diff --git a/framework/src/domain/composercontroller.cpp b/framework/src/domain/composercontroller.cpp index 2286a71b..09d4c154 100644 --- a/framework/src/domain/composercontroller.cpp +++ b/framework/src/domain/composercontroller.cpp @@ -1,569 +1,568 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Bohlender Copyright (c) 2016 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "composercontroller.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "identitiesmodel.h" #include "recepientautocompletionmodel.h" #include "mime/mailtemplates.h" #include "mime/mailcrypto.h" #include "async.h" std::vector &operator+=(std::vector &list, const std::vector &add) { list.insert(std::end(list), std::begin(add), std::end(add)); return list; } class IdentitySelector : public Selector { public: IdentitySelector(ComposerController &controller) : Selector(new IdentitiesModel), mController(controller) { } void setCurrent(const QModelIndex &index) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (index.isValid()) { auto currentAccountId = index.data(IdentitiesModel::AccountId).toByteArray(); KMime::Types::Mailbox mb; mb.setName(index.data(IdentitiesModel::Username).toString()); mb.setAddress(index.data(IdentitiesModel::Address).toString().toUtf8()); SinkLog() << "Setting current identity: " << mb.prettyAddress() << "Account: " << currentAccountId; mController.setIdentity(mb); mController.setAccountId(currentAccountId); } else { SinkWarning() << "No valid identity for index: " << index; mController.clearIdentity(); mController.clearAccountId(); } } QVector getAllAddresses() { QVector list; for (int i = 0; i < model()->rowCount(); i++) { list << model()->data(model()->index(i, 0), IdentitiesModel::Address).toString().toUtf8(); } return list; } private: ComposerController &mController; }; class RecipientCompleter : public Completer { public: RecipientCompleter() : Completer(new RecipientAutocompletionModel) { } void setSearchString(const QString &s) { static_cast(model())->setFilter(s); Completer::setSearchString(s); } }; class AddresseeController : public Kube::ListPropertyController { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(bool foundAllKeys READ foundAllKeys NOTIFY foundAllKeysChanged) public: bool mFoundAllKeys = true; - QSet mMissingKeys; - AddresseeController() : Kube::ListPropertyController{{"name", "keyFound", "key"}} + AddresseeController() + : Kube::ListPropertyController{{"name", "keyFound", "key"}} { - QObject::connect( - this, &Kube::ListPropertyController::added, this, [this](const QByteArray &id, const QVariantMap &map) { - findKey(id, map.value("name").toString()); - }); - + QObject::connect(this, &Kube::ListPropertyController::added, this, [this] (const QByteArray &id, const QVariantMap &map) { + findKey(id, map.value("name").toString()); + }); QObject::connect(this, &Kube::ListPropertyController::removed, this, [this] (const QByteArray &id) { mMissingKeys.remove(id); setFoundAllKeys(mMissingKeys.isEmpty()); }); + + } bool foundAllKeys() { return mFoundAllKeys; } void setFoundAllKeys(bool found) { mFoundAllKeys = found; emit foundAllKeysChanged(); } void findKey(const QByteArray &id, const QString &addressee) { mMissingKeys << id; setFoundAllKeys(mMissingKeys.isEmpty()); KMime::Types::Mailbox mb; mb.fromUnicodeString(addressee); SinkLog() << "Searching key for: " << mb.address(); - asyncRun>(this, - [mb] { + asyncRun>(this, [mb] { return MailCrypto::findKeys(QStringList{} << mb.address(), false, false, MailCrypto::OPENPGP); }, [this, addressee, id](const std::vector &keys) { if (!keys.empty()) { - if (keys.size() > 1) { + if (keys.size() > 1 ) { SinkWarning() << "Found more than one key, encrypting to all of them."; } SinkLog() << "Found key: " << keys.front().primaryFingerprint(); setValue(id, "keyFound", true); setValue(id, "key", QVariant::fromValue(keys)); mMissingKeys.remove(id); setFoundAllKeys(mMissingKeys.isEmpty()); } else { SinkWarning() << "Failed to find key for recipient."; } }); } void set(const QStringList &list) { - for (const auto &email : list) { + for (const auto &email: list) { add({{"name", email}}); } } signals: void foundAllKeysChanged(); }; class AttachmentController : public Kube::ListPropertyController { public: AttachmentController() : Kube::ListPropertyController{{"name", "filename", "content", "mimetype", "description", "iconname", "url", "inline"}} { QObject::connect(this, &Kube::ListPropertyController::added, this, [this] (const QByteArray &id, const QVariantMap &map) { auto url = map.value("url").toUrl(); setAttachmentProperties(id, url); }); } void setAttachmentProperties(const QByteArray &id, const QUrl &url) { QMimeDatabase db; auto mimeType = db.mimeTypeForUrl(url); if (mimeType.name() == QLatin1String("inode/directory")) { qWarning() << "Can't deal with directories yet."; } else { if (!url.isLocalFile()) { qWarning() << "Cannot attach remote file: " << url; return; } QFileInfo fileInfo(url.toLocalFile()); if (!fileInfo.exists()) { qWarning() << "The file doesn't exist: " << url; } QFile file{fileInfo.filePath()}; file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); const auto data = file.readAll(); QVariantMap map; map.insert("filename", fileInfo.fileName()); map.insert("mimetype", mimeType.name().toLatin1()); map.insert("filename", fileInfo.fileName().toLatin1()); map.insert("inline", false); map.insert("iconname", mimeType.iconName()); map.insert("url", url); map.insert("content", data); setValues(id, map); } } }; ComposerController::ComposerController() : Kube::Controller(), controller_to{new AddresseeController}, controller_cc{new AddresseeController}, controller_bcc{new AddresseeController}, controller_attachments{new AttachmentController}, action_send{new Kube::ControllerAction{this, &ComposerController::send}}, action_saveAsDraft{new Kube::ControllerAction{this, &ComposerController::saveAsDraft}}, mRecipientCompleter{new RecipientCompleter}, mIdentitySelector{new IdentitySelector{*this}} { QObject::connect(this, &ComposerController::identityChanged, &ComposerController::findPersonalKey); } void ComposerController::findPersonalKey() { auto identity = getIdentity(); SinkLog() << "Looking for personal key for: " << identity.address(); asyncRun>(this, [=] { return MailCrypto::findKeys(QStringList{} << identity.address(), true); }, [this](const std::vector &keys) { if (keys.empty()) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to find a personal key."; } else if (keys.size() > 1) { SinkWarning() << "Found multiple keys, using all of them."; } setPersonalKeys(QVariant::fromValue(keys)); setFoundPersonalKeys(!keys.empty()); }); } void ComposerController::clear() { Controller::clear(); //Reapply account and identity from selection mIdentitySelector->reapplyCurrentIndex(); //FIXME implement in Controller::clear instead toController()->clear(); ccController()->clear(); bccController()->clear(); } Completer *ComposerController::recipientCompleter() const { return mRecipientCompleter.data(); } Selector *ComposerController::identitySelector() const { return mIdentitySelector.data(); } static void applyAddresses(const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List &list, std::function callback) { for (const auto &to : list) { callback(to.address(), to.name().toUtf8()); } } static void applyAddresses(const QStringList &list, std::function callback) { KMime::Types::Mailbox::List mailboxes; for (const auto &s : list) { KMime::Types::Mailbox mb; mb.fromUnicodeString(s); mailboxes << mb; } applyAddresses(mailboxes, callback); } static QStringList getStringListFromAddresses(const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List &s) { QStringList list; applyAddresses(s, [&](const QByteArray &addrSpec, const QByteArray &displayName) { if (displayName.isEmpty()) { list << QString{addrSpec}; } else { list << QString("%1 <%2>").arg(QString{displayName}).arg(QString{addrSpec}); } }); return list; } void ComposerController::addAttachmentPart(KMime::Content *partToAttach) { QVariantMap map; // May need special care for the multipart/digest MIME type map.insert("content", partToAttach->decodedContent()); map.insert("mimetype", partToAttach->contentType()->mimeType()); QMimeDatabase db; auto mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(partToAttach->contentType()->mimeType()); map.insert("iconname", mimeType.iconName()); if (partToAttach->contentDescription(false)) { map.insert("description", partToAttach->contentDescription()->asUnicodeString()); } QString name; QString filename; if (partToAttach->contentType(false)) { if (partToAttach->contentType()->hasParameter(QStringLiteral("name"))) { name = partToAttach->contentType()->parameter(QStringLiteral("name")); } } if (partToAttach->contentDisposition(false)) { filename = partToAttach->contentDisposition()->filename(); map.insert("inline", partToAttach->contentDisposition()->disposition() == KMime::Headers::CDinline); } if (name.isEmpty() && !filename.isEmpty()) { name = filename; } if (filename.isEmpty() && !name.isEmpty()) { filename = name; } if (!filename.isEmpty()) { map.insert("filename", filename); } if (!name.isEmpty()) { map.insert("name", name); } attachmentsController()->add(map); } void ComposerController::setMessage(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg) { static_cast(toController())->set(getStringListFromAddresses(msg->to(true)->mailboxes())); static_cast(ccController())->set(getStringListFromAddresses(msg->cc(true)->mailboxes())); static_cast(bccController())->set(getStringListFromAddresses(msg->bcc(true)->mailboxes())); setSubject(msg->subject(true)->asUnicodeString()); bool isHtml = false; const auto body = MailTemplates::body(msg, isHtml); setHtmlBody(isHtml); setBody(body); //TODO use ObjecTreeParser to get encrypted attachments as well foreach (const auto &att, msg->attachments()) { addAttachmentPart(att); } setExistingMessage(msg); } void ComposerController::loadDraft(const QVariant &message) { loadMessage(message, [this] (const KMime::Message::Ptr &mail) { mRemoveDraft = true; setMessage(mail); }); } void ComposerController::loadReply(const QVariant &message) { loadMessage(message, [this] (const KMime::Message::Ptr &mail) { //Find all personal email addresses to exclude from reply KMime::Types::AddrSpecList me; auto list = static_cast(mIdentitySelector.data())->getAllAddresses(); for (const auto &a : list) { KMime::Types::Mailbox mb; mb.setAddress(a); me << mb.addrSpec(); } MailTemplates::reply(mail, [this] (const KMime::Message::Ptr &reply) { //We assume reply setMessage(reply); }, me); }); } void ComposerController::loadForward(const QVariant &message) { loadMessage(message, [this] (const KMime::Message::Ptr &mail) { MailTemplates::forward(mail, [this] (const KMime::Message::Ptr &fwdMessage) { setMessage(fwdMessage); }); }); } void ComposerController::loadMessage(const QVariant &message, std::function callback) { using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; auto msg = message.value(); Q_ASSERT(msg); Query query(*msg); query.request(); Store::fetchOne(query).then([this, callback](const Mail &mail) { setExistingMail(mail); const auto mailData = KMime::CRLFtoLF(mail.getMimeMessage()); if (!mailData.isEmpty()) { KMime::Message::Ptr mail(new KMime::Message); mail->setContent(mailData); mail->parse(); callback(mail); } else { qWarning() << "Retrieved empty message"; } }).exec(); } void ComposerController::recordForAutocompletion(const QByteArray &addrSpec, const QByteArray &displayName) { if (auto model = static_cast(recipientCompleter()->model())) { model->addEntry(addrSpec, displayName); } } std::vector ComposerController::getRecipientKeys() { std::vector keys; { const auto list = toController()->getList>("key"); for (const auto &l: list) { keys.insert(std::end(keys), std::begin(l), std::end(l)); } } { const auto list = ccController()->getList>("key"); for (const auto &l: list) { keys.insert(std::end(keys), std::begin(l), std::end(l)); } } { const auto list = bccController()->getList>("key"); for (const auto &l: list) { keys.insert(std::end(keys), std::begin(l), std::end(l)); } } return keys; } KMime::Message::Ptr ComposerController::assembleMessage() { auto toAddresses = toController()->getList("name"); auto ccAddresses = ccController()->getList("name"); auto bccAddresses = bccController()->getList("name"); applyAddresses(toAddresses + ccAddresses + bccAddresses, [&](const QByteArray &addrSpec, const QByteArray &displayName) { recordForAutocompletion(addrSpec, displayName); }); QList attachments; attachmentsController()->traverse([&](const QVariantMap &value) { attachments << Attachment{ value["name"].toString(), value["filename"].toString(), value["mimetype"].toByteArray(), value["inline"].toBool(), value["content"].toByteArray() }; }); std::vector