diff --git a/src/server/storagejanitor.cpp b/src/server/storagejanitor.cpp index e4a67ac2a..f781227a7 100644 --- a/src/server/storagejanitor.cpp +++ b/src/server/storagejanitor.cpp @@ -1,848 +1,880 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2011 Volker Krause This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "storagejanitor.h" #include "storage/queryhelper.h" #include "storage/transaction.h" #include "storage/datastore.h" #include "storage/selectquerybuilder.h" #include "storage/parthelper.h" #include "storage/dbconfig.h" #include "storage/collectionstatistics.h" #include "search/searchrequest.h" #include "search/searchmanager.h" #include "resourcemanager.h" #include "entities.h" #include "dbusconnectionpool.h" #include "agentmanagerinterface.h" #include "akonadiserver_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Akonadi; using namespace Akonadi::Server; StorageJanitor::StorageJanitor(QObject *parent) : AkThread(QStringLiteral("StorageJanitor"), QThread::IdlePriority, parent) , m_lostFoundCollectionId(-1) { } StorageJanitor::~StorageJanitor() { quitThread(); } void StorageJanitor::init() { AkThread::init(); QDBusConnection conn = DBusConnectionPool::threadConnection(); conn.registerService(DBus::serviceName(DBus::StorageJanitor)); conn.registerObject(QStringLiteral(AKONADI_DBUS_STORAGEJANITOR_PATH), this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals); } void StorageJanitor::quit() { QDBusConnection conn = DBusConnectionPool::threadConnection(); conn.unregisterObject(QStringLiteral(AKONADI_DBUS_STORAGEJANITOR_PATH), QDBusConnection::UnregisterTree); conn.unregisterService(DBus::serviceName(DBus::StorageJanitor)); conn.disconnectFromBus(conn.name()); // Make sure all children are deleted within context of this thread qDeleteAll(children()); AkThread::quit(); } void StorageJanitor::check() // implementation of `akonadictl fsck` { m_lostFoundCollectionId = -1; // start with a fresh one each time inform("Looking for resources in the DB not matching a configured resource..."); findOrphanedResources(); inform("Looking for collections not belonging to a valid resource..."); findOrphanedCollections(); inform("Checking collection tree consistency..."); const Collection::List cols = Collection::retrieveAll(); std::for_each(cols.begin(), cols.end(), [this](const Collection & col) { checkPathToRoot(col); }); inform("Looking for items not belonging to a valid collection..."); findOrphanedItems(); inform("Looking for item parts not belonging to a valid item..."); findOrphanedParts(); inform("Looking for item flags not belonging to a valid item..."); findOrphanedPimItemFlags(); inform("Looking for overlapping external parts..."); findOverlappingParts(); inform("Verifying external parts..."); verifyExternalParts(); inform("Checking size treshold changes..."); checkSizeTreshold(); inform("Looking for dirty objects..."); findDirtyObjects(); inform("Looking for rid-duplicates not matching the content mime-type of the parent collection"); findRIDDuplicates(); inform("Migrating parts to new cache hierarchy..."); migrateToLevelledCacheHierarchy(); inform("Checking search index consistency..."); findOrphanSearchIndexEntries(); inform("Flushing collection statistics memory cache..."); CollectionStatistics::self()->expireCache(); + inform("Making sure virtual search resource and collections exist"); + ensureSearchCollection(); + /* TODO some ideas for further checks: * the collection tree is non-cyclic * content type constraints of collections are not violated * find unused flags * find unused mimetypes * check for dead entries in relation tables * check if part size matches file size */ inform("Consistency check done."); Q_EMIT done(); } qint64 StorageJanitor::lostAndFoundCollection() { if (m_lostFoundCollectionId > 0) { return m_lostFoundCollectionId; } Transaction transaction(DataStore::self(), QStringLiteral("JANITOR LOST+FOUND")); Resource lfRes = Resource::retrieveByName(QStringLiteral("akonadi_lost+found_resource")); if (!lfRes.isValid()) { lfRes.setName(QStringLiteral("akonadi_lost+found_resource")); if (!lfRes.insert()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to