diff --git a/doc/basic-functions.docbook b/doc/basic-functions.docbook index 58d75941..cb59f6b1 100644 --- a/doc/basic-functions.docbook +++ b/doc/basic-functions.docbook @@ -1,448 +1,450 @@ Basic Functions Controls General This is a rather short but important section that will go into the details of controlling &krusader;. This section does not try to cover all the various key combinations for two reasons: there are just too many of them most of &krusader; actions are configurable in the Konfigurator Panel page We will only mention the most important keyboard shortcuts with the default configuration, but keep in mind that most of the Key-Bindings are configurable. If you find that you use a certain command a lot and want to know the shortcut for this command, or you want to change this command shortcut, then check out the Configure Shortcuts window (Settings Configure Shortcuts...). Moving Around By Moving Around we mean the transfer of the keyboard and mouse focus between the different parts of the &krusader; main window. The focus can be in one of five places: the Left or Right Panel, the Menu Bar, the Command Line or the Terminal Emulator. The panel that has the focus is called the Active Panel. An Active Panel will remain active until the other panel receives the focus (&ie;: if the Left Panel was active and you clicked on the Command Line - then the Left Panel remains the Active Panel). You must deliberately change which panel is active. The most common way to transfer the focus to a specific panel is to use the mouse to click on that panel. But you should be aware of the following: Clicking on the Toolbar, the FN keys bar or the Status Bar does not change the focus. Pushing the Run in Terminal Mode button in the Command Line will not transfer the focus, so you have to click inside the Input Line. When you choose a menu, the Menu Bar will become focused. It remains focused until you choose a command - the focus returns to the previous owner. There are, of course, ways to use the keyboard to change the focus: The Key will switch panels, if one of the panels has the focus or rotate between all the commands in a menu, if the Menu Bar is active. The &Ctrl; &Down; will take you from the Active Panel to the Command Line or Terminal Emulator, and the &Ctrl; &Up; will take you back from the Command Line to the Active Panel. The &Esc; Key will make the Menu Bar return the focus, if it has it, to the previous Active Panel. If you happen to be inside the Terminal Emulator, you can use the Key, or the mouse, to navigate to an Active Panel. Pressing &Alt; Underlined Letter from the Menu Bar will open that menu (unless this key combination is a Reserved Key, used by one of &krusader;'s actions). Selecting &krusader; offers 4 Selection Modes, to say nothing about the Quickselect bar, only &krusader;'s Selection Mode is explained here. Selecting is a skill you need to master in order to get the most out of &krusader;. Since the Tree Panel allows select only one directory at a time, this paragraph mainly explains how to select files in the List Panel. Moving the cursor is easy. Left-clicking on a file or directory (referred to herein as elements meaning files and directories) will select it. Here are some useful pointers that will make &krusader; even easier to use (assuming you are using &krusader;'s Mouse Selection Mode): The &Space; and &Ins; keys will toggle the selection of the file under the cursor without affecting the selection of other files/directories, the cursor will go one position down. Left Clicking on a file will select, or unselect, all previously selected files. &Ctrl; Left Clicking will toggle the selection of the file under the cursor without affecting the selection of other files/directories. &Shift; Left Clicking will select all the elements between the previous cursor location and the new one. &Shift;&Home; selects everything above the cursor (and deselects everything below the cursor, if selected). &Shift;&End; selects everything below the cursor (and unselects everything above the cursor, if selected). The .. entry is not selectable. The Edit menu can offer more ways to select your files. Executing Commands There is not a lot to say here, all you need to do is select some files (if you do not, &krusader; will operate on the file(s) or directory(s) that have the focus), choose a Command from the Menu Bar or use a Keyboard Shortcut (or the Right Click Menu) and the selected Command executes. See also Executing Files. Quick