]; if (currentIndex() == 1) /* it's the default value? */ return ""; else if (currentIndex() >= 2 && currentIndex() < 2 + additionalColors.size()) return additionalColors[ currentIndex() - 2 ].value; else return QString("%1,%2,%3").arg(color.red()).arg(color.green()).arg(color.blue()); } bool KonfiguratorColorChooser::isValueRGB() { return !(currentIndex() >= 1 && currentIndex() < 2 + additionalColors.size()); } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { ext->setChanged(); setCurrentIndex(1); emit colorChanged(); } void KonfiguratorColorChooser::slotCurrentChanged(int number) { ext->setChanged(); if (number == 0 && !disableColorChooser) { QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(customValue, this); if (color.isValid()) { disableColorChooser = true; customValue = color; palette[0] = customValue; setItemIcon(0, createPixmap(customValue)); disableColorChooser = false; } } emit colorChanged(); } QColor KonfiguratorColorChooser::getColor() { return palette[ currentIndex()]; } // KonfiguratorListBox class /////////////////////////////// KonfiguratorListBox::KonfiguratorListBox(QString configGroup, QString name, QStringList defaultValue, QWidget *parent, bool restart, int page) : KrListWidget(parent), defaultValue(defaultValue) { ext = new KonfiguratorExtension(this, configGroup, name, restart, page); connect(ext, SIGNAL(applyAuto(QObject*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotApply(QObject*,QString,QString))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setDefaultsAuto(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotSetDefaults(QObject*))); connect(ext, SIGNAL(setInitialValue(QObject*)), this, SLOT(loadInitialValue())); loadInitialValue(); } KonfiguratorListBox::~KonfiguratorListBox() { delete ext; } void KonfiguratorListBox::loadInitialValue() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, ext->getConfigGroup()); setList(group.readEntry(ext->getConfigName(), defaultValue)); ext->setChanged(false); } void KonfiguratorListBox::slotApply(QObject *, QString configGroup, QString name) { KConfigGroup(krConfig, configGroup).writeEntry(name, list()); } void KonfiguratorListBox::slotSetDefaults(QObject *) { if (list() != defaultValue) { ext->setChanged(); setList(defaultValue); } } void KonfiguratorListBox::setList(QStringList list) { clear(); addItems(list); } QStringList KonfiguratorListBox::list() { QStringList lst; for (int i = 0; i != count(); i++) lst += item(i)->text(); return lst; } void KonfiguratorListBox::addItem(const QString & item) { if (!list().contains(item)) { KrListWidget::addItem(item); ext->setChanged(); } } void KonfiguratorListBox::removeItem(const QString & item) { QList list = findItems(item, Qt::MatchExactly); for (int i = 0; i != list.count(); i++) delete list[ i ]; if (list.count()) ext->setChanged(); } diff --git a/krusader/Konfigurator/krresulttabledialog.cpp b/krusader/Konfigurator/krresulttabledialog.cpp index cf708eac..65f85312 100644 --- a/krusader/Konfigurator/krresulttabledialog.cpp +++ b/krusader/Konfigurator/krresulttabledialog.cpp @@ -1,125 +1,124 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 Dirk Eschler * * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krresulttabledialog.h" // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" KrResultTableDialog::KrResultTableDialog(QWidget *parent, DialogType type, const QString& caption, const QString& heading, const QString& headerIcon, const QString& hint) : QDialog(parent, 0) { setWindowTitle(caption); setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(mainLayout); QVBoxLayout *_topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); _topLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); // +++ Heading +++ // prepare the icon QWidget *_iconWidget = new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout * _iconBox = new QHBoxLayout(_iconWidget); QLabel *_iconLabel = new QLabel(_iconWidget); _iconLabel->setPixmap(Icon(headerIcon).pixmap(32)); _iconLabel->setMinimumWidth(fontMetrics().maxWidth()*20); _iconLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); _iconLabel->setFixedSize(_iconLabel->sizeHint()); _iconBox->addWidget(_iconLabel); QLabel *_headingLabel = new QLabel(heading, _iconWidget); QFont defFont = QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont); defFont.setBold(true); _headingLabel->setFont(defFont); _headingLabel->setIndent(10); _iconBox->addWidget(_headingLabel); _topLayout->addWidget(_iconWidget); // +++ Add some space between heading and table +++ QSpacerItem* hSpacer1 = new QSpacerItem(0, 5); _topLayout->addItem(hSpacer1); // +++ Table +++ switch (type) { case Archiver: _resultTable = new KrArchiverResultTable(this); helpAnchor = QStringLiteral("konfig-archives"); // launch handbook at sect1-id via help button break; case Tool: _resultTable = new KrToolResultTable(this); helpAnchor = QStringLiteral("konfig-dependencies"); // TODO find a good anchor break; default: break; } _topLayout->addWidget(_resultTable); // +++ Separator +++ KSeparator* hSep = new KSeparator(Qt::Horizontal, this); hSep->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5); _topLayout->addWidget(hSep); // +++ Hint +++ if (!hint.isEmpty()) { QLabel *_hintLabel = new QLabel(hint, this); _hintLabel->setIndent(5); _hintLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); _topLayout->addWidget(_hintLabel); } mainLayout->addLayout(_topLayout); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Help); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); QPushButton *okButton = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); okButton->setDefault(true); okButton->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Return); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &KrResultTableDialog::accept); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, &KrResultTableDialog::showHelp); buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setDefault(true); this->setFixedSize(this->sizeHint()); // make non-resizeable } KrResultTableDialog::~KrResultTableDialog() { } void KrResultTableDialog::showHelp() { if(!helpAnchor.isEmpty()) { KHelpClient::invokeHelp(helpAnchor); } } diff --git a/krusader/Panel/krsearchbar.cpp b/krusader/Panel/krsearchbar.cpp index b8a6ee2c..ce48f923 100644 --- a/krusader/Panel/krsearchbar.cpp +++ b/krusader/Panel/krsearchbar.cpp @@ -1,431 +1,430 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 Jan Lepper * * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krsearchbar.h" #include "PanelView/krview.h" #include "PanelView/krviewitem.h" #include "../FileSystem/dirlisterinterface.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include KrSearchBar::KrSearchBar(KrView *view, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), _view(0), _rightArrowEntersDirFlag(true) { // close button QToolButton *closeButton = new QToolButton(this); closeButton->setAutoRaise(true); closeButton->setIcon(Icon(QStringLiteral("dialog-close"))); closeButton->setToolTip(i18n("Close the search bar")); connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(hideBar())); // combo box for changing search mode _modeBox = new QComboBox(this); _modeBox->addItems(QStringList() << i18n("Search") << i18n("Select") << i18n("Filter")); int defaultIndex = KConfigGroup (krConfig, "Look&Feel") .readEntry("Default Search Mode", QString::number(KrSearchBar::MODE_SEARCH)).toInt(); _modeBox->setCurrentIndex(defaultIndex); _modeBox->setToolTip(i18n("Change the search mode")); connect(_modeBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onModeChange())); _currentMode = static_cast(_modeBox->currentIndex()); // combo box for entering search string _textBox = new KComboBox(this); _textBox->setEditable(true); _modeBox->setToolTip(i18n("Enter or select search string")); QStringList savedSearches = KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Private") .readEntry("Predefined Selections", QStringList()); if (savedSearches.count() > 0) _textBox->addItems(savedSearches); _textBox->setCurrentText(""); _textBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred)); connect(_textBox, SIGNAL(currentTextChanged(QString)), SLOT(onSearchChange())); QToolButton *saveSearchBtn = new QToolButton(this); saveSearchBtn->setIcon(Icon("document-save")); saveSearchBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20); saveSearchBtn->setToolTip(i18n("Save the current search string")); connect(saveSearchBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveSearchString())); _openSelectDialogBtn = new QToolButton(this); _openSelectDialogBtn->setIcon(Icon("configure")); _openSelectDialogBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20); _openSelectDialogBtn->setToolTip(i18n("Open selection dialog")); QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); layout->setMargin(0); layout->addWidget(closeButton); layout->addWidget(_modeBox); layout->addWidget(_textBox); layout->addWidget(saveSearchBtn); layout->addWidget(_openSelectDialogBtn); _textBox->installEventFilter(this); setView(view); } void KrSearchBar::setView(KrView *view) { if (_view) { _view->widget()->removeEventFilter(this); disconnect(_openSelectDialogBtn, 0, 0, 0); } _view = view; connect(_openSelectDialogBtn, &QToolButton::clicked, [this](){ _view->customSelection(true); }); _view->widget()->installEventFilter(this); } // #### public slots void KrSearchBar::showBar(SearchMode mode) { if (mode != MODE_LAST) { _modeBox->setCurrentIndex(mode); } show(); _textBox->setFocus(); _rightArrowEntersDirFlag = true; } void KrSearchBar::hideBar() { resetSearch(); if (_textBox->hasFocus()) _view->widget()->setFocus(); hide(); } void KrSearchBar::resetSearch() { _textBox->clearEditText(); indicateMatch(true); } // #### protected slots void KrSearchBar::onModeChange() { if (_currentMode == MODE_FILTER) { _view->op()->filterSearch(QString(), true); // reset filter } _currentMode = static_cast(_modeBox->currentIndex()); onSearchChange(); } void KrSearchBar::onSearchChange() { const QString text = _textBox->currentText(); switch(_currentMode) { case MODE_SEARCH: { const bool anyMatch = _view->op()->searchItem(text, caseSensitive()); indicateMatch(anyMatch); break; } case MODE_SELECT: { _view->unselectAll(); if (!text.isEmpty()) { const bool anyMatch = _view->changeSelection(KRQuery(text, caseSensitive()), true); indicateMatch(anyMatch); } break; } case MODE_FILTER: { const bool anyMatch =_view->op()->filterSearch(text, caseSensitive()); indicateMatch(anyMatch); break; } default: qWarning() << "unexpected search mode: " << _currentMode; } _textBox->setFocus(); } void KrSearchBar::saveSearchString() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); QStringList lst = group.readEntry("Predefined Selections", QStringList()); QString searchString = _textBox->currentText(); if (lst.indexOf(searchString) != -1) { // already saved return; } lst.append(searchString); group.writeEntry("Predefined Selections", lst); _textBox->addItem(searchString); QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), i18n("Saved search text to history")); } // #### protected void KrSearchBar::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { const bool handled = handleKeyPressEvent(static_cast(event)); if (handled) { return; } QWidget::keyPressEvent(event); } bool KrSearchBar::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() != QEvent::ShortcutOverride && watched == _view->widget()) { QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(event); // overwrite "escape" shortcut if bar is shown if ((ke->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) && (ke->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) && !isHidden()) { ke->accept(); handleKeyPressEvent(ke); return true; } } if (event->type() != QEvent::KeyPress) { return false; } qDebug() << "key press event=" << event; QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(event); if (watched == _view->widget()) { KConfigGroup grpSv(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); const bool autoShow = grpSv.readEntry("New Style Quicksearch", _NewStyleQuicksearch); if (isHidden() && !autoShow) { return false; } if (!isHidden()) { // view widget has focus but search bar is open and may wants to steal key events const bool handled = handleKeyPressEvent(ke); if (handled) { return true; } } if (isHidden() || // view can handle its own event if user does not want to remove text or... !((ke->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace && !_textBox->currentText().isEmpty()) || // ...insert space in search bar (even if not focused) (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Space && _currentMode == KrSearchBar::MODE_SEARCH))) { const bool handled = _view->handleKeyEvent(ke); if (handled) { return true; } } if (ke->text().isEmpty() || (ke->modifiers() != Qt::NoModifier && ke->modifiers() != Qt::ShiftModifier && ke->modifiers() != Qt::KeypadModifier)) { return false; } // start searching if bar is hidden? if (isHidden()) { if (autoShow) { showBar(); } else { return false; } } // bar is visible and gets the key input _textBox->setFocus(); if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) { _textBox->lineEdit()->backspace(); } else { _textBox->setEditText(_textBox->currentText().append(ke->text())); } return true; } else if (watched == _textBox) { const bool handled = handleKeyPressEvent(ke); if (handled) { _view->widget()->setFocus(); return true; } // allow the view to handle (most) key events from the text box if (ke->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier && ke->key() != Qt::Key_Space && ke->key() != Qt::Key_Backspace && ke->key() != Qt::Key_Left && ke->key() != Qt::Key_Right) { const bool handled = _view->handleKeyEvent(ke); if (handled) { _view->widget()->setFocus(); return true; } } } return false; } // #### private bool KrSearchBar::handleKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *ke) { if (ke->modifiers() != Qt::NoModifier) { return false; } switch (ke->key()) { case Qt::Key_Escape: { hideBar(); return true; } case Qt::Key_Up: return handleUpDownKeyPress(true); case Qt::Key_Down: return handleUpDownKeyPress(false); case Qt::Key_Left: case Qt::Key_Right: return handleLeftRightKeyPress(ke); case Qt::Key_Insert: { // select current item and jump to next search result KrViewItem * item = _view->getCurrentKrViewItem(); if (item) { item->setSelected(!item->isSelected()); _view->op()->searchItem(_textBox->currentText(), caseSensitive(), 1); } return true; } case Qt::Key_Home: { // jump to first search result KrViewItem * item = _view->getLast(); if (item) { _view->setCurrentKrViewItem(_view->getLast()); _view->op()->searchItem(_textBox->currentText(), caseSensitive(), 1); } return true; } case Qt::Key_End: { // jump to last search result KrViewItem * item = _view->getFirst(); if (item) { _view->setCurrentKrViewItem(_view->getFirst()); _view->op()->searchItem(_textBox->currentText(), caseSensitive(), -1); } return true; } } return false; } bool KrSearchBar::handleUpDownKeyPress(bool up) { if (_currentMode != MODE_SEARCH) { return false; } const bool updownCancel = KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel") .readEntry("Up/Down Cancels Quicksearch", false); if (updownCancel) { hideBar(); return false; } const bool anyMatch = _view->op()->searchItem(_textBox->currentText(), caseSensitive(), up ? -1 : 1); indicateMatch(anyMatch); return true; } bool KrSearchBar::handleLeftRightKeyPress(QKeyEvent *ke) { const bool useQuickDirectoryNavigation = KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel") .readEntry("Navigation with Right Arrow Quicksearch", true); if (!useQuickDirectoryNavigation) return false; const bool isRight = ke->key() == Qt::Key_Right; if (isRight && _rightArrowEntersDirFlag) { // in case the Right Arrow has been pressed when cursor is in the end of the line if (_textBox->cursorPosition() == _textBox->currentText().length()) // we let the view enter the directory if it's selected return _view->handleKeyEvent(ke); } else { _rightArrowEntersDirFlag = false; } return false; } void KrSearchBar::indicateMatch(bool anyMatch) { KConfigGroup gc(krConfig, "Colors"); QPalette p = QGuiApplication::palette(); QString foreground, background; if (anyMatch) { foreground = "Quicksearch Match Foreground"; background = "Quicksearch Match Background"; } else { foreground = "Quicksearch Non-match Foreground"; background = "Quicksearch Non-match Background"; } QColor fore = Qt::black; QString foreSetting = gc.readEntry(foreground, QString()); if (foreSetting == "KDE default") { fore = p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text); } else if (!foreSetting.isEmpty()) { fore = gc.readEntry(foreground, fore); } QColor back = anyMatch ? QColor(192, 255, 192) : QColor(255, 192, 192); QString backSetting = gc.readEntry(background, QString()); if (backSetting == "KDE default") { back = p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base); } else if (!backSetting.isEmpty()) { back = gc.readEntry(background, back); } QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, back); pal.setColor(QPalette::Text, fore); _textBox->lineEdit()->setPalette(pal); } bool KrSearchBar::caseSensitive() { KConfigGroup grpSvr(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); return grpSvr.readEntry("Case Sensitive Quicksearch", _CaseSensitiveQuicksearch); } diff --git a/krusader/Panel/listpanel.cpp b/krusader/Panel/listpanel.cpp index 48ae7e50..e0c146ab 100644 --- a/krusader/Panel/listpanel.cpp +++ b/krusader/Panel/listpanel.cpp @@ -1,1379 +1,1378 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "listpanel.h" // QtCore #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // QtGui #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dirhistoryqueue.h" #include "krcolorcache.h" #include "krerrordisplay.h" #include "krlayoutfactory.h" #include "krpreviewpopup.h" #include "krsearchbar.h" #include "listpanelactions.h" #include "panelcontextmenu.h" #include "panelfunc.h" #include "sidebar.h" #include "viewactions.h" #include "PanelView/krview.h" #include "PanelView/krviewfactory.h" #include "PanelView/krviewitem.