create lost+found resource!"; } } Collection lfRoot; SelectQueryBuilder qb; qb.addValueCondition(Collection::resourceIdFullColumnName(), Query::Equals, lfRes.id()); qb.addValueCondition(Collection::parentIdFullColumnName(), Query::Is, QVariant()); if (!qb.exec()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to query top level collections"; return -1; } const Collection::List cols = qb.result(); if (cols.size() > 1) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "More than one top-level lost+found collection!?"; } else if (cols.size() == 1) { lfRoot = cols.first(); } else { lfRoot.setName(QStringLiteral("lost+found")); lfRoot.setResourceId(lfRes.id()); lfRoot.setCachePolicyLocalParts(QStringLiteral("ALL")); lfRoot.setCachePolicyCacheTimeout(-1); lfRoot.setCachePolicyInherit(false); if (!lfRoot.insert()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to create lost+found root."; } DataStore::self()->notificationCollector()->collectionAdded(lfRoot, lfRes.name().toUtf8()); } Collection lfCol; lfCol.setName(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"))); lfCol.setResourceId(lfRes.id()); lfCol.setParentId(lfRoot.id()); if (!lfCol.insert()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to create lost+found collection!"; } Q_FOREACH (const MimeType &mt, MimeType::retrieveAll()) { lfCol.addMimeType(mt); } DataStore::self()->notificationCollector()->collectionAdded(lfCol, lfRes.name().toUtf8()); transaction.commit(); m_lostFoundCollectionId = lfCol.id(); return m_lostFoundCollectionId; } void StorageJanitor::findOrphanedResources() { SelectQueryBuilder qbres; OrgFreedesktopAkonadiAgentManagerInterface iface( DBus::serviceName(DBus::Control), QStringLiteral("/AgentManager"), QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); if (!iface.isValid()) { inform(QStringLiteral("ERROR: Couldn't talk to %1").arg(DBus::Control)); return; } const QStringList knownResources = iface.agentInstances(); if (knownResources.isEmpty()) { inform(QStringLiteral("ERROR: no known resources. This must be a mistake?")); return; } qbres.addValueCondition(Resource::nameFullColumnName(), Query::NotIn, QVariant(knownResources)); qbres.addValueCondition(Resource::idFullColumnName(), Query::NotEquals, 1); // skip akonadi_search_resource if (!qbres.exec()) { inform("Failed to query known resources, skipping test"); return; } //qCDebug(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "SQL:" << qbres.query().lastQuery(); const Resource::List orphanResources = qbres.result(); const int orphanResourcesSize(orphanResources.size()); if (orphanResourcesSize > 0) { QStringList resourceNames; resourceNames.reserve(orphanResourcesSize); for (const Resource &resource : orphanResources) { resourceNames.append(resource.name()); } inform(QStringLiteral("Found %1 orphan resources: %2").arg(orphanResourcesSize). arg(resourceNames.join(QLatin1Char(',')))); for (const QString &resourceName : qAsConst(resourceNames)) { inform(QStringLiteral("Removing resource %1").arg(resourceName)); ResourceManager::self()->removeResourceInstance(resourceName); } } } void StorageJanitor::findOrphanedCollections() { SelectQueryBuilder qb; qb.addJoin(QueryBuilder::LeftJoin, Resource::tableName(), Collection::resourceIdFullColumnName(), Resource::idFullColumnName()); qb.addValueCondition(Resource::idFullColumnName(), Query::Is, QVariant()); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query orphaned collections, skipping test"); return; } const Collection::List orphans = qb.result(); if (!orphans.isEmpty()) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(orphans.size()) + QLatin1Literal(" orphan collections.")); // TODO: attach to lost+found resource } } void StorageJanitor::checkPathToRoot(const Collection &col) { if (col.parentId() == 0) { return; } const Collection parent = col.parent(); if (!parent.isValid()) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Collection \"") + col.name() + QLatin1Literal("\" (id: ") + QString::number(col.id()) + QLatin1Literal(") has no valid parent.")); // TODO fix that by attaching to a top-level lost+found folder return; } if (col.resourceId() != parent.resourceId()) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Collection \"") + col.name() + QLatin1Literal("\" (id: ") + QString::number(col.id()) + QLatin1Literal(") belongs to a different resource than its parent.")); // can/should we actually fix that? } checkPathToRoot(parent); } void StorageJanitor::findOrphanedItems() { SelectQueryBuilder qb; qb.addJoin(QueryBuilder::LeftJoin, Collection::tableName(), PimItem::collectionIdFullColumnName(), Collection::idFullColumnName()); qb.addValueCondition(Collection::idFullColumnName(), Query::Is, QVariant()); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query orphaned items, skipping test"); return; } const PimItem::List orphans = qb.result(); if (!orphans.isEmpty()) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(orphans.size()) + QLatin1Literal(" orphan items.")); // Attach to lost+found collection Transaction transaction(DataStore::self(), QStringLiteral("JANITOR ORPHANS")); QueryBuilder qb(PimItem::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Update); qint64 col = lostAndFoundCollection(); if (col == -1) { return; } qb.setColumnValue(PimItem::collectionIdColumn(), col); QVector imapIds; imapIds.reserve(orphans.count()); for (const PimItem &item : qAsConst(orphans)) { imapIds.append(item.id()); } ImapSet set; set.add(imapIds); QueryHelper::setToQuery(set, PimItem::idFullColumnName(), qb); if (qb.exec() && transaction.commit()) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Moved orphan items to collection ") + QString::number(col)); } else { inform(QLatin1Literal("Error moving orphan items to collection ") + QString::number(col) + QLatin1Literal(" : ") + qb.query().lastError().text()); } } } void StorageJanitor::findOrphanedParts() { SelectQueryBuilder qb; qb.addJoin(QueryBuilder::LeftJoin, PimItem::tableName(), Part::pimItemIdFullColumnName(), PimItem::idFullColumnName()); qb.addValueCondition(PimItem::idFullColumnName(), Query::Is, QVariant()); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query orphaned parts, skipping test"); return; } const Part::List orphans = qb.result(); if (!orphans.isEmpty()) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(orphans.size()) + QLatin1Literal(" orphan parts.")); // TODO: create lost+found items for those? delete? } } void StorageJanitor:: findOrphanedPimItemFlags() { QueryBuilder sqb(PimItemFlagRelation::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); sqb.addColumn(PimItemFlagRelation::leftFullColumnName()); sqb.addJoin(QueryBuilder::LeftJoin, PimItem::tableName(), PimItemFlagRelation::leftFullColumnName(), PimItem::idFullColumnName()); sqb.addValueCondition(PimItem::idFullColumnName(), Query::Is, QVariant()); if (!sqb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query orphaned item flags, skipping test"); return; } QVector imapIds; int count = 0; while (sqb.query().next()) { ++count; imapIds.append(sqb.query().value(0).toInt()); } sqb.query().finish(); if (count > 0) { ImapSet set; set.add(imapIds); QueryBuilder qb(PimItemFlagRelation::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Delete); QueryHelper::setToQuery(set, PimItemFlagRelation::leftFullColumnName(), qb); if (!qb.exec()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Error:" << qb.query().lastError().text(); return; } inform(QLatin1Literal("Found and deleted ") + QString::number(count) + QLatin1Literal(" orphan pim item flags.")); } } void StorageJanitor::findOverlappingParts() { QueryBuilder qb(Part::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); qb.addColumn(Part::dataColumn()); qb.addColumn(QLatin1Literal("count(") + Part::idColumn() + QLatin1Literal(") as cnt")); qb.addValueCondition(Part::storageColumn(), Query::Equals, Part::External); qb.addValueCondition(Part::dataColumn(), Query::IsNot, QVariant()); qb.addGroupColumn(Part::dataColumn()); qb.addValueCondition(QLatin1Literal("count(") + Part::idColumn() + QLatin1Literal(")"), Query::Greater, 1, QueryBuilder::HavingCondition); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query overlapping parts, skipping test"); return; } int count = 0; while (qb.query().next()) { ++count; inform(QLatin1Literal("Found