search This feature will do a quick search for the file name in the Active List Panel. Type foo(one character) to do a quick search in the Active List Panel for a file beginning with foo. A small quick search dialog box will open below the Active List Panel. Type the first few characters of the desired file name (more than one character allowed), the cursor will jump to that filename (if it exists), ⪚ type ab to search for a file which begins with ab. The &Up;/&Down; keys will jump to the next or previous match. &Esc; will close the quick search line. The cursor will stay on the last file found. The Quicksearch supports regular expressions for searching files. If you press &Alt; foo, the key binding shortcut will be executed. If there is no configured key binding, the remaining letter foo will be used for the quick search. Use Configure Shortcuts window (Settings Configure Shortcuts...). Quick filter This feature will do a quick filter for the file list in the Active Panel. Press &Ctrl;I to open Quickfilter bar. Type foo (one character) to filter out from the Active Panel all the files that do not have foo in names. You can use wildcards for the filtering. ⪚ use a*b to filter files which have a and b in their names. The Quickfilter follows the case-sensitivity setting of Quicksearch. Pressing &Enter; in Quickfilter mode sets focus to panel, when panel or Quickfilter is focused, &Esc; closes Quickfilter. To change the default shortcut of Quickfilter use Configure Shortcuts window (Settings Configure Shortcuts...). Quick select This feature will do a quick select for the file list in the Active Panel. Press &Ctrl;&Shift;S to open Quickselect bar. Type foo (one character) to filter out from the Active Panel all the files that do not have foo in names. You can use wildcards for the filtering. ⪚ use a*b to filter files which have a and b in their names. The Quickselect follows the case-sensitivity setting of Quicksearch. Pressing &Enter; in Quickselect mode sets focus to panel, when panel or Quickselect is focused, &Esc; closes Quickselect. To change the default shortcut of Quickselect use Configure Shortcuts window (Settings Configure Shortcuts...). Context Menu &krusader; has many Context menus that allow you to do fast operations with the mouse, usually a right-click will open the Context menu (depending on your Selection Modes settings). This list gives an overview of the most important context menus. Use them to discover the available commands. Main Toolbar (orientation, text position, icon size) List Panel on a file or directory Command Line (undo, paste, text completion...) Terminal emulator (send signal, font, history...) Folder tabs (new, duplicate, close) KruSearcher Search results file list (F3 View, F4 Edit) MountMan (unmount, format...) Synchronize Folders File List UserActions &konqueror; Right-Click actions are shown in &krusader; Show/hide Column Headers Bookmarks enable/disable permanent bookmarks ... Basic File Management Executing Files You can only execute files in the Active List Panel. To execute a file just (double-)click on it or press &Enter; when it is under the list cursor. &krusader; will open it in the default application for this file type (picture, text file...) or the file will be executed (script, binary...). If you want to use another application to open the file, click with the &RMB; on the file and go to the Open with sub-menu which will offer more options. &krusader; is compatible with the &plasma; default file manager for all file types except archives that are opened inside the &krusader; panel and not in an external application. See the archives page in Konfigurator for details. Copying and Moving
Copy dialog Copy dialog
To copy or move files/directories just select them and press F5 to copy or F6 to move them. &krusader; tries to preserve the time of modification. When copying a directory owner is changed to the user which copies the directory, group is changed to the default group of the user. When copying a file owner is changed to the user which copies the file, group is changed to default group of the user, and permissions are preserved. The owner, the group and the permissions are preserved when moving file or directory. When copying or moving files/directories a dialog appears and allows you to choose the operation destination. The default destination is the other-panel browsed directory. If you enter a partial &URL;, &krusader; will use the current panel directory as the &URL; base.