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "../krusader.h" #include "../krusaderview.h" #include "../Archive/krarchandler.h" #include "../BookMan/krbookmarkbutton.h" #include "../FileSystem/fileitem.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystem.h" #include "../FileSystem/krpermhandler.h" #include "../FileSystem/sizecalculator.h" #include "../Dialogs/krdialogs.h" #include "../Dialogs/krspwidgets.h" #include "../Dialogs/krsqueezedtextlabel.h" #include "../Dialogs/percentalsplitter.h" #include "../Dialogs/popularurls.h" #include "../GUI/dirhistorybutton.h" #include "../GUI/kcmdline.h" #include "../GUI/mediabutton.h" #include "../MountMan/kmountman.h" #include "../UserAction/useractionpopupmenu.h" class ActionButton : public QToolButton { public: ActionButton(QWidget *parent, ListPanel *panel, QAction *action, QString text = QString()) : QToolButton(parent), panel(panel), action(action) { setText(text); setAutoRaise(true); if(KConfigGroup(krConfig, "ListPanelButtons").readEntry("Icons", false) || text.isEmpty()) setIcon(action->icon()); setToolTip(action->toolTip()); } protected: virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { panel->slotFocusOnMe(); action->trigger(); } ListPanel *panel; QAction *action; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The list panel constructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ListPanel::ListPanel(QWidget *parent, AbstractPanelManager *manager, KConfigGroup cfg) : QWidget(parent), KrPanel(manager, this, new ListPanelFunc(this)), panelType(-1), colorMask(255), compareMode(false), previewJob(0), inlineRefreshJob(0), searchBar(0), cdRootButton(0), cdUpButton(0), sidebarButton(0), sidebar(0), fileSystemError(0), _navigatorUrl(), _tabState(TabState::DEFAULT) { if(cfg.isValid()) panelType = cfg.readEntry("Type", -1); if (panelType == -1) panelType = defaultPanelType(); _actions = krApp->listPanelActions(); setAcceptDrops(true); QHash widgets; #define ADD_WIDGET(widget) widgets.insert(#widget, widget); // media button mediaButton = new MediaButton(this); connect(mediaButton, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotFocusOnMe())); connect(mediaButton, SIGNAL(openUrl(QUrl)), func, SLOT(openUrl(QUrl))); connect(mediaButton, SIGNAL(newTab(QUrl)), SLOT(newTab(QUrl))); ADD_WIDGET(mediaButton); // status bar status = new KrSqueezedTextLabel(this); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); status->setFont(group.readEntry("Filelist Font", _FilelistFont)); status->setAutoFillBackground(false); status->setText(""); // needed for initialization code! status->setWhatsThis(i18n("The statusbar displays information about the filesystem " "which holds your current folder: total size, free space, " "type of filesystem, etc.")); ADD_WIDGET(status); // back button backButton = new ActionButton(this, this, _actions->actHistoryBackward); ADD_WIDGET(backButton); // forward button forwardButton = new ActionButton(this, this, _actions->actHistoryForward); ADD_WIDGET(forwardButton); // ... create the history button historyButton = new DirHistoryButton(func->history, this); connect(historyButton, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotFocusOnMe())); connect(historyButton, SIGNAL(gotoPos(int)), func, SLOT(historyGotoPos(int))); ADD_WIDGET(historyButton); // bookmarks button bookmarksButton = new KrBookmarkButton(this); connect(bookmarksButton, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotFocusOnMe())); connect(bookmarksButton, SIGNAL(openUrl(QUrl)), func, SLOT(openUrl(QUrl))); bookmarksButton->setWhatsThis(i18n("Open menu with bookmarks. You can also add " "current location to the list, edit bookmarks " "or add subfolder to the list.")); ADD_WIDGET(bookmarksButton); // url input field urlNavigator = new KUrlNavigator(new KFilePlacesModel(this), QUrl(), this); urlNavigator->setWhatsThis(i18n("Name of folder where you are. You can also " "enter name of desired location to move there. " "Use of Net protocols like ftp or fish is possible.")); // handle certain key events here in event filter urlNavigator->editor()->installEventFilter(this); urlNavigator->setUrlEditable(isNavigatorEditModeSet()); urlNavigator->setShowFullPath(group.readEntry("Navigator Full Path", false)); connect(urlNavigator, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(slotFocusOnMe())); connect(urlNavigator, &KUrlNavigator::urlChanged, this, &ListPanel::slotNavigatorUrlChanged); connect(urlNavigator->editor()->lineEdit(), &QLineEdit::editingFinished, this, &ListPanel::resetNavigatorMode); connect(urlNavigator, SIGNAL(tabRequested(QUrl)), this, SLOT(newTab(QUrl))); connect(urlNavigator, SIGNAL(urlsDropped(QUrl,QDropEvent*)), this, SLOT(handleDrop(QUrl,QDropEvent*))); ADD_WIDGET(urlNavigator); // toolbar QWidget * toolbar = new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout * toolbarLayout = new QHBoxLayout(toolbar); toolbarLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); toolbarLayout->setSpacing(0); ADD_WIDGET(toolbar); fileSystemError = new KrErrorDisplay(this); fileSystemError->setWordWrap(true); fileSystemError->hide(); ADD_WIDGET(fileSystemError); // client area clientArea = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *clientLayout = new QVBoxLayout(clientArea); clientLayout->setSpacing(0); clientLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); ADD_WIDGET(clientArea); // totals label totals = new KrSqueezedTextLabel(this); totals->setFont(group.readEntry("Filelist Font", _FilelistFont)); totals->setAutoFillBackground(false); totals->setWhatsThis(i18n("The totals bar shows how many files exist, " "how many selected and the bytes math")); ADD_WIDGET(totals); // free space label freeSpace = new KrSqueezedTextLabel(this); freeSpace->setFont(group.readEntry("Filelist Font", _FilelistFont)); freeSpace->setAutoFillBackground(false); freeSpace->setText(""); freeSpace->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); ADD_WIDGET(freeSpace); // progress indicator and cancel button for the quick calc size quickSizeCalcProgress = new QProgressBar(this); quickSizeCalcProgress->hide(); ADD_WIDGET(quickSizeCalcProgress); cancelQuickSizeCalcButton = new QToolButton(this); cancelQuickSizeCalcButton->hide(); cancelQuickSizeCalcButton->setIcon(Icon("dialog-cancel")); cancelQuickSizeCalcButton->setToolTip(i18n("Cancel directory space calculation")); ADD_WIDGET(cancelQuickSizeCalcButton); // progress indicator for the preview job previewProgress = new QProgressBar(this); previewProgress->hide(); ADD_WIDGET(previewProgress); // a cancel button for the filesystem refresh and preview job cancelProgressButton = new QToolButton(this); cancelProgressButton->hide(); cancelProgressButton->setIcon(Icon("dialog-cancel")); connect(cancelProgressButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancelProgress())); ADD_WIDGET(cancelProgressButton); // button for changing the panel sidebar position in the panel sidebarPositionButton = new QToolButton(this); sidebarPositionButton->hide(); sidebarPositionButton->setAutoRaise(true); sidebarPositionButton->setIcon(Icon("exchange-positions")); sidebarPositionButton->setToolTip(i18n("Move Sidebar clockwise")); connect(sidebarPositionButton, &QToolButton::clicked, [this]() { // moving position clockwise setSidebarPosition((sidebarPosition() + 1) % 4); }); ADD_WIDGET(sidebarPositionButton); // a quick button to open the sidebar sidebarButton = new QToolButton(this); sidebarButton->setAutoRaise(true); sidebarButton->setIcon(Icon("arrow-up")); connect(sidebarButton, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &ListPanel::toggleSidebar); sidebarButton->setToolTip(i18n("Open the Sidebar")); ADD_WIDGET(sidebarButton); #undef ADD_WIDGET // toolbar buttons cdOtherButton = new ActionButton(toolbar, this, _actions->actCdToOther, "="); toolbarLayout->addWidget(cdOtherButton); cdUpButton = new ActionButton(toolbar, this, _actions->actDirUp, ".."); toolbarLayout->addWidget(cdUpButton); cdHomeButton = new ActionButton(toolbar, this, _actions->actHome, "~"); toolbarLayout->addWidget(cdHomeButton); cdRootButton = new ActionButton(toolbar, this, _actions->actRoot, "/"); toolbarLayout->addWidget(cdRootButton); // create the button for sync-browsing syncBrowseButton = new QToolButton(toolbar); syncBrowseButton->setIcon(Icon("kr_syncbrowse_off")); syncBrowseButton->setCheckable(true); const QString syncBrowseText = i18n("This button toggles the sync-browse mode.\n" "When active, each folder change is performed in the\n" "active and inactive panel - if possible."); syncBrowseButton->setText(syncBrowseText); syncBrowseButton->setToolTip(syncBrowseText); connect(syncBrowseButton, &QToolButton::toggled, [=](bool checked) { syncBrowseButton->setIcon( Icon(checked ? "kr_syncbrowse_on" : "kr_syncbrowse_off")); }); syncBrowseButton->setAutoRaise(true); toolbarLayout->addWidget(syncBrowseButton); setButtons(); // create a splitter to hold the view and the sidebar sidebarSplitter = new PercentalSplitter(clientArea); sidebarSplitter->setChildrenCollapsible(true); sidebarSplitter->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); // expand vertical if splitter orientation is horizontal QSizePolicy sizePolicy = sidebarSplitter->sizePolicy(); sizePolicy.setVerticalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding); sidebarSplitter->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); clientLayout->addWidget(sidebarSplitter); // view createView(); // search (in folder) bar searchBar = new KrSearchBar(view, clientArea); searchBar->hide(); bool top = group.readEntry("Quicksearch Position", "bottom") == "top"; clientLayout->insertWidget(top ? 0 : -1, searchBar); // create the layout KrLayoutFactory fact(this, widgets); QLayout *layout = fact.createLayout(); if(!layout) { // fallback: create a layout by ourself QVBoxLayout *v = new QVBoxLayout; v->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); v->setSpacing(0); QHBoxLayout *h = new QHBoxLayout; h->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); h->setSpacing(0); h->addWidget(urlNavigator); h->addWidget(toolbar); h->addStretch(); v->addLayout(h); h = new QHBoxLayout; h->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); h->setSpacing(0); h->addWidget(mediaButton); h->addWidget(status); h->addWidget(backButton); h->addWidget(forwardButton); h->addWidget(historyButton); h->addWidget(bookmarksButton); v->addLayout(h); v->addWidget(fileSystemError); v->addWidget(clientArea); h = new QHBoxLayout; h->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); h->setSpacing(0); h->addWidget(totals); h->addWidget(freeSpace); h->addWidget(quickSizeCalcProgress); h->addWidget(cancelQuickSizeCalcButton); h->addWidget(previewProgress); h->addWidget(cancelProgressButton); h->addWidget(sidebarButton); v->addLayout(h); layout = v; } setLayout(layout); connect(&KrColorCache::getColorCache(), SIGNAL(colorsRefreshed()), this, SLOT(refreshColors())); connect(krApp, SIGNAL(shutdown()), SLOT(cancelProgress())); } ListPanel::~ListPanel() { cancelProgress(); delete view; view = 0; delete func; delete status; delete bookmarksButton; delete totals; delete urlNavigator; delete cdRootButton; delete cdHomeButton; delete cdUpButton; delete cdOtherButton; delete syncBrowseButton; // delete layout; } void ListPanel::reparent(QWidget *parent, AbstractPanelManager *manager) { setParent(parent); _manager = manager; } int ListPanel::defaultPanelType() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); return group.readEntry("Default Panel Type", KrViewFactory::defaultViewId()); } bool ListPanel::isNavigatorEditModeSet() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); return group.readEntry("Navigator Edit Mode", false); } void ListPanel::createView() { view = KrViewFactory::createView(panelType, sidebarSplitter, krConfig); view->init(); view->setMainWindow(krApp); // KrViewFactory may create a different view type than requested panelType = view->instance()->id(); if(this == ACTIVE_PANEL) view->prepareForActive(); else view->prepareForPassive(); view->refreshColors(); sidebarSplitter->insertWidget(sidebarPosition() < 2 ? 1 : 0, view->widget()); view->widget()->installEventFilter(this); connect(view->op(), &KrViewOperator::quickCalcSpace, func, &ListPanelFunc::quickCalcSpace); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(goHome()), func, SLOT(home())); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(dirUp()), func, SLOT(dirUp())); connect(view->op(), &KrViewOperator::defaultDeleteFiles, func, &ListPanelFunc::defaultDeleteFiles); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(middleButtonClicked(KrViewItem*)), SLOT(newTab(KrViewItem*))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(KrViewItem*)), SLOT(slotCurrentChanged(KrViewItem*))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(renameItem(QString,QString)), func, SLOT(rename(QString,QString))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(executed(QString)), func, SLOT(execute(QString))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(goInside(QString)), func, SLOT(goInside(QString))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(needFocus()), this, SLOT(slotFocusOnMe())); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateTotals())); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(itemDescription(QString)), krApp, SLOT(statusBarUpdate(QString))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(contextMenu(QPoint)), this, SLOT(popRightClickMenu(QPoint))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(emptyContextMenu(QPoint)), this, SLOT(popEmptyRightClickMenu(QPoint))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(letsDrag(QStringList,QPixmap)), this, SLOT(startDragging(QStringList,QPixmap))); connect(view->op(), &KrViewOperator::gotDrop, this, [this](QDropEvent *event) {handleDrop(event, true); }); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(previewJobStarted(KJob*)), this, SLOT(slotPreviewJobStarted(KJob*))); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(refreshActions()), krApp->viewActions(), SLOT(refreshActions())); connect(view->op(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(KrViewItem*)), func->history, SLOT(saveCurrentItem())); connect(view->op(), &KrViewOperator::goBack, func, &ListPanelFunc::historyBackward); connect(view->op(), &KrViewOperator::goForward, func, &ListPanelFunc::historyForward); view->setFiles(func->files()); func->refreshActions(); } void ListPanel::changeType(int type) { if (panelType != type) { QString current = view->getCurrentItem(); QList selection = view->selectedUrls(); bool filterApplysToDirs = view->properties()->filterApplysToDirs; KrViewProperties::FilterSpec filter = view->filter(); FilterSettings filterSettings = view->properties()->filterSettings; panelType = type; KrView *oldView = view; createView(); searchBar->setView(view); delete oldView; view->setFilter(filter, filterSettings, filterApplysToDirs); view->setSelectionUrls(selection); view->setCurrentItem(current); view->makeItemVisible(view->getCurrentKrViewItem()); } } int ListPanel::getProperties() { int props = 0; if (syncBrowseButton->isChecked()) { props |= PROP_SYNC_BUTTON_ON; } if (isLocked()) { props |= PROP_LOCKED; } else if (isPinned()) { props |= PROP_PINNED; } return props; } void ListPanel::setProperties(int prop) { syncBrowseButton->setChecked(prop & PROP_SYNC_BUTTON_ON); if (prop & PROP_LOCKED) { _tabState = TabState::LOCKED; } else if (prop & PROP_PINNED) { _tabState = TabState::PINNED; } else { _tabState = TabState::DEFAULT; } } bool ListPanel::eventFilter(QObject * watched, QEvent * e) { if(view && watched == view->widget()) { if(e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn && this != ACTIVE_PANEL && !isHidden()) slotFocusOnMe(); else if(e->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride) { QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(e); if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Escape && ke->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { // if the cancel refresh action has no shortcut assigned, // we need this event ourselves to cancel refresh if(_actions->actCancelRefresh->shortcut().isEmpty()) { e->accept(); return true; } } } } // handle URL navigator key events else if(watched == urlNavigator->editor()) { // override default shortcut for panel focus if(e->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride) { QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(e); if ((ke->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) && (ke->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier)) { e->accept(); // we will get the key press event now return true; } } else if(e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(e); if ((ke->key() == Qt::Key_Down) && (ke->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)) { slotFocusOnMe(); return true; } else if ((ke->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) && (ke->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier)) { // reset navigator urlNavigator->editor()->setUrl(urlNavigator->locationUrl()); slotFocusOnMe(); return true; } } } return false; } void ListPanel::toggleSidebar() { if(!sidebar) { sidebar = new Sidebar(sidebarSplitter); // fix vertical grow of splitter (and entire window) if its content // demands more space QSizePolicy sizePolicy = sidebar->sizePolicy(); sizePolicy.setVerticalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored); sidebar->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); connect(this, &ListPanel::pathChanged, sidebar, &Sidebar::onPanelPathChange); connect(sidebar, &Sidebar::urlActivated, SLOTS, &KRslots::refresh); sidebarSplitter->insertWidget(0, sidebar); } if (sidebar->isHidden()) { if (sidebarSplitterSizes.count() > 0) { sidebarSplitter->setSizes(sidebarSplitterSizes); } else { // on the first time, resize to 50% QList lst; lst << height() / 2 << height() / 2; sidebarSplitter->setSizes(lst); } sidebar->show(); sidebarButton->setIcon(Icon("arrow-down")); sidebarButton->setToolTip(i18n("Close the Sidebar")); sidebarPositionButton->show(); } else { sidebarSplitterSizes.clear(); sidebarSplitterSizes = sidebarSplitter->sizes(); sidebar->hide(); sidebarButton->setIcon(Icon("arrow-up")); sidebarButton->setToolTip(i18n("Open the Sidebar")); sidebarPositionButton->hide(); QList lst; lst << height() << 0; sidebarSplitter->setSizes(lst); if (ACTIVE_PANEL) ACTIVE_PANEL->gui->slotFocusOnMe(); } } QString ListPanel::lastLocalPath() const { return _lastLocalPath; } void ListPanel::setButtons() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); mediaButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("Media Button Visible", true)); backButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("Back Button Visible", false)); forwardButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("Forward Button Visible", false)); historyButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("History Button Visible", true)); bookmarksButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("Bookmarks Button Visible", true)); if (group.readEntry("Panel Toolbar visible", _PanelToolBar)) { cdRootButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("Root Button Visible", _cdRoot)); cdHomeButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("Home Button Visible", _cdHome)); cdUpButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("Up Button Visible", _cdUp)); cdOtherButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("Equal Button Visible", _cdOther)); syncBrowseButton->setVisible(group.readEntry("SyncBrowse Button Visible", _syncBrowseButton)); } else { cdRootButton->hide(); cdHomeButton->hide(); cdUpButton->hide(); cdOtherButton->hide(); syncBrowseButton->hide(); } } void ListPanel::slotUpdateTotals() { totals->setText(view->statistics()); } void ListPanel::compareDirs(bool otherPanelToo) { // Performs a check in order to avoid that the next code is executed twice if (otherPanelToo == true) { // If both panels are showing the same directory if (_manager->currentPanel()->virtualPath() == otherPanel()->virtualPath()) { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Warning: The left and the right side are showing the same folder.")) != KMessageBox::Continue) { return; } } } KConfigGroup pg(krConfig, "Private"); int compareMode = pg.readEntry("Compare Mode", 0); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); bool selectDirs = group.readEntry("Mark Dirs", false); KrViewItem *item, *otherItem; for (item = view->getFirst(); item != 0; item = view->getNext(item)) { if (item->name() == "..") continue; for (otherItem = otherPanel()->view->getFirst(); otherItem != 0 && otherItem->name() != item->name(); otherItem = otherPanel()->view->getNext(otherItem)); bool isSingle = (otherItem == 0), isDifferent = false, isNewer = false; if (func->getFileItem(item)->isDir() && !selectDirs) { item->setSelected(false); continue; } if (otherItem) { if (!func->getFileItem(item)->isDir()) isDifferent = otherPanel()->func->getFileItem(otherItem)->getSize() != func->getFileItem(item)->getSize(); isNewer = func->getFileItem(item)->getTime_t() > otherPanel()->func->getFileItem(otherItem)->getTime_t(); } switch (compareMode) { case 0: item->setSelected(isNewer || isSingle); break; case 1: item->setSelected(isNewer); break; case 2: item->setSelected(isSingle); break; case 3: item->setSelected(isDifferent || isSingle); break; case 4: item->setSelected(isDifferent); break; } } view->updateView(); if (otherPanelToo) otherPanel()->gui->compareDirs(false); } void ListPanel::refreshColors() { view->refreshColors(); emit refreshColors(this == ACTIVE_PANEL); } void ListPanel::slotFocusOnMe(bool focus) { if (focus && _manager->currentPanel() != this) { // ignore focus request if this panel is not shown return; } krApp->setUpdatesEnabled(false); if(focus) { emit activate(); _actions->activePanelChanged(); func->refreshActions(); slotCurrentChanged(view->getCurrentKrViewItem()); view->prepareForActive(); otherPanel()->gui->slotFocusOnMe(false); } else { // in case a new url was entered but not refreshed to, // reset url navigator to the current url setNavigatorUrl(virtualPath()); view->prepareForPassive(); } urlNavigator->setActive(focus); refreshColors(); krApp->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } // this is used to start the panel ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ListPanel::start(const QUrl &url) { QUrl startUrl(url); if (!startUrl.isValid()) startUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(ROOT_DIR); _lastLocalPath = startUrl.isLocalFile() ? startUrl.path() : ROOT_DIR; func->openUrl(startUrl); setJumpBack(startUrl); } void ListPanel::slotStartUpdate(bool directoryChange) { if (inlineRefreshJob) inlineRefreshListResult(0); setCursor(Qt::BusyCursor); const QUrl currentUrl = virtualPath(); if (directoryChange) { if (this == ACTIVE_PANEL) { slotFocusOnMe(); } if (currentUrl.isLocalFile()) _lastLocalPath = currentUrl.path(); setNavigatorUrl(currentUrl); emit pathChanged(currentUrl); krApp->popularUrls()->addUrl(currentUrl); searchBar->hideBar(); } if (compareMode) otherPanel()->view->refresh(); // return cursor to normal arrow setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); slotUpdateTotals(); } void ListPanel::updateFilesystemStats(const QString &metaInfo, const QString &fsType, KIO::filesize_t total, KIO::filesize_t free) { QString statusText, mountPoint, freeSpaceText; if (!metaInfo.isEmpty()) { statusText = metaInfo; mountPoint = freeSpaceText = ""; } else { const int perc = total == 0 ? 0 : (int)(((float)free / (float)total) * 100.0); mountPoint = func->files()->mountPoint(); statusText = i18nc("%1=free space,%2=total space,%3=percentage of usage, " "%4=mountpoint,%5=filesystem type", "%1 free out of %2 (%3%) on %4 [(%5)]", KIO::convertSize(free), KIO::convertSize(total), perc, mountPoint, fsType); freeSpaceText = " " + i18n("%1 free", KIO::convertSize(free)); } status->setText(statusText); freeSpace->setText(freeSpaceText); mediaButton->updateIcon(mountPoint); } void ListPanel::handleDrop(QDropEvent *event, bool onView) { // check what was dropped const QList urls = KUrlMimeData::urlsFromMimeData(event->mimeData()); if (urls.isEmpty()) { event->ignore(); // not for us to handle! return; } // find dropping destination QString destinationDir = ""; const bool dragFromThisPanel = event->source() == this; const KrViewItem *item = onView ? view->getKrViewItemAt(event->pos()) : 0; if (item) { const FileItem *file = item->getFileItem(); if (file && !file->isDir() && dragFromThisPanel) { event->ignore(); // dragging on files in same panel, ignore return; } else if (!file || file->isDir()) { // item is ".." dummy or a directory destinationDir = item->name(); } } else if (dragFromThisPanel) { event->ignore(); // dragged from this panel onto an empty spot in this panel, ignore return; } QUrl destination = QUrl(virtualPath()); destination.setPath(destination.path() + '/' + destinationDir); func->files()->dropFiles(destination, event); if(KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel").readEntry("UnselectBeforeOperation", _UnselectBeforeOperation)) { KrPanel *p = dragFromThisPanel ? this : otherPanel(); p->view->saveSelection(); p->view->unselectAll(); } } void ListPanel::handleDrop(const QUrl &destination, QDropEvent *event) { func->files()->dropFiles(destination, event); } void ListPanel::startDragging(QStringList names, QPixmap px) { if (names.isEmpty()) { // avoid dragging empty urls return; } QList urls = func->files()->getUrls(names); QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData; drag->setPixmap(px); mimeData->setUrls(urls); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); drag->start(Qt::MoveAction | Qt::CopyAction | Qt::LinkAction); } // pops a right-click menu for items void ListPanel::popRightClickMenu(const QPoint &loc) { // run it, on the mouse location int j = QFontMetrics(font()).height() * 2; PanelContextMenu::run(QPoint(loc.x() + 5, loc.y() + j), this); } void ListPanel::popEmptyRightClickMenu(const QPoint &loc) { PanelContextMenu::run(loc, this); } QString ListPanel::getCurrentName() { QString name = view->getCurrentItem(); if (name != "..") return name; else return QString(); } QStringList ListPanel::getSelectedNames() { QStringList fileNames; view->getSelectedItems(&fileNames); return fileNames; } void ListPanel::prepareToDelete() { const bool skipCurrent = (view->numSelected() == 0); view->setNameToMakeCurrent(view->firstUnmarkedBelowCurrent(skipCurrent)); } void ListPanel::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { switch (e->key()) { case Qt::Key_Enter : case Qt::Key_Return : if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { if (e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) { FileItem *fileitem = func->files()->getFileItem(view->getCurrentKrViewItem()->name()); if (fileitem && fileitem->isDir()) newTab(fileitem->getUrl(), true); } else { SLOTS->insertFileName((e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) != 0); } } else { e->ignore(); } break; case Qt::Key_Right : case Qt::Key_Left : if (e->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { // user pressed CTRL+Right/Left - refresh other panel to the selected path if it's a // directory otherwise as this one if ((isLeft() && e->key() == Qt::Key_Right) || (!isLeft() && e->key() == Qt::Key_Left)) { QUrl newPath; KrViewItem *it = view->getCurrentKrViewItem(); if (it->name() == "..") { newPath = KIO::upUrl(virtualPath()); } else { FileItem *v = func->getFileItem(it); // If it's a directory different from ".." if (v && v->isDir() && v->getName() != "..") { newPath = v->getUrl(); } else { // If it's a supported compressed file if (v && KRarcHandler::arcSupported(v->getMime())) { newPath = func->browsableArchivePath(v->getUrl().fileName()); } else { newPath = virtualPath(); } } } otherPanel()->func->openUrl(newPath); } else { func->openUrl(otherPanel()->virtualPath()); } return; } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_Down : if (e->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { // give the keyboard focus to the command line if (MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->isVisible()) MAIN_VIEW->cmdLineFocus(); else MAIN_VIEW->focusTerminalEmulator(); return; } else if (e->modifiers() == (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier)) { // give the keyboard focus to TE MAIN_VIEW->focusTerminalEmulator(); } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_Up : if (e->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { // give the keyboard focus to the url navigator editLocation(); return; } else e->ignore(); break; case Qt::Key_Escape: cancelProgress(); break; default: // if we got this, it means that the view is not doing // the quick search thing, so send the characters to the commandline, if normal key if (e->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->addText(e->text()); //e->ignore(); } } void ListPanel::showEvent(QShowEvent *e) { panelVisible(); QWidget::showEvent(e); } void ListPanel::hideEvent(QHideEvent *e) { panelHidden(); QWidget::hideEvent(e); } void ListPanel::panelVisible() { func->setPaused(false); } void ListPanel::panelHidden() { func->setPaused(true); } void ListPanel::slotPreviewJobStarted(KJob *job) { previewJob = job; connect(job, SIGNAL(percent(KJob*,ulong)), SLOT(slotPreviewJobPercent(KJob*,ulong))); connect(job, &KJob::result, this, &ListPanel::slotPreviewJobResult); cancelProgressButton->setMaximumHeight(sidebarButton->height()); cancelProgressButton->show(); previewProgress->setValue(0); previewProgress->setFormat(i18n("loading previews: %p%")); previewProgress->setMaximumHeight(cancelProgressButton->height()); previewProgress->show(); } void ListPanel::slotPreviewJobPercent(KJob* /*job*/, unsigned long percent) { previewProgress->setValue(percent); } void ListPanel::slotPreviewJobResult(KJob* /*job*/) { previewJob = 0; previewProgress->hide(); if(!inlineRefreshJob) cancelProgressButton->hide(); } void ListPanel::slotRefreshJobStarted(KIO::Job* job) { // disable the parts of the panel we don't want touched status->setEnabled(false); urlNavigator->setEnabled(false); cdRootButton->setEnabled(false); cdHomeButton->setEnabled(false); cdUpButton->setEnabled(false); cdOtherButton->setEnabled(false); sidebarButton->setEnabled(false); if(sidebar) sidebar->setEnabled(false); bookmarksButton->setEnabled(false); historyButton->setEnabled(false); syncBrowseButton->setEnabled(false); // connect to the job interface to provide in-panel refresh notification connect(job, SIGNAL(infoMessage(KJob*,QString)), SLOT(inlineRefreshInfoMessage(KJob*,QString))); connect(job, SIGNAL(percent(KJob*,ulong)), SLOT(inlineRefreshPercent(KJob*,ulong))); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(inlineRefreshListResult(KJob*))); inlineRefreshJob = job; totals->setText(i18n(">> Reading...")); cancelProgressButton->show(); } void ListPanel::cancelProgress() { if (inlineRefreshJob) { disconnect(inlineRefreshJob, 0, this, 0); inlineRefreshJob->kill(KJob::EmitResult); inlineRefreshListResult(0); } if(previewJob) { disconnect(previewJob, 0, this, 0); previewJob->kill(KJob::EmitResult); slotPreviewJobResult(0); } } void ListPanel::setNavigatorUrl(const QUrl &url) { _navigatorUrl = url; urlNavigator->setLocationUrl(url); } void ListPanel::inlineRefreshPercent(KJob*, unsigned long perc) { QString msg = i18n(">> Reading: %1 % complete...", perc); totals->setText(msg); } void ListPanel::inlineRefreshInfoMessage(KJob*, const QString &msg) { totals->setText(i18n(">> Reading: %1", msg)); } void ListPanel::inlineRefreshListResult(KJob*) { if(inlineRefreshJob) disconnect(inlineRefreshJob, 0, this, 0); inlineRefreshJob = 0; // reenable everything status->setEnabled(true); urlNavigator->setEnabled(true); cdRootButton->setEnabled(true); cdHomeButton->setEnabled(true); cdUpButton->setEnabled(true); cdOtherButton->setEnabled(true); sidebarButton->setEnabled(true); if(sidebar) sidebar->setEnabled(true); bookmarksButton->setEnabled(true); historyButton->setEnabled(true); syncBrowseButton->setEnabled(true); if(!previewJob) cancelProgressButton->hide(); } void ListPanel::jumpBack() { func->openUrl(_jumpBackURL); } void ListPanel::setJumpBack(QUrl url) { _jumpBackURL = url; } void ListPanel::slotFilesystemError(QString msg) { refreshColors(); fileSystemError->setText(i18n("Error: %1", msg)); fileSystemError->show(); } void ListPanel::showButtonMenu(QToolButton *b) { if(this != ACTIVE_PANEL) slotFocusOnMe(); if(b->isHidden()) b->menu()->exec(mapToGlobal(clientArea->pos())); else b->click(); } void ListPanel::openBookmarks() { showButtonMenu(bookmarksButton); } void ListPanel::openHistory() { showButtonMenu(historyButton); } void ListPanel::openMedia() { showButtonMenu(mediaButton); } void ListPanel::rightclickMenu() { if (view->getCurrentKrViewItem()) popRightClickMenu(mapToGlobal(view->getCurrentKrViewItem()->itemRect().topLeft())); } void ListPanel::toggleSyncBrowse() { syncBrowseButton->toggle(); } void ListPanel::editLocation() { urlNavigator->setUrlEditable(true); urlNavigator->setFocus(); urlNavigator->editor()->lineEdit()->selectAll(); } void ListPanel::showSearchBar() { searchBar->showBar(); } void ListPanel::showSearchFilter() { searchBar->showBar(KrSearchBar::MODE_FILTER); } void ListPanel::saveSettings(KConfigGroup cfg, bool saveHistory) { QUrl url = virtualPath(); url.setPassword(QString()); // make sure no password is saved cfg.writeEntry("Url", url.toString()); cfg.writeEntry("Type", getType()); cfg.writeEntry("Properties", getProperties()); cfg.writeEntry("PinnedUrl", pinnedUrl().toString()); if(saveHistory) func->history->save(KConfigGroup(&cfg, "History")); view->saveSettings(KConfigGroup(&cfg, "View")); // splitter/sidebar