overlapping part data: ") + qb.query().value(0).toString()); // TODO: uh oh, this is bad, how do we recover from that? } qb.query().finish(); if (count > 0) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(count) + QLatin1Literal(" overlapping parts - bad.")); } } void StorageJanitor::verifyExternalParts() { QSet existingFiles; QSet usedFiles; // list all files const QString dataDir = StandardDirs::saveDir("data", QStringLiteral("file_db_data")); QDirIterator it(dataDir, QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { existingFiles.insert(it.next()); } existingFiles.remove(dataDir + QDir::separator() + QLatin1Char('.')); existingFiles.remove(dataDir + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("..")); inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(existingFiles.size()) + QLatin1Literal(" external files.")); // list all parts from the db which claim to have an associated file QueryBuilder qb(Part::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); qb.addColumn(Part::dataColumn()); qb.addColumn(Part::pimItemIdColumn()); qb.addColumn(Part::idColumn()); qb.addValueCondition(Part::storageColumn(), Query::Equals, Part::External); qb.addValueCondition(Part::dataColumn(), Query::IsNot, QVariant()); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query existing parts, skipping test"); return; } while (qb.query().next()) { const auto filename = qb.query().value(0).toByteArray(); const Entity::Id pimItemId = qb.query().value(1).value(); const Entity::Id partId = qb.query().value(2).value(); QString partPath; if (!filename.isEmpty()) { partPath = ExternalPartStorage::resolveAbsolutePath(filename); } else { partPath = ExternalPartStorage::resolveAbsolutePath(ExternalPartStorage::nameForPartId(partId)); } if (existingFiles.contains(partPath)) { usedFiles.insert(partPath); } else { inform(QLatin1Literal("Cleaning up missing external file: ") + partPath + QLatin1Literal(" for item: ") + QString::number(pimItemId) + QLatin1Literal(" on part: ") + QString::number(partId)); Part part; part.setId(partId); part.setPimItemId(pimItemId); part.setData(QByteArray()); part.setDatasize(0); part.setStorage(Part::Internal); part.update(); } } qb.query().finish(); inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(usedFiles.size()) + QLatin1Literal(" external parts.")); // see what's left and move it to lost+found const QSet unreferencedFiles = existingFiles - usedFiles; if (!unreferencedFiles.isEmpty()) { const QString lfDir = StandardDirs::saveDir("data", QStringLiteral("file_lost+found")); for (const QString &file : unreferencedFiles) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Found unreferenced external file: ") + file); const QFileInfo f(file); QFile::rename(file, lfDir + QDir::separator() + f.fileName()); } inform(QStringLiteral("Moved %1 unreferenced files to lost+found.").arg(unreferencedFiles.size())); } else { inform("Found no unreferenced external files."); } } void StorageJanitor::findDirtyObjects() { SelectQueryBuilder cqb; cqb.setSubQueryMode(Query::Or); cqb.addValueCondition(Collection::remoteIdColumn(), Query::Is, QVariant()); cqb.addValueCondition(Collection::remoteIdColumn(), Query::Equals, QString()); if (!cqb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query collections without RID, skipping test"); return; } const Collection::List ridLessCols = cqb.result(); for (const Collection &col : ridLessCols) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Collection \"") + col.name() + QLatin1Literal("\" (id: ") + QString::number(col.id()) + QLatin1Literal(") has no RID.")); } inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(ridLessCols.size()) + QLatin1Literal(" collections without RID.")); SelectQueryBuilder iqb1; iqb1.setSubQueryMode(Query::Or); iqb1.addValueCondition(PimItem::remoteIdColumn(), Query::Is, QVariant()); iqb1.addValueCondition(PimItem::remoteIdColumn(), Query::Equals, QString()); if (!iqb1.exec()) { inform("Failed to query items without RID, skipping test"); return; } const PimItem::List ridLessItems = iqb1.result(); for (const PimItem &item : ridLessItems) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Item \"") + QString::number(item.id()) + QLatin1Literal("\" in collection \"") + QString::number(item.collectionId()) + QLatin1Literal("\" has no RID.")); } inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(ridLessItems.size()) + QLatin1Literal(" items without RID.")); SelectQueryBuilder iqb2; iqb2.addValueCondition(PimItem::dirtyColumn(), Query::Equals, true); iqb2.addValueCondition(PimItem::remoteIdColumn(), Query::IsNot, QVariant()); iqb2.addSortColumn(PimItem::idFullColumnName()); if (!iqb2.exec()) { inform("Failed to query dirty items, skipping test"); return; } const PimItem::List dirtyItems = iqb2.result(); for (const PimItem &item : dirtyItems) { inform(QLatin1Literal("Item \"") + QString::number(item.id()) + QLatin1Literal("\" has RID and is dirty.")); } inform(QLatin1Literal("Found ") + QString::number(dirtyItems.size()) + QLatin1Literal(" dirty items.")); } void StorageJanitor::findRIDDuplicates() { QueryBuilder qb(Collection::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); qb.addColumn(Collection::idColumn()); qb.addColumn(Collection::nameColumn()); qb.exec(); while (qb.query().next()) { const Collection::Id colId = qb.query().value(0).value(); const QString name = qb.query().value(1).toString(); inform(QStringLiteral("Checking ") + name); QueryBuilder duplicates(PimItem::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); duplicates.addColumn(PimItem::remoteIdColumn()); duplicates.addColumn(QStringLiteral("count(") + PimItem::idColumn() + QStringLiteral(") as cnt")); duplicates.addValueCondition(PimItem::remoteIdColumn(), Query::IsNot, QVariant()); duplicates.addValueCondition(PimItem::collectionIdColumn(), Query::Equals, colId); duplicates.addGroupColumn(PimItem::remoteIdColumn()); duplicates.addValueCondition(QStringLiteral("count(") + PimItem::idColumn() + QLatin1Char(')'), Query::Greater, 1, QueryBuilder::HavingCondition); duplicates.exec(); Akonadi::Server::Collection col = Akonadi::Server::Collection::retrieveById(colId); const QVector contentMimeTypes = col.mimeTypes(); QVariantList contentMimeTypesVariantList; contentMimeTypesVariantList.reserve(contentMimeTypes.count()); for (const Akonadi::Server::MimeType &mimeType : contentMimeTypes) { contentMimeTypesVariantList << mimeType.id(); } while (duplicates.query().next()) { const QString rid = duplicates.query().value(0).toString(); Query::Condition condition(Query::And); condition.addValueCondition(PimItem::remoteIdColumn(), Query::Equals, rid); condition.addValueCondition(PimItem::mimeTypeIdColumn(), Query::NotIn, contentMimeTypesVariantList); condition.addValueCondition(PimItem::collectionIdColumn(), Query::Equals, colId); QueryBuilder items(PimItem::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); items.addColumn(PimItem::idColumn()); items.addCondition(condition); if (!items.exec()) { inform(QStringLiteral("Error while deleting duplicates: ") + items.query().lastError().text()); continue; } QVariantList itemsIds; while (items.query().next()) { itemsIds.push_back(items.query().value(0)); } items.query().finish(); if (itemsIds.isEmpty()) { // the mimetype filter may have dropped some entries from the // duplicates query continue; } inform(QStringLiteral("Found duplicates ") + rid); SelectQueryBuilder parts; parts.addValueCondition(Part::pimItemIdFullColumnName(), Query::In, QVariant::fromValue(itemsIds)); parts.addValueCondition(Part::storageFullColumnName(), Query::Equals, (int) Part::External); if (parts.exec()) { const auto partsList = parts.result(); for (const auto &part : partsList) { bool exists = false; const auto filename = ExternalPartStorage::resolveAbsolutePath(part.data(), &exists); if (exists) { QFile::remove(filename); } } } items = QueryBuilder(PimItem::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Delete); items.addCondition(condition); if (!items.exec()) { inform(QStringLiteral("Error while deleting duplicates ") + items.query().lastError().text()); } } duplicates.query().finish(); } qb.query().finish(); } void StorageJanitor::vacuum() { const DbType::Type dbType = DbType::type(DataStore::self()->database()); if (dbType == DbType::MySQL || dbType == DbType::PostgreSQL) { inform("vacuuming database, that'll take some time and require a lot of temporary disk space..."); Q_FOREACH (const QString &table, allDatabaseTables()) { inform(QStringLiteral("optimizing table %1...").arg(table)); QString queryStr; if (dbType == DbType::MySQL) { queryStr = QLatin1Literal("OPTIMIZE TABLE ") + table; } else if (dbType == DbType::PostgreSQL) { queryStr = QLatin1Literal("VACUUM FULL ANALYZE ") + table; } else { continue; } QSqlQuery q(DataStore::self()->database()); if (!q.exec(queryStr)) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "failed to optimize table" << table << ":" << q.lastError().text(); } } inform("vacuum done"); } else { inform("Vacuum not supported for this database backend."); } Q_EMIT done(); } void StorageJanitor::checkSizeTreshold() { { QueryBuilder qb(Part::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); qb.addColumn(Part::idFullColumnName()); qb.addValueCondition(Part::storageFullColumnName(), Query::Equals, Part::Internal); qb.addValueCondition(Part::datasizeFullColumnName(), Query::Greater, DbConfig::configuredDatabase()->sizeThreshold()); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query parts larger than treshold, skipping test"); return; } QSqlQuery query = qb.query(); inform(QStringLiteral("Found %1 parts to be moved to external files").arg(query.size())); while (query.next()) { Transaction transaction(DataStore::self(), QStringLiteral("JANITOR CHECK SIZE THRESHOLD")); Part part = Part::retrieveById(query.value(0).toLongLong()); const QByteArray name = ExternalPartStorage::nameForPartId(part.id()); const QString partPath = ExternalPartStorage::resolveAbsolutePath(name); QFile f(partPath); if (f.exists()) { qCDebug(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "External payload file" << name << "already exists"; // That however is not a critical issue, since the part is not external, // so we can safely overwrite it } if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to open file" << name << "for writing"; continue; } if (f.write(part.data()) != part.datasize()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to write data to payload file" << name; f.remove(); continue; } part.setData(name); part.setStorage(Part::External); if (!part.update() || !transaction.commit()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to update database entry of part" << part.id(); f.remove(); continue; } inform(QStringLiteral("Moved part %1 from database into external file %2").arg(part.id()).arg(QString::fromLatin1(name))); } query.finish(); } { QueryBuilder qb(Part::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); qb.addColumn(Part::idFullColumnName()); qb.addValueCondition(Part::storageFullColumnName(), Query::Equals, Part::External); qb.addValueCondition(Part::datasizeFullColumnName(), Query::Less, DbConfig::configuredDatabase()->sizeThreshold()); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query parts smaller than treshold, skipping test"); return; } QSqlQuery query = qb.query(); inform(QStringLiteral("Found %1 parts to be moved to database").arg(query.size())); while (query.next()) { Transaction transaction(DataStore::self(), QStringLiteral("JANITOR CHECK SIZE THRESHOLD 2")); Part part = Part::retrieveById(query.value(0).toLongLong()); const QString partPath = ExternalPartStorage::resolveAbsolutePath(part.data()); QFile f(partPath); if (!f.exists()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Part file" << part.data() << "does not exist"; continue; } if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to open part file" << part.data() << "for reading"; continue; } part.setStorage(Part::Internal); part.setData(f.readAll()); if (part.data().size() != part.datasize()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Sizes of" << part.id() << "data don't match"; continue; } if (!part.update() || !transaction.commit()) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to update database entry of part" << part.id(); continue; } f.close(); f.remove(); inform(QStringLiteral("Moved part %1 from external file into database").arg(part.id())); } query.finish(); } } void