signingKeys; if (getSign()) { signingKeys = getPersonalKeys().value>(); } std::vector encryptionKeys; if (getEncrypt()) { //Encrypt to self so we can read the sent message encryptionKeys += getPersonalKeys().value>(); encryptionKeys += getRecipientKeys(); } return MailTemplates::createMessage(mExistingMessage, toAddresses, ccAddresses, bccAddresses, getIdentity(), getSubject(), getBody(), getHtmlBody(), attachments, signingKeys, encryptionKeys); } void ComposerController::send() { auto message = assembleMessage(); if (!message) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to assemble the message."; return; } auto accountId = getAccountId(); //SinkLog() << "Sending a mail: " << *this; using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; Q_ASSERT(!accountId.isEmpty()); Query query; query.containsFilter(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::transport); query.filter(accountId); auto job = Store::fetchAll(query) .then([=](const QList &resources) { if (!resources.isEmpty()) { auto resourceId = resources[0]->identifier(); SinkLog() << "Sending message via resource: " << resourceId; Mail mail(resourceId); mail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); return Store::create(mail) .then([=] { //Trigger a sync, but don't wait for it. Store::synchronize(Sink::SyncScope{}.resourceFilter(resourceId)).exec(); if (mRemoveDraft) { SinkLog() << "Removing draft message."; //Remove draft Store::remove(getExistingMail()).exec(); } }); } SinkWarning() << "Failed to find a mailtransport resource"; return KAsync::error(0, "Failed to find a MailTransport resource."); }) .then([&] (const KAsync::Error &) { SinkLog() << "Message was sent: "; emit done(); }); run(job); } void ComposerController::saveAsDraft() { SinkLog() << "Save as draft"; const auto accountId = getAccountId(); auto existingMail = getExistingMail(); auto message = assembleMessage(); if (!message) { SinkWarning() << "Failed to assemble the message."; return; } using namespace Sink; using namespace Sink::ApplicationDomain; auto job = [&] { if (existingMail.identifier().isEmpty()) { SinkLog() << "Creating a new draft" << existingMail.identifier(); Query query; query.containsFilter(ResourceCapabilities::Mail::drafts); query.filter(accountId); return Store::fetchOne(query) .then([=](const SinkResource &resource) { Mail mail(resource.identifier()); mail.setDraft(true); mail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); return Store::create(mail); }) .onError([] (const KAsync::Error &error) { SinkWarning() << "Error while creating draft: " << error.errorMessage; }); } else { SinkLog() << "Modifying an existing mail" << existingMail.identifier(); existingMail.setDraft(true); existingMail.setMimeMessage(message->encodedContent(true)); return Store::modify(existingMail); } }(); job = job.then([&] (const KAsync::Error &) { emit done(); }); run(job); } #include "composercontroller.moc" diff --git a/framework/src/domain/mime/mailtemplates.cpp b/framework/src/domain/mime/mailtemplates.cpp index 513f0353..8e644b34 100644 --- a/framework/src/domain/mime/mailtemplates.cpp +++ b/framework/src/domain/mime/mailtemplates.cpp @@ -1,1113 +1,1042 @@ /* Copyright (c) 2009 Constantin Berzan Copyright (C) 2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, info@kdab.com Copyright (c) 2010 Leo Franchi Copyright (c) 2017 Christian Mollekopf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "mailtemplates.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mailcrypto.h" namespace KMime { namespace Types { static bool operator==(const KMime::Types::AddrSpec &left, const KMime::Types::AddrSpec &right) { return (left.asString() == right.asString()); } static bool operator==(const KMime::Types::Mailbox &left, const KMime::Types::Mailbox &right) { return (left.addrSpec().asString() == right.addrSpec().asString()); } } - - Message* contentToMessage(Content* content) { - content->assemble(); - const auto encoded = content->encodedContent(); - - auto message = new Message(); - message->setContent(encoded); - message->parse(); - - return message; - } - } static KMime::Types::Mailbox::List stripMyAddressesFromAddressList(const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List &list, const KMime::Types::AddrSpecList me) { KMime::Types::Mailbox::List addresses(list); for (KMime::Types::Mailbox::List::Iterator it = addresses.begin(); it != addresses.end();) { if (me.contains(it->addrSpec())) { it = addresses.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } return addresses; } static QString toPlainText(const QString &s) { QTextDocument doc; doc.setHtml(s); return doc.toPlainText(); } QString replacePrefixes(const QString &str, const QStringList &prefixRegExps, const QString &newPrefix) { // construct a big regexp that // 1. is anchored to the beginning of str (sans whitespace) // 2. matches at least one of the part regexps in prefixRegExps const QString bigRegExp = QStringLiteral("^(?:\\s+|(?:%1))+\\s*").arg(prefixRegExps.join(QStringLiteral(")|(?:"))); QRegExp rx(bigRegExp, Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (!rx.isValid()) { qWarning() << "bigRegExp = \"" << bigRegExp << "\"\n" << "prefix regexp is invalid!"; qWarning() << "Error: " << rx.errorString() << rx; Q_ASSERT(false); return str; } QString tmp = str; //We expect a match at the beginning of the string if (rx.indexIn(tmp) == 0) { return tmp.replace(0, rx.matchedLength(), newPrefix + QLatin1String(" ")); } //No match, we just prefix the newPrefix return newPrefix + " " + str; } const QStringList getForwardPrefixes() { //See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_email_subject_abbreviations QStringList list; //We want to be able to potentially reply to a variety of languages, so only translating is not enough list << QObject::tr("fwd"); list << "fwd"; list << "fw"; list << "wg"; list << "vs"; list << "tr"; list << "rv"; list << "enc"; return list; } static QString forwardSubject(const QString &s) { //The standandard prefix const auto localPrefix = "FW:"; QStringList forwardPrefixes; for (const auto &prefix : getForwardPrefixes()) { forwardPrefixes << prefix + "\\s*:"; } return replacePrefixes(s, forwardPrefixes, localPrefix); } static QStringList getReplyPrefixes() { //See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_email_subject_abbreviations QStringList list; //We want to be able to potentially reply to a variety of languages, so only translating is not enough list << QObject::tr("re"); list << "re"; list << "aw"; list << "sv"; list << "antw"; list << "ref"; return list; } static QString replySubject(const QString &s) { //The standandard prefix (latin for "in re", in matter of) const auto localPrefix = "RE:"; QStringList replyPrefixes; for (const auto &prefix : getReplyPrefixes()) { replyPrefixes << prefix + "\\s*:"; replyPrefixes << prefix + "\\[.