state if (sidebar && !sidebar->isHidden()) { sidebar->saveSettings(KConfigGroup(&cfg, "PanelPopup")); cfg.writeEntry("PopupPosition", sidebarPosition()); cfg.writeEntry("SplitterSizes", sidebarSplitter->saveState()); cfg.writeEntry("PopupPage", sidebar->currentPage()); } else { cfg.deleteEntry("PopupPosition"); cfg.deleteEntry("SplitterSizes"); cfg.deleteEntry("PopupPage"); } } void ListPanel::restoreSettings(KConfigGroup cfg) { changeType(cfg.readEntry("Type", defaultPanelType())); view->restoreSettings(KConfigGroup(&cfg, "View")); // "locked" property must be set after URL path is restored! // This panel can be reused when loading a profile, // so we reset its properties before calling openUrl(). setProperties(0); _lastLocalPath = ROOT_DIR; if(func->history->restore(KConfigGroup(&cfg, "History"))) { func->refresh(); } else { QUrl url(cfg.readEntry("Url", "invalid")); if (!url.isValid()) url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(ROOT_DIR); func->openUrl(url); } setJumpBack(func->history->currentUrl()); setProperties(cfg.readEntry("Properties", 0)); if (isPinned()) { QUrl pinnedUrl(cfg.readEntry("PinnedUrl", "invalid")); if (!pinnedUrl.isValid()) { pinnedUrl = func->history->currentUrl(); } func->openUrl(pinnedUrl); setPinnedUrl(pinnedUrl); } if (cfg.hasKey("PopupPosition")) { // sidebar was visible, restore toggleSidebar(); // create and show sidebar->restoreSettings(KConfigGroup(&cfg, "PanelPopup")); setSidebarPosition(cfg.readEntry("PopupPosition", 42 /* dummy */)); sidebarSplitter->restoreState(cfg.readEntry("SplitterSizes", QByteArray())); sidebar->setCurrentPage(cfg.readEntry("PopupPage", 0)); } } void ListPanel::slotCurrentChanged(KrViewItem *item) { // update status bar if (item) krApp->statusBarUpdate(item->description()); // update sidebar; which panel to display on? Sidebar *p; if (sidebar && !sidebar->isHidden()) { p = sidebar; } else if(otherPanel()->gui->sidebar && !otherPanel()->gui->sidebar->isHidden()) { p = otherPanel()->gui->sidebar; } else { return; } p->update(item ? func->files()->getFileItem(item->name()) : nullptr); } void ListPanel::otherPanelChanged() { func->syncURL = QUrl(); } void ListPanel::getFocusCandidates(QVector &widgets) { if(urlNavigator->editor()->isVisible()) widgets << urlNavigator->editor(); if(view->widget()->isVisible()) widgets << view->widget(); if(sidebar && sidebar->isVisible()) widgets << sidebar; } void ListPanel::updateButtons() { backButton->setEnabled(func->history->canGoBack()); forwardButton->setEnabled(func->history->canGoForward()); historyButton->setEnabled(func->history->count() > 1); cdRootButton->setEnabled(!virtualPath().matches(QUrl::fromLocalFile(ROOT_DIR), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)); cdUpButton->setEnabled(!func->files()->isRoot()); cdHomeButton->setEnabled(!func->atHome()); } void ListPanel::newTab(KrViewItem *it) { if (!it) return; else if (it->name() == "..") { newTab(KIO::upUrl(virtualPath()), true); } else if (func->getFileItem(it)->isDir()) { QUrl url = virtualPath(); url = url.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); url.setPath(url.path() + '/' + (it->name())); newTab(url, true); } } void ListPanel::newTab(const QUrl &url, bool nextToThis) { _manager->newTab(url, nextToThis ? this : 0); } void ListPanel::slotNavigatorUrlChanged(const QUrl &url) { if (url == _navigatorUrl) return; // this is the URL we just set ourself if (!isNavigatorEditModeSet()) { urlNavigator->setUrlEditable(false); } func->openUrl(KrServices::escapeFileUrl(url), QString(), true); } void ListPanel::resetNavigatorMode() { if (isNavigatorEditModeSet()) return; // set to "navigate" mode if url wasn't changed if (urlNavigator->uncommittedUrl().matches(virtualPath(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) { // NOTE: this also sets focus to the navigator urlNavigator->setUrlEditable(false); slotFocusOnMe(); } } int ListPanel::sidebarPosition() const { int pos = sidebarSplitter->orientation() == Qt::Vertical ? 1 : 0; return pos + (qobject_cast(sidebarSplitter->widget(0)) == NULL ? 2 : 0); } void ListPanel::setSidebarPosition(int pos) { sidebarSplitter->setOrientation(pos % 2 == 0 ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical); if ((pos < 2) != (qobject_cast(sidebarSplitter->widget(0)) != NULL)) { sidebarSplitter->insertWidget(0, sidebarSplitter->widget(1)); // swapping widgets in splitter } } void ListPanel::connectQuickSizeCalculator(SizeCalculator *sizeCalculator) { connect(sizeCalculator, &SizeCalculator::started, this, [=]() { quickSizeCalcProgress->reset(); quickSizeCalcProgress->show(); cancelQuickSizeCalcButton->show(); }); connect(cancelQuickSizeCalcButton, &QToolButton::clicked, sizeCalculator, &SizeCalculator::cancel); connect(sizeCalculator, &SizeCalculator::progressChanged, quickSizeCalcProgress, &QProgressBar::setValue); connect(sizeCalculator, &SizeCalculator::finished, this, [=]() { cancelQuickSizeCalcButton->hide(); quickSizeCalcProgress->hide(); }); } diff --git a/krusader/Panel/panelcontextmenu.cpp b/krusader/Panel/panelcontextmenu.cpp index 43926922..ad8fdbb9 100644 --- a/krusader/Panel/panelcontextmenu.cpp +++ b/krusader/Panel/panelcontextmenu.cpp @@ -1,434 +1,433 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2003 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "panelcontextmenu.h" // QtGui #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "krpreviewpopup.h" #include "listpanel.h" #include "listpanelactions.h" #include "panelfunc.h" #include "PanelView/krview.h" #include "PanelView/krviewitem.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "../krusader.h" #include "../krusaderview.h" #include "../panelmanager.h" #include "../Archive/krarchandler.h" #include "../FileSystem/fileitem.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystem.h" #include "../FileSystem/krtrashhandler.h" #include "../MountMan/kmountman.h" #include "../UserAction/useractionpopupmenu.h" void PanelContextMenu::run(const QPoint &pos, KrPanel *panel) { PanelContextMenu menu(panel); QAction * res = menu.exec(pos); int result = -1; if (res && res->data().canConvert()) result = res->data().toInt(); menu.performAction(result); } /** * Copied from dolphin/src/dolphincontextmenu.cpp and modified to add only compress and extract submenus. */ void PanelContextMenu::addCompressAndExtractPluginActions() { KFileItemListProperties props(_items); QVector jsonPlugins = KPluginLoader::findPlugins("kf5/kfileitemaction", [=](const KPluginMetaData& metaData) { return metaData.pluginId() == "compressfileitemaction" || metaData.pluginId() == "extractfileitemaction"; }); foreach (const KPluginMetaData &jsonMetadata, jsonPlugins) { KAbstractFileItemActionPlugin* abstractPlugin = KPluginLoader(jsonMetadata.fileName()) .factory()->create(); if (abstractPlugin) { abstractPlugin->setParent(this); addActions(abstractPlugin->actions(props, this)); } } } PanelContextMenu::PanelContextMenu(KrPanel *krPanel, QWidget *parent) : QMenu(parent), panel(krPanel) { // selected file names const QStringList fileNames = panel->gui->getSelectedNames(); // file items QList files; for (const QString fileName : fileNames) { files.append(panel->func->files()->getFileItem(fileName)); } // KFileItems for (FileItem *file : files) { _items.append(KFileItem(file->getUrl(), file->getMime(), file->getMode())); } if (files.empty()) { addCreateNewMenu(); addSeparator(); addEmptyMenuEntries(); return; } const bool multipleSelections = files.size() > 1; QSet protocols; for (FileItem *file : files) { protocols.insert(file->getUrl().scheme()); } const bool inTrash = protocols.contains("trash"); const bool trashOnly = inTrash && protocols.count() == 1; FileItem *file = files.first(); // ------------ the OPEN/BROWSE option - open preferred service QAction * openAct = addAction(i18n("Open/Run")); openAct->setData(QVariant(OPEN_ID)); if (!multipleSelections) { // meaningful only if one file is selected KrViewItemList viewItems; panel->view->getSelectedKrViewItems(&viewItems); openAct->setIcon(viewItems.first()->icon()); openAct->setText(file->isExecutable() && !file->isDir() ? i18n("Run") : i18n("Open")); // open in a new tab (if folder) if (file->isDir()) { QAction * openTab = addAction(i18n("Open in New Tab")); openTab->setData(QVariant(OPEN_TAB_ID)); openTab->setIcon(Icon("tab-new")); openTab->setText(i18n("Open in New Tab")); } // if the file can be browsed as archive... if (!panel->func->browsableArchivePath(file->getName()).isEmpty() // ...but user disabled archive browsing... && (!KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Archives") .readEntry("ArchivesAsDirectories", _ArchivesAsDirectories) // ...or the file is not a standard archive (e.g. odt, docx, etc.)... || !KRarcHandler::arcSupported(file->getMime()))) { // ...it will not be browsed as a directory by default, but add an option for it QAction *browseAct = addAction(i18n("Browse")); browseAct->setData(QVariant(BROWSE_ID)); browseAct->setIcon(Icon()); browseAct->setText(i18n("Browse Archive")); } addSeparator(); } // ------------- Preview - local filesystem only ? if (panel->func->files()->isLocal()) { // create the preview popup KrPreviewPopup preview; preview.setUrls(panel->func->files()->getUrls(fileNames)); QAction *previewAction = addMenu(&preview); previewAction->setData(QVariant(PREVIEW_ID)); previewAction->setText(i18n("Preview")); previewAction->setIcon(Icon("document-print-preview")); } // -------------- Open with: try to find-out which apps can open the file QSet uniqueMimeTypes; for (FileItem *file : files) uniqueMimeTypes.insert(file->getMime()); const QStringList mimeTypes = uniqueMimeTypes.toList(); offers = mimeTypes.count() == 1 ? KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query(mimeTypes.first()) : KFileItemActions::associatedApplications(mimeTypes, QString()); if (!offers.isEmpty()) { QMenu *openWithMenu = new QMenu(this); for (int i = 0; i < offers.count(); ++i) { QExplicitlySharedDataPointer service = offers[i]; if (service->isValid() && service->isApplication()) { openWithMenu->addAction(Icon(service->icon()), service->name())->setData(QVariant(SERVICE_LIST_ID + i)); } } openWithMenu->addSeparator(); if (!multipleSelections && file->isDir()) openWithMenu->addAction(Icon("utilities-terminal"), i18n("Terminal"))->setData(QVariant(OPEN_TERM_ID)); openWithMenu->addAction(i18n("Other..."))->setData(QVariant(CHOOSE_ID)); QAction *openWithAction = addMenu(openWithMenu); openWithAction->setText(i18n("Open With")); openWithAction->setIcon(Icon("document-open")); addSeparator(); } // --------------- user actions QAction *userAction = new UserActionPopupMenu(file->getUrl(), this); userAction->setText(i18n("User Actions")); addAction(userAction); // --------------- compress/extract actions // workaround for Bug 372999: application freezes very long time if many files are selected if (_items.length() < 1000) // add compress and extract plugins (if available) addCompressAndExtractPluginActions(); // --------------- KDE file item actions // NOTE: design and usability problem here. Services disabled in kservicemenurc settings won't // be added to the menu. But Krusader does not provide a way do change these settings (only // Dolphin does). KFileItemActions *fileItemActions = new KFileItemActions(this); fileItemActions->setItemListProperties(KFileItemListProperties(_items)); fileItemActions->setParentWidget(MAIN_VIEW); fileItemActions->addServiceActionsTo(this); addSeparator(); // ------------- 'create new' submenu addCreateNewMenu(); addSeparator(); // ---------- COPY addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actCopyF5); // ------- MOVE addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actMoveF6); // ------- RENAME - only one file if (!multipleSelections && !inTrash) { addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actRenameF2); } // -------- MOVE TO TRASH if (KConfigGroup(krConfig, "General").readEntry("Move To Trash", _MoveToTrash) && panel->func->files()->canMoveToTrash(fileNames)) { addAction(Icon("user-trash"), i18n("Move to Trash"))->setData(QVariant(TRASH_ID)); } // -------- DELETE addAction(Icon("edit-delete"), i18n("Delete"))->setData(QVariant(DELETE_ID)); // -------- SHRED - only one file /* if ( panel->func->files() ->getType() == filesystem:fileSystemM_NORMAL && !fileitem->isDir() && !multipleSelections ) addAction( i18n( "Shred" ) )->setData( QVariant( SHRED_ID ) );*/ // ---------- link handling // create new shortcut or redirect links - only on local directories: if (panel->func->files()->isLocal()) { addSeparator(); QMenu *linkMenu = new QMenu(this); linkMenu->addAction(i18n("New Symlink..."))->setData(QVariant(NEW_SYMLINK_ID)); linkMenu->addAction(i18n("New Hardlink..."))->setData(QVariant(NEW_LINK_ID)); if (file->isSymLink()) { linkMenu->addAction(i18n("Redirect Link..."))->setData(QVariant(REDIRECT_LINK_ID)); } QAction *linkAction = addMenu(linkMenu); linkAction->setText(i18n("Link Handling")); linkAction->setIcon(Icon("insert-link")); } addSeparator(); // ---------- calculate space if (panel->func->files()->isLocal() && (file->isDir() || multipleSelections)) addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actCalculate); // ---------- mount/umount/eject if (panel->func->files()->isLocal() && file->isDir() && !multipleSelections) { const QString selectedDirectoryPath = file->getUrl().path(); if (krMtMan.getStatus(selectedDirectoryPath) == KMountMan::MOUNTED) addAction(i18n("Unmount"))->setData(QVariant(UNMOUNT_ID)); else if (krMtMan.getStatus(selectedDirectoryPath) == KMountMan::NOT_MOUNTED) addAction(i18n("Mount"))->setData(QVariant(MOUNT_ID)); if (krMtMan.ejectable(selectedDirectoryPath)) addAction(i18n("Eject"))->setData(QVariant(EJECT_ID)); } // --------- send by mail if (KrServices::supportedTools().contains("MAIL") && !file->isDir()) { addAction(Icon("mail-send"), i18n("Send by Email"))->setData(QVariant(SEND_BY_EMAIL_ID)); } // --------- empty trash if (trashOnly) { addAction(i18n("Restore"))->setData(QVariant(RESTORE_TRASHED_FILE_ID)); addAction(i18n("Empty Trash"))->setData(QVariant(EMPTY_TRASH_ID)); } #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED // --------- synchronize if (panel->view->numSelected()) { addAction(i18n("Synchronize Selected Files..."))->setData(QVariant(SYNC_SELECTED_ID)); } #endif // --------- copy/paste addSeparator(); addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actCut); addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actCopy); addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actPaste); addSeparator(); // --------- properties addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actProperties); } void PanelContextMenu::addEmptyMenuEntries() { addAction(panel->gui->actions()->actPaste); } void PanelContextMenu::addCreateNewMenu() { QMenu *createNewMenu = new QMenu(this); createNewMenu->addAction(Icon("folder"), i18n("Folder..."))->setData(QVariant(MKDIR_ID)); createNewMenu->addAction(Icon("text-plain"), i18n("Text File..."))->setData(QVariant(NEW_TEXT_FILE_ID)); QAction *newMenuAction = addMenu(createNewMenu); newMenuAction->setText(i18n("Create New")); newMenuAction->setIcon(Icon("document-new")); } void PanelContextMenu::performAction(int id) { const QUrl singleURL = _items.isEmpty() ? QUrl() : _items.first().url(); switch (id) { case - 1 : // the user clicked outside of the menu return; case OPEN_TAB_ID : // assuming only 1 file is selected (otherwise we won't get here) panel->manager()->newTab(singleURL, panel); break; case OPEN_ID : foreach(const KFileItem &fi, _items) panel->func->execute(fi.name()); break; case BROWSE_ID : panel->func->goInside(singleURL.fileName()); break; case COPY_ID : panel->func->copyFiles(); break; case MOVE_ID : panel->func->moveFiles(); break; case TRASH_ID : panel->func->deleteFiles(true); break; case DELETE_ID : panel->func->deleteFiles(false); break; case EJECT_ID : krMtMan.eject(singleURL.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path()); break; // case SHRED_ID : // if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( krApp, // i18n("Do you really want to shred %1? Once shred, the file is gone forever.", item->name()), // QString(), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "Shred" ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) // KShred::shred( panel->func->files() ->getFile( item->name() ).adjusted(QUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash).path() ); // break; case OPEN_KONQ_ID : KToolInvocation::startServiceByDesktopName("konqueror", singleURL.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); break; case CHOOSE_ID : // open-with dialog panel->func->displayOpenWithDialog(_items.urlList()); break; case MOUNT_ID : krMtMan.mount(singleURL.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path()); break; case NEW_LINK_ID : panel->func->krlink(false); break; case NEW_SYMLINK_ID : panel->func->krlink(true); break; case REDIRECT_LINK_ID : panel->func->redirectLink(); break; case EMPTY_TRASH_ID : KrTrashHandler::emptyTrash(); break; case RESTORE_TRASHED_FILE_ID : KrTrashHandler::restoreTrashedFiles(_items.urlList()); break; case UNMOUNT_ID : krMtMan.unmount(singleURL.