StorageJanitor::migrateToLevelledCacheHierarchy() { QueryBuilder qb(Part::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); qb.addColumn(Part::idColumn()); qb.addColumn(Part::dataColumn()); qb.addValueCondition(Part::storageColumn(), Query::Equals, Part::External); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query external payload parts, skipping test"); return; } QSqlQuery query = qb.query(); while (query.next()) { const qint64 id = query.value(0).toLongLong(); const QByteArray data = query.value(1).toByteArray(); const QString fileName = QString::fromUtf8(data); bool oldExists = false, newExists = false; // Resolve the current path const QString currentPath = ExternalPartStorage::resolveAbsolutePath(fileName, &oldExists); // Resolve the new path with legacy fallback disabled, so that it always // returns the new levelled-cache path, even when the old one exists const QString newPath = ExternalPartStorage::resolveAbsolutePath(fileName, &newExists, false); if (!oldExists) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Old payload part does not exist, skipping part" << fileName; continue; } if (currentPath != newPath) { if (newExists) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Part is in legacy location, but the destination file already exists, skipping part" << fileName; continue; } QFile f(currentPath); if (!f.rename(newPath)) { qCCritical(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Failed to move part from" << currentPath << " to " << newPath << ":" << f.errorString(); continue; } inform(QStringLiteral("Migrated part %1 to new levelled cache").arg(id)); } } query.finish(); } void StorageJanitor::findOrphanSearchIndexEntries() { QueryBuilder qb(Collection::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); qb.addSortColumn(Collection::idColumn(), Query::Ascending); qb.addColumn(Collection::idColumn()); qb.addColumn(Collection::isVirtualColumn()); if (!qb.exec()) { inform("Failed to query collections, skipping test"); return; } QDBusInterface iface(DBus::agentServiceName(QStringLiteral("akonadi_indexing_agent"), DBus::Agent), QStringLiteral("/"), QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Indexer"), DBusConnectionPool::threadConnection()); if (!iface.isValid()) { inform("Akonadi Indexing Agent is not running, skipping test"); return; } QSqlQuery query = qb.query(); while (query.next()) { const qint64 colId = query.value(0).toLongLong(); // Skip virtual collections, they are not indexed if (query.value(1).toBool()) { inform(QStringLiteral("Skipping virtual Collection %1").arg(colId)); continue; } inform(QStringLiteral("Checking Collection %1 search index...").arg(colId)); SearchRequest req("StorageJanitor"); req.setStoreResults(true); req.setCollections({ colId }); req.setRemoteSearch(false); req.setQuery(QStringLiteral("{ }")); // empty query to match all QStringList mts; Collection col; col.setId(colId); const auto colMts = col.mimeTypes(); if (colMts.isEmpty()) { // No mimetypes means we don't know which search store to look into, // skip it. continue; } mts.reserve(colMts.count()); for (const auto &mt : colMts) { mts << mt.name(); } req.setMimeTypes(mts); req.exec(); auto searchResults = req.results(); QueryBuilder iqb(PimItem::tableName(), QueryBuilder::Select); iqb.addColumn(PimItem::idColumn()); iqb.addValueCondition(PimItem::collectionIdColumn(), Query::Equals, colId); if (!iqb.exec()) { inform(QStringLiteral("Failed to query items in collection %1").arg(colId)); continue; } QSqlQuery itemQuery = iqb.query(); while (itemQuery.next()) { searchResults.remove(itemQuery.value(0).toLongLong()); } itemQuery.finish(); if (!searchResults.isEmpty()) { inform(QStringLiteral("Collection %1 search index contains %2 orphan items. Scheduling reindexing").arg(colId).arg(searchResults.count())); iface.call(QDBus::NoBlock, QStringLiteral("reindexCollection"), colId); } } query.finish(); } +void StorageJanitor::ensureSearchCollection() +{ + static const auto searchResourceName = QStringLiteral("akonadi_search_resource"); + + auto searchResource = Resource::retrieveByName(searchResourceName); + if (!searchResource.isValid()) { + searchResource.setName(searchResourceName); + searchResource.setIsVirtual(true); + if (!searchResource.insert()) { + inform(QStringLiteral("Failed to create Search resource.")); + return; + } + } + + auto searchCols = Collection::retrieveFiltered(Collection::resourceIdColumn(), searchResource.id()); + if (searchCols.isEmpty()) { + Collection searchCol; + searchCol.setId(1); + searchCol.setName(QStringLiteral("Search")); + searchCol.setResource(searchResource); + searchCol.setIndexPref(Collection::False); + searchCol.setIsVirtual(true); + if (!searchCol.insert()) { + inform(QStringLiteral("Failed to create Search Collection")); + return; + } + } +} + void StorageJanitor::inform(const char *msg) { inform(QLatin1String(msg)); } void StorageJanitor::inform(const QString &msg) { qCDebug(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << msg; Q_EMIT information(msg); } diff --git a/src/server/storagejanitor.h b/src/server/storagejanitor.h index 250c46b76..935145237 100644 --- a/src/server/storagejanitor.h +++ b/src/server/storagejanitor.h @@ -1,147 +1,154 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2011 Volker Krause This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef STORAGEJANITOR_H #define STORAGEJANITOR_H #include "akthread.h" #include namespace Akonadi { namespace Server { class Collection; /** * Various database checking/maintenance features. */ class StorageJanitor : public AkThread { Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Janitor") public: explicit StorageJanitor(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~StorageJanitor() override; public Q_SLOTS: /** Triggers a consistency check of the internal storage. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void check(); /** Triggers a vacuuming of the database, that is compacting of unused space. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void vacuum(); Q_SIGNALS: /** Sends informational messages to a possible UI for this. */ Q_SCRIPTABLE void information(const QString &msg); Q_SCRIPTABLE void done(); protected: void init() override; void quit() override; private: void inform(const char *msg); void inform(const QString &msg); /** Create a lost+found collection if necessary. */ qint64 lostAndFoundCollection(); /** * Look for resources in the DB not existing in reality. */ void findOrphanedResources(); /** * Look for collections belonging to non-existent resources. */ void findOrphanedCollections(); /** * Verifies there is a path from @p col to the root of the collection tree * and that everything along that path belongs to the same resource. */ void checkPathToRoot(const Collection &col); /** * Look for items belonging to non-existing collections. */ void findOrphanedItems(); /** * Look for parts belonging to non-existing items. */ void findOrphanedParts(); /** * Look for item flags belonging to non-existing items. */ void findOrphanedPimItemFlags(); /** * Look for parts referring to the same external file. */ void findOverlappingParts(); /** * Verify fs and db part state. */ void verifyExternalParts(); /** * Look for dirty objects. */ void findDirtyObjects(); /** * Look for duplicates by RID. * * ..and remove the one that doesn't match the parent collections content mimetype. */ void findRIDDuplicates(); /** * Check whether part sizes match what's in database. * * If SizeTreshold has change, it will move parts from or to database * where necessary. */ void checkSizeTreshold(); /** * Check if all external payload files are migrated to the levelled folder * hierarchy and migrates them if necessary */ void migrateToLevelledCacheHierarchy(); /** * Check if the search index contains any entries that refer to Akonadi * Items that no longer exist in the DB. */ void findOrphanSearchIndexEntries(); + /** + * Make sure that the "Search" collection in the virtual search resource + * exists. It is only created during database initialization, so if user + * somehow manages to delete it, their search would be completely borked. + */ + void ensureSearchCollection(); + private: qint64 m_lostFoundCollectionId; }; } // namespace Server } // namespace Akonadi #endif // STORAGEJANITOR_H