+\\]:"; replyPrefixes << prefix + "\\d+:"; } return replacePrefixes(s, replyPrefixes, localPrefix); } QByteArray getRefStr(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg) { QByteArray firstRef, lastRef, refStr, retRefStr; int i, j; if (auto hdr = msg->references(false)) { refStr = hdr->as7BitString(false).trimmed(); } if (refStr.isEmpty()) { return msg->messageID()->as7BitString(false); } i = refStr.indexOf('<'); j = refStr.indexOf('>'); firstRef = refStr.mid(i, j - i + 1); if (!firstRef.isEmpty()) { retRefStr = firstRef + ' '; } i = refStr.lastIndexOf('<'); j = refStr.lastIndexOf('>'); lastRef = refStr.mid(i, j - i + 1); if (!lastRef.isEmpty() && lastRef != firstRef) { retRefStr += lastRef + ' '; } retRefStr += msg->messageID()->as7BitString(false); return retRefStr; } KMime::Content *createPlainPartContent(const QString &plainBody, KMime::Content *parent = nullptr) { KMime::Content *textPart = new KMime::Content(parent); textPart->contentType()->setMimeType("text/plain"); //FIXME This is supposed to select a charset out of the available charsets that contains all necessary characters to render the text // QTextCodec *charset = selectCharset(m_charsets, plainBody); // textPart->contentType()->setCharset(charset->name()); textPart->contentType()->setCharset("utf-8"); textPart->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding(KMime::Headers::CE8Bit); textPart->fromUnicodeString(plainBody); return textPart; } KMime::Content *createMultipartAlternativeContent(const QString &plainBody, const QString &htmlBody, KMime::Message *parent = nullptr) { KMime::Content *multipartAlternative = new KMime::Content(parent); multipartAlternative->contentType()->setMimeType("multipart/alternative"); multipartAlternative->contentType()->setBoundary(KMime::multiPartBoundary()); KMime::Content *textPart = createPlainPartContent(plainBody, multipartAlternative); multipartAlternative->addContent(textPart); KMime::Content *htmlPart = new KMime::Content(multipartAlternative); htmlPart->contentType()->setMimeType("text/html"); //FIXME This is supposed to select a charset out of the available charsets that contains all necessary characters to render the text // QTextCodec *charset = selectCharset(m_charsets, htmlBody); // htmlPart->contentType()->setCharset(charset->name()); textPart->contentType()->setCharset("utf-8"); htmlPart->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding(KMime::Headers::CE8Bit); htmlPart->fromUnicodeString(htmlBody); multipartAlternative->addContent(htmlPart); return multipartAlternative; } -KMime::Message *createMultipartMixedContent(QVector contents) -{ - KMime::Message *multiPartMixed = new KMime::Message(); - multiPartMixed->contentType()->setMimeType("multipart/mixed"); - multiPartMixed->contentType()->setBoundary(KMime::multiPartBoundary()); - - for (const auto &content : contents) { - multiPartMixed->addContent(content); - } - - return multiPartMixed; -} - void addProcessedBodyToMessage(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg, const QString &plainBody, const QString &htmlBody, bool forward) { //FIXME // MessageCore::ImageCollector ic; // ic.collectImagesFrom(mOrigMsg.data()); // Now, delete the old content and set the new content, which // is either only the new text or the new text with some attachments. auto parts = msg->contents(); foreach (KMime::Content *content, parts) { msg->removeContent(content, true/*delete*/); } msg->contentType()->clear(); // to get rid of old boundary const QByteArray boundary = KMime::multiPartBoundary(); KMime::Content *const mainTextPart = htmlBody.isEmpty() ? createPlainPartContent(plainBody, msg.data()) : createMultipartAlternativeContent(plainBody, htmlBody, msg.data()); mainTextPart->assemble(); KMime::Content *textPart = mainTextPart; // if (!ic.images().empty()) { // textPart = createMultipartRelated(ic, mainTextPart); // textPart->assemble(); // } // If we have some attachments, create a multipart/mixed mail and // add the normal body as well as the attachments KMime::Content *mainPart = textPart; //FIXME // if (forward) { // auto attachments = mOrigMsg->attachments(); // attachments += mOtp->nodeHelper()->attachmentsOfExtraContents(); // if (!attachments.isEmpty()) { // mainPart = createMultipartMixed(attachments, textPart); // mainPart->assemble(); // } // } msg->setBody(mainPart->encodedBody()); msg->setHeader(mainPart->contentType()); msg->setHeader(mainPart->contentTransferEncoding()); msg->assemble(); msg->parse(); } QString plainToHtml(const QString &body) { QString str = body; str = str.toHtmlEscaped(); str.replace(QStringLiteral("\n"), QStringLiteral("
\n")); return str; } //TODO implement this function using a DOM tree parser void makeValidHtml(QString &body, const QString &headElement) { QRegExp regEx; regEx.setMinimal(true); regEx.setPattern(QStringLiteral("")); if (!body.isEmpty() && !body.contains(regEx)) { regEx.setPattern(QStringLiteral("")); if (!body.contains(regEx)) { body = QLatin1String("") + body + QLatin1String("