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path()); break; case SEND_BY_EMAIL_ID : { SLOTS->sendFileByEmail(_items.urlList()); break; } case MKDIR_ID : panel->func->mkdir(); break; case NEW_TEXT_FILE_ID: panel->func->editNew(); break; #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED case SYNC_SELECTED_ID : { QStringList selectedNames; for (const KFileItem item : _items) { selectedNames.append(item.name()); } KrViewItemList otherItems; panel->otherPanel()->view->getSelectedKrViewItems(&otherItems); for (KrViewItem *otherItem : otherItems) { const QString name = otherItem->name(); if (!selectedNames.contains(name)) { selectedNames.append(name); } } SLOTS->slotSynchronizeDirs(selectedNames); } break; #endif case OPEN_TERM_ID : SLOTS->runTerminal(singleURL.path()); break; } // check if something from the open-with-offered-services was selected if (id >= SERVICE_LIST_ID) { const QStringList names = panel->gui->getSelectedNames(); panel->func->runService(*(offers[ id - SERVICE_LIST_ID ]), panel->func->files()->getUrls(names)); } } diff --git a/krusader/Panel/sidebar.cpp b/krusader/Panel/sidebar.cpp index f2dd5233..79c08694 100644 --- a/krusader/Panel/sidebar.cpp +++ b/krusader/Panel/sidebar.cpp @@ -1,289 +1,289 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2003 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "sidebar.h" #include "krfiletreeview.h" #include "krpanel.h" #include "panelfunc.h" #include "viewactions.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "../Dialogs/krsqueezedtextlabel.h" #include "../FileSystem/fileitem.h" #include "../FileSystem/filesystem.h" #include "../KViewer/diskusageviewer.h" #include "../KViewer/panelviewer.h" #include "PanelView/krview.h" #include "PanelView/krviewitem.h" // QtCore #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include -#include + Sidebar::Sidebar(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), stack(0), imageFilePreview(0), pjob(0) { QGridLayout * layout = new QGridLayout(this); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); // create the label+buttons setup dataLine = new KrSqueezedTextLabel(this); KConfigGroup lg(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); dataLine->setFont(lg.readEntry("Filelist Font", _FilelistFont)); // --- hack: setup colors to be the same as an inactive panel dataLine->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Window); int sheight = QFontMetrics(dataLine->font()).height() + 4; dataLine->setMaximumHeight(sheight); btns = new QButtonGroup(this); btns->setExclusive(true); connect(btns, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(tabSelected(int))); treeBtn = new QToolButton(this); treeBtn->setToolTip(i18n("Tree Panel: a tree view of the local file system")); treeBtn->setIcon(Icon("view-list-tree")); treeBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20); treeBtn->setCheckable(true); btns->addButton(treeBtn, Tree); previewBtn = new QToolButton(this); previewBtn->setToolTip(i18n("Preview Panel: display a preview of the current file")); previewBtn->setIcon(Icon("view-preview")); previewBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20); previewBtn->setCheckable(true); btns->addButton(previewBtn, Preview); viewerBtn = new QToolButton(this); viewerBtn->setToolTip(i18n("View Panel: view the current file")); viewerBtn->setIcon(Icon("zoom-original")); viewerBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20); viewerBtn->setCheckable(true); btns->addButton(viewerBtn, View); duBtn = new QToolButton(this); duBtn->setToolTip(i18n("Disk Usage Panel: view the usage of a folder")); duBtn->setIcon(Icon("kr_diskusage")); duBtn->setFixedSize(20, 20); duBtn->setCheckable(true); btns->addButton(duBtn, DskUsage); layout->addWidget(dataLine, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(treeBtn, 0, 1); layout->addWidget(previewBtn, 0, 2); layout->addWidget(viewerBtn, 0, 3); layout->addWidget(duBtn, 0, 4); // create a widget stack on which to put the parts stack = new QStackedWidget(this); // create the tree part ---------- tree = new KrFileTreeView(stack); tree->setProperty("KrusaderWidgetId", QVariant(Tree)); stack->addWidget(tree); // NOTE: the F2 key press event is caught before it gets to the tree tree->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::EditKeyPressed); // connecting signal to signal connect(tree, &KrFileTreeView::urlActivated, this, &Sidebar::urlActivated); // create the quickview part ------ imageFilePreview = new KImageFilePreview(stack); imageFilePreview->setProperty("KrusaderWidgetId", QVariant(Preview)); stack->addWidget(imageFilePreview); // create the panelview fileViewer = new PanelViewer(stack); fileViewer->setProperty("KrusaderWidgetId", QVariant(View)); // kparts demand too much width QSizePolicy sizePolicy = fileViewer->sizePolicy(); sizePolicy.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored); fileViewer->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); stack->addWidget(fileViewer); connect(fileViewer, &PanelViewer::openUrlRequest, this, &Sidebar::handleOpenUrlRequest); // create the disk usage view diskusage = new DiskUsageViewer(stack); diskusage->setStatusLabel(dataLine, i18n("Disk Usage:")); diskusage->setProperty("KrusaderWidgetId", QVariant(DskUsage)); stack->addWidget(diskusage); connect(diskusage, &DiskUsageViewer::openUrlRequest, this, &Sidebar::handleOpenUrlRequest); // -------- finish the layout (General one) layout->addWidget(stack, 1, 0, 1, 5); hide(); // for not to open the 3rd hand tool at start (selecting the last used tab) setCurrentPage(0); } Sidebar::~Sidebar() {} void Sidebar::saveSettings(KConfigGroup cfg) const { tree->saveSettings(cfg); } void Sidebar::restoreSettings(const KConfigGroup &cfg) { tree->restoreSettings(cfg); } void Sidebar::setCurrentPage(int id) { QAbstractButton * curr = btns->button(id); if (curr) { curr->click(); } } void Sidebar::show() { QWidget::show(); tabSelected(currentPage()); } void Sidebar::hide() { QWidget::hide(); if (currentPage() == View) fileViewer->closeUrl(); if (currentPage() == DskUsage) diskusage->closeUrl(); } void Sidebar::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*) { switch (currentPage()) { case Preview: if (!isHidden()) imageFilePreview->setFocus(); break; case View: if (!isHidden() && fileViewer->part() && fileViewer->part()->widget()) fileViewer->part()->widget()->setFocus(); break; case DskUsage: if (!isHidden() && diskusage->getWidget() && diskusage->getWidget()->currentWidget()) diskusage->getWidget()->currentWidget()->setFocus(); break; case Tree: if (!isHidden()) tree->setFocus(); break; } } void Sidebar::handleOpenUrlRequest(const QUrl &url) { QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForUrl(url); if (mime.isValid() && mime.name() == "inode/directory") ACTIVE_PANEL->func->openUrl(url); } void Sidebar::tabSelected(int id) { QUrl url; const FileItem *fileitem = 0; if (ACTIVE_PANEL && ACTIVE_PANEL->view) fileitem = ACTIVE_PANEL->func->files()->getFileItem(ACTIVE_PANEL->view->getCurrentItem()); if(fileitem) url = fileitem->getUrl(); // if tab is tree, set something logical in the data line switch (id) { case Tree: stack->setCurrentWidget(tree); dataLine->setText(i18n("Tree:")); if (!isHidden()) tree->setFocus(); if (ACTIVE_PANEL) tree->setCurrentUrl(ACTIVE_PANEL->virtualPath()); break; case Preview: stack->setCurrentWidget(imageFilePreview); dataLine->setText(i18n("Preview:")); update(fileitem); break; case View: stack->setCurrentWidget(fileViewer); dataLine->setText(i18n("View:")); update(fileitem); if (!isHidden() && fileViewer->part() && fileViewer->part()->widget()) fileViewer->part()->widget()->setFocus(); break; case DskUsage: stack->setCurrentWidget(diskusage); dataLine->setText(i18n("Disk Usage:")); update(fileitem); if (!isHidden() && diskusage->getWidget() && diskusage->getWidget()->currentWidget()) diskusage->getWidget()->currentWidget()->setFocus(); break; } if (id != View) fileViewer->closeUrl(); } // decide which part to update, if at all void Sidebar::update(const FileItem *fileitem) { if (isHidden()) return; QUrl url; if(fileitem) url = fileitem->getUrl(); switch (currentPage()) { case Preview: imageFilePreview->showPreview(url); dataLine->setText(i18n("Preview: %1", url.fileName())); break; case View: if(fileitem && !fileitem->isDir() && fileitem->isReadable()) fileViewer->openUrl(fileitem->getUrl()); else fileViewer->closeUrl(); dataLine->setText(i18n("View: %1", url.fileName())); break; case DskUsage: { if(fileitem && !fileitem->isDir()) url = KIO::upUrl(url); dataLine->setText(i18n("Disk Usage: %1", url.fileName())); diskusage->openUrl(url); } break; case Tree: // nothing to do break; } } void Sidebar::onPanelPathChange(const QUrl &url) { switch (currentPage()) { case Tree: if (url.isLocalFile()) { tree->setCurrentUrl(url); // synchronize panel path with tree path } break; } } diff --git a/krusader/krglobal.cpp b/krusader/krglobal.cpp index 8048c1b2..6b49fbbf 100644 --- a/krusader/krglobal.cpp +++ b/krusader/krglobal.cpp @@ -1,63 +1,62 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krglobal.h" #include "krusader.h" #include "krusaderview.h" // QtCore #include #include KConfig *KrGlobal::config = 0; KMountMan *KrGlobal::mountMan = 0; KrBookmarkHandler *KrGlobal::bookman = 0; KRslots* KrGlobal::slot = 0; -KIconLoader *KrGlobal::iconLoader = 0; KrusaderView *KrGlobal::mainView = 0; QWidget *KrGlobal::mainWindow = 0; UserAction *KrGlobal::userAction = 0; JobMan *KrGlobal::jobMan = 0; // ListPanel *KrGlobal::activePanel = 0; QKeySequence KrGlobal::copyShortcut; const int KrGlobal::sConfigVersion; int KrGlobal::sCurrentConfigVersion; KrPanel *KrGlobal::activePanel() { return mainView->activePanel(); } // void KrGlobal::enableAction(const char *name, bool enable) // { // getAction(name)->setEnabled(enable); // } // // QAction* KrGlobal::getAction(const char *name) // { // QAction *act = krApp->actionCollection()->action(name); // if(!act) // qFatal("no such action: %s", name); // return act; // } diff --git a/krusader/krglobal.h b/krusader/krglobal.h index fad27e60..2bfa2c80 100644 --- a/krusader/krglobal.h +++ b/krusader/krglobal.h @@ -1,96 +1,93 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef KRGLOBAL_H #define KRGLOBAL_H // QtGui #include #include class KConfig; class KMountMan; class KrBookmarkHandler; class KRslots; -class KIconLoader; class KrusaderView; class UserAction; class JobMan; class QWidget; class KrPanel; // global references to frequently used objects class KrGlobal { public: static KConfig *config; // allow everyone to access the config static KMountMan *mountMan; // krusader's Mount Manager static KrBookmarkHandler *bookman; static KRslots *slot; - static KIconLoader *iconLoader; // the app's icon loader static KrusaderView *mainView; // The GUI static QWidget *mainWindow; static UserAction *userAction; static JobMan *jobMan; // static ListPanel *activePanel; static KrPanel *activePanel(); //HACK - used by [ListerTextArea|KrSearchDialog|LocateDlg]:keyPressEvent() static QKeySequence copyShortcut; // static void enableAction(const char *name, bool enable); // static QAction *getAction(const char *name); /** Version of saved configuration. Use this to detect configuration updates. */ static const int sConfigVersion = 1; static int sCurrentConfigVersion; }; #define krConfig KrGlobal::config #define krMtMan (*(KrGlobal::mountMan)) #define krBookMan KrGlobal::bookman #define SLOTS KrGlobal::slot -#define krLoader KrGlobal::iconLoader #define MAIN_VIEW KrGlobal::mainView #define krMainWindow KrGlobal::mainWindow #define krUserAction KrGlobal::userAction #define krJobMan KrGlobal::jobMan #define ACTIVE_PANEL (KrGlobal::activePanel()) #define ACTIVE_MNG (MAIN_VIEW->activeManager()) #define ACTIVE_FUNC (ACTIVE_PANEL->func) #define OTHER_MNG (MAIN_VIEW->inactiveManager()) #define OTHER_PANEL (ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()) #define OTHER_FUNC (OTHER_PANEL->func) #define LEFT_PANEL (MAIN_VIEW->leftPanel()) #define LEFT_FUNC (LEFT_PANEL->func) #define LEFT_MNG (MAIN_VIEW->leftManager()) #define RIGHT_PANEL (MAIN_VIEW->rightPanel()) #define RIGHT_FUNC (RIGHT_PANEL->func) #define RIGHT_MNG (MAIN_VIEW->rightManager()) // #define krEnableAction(name, enable) (KrGlobal::enableAction(#name, (enable))) // #define krGetAction(name) (KrGlobal::getAction(#name)) #endif diff --git a/krusader/krslots.cpp b/krusader/krslots.cpp index d86ebaf6..66a0a3e7 100644 --- a/krusader/krslots.cpp +++ b/krusader/krslots.cpp @@ -1,748 +1,747 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2001 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krslots.h" // QtCore #include #include #include #include #include #include // QtGui #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ #include #include "KrJS/krjs.h" #endif #include "defaults.h" #include "icon.h" #include "kractions.h" #include "krservices.h" #include "krtrashhandler.h" #include "krusader.h" #include "krusaderview.h" #include "panelmanager.h" #include "ActionMan/actionman.h" #include "BookMan/krbookmarkbutton.h" #include "BookMan/krbookmarkhandler.h" #include "Dialogs/krdialogs.h" #include "Dialogs/krspecialwidgets.h" #include "Dialogs/krspwidgets.h" #include "DiskUsage/diskusagegui.h" #include "FileSystem/fileitem.h" #include "FileSystem/filesystem.h" #include "FileSystem/krquery.h" #include "GUI/dirhistorybutton.h" #include "GUI/kcmdline.h" #include "GUI/kfnkeys.h" #include "GUI/krusaderstatus.h" #include "GUI/mediabutton.h" #include "GUI/terminaldock.h" #include "KViewer/krviewer.h" #include "Konfigurator/konfigurator.h" #include "Locate/locate.h" #include "MountMan/kmountman.h" #include "Panel/PanelView/krselectionmode.h" #include "Panel/PanelView/krview.h" #include "Panel/PanelView/krviewfactory.h" #include "Panel/PanelView/krviewitem.h" #include "Panel/listpanel.h" #include "Panel/panelfunc.h" #include "Panel/sidebar.h" #include "Search/krsearchdialog.h" #include "Search/krsearchmod.h" #include "Splitter/combiner.h" #include "Splitter/splitter.h" #include "Splitter/splittergui.h" #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED #include "Synchronizer/synchronizergui.h" #endif #define ACTIVE_VIEW _mainWindow->activeView() KRslots::KRslots(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), _mainWindow(krApp) { } void KRslots::sendFileByEmail(const QList &urls) { if (urls.count() == 0) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("No selected files to send.")); return; } QString mailProg; QStringList lst = KrServices::supportedTools(); if (lst.contains("MAIL")) mailProg = lst[lst.indexOf("MAIL") + 1]; else { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Krusader cannot find a supported mail client. Please install one to your path. Hint: Krusader supports KMail.")); return; } QString subject, separator; foreach(const QUrl &url, urls) { subject += separator + url.fileName(); separator = ','; } subject = i18np("Sending file: %2", "Sending files: %2", urls.count(), subject); KProcess proc; QString executable = QUrl::fromLocalFile(mailProg).fileName(); if (executable == QStringLiteral("kmail")) { proc << mailProg << "--subject" << subject; foreach(const QUrl &url2, urls) proc << "--attach" << url2.toDisplayString(); } else if (executable == QStringLiteral("thunderbird")) { QString param = "attachment=\'"; separator = ""; foreach(const QUrl &url2, urls) { param += separator + url2.toDisplayString(); separator = ','; } param += "\',subject=\'" + subject + "\'"; proc << mailProg << "--compose" << param; } else if (executable == QStringLiteral("evolution")) { QString param = "mailto:?cc=&subject=" + subject + "&attach="; separator = ""; foreach(const QUrl &url2, urls) { param += separator + url2.toDisplayString(); separator = "&attach="; } proc << mailProg << param + ""; } if (!proc.startDetached()) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Error executing %1.", mailProg)); } void KRslots::compareContent() { const QStringList lstLeft = LEFT_PANEL->getSelectedNames(); const QStringList lstRight = RIGHT_PANEL->getSelectedNames(); const QStringList lstActive = ACTIVE_PANEL->gui->isLeft() ? lstLeft : lstRight; QUrl name1, name2; if (lstLeft.count() == 1 && lstRight.count() == 1) { // first, see if we've got exactly 1 selected file in each panel: name1 = LEFT_PANEL->func->files()->getUrl(lstLeft[0]); name2 = RIGHT_PANEL->func->files()->getUrl(lstRight[0]); } else if (lstActive.count() == 2) { // next try: are in the current panel exacty 2 files selected? name1 = ACTIVE_PANEL->func->files()->getUrl(lstActive[0]); name2 = ACTIVE_PANEL->func->files()->getUrl(lstActive[1]); } else if (ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()->func->files()->getFileItem(ACTIVE_VIEW->getCurrentItem())) { // next try: is in the other panel a file with the same name? name1 = ACTIVE_PANEL->func->files()->getUrl(ACTIVE_VIEW->getCurrentItem()); name2 = ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()->func->files()->getUrl(ACTIVE_VIEW->getCurrentItem()); } else { // if we got here, then we can't be sure what file to diff KMessageBox::detailedError(0, i18n("Do not know which files to compare."), "" + i18n("To compare two files by content, you can either:
  • Select one file in the left panel, and one in the right panel.
  • Select exactly two files in the active panel.
  • Make sure there is a file in the other panel, with the same name as the current file in the active panel.