Queue manager The copy, move, pack and unpack operations can be queued. After selecting copy or move, hit F2 to use it. After selecting pack or unpack, hit F2 to use it. Or the direct shortcuts: copy by queue &Shift;F5 , move by queue &Shift;F6 . Queue manager performs actions one-by-one. For example, if you have a pen drive (which is slow), and you want to copy 40 files onto it, it is much better copying them one-by-one instead of starting to copy 40 files in parallel. That is why enqueuing is important. If you pack/unpack 40 files in parallel, you overload your computer, but adding them to a queue, is much more useful. It is possible to switch the Queue Manager mode by the Settings Job Queue Mode menu item. Deleting - move to &plasma; Trash Deleting files/directories is done by selecting them and pressing F8 or Delete. By default it will be moved to &plasma; Trash. You can open the &plasma; Trash with the Trash icon in the Main Toolbar or with the trash:/ KIO slave. Physically &plasma; Trash is located in ~/.local/share/Trash/ or Trash in the subdirectory in user home directory which can be determined using the qtpaths --paths GenericDataLocation command. - &Shift; + &Ctrl; Delete will delete the file permanently. A dialog will ask for your confirmation and will warn you when deleting non-empty directories. Of course only operations that are permitted to do by the Operating System will be performed - you will be notified otherwise. If you do not wish to see the confirmation dialogs, you can disable them in the Konfigurator advanced - page. + page. If you set to delete permanently files in the Konfigurator general + page, F8 or Delete will permanently delete files, + while &Ctrl; Delete will move them to &plasma; Trash. Shred Files Shred was removed from &kde; 4 (and as consequence &krusader;-2 for &kde; 4). The main reason is probably that shredding is filesystem dependent and even if you overwrite the file 100 times, it is not sure, that it will be deleted from the disk finally. Quote from the &kgpg; posts: The shred feature has been removed from the &kde; library. &kgpg; will not support this feature anymore. Moderns file systems use journalisation. So the shred feature should be implemented in the file system. Not in &kgpg;. But you might use a proper shred UserAction for your filesystem. But keep in mind that if you want to be 100% sure that it is impossible that someone can read a deleted file, you need to destroy your harddrive hardware... Renaming Files, Creating Directories and Link Handling Rename the file under the cursor with the F2 key or with two single mouse clicks. If only the file name needs to be renamed and not the extension, you can configure this in the Konfigurator General page. Create a new folder with the F7 key. Right-clicking on a regular file will give you the option Link Handling New Symlink.... A dialog will prompt you to enter a symlink name. That symlink will point to the file/directory you right-clicked on. If the file you right-clicked on is a symlink, you will also be presented with the Link Handling Redirect Link option that will allow you to change the link target. Viewing and Editing files KrViewer has a chapter of its own.
diff --git a/doc/keyboard-commands.docbook b/doc/keyboard-commands.docbook index 46c7af53..f67ad4a2 100644 --- a/doc/keyboard-commands.docbook +++ b/doc/keyboard-commands.docbook @@ -1,2031 +1,2031 @@ Keyboard Commands Commands Keyboard Keyboard Usage In this chapter you will learn how to use the keyboard effectively, because most operations can be done more quickly by keyboard than with the mouse. It will take some time to learn the Key-Bindings, but mastering them saves you a lot of time. Please note that &krusader; can use Key-binding Profiles to swap easily to other Key-binding setups, ⪚ of other commanders, or you can create your own key-bindings. After starting &krusader;, the keyboard action can begin. Use &Ctrl;L to jump to the Location Toolbar where you can type the desired directory. After &Ctrl;&Down; you are in the Terminal emulator and you can type any command you desire. Use &Ctrl;&Up; to jump back to the active panel. If you want to jump to a file or directory that starts with f, then simply press f on the keyboard to use the search bar. Use the &Enter; key to execute the file or to open a directory that has the focus. Be sure to remember the Function Keys - F3 to View, F4 to Edit, F5 to Copy, &Alt;&Shift;U to Unpack, &etc; You can also perform several operations with the Folder tabs, including several selection operations. And at the end you can close &krusader; with F10. Key-Bindings Key-Bindings Commands Keyboard Most of the key-bindings (shortcuts) are configurable in the Settings Configure Shortcuts... menu, if you like to use other key-bindings then the default ones. You can even configure more actions to a Key-Binding (for the actions that do not have a key-binding set by default). Please note that some key-bindings are not &krusader; key-bindings (⪚ &plasma; key-bindings). The key-bindings that &krusader; uses by default are listed below. Function (FN) Keys These are the Key-Bindings of the FN Keys Bar. These Key-Bindings are configurable since version 1.51. F1 Help F2 Rename files. F3 View files. F4 Edit files. F5 Copy files. F6 Move files F7 Create a new folder. F8 Delete (or move to Trash) files. F9 Terminal. F10 Quit &krusader; &Shift; keys &Shift; F1 What's this? &Shift; F2 Multi-rename (Krename). &Shift; F3 Enter an &URL; to view. &Shift; F4 Edit new file. &Shift; F5 Copy by queue. &Shift; F6 Move by queue. &Shift; F10 View all files. &Shift; F12 Custom view files. &Shift; &Left; Change to left folder tab. &Shift; &Right; Change to right folder tab. &Alt; keys &Alt; + Select All. &Alt; - Unselect All. &Alt; * Invert Selection. &Alt; . Show/Hide hidden (dot) files. &Alt; / MountMan. &Alt; ` User Menu &Alt; &Home; Home. &Alt; &Enter; Properties. &Alt; &Left; Left bookmarks. &Alt; &Right; Right bookmarks. &Alt; &Down; Sidebar. &Alt; F1..F12 Standard (&plasma;) key-bindings. &Alt;+&Shift; keys &Alt;&Shift; B Brief View &Alt;&Shift; C Compare Directories &Alt;&Shift; D Detailed View &Alt;&Shift; E Test Archive. &Alt;&Shift; K Start Root mode &krusader;. &Alt;&Shift; L Panel profiles. &Alt;&Shift; O Sync panels aka Equals Button (=). &Alt;&Shift; P Pack files. &Alt;&Shift; Q Queue Manager &Alt;&Shift; S Disk Usage. &Alt;&Shift; U Unpack files. &Ctrl; keys &Ctrl; B Add bookmark for the current item. &Ctrl; D Open Bookmarksin the active panel. &Ctrl; E Edit file as root (Default Useraction). &Ctrl; F Open Quicksearch bar. &Ctrl; H Open History list in the active panel. &Ctrl; I Open QuickFilter bar. &Ctrl; J A Safari-like Jump-Back. &Ctrl; L Go to the Location Toolbar (origin) as in Firefox and &konqueror;. &Ctrl; M Open media list. &Ctrl; N New Network Connection dialog. &Ctrl; O Select directory dialog to open this directory in the panel. &Ctrl; P Split file. &Ctrl; Q Quit &krusader;. &Ctrl; R Reload (Refresh) panel. &Ctrl; S Search. &Ctrl; U Swap panels (do not swap all folder tabs). &Ctrl; W Close Current tab. &Ctrl; Y Synchronize Folders. &Ctrl; Z Popular &URL;s. &Ctrl; + Select group. &Ctrl; - Unselect group. &Ctrl; / Open command line history list. &Ctrl; &Down; Go from the active panel to the command line/terminal emulator. &Ctrl; &Up; Go from the command line/terminal emulator to the active panel. &Ctrl; &Up; Go from the active panel to the Location Toolbar. &Ctrl; &Home; Jump to the Home directory. &Ctrl; &Left; or &Right; Focus a file or directory on the left panel, press &Ctrl; &Left; and the right panel changes: on a file: the right panel gets the same path as the left panel. on a directory: refreshes the right panel with the contents of the directory. For the right panel: press &Ctrl; &Right; and the left panel will change. &Ctrl;&Backspace; Jump to the Root directory. &Ctrl; &PgUp; Up one directory. &Ctrl; = Go to the directory from other panel. &Ctrl; Return When media menu is open (un)mounts the highlighted