"); } regEx.setPattern(QStringLiteral("")); if (!body.contains(regEx)) { body = QLatin1String("") + headElement + QLatin1String("") + body; } body = QLatin1String("") + body + QLatin1String(""); } } //FIXME strip signature works partially for HTML mails QString stripSignature(const QString &msg) { // Following RFC 3676, only > before -- // I prefer to not delete a SB instead of delete good mail content. const QRegExp sbDelimiterSearch = QRegExp(QLatin1String("(^|\n)[> ]*-- \n")); // The regular expression to look for prefix change const QRegExp commonReplySearch = QRegExp(QLatin1String("^[ ]*>")); QString res = msg; int posDeletingStart = 1; // to start looking at 0 // While there are SB delimiters (start looking just before the deleted SB) while ((posDeletingStart = res.indexOf(sbDelimiterSearch, posDeletingStart - 1)) >= 0) { QString prefix; // the current prefix QString line; // the line to check if is part of the SB int posNewLine = -1; // Look for the SB beginning int posSignatureBlock = res.indexOf(QLatin1Char('-'), posDeletingStart); // The prefix before "-- "$ if (res.at(posDeletingStart) == QLatin1Char('\n')) { ++posDeletingStart; } prefix = res.mid(posDeletingStart, posSignatureBlock - posDeletingStart); posNewLine = res.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'), posSignatureBlock) + 1; // now go to the end of the SB while (posNewLine < res.size() && posNewLine > 0) { // handle the undefined case for mid ( x , -n ) where n>1 int nextPosNewLine = res.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'), posNewLine); if (nextPosNewLine < 0) { nextPosNewLine = posNewLine - 1; } line = res.mid(posNewLine, nextPosNewLine - posNewLine); // check when the SB ends: // * does not starts with prefix or // * starts with prefix+(any substring of prefix) if ((prefix.isEmpty() && line.indexOf(commonReplySearch) < 0) || (!prefix.isEmpty() && line.startsWith(prefix) && line.mid(prefix.size()).indexOf(commonReplySearch) < 0)) { posNewLine = res.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'), posNewLine) + 1; } else { break; // end of the SB } } // remove the SB or truncate when is the last SB if (posNewLine > 0) { res.remove(posDeletingStart, posNewLine - posDeletingStart); } else { res.truncate(posDeletingStart); } } return res; } void setupPage(QWebEnginePage *page) { page->profile()->setHttpCacheType(QWebEngineProfile::MemoryHttpCache); page->profile()->setPersistentCookiesPolicy(QWebEngineProfile::NoPersistentCookies); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::JavascriptEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::PluginsEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::JavascriptCanOpenWindows, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::JavascriptCanAccessClipboard, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::XSSAuditingEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::LocalContentCanAccessFileUrls, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::HyperlinkAuditingEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::FullScreenSupportEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::ScreenCaptureEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::WebGLEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::AutoLoadIconsForPage, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::Accelerated2dCanvasEnabled, false); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 8, 0) page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::FocusOnNavigationEnabled, false); page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::AllowRunningInsecureContent, false); #endif } void plainMessageText(const QString &plainTextContent, const QString &htmlContent, bool aStripSignature, const std::function &callback) { QString result = plainTextContent; if (plainTextContent.isEmpty()) { //HTML-only mails callback(toPlainText(htmlContent)); return; } if (aStripSignature) { result = stripSignature(result); } callback(result); } QString extractHeaderBodyScript() { const QString source = QStringLiteral("(function() {" "var res = {" " body: document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML," " header: document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].innerHTML" "};" "return res;" "})()"); return source; } void htmlMessageText(const QString &plainTextContent, const QString &htmlContent, bool aStripSignature, const std::function &callback) { QString htmlElement = htmlContent; if (htmlElement.isEmpty()) { //plain mails only QString htmlReplace = plainTextContent.toHtmlEscaped(); htmlReplace = htmlReplace.replace(QStringLiteral("\n"), QStringLiteral("
")); htmlElement = QStringLiteral("%1\n").arg(htmlReplace); } auto page = new QWebEnginePage; setupPage(page); page->setHtml(htmlElement); page->runJavaScript(extractHeaderBodyScript(), QWebEngineScript::ApplicationWorld, [=](const QVariant &result){ page->deleteLater(); const QVariantMap map = result.toMap(); auto bodyElement = map.value(QStringLiteral("body")).toString(); auto headerElement = map.value(QStringLiteral("header")).toString(); if (!bodyElement.isEmpty()) { if (aStripSignature) { callback(stripSignature(bodyElement), headerElement); } return callback(bodyElement, headerElement); } if (aStripSignature) { return callback(stripSignature(htmlElement), headerElement); } return callback(htmlElement, headerElement); }); } QString formatQuotePrefix(const QString &wildString, const QString &fromDisplayString) { QString result; if (wildString.isEmpty()) { return wildString; } unsigned int strLength(wildString.length()); for (uint i = 0; i < strLength;) { QChar ch = wildString[i++]; if (ch == QLatin1Char('%') && i < strLength) { ch = wildString[i++]; switch (ch.toLatin1()) { case 'f': { // sender's initals if (fromDisplayString.isEmpty()) { break; } uint j = 0; const unsigned int strLength(fromDisplayString.length()); for (; j < strLength && fromDisplayString[j] > QLatin1Char(' '); ++j) ; for (; j < strLength && fromDisplayString[j] <= QLatin1Char(' '); ++j) ; result += fromDisplayString[0]; if (j < strLength && fromDisplayString[j] > QLatin1Char(' ')) { result += fromDisplayString[j]; } else if (strLength > 1) { if (fromDisplayString[1] > QLatin1Char(' ')) { result += fromDisplayString[1]; } } } break; case '_': result += QLatin1Char(' '); break; case '%': result += QLatin1Char('%'); break; default: result += QLatin1Char('%'); result += ch; break; } } else { result += ch; } } return result; } QString quotedPlainText(const QString &selection, const QString &fromDisplayString) { QString content = selection; // Remove blank lines at the beginning: const int firstNonWS = content.indexOf(QRegExp(QLatin1String("\\S"))); const int lineStart = content.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'), firstNonWS); if (lineStart >= 0) { content.remove(0, static_cast(lineStart)); } const auto quoteString = QStringLiteral("> "); const QString indentStr = formatQuotePrefix(quoteString, fromDisplayString); //FIXME // if (TemplateParserSettings::self()->smartQuote() && mWrap) { // content = MessageCore::StringUtil::smartQuote(content, mColWrap - indentStr.length()); // } content.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QLatin1Char('\n') + indentStr); content.prepend(indentStr); content += QLatin1Char('\n'); return content; } QString quotedHtmlText(const QString &selection) { QString content = selection; //TODO 1) look for all the variations of