") + "
"); return; } // else implied: all ok, let's call an external program to compare files // but if any of the files isn't local, download it first compareContent(name1, name2); } bool downloadToTemp(const QUrl &url, QString &dest) { QTemporaryFile tmpFile; tmpFile.setAutoRemove(false); if (tmpFile.open()) { dest = tmpFile.fileName(); KIO::Job* job = KIO::file_copy(url, QUrl::fromLocalFile(dest), -1, KIO::Overwrite | KIO::HideProgressInfo); if(!job->exec()) { KMessageBox::error(krApp, i18n("Krusader is unable to download %1", url.fileName())); return false; } return true; } return false; } void KRslots::compareContent(QUrl url1, QUrl url2) { QString diffProg; QStringList lst = KrServices::supportedTools(); if (lst.contains("DIFF")) diffProg = lst[lst.indexOf("DIFF") + 1]; else { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Krusader cannot find any of the supported diff-frontends. Please install one to your path. Hint: Krusader supports Kompare, KDiff3 and Xxdiff.")); return; } QString tmp1; QString tmp2; // kdiff3 sucks with spaces if (QUrl::fromLocalFile(diffProg).fileName() == "kdiff3" && !url1.toDisplayString().contains(" ") && !url2.toDisplayString().contains(" ")) { tmp1 = url1.toDisplayString(); tmp2 = url2.toDisplayString(); } else { if (!url1.isLocalFile()) { if (!downloadToTemp(url1, tmp1)) { return; } } else tmp1 = url1.path(); if (!url2.isLocalFile()) { if (!downloadToTemp(url2, tmp2)) { if (tmp1 != url1.path()) QFile::remove(tmp1); return; } } else tmp2 = url2.path(); } KrProcess *p = new KrProcess(tmp1 != url1.path() ? tmp1 : QString(), tmp2 != url2.path() ? tmp2 : QString()); *p << diffProg << tmp1 << tmp2; p->start(); if (!p->waitForStarted()) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Error executing %1.", diffProg)); } // GUI toggle slots void KRslots::toggleFnkeys() { if (MAIN_VIEW->fnKeys()->isVisible()) MAIN_VIEW->fnKeys()->hide(); else MAIN_VIEW->fnKeys()->show(); } void KRslots::toggleCmdline() { if (MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->isVisible()) MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->hide(); else MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->show(); } void KRslots::updateStatusbarVisibility() { krApp->statusBar()->setVisible(KrActions::actShowStatusBar->isChecked()); } void KRslots::toggleTerminal() { MAIN_VIEW->setTerminalEmulator(KrActions::actToggleTerminal->isChecked()); } void KRslots::insertFileName(bool fullPath) { QString filename = ACTIVE_VIEW->getCurrentItem(); if (filename.isEmpty()) { return; } if (fullPath) { const QString path = FileSystem::ensureTrailingSlash(ACTIVE_PANEL->virtualPath()) .toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile); filename = path + filename; } filename = KrServices::quote(filename); if (MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->isVisible() || !MAIN_VIEW->terminalDock()->isTerminalVisible()) { QString current = MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->text(); if (current.length() != 0 && !current.endsWith(' ')) current += ' '; MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->setText(current + filename); MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->setFocus(); } else if (MAIN_VIEW->terminalDock()->isTerminalVisible()) { filename = ' ' + filename + ' '; MAIN_VIEW->terminalDock()->sendInput(filename, false); MAIN_VIEW->terminalDock()->setFocus(); } } void KRslots::refresh(const QUrl &u) { ACTIVE_FUNC->openUrl(u); } void KRslots::runKonfigurator(bool firstTime) { Konfigurator *konfigurator = new Konfigurator(firstTime); connect(konfigurator, SIGNAL(configChanged(bool)), SLOT(configChanged(bool))); //FIXME - no need to exec konfigurator->exec(); delete konfigurator; } void KRslots::configChanged(bool isGUIRestartNeeded) { krConfig->sync(); if (isGUIRestartNeeded) { krApp->setUpdatesEnabled(false); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); FileItem::loadUserDefinedFolderIcons(group.readEntry("Load User Defined Folder Icons", _UserDefinedFolderIcons)); bool leftActive = ACTIVE_PANEL->gui->isLeft(); MAIN_VIEW->leftManager()->slotRecreatePanels(); MAIN_VIEW->rightManager()->slotRecreatePanels(); if(leftActive) LEFT_PANEL->slotFocusOnMe(); else RIGHT_PANEL->slotFocusOnMe(); MAIN_VIEW->fnKeys()->updateShortcuts(); KrSelectionMode::resetSelectionHandler(); krApp->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } krApp->setTray(); // really ugly, but reload the Fn keys just in case - csaba: any better idea? MAIN_VIEW->fnKeys()->updateShortcuts(); const bool showHidden = KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel") .readEntry("Show Hidden", KrActions::actToggleHidden->isChecked()); if (showHidden != KrActions::actToggleHidden->isChecked()) { KrActions::actToggleHidden->setChecked(showHidden); MAIN_VIEW->leftManager()->reloadConfig(); MAIN_VIEW->rightManager()->reloadConfig(); } } void KRslots::showHiddenFiles(bool show) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); group.writeEntry("Show Hidden", show); MAIN_VIEW->leftManager()->reloadConfig(); MAIN_VIEW->rightManager()->reloadConfig(); } void KRslots::swapPanels() { QUrl leftURL = LEFT_PANEL->virtualPath(); QUrl rightURL = RIGHT_PANEL->virtualPath(); LEFT_PANEL->func->openUrl(rightURL); RIGHT_PANEL->func->openUrl(leftURL); } void KRslots::toggleSwapSides() { MAIN_VIEW->swapSides(); } void KRslots::search() { if (KrSearchDialog::SearchDialog != 0) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Search"); if (group.readEntry("Window Maximized", false)) KrSearchDialog::SearchDialog->showMaximized(); else KrSearchDialog::SearchDialog->showNormal(); KrSearchDialog::SearchDialog->raise(); KrSearchDialog::SearchDialog->activateWindow(); } else KrSearchDialog::SearchDialog = new KrSearchDialog(); } void KRslots::locate() { if (!KrServices::cmdExist("locate")) { KMessageBox::error(krApp, i18n("Cannot find the 'locate' command. Please install the " "findutils-locate package of GNU, or set its dependencies in " "Konfigurator")); return; } if (LocateDlg::LocateDialog != 0) { LocateDlg::LocateDialog->showNormal(); LocateDlg::LocateDialog->raise(); LocateDlg::LocateDialog->activateWindow(); LocateDlg::LocateDialog->reset(); } else LocateDlg::LocateDialog = new LocateDlg(); } void KRslots::runTerminal(const QString & dir) { KProcess proc; proc.setWorkingDirectory(dir); KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "General"); QString term = group.readEntry("Terminal", _Terminal); QStringList sepdArgs = KShell::splitArgs(term, KShell::TildeExpand); if (sepdArgs.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(krMainWindow, i18nc("Arg is a string containing the bad quoting.", "Bad quoting in terminal command:\n%1", term)); return; } for (int i = 0; i < sepdArgs.size(); i++) { if (sepdArgs[i] == "%d") { sepdArgs[i] = dir; } } proc << sepdArgs; if (!proc.startDetached()) KMessageBox::sorry(krApp, i18n("Error executing %1.", term)); } void KRslots::homeTerminal() { runTerminal(QDir::homePath()); } void KRslots::multiRename() { QStringList lst = KrServices::supportedTools(); int i = lst.indexOf("RENAME"); if (i == -1) { KMessageBox::sorry(krApp, i18n("Cannot find a batch rename tool.\nYou can get KRename at http://www.krename.net")); return; } QString pathToRename = lst[i+1]; const QStringList names = ACTIVE_PANEL->gui->getSelectedNames(); if (names.isEmpty()) { return; } KProcess proc; proc << pathToRename; for (const QString name: names) { FileItem *file = ACTIVE_FUNC->files()->getFileItem(name); if (!file) continue; const QUrl url = file->getUrl(); // KRename only supports the recursive option combined with a local directory path if (file->isDir() && url.scheme() == "file") { proc << "-r" << url.path(); } else { proc << url.toString(); } } if (!proc.startDetached()) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Error executing '%1'.", proc.program().join(" "))); } void KRslots::rootKrusader() { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( krApp, i18n("Improper operations in root mode can damage your operating system. " "

Furthermore, running UI applications as root is insecure and can " "allow attackers to gain root access."), QString(), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "Confirm Root Mode", KMessageBox::Notify | KMessageBox::Dangerous) != KMessageBox::Continue) return; if (!KrServices::isExecutable(KDESU_PATH)) { KMessageBox::sorry(krApp, i18n("Cannot start root mode Krusader, %1 not found or not executable. " "Please verify that kde-cli-tools are installed.", QString(KDESU_PATH))); return; } KProcess proc; proc << KDESU_PATH << "-c" << QApplication::instance()->applicationFilePath() + " --left=" + KrServices::quote(LEFT_PANEL->virtualPath().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)) + " --right=" + KrServices::quote(RIGHT_PANEL->virtualPath().toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)); if (!proc.startDetached()) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Error executing %1.", proc.program()[0])); } void KRslots::slotSplit() { const QStringList list = ACTIVE_PANEL->gui->getSelectedNames(); QString name; // first, see if we've got exactly 1 selected file, if not, try the current one if (list.count() == 1) name = list[0]; if (name.isEmpty()) { // if we got here, then one of the panel can't be sure what file to diff KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Do not know which file to split.")); return; } QUrl fileURL = ACTIVE_FUNC->files()->getUrl(name); if (fileURL.isEmpty()) return; if (ACTIVE_FUNC->files()->getFileItem(name)->isDir()) { KMessageBox::sorry(krApp, i18n("You cannot split a folder.")); return; } const QUrl destDir = ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()->virtualPath(); SplitterGUI splitterGUI(MAIN_VIEW, fileURL, destDir); if (splitterGUI.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { bool splitToOtherPanel = splitterGUI.getDestinationDir().matches(ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()->virtualPath(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); Splitter split(MAIN_VIEW, fileURL, splitterGUI.getDestinationDir(), splitterGUI.overWriteFiles()); split.split(splitterGUI.getSplitSize()); if (splitToOtherPanel) ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()->func->refresh(); } } void KRslots::slotCombine() { const QStringList list = ACTIVE_PANEL->gui->getSelectedNames(); if (list.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Do not know which files to combine.")); return; } QUrl baseURL; bool unixStyle = false; bool windowsStyle = false; QString commonName; int commonLength = 0; /* checking splitter names */ for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { QUrl url = ACTIVE_FUNC->files()->getUrl(*it); if (url.isEmpty()) return; if (ACTIVE_FUNC->files()->getFileItem(*it)->isDir()) { KMessageBox::sorry(krApp, i18n("You cannot combine a folder.")); return; } if (!unixStyle) { QString name = url.fileName(); int extPos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); QString ext = name.mid(extPos + 1); name.truncate(extPos); url = url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); url.setPath(url.path() + name); bool isExtInt; ext.toInt(&isExtInt, 10); if (extPos < 1 || ext.isEmpty() || (ext != "crc" && !isExtInt)) { if (windowsStyle) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Not a split file: %1.", url.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile))); return; } unixStyle = true; } else { if (ext != "crc") windowsStyle = true; if (baseURL.isEmpty()) baseURL = url; else if (baseURL != url) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Select only one split file.")); return; } } } if (unixStyle) { bool error = true; do { QString shortName = *it; QChar lastChar = shortName.at(shortName.length() - 1); if (lastChar.isLetter()) { char fillLetter = (lastChar.toUpper() == lastChar) ? 'A' : 'a'; if (commonName.isNull()) { commonLength = shortName.length(); commonName = shortName; while (commonName.length()) { QString shorter = commonName.left(commonName.length() - 1); QString testFile = shorter.leftJustified(commonLength, fillLetter); if (ACTIVE_FUNC->files()->getFileItem(testFile) == 0) break; else { commonName = shorter; baseURL = ACTIVE_PANEL->virtualPath().adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash); baseURL.setPath(baseURL.path() + '/' + (testFile)); } } error = (commonName == shortName); } else if (commonLength == shortName.length() && shortName.startsWith(commonName)) error = false; } } while (false); if (error) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Not a split file: %1.", url.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile))); return; } } } // ask the user for the copy dest QUrl dest = KChooseDir::getDir(i18n("Combining %1.* to folder:", baseURL.toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)), ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()->virtualPath(), ACTIVE_PANEL->virtualPath()); if (dest.isEmpty()) return ; // the user canceled bool combineToOtherPanel = (dest.matches(ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()->virtualPath(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)); Combiner combine(MAIN_VIEW, baseURL, dest, unixStyle); combine.combine(); if (combineToOtherPanel) ACTIVE_PANEL->otherPanel()->func->refresh(); } void KRslots::manageUseractions() { ActionMan actionMan(MAIN_VIEW); } #ifdef SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED void KRslots::slotSynchronizeDirs(QStringList selected) { SynchronizerGUI *synchronizerDialog = new SynchronizerGUI(MAIN_VIEW, LEFT_PANEL->virtualPath(), RIGHT_PANEL->virtualPath(), selected); synchronizerDialog->show(); // destroyed on close } #endif void KRslots::compareSetup() { for (int i = 0; KrActions::compareArray[i] != 0; i++) if ((*KrActions::compareArray[i])->isChecked()) { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Private"); group.writeEntry("Compare Mode", i); break; } } /** called by actions actExec* to choose the built-in command line mode */ void KRslots::execTypeSetup() { for (int i = 0; KrActions::execTypeArray[i] != 0; i++) if ((*KrActions::execTypeArray[i])->isChecked()) { if (*KrActions::execTypeArray[i] == KrActions::actExecTerminalEmbedded) { // if commands are to be executed in the TE, it must be loaded MAIN_VIEW->terminalDock()->initialise(); } KConfigGroup grp(krConfig, "Private"); grp.writeEntry("Command Execution Mode", i); break; } } void KRslots::slotDiskUsage() { DiskUsageGUI *diskUsageDialog = new DiskUsageGUI(ACTIVE_PANEL->virtualPath()); diskUsageDialog->askDirAndShow(); } void KRslots::applicationStateChanged() { if (MAIN_VIEW == 0) { /* CRASH FIX: it's possible that the method is called after destroying the main view */ return; } if(qApp->applicationState() == Qt::ApplicationActive || qApp->applicationState() == Qt::ApplicationInactive) { LEFT_PANEL->panelVisible(); RIGHT_PANEL->panelVisible(); } else { LEFT_PANEL->panelHidden(); RIGHT_PANEL->panelHidden(); } } void KRslots::emptyTrash() { KrTrashHandler::emptyTrash(); } #define OPEN_ID 100001 #define EMPTY_TRASH_ID 100002 void KRslots::trashPopupMenu() { QMenu trashMenu(krApp); QAction * act = trashMenu.addAction(Icon("document-open"), i18n("Open trash bin")); act->setData(QVariant(OPEN_ID)); act = trashMenu.addAction(Icon("trash-empty"), i18n("Empty trash bin")); act->setData(QVariant(EMPTY_TRASH_ID)); int result = -1; QAction *res = trashMenu.exec(QCursor::pos()); if (res && res->data().canConvert ()) result = res->data().toInt(); if (result == OPEN_ID) { ACTIVE_FUNC->openUrl(QUrl(QStringLiteral("trash:/"))); } else if (result == EMPTY_TRASH_ID) { KrTrashHandler::emptyTrash(); } } //shows the JavaScript-Console void KRslots::jsConsole() { #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ if (! krJS) krJS = new KrJS(); krJS->view()->show(); #endif } void KRslots::addBookmark() { krBookMan->bookmarkCurrent(ACTIVE_PANEL->virtualPath()); } void KRslots::cmdlinePopup() { MAIN_VIEW->cmdLine()->popup(); } diff --git a/krusader/krusader.cpp b/krusader/krusader.cpp index beeae8ee..89adf883 100644 --- a/krusader/krusader.cpp +++ b/krusader/krusader.cpp @@ -1,643 +1,639 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2000 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "krusader.h" // QtCore #include #include #include #include // QtGui #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include // QtDBus #include #include #include #include #include -#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defaults.h" #include "kractions.h" #include "krglobal.h" #include "krservices.h" #include "krslots.h" #include "krtrashhandler.h" #include "krusaderversion.h" #include "krusaderview.h" #include "panelmanager.h" #include "tabactions.h" #include "BookMan/krbookmarkhandler.h" #include "Dialogs/checksumdlg.h" #include "Dialogs/krpleasewait.h" #include "Dialogs/popularurls.h" #include "FileSystem/fileitem.h" #include "FileSystem/krpermhandler.h" #include "GUI/kcmdline.h" #include "GUI/kfnkeys.h" #include "GUI/krremoteencodingmenu.h" #include "GUI/krusaderstatus.h" #include "GUI/terminaldock.h" #include "JobMan/jobman.h" #include "KViewer/krviewer.h" #include "Konfigurator/kgprotocols.h" #include "MountMan/kmountman.h" #include "Panel/PanelView/krview.h" #include "Panel/PanelView/krviewfactory.h" #include "Panel/krcolorcache.h" #include "Panel/krpanel.h" #include "Panel/listpanelactions.h" #include "Panel/viewactions.h" #include "UserAction/expander.h" // This makes gcc-4.1 happy. Warning about possible problem with KrAction's dtor not called #include "UserAction/kraction.h" #include "UserAction/useraction.h" #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ #include "KrJS/krjs.h" #endif // define the static members Krusader *Krusader::App = 0; QString Krusader::AppName; // KrBookmarkHandler *Krusader::bookman = 0; //QTextOStream *Krusader::_krOut = QTextOStream(::stdout); #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ KrJS *Krusader::js = 0; QAction *Krusader::actShowJSConsole = 0; #endif // construct the views, statusbar and menu bars and prepare Krusader to start Krusader::Krusader(const QCommandLineParser &parser) : KParts::MainWindow(0, Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint), _listPanelActions(0), isStarting(true), isExiting(false), _quit(false) { // create the "krusader" App = this; krMainWindow = this; SLOTS = new KRslots(this); setXMLFile("krusaderui.rc"); // kpart-related xml file plzWait = new KRPleaseWaitHandler(this); const bool runKonfig = versionControl(); QString message; switch (krConfig->accessMode()) { case KConfigBase::NoAccess : message = "Krusader's configuration file can't be found. Default values will be used."; break; case KConfigBase::ReadOnly : message = "Krusader's configuration file is in READ ONLY mode (why is that!?) Changed values will not be saved"; break; case KConfigBase::ReadWrite : message = ""; break; } if (!message.