device. &Ctrl;+&Shift; keys &Ctrl;&Shift; D Disconnect remote connection. &Ctrl;&Shift; F Activate search bar to find entries in the active tab. &Ctrl;&Shift; J Set jump back point. &Ctrl;&Shift; L Locate &GUI; frontend. &Ctrl;&Shift; O Move current tab to other side of the window. &Ctrl;&Shift; S Open Quickselect bar. &Ctrl;&Shift; U Swap Sides (also swap all folder tabs). &Ctrl;&Shift; &Left; Open left media list. &Ctrl;&Shift; &Right; Open right media list.. &Ctrl;&Shift; &Up; Open terminal emulator, independently, whether the command line is shown or not. &Ctrl;&Shift; &Down; Close terminal emulator, independently, whether the command line is shown or not. &Ctrl;&Shift; &PgUp; Move current tab to the left. &Ctrl;&Shift; &PgDn; Move current tab to the right. &Ctrl;+&Alt; keys &Ctrl;&Alt; E Show/hide the embedded terminal. &Ctrl;&Alt; M Mount (Default Useraction). &Ctrl;&Alt; N New tab. &Ctrl;&Alt; R Toggle the List Panel between horizontal and vertical mode. &Ctrl;&Alt; S Create a new symlink. &Ctrl;&Alt; &Left; Left History list. &Ctrl;&Alt; &Right; Right History list. &Ctrl;&Alt; = Equal Panel Size (Default Useraction). &Ctrl;&Alt;&Shift; N Duplicate a tab. &Ctrl;&Alt;&Enter; Open current folder in a new tab. General &Ctrl; keys &Ctrl; A Select all. &Ctrl; &PgDn; Move to the lower part in the current directory. &Ctrl; F1..F12 Standard (&plasma;) key-bindings. &Ctrl;&Shift; F1..F12 Standard (&plasma;) key-bindings. Other keys foo Quick search, quick select or quick filter. See this configuration page on how to configure the default mode. Switch between the panels &Enter; On a file: open/execute that file On an archive file: browse the archive as if it was a directory. &Esc; Will make the menu bar lose the focus if it has it. Delete Delete (or move to Trash). - &Shift; + &Ctrl; Delete - Delete permanently. + Alternate delete. &Space; On a file: toggle the selection of the file down one position without affecting the selection of other files/directories. &Backspace; One directory up. &Ins; Does the same as the &Space; key and goes down one position to toggle the next file. Menu Right-click menu. &Home; Cursor jumps to the top of the list. &End; Cursor jumps to the last file in the list. Command Line Command Line keybindings. &Up; arrow and &Down; arrow Scroll through previously typed commands. &Ctrl; / Open the command line history list. &Ctrl; &Up; Jump from the command line to the active panel. &Ctrl; &Down; Jump from the active panel to the command line. &Ctrl;&Enter; Insert current file / directory name without path to current command line position. &Ctrl;&Shift;&Enter; Insert current file / directory with full path name to current command line position. Terminal emulator Terminal emulator keybindings. &Ctrl; F Toggle between normal and full screen Terminal emulator. &Ctrl; V Insert from clipboard. &Ctrl; &Up; Jump from the Terminal Emulator to the active panel if the Command line is hidden. &Ctrl; &Down; Jump from the active panel to the Terminal Emulator if the Command line is hidden. &Ctrl;&Shift; Up/Down arrow Always focus/unfocus the Terminal Emulator independently whether the Command Line is shown or not. &Shift; &Ins; Insert from clipboard. Synchronizer Synchronizer keybindings. &Ctrl; W Reverse direction &Alt; &Down; Exclude &Alt; &Up; Restore original task &Alt; &Left; Copy to left &Alt; &Right; Copy to right &Alt; Delete Mark for delete Default Useractions Default UserActions keybindings provided by &krusader;. &Ctrl; E Edit a file as root. &Ctrl;&Alt; C Copy current item to clipboard. &Ctrl;&Alt; M Mount a new file system. &Ctrl;&Alt; = Equal panel-size. &Meta; A Enqueue in &amarok;. &Meta; 1 Sort by Name. &Meta; 2 Sort by extension. &Meta; 3 Sort the active panel by size. &Meta; 4 Sort by modified. &Meta; F5 Backup current file (Default Useraction). Other Key-bindings Selecting files KrViewer Disk Usage Locate &GUI; frontend Common Appearance and BehaviorShortcuts and Gestures module in the &plasma; &systemsettings;. UserActions configurable key-bindings