and remove the blank lines //2) implement vertical bar for quoted HTML mail. //3) After vertical bar is implemented, If a user wants to edit quoted message, // then the
tags below should open and close as when required. //Add blockquote tag, so that quoted message can be differentiated from normal message content = QLatin1String("
") + content + QLatin1String("
"); return content; } void applyCharset(const KMime::Message::Ptr msg, const KMime::Message::Ptr &origMsg) { // first convert the body from its current encoding to unicode representation QTextCodec *bodyCodec = KCharsets::charsets()->codecForName(QString::fromLatin1(msg->contentType()->charset())); if (!bodyCodec) { bodyCodec = KCharsets::charsets()->codecForName(QStringLiteral("UTF-8")); } const QString body = bodyCodec->toUnicode(msg->body()); // then apply the encoding of the original message msg->contentType()->setCharset(origMsg->contentType()->charset()); QTextCodec *codec = KCharsets::charsets()->codecForName(QString::fromLatin1(msg->contentType()->charset())); if (!codec) { qCritical() << "Could not get text codec for charset" << msg->contentType()->charset(); } else if (!codec->canEncode(body)) { // charset can't encode body, fall back to preferred const QStringList charsets /*= preferredCharsets() */; QList chars; chars.reserve(charsets.count()); foreach (const QString &charset, charsets) { chars << charset.toLatin1(); } //FIXME QByteArray fallbackCharset/* = selectCharset(chars, body)*/; if (fallbackCharset.isEmpty()) { // UTF-8 as fall-through fallbackCharset = "UTF-8"; } codec = KCharsets::charsets()->codecForName(QString::fromLatin1(fallbackCharset)); msg->setBody(codec->fromUnicode(body)); } else { msg->setBody(codec->fromUnicode(body)); } } enum ReplyStrategy { ReplyList, ReplySmart, ReplyAll, ReplyAuthor, ReplyNone }; static KMime::Types::Mailbox::List getMailingListAddresses(const KMime::Message::Ptr &origMsg) { KMime::Types::Mailbox::List mailingListAddresses; if (origMsg->headerByType("List-Post") && origMsg->headerByType("List-Post")->asUnicodeString().contains(QStringLiteral("mailto:"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { const QString listPost = origMsg->headerByType("List-Post")->asUnicodeString(); QRegExp rx(QStringLiteral("]+)@([^>]+)>"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (rx.indexIn(listPost, 0) != -1) { // matched KMime::Types::Mailbox mailbox; mailbox.fromUnicodeString(rx.cap(1) + QLatin1Char('@') + rx.cap(2)); mailingListAddresses << mailbox; } } return mailingListAddresses; } struct Recipients { KMime::Types::Mailbox::List to; KMime::Types::Mailbox::List cc; }; static Recipients getRecipients(const KMime::Message::Ptr &origMsg, const KMime::Types::AddrSpecList &me) { const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List replyToList = origMsg->replyTo()->mailboxes(); const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List mailingListAddresses = getMailingListAddresses(origMsg); KMime::Types::Mailbox::List toList; KMime::Types::Mailbox::List ccList; //FIXME const ReplyStrategy replyStrategy = ReplyAll; switch (replyStrategy) { case ReplySmart: { if (auto hdr = origMsg->headerByType("Mail-Followup-To")) { toList << KMime::Types::Mailbox::listFrom7BitString(hdr->as7BitString(false)); } else if (!replyToList.isEmpty()) { toList = replyToList; } else if (!mailingListAddresses.isEmpty()) { toList = (KMime::Types::Mailbox::List() << mailingListAddresses.at(0)); } else { // doesn't seem to be a mailing list, reply to From: address toList = origMsg->from()->mailboxes(); bool listContainsMe = false; for (const auto &m : me) { KMime::Types::Mailbox mailbox; mailbox.setAddress(m); if (toList.contains(mailbox)) { listContainsMe = true; } } if (listContainsMe) { // sender seems to be one of our own identities, so we assume that this // is a reply to a "sent" mail where the users wants to add additional // information for the recipient. toList = origMsg->to()->mailboxes(); } } // strip all my addresses from the list of recipients const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List recipients = toList; toList = stripMyAddressesFromAddressList(recipients, me); // ... unless the list contains only my addresses (reply to self) if (toList.isEmpty() && !recipients.isEmpty()) { toList << recipients.first(); } } break; case ReplyList: { if (auto hdr = origMsg->headerByType("Mail-Followup-To")) { KMime::Types::Mailbox mailbox; mailbox.from7BitString(hdr->as7BitString(false)); toList << mailbox; } else if (!mailingListAddresses.isEmpty()) { toList << mailingListAddresses[ 0 ]; } else if (!replyToList.isEmpty()) { // assume a Reply-To header mangling mailing list toList = replyToList; } //FIXME // strip all my addresses from the list of recipients const KMime::Types::Mailbox::List recipients = toList; toList = stripMyAddressesFromAddressList(recipients, me); } break; case ReplyAll: { KMime::Types::Mailbox::List recipients; KMime::Types::Mailbox::List ccRecipients; // add addresses from the Reply-To header to the list of recipients if (!replyToList.isEmpty()) { recipients = replyToList; // strip all possible mailing list addresses from the list of Reply-To addresses foreach (const KMime::Types::Mailbox &mailbox, mailingListAddresses) { foreach (const KMime::Types::Mailbox &recipient, recipients) { if (mailbox == recipient) { recipients.removeAll(recipient); } } } } if (!mailingListAddresses.isEmpty()) { // this is a mailing list message if (recipients.isEmpty() && !origMsg->from()->asUnicodeString().isEmpty()) { // The sender didn't set a Reply-to address, so we add the From // address to the list of CC recipients. ccRecipients += origMsg->from()->mailboxes(); qDebug() << "Added" << origMsg->from()->asUnicodeString() << "to the list of CC recipients"; } // if it is a mailing list, add the posting address recipients.prepend(mailingListAddresses[ 0 ]); } else { // this is a normal message if (recipients.isEmpty() && !origMsg->from()->asUnicodeString().isEmpty()) { // in case of replying to a normal message only then add the From // address to the list