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(krApp, message); } - // create an icon loader - krLoader = KIconLoader::global(); - // create MountMan KrGlobal::mountMan = new KMountMan(this); connect(KrGlobal::mountMan, SIGNAL(refreshPanel(QUrl)), SLOTS, SLOT(refresh(QUrl))); // create popular URLs container _popularUrls = new PopularUrls(this); // create bookman krBookMan = new KrBookmarkHandler(this); // create job manager krJobMan = new JobMan(this); // create the main view MAIN_VIEW = new KrusaderView(this); // setup all the krusader's actions setupActions(); // init the permmision handler class KRpermHandler::init(); // init the protocol handler KgProtocols::init(); const KConfigGroup lookFeelGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); FileItem::loadUserDefinedFolderIcons(lookFeelGroup.readEntry("Load User Defined Folder Icons", _UserDefinedFolderIcons)); const KConfigGroup startupGroup(krConfig, "Startup"); QString startProfile = startupGroup.readEntry("Starter Profile Name", QString()); QList leftTabs; QList rightTabs; // get command-line arguments if (parser.isSet("left")) { leftTabs = KrServices::toUrlList(parser.value("left").split(',')); startProfile.clear(); } if (parser.isSet("right")) { rightTabs = KrServices::toUrlList(parser.value("right").split(',')); startProfile.clear(); } if (parser.isSet("profile")) startProfile = parser.value("profile"); if (!startProfile.isEmpty()) { leftTabs.clear(); rightTabs.clear(); } // starting the panels MAIN_VIEW->start(startupGroup, startProfile.isEmpty(), leftTabs, rightTabs); // create a status bar KrusaderStatus *status = new KrusaderStatus(this); setStatusBar(status); status->setWhatsThis(i18n("Statusbar will show basic information " "about file below mouse pointer.")); // create tray icon (if needed) const bool startToTray = startupGroup.readEntry("Start To Tray", _StartToTray); setTray(startToTray); setCentralWidget(MAIN_VIEW); // manage our keyboard short-cuts //KAcceleratorManager::manage(this,true); setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); if (! startProfile.isEmpty()) MAIN_VIEW->profiles(startProfile); // restore gui settings { // now, check if we need to create a konsole_part // call the XML GUI function to draw the UI createGUI(MAIN_VIEW->terminalDock()->part()); // this needs to be called AFTER createGUI() !!! updateUserActions(); _listPanelActions->guiUpdated(); // not using this. See savePosition() //applyMainWindowSettings(); const KConfigGroup cfgToolbar(krConfig, "Main Toolbar"); toolBar()->applySettings(cfgToolbar); const KConfigGroup cfgJobBar(krConfig, "Job Toolbar"); toolBar("jobToolBar")->applySettings(cfgJobBar); const KConfigGroup cfgActionsBar(krConfig, "Actions Toolbar"); toolBar("actionsToolBar")->applySettings(cfgActionsBar); // restore toolbars position and visibility restoreState(startupGroup.readEntry("State", QByteArray())); statusBar()->setVisible(startupGroup.readEntry("Show status bar", _ShowStatusBar)); MAIN_VIEW->updateGUI(startupGroup); // popular urls _popularUrls->load(); } if (runKonfig) SLOTS->runKonfigurator(true); KConfigGroup viewerModuleGrp(krConfig, "ViewerModule"); if (viewerModuleGrp.readEntry("FirstRun", true)) { KrViewer::configureDeps(); viewerModuleGrp.writeEntry("FirstRun", false); } if (!runKonfig) { KConfigGroup cfg(krConfig, "Private"); move(cfg.readEntry("Start Position", _StartPosition)); resize(cfg.readEntry("Start Size", _StartSize)); } // view initialized; show window or only tray if (!startToTray) { show(); } KrTrashHandler::startWatcher(); isStarting = false; //HACK - used by [ListerTextArea|KrSearchDialog|LocateDlg]:keyPressEvent() KrGlobal::copyShortcut = _listPanelActions->actCopy->shortcut(); //HACK: make sure the active view becomes focused // for some reason sometimes the active view cannot be focused immediately at this point, // so queue it for the main loop QTimer::singleShot(0, ACTIVE_PANEL->view->widget(), SLOT(setFocus())); _openUrlTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_openUrlTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(doOpenUrl())); KStartupInfo *startupInfo = new KStartupInfo(0, this); connect(startupInfo, &KStartupInfo::gotNewStartup, this, &Krusader::slotGotNewStartup); connect(startupInfo, &KStartupInfo::gotRemoveStartup, this, &Krusader::slotGotRemoveStartup); } Krusader::~Krusader() { KrTrashHandler::stopWatcher(); if (!isExiting) // save the settings if it was not saved (SIGTERM received) saveSettings(); delete MAIN_VIEW; MAIN_VIEW = 0; App = 0; } void Krusader::setTray(bool forceCreation) { const bool trayIsNeeded = forceCreation || KConfigGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel") .readEntry("Minimize To Tray", _ShowTrayIcon); if (!sysTray && trayIsNeeded) { sysTray = new KStatusNotifierItem(this); sysTray->setIconByName(privIcon()); // we have our own "quit" method, re-connect QAction *quitAction = sysTray->action(QStringLiteral("quit")); if (quitAction) { disconnect(quitAction, &QAction::triggered, nullptr, nullptr); connect(quitAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Krusader::quit); } } else if (sysTray && !trayIsNeeded) { // user does not want tray anymore :( sysTray->deleteLater(); } } bool Krusader::versionControl() { // create config file krConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig().data(); KConfigGroup nogroup(krConfig, QString()); const bool firstRun = nogroup.readEntry("First Time", true); KrGlobal::sCurrentConfigVersion = nogroup.readEntry("Config Version", -1); // first installation of krusader if (firstRun) { KMessageBox::information( krApp, i18n("Welcome to Krusader.

As this is your first run, your machine " "will now be checked for external applications. Then the Konfigurator will " "be launched where you can customize Krusader to your needs.

")); } nogroup.writeEntry("Version", VERSION); nogroup.writeEntry("First Time", false); krConfig->sync(); QDir().mkpath(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + QStringLiteral("/krusader/")); return firstRun; } void Krusader::statusBarUpdate(const QString& mess) { // change the message on the statusbar for 5 seconds if (statusBar()->isVisible()) statusBar()->showMessage(mess, 5000); } bool Krusader::event(QEvent *e) { if(e->type() == QEvent::ApplicationPaletteChange) { KrColorCache::getColorCache().refreshColors(); } return KParts::MainWindow::event(e); } // Moving from Pixmap actions to generic filenames - thanks to Carsten Pfeiffer void Krusader::setupActions() { QAction *bringToTopAct = new QAction(i18n("Bring Main Window to Top"), this); actionCollection()->addAction("bring_main_window_to_top", bringToTopAct); connect(bringToTopAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(moveToTop())); KrActions::setupActions(this); _krActions = new KrActions(this); _viewActions = new ViewActions(this, this); _listPanelActions = new ListPanelActions(this, this); _tabActions = new TabActions(this, this); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// implementation of slots ////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Krusader::savePosition() { KConfigGroup cfg(krConfig, "Private"); cfg.writeEntry("Start Position", pos()); cfg.writeEntry("Start Size", size()); cfg = krConfig->group("Startup"); MAIN_VIEW->saveSettings(cfg); // NOTE: this would save current window state/size, statusbar and settings for each toolbar. // We are not using this and saving everything manually because // - it does not save window position // - window size save/restore does sometimes not work (multi-monitor setup) // - saving the statusbar visibility should be independent from window position and restoring it // does not work properly. //KConfigGroup cfg = KConfigGroup(&cfg, "MainWindowSettings"); //saveMainWindowSettings(cfg); //statusBar()->setVisible(cfg.readEntry("StatusBar", "Enabled") != "Disabled"); krConfig->sync(); } void Krusader::saveSettings() { // workaround: revert terminal fullscreen mode before saving widget and toolbar visibility if (MAIN_VIEW->isTerminalEmulatorFullscreen()) { MAIN_VIEW->setTerminalEmulator(false, true); } KConfigGroup noGroup(krConfig, QString()); noGroup.writeEntry("Config Version", KrGlobal::sConfigVersion); // save toolbar settings KConfigGroup cfg(krConfig, "Main Toolbar"); toolBar()->saveSettings(cfg); cfg = krConfig->group("Job Toolbar"); toolBar("jobToolBar")->saveSettings(cfg); cfg = krConfig->group("Actions Toolbar"); toolBar("actionsToolBar")->saveSettings(cfg); cfg = krConfig->group("Startup"); // save toolbar visibility and position cfg.writeEntry("State", saveState()); cfg.writeEntry("Show status bar", statusBar()->isVisible()); // save panel and window settings if (cfg.readEntry("Remember Position", _RememberPos)) savePosition(); // save the gui components visibility if (cfg.readEntry("UI Save Settings", _UiSave)) { cfg.writeEntry("Show FN Keys", KrActions::actToggleFnkeys->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("Show Cmd Line", KrActions::actToggleCmdline->isChecked()); cfg.writeEntry("Show Terminal Emulator", KrActions::actToggleTerminal->isChecked()); } // save popular links _popularUrls->save(); krConfig->sync(); } void Krusader::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { if (!sysTray || _quit) { _quit = false; // in case quit will be aborted KParts::MainWindow::closeEvent(event); // (may) quit, continues with queryClose()... } else { // close window to tray event->ignore(); hide(); } } void Krusader::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { const KConfigGroup lookFeelGroup(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); if (sysTray && !lookFeelGroup.readEntry("Minimize To Tray", _ShowTrayIcon)) { // restoring from "start to tray", tray icon is not needed anymore sysTray->deleteLater(); } KParts::MainWindow::showEvent(event); } bool Krusader::queryClose() { if (isStarting || isExiting) return false; if (qApp->isSavingSession()) { // KDE is logging out, accept the close acceptClose(); return true; } const KConfigGroup cfg = krConfig->group("Look&Feel"); const bool confirmExit = cfg.readEntry("Warn On Exit", _WarnOnExit); // ask user and wait until all KIO::job operations are terminated. Krusader won't exit before // that anyway if (!krJobMan->waitForJobs(confirmExit)) return false; /* First try to close the child windows, because it's the safer way to avoid crashes, then close the main window. If closing a child is not successful, then we cannot let the main window close. */ for (;;) { QWidgetList list = QApplication::topLevelWidgets(); QWidget *activeModal = QApplication::activeModalWidget(); QWidget *w = list.at(0); if (activeModal && activeModal != this && activeModal != menuBar() && list.contains(activeModal) && !activeModal->isHidden()) { w = activeModal; } else { int i = 1; for (; i < list.count(); ++i) { w = list.at(i); if (!(w && (w == this || w->isHidden() || w == menuBar()))) break; } if (i == list.count()) w = 0; } if (!w) break; if (!w->close()) { if (w->inherits("QDialog")) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to close: %s\n", w->metaObject()->className()); } return false; } } acceptClose(); return true; } void Krusader::acceptClose() { saveSettings(); emit shutdown(); // Removes the DBUS registration of the application. Single instance mode requires unique appid. // As Krusader is exiting, we release that unique appid, so new Krusader instances // can be started. QDBusConnection dbus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); dbus.unregisterObject("/Instances/" + Krusader::AppName); isExiting = true; } // the please wait dialog functions void Krusader::startWaiting(QString msg, int count , bool cancel) { plzWait->startWaiting(msg , count, cancel); } bool Krusader::wasWaitingCancelled() const { return plzWait->wasCancelled(); } void Krusader::stopWait() { plzWait->stopWait(); } void Krusader::updateUserActions() { KActionMenu *userActionMenu = (KActionMenu *) KrActions::actUserMenu; if (userActionMenu) { userActionMenu->menu()->clear(); userActionMenu->addAction(KrActions::actManageUseractions); userActionMenu->addSeparator(); krUserAction->populateMenu(userActionMenu, NULL); } } const char* Krusader::privIcon() { if (geteuid()) return "krusader_user"; else return "krusader_root"; } void Krusader::quit() { _quit = true; // remember that we want to quit and not close to tray close(); // continues with closeEvent()... } void Krusader::moveToTop() { if (isHidden()) show(); KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(winId()); } bool Krusader::isRunning() { moveToTop(); //FIXME - doesn't belong here return true; } bool Krusader::isLeftActive() { return MAIN_VIEW->isLeftActive(); } bool Krusader::openUrl(QString url) { _urlToOpen = url; _openUrlTimer.start(0); return true; } void Krusader::doOpenUrl() { QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(_urlToOpen, QDir::currentPath(), QUrl::AssumeLocalFile); _urlToOpen.clear(); int tab = ACTIVE_MNG->findTab(url); if(tab >= 0) ACTIVE_MNG->setActiveTab(tab); else if((tab = OTHER_MNG->findTab(url)) >= 0) { OTHER_MNG->setActiveTab(tab); OTHER_MNG->currentPanel()->view->widget()->setFocus(); } else ACTIVE_MNG->slotNewTab(url); } void Krusader::slotGotNewStartup(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data) { Q_UNUSED(id) Q_UNUSED(data) // This is here to show busy mouse cursor when _other_ applications are launched, not for krusader itself. qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::BusyCursor); } void Krusader::slotGotRemoveStartup(const KStartupInfoId &id, const KStartupInfoData &data) { Q_UNUSED(id) Q_UNUSED(data) qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); } KrView *Krusader::activeView() { return ACTIVE_PANEL->view; } AbstractPanelManager *Krusader::activeManager() { return MAIN_VIEW->activeManager(); } AbstractPanelManager *Krusader::leftManager() { return MAIN_VIEW->leftManager(); } AbstractPanelManager *Krusader::rightManager() { return MAIN_VIEW->rightManager(); } diff --git a/krusader/panelmanager.cpp b/krusader/panelmanager.cpp index c60f0c99..9a7bb43d 100644 --- a/krusader/panelmanager.cpp +++ b/krusader/panelmanager.cpp @@ -1,463 +1,462 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "panelmanager.