of recipients if there was no Reply-to address recipients += origMsg->from()->mailboxes(); qDebug() << "Added" << origMsg->from()->asUnicodeString() << "to the list of recipients"; } } // strip all my addresses from the list of recipients toList = stripMyAddressesFromAddressList(recipients, me); // merge To header and CC header into a list of CC recipients if (!origMsg->cc()->asUnicodeString().isEmpty() || !origMsg->to()->asUnicodeString().isEmpty()) { KMime::Types::Mailbox::List list; if (!origMsg->to()->asUnicodeString().isEmpty()) { list += origMsg->to()->mailboxes(); } if (!origMsg->cc()->asUnicodeString().isEmpty()) { list += origMsg->cc()->mailboxes(); } foreach (const KMime::Types::Mailbox &mailbox, list) { if (!recipients.contains(mailbox) && !ccRecipients.contains(mailbox)) { ccRecipients += mailbox; qDebug() << "Added" << mailbox.prettyAddress() << "to the list of CC recipients"; } } } if (!ccRecipients.isEmpty()) { // strip all my addresses from the list of CC recipients ccRecipients = stripMyAddressesFromAddressList(ccRecipients, me); // in case of a reply to self, toList might be empty. if that's the case // then propagate a cc recipient to To: (if there is any). if (toList.isEmpty() && !ccRecipients.isEmpty()) { toList << ccRecipients.at(0); ccRecipients.pop_front(); } ccList = ccRecipients; } if (toList.isEmpty() && !recipients.isEmpty()) { // reply to self without other recipients toList << recipients.at(0); } } break; case ReplyAuthor: { if (!replyToList.isEmpty()) { KMime::Types::Mailbox::List recipients = replyToList; // strip the mailing list post address from the list of Reply-To // addresses since we want to reply in private foreach (const KMime::Types::Mailbox &mailbox, mailingListAddresses) { foreach (const KMime::Types::Mailbox &recipient, recipients) { if (mailbox == recipient) { recipients.removeAll(recipient); } } } if (!recipients.isEmpty()) { toList = recipients; } else { // there was only the mailing list post address in the Reply-To header, // so use the From address instead toList = origMsg->from()->mailboxes(); } } else if (!origMsg->from()->asUnicodeString().isEmpty()) { toList = origMsg->from()->mailboxes(); } } break; case ReplyNone: // the addressees will be set by the caller break; } return {toList, ccList}; } void MailTemplates::reply(const KMime::Message::Ptr &origMsg, const std::function &callback, const KMime::Types::AddrSpecList &me) { //FIXME const bool alwaysPlain = true; KMime::Message::Ptr msg(new KMime::Message); msg->removeHeader(); msg->removeHeader(); msg->contentType(true)->setMimeType("text/plain"); msg->contentType()->setCharset("utf-8"); const auto recipients = getRecipients(origMsg, me); for (const auto &mailbox : recipients.to) { msg->to()->addAddress(mailbox); } for (const auto &mailbox : recipients.cc) { msg->cc(true)->addAddress(mailbox); } const QByteArray refStr = getRefStr(origMsg); if (!refStr.isEmpty()) { msg->references()->fromUnicodeString(QString::fromLocal8Bit(refStr), "utf-8"); } //In-Reply-To = original msg-id msg->inReplyTo()->from7BitString(origMsg->messageID()->as7BitString(false)); msg->subject()->fromUnicodeString(replySubject(origMsg->subject()->asUnicodeString()), "utf-8"); auto definedLocale = QLocale::system(); //Add quoted body QString plainBody; QString htmlBody; //On $datetime you wrote: const QDateTime date = origMsg->date()->dateTime(); const auto dateTimeString = QString("%1 %2").arg(definedLocale.toString(date.date(), QLocale::LongFormat)).arg(definedLocale.toString(date.time(), QLocale::LongFormat)); const auto onDateYouWroteLine = QString("On %1 you wrote:\n").arg(dateTimeString); plainBody.append(onDateYouWroteLine); htmlBody.append(plainToHtml(onDateYouWroteLine)); //Strip signature for replies const bool stripSignature = true; MimeTreeParser::ObjectTreeParser otp; otp.parseObjectTree(origMsg.data()); otp.decryptParts(); const auto plainTextContent = otp.plainTextContent(); const auto htmlContent = otp.htmlContent(); plainMessageText(plainTextContent, htmlContent, stripSignature, [=] (const QString &body) { //Quoted body QString plainQuote = quotedPlainText(body, origMsg->from()->displayString()); if (plainQuote.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n'))) { plainQuote.chop(1); } //The plain body is complete auto plainBodyResult = plainBody + plainQuote; htmlMessageText(plainTextContent, htmlContent, stripSignature, [=] (const QString &body, const QString &headElement) { //The html body is complete const auto htmlBodyResult = [&]() { if (!alwaysPlain) { auto htmlBodyResult = htmlBody + quotedHtmlText(body); makeValidHtml(htmlBodyResult, headElement); return htmlBodyResult; } return QString{}; }(); //Assemble the message addProcessedBodyToMessage(msg, plainBodyResult, htmlBodyResult, false); //FIXME this does more harm than good right now. // applyCharset(msg, origMsg); msg->assemble(); //We're done callback(msg); }); }); } -void MailTemplates::forward(const KMime::Message::Ptr &origMsg, - const std::function &callback) +void MailTemplates::forward(const KMime::Message::Ptr &origMsg, const std::function &callback) { KMime::Message::Ptr wrapperMsg(new KMime::Message); wrapperMsg->to()->clear(); wrapperMsg->cc()->clear(); - // Decrypt the original message, it will be encrypted again in the composer - // for the right recipient - KMime::Message::Ptr forwardedMessage; - if (isEncrypted(origMsg.data())) { - qDebug() << "Original message was encrypted, decrypting it"; - MimeTreeParser::ObjectTreeParser otp; - otp.parseObjectTree(origMsg.data()); - otp.decryptParts(); - - auto htmlContent = otp.htmlContent(); - KMime::Content *recreatedMsg = - htmlContent.isEmpty() ? createPlainPartContent(otp.plainTextContent()) : - createMultipartAlternativeContent(otp.plainTextContent(), htmlContent); + wrapperMsg->subject()->fromUnicodeString(forwardSubject(origMsg->subject()->asUnicodeString()), "utf-8"); - if (hasAttachment(origMsg.data())) { - QVector contents = {recreatedMsg}; - contents.append(origMsg->attachments()); - - auto msg = createMultipartMixedContent(contents); - - forwardedMessage.reset(KMime::contentToMessage(msg)); - } else { - forwardedMessage.reset(KMime::contentToMessage(recreatedMsg)); - } - - forwardedMessage->subject()->from7BitString(origMsg->subject()->as7BitString()); - - for (const auto &addr : origMsg->to()->mailboxes()) { - forwardedMessage->to()->addAddress(addr); - } - - for (const auto &addr : origMsg->cc()->mailboxes()) { - forwardedMessage->cc()->addAddress(addr); - } - - for (const auto &addr : origMsg->bcc()->mailboxes()) { - forwardedMessage->bcc()->addAddress(addr); - } - - } else { - qDebug() << "Original message was not encrypted, using it as-is"; - forwardedMessage = origMsg; - } - - wrapperMsg->subject()->fromUnicodeString( - forwardSubject(forwardedMessage->subject()->asUnicodeString()), "utf-8"); - - const QByteArray refStr = getRefStr(forwardedMessage); + const QByteArray refStr = getRefStr(origMsg); if (!refStr.isEmpty()) { wrapperMsg->references()->fromUnicodeString(QString::fromLocal8Bit(refStr), "utf-8"); } - KMime::Content *fwdAttachment = new KMime::Content; + KMime::Content* fwdAttachment = new KMime::Content; fwdAttachment->contentDisposition()->setDisposition(KMime::Headers::CDinline); fwdAttachment->contentType()->setMimeType("message/rfc822"); - fwdAttachment->contentDisposition()->setFilename(forwardedMessage->subject()->asUnicodeString() + ".eml"); + fwdAttachment->contentDisposition()->setFilename(origMsg->subject()->asUnicodeString() + ".eml"); // The mail was parsed in loadMessage before, so no need to assemble it - fwdAttachment->setBody(forwardedMessage->encodedContent()); + fwdAttachment->setBody(origMsg->encodedContent()); wrapperMsg->addContent(fwdAttachment); wrapperMsg->assemble(); callback(wrapperMsg); } QString MailTemplates::plaintextContent(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg) { MimeTreeParser::ObjectTreeParser otp; otp.parseObjectTree(msg.data()); const auto plain = otp.plainTextContent(); if (plain.isEmpty()) { //Maybe not as good as the webengine version, but works at least for simple html content return toPlainText(otp.htmlContent()); } return plain; } QString MailTemplates::body(const KMime::Message::Ptr &msg, bool &isHtml) { MimeTreeParser::ObjectTreeParser otp; otp.parseObjectTree(msg.data()); const auto html = otp.htmlContent(); if (html.isEmpty()) { isHtml = false; return otp.plainTextContent(); } isHtml = true; return html; } static KMime::Content *createAttachmentPart(const QByteArray &content, const QString &filename, bool isInline, const QByteArray &mimeType, const QString &name) { KMime::Content *part = new KMime::Content; part->contentDisposition(true)->setFilename(filename); if (isInline) { part->contentDisposition(true)->setDisposition(KMime::Headers::CDinline); } else { part->contentDisposition(true)->setDisposition(KMime::Headers::CDattachment); } part->contentType(true)->setMimeType(mimeType); part->contentType(true)->setName(name, "utf-8"); // Just always encode attachments base64 so it's safe for binary data, // except when it's another message if(mimeType != "message/rfc822") { part->contentTransferEncoding(true)->setEncoding(KMime::Headers::CEbase64); } part->setBody(content); return part; } static KMime::Content *createBodyPart(const QString &body, bool htmlBody) { if (htmlBody) { return createMultipartAlternativeContent(toPlainText(body), body); } return createPlainPartContent(body); } static KMime::Types::Mailbox::List stringListToMailboxes(const QStringList &list) { KMime::Types::Mailbox::List mailboxes; for (const auto &s : list) { KMime::Types::Mailbox mb; mb.fromUnicodeString(s); mailboxes << mb; } return mailboxes; } KMime::Message::Ptr MailTemplates::createMessage(KMime::Message::Ptr existingMessage, const QStringList &to, const QStringList &cc, const QStringList &bcc, const KMime::Types::Mailbox &from, const QString &subject, const QString &body, bool htmlBody, const QList &attachments, const std::vector &signingKeys, const std::vector &encryptionKeys) { auto mail = existingMessage; if (!mail) { mail = KMime::Message::Ptr::create(); } else { //Content type is part of the body part we're creating mail->removeHeader(); mail->removeHeader(); } mail->date()->setDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); mail->userAgent()->fromUnicodeString(QString("%1/%2(%3)").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Kube")).arg("0.1").arg(QSysInfo::prettyProductName()), "utf-8"); mail->to(true)->clear(); for (const auto &mb : stringListToMailboxes(to)) { mail->to()->addAddress(mb); } mail->cc(true)->clear(); for (const auto &mb : stringListToMailboxes(cc)) { mail->cc()->addAddress(mb); } mail->bcc(true)->clear(); for (const auto &mb : stringListToMailboxes(bcc)) { mail->bcc()->addAddress(mb); } mail->from(true)->clear(); mail->from(true)->addAddress(from); mail->subject(true)->fromUnicodeString(subject, "utf-8"); if (!mail->messageID(false)) { auto fqdn = QUrl::toAce(QHostInfo::localHostName()); if (fqdn.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Unable to generate a Message-ID, falling back to 'localhost.localdomain'."; fqdn = "local.domain"; } mail->messageID(true)->generate(fqdn); } if (!mail->date(true)->dateTime().isValid()) { mail->date(true)->setDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); } mail->assemble(); std::unique_ptr bodyPart{[&] { if (!attachments.isEmpty()) { auto bodyPart = new KMime::Content; bodyPart->contentType(true)->setMimeType("multipart/mixed"); bodyPart->contentType()->setBoundary(KMime::multiPartBoundary()); bodyPart->contentTransferEncoding()->setEncoding(KMime::Headers::CE7Bit); bodyPart->setPreamble("This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"); bodyPart->addContent(createBodyPart(body, htmlBody)); for (const auto &attachment : attachments) { bodyPart->addContent(createAttachmentPart(attachment.data, attachment.filename, attachment.isInline, attachment.mimeType, attachment.name)); } return bodyPart; } else { return createBodyPart(body, htmlBody); } }()}; bodyPart->assemble(); QByteArray bodyData; if (!signingKeys.empty() || !encryptionKeys.empty()) { auto result = MailCrypto::processCrypto(bodyPart.get(), signingKeys, encryptionKeys, MailCrypto::OPENPGP); if (!result) { qWarning() << "Signing failed"; return {}; } bodyData = result->encodedContent(); } else { if (!bodyPart->contentType(false)) { bodyPart->contentType(true)->setMimeType("text/plain"); bodyPart->assemble(); } bodyData = bodyPart->encodedContent(); } KMime::Message::Ptr resultMessage(new KMime::Message); resultMessage->setContent(mail->head() + bodyData); resultMessage->parse(); // Not strictly necessary. return resultMessage; }