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "icon.h" #include "tabactions.h" #include "krusaderview.h" #include "krmainwindow.h" #include "Panel/listpanel.h" #include "Panel/panelfunc.h" #include "Panel/PanelView/krviewfactory.h" #include // QtGui #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include #include -#include PanelManager::PanelManager(QWidget *parent, KrMainWindow* mainWindow, bool left) : QWidget(parent), _otherManager(0), _actions(mainWindow->tabActions()), _layout(0), _left(left), _currentPanel(0) { _layout = new QGridLayout(this); _layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); _layout->setSpacing(0); _stack = new QStackedWidget(this); // new tab button _newTab = new QToolButton(this); _newTab->setAutoRaise(true); _newTab->setText(i18n("Open a new tab in home")); _newTab->setToolTip(i18n("Open a new tab in home")); _newTab->setIcon(Icon("tab-new")); _newTab->adjustSize(); connect(_newTab, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotNewTab())); // tab-bar _tabbar = new PanelTabBar(this, _actions); connect(_tabbar, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotCurrentTabChanged(int))); connect(_tabbar, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(slotCloseTab(int))); connect(_tabbar, SIGNAL(closeCurrentTab()), this, SLOT(slotCloseTab())); connect(_tabbar, SIGNAL(newTab(QUrl)), this, SLOT(slotNewTab(QUrl))); connect(_tabbar, SIGNAL(draggingTab(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(slotDraggingTab(QMouseEvent*))); connect(_tabbar, SIGNAL(draggingTabFinished(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(slotDraggingTabFinished(QMouseEvent*))); QHBoxLayout *tabbarLayout = new QHBoxLayout; tabbarLayout->setSpacing(0); tabbarLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); tabbarLayout->addWidget(_tabbar); tabbarLayout->addWidget(_newTab); _layout->addWidget(_stack, 0, 0); _layout->addLayout(tabbarLayout, 1, 0); updateTabbarPos(); setLayout(_layout); addPanel(true); tabsCountChanged(); } void PanelManager::tabsCountChanged() { const KConfigGroup cfg(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); const bool showTabbar = _tabbar->count() > 1 || cfg.readEntry("Show Tab Bar On Single Tab", true); const bool showButtons = showTabbar && cfg.readEntry("Show Tab Buttons", true); _tabbar->setVisible(showTabbar); _newTab->setVisible(showButtons); // disable close button if only 1 tab is left _tabbar->setTabsClosable(showButtons && _tabbar->count() > 1); _actions->refreshActions(); } void PanelManager::activate() { assert(sender() == (currentPanel()->gui)); emit setActiveManager(this); _actions->refreshActions(); } void PanelManager::slotCurrentTabChanged(int index) { ListPanel *panel = _tabbar->getPanel(index); if (!panel || panel == _currentPanel) return; ListPanel *previousPanel = _currentPanel; _currentPanel = panel; _stack->setCurrentWidget(_currentPanel); if (previousPanel) { previousPanel->slotFocusOnMe(false); // FIXME - necessary ? } _currentPanel->slotFocusOnMe(this == ACTIVE_MNG); emit pathChanged(panel); if (otherManager()) { otherManager()->currentPanel()->otherPanelChanged(); } // go back to pinned url if tab is pinned and switched back to active if (panel->isPinned()) { panel->func->openUrl(panel->pinnedUrl()); } } ListPanel* PanelManager::createPanel(KConfigGroup cfg) { ListPanel * p = new ListPanel(_stack, this, cfg); connectPanel(p); return p; } void PanelManager::connectPanel(ListPanel *p) { connect(p, &ListPanel::activate, this, &PanelManager::activate); connect(p, &ListPanel::pathChanged, this, [=]() { pathChanged(p); }); connect(p, &ListPanel::pathChanged, this, [=]() { _tabbar->updateTab(p); }); } void PanelManager::disconnectPanel(ListPanel *p) { disconnect(p, &ListPanel::activate, this, nullptr); disconnect(p, &ListPanel::pathChanged, this, nullptr); } ListPanel* PanelManager::addPanel(bool setCurrent, KConfigGroup cfg, KrPanel *nextTo) { // create the panel and add it into the widgetstack ListPanel * p = createPanel(cfg); _stack->addWidget(p); // now, create the corresponding tab int index = _tabbar->addPanel(p, setCurrent, nextTo); tabsCountChanged(); if (setCurrent) slotCurrentTabChanged(index); return p; } void PanelManager::saveSettings(KConfigGroup config, bool saveHistory) { config.writeEntry("ActiveTab", activeTab()); KConfigGroup grpTabs(&config, "Tabs"); foreach(const QString &grpTab, grpTabs.groupList()) grpTabs.deleteGroup(grpTab); for(int i = 0; i < _tabbar->count(); i++) { ListPanel *panel = _tabbar->getPanel(i); KConfigGroup grpTab(&grpTabs, "Tab" + QString::number(i)); panel->saveSettings(grpTab, saveHistory); } } void PanelManager::loadSettings(KConfigGroup config) { KConfigGroup grpTabs(&config, "Tabs"); int numTabsOld = _tabbar->count(); int numTabsNew = grpTabs.groupList().count(); for(int i = 0; i < numTabsNew; i++) { KConfigGroup grpTab(&grpTabs, "Tab" + QString::number(i)); // TODO workaround for bug 371453. Remove this when bug is fixed if (grpTab.keyList().isEmpty()) continue; ListPanel *panel = i < numTabsOld ? _tabbar->getPanel(i) : addPanel(false, grpTab); panel->restoreSettings(grpTab); _tabbar->updateTab(panel); } for(int i = numTabsOld - 1; i >= numTabsNew && i > 0; i--) slotCloseTab(i); setActiveTab(config.readEntry("ActiveTab", 0)); // this is needed so that all tab labels get updated layoutTabs(); } void PanelManager::layoutTabs() { // delayed url refreshes may be pending - // delay the layout too so it happens after them QTimer::singleShot(0, _tabbar, SLOT(layoutTabs())); } KrPanel *PanelManager::currentPanel() const { return _currentPanel; } void PanelManager::moveTabToOtherSide() { if (tabCount() < 2) return; ListPanel *p; _tabbar->removeCurrentPanel(p); _stack->removeWidget(p); disconnectPanel(p); p->reparent(_otherManager->_stack, _otherManager); _otherManager->connectPanel(p); _otherManager->_stack->addWidget(p); _otherManager->_tabbar->addPanel(p, true); _otherManager->tabsCountChanged(); tabsCountChanged(); p->slotFocusOnMe(); } void PanelManager::slotNewTab(const QUrl &url, bool setCurrent, KrPanel *nextTo) { ListPanel *p = addPanel(setCurrent, KConfigGroup(), nextTo); if(nextTo && nextTo->gui) { // We duplicate tab settings by writing original settings to a temporary // group and making the new tab read settings from it. Duplicating // settings directly would add too much complexity. QString grpName = "PanelManager_" + QString::number(qApp->applicationPid()); krConfig->deleteGroup(grpName); // make sure the group is empty KConfigGroup cfg(krConfig, grpName); nextTo->gui->saveSettings(cfg, true); // reset undesired duplicated settings cfg.writeEntry("Properties", 0); p->restoreSettings(cfg); krConfig->deleteGroup(grpName); } p->start(url); } void PanelManager::slotNewTab() { slotNewTab(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::home().absolutePath())); _currentPanel->slotFocusOnMe(); } void PanelManager::slotCloseTab() { slotCloseTab(_tabbar->currentIndex()); } void PanelManager::slotCloseTab(int index) { if (_tabbar->count() <= 1) /* if this is the last tab don't close it */ return; ListPanel *oldp; _tabbar->removePanel(index, oldp); //this automatically changes the current panel _stack->removeWidget(oldp); deletePanel(oldp); tabsCountChanged(); } void PanelManager::updateTabbarPos() { KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); if(group.readEntry("Tab Bar Position", "bottom") == "top") { _layout->addWidget(_stack, 2, 0); _tabbar->setShape(QTabBar::RoundedNorth); } else { _layout->addWidget(_stack, 0, 0); _tabbar->setShape(QTabBar::RoundedSouth); } } int PanelManager::activeTab() { return _tabbar->currentIndex(); } void PanelManager::setActiveTab(int index) { _tabbar->setCurrentIndex(index); } void PanelManager::slotRecreatePanels() { updateTabbarPos(); for (int i = 0; i != _tabbar->count(); i++) { QString grpName = "PanelManager_" + QString::number(qApp->applicationPid()); krConfig->deleteGroup(grpName); // make sure the group is empty KConfigGroup cfg(krConfig, grpName); ListPanel *oldPanel = _tabbar->getPanel(i); oldPanel->saveSettings(cfg, true); disconnect(oldPanel); ListPanel *newPanel = createPanel(cfg); _stack->insertWidget(i, newPanel); _tabbar->changePanel(i, newPanel); if (_currentPanel == oldPanel) { _currentPanel = newPanel; _stack->setCurrentWidget(_currentPanel); } _stack->removeWidget(oldPanel); deletePanel(oldPanel); newPanel->restoreSettings(cfg); _tabbar->updateTab(newPanel); krConfig->deleteGroup(grpName); } tabsCountChanged(); _currentPanel->slotFocusOnMe(this == ACTIVE_MNG); emit pathChanged(_currentPanel); } void PanelManager::slotNextTab() { int currTab = _tabbar->currentIndex(); int nextInd = (currTab == _tabbar->count() - 1 ? 0 : currTab + 1); _tabbar->setCurrentIndex(nextInd); } void PanelManager::slotPreviousTab() { int currTab = _tabbar->currentIndex(); int nextInd = (currTab == 0 ? _tabbar->count() - 1 : currTab - 1); _tabbar->setCurrentIndex(nextInd); } void PanelManager::reloadConfig() { for (int i = 0; i < _tabbar->count(); i++) { ListPanel *panel = _tabbar->getPanel(i); if (panel) { panel->func->refresh(); } } } void PanelManager::deletePanel(ListPanel * p) { disconnect(p); delete p; } void PanelManager::slotCloseInactiveTabs() { int i = 0; while (i < _tabbar->count()) { if (i == activeTab()) i++; else slotCloseTab(i); } } void PanelManager::slotCloseDuplicatedTabs() { int i = 0; while (i < _tabbar->count() - 1) { ListPanel * panel1 = _tabbar->getPanel(i); if (panel1 != 0) { for (int j = i + 1; j < _tabbar->count(); j++) { ListPanel * panel2 = _tabbar->getPanel(j); if (panel2 != 0 && panel1->virtualPath().matches(panel2->virtualPath(), QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) { if (j == activeTab()) { slotCloseTab(i); i--; break; } else { slotCloseTab(j); j--; } } } } i++; } } int PanelManager::findTab(QUrl url) { url.setPath(QDir::cleanPath(url.path())); for(int i = 0; i < _tabbar->count(); i++) { if(_tabbar->getPanel(i)) { QUrl panelUrl = _tabbar->getPanel(i)->virtualPath(); panelUrl.setPath(QDir::cleanPath(panelUrl.path())); if(panelUrl.matches(url, QUrl::StripTrailingSlash)) return i; } } return -1; } void PanelManager::slotLockTab() { ListPanel *panel = _currentPanel; panel->gui->setTabState(panel->gui->isLocked() ? ListPanel::TabState::DEFAULT : ListPanel::TabState::LOCKED); _actions->refreshActions(); _tabbar->updateTab(panel); } void PanelManager::slotPinTab() { ListPanel *panel = _currentPanel; panel->gui->setTabState(panel->gui->isPinned() ? ListPanel::TabState::DEFAULT : ListPanel::TabState::PINNED); if (panel->gui->isPinned()) { QUrl virtualPath = panel->virtualPath(); panel->setPinnedUrl(virtualPath); } _actions->refreshActions(); _tabbar->updateTab(panel); } void PanelManager::newTabs(const QStringList& urls) { for(int i = 0; i < urls.count(); i++) slotNewTab(QUrl::fromUserInput(urls[i], QString(), QUrl::AssumeLocalFile)); } diff --git a/krusader/paneltabbar.cpp b/krusader/paneltabbar.cpp index 7f70d46b..25eee47d 100644 --- a/krusader/paneltabbar.cpp +++ b/krusader/paneltabbar.cpp @@ -1,339 +1,339 @@ /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2002 Shie Erlich * * Copyright (C) 2002 Rafi Yanai * * Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org] * * * * Based on original code from Sebastian Trueg * * * * This file is part of Krusader [https://krusader.org]. * * * * Krusader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * Krusader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with Krusader. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "paneltabbar.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "tabactions.h" #include "../krglobal.h" #include "../icon.h" #include "Panel/listpanel.h" #include "Panel/panelfunc.h" // QtCore #include // QtGui #include #include #include // QtWidgets #include #include #include #include -#include #include + static const int sDragEnterDelay = 500; // msec PanelTabBar::PanelTabBar(QWidget *parent, TabActions *actions): QTabBar(parent), _maxTabLength(0), _tabClicked(false), _draggingTab(false), _dragTabIndex(-1) { _panelActionMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Panel"), this); setAcceptDrops(true); insertAction(actions->actNewTab); insertAction(actions->actLockTab); insertAction(actions->actPinTab); insertAction(actions->actDupTab); insertAction(actions->actMoveTabToOtherSide); insertAction(actions->actCloseTab); insertAction(actions->actCloseInactiveTabs); insertAction(actions->actCloseDuplicatedTabs); setMovable(true); // enable drag'n'drop _dragTimer = new QTimer(this); _dragTimer->setSingleShot(true); _dragTimer->setInterval(sDragEnterDelay); connect(_dragTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [=]() { if (_dragTabIndex != -1 && _dragTabIndex != currentIndex()) { setCurrentIndex(_dragTabIndex); } _dragTabIndex = -1; }); setShape(QTabBar::TriangularSouth); } void PanelTabBar::insertAction(QAction* action) { _panelActionMenu->addAction(action); } int PanelTabBar::addPanel(ListPanel *panel, bool setCurrent, KrPanel *nextTo) { int insertIndex = -1; if (nextTo) { for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) { if (getPanel(i) == nextTo) { insertIndex = i + 1; break; } } } QUrl virtualPath = panel->virtualPath(); panel->setPinnedUrl(virtualPath); const QString text = squeeze(virtualPath); const int index = insertIndex != -1 ? insertTab(insertIndex, text) : addTab(text); setTabData(index, QVariant((long long) panel)); setIcon(index, panel); // make sure all tabs lengths are correct layoutTabs(); if (setCurrent) setCurrentIndex(index); return index; } ListPanel* PanelTabBar::getPanel(int tabIdx) { QVariant v = tabData(tabIdx); if (v.isNull()) return 0; return (ListPanel*)v.toLongLong(); } void PanelTabBar::changePanel(int tabIdx, ListPanel *panel) { setTabData(tabIdx, QVariant((long long) panel)); } ListPanel* PanelTabBar::removePanel(int index, ListPanel* &panelToDelete) { panelToDelete = getPanel(index); // old panel to kill later disconnect(panelToDelete, 0, this, 0); removeTab(index); layoutTabs(); return getPanel(currentIndex()); } ListPanel* PanelTabBar::removeCurrentPanel(ListPanel* &panelToDelete) { return removePanel(currentIndex(), panelToDelete); } void PanelTabBar::updateTab(ListPanel *panel) { // find which is the correct tab for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) { if ((ListPanel*)tabData(i).toLongLong() == panel) { setPanelTextToTab(i, panel); setIcon(i, panel); break; } } } void PanelTabBar::duplicateTab() { int id = currentIndex(); emit newTab(((ListPanel*)tabData(id).toLongLong())->virtualPath()); } void PanelTabBar::setIcon(int index, ListPanel *panel) { Icon tabIcon; if (panel->isLocked()) { tabIcon = Icon("lock"); } else if (panel->isPinned()) { tabIcon = Icon("pin"); } setTabIcon(index, tabIcon); } QString PanelTabBar::squeeze(const QUrl &url, int tabIndex) { const QString longText = url.isEmpty() ? i18n("[invalid]") : url.isLocalFile() ? url.path() : url.toDisplayString(); if (tabIndex >= 0) setTabToolTip(tabIndex, longText); const KConfigGroup group(krConfig, "Look&Feel"); const bool showLongNames = group.readEntry("Fullpath Tab Names", _FullPathTabNames); QString text; if (!showLongNames) { const QString scheme = url.scheme().isEmpty() || url.isLocalFile() ? "" : (url.scheme() + ":"); const QString host = url.host().isEmpty() ? "" : (url.host() + ":"); const QString name = url.isLocalFile() && url.fileName().isEmpty() ? "/" : url.fileName(); text = scheme + host + name; } else { text = longText; } if (text.isEmpty()) text = i18nc("invalid URL path", "?"); // set the real max length QFontMetrics fm(fontMetrics()); _maxTabLength = (static_cast(parent())->width() - (6 * fm.width("W"))) / fm.width("W"); // each tab gets a fair share of the max tab length const int effectiveTabLength = _maxTabLength / (count() == 0 ? 1 : count()); const int labelWidth = fm.width("W") * effectiveTabLength; const int textWidth = fm.width(text); if (textWidth <= labelWidth) return text; // squeeze text - start with the dots only QString squeezedText = "..."; int squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText); int letters = text.length() * (labelWidth - squeezedWidth) / textWidth / 2; if (labelWidth < squeezedWidth) letters = 1; squeezedText = text.left(letters) + "..." + text.right(letters); squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText); if (squeezedWidth < labelWidth) { // we estimated too short // add letters while text < label do { letters++; squeezedText = text.left(letters) + "..." + text.right(letters); squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText); } while (squeezedWidth < labelWidth); letters--; squeezedText = text.left(letters) + "..." + text.right(letters); } else if (squeezedWidth > labelWidth) { // we estimated too long // remove letters while text > label do { letters--; squeezedText = text.left(letters) + "..." + text.right(letters); squeezedWidth = fm.width(squeezedText); } while (letters && squeezedWidth > labelWidth); } return squeezedText; } void PanelTabBar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QTabBar::resizeEvent(e); layoutTabs(); } void PanelTabBar::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QTabBar::mouseMoveEvent(e); if(_tabClicked) { _draggingTab = true; emit draggingTab(e); } } void PanelTabBar::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { int clickedTab = tabAt(e->pos()); if (-1 == clickedTab) { // clicked on nothing ... QTabBar::mousePressEvent(e); return; } _tabClicked = true; setCurrentIndex(clickedTab); ListPanel *p = getPanel(clickedTab); if (p) p->slotFocusOnMe(); if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) { // show the popup menu _panelActionMenu->menu()->popup(e->globalPos()); } else { if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton)// close the current tab emit closeCurrentTab(); } QTabBar::mousePressEvent(e); } void PanelTabBar::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QTabBar::mouseReleaseEvent(e); if(_draggingTab) emit draggingTabFinished(e); _draggingTab = false; _tabClicked = false; } void PanelTabBar::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) { e->accept(); handleDragEvent(tabAt(e->pos())); QTabBar::dragEnterEvent(e); } void PanelTabBar::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *) { handleDragEvent(-1); } void PanelTabBar::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e) { e->ignore(); handleDragEvent(tabAt(e->pos())); QTabBar::dragMoveEvent(e); } void PanelTabBar::handleDragEvent(int tabIndex) { if (_dragTabIndex == tabIndex) return; _dragTabIndex = tabIndex; if (_dragTabIndex == -1) { _dragTimer->stop(); } else { _dragTimer->start(); } } void PanelTabBar::layoutTabs() { for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++) { setPanelTextToTab(i, (ListPanel*) tabData(i).toLongLong()); } } void PanelTabBar::setPanelTextToTab(int tabIndex, ListPanel *panel) { // update tab text from pinnedUrl in case the tab is pinned if (panel->isPinned()) { setTabText(tabIndex, squeeze(panel->pinnedUrl(), tabIndex)); } else { setTabText(tabIndex, squeeze(panel->virtualPath(), tabIndex)); } }